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Tahir Academy Handbook

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Tahir Academy Baltimore Handbook Version 1.0 | School Board

Tahir Academy Handbook

Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Structure ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Advisory Board ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 School Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Roles........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Advisory Board ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Administration ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Principal......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Teaching Staff .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Administrative Staff ................................................................................................................................... 7 Student Decorum ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Regulations............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Policies ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Age of Students for Sunday school ............................................................................................................... 9 Registration ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 School Year ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Dress Code ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Absence ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 Tardiness ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Early Dismissal .............................................................................................................................................. 12 Inclement Weather & Conflicts with other events ................................................................................. 12 Home Work...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Rewards, Awards and Recognition ............................................................................................................ 13 Field Trips ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Books and School Supplies .......................................................................................................................... 13 Students Role and Expected Behavior ......................................................................................................... 14 Classroom ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Lunch ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Salat .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 7501 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore Maryland Page 2

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Waqar-e-Amal ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Toys and Personal Items: ............................................................................................................................. 16 Sports & Extra Curricular Activities ........................................................................................................ 16 Parents Role ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Complaints and Disagreements.................................................................................................................. 17 Teachers Role ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Volunteering ................................................................................................................................................... 18 Benefits of becoming a Sunday School Volunteer .................................................................................. 18 How to volunteer ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Age Groups and Class Assignments .......................................................................................................... 19 Courses ............................................................................................................................................................. 19

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Introduction Tahir Academy (previously known as Baltimore Sunday School) is a pilot project under the auspices of Jamaat Baltimore in cooperation with local missionary, Lajna ImaIllah, Khuddam-ul- Ahmadiyya, Ansarullah, local Waqf-e-Nau Department and the National Tarbiyat Department. The idea is to provide a sustainable learning environment for Ahmadi boys and girls alike, making sure that they receive quality religious education and moral training without compromising their respective Atfal, Nasirat and Waqf-e-Nau learning objectives and goals. All stakeholders are represented on the School Board that is responsible for Policy, Curriculum and Financial resources. Day-to-day operations and school functions are performed by an all volunteer qualified and experienced teaching staff and administrative staff under the supervision of the School Principal. Principal is appointed by the local Jamaat president in consultation with the School Board. All administrative, disciplinary, operational and teaching staff matters must be referred to the Principal. All policy, curriculum and financial matters must be referred to the Advisory Board through the Secretary of the Board. In order to make it a rewarding and pleasant experience for everyone involved in Tahir Academy, some ground rules are necessary for everyone to understand and follow. This handbook is prepared to achieve that purpose. This hand book can be amended or updated as the need arises. Amendments, additions and update requests should be referred to the Advisory Board through the Secretary of the Board (the Vice President of Baltimore Jamaat) for adjudication and approval by the board.

Name of the School In January 2014, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) graciously approved Tahir Academy as the name of all children schools/classes being administered by various Jamaats within the United States.

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Objectives Provide an environment that is friendly and conducive for our children to learning and proudly practicing the fundamentals of our faith in a pluralistic society. We want Ahmadi children to be role models, not followers, among their peers. This is possible once children are capable to defend their faith with the power of argument and logic.

Structure Tahir Academy Baltimore has the following structure:


School Advisory Board

Teaching Staff

1, Chairman of the Board - (Jamaat president) 2, Secretary of the Board (Vice President Jamaat) 3. Sadr Lajna Imaillah 4. Qaid Majli Khuddamul Ahmadiyya

Administrative Staff Vice Principals Communication & Logistics Coordinator Lunch Coordinator Sports Coordinators Volunteer Staff

5. Missionary 6. Secretary Waqf-e-Nau 7. Murabi Atfal (from Majlis Ansarullah) 8. Principal

Advisory Board Advisory Board: consists of the following office holders: 1. 2. 3. President, Baltimore Jamaat Vice President Baltimore Jamaat Sadr Lajna Imaillah, Baltimore
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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Qaid Khuddamul Ahmadiyya , Baltimore Jamaat Secretary Waqf-e-Nau, Baltimore Jamaat Missionary representing National Tarbiyat Department Murabi Atfal from Ansarullah Principal

