FS 6-Ep2 Good

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My Goal At the end of this activity, you will be competent in establishing routines and procedures to make the physical environment conducive to learning. My Tasks One of the roles of a teacher is being a classroom manager. You can be an effective teacher in the future if you have necessary skills in managing a classroom that provides a better learning environment. To reach yur goal, do the following tasks: Step 1 Observe a class. Describe the measures that the teacher adopts to create a well-managed learning environment. Step 2 Analyze how effective are these measures in maintaining good classroom management. Step 3 Reflect on how a well-managed classroom can be achieved. My Tools ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN Each day that I spend in the classroom presents new challenges. Every situation and each different child requires an individualized response from the teacher. As Ive observed the organizational plan, the classroom structured is flexible. The instructions are care both individually and by group. And the teacher is ensuring that furniture arrangement promotes learning opportunities. She has a seating chart. She maintains plans for materials and assignment management. And she creates bulletin boards that foster learning. She ensures bulletin boards are informative, relevant, aesthetic, and related to class activities. SCHEDULING During my observation, Ive noticed that the teacher is following guidelines to ensure a successful scheduling. First she incorporates any pre-scheduled school wide activities and routines into her schedule. She makes sure to include any activities that the whole school needs to be doing at the same time. For instance, many schools have a Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) time right after lunch. Second, she creates predictable routines that her students can follow easily. Setting aside a short amount of time in the morning for students to complete arrival routines and get organized for the day helps to teach elementary students the importance of being prepared. Likewise, having specific dismissal routines they must follow helps them to make sure they are taking home everything they need at the end of the day. Third, she coordinates with her grade-level peers. Fourth, she allows for some flexibility in her schedule. Lessons can run longer (or shorter) than she expected or some activities like earthquake and fire drills and special assemblies may interrupt her schedule. She said it's okay if every once in a while you don't accomplish everything you planned for the day. I think the activities were scheduled properly. The time was allotted sufficiently for the activity. Individual and group activities were all planned thats why it saved time and its very organized. And through the guidelines shes following shes coming up with an excellent scheduling.

RECORD KEEPING The attendance is monitored by checking the permanent seat plan, through this the teacher can record easily the absences and present in the class. The teacher has a record book where she gets every time she checks the attendance. Ive seen a portfolio cabinet wherein all of the portfolios of the students are put. The teacher said that its very helpful if they have portfolio so that they can monitor their individual performance. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT The physical environment of the classroom is very conducive to learning. The classroom is clean, properly ventilated and lighted, and free from noise distraction. Also the bulletin and displays were neatly arranged. They have seat plan so the seats of the students are organized and permanent. I think the seating arrangement also suits the learning experience of the pupils. The classroom furniture is matching the size of the students. DISCIPLINE The teacher is establishing the discipline inside the classroom by following some rules and guidelines. First is by selecting a discipline policy that is appropriate for her students. She considers her students' age and developmental level when selecting a plan. Second is by pairing the rules with both consequences and rewards. If she will punish misbehavior, she also wants to recognize good behavior. She tries to mix positive and negative nearly equally in her plan to ensure that students see that good behavior is rewarded just as much as bad behavior is punished. Third she created a poster on which this discipline policy is clearly outlined. Featuring her policy on a poster allows students to refer to the regulations regularly and gives her something to which to draw students' attention when discussing behavior. She placed her poster prominently on a classroom wall. clarification. I think her approach is very preventive. By creating and implementing a classroom discipline plan to prepare her students to follow the rules and regulations that they will be bound by once they reach adulthood. Simultaneously, she'll be maintaining a calm, productive classroom atmosphere conducive to conventional studies. ROUTINES The routines are properly established and organized. The teacher is also following some guidelines in establishing routine in the classroom. she organizes her classroom to be effective in providing structure and routine before her students arrive. There should be a space for their backpacks, lunches and homework. she labels everything clearly. Materials and sections of the classroom should also be labelled. This will allow students to become more familiar with where things go. Then when she says it is time to clean up, they will be able to do so effectively. Third, she sets a schedule. This sounds easy, but it is very important. Structure and routine are essential to keeping children focused and your stress level down. And I think all the procedures are placed properly and effectively. When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in the classroom, children know whats expected of them and how to do certain things on their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time in meaningful instruction.

Classroom Management Matrix

Classroom Management Area

Observation Description of the Supportive Measures Observed

Your Analysis Comments on the Effectiveness of the Supportive Measure Teacher success, in relation to both student learning and teacher efficacy, can often be traced to the ability of the teacher to manage the classroom. Research shows that effective classroom organization and management during the first few weeks of school are crucial in determining expectations, behavior patterns, and procedures that will persist throughout the school year. But I think the teacher was able to establish a good organizational plan and Ive seen that its working smoothly.

