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The TableEdit Extension

Version 2.0

The TableEdit Extension 2.0

OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................... 4 ABOUT T ABLEEDIT EXTENSION ..................................................................................................................... 4 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 5 USER INTERFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 6 TABLEEDIT MENU......................................................................................................................................... 6 TABLEEDIT BUTTONS .................................................................................................................................... 7 TABLEEDIT POPUP MENU .............................................................................................................................. 8 TABLEEDIT TOOLBAR.................................................................................................................................... 9 TABLEEDIT TOOLS .......................................................................................................................................11 TABLEEDIT EMBEDDED COMMANDS .............................................................................................................12 OPERATIONS ..............................................................................................................................................13 START/STOP EDITING ....................................................................................................................................13 COPY, PASTE, CUT .......................................................................................................................................14 SHOW AND HIDE RECORDS ............................................................................................................................22 SHOW AND HIDE AND SAVE FIELD INFO ..........................................................................................................23 GOTO RECORD/FIELD ....................................................................................................................................24 SORT ON MULTIPLE FIELDS............................................................................................................................26 SORT FIELDS ................................................................................................................................................28 REPLACE......................................................................................................................................................29 SEARCH .......................................................................................................................................................31 FILL DOWN/RIGHT ........................................................................................................................................34 SPLIT FIELDS ................................................................................................................................................36 CONCATENATE FIELDS ..................................................................................................................................38 DELETE RECORDS AND DELETE FIELDS .........................................................................................................40 ADD FIELD(S)...............................................................................................................................................42 ADD RECORD(S)...........................................................................................................................................46 STRING CONVERSION ...................................................................................................................................47 INCREASE/DECREASE DECIMALS ...................................................................................................................48 CALCULATE NUMBER SERIES.........................................................................................................................49 CONVERT BETWEEN NUMBER AND STRING .....................................................................................................51 REFORMAT FIELD .........................................................................................................................................52 SAVE RECORD/FIELD ORDER..........................................................................................................................54 RETRIEVE BACKUP .......................................................................................................................................56 FREQUENCY .................................................................................................................................................57 REMOVE DUPLICATES ...................................................................................................................................59 SUMMARIZE RECORDS ..................................................................................................................................61 TABLE REPORT ............................................................................................................................................63 SPELL CHECK ............................................................................................................................................67 SPELLCHECK ................................................................................................................................................67 SPELLING OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................70 SPELLING DICTIONARIES ..............................................................................................................................71 NEW DICTIONARIES......................................................................................................................................75 SELECTING LANGUAGE .................................................................................................................................76 ATTRIBUTE WIZARD ................................................................................................................................77 ATTRIBUTE WIZARD, THE WIZARD ................................................................................................................77 ATTRIBUTE WIZARD, THE DIALOG FORM .......................................................................................................80 ATTRIBUTE WIZARD, SETUP..........................................................................................................................82

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TOOLBAR MENU........................................................................................................................................84 STRINGS.......................................................................................................................................................84 QUICKCALCULATE .......................................................................................................................................86 SELECTIONS .................................................................................................................................................88 QUERIES ......................................................................................................................................................90 HELP MENU .................................................................................................................................................94 TOOLBAR INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................95 TOOLBAR | TABLE INFO ................................................................................................................................95 TOOLBAR | COMMENTS .................................................................................................................................96 TOOLBAR | SETTINGS....................................................................................................................................97 TOOLBAR | DROP PAD ...................................................................................................................................99 FILE INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................................100 THE INI-FILE...............................................................................................................................................100 TABLEEDIT FILES .......................................................................................................................................101 MORE HELP ..............................................................................................................................................103 FAQ ..........................................................................................................................................................103 CONTACT SWEGIS....................................................................................................................................104

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

About TableEdit Extension
TableEdit Extension is an extension developed by SWEGIS to extend ArcView GIS table editing capabilities. There's no longer any need to open your dbf-files in another spreadsheet software, just because ArcView GIS doesn't provide you with the proper tools. In addition, the TableEdit Extension automatically saves a backup before each edit session.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

The TableEdit Extension includes lots of tools to make table editing in ArcView GIS easier. The TableEdit concept is to only take up a small portion of the interface, but include lots of tools. Keeping most of the tools in a small floating toolbar solves this equation. The toolbar can be kept open at all times, since it really doesn't take up much space. And it automatically hides itself when youre not working with tables.

Some of the key features are: Copy/Cut/Paste cells, records or fields both internally in ArcView GIS and to/from virtually any other spreadsheet software. Saves the visual appearance of the table document to disk. This includes field alias, field visible state etc. Edit table data from a user defined easy-to-use dialog. A real time saver when updating and/or adding attributes Sort table on multiple fields Save selections and apply them at any time Change field format; string to number, number to string, number of decimals etc Much improved search capabilities that allow you to search with pattern, only selected records/field, match whole fields only and much more Search and replace table data in the table Manipulate strings (Make upper case, make lower case, etc.) Split and concatenate fields Remove, or mark, table records with duplicated values in one or more fields ARC/INFO equivalent frequency command Show and hide whole records View extra table information and field information Drag and Drop support for ArcView GIS. Just drag the files to ArcView GIS, and the TableEdit Extension will open them for you Spellcheck table data or text labels directly in ArcView GIS Automatically saves a backup of your tables before each edit session A wide set of quick calculations, for example record index, area, length, perimeter, center coordinates, number of vertices, current date and much more Make fast edits with predefined strings Calculate number series to a specific field Save and apply queries at any time Generate reports with information about your table Reformat fields between any field types

These commands can be reached from a number of different places in the ArcView GIS interface.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

User interface
TableEdit Menu
The TableEdit Extensions adds one menu to the table document. From this menu you can reach some of the tools, but not all. Lots more functionality can be found in the floating toolbar, in the standard buttonbars, the popup menu or embedded in ArcView GIS standard menus.

The menu commands are as follows: Help: Show this help file About TableEdit: Shows the about dialog Show Toolbar: Shows the floating toolbar Sort Table Split Field Concatenate Retrieve backup Save order Frequency Remove duplicates Summarize Records Table Report Spellcheck Attribute wizard

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TableEdit Buttons
The TableEdit Extensions adds a few buttons to both the table GUI and the view GUI.

In the table document you will find these new buttons: Attribute Wizard Search Replace Show Toolbar: Shows the floating toolbar Undo: Undoes the last edit-operation on the Table Redo: Redoes the last edit-operation on the Table

In the view document you will find these new buttons: Attribute Wizard Search Spellcheck

In the layout document you will find one new button: Spellcheck

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TableEdit Popup Menu

Quite a few of the extension tools are available from a convenient popup menu. Just rightclick anywhere on the table and a menu will appear.

This menu contains different choices, all depending on the underlying table. Some tools require that the table be in editable mode and some that a field is active. The tools and their requirements are listed below.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TableEdit Toolbar
The TableEdit toolbar is a floating dialog that contains most of the functionality of the extension. Clicking at the show toolbar button or choosing "Show Toolbar" in the TableEdit menu opens the toolbar.

The toolbar automatically updates itself and hides itself when no table is active. This means that the toolbar can be open all the time. This is recommended, since many of the tools can only be reached from the toolbar. I think you will find that this little dialog will give you easy access to lots of useful tools and information.

There are two modes in which the toolbar can be displayed: with or without the lower section. To toggle between the different modes, just click at the arrow button that you find at the right of the dialog. At the top you will find a menubar with four different dropdown menus: Strings QuickCalculate Selections Queries Help Both the upper and the lower section of the toolbar have four different tabs. Each tab contains a unique set of tool:

Upper tabs:
Appearance: The visual look of the table Show and hide records Show and hide field info Goto Record / Field Sort on multiple fields Sort Fields Table: Commands that affects the whole table Replace Search Fill down/right Split fields Concatenate fields Delete records and fields Add Field(s) Add Record(s) Field: Commands that affect one field
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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

String Conversion Increase/Decrease decimal Calculate number series Convert between number and string Reformat field Advanced: Advanced commands (at least in some situations) Save record/field order Retrieve backup Remove Duplicates Frequency Attribute Wizard Spellcheck Summarize Records Table Report

Lower tabs:
Table Info: Information about the table Toolbar | Table Info Comments: Table comments Toolbar | Comments Settings: Changes the settings Toolbar | Settings Drop pad: Opens files in ArcView GIS Toolbar | Drop pad

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TableEdit Tools
The TableEdit Extension adds one extra tool to the ArcView GIS toolbar in the Table document.

This is an alternative selection tool that lets you select records in a much easier way. The tool implements the Windows standards for selecting items. This means that you now can use Shift to select a range of records and Ctrl to pick single records.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TableEdit Embedded Commands

Some of the TableEdit Extension tools are completely integrated in ArcView GIS interface. Some tools are added to the menus and in some cases the TableEdit Extension scripts replace the original scripts. Copy/Paste/Cut These operations are completely integrated in ArcView GIS by replacing the standard scripts with new ones. The new script replaces copy/cut/paste in both the table menu and in the table buttonbar. Find/Find Next/Replace in the table interface These tools are added to the Edit menu. Find/Find Next in the view interface These tools are added to the Edit menu. Add field Can optionally be replaced with the TableEdit add Field dialog. Query Builder Can be replaced optionally by the TableEdit Query Builder. On top of these visual changes to the interface, the extension also adds functionality by overriding some of the standard ArcView GIS tools: Table.AddField : As an option, can be updated to show the TableEdit Add Field dialog Table.Copy : Updated with the TableEdit copy-paste functionality Table.Cut : Updated with the TableEdit copy-paste functionality Table.CutUpdate: Updated with for the TableEdit copy-paste functionality Table.Paste : Updated with the TableEdit copy-paste functionality Table.Properties: Updated to save fieldalias, etc. to disk Table.Query : As an option, can be updated to show the TableEdit query builder Table.ToggleEditing: Updated so as to backup file Table.SaveEdits: Updated to save fieldalias, etc. to disk View.AddTheme: Updated to add table alias properties, etc. from disk View.ToggleEditing: Updated so as to backup file Project.AddTable: Updated to add fieldalias, etc. from disk (This information is provided primarily for developers, as these substitutions may conflict with other extensions.)

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Start/stop editing
What are the most frequently used commands when working with tables? Start Editing and Stop Editing! The TableEdit Extension will save you the frustration of having to go through the table menu each time. Just open the floating toolbar and you'll find a button that starts and stops editing with just a button click. Not only that, you'll always see whether your table is in an editable mode or not.

The Start / Stop Editing button is available at all times in the floating toolbar. If the active table is in editable mode then the button is depressed in appearance:

And if not, the button is flat.

