21 - Suitability of Shredded Tires For Use in Landfill Leachate Collection Systems
21 - Suitability of Shredded Tires For Use in Landfill Leachate Collection Systems
21 - Suitability of Shredded Tires For Use in Landfill Leachate Collection Systems
Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5B 2K3
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont., Canada
Golder Associates Ltd., Ottawa, Ont., Canada
The suitability of shredded tires or ‘‘tire chips’’ for use in the leachate collection drainage layer of a municipal solid waste landfill
was investigated in terms of the: (1) compressibility of the tire chips and resulting changes in hydraulic conductivity under varying
applied loads, and (2) effect of leachate pH on the shredded tries compressibility and hydraulic conductivity behavior. A constant
head hydraulic conductivity apparatus was fabricated to measure the hydraulic conductivity of the tire shred sample under different
axial strains. Further, the fabricated assembly was capable of measuring hydraulic conductivity of the sample at various sample
locations at a given strain level. One aim of this study was to provide supporting information for permission to use tire chips as
an alternative to crushed stone in the leachate collection system of a landfill. Shredded tires from two different sources were used
in this study to investigate any differences in the sensitivity of the shredding process to compressibility and hydraulic conductivity
responses under varied applied loads. Under applied vertical loads resulting in average vertical stresses of up to 440 kPa, equivalent
to over 50 m of waste, the maximum normal strain recorded in each type of tire chip was observed to plateau at a strain level near or
slightly greater than 0.5. The results of the permeability testing indicated average hydraulic conductivity values ranging between 0.67
and 13.4 cm/s under average applied normal stresses ranging from approximately 60 to 335 kPa and strain increments between 0.3
and 0.5. These results are one to three orders of magnitude higher than the hydraulic conductivity typically specified for drainage
layers in leachate collection systems of 0.01 cm/s. Additional tests were also carried out to identify how landfill leachate and varied
pH levels may affect the compressibility and hydraulic conductivity of the shredded tires. Care should be exercised in extending these
results to field conditions, as the results presented are based on limited experimental testing data and a limited time frame.
2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0956-053X/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
968 M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979
The crushed stone component of leachate collection Investigate the effect of leachate acidity (low pH val-
system drainage layers can be a very costly component ues in the range of 4–5) during early stages of the
in the construction of an engineered landfill facility. This landfill operation and organic waste biodegradation,
is due, in part, to the extensive processing involved in and leachate alkalinity (high pH values in the range
producing quantities of crushed stone with the required of 8–9) during later stages of organic solid waste bio-
gradation and haulage costs for this relatively degradation on the shredded tires drainage layer
heavy material. Furthermore, crushed stone is a non- compressibility and in turn drainage layer hydraulic
renewable resource (Humphrey and Manion, 1992). conductivity properties under varying conditions of
This paper presents the results of a laboratory study, compressibility and pH values.
which was carried out to investigate the suitability of
shredded rubber tires or ‘‘tire chips’’ as an alternative Information of shredded tires thickness and hydraulic
to crushed stone in the leachate collection drainage layer conductivity during its application as a drainage layer in
of a municipal solid waste landfill site. landfills is essential and is often required by the regula-
Recommendations for drainage layer thickness and tory standards. The compressibility of the material is
gradations are set forth in Ontario, Canada by the On- critical to the evaluation of the use of shredded tires be-
tario Ministry of the Environment (MOE, 1998), and cause as the material compresses, the thickness and
the regulatory and approval requirements for new or hydraulic conductivity of the drainage layer will de-
expanding municipal landfill sites in Ontario, Canada, crease, negatively affecting its performance. Knowledge
are described under Ontario Regulation 232/98 of the interrelationship between compressibility, thick-
(O.Reg. 232/98) made under the Environmental Protec- ness, and hydraulic conductivity for various types and
tion Act. Similar regulations and guidance documents treatments of shredded tires would increase our ability
exist for other governing bodies and regulatory agen- to design appropriately for their use.
cies in North America. These recommendations typi- Shredded tires from two different sources were used
cally pertain to the required service life of the in this study to investigate how different shredding proc-
engineered components of the landfill site. Demonstra- esses may affect the compressibility and hydraulic con-
tion that the granular drainage material in the leachate ductivity response under varied applied loads.
