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01-OSN1500 System Description

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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


1 Network Application............................................................................................................ 1-1 2 Functions ................................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Capacity .......................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1.1 Cross-Connect Capacity .....................................................................................................2-1 2.1.2 Access Capacity of Slots ....................................................................................................2-2 2.1.3 Service Access Capability ..................................................................................................2-3 2.2 Interface .......................................................................................................................................2-4 2.2.1 Service Interface.................................................................................................................2-4 2.2.2 Administration and Auxiliary Interface ..............................................................................2-5 2.3 Built-in WDM Technology ..........................................................................................................2-5 2.4 110 V/220 V Power Supply..........................................................................................................2-6 2.5 Clock ............................................................................................................................................2-6 2.6 Protection .....................................................................................................................................2-7 2.6.1 Equipment Level Protection ...............................................................................................2-7 2.6.2 Network Level Protection...................................................................................................2-7 2.6.3 Adjustable MS Bandwidth..................................................................................................2-8 2.6.4 Upgrading MS Bandwidth..................................................................................................2-8 2.6.5 Squelching Function in Multiplex Section .........................................................................2-8 2.7 NM Information Interworking .....................................................................................................2-9 2.7.1 Interworking at Physical Layer ..........................................................................................2-9 2.7.2 Interworking at Network Layer ........................................................................................2-10 2.8 TCM...........................................................................................................................................2-12

3 Hardware................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Cabinet .........................................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 Subrack ........................................................................................................................................3-2

4 Boards ..................................................................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Type..............................................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Slot ...............................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.1 OptiX OSN 1500 A ............................................................................................................4-3 4.2.2 OptiX OSN 1500 B ............................................................................................................4-7


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

5 Software Structure ................................................................................................................ 5-1

5.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................5-1 5.2 NE Software.................................................................................................................................5-1 5.3 Board Software ............................................................................................................................5-2 5.4 NM System ..................................................................................................................................5-3

6 Data Features ......................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Ethernet ........................................................................................................................................6-1 6.1.1 Function..............................................................................................................................6-1 6.1.2 Application .........................................................................................................................6-5 6.1.3 Protection............................................................................................................................6-8 6.2 RPR Features .............................................................................................................................6-10 6.2.1 Function............................................................................................................................6-10 6.2.2 Application .......................................................................................................................6-14 6.2.3 Protection..........................................................................................................................6-16 6.3 ATM Features.............................................................................................................................6-20 6.3.1 Functions ..........................................................................................................................6-20 6.3.2 Application .......................................................................................................................6-22 6.3.3 Protection..........................................................................................................................6-24 6.4 SAN Features .............................................................................................................................6-25

7 Protection ............................................................................................................................... 8-1

7.1 Equipment Level Protection.........................................................................................................8-1 7.1.1 TPS Protection for Service Processing Boards...................................................................8-1 7.1.2 1+1 Hot Backup for the GSCC , Cross-Connect Unit and Timing Unit.............................8-2 7.1.3 1+1 Hot Backup for the Power Input Unit .........................................................................8-3 7.1.4 1:N Protection for the +3.3 V Board Power Supply ...........................................................8-3 7.1.5 Abnormality-Specific Service Protection ...........................................................................8-3 7.2 Network Level Protection ............................................................................................................8-4 7.2.1 Basic Networking Modes ...................................................................................................8-4 7.2.2 SDH Trail Protection ..........................................................................................................8-5 7.2.3 SNCP ..................................................................................................................................8-6 7.2.4 Fibre-shared Virtual Trail Protection..................................................................................8-7 7.2.5 MS-Shared Optical Path Protection....................................................................................8-7 7.2.6 Protection for Interworking Service on Rings....................................................................8-9

8 OAM ....................................................................................................................................... 9-1

8.1 Operation and Maintenance .........................................................................................................9-1 8.2 Administration..............................................................................................................................9-2

9 Technical Specifications .................................................................................................... 10-1

9.1 Optical Interface Performance ...................................................................................................10-1 9.1.1 SDH Optical Interface ......................................................................................................10-1


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


9.1.2 Ethernet Optical Interface.................................................................................................10-4 9.1.3 ATM Optical Interface......................................................................................................10-4 9.1.4 Laser Level .......................................................................................................................10-4 9.2 Electrical Interface Performance................................................................................................10-5 9.2.1 PDH Interface...................................................................................................................10-5 9.2.2 Auxiliary Interface............................................................................................................10-6 9.3 Clock Performance.....................................................................................................................10-8 9.3.1 Clock Interface Type ........................................................................................................10-8 9.3.2 Timing and Synchronization Performance .......................................................................10-8 9.4 Transmission Performance.........................................................................................................10-8 9.5 Power Supply Parameters ..........................................................................................................10-9 9.6 Timeslot Number .......................................................................................................................10-9 9.7 Power Consumption and Weight of Boards .............................................................................10-10 9.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility ................................................................................................10-11 9.9 Environmental Index................................................................................................................10-12 9.10 Environment Requirement .....................................................................................................10-12 9.10.1 Environment for Storage ..............................................................................................10-13 9.10.2 Environment for Transportation ...................................................................................10-15 9.10.3 Environment for Operation...........................................................................................10-17


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


Figure 1-1 Appearance of the OptiX OSN 1500 A ...........................................................................1-1 Figure 1-2 Appearance of the OptiX OSN 1500 B ...........................................................................1-2 Figure 1-3 Application of the OptiX OSN 1500 in the network .......................................................1-2 Figure 2-1 Access capacity of slots in OptiX OSN 1500 A ..............................................................2-2 Figure 2-2 Access capacity of slots in OptiX OSN 1500 B ..............................................................2-3 Figure 2-3 NM information transparently transmitted by third party equipment .............................2-9 Figure 2-4 The NM information of the third party equipment is transparently transmitted ...........2-10 Figure 2-5 The NM information transparently transmitted by the third party equipment...............2-10 Figure 2-6 The NM information of the third party equipment is transparently transmitted ...........2-11 Figure 2-7 Transparent transmission of NM information by the third party equipment (OSI) .......2-11 Figure 2-8 Transparent transmission of NM information of third party equipment (OSI) .............2-12 Figure 3-1 OptiX OSN 1500 A subrack ............................................................................................3-2 Figure 3-2 OptiX OSN 1500 B subrack ............................................................................................3-2 Figure 4-1 System architecture of the OptiX OSN 1500 ..................................................................4-1 Figure 4-2 Slot distribution of OptiX OSN 1500 A ..........................................................................4-3 Figure 4-3 Slot layout before division of the slots ............................................................................4-7 Figure 4-4 Slot layout after division of the slots...............................................................................4-7 Figure 5-1 Software system structure of the OptiX OSN 1500.........................................................5-1 Figure 6-1 The EPL service based on port ........................................................................................6-5 Figure 6-2 The EPL service based on port +VLAN..........................................................................6-6 Figure 6-3 The EVPL service with MPLS label ...............................................................................6-6 Figure 6-4 Layer 2 switching of Ethernet service .............................................................................6-7 Figure 6-5 Application of EVPLAN service .....................................................................................6-8 Figure 6-6 LCAS adjusts bandwidth dynamically ............................................................................6-9 Figure 6-7 LCAS protects the virtual concatenation group ..............................................................6-9 Figure 6-8 RPR ring ........................................................................................................................6-10


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Figure 6-9 Spatial reuse ..................................................................................................................6-13 Figure 6-10 Fairness algorithm when the weight is 1 .....................................................................6-14 Figure 6-11 Fairness algorithm when the weights are different ......................................................6-14 Figure 6-12 EVPL accessing, forwarding and stripping .................................................................6-15 Figure 6-13 EVPL service convergence..........................................................................................6-15 Figure 6-14 EVPLAN service .........................................................................................................6-16 Figure 6-15 Wrap protection ...........................................................................................................6-17 Figure 6-16 Steering protection.......................................................................................................6-17 Figure 6-17 Wrapping+steering protection .....................................................................................6-19 Figure 6-18 Application of Band exclusive ATM Services.............................................................6-23 Figure 6-19 VP/VC-Ring ................................................................................................................6-24 Figure 7-1 Fibre-shared virtual trail protection.................................................................................8-7 Figure 7-2 MS-shared optical path protection...................................................................................8-8 Figure 7-3 Two lower-speed lines share one higher-speed line ........................................................8-8 Figure 7-4 Sharing protection under the lines with the same speed..................................................8-9


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


Table 2-1 Cross-connect capacity......................................................................................................2-1 Table 2-2 Maximum service access capacity ....................................................................................2-3 Table 2-3 The service interfaces........................................................................................................2-4 Table 2-4 The administration and auxiliary interfaces ......................................................................2-5 Table 2-5 Equipment level protection ...............................................................................................2-7 Table 2-6 The maximum number of MSP rings supported by the OptiX OSN 1500........................2-8 Table 3-1 Technical parameters of the ETSI cabinet.........................................................................3-1 Table 3-2 Technical parameters of the 19 inch standard cabinet.......................................................3-1 Table 4-1 Constituent boards and functions of units .........................................................................4-2 Table 4-2 MSP paired slots................................................................................................................4-3 Table 4-3 Board of OptiX OSN 1500 A ............................................................................................4-4 Table 4-4 MSP paired slots of OptiX OSN 1500 B...........................................................................4-7 Table 4-5 Boards of OptiX OSN 1500 B...........................................................................................4-8 Table 4-6 Relation of slots and interface board...............................................................................4-11 Table 6-1 The function list of EFS4/EFS0/EGS2..............................................................................6-2 Table 6-2 The function list of EGT2/EFT8/EFT4 .............................................................................6-4 Table 6-3 EMR0 and EGR2 function list ........................................................................................6-11 Table 6-4 RPR service class ............................................................................................................6-12 Table 6-5 Functions of the ADL4 and ADQ1..................................................................................6-20 Table 6-6 Functions of the IDL4 and IDQ1 ....................................................................................6-21 Table 6-7 Supportable ATM service and traffic types of the OptiX OSN 1500 ..............................6-22 Table 6-8 Classification of ATM protection ....................................................................................6-24 Table 6-9 Functions of the MST4 board..........................................................................................6-25 Table 6-10 Services and rates provided by the MST4.....................................................................6-26 Table 7-1 TPS protection types and supported boards ......................................................................8-2 Table 7-2 TPS protection parameters ................................................................................................8-2


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 7-3 1+1 hot backup parameters of the cross-connect unit and the timing unit........................8-3 Table 7-4 Basic networking modes ...................................................................................................8-4 Table 7-5 Linear MSP parameters .....................................................................................................8-5 Table 7-6 MSP ring parameters .........................................................................................................8-6 Table 7-7 SNCP parameters ..............................................................................................................8-7 Table 7-8 Boards and sharing types...................................................................................................8-8 Table 7-9 Protection types of interworking service on rings.............................................................8-9 Table 9-1 Performance of the STM-1 optical interface ...................................................................10-1 Table 9-2 Performance of the STM-4 optical interface ...................................................................10-2 Table 9-3 Performance of the STM-16 optical interface .................................................................10-2 Table 9-4 Performances of the STM-16 (FEC) optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500 .............10-3 Table 9-5 Specifications of Ethernet optical interface.....................................................................10-4 Table 9-6 Specifications of ATM optical interface ..........................................................................10-4 Table 9-7 Laser level .......................................................................................................................10-5 Table 9-8 Performance of the PDH electrical interface...................................................................10-5 Table 9-9 Parameters of the RS-232 interface.................................................................................10-6 Table 9-10 Parameters of the RS-422 interface...............................................................................10-6 Table 9-11 Parameters of the orderwire interface............................................................................10-7 Table 9-12 Clock features................................................................................................................10-8 Table 9-13 Timing and synchronization performance.....................................................................10-8 Table 9-14 Transmission performance ............................................................................................10-8 Table 9-15 Power supply parameters of the OptiX OSN 1500 .......................................................10-9 Table 9-16 Numbering of TU-12s in a VC-4 (type I)......................................................................10-9 Table 9-17 Numbering of TU-12s in a VC-4 (type II, ITU-T G.707)..............................................10-9 Table 9-18 Power consumption of boards .....................................................................................10-10 Table 9-19 EMC test indices .........................................................................................................10-11 Table 9-20 Environmental indices.................................................................................................10-12 Table 9-21 Climate environment for storage.................................................................................10-13 Table 9-22 Density for mechanical active substances ...................................................................10-14 Table 9-23 Density for chemical active substances.......................................................................10-14 Table 9-24 Requirements for mechanical stress ............................................................................10-14 Table 9-25 Climate environment for transportation ......................................................................10-15


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


Table 9-26 Density for mechanical active substances ...................................................................10-16 Table 9-27 Density for chemical active substances.......................................................................10-16 Table 9-28 Requirements for mechanical stress ............................................................................10-17 Table 9-29 Requirements for temperature and humidity...............................................................10-17 Table 9-30 Other climate requirements .........................................................................................10-17 Table 9-31 Density for mechanical active substances ...................................................................10-18 Table 9-32 Density for chemical active substances.......................................................................10-18 Table 9-33 Requirements for mechanical stress ............................................................................10-19


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

1 Network Application

n n n n n n n

Network Application

This chapter describes application of the OptiX OSN 1500 in the transmission network. The OptiX OSN 1500 is new generation equipment developed by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Huawei). It integrates the following technologies. Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) Ethernet Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) Plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH) Storage area network (SAN) Digital video broadcasting (DVB)

There are two types of OptiX OSN 1500 systems. Figure 1-1 shows OptiX OSN 1500 A and Figure 1-2 shows OptiX OSN 1500 B. Besides the appearance, OptiX OSN 1500 A and OptiX OSN 1500 B also differ in the access capacity.

& Note This manual gives notes for features special to the OptiX OSN 1500 A or the OptiX OSN 1500 B. Features not noted special to which product apply to both products.

Figure 1-1 Appearance of the OptiX OSN 1500 A


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1 Network Application

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Figure 1-2 Appearance of the OptiX OSN 1500 B

Figure 1-3 shows the OptiX OSN 1500 is applied in a transmission network. The OptiX OSN 1500 is mainly used at the access layer of the MAN. It can interconnect with the following equipments.
n n n n

OptiX OSN 9500 OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 3500 OptiX OSN 2500
OptiX OSN 9500 OptiX OSN 3500 OptiX OSN 7500 Backbone layer

OptiX OSN 2500

OptiX OSN 3500

Convergence layer

OptiX OSN 1500

OptiX OSN 2500

Access layer







Figure 1-3 Application of the OptiX OSN 1500 in the network


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

2 Functions

n n n n n n n n


This chapter introduces the functions of the OptiX OSN 1500 A and OptiX OSN 1500 B as follows. Capacity Interface Built-in WDM Technology 110 V/220 V Power Supply Clock Protection NM Information Interworking TCM

2.1 Capacity
2.1.1 Cross-Connect Capacity
Table 2-1 shows the cross-connect capacity of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 2-1 Cross-connect capacity
Cross-connect and timing board Higher order cross-connect capacity Lower order cross-connect capacity Access capacity


20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4)

5 Gbit/s (32 x 32 VC-4) 5 Gbit/s (32 x 32 VC-4) 5 Gbit/s (32 x 32 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4) 20 Gbit/s (128 x 128 VC-4)

15 Gbit/s (96 x 96 VC-4) 15 Gbit/s (96 x 96 VC-4) 15 Gbit/s (96 x 96 VC-4) 15 Gbit/s (96 x 96 VC-4) 15 Gbit/s (96 x 96 VC-4) 15 Gbit/s (96 x 96 VC-4)


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

2.1.2 Access Capacity of Slots

Figure 2-1 illustrates the access capacity of each slot in the OptiX OSN 1500 A and Figure 2-2 illustrates that of slots in the OptiX OSN 1500 B. Slot 12 and slot 13 can be divided into four half-slots in OptiX OSN 1500 A.
n n n n

Slot 12 can be divided into two half-slots: slot 2 and slot 12. Slot 13 can be divided into two half-slots: slot 3 and slot 13. The access capacity of the original slot 12 or 13 is 2.5 Gbit/s. The access capacity of each of the four half-slots is 1.25 Gbit/s.

