Project Report On: Odisha
Project Report On: Odisha
Project Report On: Odisha
This is to certify that Mr Deepak Kumar Lenka, bearing Roll No. 0705219050 have developed Software project titled Job Portal as a partial Fulfillment for the award of the Degree of MCA.
My express thanks and gratitude and thanks to Almighty God, my parents and other family members and friends without whose unsustained support, I could not have made this career in MCA. I wish to place on my record my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide, Mr. Aurobinda Nayak, SOFTNET,Bhubaneswar, Orissa for his constant motivation and valuable help through the project work. Express my gratitude of HO , !r "hyamalendu #ati of !$% ept of College of Engineering Bhubaneswar, OR SSA for his valuable suggestions and advices through out the !$% course. I also extend my thanks to other &aculties for their $ooperation during my $ourse.
SI&#A'(R! )% S'(D!#'
Clint: GMS ORISSA, Bhubaneswar Technology: Asp net, C!, S"l#Ser$er %eb ser$er: IIS Pro!e"# De$"r%p#%on:
'his package is developed with the advanced concepts like %"#.(E' controls and % O.(E' data objects !ighligh"s of #$OB %ORTA&' are( "ecurity through user Id ) #assword !aintenance of $ustomer etails !aintenance of "ervice details !aintenance of $ustomer Order details !aintenance of Order Item etails
!aintain $ustomer #ayments details !aintain $ustomer Order "tatus *eports (ew +ser etails. &eatures of the "ystem are, +ser &riendly +niformity throughout the application Error Handling +sage of +ser efine controls
Pro!e"# O&er&%e':
'his section provides the online application primary functions of the job. 'he responsibilities are usually in order of importance -ob resources like job posting, job searching and various advertisements of companies. information.
'he existing systems have the manual processing which takes the maximum time to filter the information according to user re/uest and re/uirement. 0ut 0y using this application, it can be done in a short period of time as well as in1time. %lso as it is an online application, both job seekers and companies from various part of the world can access and get the benefit from it.
#+*#O"E O& 'HE #*O-E$' #*O02E! I( E3I"'I(4 "5"'E! "O2+'IO( O& 'HE"E #*O02E!"
"'+ 5 O& 'HE "5"'E! H%* 6%*E ) "O&'6%*E "#E$I&I$%'IO("
3* %RO$ECT +ES 4N
(E6 "5"'E! E"I4( %'% &2O6 I%4*%!"
This pac)age is &e$elope& with the a&$ance& concepts li)e AS, -.T controls an& A/O -.T &ata ob(ects 0ighlights o' 12OB ,ORTA34 are: Security through user I& 5 ,asswor& Maintenance o' Custo+er /etails Maintenance o' Ser$ice &etails Maintenance o' Custo+er Or&er &etails Maintenance o' Or&er Ite+ /etails Maintain Custo+er ,ay+ents &etails Maintain Custo+er Or&er Status Reports -ew 6ser /etails 7eatures o' the Syste+ are: 6ser 7rien&ly 6ni'or+ity throughout the application .rror 0an&ling 6sage o' 6ser /e'ine controls S:o;e( 'his ocument plays a vital role in the development life cycle 8" 2$9. %s it
describes the complete re/uirement of the system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basic during testing phase. %ny changes made to the re/uirements in the future will have to go through formal change approval process.