collection system will provide adequate hydraulic con-
ductivity or hydraulic conductivity during the service
life is an essential requirement for landfill design 2. Literature review
Review of the use of tire chips in the design of high- Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are con-
way embankments (Edil and Bosscher, 1994; Bosscher structed with a leachate drainage layer overlying single
et al., 1997) revealed that the tire chip-soil matrix could or composite multi-layer liner materials. The purpose
exhibit a significant initial plastic compression under of a leachate drainage layer is to provide positive control
vertical loads. This could be as high as 40% of the initial and discharge of landfill leachate to the leachate collec-
placement thickness for pure tire chips. Once the mate- tion system. The design criteria as stipulated in Ontario,
rial is subjected to this level of vertical stresses and com- Canada Regulation 232/1998 and by Subtitle D (USE-
pression and the associated reduction in porosity, it PA, Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR258 of 1992)
behaves like an elastic material. for the drainage stone layer are as follows:
1.2. Study objectives drainage layer should be designed to prevent the leac-
hate head from exceeding 300 mm over the liner;
The main objective of this study was to investigate drainage layer should be at least 300 mm thick; and
the performance of tire shreds as an alternative to the drainage material should possess a hydraulic con-
crushed stone in landfill leachate collection systems. ductivity equal to or greater than 1 · 10 3 cm/s.
The specific objectives of this study were to:
The requirements set out in the Ontario, Canada
Evaluate the suitability of tire chips for use in the Landfill Standards for stone in a primary leachate col-
leachate collection drainage layer of a municipal solid lection system for a 100, 75 and 60 year service life state
waste landfill site in terms of the compressibility of that stone must have D85 > 37 mm, D10 > 19 mm, a
the tire chips and resulting changes in hydraulic con- coefficient of uniformity <2, and <1% passing the
ductivity under varying applied loads for site specific #200 (0.075 mm) sieve (MOE, 1998).
and generic landfill design conditions. The drainage layer consists of a natural material with
Investigate differences in compressibility and hydrau- a high hydraulic conductivity such as gravel or crushed
lic conductivity testing results on tire chips from dif- stones. The stone drainage media provide a uniform and
ferent sources and shredding methods. continuous connection between the solid waste and the
M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979 969
leachate collection system, in which the liquid collected tion of waste placed initially over the tire shreds (i.e.,
on the base liner is transmitted to the collector drainage the initial waste lifts) may be up to 50% lower than
pipes. Conventional materials used in the leachate col- the compaction achievable over gravel-based systems
lection layer include granular soils and geosynthetics due to the initial high compressibility of the shredded
(geotextiles and geonets). In addition to allowing free- tire layers.
flow of leachate, the drainage layer must also serve as The City of Calgary, Alberta has also been incorpo-
a protective layer to guard the liner system, particularly rating the use of tire shreds in the drainage layers at
the geomembrane liner, from damage during construc- three of the CityÕs landfill sites, including the use of
tion and after subsequent placement of waste. Finally, approximately 12,500 ton of tire shreds in their 1998
the drainage layer must not damage the liner when great program alone (Reddy and Saichek, 1998).
depths of waste and soil could lead to stress concentra- Landfilling of whole tires is generally an unaccept-
tions in the angular materials in a drainage layer push- able practice in the United States as well as other
ing into the liner they are meant to protect. Thus, this developed countries and, consequently, the incorpora-
layer plays a complex role of protective cover and tion of tire chips into the engineered components of
drainage. new landfill site construction has been gaining popu-
Tire shreds were proposed and approved as an alter- larity and acceptance in several states. For example,
native to drainage stone in the construction of a new Modern Landfill Inc. received the New York State
landfill cell at the Ryley Regional Landfill Site in the Department Environmental ConservationÕs (NYS-
County of Beaver, Alberta. A new landfill cell was con- DEC) approval to permit the substitution of tire chips
structed at this site during 1995 and 1996 using tire for drainage aggregate in its primary leachate collec-
shreds as a complete replacement for drainage stone in tion system in October 1991, becoming the first land-
the leachate collection system with the exception of the fill site in New York to utilize tires for this purpose
crushed stone that was placed surrounding the leachate (Goehrig, 1996).
