March 9, 2014

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Indoor Camp Meeting / Revival TONIGHT at 6:00pm Monday thru Wednesday at 7:00pm nightly Speaker: Dr. Diehl, retired General Superintendent for the Nazarene Denomination This is a Nazarene Area Wide Event and will be held at the Tullahoma First Nazarene Church at Polk & Lauderdale Street in Tullahoma. Wedding Shower - March 30th For Lance Walker & Jessica Hesson *Following the Evening Worship Community Easter Egg Hunt - April 12th 11:00am NEED: Individually wrapped candy to stuff into eggs for the hunt You can bring your donations now and leave in the foyer. Baptismal Service - Easter Sunday - April 20th If you would like to be baptized on Easter Sunday, please email or call the church office at [email protected] / 649-3867 Marriage Retreat - April 25-27 in Pigeon Forge, TN Register Now - Contact Kim Bishop at: 931-409-2300; [email protected]; Facebook: Kim Strickland Bishop Flyers available on table in foyer.

Winter Jam Concert - March 16th Cost: $10 plus money to eat lunch & supper Bands include: Newsboys, LeCrae, Tenth Avenue North We will leave immediately following the morning Worship See Pastor Thomas if you want to attend.

Estill Springs Fire Department - Annual Chili Supper / Auction March 29th from 5:00-7:00pm All You Can Eat Chili & Grilled Cheese, Drink & Dessert Cost: $7 Kids 6 & under: Free Held at the Estill Springs First Baptist Gym - See Brad or Kim Pendergraff for tickets United Way Father/Daughter Date Night March 29th rom 6:00-9:30pm Tickets are $30 per person - See Kim Pendergraff or Nancy Damron for tickets or questions

Faith Promise Sunday - March 23rd Special Speaker: Geneval Silvernail Faith Promise goes to pay our World Evangelism Fund Obligation
How is the World Evangelism Fund (WEF) collected? Traditionally, it has been through two large offerings a yearthe Thanksgiving and Easter offerings. Some churches continue to successfully raise their entire fund this way. Faith Promise is a plan based on mission giving at systematic intervals rather than just twice a year. Through Faith Promise, people pray about the amount they should give for missions (over and above their tithe). The amount is often given weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Over time, churches find they raise their mission support and often go over their goal through this giving plan. The Benefits of the World Evangelism Fund MissionariesThey receive a regular paycheck, freeing them from the added worry of raising finances. Missionaries still write letters and conduct deputation services to inform people of happenings in their field of service; however, such activities do not consume a large portion of their time on the mission field. ChurchesRegardless of size, each church has the opportunity to take part in the global mission endeavor. Also, just as individuals are blessed by God when they commit a portion of their resources for His kingdom, so churches are blessed when they allocate funds to help reach the lost around the world.

Sunday, March 30th - 6:00pm Childrens Quiz-Off with the Pastors

Silver Ring Thing - March 13th 7:00-9:00pm The National Event that speaks honestly to teens about Gods plan for sex. One Night Stand If you dont stand for something, youll fall for anything. Its about guys, girls, dating, waiting, love, second chances & the best choices... Cost: $6 in advance or $8 at the door - or Call Jodi at Life Choices 962-8822 Held at Franklin County High School *Sponsored by Life Choices of Winchester


Did You Know........that the United States Supreme Court will review a
Massachusetts law that criminalizes consensual speech near abortion clinics? The law fines a violator $500 and/or up to 3 months imprisonment for the first offense and $5000 and/or up to 2 1/2 years imprisonment for each subsequent offense for knowingly entering a 35' radius of the facility a sidewalk counselor to have a conversation with a willing listener.

Our Website is being updated weekly. Please check frequently for announcements or set your home page as :


TODAY-Sunday, March 9th Worship: 8:30am & 10:45am Sunday School: 9:45am REVIVAL: 6:00pm Held at Tullahoma First Nazarene Monday, March 10th REVIVAL: 6:30PM Tuesday, March 11th Financial Peace Class: 6:30pm REVIVAL: 6:30pm Wednesday, March 12th Morning Bible Study: 11:00am -Psalms: Prayers of the Heart

TODAY: March 9th
1st Service: Lisa Lee, Jessica Oviatt 2nd Service: Ruth & Emily Champion PM Service: Ricky & Sharon Arnold

NEXT SUNDAY: March 16th

1st Service: Sandra Jones, Lyndsey Reed 2nd Service: Angela & Sydnee Pendergraff PM Service: Kim Bishop

Bible Studies: 6:30pm -Journey Through James -Financial Peace University -Nehemiah AWAKE Worship Service: 6:30pm For Teens and Young Adults Childrens The Jesus Expedition: 6:30pm Sunday, March 16TH Worship: 8:30am & 10:45am; 6:00pm Sunday School: 9:45am Choir Practice: 4:45pm

STATISTICS: March 2, 2014 Fiscal Year is 5/1/13 to 4/30/14 Tithes & Offerings: Received: $10,895 Missions: Received: $445 WEF Paid: $19,513.24

105 Flower Lane Drive Estill Springs, TN 37330 Phone: 649-3867 Fax: 649-3410 Emails: [email protected] [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Micah 6:8 Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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