Slot 11, slot 12 and slot 13 can be divided into six half-slots in OptiX OSN 1500 B.
n n n n n

Slot 11 can be divided into two half-slots: slot 1 and slot 11. Slot 12 can be divided into two half-slots: slot 2 and slot 12. Slot 13 can be divided into two half-slots: slot 3 and slot 13. The access capacity of the original slot 11, slot 12 or slot 13 is 2.5 Gbit/s The capacity of each of the six half-slots is 1.25 Gbit/s
Slot 1A PIU XCS Slot 2/12 Slot20 Slot 3/13 FAN Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 11 PIU 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s XCS B 1.25Gbit/s Slot 6 Slot 7 1.25Gbit/s Slot 8 1.25Gbit/s Slot 9 1.25Gbit/s Slot 10 AUX

Figure 2-1 Access capacity of slots in OptiX OSN 1500 A


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2 Functions

Slot 14 Slot 18 Slot 15 Slot 16 Slot 19 Slot 17 Slot 1/11 Slot 20 Slot 2/12 Slot 3/13 FAN Slot 4 Slot 5 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s 2.5Gbit/s Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Slot 10 622Mbit/s 622Mbit/s 622Mbit/s 622Mbit/s AUX PIU PIU

Figure 2-2 Access capacity of slots in OptiX OSN 1500 B

2.1.3 Service Access Capability

The OptiX OSN 1500 provides different service access capacities depending on the type and number of boards. Table 2-2 lists the service access capacities of OptiX OSN 1500 A and OptiX OSN 1500 B.
Table 2-2 Maximum service access capacity
Service type Maximum access capacity OSN 1500 A OSN 1500 B

STM-16 standard or concatenated service STM-4 standard or concatenated service STM-1 standard service STM-1 (electrical) service E3/T3 service E1 service Fast Ethernet (FE) service Gigabit Ethernet (GE) service STM-1 ATM service STM-4 ATM service Enterprise systems connection (ESCON) Fibre channel (FC50) Fibre connection (FICON)/FC100 FC200

4 18 42 4 6 64 32 4 8 2 12 12 6 3

5 18 54 18 15 190 56 6 12 3 12 12 6 3


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2 Functions Service type

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Maximum access capacity OSN 1500 A OSN 1500 B

Digital video broadcast asynchronous serial interface (DVB-ASI)



2.2 Interface
2.2.1 Service Interface
The service interfaces of the OptiX OSN 1500 are shown in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3 The service interfaces
Interface Description

SDH service interface

75 ohm STM-1 electrical interface with SMB connector STM-1 optical interfaces: I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 STM-4 optical interfaces: I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 STM-16 optical interfaces: I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, L-16.2, L-16.2Je, V-16.2Je, U-16.2Je(CXL16 can not provide L-16.2Je, V-16.2Je, U-16.2Je interface) STM-16 optical interfaces (out-of-band FEC): Ue-16.2c, Ue-16.2d, Ue-16.2f

PDH service interface Ethernet service interface ATM service interface

E1, T1, E3, T3 and E4 electrical interfaces 10/100Base-TX, 100Base-FX, 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX, 1000Base-ZX, 1000Base-TX STM-1 optical interface: I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, , Ve-1.1 STM-4 optical interface: S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2 Ve-4.2 STM-1 optical interface: support IMA STM-4 optical interface: support IMA

Storage area network (SAN) service interface Video service interface

FC50, FC100/FICON, FC200, ESCON service optical interface DVB-ASI service optical interface

& Note Ue-16.2c, Ue-16.2d, Ue-16.2f, Le-64.2, Ls-16.2, L-16.2Je, V-16.2Je, U-16.2Je, Ve-1.2, Ve-4.2 are technical specifications defined by Huawei.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

2 Functions

2.2.2 Administration and Auxiliary Interface

The administration and auxiliary interfaces of the OptiX OSN 1500 are shown in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 The administration and auxiliary interfaces
Interface Description

Clock interface Alarm interface Administration interface

two 75 ohm or 120 ohm external clock interfaces (2048 kbit/s or 2048 kHz) Three inputs and one output Boolean value interface One RS-232 remote maintenance interface (OAM) Four broadcast data interfaces (Serial 14) One Ethernet network management (NM) interface (ETH) One administration serial interface (F&f)

Orderwire interface

One orderwire phone interface (PHONE)

2.3 Built-in WDM Technology

The OptiX OSN 1500 provides dual optical add/drop multiplex board MR2A/MR2B/MR2C and arbitrary rate wavelength conversion board LWX to realize built-in WDM technology. Below are their characteristics.

The MR2A/MR2B/MR2C can add or drop any two adjacent standard wavelengths (with spacing being 100 GHz) in compliance with ITU-T G.692 (DWDM). The operating wavelength range is 1535.82 nm1560.61 nm. The MR2A/MR2B/MR2C can be used as an OTM to add/drop two wavelengths and concatenation of two MR2A/MR2Cs can function as an OTM to add/drop four wavelengths. The MR2A/MR2B/MR2C can work with the LWX to function as an OADM to add/drop two wavelengths. The LWX supports the conversion between client signalling wavelength and ITU-T G.692 (DWDM) compliant standard wavelength and supports transparent transmission of signals. Provide 3R function to added/dropped client signals (10 Mbit/s2.7 Gbit/s), implement clock recovery and monitor the transmission rate. Provide two types of LWX board, one is single-fed single receiving and the other is dual-fed selective receiving. The dual-fed selective receiving LWX board supports intra-board protection with protection switching time less than 50ms. The single-fed single receiving LWX board supports 1+1 inter-board protection with protection switching time less than 50ms.


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2 Functions

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

2.4 110 V/220 V Power Supply

The OptiX OSN 1500 supports the 110 V/220 V power supply through uninterrupted power module (UPM). The UPM is used to convert 110 V/220 V AC into 48 V DC, to provide power supply for the OptiX OSN 1500. A UPM consists of power boxes and storage batteries. The output power of each UPM is 2 x 270 W. The power box measures 438 mm (W) x 240 mm (D) x 44 mm (H). The OptiX OSN 1500 needs two power boxes. The storage battery of the OptiX OSN 1500 consists of four 12 V-40 Ah storage batteries. The dimensions of each battery are 197 mm x 165 mm x 170 mm. If the AC fails, the storage battery can sustain four hours.

2.5 Clock
The OptiX OSN 1500 supports clock functions below.
n n n n n

Supports SSM (Synchronization Status Message) protocol. Supports tributary retiming. Support two 75 ohm external clock interfaces (2048 kbit/s or 2048 kHz). Support two 120 ohm external clock interfaces (2048 kbit/s or 2048 kHz). When tracing tributary clock sources, the network element can only tracing the first port (corresponding to the first physical port) or the second port (corresponding to the ninth physical port) on the T2000 of PQ1, PQM, R1PL1 or R1PD1. When tracing tributary clock sources, the network element can only tracing the first port (corresponding to the first physical port ) or the second port (corresponding to the fourth physical port ) on the T2000 of PD3 When tracing tributary clock sources, the network element can only tracing the first port (corresponding to the first physical port) on the T2000 of PL3.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

2 Functions

2.6 Protection
2.6.1 Equipment Level Protection
Table 2-5 shows the equipment level protection provided by the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 2-5 Equipment level protection
Items protected Protection scheme OptiX OSN 1500 A OptiX OSN 1500 B

E1 processing board E3/T3 processing board E4/STM-1 processing board Ethernet processing board Cross-connect and timing board SCC board 48 V power interface board +3.3 V board power supply

1:1 tributary protection switching (TPS) 1+1 hot backup protection 1+1 hot backup protection 1+1 hot backup protection 1:N centralized backup protection

1:N (N2) TPS 1:1 TPS 1:1 TPS 1:1 TPS 1+1 hot backup protection 1+1 hot backup protection 1+1 hot backup protection 1:N centralized backup protection

2.6.2 Network Level Protection

The OptiX OSN 1500 Multi Add/Drop Multiplexer (MADM) system is capable of processing up to 40 Embedded Control Channels (ECC) The OptiX OSN 1500 supports the following protection.
n n n n n

Four-fibre multiplex section protection (MSP) ring Two-fibre MSP ring Linear MSP Fibre-shared virtual trail protection Sub-network connection protection (SNCP)

Table 2-6 shows the maximum number of MSP rings supported by the OptiX OSN 1500.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 2-6 The maximum number of MSP rings supported by the OptiX OSN 1500
Protection scheme Max. number of MSP rings supported

STM-16 four-fiber MSP ring STM-16 two-fiber MSP ring STM-4 four-fiber MSP ring STM-4 two-fiber MSP ring

1 2 4 9

2.6.3 Adjustable MS Bandwidth

"MS bandwidth" refers to the number of VC4s on an MSP ring or the number of VC4s on a linear MSP chain. The OptiX OSN 1500 supports adjustable MS bandwidth without interrupting services. For an STM-16 two-fibre bidirectional MSP ring, its MS bandwidth can be adjusted between one and eight VC4s. For an STM-16 four-fibre bidirectional MSP ring, its MS bandwidth can be adjusted between one and sixteen VC4s.

2.6.4 Upgrading MS Bandwidth

The OptiX OSN 1500 supports upgrading MS bandwidth by replacing it with the board of higher bit rate without interrupting services. For example, upgrading the STM-4 two-fibre bidirectional MSP ring to the STM-16 two-fibre bidirectional MSP ring.

2.6.5 Squelching Function in Multiplex Section

The OptiX OSN 1500 supports the function of squelching misconnected VC-4 traffic.


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2.7 NM Information Interworking

2.7.1 Interworking at Physical Layer
NM Information Transparently Transmitted by a Third Party Equipment
The DCC consists of two parts:
n n

D1D3 bytes, forming a 192 kbit/s channel. D4D12 bytes, forming a 576 kbit/s channel.

Currently, only the D1D3 bytes are used. The D4D12 bytes are reserved for higher management requirements. When there is a third party equipment between the OptiX OSN 1500 systems, the bytes D4D12 will be used by the third party equipment to transmit the NM information, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Third party equipment

Third party equipment

Transparent transmission



Figure 2-3 NM information transparently transmitted by third party equipment

The NM Information of the Third Party Equipment is Transparently Transmitted

The NM information of the third party equipment can be transmitted by bytes D4D12 of the OptiX OSN 1500, as shown in Figure 2-4.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


Transparent transmission


Third party equipment

Third party equipment

Figure 2-4 The NM information of the third party equipment is transparently transmitted

2.7.2 Interworking at Network Layer

The scheme of IP over DCC uses the network layer protocol for NM information transmission. IP over DCC has two networking topologies as shown in Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6.
Third party equipment

IP over DCC

Third party equipment

Figure 2-5 The NM information transparently transmitted by the third party equipment


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

2 Functions

Third party equipment

Third party equipment

IP over DCC

Third party equipment Third party equipment

Figure 2-6 The NM information of the third party equipment is transparently transmitted

OSI over DCC(TP4)

OSI over DCC adopts standard OSI protocols (also called TP4) to transmit NM information at network layer. For OSI over DCC, there are two networking modes.

One is the NM information of the OptiX OSN 1500 is transparently transmitted by the third party equipment through OSI over DCC, as shown in Figure 2-7. The other is the NM information of the third party equipment is transparently transmitted by the OptiX OSN 1500, as shown in Figure 2-8.

OSI protocol stack

Third party equipment

OSI protocol stack OSI Over DCC Third party equipment

OSI protocl stack

Figure 2-7 Transparent transmission of NM information by the third party equipment (OSI)


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2 Functions

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Third party equipment

Third party equipment OSI protocol stack OSI protocol stack


Third party equipment OSI protocol stack Third party equipment

Figure 2-8 Transparent transmission of NM information of third party equipment (OSI)

2.8 TCM
Tandem Connection Monitor (TCM) is a method monitoring bit errors. If a VC-4 passes through several networks, the bit errors of each section can be monitored through TCM. The N2SL1, N2SLQ1, N2SL4, N2SLD4, N2SLQ4 and N2SL16 boards support TCM at higher level.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

3 Hardware

n n


This chapter describes the hardware structure of the OptiX OSN 1500, including the appearance and parameters of the cabinet, and the subrack structure. It covers: Cabinet Subrack

3.1 Cabinet
The OptiX OSN 1500 can be installed in the ETSI cabinet or a 19 inch standard cabinet. It can also be installed on the desk or on the wall. Table 3-1 shows the technical parameters of the ETSI cabinet. Figure 3-1 shows how the ETSI cabinet.
Table 3-1 Technical parameters of the ETSI cabinet
Size (mm) Weight (kg)

600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2000 (H) 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2000 (H) 600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2200 (H) 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2200 (H) 600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2600 (H) 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2600 (H)

55 79 60 84 70 94

Table 3-2 Technical parameters of the 19 inch standard cabinet

Size (mm) Weight (kg)

600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2000 (H) 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2200 (H)

90 110


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3 Hardware

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

3.2 Subrack
The OptiX OSN 1500 A measures 131 mm (H) x 444 mm (W) x 262 mm (D), as shown in Figure 3-1. The OptiX OSN 1500 B measures 221 mm (H) x 444 mm (W) x 262 mm (D), as shown in Figure 3-2.

