Management Sol ut i on Set NML-EML Interface Version 3.0
TMF 814
Member Approved Version 3.0 April 2004 TeleManagement Forum 2003 MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET NOTICE The TeleManagement Forum (TM Forum) has made every effort to ensure that the contents of this document are accurate. However, due to the inherent complexity in the design and implementation of software and systems, no liability is accepted for any errors or omissions or for consequences of any use made of this document. Under no circumstances will the TM Forum be liable for direct or indirect damages or any costs or losses resulting from the use of this specification. The risk of designing and implementing products in accordance with this specification is borne solely by the user of this specification. This document may involve a claim of patent rights by one or more TM Forum members, pursuant to the agreement on Intellectual Property Rights between TM Forum and its members, and by non-members of TM Forum. This document is a copyrighted document of TM Forum, and if reproduced in any manner shall clearly acknowledge the authorship of TM Forum. Direct inquiries to the TM Forum office: 89 Headquarters Plaza North - Suite 350 Morristown, NJ 07960 USA Tel No. +1 973 292 1901 Fax No. +1 973 993 3131 TM Forum Web Page:
TMF814 V3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 ii MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) NML-EML Interface, Version 3.0 is a genuinely collaborative effort. The TeleManagement Forum would like to thank the following people for contributing their time and expertise to the production of this document. It is just not possible to recognize all the organizations and individuals that have contributed or influenced the Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) Solution Set. We apologize to any person or organization we inadvertently missed in these acknowledgments. Key individuals that reviewed, provided input, managed, edited and determined how to utilize inputs coming from all over the world, and really made this document happen were: Steve Arnott, Marconi Communications Beau Atwater, Telcordia Technologies Franois Bdard, Nortel Networks Teddy Bezoza, AT&T Alex Bojanic, Tellabs Harrie Buiting, Lucent Technologies Henri Campagno, France Telecom Lee Chow, Tellabs Merav Cohen-Sarussi, LightScape Networks Nigel Davis, Nortel Networks Keith Dorking, Ciena Shane Edmonds, Alcatel Felix Flemisch, Siemens AG Marianne Franklin, Lucent Steve Fratini, Telcordia Technologies Salim Galou, Fujitsu Elisabetta Gardelli, Siemens Mobile Communications CB Genrich, Hitachi Noam Goldberg, LightScape Networks Alison Greig, Nortel Networks Garry Grimes, Marconi Communications Milton Hall, Telcordia Technologies Dragan J ovanovic, Acterna Roshan J oyce, Fujitsu Ralf Kimmlingen, Deutsche Telekom Nathan Kohn, Lucent Technologies Hing-Kam Lam, Lucent Technologies TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 iv Bertrand LeBorgne, Lucent Technologies Franois Leroux, Fujitsu Tom Ligda, Cisco Systems Peter Litz, Siemens AG Scott Mansfield, Marconi Communications Andrea Mazzini, Alcatel Srini Nangavaram, Lucent Technologies Frank ORourke, Marconi Communications Sandip Patel, Lucent Technologies Noga Peled, LightScape Networks Edgar Riemann, Siemens AG J effrey Ross, Fujitsu Victor Santos, Acterna Horst Schukat, Siemens AG Eric Seldner, Telcordia Technologies Ajit Shah, Cisco Systems Charles Sheridan, Nortel Networks Sidney Shiba, Fujitsu Graham Taylor, Nortel Networks Wendy Teller, Tellabs Niranjan Tripathy, Fujitsu Alexander Tschersich, Siemens AG Gerard Vila, Alcatel Xuli Wu, Tellabs Bernd Zeuner, Deutsche Telekom Yakov Zimmerman, LightScape Networks
The MTNM team would specifically like to recognize the significant contribution made by Edgar Riemann. Edgar who as the Team Leader for the majority of the Version 3.0 work was a key individual in ensuring the successful completion of Version 3.0 of the MTNM interface.
