20l 爆炸鋼球
20l 爆炸鋼球
20l 爆炸鋼球
KSEP 7.0
Khner AG, Dinkelbergstrasse 1, CH-4127 Birsfelden, Switzerland Tel: +41 61 319 93 93, www.kuhner.com, [email protected] Authors: Christoph Cesana, Khner AG Richard Siwek, FireEx Consultant Ltd.
Symbols .................................................................................................. 2 1. Fundamentals .................................................................................... 3 1.1 The field of applications of the 20-l-apparatus ........................ 3 1.2 Determination of the explosion indices ................................... 4 1.3 Pressure course: Definitions .................................................. 5 1.4 Pressure course: Evaluation .................................................. 6 1.5 Influential parameters .............................................................. 7 1.6 Mode of ignition and ignition energy........................................ 9 1.7 Nomenclature ........................................................................ 13 2. Apparatus ........................................................................................ 14 2.1 20-l-sphere ............................................................................ 14 2.2 Control unit KSEP 310........................................................... 16 2.3 Measurement and Control System KSEP 332 ...................... 17 2.4 Pressure Measuring System ................................................. 18 3. Software........................................................................................... 19 3.1 Installation ............................................................................. 19 3.2 Configuration ......................................................................... 20 3.3 Operation............................................................................... 23 4. Calibration........................................................................................ 30 4.1 Test check ............................................................................. 30 4.2 Explosion indices................................................................... 34 4.3 Procedures for 1m3 - vessel ................................................. 42 5. Test procedures for Dusts ............................................................... 43 5.1 General rules ......................................................................... 43 5.2 Dust - Explosion indices: Pmax, (dP/dt)max, Kmax......... 44 5.3 Dust - Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) ...................................... 46 5.4 Dust - Explosibility ................................................................. 47 5.5 Dust - Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC)........................ 48 6. Gas and Solvent Vapors (quiescent).............................................. 50 6.1 General rules ......................................................................... 50 6.2 Gas - Explosion indices: Pmax, (dP/dt)max, Kmax.......... 51 6.3 Gas - Lower Explosion Limit (LEL)...................................... 52 6.4 Gas - Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC) ....................... 53 7. Hybrid Mixtures................................................................................ 54 7.1 Explosion indices: Pmax, (dP/dt)max, Kmax ................... 54 8. References ...................................................................................... 56
23.03.11 CC
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1. Fundamentals
1. Fundamentals
1.1.1 Combustible dusts Due to the less favorable surface to volume ratio, the explosion pressure Pmax measured in the 20-l-apparatus is in general slightly lower than the one measured in the 1m vessel. This is caused by cooling effects. Comparisons of pressure/time recordings also show that the pressure drop after the explosion is much faster in the 20-l-apparatus. Therefore a correction has to be made. In addition the pressure effect caused by the chemical igniters must be taken into account. With both (automatic) corrections, the Pmax value measured in the 20-l-apparatus agrees excellent with those measured in the 1m vessel. The Kmax values calculated from the rate of pressure rise correlate exactly with the Kmax values obtained in the 1 m vessel - within the accuracy of measurements - up to aluminum dusts (Kmax > 700 mbar/s)
1.1.2 Flammable gases and solvent vapors The minimum volume for the explosion testing of gas or solvent vapor / air mixtures is: V = 1 liters. Therefore, the 20-l-apparatus is also suitable for the explosion testing of gases and vapors.
1.1.3 Hybrid mixtures "Hybrid mixtures" are dust/air mixtures containing flammable gases or flammable vapors in the combustible atmosphere. They are mixtures of two fold origin. These investigations of the explosion characteristics which are describing the explosion- and ignition behavior of such hybrid mixtures can also be determined with sufficient accuracy in the 20-l-apparatus; if the results are compared with the standard 1 m vessel.
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1. Fundamentals
6 4
2 0 0 250 500 750 1000
C [ g/m3 ]
C [ g/m3 ]
Fig. 1.2: Determination of the explosion indices and the lower explosible limit With this test procedure, the lower explosible limit LEL can also be determined for dusts being tested. This LEL is important for risk evaluation in the chemical industry. The maximum explosion pressure, when determined in closed, spherical or cubic vessels of sufficient size (V 20 l) with central ignition source, is practically independent of the volume of the vessel. But the maximum rate of pressure rise depends on the volume. It decreases with increasing volume. The Kmax-value is dust and test method specific but independent of volume. For the 20-l-apparatus the following equation applies: 0.02 [m]1/3 x (dP/dt)max [bar/s] = Kmax [mbar/s] The large number of dusts produced and handled in industry led to a classification of dusts, according to their Kmax-values, into dust explosion classes: Dust explosion class St 1 St 2 St 3 Kmax [mbar/s] > 0 - 200 201 - 300 > 300
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1. Fundamentals
Fig. 1.3: Pressure/time-diagram of a fuel explosion Pex Explosion overpressure: the difference between the pressure at ignition time (normal pressure) and the pressure at the culmination point is the maximum explosion overpressure Pex measured in the 20-l-apparatus at nominal fuel concentration. Corrected explosion overpressure: Due to cooling and pressure effects caused by the chemical igniters in the 20-l-apparatus, the measured explosion overpressure Pex has to be corrected. Maximum explosion overpressure: Maximum value of Pm determined by tests over a wide range of fuel concentrations. Rate of pressure rise with time at nominal fuel concentration. It is defined as the maximum slope of a tangent through the point of inflexion (Wp) in the rising portion of the pressure vs. time curve. Maximum rate of pressure with time: Maximum value of (dP/dt)m determined by tests over a wide range of fuel concentrations. Product specific constant = 0.27144 x (dP/dt)max. Duration of combustion: time difference between the activation of the ignition and the culmination point. Induction time: time difference between the activation of the ignition and the intersection of the inflexion tangent with the 0 bar line.
Kmax t1
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1. Fundamentals
Beside the actual explosion values Pm (dP/dt)m, t1 and t2, control values for correct operation are determined: Pd Expansion pressure of storage container: Difference between "pre-vacuum" and normal pressure. The standard value is 0.6 bar. (0.55 ... 0.7 bar are acceptable). Time-delay of the outlet valve: Time between electrically activating the valve and beginning of pressure rise in the 20-l-apparatus. This time-delay has to be in the range of 30 to 50 ms; otherwise the valve and/or the dispersion device are probably dirty. Ignition delay time: tv influences the degree of turbulence. This is the most important control parameter.
