TRG & Devlopment

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Particulars Certificate from the Organization Certificate from the College Student Declaration Guide Certificate Acknowledgement Introduction to Training Training O !ecti"e Introduction to $%& (ackground Scenario of the Training Cla**ification of Training Com,an- .rofile/0O12I1 %e*earch 3 &ethodologData Anal-*i* 6inding* 6rom the *tudSugge*tion*3 %ecommendation* Conclu*ion (i liogra,hAnne7ure 3 8ue*tionnaire*

Page No.

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07 10 12 1) 22 #1 #2 #5 )) )4 )5 +1 +#

Training & Development

Training i* ,roce** of learning a *e9uence of ,rogrammed eha"ior: It i* the a,,lication of knowledge: It gi"e* ,eo,le an awarene** of the rule*

and ,rocedure* to guide their

eha"ior*: It attem,t* to im,ro"e their

,erformance on the current !o and ,re,are* them for an intended !o : Need or training ! S,ecificall-; the need for training ari*e* due to the following rea*on*< To match the em,lo-ee *,ecification* with the 2o organizational Needs! &anagement find* de"iation* etween em,lo-ee=* ,re*ent *,ecification* and the !o re9uirement* and organizational need*: Training i* needed to fill the*e ga,* - de"elo,ing and molding the em,lo-ee *kill*; knowledge; attitude; eha"ior; etc> to the tune of the !o re9uirement* and organizational need* a* felt Gla7o India; ICICI> Organi"ational #ia$ilit% and t&e Trans ormation Process! The ,rimar- goal of mo*t of the organization* i* that their "ia ilit- i* continuou*l- influenced - en"ironmental ,re**ure: If the organization de*ire* to ada,t to the*e change*; fir*t it ha* to train the em,lo-ee* to im,art *,ecific *kill* and knowledge in order to ena le them to contri ute to organizational efficienc- and to co,e with training in order to en*ure a *mooth tran*formation ,roce**: re9uirement* and

Tec&nological Advance! ?"er- organization to *ur"i"e and to e effecti"e *hould ado,t the late*t technolog- i:e: mechanization; com,uterization and automation: So;

the organization *hould train the em,lo-ee=* train the em,lo-ee* to enrich them in the area* of changing technical *kill* and knowledge from time to time: Organi"ational Comple'it%! 0ith the emergence of increa*ed mechanization and automation; manufacturing of multi,le ,roduct* and -/,roduct* or dealing in *er"ice* of di"er*ified line*; e7ten*ion of o,eration* to "ariou* region* of the countr- or in o"er*ea* countrie*; organization of mo*t of the com,anie* ha* ecome com,le7< Thi* create* the com,le7 ,ro lem* of co/ordination and integration of acti"itie* ada,ta le for and ada,ta le to the e7,anding and di"er*if-ing *ituation*: Thi* *ituation call* for training in the *kill* of co/ ordination; integration and ada,ta ilit- to the re9uirement* of growth; di"er*ification and e7,an*ion: (uman relations! Trend* in a,,roach toward* ,er*onnel management ha* changed from the commodit- a,,roach to ,artner*hi, a,,roach; cro**ing the human relation* e*ide* maintaining *ound indu*trial relation* although hitherto the manager* are not accu*tomed to deal with the worker* accordingl-: Training in human relation* i* nece**ar- to deal with human ,ro lem*: C&ange in t&e )o$ assignment! Training i* al*o nece**ar- when the e7i*ting em,lo-ee i* ,romoted to the higher le"el in the organization and when there i* *ome new !o or occu,ation due to tran*fer: Training i* al*o nece**ar- to e9ui, em,lo-ee* with ad"anced di*,lace*; techni9ue* or technolog-: The need for training al*o ari*e* to< Increa*ed .roducti"it-:

Training al*o ecome*

e**ential when an organization ha* ,lan* for modernization:

Im,ro"ed 9ualit- of the ,roduct@*er"ice: $el, a com,an- to fulfill it* future ,er*onnel need*: Im,ro"ed organizational climate: Im,ro"ed health and *afet-: .re"ent o *ole*cence: ?ffect ,er*onal growth: &inimize the re*i*tance to change and To act a* mentor:

Training o$)ectives
The ,er*onnel manager formulate* the following training o !ecti"e* in kee,ing with the com,an-=* goal* and o !ecti"e*< To ,re,are the em,lo-ee*; oth new and old to meet the ,re*ent a* well a* the changing re9uirement+* of the !o and the organization: To ,re"ent o *ole*cence: To im,art the new entrant* the a*ic knowledge and *kill* the- need for an intelligent ,erformance of a definite !o : To ,re,are em,lo-ee* for higher/le"el ta*k*: To a**i*t em,lo-ee* to function more effecti"el- in their ,re*ent ,o*ition* - e7,o*ing them to the late*t conce,t*; information and techni9ue* and de"elo,ing the *kill* the- will need in their ,articular field*: To uild u, a *econd line of com,etent officer* and ,re,are them to, occu,- more re*,on*i le ,o*ition*: To roaden the mind* of *enior manager* - ,ro"iding them with o,,ortunitie* for an interchange of e7,erience* within and out*ide

with a "iew to correcting the narrown#e** of outlook that ma- ari*e from o"er/*,ecialization: To de"elo, the ,otentialitie* of ,eo,le for the ne7t le"el !o : To en*ure *mooth and efficient working of a de,artment: To en*ure economical out,ut of re9uired 9ualit-: To ,romote indi"idual and collecti"e morale; a *en*e of re*,on*i ilit-; co/o,erati"e attitude* and good relation*hi,*


*ntroduction to (+,
Need or t&e Stud% ! Shortage of *kill*: Skill* and knowledge ,eo,le are alwa-* on *hort *u,,l-: Alternati"el- theare too co*tl- to hire from out*ide: The e*t alternati"e i* to im,ro"e *kill and knowledge of e7i*ting em,lo-ee*: Technological O *ole*cence: Growth of technolog- take* ,lace* "er- fa*t: Thi* will render current technolog- o *olete in the future: There i* a great need to u,grade technolog-: Thi* need* *uita le training: .er*onal O *ole*cence: At the time recruitment em,lo-ee* ,o**e** certain of knowledge and *kill: A* time ,a**e* knowledge ecome* o *olete; unle** it i* u,dated - ,ro,er training: Thi* ha,,en* ecau*e of change* taking ,lace in ,roduct technolog-; ,roduction method*; ,rocurement of etter machine*; *etting u, of modern ,roduction line*; introduction of modern method of *u,er"i*ion and information ,roce**ing through &IS and ?DO:: Organization O *ole*cence: &odern management ha* introduced a num er of inno"ati"e *te,* in function* of management like ,lanning; organizing; controlling; coordinating and directing: Organization which i* im,er"iou* to *uch change* i* ound to fail and ecome o *olete: A,grading A ilit- of Thre*hold worker*: .u lic ,olic- ,ro"ide* re*er"ation to di*ad"antaged *ection* of the *ocietlike handica,,ed; minoritie* and de,endent* of decea*ed worker* etc: All

the*e are thre*hold worker* ha"ing le** than minimum ,re*cri ed le"el of knowledge and *kill: The- re9uire e7ten*i"e training to ring them u, to the minimum le"el of ,erformance *tandard: Coerci"e training - go"ernment: In order to ,ro"ide etter em,lo-a ilit- chance* of unem,lo-ed -outh; certain go"ernment* taken initiati"e to mo ilize re*ource* a"aila le at ,u ic@go"ernment and ,ri"ate *ector* to out*ide candidate*: One *uch e7am,le i* the BA,,rentice Training C conducted - go"t: of India: A ,art of e7,enditure incurred for thi* go"ernment: $uman ca,ital The late*t thinking i* to treat em,lo-ee* a* Bhuman ca,italC: The e7,enditure in"ol"ed i* training and de"elo,ment* are now eing con*idered a* an in"e*tment: Environmental *n luences on (+,! Since 15#0*; certain de"elo,ment* took ,lace; which greatl- contri uted; to the e"olution and growth of $uman %e*ource* &anagement D$%&E: The*e de"elo,ment* are gi"en elow< Scientific &anagement Fa our &o"ement* Go"ernment %egulation*: Evolution o (+, Personnel unctions! Till 15#0*; it wa* not felt nece**ar- to ha"e a *e,arate di*ci,line of management called*onnel managementC: In fact; thi* !o wa* a**igned