Although not directly used within this document, access to documentation and work from standards bodies and other forums have contributed to the evolution of the Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) NML-EML Interface. This access was via public information or TM Forum member knowledge. This list of standards bodies and forums is not exhaustive and does not imply review and concurrence by these organizations or their representatives. It is important however to acknowledge the work and their influence on the TeleManagement Forum work: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 v ATM Forum DSL Forum European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) MPLS and Frame Relay Alliance Object Management Group (OMG) Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF)
MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 vii ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT TM Forum Documents The Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) NML-EML Interface Solution Set is being issued as Member Approved Version 3.0. It can be considered valid until further noticed by the TeleManagement Forum (TM Forum). At which time the TM Forum expects to update it to reflect comments from implementation experience, as well as to reflect additional member comment. The Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) NML-EML Interface Solution Set Version 3.0 supersedes the TM Forum Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) NML-EML Interface Solution Set Version 2.1 in its entirety. This document will continue under formal change control. Supporting work will be issued as revisions to this document. A document of this type is a living document, capture and communicating current knowledge and practices. Further inputs will be made because of detailed work ongoing in the TM Forum and the industry. The specification of the NML-EML interface is contained in a set of four documents: TMF513 MTNM Business Agreement TMF608 MTNM Information Agreement TMF814 MTNM Solution Set (this document) TMF814A MTNM Implementation Statement Template and Guidelines In addition to these specification documents there are a number of supporting documents that are provided as part of the NML-EML Interface specification. These supporting documents contain details on various specific aspects of the NML-EML Interface and are intended to help clarify some of the specific aspects of the interface. The details of the NML-EML Interface are specified in the above mentioned documents and it is expected that anyone wishing to understand the details of this interface be familar with these documents. Specifically it is expected that TMF 513 which specifies the requirements and the use cases should be considered as the entry point into the document set. TMF 513 defines the requirements for the interface both in terms of the objects and operations that the interface is required to support and the behavior of the interface. TMF 513 contains a mapping to TMF 608 this mapping links the requirements to the classes and operations specified in UML information model. TMF 608 specifies the details of the classes their relationships and their operations behavior that are required to support the requirements of the NML-EML Interface. Hence TMF 513 and TMF 608 fully define the NML-EML Interface. TMF 814 specifies a CORBA IDL implementation of the NML-EML Interface. In defining a specific implementationthat meets the specification defined in TMF 513 and TMF 608 it is necessary to consider implementation specific issues such as efficiency, compatibility etc. See Use and Extension of a TM Forum Solution Set below for further information The NML-EML Interface specification addresses a wide range of technologies and applications. To support this range the interface provides a rich set of capabilities and operations. A significant number of additions have been made in Version 3.0 of the interface. As a result, even with the intensity of reviews and assessments that have taken place it is recognised that there are likely to be discrepancies between documents of the set. It therefore necessary to provide guidelines for those wishing to implement the interface as to how these discrepancies should be handled. TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 viii The interface is formally released for implementations using CORBA IDL. It is recognised that for certain applications implementations using other technologies may also be relevant, but, as yet, have not been addressed by MTNM. Revision History
Version Date Purpose/Changes from Previous/Status 0.1 2000/11 Initial release 1.5 2001/07 Formatted for Member Evaluation Release 2.0 2001/08 Formatted for Public Evaluation Release 2.1 2002/05 Minor clarifications and corrections from 2.0 3.0 2002/08 Formatted for Member Evaluation Release
Time Stamp This version of the MTNM NML-EML Interface Solution Set (CORBA IDL), can be considered valid until further notice from TM Forum. How to obtain a copy An electronic copy of the MTNM MNL-EML Interface Solution Set can be downloaded at the TM Forum Web Site ( Contact the TM Forum office (see previously for contact details, or via the web site) for any further information. MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 ix How to comment on the document Comments must be in written form and addressed to the contacts identified in Appendix A. Please be specific, since your comments will be dealt with by the team evaluating numerous inputs and trying to produce a single text. Thus we appreciate significant specific input. We are looking for more input than word-smith items, however editing and structural help are greatly appreciated where better clarity is the result. TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 x TABLE OF CONTENTS TM Forum Documents..............................................................................................................................vii Revision History.......................................................................................................................................viii Time Stamp..............................................................................................................................................viii How to obtain a copy...............................................................................................................................viii How to comment on the document........................................................................................................... ix About TeleManagement Forum................................................................................................................ xi Role of a Catalyst Project......................................................................................................................... xi TM Forum Interface Implementation Specifications................................................................................. xi Use and Extension of a TM Forum Solution Set......................................................................................xii 1 How to get started using this solution set.............................................................................................13 1.1 Dealing with ambiguities and discrepancies between documents ................................................13 1.2 What makes an implementation version 3.0?................................................................................14 2 CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0................................................................................................................15 2.1 MTNM IDL......................................................................................................................................15 2.2 Supporting documentation.............................................................................................................15 2.3 OMG IDL........................................................................................................................................15 2.4 MTNM IDL HTML Documentation..................................................................................................15 Appendix A CONTACTS..........................................................................................................................16
MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 xi PREFACE About TeleManagement Forum TeleManagement Forum is an international consortium of communications service providers and their suppliers. Its mission is to help service providers and network operators automate their business processes in a cost- and time-effective way. Specifically, the work of the TM Forum includes: Establishing operational guidance on the shape of business processes. Agreeing on information that needs to flow from one process activity to another. Identifying a realistic systems environment to support the interconnection of operational support systems. Enabling the development of a market and real products for integrating and automating telecom operations processes.
