Paul Solomon Reading
Paul Solomon Reading
Paul Solomon Reading
Paul Solomon Reading 0386 RP 0134 GR 0001A JDE, July 4, 1974 0304 MA - 0001
We call forth the records of 11010, born May 5, 1939, in Detroit, Michigan. We also call forth the records of the United States of America. 11010 comes seeking questions and answers in working with a book he is writing about the United States of America and asks. . .Looking over the ideals and purposes of this writer and the need in America today for spiritual awakening, what advice would this Source give on the book I am writing on America? Yes, we have those records and intents and purposes as come. Those ideals and patterns as formed already are inspired and are guided from these planes, from the inner, from the higher, as is known already within the writers heart. Might a great deal of emphasis be given to the understanding of law, that is, of Divine Universal Law and holding to it. That is, becoming one with it, for understand these things; that the place of America is unique in history in that there was the deliberate founding of the nature, the pattern of this nation according to the application of universal and its understandings. There was the deliberate implication of the laws and set about this place, this nation, this country, those vibrations of protection that it would continue to be that it was designed to be. Only one parallel may be found in history and that was the setting up of Atlantis. Then that greatest emphasis of the book might be the parallel growth, development, cycles of time, comparison between the old and the new Atlantis and might be seen in that way. The cycles of history repeating themselves and the reasons for in each where there was destruction, there was violation of Universal Law, the Divine Law, the Law of God. Find and emphasize these then, that of natural law becoming one with the laws of God. And if there were the understanding of those laws, those principles upon which the country were built might be better for the adherence to them then. That is, the emphasis might greater be an occultism than mysticism in the approach. For so many of preaching ideals, ideals that become nebulous in the application for they are not spelled out or drawn or seen and so many find them bland and are unable to apply for seeing them as nebulous concepts. If then, they could be drawn clearly, as to that called for in that that became a nation; finding these then, and the manner in which they were set forth might we better hold to them. Q.2. What information about Americas history, destiny or future would this Source like to see included in this book? A-2. The guidance of the destiny, the understanding, the control, the interest of that great part of witnesses that have been called the Great White Brotherhood; not that so
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often spoken of by the psychics, the teachers, the prophets, but rather that of the greater Brotherhood, that is, the body of the Christ or, that is, those made the brotherhood by adherence to his ideals, not as those initiated into a cause by ritual or such but rather that circumcision of the heart, that of the flesh, so that there came a development of those holding to ideals, those initiates of the brotherhood setting upon this place a blessing, those cords the umbilicus from themselves, their ideals to this nation as a guiding force and remain about it, thirteen of these, each given then, as might be described the patron saint, an angel of this nation and her purpose; ever guiding, ever watching over those about, and doing that can be done for the influence toward the original purpose, you see. Now, an understanding of the background of these men might be of help and that they have sought to bring in periods of time, awakening their nature, their cause, the understanding of their history, their personality wherever they have influenced minds of writers, of leaders, not so often in the political but obscure men fitting inwards and on paper that that would influence those in power or bring to their attention, you see. Not that these controlled the destiny of the nation, but rather as a man would set himself in his lifetime to an ideal dedicate himself to a purpose, then always would his presence be hovering about those dedicated to that same purpose, for they would invoke through their common interest that spirit of that warmth. Now we speak of spirit, not as the ethic body, or identity or personality of that one but rather that spirit that was as the motivation of him, you see, or the Greater Spirit, the Holy Spirit. So that ever in the asking, in the praying for that of this nation, in the dedicating of self to that such cause, there would be the invocation of those spirits about and as often as there is one among you, your leaders and such that dedicate himself in his heart truly so there is invoked about him the presences of those great leaders that would give that influence, that instruction, that guidance as would come. Not that he would know or be aware but those thoughts, intents, purpose, ideals, visions that would come, then result from their thought, their attempt to communicate then with him. Q 3. Could you give more information on the thirteen angels or saints that hover about the United Statesidentity? A.3. Identity will not be given. However, their presence might be made known by understanding that they set their seal and their presence and carved their name; that is, their identity in symbol on the face of the Great Seal. How many times will you find the repetition of the number thirteen there and everything that is set upon it, even words were misspelled and printed in the various tongues or legends, other characters that there might be set upon the surface in each legend thirteen; that is, of thirteen stars, of thirteen letters in the motto, the misspelling that there might come the number thirteen, representative of the thirteen colonies, the Christ and the twelve, the Master always and