School Administration 1. 2. 3. 4. Principal Teaching Staff Administrative Staff Volunteer Staff

Roles 1. Baltimore Jamaat President will be the Chairman of the Board. Board decisions must be approved by the Chairman. 2. Vice President will act as the Secretary of the Board 3. The Chairman may delegate some of his responsibilities to other board members. 4. Board has the authority to form sub-committees as needed for specific purpose. 5. Board decisions are made by a simple majority only if approved by the Chairman / President of the Jamaat. 6. A Principal will be appointed by the Chairman in consultation with the Advisory Board. 7. Principal is the administrative head of the school and as such is responsible for day to day operation and functioning of the school. 8. Principal is responsible to recruit and appoint teaching and administrative staff members as he deems fit. Principal may appoint one or more vice-principals to help him in execution of his duties. 9. School teaching and administrative staff is to take direction from and is reportable to the Principal, the Board and the Jamaat President.
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Responsibilities Advisory Board Advisory board is responsible for: a. Curriculum Development and Approval b. School Policies, Rules and Regulations c. Schools financing and budget d. All policy matters related to the smooth functioning of the school Administration Principal a. Execution and implementation of the Board decisions b. Enforcement of the approved policies c. School year schedule development and implementation d. Day to day functioning and operation of the school Teaching Staff a. Teach the prescribed curriculum b. Evaluate, record and report students progress and performance on regular basis to the parents c. Recommend awards for deserving and distinguished students to the Principal Administrative Staff Communication & Logistics coordinator: Parent-Teachers communications Coordinate logistics needs Students Registration Student's records management
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Progress reports

Lunch Coordinator Make suitable lunch arrangements Sports Coordinator for Atfal Responsible for establishing an organized sports program for Atfal Sports/Crafts for Nasirat Responsible for organizing Nasirat extra-curricular activities Volunteer Program and Activities coordinator Plan and organize volunteer projects Recruit Volunteers for projects Monitory progress and track volunteer hours Award Volunteer Service certificates

Student Decorum Students at the school will find that if they behave as responsible Ahmadi Muslims, they will be treated with respect, love, and care. This self-imposed discipline is to everyone's benefit and helps create a pleasant school atmosphere. However, there must be certain fundamental regulations. These are in accord with the guidelines of Islam. They are not designed to inhibit or restrict students but to assist the orderly functioning of the school so that everyone can go about primary task of getting good Islamic education.

Regulations Come on time every time to the school, dressed and groomed in accordance with the Islamic guidelines of Cleanliness and Dress.
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Come prepared for school by arriving with the intention and attitude to learn as well as the necessary items needed for school including homework notebooks, writing implements, completed homework assignments, and so on. Observe the accepted Islamic Rules for behavior in dealing with the teachers, school officials, parents, and fellow students. Special attention should be paid to proper Islamic behavior between the genders. Cooperate with school personnel by listening and obeying instructions in order to maintain a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the school. Assume full responsibility for erroneous acts or bad behavior and accepting disciplinary action when applied.

Policies Age of Students for Sunday school The school is for the students between the ages 5-15 years, boys and girls. However, the classes will be held separately for each gender age 10 years and above. Children under 6 years of age must be accompanied by a parent. Registration Parents are required to properly register their children with the school administration before they can be admitted to attend a class. Registration form must be completed and submitted with the school administration. Parents must sign applicable waivers and commitments to send their child to school per advertised schedule. School Year Academic year starts first week of September and ends the last week of June. School administration may break the year into three terms of 12 weeks each
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or as it deems appropriate. The principal is responsible for preparing, publishing and distributing the school schedule in consultation with the teaching and administrative staff. School schedule and events must synchronize with the local and regional Jamaat functions. In case of a conflict, local Jamaat and then the regional Jamaat event takes precedence. Salat Times at the Baitul Karim are scheduled by the President in consultation with the local Amla. Once published, the School (and all other auxiliaries) must synchronize their events and meetings at the Baitul Karim with the local Salat Time at Baitul Karim. It is neither appropriate nor practical to change the Salat Time to accommodate various events and meetings and can only be done in extreme circumstances with the permission of the Jamaat President. Dress Code Dress in accordance with Islamic Guidelines will be required of all those participating in the school (mentioned above). Specifically, the boys are required to wear a cap, clean shirts and long pants that are loose fitting and opaque. The outfit should not be adorned with pictures of animals or human beings in any form or display profane language. This particularly pertains to musical bands and celebrity shirts. The females will be required to wear loose fitting, modest clothing that only reveals the hands and face (covering everything else including the hair). In addition, they should not wear clothing with the images detailed above. Proper head dress (cap/scarf) is required for both boys and girls when the school is in session.