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1. Fundamentals
1.5.1 Turbulence The degree of turbulence is mainly a function of the ignition delay time, tv, i.e. the time between the onset of dust dispersion and the activation of the ignition of the dust/air mixture. It affects in particular the maximum rate of pressure rise, i.e. the Kmax value. Therefore, for dust testing, the ignition delay time has been standardized: 20-l-apparatus: 1m vessel: tv = 60 ms tv = 0.6 s
Normally, an increase of turbulence (tv < 0.6 s or tv < 60 ms) will also increase the explosion violence, and vice versa.
1.5.2 Particle size Particle size distribution has an important influence on the explosion data. Particle size is characterized by the median M. The median is the 50% value of the particle size distribution curve.
Pmax [bar]
Methyl cellulose PE dust Baking flour
Kmax [m bar/s]
Methyl cellulose PE dust Baking flour PVC dust
PVC dust
M [ m ]
M [ m ]
Fig. 1.5.2: Median vs. explosion data It can be seen from fig. 1.5.2 that finer dusts will react more violently than coarser ones. Therefore, to obtain optimum values for the explosion data, the samples used for testing should have a median M 63 m. Experience has shown that the dispersion device and the outlet valve may have a grinding effect on the dust being tested, i.e. the size of the dust particles may be reduced by the dispersion process ! In cases where this effect is important, its magnitude can be evaluated by taking a dust sample after dispersion (without ignition).
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1. Fundamentals
1.5.3 Product humidity The relative product humidity H i.e. the ratio of water to dry substance, is an other influential parameter:
Pmax [bar]
10 8 6
Kmax [m bar/s]
Peat Tobias acid
2 0 1
0 1 10 100
H [ %]
H [ %]
Fig. 1.5.3: Product humidity vs. explosion data Often the statement can be heard that dusts containing a few % of water can no longer form explosive dust/air mixtures. Fig. 1.5.3 contradicts this assumption. Although comparatively few test results are available, it seems that a product humidity of at least 50% would be required to cause this effect. But fig. 1.5.3 demonstrates that product humidity should be clearly below 10% to avoid an important influence on the explosion data.
1.5.4 Temperature Temperature is a very important parameter in industrial operations. An increase of temperature will reduce the value of the lower explosion limit. This influence is more pronounced the higher the value is at room temperature. Furthermore, the influence of temperature on the Pmax must be taken into account:
Pmax [bar]
0 0.002
1 / T [ 1/K
Fig. 1.5.4: Influence of temperature on Pmax The figure shows a practically linear reduction of the maximum explosion pressure Pmax with increasing temperature. This is caused by the reduced oxygen content.
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1. Fundamentals
The Kmax value is also influenced by temperature. With the more violently reacting dusts, higher temperature will cause a linear reduction of the Kmax value. With the dusts reacting more slowly, the Kmax value will increase. For the practice the influence of the temperature on the Kmax values can be neglected. Calculations in "Tools / Calculator":
1.5.5 Initial pressure The explosion indices Pmax and Kmax are direct proportional to the initial pressure Pi, the pressure in the sphere at the moment of ignition. This relation is linear up to an initial pressure of approx. 3 bar. Calculations in "Tools / Calculator":
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1. Fundamentals
1.6.1 Energy independent dusts Fig. 1.6.1 shows that the measured explosion data are, within the accuracy of measurements, independent of the mode of ignition and the ignition energy (chemical igniters for IE = 250 ... 10,000 J, condenser discharge for IE > MIE).
Pmax [bar]
Kmax [m bar/s]
300 250 200
Brightener Pea meal
150 100 50
0 1E0
0 1E0
IE [ mJ ]
IE [ mJ ]
Fig. 1.6.1: definition of energy - independent dusts From these findings it can be concluded that with these "energy independent dusts" the nature of the ignition source is not important. Weak condenser discharges or strong chemical igniters, such as specified for dust testing, give the same results. In general, such dusts have a minimum ignition energy of less than 1 J.
1.6.2 Energy dependent dusts With this group of dusts, a decrease of the ignition energy will cause a linear reduction of the Kmax value.
Pmax [bar]
Pigment Dye Dye
Kmax [m bar/s]
Pigment Dye Dye
100 6
4 50 2
IE [ J ]
IE [ J ]
Fig. 1.6.2: Definition of energy dependent dusts The explosion pressure is practically not subject to this influence; only with very few dusts a tendency to decrease can be observed. In general, dusts in this group have a minimum ignition energy of more than 1 J.
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1. Fundamentals
1.6.3 Chemical igniters Explosion indices must be determined using an ignition source of sufficient energy. For the time being, there is only one mode of ignition for reliable determination of explosion indices (Pmax, Kmax) in industrial practice: 2 chemical igniters of 5000 J each, with a total energy of E = 10000 J For the determination of lower explosible limit LEL and the limiting oxygen concentration LOC: 2 chemical igniters of 1000 J each, with a total energy of E = 2000 J It is emphasized that the application of this ignition source for dust testing is of dominating importance, not only to ensure that test results can be compared among different laboratories, but also in order to provide a reliable base for the design of technical explosion safeguards. For the safe handling of the chemical igniters wearing of safety glasses is mandatory. If powder is visible on the surface of the igniters as well as in the baggage of the igniters itself an ignition risk due to static electricity exists. Therefore build up of static electricity must be avoided (earthing of the operator etc.). The chemical igniters should be stored in a safe place in a cool and dry atmosphere. In addition national guide-lines should be obeyed. Manufacturer: Simex Control s.r.o. Ul. 4. kvetna 175 Vsetn 755 01 CZ Czech republic Tel: +42 0603 274 544 E-Mail: [email protected] Manufacturer: Fr. Sobbe GmbH Fabrik elektrischer Znder Beylingstr 59 D-44329 Dortmund Federal Republic of Germany Tel: +49 231 230 560
Distributor for USA and Canada: Cesana Corporation P.O. Box 182 Verona, NY 13478 U.S.A. Tel: +1 315 337 9181 E-Mail: [email protected]
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1. Fundamentals
1.6.4 Condenser discharge It must be pointed out that with a condenser discharge spark as an ignition source, the same course of pressure of a dust explosion is obtained as with chemical igniters, provided that the energy of the condenser discharge is above the minimum ignition energy. Exceptions are, of course, encountered with dusts which are not readily ignitable and therefore have energy-dependent Kmax values.