2 3 4 5

1. Fan area 4. Process board area

2. Process board area 5. Cabling guide

3. PIU area 6. Ear bracket

Figure 3-1 OptiX OSN 1500 A subrack

5 6

1. Interface board area 4. Process board area 7. Ear bracket

2. PIU area 5. Process board area

3. Fan area 6. Cabling guide

Figure 3-2 OptiX OSN 1500 B subrack


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

4 Boards

n n


This chapter introduces the boards of the OptiX OSN 1500, as well as their slots. It comprises two sections: Type Slot

4.1 Type
The OptiX OSN 1500 consists of SDH interface unit, PDH/Ethernet/ATM interface unit, SDH cross-connect matrix unit, synchronous timing unit, SCC unit, overhead processing unit and auxiliary interface unit. Figure 4-1 shows the system architecture of the OptiX OSN 1500, while Table 4-1 shows its boards and functions of each unit.
PDH/Ethernet/ATM Interface Unit Cross Connect Matrix SDH Interface Unit Synchronous timing Unit Overhead Processing Unit

STM-N Optical Signal

PDH Signal Ethernet Signal ATM Signal

Figure 4-1 System architecture of the OptiX OSN 1500


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Auxiliary Interface Unit

SCC Unit


4 Boards

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 4-1 Constituent boards and functions of units

Unit OptiX OSN 1500 A OptiX OSN 1500 B

SDH interface unit

Processing board

SF16, SL16, SLQ4, SLD4, SL4, SLQ1, SL1, SEP1, SLT1, R1SL4, R1SLD4, R1SLQ1, R1SL1 R1PD1, R1PL1, PL3A L12S, L75S EGS2, EGT2, EFS4, EFT4, EFT8 EMR0, EGR2 -

SF16, SL16, SLQ4, SLD4, SL4, SLQ1, SL1, SEP1, SLT1, R1SL4, R1SLD4, R1SLQ1, R1SL1 EU04, EU08, OU08 TSB8, TSB4 R1PD1, SPQ4, PD3, PL3, PL3A, PQ1, PQM, R1PL1 MU04, D34S, D75S, D12S, D12B EGS2, EGT2, EFS0, EFS4, EFT4, EFT8 ETF8, EFF8, ETS8 EMR0 ,EGR2 ETF8 ,EFF8

Interface board Protection switching board PDH interface unit Processing board Interface board Ethernet interface unit Processing board Interface board Resilient packet ring unit ATM interface unit SAN interface unit WDM unit Processing board Interface board


Line, cross-connect, timing and SCC unit Orderwire unit Power input unit

CXL1, CXL4, CXL16 EOW PIU UPM(Uninterrupted Power Model)

System auxiliary process unit Fan unit Optical booster amplifier board



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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

4 Boards

4.2 Slot
4.2.1 OptiX OSN 1500 A
Figure 4-2 illustrates the slot distribution of the OptiX OSN 1500 A. Table 4-3 gives the board. Slot 12 can be divided into slot 2 and 12. Slot 13 can be divided into slot 3 and slot 13. Table 4-2 lists the MSP paired slots.
Table 4-2 MSP paired slots
Before division of the slots After division of the slots

Paired slots

4, 5 6, 9 7, 8 12, 13

4, 5 6, 9 7, 8 2, 12 3, 13

Slot XCS A 1 Slot 2 Slot20 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5

Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 13

XCS B Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Slot 10

Figure 4-2 Slot distribution of OptiX OSN 1500 A


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4 Boards

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 4-3 Board of OptiX OSN 1500 A

Name Description Slot Interface Connector

SL16 SF16

1 x STM-16 optical board 1 x STM-16 optical board 2 x STM-4 optical board 4 x STM-4 optical board 1 x STM-4 optical board 4 x STM-1 optical board 12 x STM-1 optical board 1 x STM-1 optical board 2 x STM-1 electrical board 1 x STM-4 optical board 2 x STM-4 optical board 1 x STM-1 optical board 4 x STM-1 optical board 2 x Optical Amplifier 1 x preamplifier Arbitrary bit rate wavelength conversion unit 32 x E1 processing board Case shaped EDFA optical amplifier unit

12, 13 12, 13

I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, L-16.2, L-16.2Je, V-16.2Je, U-16.2Je Support fixed wavelength output and support Ue-16.2c, Ue-16.2d, Ue-16.2f I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 75 ohm STM-1 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 -



12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13



2, 12

Used with L75S or L12S(75 ohm E1 interface or 120 ohm E1 interface) -






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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Name Description Slot Interface

4 Boards Connector

62COA N1COA R1PL1 PL3A L75S L12S CXL1 (Note)

Case shaped raman amplifier unit Case shaped preamplifier unit 16 x E1 processing board 3 x E3/T3 processing board 16 x E1 interface board 16 x E1 interface board CXL SCC SL1

External External 6, 7, 8, 9 12, 13 6, 7 6, 7 80, 81 82, 83 4, 5 80, 81 82, 83 4, 5 80, 81 82, 83 4, 5 12, 13

75 ohm E1 interface or120 ohm E interface 75 ohm E3/T3 electrical interface 75 ohm E1 interface 120 ohm E1 interface I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, L-16.2, L-16.2Je 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX

SC, E2000 SC 2mmHM SMB 2mmHM 2mmHM LC LC LC LC

CXL4 (Note)


CXL16 (Note)



2 x 1000 Mbit/s optical-port RPR processing board 2-port Gigabit Ethernet switching processing board


12, 13




4-port 10/100 Mbit/s 12, 13 fast Ethernet processing board with LAN switch 2-port Gigabit Ethernet transparent transmission board 12, 13







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4 Boards Name Description Slot Interface

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Connector


4-port 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet transparent transmission board 8-port 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet transparent transmission board

2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 12, 13







4 x 10/100 Mbit/s 12, 13 electrical-port and 1 x 1000 Mbit/s optical-port RPR processing board 1 x STM-4 ATM processing board 4 x STM-1 ATM processing board 1 x STM-4 IMA processing board 4 x STM-1 IMA processing board 4 x multi-service (SAN, Video) transparent transmission board 2-channel optical add/drop multiplexing board 2-channel optical add/drop multiplexing board Power board Orderwire board Fan board 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13

10/100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX

RJ-45, LC


S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.1 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.1 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 -



12, 13



2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 1, 11 9 20



Note: The CXL is a line, system control, cross-connect and timing board of the OptiX OSN 1500. It seats in slot4 and slot 5. On the T2000, it is displayed as three board types: CXL, SCC and SL1/4/16, respectively occupying the logic slots 8081, 8283 and 45.

& Note One OptiX OSN 1500 A subrack can configure one 61COA, N1COA or 62COA.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

4 Boards

4.2.2 OptiX OSN 1500 B

Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 illustrate the slot distribution of the OptiX OSN 1500 B. Table 4-5 gives the board-slot relation. Slot 11 can be divided into slot 1 and 11. Slot 12 can be divided into slot 2 and 12. Slot 13 can be divided into slot 3 and slot 13. Table 4-4 lists the MSP paired slots.
Table 4-4 MSP paired slots of OptiX OSN 1500 B
Before division of the slots After division of the slots

Paired slots

4, 5 6, 9 7, 8 12, 13

4, 5 6, 9 7, 8 1, 11 2, 12 3, 13

Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 shows the slot layout of the OptiX OSN 1500 B.
Slot 14 Slot 15 Slot 16 Slot 17 Slot 11 Slot 20 Slot 12 Slot 13 FAN Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 19 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Slot 10 AUX PIU Slot 18 PIU

Figure 4-3 Slot layout before division of the slots

Slot 14 Slot 15 Slot 16 Slot 17 Slot 1 Slot 20 Slot 2 Slot 3 FAN Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 13 Slot 19 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Slot 10 AUX PIU

Slot 18


Figure 4-4 Slot layout after division of the slots


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4 Boards

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 4-5 Boards of OptiX OSN 1500 B

Name Description Slot Interface Connector

SL16 SF16

1 x STM-16 optical board 1 x STM-16 optical board

11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13

I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, L-16.2, L-16.2Je, V-16.2Je, U-16.2Je Support fixed wavelength output and support Ue-16.2c, Ue-16.2d, Ue-16.2f I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 75 ohm STM-1 interface


SLQ4 SLD4 SL4 SLQ1 SLT1 SL1 SEP1 (Note1) SEP (Note1) R1SL4

4 x STM-4 optical board 2 x STM-4 optical board 1 x STM-4 optical board 4 x STM-1 optical board 12 x STM-1 optical board 1 x STM-1 optical board 2x STM-1 processing board

11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13


8x STM-1 processing board

12, 13

I-1, S-1.1 optical interface and 75 ohm STM-1 electrical interface


1 x STM-4 optical board

1, 2, 3, 6, 7, I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2



2 x STM-4 optical board 1 x STM-1 optical board


1, 2, 3, 6, 7, I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 External External External -


4 x STM-1 optical board


Optical amplifier Preamplifier Case shaped EDFA optical amplifier unit Case shaped raman amplifier unit Case shaped preamplifier unit



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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Name Description Slot Interface

4 Boards Connector

CXL1 (Note2)


80, 81 82, 83 4, 5 80, 81 82, 83 4, 5 80, 81 82, 83 4, 5 12, 13 12, 13 12, 13 11, 12, 13

I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 I-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, L-16.2, L-16.2Je 75 ohm E4/STM-1 electrical interface 75 ohm E3/T3 electrical interface 75 ohm E3/T3 electrical interface 75 ohm E3/T3 electrical interface with on interface board 120 ohm and 75 ohm E1 interface 120 ohm E1 interface and 100 ohm T1 interface


CXL4 (Note2)


CXL16 (Note2)



4 x E4/STM-1 processing board 6 x E3/T3 processing board 3 x E3/T3 processing board 3 x E3/T3 processing board


63 x E1 processing board 63 x T1/E1 processing board 32 x E1 processing board

11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13

DB44 DB44

1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 75 ohm E1 interface or 120 ohm DB44 8, 11, 12, E1 interface 13 6, 7, 8, 9 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 12, 13 75 ohm E1 interface or 120 ohm 2mmHM E1 interface 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX 10/100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX LC RJ-45, LC


16 x E1 processing board 2 x 1000 Mbit/s optical-port RPR processing board 2-port Gigabit Ethernet switching processing board 10/100 Mbit/s fast Ethernet processing board with LAN switch


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4 Boards Name Description Slot Interface

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Connector


4-port 10/100 Mbit/s fast Ethernet processing board with LAN switch 2-port Gigabit Ethernet transparent transmission board 4-port 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet transparent transmission board 8-port 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet transparent transmission board (no interface board) 16-port 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet transparent transmission board (interface board)

11, 12, 13




11, 12, 13


LC RJ-45

1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10/100BASE-TX 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 (1.25 Gbit/s) 12, 13 (1.25 Gbit/s) 12, 13 10/100BASE-TX, 100Base-FX, 10/100BASE-TX



RJ-45, LC


12 x 10/100 Mbit/s electrical-port and 1 x 1000 Mbit/s optical-port RPR processing board

10/100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX 10/100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.1 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.1 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2, Ve-1.2 -

RJ-45, LC

4 x 10/100 Mbit/s electrical-port 11, 12, 13 and 1 x 1000 Mbit/s optical-port RPR processing board ADL4 ADQ1 IDL4 IDQ1 MST4 MR2A MR2B 1 x STM-4 ATM processing board 4 x STM-1 ATM processing board 1 x STM-4 IMA processing board 4 x STM-1 IMA processing board 4 x multi-service (SAN, Video) transparent transmission board 2-channel optical add/drop multiplexing board 2-channel optical add/drop multiplexing board 2-channel optical add/drop multiplexing board 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12, 13 11, 12. 13 11, 12, 13

RJ-45, LC


1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 17 -




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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Name Description Slot Interface

4 Boards Connector


Arbitrary bit rate wavelength conversion unit

11, 12, 13


Note1: The N1SEP1 and N1SEP are the boards of the same type. They used with the interface board when they are configured as "N1SEP" on the T2000, or the signal is directly led out from the front panel when they are configured as "N1SEP1". Note2: The CXL is a line, system control, cross-connect and timing board of the OptiX OSN 1500. It seats in slot4 and slot 5. On the T2000, it is displayed as three board types: CXL, SCC and SL1/4/16, respectively occupying the logic slots 8081, 8283 and 45.

& Note One OptiX OSN 1500 B subrack can configure one 61COA, N1COA or 62COA.

Table 4-6 Relation of slots and interface board

Board Full name Slots available Interface type Used with

MU04 EU04 EU08 OU08 D34S C34S D75S D12S D12B (Note) TSB8 TSB4 ETF8

4 x E4/STM-1 mixed electrical interface board 4 x STM-1 electrical interface board 8 x STM-1 electrical interface board 8 x STM-1 optical interface board 6 x E3/T3 PDH interface switching board 3x E3/T3 PDH interface switching board 32 x 75 ohm E1/T1 PDH interface switching board 32 x 120 ohm E1/T1 PDH interface switching board 32 x E1/T1 PDH interfaces board 8 x electrical interface switching & bridging board 4 x electrical interface switching & bridging board 8 x 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet twisted pair interface board

Slot 14, 16 14, 16 14, 16 14, 16 Slot 14, 16 Slot 14, 16 Slot 1417 Slot 1417 Slot 1417 Slot 14 Slot 14 Slot 14, 16


SPQ4 Used together with SEP Used together with SEP Used together with SEP PD3 PL3 PQ1 PQ1 or PQM PQ1 or PQM PL3/PD3/SPQ4 and D34S/MU04 PL3 and C34S EFS0 and EMR0


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4 Boards Board Full name Slots available

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Interface type Used with


8 x 100 Mbit/s Ethernet optical interface board

Slot 14, 16


EFS0 and EMR0

Note: D12B do not support tributary protection switch.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

5 Software Structure

5.1 Overview
NM software

Software Structure

The software system of the OptiX OSN 1500 is of modular structure, as shown in Figure 5-1. The software system include three modules: board software, NE software and NM software, respectively run on various boards, SCC board and NM computer for corresponding functions.

NE Software

Board Software

Figure 5-1 Software system structure of the OptiX OSN 1500

5.2 NE Software
The NE software is used to manage, monitor and control the operation of the boards of an NE. Through the NE software, the communication unit between the NM system and boards, the NM system can control and manage NEs. According to ITU-T Recommendation M.3010, the NE software belongs to the unit management layer in the telecommunication management network, implementing the functions including NE functions, some of coordination functions and operating system functions of the network unit layer. The data communication function implements the communication between the NE and other equipment (including coordinated equipment, NM system, and other NEs).


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5 Software Structure

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Real-time multi-task operating system

The function of the real-time multi-task operating system of the OptiX OSN 1500 NE software is to manage public resources and provide support for the executive program. It can provide an executive environment unrelated to processor hardware by segregating the application from the processor.

Network side (NS) module

The NS module is between the communication module and equipment management module. It converts the data format between the user operation side on the application layer and the NE equipment management layer, and provides security control for the NE layer. It can be divided into three sub-modules functionally: Qx interface module, command line interface module and security management module.

Equipment administration module (AM)

The equipment AM is the kernel of the NE software for implementing NE management. It includes Manager and Agent. Administrator can send network management operation commands and receive events. Agent can respond to the network management operation commands sent by the network administrator, implement operations to the managed object and submit events according to status change of the managed object. The equipment AM includes configuration management module, performance management module, alarm management module and switching management module.

Communication module

This module fulfills the message communication function (MCF) of the functional blocks of the transmission network equipment. Through the hardware interface provided by the SCC board, the communication module transmits the OAM&P information and exchanges management information between the NM system and NEs, and between NEs themselves. It consists of network communication module, serial communication module and ECC communication module.

Database management module

This module is an organic component of the NE software, composed of database and management system. Database comprises several sub databases, including network database, alarm database, performance database and equipment database. The management system manages and accesses the data in the database.

5.3 Board Software

The board software runs on each board, managing, monitoring and controlling the operation of the board. It receives the command issued from the NE software and reports the board status to the NE software through performance and alarm events.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

5 Software Structure

Its specific functions include: alarm management, performance management, configuration management and communication management and so on. It can directly control the functional circuits in corresponding boards and implement ITU-T compliant specific functions of the NE. The board software can be classified into the following types: line software or tributary software, cross-connect software, clock software and orderwire software.

5.4 NM System
The NM system implements a unified management over the optical transmission network, and maintains all ION, SDH, Metro, DWDM NE equipment in the network. In compliance with ITU-T Recommendation, it is a network management system integrating standard management information model and object-oriented management technology. It exchanges information with NE software through the communication module to implement monitoring and management over the network equipment. The NM software runs on a workstation or PC, managing the equipment and the transmission network. It enables the user to operate, maintain and manage the transmission equipment. The management functions of the NM software include:

Alarm management: Collect, prompt, filter, browse, acknowledge, check, clear, and statistics in real time; fulfill alarm insertion, alarm correlation analysis and fault diagnosis. Performance management: Set performance monitoring; browse, analyze and print performance data; forecast medium-term and long-term performance; and reset performance register. Configuration management: Configure and manage interfaces, clocks, services, trails, subnets and time. Security management: NM user management, NE user management, NE login management, NE login lockout, NE setting lockout and local craft terminal (LCT) access control of the equipment. Maintenance management: Provide loopback, board resetting, automatic laser shutdown (ALS) and optical fiber power detection, and collect equipment data to help the maintenance personnel in troubleshooting.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

6 Data Features

n n n n

Data Features

This chapter introduces the data features provided by the OptiX OSN 1500. It covers: Ethernet RPR ATM SAN

6.1 Ethernet
This section introduces the Ethernet features of the OptiX OSN 1500 in terms of function, application and protection.