collection pipes. It was noted during this project that the
tire shreds could not provide sufficient lateral support to
the pipe due to the compressibility of the tire shreds and 3. Apparatus and experimental approach
the uncertainty of the quality of the shredded tires closer
to the main drainage pipes (Evans, 1997). In total, 3.1. Tire chip samples
approximately 6000 ton of tire shred was incorporated
into the leachate collection system of the new landfill Tire chips from two suppliers were obtained for use
cell, which is equivalent to around 600,000 passenger in the laboratory study. These tire chips are represent-
car tires (Evans, 1997). ative of what is presently readily available in Ontario,
The design criteria for the landfill cell at the Ryley site Canada, and in North America from existing facilities
were a minimum liner grade of 2%, a maximum allowa- outfitted with rubber shredding equipment. Tire shreds
ble leachate head of 1 m over a compacted clay liner, are basically flat, irregularly shaped tire chunks with
and a minimum leachate collection layer hydraulic con- jagged edges that may or may not contain protruding,
ductivity of 0.01 cm/s. Leachate collection pipes were sharp pieces of metal, which are parts of steel belts or
spaced at approximately 40 m, with a granular (tire beads. As previously noted, the size of tire shreds may
shred) leachate collection layer thickness of 300 mm range from as large as 460 mm to as small as 25 mm,
(Evans, 1997). The tire chips used had a nominal size with most particles within the 100–200 mm range. The
of 50 mm (in length). Laboratory hydraulic conductivity average loose density of tire shreds varies according to
tests on the tire chips under a variety of confining pres- the size of the shreds, but can be expected to be be-
sures were reportedly consistently two or more orders of tween 390 and 535 kg/m3. The average compacted den-
magnitude greater than the design performance criterion sity ranges from 650 to 840 kg/m3.Two types of tire
of 0.01 cm/s. chip samples are referred to as ‘‘higher quality’’ (HQ)
Evans (1997) reported that ‘‘the preliminary find- tire chips and ‘‘lower quality’’ (LQ) tire chips. The
ings show [hydraulic conductivity] performance to be higher quality tire chips are characterized by sharper,
as expected or better and there is no marked difference more regular edges with the appearance of being
in leachate quality from that collected via a conven- ‘‘cut’’ as opposed to torn or shredded. The shapes of
tional gravel system’’. Some practical considerations the individual tire chips in the higher quality samples
for the use of tire shreds in a leachate collection sys- are somewhat more regular with average length-
tem, however, include: health and safety aspects of to-width aspect ratios of about 1:1 to 2:1. The lower
handling shredded tires, as the steel belt fragments quality tire chips have torn appearances and the indi-
and steel rims in the tires results in many sharp fine vidual pieces are more elongated.
steel pieces being present; availability of tire shreds Particle size analyses of shredded tires selected for this
in sufficient quantities can be a challenge; and compac- experimental study were conducted on representative
970 M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979
Percent finer
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Grain Size (mm)
Trial 1 Trial 2
Fig. 2. The high quality shredded tires (HQ) used in the experimental study.
HQ and LQ tire chip samples. The resulting grain size 3.2. Compressibility test
distribution curves are presented in Fig. 1, while Fig. 2
shows the HQ shredded tires used in this experimental A testing program was carried out in the laboratory
study. to investigate the compressibility of the tire shreds in
Tire chips and tire shreds are non-reactive under nor- terms of the normal strain resulting from varied applied
mal environmental conditions. The principal chemical vertical loads. A schematic of the compressibility testing
component of tires is a blend of natural and synthetic apparatus is provided in Fig. 3. A PVC cylinder was
rubber, but additional components include carbon used to house the tire chip samples. The dimensions of
black, sulfur, polymers, oil, paraffins, pigments, fabrics, the cylinder measured approximately 1000 mm long
and bead or belt materials. with an average outside diameter of 317 mm and an
M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979 971
average inside diameter of 296 mm. The dimensions of the load measured by the load cell at the bottom of the
the PVC cylinder were selected to permit testing on sam- sample.
ples with diameters exceeding the width of several indi- The average maximum vertical stresses (top stress
vidual tire chips (i.e., at least four tire chips at a and base stress divided by 2) computed were in the range
maximum size of 75 mm) and thickness representative of approximately 250–440 kPa. Assuming an average
of the thickness of the tire shred layer that would typi- density of 750 kg/m3, which is representative of moder-
cally be placed initially in the leachate collection system ate to good waste compaction for municipal solid waste
drainage layer of a landfill site (i.e., greater than 500 in modern landfills, the maximum loading employed in
mm). The end-caps used to provide the bearing surfaces the compressibility tests were equivalent to between 30
consisted of a plywood laminate with 3-mm thick alum- and 50 m of solid waste.
inum faceplates.