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the twelve and those astrological influences as well. Q.-4. Is there a trend or thought that should be developed indicating a complete cycle from the Fall of Atlantis to the rising America and how should Lemuria be presented? A-4. Not so much the cycle from the fall to the birth as the cycle of karma within That is, compare the history, the development of the nation as a nation to that karma of Atlantis. Find that that is known of the Atlanteans and their purposes, their manner of growth and that that was their downfall and find the parallels in this nation. So striking will they be that those who read will be set to thinking, are we again setting in motion that cycle violating those same laws, invoking those same laws, those same purposes, for youll find that you are and so closely, that by looking at history and timing those events, you could almost set the motion and the moment that that fall again would come, if allowed to be, or rise above it in this time, if that be built. But set the one upon the other as tracing a pattern again, showing the parallels in the attitudes of the leaders, in the purposes of the nation in that we are dedicated to. In these ways, draw the parallels; youll find them again repeated throughout history. Follow the destiny of the nation and compare it to the chosen people, their rise and fall. Compare it to period of history at present with that period just prior to the birth of the Master and show that those conditions that precipitated the birth of the Master will precipitate another birth for the second coming of the Master. Find parallels in history then, leading up to the birth of the Master in that time, and find the period of time in the present in relationship to that second coming. Draw these parallels; it is this that will awaken the mind of men; understanding that the message is always there repeating itself again and again and those cycles of karma return again and again until there is claimed of grace, and just as surely as His Divine Law of grace and love would apply to a single individual, just that surely will it apply to a nation that will claim that law of grace as opposed then to the law of Karma. But if you accept not the law of grace, if you accept not the hand of the Master, even as a nation, be sure that sin will find thee out. Q-5. How should Lemuria be presented? A-5. Rather a different study in this time, for out of Lemuria was Atlantis born. If presented at all, present it as Europe, as Britain, for out of Britain and her karmic destiny was America born. See these parallels then, the one issuing forth from another, the mother and the child. Yet, going back so far in drawing these parallels might become cumbersome in the text. As briefly as it would be brought, would be presented then in that manner, for Lemuria much given to the development of agriculture and foods, you see, and plants; as Atlantis became that of technology.
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There are many parallels between the coming out of Europe and America and the coming out of Lemuria as Atlantis. Might present as well a procession of the faith as the procession of the equinoxes; see it in this manner that the faith always has moved westward according to the turning of the planet, to the East, so that this nation became the light bearer as Christianity moved westward from its cradle and if it would be given up here, will move again toward the West across the waters. So it was and for this reason that great prophet predicted that China would be the cradle then again of Christianity and passing over that or their rejection would come again to Russia. But see that in this time you have the torch; see that it not be passed. Q.6. Expound please on the role of Sir Francis Bacon and how he should be presented. Was he the channel for the rebirth of Atlantean technology in the new world; was this his purpose? A-6. See ever about you fertile minds of men, who by seeing themselves as a channel, are open to those patterns that are set in the ethers and would become manifest among the people. These men more a channel than initiator of the activity; so was this one Sir Francis Bacon, and his purpose rather that the ideas, ideals and patterns and memories of those thirteen, or those gathered about, the Masters above this plane that would set in motion again the memory, the possibilities of these technology; would choose one among you who would be a channel and would set down that they would have to say. These being brought into your plane then would bring in the possibility of the use of such technology, that is, that might be illustrated in this moment. See that one creating or writing even a fanciful tale, that youve called science fiction, would set in pictures or words those possibilities that are passed from the ethers, from the minds of the masters; would be set in words, would be produced from this drawing, from this creation; begin a thought form that eventually then will give birth to that more practical application. Then Sir Francis Bacon used as a channel for the archetype out of which would be born an understanding of that technology. Perhaps further might be illustrated in this manner; these were seeds planted, becoming fertile in the minds of other men who would place into operation those ideas. Many have been used through your time from the birth of the nation to expound ideas here and there, that lay dormant for some time in the minds of many or were excused, were set aside. Yet, having been drawn having been set into words, into thought patterns contained within themselves the seeds, the possibility of a new birth. That purpose then, in this manner, a man has not failed who has described his dream even if that dream be not set in motion. Youll find another among you in this time in _________? White and his words of the Volconic Revolution. (?) And there might be drawn the parallel between Bacon and this