- ,ri"ate *ector* are reim ur*ed

a* ,art of the factor- manager: Adam Smith=* conce,t of factor- wa* that it con*i*t* of three re*ource*; land; la our and ca,ital: Thi* factor- manager i* e7,ected to B,rocure; .roce** and ,eddleC la our a* one of the re*ource*: The fir*t time when *uch a *,eciali*t B,er*onC wa* u*edG it wa* to maintain a B ufferC etween em,lo-er and em,lo-ee to meet the Blegitimate needC of em,lo-ee*: $owe"er; it i* the em,lo-er who decided what i* Blegitimate needC of em,lo-ee*: In fact; the *,eciali*t B,er*onC wa* more needed to ,re"ent BunionizationC of em,lo-ee*: Thi* wa* the ca*e efore 15#0/* all o"er the world: Earlier re erences! In we*tern countrie* $%& had it* ,rimiti"e eginning in 15#0*: 1ot much thought wa* gi"en on thi* *u !ect in ,articular and no written record* or document* intere*ting to note $%& conce,t* wa* a"aila le; in ancient ,hilo*o,hie* of Greek; Indian and Chine*e: Thi* i* not to *ugge*t that indu*trial e*ta li*hment and factorie* *-*tem; a* it i* known toda-; e7i*ted in ancient Greece; India or china: The ,hilo*o,h- of managing: :


BAC-.+O/ND SCENA+*O 0T+A*N*N. 0illiam 2ame* of $ar"ard Ani"er*it- e*timated that em,lo-ee* could retain their !o * - working at a mere 20/#0 ,ercent of their ,otential: $i* re*earch led him to elie"e that if the*e *ame em,lo-ee* were ,ro,erlmoti"ated; the- could work at 40/50H of their ca,a ilitie*: (eha"ioral *cience conce,t* like moti"ation and enhanced ,roducti"it- could well e u*ed for *uch im,ro"ement* in em,lo-ee out,ut: Training could e one of the mean* u*ed to achie"e *uch im,ro"ement* through the effecti"e and efficient u*e of learning re*ource*: Training and de"elo,ment ha* een con*idered an integral ,art of anorganization *ince the indu*trial re"olution era: 6rom training im,arted to im,ro"e ma** ,roduction to now training em,lo-ee* on *oft *kill* and attitudinal change; training indu*tr- ha* come a long wa- toda-: In fact mo*t training com,anie* are e7,ecting the market to dou le - the -ear 2007; which !u*t mean* that the Indian training indu*tr- *eem* to ha"e come of age: Organization and indi"idual *hould de"elo, and ,rogre** *imultaneou*l- for the their *ur"i"al and attainment of mutual goal*: So; e"er- modern management ha* to de"elo, the organization through human re*ource de"elo,ment: ?m,lo-ee training i* the mo*t im,ortant *u /*-*tem of human re*ource* de"elo,ment: Training i* a *,ecialized function and one of the fundamental o,erati"e function* for human re*ource* management:


The market i* unofficiall- e*timated to e an-where etween %* #000 crore* and %* +000 crore*: 0hat i* *ur,ri*ing i* that the Indian com,anie*: .erce,tion regarding cor,orate training *eem* to ha"e undergone a *ea/ change in the ,a*t two -ear*; with mo*t com,anie* realizing it to e an integral ,art of enhancing ,roducti"it- of it* ,er*onnel: 0hile &1C:* with their glo al *tandard* of training are the har inger* of cor,orate training culture in India; the ug *eem* to ha"e itten mo*t com,anie* aiming at increa*ing their efficienc-: According to &* .alla"i 2ha; &anaging Director; 0alchand Ca,ital and Dale Carnegi Training India; IThe Indian training indu*tr- i* e*timated at a,,ro7imatel- %* #;000 crore* ,er annum: The 16O *tud- *tate* that o"er a third of thi* i* in the area of eha"ior and *oft *kill* de"elo,ment: 0ith the e7,onential oom in the *er"ice* *ector and the emergence of a full/fledged con*umer/dri"en market; human re*ource* ha"e ecome the ke- a**et*; which organization* cannot ignore: 0ith *oft *kill* training gaining *o much momentum; it:* im,erati"e to under*tand if it *er"ing the right ,ur,o*e or not: 0ith thi* ackground; I ,lan to re*earch if training indeed i* ,ro"ing to e effecti"e in the eha"ioral area: The following *te,* mu*t form the a*i* of an- training acti"it-< Determine the training need* and o !ecti"e*: Tran*late them into ,rogram* that meet the need* of the *elected trainee*: ?"aluate the re*ult*:


There are few generalization* a out training that can hel, the ,ractitioner: Training *hould e *een a* a long term in"e*tment in human re*ource* u*ing the e9uation gi"en elow< Per ormance 1 a$ilit% 2'3 motivation Training can ha"e an im,act on oth the*e factor*: It can heighten the *kill* and a ilitie* of the em,lo-ee* and their moti"ation - increa*ing their *en*e of commitment and encouraging them to de"elo, and u*e new *kill*: It i* a ,owerful tool that can ha"e a ma!or im,act on oth em,lo-ee ,roducti"itand morale; if ,ro,erl- u*ed: Scope o (uman +esource ,anagement The Sco,e of $%& i* in deed fa*t: All ma!or acti"itie* in the working life of worker from time of hi* entr- in an organization until he @ *he lea"e*; come under the ,re"iew of $%&: S,ecificall-; the acti"itie* included are $uman %e*ource ,lanning; 2o anal-*i* and de*ign; %ecruitment; Selection; Orientation and ,lacement; Training and de"elo,ment; .erformance a,,rai*al and 2o the like: $%& i* ecoming a *,ecialized ranch gi"ing ri*e to a num er of *,ecialized area* like < Staffing 0elfare and Safet 0age* and Salar- Admini*tration Training and De"elo,ment Fa our %elation* e"aluation; em,lo-ee and e7ecuti"e remuneration and communication; em,lo-ee welfare; *afet- and health; indu*trial relation* and


O$)ectives o t&e (+, are to secure t&e ollo4ing! 5 1: Indu*trial ,eace< Thi* i* *ecured - e7cellent union management relation*; health- inter/,er*onal relation*hi,*; and ,romoting ,artici,ati"e management *t-le and good indu*trial and la our relation*: 2: Achie"e $igh .roducti"it-< The underl-ing o !ecti"e ring* to increa*e the B9uantit- or "olumeC of the ,roduct or *er"ice for a gi"en in,ut; ,roducti"it- im,ro"ement ,rogramme i* "er- *ignificant in a com,etiti"e en"ironment: #: (etter 9ualit- of working life of em,lo-ee*< Thi* in"ol"e* oth intrin*ic and e7trin*ic factor* connected with work: ': O tain and *u*tain com,etiti"e ad"antage through em,owerment < continuou* im,ro"ement and inno"ati"e *te,* eing the two e**ential ingredient* to achie"e and *u*tain com,etiti"e ad"antage; toda-=* indu*trie* are Bknowledge a*edC and B*kill inten*i"eC: ): Cordial relation*hi, etween the em,lo-er and em,lo-ee*: +: .er*onnel re*earch function*: 7: .ro,er orientation and introduction to the new em,lo-ee*: 6&at is Training7 Training is t&e act o increasing t&e 8no4ledge o an emplo%ee or doing a particular )o$. 5Ed4in B Flippo