A hydraulic Tinius Olsen Universal Testing Machine 3.3. Hydraulic conductivity testing
was used to compress the tire chips. A load cell was
placed under the bottom end-cap to record vertical Following completion of the compressibility testing,
loads at the bottom of the tire chip sample, in compar- the PVC cylinder used in the compressibility testing
ison to the vertical applied load measured by the univer- was used as part of a constant head hydraulic conductiv-
sal testing machine, for the purpose of determining how ity apparatus for laboratory testing on the hydraulic
much load was being lost to friction between the tire conductivity of tire chips under varying applied loads.
chips and the walls of the PVC cylinder. Incorporation of the ability to compress the tire chips
Compression testing involved slowly loading the tire to a predetermined strain level and then to lock in the
chip samples while recording sample deformations at required applied load such that hydraulic conductivity
various load increments. The reference point for meas- testing could be carried out at that particular strain level
uring deflections was the overall distance between the was required. A schematic of the ‘‘tire chip permeame-
top and bottom bearing plates of the universal testing ter’’ is illustrated in Fig. 4.
machine. Tire chip sample mass was measured and the Four 12.7-mm diameter aluminum-locking pins were
corresponding bulk density was calculated for various used to support aluminum porous end-caps at the top
compression tests. and bottom of the tire chip samples. The locking pins
A silicon-based lubricant spray was used on the in- were inserted through holes that were drilled through
side walls of the PVC loading cylinder. The purpose of the wall of the PVC cylinder. The pair of locking pins
using the lubricant was an attempt to decrease loss in supporting the porous cap at the bottom of the tire chip
applied load due to the friction between the tire chips sample remained in a fixed position during the hydraulic
and the cylinder walls as the tire chip sample was com- conductivity testing. The pair of locking pins supporting
pressed. Significant friction losses were observed based the porous cap at the top of the tire chip sample were in-
on the difference in applied load at the top of the sam- serted through holes which were drilled at locations rep-
ple (as measured by the universal testing machine) and resenting strain levels of 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45 and 0.5. The
972 M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979
(With known
locations of these holes were calculated based on an ini- each of the five strain levels indicated above. Testing
tial tire chip sample height of 84 cm (i.e., the height of was repeated at selected strain intervals in order to dem-
the PVC cylinder above the top of the bottom porous onstrate result consistency and reproducibility.
cap). For each of the strain increments, the tire chip Hydraulic head levels were measured at eight loca-
samples were compressed using the hydraulic Tinius Ol- tions in the testing cylinder during each permeability test
sen Universal Testing Machine. A concrete cylinder and run. These locations were selected from 15 possible ports
steel plates were used as spacers to push the top porous installed at regular intervals along the testing cylinder
cap down to the desired stain level, such that the locking (the seven unused ports were sealed shut). The specific
pins could be inserted to lock the porous cap in place, taps selected varied between tests due to the different
keeping the tire chip sample in a compressed state for sample thicknesses, which were dependent on the strain
the duration of the hydraulic conductivity testing at that increment being tested. The intervals over which head
strain increment. Window sealant putty was used to pro- losses and resulting permeability calculations were made
vide a near watertight seal around the perimeter of the were selected in order to provide a permeability profile
locking pins. Duct tape was used to prevent leakage through the sample. Adjacent ports were not considered
from the locking holes not being used during each (e.g., 1 and 2, 3 and 4, etc.) because the minimal loss in
hydraulic conductivity test and around the base of the hydraulic head between ports spaced closely together
PVC cylinder. introduced the potential for significant experimental er-
Fifteen (15) taps were drilled into the side of the PVC ror (i.e., minor fluctuations in piezometric levels repre-
cylinder at 2-in. (50.8 mm) spacings to allow flexibility in sented significant proportions of total head loss
the connection location of each of the eight (8) piezom- between ports). Instead, intervals were selected which al-
eters making up the piezometer panel. Taps not in use lowed for permeability measurements at different loca-
during hydraulic conductivity testing were sealed with tions in the sample, while being spaced far enough
screw caps. Water used during the hydraulic conductiv- apart that the head loss across the interval was relatively
ity testing was provided from high-pressure faucets in large. The y-axis coordinates for points plotted in Figs. 8
the laboratory with removed aerators. The hydraulic and 9 represent the midpoint of the interval over which
