EU Guidelines Green Infrastructure

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Green infrastructure



June 2010

Europes landscape has faced more habitat loss and fragmentation than any other continent. This is a major problem for biodiversity. Although core nature areas are now largely protected under the Natura 2000 Network, species still need to be able to move between these areas if they are to survive in the long term. A green infrastructure will help reconnect existing nature areas and improve the overall ecological quality of the broader countryside. A green infrastructure will also help maintain healthy ecosystems so that they can continue to deliver valuable services to society such as clean air and fresh water. Investing in a green infrastructure makes economic sense: maintaining natures capacity, for instance in mitigating against the negative affects of climate change, is far more cost-effective than having to replace these lost services with much more costly man-made technological solutions. A green infrastructure is best achieved through an integrated approach to land management and careful strategic spatial planning. All land users and policy sectors should be engaged early on in the process of developing a green infrastructure and apportioned a share of the responsibility in its delivery. The European Commission is developing a strategy for an EU-wide Green Infrastructure as part of its post-2010 biodiversity policy.


Rivers are an important element of green infrastructure

Fact 1: E  uropes landscape is increasingly fragmented

Compared to other regions of the world, the EU is a relatively densely populated continent, and much of the land is in active use. As a result, many of the natural areas that remain are under pressure and at risk of becoming fragmented. This aects the functioning of our ecosystems, as they need space to thrive and deliver their services. Healthy ecosystems are part of our life-support system and biodiversity is the basis for ecosystems health and stability. Ecosystems made up of many dierent species are more likely to remain stable when there is some damage or loss than ecosystems comprising fewer species. Habitat fragmentation is caused by a whole range of dierent factors linked to changes in land use including urban sprawl, transport infrastructures and intensifying farming or forestry practice. Recent statistics from the European Environment Agency illustrate just how signicant these trends are. Some 8,000 km were concreted over during the 1990s, representing an increase in articial areas of 5% in just 10 years. In addition, 15,000 kms of new motorways were constructed within the EU between 1990 and 2003.

insurmountable obstacles to species movement. They also render the wider environment more hostile and inaccessible to wildlife. Building a green infrastructure will help to reconnect existing nature areas, for instance through wildlife corridors or stepping stones and eco-bridges, as well as improve the general ecological quality of the wider environment so that it is more friendly and permeable to wildlife.

Fact 3: A  green infrastructure helps maintain valuable ecosystem services

The loss of natural areas has repercussions well beyond the disappearance of rare species. Ecosystems, which are powered by the diversity of life within them, provide society with a stream of valuable, economically important goods and services such as water purication, soil fertilisation, carbon storage etc. They also play a central role in ghting climate change by protecting us against oods and other negative eects of changing weather patterns. Intact oodplains, for instance, play an important role in helping to alleviate oods by storing water and releasing it back slowly into streams and rivers. Forests act as carbon sinks and prevent soil erosion. Wetlands absorb pollutants and improve the quality of our freshwater supply. That is why investing in a green infrastructure also makes economic sense. Having to nd man-made solutions to replace the services that nature oers for free is not only technically challenging but also very expensive. The overall objectives of a European green infrastructure are therefore to:

Fact 2:  Wildlife needs to be able to exist outside protected areas

Core areas important for rare and threatened species and habitat types are now largely protected through the Natura 2000 Network which contains 26,000 sites and covers around 18% of the EU territory. But action also needs to be taken within the remaining 82% of the territory if we are to stem the loss of biodiversity in Europe. This is because wild plants and animals need to be able to move, migrate, disperse and exchange populations between protected areas in order to secure their long term survival. Urban sprawl, intensive farming or forestry practices and transportation routes all present signicant and sometimes

maintain Europes biodiversity, for instance by ensuring the ecological coherence and connectivity of the Natura 2000 Network (cf article 10 of the Habitats Directive) and, safeguard and restore valuable natural ecosystems at a broader landscape level so that they can continue to deliver valuable services to mankind.


Making space for nature to provide valuable ecosystem services

Potential components of a green infrastructure:

KINA - Jan vd Geld

Protected areas, such as Natura 2000 sites; Healthy ecosystems and area of high nature value outside protected areas such as oodplain areas, wetlands, coastal areas, natural forests etc; Natural landscape features such small water courses, forest patches, hedgerows which can act as eco-corridors or stepping stones for wildlife; Restored habitat patches that have been created with specic species in mind eg to help expand the size of a protected area, increase foraging areas, breeding or resting for these species and assist in their migration/dispersal; Articial features such as eco-ducts or eco-bridges, that are designed to assist species movement across insurmountable landscape barriers; Multifunctional zones where land uses that help maintain or restore healthy biodiverse ecosystems are favoured over other incompatible activities; Areas where measures are implemented to improve the general ecological quality and permeability of the landscape; Urban elements such as green parks, green walls and green roofs, hosting biodiversity and allowing for ecosystems to function and deliver their services by connecting urban, peri-urban and rural areas; Features for climate change adaptation and mitigation, such as marshes, oodplain forestsand bogs -. for ood prevention, water storage and CO2 intake, giving space to species to react to changed climate conditions ...