1.6.5 Permanent spark If instead of chemical igniters a permanent spark with an approx. energy of IE = 10 J is used as an ignition source. Measured Kmax values can be up to 60% lower than the values obtained with the two other ignition sources already mentioned. Thus, the permanent spark can underestimate to a considerable degree the effective course of the explosion and must not be used for the determination of the explosion data of combustible dusts.
1.6.6 Glowing wire coil Numerous comparative tests with chemical igniters and glowing wire coil have shown no correlation. Most dusts tested with the glowing wire coil have either not been identified as explosive dusts or the explosion violence was underestimated. Therefore, this ignition source is not suitable for an unambiguous identification of explosive dusts nor a reliable determination of dust explosion indices.
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1. Fundamentals
1.7 Nomenclature
(dP/dt)m (dP/dt)max IE K Kmax LEL LOC M MIE Pd Pex greatest rate of pressure rise at any desired fuel concentration maximum rate of pressure rise at optimum fuel concentration ignition energy product specific constant maximum value of the explosion index K lower explosion limit limiting oxygen concentration median minimum ignition energy at the most easily ignitable fuel concentration pressure difference greatest explosion overpressure at any desired fuel concentration, measured in the 20-l-apparatus corrected greatest explosion overpressure at any desired fuel concentration, measured in the 20-l-apparatus according to the ISO-Standard maximum value of the explosion index Pm at optimum fuel concentration, measured in the 20-l-apparatus according to the ISO-Standard initial pressure dispersion pressure dust explosion class combustion time induction time ignition delay time upper explosion limit
Pi Pz St t1 t2 tv UEL
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2. Apparatus
2. Apparatus
2.1 20-l-sphere
The test chamber is a hollow sphere made of stainless steel, with a volume of 20 liters. A water jacket serves to dissipate the heat of explosions or to maintain thermostatically controlled test temperatures. For testing, the dust is dispersed into the sphere from a pressurized storage chamber via the outlet valve and a nozzle. The outlet valve is pneumatically opened and closed by means of an auxiliary piston. The valves for the compressed air are activated electrically. The ignition source is located in the center of the sphere. On the measuring flange two "Kistler" piezoelectric pressure sensors are installed. The second flange can be used for additional measuring elements or for the installation of a sight glass.
water inlet
outlet valve
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2. Apparatus
For cleaning, the sphere can be opened on top by turning the bayonet ring. The diameter of the "hand hole" is 94 mm. A larger opening of 140 mm can be obtained by unscrewing the top flange. A safety switch controls the correct closing position of the bayonet ring. Normally the 20-l-sphere and the gas control unit KSEP 310 are set up in a ventilated laboratory hood. The other units are installed outside of the hood. A high test frequency will necessitate keeping the operating temperature at approx. 20C by means of water cooling, i.e. the operating temperature should correspond to room temperature. Thermo-static control of the cooling water is not necessary, but care should be taken that there is always some flow of water and that the outlet temperature of the cooling medium never exceeds 25C. After a test the pressure inside the 20-l-sphere will be relieved by means of the ball valve outlet. The blast can contain glowing particles. This risk has to be considered.
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2. Apparatus
Front side
Back side
Compressed air: Compressed air is used to power the outlet valve and is also connected to the inlet valve of the dust storage chamber. The pressure in the storage chamber corresponds directly to that of the external compressed air system. (standard = 20 bar overpressure = 21 bar absolute). The 20 bar compressed air connection must have an adequate cross section. It must be possible to pressurize the storage chamber (V = 0.6 l) within 5 seconds. For the 20-l-apparatus only normal compressor compressed air may be used (in cylinders). With the use of, e.g. synthetic compressed air explosion indices which are clearly different were obtained. Vacuum: Prior to dispersing the dust, the sphere is evacuated to such a degree, that the remaining pressure, together with the air contained in the storage chamber, result in the desired starting pressure for the explosion test. For that purpose, the ball-valve on the vacuum connection of the sphere is opened and the sphere is evacuated via the vacuum filter until the vacuum meter shows the desired vacuum. The vacuum filter can easily be removed for cleaning.
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2. Apparatus
Personal Computer: Any standard personal computer running the operating system Microsoft-Windows in the versions: 98 / NT / 2000 / ME / XP / Vista is suitable. Line recorder (optional): The transducer output is digitized at high resolution and stored in the KSEP 332 memory (0.2ms / 10,000 measurements per channel). The Personal Computer only receives part of it (500 measurements / channel). For test purposes only, the complete record of the KSEP 332 can be shown with a Y/t-line recorder. This feature is no longer state of the art, but still useful for testing the charge amplifiers. Before installing the electrical connections to the KSEP 332 it is advisable to compare the information on the rating label with the data of your mains supply.
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2. Apparatus
2.4.1 Pressure Sensors The pressure sensors (manufactured by Kistler) are based on the piezoelectric principle: a quartz crystal is deformed by pressure. By this deformation, an electrical charge proportional to the differential pressure is generated on the surface. Measuring unit: "Coulomb" C ( 10E-12 C = 1pC ) The piezoelectric system allows only the measurement of pressure differences. Thus, no indication of the absolute pressure within the 20-l-sphere is possible. Furthermore, the unavoidable insulation resistance in the connecting cables and plugs and stray currents of the following amplifier will cause a slow drift of the charge signal. This means that the electrical signal will change even when the sensor is exposed to static pressure. However, for the short duration of an explosion recording, this drift can be neglected. It is recommended to flush the connectors with a cleaning spray (Kistler no. 1001) before plugging them together. The membrane of the pressure sensor has to be protected against the flame front of the explosion by a layer of silicone rubber (e.g. Kistler no. 1043) of approx. 2 mm thickness. Too hard or too thick protective layers will have a "shunting" effect on the membrane and cause faulty measurements especially in the vacuum range. The protective silicone layer must be renewed periodically.
