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User Answer Sheet

Rank: 7

1 If an ideal centre-tapped 1: 4 transformer is loaded as shown in the figure, the impedance measured across the terminals AA would be

Answer: A A) B) C) D) 3Z /64 3Z/18 2Z/3 Z/6 Report Question Answer Explanation :

Equivalent secondary impedance refereed to primary=

2 Zero sequence currents can flow from a line into a transformer bank if the windings are in Answer: A A) Grounded star/delta B) Delta/star C) Star/grounded star D) Delta/delta Report Question Answer Explanation :

From zero sequence network , for Ground star / delta zero sequence current can flow line into t/F bank . 3 Hysteresis loss of a transformer designed at voltage 'V' and frequency 'f' is . If the transformer is operated from a voltage 'xV' and frequency 'xf' the hysteresis loss for a Steinmetz constant of 2 will be Answer: B A) B) C) D) Report Question Answer Explanation :

If the main flux ' ' and the commutating flux ' ' are considered together in parts A and B of a dc as shown in the given figure, then the condition obtained is that

Answer: C A) B) C) D) increases the density in A, but decreases the density in B decreases the density in A, but increases the density in B increases the density in both A and B decreases the density in both A and B Report Question Answer Explanation :

From the concept of the inter poles 5 In o dc machine, the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction is due to Answer: C A) B) C) D) component of armature mmf along field axis non-sinusoidal nature of armature mmf magnetic saturation in half of the field pole uneven air gap length Report Question Answer Explanation : Demagnetizing effect of armature reaction is mainly because of saturation of field poles at pole tip 6 The following lists relate to speed control of dc motors. Match List I with List II, and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists : List I List II A. Armature voltage control 1 Speeds above base speed B. Field current control 2. Speeds below base speed C. Use of diverter resistance 3. Poor motor efficiency D. Rheostatic control 4. Speed control of series motor Codes : A B C D Answer: B A) 1 2 3 4 B) C) D) 2 4 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 3 2 4 Report Question Answer Explanation : above rated speed field current control below base speed armature volt control Rhoestatic control poor motor efficiency (loss component increase ) series motor control can be done by use of diverter resistance 7 The given figure shows the equivalent circuit of a 3-phase induction motor with deep-bar rotor. The sequence of the magnitudes of the parameters of resistances and reactances in the ascending order is

Answer: B A) B) C) D) Report Question Answer Explanation : will be greater than

8 In an induction motor, if the air gap is increased Answer: C A) B) C) D) speed will reduce efficiency will improve power facTor will be lowered breakdown torque will reduce Report Question Answer Explanation : As air-gap in induction motor increases then magnetizing current required by the induction motor to maintain as constant is increases . Hence power-factor angle increases then power factor become poor. 9 During hunting of synchronous motor Answer: C A) B) C) D) negative phase sequence currents are harmonics are developed in the armature
damper bar develops torque

field excitation increases Report Question Answer Explanation : During sudden change in load, supply, field and load containing harmonic torques, the synchronous machine starts oscillating. So as to reduce (or) suppress these oscillator, damper bar develops a torque which known as damping torque.

10 Fig shows the magnetization curves of an alternator at rated armature current, unity power factor and also at no load. The

magnetization curve for rated armature current, 0.8 power factor leading is given by

Answer: D A) B) C) D) curve A curve B curve C curve D Report Question Answer Explanation : For a given rated current V are shown

Hence curve D 11 Two 10KV/440V, 1-phase transformers of ratings 600 KVA and 350KVA are connected in parallel to share a load of 800KVA. The reactance of the transformers, referred to the secondary side are 0.0198 and 0.0304 respectively (resistance negligible). The load share by the two transformers will be , respectively Answer: A A) B) C) D) 484.5KVA and 315.5KVA 315.5KVA and 484.5KVA 533 KVA and 267KVA 267 KVA and 533 KVA Report Question Answer Explanation :

Load shared by transformer L is

= 484.5 kvA Load shared by transformer is

= 315 .5 kVA 12 If the secondary winding of the ideal transformer of the circuit shown in the given figure has 40 turns, then for maximum power transfer to the 2-ohm resistor, the number of turns required in the primary winding will be