This way, you can always see if the active table is editable or not, and just a button-click toggles the table between editable mode and non-editable mode.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Copy, Paste, Cut

The TableEdit extends your copy/paste capabilities when working with tables. ArcView GIS normally only offers the opportunity to copy and paste single cell-values. But with the TableEdit Extension, you can do this and much more. This functionality is added by replacing the original copy, cut and paste scripts in both the Edit menu and in the buttonbar.

With this new functionality you can copy and paste fields, records and whole tables both inside ArcView GIS and to/from virtually any other spread-sheet software. Below you can read more about how copy and paste works, but the best way to learn is to try it. Copy: Copies a table or parts of it to the clipboard. This command copies everything from just one cell-value to a whole table, including shapesall depending on the character of the selection. 1. If nothing is selected, the whole table is copied.

If noting is selected, the whole table is copied. Note that the points in the shapefield are placed on the clipboard as well, but can only be pasted back into ArcView GIS.

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2. If only one cell is active (the prompt is in a cell), only that cells value is copied.

If one cell is active, only the data in that cell is copied.

3. If any field is active, only the data in that field is copied.

If any field is active, only the data in that field is copied.

4. If any records are selected, only the data in the selected records are copied.

If any records are selected, only the data in the selected records are copied.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

5. Any combination of 3 and 4 also results in a different selection and therefore different data is copied.

The copied data is limited to the selected records and the active field.

If any of the copied cells contain shapes, then these are copied to the clipboard as well. Do however note that the shapes are not placed on the system clipboard and can therefore only be pasted back in ArcView GIS again. Cut: Copies table values exactly as does the copy command, but removes the values as well. This does however only happen when whole records or whole fields are cut. Scenario 3 and 4 above would result in the removal of a whole field and whole records, but scenario 5 can not be cut since the selection is not a whole field (limited by the selected records), nor any whole records (limited by the active field). Fields and records are removed only if they actually can be removed; you cannot, for example, remove records from an attribute table that belongs to an ARC/INFO theme.

Paste: Paste is the most complex of these operations, since the data on the clipboard may have originated from several different sources and/or formats. How the data is pasted also depends on table selection, active field, etc. Below follows a classification based on the type of data on the clipboard. In all the examples below, the original table (before the data is pasted) looks like this.

The original table before paste in the examples below.

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1. If the clipboard only contains one string (no tabulator and only one rowthe equivalent of one cell of information) the contents of the clipboard are pasted into all selected cells except the shape field, if present. The selection is defined just as when you copy data (see above).

If there is only one string on the clipboard and no selected records, all cells are filled.

If there is only one string on the clipboard, and a number of records selected in the table, the selected records are filled.


If the clipboard only contains shapes (without attributes), then two things can happen: 2.1 If the number of shapes matches the number of selected records, then these are replaced with the new ones.

If the number of shapes match the number of selected records, than these are replaced. Copyright 1998-2000, SWEGIS. All rights reserved. Page 17 of 104

The TableEdit Extension 2.0

2.2 If the number of shapes do not match the number of selected records, then the shapes on the clipboard are added as new records at the bottom of the table (but only if records can be added to the table).

If the number of shapes dont match the number of selected records, than new records are added.


If the clipboard contains attributesand possibly, shapes, and the attributes are only one field wide, a few different things can happen:


If the active table has an active field and the number of records on the clipboard matches the number of selected records, then these selected records are simply replaced with the records on the clipboard.

If the number of attributes match the number of selected records, than these are replaced.

If the number of records matches the number of records in the entire table and no records are selected, then the whole selected column is replaced. If none of these criteria is met, then the records from the clipboard are added to the bottom of the table.

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If the number of attributes dont match the number of selected records, than new records are added.


If no field is selected, and the number of records on the clipboard matches the number of records in the table, then a completely new field is created, and the record attribute values are added to this new field. This mean that if you want to paste the data as an entirely new field, then you must make sure that no field is currently active.

If the number of attributes matches the number of records in the table and no field is active, the attributes are pasted into a new field.


If the clipboard contains multiple rows and multiple columns, and there are shapes available on the clipboard. Then the extension checks if the number of columns match the number of visible fields in the table. If they match, two things can happen.

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4.1 If the number of selected records have the same number of fields as the number of columns copied to the clipboard, then these are updated

If the number of attributes match the number of selected records, than these are replaced.


Else, the data are added in new records. Both these options include the pasting of the shapes to the shape-field, if this exists.

If the number of attributes dont match the number of selected records, than new records are added


If there are multiple rows and multiple columns at the clipboard but there are no shapes available, then the data is copied the same way as above, but where a shape is required, this cell is simply filled with a null shape instead

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And finally if the content of the clipboard doesn't match either rows or columns in the active table, all data are just pasted in the cells down right from the current position. No new records or fields are added. The current position can depends on a few things too.

6.1 The current record are the first selected record or if no records are selected it's the first record in the table.

6.2 The current field position is the active field, or if no field is selected, the first field in the table.

The data in the clipboard dont match anything in the table and are pasted in to the cells down right from the current position.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Show and hide records

These tools enable you to hide/show selected records of the table. These tools can only be reached from the floating toolbar.

By clicking on the second of these two buttons above, all records that aren't currently selected are hidden in the table document. Do however note that the records arent removed from the table, they are just safely hidden from view. What happens is merely that the definition of the table is changed, much as you would create a definition query for a theme. By hiding records you can more easily work and navigate only among those records that are you focus at the time. To see all your records again, you simply click at the show records button (the left of the two buttons above). Note that defined visible subsets are not saved to the project when the project is closed. As well, there may also be some problems retaining this definition when adding new records to a table.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Show and hide and save field info

These tools enable you to save the field alias, the field visible state, pixel width and field order to disk. And, when the table is added again from disk and opened, these tools automatically retrieve this information. The current field settings are saved either when you change any field alias or clicks at the save field information button in the floating toolbar. (That is the right most of the circled buttons below):

All the information is kept in a file with the same name as the original table source, but with an ".ali" file extension instead. The table c:\temp\test.dbf for example keeps its field information in the file c:\temp\test.ali. Whenever any table that has saved field information is added to any project with the TableEdit Extension installed, it automatically reflects the saved field settings. The following table information in saved in the ali-file: General information: - Table comments - Table creator Field information: - Field alias - Fields visible state - Fields graphical width - Fields order You can toggle anytime between displaying the table as defined in the ali-file, or else displaying the table as it's actually been saved to disk (correct field order, actual field names etc.) This can be done with the show/hide field information buttons (the two circled buttons on the left above). Technical note: To be able to save and retrieve the field information from disk automatically, the TableEdit Extension replaces three ArcView GIS scripts. These are: Project.Add table View.Add Table.Properties (This information is provided primarily for developers, as these substitutions may conflict with other extensions.)

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Goto record/field
To make it easier to navigate within your table, the TableEdit supplies four new navigation tools. These can be reached only from the floating toolbar.

The first two buttons automatically take you to the top, or to the bottom, of your table. The third tool takes you to any record in the active table. A dialog will ask you to which record you wish to navigate and then the table scrolls up or down to this record.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Enter the target record number here Jump to this specified record number Cancel this operation Show the help file

The fourth tool lets you navigate to any field in your table. The tool activates the field and then scrolls to it. You can choose to navigate to a field by its name or its index (1 to total number of fields).




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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

1. Select this option if you wish to navigate to a field by its field name 2. Select this option if you wish to navigate to a field by its index. The first fields' index is 1, 2, etc. 3. Select the field that you wish to navigate to. You can check the sort checkbox if you want these fields to be sorted by name. 4. Check this radio button if you want the fields in the dropbox to be sorted by name. This sort does not affect the field order in the table. 5. Scrolls to and activates the selected field by it's index or name 6. Cancel this operation 7. Show the help file 8. Enter the index of the field that you wish to navigate to. The first field index is 1 and so on. If you wish to navigate to the last field you can simply enter a number that is bigger than the number of fields in the table.

These tools provide you with an easy way to navigate in large tables.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Sort on multiple fields

ArcView GIS already has built-in tools for sorting a table on one field, but it doesn't allow you to sort on multiple fields. This, however, can be done with the TableEdit Extension Multiple Sort Tool:

The sort tool can be reached from either the floating toolbar or from the TableEdit menu:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Displays more sort-fields. Displays fewer sort-fields. Saves the sort order in an extra table field Fields used in sorting. The sort starts with priority given to the upper most field, then the field below it, etc. Sort order for each field Sorts the table as specified Cancel this operation Show the help file

This dialog gives you the opportunity to sort the table with up to five different fields and you canindividually for each field--choose ascending or descending order. The sort starts with the most upper field. You can also choose to save the sort order in a table field. By doing this, you don't need to go through the multiple sorting process again. The field is named Sortfield followed by a unique number. Do however note that if any cell-values in the table are changed, then you must go through the multiple sort process again.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0


In this example the table are sorted first by the "State" field, then by the "Feature" field and finally by the "Name" field. As you can see, there are 6 records with the state id 05. These records are then sorted internally by the next sort field, "Feature". Even when this sort is done, there would still a few records left unsorted, although they share the same values in both the state and feature fields. These last records are then sorted on the third sort field, "Name".

Please note that only DBF tables can be sorted and that the table must not be in editable mode. Furthermore, the table must also not be write-protected, etc.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Sort Fields
An additional navigation tool, Sort Fields, lets you sort the field order either alphabetically, either by ascending or by descending order. This tool can be reached from the floating buttonbar:

Simply clicking at the button sorts the visual order of the fields based on alphabetical order of all field aliases (or field name, if no alias exists). The sort is ascending if you simply click on the button and descending if you hold down shiftkey while clicking on the button. To reset the visual appearance of the fields to their original order, see the Show /Hide Field Info command. (Also, please note that the visual order has been changed only in appearance, not the actual fieldorder as written to disk. To make the new field order permanent in the dbf-file, see the Save order command.)

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

The extension provides a way to search and replace values in a table. This tool works much like any Windows replace-text tool:

The replace dialog can be reached from the TableEdit menu, from the standard buttonbar or from the floating buttonbar.

1. The string to be replaced 2. This menu enables you to search for cells with special values.


The options are: - Tab Character, searches for a tab character - New Line, searches for the newline character - Empty Cell, searches for empty cells - Any Character, searches for cell with any non- numerical value - Any Number, searches for cells with any numerical value Note that these special searches cannot be combined with each other or with any other search string, You cannot, for example, define a search for "mai*\t". 3. The string that shall replace the find string 4. Searches only the selected records 5. Searches only the active field
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6. Matches only whole fields 7. Matches only whole words 8. Matches attributes with pattern, For example "*road". When using this option the whole cell value will be replaced with the replace string, not just the part that matches. 9. Searches and replaces as specified 10. Cancel this operation 11. Show the help file All field types, except the shape-field are searched, not just string fields. This means that you don't need any specific syntax to replace strings values etc. If, however, you are searching for a numerical value and want to replace it with a string value, the replace string cannot be written to a numerical field. The entire search-and-replace operation can always be undone by choosing Undo in the Edit menu. When you use the search with pattern option, then the whole cellvalue is replaced, not just the part that matches. For more information about pattern search, see the Search command. Clicking at the arrow will display a small menu with some choices for special searches. The options are: - Tab Character, searches for a tabulator - New Line, searches for the newline character - Empty Cell, searches for empty cells - Any Character, searches for cell with any non- numerical value - Any Number, searches for cells with any numerical value Note that these special searches cannot be combined with each other or with any other search string, You cannot, for example, search for "mai*\t".