2.4.2 Adjustment of the Charge Amplifiers The charge generated by the piezoelectric pressure sensors is transformed into proportional voltage by means of charge amplifiers. The different sensitivity of each sensor requires adjustment of the amplifying unit. The sensitivity of the sensors can be read from the calibration sheet (range 0 ... 25 bar): K pC. The measuring range of the system is 20 bar. From this, the adjustment of the amplifier is calculated as follows: Amplification: Example: A 10N [pC] K 20 bar 79,8 pC/bar 1596 pC setting = 20 [bar] K [pC/bar] = = = = 79,8 pC/bar 1596 pC 160 10 1 160 / 1
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3. Software
3. Software
3.1 Installation
3.1.1 System requirements KSEP is based on the NET framework from Microsoft. This framework is an integral windows component for the execution of applications of the new software generation (Windows Vista / 7). The .NET Framework 2.0 will automatically be loaded to your PC if not already part of it. Operating system: Memory: Hard drive: Graphics, monitor: Interface: Microsoft-Windows 98 / NT / 2000 / ME / XP / Vista / 7 (32 and 64 bit) minimum 256 MB only 20 MB free space, if Framework already installed (Vista / 7) resolution minimum 1024 x 768, colors minimum 16 bit. RS232 (COMx)
3.1.2 Installing the KSEP - Software a) Installing from CD-ROM: Insert the installation-CD into the corresponding drive of your computer. The installation starts automatically. Otherwise start the file KSEP7_setup.exe manually. b) Installing from Internet: Execute file KSEP7_setup.exe in the unpacked ZIP-archive. For installing the framework, you must have administrator rights.
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3. Software
3.2 Configuration
3.2.1 Registration Start now KSEP ... The free demo-version of KSEP can be used for 14 days without any restrictions. Afterwards it must be registered. A purchased KSEP-CD has the code on the CD case.
3.2.2 User management When first starting KSEP, the administrator has to define the users:
A sensible short form. Full name. Will be inserted into the protocol. "Administrator" for the administration of the users. "Service" for calibration and maintenance. "Supervisor" for supervision of processing. "Operator" for all other users. see: 3.2.3 Rights Expiry date of access right (authorization). The administrator can also withdraw an access right ... "new" or "activated"
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3. Software
3.2.3 Rights The administrator can freely define the rights for all accounts:
3.2.4 Choice of user Insert user name and password. New users will be requested to confirm the password. Note: KSEP doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case characters.
automatic start: After a renewed start of KSEP, the last user will be displayed and with a delay of one minute the system will automatically change to the main program. For further configuration of KSEP please log in with rights for "System - Settings" i.e. as "Administrator".
... of the KSEP main program ... further settings (i.e. selection of interface)
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3. Software
3.2.5 Settings
1. 2.
Interface The KSEP-apparatus is connected or will be simulated. RS-232 port on computer. This setting is irrelevant if KSEP is simulated. User Name of company: will be used for the report Name of lab/site: will be used for the report Identity: automatic generated filenames starts always with the here defined identity. Thus, enter an abbreviation specific for your laboratory. Language for help: The KSEP program always uses English. However, both English and German is available for the integral help. Equipment Type of vessel: Serial no / unit: Type of sensor: Type of igniters: Type of nozzle: Directory KSEP-files: Report-files: 20-l-apparatus or 1m3-vessel see nameplate on vessel default = "piezoelectric" Sobbe / Simex / ... rebound / annular / ...
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2.
The directory of the last KSEP-file is stored automatically. Therefore you can leave the preset directory. The directory of the last report mask is stored automatically. Therefore you can leave the preset directory.
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3. Software
3.3 Operation
3.3.1 Status bar
1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
5 3.2.4 3.2.3 3.2.2 3.2.5 choice of user rights user management settings
The actual user, The authorization of this user, Access is expired after ..., Interface, The actual product Filename
3.3.2 Files
New file At the start of a test with new dust, a new file is opened. The file name is automatically allocated by the program (A) or given by you (B): A: Automatic generated filenames starts always with identity (see: 3.2.5 settings), followed by the date when the file is opened. The subsequent letter distinguishes files which are generated on the same day. example 1: example 2: example 3: B: example 4: example 5: Identity_081122A.K20 Identity_081122B.K20 Identity_081122A.1M3 my_Product.K20 my_Product.1M3 (apparatus = 20-l-sphere) (created on the same day as example 1) (apparatus = 1m3-vessel) (apparatus = 20-l-sphere) (apparatus = 1m3-vessel)
In the past the filename was limited by the operating system to only 8 characters. An assignment filename - product was difficult. Therefore the KSEP-program contains it's own file manager and also shows beside the filename the designation of the product. This has been very useful in the past so we decided to keep this feature in the actual software release. With modern operating systems this restriction becomes unnecessary. The filename can be much longer and can also contain the designation of the product. For which version (A or B) you decide is up to you. Our recommendation: B is state of the art.
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3. Software
Open file - by product (KSEP 7 - files) An index of KSEP-files is shown with filename and product. You can sort the fields (ascending or descending, "filename" or "product") by a click on the corresponding field.
Open file - by product (KSEP 6 - files) An index of old KSEP-files is shown with filename and product. You can sort the fields (ascending or descending, "filename" or "product") by a click on the corresponding field.
KSEP 6 - files are always locked. You cannot add test series, manipulate the table or add comments, except view and printout - as it is. The name of testing site and tester was in the past not explicitly written to the file. You can now get rid of this drawback:
Fill out the fields "tested by" and save the file.
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3. Software
3.3.3 Authorization unlocked You have full access: you can add series, manipulate data and add comments. locked All manipulations of data are locked, except view, export and printout.
When creating a new file, all activated users are transferred to the file. i.e. the supervisor can open this file on his workplace and manipulate the data and add comments. Provided that he is activated in the list of users on the KSEP-apparatus. To activate an user enter username and password:
The users SU and OP are now activated (status = activated). For these the KSEP-file is unlocked on each PC with KSEP-Software, provided that username and password are the same.
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3. Software
3.3.4 Test report Select a mask. The test results and graphics are then inserted automatically by the program in the mask and a report is produced. This can be edited as a whole and then printed out.
We recommend to enter all comments and other informations (customer, reason, sample preparation, median value etc.) in the corresponding fields in the window info rather than to edit the report. Changes in the report, e.g. added comment, would be lost !
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3. Software
3.3.5 Audit
All activities are automatically recorded. An example: 1 2...7 8...9 OP starts a new file and with it a new audit Detailed data of apparatus and control equipment Each added test will be recorded The data of the audit are stored manipulation proof in the KSEP-file.
