Is God REALLY A Political Conservative?
Is God REALLY A Political Conservative?
Is God REALLY A Political Conservative?
By Patricia Backora
The G.O.P. (often called Gods Own Party) has tried to claim a monopoly on Jesus. Religion and politics have een intertwined in !merica to the e"tent that the line etween worship of God and earthly patriotism is often lurred. #ome pastors have even oldly proclaimed that it is impossi le to e a $emocrat and a %hristian at the same time. &nstead of worshipping the Jesus 'ho fed the poor and healed !(( the sic) (*att.+,-+.) some ully pulpits have harangued %hristians a out the need to vote against universal health care for all/ and the need to cut social welfare programs which protect people who 0fall etween the crac)s12 people who dont fit conservative elievers definition of success. 'hich means you must e luc)y all your life so that you 3454R get ehind the 67 all and you must ma)e ends meet on an 839RO:43 asis till the day you die. 9ut does Jesus thin) li)e a Repu lican (or a $emocrat/ for that matter;) &f the R4!( Jesus were to drop in on todays typical right7wing conservative mega7church/ would <e feel welcome/ or would <e e tagged as eing too 0li eral1 in some of <is views to e allowed to minister; 'ould Jesus get tossed out for wearing a eard and sandals ecause <e stuc) out li)e a sore thum in a vast sea of suits and ties; 'hat are the true views of Jesus and God/ <is =ather/ on a few controversial political issues;
+. On the alleged evils of 0spreading the wealth1$eut.+>- ,6 !t the end of three years thou shalt ring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year/ and shalt lay it up within thy gates,? !nd the (evite/ ( ecause he hath no part nor inheritance with thee/) and the stranger/ and the fatherless/ and the widow/ which are within thy gates/ shall come/ and shall eat and e satisfied2 that the (OR$ thy God may less thee in all the wor) of thine hand which thou doest.@ @ @ @ @The true 9i lical tithe was actually a ten per cent ta" on the produce of landowners fields to feed the hungry (evite/ orphan and widow. 9ut appallingly/ now unscriptural money tithes are now eing stolen y guile =RO* T<4 POOR to enefit the richA (u)e +,-BB- #ell that ye have/ and give alms2 provide yourselves ags which wa" not old/ a treasure in the heavens that faileth not/ where no thief approacheth/ neither moth corrupteth. !cts ,->>- >> !nd all that elieved were together/ and had all things common2 >. !nd sold their possessions and goods/ and parted them to all men/ as every man had need. !cts >-B,- !nd the multitude of them that elieved were of one heart and of one soul- neither said any Cof themD that ought of the things which he possessed was his own2 ut they had all things common.
0<aving all things common1 was early %O**83&#*A !ny conservative Repu lican worth his salt would rather go le granola than share their personal wealth and live in a commune li)e a hippie.
,. On hoarding wealth (or asic essentials)(u)e E-,>- 9ut woe unto you that are richA for ye have received your consolation. *ar) +F-,B- !nd Jesus loo)ed round a out/ and saith unto his disciples/ <ow hardly shall they that have riches enter into the )ingdom of GodA (u)e +,-+.- !nd he (Jesus) said unto them/ Ta)e heed/ and eware of covetousness- for a manGs life consisteth not in the a undance of the things which he possesseth. +E !nd he spa)e a para le unto them/ saying/ The ground of a certain rich man rought forth plentifully+H !nd he thought within himself/ saying/ 'hat shall & do/ ecause & have no room where to estow my fruits; +6 !nd he said/ This will & do- & will pull down my arns/ and uild greater2 and there will & estow all my fruits and my goods. +? !nd & will say to my soul/ #oul/ thou hast much goods laid up for many years2 ta)e thine ease/ eat/ drin)/ and e merry. ,F 9ut God said unto him/ Thou fool/ this night thy soul shall e reIuired of thee- then whose shall those things e/ which thou hast provided;
,+ #o is he that layeth up treasure for himself/ and is not rich toward God. B. On 0God helps those that help themselves1 and self7reliance and pulling yourself up y your own ootstraps-