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

This tools provides a much improved way for searching tabular data in ArcView GIS. The standard Find tools work quite poorly and do not offer the user any parameters specifying how the table shall be searched. The Search tool can be reached from lots of different places: The toolbar, the Edit menu in either the view or table documents, or the standard buttonbar in both the view and table documents.

The search dialog can also be opened using the hotkey combination, Ctrl+F. This is the same key combination that the ArcView GIS built-in search tool uses. There may therefore be a conflict as to which tool might actually be triggered. If this bothers you, you can simply redefine a different hotkey combination for one of the tools.



1. The string that you want to search for 2. This menu enables you to search for cells with special values.

The options are: - Tab Character, searches for a tabulator - New Line, searches for the newline character - Empty Cell, searches for empty cells - Any Character, searches for cell with any non- numerical value - Any Number, searches for cells with any numerical value
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Note that these special searches can't be combined with each other or any other search string, You can for example not search for "mai*\t". 3. Searches only the selected records 4. Searches only the active field 5. Matches only whole fields 6. Matches only whole words 7. Matches attributes with pattern, For example "*road" 8. Finds the next match 9. Cancel this operation 10. Show the help file The search-dialog gives you many search options, and it can be kept open while you are activating another table. You can limit your search just to the selected records and/or just to the active field. This way the search engine does not have to search through all records and fields. Furthermore, you can specify a match for a whole field or whole words. The last option is to search with pattern. This is a very powerful option when searching for a specific attribute that you cannot seem to find in any other way. When using this option you should specify a string pattern instead in the search string box. (In patterns, the characters '*' and '?' have special meaning. The '*' means any number of characters can be inserted at this point. The '?' means any single character can be inserted at a given point.) The special meaning of any '*' or '?' can be removed by prefixing one with the backslash character '\'. This means that this pattern, "\*", has one character in it, an asterisk. This also means that this pattern will only compare successfully against a string, which also contains only one asterisk. Clicking at the arrow will display a small menu with some choices to do special searches. The options are: - Tab Character, searches for a tabulator - New Line, searches for the newline character - Empty Cell, searches for empty cells - Any Character, searches for cell with any non- numerical value - Any Number, searches for cells with any numerical value Note that these special searches can't be combined with each other or any other search string, You can for example not search for "mai*\t".

The search starts when you click the Find Next button. When a matching string is found two different things happens depending on if a view or a table is active. If a table is active: When a table is active, the record with the matching string is simply displayed and highlighted. The record is NOT selected as it would be if you used the ArcView GIS

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standard find tool. This distinguishing highlight solution was chosen since selecting the record in the standard way would conflict with the "Search only selected" option. If a view is active: When a view is active, ArcView GIS automatically zooms to the feature with the matching string and flashes it a couple of times. The feature is not selected in the standard way, for the same reason as above.

Find Next
You can choose, at any time, Find Next in the edit menu or else use the F3 key to search for the next occurrence of the current (or, if there is no current search, then the last used find string is utilized). This can be done from both the view and the table document. By using F3, you need not keep the Search-dialog open all times. This is a very smooth way to search for multiple matches of the same string.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Fill down/right
The fill down and fill right tools in the floating dialog smoothly duplicate records and fields.

The leftmost button fills the attribute values downward and the rightmost fills the attributes to the right.

Fill Down
The Fill Down tool copies table data downward. This is done in four different ways: 1. If no records are selected, then all records are filled with the values from the first record in the table. 2. If only one record is selected, then you are asked how many records downward shall be filled with the selected records' data. These records attribute values are replaced by the values of this selected record. No records are added. 3. If only the last record in the table is selected, then you are asked how many records shall be added to the table. Then the attribute values of each record will match the data from this selected record. 4. If more then one record is selected, the first selected records attribute values replace the values for the rest of the selected records. Optionally, the Fill Down tool copies the shape in the shapefield downward as well. This option can be turned on or off from the settings tab in the floating buttonbar.

Fill Right
The fill right tool copies table data from one field into the fields to the right of the active field. If any records are selected, then only those are copied. To copy data to a field that isn't to the right of the source field, you can simply rearrange the tables' fields so that the field appears there anyway. A dialog will ask you how many fields that the data shall be copied to. Note that this tool doesn't add any field, it simply copies data between the existing fields.
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Both fill operations can be undone by clicking Undo in the Edit menu.

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Split fields
The extension splits attributes within one field into several smaller segments pasted into distinct new fields. The split tool can be reached from the TableEdit menu or from the floating buttonbar

First, you need to specify which field to split:


1. Selects the field that shall be used as the source for the split operation 2. Reverses the split order so that each string is divided and each subsequent segment process in reverse order. For example "75:03:12" gets "12","03","75" instead of "75","03","12". 3. Choose the separator that shall be used to split the data in the target field. 4. Result fields for the split operation. Select a field to change its name or type. 5. Remove the active field. You must have at least two fields for split values. 6. Adds a new field to place values in. 7. Select new name for the active field 8. Select this option if the active field shall be of string type
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9. Select this option if the active field shall be of number type 10. Splits the field as specified 11. Cancel this operation 12. Show the help file The strings in this field are then split into a number of new fields. As a flag for determining where the string shall be split, a delimiter must be specified. This delimiter is used to divide the string into its components. The figure below shows a date split with the delimiter set to ":".

You must specify how many destination fields are required to keep all the split data segments. There is no upper limit to the number of fields that can be used, but two is the minimum. For each field, you can also define a name for the field, as well as whether that field shall be numerical or not. The width and decimal precision of the fields are calculated on the fly, so that each field will be as wide as the largest string segment going to that new field. If all the number of string segments divided from the source field is greater than the number of specified destination fields - in other words if you have specified too few outfields to hold all parts of the value being split, then all the remaining segment are placed together in the last field. For example, splitting "Bela Bartok street" into three fields using the space character generates: "Bela","Bartok","street" While splitting it into two fields generates: "Bela","Bartok street" As an extra option you can also specify that the split order be reversed so that all values are split from the end back to the beginning of the string value. For example "75:03:12" gets "12","03","75" instead of "75","03","12".

As a final word, the data can not be split and the divisions pasted into existing fields, only into new ones.

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Concatenate fields
This tool concatenates attribute values from several fields into one new or existing field. The Concatenate tool can be reached from the TableEdit menu or from the floating buttonbar:

A dialog box directs you in picking which fields that you want to merge:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Available fields in the table. Only visible fields are shown Field to be merged Adds the selected field to the Merge Field fieldlist Remove the selected field from the Merge Field fieldlist Choose this option if you want the merged data to be pasted into an existing field Choose this option if you want the merged data to be pasted into to a new field. The new field will become a string field. 7. Choose name of field to merge data into, or create a name for the new field. 8. Choose this option if there are leading and/or trailing blanks that you wish to trim from each field value as the values are merged. 9. Select this option if you wish to delimit the individual segments of the merged values with a specific string or character (such as : or -) 10. Choose any delimiter that shall be placed between the merged segment values.
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11. Concatenate the selected fields as specified 12. Cancel this operation 13. Show the help file

The list box on the left in the concatenate dialog box shows the available fields in the table. The list to the right carries the names of user-chosen field for merging. The fields are merged in the same order as they appear in this second list box. The results from the Concatenate operation can be pasted into either an existing field or into an entirely new field. Any new fields created and named in this dialog box will automatically be defined as a character field. The width and decimal precision of the field is calculated on the fly, so that this field will be as wide as the largest concatenated string added to it.

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Delete Records and Delete Fields

In the floating toolbar, you will find two tools to remove fields and records from the active table.

The remove records button (on the left above) simply removes records in the same way as the standard ArcView GIS tool for this operation. In fact, it's the very same script. In short, the Remove Records Tool removes all selected records from the table. The Remove Field(s) Tool does however is an enhancement of the similar, standard ArcView GIS Remove Field tool, since you now can choose to remove more than one field at the time. Furthermore, just to double-check yourself, you can choose to be asked whether you really want the field(s) removed. Delete one field To just remove one field you simply make the targeted field active and then click on the Remove Field button. This will simply remove the field. If you wish you can turn On or Off the dialog box that checks whether you really want to remove the field. This is done in the "settings"-tab in the lower section of the toolbar.

By turning this dialog box off, you can more quickly remove fields, but it becomes easier to remove a field by mistake.

Delete multiple fields To remove more than one field, you must be sure (1 that either no field is active when you click at the button or else (2 that youre holding down the shift-key when clicking on the Remove Fields button. If you do either, a dialog will appear, asking you for the fields that you wish to remove.
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1. This is the list of available fields in your table. Select the fields that you wish to remove and click OK. 2. Check this radio button if you want the fields to be sorted by name in this listbox. This sort does not affect the field order in the table. 3. Clicking at this button removes the selected field(s) from the table. 4. Cancel this operation 5. Show the Help file

Just select the fields that you wish to remove and click OK, all the selected fields will then be removed.

Remember: You can't undo a remove field operation.

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Add Field(s)
In the floating toolbar you will find a new tool for adding fields.

The TableEdit Add Field Tool aims to make it easier to add fields and, specifically, to add frequently used fields, such as Area or Perimeter. When clicking at this button, a dialog will appear:



1. Select the name of the field that you wish to add, or the prefix if you are adding more then one field. 2. Select the field type. 3. Select the width of the field that you are adding. You don't need to enter any width for date and boolean field. 4. Select the precision of the field that you are adding. You don't need to enter any precision for date, boolean and string fields. 5. Click here to display the menu used to save and retrieve field definitions. Save Field Definition saves the current settings and Delete Field Definition deletes any of the saved definitions. 6. Check this box if you automatically wish to add more then one field. The new fields are given the prefix you enter and a serial number. For example if you choose to add 5 fields with the prefix "MyField", the five new fields will be named: MyField MyField1 MyField2 MyField3
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MyField4 7. Select how many fields that you want added 8. Adds one or many fields as specified in this dialog 9. Cancel this operation 10. Show the help file

This dialog is made quite similar to the ArcView GIS standard dialog box for field adding. The TableEdit dialog does, however, have some advantages over that dialog box. First of all, the five last used field names, field widths etc. are saved and can be reached from the dropdown boxes. The dialog also gives you the opportunity to add more than one field at the time and to save/retrieve field settings. You can choose from four different field types: Number. You can specify the width of the field in digits in the Width field, and the number of decimal places in the Decimal Places field. Specifying 0 decimal places will make the field an integer field. String. You can specify the width of the field in characters in the Width field Boolean. Each value in a Boolean field is either True or False. When you type values into a Boolean field, you can type True or False in full, or just type t or f, which ArcView will immediately convert into True or False. Date. Each value in a date field is eight digits in the format YYYYMMDD. For example, the 2nd of May 1961 would be represented as 19610502. When you type dates into a date field, they must be in this format.