Answer: C A) B) C) D) 20 40 80 120 Report Question Answer Explanation :

secondary no of turns =40 let 'K' be the transformer ratio :- K=secondary no of turns/primary no of turns equivalent circuit of transformer when secondary is transformed to the primary side

in order to transformer max power to the load

primary no of turns =80 13

A two-winding transformer (200 V/120 V)has a load of 2.4 k VA as shown in Figure-I. The windings of transformers are reconnected as an auto transformer shown in Figure- II. Assuming the same current rating for both the windings as before and neglecting the losses, the k VA rating of the auto transformer will be Answer: A A) 6.4 kVA B) 4.0 kVA C) 3.84 kVA D) 2.4 kVA Report Question Answer Explanation : given K=200/320=10/16 we know that

14 Assertion (A) :The exciting current of a single phase transformer with sinusoidal voltage supply is non-sinusoidal. Reason (R) : Eddy currents induced in the transformer core are non-sinusoidal introducing harmonics of higher order in the exciting current. Answer: C


Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.


Both A and R are individually true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

C) D)

A is true but R is false. A is false but R is true. Report Question Answer Explanation : in transformer excitation current is non- sinusoidal even though when it is excited from sinusoidal voltage source because of saturation and hysteresis non- linearity and eddy current losses has no effect on excitation current

15 Consider the following types of drives : 1.Slip energy recovery schemes with converter cascade in the rotor circuit. 2.Stator voltage control using ac voltage controller. 3.Constant V/f control (V =applied voltage, f= frequency). 4.Variable voltage and variable frequency schemes with air-gap flux constant. Those suitable for blowers and centrifugal pumps ( ) include Answer: B A) 1, 3 and 4 B) C) D) 1,2and4 1. 2 and 3 2, 3 and 4 Report Question Answer Explanation : The power drives like fans,blowers,and certifugal pumps required low starting torque and load torque(T) Propotional to the square of speed ( ) Therefore drives that are compatiable are, 1.stator voltage control 2.slip energy recovery schemes 3.variable voltage and variable schemes. 16 Match List I (motors) with List II (applications) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List I List II A.1-phase induction 1.Fast-acting motor servo drive B.Stepper' motor 2.Hand drilling machine C.Universal motor 3.Computer numerical control D.Brushless 4.Domestic pump dc motor Answer: C

A) B) C) D)

A-3 A- 3 A-4 A-4

B- 4 B- 4 B- 3 B- 3

C- 1 C- 2 C- 1 C-2

D-2 D-1 D-2 D-1 Report Question

Answer Explanation : from the applications of motors 17 Assume that the magnetisation curve, the rated values of voltage, armature current, speed and torque are same for the following motors:

A.Series motor B.Shunt motor C.Cumulative compound motor D.Differential compound motor Match the type of motor with corresponding speed-current characteristics shown In the above figure and select the correct answer using the codes given below : Answer: B A) A-II B-III C- I D-IV B) C) D) A-I A- I A-II B-III B-IV B- IV C-II C- II C-I D-IV D-III D-III Report Question Answer Explanation : From the speed torque characteristics. series motor has more constant cumulative compound motor characteristics in between shunt and series 18 A separately excited dc motor isfed from a phase controlled converter. The motor exhibits poor speed regulation. this

is due to Answer: A A) B) C) D) inductive voltage drop of the converter and possible discontinuous conduction harmonics in the armature current large inductance of the load current poor power factor of the converter Report Question Answer Explanation : the converter produce discontinuous conduction &connecter offers more inductance due to this there will be voltage drop in converter 19 Match List-I(DC motor) with List-II(Characteristic) and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists: List- I A. Cumulatively compound motor B. Different compound motor C. Series motor D. Shunt motor List-II 1.Fairly constant speed irrespective of the load 2. It may start in reverse direction 3. Definite no-load speed 4. Is never started without load

Answer: B A) B) C) D) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 Report Question Answer Explanation :

A) Cumulatively compound motor From speed torque characteristic cumulatively compound motor runs at define no load speed .

B) Different compound motor

At starting series field dominates the shunt field , as a result , motor runs in reverse direction C) Series Motor At No load , At no load series runs dangerously high speed , and it may damage machine series motor always starts and operates under load D)Shunt Motor

As load increases numerator increases but due to armature reaction demagnetize the filed Here speed increases with increases in load speed fall sligthly from no load speed. 20 A 6-pole, 50Hz, 3-phase synchronous motor and an 8-pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase slip- ring induction motor are mechanically coupled and operate on the same 3-phase, 50 Hz supply system. If they are left open- circuited, then the frequency of the voltage produced across any two slip rings would be Answer: A A) 12.5 Hz

B) C) D)