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3. Software
3.3.6 Procedures It is no longer necessary to change the test parameters each time another type of test is selected. Choose the procedure and the relevant pre-defined parameters will be activated. The procedure name, the size and designation of parameters and the coordinates of the graphic display can be pre-set using this tool. We distinguish between:
All procedures are an integral part of the respective KSEP-files. New settings will only be active in a new KSEP-file.
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3. Software
3.3.7 Export You can easily export data to other software. Select first a page (Info, Table, Graph, Curve, Audit). The Export-Menu is in "File / Export".
Text with or without quotation marks. Define here the character which separates numbers. Shall a header be added to the columns ?
The data are copied according to your instructions directly in the Windows-clipboard. From there you can paste it into any other program i.e. Excel, Word. In the following example the values of the curve are sent to the clipboard and then directly inserted into an Excel-sheet:
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4. Calibration
4. Calibration
According to international standards (e.g. ISO 9000, GLP), test equipment must be calibrated at intervals by comparison with a standard or a calibrated testing apparatus. This calibration also applies to the 20-l-apparatus for the determination of Pmax and Kmax. Therefore we deliver with the equipment a test dust with reference results. We highly recommend to follow all the instructions step by step and to determine the explosion indices of the test dust.
We recommend to enter all informations related to the product (customer, reason, sample preparation, median value etc.) in the corresponding fields. This text will be stored together with the test results in the KSEP-file.
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4. Calibration
4.1.2 Select procedure "test check" Working with the equipment is facilitated considerably by grouping the tests according to procedures, because the pre-adjustment of test-parameters and graphic display differ from task to task.
4.1.3 Procedure "test check" Open the window Next Test by a click on this button or push the enter-key. Under the procedure Test Check all parameters are pre-set as follows:
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4. Calibration
Test check 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Open the ball valve (L) - venting. Close the ball valve(R) - vacuum. Turn the bayonet-ring (B) in the final position. The safety switch (S) can be closed now. Pressurize the dust storage container. (button I on the manual control) Adjust air pressure (P) to 20 bar with the regulator on the air cylinder. Relieve the pressure into the sphere. (button O on the manual control) Close the ball valve (L) - venting. Open the ball valve (R) to the vacuum pump. Evacuate the sphere to 0.4 bar absolute. Indication (V) = -0,6 bar. Close the ball valve (R) to the vacuum pump. Start an automatic test run. Open vent valve (L) slowly: just a little air should flow in or out. i.e. there should be ambient pressure within the sphere ! To ensure a reliable determination of the explosion indices of combustible dusts, the following conditions must be met very accurately: Dispersion overpressure Pz = 20 bar (21 bar absolute) The propellant pressure Pz is the compressed air pressure in the dust storage container. This pressure must be 20 bar. Initial pressure Pi = 1013 mbar = atmospheric pressure. The explosion indices Pmax and Kmax are directly proportional to the initial pressure Pi. This is the most common source for faulty results !
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4. Calibration
4.1.4 Pressure curve "test check" After a test, the pressure curves of channel 1 (red) and channel 2 (blue) and their mean value (green) are displayed:
Zooming: with help of the mouse, pull a window around the area to be enlarged. With this key the chosen sector will be shown. Error messages: The entire evaluation is generally done automatically. The following explosion- and controlparameters are assessed and unacceptable discrepancies are highlighted in red color: Pd The expansion pressure Pd is outside the acceptable range of 0.55 to 0.7 bar. Please check the initial pressure of the storage container. Check also the settings of the charge amplifiers, the thickness and the hardness of the protective Silicon-layer on the pressure transducers. the time lag of the outlet-valve is outside the acceptable range of 30 to 50 ms. The outlet valve may be dirty or the dust dispersion device plugged. the measured ignition delay time deviates more than 5 ms from the entered time tv.
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4. Calibration
IE tv
4.2.2 Principle In a first test series, the maximum explosion overpressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise are determined over a wide range of concentrations. Starting with a low dust concentration of 60g/m (1.2g / 20-l), the concentration is increased in steps, until the maximum values for the explosion pressure and the rate of pressure rise have clearly been determined. The following steps must be used: 60; 125; 250; 500; 750; 1000; 1250; 1500 g/m After the first test series, the concentration range close to the observed maxima (Pmax, (dP/dt)max) is twice checked, i.e. the tests are repeated at the optimum concentration, the next higher and the next lower concentration. An example: (Assuming, the maxima of Pm and (dP/dt) are at 250 resp. 500 g/m3) 1. series: 2. series: 3. series: 60, 125, 125, 125, 250, 250, 250, 500, 500, 500, 750, 750 750 1000 g/m3
4.2.3 Sample preparation The results can only be compared, when the sample preparation is the same. Therefore the test dust has been milled, homogenized and tightly packed. Please keep the container closed whenever possible. Please test the sample as delivered. By no means, prepare the sample additionally.
4.2.4 Water cooling A high test frequency will necessitate keeping the operating means of water cooling, i.e. the operating temperature should Thermo-static control of the cooling water is not necessary, but always some flow of water and that the outlet temperature of 25C. temperature at approx. 20C by correspond to room temperature. care should be taken that there is the cooling medium not exceeds
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4. Calibration
4.2.6 Procedure "Dust: Pmax, Kmax" Open the window Next Test by a click on this button or push the enter-key. With procedure Dust: Pmax, Kmax all parameters are pre-set as follows:
The ignition delay time of Simex-igniters is 5ms shorter than with Sobbe. It can happen that the outlet valve is not fully closed at the moment of ignition. Therefore the KSEP-software corrects for Simex-igniters the time of ignition by 5ms. See: 3.2.5 Settings
4.2.7 Fitting of igniters Two chemical igniters (Z) each having an energy of 5kJ are connected to the electrode (S) as shown. The two igniters are firing horizontal and in opposite directions. Sobbe-igniters are connected in parallel. Simex-igniters are already pre-wired (serial connection).