Add multiple fields

To add more then one field at the time, simply check the "Add more then one field" check box. Then select however many added fields. In this mode, the name that you give your field will simply work as a prefix. The added field will then use this prefix and an additional serial number to give the new field a name. For example if you choose to add 5 fields with the prefix "MyField", the five fields with the names: MyField MyField1 MyField2 MyField3 MyField4 will be added to the table. Do however note that all fields will be of the same type, have the same width etc.

Save and retrieve field settings

Is there any type of attribute that you often add to your tables? Don't write in the parameters every time, this dialog gives you the opportunity to save all your settings for up to ten different field definitions. Here, you can save the properties for a field definition, adjust the
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name, width, etc. Then just click at the arrow next to the name line. A menu will appear. Select save field definition in this menu. The next time you click at this arrow you will see that the field you just added now is listed at the top. Selecting a saved field definition in this menu defines the name, etc. for a new field(s) just as was originally saved for that field definition. How about having ready, at your disposal, pre-defined field definitions for Area, Perimeter, etc. Saving field definition streamlines your work:

When you wish to remove saved field definitions, simply select "Delete Field Definition" from the menu above. A dialog box will then let you select the field definitions that you wish to remove.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The currently saved field definitions Deletes the selected field definitions from the saved ones Closes this dialog and confirms your deletion Cancel this operation Show the help file

Note that you can only have ten saved field definitions at the same time. The field definitions are saved computer wide, meaning that all projects on your computer that use the TableEdit Extension share the same saved field definitions.

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Optionally, you can choose to use this dialog to add fields instead of the ArcView GIS standard dialog. This dialog will then appear when choosing Add Field in the ArcView GIS edit menu. You can turn this option on or off whenever you like.

This is done in the "Settings" tab in the lower section of the toolbar.

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Add Record(s)
In the floating toolbar you will find a tool for adding one or more records.

This button works in two ways. Simply clicking on it adds a single record, just as does the ArcView GIS Add Record. If, however, you hold down the shiftkey while clicking at this button, you can specify the number of records to be added. When holding down the shift key while clicking on this button, the following will appear:


1. 2. 3. 4.

Specify here how many records you want to your table. Add the number of records specified. Cancel this operation Show the help file

Simply specify how many records to be added and click OK. That number of records is then added to the table.

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String Conversion
TableEdit includes a number of string manipulation tools. These can be reached from the floating toolbar:

These four buttons above provide quick methods for manipulating existing string values. These tools are only executable (1)if the table is editable and (2)a string field is active. If the table has any selected records, then only these will be processed.

The tools are (from left to right):

MakeUpper: Change the strings in the selected field to upper-case. MakeLower: Change the strings in the selected field to lower-case. TrimString: Remove spaces from the beginning and from the end of each string in the selected field. Capitalize: Make the first letter upper-case and the rest lower-case.

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Increase/Decrease decimals
TableEdit includes two tools that dynamically increase and decrease the number of decimals in a field. These can be reached from the floating toolbar:

These tools are only available when the table is editable and a decimal field is active. By clicking at the Increase Number of Button, one extra decimal place is added, and by clicking at the decrease number of decimal, one decimal place is removed. What really happens is that the field definition changes. This means that once you increase or decrease the number of decimals, the whole field is changed--it's not a visual trick. When decreasing the number of decimals, the values in the table are truncated and can not be retrieved again. Adding decimal places does, however, not change any values.

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Calculate number series

With TableEdit, you can calculate a numerical series in a selected field. This tool can be reached from the floating toolbar:

If the table has any selected records, then the series will be calculated for these records only. When you click on the button, a dialog box will ask what kind of series you request for calculation:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Calculate a linear number series Calculate a exponential number series The value that the series shall start on The constant by which the series shall increase. Calculate the numerical series Cancel this operation Show the help file

The start value is the numerical value that the series shall start on, and the step value is the number by which the start value shall be increased with each succeeding record. How the start value is increased depends on what type of series you are calculating.

Linear: The value is simply increased by adding the step value. For example, a start value of 10 and a step value of 5 would generate the following series: 10 15 20 25 ...

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Exponential: The last value in the series is multiplied by the step value. For example, a start value of 10 and a step value of 5 would generate the following series: 10 50 250 1250 ...

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Convert between number and string

TableEdit includes two tools for converting fields between numerical and character format. These can be accessed through the floating toolbar:

The table must be in edit mode and a number field or a character field must be active. These tools change the field definition from one to the other. String to number: When converting from a character field to a number field, the width and decimal format of the strings are calculated on the fly. This means that the new number field gets the correct number of decimals, etc. in order to convert and retain all string values. If all strings cannot be converted to numerical values, you will get a warning message. Number to string: When converting from a numerical field to a character field, the new character field will automatically be given the proper width to keep all converted numerical values. Optionally, you can choose to pad the string values with zeroes. You can do this by first selecting "Pad strings with zeroes" on the settings tab in the lower section of the floating toolbar. The strings will then get padded with zeroes, so that all string representations of the numerical values are the same width (justified right): Ex: 003.21 023.56 002.34 123.25

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Reformat field
TableEdit includes a tool for converting the active field to and from any name, type, width, and precision. This tool can be reached from the floating toolbar or the popup menu.

The table must be in edit mode and a field must be active. When selected, the following dialog box will appear:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


The current field name The current field type The current field width The current field precision The name chosen for the field after the reformat operation The type chosen for the field after the reformat operation The width chosen for the field after the reformat operation The precision chosen for the field after the reformat operation Check this option if you want to make sure that the values are valid before the actual reformatting is completed 10. Check this option if you want to the original field kept unchanged, while a new field is created with alterations. 11. Click at this button to reformat the field as specified in this dialog 12. Cancel this operation 13. Show the help file

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This dialog Show the Current Format of the field to the left and enables you to select the new format of the field to the right. You can change name, type, width and precision. At the bottom of the dialog you have two more choices: Check for valid data before reformatting. If you check this button the extension will review all data in the field for possible successful conversion before attempting to change the format. If there is any problem reformatting the data, then a dialogbox will inform you of this. You will also get an option to select the records that are causing the problem. Just make a copy of the field If you check this box, a new field will be created instead of reformatting the existing field.

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Save record/field order

With the TableEdit Extension you can save the visual appearance of a table to its shapefile or a new table. This can be done by clicking at the Save Order button in the floating toolbar or choosing Save Order in the TableEdit menu:

ArcView GIS does not save your record order nor your field order to the actual shapefile or dbf-file when you, for instance, sort the table or change the field order. If you are using the TableEdit Extension, however, then the field order, field aliases, etc. are saved to an alias file, see Show and hide field info. But this only fixes the visual appearance, not the actual order in the dbf-file/shapefile. The Save Record/Field Order Tool, on the other hand, actually rewrites all records and fields permanently to the .dbf/shapefile in your desired order.



1. Select this option if you wish to overwrite the existing table. Note: A backup of your table is saved before this operation 2. Save the table as a new file. 3. Select the outfile if you wish to save the table to a new file. 4. Select this option if you wish to save the current visual record order of the table. If not checked, the operation is faster, but the records are not rewritten into the new order. Instead, only the field order is saved. 5. Saves the order as specified 6. Cancel this operation 7. Show the help file A backup of the table is automatically written before the new order is saved, so if something goes wrong you can simply retrieve the backup and get your old table order back.

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Saving field order/alias This tool always saves the current field order to disk and attempts to rename the fields according to their aliases. Save record order Optionally, you can choose to save the recordorder as well. You may for instance wish to have the dbf-file/shapefile rewritten in the order of your chosen record order. Just check the save record order checkbox and hit OK. The current sequence of records will then be permanently rewritten in that order to the .dbf/shapefile. If you do not wish to overwrite your existing table, then you can choose to write it to a new filename instead. You original tables record and field sequences will then remain unaltered.

Note that this operation only works on dbf-files and attribute tables based on shapefiles.

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Retrieve Backup
Each time you start editing a dbf-table or a shapefile, the TableEdit Extension optionally saves a copy of the table at the start of the editing session. By clicking at the Retrieve Backup button on the floating toolbar or choosing Retrieve Backup in the TableEdit menu, the backup can be retrieved:

The backup is saved with the same name and in the same directory as the original file, but the tilde character "~" is added to the beginning of the new files name. The automatic backup can be turned off from the setting tab in the lower section of the toolbar. Read more about this in the setting section. Note that backup are only written for dbf-tables and shapefiles.

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The frequency command can be reached from either the TableEdit menu or from the floating toolbar.

Frequency is a command that produces a list of the unique code occurrences and their frequency for one or more fields in a table. Optionally, you can also choose to summarize one or more fields for each unique code combination. Frequency generates a completely new table containing the results of the operation. When triggered, this dialog will prompt you for input:



1. 2. 3. 4. Available fields in the active table. Note that only visible fields are displayed. Add the selected field to the list of frequency fields Remove the selected field from the list of frequency fields Frequency and possibly summaries will be calculated for each unique value occurrence in these fields. 5. Add the selected field to the list of summary fields 6. Remove the selected field from the list of summary fields 7. For each unique value occurrence in the frequency fields, a total sum will be calculated for these fields.

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8. Add a field to the active table containing the record number of the frequency-file to which that record was classified. This field value can be used to relate the in-table with the frequency table. 9. Select a name for the new case field here. 10. Name of the out file, should be a full path to a dbf-file. 11. Calculate the frequency as specified 12. Cancel this operation 13. Show the help file The same fields can not appear in both the frequency list and the summary list. Taken fields are therefore marked as gray in the available field list. Furthermore, you can not summarize string fields. Frequency may be used in the initial examination of a data set to see what occurs in the data set, or as an aid in classification to help identify cases that do not differ substantially. Frequency can also be used to pick out unusual cases for closer examination. Output from frequency is of two possible forms. In all cases, a table of unique occurrences is generated. If a case field is specified, then a case field, containing the record number of the unique case that would pertain to that particular record, is added to the in-table data file being examined. If any records are selected, then only these will be processed.