Your Analysis Recommendati ons I think the teacher really implement and create a good organizational plan. I have observed that she provides a productive, safe environment conducive to learning. She fosters selfrespect, responsibility, and empathy in my students. And she sparks enthusiasm for learning.

1. Organization Plan

As Ive observed the organizational plan, the classroom structured is flexible. The instructions are carried both individually and by group. And the teacher is ensuring that furniture arrangement promotes learning opportunities. She has a seating chart. She maintains plans for materials and assignment management. And she creates bulletin boards that foster learning. She ensures bulletin boards are informative, relevant, aesthetic, and related to class activities.

2. Schedule

During my observation, Ive noticed that the teacher is following guidelines to ensure a successful scheduling. First she incorporates any pre-scheduled school wide activities and routines into her schedule. She makes sure to include any activities that the whole school needs to be doing at the same time. For instance, many schools have a Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) time right after lunch. Second, she creates predictable routines that her students can follow easily. Setting aside a short amount of time in the morning for students to complete arrival routines and get organized for the day helps to teach elementary students the importance of being prepared. Likewise, having specific dismissal routines they must follow helps them to make sure they are taking home

I think the activities were scheduled properly. The time was allotted sufficiently for the activity. Individual and group activities were all planned thats why it saved time and its very organized. And through the guidelines shes following shes coming up with an excellent scheduling.

One of the hardest things to do as an elementary school teacher is to find the time to fit everything in. There are so many skills to teach and only so much time in the day. To make sure that the entire curriculum is taught effectively, it helps to create a classroom schedule. Giving appropriate and clear instructions. Lack of explaining instructions clearly eats away at valuable class time. Model whenever you can and tone your language to suit large mixed ability classes, small groups, weak students, and

3. Record Keeping

everything they need at the end of the day. Third, she coordinates with her grade-level peers. Fourth, she allows for some flexibility in her schedule. Lessons can run longer (or shorter) than she expected or some activities like earthquake and fire drills and special assemblies may interrupt her schedule. She said it's okay if every once in a while you don't accomplish everything you planned for the day. The attendance is monitored by checking the permanent seat plan, through this the teacher can record easily the absences and present in the class. The teacher has a record book where she gets every time she checks the attendance. Ive seen a portfolio cabinet wherein all of the portfolios of the students are put. The teacher said that its very helpful if they have portfolio so that they can monitor their individual performance.

finally, the age of your students.

I think the teacher has effective record keeping technique. Shes right in creating a seat plan to easily check the attendance of the pupils. Also, it is correct to have a portfolio for each student so that they can monitor their performance and enhance it right away if needed.

Effective, continuous record keeping lies at the heart of our best teaching and learning. It enables us to plan, to organize, and to create the best learning environment for each child. Record keeping is an effective tool for tracking contributions made by individual students in our classroom, for assessing students, for informing students and parents about growth over time, and for setting goalsby both students and teachers. Keeping track of our students with classroom observations and systematic notes yields information that cannot possibly be gleaned from a traditional checklist, report card, or standardized test. So it is very important as a teacher to know the best technique and strategies in record

4. Physical Environment

The physical environment of the classroom is very conducive to learning. The classroom is clean, properly ventilated and lighted, and free from noise distraction. Also the bulletin and displays were neatly arranged. They have seat plan so the seats of the students are organized and permanent. I think the seating arrangement also suits the learning experience of the pupils. The classroom furniture is truly matching the size of the students.

I think the teacher did a good job in creating a physical environment that is very conducive to learning. She has a classroom suited to the learning ability and level of her Grade II pupils. I can conclude that if she maintains it, definitely she can come up with her goals in providing a classroom promoting a healthy and wonderful learning experience.

keeping. Every teacher knows that a safe, clean, comfortable and attractive classroom can stimulate learning and help build a classroom community. But for many teachers, setting up the physical environment of their classrooms can be quite daunting, especially when faced with older buildings, crowded classrooms and insufficient storage space. You can make the most of your classroom environment by carefully considering your needs and the needs of your students. Effective enforcement of classroom discipline is a pre-requisite for the smooth operation of any classroom. Although your main goal as a teacher is to provide your students with the academic lessons they need to succeed in adulthood, you also play an important part in teaching them how to behave effectively and appropriately.

5. Discipline

The teacher is establishing the discipline inside the classroom by following some rules and guidelines. First is by selecting a discipline policy that is appropriate for your students. Consider your students' age and developmental level when selecting a plan. Second is by pairing the rules with both consequences and rewards. If she will punish misbehavior, she also wants to recognize good behavior. She tries to mix positive and negative nearly equally in her plan to ensure that students see that good behavior is rewarded just as much as bad behavior is punished. Third she created a poster on which this discipline policy is clearly outlined. Featuring her policy on a poster allows students to refer to the regulations regularly and gives her something to which to draw

I think her approach is very preventive. By creating and implementing a classroom discipline plan to prepare her students to follow the rules and regulations that they will be bound by once they reach adulthood. Simultaneously, she'll be maintaining a calm, productive classroom atmosphere conducive to conventional studies.