(u)e +,-,,- !nd he said unto his disciples/ Therefore & say unto you/ Ta)e no thought for your life/ what ye shall eat2 neither for the ody/ what ye shall put on. ,B The life is more than meat/ and the ody is more than raiment. ,> %onsider the ravens- for they neither sow nor reap2 which neither have storehouse nor arn2 and God feedeth them- how much more are ye etter than the fowls; ,. !nd which of you with ta)ing thought can add to his stature one cu it; ,E &f ye then e not a le to do that thing which is least/ why ta)e ye thought for the rest; ,H %onsider the lilies how they grow- they toil not/ they spin not2 and yet & say unto you/ that #olomon in all his glory was not arrayed li)e one of these. ,6 &f then God so clothe the grass/ which is to day in the field/ and to morrow is cast into the oven2 how much more will he clothe you/ O ye of little faith; ,? !nd see) not ye what ye shall eat/ or what ye shall drin)/ neither e ye of dou tful mind. BF =or all these things do the nations of the world see) after- and your
=ather )noweth that ye have need of these things. >. On the preemptive military stri)e ($o it unto them unto us) efore they do it
Churchgoing, hat !u" hy#ocrit $ in! $t % &y $choo" Prover s B-BF- #trive (fight) not with a man without cause/ if he have done thee no harm. Jesus never advocated carpet7 om ing the Romans who had !(R4!$J made the first stri)e against <is own country. .. On the arms racePsalms ,F-H- #ome CtrustD in chariots/ and some in horses- ut we will remem er the name of the (OR$ our God. Psalms BB-+E- There is no )ing saved y the multitude of an host- a mighty man is not delivered y much strength. *att.,E-.,- Then said Jesus unto him/ Put up again thy sword into his place- for all they that ta)e the sword shall perish with the sword. E. On the moral superiority of your own nation*att.6-+F- 'hen Jesus heard CitD/ he marvelled/ and said to them that followed/ 5erily & say unto you/ & have not found so great faith/ no/ not in &srael.
*att.++-,+- 'oe unto thee/ %horaKinA woe unto thee/ 9ethsaidaA for if the mighty wor)s/ which were done in you/ had een done in Tyre and #idon/ they would have repented long ago in sac)cloth and ashes. *att.++-,B- !nd thou/ %apernaum/ which art e"alted unto heaven/ shalt e rought down to hell- for if the mighty wor)s/ which have een done in thee/ had een done in #odom/ it would have remained until this day. H. On strictly defined gender roles(u)e +F-B6- 3ow it came to pass/ as they went/ that he entered into a certain village- and a certain woman named *artha received him into her house. B? !nd she had a sister called *ary/ which also sat at JesusG feet/ and heard his word. >F 9ut *artha was cum ered a out much serving/ and came to him/ and said/ (ord/ dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone; id her therefore that she help me. >+ !nd Jesus answered and said unto her/ *artha/ *artha/ thou art careful and trou led a out many things>, 9ut one thing is needful- and *ary hath chosen that good part/ which shall not e ta)en away from her. 6. On pledging (swearing) an oath of allegiance to the flag or anything else*att..-BB- !gain/ ye have heard that it hath een said y them of old time/ Thou shalt not forswear thyself/ ut shalt perform unto the (ord thine oathsB> 9ut & say unto you/ #'4!R 3OT !T !((2 neither y heaven2 for it is GodGs throneB. 3or y the earth2 for it is his footstool- neither y Jerusalem2 for it is the city of the great :ing. BE 3either shalt thou swear y thy head/ ecause thou canst not ma)e one hair white or lac). BH 9ut let your communication e/ Jea/ yea2 3ay/ nay- for '<!T#O454R &# *OR4 T<!3 T<4#4 %O*4T< O= 45&(. ?. On a olishing 9ig Government&sa.?-H- Of the &3%R4!#4 of ChisD government and peace Cthere shall eD no end/ upon the throne of $avid/ and upon his )ingdom/ to order it/ and to esta lish it with Ludgment and with Lustice from henceforth even for ever. The Keal of the (OR$ of hosts will perform this. +F. On 0no free lunch1-