conductivity testing was carried out on representative permeability (x-axis) values were calculated (e.g., half
samples of the HQ and LQ tire chips, compressed to way between ports 1 and 4, 2 and 5, etc.). The average
M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979 973
of the permeability values calculated between each of the The shredded tire samples were exposed to these three
five piezometer pairs was compared to the average bulk pH solutions for 2, 4 and 6 week time intervals. The
permeability of the entire tire shred sample, based on the shredded tire samples were examined at each time inter-
total head loss between the upper most and lower most val for their compressibility and hydraulic conductivity
ports (i.e., ports 1 and 8). This was done as a check to properties. These tests provide insight on the effect of
address potential errors in interpretation. various landfill leachate samples on the compressibility
and hydraulic conductivity of tire chips.
3.4. Effect of pH on shredded tires’ compressibility and
hydraulic conductivity
4. Experimental results and discussion
An experimental program was designed to investigate
the compressibility and the hydraulic conductivity prop- 4.1. Tire chip compressibility
erties of shredded tires in drainage layers in a landfill
environment, where leachate pH varies during the land- A graphical representation of the compressibility re-
fill life span. In this experimental study, pH conditions sults is shown in Fig. 5 with the average normal stress
ranging from 4 to 9 were used to simulate landfill leac- plotted against the corresponding observed normal
hate pH (Warith and Sharma, 1998). strain. As described in Section 3.2, the average normal
The HQ shredded tires were exposed to three pH stress at each load increment was calculated, assuming
solutions: a linear distribution of stress through the tire chip sam-
ple, by averaging the applied loads measured at the top
Low pH solution (pH 4) to simulate landfill leachate and bottom of the sample. Average normal strain was
conditions at an early stage of organic solid waste calculated by dividing the observed normal deformation
biodegradation and generation of fatty acids. at each load increment by the initial sample thickness.
Neutral pH solution (pH 7) to simulate intermediate The compressibility testing showed consistent results
stages of waste degradation. with no significant differences between the LQ and HQ
High pH (pH 9) to simulate a later stage of solid tire chips. Additionally, the use of a silicon-based lubri-
waste biodegradation and conversion of acetic acids cant for the intended purpose of decreasing the fric-
and hydrogen gas to methane and carbon dioxide. tional losses between the tire chips and the walls of the
The pH values, due to these methanogenic reactions, PVC testing cylinder did not appear to have any signif-
rise to pH values in the range of 6.8–8.5. icant impact on the compressibility.
The average applied normal stress was calculated
The solution pH values were adjusted using nitric from the compressibility results at strain increments of
acid (HNO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions. 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45 and 0.5. These average values were
Strain (cm/cm)
HQ Average
LQ Average
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Average Stress (kPa)
calculated through linear interpolation of the applied the order of about 40% of the initial sample thickness
stress at each of these strain levels in each of the com- was observed. It is considered that some of this defor-
pressibility tests. The interpolated stress values at each mation may not have been permanent (i.e., plastic)
strain level were averaged separately for all of the tests and that, given sufficient time, the samples may have
on the HQ chips and the LQ chips. The average applied decompressed to a higher degree. The high amount of
stress values at each of the above strain increments for apparent plastic deformation observed may be due to
the HQ and LQ chips are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The the loose sample placement methodology used with no
average stress values computed for the HQ chips and compaction effort.
the LQ chips at each strain increment were very similar, Significant frictional losses were observed between
particularly at higher strain levels (e.g., 0.45 and 0.5). At the tire chips and the walls of the PVC testing cylinder
strain levels below 0.45, slightly less applied stress was during the compressibility testing. This was apparent
required to compress the HQ tire chips to the given by the significantly lower applied loads measured by
strain increments than was required for the LQ chips. the load cell at the bottom of the tire chip sample, com-
This could be due to a slightly higher angle of internal pared to the applied load measured at the top of the
friction in the LQ chips than in the HQ chips. sample by the universal testing machine. The maximum
Similar to the results reported by Humphrey and applied loads recorded at the bottom of the sample were
Manion (1992), the tire chip samples were observed to about 40% of the maximum applied loads measured at
be highly compressible at relatively low stress levels the top of the sample.
