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Chapter L: 1) DPF P DPF

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Power converters are used in power supplies, power conditioners, and motor drives. As a consequence they are currently in very wide use and recent improvements in power electronic devices, topologies, and controls are extending their range of application. In many of these applications, ac utility power is converted to de by means of uncontrolled diode rectifiers that are driven by the ac line frequency. These rectifiers can be made controllable by replacing diodes with ilicon !ontrolled "ectifiers # !"$ to provide a controlled de output when required. Though simple in design and high in efficiency, these conventional rectifiers produce problems in that they do not draw sinusoidal current from the utility source and in%ect current harmonics into the supply. This results in poor power factor seen by the utility and loads drawing poor power factor can disrupt other equipment connected to the same source. This is why utility companies today have power factor requirements. Power factor determines how much real power is drawn from the utility line. Power factor is defined as the ratio of average power to apparent power. &ohan in ' 1 ( defines power factor as f
= ( s

1 1$ )P* Is


)P* , cos <Ii1


where ls 1 is the rms value of the fundamental frequency component of the supply current, Is is the rms value of the line current, )P* is .nown as the displacement power factor, and <I>1 is the angle by which ls1 is displaced with respect to the input voltage. Thus it can be seen that power factor is affected by both harmonic distortion and displacement. In the

ideal case, the power factor is unity which means that only real power is supplied by the utility to a load that is, or appears as, resistive. Power factors less than unity indicate that reactive power is present with the real power. /hen reactive power is flowing in a circuit, it is not usable but still results in circuit power losses. 0sers are charged by utility compa nies for reactive power and equipment must be designed to handle it based on the power factor rating. 1quipment that has poor power factor will be oversi2ed #higher fabrication cost$ and be expensive to operate. To illustrate this with an example, consider a -3 A, 1-3 4ac circuit. The maximum power that can be drawn from this circuit is -533 / provided the power factor is unity. )ecreasing the power factor will decrease the maximum power that can be drawn from that circuit without tripping circuit protection. If one had a load operating at 3.6 pf, then the maximum power that could be drawn without tripping circuit protection would be 17-3 /. *or this reason alone it is advantageous to draw high power factor. 0tility requirements however also have cost penalties for not complying with power factor requirements and more requirements are being considered to specifically address excessive harmonic pollution of the utility supply. /hen designing power factor correction # pfc $ circuits, it is essential to recogni2e that both harmonic distortion and displacement contribute to power factor. If both of these are not considered in pfc design, a pfc circuit may lower the power factor. *or example, most active pfc designs create switching harmonics when forcing the input current to be sinusoidal. If these harmonics are not properly managed, the result can be a low power factor even though the )P* is near unity. 8n the other hand, poor filter design could cause increased displacement thus lowering the )P*. "ecently active power factor correction techniques have become a popular topic both in academia and industry. 9umerous publications have analy2ed both single and three:phase topologies. &any papers have been published on different techniques and industry is being forced to produce equipment with high power factors and low harmonic distortion that does not pollute utility grids. Three:phase active pfc is used in higher power

applications and is the sub%ect of this report. A popular classic active pfc design #both single and three:phase$ is one that employs a boost converter operating in discontinuous

conduction mode to perform the input current waveshaping and de output voltage regulation. A three:phase version of this design is illustrated in *ig. 1. The boost converter

*ig. 1. #a$ Active three:phase power factor correction circuit. #b$ Actual source implemented experimentally.

closes, shorting the source through the boost inductors, causing the source current to rise to a value proportional to the amplitude of the source voltage at the instant the switch closes. /hen the switch opens, the current in the boost inductor falls to 2ero. The boost converter operates at a frequency much greater than that of the source so that the switching harmon ics created by it are easily filtered. The boost inductor is located at the input to the diode bridge otherwise the active pfc circuit will shape the current to the shape of the rectified voltage and would not force the input current to be sinusoidal. In addition to the active waveshaping, the boost converter is able to provide a regulated de output. &uch of the wor. published on this active pfc approach has been developed on designs limited to approximately 1 ./ of output power which does not require a three:phase source. The wor. has not shown the benefits and deficiencies that the more complex and expensive active pfc approaches possess over simpler, less expensive, and more efficient conventional rectifier designs. The problem with the wor. is that even though interesting concepts have been demonstrated, they have not been demonstrated with parameters that are practical outside of academia. The ob%ective of this investigation was to design, simulate, build, and test a ; ./ boost pfc design and compare its performance to that of a simple unregulated rectifier to assess the feasibility of the proposed topology for commercial application. <oth the active pfc circuit and the unregu lated rectifier will be interfaced with utility power and a comparative assessment of their performance is presented here.

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