*att.+>-,+- +. !nd when it was evening/ his disciples came to him/ saying/ This is a desert place/ and the time is now past2 send the multitude away/ that they may go into the villages/ and uy themselves victuals. +E 9ut Jesus said unto them/ They need not depart2 give ye them to eat. +H !nd they say unto him/ 'e have here ut five loaves/ and two fishes. +6 <e said/ 9ring them hither to me. +? !nd he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass/ and too) the five loaves/ and the two fishes/ and loo)ing up to heaven/ he lessed/ and ra)e/ and gave the loaves to his disciples/ and the disciples to the multitude. ,F !nd they did all eat/ and were filled- and they too) up of the fragments that remained twelve as)ets full. ,+ !nd they that had eaten were a out five thousand men/ eside women and children. &f Jesus had een li)e todays prosperity preachers/ <e would have #O($ the loaves and fishes in e"change for some poor widows 0 est offering1. ++. On dismantling #ocial #ecurity/ waging war on the homeless/ and ailing out an)ers who evict the poor from their homes-
*ar) H-+,- +F =or *oses said/ <onour thy father and thy mother2 and/ 'hoso curseth father or mother/ let him die the death++ 9ut ye say/ &f a man shall say to his father or mother/ &t is %or an/ that is to say/ a gift/ y whatsoever thou mightest e profited y me2 he shall e free. +, !nd ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother2 John +?-,E- ,E 'hen Jesus therefore saw his mother/ and the disciple standing y/ whom he loved/ he saith unto his mother/ 'oman/ ehold thy sonA ,H Then saith he to the disciple/ 9ehold thy motherA !nd from that hour that disciple too) her unto his own home. &sa..6-E7H- &s not this the fast (act of devotion to God) that & have chosen; to loose the ands of wic)edness/ to undo the heavy urdens/ and to let the oppressed go free/ and that ye rea) every yo)e; H &s it not to deal thy read to the hungry/ and that thou ring the poor that are cast out to thy house; when thou seest the na)ed/ that thou cover him2 and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh; James +-,H- Pure religion and undefiled efore God and the =ather is this/ To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction/ and to )eep himself unspotted from the world. $oes God less those who ail out greedy rich an)sters; Prov.,,-+E- <e that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches/ and he that giveth to the rich/ shall surely come to want (e"treme poverty).
+,. On showing favoritism to the richJames ,-+- *y rethren/ have not the faith of our (ord Jesus %hrist/ the (ord of glory/ with respect of persons. , =or if there come unto your assem ly a man with a gold ring/ in goodly apparel/ and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment2 B !nd ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing/ and say unto him/ #it thou here in a good place2 and say to the poor/ #tand thou there/ or sit here under my footstool> !re ye not then partial in yourselves/ and are ecome Ludges of evil thoughts; . <ear)en/ my eloved rethren/ <ath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith/ and heirs of the )ingdom which he hath promised to them that love him; E 9ut ye have despised the poor. $o not rich men oppress you/ and draw you efore the Ludgment seats; H $o not they laspheme that worthy name y the which ye are called; 6 &f ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture/ Thou shalt love thy neigh our as thyself/ ye do well? 9ut if ye have respect to persons/ ye commit sin/ and are convinced of the law as transgressors. +B. On minimiKing the minimum wage and cutting ac) on social programs to cut the deficit on the ac)s of the poor/ while giving ta" rea)s to the richJames .-+- Go to now/ ye rich men/ weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. , Jour riches are corrupted/ and your garments are motheaten. B Jour gold and silver is can)ered2 and the rust of them shall e a witness against you/ and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Je have heaped treasure together for the last days. > 9ehold/ the hire of the la ourers who have reaped down your fields/ which is of you )ept ac) y fraud/ crieth- and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the (ord of sa aoth. . Je have lived in pleasure on the earth/ and een wanton2 ye have nourished your hearts/ as in a day of slaughter. +>. On raising the retirement age to EH and imposing 'OR:=!R4 on the elderly/ sic) and disa led-