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one and the many others who have been termed the dreamers for their creation of new civilizations, new revolutions; not often seemed to come about in the writers time and yet, he has created those air castles, if you will, but rather thought forms, if you would, that will be filled in with men in the generations to come bringing these into life, into reality; so seldom would that man who created the thought forms be given credit for that as becomes manifest. Q.-7. What effect or influence do the many literary Utopias have on the formation of American ideas and our way of life, especially the Utopia of Sir Frances Moore and New Atlantis of Sir Francis Bacon? What connection do they, the Utopias, have with the work of the secret societies and with a consciously administered Great Plan, involving the American continent as suggested by Manly Palmer Hall in America, Assignment with Destiny in the Secret Destiny of America? 7. Just as described, as just illustrated. The building then of thought forms of purposes, of ideals. So often, these then, in the presentation, the description as that of the Utopias go beyond that possibility of the moment, that is, they are described as greater, as higher ideals than expected to manifest, that there be the possibility of filling in, or the reaching toward those ideals, that the ideals be set a little higher than could be reached at the moment, that they be grown toward. These then, setting the patterns, creating the patterns that would hopefully be filled. These again those Masters that hover about, the angels, the guiding forces set in motion here that would channel through those who open the mind and described the possibilities as can come. These then, having written, inspired the minds of other men who in the reading of such, mull over then the possibilities within the mind, creating anew even greater thought forms, creating these energies, the purposes that move about then over the land as created forms, as possibilities, as purposes. Even that reading, the dreaming of these in the minds of men become as a prayer for as often as one would read those descriptions of the New Atlantis and the possibilities of a Utopia in this place, so in his dreaming, in the building of the castles, the thought forms, so does this ascend as a prayer for I am asking that these forms be fulfilled in my dreaming of them; I am asking for that energy to be made manifest that would allow that they should come about and the prayer so formed as an ideal of the mind, as a desire in the heart of man, is that which will manifest that desire. It is the greater prayer than that consciously formed into words so often false and meaningless. That desire of the heart that cries out, that is the prayer that would be heard. As often as these writings can set in motion in the mind of men, pictures, images, ideals of a nation that would reflect the greatest of God. So often these writings have done their work and create those thought forms, those possibilities that give energy to this greater creation.
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Q-8. Is there any significance between Americas spiritual destiny and Quaker patterns of harmony and peace? What metaphysical significance can be drawn from Americas spiritual destiny and the Holy Experiment of William Penn and his feeling he was called to plant the seed of a great nation? A-8. How often could we repeat. Just as has been given. Those ideals in the minds of men who emptied self and allowed that forms would flow that pictures, images, communications; those men open to visions, these have guided the destiny. As Penn in his dream, in the vision received of the birth of a nation for mystic purpose as the cradle for Christianity, as the birth of a nation, a group that would bring meaning to the purpose of the Christ, for it was this he saw and this he set in motion, and in dedicating that land, that place to those ideals, all, all of it is founded upon that principle of becoming quiet, becoming still to wait, to listen to the Lord and to his guidance, and so it was set in motion in that manner, a Quaker nation, if you will, for so much that was set in motion in that time, set in motion according to those laws, but more than Quakers, for these men were given to the Society of Friends and at the same time to the Society of Brothers that were the Free Masons, and used not only the mysticism of the quiet time of the Quaker, but as well the occultism of the understanding of Universal Law of the Free Masons. And as this nation was founded upon the Universal Laws of the Free Masons and their understanding of it, so is it tied in her heritage there too. Now, understand that set in motion as a law will manifest those laws invoked in the setting apart of this nation unto the Laws of Free Masonry and the understanding of the symbology will continue to be influential. Wise would be the man who would study those laws and understand the principles for in the understanding could he adhere thereto; and becoming one with the law will fulfill the law, so that America would fulfill her destiny; and there should not be ignored the understanding of those laws of Free Masonry under which she was founded. Q-9. Why did John Adams call Philadelphia the pineal gland of America? A-9. Thats very obvious. For here was set in motion the spiritual destiny, the reception of her understandings, the third eye, the single eye of America in that place, that is, that birth. Now, not only was symbolically because of the reception of her vision there, you see, but as well that relationship, geographically or the setting of the chakras of this nation as will be. For there would be seven extending from the east to the west; this, then, the eastern most point and that of the head, the head of the nation, as the birth in that time, will be moved according to the consciousness of the nation. Q-10. What is the most appropriate interpretation that can be given for those who will be reading this book to our national motto: In God We Trust. A-10. Founded according to the purposes of those of the Sons of the Law of One in the