(i.e., up to 100 kPa), with decreasing compressibility at
stress levels above 100 kPa. In each case, the maximum 4.2. Tire chip hydraulic conductivity
normal strain recorded was observed to reach a constant
limit at a strain level near or slightly greater than 0.5 Fig. 7 provides a graphical presentation of the aver-
(i.e., when samples were compressed to approximately age hydraulic conductivity measured at strain incre-
50% of the initial thickness). This is also consistent with ments of 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45 and 0.5, found from each
Donovan et al. (1996). The observed normal strain was of the compressibility tests described above. As indi-
plotted against the average normal stress on a logarith- cated in the preceding section, average stress values at
mic scale. An approximately linear relationship between each of the strain increments in which hydraulic conduc-
the strain and log stress was observed, as shown in tivity testing was carried out were calculated based on
Fig. 6. the compressibility test results through linear interpola-
The unloading results showed a combination of elas- tion, as the applied load recorded to compress the tire
tic and plastic deformation in the tire chip samples. Fol- chip samples to the desired strain level for hydraulic
lowing compression of the tire chips to strain levels conductivity testing was not considered to be represent-
above 0.5, an apparent total plastic deformation on ative of the ‘‘locked in’’ applied load. The average
Strain (cm/cm)
HQ Average
LQ Average
1 10 100 1000
Average Stress (kPa)
0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55
Strain (cm/cm)
hydraulic conductivity values plotted in Fig. 7 were based on the five piezometer pairs was similar to the
computed as the average of the calculated hydraulic average hydraulic conductivity measured between the
conductivity values based on five piezometer pairs from upper most and lower most connected piezometer taps.
each constant head hydraulic conductivity test. A total Figs. 8 and 9 illustrate the differences in hydraulic
of eight piezometers were connected to the tire chip per- conductivity calculated at different positions within the
meameter during each test. The piezometer pairs used in tire chips for the tests conducted on the higher quality
the average hydraulic conductivity calculation represent tire chips and the lower quality chips, respectively. The
the hydraulic conductivity of the tire chips at various locations included in Figs. 8 and 9 represent the position
positions within the sample. This was desired due to in the sample at the midpoint between each of the five
the significant stress gradient through the tire chip sam- piezometer pairs. As expected, the hydraulic conductiv-
ple. The piezometer taps were numbered from the top of ity of the tire chip samples decreased with increasing
the tire chip permeameter to the bottom. The hydraulic height above the bottom of the sample. This decrease
conductivity values used to calculate the average was more predominant at lower strain increments under
hydraulic conductivity were calculated based on the to- lower applied stress. The decrease in hydraulic conduc-
tal head loss between the first (upper most) and fourth tivity also appeared to be slightly more predominant
tap, the second and fifth tap, the third and sixth tap, in the HQ samples. This may be an indication that the
the fourth and seventh tap, and the fifth and eighth upper portions of the HQ tire chips compressed more
(lower most) piezometer tap connected in each hydraulic easily, compared to the upper portions of the LQ tire
conductivity test. Using this method in the hydraulic chips, again supporting the hypothesis that the LQ chips
conductivity calculations allows for discrepancy due in may have a higher angle of internal friction, thus provid-
compaction along the depth of the shredded tire layer. ing more interconnection between individual tire chips.