6.1.1 Function
The OptiX OSN 1500 provides the Ethernet boards EFT4, EFS4, EFS0, EGS2 and EGT2 to meet different Ethernet service requirements. Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 list the basic functions of these boards.


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6 Data Features

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 6-1 The function list of EFS4/EFS0/EGS2

Function N1EFS4 N1EFS0 N2EFS0 N1EGS2 N2EGS2

Number of ports Interface type

4 FE 10Base-T 100Base-TX None

8 FE 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 100Base-FX ETF8, EFF8

8 FE 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 100Base-FX N1ETS8 (cooperating with TSB8 to realize 1:1 TPS), ETF8, EFF8

2 GE 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX, 1000Base-ZX None

2 GE 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX, 1000Base-ZX None

Used with interface board

Service frame format JUMBO frame Maximum uplink bandwidth Mapping mode

Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.1 q/p Supported, 9600 bytes 4 VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv (x 63), VC-3-xv (x 12) 12 Supported Supported 4VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv (x 63), VC-3-xv (x 12) 12 Supported Supported 8 VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv (x 63), VC-3-xv (x 12) 24 Supported Supported 8 VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv (x 63), VC-3-xv (x 12) 24 Supported Supported 16VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv (x 63), VC-3-xv (x 12) 48 Supported Supported

Number of VCTRUNKs Ethernet private line (EPL) Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL) Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN) Static MPLS Label Stack VLAN

Supported Supported

Supported Supported

Supported Supported

Supported Not Supported

Supported Supported

Supports MartiniOE label Supported

Supports MartiniOE label Supported

Supports MartiniOE label Supported

Not Supported Not Supported

Supports MartiniOE label Supported


IEEE 802.1q/p


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Function N1EFS4 N1EFS0 N2EFS0 N1EGS2

6 Data Features N2EGS2

Spanning tree




Not Supported


Multicast (IGMP Snooping) Encapsulation LCAS (Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme) Port aggregation (in one board) CAR




Not Supported


Generic framing procedure (GFP-F), compliant with ITU-T G.7041 Supported, compliant with ITU-T 7042 Supported Supported, compliant with ITU-T 7042 Supported Supported, compliant with ITU-T 7042 Supported Based on port, port + VLAN, or port + VLAN + Priority with the granularity of 64 kbit/s Supported Supported Not Supported Supported, compliant with ITU-T 7042 Supported Based on port, port + VLAN, or port + VLAN + Priority with the granularity of 64 kbit/s Supported Supported

Supported Based on port or port + VLAN with the granularity of 64 kbit/s

Based on port or port + VLAN with the granularity of 64 kbit/s

Link state pass through (LPT)


Supported Not supported

Supported Not supported

Port aggregation Not supported (within the board) Flow control QoS Traffic classification

Supported, compliant with IEEE802.3X N1EFS4, N1EFS0 and N1EGS2 support PORT, PORT+VLAN ID, PORT+VLAN PRI based traffic classification. N2EFS0 and N2EGS2 support PORT, PORT+VLAN ID, PORT+VLAN ID+VLAN PRI based traffic classification.

Test frame Ethernet performance monitoring RMON

Supported Supported

Supported Supported

Supported Supported

Supported Supported

Supported Supported







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Table 6-2 The function list of EGT2/EFT8/EFT4

Function EGT2 EFT8 EFT4

Interface Service frame format

2 GE Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.1QTAG Supported, 9600 bytes 16 VC-4 VC-3, VC-4, VC-3-xv(x 24), VC-4-xv(x 8) 2 Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Transparent transmission Not supported Not supported GFP, LAPS, HDLC Supported, compliant with ITU-T 7042. Does not supported Not supported Supported, compliant with IEEE802.3X. Supported Supported

8FE Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.1QTAG supported 8 VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv(x 63), VC-3-xv(x 3) 8 Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Transparent transmission Not supported Not supported GFP, LAPS, HDLC Supported ITU-T G.7042 Not supported IEEE 802.3X Supported Supported

4FE Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.1QTAG supported 4 VC-4 VC-12, VC-3, VC-12-xv(x 63), VC-3-xv(x 3) 4 Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Transparent transmission Not supported Not supported GFP, LAPS, HDLC Supported ITU-T G.7042 Not supported IEEE 802.3X Supported Supported

JUMBO frame Maximum uplink bandwidth Mapping mode

VC TRUNK number Ethernet private line (EPL) Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL) Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN) MPLS VLAN Spanning tree Multicast (IGMP Snooping) Encapsulation LCAS CAR Link stat pass through (LPT) Flow control Test frame Ethernet performance monitoring


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6.1.2 Application
The OptiX OSN 1500 integrates the access of Ethernet services on the SDH transmission platform, so it can transmit both the voice service and data service.

EPL Service
(1) EPL service based on port EPL implements the point-to-point transparent transmission of Ethernet service. As shown in Figure 6-1, the Ethernet services of different NEs are transmitted to the destination node through their respective VC Trunks. The Ethernet service is provided with a perfect SDH self-healing ring (SHR) protection scheme, and its reliable transmission is thus guaranteed.

NE 4 1 4 NE 1 2 5 3 NE 2


NE 3

Traffic flow

Figure 6-1 The EPL service based on port

(2) EPL service based on port +VLAN EVPL services are isolated through VLAN tags during bandwidth sharing. As shown in Figure 6-2, flow classification is performed for the Ethernet service according to the port and VLAN ID to distinguish different VLANs of Company A and B. Up to two priorities can be set according to the flow classification result. For security purpose, the OptiX OSN 1500 isolates services of different users by VLAN. In the figure below, VLAN 1 of Company A shares a VC Trunk with VLAN 11 of Company B, VLAN 2 of Company A shares a VC Trunk with VLAN 12 of Company B, and VLAN 3 of Company A shares a VC Trunk with VLAN 13 of Company B. All services of Company A are converged to NE1 and output from the FE/GE interface of the NE1, and then are sent to the Lanswitch for further processing.


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Headquarters of Company A

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Headquarters of Company B



NE 1

NE 2

3 2

Branch SHR

NE 4


NE 3



Traffic flow


Figure 6-2 The EPL service based on port +VLAN

EVPL Service
The OptiX OSN 1500 adopts the Martini modes to construct the multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) Layer 2 VPN and provide EVPL service. The EVPL service offers point-to-point connection and implements service convergence for users. As shown in Figure 6-3, the system will search the Port + Vlan ID table for the external label (Tunnel) and internal label (VC), and add them to the accessed Ethernet frames. Data transfer in the network is based on the MPLS label, which switched at the label switch path (LSP). Then, the data will be transmitted to the NE4 equipment, which strips the MPLS label and transfers the data to the corresponding port. The OptiX OSN 1500 integrates the function of P equipment and PE equipment.

Company A 6 0 7 0
Corp A P ort A P ort B

Company A 1 0 2 0 Data Data NE2 6 1 7 1 1 0 2 0 Data Data NE3 6 2 7 2 1 0 2 0 Data Data NE4
Port A Port B


T unnel VClabel adding/stripping Company B

T unnel label switching

T unnel label switching

T unnel VClabel adding/stripping Company B

L2MPLS networkcomposed byOptiX OSNProducts

Company Tunnel Label VC Label Data


6 0 7 0

1 0 2 0

... ...

NE4strips theMPLS lables andT ransfers theframeto correspondingports

Figure 6-3 The EVPL service with MPLS label


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EPLAN Service
The OptiX OSN 1500 supports Layer 2 switching of Ethernet data, i.e. the EPLAN service, which can be transferred according to their destination media access control (MAC) addresses. As shown in Figure 6-4, respective LANs of Company A and B are connected to four NEs. The Ethernet service between the NEs is not of a fixed point-to-point type. For example, a user of Company A connecting to NE3 may want to communicate with users of Company A connecting to other three NEs. That is, the flow direction of services is not definite. The Ethernet Layer 2 switching function provided by the OptiX OSN 1500 can be employed to solve such a problem. For example, an Ethernet MAC address transfer table will be formed in the system when the relevant settings are made to NE3. The system can learn to periodically update the table. Then, the data of Company A and B accessed at NE3 will be transmitted to their destinations over different VC Trunks selected according to their MAC transfer table or over the same VC Trunk. In this way, the system configuration is significantly simplified and the bandwidth utility is improved. In addition, the corresponding maintenance and management becomes convenient for the operator.
Company A Company B


NE2 Company A SHR 3

NE4 Company A

Company B


Company B

MAC Address Destinati MAC 1 NE1 MAC 2 NE4 MAC 3 NE2

VC-Trunk ! "

n Company A Company B

Traffic flow

Figure 6-4 Layer 2 switching of Ethernet service

EVPLAN Service
The OptiX OSN 1500 adopts the Martini MPLS Layer 2 VPN encapsulation format to support the Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN) service. EVPLAN service implements the multipoint-to-multipoint connection of user sites. Users regard the EVPLAN network as a big VLAN where the user service can be converged. As shown in Figure 6-5, when the users Ethernet frame (the source address is MAC H, and the destination address is MAC A, B or C) enters the PE equipment, the system will search the Layer 2 transfer table for the internal label


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(VC label). Then, the frame is transferred to the corresponding tunnel, where it is attached with the external label (tunnel label). Thus, different LSPs are set up according to different addresses. The MPLS labels are switched at the LSP. And then transferred to the corresponding PE equipment, where the tunnel and VC labels are striped. After that, the Ethernet frame is transferred to the corresponding output port according to the Layer 2 MAC transfer table.
P MPLS Core PE Address = MAC C

P Address = MAC A PE Branch A LSP3 LSP1 PE

Branch C

Address = MAC B

PE Branch B

LSP2 Transferd to corresponding port via the Layer 2 route table Address = MAC H



Tunnel Label

VC Label


1 2 3

10 20 30

LSP1 LSP2 LSP3 Headquarters

Figure 6-5 Application of EVPLAN service

6.1.3 Protection
The Ethernet service of the OptiX OSN equipment takes the protection of several levels, including:
n n n

Protection of LCAS STP/RSTP Protection of optical transmission layer, such as MSP and SNCP

LCAS provides an error tolerance mechanism, enhancing the reliability of virtual concatenation. It has the following functions:

Configure the system capacity, add or reduce the number of VC involved in the virtual concatenation and change the service bandwidth dynamically without damaging the service. Protect and recover failed members.

As shown in Figure 6-6, LCAS can add or delete members to increase or decrease the bandwidth dynamically without affecting the service.


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MSTP network I want another 10 M bandwidth. Member

Member Branch



Member Branch New member



Figure 6-6 LCAS adjusts bandwidth dynamically

As shown in Figure 6-7, LCAS can protect the Ethernet service. When some members fail, the failed members will be deleted automatically. While other members remain transmitting data normally. When the failed members are available again, they will be recovered automatically, and the data will be loaded to them again.
MSTP network Member

Member Branch Failed member



Member Branch Delete failed member



Figure 6-7 LCAS protects the virtual concatenation group

The Ethernet boards support spanning tree protocol (STP) and rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP). The RSTP protects the link by restructuring the topology. When


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the RSTP is started, it can modify the logic network topology to avoid broadcast storms.


Ethernet service is protected by MSP or SNCP in optical transmission layer.

6.2 RPR Features

This section introduces the RPR features of the OptiX OSN 1500 in terms of function, application and protection.

6.2.1 Function
The EMR0 and EGR2 boards of the OptiX OSN 1500 supports resilient packet ring (RPR) features defined by IEEE 802.17. RPR employs a dual-ring structure utilizing a pair of unidirectional counter-rotating rings, as shown in Figure 6-8. Both the outer ring and the inner ring bear data packets and control packets, featuring high bandwidth utilization. The control packets on the inner ring carry control information for the data packets on the outer ring, and the control packets on the outer ring carry control information for the data packets on the inner ring. The two rings act as backup and protection for each other.
Node 1

Outer ring data Outer ring control

Node 2

2.5 Gbit/s RPR

Node 4

Inner ring data Inner ring control

Node 3

Figure 6-8 RPR ring

EMR0 and EGR2 Function List

Table 6-3 lists the basic functions of the EMR 0 and EGR2.


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Table 6-3 EMR0 and EGR2 function list

Function N1EMR0 N2EMR0 N2EGR2

Port number Service frame format JUMBO frame Maximum uplink bandwidth Mapping granule Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL) Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN) Static MPLS label stack VLAN VLAN

1 GE+12 FE

1 GE+12 FE

2 GE

Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.1QTAG Supported, 9600 bytes 16 VC-4 (2.5 Gbit/s) VC-3, VC-3-2v, VC-4, VC-4-xv (X 8) Supported Supported Supports MartiniOE label Supported Supports 4096 VLAN labels, as well as the adding, and deletion of VLAN labels, compliant with IEEE 802.1q/p. Supported Supported Supported Supported Supports MartiniOE label Supported Supported Supported Supports MartiniOE label Supported

Supports 4096 VLAN labels, as well as the adding, deletion and switching of VLAN labels, compliant with IEEE 802.1q/p.

Rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP) Multicast (IGMP Snooping) RPR protection

Supported Supported

Supported Supported

Steering, Wrapping, Wrapping + Steering The switching time is less than 50ms. The GFP-F as stated in ITU-T G.7041 is supported. LAPS, compliant with ITU-T X.86. Supports LCAS and complies with ITU-T G.7042. N1EMR0 supports CAR based on port or port + VLAN with the granularity of 64 kbit/s. N2EMR0 and N2EGR2 support CAR based on port, port + VLAN, or port + VLAN + Priority with the granularity of 64 kbit/s. Supports flow control and complies with IEEE802.3X.



Flow control


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6 Data Features Function N1EMR0 N2EMR0

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description N2EGR2

QoS traffic classification

N1EMR0 supports PORT, PORT+VLAN ID, PORT+VLAN PRI based traffic classification. N2EM40 and N2EGR2 support PORT, PORT+VLAN ID, PORT+VLAN ID+VLAN PRI, MPLS_label based traffic classification.

Port aggregation (within the board) Weighted fairness algorithm Topology discovery Maximum node number Service class

Not supported Supported Supported 255

Supported Supported Supported 255

Supported Supported Supported 255

A0, A1, B_CIR, B_EIR and C

Service Class
The user service has three classes, A, B and C. Class A falls into A0 and A1 on the RPR ring. Class B falls into B_CIR (Committed Information Rate) and B_EIR (Excess Information Rate). Table 6-4 gives the difference of these classes.
Table 6-4 RPR service class
Class Sub-class Bandwidth Jitter Fair algorithm Application

A0 A1

Allocated, irreclaimable Allocated, reclaimable Allocated, reclaimable Opportunistic Opportunistic

Low Low medium High High

Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Relevant Relevant

Real time Real time Near real time Near real time Best effort


Topology Discovery
The topology discovery function realizes the plug and play feature, for the function provides reliable method to discover the network nodes and their variation. To increase or decrease the total bandwidth of an RPR, use the LCAS function. The LCAS features adding and reducing bandwidth dynamically without affecting existing services.