25.0 Hz 37.5 Hz 50.0 Hz Report Question Answer Explanation : when both synchronous motor and induction motor are connected to 50 Hz supply speed of rotating field produced by synchronous motor


rotating field produced by induction motor

when both the motors are mechanically coupled,then both will rotate at same speed and synchronous motor at 750 rpm induction motor slip = frequency of voltage produced across any two slip ring would be the slip frequency =sf =1/450=12.5 Hz 21 Assertion A: In a salient-pole synchronous motor, the angular displacement of rotor per unit change of power is less

than that for a similar cylindrical rotor machine. Reason R: A reluctance torque is developed in the salient- pole machine due to the effect of direct axis flux on the damper winding. Answer: A A) B) C) D) Both A and Rare true and R is the correct explanation of A. Both A and R are true but R is NOT a correct explanation of A A is true but R is false A is false but R is true Report Question Answer Explanation : Due to salient poles an extra power[(20 to 25%) of total power] developed called Reluctance power"in the salient pole synchronous motor,which makes machine more stable. therefore For per unit change of load, angular displacement of rotor is less in salient pole motor compared to cylindrical motor 22 A 3-phase alternator delivers power to a balanced 3-phase load of power factor 0.707 lagging. It is observed that the open-circuit emf phasor leads the corresponding terminal voltage phasor by Neglecting the effect of harmonics, the angle between the axis of the main field mmf and the axis of the armature mmf will be Answer: D A) electrical B) electrical C) electrical D) electrical Report Question Answer Explanation : angle between armature mmf and main fields mmf in alternator is given by = where given load angle

:- required angle 23 The fifth harmonic component of the induced voltage in a 3-phase ac generator coli, be entirely eliminated by using a winding pitch of Answer: B A) 2/3 B) C) 4/5 5/6


6/7 Report Question Answer Explanation : coil span to eliminated n harmonic is

for 5 harmonic

24 which one of the following motors running under the specified conditions will have a leading power factor? Answer: C A) Slip ring induction motor at no-load B) Under excited synchronous motor C) D) Over excited synchronous motor Double-cage induction motor at load Report Question Answer Explanation : slip ring induction motor at no load lag p.f under excited synchronous motor lag p.f double - cage induction motor at load lag p.f but over excited synchnorous motor operates at leading p.f and deliver reactive power 25 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists : List I List II A. Rolling mill drive 1. Adjustable speed drive B. Power drill drive 2. Variable speed drive C. Hoist drive 3.Constant speed drive Answer: C A) B) C) D) A- 1 A- 2 A- 3 A- 1 B-2 B-3 B-1 B-2 C-3 C-1 C-2 C-1 Report Question

Answer Explanation : option 3 current 26 Starting torque can be obtained in the case of a single phase induction motor with identical main and auxiliary windings by connecting Answer: C A) a capacitor across the mainS B) a capacitor in series with the machine C) D) a capacitor in series with the auxiliary winding the main and the auxiliary windings in series Report Question Answer Explanation : In order to produce a torque,there should be a time phase displacement between auxilary winding current and main winding current. This can be obtained by putting a suitable capacitor in series with the auxilary winding Common Data for Q27 and Q28 is given below A 1000 kVA , 6.6 kV, 3-phase star connected cylindrical pole synchronous generator has a synchronous reactance of 20 O. Neglect the armature resistance and consider operation at full load and unity power factor 27
The induced emf (line-to-line) is close to

Answer: B A) 5.5 kV

B) C) D)

7.2 kV 9.6 kV 12.5 kV Report Question Answer Explanation :

From Phasor diagram [ if resistance neglected ]

28 The power(or torque) angle is close to A) B) C) D) Report Question Answer Explanation : From phasor diagram ,

Answer: C

Since ,

Data for Linked answer Q29 and Q30 is given below 29 A synchronous motor is connected to an infinite bus at 1.0 pu voltage and draws 0.6 pu current at unity power factor . Its synchronous reactance is 1.0 pu and resistance is negligible The excitation voltage (E) and load angle () will respectively be Answer: D A) B) C) D) 0.8 pu and 0.8 pu and 1.17 pu and 1.17 pu and lag lead pu lead pu lag Report Question

Answer Explanation :

From phasor diagram of synchronous motor.

= 1.36 E = 1.17

30 Keeping the excitation voltage same , the load on the motor is increased such that the motor current increased by 20 %. The operating power factor will become Answer: A A) B) C) D) 0.995 lagging 0.995 leading 0.791 lagging 0.848 leading Report Question Answer Explanation : With increase in load , increased and phasor diagram is illustrated below and = 1.2 x0.6 = 0.72 From cosine rule

Cosine Rule :

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