Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor
Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor
Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, August 2013
Agrees and Disagrees of Mechanical and Electrical Faults Diagnosis of the IM Techniques: A Review
Khalaf Salloum Gaeid; 2Adel M. Bash; 3Aref Jasim Abbas; 4Jamal A.Hameed * 1,2,3,4 Tikrit University/Iraq
parameters using neural network model has been dramatically reduced, while sufficient accuracy has been maintained, as opposed to the conventional techniques (expensive equipment, or accurate mathematical models required) fuzzy and neural network not need it but just the data. Polyharmonic Extreme Learning Machine. The method is a novel accelerating extreme learning machine, a combination of polynomial function and sigmoidal function is used instead of using the same type of activation function for all data points [3]. FFT: the Fourier transforms is a representation of an image as a sum of complex exponentials of varying magnitudes frequencies, and phases. The Fourier transform plays a critical role in a broad range of image processing applications, including enhancement, analysis, restoration, and compression. FEM the benefits of this method include increased accuracy, enhanced design and better insight into critical design parameters, but all FE models are just that "models" they are mathematical "Idealizations" of continuous systems. Therefore, all results from any FEA code are not "closed formed solutions". The results are numerical approximations. Good approximations but approximations. TSCFE-SS (time step coupled finite element-state space) compute in sampled data from the time domain wave forms and profiles of the input phase and line currents, voltages .power, torques . Texture analysis based on local binary patterns [4], according to its capability as well as the gray scale invariance property of the LBP operators enables this method to achieve impressive diagnostic performance even in the presence of high background noise. MCSA this method take a great deal of attention because their easiness to use as well as it is not require to access to the induction motor parameters used signal spectral to find the faults according to the position of sidebands frequency harmonics and many another parameters effect the faults can be diagnostic but there are drawbacks of this method ,the amplitude of the current components depends on the loads connected to the motor thus the variation of system load make this method not applicable in all operation condition also when is that frequency s similar to those used for rotor bar can be generated by other causes such as low frequency oscillation. Currents and/or voltages signals can be selected to be analyzed to detect faults inside the motor. The selected
Abstract The first part of this review covered the field of the fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control up to 2010. The present contribution presents a modified review of the researches on the fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of induction motors up to now. The classification of the faults which is another interested topics of this research finally the drawback of the method used in the fault diagnosis of the induction motor. The emphasis is on highlighting agrees, disagrees and tradeoffs in the reviewed topics. Sorting and classification is another goal. More attention is paid for the researches done in the last ten years, and a brief description is presented for each issue. Extensive number of papers is reviewed and appointed in the present preview, to provide quantitative description for each agree or disagree. Index Terms Fault tolerant control, Neural, Fuzzy, IM Faults, Signal Processing Techniques, and Software.
I. INTRODUCTION Rotating electrical machines plays important role in many field especially in the industrial processes because their rigid, rugged ,low price, reliable relative simplicity and easy to maintenance which we can represents it as a core of these fields especially the induction motor which takes a great deal of attention for the above performance but , the companies still faces many critical situations results in losses in revenue, also the operators under continuous pressure so that the techniques of the fault diagnosis are very urgent aspects before the catastrophic results in the equipments . The fault diagnosis may be classified into two main parts: (cause-effect and effect cause) the main methods used in the fault diagnosis field are: Hybrid Approaches: Combination like I.M Model and any signal processing method, Model and soft computing method etc; are considered here as a hybrid approach for the fault detection of induction motor[1]. The expert diagnosis: This method is based on human been experience with the system. According to this experience fault diagnoses of the machine directly associated to cause of this fault. This method has several disadvantages such as complexity, bad robustness and need good Experience [2]. ANN artificial neural network better among many types of fault diagnosis for stable, speed, parallel processing but of some of its architecture cant apply for dynamic processing and need a lot of data. Compared with to finite element method, the solution time for calculating machine circuit
Electrical faults
Mechanical faults
Stator faults
Rotor faults
Bearing ,gearbox,oscillation
Many researches classifies the fault diagnosis according to the model based fault diagnosis methods and physical based model fault diagnosis but the model based take advantage of mathematical models of the Diagnosed plant. Different faults often require different mechanisms for their detection. A model based method using time-series prediction for fault
According to the above faults, the percentage of each fault are as in Fig.3.
wavelet decomposition using power spectral density in diagnosis of induction machine[136], fuzzy logic to detect the
Reconfiguration M. optimization
Design approach
Precomputing Nonlinear switching matching LQ Hinfinty LMI MPC GS/ LPV MM FL/DI LMI VSC/ SMC IC Following compensation
Online redesign
Linear quadratic( LQ) Pseudo Inverse (PI) Gain scheduling (GS) /Linear parameter variable (LPV) Model Following (MF) Adaptive control (AC) Multiple Model (MM) Eigen structure Assignment( EA) Feedback linearization (FL)/ Dynamic Inversion (DI) Model Predictive Control (MPC) Quantitative feedback theory (QFT) Linear matrix Inequality (LMI) variable structure control (VSC)/ Sliding mode control (SMC) Generalize internal mode control(GIMC)
tolerant control(FTC) of nonlinearly systems with uncontrollable The progress was made due to the novel feedback design technique called integrator, which was motivated by
homogeneous feedback stabilization and proposed initially in new strategy for the fault tolerant control for aircraft systems presented by[174],analytical redundancy relation (ARR) based approach for fault detection and isolation (FDI)with application to hydraulic and a thermo fluid process using
Casual model
State est.
Parameter est
Parity space
Fault trees
Structure graph
Fault trees
Structure graph
2 stage Kalman
Ex Kalman F.
Regression Analysis
Observer based
Kalman F. based
Expert system
VI. CONCLUSION This review for more interest research for last ten years in the fault diagnosis and FTC techniques. Included the general layout of the electrical and mechanical faults happened in the induction motor, methods to detects these faults and the agrees and disagrees of the most popular techniques deals with the fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control. Applying IM systems in critical path applications such as automotive systems and industrial applications requires design for fault
tolerance. The successful detection of IM faults depends on the selection of appropriate methods used. There are a number of results related to using FDI to mechanical systems and control surfaces of an IMs such as online identification of fault models with time-varying nonlinearities and robust FDI using closed loop models are still of research interest. Rapid detection and isolation of faults is necessary to minimize the undesirable effects of detection and reconfiguration delays. Finally the software programs, which acts as a tool to satisfy the above solving strategies. The authors would like to thanks
Non invasive
Khalaf Salloum Gaeid was born in Iraq in 1969.He received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. from the University of Technology/Iraq in 1993, 2003 respectively, and Ph.D from University of Malaya/Malaysia in 2012 all in electrical engineering, specializing in control systems. and machine drive. He is IEEE member and he has a lot of publications in control of machine drive and fault tolerant control through the wavelet techniques.
Adel M. Bash was born in Iraq in 1968.He received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. from the University of Technology/Iraq in 1991, 1998 respectively, in mechanical engineering, specializing in applied mechanics; he has a publications in his field.
. Aref Jasim Abbas was born in Iraq in 1962.He received the B.Eng. , M.Sc. and PH.D from the University of Technology/Iraq in1999,2002and 2006 Respectively, all in electrical engineering, specializing in AC and DC machines. He has a publications in the machine drive and power electronics fields.
Jamal A.Hameed Jamal A. Hamid was born in Iraq in 1953.He received the Diploma Eng. and PhD. from the University of TU Chemniz (Germany) in 1979, 1987 respectively, all in electrical engineering, specializing in computer Technology. He is currently working he is director of Electrical Engineering Department/Tikrit University. Dr.Jamal has a lot of publication in his field.