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Spatial Reuse
The stripping of unicast frames at the destination station realizes spatial reuse on an RPR. As shown in Figure 6-9, the bandwidth of a ring is 1.25 Gbit/s. Traffic 1 transferred from node 1 to node 4 is stripped from the ring at the destination node 4. After the arrival of traffic 1 at node 4, traffic 2 can be transferred from node 4 to node 3, by occupying the link capacity that would have been occupied by traffic 1 if it is not stripped at node 4.
Node 1 Traffic 1 1.25 Gbit/s

Node 2

Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR

Node 4

Bandwidth of single ring is 1.25Gbit/s Node 3

Traffic 2 1.25 Gbit/s

Figure 6-9 Spatial reuse

Fairness Algorithm
The outer ring and the inner ring of an RPR support independent weighted fairness algorithm. The fairness algorithm assures access of the low-class B_EIR and C services. The weight of the fairness algorithm is provisionable to decide the access rate of a node. A node needs to set weights at the outer and the inner rings, and the two weights decide the bandwidth of low-class services upon bandwidth contention. As shown in Figure 6-10, the outer ring weights of nodes 2, 3 and 4 are 1. Suppose the available bandwidth on the outer ring for low-class services is 1.2 Gbit/s, the fairness algorithm will allocate 400 Mbit/s for the low-class services from nodes 2, 3 and 4 to node 1 respectively. Figure 6-11 shows a fairness algorithm with different weights: the weights of nodes 2, 3 and 4 on the outer ring are 1, 3 and 2 respectively. The fairness algorithm allocates 200 Mbit/s for node 2, 600 Mbit/s for node 3 and 400 Mbit/s for node 4.


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3 2 Node 2 Node 3 1 Node 1

Node Node2 Node3 Node4

Weight 1 1 1

Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 4 Node 6 Traffic Node 5 1 2 3 Bandwidth 400 Mbit/s 400 Mbit/s 400 Mbit/s

Figure 6-10 Fairness algorithm when the weight is 1

3 2 Node 2 1 Node 3 Node 1

Node Node2 Node3 Node4

Weight 1 3 2

Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Traffic 1 2 3 Bandwidth 400 Mbit/s 600 Mbit/s 200 Mbit/s

Figure 6-11 Fairness algorithm when the weights are different

6.2.2 Application
The EMR0 board supports the application of EVPL and EVPLAN services.

The EVPL service supports traffic classification based on port or port + VLAN, and encapsulates and forwards the traffic in the form of MPLS MartiniOE. Figure 6-12 illustrates the accessing, forwarding and stripping of a unidirectional EVPL service. Node 2 inserts Tunnel and VC labels to the packet, sends it to the RPR. Node 3 forwards the packet and the destination node 4 strips it. Figure 6-13 illustrates the EVPL service convergence, implementing traffic classification through port + VLAN, so that services can be concentrated at the GE port of node 1.


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Node 1 Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR FE/GE Node 2 Node 4 FE/GE

LSP Action Tunnel VC Destination Insertion 100 100 Node 4 Action Forwarding Node 3

Action Tunnel VC

Stripping 100 100

Figure 6-12 EVPL accessing, forwarding and stripping



Traffic Port1+VLAN 2 Port1+VLAN 3

Tunnel 200 300 400

VC 200 300 400

Destination Node 2 Node 3 Node 4


Port1+VLAN 4 GE

Node 1


FE Node 2 Node 4 Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 3




Figure 6-13 EVPL service convergence

The EVPLAN service supports traffic classification based on port or port + VLAN, and encapsulates and forwards the traffic in the form of stack VLAN. The EVPLAN service is realized by creating virtual bridge (VB) in the board. VB supports source MAC address learning and static MAC route configuration. Figure 6-14 shows an example of EVPLAN service. The VB of each node determines the forward port of packets through address learning, rpr1 is the port to access packets to the RPR. For node 1, if the destination address is A1, the packet is forwarded through port 1; if the destination is A2, the packet is forwarded through port 2. If the destination is B1, B2 or C1, the packet is forwarded through port rpr1 to the RPR,


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added with a stack VLAN label being 100. Node 2 forwards packets in the same way.
A1 Port 2 Port 1 Node 1 B1 Dual-ring A2 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 2 B2 Port 2 MAC forwarding table of node 2 Node 3 MAC A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 Port rpr1 rpr1 port 1 port 2 rpr1 stack VLAN 100 100 none none 100 Node 4 MAC forwarding table of node 1 MAC A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 Port port 1 port 2 rpr1 rpr1 rpr1 stack VLAN none none 100 100 100

Port 1

Port 1 C1

Figure 6-14 EVPLAN service

6.2.3 Protection
The RPR service of the OptiX OSN equipment takes the protection of several levels, including:
n n n n

Wrapping, Steering and Wrapping + Steering Spanning tree and LCAS RSTP Protection of optical transmission layer, such as MSP and SNCP

If an equipment or facility failure is detected, the traffic is wrapped back to the opposite direction at the stations adjacent to the failure, connecting the outer ring with the inner ring. The protection switching time is less than 50ms. Though featuring fast protection switching, wrap protection wastes bandwidth. As illustrated in Figure 6-15, traffic is transferred from node 4 to node 1 through nodes 3 and 2. If there is a fiber cut between node 2 and node 3, they will wrap the traffic and connect the two rings together for protection.


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Node 2 Fiber cut Traffic flow

6 Data Features

Node 3 Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 6 Node 1 Node 4

Node 5

Figure 6-15 Wrap protection

For steering protection, a station shall not wrap a failed segment when a failure is detected. Instead, the source node will send traffic to the destination through a route avoiding the failed link. When there are not more than 16 nodes on the ring, the protection switching time is less than 50ms. The steering protection does not waste bandwidth, however, it needs longer switching time when the networking is in large scale and some data before setting up a route may be lost. Figure 6-16 illustrates an example of steering protection. Node 4 sends traffic to node 1 on the outer ring through nodes 3 and 2. If there is a fiber cut between node 2 and node 3, the topology discovery function can help the traffic be transferred to node 1 over the inner ring through nodes 5 and 6.
Node 2 Fiber cut

Node 3 Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 4 Traffic flow after switching

Traffic flow before switching

Node 1

Node 6

Node 5

Figure 6-16 Steering protection


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The protection method of wrapping+steering switches the services first in the way of wrapping upon a failure on the ring, to ensure the switching speed and minimum packet loss. After the topology discovery protocol updates the topology after the failure, steering method works to ensure that the services are sent to the destination node through the best path in the new topology, which minimizes the waste of bandwidth. Figure 6-17 shows an example of wrapping+steering protection. Before a failure occurs in the ring, the service from node 4 to node 1 passes through node 3 and node 2 and reaches node 1 along the outer ring. When a fiber cut is detected between node 2 and node 3, wrapping method takes effect. The service is looped back at nodes 2 and 3. After the topology discovery protocol updates the topology, steering method triggers a switching. The service passes through nodes 5 and 6 and reaches node 1 along the inner ring based on the new topology.


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Node 2 Fiber cut Traffic flow

Node 3 Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR Node 6 Node 1 Node 4

Node 5

Node 2

Fiber cut

Node 3

Dual-ring 2.5 Gbit/s RPR

Node 1

Node 4

Traffic flow after switching

Node 6

Node 5

Figure 6-17 Wrapping+steering protection

LCAS adds and reduces the bandwidth dynamically, and protects the bandwidth. For details about LCAS, refer to 6.1.3 Protection.

The RPR boards support rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP). The RSTP protects the link by restructuring the topology. When the RSTP is started, it can modify the logic network topology to avoid broadcast storms.

Ethernet service is protected by MSP in optical transmission layer.
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6.3 ATM Features

This section describes the ATM features of the OptiX OSN 1500 in terms of functionality, application, and protection.

6.3.1 Functions
The OptiX OSN 1500 provides four types of ATM processing boards, ADL4, ADQ1, IDL4 and IDQ1. An ADL4 board accesses and processes one STM-4 ATM service and an ADQ1 board accesses and processes four STM-1 ATM services. When working with the PL3 or PD3 board, the ADL4 board or ADQ1 board accesses and processes E3 ATM services. The functions of the two boards are listed in Table 6-5.
Table 6-5 Functions of the ADL4 and ADQ1
Board Function N1ADL4 N1ADQ1

Front panel interface Optical interface specification Optical connector Optical module E3 ATM interface IMA Maximum uplink bandwidth ATM switching capability Mapping mode Processable service types Number of ATM connections Traffic type and QoS Supportable ATM multicast connections ATM protection (ITU-T I.630) OAM function (ITU-T I.610)

1 x STM-4 S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2 or Ve-4.2 LC SFP

4 x STM-1 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1 L-1.2 or Ve-1.2

Accesses 12 x E3 services through the N1PD3, N1PL3, or PL3A board. Not supported 8 VC-4s, or 12 VC-3s + 4 VC-4s 1.2 Gbit/s VC-3, VC-4, or VC-4-xv (x 4) CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR and UBR 2048 IETF RFC2514, ATM forum TM 4.0 Spatial multicast and logic multicast Unidirectional/Bidirectional 1+1, VP-Ring or VC-Ring AIS, RDI, LB (Loopback), CC (continuity check) 1.2 Gbit/s Not supported

An IDL4 board accesses and processes one STM-4 ATM service and an IDQ1 board accesses and processes four STM-1 ATM services. When working with the


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N1PQ1, N1PQM or R1PD1 board, the IDL4 board or IDQ1 board accesses and processes IMA E1 services. The functions of the two boards are listed in Table 6-6.
Table 6-6 Functions of the IDL4 and IDQ1
Board Function N1IDL4 N1IDQ1

Front panel interface Optical interface specification Optical connector Optical module E3 ATM interface IMA (compliant with ATM Forum IMA 1.1 )

1 x STM-4 S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2 or Ve-4.2 LC SFP Not supported

4 x STM-1 I-1, S-1.1, L-1.1 L-1.2 or Ve-1.2

Not supported

Accesses and processes IMA service when working with the E1 processing board N1PQ1, N1PQM or R1PD1. Supports up to 63 IMA E1 services. Supports up to 32 IMA groups mapped to the ATM port, and each group supports 132 E1s. Supports up to 63 E1 links of none-IMA group mapped to ATM port. Supports maximum IMA multi-path delay 226ms.

Maximum uplink bandwidth ATM switching capability Mapping mode Service type Number of ATM connections Traffic type and QoS Supportable ATM multicast connections ATM protection (ITU-T I.630) OAM function (ITU-T I.610)

8 VC4, or 63 VC12 + 7 VC4 1.2 Gbit/s VC12, VC4, or VC4-xv (X 4) CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR and UBR 2048 2048 1.2 Gbit/s

IETF RFC2514, ATM forum TM 4.0 Spatial multicast and logic multicast Unidirectional/Bidirectional 1+1, VP-Ring, VC-Ring AIS, RDI, LB (loopback), CC (continuity check)

Board level 1+1 protection Supported, with switching time less than 1s


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6.3.2 Application
Supportable Services and Traffic Types
The OptiX OSN 1500 supports CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, and UBR services rather than ABR services. CBR services apply to voice services, as well as video services and circuit simulation services of a constant bit rate. These services require guaranteed transmission bandwidth and latency. Rt-VBR services apply to audio and video services of a variable bit rate. Nrt-VBR services are mainly used for data transmission. UBR services are generally used for LAN simulation and file transmission. In terms of the supported service and traffic types, the OptiX OSN 1500 meets IETF RFC2514, ATM Forum TM 4.0 and ATM Forum UNI 3.1 recommendations, as shown in the Table 6-7.
Table 6-7 Supportable ATM service and traffic types of the OptiX OSN 1500
No. Traffic type Service type Parameter

1 2

atmNoTrafficDescriptor atmNoClpNoScr


None Clp01Pcr Clp01Pcr Clp01Pcr, Clp0Pcr Clp01Pcr, Clp0Pcr Clp01Pcr, Clp01Scr, Mbs Clp01Pcr, Clp0Scr, Mbs Clp01Pcr, Clp0Scr, Mbs Clp01Pcr, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Clp01Scr, Mbs, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Clp01Scr, Mbs, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Clp0Scr, Mbs, Cdvt Clp01Pcr, Clp0Scr, Mbs, Cdvt

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

atmClpNoTaggingNoScr atmClpTaggingNoScr atmNoClpScr atmClpNoTaggingScr atmClpTaggingScr atmClpTransparentNoScr atmClpTransparentScr atmNoClpTaggingNoScr atmNoClpNoScrCdvt

CBR CBR nrt-VBR.1 nrt-VBR.2 nrt-VBR.3 CBR.1 rt-VBR.1 UBR.2 UBR CBR

12 13 14

atmNoClpScrCdvt atmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt atmClpTaggingScrCdvt

rt-VBR.1 rt-VBR.2 rt-VBR.3

Application of Band exclusive ATM Services

When the bandwidth is not shared, ATM services at the source and sink NEs are only processed at the ATM layer through the ATM service process board. On


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intermediate NEs, only SDH timeslot pass-through is performed, without ATM layer processing. In this case, each ATM service has the whole VC3/VC4 channel to itself. The ATM services are converged at the central node and then multiplexed to an STM-1 or STM-4 optical port for output. As shown in the Figure 6-18, the 34 Mbit/s ATM services of NE1 and NE3 each occupy a VC3 bandwidth. The 155 Mbit/s ATM service of NE2 occupies a VC4 bandwidth alone. SDH timeslot pass-through is only performed at NE3. After they reach the central site NE4, they are converged through the ATM board and output through the 622 Mbit/s optical interface.
DSLAM 34M ATM Traffic Service Convergence NE 1 155M ATM Traffic NE 2 DSLAM NE 3 2.5 Gbit/s SDH Ring NE 4 Router

622M ATM Traffic

34M ATM Traffic DSLAM

Figure 6-18 Application of Band exclusive ATM Services

Application of Band-Shared ATM Services

In shared rings VR-Ring and VC-Ring, the ATM services share the same bandwidth and are multiplexed statistically. The ATM services on each NE share the same VC (VC3, VC4, or VC-Xv) and are all processed on ATM layer. As shown in the Figure 6-19, NE1 accesses E3 ATM traffic through the tributary board and sends it to the ATM board for ATM switching and protection (1+1/1:1) configuration. Then the traffic is encapsulated into VC4-Xv and sent to the line through the cross-connect board. NE2 accesses STM-1 ATM traffic through the optical interface and then implements ATM switching and protection configuration. The ATM traffic from NE1 is also dropped at NE2 for ATM layer processing. Then the locally accessed traffic and that from NE1 are encapsulated into the same VC4-Xv and sent to the next NE. The same goes at NE3 and NE4. A single VP/VC-Ring can have a maximum bandwidth of 300 Mbit/s.


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The ATM traffic from NE1 DSLAM is droped to the NE2, then send to VP/VC-Ring after converged with local NE 1 service.

34M ATM Traffic

155M ATM Traffic VC4-Xv VP/VC-Ring DSLAM NE 2

NE 4


622M ATM Traffic

NE 3

34M ATM Traffic


Figure 6-19 VP/VC-Ring

6.3.3 Protection
The ATM service of the OptiX OSN equipment is protected on many layers, including:
n n n

Protection on the ATM layer Protection on the optical transmission layer, such as MSP, and SNCP. 1+1 board level protection of IMA boards

Protection on the ATM layer

Compliant with ITU-T Recommendation I.630, protection on the ATM layer can be classified into many types according to different classification method, as shown in the Table 6-8. You can select the configuration as required, for example, 1+1 bidirectional non-revertive protection.
Table 6-8 Classification of ATM protection
Classification mode Type 1 Type 2

Bridging function Switching direction Connection level

1+1 protection Unidirectional protection VPC protection

1:1 protection Bidirectional protection VCC protection


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6 Data Features

Protection domain Reversibility Protected object

Trail protection Reversibility protection Single connection protection

Subnetwork connection protection Non-revertive protection Group connection protection

Protection on the optical transmission layer

The ATM service is also protected by the self-healing network on the optical transmission layer, such as MSP and SNCP. You can set the hold-off time for ATM protection switching. When network impairment occurs, the MSP or SNCP on lower layers can be switched first, thus achieving the protection of working ATM service (in this case, the protection switching on the ATM layer will not be activated).