The members of TM Forum include service providers, network operators and suppliers of equipment and software to the communications industry. With that combination of buyers and suppliers of operational support systems, TM Forum is able to achieve results in a pragmatic way that leads to product offerings (from member companies) as well as paper specifications. Role of a Catalyst Project The purpose of a Catalyst Project is to share implementation experiences needed to drive implementation and products in the market. The major output of the Catalyst project is the Interface Implementation Specification (IIS). The IIS also provides feedback to Process Automation and Technology Integration project teams. Business Agreements, Information Agreements, Solution Sets and other technical specifications are not considered final until an implementation has been completed to prove the viability of the models. The TM Forum Interface Implementation Specification (IIS) is a description of an implementation experience resulting from either: Implementing a specific solution based on an existing TM Forum Business Agreement, Information Agreement or other technical specification to determine its viability; or Implementing a solution or partial solution in an area where TM Forum has not yet initiated any work, with the objective to determine whether work should be done by TM Forum. The IIS addresses a specific business problem, including statements of the business requirements and the associated Interface Information required for the solution. TM Forum Interface Implementation Specifications The IIS is written from an implementation specific perspective. The IIS contains a detailed description of the Interface Information, a set of Business and Interface Information Requirement Statements, and a set of Business and Interface Information Use Cases. A number of the components of the IIS are produced using UML Diagrams. The TM Forum uses Paradigm Plus UML to produce its Interface Agreements and associated Interface Implementation Specifications. For a description of the relationship between the different documents produced by TMF projects, please see TMF Process documentation, templates and guides. TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 xii Use and Extension of a TM Forum Solution Set A solution set (this document) provides the implementation specific solution (in the case of TMF814 it is IDL) and supporting documents to describe the solution (in this case for an NML-EML interface). A Business Agreement (for MTNM this is TMF513) is used to gain consensus on the business requirement model. In strong draft form, it should feed the development of an Information Agreement (for MTNM this is TMF 608) from which one or more interface implementations will be developed (in the case of MTNM there is only one implementation - TMF814). In general, while the Business Agreement contains sufficient information to be a stand alone document, it is better read together with the Information Agreement document. Reviewing the two documents together helps in gaining a full understanding of how the protocol neutral information model solution is defined for this requirement model. It is acceptable for subsequent issues of the document to add additional requirements not addressed by earlier releases of the BA. Business Agreements are the basis for requirement traceability for information models. It is expected that the Business Agreement will be used: As the foundation for a TM Forum Information Agreement(s) To facilitate requirement agreement between Service Providers and vendors As input to a service Providers Request for Information / Request for Proposal (RFI/RFPRFX) As input for vendors developing COTS products As a source of requirements for other bodies working in this area.
MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 13 1 HOW TO GET STARTED USING THIS SOLUTION SET Once the zip file is extracted a single folder TMF814_Version_3.0 is visible. Openning this folder will reveal this document (TMF814InterfaceVersion3.0.pdf) and three folders TMF814_Documentation, idl and supportingDocumentation. An overview of the IDL is available in the folder supportingDocumentation. The filename of this overview is overview_NML-EML_Interface.pdf. Simply open this file in a browser to see the overview. The IDL can be viewed by opening the file index.html from a browser (this file is found in the folder TMF814_Documentation\html). Links to other files, including the overview and all supporting documentation, are provided through out the IDL. Text versions of the IDL modules are provided in the folder idl. The OMG IDL files used in the interface are provided in the subfolder idl\OMGidl. The details of the NML-EML Interface are specified in a number of documents and it is expected that anyone wishing to understand the details of this interface be familar with these documents. Specifically it is expected that TMF 513 which specifies the requirements and the use cases should be considered as the entry point into the document set. TMF 513 defines the requirements for the interface both in terms of the objects and operations that the interface is required to support and the behavior of the interface. TMF 513 contains a mapping to TMF 608 this mapping links the requirements to the classes and operations specified in UML information model. TMF 608 specifies the details of the classes their relationships and their operations behavior that are required to support the requirements of the NML-EML Interface. Hence TMF 513 and TMF 608 fully define the NML-EML Interface. TMF 814 specifies a CORBA IDL implementation of the NML-EML Interface. In defining a specific implementationthat meets the specification defined in TMF 513 and TMF 608 it is necessary to consider implementation specific issues such as efficiency, compatibility etc. 1.1 Dealing with ambiguities and discrepancies between documents To enable implementers to resolve discrepancies and ambiguities the following precedence order should be used. For IDL implementations, TMF 814 is taken as the master. Where TMF 814 references a supporting document, that document should be used for further clarification or detail as appropriate. o If the there is a discrepancy between TMF 814 IDL and the supporting document the TMF 814 IDL definition should be used. If there is a case that is not covered in TMF 814 IDL and not covered in any directly referenced supporting document or is ambiguous in TMF 814 IDL that is still not clarified in the referenced supporting document then the TMF 608 and TMF 513 should be assessed for clarification. the implementer should first reference TMF 608 looking for an explanation within the scope of the ambiguous statement that does not contradict the statement in TMF 814 IDL or the supporting documents. o if TMF 608 does not clarify (provide an explanation that is within the scope of the ambiguous statement in TMF 814 - i.e. provides no data or if TMF 608 contradicts TMF 814 and/or supporting documents) then the implementer should reference TMF 513 looking for an explanation within the scope of the ambiguous TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 14 statement that does not contradict the statement in TMF 814 or the supporting documents For any discrepancies the implementer should raise the issue with the MTNM team via thenormal procedure, i.e., send email to [email protected] or contact the MTNM team leader. For implementers using a technology other than IDL, TMF 608 is taken as master. Where TMF 608 references a supporting document that document should be used for further clarification or detail as appropriate. o If the there is a discrepancy between TMF 608 and the supporting document the TMF 608 definition should be used. If there is a case that is not covered in TMF 608 and not covered in any directly referenced supporting document or is ambiguous in TMF 608 that is still not clarified in the referenced supporting document then the TMF 814 IDL and TMF 513 should be assessed for clarification. the implementer should first reference the TMF 814 IDL looking for an explanation within the scope of the ambiguous statement that does not contradict the statement in TMF 608 or the supporting documents o if TMF 814 does not clarify (provide an explanation that is within the scope of the ambiguous statement in TMF 608 - i.e. provides no data or if TMF 814 contradicts TMF 608 and/or supporting documents) then the implementer should reference TMF 513 looking for an explanation within the scope of the ambiguous statement that does not contradict the statement in TMF 608 or the supporting documents. For any discrepancies the implementer should raise the issue with the MTNM team via the normal procedure, i.e., send email to [email protected] or contact the MTNM team leader. 1.2 What makes an implementation version 3.0? An interface is considered as being a version 3.0 interface rather than a version 2.n interface if it implements any one of the operations that are defined in version 3.0. It may be considered as version 3.0 even if it implements no capabilities of version 3.0 and only implements version 2.n capabilities but offers an interface that responds to all operations defined in version 3.0 with appropriate exceptions. An interface can not be considered as a version 3.0 if it throws a CORBA exception as the only means of responding to one of the defined Version 3.0 operations. MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 15 2 CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0 TMF814 version 3.0 contains major feature enhancement to TMF814 version 2.1 see FeatureSummaryVersion3.pdf and many improvements to documentation and presentation. IDL code has been added but this has been done in such a way as to maintain backward compatibility with the previous version. All files have changed in some way in this version. 2.1 MTNM IDL Many of the in-line comments have been upgraded and improved and operations and structures have been added to many of the modules. 2.2 Supporting documentation All documents are now released in the form of .pdf files to aid display and printing. Many of the documents have been enhanced and many new documents have been added. 2.3 OMG IDL The notification service has been upgraded to version 1.0.1 and some components of the telecoms log service (at version 1.1) have been added. 2.4 MTNM IDL HTML Documentation This has been produced with tools that provide more extensive navigability than those used in version 3.0. TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 16 APPENDIX A CONTACTS
MTNM Implementation Statement Template and Guidelines Editor Stephen Fratini, Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Phone: +1-732-699-2226 Fax: +1-732-336-2423 email: [email protected]
TM Forum Staff Support Debbie Burkett, TM Forum Director Market Collaboration Phone: +1-813-672-2698 MULTI-TECHNOLOGY NETWORK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION SET TMF 814 v3.0 TeleManagement Forum 2003 17 Fax: +1-813-672-4272 email: [email protected]