Forgieveness and Correcting Agnya Chakra - Sahajayoga
Forgieveness and Correcting Agnya Chakra - Sahajayoga
Forgieveness and Correcting Agnya Chakra - Sahajayoga
Sprinkle this red mark, Sindur, Kumkum around in
your room it frightens the evil. Also applied to Agnya
Put candle to photo and chant Shri Mataji s name
flickering shows baddhas are being burned popping
shows bhoots are being burned.
Possession or negativity is sucked by the vibrated
limes put one under the pillow the limes suck in and
contain the vibrations and release them whenever it
is necessary.
Neem is very good for driving out baddhas it is
bitter to taste if you don t allow it to go in your
mouth, it's alright.
Vibrated salt, in water is given to drink, for
problem of possession by one of the Guru bhoots.
Shoebeat for possessions shoebeat the false gurus.
Footsoak daily in salt water, with full heart for 10
minutes, in front of the photo.
Do salt water gargle with warm water daily.
Use water as much as you can to get your vibrations
alright you must wash your hands.
You have to meditate collectively all your problems
are solved if you go to collective meditation regularly
I promise you.
Listen to these tapes, meditate on them meditation
will become very much easier that will really mature
you very much.
Use the Havana to burn off all that is wrong in you.
Key to treatments in Sahaja Yoga, for Left and Right side
Mother, it s all yours drop the my and mine
attitude. Be large hearted. Keep the heart open.
Surrender. Listen to Mother and absorb. Moksha
Dayini mantra. Listen to audiotapes of Mother s talks.
Recognition. Bhakti. Complete dedication to Mother.
28 Aug 2002
Pl ease send any suggesti ons for amendments to: sahajvi dya@freeuk. com wi th ful l references to source audi otape.
If R side is heavy or hot or burning or, if the L side is numb or if
there are more vibrations on the L side, and none on the R side then
this means that you are R sided.
An intellectual or futuristic person a person who is ambitious, who
wants to be something independent who is speedy or overactive who
has an opinion about everything and forces it onto others who is on
an ego trip who is aggressive and dominating, critical of others hot
tempered and quarrelsome sharp in their language self assertive and
cocksure and may suffer from possessions from the R side. Who may
indulge too much into life and so-called 'enjoy life'.
With a R sided person you should raise the L side, and put it to the R
side there's no other way out you have to work it out with your
hands. If we have ego, we should raise L to R 7 times.
When in action, just witness to get in the centre - I am not doing.
Try to obey the L Sided person. Avoid dominating others.
Avoid arguments, & too much planning.
Do not use light, or sit in Sun, but sit in the moonlight, & read poetry.
Become very sort of emotional people and sing songs of bhakti.
Allow time to pass.
Sit on Mother Earth put R side to the photo, and L towards ether.
Use water, even ice to cool and clear the R side. Use ice on your liver
to keep it cool.
Stand in the sea, and ask that your problems be taken away.
Take vibrated sugar.
If R hand is hot, put L hand on liver and R hand to photo.
If R hand is shaking, put L hand on stomach & R hand to photo.
Not to do backward bending exercises.
Shoebeat yourself.
Eat more vegetarian food more carbohydrates and less proteins
less meat at most chickens. Avoid fish, especially in summer.
In summer, eat more things which are cooling like Gulkhund which is
made out of rose petals, or cardamoms, candy sugar, white sugar.
Shri Mahasaraswati or Hanumana mantras, or Chandrama mantra.
Forgive. Also pull ears, and ask for forgiveness. Kshum.
Humble down in your heart.
Surrender the ego. Not I I do nothing you do everything.
Avoid arguments & too much planning.
Mahatahankara mantra, Lord s Prayer.
Watch photo of Mother s Feet.
Do everything in silence.
Use mirror, and challenge yourself, laugh at yourself.
Basil tea. Ajwain dhuni.
Allah ho Akbar. Radha Krishna, Vitthala mantras.
Stop talking take to Mona, silence. Speak sweetly.
Show concern for others. Not to say I like I don t like .
Try to make others feel comfortable. Care for needs of others.
Observe the Mariadas.
Put Heart into activity with Sankoch.
If the L side is heavy, or hot or if there are more vibrations on the
R side, and none on the L side or if the R side is numb then this
means that you are L sided. If the L side is catching this means we are
conditioned, and with a L side catch, we may suffer with pains etc.
Can be very negative, and depressive, finding problems everywhere
who feel sleepy or lethargic or lazy or not alert are afraid of
everything who trouble others in a very crooked manner and get lots
of psychosomatic diseases are docile, who bear up lots of things from
others, and cry and weep, and all the time are 'on the losers end' have
lethargic organs and may have some sort of baddha in them that they
are possessed by someone.
With a L sided person you should raise R to L, 7 times, with the R
hand, whilst watching Shri Mataji.
To get into the centre, to achieve balance, first we move out of the L
side to the right side, and from there to the centre.
Plan what you will do, and get into action and then witness.
Try to command the R Sided person. Not take domination of others.
Use light, or fire, or the Sun use a candle before the photo. Baddhas
can be burned off by the flame, and are to be seen as the flickering of
the flame, while bhoots are also burned and may go pop, pop, pop - and
that's why the candle has to be put. Candle or light at the back Agnya.
Use a good ghee lamp and see Shri Mataji through the flame.
Sit on the ground with L hand to photo, R hand on Mother Earth say
Ganesha mantra, or Atharvasheersha.
Keep in bandhan. Hum, I am.
Burn your name write down your name and burn it.
Take vibrated salt.
If L hand is hot, or shaking, put R hand on heart, and take vibrations.
Keep eyes focused on the ground.
Beware of grouping with other L Sided people.
Not do forward bending exercises.
Eat more proteins more meat and less carbohydrates.
Shri Mahakali, Bhairava, Ida Nadi Swamini mantras, or Surya mantra.
Put candle near L Swadisthan, a little far away & another before the
photo and put L hand towards the photo, and R hand on Mother Earth.
Shoebeat the False Gurus. Give up your False Guru mantras.
Mahaganesha. Mahabhairava mantras.
Sarva Asura Mardini & Sarva Asatya Guru Mardini mantras.
Watch photo of Mother s Feet.
R hand on L side, at base of neck say I am not guilty.
I am part and parcel of the whole.
Face it, face mistakes now stop it. Forget the past. Ask forgiveness
Tilt the head on the right side, attention on Sahastrara.
Announcement of Sahaja Yoga. Wear badges. Have processions, and
Be straight forward, and say nice things to others.
Maintain pure brother/sister and men/women relationships.
Maintain protocol with Mother.