Flyer informing of New bmw hydrid Drive technology. Brochure explains evolutions and how bmw manage energy in these vehicles.
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BMW ActiveHybrid 5 Sheer Driving PIeasure BMW EfficientDynamics Less emissions. More driving pIeasure. *OUFSOBUJPOBM WFSTJPO 1MFBTF DPOUBDU ZPVS MPDBM EFBMFS GPS DPVOUSZ TQFDJD JOGPSNBUJPO BMW ACTIVE HYBRID. NEXT-GENERATION EFFICIENCY. Can a vehicle become ever-more efcient while becoming increasingly dynamic at the same time? Yes it can. The BMW ActiveHybrid delivers the proof. With its intelligent drive concept, the rst full hybrid BMW saloon presents the next BMW ActiveHybrid generation. The BMW ActiveHybrid , with its superior agility and unique design, offers the perfect combination of dynamism and elegance. This third BMWActiveHybrid model also delivers optimised performance through intelligent Energy Management. Purely electric driving for considerable distances (silent gliding with the combustion engine switched off), and even more intense acceleration thanks to the Boost function all ensure an entirely new driving experience. Indeed, developments in the BMWActiveHybrid , in tandem with BMWEfcientDynamics measures, signify another stride into the future by substantially reducing fuel consumption and CO
emissions, and palpably improving driving pleasure.
THE BEST PERFORMANCE IS TEAM PERFORMANCE. ln tne BMWAct|veHybr|d 5, un|ted performance means |ncreased eff|c|ency. lor tne f|rst t|me, tne |nterp|ay of a|| nybr|d components |s contro||ed by tne |nte|||gent Lnergy Management system and |nd|v|dua||y ca|cu|ated for every journey. ne |atest tecnno|ogy makes |t poss|b|e to dr|ve us|ng on|y e|ectr|c power for tnree k||ometres at up to 60km/n. Add|t|ona||y, tne comb|nat|on of tne e|ectr|c motor and tne BMWw|nPower urbo |n||ne s|x-cy||nder petro| eng|ne offers typ|ca| BMWdr|v|ng dynam|cs, wn||e fue| consumpt|on and em|ss|ons a|so |mpress. lor a n|gn systemoutput of 260kW340np), tne car consumes, on average, just 6.47.0 ||tres per !00kmand em|ts !49!63g of C 2 per k||ometre ! . ln snort, tne BMWAct|veHybr|d 5 |s an outstand|ng examp|e of nowyou can cont|nue enjoy|ng dr|v|ng p|easure to tne fu|| we|| |nto tne future. 1 Fuel consumption and CO emissions vary according to the wheel and tyre sizes selected. . Eight-speed automatic transmission BMWTwinPower Turbo inline six-cylinder petrol engine Air vent control . Lithium-ion high- performance battery Reduced rolling- resistance tyres . Auxiliary climate control Electric Power Steering Hybrid Start/Stop function . Electric motor Brake energy regeneration 1. EIectric motor. S|tuated between tne combust|on eng|ne and tne gearbox, tne 40kWmotor supp||es enougn power for pure|y e|ectr|c dr|v|ng and supports acce|erat|on w|tn tne Boost funct|on. n|s prov|des a not|ceab|e |ncrease |n dynam|cs and reduces fue| consumpt|on and em|ss|ons. Homezone: wnen nav|gat|on |s act|ve, tne n|gn-performance battery |n tne car |s cnarged, so you can dr|ve pure|y on e|ectr|c power wnen you are w|tn|n your Homezone. 2. Lithium-ion high-performance battery. lor max|mumeffc|ency, tne ||tn|um-|on n|gn-performance battery supp||es energy to dr|ve tne BMWAct|veHybr|d 5 pure|y e|ectr|ca||y. n|s |nnovat|ve battery |s cnarged on every journey and |s a|so ||nked to tne brake energy regenerat|on system as soon as you take your foot off tne acce|erator. ne ||tn|um-|on n|gn-performance battery |s a|so d|st|ngu|sned by a |ong serv|ce ||fe and comes w|tn a spec|a| cert|fcate offer|ng cover for tne frst !00,000km and a max|mum of fve years. 