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Absence Absence from the school jeopardizes the ability of the student to satisfactorily complete the prescribed course of study. The interruption of the instructional process caused by frequent and/or repeated absence or tardiness is a major concern to all involved. It is in this light that a total of 3 Absences (whether excused or not) per term is considered acceptable. A student exceeding this amount may be subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions may include counseling, parent principal conference, and partial or permanent suspension of the student depending on the gravity of the violation. More than three excused/unexcused absences will jeopardize the students place for the perfect attendance award at the end of the Term/School Year. Tardiness The parents cooperation is sought in ensuring that the students arrive on time. Since the teachers receive less than 3 hours with the children each week for instruction, it is very important that they lose no time in the first period due to students late arrival and the resulting disruption. It is the responsibility of the parent to see that his/her child is on time for school. This means that the student should be in the classroom promptly by the scheduled start time. Students arriving late by six minutes must seek the on-site Pricipals permission before entering the class room. Student will be marked Tardy for that day. Once permitted, student must enter the classroom quietly without disrupting the class. Arriving late more than 3 times in one term may result in disciplinary action.

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Arriving late and completely missing first two mods will be counted as attendances. Early Dismissal Early dismissal is not encouraged. However, under extreme and pressing circumstances, the early dismissal must be coordinated with the Principal or Acting-Principal on site. Students leaving before offering Zuhr Salat will be marked absent for the day which may affect their standing for recognition or award at the end of school year. Drop-off, Pickup Parents are responsible to arrange and coordinate drop-off and pick up of their children by a responsible adult on scheduled times. If someone other than the parent or sibling is authorized to pick up a child at dismissal, the on-site principal must be informed by the parent of this arrangement before the child will be released to that person. The name of the on-site principal is published on the duty roster every week. Inclement Weather & Conflicts with other events Principal will make the school closing decision after consultation with the School administration and Teaching Staff and in case of inclement weather or other conflicts in consultation with the local Jamaat president and auxiliary heads. School will follow Baltimore County libraries and/or parks and recreation closing announcements as a general guideline for the inclement weather decision making. Parking and safety conditions at Masjid Baitul Karim will be a factor in school closing decision as well. http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/recreation/programdivision/weat her.html

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School closing decision will be communicated to the parents via email on record in mentioned in the Registration Form NLT (no later than) 09:00 AM Sunday morning. Parents can call the Baitul Karim Hotline (xxx-xxx-xxxx) to find out the cancellation or closing status of the school. Home Work Homework is assigned by the teachers and tracked by the administration for each class so that the progress made by the students can be assessed and effectiveness of the schooling can be measured/judged. Student folders will be sent home with each student for parents to go over the home work with their child. Home work folder must be singed by a parent and returned to school every week. Rewards, Awards and Recognition School administration will establish appropriate awards, rewards and achievement certificates at the end of each term/school year to recognize student hard work and achieving the learning objectives. Field Trips At least one or maximum of two field trips will be organized by the school administration to enhance students learning and knowledge by observing and relating their studies to the real world events. Administration may request contributions from parents to offset the cost of the field trip. However, no student will be denied participation in the field trip because of his/her inability to contribute towards the cost. Books and School Supplies Procurement of prescribed books and required supplies and bringing them to school is the responsibility of each student. Parents are to make sure that