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
before the test: Charge the dust to the storage container (D). Connect two chemical igniters (each 5 kJ) in parallel to the electrode rods. Put the cover on the sphere and turn the bayonet-ring (B) in the final position. Connect the ignition lines (Z). Close the safety switch (S). Close the ball valve (L). Open the ball valve (R) to the vacuum pump. Evacuate the sphere to 0.4 bar absolute. Indication (V) = -0,6 bar. Close the ball valve (R) to the vacuum pump. Start an automatic test run. after the test: Open the ball valve (L) to vent the sphere. Rinse the apparatus with compressed air by alternately pushing the buttons (I) and (O) on the manual control (approx. 3 times). Open the sphere and remove residues with a vacuum cleaner. Remove the burned-out igniters and clean the electrode rods. Clean the rebound nozzle: all holes must be free. Clean the dust storage container, suck away remaining dust with a vacuum cleaner. before the next test: Enter the new dust concentration. before the next series: Perform a test check as described in section 4.1. Enter the next series number.
18. 19.
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4. Calibration
4.2.8 Pressure curve After a test, the pressure curves of channel 1 (red) and channel 2 (blue) and their mean value (green) are displayed. The vertical line defines the moment of ignition. The tangent of max. rate of pressure rise, the point of inflexion and the cross for max. explosion pressure Pex are displayed in cobalt blue color.
Zooming: with help of the mouse, pull a window around the area to be enlarged. With this key the chosen sector will be shown.
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4. Calibration
4.2.9 Error messages: The entire evaluation is generally done automatically. The following explosion- and controlparameters are assessed and unacceptable discrepancies are highlighted in red color: Pex Pm The difference between the pressures values of the two sensors exceeds 0.3 bar. This usually means that either the adjustment of the charge amplifiers or the silicone protection on the pressure sensors are faulty. The difference of the rate of pressure rise of the two sensors differs by more than 10% of the mean value. The expansion pressure Pd is outside the acceptable range of 0.55 to 0.7 bar. Please check the initial pressure of the dust storage container. The time lag of the outlet-valve is outside the acceptable range of 30 to 50 ms. The outlet valve may be dirty or the dust dispersion device plugged. The measured ignition delay time deviates more than 5 ms from the entered time tv.
4.2.10 Manual evaluation (especially for weak explosions) If a (dP/dt)m of less than 150 bar/s is obtained, it is possible that the rate of pressure rise of the chemical igniters is higher than that of the fuel explosion. It is therefore necessary to compare this explosion pressure curve with the pressure curve caused by the chemical igniters alone and under otherwise identical conditions. Typical values for chemical igniters of 10 kJ are approx. 100 bar/s. It can be assumed that the pressure rise caused by the chemical igniters is terminated after 50 ms. (Thus the tangent may only be drawn at least 50 ms after ignition). The KSEP 332 automatically compensates for this effect. Of course this simple rule of thumb can not cover all practical cases, thus a manual evaluation has to be done from time to time: Observe how and where the computer sets the tangent after an explosion test. Weak explosions or oscillations superimposed on the pressure course may lead to wrong results. If you do not agree, it's best to do a manual evaluation.
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4. Calibration
Symbols on the table: maximum value (of each series), green this value is not correct, red this test is valid and included in the evaluation (to change: click in this field) the pressure curve is stored (to show the curve: double-click in this field) selected curve
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4. Calibration
4.2.12 Graphics of results Particular values (squares), mean values (crosses) and for "Pm, dP/dt " the mean of maxima (stars) of each series are displayed. Clean up the results table first, i.e. disable all invalid tests in the result table.
Calculation of the explosion indices: The explosion indices Pmax and (dP/dt)max are defined as the mean values of the maximum values of each series (total 3 series). Subsequently, the explosion index Kmax is calculated from the above (dP/dt)max. Pm [series n] = maximum value of each series Pmax = ( Pm [series 1] + Pm [series 2] + Pm [series 3] ) / 3 (dP/dt)m [series n] = maximum value of each series (dP/dt)max = ( dP/dt [series 1] + dP/dt [series 2] + dP/dt [series 3] ) / 3 Kmax = 0.27144 x (dP/dt)max V1/3 = 0.02 1/3 = 0.27144
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4.2.13 Check of the explosion indices Pmax is the mean value of the maxima of three series of tests. Each of the maxima must not deviate by more than 10% of Pmax Otherwise this series must be repeated ! (dP/dt)max is the mean value of the maxima of three series of tests. Each of the maxima must not deviate more than the values given in the table below. Otherwise this series must be repeated ! (dP/dt)max 185 186 - 370 371 - 740 > 740 Kmax 50 51 - 100 101 - 200 > 200 Deviation 30 % 20 % 12 % 10 %
This check will be done automatically. Faulty series will highlighted in red color. This series must be repeated ! When testing more than 3 series, select 3 of them with minimum deviation between each other. All other tests (series) must be disabled and excluded from the evaluation.
4.2.14 Conformity with reference values To meet the calibration requirements of the test dust, Your results must be within the given tolerance range. Otherwise check the following cause of errors: Cause of errors: Synthetic compressed air Faulty or plugged gauge (vacuum, dust container). Leaky apparatus (o-ring, ball valve). Protective Silicon-layer on the sensors is too old and too hard. Wrong settings on the charge amplifiers. Missing cooling on the sphere.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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4. Calibration
[ C ]
Temperature of the vessel The temperature of the 20-l-sphere is regulated by water cooling. However in the 1m3 - vessel this temperature can rise and has to be considered (see 1.5.4 temperature).
[mbar] Ambient pressure The initial pressure in the 20-l-sphere is regulated to 1 bar absolute. However in the 1m3 - vessel the initial pressure is given by the ambient pressure. This influence has to be considered (see 1.5.5 initial pressure).
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5.1.2 Check of the equipment Before testing, check the set-up of your equipment as follows: Compressed air Only normal compressor compressed air may be used (in cylinders). Air pressure of bottle > 40 bar. Leakage Pressurize manually the dust storage chamber to 20 bar over pressure. If the gauge drops more than 1 bar in 1 minute, then check the seals of outlet valve. Operating temperature Check the minimum flow of the cooling water: > 0.5 liter / minute. Check outlet temperature of the cooling water: < 25C
5.1.3 Test check (see 4.1) A test check is an automatic test sequence without dust and without chemical igniters. Thereby, the correct function of the entire system is checked in a simple way. It is strongly recommended that the check be repeated at the onset of each test series ! 1. Procedure 2. Dust concentration 3. Ignition energy 4. Ignition delay time = Test check = 0 g/m3 = 0J = 60 ms
5. Adjust compressed air pressure to 20 bar (21 bar absolute). 6. Evacuate the 20-l-sphere to 0.4 bar absolute (indication: - 0.6 bar). 7. Start an automatic test sequence. 8. Open vent valve (left) slowly: just a little air should flow in or out. i.e. there should be ambient pressure within the sphere !