3. AuxiIiary cIimate controI. W|tn tn|s system, tne BMWAct|veHybr|d 5 can be coo|ed by tne a|r cond|t|on|ng severa| m|nutes before peop|e get |n to tne car. n|s |s done by tne e|ectr|c c||mate compressor and w|tnout us|ng fue|. Aux|||ary c||mate contro| can be remote|y act|vated s|mp|y by us|ng tne car key. 4. Eight-speed automatic transmission. Not on|y does tn|s ensure fast gear cnanges w|tnout |oss of tract|on, tnanks to automat|c coup||ng, tne e|gnt-speed gearbox a|so regu|ates |nteract|on between tne combust|on eng|ne and tne e|ectr|c motor. Add|t|ona||y, and |n comb|nat|on w|tn tne nybr|d Start/Stop funct|on, |t makes a cons|derab|e contr|but|on to reduc|ng fue| consumpt|on and em|ss|ons. ne BMWAct|veHybr|d 5 |s tne f|rst of tne BMWnybr|ds w|tn a BMWTwinPower Turbo inIine six-cyIinder petroI engine. n|s, |n comb|nat|on w|tn tne e|ectr|c motor, acn|eves max|mum dynam|cs w|tn marked|y reduced fue| consumpt|on. ln add|t|on, tne fo||ow|ng features prov|de |ncreased eff|c|ency: eight- speed automatic gearbox, hybrid StartlStop function, air vent controI, EIectric Power Steering, Brake Energy Regeneration and reduced roIIing resistance tyres. A|| tnese BMW Lff|c|entDynam|cs measures contr|bute to doub|e-f|gure percentage sav|ngs |n fue| consumpt|on wn||e, at tne same t|me, ensur|ng tne typ|ca| BMWdr|v|ng exper|ence. BMW EfficientDynamics Less emissions. More driving pIeasure. Acce|erat|ng effc|ency. W|tn tne Boost function, tne powerfu| |nterp|ay of tne two power un|ts de||vers |mpress|ve resu|ts dur|ng acce|erat|on and overtak|ng. ln tnese cases, tne |ncreased output requ|red of tne e|ectr|c motor |s acn|eved by sourc|ng stored energy created by tne brake energy regenerat|on system. More effc|ency tnrougn inteIIigent Energy Management. Network|ng between tne nav|gat|on system and tne ven|c|e a||ows ca|cu|at|ons to be made tnat ensure opt|mum energy use. Wnen tne ||tn|um-|on n|gn-performance battery |s cnarged, tne e|ectr|c motor supports tne eng|ne on upn||| sect|ons. Oo|ng downn|||, tne n|gn-performance battery |s automat|ca||y cnarged aga|n. LC Pl mode |s act|vated v|a tne Driving Experience OontroI funct|on. Wnen tne dr|ver takes n|s foot off tne acce|erator wnen LC Pl |s on, tne eng|ne sw|tcnes off and tne gearbox connect|on |s d|sengaged, a||ow|ng tne BMWto g||de no|se|ess|y at up to !60km/n. Energy consumption history. ne use of e|ectr|c energy dur|ng tne |ast !5 m|nutes of dr|v|ng |s snown |n a bar cnart. ne |onger tne bar, tne n|gner tne use of tne nybr|d system and tne greater tne fue| sav|ngs. ne aIuminium door siIIs w|tn Act|veHybr|d 5 |etter|ng mark tne entrance to a part|cu|ar|y e|egant |nter|or w|tn a n|gn standard of workmansn|p. EIectric driving. ne 40kW e|ectr|c motor enab|es pure|y e|ectr|c dr|v|ng over |ong d|stances. Boost function. Wnen needed, dr|ve power of tne |n||ne s|x- cy||nder eng|ne |s supp|emented by energy from tne e|ectr|c motor, |ncreas|ng tota| power output for snort per|ods. ne advantage of tn|s tecnno|ogy |s a strong, spontaneous surge |n power. Brake Energy Regeneration. Wnen tne dr|ver re|eases tne tnrott|e, k|net|c energy |s converted |nto e|ectr|ca| energy and stored |n tne ||tn|um-|on n|gn-performance battery. EFFlOlENOYTAlNMENT. More about BMW Sheer Driving Pleasure This yer describes the models, features and conguration options (standard and optional) available in vehicles delivered by BMW AG for the German market. In other EU countries, there may be deviations from the features and conguration options described in this yer, in terms of the standard and optional equipment of the individual models. To nd out more about the different country versions on offer, please consult your local BMW dealer. Design and equipment subject to change. For information on returning and recycling your vehicle, please contact your local BMW dealer or see BMW AG, Munich, Germany. No reproduction in whole or in part without the written approval of BMW AG Munich. BB. Printed in Germany . BMW recommends