Training i* ,roce** of learning a *e9uence of ,rogrammed eha"ior: It i* the a,,lication of knowledge: It gi"e* ,eo,le an awarene** of the rule* and ,rocedure* to guide their eha"ior*: It attem,t* to im,ro"e their ,erformance on the current !o and ,re,are* them for an intended !o :

6&at is Development7 De"elo,ment i* a related ,roce**: It co"er* not onl- tho*e acti"itie* which im,ro"e !o ,erformance ut al*o tho*e which ring a out growth of the ,er*onalit-: Training a ,er*on for a mental and ,er*onalit- attri ute*: Need or training ! S,ecificall-; the need for training ari*e* due to the following rea*on*< To match the em,lo-ee *,ecification* with the 2o re9uirement* and organizational 1eed*< &anagement find* de"iation* etween em,lo-ee=* ,re*ent *,ecification* and the !o re9uirement* and organizational need*: Training i* needed to fill the*e ga,* - de"elo,ing and molding the em,lo-ee *kill*; knowledge; attitude; eha"ior; etc> to the tune of the !o re9uirement* and organizational need* a* felt Gla7o India; ICICI> Organizational Jia ilit- and the Tran*formation .roce**< The ,rimar- goal of mo*t of the organization* i* that their "ia iliti* continuou*l- influenced - en"ironmental ,re**ure: If the organization de*ire* to ada,t to the*e change*; fir*t it ha* to train the em,lo-ee* to im,art *,ecific *kill* and knowledge in order to ena le them to contri ute to organizational efficiencand to co,e with training in order to en*ure a *mooth tran*formation ,roce**:

igger and higher !o


de"elo,ment; thi* ,roce** include* not onl- im,arting *kill* ut al*o certain

Technological Ad"ance< ?"er- organization to *ur"i"e and to e effecti"e *hould ado,t the late*t technologi:e: mechanization; com,uterization and automation: So; the organization *hould train the em,lo-ee=* train the em,lo-ee* to enrich them in the area* of changing technical *kill* and knowledge from time to time: Organizational Com,le7it-< 0ith the emergence of increa*ed mechanization and automation; manufacturing of multi,le ,roduct* and -/,roduct* or dealing in *er"ice* of di"er*ified line*; e7ten*ion of o,eration* to "ariou* region* of the countror in o"er*ea* countrie*; organization of mo*t of the com,anie* ha* ecome com,le7< Thi* create* the com,le7 ,ro lem* of co/ ordination and integration of acti"itie* ada,ta le for and ada,ta le to the e7,anding and di"er*if-ing *ituation*: Thi* *ituation call* for training in the *kill* of co/ordination; integration and ada,ta ilit- to the re9uirement* of growth; di"er*ification and e7,an*ion: $uman relation*< Trend* in a,,roach toward* ,er*onnel management ha* changed from the commodit- a,,roach to ,artner*hi, a,,roach; cro**ing the human relation* e*ide* maintaining *ound indu*trial relation* although hitherto the manager* are not accu*tomed to deal with the worker* accordingl-: Training in human relation* i* nece**ar- to deal with human ,ro lem: Change in the !o a**ignment< Training i* al*o nece**ar- when the e7i*ting em,lo-ee i* ,romoted to the higher le"el in the

organization and when there i* *ome new !o or occu,ation due to tran*fer: Training i* al*o nece**ar- to e9ui, em,lo-ee* with ad"anced di*,lace*; techni9ue* or technolog-: modernization: The need for training al*o ari*e* to< Increa*ed .roducti"it-: Im,ro"ed 9ualit- of the ,roduct@*er"ice: $el, a com,an- to fulfill it* future ,er*onnel need*: Im,ro"ed organizational climate: Im,ro"ed health and *afet-: .re"ent o *ole*cence: ?ffect ,er*onal growth: &inimize the re*i*tance to change and To act a* mentor: Training al*o ecome* e**ential when an organization ha* ,lan* for


Classi ication o Training

There are a num er of training method* a"aila le: A*e of ,articular method* de,end* on the trainee*= "iz:; worker; *u,er"i*or; and manager: (a*icall- the*e method* can e cla**ified into following road categorie*< On the !o training Off the !o training In regard to em,lo-ee*; other than manager* De7ecuti"e* following are the method* of training< On t&e )o$ training 1: A,,rentice*hi, training: 2: 2o in*truction training D2ITE: O t&e )o$ training 1: Cla** room lecture*: 2: Conference*@*eminar*: #: Grou, di*cu**ion*@ca*e *tud- anal-*i*: ': Audio "i*ual@film *how*: ): Simulation@Com,uter modeling: +: Je*ti ule training: 7: .rogrammed in*truction* D.IE: 4: Game* and %ole/,la-ing:

On T&e 9o$ Training! A,,rentice*hi, Training< Skilled worker and a,,rentice*hi, training: The duration of the cour*e@training de,end* on the nature of trade and de*ired *kill le"el: A,,rentice*hi, training i* normall- gi"en to arti*an*; electrician*; ,lum er*; rickla-er* and the like: The duration normall- "arie* from 2 to ) -ear*: Thi* *hould not mi7 u, with go"ernment *,on*ored BA,,rentice*hi, TrainingC for unem,lo-ed -outh certain underde"elo,ed nation* like India: A,,rentice*hi, training i* carried out under the guidance and intimate *u,er"i*ion of a ma*ter craft*man=*@e7,ert worker@*u,er"i*or: During a,,rentice*hi, training ,eriod; the trainee i* ,aid le** than that of a 9ualified worker: 9o$ *nstruction Training29*T3! During Second 0orld 0ar; Allied 6orce* e7,erienced acute *hortage of *killed craft*men and a le *u,er"i*or*: S,ecial training ,rogramme wa* initiated on warfooting*: S,ecial training: Training within indu*tr-DT0IE wa* one *uch ,rogramme: 2IT wa* ,art of T0I: 2IT wa* intended for de"elo,ing efficient *u,er"i*ior*: 2IT ,ro"ed "er- effecti"e and e7tremel,o,ular: O T&e 9o$ Training!

Cla** %oom Fecture*< Thi* i* the *im,le*t form of training: Thi* i* a e*t form of in*truction when the intention i* to con"e- information on rule*; regulation*; ,olicie*; and ,rocedure*: Thi* form *o al*o *uited on im,arting knowledge on theor- and conce,t*: Fecture form ha* limited *ucce** when the o !ecti"e i* to im,ro"e the *kill le"el of trainee*: Another ad"antage i* that it can e u*ed effecti"ele"en when num er* of trainee*: Another ad"antage i* that it can e u*ed effecti"el- e"en when num er* of trainee* are more: It al*o *a"e* time: &a!or di*ad"antage i* that it in"ol"e* ,a**i"e ,artici,ant* of trainee* and de,end* on a ilit- of teacher to a great e7tent: Conference*; Seminar* and 0ork*ho,*< Thi* i* a formal method of arranging meeting in which in which indi"idual* confer to di*cu** ,oint* of common intere*t for enriching their knowledge and *kill: Thi* i* a grou, acti"it-: It encourage* grou, di*cu**ion and ,artici,ation of indi"idual* for *eeking clarification* and offering e7,lanatation* and own e7,erience*: It i* a ,lanned acti"it- with a leader@ moderator to guide the ,roceeding*; which i* focu*ed on agreed agenda ,oint* ,refi7ed during ,lanning of *uch conference*: There are # "ariation* nearl- Directed conference*; Training conference and *eminar@work*ho,*: Audio:#isual and ilm s&o4s! In order to im,ro"e under*tanding; audio/"i*ual aid* con*idered "er- u*eful and *ometime* ine*ca,a le to demon*trate o,eration of a of lecturing and im,ro"e it* effecti"ene**:

machine or

e7,lain a ,roce**: Audio K"i*ual and film *how* can *u,,lement the effort*

.roup Discussions and Case stud% anal%sis! Chri*to,her Fangdell initiall- introduced ca*e *tud- method at $ar"ard Faw School in 1440=*: The ,rinci,le u*ed i* Be7,erience i* the e*t teacherC: $ere *e"eral em,irical *tudie* are e7amined in detail* to find out commonalitie* to deri"e general ,rinci,le*: Thi* method ha*; howe"er; limited u*e for worker* ut etter u*e for *u,er"i*ior*: In ca*e of worker* ; one area of im,ortance in thi* method i* that of 9ualit- control : BThe ca*e *tud- i* a*ed u,on the elief that managerial com,etence can e*t attained through the *tud-; contem,lation and di*cu**ion of concrete ca*e*: Simulation:Computer ,odelling! An- training acti"it- in which actual working en"ironment i* artificiallcreated a* near and reali*tic a* ,o**i le; i* called *imulation training: Ca*e *tud- anal-*i* e7,erimenting e7erci*e*; game ,la-ing; com,uter modeling and "e*ti ule training etc: come under thi* categor-: 0hen u*ing com,uter/ ,rogramming method artificiall- create* work en"ironment; we call it com,uter modeling: #esti$ule Training ! In "e*ti ule training; em,lo-ee* are trained on the e9ui,ment the- are em,lo-ed; ut the training i* conducted awa- from the ,lace of work: 6or training a machine*ho, o,erator; a "e*ti ule or *e,arate room i* arranged for training in which all nece**ar- e9ui,ment and machine* re9uired in an actual machine*ho, are du,licated:


Programmed instruction! .rogrammed in*truction i* a *tructured method of in*truction aided through te7t*; handout*; ook*; and com,uter aided in*truction*DCAIE : In thi* ca*e the in*truction material and information i* roken down in meaningful unit* and arranged in a ,ro,er *e9uence to form a logical method of learning ,ackage; the learning a ilit- i* te*ted and e"aluated in real time a*i*: +etraining! Technolog- i* ad"ancing at a "er- ra,id ,ace: $ence o *ole*cence i* a ma!or ,ro lem fi7ed - indi"idual worker*: Second ,ro lem faced - the worker* are the introduction of automation: Fo-al worker* of long *er"ice; *uddenl- find them*el"e* u*ele** to the com,an-: There are man- in*tance* of ,rote*t* and fear - man- worker* in "ariou* field* like railwa-*; ,o*t* and telegra,h*; FIC; (anking etc:: P&ases o training! The "ariou* *te,* in"ol"ed in the de*ign and de"elo,ment of training ,rogramme ,articularl- for the em,lo-ee* are< 1E Identification of training need* of em,lo-ee* 2E .lanning of training ,rogramme #E .re,aration of trainee* 'E Im,lementation )E ?"aluation The la*t *tage in the training ,rogramme ,roce** i* the e"aluation of re*ult* thi* i* the main ,art to know the effecti"ene**@determine* the re*ult* of the training ,rogramme:

Bene its o training $ow Training (enefit* the Organization < Fead* to im,ro"ed ,rofita ilit- and@or more ,o*iti"e attitude* toward ,rofit* orientation Im,ro"e the !o knowledge and *kill* at all le"el* of the organization Im,ro"e the morale of the workforce $el,* ,eo,le identif- with organizational goal* $el,* create a etter cor,orate image 6o*ter* authenticit-; o,enne** and tru*t Im,ro"e* the relation*hi, etween o** and *u ordinate Aid* in organizational de"elo,ment Fearn* from the trainee $el,* ,re,are* in guideline* for work Aid* in under*tanding and carr-ing out organizational ,olicie* .ro"ide* information for future need* and all area* of the organization Im,ro"e* la or management relation* $el,* ,re,are guideline* for work Organization get* more effecti"e deci*ion making and ,ro lem *ol"ing *kill* Aid* in de"elo,ment for ,romotion from within Aid* in de"elo,ing leader*hi, *kill*; moti"ation; lo-alt-; u*uall- di*,la-: $el,* kee, co*t* in man- area*; e:g: ,roduction; ,er*onnel di*tri ution etc>


attitude* and other* a*,ect* that *ucce**ful worker* and manager*

De"elo,* a *en*e of re*,on*i ilit- t the organization for com,etent and knowledgea le:


Bene its to t&e individual 4&ic& in turn ultimatel% s&ould $ene it t&e organi"ation< $el,* the indi"idual in making etter deci*ion* and effecti"e ,ro lem *ol"ing: Through training and de"elo,ment; moti"ational "aria le* of recognition; achie"ement; growth; re*,on*i ilit- and ad"ancement are internalized and o,erationali*ed: Aid* in encouraging and achie"ing *elf/de"elo,ment and *elf/ confidence: .ro"ide* information for im,ro"ing leader*hi,; knowledge; communication *kill* and attitude*: Increa*e* !o *ati*faction and recognition: &o"e* a ,er*on toward* ,er*onal goal* while im,ro"ing interacti"e *kill*: .ro"ide* the trainee an a"enue for growth and a *a- in hi*@her own future De"elo,* *en*e of growth in learning: $el,* a ,er*on de"elo, *,eaking and li*tening *kill*< al*o writing *kill* when e7erci*e* are re9uired: $el,* eliminate fear in attem,ting new ta*k*: Bene its in personnel and (uman +elations; *ntragroup and intergroup relations and polic% implementations! Im,ro"e* communication etween grou,* and indi"idual*:

Aid* in orientation for new em,lo-ee* and tho*e taking new !o * through tran*fer or ,romotion:

*,PED*,ENTS TO EFFECT*#E T+A*N*N. ! There are im,ediment* which can make a training ,rogramme ineffecti"e< &anagement commitment i* lacking and une"en< &o*t com,anie* do not *,end mone- on training: Tho*e that do tend to concentrate on manager*; technician* and ,rofe**ional*: The rank and file worker* are ignored: Thi* mu*t change for a* a re*ult of ra,id technological change; com ined with new a,,roache* to organizational de*ign and ,roduction management; worker* are re9uired to learn three t-,e* of new *kill*< DIEthe a ilit- to u*e technolog-: DiiE the a ilit- to maintain it: DiiiE the a ilit- to diagno*e *-*tem ,ro lem*: In an increa*ingl- com,etiti"e en"ironment; the a ilit- to im,lement ra,id change* in ,roduct and technologie* i* often e**ential for economic "ia ilit-: Aggregate *,ending on training i* inade9uate< com,anie* *,end mi*u*cule of their re"enue* on training: 0or*e *till; udget allocation to training i* the fir*t item to e cut when a com,an- face* financial crunch:

?ducational in*titution* award degree* ut graduate* lack *kill*< Thi* i* the rea*on wh- u*ine** mu*t *,end "a*t *um* of mone- to train worker* in a*ic *kill*: Organization* al*o need to train em,lo-ee* in multi,le *kill*: &anager*; ,articularl- at the middle le"el; need to e retrained in team/,la-ing *kill*; entre,reneur*hi, *kill*; leader*hi, *kill* and cu*tomer oriented *kill*: Farge *cale ,oaching of trained worker*< Trained workforce i* in great demand: Anlike German-; where local u*ine** grou,* ,re**ure com,anie* not to ,oach com,an-=* em,lo-ee* there i* no *uch *-*tem in our countr-: Com,anie* in our countr-; howe"er in*i*t on em,lo-ee* to *ign L ong* of tenure= efore *ending them for training; ,articularlefore de,uting them to undergo training in foreign ond* are not effecti"e a* the em,lo-ee* or the countrie*: Such

,oacher* are to ,a- the *ti,ulated amount* a* com,en*ation when the ound* are reached: 1o hel, to worker* di*,laced ecau*e of down*izing< Organization* are down*izing and de/la-ering in order to trim their workforce*: The go"t *hould *et a,art certain fund from the national renewal fund for the ,ur,o*e of retraining and reha ilitating di*,laced worker*: ?m,lo-er* and ( *chool* mu*t de"elo, clo*er tie*< ( *chool* are often *een a* not re*,onding to la our/market demand*: (u*ine** i* *een a* not communicating it* demand in ( *chool*: Thi* mu*t change: Organi*ed la our can hel,< organized la our can ,la- a ,o*iti"e role in im,arting trainng to worker*: &a!or trade union* in our countr*eem to e u*- in attending to mundane i**ue* *uch a* onu*; wage*;

*ettlement of di*,ute* and the like: The- ha"e little time in im,arting training to their mem er*:

A$out Onegene Since it* e*ta li*hment in 154'; O1?G?1? ha* con*tantlendea"ored for technolog- de"elo,ment and management inno"ation; and a* a re*ult;it i* growinga* a glo al ,rofe**ional com,an- to *u,,l- the automoti"e ,art* in the world market not to mentionthe dome*tic market; a* well a* a ,rofe**ional com,an- in the field* of automoti"e oil cooler* and the *en*or* for tem,erature and humidit-; etc: All e7ecuti"e* and em,lo-ee* of O1?G?1? e7ert effort* to make a ,lea*ant and ha,,- work,lace where all lo"e and tru*t one another like a famil- with one heart and one mind; which ecamee*ta li*hed a* a cor,orate culture uni9ue to O1?G?1?; and O1?G?1?make* a commitment to growinto a glo al com,an- and continue to *ucceed together with it* cu*tomer*: In order to achie"e thi* goal; all e7ecuti"e* and em,lo-ee*working in O1?G?1? Morea; and it* o"er*ea* local cor,oration* in India; China and the Anited State*will take to heart; and ,ut in ,ractice four core "alue*< cu*tomer/orientation; re*,ect for human eing*; technolog- inno"ation; 9ualit- management; and will de"ote moreand more endea"or* *o that O1?G?1?ma- ecome a glo al com,an- tru*ted and lo"ed - all of cu*tomer* and con*umer*: 6on)in Overvie4 Date of Com,an- foundation N 1um er of em,lo-ee* < 1o"em er 200# < #1),er*on* D'0 ,er*on*



de,art*; and 27) ,er*on* ,roduction de,artment*E N &a!or cu*tomer* N &a!or ,roduct*


< Ji*teon; Doowon; Jaleo; Cal*onic; Del,hi /Cond: Su A**em l/ A@C Tu e* / Sen*or* < 0on!in Auto,art* India; ."t Ftd .lot 1o:1 A1 k; C&DA Indu*trial .ark Com,le7 &araimalai 1agar / +0#205; Tamiladu; India

N Office addre** (istor%

201# O Got An Order 6rom 1ew Cu*tomer DDel,hiE 2012 O Set/A, .re** Fine 6or Small Com,onent* O Started .roduction 6or Cal*onic $tr 3 ?"a, .i,e 2010 O Set/A, Semi/Auto Fine 6or Cond: Su /A**P2005 O Con*tructed &achining Sho, 2004 O Started .roduction In .une 2007 O Started ?7,ort Of Tu e* 200' O Started .roduction Of Al: &achining,art* 3 Cond: Su A**O Started .roduction Of Sen*or* O Started .roduction Of Al: Tu e* 200# O ?*ta li*hed 0on!in Auto,art* India ."t: Ftd:


+esearc& & ,et&odolog% The Training ,rogramme ,la-* an im,ortant role in increa*ing the knowledge and *kill of an em,lo-ee for doing a ,articular !o : Training i* a *hort term educational ,roce** and utilizing a *-*tematic and organized ,rocedure - which em,lo-ee* learn technical knowledge and *kill* for a definite ,ur,o*e and then reward the em,lo-ee* a*ed on the ,erformance through ,erformance a,,rai*al *-*tem after the training ,rogramme are conducted: Therefore the *tud- i* com,letela*ed on the training and de"elo,ment ,rogramme* conducted in 0O12I1 : O$)ectives o t&e stud% To anal-ze the training method* followed in 0O12I1 it* merit* ,itfall*: To ,ut forward *ugge*tion* and recommendation* in the Training method* followed in the organization: To anal-*e whether the training ha* reached the em,lo-ee*:


The ,ur,o*e of the *tud- i* to under*tand the training and de"elo,ment ,rogramme followed in 0O12I1: The methodolog- e"ol"e* from the o !ecti"e* of the ,ro!ect and in"ol"e* collecting ,rimar- and *econdar- data: +esearc& Design The re*earch de*ign ado,ted i* de*cri,ti"e re*earch de*ign: It in"ol"e* fact/finding; In9uirie* of different kind* etc: The re*earcher ha* a wide "ariet- of method* to con*ider; either *ingl- or in com ination: The- can e grou,ed a* 1: .rimar- *ource of data 2: Secondar- *ource of data 6or thi* di**ertation the data wa* collected from oth the *ource*: Primar% data 0 Data i* made a"aila le through inter"iew and 9ue*tionnaire*: A,,ointment* were with *cienti*t* and inter"iew* were conducted: 8ue*tionnaire* were ,re,ared for trainer* and trainee* to know the method* ado,ted - the organization: Secondar% data 0 Data were collected from document*; record*; 2ournal*; Internet; te7t ook* and com,an- ,a*t record* etc: Sampling unit:Target group The re*,ondent* were O,erator; A**i*tant ?7ecuti"e* @2unior ?7ecuti"e*; Senior A**i*tant* @A**i*tant etc: Sample si"e A* the name indicate*; *am,le *ize refer* to the num er of re*,ondent* or the *ize of the *am,le; which i* to e *ur"e-ed: $ere the *am,le *ize taken for the *tud- wa* '0: Sampling procedure


It refer* to the definite ,lan ado,ted - the re*earch for o taining the data from the re*,ondent*G the techni9ue ado,ted here i* to gather data from *am,ling unit; 9ue*tionnaire method and inter"iew: Statistical tools used The "ariou* *tati*tical tool* for the anal-*i* and inter,retation of data are *im,le ,ercentage method and .ie chart*: .ercentage wa* calculated for each factor a* ,er the elow *hown formula 1um er of re*,ondent* in fa"our of Q 100 .ercentage R ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Total num er of re*,ondent* *n ormation! Sam,le *ize 1um er of re*,ondent* for B1OC Assumptions! The te*t i* at )H le"el of *ignificance: It i* a**umed that out of total ,o,ulation )H of the re*,ondent* will re*,ond negati"el-: Such a te*t a**um,tion* 1ull h-,othe*i* R $o R Training and de"elo,ment acti"itie* ha* not reached the em,lo-ee* effecti"el-: Alternati"e h-,othe*i* R $a R Training and de"elo,ment acti"itie* ha* reached the em,lo-ee* effecti"el-: for attri ute* are one tailed on the a*i* of the a o"e < '0 < 2 1um er of re*,ondent* for BS?SC < #4