3um ers >-B- =rom thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old/ all that enter into the host/ to do the wor) in the ta ernacle of the congregation. 5erse ,B- =rom thirty years old and upward until fifty years old shalt thou num er them2 all that enter in to perform the service/ to do the wor) in the ta ernacle of the congregation. !cts ,F-B.- & have shewed you all things/ how that so la ouring ye ought to support the wea)/ and to remem er the words of the (ord Jesus/ how he said/ &t is more lessed to give than to receive. &n case youre wondering why God let .F7year7old (evites retire/ they did much more strenuous wor) than sha)ing rich tithers hands and calling upon the lord to send down angel feathers from the church rafters. They had to do such hard menial tas)s as s)inning and utchering animals/ starting fires/ dismantling and assem ling the &sraelites porta le wilderness Ta ernacle/ and loading tons of meat onto urning altars. God did not force senior citiKens to do these tas)s until age EHA Just imagine how happy some coal miner in 5irginia would feel if he could afford a decent retirement while he was still young enough (and alive enough) to enLoy itA +.. On e"cessive e"penditures for hair/ clothes and Lewelry in 0Gods Own Party1-
Prov.B+-BF- =avour CisD deceitful/ and eauty CisD vain- C utD a woman CthatD feareth the (OR$/ she shall e praised. & Tim.,-?- &n li)e manner also/ that women adorn themselves in modest apparel/ with shamefacedness and so riety2 not with roided hair/ or gold/ or pearls/ or costly array2 <ow well would John the 9aptist lend in at your typical church political rally; *att.B->- !nd the same John had his raiment of camelGs hair/ and a leathern girdle a out his loins2 and his meat was locusts and wild honey. Thin) of it. John wasnt your typical air rushed tycoon in an e"pensive sil) suit. <e was an individual/ not a =or es .FF an)er shopping at #a)s =ifth !venue. John wasnt afraid to e different from vain religious leaders who wore fancy clothes to draw ig crowds ((u)e ,F->E). John was content with his camel hair coat. #amson didnt loo) conservative either. <e wore his hair long li)e a hippie and served God Lust fine without getting a five hundred7dollar haircut. +E. On wor)er discontent and la or unions-
& :ings +,-,- !nd it came to pass/ when Jero oam the son of 3e at/ who was yet in 4gypt/ heard of it/ (for he was fled from the presence of )ing #olomon/ and Jero oam dwelt in 4gypt2) B That they sent and called him. !nd Jero oam and all the congregation of &srael came/ and spa)e unto Reho oam/ saying/ > Thy father made our yo)e grievous- now therefore ma)e thou the grievous service of thy father/ and his heavy yo)e which he put upon us/ lighter/ and we will serve thee. . !nd he said unto them/ $epart yet for three days/ then come again to me. !nd the people departed. E !nd )ing Reho oam consulted with the old men/ that stood efore #olomon his father while he yet lived/ and said/ <ow do ye advise that & may answer this people; H !nd they spa)e unto him/ saying/ &f thou wilt e a servant unto this people this day/ and wilt serve them/ and answer them/ and spea) good words to them/ then they will e thy servants for ever. +B !nd the )ing answered the people roughly/ and forsoo) the old menGs counsel that they gave him2 +> !nd spa)e to them after the counsel of the young men/ saying/ *y father made your yo)e heavy/ and & will add to your yo)e- my father also chastised you with whips/ ut & will chastise you with scorpions. &saiah +>-B- !nd it shall come to pass in the day that the (OR$ shall give thee rest from thy sorrow/ and from thy fear/ and from the hard ondage wherein thou wast made to serve +H. On corporate greed and lifting environmental protection regulations so 9ig 9usiness can pollute the land/ air and water to ma"imiKe profits as much as it wants4Ke)iel B>-+6- #eemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture/ ut ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures; and to have drun) of the deep waters/ ut ye must foul (pollute) the residue with your feet; +? !nd as for my floc)/ they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet2 and they drin) that which ye have fouled with your feet. ,F Therefore thus saith the (ord GO$ unto them2 9ehold/ &/ even &/ will Ludge etween the fat cattle and etween the lean cattle. 5erse +E- & will see) that which was lost/ and ring again that which was driven away/ and will ind up that which was ro)en/ and will strengthen that which was sic)- ut & will destroy the fat and the strong2 & will feed them with Ludgment.