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Remove duplicates
The Remove Duplicates tool can be reached from either the TableEdit menu or from the floating toolbar.

This is an operation that removes records that have duplicated values in one or more fields. You can self specify in which fields the command shall search for duplicates. This is done in this dialog:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Available fields in the active table. Note that only visible fields are displayed. Add the selected field to the list of duplicate-search fields Remove the selected field from the list of duplicate-search fields Adds all fields to the list of duplicate-search fields Remove all fields from the list of duplicate-search fields Those fields that shall be searched when looking for duplicated records. For instance, one rarely wants to search in area and perimeter field. 7. Check this option if you want to flag the duplicated records in your in-table. A new field with the name "Is_Dupl" will then be added with the value set to true if the record is a duplicate and false if it is unique.
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8. Name of the out file, should be a full path to a dbf-file when working with pure tables and a full path to a shp-file when working with shapefiles. 9. Remove duplicates as specified. 10. Cancel this operation 11. Show the help file

The Remove Duplicates Tool always generates a new table. This table will have the same fields as the in-file, but records that have the same values in the selected duplicate fields will only occur once. This means that there will be a loss of data in the rest of the fields. For those fields not selected as duplicate field, the data are taken from the second of any duplicate pairor last of duplicate multiplesof the duplicated rows. If you are removing duplicates on a feature attribute table, then the out-file will be a shapefile, and if it's a pure table, then it will be a dbf-file. If any records are selected, the only those will be processed. As an extra option, you can choose to only flag your duplicates in the in-table. If you want this, check the "Flag duplicates in Table" option. A new field with the name "Is_Dupl" will then be added with the value set to true if the record is a duplicate and false if it is unique.

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Summarize Records
The summarize records command can be reached from either the TableEdit menu or from the floating toolbar.

When you select this tool you will see the following dialog.



1. Select the field for which you wish to change the summarize option in this list, and how it shall be summarized in the dropdown list at the right. 2. Select the field for which you wish to change the summarize option in the list at the left and how it shall be summarized here. 3. Check this box if you don't want to summarize this field 4. If you check this box, then only the selected records will be summarized 5. If you check this box, then the summarized records automatically will be removed from the table. 6. Summarize the records as specified and place the results in a new record at the bottom of the table. 7. Cancel this operation 8. Show the help file

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The Summarize Records tool is a tool that summarizes the values from all records for each field and places the result in a new record at the bottom of your table. Example:

For each field, you can choose how the values in that field shall be summarized. The options are: Average Summary Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation Variance First Last Count To set up how each field shall be summarized, select the field in the list at the left and how it shall be summarized in the box at the right. You can also choose to not summarize a field. Only summarize selected records If you select this option only the values in the selected records are summarized. Delete summarized records If you select this option, the records that are summarized are automatically removed after summarized.

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Table Report
This extension provides an easy way to document or simply view all information about your table. This is done with the table report tool. The tool can be reached from either the toolbar or the TableEdit menu.

With the table report tool you can easily output all kinds of information about your table. This includes things such as table name, filename, number of records/fields and information about each field. This tool is a great way to collect metadata on your table. A wizard will guide you through the process:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Report the table information to a dialog instead of to a file. Report the table information to a file instead of to a dialog. If you have selected to save the report to a file, enter the file name here. Select this option if you want a copy of the table report in plain text document. Select this option if you wish the table report in HTML format. This option can, for instance, be used if you wish to publish your table information on the Internet. 6. Check this radio button if you want to include the table creator in the report. 7. Check this radio button if you want to include the tables creation date in the report. 8. Check this radio button if you want to include the tables comments in the report. This is the comment that is written to the tables' properties.
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9. Check this radio button if you want to include the origin of the table. This is normally the filename of the table, but can also be SQL Table if the table was created using SQL connect. 10. Check this radio button if you want to include the type of the table. This reports what kind of table it is (dbase, INFO, etc) and the features class if it's a feature theme (polygon, point, etc). 11. Click at this button to go to the previous section in this wizard. 12. Click at this button to go to the next section in this wizard. 13. Cancel this operation



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Check this option if you want to include the number of records in the table. Check this option if you want to include the number of selected records in the table. Check this option if you want to include the number of fields in the table. Check this option if you want to include the number of visible fields in the table. Click at this button to go to the previous section in this wizard. Click at this button to go to the next section in this wizard. Cancel this operation

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1. Check this radio button if you don't want to generate any field information for each field in the table. 2. Check this radio button if you want to generate field information for all fields in the table. 3. Check this radio button if you only want to generate field information for the visible fields in the table. 4. Check this radio button if you only want to generate field information for the active field in the table. 5. Selects how the field information shall be reported ( all of a fields information on one linesee below). 6. Selects how the field information shall be reported (one unit of information per linesee below). 7. Check this option if you want to include the fields name in the field report section. 8. Check this option if you want to include the fields alias, instead, as the name in the field report section. 9. Check this option if you want to include the fields name and alias in the field report section. 10. Check this option if you want to include the fields type in the field report section. 11. Check this option if you want to include the fields width in the field report section. 12. Check this option if you want to include the fields precision in the field report section. 13. Check this option if you want to include the fields visible state in the field report section. 14. Click at this button to go to the previous section in this wizard. 15. Click at this button to go to the next section in this wizard. 16. Cancel this operation

Table Style generates a table with all field information. Example: Name Obje Vard Anvk


Width 3 59 16

Precision 0 0 0

Visible true true true

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

The information is tab-separated and therefore suitable for pasting into any spreadsheet software (such as Excel) One-By-One Style reports the field information one by one. Example Name: Field1 Type: CHAR Width: 3 Precision: 0 Visible: true Name: Field2 Type: CHAR Width: 59 Precision: 0 Visible: true Name: Field3 Type: DECIMAL Width: 16 Precision: 0 Visible: true

If you choose to make the report to dialog, than the result will be placed in a report dialog and if you choose to report to file, then the report will be written to a file instead.

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Spell check
The SpellCheck command can be reached from a number of different places and spellchecks differently depending on from where it is triggered. To spellcheck string entries in your table you can either click at the Spellchecker button in the floating dialog or choose Spellcheck in the TableEdit menu.

Besides spellchecking tables you can also choose to spellcheck textlabels in either a view or in a layout. To do this you can simply click at the spellcheck button in the standard buttonbar. Spell-checking tables: When the spell-checking tool are triggered from within the table document, the spellcheck engine attempts to spellcheck string fields in your active table. The table must therefore contain at least one visible string field. If any records are selected, then only those are spellchecked, and if the table has any active field, then only that field is spellchecked. When a spelling error is found, the Check-Spelling Dialog will appear. Read more about this below.

Spell-checking views and layouts: When the spell-checking tool is triggered from within a view or a layout document, the spellcheck engine attempts to spellcheck textlabels in the active document. If the document contains any selected textlabels, then only those will be checked for spelling error. When a spelling error is found, the Check-Spelling Dialog will appear. Read more about this below.

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Check-Spelling Dialog When a spell error is found, the Check-Spelling Dialog will appear and ask you for further action.

The dialog entries are as follows: (Note that the labels of some buttons and text boxes in the dialog change according to the context.)

Add button: Causes the reported word to be added to the dictionary selected in the Add Words To list. Use the Add button if a correctly spelled word you use often is reported as a misspelling (e.g., your family name). This button is enabled only if a user dictionary has been selected in the Add Words To list. Add Words To list: Indicates which user dictionary words will be added to when you select the Add button. The Add Words To list shows all user dictionaries currently open. You can open or close other dictionaries via the Dictionaries Dialog, which is accessible by selecting the Dictionaries button. Cancel button: Stops the current spelling run. Capitalization box: Contains an uncapitalized word that exists in the dictionaries in capitalized form only. You can edit the word in this box or select a suggestion from the list, then click the Change button to correct the word, or press the Ignore button to skip the word. Change button: Causes the reported word to be replaced. If the problem word was edited, the edited word is used as the replacement. Otherwise, the selected suggestion is used as the replacement. Consider Changing box: Contains a word which may be misspelled or otherwise incorrect, and is presented with a candidate replacement word. You can change the word by selecting the Change button, or skip it by selecting the Ignore button.

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Delete button: Removes the word from the text. This button appears when a doubled word has been detected, or when the contents of the problem-word box are deleted. Dictionaries button: Causes the Dictionaries Dialog to be displayed. You can use the Dictionaries dialog to open or close user dictionaries, and to edit the contents of user dictionaries. Ignore button: Causes this occurrence of a misspelled word to be skipped. Not in dictionary box: Indicates that a misspelled word was detected. The word is considered misspelled because it could not be located in any open dictionaries, or was marked with an exclude action. You can edit the word in this box or select a suggestion from the list, then click the Change button to correct the word, or press the Ignore button to skip the word. Options button: Displays the Options Dialog. You can use the Options dialog to set spellingchecker options. Suggest button: Search more thoroughly for suggested replacements for the current misspelled word. Each time you press the Suggest button, a "deeper" search is made. The Suggest button is disabled once all possible suggestions have been located. Suggestions list: Contains a list of suggested replacements for the word reported as misspelled. Subsequent presses of the Suggest button may yield more suggestions. The word selected in the Suggestions list will be used as the replacement when the Change button is pressed, unless the word in the problem box was edited.
The Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine Copyright 1999 Wintertree Software Inc. Swedish Dictionary Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Wintertree Software Inc. German Dictionary Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Wintertree Software Inc.

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Spelling Options
The spellcheck Options Dialog can be reached by either clicking at Options in the settingssection of the floating dialog or by clicking at options in the Check-Spelling Dialog.

You can use the Options Dialog to specify various spelling-checker options. These options affect the way the spelling checker operates. Ignore Capitalized Words: When enabled, any words beginning with a capital letter are ignored (i.e., are skipped over without being checked). You might enable this option if the text being checked contains many proper names. Ignore All-Caps Words: When enabled, any words containing all capital letters are ignored (i.e., are skipped without being checked). You might enable this option if the text being checked contains many acronyms. Ignore Words with Numbers: When enabled, any words containing embedded digits are ignored (i.e., are skipped without being checked). Examples of such words include Win95 and Q4. You might enable this option if the text being checked contains many code words or other symbols containing digits. Ignore Words with Mixed Case: When enabled, any words containing an unusual mixture of upper- and lower-case letters are ignored (i.e., are skipped without being checked). Examples of such words include MicroHouse and CapsLock. You might enable this option if the text being checked contains many variable names or other symbols which use case changes to distinguish words.