Te*t *tati*tic

Tcal R U,/.U V .8W n

when n R *am,le *ize , R .o,ulation ,ro,ortion . R *am,le ,ro,ortion 8 R Significance Gi"en< , R #4@'0 R 0:52 . R 5)H 8 R 1/. n R '0 Therfore; Tcal R U,/.U V.8@n R V0:5)X0:0)@'0 R 0:0# Tcal R U0:52/0:5)U 0:0# Tta R 1:5+ R 0:5) R 1/0:5) R 0:0)


Conclusion Tcal Y Tta Therefore ; we can infer that training and de"elo,ment acti"itie* ha* reached the em,lo-ee* effecti"el-: Limitations o t&e stud% 1: The time duration wa* "er- *hort; to com,lete the *tud- in the *ti,ulated time: 2: The *tud- i* ,urel- confined to 0O12I1 and a*ed on the fact* and data ,ro"ided - the com,an-: #: Due to time and financial con*traint* it wa* ,o**i le to inter"iew '0 re*,ondent* though we *elected +0 re*,ondent*: $owe"er; ade9uate re,re*entation wa* gi"en for all categorie* of em,lo-ee* and officer*: T+A*N*N. *S +E</*+ED TO AC(*E#E T(E FOLLO6*N.! Growth; ?7,an*ion and &odernization To increa*e ,roducti"it- and ,rofita ilit-; reduce co*t and finallenhance *kill and knowledge of the em,lo-ee: To ,re"ent o *ole*cence: To hel, in de"elo,ing a ,ro lem *ol"ing attitude: To gi"e ,eo,le awarene** of rule* and ,rocedure*: To make ,eo,le more com,etent :


To make ,er*onnel ecome committed to their !o re*ulting in ,ro acti"ene**: To make ,eo,le tru*t each other more: -E= ASPECTS OF (+D T+A*N*N. *N 6ON9*N! Fearning and De"elo,ment Feader*hi,; &anagement Training Setting training and learning at the right le"el Training 1eed* Anal-*i* DT1AE Train the Trainer Training categories ! Training i* regularl-: Attender*@Office (o-* Dri"er*@0atchmen* O"er*eer*@meter reader* ?ngineer@Sr: ?ngineer: 2r: ?ngineer@ @ Sr:?ngineer@Technical A**i*tant: A**t*:&gr @ Sr: &anager All women em,lo-ee*: O,erator eing im,arted to the following categorie* of em,lo-ee*

Training ,et&ods adopted in 6ON9*N!


Classroom lectures! Arranging cla**room lecture to the ,artici,ant* which do not in"ol"e much ,artici,ation e7ce,t *ome 9ue*tion* from ,artici,ant*: Thi* i* *uita le for large audience: Tal8! Incor,orate* "ariet- of techni9ue*; allow* ,artici,ation and di*cu**ion from trainee*: Suita le for grou,* of not more than 20: Fack of ,artici,ation ma- reduce it to a lecture: Discussion! Mnowledge; idea* and o,inion* on a *u !ect e7changed freel-: Suita le where information a matter of o,inion: $el,* change attitude* and ,ro"ide feed ack to the in*tructor on a,,lication: Some trainee* maecome entrenched a out their eha"ior rather than change it: +ole5pla%! Trainee* a*ked to enact role the- would e called u,on to ,la- in the !o : Suita le for *u !ect* where near/to/life ,ractice* in the training *ituation i* hel,ful: Jer- u*eful in uilding confidence to handle real ,ro lem: Case stud%! A hi*tor- of *ome e"ent or *et of circum*tance* with the rele"ant detail* e7amined - the trainee*: It ,ro"ide* o,,ortunitie* for e7change of idea* and con*ideration of ,o**i le *olution*: E'ercise!

Trainee* a*ked to undertake a ,articular ta*k leading to a re9uired re*ult following the laid down *te,*: &a- e u*ed to di*co"er trainee=* e7i*ting knowledge: Can e ,o*ted to indi"idual* or to the grou,*: Suita le for *ituation* where the trainee* need to ,ractice: Be&avioural and attitudinal training 5 -e% actors Stre** management $ealth 3 eating the right food Attitude 3 moti"ation Team work %ole ,la Feader*hi, and deci*ion making: ?ffect* of ad ha it*: Attitude and &oti"ation Communication *kill* Feader*hi, training Deci*ion making and multi ta*king .re*entation *kill* Communication Skill* &an &anagement *kill*: Tec&nical Training ! Audit; #C 3 )S 0ork* unit and 6ield work*; .re"enti"e &aintenance


Safet- De"ice* and .ro,er u*age at working ,lace*: &anagement S-*tem 6ire fighting training for the O,erator:

DATA ANA=LS*S In the *tud- a* *aid o"erl- '0 re*,ondent* were inter"iewed and anal-*i* were drawn on the a*i* of their o,inion*: TA(F? 1< ?&.FOS??S I1T?%?ST I1 TS.? O6 T%AI1I1G 1O: .A%TICAFA%S O1 T$? 2O( O66 T$? 2O( TOTAF %?S.O1D?1TS #' + '0 O6 .?%C?1TAG? 4)H 1)H 100H




6rom the Ta le1 and gra,h; it re"eal* that 4)H of em,lo-ee* are intere*ted in on/the/!o and onl- 1)H of the em,lo-ee* are intere*ted in off/the/!o : TA(F? 2< &?T$ODS O6 T%AI1I1G O6 .?%C?1TAG? 10H 2:)H 10H 20H )7:)H 100H ADO.T?D I1 T$?

O%GA1ISATIO1 1O: .A%TICAFA%S %?6%?S$?% S?1SITIJITS CO1J?%G?1T FAT?ST T?C$1OFOGS C?. TOTAF %?S.O1D?1TS ' 1 ' 4 2# '0










The a o"e *tated training are the main training ,rogramme* conducted in the organization; from the a o"e Ta le2 and gra,h )7H of the em,lo-ee* ha"e attended C?. i:e: continuou* education ,ro,gramme; 20H of them ha"e attended late*t technolog-; 10H for oth con"ergent and refre*her training and %efre*her training and onl- 2:)H ha"e attended Sen*iti"it- training: TA(F? #< O.I1I1O1 O6 ?&.FOS??S I1 CO1T?QT TO T%AI1I1G .%OG%A&&? 1O: .A%TICAFA%S I1T%A.?%SO1AF I1T?%.?%SO1AF T?C$1ICAF TOTAF %?S.O1D?1TS 1 12 2+ '0 O6 .?%C?1TAG? )H #0H +)H 100H






6rom the a o"e Ta le# and gra,h; it i* highlighted that +)H of the em,lo-ee* o,ine training i* hel,ful for their technical acti"itie*; #0H of the em,lo-ee* o,ine training i* hel,ful for inter,er*onal acti"itie* and onl2:)H *aid training i* hel,ful for intra,er*onal acti"itie*: $ence; the organization *hould al*o gi"e ,riorit- for conducting training ,rogramme* which can enhance the intra,er*onal acti"itie*:


'< SATIS6ACTIO1 O6 ?1JI%O1&?1T DA%I1G T$? 1O: O6 .?%C?1TAG? 5)H )H 100H

T%AI1I1G .?%IOD .A%TICAFA%S S?S 1O TOTAF %?S.O1D?1TS #4 12 '0





6rom the a o"e Ta le' and gra,h; it can

e "iewed that 5)H of the

em,lo-ee* are comforta le during the training ,rogramme; and onl- )H are not comforta le during the training ,eriod: Thu* mo*t of the em,lo-ee* are comforta le during the training ,rogramme:


O6 .?%C?1TAG?