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= = = =
5.2.2 Test Method In a first test series, the maximum explosion overpressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise are determined over a wide range of concentrations. Starting with a low dust concentration of 60g/m (1.2g / 20-l), the concentration is increased in steps, until the maximum values for the explosion pressure and the rate of pressure rise have clearly been determined. The following steps must be used: 60; 125; 250; 500; 750; 1000; 1250; 1500 g/m After the first test series, the concentration range close to the observed maxima (Pmax, (dP/dt)max) is twice checked, i.e. the tests are repeated at the optimum concentration, the next higher and the next lower concentration. An example: (Assuming, the maxima of Pm and (dP/dt) are at 250 resp. 500 g/m3) 1. series: 2. series: 3. series: 60, 125, 125, 125, 250, 250, 250, 500, 500, 500, 750, 750 750 1000 g/m3
5.2.3 Test Evaluation The explosion indices Pmax and (dP/dt)max are defined as the mean values of the maximum values of each series (total 3 series). Subsequently, the explosion index Kmax is calculated from the above (dP/dt)max. Pm [series n] = maximum value of each series Pmax = ( Pm [series 1] + Pm [series 2] + Pm [series 3] ) / 3 (dP/dt)m [series n] = maximum value of each series (dP/dt)max = ( dP/dt [series 1] + dP/dt [series 2] + dP/dt [series 3] ) / 3 Kmax = 0.27144 x (dP/dt)max
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5.2.4 Check of the results Pmax is the mean value of the maxima of three series of tests. Each of the maxima must not deviate by more than 10% of Pmax Otherwise this series must be repeated ! (dP/dt)max is the mean value of the maxima of three series of tests. Each of the maxima must not deviate more than the values given in the table below. Otherwise this series must be repeated ! (dP/dt)max 185 186 - 370 371 - 740 > 740 Kmax 50 51 - 100 101 - 200 > 200 Deviation 30 % 20 % 12 % 10 %
This check will be done automatically. Faulty series will be highlighted in red color. This series must be repeated !
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5.3.2 Test Method The 20-l-sphere and the dust storage chamber must be cleaned thoroughly before each test. A test series is initiated with an integral multiple of 10g/m; e.g. 20 or 30g/m. The series is continued with a systematic increase of the dust concentration until ignition of the dust/air mixture is observed. Repeat the test with a dust concentration 10g/m lower, and continue to reduce the concentration in further tests until a concentration is reached at which no ignition of the dust/air mixture is observed in three successive tests. For dust concentrations higher than 100g/m integral steps of 20g/m may be used and for concentrations higher than 200g/m the 50g/m steps may be used. To obtain accurate values for the LEL, 3 negative tests for each concentration must be observed.
5.3.3 Test Evaluation (IE = 2 x 1 kJ) Pex [bar] < 0.5 0.5 Pm [bar] < 0.2 0.2 Decision: no ignition ignition
The lower explosion limit LEL is reported as the highest concentration at which a dust explosion is not detected in three successive tests. If only one test series is carried out (1 negative test), the value for LEL has to be reported as approximately ... g/m. This determination is naturally very sensitive to product residues from previous tests. It has thus proved advisable to insert a blank test (igniters only, no dust) between the individual tests with dust to remove the residues following cleaning.
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5.4.2 Test Method The 20-l-sphere and the dust storage chamber must be cleaned thoroughly before each test. A test series is initiated, starting with a dust concentration of 30g/m. e.g. 30, 60, 125, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000 g/m3
5.4.3 Test Evaluation (IE = 2 x 1 kJ) Pex [bar] < 0.5 0.5 Pm [bar] < 0.2 0.2 Decision: no ignition ignition
A dust which cannot be induced to explode over a wide range of concentrations (normally from 30g/m to 2000g/m) with an ignition energy of IE = 2 x 1 kJ (chemical igniters) is classified as not explosible. This means that most probably the dust cannot be exploded at all, except by application of even stronger ignition sources (IE > 2 kJ).
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5.5.2 Test Method In general, nitrogen is used as an inert gas, therefore the following test conditions are based on nitrogen only. The required nitrogen/air mixtures can be produced easily with the partial - pressure procedure. Prior to the tests it is recommended to check the composition of these nitrogen/air mixtures with suitable instruments.
After the first test series in normal air (O2 = 20.8% V/V), a second series will be done at e.g. 10% O2 in N2 over a wide range of dust concentrations. If the tests are positive, a possible value of the limiting oxygen concentration can be estimated by extrapolation of the two Kmax-values to 0 mbar/s. At this extrapolated value the explosion tests will be continued over a wide range of dust concentrations. If positive tests are observed they have to be repeated at a 1% V/V lower value of O2 in N2. If negative tests are observed, they have to be repeated at a 1% V/V higher value of O2 in N2 In this manner further tests have to be done until dust explosions are no longer possible. To establish no ignition, there must be at least three tries with the same dust concentration..
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5.5.3 Test Evaluation (IE = 2 x 1 kJ) Pex [bar] < 0.5 0.5 Pm [bar] < 0.2 0.2 Decision: no ignition ignition
The oxygen concentration which will just not allow an explosion of the dust/air/inert gas mixture in three ignition tests is stated as the limiting oxygen concentration LOC. With decreasing oxygen concentration, the optimum dust concentration is shifted to lower values. The tests must therefore also be performed especially in this concentration range: (e.g. 30, 60 g/m).
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For investigations under quiescent conditions input tv = 0. The admixture of the fuels takes place directly in the 20-l-sphere and not through the storage container. Therefore no expansion pressure of the storage container can be measured (Pd = 0 bar). The ignition signal occurs immediately after starting the test. The evaluation of Pd and td will be suppressed.