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Ignore Domain Names: When enabled, any words that appear to be Internet domain names (such as swegis.com) are ignored (i.e., are skipped without being checked). Report Doubled Words: When enabled, any word appearing twice in a row is reported via the Check-Spelling Dialog. Case Sensitive: When enabled, a distinction is made between capitalized and non-capitalized words. For example, canada is considered different from Canada, so canada would be reported as a misspelling. When the option is disabled, canada and Canada are considered identical. Note that the performance of the spelling checker will be reduced if this option is disabled. Phonetic Suggestions: When enabled, suggestions are made based on phonetic (sounds-like) similarity to the misspelled word. This option tends to improve suggestions for badly misspelled words. Enabling this option will increase the time required to locate suggestions. Note that either this option or the Typographical Suggestions option must be enabled or no suggestions will be offered. Typographical Suggestions: When enabled, suggestions are made based on typographical (looks-like) similarity to the misspelled word. This option is appropriate for people who are generally good spellers. Note that either this option or the Phonetic Suggestions option must be enabled or no suggestions will be offered. Suggest Split Words: When enabled, two separate words will be suggested as a replacement for a misspelling containing two joined words. For example, is the would be suggested as a replacement for is the. Auto Correct: When enabled, words marked with "Auto Change" actions will automatically be changed to their specified replacements. When disabled, you will be prompted before the words are changed. Suggestions: Determines the speed and accuracy of the initial search for suggested replacements for misspelled words. When a misspelled word is detected, a search is automatically made for suggestions. This option controls the speed and accuracy of this automatic search. Pressing the Suggest button in the Check-Spelling Dialog causes an increasingly more accurate (but slower) search for suggestions. OK button: Closes the Options Dialog, and saves any changes made to the option settings. Cancel button: Closes the Options Dialog, and discards any changes made to the option settings.

Spelling Dictionaries
The spellcheck Spelling Dictionaries Dialog can be reached by either clicking at Lexicons in the settings-section of the floating dialog or by clicking at Dictionaries in the Check-Spelling Dialog.

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The Dictionaries Dialog allows you to open and close user dictionaries, and to edit the contents of an open user dictionary. The contents of dictionaries are saved in disk files. You can open some or all of your user dictionary files at any time. Only open dictionaries are searched during a spell check session. Action list: Used to select an action that is associated with words in the dictionary. The action tells the spelling checker what to do when it finds a word in the dictionary. The following actions can be selected: Auto change (use case of checked word): This action allows you to automatically replace one word with another. For example, if you often type receive instead of receive, you might enter the word receive with receive as the other word and "Auto change (use case of checked word)" as the action. The spelling checker will automatically correct recieve wherever it appears. If recieve was capitalized Receive, the spelling checker would automatically replace it with Receive. Note that the replacement is made automatically only if the "Auto Change" option is enabled (see the Options Dialog for information on the Auto Change option). Auto change (use case of other word): This action allows you to automatically replace one word with another, always with the same case pattern as the other word. This action is useful for automatically expanding abbreviations. For example, you could enter the word TBD with To Be Determined as the replacement string and "Auto change (use case of other word)" as the action. The spelling checker will automatically replace TBD with to be determined wherever it appears. Note that the replacement is made automatically only if the "Auto Change" option is enabled (see the Options Dialog for information on the Auto Change option). Conditionally change (use case of checked word): This action allows you to optionally replace one word with another. For example, if you often type receive instead of receive, you might enter the word receive with receive as the other word with "Auto change (use
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case of checked word)" as the action. The spelling checker will ask if you want to replace receive with receive. If receive was capitalized Receive, the spelling checker would ask if you wanted to replace it with Receive. Conditionally change (use case of other word): This action allows you to optionally replace one word with another, always with the same case pattern as the other word. This action is useful for optionally expanding abbreviations. For example, you could enter the word TBD with To Be Determined as the replacement string and "Conditionally change (use case of other word)" as the action. The spelling checker will ask if you want to replace TBD with To Be Determined. Exclude (treat as misspelled): This action tells the spelling checker that the word is misspelled, even if it is listed in another dictionary. Words marked with this action will never be offered as suggestions for misspelled words, and they will be reported as misspellings when they are encountered by the spelling checker. Note that the spelling checker looks up words in user dictionaries in the order in which they appear in the Files list. If you want to exclude a word, make sure it doesn't appear in a previous user dictionary. Ignore (skip): This action tells the spelling checker that the word is spelled correctly, and so can be skipped over. This is the most common action. Add File button: Opens a user-dictionary file. When you select the Add File button, a dialog appears which you can use to select the dictionary file to open. The set of open dictionary files is remembered, so once you add a dictionary file you don't need to add it again. If you need to create a new-user dictionary, use the New button. You can open other applications' user-dictionary files. Add Word button: Causes the word entered in the edit area of the Words list to be added to the currently selected dictionary. The currently selected action and other word are associated with the word. You can use the Add Word button to change the action or other word associated with a word. Note that the Add Word button is enabled only when a new word is typed in the edit area of the Words list. The words you add may contain virtually any character, but only words which contain embedded periods should have trailing periods (e.g., U.S.A. is OK, but USA. is not). Close button: Closes the Dictionaries dialog. Delete Word button: Causes the word appearing in the edit area of the Words list to be removed from the currently selected dictionary. The associated action and other word are also removed. Export button: Saves the contents of the currently selected dictionary to a text file. When you select the Export button, a dialog appears which you can use to select the name of the text file to which words in the dictionary will be exported. The words are written to the file one per line. Files list: Contains the list of open dictionary files. When you select a file from the list, its contents are displayed in the Words list. Import button: Adds the words contained within a text file to the currently selected dictionary. When you select the Import button, a dialog appears which you can use to select
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the text file to be imported. Each word in the selected file is loaded into the dictionary. Note that importing a large list of words may take some time. Language: Displays the language (e.g., English or French) of the words in the currently selected dictionary. New button: Creates a new user-dictionary file. When you select the New button, a dialog appears which you can use to specify attributes of the new dictionary. See the New Dictionary Dialog for details. Other Word box: Contains an alternate word associated with the currently selected word. The other word is used in the "Auto change" and "Conditionally change" actions to supply a replacement word. You can enter more than one word in the Other Word box, but the total length should be limited to 63 characters. Remove File button: Closes the currently selected dictionary file. Closed dictionaries are not checked during a spelling check. Although the file is closed, it is not deleted. Closed dictionary files can be later reopened using the Add File button. Words list: Contains the list of words in the currently selected user dictionary.

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New Dictionaries
The spellcheck New Dictionaries Dialog can be reached by clicking at new in the Spelling Dictionaries Dialog.

You can use the New Dictionary Dialog to specify the attributes of a new user dictionary. Browse button: Displays a dialog that shows the names of other user dictionary files. You can use the dialog to view the names of existing dictionary files, and to enter the name of the new dictionary file. Cancel button: Closes the New Dictionary Dialog without creating a new dictionary. File Name box: Contains the name of the disk file used to hold the contents of the new dictionary. You can enter a name here or use the Browse button to display a dialog showing the names of other dictionary files. Language list: Specifies the language (e.g., French, English) of the words the new user dictionary will contain. If the language you want to use is not listed, select "Any." OK button: Closes the New Dictionary Dialog and creates the new dictionary.

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Selecting language
The TableEdit Extension are delivered with a set of language supplements that allows you to check spelling in your own language. When the extension first is installed, the spellchecker are using the American English dictionary. You can change this language in the language selection dialog.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Select the language that you want the spellchecker to use. Make the selected language the one that the spellchecker uses. Cancel this operation Show the help file

This dialog can be reached from the spellcheck option in the options tab that you find in the lower section of the toolbar. Just select your language and click at the OK button. If you can't find your language, please let SWEGIS know that you want it, and maybe it will be included in the next release. Version 1.0 has support for following languages: - American English - British English - German - Swedish

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Attribute Wizard
Attribute Wizard, the wizard
The Attribute Wizard can be reached from a number of different places. The standard buttonbar in either the view or table document, the TableEdit menu or the floating toolbar:

The attribute wizard allows you to easily edit your tables either directly from the view window, or from the table document. This wizard will generate a form for you, exactly as you want it. This form can then be used to edit your table values in a quick and easy way. Using this form when setting attributes for your feature theme will save you a lot of time. If this is the first time you wish to use the wizard on a table, then you will be asked to go through a guide that allows you to specify exactly how the form shall handle your attributes. The first dialog that you see is this one:


1. This is just an example control, you don't need to select anything here. 2. This is just an example control, you don't need to select anything here. 3. This is just an example control, you don't need to select anything here.
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4. 5. 6. 7.

Show the help file Show the previous dialog in the wizard Show the next dialog in the wizard Finish the guide and Show the wizard form

This dialog is the beginning of a guide that will let you set edit options for each field in your table. You can, for each field, choose to use a simple edit box, a drop-down box or a drop-list box. This first dialog shows you how the various control options work. Just click Next when you are done here. Clicking at the finish button will generate a form with simple edit boxes. After this first introduction there will be one dialog per field in your table. You can for each field chose exactly how you want it to appear in the wizard form. You can always redefine your edit options later.

1. Choose whether you want this field to be visible in the wizard form or not 2. Lets you edit this field as a simple edit box. A edit box is a simple box where you can enter your attribute values. 3. Lets you edit this field with a drop-down box. A drop-down box is a box where you can either enter a value or select one from the list. 4. Lets you edit this field with a drop-list box. A drop-list box is a box where you can only select an existing value from the list. 5. Enter a new string that shall appear in the list here and click at the arrow button at the right or press Enter 6. Enter a new string and click at this button or press Enter to make it appear in the list 7. This is the list of values that will show in the attribute form if you have chosen a dropdown box or a drop list box 8. If you check this option, the items in this list will always remain sorted in the attribute form. 9. Remove the selected list items from the list
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10. Remove all list items from the list 11. Export strings to a text-file. Each string will be placed on a separate row in this file. You can, for instance, export these values and use them in the string menu. 12. Import strings from a text-file. Each line in the file in treated as a new string. 13. Get a list of unique values from this table field 14. Show the help file 15. Show the previous dialog in the wizard 16. Show the next dialog in the wizard 17. Finish the guide and show the wizard form

Once you are ready, just click at the finish button to display the actual wizard form. The Attribute Wizard setting, for this table or shapefile, is saved in a file with the same filename as the table or shapefile but with a "tew"-extension instead. This means that there is one set of wizard setting per table. For more information about this file, see TableEdit Files

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Attribute Wizard, the dialog form

The Attribute Wizard can be reached from a number of different places. The standard buttonbar in either the view or table document, the TableEdit menu or the floating toolbar:

The attribute wizard allows you to easily edit you tables, either directly from the view or from the table document. If this is the first time you use the wizard with a particular active table, then you will be asked to go through a wizard where you define this form first. Once this is done, you will see a form that you can use to edit you table data.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Make the first record active Make the previous record active The record number of the currently active record Make the next record active Make the last record active Make a new record and makes is active Lets you redefine the setting for each field Show the help file

Values in the table are immediately updated as soon as an edit box loses its focus or if a new value is selected in a list box. The form only shows values for one record at the time. You can browse among the records with the arrows at the bottom of the dialog, select one record in your table or one feature in your view. The later means that if you keep the form open when digitizing new features, the form will automatically let you edit the attributes for the new objects when youve finished digitizing that feature. So when you make new features, just keep the form open and set the attributes directly.