1+1 Board Level Protection of IMA boards

The IDL4 and IDQ1 support the 1+1 board level protection. When configure 1+1 board level protection, the IDL4 and IDQ1 must be inserted in the paired the slots.

6.4 SAN Features

The OptiX OSN 1500 provides a multi-service transparent transmission processing board: MST4, to access and transmit transparently fiber channel (FC), fiber connection (FICON), enterprise systems connection (ESCON) and digital video broadcast asynchronous serial interface (DVB-ASI) services. The MST4 supports the following functions:
Table 6-9 Functions of the MST4 board
Board Function MST4

Optical interface Optical connector Optical module Bandwidth

4 LC SFP 2.5 Gbit/s

FC50, FC100/FICON Provide 4 x FC (FC50, FC100/FICON and FC200), with total and FC200 bandwidth less than 2.5 Gbit/s. Support transmission of FC service at full rate, that is, support FC200, 2 x FC100, or 4 x FC50.


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The first and second interfaces support FC service distance extension function: FC100 supports 3000 km, and FC200 supports 1500 km. GFP-T VC-4-xc (x=4, 8, 16) Support 4 x ESCON services. Support 4 x DVB-ASI services.

Encapsulation Mapping mode ESCON DVB-ASI

The services and rates provided by the MST4 are shown in Table 6-10
Table 6-10 Services and rates provided by the MST4
Service type Rate Remarks


531.25 Mbit/s 1062.5 Mbit/s 2125 Mbit/s 200 Mbit/s 270 Mbit/s

SAN service SAN service SAN service SAN service Video service


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7 Intelligent Features

7.1 Topology Auto-Discovery

Intelligent Features

This chapter describes the functions provided by Huawei OptiX automatic switching optical network (ASON).

& Note The intelligent software system is to be purchased and installed additionally for the OptiX OSN 1500.

7.1.1 Control Topology Auto-Discovery

After the fibers in an ASON network are connected correctly, each ASON NE discovers control links automatically through OSPF and floods its own control link to the whole network. Each NE then gets the network-wide control links, that is, the network-wide control topology. Then, each NE can calculate the route to any of the other NEs in the network. As shown in Figure 7-1, after the fibers in the whole network are connected, ASON NEs discover the network-wide control topology.


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R2 R3
:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-1 Control topology auto-discovery

7.1.2 Service Topology Auto-Discovery

After an ASON NE creates a control channel between neighbor NEs through LMP, TE link verification can be started. Each ASON NE floods its own TE links to the whole network through OSPF-TE. Each NE then gets the network-wide TE links, that is, the network-wide service topology. ASON software can detect service topology change in real time, including the deletion and addition of links, as well as the link parameters change, and then reports the change to T2000, which performs real-time refresh. As shown in Figure 7-2, if one TE link is cut, the NM updates the service topology displayed on the NM in real time.


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R2 R3
:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-2 Service topology auto-discovery

7.2 End-to-End Configuration

The ASON supports both SDH static services and end-to-end ASON services. To configure an ASON service, you only need to specify its source node, sink node, bandwidth requirement, and protection level. Service routing and cross-connection at intermediate nodes are all automatically completed by the network. You can also set some nodes or links that the service necessarily passes through or not pass through to restrict the service routing. Compared with service configuration of SDH networks, it fully utilizes the routing and signaling functions of the ASON NEs and thus it is convenient to configure services. Take the configuration of a 155 Mbit/s ASON service between A and I in Figure 7-3 for example. The network automatically finds the A-D-E-I route and configures cross-connection at nodes A, D, E and I. Although there is more than one route from A to I, the network will calculate the best route according to the configured algorithm. Here we suppose A-D-E-I is the best route. The service is created as follows:
n n n n n

Choose the bandwidth Choose the service protection level Choose the source node Choose the sink node Create the service


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:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-3 End-to-end service configuration

7.3 Mesh Networking Protection and Restoration

The ASON provides mesh networking protection to enhance service survivability and network security. As a main networking mode of ASON, mesh features high flexibility and scalability. Different from traditional SDH networking modes, mesh networking does not need 50% bandwidth reserved so it can save bandwidth resources to satisfy the increasingly large bandwidth demands. This networking mode also provides more than one route for each service so it can best utilize the network resources with higher security. As shown in Figure 7-4, when the C-G link failed, to restore the service, the network will calculate another route from D to H and create a new LSP to transmit the service.


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Trail restoration





:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-4 Trail restoration

7.4 Service Level Agreement

The ASON can provide services of different QoS to different clients. This is service level agreement (SLA). Table 7-1 shows the service level in the ASON.
Table 7-1 Service level
Service Attribute Diamond service Gold service Silver service Copper service Iron services

Protection and Protection and restoration restoration policy Protection and SNCP and restoration rerouting method Switching Switching time and time < 50ms rerouting time Rerouting time < 2s

Protection and restoration MSP and rerouting Switching time < 50ms Rerouting time < 2s


No protection and no restoration -



Rerouting time < 2s

The use of multiplex section link by different classes of service is described in Table 7-2. The numbers1, 2, and 3 represent priority of bandwidth selection. The number I represent the highest priority.


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Table 7-2 Description of multiplex section using by ASON service

Service class Working link Protection link Non-protected link


Service creation Service rerouting Service optimization

Not used Not used Not used Used Used with priority

Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used

Used Used Used Not used Used when the working link resources are insufficient. Used when the working link resources are insufficient. Used Used Used Used Used Not used


Service creation Service rerouting

Service optimization

Used with priority

Not used


Service creation Service rerouting Service optimization

Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used

Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Used


Service creation Service optimization


Service creation

7.4.2 Diamond Services

A diamond service is a service provided with 1+1 protection from its source node to its sink node. It is also called 1+1 service. It has two different LSPs between the source node and the sink node. Furthermore the two LSPs can not pass through a same link. One is called the working LSP, and the other the protection LSP. The same service is transmitted on the working LSP and the protection LSP at the same time. If the working LSP is working well, the sink node receives the service from the working LSP; otherwise, from the protection LSP. Figure 7-5 shows the topology of a diamond service.


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Working LSP

7 Intelligent Features






Protection LSP :ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-5 A diamond service

A diamond service has the following features.

n n

n n n

n n n n

Diamond service can not use multiplex section links. Failure of either LSP of the diamond service triggers rerouting. ! If link resource is sufficient, two LSPs do not fully overlap after rerouting. ! If link resource is insufficient, two LSPs fully overlap after rerouting. The blocked LSP will not be rerouted. When the other LSP is blocked, a new LSP will be created to guarantee survival of the service. After rerouting, if the original route is good, the diamond service can not be switched to its original routes. But the diamond service can be optimized back to its original routes manually. Static SNCP services can be converted to diamond services. Diamond services can be converted to static SNCP services. Any LSP of a diamond service can be optimized, in other words the route of any LSP can be changed. Supports manual switching for diamond services. Supports rerouting lockout. Supports rerouting priority. Supports changing service names

& Note Do not support service association and tunnel services.


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7.4.3 Gold Services

Gold services are also called 1:1 services. A gold service needs only one LSP. This LSP must use multiplex section working links. When a fiber on the path of a gold service is cut, the ASON will trigger multiplex section switching to protect the service at first. If the multiplex section switching fails, the ASON will trigger rerouting to restore the service. As shown in Figure 7-6, you can create a gold service from A to I on condition that the three multiplex section protection rings are created first.







:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-6 A gold service

A gold service has the following features.


n n

A gold service can be created only when there are enough multiplex section working links. When creating a gold service, slots must be same in a multiplex section protection ring. When creating a gold service, you can specify the strict route. When creating a gold service, the compulsory node can be specified. In this case, you should specify timeslot. When a fiber on the path of a gold service is cut, the ASON will trigger multiplex section switching to protect the service at first. If the multiplex section protection fails, the ASON will trigger rerouting to restore the service. The ASON tries its best to find multiplex section working links for rerouting. If there are not enough such resources, it will use non-protected links to guarantee survival of the service. In that case, however, the service is degraded.


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7 Intelligent Features

n n n n

After rerouting, when multiplex section working links are restored, this service cannot automatically revert. But, you can optimize the service to the multiplex section links. A gold service can use multiplex section working links in a 1:1 linear multiplex section chain. A gold service can use multiplex section working links in a two-fiber multiplex section ring. A gold service can use multiplex section working links in a four-fiber multiplex section ring. Static services which fully use multiplex section working links can be converted to gold services. The slots in a multiplex section ring must be the same. Static services which partially use multiplex links can be converted to gold services, but it is degraded. Gold services can be converted to static services. Supports rerouting lockout. Supports service optimization. Supports changing service names.

& Note Service association is not supported.

7.4.4 Silver Services

Silver services are also called rerouting services. Upon LSP failure, periodic rerouting will be performed until the rerouting succeeds. If there are not enough resources, it may fail to apply for an appropriate protection route and thus lead to service interruption. In Figure 7-7, A-B-G-H-I is a silver service. If the fiber between B and G is cut, the ASON will trigger rerouting from A to create a new LSP that does not pass the cut fiber, such as A-D-C-F-I.


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:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-7 A silver service

A silver service has the following features.

n n n

n n n n n n n

Non-protected static services can be converted to silver services. Silver services can be converted to static services. A revertive silver service can revert to its original route automatically after the network is restored. Silver services cannot use multiplex section links. Supports rerouting lockout. Supports service optimization. Supports rerouting priority setting. Supports setting the rerouting revertive attribute. Supports service association. Supports changing service names.

7.4.5 Copper Services

Copper services are also called non-protected services. If its LSP fails, service will be interrupted and it will not trigger rerouting. A copper service has the following features.
n n n n n n

Non-protected static services can be converted to copper services. Copper services can be converted to non-protected static services. Copper services cannot use multiplex section links. Supports service optimization. Supports service association. Supports changing service names.


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7 Intelligent Features

7.4.6 Iron Services

Iron services, also called preemptable services, create LSP by using the protection links in an MSP. When a switching is triggered, iron services are preempted, which then brings a service interruption. After MSP is restored, iron services are restored. The interruption, preemption and restore of iron services are reported to network management system. If the path fails and the service is interrupted, no rerouting is triggered. An iron service has the following features:

n n n n n

When you create an iron service, the creation fails if there is not enough multiplex section protection links. When you create an iron service, the protection links in a 1:1 linear MSP can be used. When you create an iron service, the protection links in a two-fibre bidirectional MSP can be used. When you create an iron service, the protection links in a four-fibre bidirectional MSP can be used. When an MSP switching is triggered, iron services are preempted, which then brings a service interruption. Not support rerouting. Not support service optimization. Supports changing service names. Static extra services can be converted to iron services. Iron services can be converted to static extra services.

7.5 Service Association

Associated services are two associated common services that have different routes. During the rerouting or optimization of either LSP, the rerouting LSP will be link-disjoint with the associated LSP. As shown in Figure 7-8, A-D-E-I and A-B-G-H-I are two associated LSPs. When the fiber between B and G is cut, the rerouting of the A-B-G-H-I LSP will avoid the A-D-E-I LSP.


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:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-8 Association services

Service association has the following features:

n n n n n n n

n n n

n n

Supports the cancellation of association. Supports optimization of associated services. Supports the separate rerouting for each path upon path failures. Supports the association of two tunnel services. Supports the association of two non-revertive silver services. Supports association of two copper services Supports the association of a non-revertive silver service and a copper service. Supports setting the rerouting priority. Supports restarting and recovery of each node on the path. Supports the association of services that have different or the same source node. Does not support association of diamond and gold services. Does not support association of revertive silver services.

7.6 Tunnel Services

The OptiX ASON supports tunnel services. Tunnel services are mainly used to carry VC12 or VC3 services. As shown in Figure 7-9, there is an ASON server LSP between NE1 and NE2 which can be a gold LSP, silver LSP or copper LSP. After creating tunnel services, you must manually create and delete the lower order cross-connection from the tributary board to the line board. During rerouting or optimization of the tunnel services, however, the cross-connections at the source and sink nodes automatically switch to the new ports.


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VC12 NE1

ASON server LSP VC4 NE2



Tributary unit Line unit

Figure 7-9 Tunnel services

A tunnel service has the following features:


n n n n n n n n n

Supports manually create and delete the lower order cross-connection from the tributary board to the line board. Supports rerouting lockout. Supports the association of tunnel services. Supports setting rerouting priority Supports service optimization. Supports changing service names. Supports gold, non-revertive silver and copper level protection types. Static server trail can be converted to tunnel services. Tunnel services can be converted to static server trail. Supports VC4 tunnels, not support VC12 or VC3 tunnels.

7.7 Service Optimization

After the topology change several times, the ASON may have less satisfactory routes and thus need service optimization. Service optimization means to create a new LSP, switch the optimized service to the new LSP, and delete the original LSP so as to change and optimize the service without disrupting the service. LSP optimization has the following features.
n n n

Support manual optimization only. The optimization can only be initiated at the source node. The optimization does not change the protection level of the optimized service. During optimization, rerouting, degrade/upgrade, or deleting operations are not allowed.


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n n

During creation, rerouting, degrading/upgrading, starting or deleting operations, optimization is not allowed. Revertive rerouting services cannot be optimized before they are restored. The following service types support optimization: diamond, gold, silver, copper, associated, and tunnel services.

7.8 Equilibrium of Network Traffic

The ASON calculates a best route according to CSPF algorithm. If there are many services between two nodes, there may be several services sharing a same route. The traffic equilibrium function is used to avoid this situation. As shown in Figure 7-10, there are many silver services between R2 and R4. To make the network more safe and reliable, the ASON allocates them to different route averagely as possible such as A-D-E-I, A-B-C-F-I and A-B-G-H-I.





:ASON NE :User equipment

Figure 7-10 Traffic equilibrium

7.9 Shared Risk Link Group

Fibers in the same optical cable have the same risks, that is, when the cable is cut, all fibers are cut. So an ASON service should not be rerouted to another link that has the same risk. Set the SRLG attribute correctly for the links of the same risks to make sure the two LSPs of a diamond service are not in the same cable and to enhance the possibility of successful rerouting at the first time. You can change the SRLG attribute. During service creation or rerouting, it is supported to disjoint the SRLG to which the faulty link belongs. The SRLG attribute of the link can be preconfigured. The detailed disjoint strategy is as follows:

When creating the second path for diamond services, the SRLG to which the link passed by the first path belongs is disjointed.


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7 Intelligent Features

During the rerouting of diamond services, the SRLG to which the faulty link and the link passed by the other path belong is disjointed. During the rerouting of gold services, if the faulty link is an MSP group link, the SRLG that the faulty link belongs to is not disjointed. If the faulty link is a non-protection link, the SRLG that the faulty link belongs to is disjointed. During the rerouting of silver services, the SRLG that the faulty link belongs to is disjointed. The disjoint strategy during service optimization is the same as that during service creation.

7.10 Conversion Between Static Services and ASON Services

Currently, Huaweis OptiX ASON supports the following service conversion:
n n n n n n n n n n

Supports upgrading static SNCP services to diamond services. Supports degrading diamond services to SNCP static services. Supports upgrading static services to gold services. Supports degrading gold services to static services. Supports upgrading static services to silver services. Supports degrading silver services to static services. Supports upgrading static services to copper services. Support degrading copper services to static services. Supports upgrading static server trail to tunnel services. Supports degrading tunnel services to static server trail.

& Note Only the static service where the first and the last nodes are in SNCP protection groups can be upgraded to diamond services. Only the static service that uses multiplex section working links can be upgraded to gold services. The static service that uses MSP group links partially can only be upgraded to the gold service with the protection state as degraded.

