Blood Supply To Femoral Head
Blood Supply To Femoral Head
Blood Supply To Femoral Head
- Anatomy: - extracapsular arterieal ring at the base of the femoral neck; - formed posteriorly by large branch of MFCA - formed anteriorly by smaller branches of LFCA; - superior & inferior gluteal artery have minor contributions; - ascending cervical branches - these give rise to retinacular arteries; - gives rise to subsynovial intra articular ring - artery o ligamentum teres! - derived from obturator or MFCA; - inadequate to supply femoral head ith displaced fractures; - forms the medial epiphyseal vessels; - only small & variable amount of the femoral head is nourished by artery of ligamentum teres; - ref! "he ligamentum teres of the adult hip - epiphyseal blood supply: - arises primarily from lateral epiphyseal vessels that enter head posterosuperiorly; - vessels from medial epiphyseal artery entering thru ligamentum teres; - epiphyseal arterial branches! - arise as arteries of subsynovial intraarticular ring; - t o groups of epiphyseal arteries! lateral & inferior vessels; - metaphyseal blood supply: - arises from e#tracapsular arterial ring; - arise from branches of ascending cervical arteries$ & subsynovial intra articular ring; - "hanges #$ Age: - even after closure of epiphyseal plate$ there is minimal astomosis bet een epiphyseal
and metaphyseal circulations; - in the adult$ greatest portion of blood supply to head of femur is derived from vessels on posterior superior surface of femoral neck; - Femoral Neck Frx: - fr# disrupts intraosseous cervical vessels; - portion of the neck that is intracapsular has essentially no cambium layer in its fibrous covering to participate in peripheral callus formation; - hence$ healing is dependent on endosteal union alone; - femoral head nutrition is then dependent on remaining retinacular vessels$ & supply from the ligamentum teres; - position acheived at reduction is significant factor in development of avascular necrosis! - in fr# of hip$ valgus reduction may end up kinking of lateral epiphyseal vessels & tethering of medial epiphyseal vessels in ligamentum teres; - valgus and rotatory malposition may result in A%&; %edial Femoral "ircum lexa Arteri - &iscussion: - MFCA supplies ma'ority of blood supply to femoral head; - branches of MFCA enter capsule of hip 'oint near its distal insertion and couse pro#imally along femoral neck to ard femoral head; - medial femoral circumfle# artery arises from posteromedial aspect of deep femoral artery and less commonly from the common femoral artery; - its course is deep into femoral triangle$ bet een pectineus and psoas & under neck of femur to the back of thigh; - MFCA may send branches to adductor brevis & adductor magnus; - forms an important astomosis! cruciate anastomosis ; - five consistent branches of the medial femoral circumfle# artery! - deep branch! runs to ard the intertrochanteric crest bet een pectineus medially and the iliopsoas tendon laterally along inferior border of obturator e#ternus; - main division of the deep branch crosses posterior to obturator e#ternus and anterior to superior gemellus$ obturator internus$ and inferior gemellus; - runs in space bet een the quadratus femoris and the inferior gemellus - perforates the capsule superfior to the insertion of superior gemellus and distal to piriformis; - vessels course beneath synovial sheath of reflected portion of capsule of 'oint posterosuperiorly on the neck of the femur; - trochanteric branch: - branches off ne#t to the pro#imal border of quadratus femoris$ crossing over trochanteric crest to ard the lateral aspect of greater trochanter; - posterior branch: it can be identified in the space bet een the quadratus femoris and the inferior gemellus; - anterior branch:
- anterior to quadratus femoris$ MFCA artery divides into ascending branch to the trochanteric fossa of femur & transverse branch to the hamstring muscles beyond the ischial tuberosity; - preserving the attachment of the obturator e#ternus tendon during surgery and dislocation protects the ascending branch of the MFCA from rupture and(or stretching; - transverse branch appears bet een quadratus femoris & upper border of adductor magnus; - runs ad'acent to the pro#imal border of the quadratus femoris$ crossing over the trochanteric crest to ard the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter; 'ateral Femoral "ircum lexa Artery - &iscussion: - usually arises from lateral side of deep femoral artery; - in )*+ of pts$ it arises from femoral artery above profunda; - LFCA passes laterally in front of ,soas & bet een branches of Femoral &erve; - passes deep to -artorius & rectus femoris$ and divides into anterior$ transverse$ and descending branches! - ascending branch - passes up ard beneath .ectus Femoris & "ensor Fascia Lata; - it anastomoses ( terminals of superior gluteal artery ; - transverse branch: - enters %astus Lateralis $ inds around femur belo its greater trochanter$ & anastomoses on back of thigh ( MFCA$ inferior gluteal$ & first perforating arteries /Cruciate Anastomosis 0; - descending branch! - may arise separately from femoral or profunda artery; - passes do n ard beneath the .ectus Femoris; - sends branches to %astus Lateralis & intermedius accompanied by branches of Femoral &erve$ & anastomoses ( descending genicular branch of femoral artery and lateral superior genicular branch of popliteal artery; /see genicular arterial system0 - it continues do n fascia lata & sends multiple perforators to skin overlying fascia lata and lateral aspect of the knee; - lateral circumfle# of femoral artery is principal source of blood to the trochanteric area & inferior part of femoral neck; - it anastomoses to limited degree ( branches of medial circumfle#; - nutrient artery of femur sends branches to metaphysis or neck but does not contribute significantly to head;