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When browsing among your records with the arrow buttons at the bottom of the form, you can, optionally, setup the TableEdit Extension so that the newly selected record is flashed, selected, highlighted etc. Read more about how to set these properties here. The form is closed as soon as you change active theme or active document. You will then have to reopen it again.

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Attribute Wizard, setup

The attribute wizard can be configured to visualize the currently selected record in a number of ways. This is done in the "Settings"- section in the lower part of the floating toolbar.

The settings for a tables behavior when is active, or else when a view is are set separately. Table Behavior


1. Flash the record in the table when the Attribute Wizard changes to this record. 2. Select the record in the table when the Attribute Wizard changes to this record. The number of times the record shall be flashed is between 1 and 20 3. Save the new settings and closes the dialog 4. Cancel this operation 5. Show the help file Through this dialog you can specify the behavior of how a newly selected record is visualized in a table. Click at the picture above to get more information about each option. View Behavior

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1. 2. 3. 4.



Flash the shape in the View when the Attribute Wizard changes to its record The number of times the record shall be flashed. Shall be between 1 and 20 Select the shape in the view when the Attribute Wizard changes to its record. Highlight the shape in the view when the Attribute Wizard changes to its record. How a shape is highlighted depends on its topology: - Polygons are outlined with a line - Polygons are overdrawn with a line - Points and multipoints are overdrawn with a point The highlight is simply a graphic that is drawn on top of the shape. The graphic does not affect your shapefile and is automatically removed when you close the Wizard. 5. The width of the outline if it's a polygon theme or the line if it's a polyline theme 6. The color of the outline if it's a polygon theme or the line if it's a polyline theme 7. The size of the point symbol if it's a point or multipoint theme 8. The color of the point symbol if it's a point or multipoint theme 9. The view does not zoom to anything when a new record is activated 10. The view zooms to the newly selected shape. 11. The view zooms to the newly selected shape and sets the scale to your user-specified scale below. 12. The scale that you wish to zoom to if you use a fixed scale instead of the auto-scale option 13. Saves the settings and closes the dialog. 14. Cancel this operation 15. Show the help file

Through this dialog you can specify the behavior of how a newly selected record is visualized in a view. Click at the picture above to get more information about each option.
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Toolbar menu
The TableEdit toolbar provides you with an easy way to add frequently used strings to your table. These are kept in the first menu, labeled "Strings" in the floating toolbar.

In the string menu you can keep up to thirty different strings. By clicking at the string the TableEdit automatically fills the active cell or selected cells with the selected string value. How a string is used depends on selection, etc in your table: - If a cell is active (the prompt is in a cell), the string is copied into this cell - If a field is active, the string is inserted into every cell of this field. - If a field is active and there is a selection, the string is inserted only into the selected cells of this field. Note that the selected string is copied to the Windows clipboard as well. To add, remove or edit you strings, simply click at Edit String in the menu.



1. Place the string that shall appear in the string menu here and click at the add button or press enter 2. Add the new string to the string list 3. The strings that shall appear in the string menu 4. Delete the selected string(s)
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5. Delete all strings 6. Import strings from a text-file. Each line in the file in treated as a new string. 7. Export strings to a text-file. Each string will be placed on a separate row in this file. 8. Save the changes to the strings 9. Cancel this operation 10. Show the help file

The dialog above will then appear. Click at Import to import strings from a text-file, and Export to export the strings. When strings are imported from a text-file, each line in that file is treated as a new string. Tips: You can export strings from the Attribute Wizard and import them here to get unique field values, etc. The strings are saved application wide, meaning that there is only one set of strings regardless of which table you are editing.

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The TableEdit toolbar provides you with an easy way to make quick calculations to a field in a table. The QuickCalculate options are kept in the second menu, labeled "QuickCalculate" in the floating toolbar.

There are quite a few quick calculations that can be done, but common to them all is that the table must be editable and a field must be active. If the table has any selected records, then the calculations are only done to these records. Only the calculations that actually can be done are visible in this menu, and this all depends on the active table. These are the options structured on the table type:

All tables:
Record number: Calculate the record number, meaning the index of each record in the table. This index can start on either one or zero depending on the settings in the settings-section. To calculate more complex numerical series, please see the Calculate number series command. Date Now: Calculate the current date. Euler: Calculate the Euler constant (e, the base of natural logarithms). Pi: Calculate Pi.

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All attribute tables (tables with a shape field):

Center Y: Calculate y-coordinate if the shapes center. For point shapes this is the point itself. Note that it isn't the centroid y that is calculated, it's the y of the center of the shapes' extent. Center X: Calculate x-coordinate if the shapes center. For point shapes this is the point itself. Note that it isn't the centroid x that is calculated, it's the x of the center of the shapes' extent. Number of vertices: The number of vertices in the shape. For point shapes this will return 1.

Polygon tables:
Area: The area of each polygon. Perimeter: The perimeter of each polygon.

Polyline tables (all):

Length: The length of each polylines length. FNode X: Calculate the x-coordinate of the first vertex in the polyline. FNode Y: Calculate the y-coordinate of the first vertex in the polyline. TNode X: Calculate the x-coordinate of the last vertex in the polyline. TNode Y: Calculate the y-coordinate of the last vertex in the polyline.

PolylineM tables and PolylineZ tables that are measured:

FNode M: Calculate the M-value of the first vertex in the polyline. TNode M: Calculate the M-value of the last vertex in the polyline.

PolylineZ tables:
FNode Z: Calculate the Z-value of the first vertex in the polyline. TNode Z: Calculate the Z-value of the last vertex in the polyline.

The calculations can be done to any kind of field, except to the shape-field if such exists.

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The TableEdit toolbar provides you with a convenient way to save and retrieve selections for your table. These selections are kept in the third menu, labeled "Selections" in the floating toolbar.

In this menu you can easily save and apply selections to your table. The selections are saved in a file with the same name as the table file, but with a "sel" extension. This means that you can keep separate selections for each table and that the selections are saved so that they can be used by other users or by yourself at any time. At the top of the menu you will find all selections that are currently saved for the active table. By choosing one of these, the selection will automatically be changed to the selected selection. Do however note that the selections that are saved are not based on any query, so if you change attributes, adds records to the table, etc, you might consider redefining the saved selection. The "Add Current Selection" adds the current selection to the menu. You will be prompted for a name. This is the name that will appear in the menu, so try to choose meaningful names. The "Edit Selections" option helps you manage the selections:

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1. List of available selections for the active table. Select the selections that you want to remove and click at the button below to remove them. You can use Shift and Ctrl to select more then one item in the list. 2. Remove the highlighted selections above 3. Save the changes selections 4. Cancel this operation 5. Show the help file The only kind of edit that can be done is to delete already-saved selections. Simply select them in the listbox and click at the "Remove Selection(s)" button.

There are no limit to the number of selections that can be saved, but since the selections must be read from file each time a new table is activated, the update process might take a while if you have a huge number of selections. Since this may be quite annoying when you currently isn't using the selections, you can turn this section off. This is done in the settings-section in the lower section of the floating toolbar. Turning the selections off will not delete any of the selections saved. They will all reappear when you turn the selections on again. For information on how the selections are saved to disk, see the TableEdit Files section.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

The TableEdit toolbar provides you with an improved query dialog box, for saving and retrieving queries for your table. These queries are kept in the fourth menu, labeled "Queries" in the floating toolbar.

In this menu you can save and apply queries to your table. The queries are saved in a file with the same name as the table file, but with a "qry" extension. This means that you keep separate queries for each table and that the queries are saved so that they can be used by other users or by yourself at any other time. The complete TableEdit Query tool consists of both the Queries menu mentioned above and a new query builder that lets you build and save queries. The query builder can be reached from the floating toolbar or from the "Queries"- menu mentioned above.

Optionally you can choose to use this query builder instead of the ArcView GIS standard query builder. For this purpose you can setup the TableEdit Extension to show this query builder instead. This is done in the settings-section in the lower section of the floating toolbar. Chose integration in the left list and check the "Use TableEdit query builder in AV" option. The query builder is built very similar to the ArcView GIS standard dialog for this.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0



1. This lists the fields in the theme or table you are querying. If the Update Values choice is on, click once on a field to see all its unique values listed in the Values list. Double-click on a field to place it into the query text box. If you type in the name of a field instead of clicking in this list, field names are not case sensitive, so typing Area, area or AREA are all allowed. 2. Use these operators to specify relationships between Fields and Values in a query. Either click or double-click an operator to place it into the query text box. = > < <> >= <= () and or not equals greater than less than not equal to greater than or equal to less than or equal to expressions enclosed in parentheses are evaluated first. both expressions are true, e.g. [area] >= 100 and [area] <= 200 at least one expression is true, e.g. [rainfall] < 20 or [slope] > 35 excludes, e.g. not [name] <= "california"

The mathematical operators + - * / and arbitrary Avenue expressions can also be used in queries. To enclose an expression in parentheses, select it in the query text box by dragging over it with the mouse, and then click the ( ) operator. Parentheses will enclose the selected part of the query. 3. This lists the values for the chosen Field. Only unique values are listed. So, for example, if 5 features or records in the theme or table, that you are querying, have the same value for the chosen field, this value is only listed once in the Values list. Double-click a value to place it into the query text box. If the value you want to use is not in the list, type it into the query text box. Values cannot be displayed for tables containing more than 32000 records.
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4. By default, the Values list updates each time you choose a field. If there are a lot of values, it may take a moment for the values to be updated. Click this choice off if you don't want to update the values. This is particularly helpful if your query compares one field to another and you don't need to see their values, or if want to type specific values into the query text box instead of choosing them from the Values list. 5. This is where your query is displayed as you build it. 6. Saves the current query to file so that it can be applied and retrieved at any time later. 7. Show a menu with the saved questions (if any). Just select a query by its name in this menu and it will be loaded into the query text box. 8. Allows you to import queries from other tables. You will be asked to browse to an existing Query File (*.qry). Once selected you will get a list of the queries in that file to select from. Select the queries you wish to import and click OK. 9. Show the help file 10. Makes a new selected set containing the features or records selected in your query. Features or records not in this set are deselected. 11. Adds the features or records selected in your query to the existing selected set. If there is no existing selected set, the features or records specified in the query become a new set. Use this option to widen your selection. 12. Selects the features or records in your query from the existing selected set. Only those features or records in this existing set that are selected in your query will remain in the selected set. Use this option to narrow down your selection. Everything in this dialog works as usual, but there is an extra option to save queries and retrieve saved queries. To save a query To save a query, simply open the query builder, compose your query and click at the save button. You will be prompted for a name. This is the name that will appear in the menu, so try to choose meaningful names. Import queries To import queries from other tables, open the Query Builder and click at the Import button. You will be asked to browse to an existing Query File (*.qry). Once selected you will get a list of the queries in that file to select from. Select the queries you wish to import and click OK. Apply a saved query Just select the saved query in the "Queries"- menu. This will immediately apply the selected query to the active table. Remember that the queries are table specific, so you have one set of queries per table. Alternatively you can open the query builder and load the query by clicking at the small arrow next to the "Save Query" button. You will see a menu with the saved queries listed. Selecting a query automatically loads it to the query window. Remove Saved Queries To remove saved queries, simply choose "Edit Queries" in the "Queries"- menu. A dialog with the saved queries listed will then appear.