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their child has the required material and brings the needed material to school

Students Role and Expected Behavior Respect your teachers and your elders. Greet each other and everyone with Asslamualikum when you come to school and when you leave. Please close the main entrance door behind you when you enter. Heat loss during the winter is quick and it takes a lot of time and money to keep the place warm. Do not enter the building with muddy shoes. Wipe your shoes clean before entering the building. If you are provided name tags for a class, they need to be deposited before going for lunch. Respect bathroom signs and gender usage. No running on the stairway. You might trip and fall. As you do in your schools, at the end of the day, please put your chair back in the right way. It would greatly help all of us in clean up. Cooperate with school personnel by listening and obeying instructions in order to maintain a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the school. Assume full responsibility for erroneous acts or bad behavior and accepting disciplinary action when applied. Classroom No electronic devices in class rooms. Any note taking should be done the old fashioned, paper and pen way.

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No playing around in the classrooms and mosque area when you are waiting for the teacher to arrive or Salat to start. Don't start running around immediately after the Salat is over. Be patient and let other complete their Salat/Sunnah/Tasbeehat before start talking. Lunch Eat only in the designated area when and where you are served the food. Do not cut lines or start eating out of boxes on your own. Lunch for children is always supervised and the children must follow the instructions of the person serving the food. Always start and end you meals with prescribed prayers. Always finish what you put in your plate and don't put food or drinks that you cannot finish laying around. This is the Islamic way of eating. Please deposit your trash in the trash bin right after eating. Don't leave it on the chairs, tables or halls for someone else to come and pick it up. Salat Make your Wudhu at home before coming to Masjid. Make it a habit to do your Wudhu every time after using the bathroom. Cleanliness is half the faith! Make sure that you wipe the rest room toilet seats and sinks clean for the next person who comes in to use. Absolutely no shoes in the prayer area. Place your shoes on the shoe rack located just outside the prayer room.

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Waqar-e-Amal Make it a habit be proactive in helping to keep the Mosque clean and free of trash. Do not leave the blessings of keeping the Masjid clean for the next person to receive. Masjid is House of Allah and it is our duty to keep the House of Allah neat and clean all the time so that there is no distraction for anyone who is trying to concentrate on his/her worship. Toys and Personal Items: Bringing toys and personal sporting equipment and items from home is discouraged as it causes disruption in the learning process. Sports & Extra Curricular Activities Organized and supervised sports and crafts activities are part of the school and the students should actively participate in those activities during scheduled hour.

Parents Role Please help your child to do wudhu before coming to mosque. At the mosque they wont have to take off their socks and massah would suffice. This will immensely shorten time children are currently taking for wudhu. Help your child to observe proper dress code. Dangling clothes like ghrararas and flappers increase the risk of a child falling/injuring themselves on the hard flooring. Please send in their school supplies such as pencils, paper, crayons, clip board, note book, course related book. Please talk to your child about the importance of staying in a group in and around the mosque and not wandering alone.

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Send students to school on time in the proper state of health; clean, well groomed and dressed in accordance with Islamic Dress code. A parent must stay with the child at school who is under 6 years of age. Early dismissal must be discussed with the on-site principal before taking your child home. Issues and concerns must be first discussed with the Principal. Unresolved issues can be referred to the Board and/or the President of Baltimore Jamaat. School administration reports to the President of the Jamaat and not any other Jamaat/auxiliary office holder.

Complaints and Disagreements Disagreements must be addressed and resolved at the lowest level possible and as soon as possible. If an unresolved issue must be raised above the principal level, it must be in writing with all the facts listed. A copy of the complaint must be provided to the principal as well as the person the complaint is being made against. (That is a standard procedure followed by Jamaat). The ultimate decision making authority in school matters rests with the Chairman of the Board and his decision will be binding on all involved.