7.11 Restoring Network-Wide Service Routes to Original Routes

After many changes in an ASON network, service routes may differ from the original routes. The network-wide service restore function can be used to restore all service routes to the initial routes.


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8 Protection

n n


This chapter describes the complete protection schemes, at the equipment level and network level, provided by the OptiX OSN 1500. It covers: Equipment level protection Network level protection

8.1 Equipment Level Protection

The OptiX OSN 1500 supports the following protection schemes at the equipment level:
n n

n n n

TPS protection for service processing boards 1+1 hot backup protection for the SCC unit, cross-connect matrix and synchronous timing unit 1+1 hot backup protection for power input unit 1:N protection for the +3.3 V board power supply Abnormality-specific service protection

8.1.1 TPS Protection for Service Processing Boards

OptiX OSN 1500 A
OptiX OSN 1500 A support 1:1 TPS of E1.

OptiX OSN 1500 B

The OptiX OSN 1500 B provides TPS protection for the service processing boards. Table 8-1 lists TPS protection types and the boards supported by each protection type. Table 8-2 shows TPS protection parameters.


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Table 8-1 TPS protection types and supported boards

Service type Protection mode Board supported

E1/T1 E1/T1 E3/T3/E4/STM-1 Ethernet

One group of 1:N (N


N1PQM, N1PQ1 R1PD1 N1PD3, N1PL3 , N1/N2SPQ4 , N1SEP N2EFS0

Two group of 1:N (N 2) One groups of 1:1 One groups of 1:1

Table 8-2 TPS protection parameters

Parameter Description

Priority Switching type Switching conditions

1X. "X" is the number of the working boards. The priority of "1" is the highest. Forced switching, manual switching, locked switching The clock of the working board is lost. The working board is offline. The working board is under a cold reset. The working board hardware fails. The switching command is issued.

Switching time Recovery mode WTR Time

50ms Revertive 300720s 600s is recommended.

8.1.2 1+1 Hot Backup for the GSCC , Cross-Connect Unit and Timing Unit
For the OptiX OSN 1500, the functions of the GSCC unit, cross-connect unit, timing unit and line unit are integrated into CXL board. Table 8-3 shows the 1+1 hot backup parameters of the CXL board.


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8 Protection

Table 8-3 1+1 hot backup parameters of the cross-connect unit and the timing unit
Parameter Description

Active board and standby board slots Switching conditions

Slot 4 is for the active board and slot 5 is for the standby board.

The active board is offline. The active board is under a cold reset. The active board hardware fails. The switching command is issued.

Recovery mode

Non-revertive After switching, the original standby board becomes the working board, while the original active board becomes the standby board.

8.1.3 1+1 Hot Backup for the Power Input Unit

Through the two PIU boards, the OptiX OSN 1500 can access two 48 V DC working power supplies that work in backup mode. If either of them goes faulty, the other will operate to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

8.1.4 1:N Protection for the +3.3 V Board Power Supply

The OptiX OSN 1500 provides 1:N power backup for the +3.3 V power supplies of other boards through the power backup unit of the AUX board. When the power supply of a board becomes faulty, the backup power will take over the power feeding job to ensure normal operation of that board.

8.1.5 Abnormality-Specific Service Protection

Power Failure in Software Loading Process
Application program and data have the check function. In the case the loading is interrupted, the basic input/output system (BIOS) will not start the unfinished program and data until they are successfully loaded.

Board Temperature Check

Temperature detection circuit is provided on the boards that generate much heat. When the ambient temperature detected is too high, an alarm is generated to remind the maintenance personnel to clean the fans.


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8.2 Network Level Protection

8.2.1 Basic Networking Modes
Chain and ring are two basic structures of the transmission network. Various complicated network structures can derive from them, as shown in Table 8-4.
Table 8-4 Basic networking modes
Networking mode Topology map

1 2

Chain Ring

Tangent rings

Intersecting rings

Ring with chain



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8 Protection






8.2.2 SDH Trail Protection

The OptiX OSN 1500 can implement the linear MSP and the MSP ring.

Linear MSP
Linear MSP is mainly used in the chain network. The OptiX OSN 1500 supports 1+1 and 1:N (N14) protection schemes. In the 1:N protection mode, extra services are supported to be transmitted on the protection system. In the linear MSP scheme, the switching time is less than 50ms as specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.841. For details, see section "2.2 Chain Network" of OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System Networking and Application. Table 8-5 shows the linear MSP parameters.
Table 8-5 Linear MSP parameters
Protection type Recovery mode Switching protocol Switching time Default WTR Switching conditions

1+1 unidirectional switching 1+1 unidirectional switching


Not required




Not required



B2_OVER B2_SD Forced switching

1+1 bidirectional Non-revertive switching 1+1 bidirectional Revertive switching 1:N bidirectional switching Revertive

APS protocol APS protocol APS protocol

50ms 50ms 50ms

600s 600s

Manual switching Exercise switching


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MSP Ring
The OptiX OSN 1500 supports two-fibre MS shared protection ring, with the switching time less than 50ms, as specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.841. In line with ITU-T Recommendation G.841, the OptiX OSN 1500 supports four-fibre MS shared protection ring, which provides ring switching and span switching in addition to the similar functions of the two-fibre bidirectional MSP. For details, see section "2.3 Ring Network" of OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System Networking and Application. Table 8-6 shows the MSP ring parameters.
Table 8-6 MSP ring parameters
Protection type Recovery mode Switching mode Switching time WTR Switching conditions

2-fibre bidirectional protection 2-fibre unidirectiona l protection 4-fibre bidirectional protection


Forced switching Manual switching Exercise switching



R_LOS R_LOF MS_AIS B2_OVER B2_SD Forced switching Manual switching Exercise switching


Forced switching Manual switching Exercise switching




Forced ring switching Manual ring switching Exercise ring switching Forced section switching Manual section switching Exercise section switching



8.2.3 SNCP
The OptiX OSN 1500 supports SNCP as required by ITU-T Recommendation G.841. Table 8-7 shows the SNCP parameters.


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Table 8-7 SNCP parameters

Protection type Recovery mode Switching time WTR Switching conditions


Revertive Non-revertive

50ms 50ms

600s -


8.2.4 Fibre-shared Virtual Trail Protection

STM-16 STM-16



Figure 8-1 Fibre-shared virtual trail protection

See Figure 8-1, in the fibre-shared virtual trail protection, one STM-16, STM-4, or even STM-1 optical path is logically divided into lower-order or higher-order paths, which are then combined with other links to form the path-level rings. The path-level rings can be set with protection schemes such as path protection (PP), MSP, SNCP, and non-protection.

8.2.5 MS-Shared Optical Path Protection

In the MS-shared optical path protection, an optical interface can be configured with multiple MSP groups, so that MSP rings can share the same fibre and optical interface. This function is conditioned on the optical boards capability of processing multiple sets of independent K bytes. SF16 and SL16 of the OptiX OSN 1500 support a maximum of two shared optical paths.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Table 8-8 lists the OptiX OSN 1500 boards that support MS-shared optical path protection and the sharing types.
Table 8-8 Boards and sharing types
Board Sharing type

N1/N2SL16 N1SF16

Shares a 2.5 Gbit/s fibre line and supports two shared MSs with the following combination types. Two 622 Mbit/s MS rings Two 155 Mbit/s MS rings One 155 Mbit/s MS ring and one 622 Mbit/s MS ring

Figure 8-2 shows the networking for two-fibre MS-shared optical path protection that the OptiX OSN 1500 supports.

STM-4 STM-4 MS-shared ring STM-16


STM-4 MS-shared ring STM-4 STM-4

Figure 8-2 MS-shared optical path protection

For example, two lower-speed west line units share one higher-speed east line unit. See Figure 8-3.
MSP ring 1 STM-4 STM-16 MSP ring 2 STM-4

Figure 8-3 Two lower-speed lines share one higher-speed line

The OptiX OSN 1500 also supports the line units at the same speed to form a bi-directional shared protection. See Figure 8-4. In this case, the west STM-16 line units can only add part of VC-4 services into the MSP ring group.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

8 Protection

MSP ring 1


MSP ring 2

STM-16 STM-16


Figure 8-4 Sharing protection under the lines with the same speed

8.2.6 Protection for Interworking Service on Rings

As required by ITU-T Recommendation G.841, the OptiX OSN 1500 supports protection for interworking services on rings, even on the rings with different protection schemes (such as SNCP or MSP). Table 8-9 shows the protection types of the interworking service on rings.
Table 8-9 Protection types of interworking service on rings
Networking Protection Remarks

Tangent rings

MSP ring tangent to If the service has two types of protection, to SNCP ring prevent secondary switching, it is required to set the hold-off time of the SNCP. The hold-off time can be set between 0 and 10s. SNCP ring tangential to SNCP ring For the same networking, it is recommended that the hold-off time is set to 0.

Intersecting rings

SNCP ring intersecting with SNCP ring SNCP ring intersecting with MSP ring


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description


n n


This chapter describes the maintenance capability and network management of the OptiX OSN 1500. It covers: Operation and maintenance Administration

9.1 Operation and Maintenance

The OptiX OSN 1500 is designed with such a cabinet and boards, and set with such functions as to meet the customers needs for operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) of the equipment. It provides the following powerful equipment maintenance capabilities.

The CXL board generates audible and visual alarms to remind the network administrators to take proper measures in the case of any emergency. The OptiX OSN 1500 provides 3 alarm value input interfaces, 1 alarm value output interface to facilitate operation and management of the equipment. All boards are provided with running and alarm indicators to help the network administrators to locate and handle faults as soon as possible. The OptiX OSN 1500 supports automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function of the single-mode optical interface of the SDH interface unit and Ethernet interface unit. The OptiX OSN 1500 supports automatic online detection of optical power of SDH and Ethernet optical interfaces. The swappable optical module is adopted to provide optical interface boards. Users can choose single-mode or multimode optical modules as required, thus facilitating maintenance. Orderwire phone function is provided to ensure dedicated communication channels for administrators at various stations. The running and alarm status of the OptiX OSN 1500 systems at all stations of the network can be monitored dynamically on the NM system. In-service upgrade of board software and NE software is supported. Board software and field programmable gate array (FPGA) supports remote loading,


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

and provides the functions of error prevention loading and breakpoint continuous transmission. With remote maintenance function, the maintenance personnel can remotely maintain the OptiX OSN 1500 through PSTN when the equipment goes faulty. The PQM and PQ1 board provide pseudo-random binary sequence function which supports remote bit error test.

9.2 Administration
The OptiX OSN 1500 is uniformly managed by the family of iManager series transmission network management system (hereinafter referred to as the NM). Through the Qx interface, the NM can manage, maintain and test the entire optical transmission system in terms of fault, performance, configuration and security. The NM improves the quality of network services, lowers the maintenance cost and ensures rational use of network resources.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10 Technical Specifications

n n n n n n n n

Technical Specifications

This chapter summarizes the technical specifications of the OptiX OSN 1500 as follows: Optical interface performance Optical interface performance Clock performance Transmission performance Power consumption and weight of boards Electromagnetic compatibility Environmental index Environment requirement

10.1 Optical Interface Performance

10.1.1 SDH Optical Interface
Table 10-1 shows performance of the STM-1 optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-1 Performance of the STM-1 optical interface
Nominal bit rate Classification code 155520 kbit/s I-1 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2 Ve-1.2

Operating wavelength (nm) Mean launched power (dBm) Receiver minimum sensitivity (dBm) Minimum overload (dBm)

1260~1360 15 to 8 23 8

1261~1360 15 to 8 28 8

1280~1335 5 to 0 34 10

1480~1580 5 to 0 34 10

1480~1580 3 to 0 34 10


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10 Technical Specifications Nominal bit rate Classification code 155520 kbit/s I-1 S-1.1 L-1.1

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description



Minimum extinction ratio (dB)






Table 10-2 shows performance of the STM-4 optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-2 Performance of the STM-4 optical interface
Nominal bit rate Classification code 622080 kbit/s I-4 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2 Ve-4.2

Operating wavelength 1261~1360 (nm) Mean launched power 15 to 8 (dBm) Receiver minimum sensitivity (dBm) Minimum overload (dBm) Minimum extinction ratio (dB) 23 8 8.2

1274~1356 15 to 8 28 8 8.2

1280~1335 3 to 2 28 8 10

1480~1580 3 to 2 28 8 10

1480~1580 2 to 2 33 13 10

Table 10-3 shows performance of the STM-16 optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-3 Performance of the STM-16 optical interface
Nominal bit rate Classification code 2488320 kbit/s I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2 L-16.2Je V-16.2Je(B A) U-16.2Je(B A+PA)

Operating wavelength (nm) Mean launched power (dBm)

1266~13 60

1260~13 60

1280~133 5 2 to 3

1500~15 80 2 to 3


1530~156 5 13 to 15


10 to 3 5 to 0

5 to 7

15 to 18


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Nominal bit rate Classification code 2488320 kbit/s I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2 L-16.2Je

10 Technical Specifications

V-16.2Je(B A)

U-16.2Je(B A+PA)

Receiver minimum sensitivity (dBm) Minimum overload (dBm) Minimum extinction ratio (dB) Maximum chromatic dispersion (ps/nm)








3 8.2

0 8.2

9 8.2

9 8.2

9 8.2

9 8.2

10 (Note) 8.2




1200~16 00




Note: The parameter is that of the PA.

Table 10-4 Performances of the STM-16 (FEC) optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500
Nominal bit rate Classification code 2666057.143 kbit/s Ue-16.2c Ue-16.2d Ue-16.2f

Classification code (Note1) Operating wavelength (nm) Source type Mean launched power (dBm) (Note2) Receiver minimum sensitivity (dBm) (Note3) Minimum overload point (dBm) (Note3) Minimum extinction ratio (dB)

SF16+BA(14dB)+P A 1550.12 nm SLM 13 to 15 37 10 10

SF16+BA(17dB)+P A

SF16+BA(17dB)+RA+P A

SLM 15 to 18 37 10 10

SLM 15 to 18 42 10 10

Note1: The number in the bracket indicates the corresponding parameter, for example, BA (14) indicates that the optical power of the signal after amplified by the BA is 14 dBm. "FEC+BA+PA" indicates that the optical interface specifications include FEC, BA and PA. Note2: The parameter is that of the BA. Note3: The parameter is that of the PA.