#+ ' '0

50H 10H 100H




6rom the a o"e Ta le) and gra,h; it i* anal-*ed that 50H of the em,lo-ee* are *ati*fied with the training ,rogramme the- had and onl- 10H are not *ati*fied with the training ,rogramme: Thu* it can e concluded that mo*t of the em,lo-ee* are full- *ati*fied with the training ,rogramme conducted - the organization: TA(F? +< .FAC? O6 T$? ?&.FOS??S G?TTI1G T%AI1?D 1O: .A%TICAFA%S 0O%M S$O. %?S.O1D?1TS 2

O6 .?%C?1TAG? )H


1+ 5 1# '0

#5H 2#H ##H 100H







The a o"e are the ,lace* were the training are held; from the gra,h it i* "iewed that )H of them were trained in work *ho,*; #5H in cla** room*; 2#H in conference hall; ##H of them out*ide the e*ta li*hment:


TA(F? 7< O.I1I1O1 O6 ?&.FOS??S A(OAT T%AI1?%S

1O: .A%TICAFA%S 1: 8AAFI6I?D %?S.O1D?1TS 3 )0H 11H #H #+H 100H O6 .?%C?1TAG?

?Q.?%I?1C?D 20 2: SMIFF6AF 3 M1O0F?DG?A(F? ) #: ?1COA%AG?D CFASS .A%TICI.ATIO1 AFFD1Z2Z#E TOTAF 1 1' '0






6rom the Ta le7; it i* anal-*ed that )0H of the em,lo-ee* "iew their trainer* a* 9ualified and e7,erienced; 12:)H of them are *killful and knowledgea le; #H of them encourage cla** ,artici,ation and other #+H *aid trainer* are 9ualified 3 e7,erienced; *killful 3 knowledgea le; and al*o encouraged cla** ,artici,ation: TA(F? 4< (?$AJIOA%AF AS.?CTS O6 T$? T%AI1?%S

1O: .A%TICAFA%S I&.A%TIAF %AD? 6%I?1DFS ?ASS GOI1G TOTAF %?S.O1D?1TS ' 0 24 4 '0

O6 .?%C?1TAG? 10H 0H 24H 20H 100H



17% 0%


6rom the a o"e gra,h and Ta le4 it re"eal* that 10H of the em,lo-ee* feel that trainer* were im,artial; 70H feel that trainer* were friendl-; 20H feel


the- were ea*- going and finall- em,lo-ee* feel none of the trainer* were rude that i* 0H:

TA(F? 5< T%AI1I1G CO1DACT?D I1 0O12I1 1O: .A%TICAFA%S 6O%T1IG$TFS &O1T$FS 8AA%T?%FS $AF6 S?A%FS A11AAFFS TOTAF %?S.O1D?1TS 0 1+ ' 1 15 '0 O6 .?%C?1TAG? 0H '0H 10H #H '7H 100H








6rom the a o"e Ta le5 it re"eal* that; when all training cour*e* are held; '0H of them *aid the fact that cour*e* are conducted monthl-; 2:)H for half -earl-; 10H for 9uarterl-; '7:)H for annuall-: The ta le clearl- indicate* that mo*t of the training ,rogramme were conducted monthl-D'0HE *ome of the training ,rogram* are conducted e"en once in a -earD'7:)E: The ta le further re"eal* that no training ,rogramm* i* een conducted with a ,eriod duration of a fortnight: TA(F? 10< DA%ATIO1 O6 T$? T%AI1I1G .%OG%A&&? 1O: .A%TICAFA%S %?S.O1D?1TS

O6 .?%C?1TAG?

O1? DAS 2/# DASS O1? 0??M 6O%T1IG$T TOTAF

1 ' 22 1# '0

#H 10H ))H ##H 100H

3% 33%





A* regard* the duration of the training ,rogramme; 2:)H of the em,lo-ee* *aid it wa* held for one da-; 10H *aid for 2/# da-*; ))H *aid training take* ,lace for a week; TA(F? 11< ?&.FOS?? O.I1IO1 A(OAT T$? TS.? O6 T%AI1I1G 1O: .A%TICAFA%S 0O%M SC$?DAF? %?S.O1D?1TS +

O6 .?%C?1TAG? 1)H

.?%6O%&A1C? A..%AISAF CO1TI1OAS F?A%1I1G AFF TOTAF 2 14 1' '0 )H ')H #)H 100H

15% 35% 5%




6rom the Ta le11; it i* highlighted; 1)H of the em,lo-ee* *aid training a* a ,art of their work *chedule; )H of them for ,erformance a,,rai*al; ')H of them for continuou* learning and #)H of them "ote for all: TA(F? 12< IS O%GA1ITATIO1 CO1DACTI1G .%?/T?ST 3 .OST/ T?ST 1O: .A%TICAFA%S S?S 1O %?S.O1D?1TS ' #+

O6 .?%C?1TAG? 10H 50H





YES NO 90%

6rom the Ta le12; it i* anal-*ed that the organization i* not conducting regularl- the ,re/te*t and the ,o*t/te*t: It i* mo*t *ur,ri*ing fact in*,ite of it* e7i*tence in the field for more than #/' decade* it i* not taking intere*t in the ,re/te*t and ,ro/te*t ecau*e out of '0 re*,ondent* #+ re*,ondent* i:e: 50H of re*,ondent* o,ine that the ,re and ,ro/te*t are not conducted:

TA(F? 1#< 6??D(ACM O6 T$? T%AI1I1G 1O: .A%TICAFA%S S?S 1O TOTAF O6 .?%C?1TAG? 52H 4H 100H

%?S.O1D?1TS #4 2 '0



6rom the a o"e Ta le1# it i* anal-*ed that 52H of the em,lo-ee* e7,re**ed that their ,erformance are e"aluated and the feed ack i* gi"en; the remaining 4H e7,re**ed a negati"e an*wer: It i* one of the im,ortant a*,ect* of $%D i* that identification of the t-,e of the training re9uirement* of the em,lo-ee* and al*o to e"aluate their ,erformance of the trained worker* during their ,o*t ,eriod : It can e em,ha*ized that the training com,onent of the organization gi"e* im,ortance for getting the feed ack a out the im,act of the training ,rogramme on the em,lo-ee*: TA(F? 1'< S?F6 ?66ICACS I1C%?AS?D (S T$? T%AI1I1G .%OG%A&&? 1O: .A%TICAFA%S S?S %?S.O1D?1TS #)

O6 .?%C?1TAG? 47H


) '0

1#H 100




6rom the a o"e ta le 47H of the em,lo-ee* o,ine i* that there i* an increa*e in their *elf im,ro"ement and the remaining 1#H ha"e not noticed anim,ro"ement:







?1C$A1C&?1T I1 T$? 6OFFO0I1G A%?A .A%TICAFA%S 1O: %?S.O1D?1TS O6 .?%C?1TAG?