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breaking up of Atlantis with that definite purpose I mind. Now, see it in this way: it was the dream, the ideal of those who saw their hopes, dreams shattered in the falling of Atlantis because of the opposition of the Sons of Belial. Here were two occupying the same land and with the same rights of occupation for all intents and purposes, as could be seen. That is, the nation not given to one or the other, or laid claim by one or the other, but fighting among themselves so that in the newer time there came the realization among those who would found this nation, that we can set upon this nation a law stating her ownership as being that of the Sons of the Law of One. Therefore, in setting the motto of the nation itself in motion, they stated, In God We Trust, we identify ourselves as Sons of the Law of One and no other will have rights then or could lay claim over this nation. She belongs to God. Then the mystic effect of the motto is to state the ownership; of this nation by the Sons of the Law of One. Now, understand again Universal Law, this being invoked and set in motion by the founders, those who adhere to the law become the law and in harmony with the law being peace in this nation. And as long as it be true, In God We Trust so long will there be peace on these shores. Only in that mistreatment of the native of this land have you brought Karma and war in this nation. All other actions then have been elsewhere and purported for peace and that upon the natives then, the karmic destiny of the Atlanteans, the red race. Then could be balanced (*words cannot be read) laws of grace, bringing peace permanently to this land if there were the adherence to that motto, trusting then as Sons of the Law of One, in the Law of God. See it as claiming of law, for your people in this time listen better to that of formulas of law than to that of mystic experience. They seem to desire to be shown in a scientific manner that this will affect that and this will produce that result. Then present it in that manner, as often as you invoke this power you will bring then this effect. Claim then the Universal Law of the trust in God. Find Him as the guiding force then of the nation. Bring as well the other legend, motto as presented upon the seal for it was the purpose in the founding of this nation and should not be ignored, unto a new order of the ages. Q-11. What would the Source give as the most and positive message to the American people at this time? A-11. As given; find your leader; who he is. Know that He walks among you. The Christ Himself has set, and will, in the chair of the leader of this nation as often as He is invoked by the people. There has been times, whether with or without the knowledge of the individual, the personality, that the leader of this nation has been replaced by the Christ in great moments of this nations history and such it is the nature of this that can be done again and again as often as invoked. But as often as the people hate that leader, despise him and cry that he be overthrown or deposed, how could such a one
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as the Christ enter him and bring guidance there? There is hardly a way that you can pray for the destiny of the nation without praying for her leader; not with hate in heart, but hope, trusting in God and not in power, for it has been in recent times the trust in power, that has kept this nation going. And building trust in power, this one will be crushed by power. Become a mystic nation of mystic peoples, trusting in God then as a leader and seeing, visualizing, praying, that Christ will be in the heart of that one at the moment of greatest need. We speak not necessarily of the praying for the salvation or mystic experience of your president but rather in this manner: that in moments of great decision, in moments of guiding the destiny here that those influences that surround those influences that move the energies of his mind would be the presence of the Christ Himself so that the man would fade from sight and all that is of his nature will step aside for a moment that the Christ might make Himself known and pray at that same time that those about and an influence be receptive to that Presence. The foolish man has depended upon the powers of this world to guide the influence of this nation and so many among you have forgotten the power of prayer and think it a weak thing and your attitude toward prayer, thinking it not so strong as to manipulate or move the powers of the nation, have made it a weak tool. So often youve taken away, thrown away, potency of the forces of God by refusing to recognize them; it ever has been the greatest force on earth and as often as you recognize it to be and so invoke it, still shall it be. Oh, if you only knew there is nothing that cannot be done for this nation, for the world in this time, through prayer. Give us one, just one among you who would believe and would pray in that way, believing, and let us see the change in the nature of the people and the destiny of the nation. Theres a cry so often that goes out: Who shall we send and who will go for us; who would have his lips touched with the coal of fire from the altar that he may be purged and be a clean vessel and a pure channel; who would believe our report and know the power of the Father among you? And so often not even one with the faith to understand the power of his own prayer can change the destiny of a nation. If there be one such among you, let him come forth; for they stand ready, those who would speak. Q-12. Are there any psychic or spiritual events in the foundation and formation of America that this Source feels should be included in this book to illustrate the importance of God trusting? A-12. Might be one such that would be pointed out in the testimony of Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as he looked at the carving of the Sun in the chair there and testified before the people that I looked at the Sun in the carving here and wondered concerning its significance, for only half it appeared. And rather
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than a symbol of God set among us, should all the Sun appear, it appeared to be a setting sun until this moment as we have invoked the laws of God; I looked at it again and it appeared to be rising. So His Light comes from the East and He walks among you. We are through for now.
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