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GS Templates - Mat-5 v3

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(The report is to be on the letterhead of the company preparing the report) Date issued: 11 June 2013

Green Star Short Report Round [1/2]

Green Star Office Design v3 Credit: Mat-5 Concrete Project Name: [name] Project Number: GS- [####]

Ensure all prompts shown in Blue text have been responded to.

Points available:

Points claimed: [1, 2, 3 or, N/A]

1. Credit Compliance
The following chapters of this template are relevant for projects targeting points for this credit:


Reduction of Portland cement

The project has reduced the absolute quantity of Portland cement, as an average across all concrete mixes, by replacing it with supplementary cementitious materials. Based on credit compliance requirements, the project has replaced at least [30/40%] of Portland cement measured by mass across all concrete used in the project compared to the reference case as described in Table 2. Figures used in Table 1 are used to calculate the amount of Portland cement replaced in the project. [Not all/all] of the concrete mixes used in the project have exactly the same concrete strength grades shown in Table 1. If concrete strength grades shown below are not the same, provide links below to documentation provided by the concrete technologist or designer calculating concrete strength grades through linear interpolation of the two closest performing concrete mix reference cases.
Table 1 Portland cement content concrete strength grades as defined in AS1379

Concrete strength grade (MPa following AS1379)

Portland cement content to be used in establishing the reference case (kg Portland cement/m3 concrete) 280 310 360 440 550 550

20 25 32 40 50 65

(The report is to be on the letterhead of the company preparing the report) Date issued: 11 June 2013

80 100

610 660

Table 2 Concrete mix breakdown and credit achievement

Reference Case Portland Cement Content (kg/m3)

Mix Label

Mpa (following AS1379)

Volume (m )

Total Portland Cement Content Under the Reference Case

Actual Portland Cement Content (kg/m3)

Actual Total Portland Cement Content

[Mix 1] [Mix 2] [Mix 3] [Mix 4] [Mix 5] etc Overall Total Portland Cement (kg) Overall percentage of replacement (%) [x] [1-(y/x)(100)=%] [y]

Portland cement content was reduced by [%] and [1/2] point/s are claimed

[Please insert hyperlinks to documents which support this claim]

Therefore, as demonstrated in section 1.1 this project is eligible to achieve [1 or 2] point(s) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and resource use associated with the use of Portland cement.


Water and Aggregate

The project uses at least 50% captured or reclaimed water (measured across all concrete mixes in the project) for mixing concrete. One point [has/has not] been achieved for meeting water captured or reclaimed requirements and meeting one of the following criteria and calculated in Table 3: [At least 40% of coarse aggregate in the concrete is crushed slag or another alternative material (measured by mass across all concrete mixes in the project), and the use of the slag/alternative material has not increased the use of Portland cement by over five kilograms per cubic meter of concrete. This is demonstrated in Table 4.] [At least 25% of fine aggregate (sand) inputs in the concrete are manufactured sand or other alternative materials (measured by mass across all concrete mixes in the project), and the use of the

(The report is to be on the letterhead of the company preparing the report) Date issued: 11 June 2013

such material has not increased the use of Portland cement by over five kilograms per cubic meter of concrete. This is demonstrated in Table 5.]

Table 3 Water diversion

Mix Label

Mix Volume (m3)

Total (L/ m3)

Reclaimed or Total Reclaimed or Total Water Captured Captured Content Component (L/ m3) Component (L/ m3)

[Mix 1] [Mix 2] [Mix 3] [Mix 4] [Mix 5] Totals Overall percentage of replacement (%) [(y/x)(100)=%] [x] [y]

[Please insert hyperlinks to documents which support this claim]

Table 4 Coarse Aggregate

Alternative Coarse Aggregate Component (kg/ m3)

Mix Label

Mix Volume (m )

Total (L/ m )

Total Coarse Aggregate in Mix

Total Alternative Coarse Aggregate

[Mix 1] [Mix 2] [Mix 3] [Mix 4] [Mix 5] Totals Overall percentage of replacement (%) [(y/x)(100)=%] [x] [y]

[Please insert hyperlinks to documents which support this claim]

(The report is to be on the letterhead of the company preparing the report) Date issued: 11 June 2013

Table 5 Fine Aggregate

Alternative Fine Aggregate Component (kg/ m3)

Mix Label

Mix Volume (m3)

Total (L/ m3)

Total Fine Aggregate in Mix

Total Alternative Fine Aggregate

[Mix 1] [Mix 2] [Mix 3] [Mix 4] [Mix 5] Totals Overall percentage of replacement (%) [(y/x)(100)=%] [x] [y]

[Please insert hyperlinks to documents which support this claim]

Therefore, as demonstrated in section 1.2 this project is eligible to achieve [1] point for reductions in aggregate and water use associated with concrete production.

The following chapter is for projects that are targeting this credit as Not Applicable.


Credit Not Applicable

The projects material cost of new concrete represents less than 1% of the projects contract value. This credit is therefore excluded from the points available used to calculate the Materials Category Score and is marked as Not Applicable.

Table 6.1 Cost of Concrete

Total Cost of New Concrete


Projects Contract Value [$] Percent Value of Concrete


[Please insert hyperlinks to documents which support this claim]

(The report is to be on the letterhead of the company preparing the report) Date issued: 11 June 2013

Therefore, as demonstrated in section 1.3 this credit is considered Not Applicable and is excluded from the points available used to calculate the Materials Category Score.

[Insert any issues you would like to highlight and clarify to the Assessment Panel.]

Author Details: [Insert name, position and contact details of author] [Date]

Report end

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