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10 Technical Specifications

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10.1.2 Ethernet Optical Interface

The performance of the Ethernet optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500 conforms to IEEE 802.3z and IEEE 802.3u, as shown in Table 10-5.
Table 10-5 Specifications of Ethernet optical interface
Interface Type Transmitting optical power (dBm) Central wavelength (nm) Receiver overload (dBm) Receiver sensitivity (dBm) Extinctio n ratio (dB)

1000Base-ZX (70 km) 1000Base-ZX (40 km) 1000Base-LX (10 km) 1000Base-SX (0.55 km) 100Base-FX (15 km) 100Base-FX (2 km)

4 to 2 2 to 5 9 to 3 10 to 2.5 15 to 8 19 to 14

1480 to 1580 1270 to 1355 1270 to 1355 770 to 860 1261 to 1360 1270 to 1380

3 3 3 0 7 14

22 23 20 17 28 30

9 9 9 9 10 10

10.1.3 ATM Optical Interface

The performance of the ATM optical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500 is shown in Table 10-6.
Table 10-6 Specifications of ATM optical interface
Nominal bit rate 155520 kbit/s 622080 kbit/s

Classification code Operating wavelength (nm) Mean launched power (dBm) Receiver minimum sensitivity (dBm) Minimum overload (dBm) Minimum extinction ratio (dB)

Ie-1 1310 15 to 8 30 8 8.2

S-1.1 1310 15 to 8 28 8 8.2

L-1.1 1310 5 to 0 34 10 10

S-4.1 1310 15 to 8 28 8 8.2

L-4.1 1310 3 to 2 28 8 10

10.1.4 Laser Level

The laser level of the OptiX OSN 1500 is shown in Table 10-7.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10 Technical Specifications

Table 10-7 Laser level

Optical interface Laser level Board

STM-1 STM-4 STM-16 Ethernet

Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 Class 1

SLT1, SLQ1, SL1, OU08 SLQ4, SLD4, SL4 SF16, SL16 EGS2, EFS0, EGT2, EFT8, EMS4, EGS4, EMR0, EGR2

ATM SAN Amplifier Other board

Class 1 Class 1 Class 1M Class 1M


10.2 Electrical Interface Performance

10.2.1 PDH Interface
Table 10-8 shows performances of the PDH electrical interface of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-8 Performance of the PDH electrical interface
Type Code pattern Bit rate of signals at output port Attenuation tolerance at input port Frequency deviation tolerance at input port Anti-interference capability of input port

1544 kbit/s B8ZS, AMI G.703 compliant

2048 kbit/s HDB3 G.703 compliant

34368 kbit/s HDB3 G.703 compliant

44736 kbit/s B3ZS G.703 compliant

139264 kbit/s CMI G.703 compliant

155520 kbit/s CMI G.703 compliant


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10 Technical Specifications

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10.2.2 Auxiliary Interface

RS-232 Interface
Table 10-9 shows the parameters of the RS-232 interface. The RS-232 interface refers to the S1, S2, S3 and S4 interfaces on the EOW board.
Table 10-9 Parameters of the RS-232 interface
Parameter Description

Bit rate Mode Electrical levels

9600 kbit/s RS-232 Tx & Rx data only 24 Vpp

RS-422 Interface
Table 10-10 shows the parameters of the RS-422 interface. The RS-422 interface refers to the S1, S2, S3 and S4 interfaces on the EOW board.
Table 10-10 Parameters of the RS-422 interface
Parameter Description

Bit rate Mode Electrical levels

9600 kbit/s RS-422 Tx & Rx data only 24 Vpp


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10 Technical Specifications

Orderwire Interface
Table 10-11 shows the parameters of the orderwire interface.
Table 10-11 Parameters of the orderwire interface
Parameter Description

Speech Channel Interface

Handset Impedance Bandwidth Handset Operating current Input Tx gain Output Rx gain Signalling

600 ohms 300 to 3400 Hz 18 mA 4 / 0 / 0 dB 0 / 7 / 0 dB DTMF compliant with ITU-T Rec. Q.23

Analog EOW Extension

Impedance Bandwidth Tx level Rx level

600 ohms 300 to 3400 Hz 0 dBr 0.5 dB 0 dBr 0.5 dB


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10 Technical Specifications

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10.3 Clock Performance

10.3.1 Clock Interface Type
Table 10-12 shows clock features of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-12 Clock features
Clock Feature

External synchronization source

Two inputs, 2048 kbit/s (G.703) or 2048 kHz (G.703), 75 ohm and 120 ohm OptiX OSN 1500 A support 120 ohm inputs OptiX OSN 1500 B support 120 ohm or 75 ohm inputs

Synchronization output

Two outputs, 2048 kbit/s (G.703) or 2048 kHz (G.703), 75 ohm and 120 ohm OptiX OSN 1500 A support 120 ohm outputs OptiX OSN 1500 B support 120 ohm or 75 ohm outputs

10.3.2 Timing and Synchronization Performance

Table 10-13 lists the timing and synchronization performance of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-13 Timing and synchronization performance
Output jitter Output frequency of internal oscillator in free-run mode Long-term phase variation (in locked mode)

G.813 compliant

G.813 compliant

G.813 compliant

10.4 Transmission Performance

Table 10-14 lists the transmission performance of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-14 Transmission performance
Jitter at STM-N interface Jitter at PDH interface Bit error

G.813/G.825 compliant

G.823/G.783 compliant

G.826 compliant


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10 Technical Specifications

10.5 Power Supply Parameters

Table 10-15 shows power supply parameters of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-15 Power supply parameters of the OptiX OSN 1500
Parameter Specification

Power supply mode Nominal voltage Voltage range Power consumption

DC power supply 48 V or 60 V 38.4 V to 72V OptiX OSN 1500A 180W OptiX OSN 1500B 280W

10.6 Timeslot Number

The OptiX OSN product supports two types of TU-12 numbering scheme, as shown in Table 10-16 and Table 10-17.
Table 10-16 Numbering of TU-12s in a VC-4 (type I)
TUG2 (7-1) TUG2 (7-2) TUG2 (7-3) TUG (7-4) TUG (7-5) TUG (7-6) TUG (7-7)

TU-3 (3-1) TU-3 (3-2) TU-3 (3-3)

1 2 2 4 3

2 2 3 4 4

3 2 4 4 5

4 2 5 4 6

5 2 6 4 7

6 2 7 4 8

7 2 8 4 9

8 2 9 5 0

9 3 0 5 1

1 0 3 1 5 2

1 1 3 2 5 3

1 2 3 3 5 4

1 3 3 4 5 5

1 4 3 5 5 6

1 5 3 6 5 7

1 6 3 7 5 8

1 7 3 8 5 9

1 8 3 9 6 0

1 9 4 0 6 1

2 0 4 1 6 2

2 1 4 2 6 3

Table 10-17 Numbering of TU-12s in a VC-4 (type II, ITU-T G.707)

TUG2 (7-1) TUG2 (7-2) TUG2 (7-3) TUG2 (7-4) TUG2 (7-5) TUG2 (7-6) TUG2 (7-7)

TU-3 (3-1) TU-3 (3-2) TU-3 (3-3)

1 2 3

2 2 2 3 2 4

4 3 4 4 4 5

4 5 6

2 5 2 6 2 7

4 6 4 7 4 8

7 8 9

2 8 2 9 3 0

4 9 5 0 5 1

1 0 1 1 1 2

3 1 3 2 3 3

5 2 5 3 5 4

1 3 1 4 1 5

3 4 3 5 3 6

5 5 5 6 5 7

1 6 1 7 1 8

3 7 3 8 3 9

5 8 5 9 6 0

1 9 2 0 2 1

4 0 4 1 4 2

6 1 6 2 6 3


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10 Technical Specifications

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10.7 Power Consumption and Weight of Boards

Table 10-18 lists the power consumption and weight of boards of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-18 Power consumption of boards
Board Power consumption (W) Weight (kg) Board Power consumption (W) Weight (kg)


35 37 19 20 20 40 40 40 1 9 2 5.5 6 35 30 14 26 40 43.2 23 50 10 2 2.5 6

0.90 0.95 0.96 1.01 1.01 1.12 1.12 1.12 0.31 0.35 0.38 0.35 0.44 0.98 0.98 0.53 1.01 1.04 1.04 0.90 1.20 0.4 0.37 0.37 0.40


30 0 0 40 2 6 15 19 1.5 6.7 6.7 15 19 22 15 17 26 14 20 15 15 15 16 15 24

1.10 1.01 1.01 0.90 0.41 0.41 0.50 1.12 1.25 0.45 0.45 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.10 0.95 1.09 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.01 1.04 1.04 1.22 0.91


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Board Power consumption (W) Weight (kg) Board

10 Technical Specifications Power consumption (W) Weight (kg)


11 20 36.6 36.6 2.7 4.5 2 75

0.41 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.24 0.27 0.31 8


10 10 11 12 5 2.5 10 10

0.48 0.48 0.50 0.54 0.28 0.28 3.50 3.50

10.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility

The OptiX OSN 1500 is designed in accordance with the ETS300 386 series and ETS 300127 standards stipulated by the ETSI, and has passed electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) related tests. Table 10-19 lists the EMC test indices of the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-19 EMC test indices
Item Standard Result

Radiated Emission

CISPR22 Class A EN55022 Class A CISPR22 Class A EN55022 Class A


Conducted Emission for DC Ports


Conducted Emission for Signal CISPR22 Class A Ports EN55022 Class A Immunity to Radiated Electric Field Immunity to Electrostatic Discharge ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-3(10 V/m) ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-2 (Air Discharge: 8 kV; Contact Discharge:6 kV) ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-4(2kV) ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-4(2kV)




Immunity to Electrical Fast Transient Bursts for DC Ports Immunity to Electrical Fast Transient Bursts for Signal Ports




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10 Technical Specifications Item Standard

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Result

Immunity to surges for DC Ports Immunity to surges for Signal Ports

ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-5(4kV) ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-5(1kV)



Immunity to Continuous ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 Conducted Interference for DC IEC 61000-4-6(10V) Ports Immunity to Continuous Conducted Interference for Signal Ports ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 IEC 61000-4-6(10V)



10.9 Environmental Index

Table 10-20 lists the environmental indices with which the OptiX OSN 1500 can run normally for a long term.
Table 10-20 Environmental indices
Item Range

Altitude Air pressure Temperature Relative humidity Antiseismic performance

"4000 m 70 kPa106 kPa 0C to 45C 10% to 90% Capable of resisting 79 Richter scale earthquake

10.10 Environment Requirement

The following international standards are taken as the reference for framing the environment requirements.
n n

GF 014-95: Environment conditions for the communication equipment room European telecommunication standards (ETS) 300 019-1-3: Class 3.2 Partly temperature-controlled locations NEBS GR-63-CORE: Network equipment-building system (NEBS) requirements: physical protection


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10 Technical Specifications

10.10.1 Environment for Storage

Table 10-21 shows the climate environment required for storing the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-21 Climate environment for storage
Item Range

Altitude Air pressure Temperature Temperature change rate Relative humidity Solar radiation Heat radiation Air speed

"5000 m 70 kPa106 kPa 40C to +70C "1C/min 10%100% "1120 W/s "600 W/s "30 m/s

Waterproof Requirement
(1) Equipment storage requirements at the customer site: Generally, the equipment is stored indoors, where there is no water on the floor and no water leakage on the packing boxes of the equipment. (2) The equipment should not be stored in places where leakage is probable, such as near the auto firefighting and heating facilities. (3) If the equipment is required to be stored outdoors, the following four conditions should be met at the same time:
n n

The packing boxes are intact. Necessary rainproof measures should have been taken to prevent rainwater from entering the packing boxes. There is no water on the ground where the packing boxes are stored, let alone water entering into the packing boxes. The packing boxes are not directly exposed to the sun.

Biological Environment
n n

Avoid multiplication of microbe, such as eumycete and mycete. Avoid rodent animals such as mice.


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10 Technical Specifications

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Air Cleanness

There is no explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive duct. The density of the mechanical active substances complies with the requirements listed in Table 10-22.

Table 10-22 Density for mechanical active substances

Mechanical active substance Content

Suspending dust Precipitable dust Gravel

"5.00 mg/m "20.0 mg/mh "300 mg/m

The density of the chemical active substances complies with the requirements listed in Table 10-23.

Table 10-23 Density for chemical active substances

Chemical active substance Content

SO2 H2S NO2 NH3 Cl2 HCl HF O3

"0.30 mg/m "0.10 mg/m "0.50 mg/m "1.00 mg/m "0.10 mg/m "0.10 mg/m "0.01 mg/m "0.05 mg/m

Mechanical Stress
Table 10-24 Requirements for mechanical stress
Item Sub-item Range

Random vibration

Acceleration spectral density Frequency range

1 m/s 5Hz20 Hz

-3 dBA 20Hz200 Hz


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Item Sub-item Range

10 Technical Specifications

Non-steady impact

Impact response spectrum II "300 m/s, 11ms Static load "0 kPa

Note: Static load: The pressure from upside, that the equipment with package can endure when the equipment is piled as per stipulation.

10.10.2 Environment for Transportation

Table 10-25 shows the climate environment required for transporting the OptiX OSN 1500.
Table 10-25 Climate environment for transportation
Item Range

Altitude Air pressure Temperature Temperature change rate Relative humidity Solar radiation Heat radiation Air speed

"5000 m 70 kPa106 kPa 40 C to +70 C "3 C/min 10%100% "1120 W/s "600 W/s "30 m/s

Waterproof Requirement
The following conditions should be met during the transportation:
n n

The packing boxes are intact. Necessary rainproof measures should be taken for the means of transport to prevent rainwater from entering the packing boxes. There is no water in the means of transportation.

Biological Environment

Avoid multiplication of microbe, such as eumycete and mycete.


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10 Technical Specifications

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Avoid rodent animals such as mice.

Air Cleanness

There is no explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive duct. The density of the mechanical active substances complies with the requirements listed in Table 10-26.

Table 10-26 Density for mechanical active substances

Mechanical active substance Content

Suspending dust Precipitable dust Gravel

No requirement "3.0 mg/mh "100 mg/m

The density of the chemical active substances complies with the requirements listed in Table 10-27.

Table 10-27 Density for chemical active substances

Chemical active substance Content

SO2 H2S NO2 NH3 Cl2 HCl HF O3

"0.30 mg/m "0.10 mg/m "0.50 mg/m "1.00 mg/m "0.10 mg/m "0.10 mg/m "0.01 mg/m "0.05 mg/m


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

10 Technical Specifications

Mechanical Stress
Table 10-28 Requirements for mechanical stress
Item Sub-item Range

Random vibration

Acceleration spectral density Frequency range

1 m/s 5Hz20 Hz

-3 dBA 20Hz200 Hz

Non-steady impact

Impact response spectrum II Static load

"300 m/s, 11ms 0 kPa

10.10.3 Environment for Operation

Table 10-29 and Table 10-30show the required climate environment in which the OptiX OSN 1500 operates.
Table 10-29 Requirements for temperature and humidity
Equipment name Temperature Long-term operation Short-term operation Relative humidity Long-term operation Short-term operation

0C to 45C

-5C to +55C

10% to 90%

5% to 95%

Note: The temperature and humidity values are obtained 1.5 m above the floor and 0.4 m in front of the equipment. Short-term operation means the consecutive working time of the equipment does not exceed 96 hours, and the accumulated working time every year does not exceed 15 days.

Table 10-30 Other climate requirements

Item Range

Altitude Air pressure

"4000 m 70 kPa106 kPa


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10 Technical Specifications Item Range

OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description

Temperature change rate Air speed

5C/h 1 m/s

Biological Environment
n n

Avoid multiplication of microbe, such as eumycete and mycete. Avoid rodentia animals such as mice.

Air Cleanness

There is no explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive duct. The density of the mechanical active substances complies with the requirements listed in Table 10-31.

Table 10-31 Density for mechanical active substances

Mechanical active substance Content

Dust particle Suspending dust Precipitable dust Gravel

"3 x 105 particles/m "0.4 mg/m "15 mg/mh "100 mg/m

The density of the chemical active substances complies with the requirements listed in Table 10-32.

Table 10-32 Density for chemical active substances

Chemical active substance Content

SO2 H2S NH3 Cl2 HCl HF O3

0.20 mg/m 0.006 mg/m 0.05 mg/m 0.01 mg/m 0.10 mg/m 0.01 mg/m 0.005 mg/m


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OptiX OSN 1500 Technical Manual - System Description Chemical active substance Content

10 Technical Specifications


5.0 mg/m

Mechanical Stress
Table 10-33 Requirements for mechanical stress
Item Sub-item Range

Sinusoidal vibration

velocity Acceleration Frequency range -


2 m/s2 62Hz200 Hz

5Hz62 Hz


Impact response spectrum II Static load

Half-sina wave, "300 m/s, 11ms 0

Note: Static load: The pressure from upside, that the equipment with package can endure when the equipment is piled as per stipulation.


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