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1. List of available queries for the active table. Select the queries that you want to remove and click at the button below to remove them. You can use shift and ctrl to select more then one item in the list. 2. Remove the selected queries above 3. Closes this dialog and confirms the deletion of the removed queries. 4. Cancel this operation 5. Show the help file Select the queries you wish to remove in the listbox and click at the "Remove Queries" button.

There are no limit to the number of queries that can be saved, but since the queries must be read from file each time a new table is activated, the update process might take a while if you have a huge number of queries. Since this may be quite annoying when you currently isn't using the queries, you can turn this section off. This is done in the settings-section in the lower section of the floating toolbar. Turning the queries off will not delete any of the queries saved. They will all reappear when you turn the queries on again. For information on how the queries are saved to disk, see the TableEdit Files section.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Help Menu

The help menu in the floating toolbar simply gives you an additional way to open the help file.

The menu has three options: Opens the overview topic if the help menu Overview: Topics tab in the help file Topics: Shows the TableEdit about dialog About:

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Toolbar information
Toolbar | Table Info
Through the toolbar dialog you can get lots of extra information about the active table. This information can be viewed on the first tab in the lower section of the toolbar.

In the upper section you find information about the number of visible fields and the number of visible records and in the lower section you can find information about each field in the table. Just choose the field you want information about in the dropdown box to the left. The information about each field includes: Visible state: Whether the field is visible or hidden Field Alias: The field alias. If there are no alias, the real field name will be showed instead Type: The type of the field, for instance DECIMAL, STRING or POLYGON. Width: The width of the field. Decimals: The number of decimals in a decimal field. If the field isn't any decimal field, the number of decimals are zero. The information in this dialogsection is automatically updated whenever the information changes.

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Toolbar | Comments
The toolbar dialog gives you an easy way to view and edit the table documents comments. This information can be viewed on the second tab in the lower section of the toolbar.

The comments are nothing but a mirror of the comments that you normally find in the table properties dialog (Table | Properties). The toolbar does however give you a much easier way to view and alter these comments. Tips: You can use the comment section to copy and paste data while you are editing your table.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Toolbar | Settings
Through the settings section you can change the way the TableEdit commands behaves. This is done on tab number three on the lower section of the floating toolbar.

To change a setting, first chose one of the options in the list at the right. The settings are as follows:

Backup settings:
Backup dbf-files on start editing: The dbf-file will automatically be backed up whenever you start doing some edits on it. It highly recommended that you keep this option on, since ArcView GIS sometimes seems to mess up the table data upon save. Read more here. Backup shapefile if available: The shp and shx file will be saved as well, if such file exists.

Field settings:
Filldown with shape: The data in the shapefile will be copied upon filldown. Read more about the filldown command here. Pad strings with zeroes (ex 0021.34): When converting a numerical field to a string field you can by choosing this option automatically pad the strings with zeroes. For more information see Convert between number and string. Start record index on 1: When calculating the record index through the QuickCalculate menu, the index will start on one. If this checkbox is left blank, the index will start on zero instead.

Spell check:
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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Option: Shows the Check-Spelling Dialog. Lexicons: Shows the Spelling Dictionaries Dialog. Language: Shows the Selecting language dialog.

Activate selections menu: Check this box if you want the selections menu in the floating toolbar to be active. Keeping this menu active means that the selections are updated whenever a new table is activated. If you have tables with lots of saved selections, this can become quite annoying. In that case, just turn it of. You can always turn it back on later, and all selections will still be there. Read more here Activate query menu: Check this box if you want the queries-menu in the floating toolbar to be active. Keeping this menu active means that the queries are updated whenever a new table is activated. If you have tables with lots of saved queries, this can become quite annoying. In that case, just turn it of. You can always turn it back on later, and all queries will still be there. Read more here Ask before deleting fields: Asks if the field really shall be deleted or not before actually removing it. Read more here. Add new field after active: Select this option if you want new fields to be added directly after the active field instead of at the end of the tables' fields. Read more about adding fields here.

Attribute Wizard:
Table Behavior: Click to select how the Attribute Wizard shall behave when a table is active. For more information see Attribute Wizard, setup. View Behavior: Click to select how the Attribute Wizard shall behave when a view is active. For more information see Attribute Wizard, setup.

Use TableEdit field adder in menu: Chose this option if you want to use the TableEdit dialog for adding fields to appear instead of the ArcView GIS standard dialog when selecting "Add Field" in ArcView GIS. Read more about adding fields here. Use TableEdit query builder in AV: Chose this option if you want the TableEdit query builder to appear instead of the ArcView GIS standard dialog when selecting "Query" or clicks at the query button in ArcView GIS. Read more about queries here.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Toolbar | Drop pad

The toolbar dialog gives you an easy way open files in ArcView GIS. This is done with the fourth tab in the toolbar dialog, the drop pad section.

By dragging and dropping files to the drop pad, the files are automatically opened in ArcView GIS. The files can be dragged from for example the explorer. Once the files are dropped, the TableEdit Extension determines what kind of file it is and tries to open it. Tabular data such as dbf- and txt-files are opened as tables, apr-files (ArcView GIS projects) are imported and all other data are handled as if they where feature data. The later data are then opened in a view document. This means that you can drop shapefiles, CAD-files or whatever other data source to the pad, and they are all opened in a view.

Tips: You can drop multiple files here and they will all be opened in ArcView GIS

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

File information
The ini-file
All settings for the TableEdit Extension are saved in a standard Windows ini-file named tableedit.ini. This file are located in you ArcView/bin32 directory. However if this file can't be written to, for instance if it is write protected, the file will locate it self to you system directory instead, for example c:\windows\. This means that if ArcView GIS is installed on a network disk and several users are using the same TableEdit installation, they will all share the same settings. To avoid this you can simply set the tableedit.ini file in ArcView/bin32 to read only. Each local machine will then get it's own ini-file in their system directory instead.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

TableEdit Files
This extension keeps some of the necessary information in files. This section explains which files that are used and in some cases the structure of them. The "ali"-file: (Alias) Keeps information about the table's aliases etc. If any alias etc has been saved, one of these files exists per table file. This file then has the same name as the table file, but with an "ali"suffix instead of a dbf suffix. This file only exists with dbf-files. The ali-file is saved as an ODB-file and has the following structure. {Table Comments,Table Creator} {Name,Alias,IsVisible,Pixelwidth} 'Field 1 {Name,Alias,IsVisible,Pixelwidth} 'Field 2 ... .. {Name,Alias,IsVisible,Pixelwidth} 'Field x Table comments is the comments of the table document (appears in the "Comments" section of the floating toolbar). Table creator is the name of the tables' creator. The rest of the file consists of lists of information for each field in the table. Name is the fields' name, a string Alias is the field alias, a string IsVisible, the fields visible state, a boolean PixelWidth, the width of the field, an integer. This is the visible width as it is showed in the table document. The "sel"-file: (Selection) Keeps the tables selections and name of these selections. If any selections have been saved, one of these files exists per table file. This file then has the same name as the table file, but with an "sel"- suffix instead of a dbf suffix. This file only exists with dbf-files. The sel-file is saved as an ODB-file and has the following structure. {Name,Selection } 'Selection 1 {Name,Selection } 'Selection 2 ... .. {Name,Selection } 'Selection x The name is the name as it appears in the menu (a string) and the selection a bitmap with the selected bits set to true.

The "qry"-file: (QueRY)

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Keeps the tables queries and name of these queries. If any queries have been saved, one of these files exists per table file. This file then has the same name as the table file, but with an "qry"- suffix instead of a dbf suffix. This file only exists with dbf-files. The qry-file is saved as an ODB-file and has the following structure. {Name,Query} 'Query 1 {Name,Query } 'Query 2 ... .. {Name,Query } 'Query x The name is the name as it appears in the menu (a string) and the selection a string with the query.

The "tew"-file: (TableEdit Wizard) Keeps information about the attribute wizard settings for each table. This is a binary file that includes a number if MFC objects. This file is therefore undocumented. This file has the same name as the table file, but with an "tew"- suffix instead.

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More help
This section covers the most frequently asked question. If you can't find the answer to your question, just contact SWEGIS at [email protected]. Q The view isn't correctly updated when I'm using the search tool. A If the search dialog is opened from the table document this may be a problem. Just close the search dialog and open it again from the view document. Q Lots of the buttons and menu choices are disabled (gray) so that I can't use them. A Just as any other Windows applications, the TableEdit Extension disables buttons when the operation it represent can't be executed. Each command requires different things to be available (not gray). Some need the table to be in edit mode and some not. Also, lots of the commands need an active field. For more information see each specific command. Q The selection menu is not active so I can't add or apply previously saved selections. A If all choices in this menu are gray, this means that the selection menu is turned off. You can turn it back on again from the setting section. Q In the attribute table of my CAD theme, the floating toolbars always states that only a few of my records are visible, but clicking at the "show records" button doesn't show them. A In CAD themes there are always a number of records that you can't see. This is the way ArcView GIS reads and displays CAD files. Don't worry, you see all records that you are supposed to see. Q I'm trying to do a fill down and copy the shapes from one record downward, but the shape isn't copied. A First make sure that you have checked that the option "Fill down with shapes" are set in the settings section. If it is, then it's most likely that any of your fields in the table currently are active. When you have an active field, then only data from that field are copied downwards. Deactivate the field and try again.

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The TableEdit Extension 2.0

Contact SWEGIS
This software is developed by SWEGIS. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve this software, please contact Mikael Elmquist.

Address: SWEGIS Mikael Elmquist vre Bursliden 9 412 64 Gteborg

Telephone: +46 (0)31-7085652 +46 (0)70-6050161 Fax +46 (0)31-7085653

E-mail [email protected] Internet www.swegis.com

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