How To Install Windows XP From Pen Drive Step by Step Guide

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How to install windows XP from pen drive step by step guide

In this article we would prepare pen drive as a window XP installation media. Once we prepared this pen drive you could install XP from this. This is useful for notebook or CDRO ! D"DRO less system. Requirement Windows Xp installation disk, solution.rar file Working pen drive of at least 2 GB. #e need to transfer all XP installation media files into pen drive. If you don$t have dump of XP CD on hard disk then you need to copy them from XP CD. Download this file solution.rar and e%tract it.

&ttach a pen drive '&ll data will be erase from pen drive( Open the folder where you have e%tracted the files from solution.rar and run )p*+,format.e%e.

This command will detect your *+, disk- if not- select form the list ' in this e%ample my *+, memory stick is drive . ( /ow set these options Volume label : !"!#$% &'e(k marks on : &reate a )*! !tart up disk !ele(t radio button : +sing )*! s,stem files lo(ated at: Give t'e pat' w'ere ,ou 'ave e-tra(ted solution.rar .Give t'e pat' of )*! folder/ files

&t this moment pen drive has become DO+ bootable. Copy all other files from DO+ folder to your *+, disk. ' you can overwrite e%istin0 ones(

Insert #indows Xp installation disk into CD1RO

and copy all files from CD to *+, drive.

/ow pen drive should look like this

/ow you have a %p bootable pen drive. /ow we have XP bootable pen drive. #e would install XP from this pen drive. ,oot system from this pen drive. If system does not boot from pen drive check first bootable media settin0 in ,IO+. !tep0: #hen system is booted up- and you see command prompt- type s,s d: and hit enter if you see s,stem transferred1 you have luck- 2&T34 file system is on drive C.- you will not lose your data 1 0o to step 5 1 if any problem appears 0o to step 4 !tep2: R6 6 ,6R- you will loose all data from drive &:12 1 when system is booted up from *+,- your drive C. appears as D. !tep3: Type format d:1q1s to format drive D. accept and when it is finished- 0o to step 5 ' you are lucky- you don$t need to make partitions( otherwise 0o to step 7 !tep4: Type fdisk and hit enter create new partition ' after restart boot with pendrive in( 0o to step 3 and format the partitions and come back here .( type pqmagi( and set your new partition active . p',si(al drive 2, 5dvan(ed 5, set 5(tive !, are ,ou sure ", $-it X / !tep6: Type n( and hit enter- and usin0 /orton Commander- copy all files form pendrive to disk C. ' you can overwrite e%istin0 ones( !tep7: Restart 8aptop without pen drive in it 'it should start from hard drive( !tep8: Type (d i397 and hit enter 'it will enter i39: folder( !tep9: Type winnt and hit enter !tep:: this will launch %p installation process and you can install %p as you do with cd.

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