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IE tv Pz
= = = = =
Gas: Pmax, Kmax, LEL Permanent Spark 10 J 0 ms 0 bar (1 bar absolute, no pre-evacuation)
6.2.2 Test Method In a first test series, the maximum explosion pressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise are determined over a wide range of concentrations. Starting with a gas concentration greater than the LEL, the concentration is either increased or decreased in steps of at most 1% V/V , until the maximum values for the explosion pressure and the rate of pressure rise have clearly been covered. After the first test series, the concentration range close to the observed maxima (Pmax, Kmax) is twice checked, i.e. the tests are repeated at the optimum concentration, the next higher and the next lower concentration. An example: (Assuming, the maxima of Pm and (dP/dt) are at 4.5% V/V) 1. series: 2. series: 3. series: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 5.0, 5.0 5.0 5.5 % V/V
6.2.3 Test Evaluation The explosion indices Pmax and (dP/dt)max are defined as the mean values of the maximum values of each series (total 3 series). Subsequently, the explosion index Kmax is calculated from the above (dP/dt)max. Pm [series n] = maximum value of each series Pmax = ( Pm [series 1] + Pm [series 2] + Pm [series 3] ) / 3 (dP/dt)m [series n] = maximum value of each series (dP/dt)max = ( dP/dt [series 1] + dP/dt [series 2] + dP/dt [series 3] ) / 3 Kmax = 0.27144 x (dP/dt)max
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IE tv Pz
6.3.2 Test Method The 20-l-sphere has to be cleaned thoroughly before each test. A test series is initiated, starting with gas concentrations of an integral multiple of 0.25% V/V for example 2 or 3% V/V. The series is continued with a systematic increase of the gas concentration until ignition of the gas/air mixture is observed. Repeat the test with a gas concentration 0.25% V/V lower, and continue to reduce the concentration in further tests until a concentration is reached at which no ignition of the gas/air mixture is observed in three successive tests. For the determination of the UEL (Upper Explosion Limit) the LEL-procedure can be used accordingly. To obtain accurate values for the LEL or UEL, 3 negative tests for each concentration must be observed.
6.3.3 Test Evaluation (IE = 10 J) Pex [bar] < 0.1 0.1 Pm [bar] < 0.1 0.1 Decision: no ignition ignition
The lower explosion limit LEL as well as the upper explosion limit UEL are reported as those concentrations at which a gas explosion is just not possible in 3 successive tests. If only one test series is carried out (1 negative test), the value for LEL or UEL has to be reported as approximately ... % V/V.
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IE tv Pz
6.4.2 Test Method In general, nitrogen is used as an inert gas, therefore the following test conditions are based on nitrogen only. The required nitrogen/air mixtures can be produced easily with the partial - pressure procedure. Prior to the tests it is recommended to check the composition of these nitrogen/air mixtures with suitable instruments.
After the first test series in normal air (O2 = 20.8% V/V), a second series will be done at about 17% O2 in N2 over a wide range of gas concentrations. Then the tests have to be continued by systematic reduction of the oxygen concentration in nitrogen until gas explosions are no longer possible. To establish no ignition, there must be at least 3 tries with the same gas concentration.
6.4.3 Test Evaluation (IE = 10 J) Pex [bar] < 0.1 0.1 Pm [bar] < 0.1 0.1 Decision: no ignition ignition
The oxygen concentration which will just not allow an explosion of the gas/air/inert gas mixture in 3 consecutive tests is stated as the limiting oxygen concentration LOC and is suitable for practical application.
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7. Hybrid Mixtures
7. Hybrid Mixtures
For the preparation of the hybrid mixtures propane is chosen as the prototype for flammable solvent vapors and is added stepwise to the combustible atmosphere.
Procedure (procedure) Ignition source Ignition energy Ignition delay time Dispersion pressure
IE tv Pz
= = = = =
Hybrid: Pmax, Kmax Chemical igniters 2 x 5 kJ 60 ms 20 bar (21 bar absolute, pre-evacuation)
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7. Hybrid Mixtures
7.1.2 Test Method After the first investigation in normal air (see: 5.2 Dust - Explosion indices), the tests will be repeated after adding of a certain amount of flammable gas into the normal air. The tests are done over a wide range of concentration until the maximum values of the hybrid mixtures are clearly receding. Afterwards, two further test series, as described above, have to be carried out. For these tests the gas concentration most important for the judgment of the safety situation has to be chosen. Without that it is recommended to carry out the tests over a wide range of gas concentrations. By this test procedure the optimum values of the hybrid mixtures can be obtained.
7.1.3 Test Evaluation The Kmax values of the hybrid mixtures occur at the stoichiometric gas concentrations of the flammable gas (Kmax-value). For propane this concentration is approximately 4.25 - 4.5% V/V
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8. References
8. References
VDI-GL 2263 Staubbrnde und Staubexplosionen, Gefahrenbeurteilung und Schutzmassnahmen, Beuth-Verlag GmbH, Berlin und Kln, 1986 Dust Explosions; Course, Prevention, Protection Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1989 Explosion Characteristics and Influencing Factors, International Symposium on Control & Prevention of Dust Explosions Basel, 1982 International Standard "Explosion Protection Systems", Part 1: Test methods for the determination of explosion indices of combustible dusts in air" Reliable Determination of the Safety Characteristics in 20-l-apparatus. Symposium on Flammable Dust Explosion; St. Louis Missouri, USA, 1988 Explosionsschutz; Grundlagen und Anwendung Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1993 Explosions- und Zndverhalten von hybriden Gemischen aus brennbaren Stuben und Brenngasen. Dissertation ETH Zrich, Nr. 6498, 1979 Temperatureinfluss auf das Explosions- und Zndverhalten brennbarer Stube, Dissertation ETH Zrich, Nr. 7350,1983 Mindestzndenergie - Einfluss der Temperatur VDI-Berichte Nr. 494, Seite 109-118, 1984 Assessment of the fire and explosion hazard of combustible products for unit operations; Butterworth - Heinemann, International conference, Singapore, 1993 Ignition behaviour of Dusts 28th Loss Prevention, Atlanta, 1994 Methods for Determination of the Explosion Characteristics according to international Standards, Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazard of Substances, Venting of Deflagrations, July 17-21, Moskau, Russia, 1995 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds Part 1: Determination of the maximum explosion pressure Pmax September 2004 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds Part 2: Determination of the maximum rate of explosion pressure rise (dP/dt)max May 2006 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds Part 3: Determination of the lower explosion limit LEL May 2006 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds Part 4: Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration LOC September 2004
W. Bartknecht
R. Siwek
ISO/DIS 6184/1
R. Siwek
W. Bartknecht
G. Pellmont
T. Glarner
T. Glarner
EN 14034-1
EN 14034-2
EN 14034-3
EN 14034-4
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