6. Routines

students' attention when discussing behavior. She placed her poster prominently on a classroom wall. Fourth, she explains the discipline plan to her students. She moves through the plan clearly and deliberately, discussing each facet of the policy individually. She of course allows the students to ask questions for clarification. Fifth, she reviews the discipline plan daily. She starts her day by asking a student to read the policy to the class, or select a rule on which to focus each day. By continually returning to the plan, she not only allows students to develop a better understanding of the plan but also make it clear that the plan is important. Sixth, she is enforcing the discipline plan faithfully. And lastly, she focused on the positive whenever possible. Students generally respond more favorably to positive stimuli. She praises instead of correct whenever she can. She even gave an example; if students are supposed to line up for lunch and only a few follow directions, loudly praise the students who did complete the task instead of chastising those who didn't. The other students, seeing and wanting the same praise, will fall into line. The routines are properly established and organized. The teacher is also following some guidelines in establishing routine in the classroom. First she organizes her classroom to be effective in providing structure and routine before her students arrive. There should be a space for their backpacks, lunches and homework. Second, she labels everything clearly. Materials and sections of the classroom should also be labeled. This will allow students to become more familiar with where things go. Then when she says it is

I think the routines she formulated are very unique yet effective. Actually, if Ill be in the actual field, Im going to follow her superb and operative routines so that I can also ensure a well managed time and well organized classroom.

Structure and routine are essential to keeping children focused and your stress level down. And I think all the procedures are placed properly and effectively. When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in the classroom, children know whats expected of them and how to do

time to clean up, they will be able to do so effectively. Third, she sets a schedule. This sounds easy, but it is very important. When students arrive in her classroom they should know that they have until a certain time before their desks should be cleared and the teaching starts. Also she plans for the in-between times as well. Lining up to go to another classroom or outside needs to be structured. "No talking" and "hands to yourself" should be set rules early on. She has a signal to alert her students to line up or move on to the next activity, such as ringing a bell or switching the lights off. If her students finish a task early, she established what they can and cannot do while others finish their work. Fourth, she starts the day how she ends it. Fifth, she uses consequences and praise. And lastly she even plans for emergencies and special occasions. Students need structure and routine not only for everyday tasks, but also for emergencies and special occasions. She rehearses procedures with her students so they can become familiar with what to do in case of an emergency.

certain things on their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time in meaningful instruction.

My Analysis
1. In what area of classroom management was the teacher most effective? Which of the supportive measures were effective? Why? The area of classroom management wherein shes most effective is discipline. I think all of her supportive measures were efficacious. During my observation, Ive noticed that the pupils were well disciplined and behave not only during discussion but even the teacher is away. So it just shows that the guidelines shes following to maintain a good discipline is working. She already starts to develop good moral character among pupils. 2. In what area of classroom management was the teacher least effective? Which supportive measures were not effective? Why? I think shes very effective in all aspects. I am not seeing any flaws regarding her organizational plan, record, keeping, physical environment, scheduling, discipline and routine. It might not be perfect but I think the important thing is to fulfill your goals in accordance to your guidelines. 3. Suggest more effective ways for your answer in number 2. Since I am seeing her classroom management with no flaws, Ill just leave a good message about it. Effective classroom management is about the teacher keeping the students actively involved in the entire lesson. By practicing the teaching strategies above, teachers will greatly reduce classroom management problems.

My Reflections
1.. Describe at 3-5 characteristics of a teacher who can establish a well-managed classroom? There are so many classroom management characteristics like: Adaptability - is the ability of a person to blend him / herself according to the external situations. Decisiveness - having the power to decide; conclusive. Characterized by decision and firmness resolution. Delegation - is the handing of a task over to another person, usually a subordinate. It is the assignment of authority and responsibility to another person to carry out specific activities. 2. What characteristics do you have at present that can make you an effective classroom manager? Elaborate how these characteristics can help you. I think I have the empathy, adaptability, and decision making skills. I can definitely sue those skills to ensure an effective classroom management. Adaptability will of course help me to adjust easily to situations and changes. For example, if Ill be transfer in different classroom I can still create a new and good atmosphere to my students which will promote a conducive learning environment. Also, if I have the empathy I can understand their individual differences which will help me to maintain and foster good discipline and routines inside the classroom. And last, if I have the good decision making skills I can create a guidelines and rules to insure and effective classroom management. 3. What characteristics do you have at present that can hamper you from becoming an effective classroom manager? How can you overcome these characteristic? Honestly I need to develop and gain more patience because I think thats the characteristic that I have that will definitely hamper me in having an effective classroom management. I know that I can overcome this because Im already practicing it in my daily life. Im beginning to be more patient at all time regardless of whatever the situation is.

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