Rev.++-+6- !nd the nations were angry/ and thy wrath is come/ and the time of the dead/ that they should e Ludged/ and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets/ and to the saints/ and them that fear thy name/ small and great2 and #<O8($4#T $4#TROJ T<4* '<&%< $4#TROJ T<4 4!RT<. On all the a ove issues the (ord ta)es what could e called a 0li eral1 stance. 9ut in some areas God is decidedly conservative+. On one divisive topic preachers hold a wide spectrum of unvoiced opinions a out/ so they hem and haw a out it(ev.+6-,,- Thou shalt not lie with man)ind/ as with woman)ind- it CisD a omination. Rom.+-,E- =or this cause God gave them up unto vile affections- for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature,H !nd li)ewise also the men/ leaving the natural use of the woman/ urned in their lust one toward another2 men with men wor)ing that which is unseemly/ and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. ,6 !nd even as they did not li)e to retain God in their )nowledge/ God gave them over to a repro ate mind/ to do those things which are not convenient2 ,? 9eing filled with all unrighteousness/ fornication/ wic)edness/ covetousness/ maliciousness2 full of envy/ murder/ de ate/ deceit/ malignity2 whisperers/ BF 9ac) iters/ haters of God/ despiteful/ proud/ oasters/ inventors of evil things/ diso edient to parents/ B+ 'ithout understanding/ covenant rea)ers/ without natural affection/ implaca le/ unmercifulB, 'ho )nowing the Ludgment of God/ that they which commit such things are worthy of death/ not only do the same/ ut have pleasure in them that do them. ,- On the sanctity of marriage as woman/ for lifeeing limited to one man/ one
*att.+?-> !nd he answered and said unto them/ <ave ye not read/ that he which made them at the eginning made them male and female/ @ @ @(3OT male and male/ or female and femaleA)
. !nd said/ =or this cause shall a man leave father and mother/ and shall cleave to his wife- and they twain shall e one flesh; E 'herefore they are no more twain/ ut one flesh. 'hat therefore God hath Loined together/ let not man put asunder. H They say unto him/ 'hy did *oses then command to give a writing of divorcement/ and to put her away; 6 <e saith unto them/ *oses ecause of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives- ut from the eginning it was not so. ? !nd & say unto you/ 'hosoever shall put away his wife/ e"cept it e for fornication/ and shall marry another/ committeth adultery- and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. B- On a ortion3ot specifically mentioned in #cripture/ ut God upholds the sanctity of life/ and little children are very precious in <is sightPsalms +B?-+B- =or thou hast possessed my reins- thou hast covered me in my motherGs wom . +> & will praise thee2 for & am fearfully and wonderfully mademarvellous are thy wor)s2 and that my soul )noweth right well. +. *y su stance was not hid from thee/ when & was made in secret/ and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. +E Thine eyes did see my su stance/ yet eing unperfect2 and in thy oo) all my mem ers were written/ which in continuance were fashioned/ when as yet there was none of them. *att.+6-E- 9ut whoso shall offend one of these little ones which elieve in me/ it were etter for him that a millstone were hanged a out his nec)/ and CthatD he were drowned in the depth of the sea. *att.+?-+>- 9ut Jesus said/ #uffer little children/ and for id them not/ to come unto me- for of such is the )ingdom of heaven. >. On personal responsi ility, Thes.B-+F- =or even when we were with you/ this we commanded you/ that if any would not (refuses to) wor)/ neither should he eat. .. On slashing the military udget/ even when the nation is at high ris) of eing attac)edJesus told his men to uy swords/ presuma ly for self7defense ((u)e ,,-BE). *att.+F-B>- Thin) not that & am come to send peace on earth- & came not to send peace/ ut a sword.
Joel B-+F- 9eat your plowshares into swords/ and your pruninghoo)s into spears- let the wea) say/ & am strong. Rev.+?-++- !nd & saw heaven opened/ and ehold a white horse2 and he that sat upon him was called =aithful and True/ and in righteousness he doth Ludge and ma)e war. +, <is eyes were as a flame of fire/ and on his head were many crowns2 and he had a name written/ that no man )new/ ut he himself. +B !nd he was clothed with a vesture dipped in lood- and his name is called The 'ord of God. +> !nd the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses/ clothed in fine linen/ white and clean. +. !nd out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword/ that with it he should smite the nations- and he shall rule them with a rod of iron- and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of !lmighty God. E. On prayer in pu lic schools& Thes..-+H- Pray without ceasing.@ @ @ @<ow can )ids o ey this scripture and pray all the time unless they pray at school as well as in church and at home; Of course you cant pray audi ly while youre munching your lunch/ or youd dri le sloppy Loe down your chin and all the )ids would point and laugh at you. &ts possi le to pray privately and Iuietly within the sanctuary of your own heart. God cant e put into a o". <e doesnt uy the whole Repu lican pac)age or the whole $emocrat pac)age/ ecause theres draw ac)s to oth and even the est of human righteousness falls woefully short of <is perfect standard (&sa.E>-E). !ll political candidates are imperfect (*att.H-++)/ even generous/ )indhearted ones. &ts up to you to decide etween God and yourself which candidates running for office would do the least damage to this poor/ sin7plagued earth. 4ven the est candidates are a pic)7and7mi" ag of pluses and minuses. 4lection time is the perfect time to e"ercise godly discernment as you e"ercise your right to vote. &f youre gonna vote/ 5OT4 T<4 P4R#O3/ 3OT T<4 P!RTJA @@@@@@ http-MM