Articles of Incorporation Sample
Articles of Incorporation Sample
Articles of Incorporation Sample
OF ________________________________________
&. To engage in planting, cultivation, raising, and production of all kinds of cattle, swine, poultry, and all other animals suited for human consumption, and to acquire, own, manage and operate agricultural lands or such other properties, real or personal, as the corporation may acquire in furtherance of its above business of farming and animal husbandry '. To invest, purchase or otherwise acquire, own, hold, pledge, mortgage, assign, sell or otherwise dispose of all kinds of securities, such as shares in transportation, manufacturing, industrial, agricultural and other mercantile enterprises as well as bonds, debentures, and certificate of interest and other forms of securities to provide assistance by way of subsidy, guaranty or otherwise, of any person, firm, partnership, corporation, syndicate or entity domestic or foreign, engaged in lawful commercial or industrial activity (. To engage in any manufacturing enterprises using raw materials obtainable locally or from foreign countries and to acquire, construct, erect, lease and operate plants, factory sites, and the machinery and equipment required for the conduct of such manufacturing operations e#cept in the manufacture of food, drugs and cosmetics ). To undertake the management and operation of business, industry, or enterprise or portion thereof, of any other person, partnership, corporation or association and to purchase, acquire, and take over, all or part of rights, assets, business, and property of any person, partnership, corporation, or association, and in connection therewith to undertake and assume the liabilities of such persons, partnership, corporation, or association, whose rights, assets, business or property may be purchased, acquired, or taken over in no case, however, shall the corporation manage the funds, securities, portfolio and similar assets of such managed entities *. To borrow or loan money, and to make and issue or accept notes, bonds, securities, and other evidences of indebtedness of all kinds, and to secure the same by mortgage, pledge or otherwise !+. ,enerally, to perform all and everything necessary and proper for the attainment of the purposes, or the furtherance of any of the powers set forth, either alone or in association with other corporations, partnerships, associations, or individuals, within the limits prescribed by law. THIRD: That the place where the princip ! "##ic$ of the corporation is to be located or established in N". %% B&!!$'in S'r$$'( W$)' Tri n*!$( +&$,"n Ci'-( P.i!ippin$), and that branches of said office may be established at any or some other places in the Philippines should the e#igencies of the business so require. FOURTH: That the term for which said corporation is to e#ist is fifty -&+. years from and after the date of issuance of certificate of incorporation. FIFTH: That the names, incorporators are as follows: N /$) nationalities, N 'i"n !i'and residence of the
A/ 0" A. C )'r" 000000000000000000000000 P 'ri I0 A. C )'r" 1 B$!'r n 000000000000000000000000 2$n$3i$3$ B. L&ci! 000000000000000000000000
SI7TH: That the number of directors is five -& . who are also the incorporators. SE5ENTH: That the authori1ed capital stock of the corporation is 000000000000000000000000000000 -P 00000000000. pesos in lawful money of the Philippines, divided into 00000000000000000000000000000000 - . shares with the par value of 000000000000000 -P0000000000. pesos per share. EI2HTH: That the subscribers to the capital stock and the amount paid2 in to their subscriptions are as follows: N". "# A/"&n' N /$ S&4)cri4$0 3mado 3. 4astro Patria 3. 4. 5eltran N 'i"n !i'P i0 S&4)cri4$0 /ilipino /ilipino A/"&n' S. r$)
6da ,enevieve 5. 7ucila /ilipino Robert 8. 7ucila /ilipino 222222222222222222 22222222222222222 T"' ! ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; NINTH: That no transfer of stock or interest which would reduce the ownership of /ilipino citi1ens to less than the required percentage of the capital stock as provided by e#isting laws shall be allowed or permitted to be recorded in the proper books of the corporation and this restriction shall be indicated in all the stocks certificates issued by the corporation. TENTH: That 0000000000000000000000000 has been elected by the subscribers as the treasurer of the corporation to act as such until his successor is duly elected and qualified in accordance with the by2laws and that as such Treasurer, she has been authori1ed to receive for and in the ;;;;;;;;;; 22222222222222222
name and for the benefit of the corporation, all subscriptions paid in by the subscribers. ELE5ENTH: That the corporation manifests its willingness to change its corporate name in the event another person, firm or entity has acquired a prior right to use the said firm name or one deceptively or confusingly similar to it. 6n <itness whereof, we have set our hands this 000000 day of 00000000, "++000 in =ue1on 4ity, Philippines. AMADO A. CASTRO IDA 2ENE5IE5E B. LUCILA PATRIA A. CASTRO 1 BELTRAN ROBERT 5. LUCILA
5>/?R> @>, a :otary Public in and for =ue1on 4ity, this 000000 day of 00000000000, "++00, personally appeared:
Name CTC No. Date & Place issued
3mado 3. 4astro 000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Patria 3. 4astro A 5eltran 000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 6da ,enevieve 5. 7ucila 000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Robert 8. 7ucila 000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 9oanna 4laire 5. :icolas 000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 all known to me and to me known to be the same persons who e#ecuted the foregoing 3rticles of 6ncorporation and they acknowledged me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed. 6: T>BT6@?:C <D>R>?/, 6 have hereunto set may hand and affi#ed my notarial seal on the date and at the place first above written. Eoc. :o. 00000 Page :o. 00000 5ook :o. 00000
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