Teachers Role Being an educator, teachers of the school have the most important role to shape the character of our children. All teachers for the school are volunteers who donate a significant amount of time to prepare and educate the students. We seek and select best qualified teachers who could be the best role models for the children. As such, they must be practicing what they teach. Teachers will be appointed as needed by the Principal in consultation with the Chairman of the School Board. Once accepted into the school as a teacher, it is the teachers responsibility to prepare and submit a syllabus he/she is going to cover for each term of the year.

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Teachers will assess track and report progress of each student to the communication coordinate who in turn will share it with the Principal and the parents.

Volunteering Volunteers are the most important part of the Tahir Academy and its success. We encourage all parents to take active part in the religious education and spiritual training of their children by offering to help Jamaat in providing a conducive, friendly and attractive environment for our children to learn and excel. The minimum age for volunteers at the school is 15 years old (a Khadim/Lajna) or in the 9th grade. Exceptions may be made for senior Atfal/Nasirat under age 15 who are eager to help. Student volunteers age 14 and above may receive credit for student service learning hours. Benefits of becoming a Sunday School Volunteer Volunteering is a rewarding activity that offers many advantages including the opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. Volunteering for the school also offers you a chance to:

Work with computers and learn new technologies. Develop job references. Maintain our collections and information resources that serve your community. Student volunteers ages 14 and above may receive credit for student learning hours. It is the student's responsibility to check with their school to be certain that the Sunday School is an acceptable choice for fulfilling his or her volunteer (service learning) hours.

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How to volunteer Please contact the School Principal to offer your volunteer services for this school. Principal will assign appropriate assignments where he deems appropriate and needed. He may ask you to fill and submit an application form to volunteer. As volunteer opportunities become available, a volunteer coordinator will contact you. The number of volunteer positions available are determined by the School Board.

Age Groups and Class Assignments Principal with the help of teaching staff will place students into classes appropriate for their age and preparedness.

Courses 1. Islam (Basics)* 2. Islam (Intermediate)* 3. Islam (Advance)* 4. Holy Quran Nazrah / Yessernal Quran as appropriate 5. Stories of Muslim personalities and heroes (for age 6 and under) 6. Tajweed & Tarteel 7. Vocabulary of the Holy Quran 8. History of Islam & Ahmadiyyat 9. Hifz-e-Quran (optional) 10. Urdu Languate (optional) 11. Tarbiyyat Seminars for teens: Morals, values, vices & virtues, social media, Un-Islamic festivals, peer pressure and other tarbiyyat issues 12. Writing workshop for interested teens (optional) *Course content will be drawn from Atfal, Nasirat and Waqf-e-Nau prescribed syllabus

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Books: Basics of Religious Knowledge, Holy Quran (without translation), Qaida Yessernal Quran, Life of the Holy Prophet (pbup), Life of Ahmad (as)

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Tahir Academy
Student Registration Application
1. Students Name (Last, First, MI) 2. Gender 3. Date of Birth 4. Waqfe-e-Nau Registration Number Email


Fathers Name (Last, First, MI)






9. 13.

Mothers Name (Last, First, MI) Emergency Contact

10. 14.

Phone(Cell) Phone(Cell)

11. 15.

Phone(Home) Phone(Home)

12. 16.

Email Relationship to student

Students Basic Assessment (Please check appropriate box)

Completed Learning Not Started

17. Qaida Yassernal Quran

18. Holy Quran Nazira

19. Salat

20. Salat with Translation

21. Pillars of Islam

22. Articles of Faith

We have read the Tahir School Handbook and agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the Tahir School mentioned in the book.
Signature(Father)______________________________ Signature (Mother)___________________________________

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Tahir Academy Volunteer Application Form
Name (Last, First, MI) Gender DoB




How many hours can you work on: Mondays Tuesday Wednesdays





I can help with: Check Teaching Administrative work Computer Work Website Design Website maintenance Making phone calls Photography Videography Logistics Support Cleanup Organizing a sport or an activity Communications Records keeping Young children activities Food preparation / Setup Monitoring Children Other (Please explain) Prior level of experience ( None / less than a year / more than a year)

I have read the Tahir School Handbook and agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the Tahir School mentioned in the book.


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