The average hydraulic conductivity based on the five Some hydraulic conductivity test results indicated
piezometer pairs, as described above, for each hydraulic slightly higher hydraulic conductivity values in the
conductivity test was compared to the hydraulic conduc- upper most portion of the tire chip samples, compared
tivity calculated based on the total head loss between the to portions directly below (refer to Figs. 8 and 9). This
upper most and lower most piezometer taps connected could reflect an interaction between the tire chips and
during the test. The hydraulic conductivity based on the upper porous end-cap.
the piezometers attached near the top and bottom of The above results are in agreement with Edil and
the tire chip sample should provide an ‘‘average hydrau- Bosscher (1994) who concluded that tire chips have high
lic conductivity’’ across the entire tire chip sample. In hydraulic conductivity (more than 1 cm/s) when uncon-
each case, the average hydraulic conductivity calculated fined. Additionally, Edil and Bosscher (1994), Gonzales
976 M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979
Heightabove bottom of sample (cm)
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0
Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s)
Strain = 0.35 Strain = 0.3 6 Strain =0.4 Strain =0.45 Strain = 0.5
Fig. 8. Hydraulic conductivity of high quality (HQ) shredded tires versus depth of the compressibility cell.
Height above bottom of sample (cm)
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0
Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s)
Strain = 0.3 Strain = 0.35 Strain =0.45 Strain = 0.5 Strain =0.4
Fig. 9. Hydraulic conductivity of low quality (LQ) shredded tires versus depth of the compressibility cell.
and Williams (1995) and Bosscher et al. (1997) indicated tire chips exhibited slightly higher average hydraulic
that overburden pressure reduces hydraulic conductiv- conductivity values than the LQ tire chips at the lower
ity; however, a relatively high hydraulic conductivity strain levels of 0.3 and 0.35. It is considered that this
on the order of 0.1 cm/s or more can be expected under may be a result of the more uniform individual tire chip
typical drainage conditions in structure fill. dimensions of the HQ chips, which could result in a
The hydraulic conductivity test results obtained on slightly higher void ratio.
tests conducted on the HQ chips were very similar to The results of the hydraulic conductivity testing indi-
the test results obtained on tests conducted at the corre- cated average hydraulic conductivity values ranging be-
sponding strain increments on the LQ chips. The HQ tween 13.4 and 0.67 cm/s under average applied normal
M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979 977
stresses ranging from approximately 60 to 335 kPa and hydraulic conductivity of the tire shred layer. This can
strain increments between 0.3 and 0.5. These results are be carried out by applying a layer of selected waste over
similar to the results reported by Donovan et al. (1996) the drainage layer as soon as practical.
and Evans (1997) and higher than the hydraulic conduc- In any case, the results of this study have indicated
tivity values reported by Duffy (1995). The constant that, under the applied load imposed by the anticipated
head hydraulic conductivity testing carried out in the range in waste height at an engineered landfill facility,
study presented by Duffy (1995) was conducted on tire the vertical hydraulic conductivity of tire chips is on
chip samples ranging in thickness from 23 to 33 cm. the order of one to three orders of magnitude higher
The thickness of the tire chip samples in this study than the hydraulic conductivity typically specified of
was significantly higher than this (i.e., 42–84 cm). It is 0.01 cm/s. These test results were obtained on samples
considered that different sized tire chips could result in with a thickness similar to the thickness of tire shreds
varied hydraulic conductivity results. The nominal size that would be used as the drainage layer of a municipal
of tire chips used in this study was 75 mm. solid waste landfill site leachate collection system. It is
The initial bulk density of the tire chips was observed noted that individual tire chips are relatively flat and,
during this study to result in a noticeable difference in once placed, may have a tendency to lie flat in a more
hydraulic conductivity under load, as evidenced by the horizontal position than vertical. The direction of leac-
results of the hydraulic conductivity of initial testing hate flow in a leachate collection system is primarily hor-
with lower initial bulk density tire shreds, compared to izontal, as leachate follows the contours of the shaped
the other hydraulic conductivity tests shown in this subgrade to the leachate collection piping. It is consid-
study. The initial bulk density of the tire chips employed ered that the vertical hydraulic conductivity measured
in the field is directly related to the construction vehicle in this study is a conservative estimate of the hydraulic
traffic permitted over the tire chips once placed. Con- conductivity in the horizontal direction.
struction traffic could compact the tire chip layer or It is worthwhile to note that the overall hydraulic
align the individual tire chips in a less random fashion. conductivity of the shredded tire drainage layer may
If tire shreds are used as an alternative to drainage stone be reduced in a landfill environment due to the biologi-
in the leachate collection system of a landfill site, it is cal clogging and migration of fines (Reinhart and Town-
therefore considered that limiting construction vehicle send, 1998). These aspects were not examined in this
traffic over the tire shreds would help to ensure adequate study.
