Leases Business Properties by O. S. Lair W Ross Campbell Co Los Angeles
Leases Business Properties by O. S. Lair W Ross Campbell Co Los Angeles
Leases Business Properties by O. S. Lair W Ross Campbell Co Los Angeles
-^'4 19
O. S. LArR
[email protected]
w. Ro33 Ca)npbe|l Co.
Tke Redt! Bl,ueBodt ol Caldforkia 119
B? O. S. L{B
ninety-nine year rease. lhe fon €r is the most popular and most fre-
quently used, as ir coveN telms from one month (and sometimes even
shorter peliods) to twenty and twerty-live yeals, at considerations
and with obligations in the reach oI a very large pelcentage ol ten-
ants. Thc latter, or'loDg telm lease,is widely used in the larger- east-
€r-n citics, and it is steadily becomiDg more favorably looked upoD in
the lFest as our citics gl.ow older, as a means of developing certain
busiless Dlopelties which might othelwise li€ idle aDd also being the
proDer'method of insurilg continuous iDcome from a principal which
is safegualded against dissipation.
In the general negotiations o{ the shod telm lease thele ale a
Dumber of pApers, oligiDaled at the various stages as the \eork pro-
gresses, aDd these taken in the sequence in which they generally
develop ar'e substantiallv as follows:
P.e-ise" usedfor'.
S e . uf ' 1 ) . .
I h a n d v o u h e r e r v i t h... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - D o l l a r . s(,$ _ . . . . _ . . . . ) ,
which is to be applied on llrst month,s rent, provicled this pr.oposalii
accepted b)' lessor. Shonld I fail to carr']. out lny agreen1entshereiD
contaired. rvil.hin fivc days after. being notified bt you of lessor.'s
ncceptance,said deposit shall be r.etainedby you on aacount of seNices
+ r d n | n d .u ] | ' d o r l l dl " s s o rI u t . . . a l n 1 l i \ f , : o t r o s a\ vl i r h i n. . . . . . . . . .
r......r ojr\1 l.nti .1, '' tr.ri.,i, ,in,
.r.^.1j,t.^-, r.t,^tl
notice to me, this proposal shall immediately becone void and of no
ellect. ar)d said deposit shall be Dlonlptly returned to me. I consent
to_l'our. artng as agelt for aDy othel party or parties and rcceiving
additional compensation therelor.
Reccired Dotlar's
($..............) t o b e u s e d i r a c c o r d n n c$e. i r t h e f o l . e g o i n s .
Phone No.
TlLeRea,l,tyBLueBoak of C.tliforn t t2l
D a t e .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 2 . . -
of Resltor.
T'his form is made out in duplicale and incorporalest]e same
s as tlose in the Tenant's Ploposal. Afl,er proper handlingfrom
standpoint, with the o\dner of the location, it is signed by the
the original is retainedby the broker, and the duplicateis left
the owner for his files.
cover this point, also to agree rot to us€ the premises for any illegal or
Eighth.-It is obligatory on the part of the tenant that he be
responsible for the proper care of the premises and the owner be
reliived of any liability for damage thrcugh negligence or careless-
nessof the tenant.
Ninth.-The tenant shouldagreeto maintain the premises,except
for ordinary wear bDdteir, in a satisfactoryconditionand do nothing
tbat wouldhastenor increase depreciation.
Tenth.-The owner should be granted pelnission to enter the
premisesduring ordinary businesshours for the pur?oseof inspec-
tioD,to determinethat the tenant is conforming to the terms of his
Eleventh.-The owner also shouldhave the pivilege to alter the
impmvementsor add to them during the term of the leasewithout
any claim from the tenant for rent abatement, etc.
Twelfth.-In casethe prerrises are destroyed by frre, ea*hquake,
etc.,oI are so badly damaged by th€se causesthat they cannot be re-
Btoredin a reasonabletime, then lessor or I€sseeshould have the ght
to cancelthe lease,within a reasonabletime, say thidy days after the
accident. If the lease is rot cancelled by either palty within ihe
specified time, then it is. continuedas in the past.
Thirteenth.-At the expiration of the leaseterm the lesseeshould
vacatethe premises, leaving them in as good condition as they were
l he took possession, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
In our lease,where there is a tax participation clause,it is deter_
after the first or secondyear, or in some casesthe fifth year,
that the lesseehas to pay all increasesin taxes on land and buildirg.
Foufteenth.-The lessor reserves the dght durirg the last sixty
(60) days of the teran to post "For Sale" or "For Lease" sigrs at
t placesin the leasedpremises.