Nature in peri-urban areas is important for landscape connectivity

Fact 4: M  aking space for nature through a more integrated approach to land use
A European green infrastructure can be developed using a variety of techniques. They can include for instance:

Improving connectivity between existing nature areas in order to counter fragmentation and increase their ecological coherence e.g. by safeguarding hedgerows, wildlife strips along eld margins, small watercourses; Enhancing landscape permeability to aid species dispersal, migration and movement e.g. through the introduction of wildlife friendly land uses or agri/forest environment schemes that support extensive farming practices; Identifying multifunctional zones. In these areas, compatible land uses that support healthy biodiverse ecosystems are favoured over other more destructive practices. They may for instance be areas where farming, forestry, recreation and ecosystems conservation all operate together in the same space. Such win-win or small loss, big gain combinations can deliver multiple benets not just to those using the land (farmers, foresters, tourism providers, etc..) but also to society at large through the provision of valuable ecosystem services such as water purication or soil improvement and the creation of attractive breathing spaces for people to enjoy.

Fact 5: S  patial planning helps create a green infrastructure

In practice, one of the most eective ways of building a green infrastructure is to adopt a more integrated approach to land management. This, in turn, is best achieved through strategic level spatial planning which enables spatial interactions between dierent land uses to be investigated over a large geographical area (eg region or municipality). Strategic planning is also a means of bringing dierent sectors together in order that they may decide together on local land use priorities in a transparent, integrated and cooperative way. Spatial planning can guide infrastructure developments away from sensitive sites, thereby reducing the risk of further habitat fragmentation. It can also identify ways to spatially reconnect remaining natural areas, for instance by encouraging habitat restoration projects in strategically important places or by integrating elements of ecological connectivity (eg ecoducts or natural stepping stones) into new development schemes.

Ecobridge in Veluwe, Netherlands

KINA - Martijn de Jonge

Fact 6: E  U nancial instruments can be used to support the development of a green infrastructure
Various EU Financial Instruments can be used to help build a green infrastructure. Regional Development Funds and the Rural Development Fund, for instance, provide a wide range of tools that can be used to enhance spatial connectivity and restore natural ecosystems across the wider countryside. They can also be used to support the economic diversication of land uses and the creation of multifunctional land use areas which are based on maintaining natural ecosystems. Agri- or forest- environment schemes in particular can support measures to extensify production, limit pesticide or fertiliser use and encourage wildlife friendly practices aimed at restoring biodiversity and ecosystems functioning. They also assist in the maintenance of landscape features that are important for connectivity, such as hedgerows, unfarmed eld margins, woodland patches or streams. Under the EU LIFE-Biodiversity fund, projects can be co-nanced that improve the functional connectivity of wildlife habitats and improve the movement of species between protected areas such as Natura 2000. LIFE-Environment also oers possibilities to fund green infrastructure elements in urban and peri-urban areas and support projects that establish linkages between forested areas. In addition it can co-nance projects that promote integrated planning initiatives which promote ecosystem based approaches to tackle fragmentation and support the multi-purpose use of land. The private sector is also now applying biodiversity osetting measures on development schemes as part of their corporate social responsibility programmes. If designed with ecology in mind, these measures have the potential to signicantly enhance the biodiversity of areas that are severely impoverished in terms of nature.


Building an ecobridge over motorway

More information:
EU website: ecosystems/index_en.htm Natura 2000 Newsletter: Issue 27, December 2009 info/pubs/natura2000nl_en.htm Workshop proceedings: EC workshop: towards a green infrastructure for Europe, March 2009 org/ and environment/nature/ecosystems/index_ en.htm EC Guidance Guidance on the maintenance of landscape connectivity features of major importance for wild ora and fauna (cf Article 3 of the Birds Directive (79/409/ EEC) and Article 10 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) Aug 2007 ecosystems/docs/adaptation_ fragmentation_guidelines.pdf LIFE funded projects In focus publication on LIFE project supporting green infrastructure. EU research projects EU COST project N341: Habitat fragmentation due to transportation infrastructure cost-transport/src/cost-341.htm

Fact 7: D  eveloping an EU strategy on a green infrastructure across Europe.

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The development of an EU strategy for a Green infrastructure gures prominently in the EUs new post 2010 biodiversity policy. This is because a Green infrastructure is viewed as being one of the main tools to tackle threats on biodiversity resulting from habitat fragmentation, land use change and loss of habitats. Green Infrastructure will play a decisive role in integrating biodiversity into other policies, such as agriculture, forestry, water, marine and sheries, regional and cohesion policy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, transport, energy and land use policy. It is also an important tool for existing Directives such as the Water Framework Directive, the Marine Framework Directive, Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environment Assessment Directives. In addition, particular attention will be given to strengthening the integration of green infrastructure aspects in the EUs various funding programmes (eg structural and cohesion funds, CAP, LIFE) over the current and future nancial programming period starting in 2013 and to improving the ecological coherence of the Natura 2000 Network.

European Commission, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged

In March 2010 the European Council of Ministers set a new EU target for the protection of biodiversity in 2020: The EU intends to halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, restore them in so far as feasible, while stepping up the EU contribution to averting global biodiversity loss.

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