0.48 0.48
0.46 0.46
0.44 0.44
0.42 0.42
Strain (cm/cm)
Strain (cm/cm)
0.4 0.4
0.38 0.38
0.36 0.36
0.34 0.34
0.32 0.32
0.3 0.3
0.28 0.28
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Stress (kPa) Stress (kPa)
Control pH = 4, 2 weeks exposure Control pH = 7, 2 weeks exposure
pH = 4, 4 weeks exposure pH = 4, 6 weeks exposure pH = 7, 4 weeks exposure pH = 7, 6 weeks exposure
Strain (cm/cm)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Stress (kPa)
Control pH = 9, 2 weeks exposure
pH = 9, 4 weeks exposure pH = 9, 6 weeks exposure
Fig. 10. Stress/strain relationship for various pH values for HQ shredded tires.
978 M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979
K (cm/s)
K (cm/s)
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0. 25 0. 3 0 .35 0.4 0. 45 0. 5 0. 25 0 .3 0 .3 5 0 .4 0. 45 0 .5
Strain (cm/cm) Strain (cm/cm)
control pH = 4,2 weeks exposure control pH = 7,2 weeks exposure
pH = 4, 4 weeks exposure pH = 4,6 weeks exposure pH = 7, 4 weeks exposure Ph = 7, 6 weeks exposure
K (cm/s)
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Strain (cm/cm)
control pH = 9, 2 weeks exposure
pH = 9,4 weeks exposure pH = 9, 6 weeks exposure
Fig. 11. Shredded tires (HQ) hydraulic conductivity and strain relationship for various pH values.
4.3. Effect of pH on HQ tire chip compressibility and Under different pH exposures ranging from pH 4 to
hydraulic conductivity 9, average hydraulic conductivity values range between
0.47 and 16.90 cm/s under average applied normal stres-
Compressibility and hydraulic conductivity testing ses ranging from approximately 100 to 680 kPa with
were carried out on HQ shredded tire samples having strain increments between 0.28 and 0.47.
similar grain-size distributions (nominal size of 75 In summary, tests at various pH conditions and for
mm). The stress and strain relationships are provided various exposure periods indicated that pH and expo-
in Figs. 5 and 6. Under applied vertical loads resulting sure duration did not significantly influence the com-
in average vertical stresses of up to 500 kPa, the maxi- pressibility and hydraulic conductivity characteristics
mum normal strain recorded was observed to reach a of these shredded tire samples. It should be emphasized
strain level near or slightly greater than 0.5. that these results apply to specific experimental condi-
The applied load range used in the compressibility tions and their applicability to full-scale landfills merits
testing would be equivalent to a range from 30 to 50 further examination.
m of solid waste in a landfill environment. The effect
of various solutions pH in the range from 4 to 9 on
the shredded tire compressibility was noted to be min- 5. Conclusions
imal. After two weeks, the shredded tire samples were
slightly softer than at initial conditions. As noted in Under applied vertical loads resulting in average ver-
Fig. 10 the duration time has a slight effect, on the or- tical stresses of up to 440 kPa, the maximum normal
der of less than 5%, on the stress and strain strain recorded for each type of tire chip was observed
relationships. to plateau at a strain level near or slightly greater than
Hydraulic conductivity values (k), calculated by the 0.5. A linear relationship between the strain and log
entire HQ shredded tire samples, decrease as the stress stress was observed. At lower strain levels, slightly less
increases as shown in Fig. 11. For example: when sub- applied stress was required to compress the ‘‘higher
jected to a load of 650 kPa (for pH 4, 6 week exposure), quality’’ (HQ) tire chips than was required for the ‘‘lower
the tire chips were compressed approximately 47% and quality’’ (LQ) chips. This could be due to a slightly high-
the hydraulic conductivity was measured to be 0.64 er angle of internal friction in the LQ chips than the HQ
cm/s. chips due to longer protrusions of steel belt fragments
M.A. Warith et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 967–979 979