1#H 2)H )H )H ))

1: O.?%ATIO1AF SMIFFS ) 2: ?66ICI?1CS 10 #: (?$AJIOA% 2 ': CO&&A1ICATIO1 SMIFFS 2


' 17 '0

10H '2H 100H

12% &3% 25%





It i* *een from the gra,h that ;training ha* enhanced in the following area* like 12:)H in o,erational *kill* for few em,lo-ee*; 2)H in efficienc- for other*; )H in (eha"iour for other*; )H in communication; 10H in team uilding for few em,lo-ee* and other '#H feel that training ha* enhanced them for all the area* *tated: Findings rom t&e stud% The data collected and anal-zed and general o *er"ation ha* ,ro"en that 0O12I1: $a* done remarka le !o in it* $uman re*ource de"elo,ment: T&e main indings are as ollo4s! 1: ?ach and e"er- em,lo-ee i* well ,re,ared to meet toda-=* challenge*:

2: The organization gi"e* encouragement in career ,lanning for e"erem,lo-ee: #: There are em,lo-ee* in all e7,erience le"el in the organization: ': The internal de,artment of core com,etencie* and continuou* ,roce** im,ro"ement* ha* made 0O12I1: One of the mo*t e7citing Staffing com,anie* to work for: ): The management *howing their full effort* for the growth of 0O12I1: +: The com,an- i* ha"ing *killed em,lo-ee* who can gi"e ,rime *olution* to the client* more effecti"el-: 7: The management i* *howing there indi"idual attention to each and e"er- em,lo-ee* for their etterment and to groom there *kill*:

Suggestions & +ecommendations Determine the training need* through !o de*cri,tion; ,erformance a,,rai*al; ,otential a,,rai*al and di*cu**ion with em,lo-ee*: .re,are a training calendar in di*cu**ion with the manager* concerned: Define the training o !ecti"e* *,ecificall-:

Determine the criteria of need for nomination of em,lo-ee* for training: Select the efficient facult-: ?n*ure that the management commit* it*elf to allocate ma!or re*ource* and ade9uate time to training: ?n*ure that training contri ute* to com,etiti"e *trategie* of the firm: Different *trategie* need different $% *kill* for im,lementation: Fet training hel, em,lo-ee* at all le"el* and ac9uire the needed *kill*: ?n*ure that a com,rehen*i"e and *-*tematic a,,roach too e7i*t*; training and retraining are for all le"el* of em,lo-ee*: &ake learning one of the fundamental "alue* of the com,an-: Fet thi* ,hilo*o,h- ,ercolate down to all em,lo-ee* in the organization: ?n*ure that there i* ,ro,er linkage among organizational; o,erational and indi"idual need*: Create a *-*tem to e"aluate the effecti"ene** of training:

Conclusion T&e Training Can $e e ective 4it& t&e ollo4ing; *n *ndia on t&e 9o$ Training is important. Determine the training need* through !o de*cri,tion; ,erformance a,,rai*al; ,otential a,,rai*al and di*cu**ion with em,lo-ee*:

.re,are a training calendar in di*cu**ion with the manager* concerned: Define the training o !ecti"e* *,ecificall-: Determine the criteria of need for nomination of em,lo-ee* for training: Select the efficient facult-: ?n*ure that the management commit* it*elf to allocate ma!or re*ource* and ade9uate time to training: ?n*ure that training contri ute* to com,etiti"e *trategie* of the firm: Different *trategie* need different $% *kill* for im,lementation: Fet training hel, em,lo-ee* at all le"el* and ac9uire the needed *kill*: ?n*ure that a com,rehen*i"e and *-*tematic a,,roach too e7i*t*; training and retraining are for all le"el* of em,lo-ee*: &ake learning one of the fundamental "alue* of the com,an-: Fet thi* ,hilo*o,h- ,ercolate down to all em,lo-ee* in the organization: ?n*ure that there i* ,ro,er linkage among organizational; o,erational and indi"idual need*: Create a *-*tem to e"aluate the effecti"ene** of training:

Change in the !o a**ignment< Training i* al*o nece**ar- when the e7i*ting em,lo-ee i* ,romoted to the higher le"el in the organization and when there i* *ome new !o or occu,ation due to tran*fer: Training i* al*o nece**ar- to e9ui, em,lo-ee* with ad"anced di*,lace*; techni9ue* or technolog-: Training al*o modernization:

ecome* e**ential when an organization ha* ,lan* for

The need for training al*o ari*e* to< Increa*ed .roducti"it-: Im,ro"ed 9ualit- of the ,roduct@*er"ice: $el, a com,an- to fulfill it* future ,er*onnel need*: Im,ro"ed organizational climate: Im,ro"ed health and *afet-: .re"ent o *ole*cence: ?ffect ,er*onal growth: &inimize the re*i*tance to change and To act a* mentor:







B= N. .. NA*+ & LAT(A NA*+ (/,AN +ESO/+CE ,ANA.E,ENT. B= 9O(A+ *#ANCE#*C(; TATA ,c .+A6 (*LL; >??@. T+A*N*N. AND DE#ELOP,ENTA ED*TED B= # # +A,AN*; *CFA* P/BL*CAT*ONS; >??B.

ANNEC/+ES & </EST*ONA+*ES A ,ro!ect undertaken on the Training ,rogramme* conducted at 0O12I1: [.lea*e tick D E the a,,ro,riate an*wer*\

1: 1ame Do,tionalE< 2: De*ignation Do,tionalE< #: 0hat according to -ou i* Training] An in*trument of change: An in*trument to ring effecti"ene**: An in*trument of etter ,erformance in term* of ,roducti"it-: &a7imize enefit*: ?nhancing the *kill* efficienc- and eha"ior: Fearning organization: All the a o"e: ': $a"e -ou undergone an- t-,e of training] a: Se* : 1o

): 0hat kind of training ,rogramme: a: On/the/!o : Off/the/!o

+: $a"e -ou undergone an- of the following t-,e* of training] %efre*her Training Sen*iti"it- Training Con"ergent Training Fate*t TechnologC?. 7: 0hat wa* the conte7t of the training ,rogram]

a: Intra,er*onal : Inter,er*onal c: Technical 4: 0a* the en"ironment during training ,eriod comforta le] a: Se* : 1o

5: Are -ou *ati*fied with the training -ou had a: Se* : 1o If 1o; ,lea*e *ugge*t ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 10: 0here were -ou trained] DJenueE a: 0ork *ho, : Cla** room* c: Conference hall d: Out*ide the e*ta li*hment: 11: $ow were the trainer*] a: 8ualified and ?7,erienced: : Skillful and knowledgea le: c: ?ncouraged cla** ,artici,ation: d: All of the a o"e: 12: (eha"ioral ,art of the trainer*: a: Im,artial c: 6riendl: %ude d: ?a*- going

Other* ,lea*e *,ecif-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1#: $ow often i* the training ,rogramme conducted]

a: 6ortnightlc: 8uarterle: Annuall-

: &onthld: half -earl-

1': 0hat wa* the duration of the training ,rogramme] a: One dac: One week : 2/# da-* d: fortnight

1): I* the training ,rogramme ,art of] a: 0ork *chedule: c: Continuou* learning: : .erformance a,,rai*al: d: All:

1+: I* the training ,rogramme ha"ing .re/te*t and .o*t/te*t] a: Se* : 1o

17: I* -our ,erformance e"aluated and feed ack gi"en after] Training: a: Se* : 1o

14: $ow effecti"el- i* the training ,rogramme im,lemented on/ the/!o : a: 8ualit- of work life im,ro"ed: : .er*onalit- de"elo,ment: c: Increa*e in work en"ironment: d: Grou, *-nerg-:


15: I* -our *elf/efficac- increa*ed - the training ,rogramme] a: Se* : 1o

20: 0hether the training enhance the following: a: O,erational *kill* c: (eha"iour e: Team uilding : ?fficiencd: Communication *kill* f: All of the a o"e:

Other* ,lea*e *,ecif-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 21: $ow were -ou enefited - training in term* of monetar-] a: .romotion: : $ike in the *alar-: c: Increa*e in incenti"e*: 22: $ow ha* training ,rogramme enefited the organization] a: Increa*e in the ,roducti"it-: : Increa*e in 8ualit- of work life: c: Im,ro"ement in the $uman relation*: d: Im,ro"ement in Intra,er*onal relation*: D2unior@*eniorE 2#: An- Sugge*tion*>: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thank -ou:: d: Tran*fer to the con"enient ,lace e: %ecognition


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