The e8iting syste+ is a +anual one, so ta)es +ore ti+e in process -o 'acility 'or outsi&er to )now the in'or+ation -o 'acility to )now about &etails in'or+ation ser$ices
-o 'acility to )now about the &etails re"uire+ent o' (ob see)ers an& recruiters -o 7acility to )now about current opening o' the co+panies i' the co+panies &oesn*t in'or+ Co++unication is a $ital proble+ in the pre$ious +anual syste+
Application is base& on $arious 'eatures to )eep eyes to o$erco+e the +anual syste+ Any user cans use it through the Internet so no +anual wor) is necessary 0ence 'ore the application is only a +e&iu+ to co++unicate both the recruiters an& the (ob see)ers Co+pany also search about their re"uire+ent 'ro+ this application an& can co++unicate the suitable can&i&ate &irectly or by the co+pany GSM Orissa ,roper security can be +entioning both application le$el as well as &ata base Application can get priority in $arious le$els o' ser$er technology +entioning proper authori9ation 5 authentication
7ro+ outsi&ers co&e access 5 &ata hac)ing is strictly +aintaine& /atabase security can be +aintaine& with bac)up 5 reco$ery con'iguration &ata can be reco$ere& 6ser e8perience: # application as +ost ha$e user 'rien&ly which enhance better e$ent &ri$en there which operation can be per'or+ in 'aster way 5 user 'rien&ly way or any user can get 'acility 'or )nowing the ser$ices pro$i&e by co+pany accor&ing to his re"uire+ent
:;;!H< or above
=>?!0 *%! =;;!0 &ree Hard disk space (etwork interface card or !odem 8&or *emote "ources9 2%( (etwork 8&or *emote "ources9
The Application is &i$i&e& into two +a(or Mo&ules &epen&ing upon the re"uire+ent they are 1: A&+inistrator ;: 6ser
%dministration "ection,
Category /etails <Recruiters, 2ob See)ers:
,ro&uct /etails .+ployee In'or+ation /etails Custo+er in'or+ation /etails Re"uest Contact In'or+ation Status /etails Re"uest Custo+er /etails
Category In'or+ation ,ro&uct In'or+ation .+ployee In'or+ation Contact /etail
R &U$R M #T SP C$"$CAT$O#
R &U$R M #T SP C$"$CAT$O#+
The so'tware which is &esigne& 'or gi$e the 'acility to )now the pro&uct in'or+ation pro$i&e& by the organi9ation
(NTROD)*T(ON Purpo$e: The +ain purpose 'or preparing this &ocu+ent is to gi$e a general insight into the analysis an& re"uire+ents o' the e8isting syste+ or situation an& 'or &eter+ining the operating characteristics o' the syste+ +"ope: This /ocu+ent plays a $ital role in the &e$elop+ent li'e cycle <S/3C: As it &escribes the co+plete re"uire+ent o' the syste+ It is +eant 'or use by the &e$elopers an& will be the basic &uring testing phase Any changes +a&e to the re"uire+ents in the 'uture will ha$e to go through 'or+al change appro$al process /e$elopers Responsibilities O$er$iew: The &e$eloper is responsible 'or: 1: /e$eloping the syste+, which +eets the SRS an& sol$ing all the re"uire+ents o' the syste+=
;: /e+onstrating the syste+ an& installing the syste+ at client>s location a'ter the acceptance testing is success'ul ?: Sub+itting the re"uire& user +anual &escribing the syste+ inter'aces to wor) on it an& also the &ocu+ents o' the syste+ @: Con&ucting any user training that +ight be nee&e& 'or using the syste+ A: Maintaining the syste+ 'or a perio& o' one year a'ter installation
O,T%,T +EF N T ON In the ne8t stage it is to be &eci&e& that which +e&iu+ is the +ost appropriate 'or the output The +ain consi&erations when &eci&ing about the output +e&ia are: The suitability 'or the &e$ice to the particular application The nee& 'or a har& copy The response ti+e re"uire& The location o' the users The so'tware an& har&ware a$ailable The cost
Beeping in $iew the abo$e &escription the pro(ect is to ha$e outputs +ainly co+ing un&er the category o' internal outputs The +ain outputs &esire& accor&ing to the re"uire+ent speci'ication are: The outputs were nee&e& to be generate& as a hot copy an& as well as "ueries to be $iewe& on the screen Beeping in $iew these outputs, the 'or+at 'or the output is ta)en 'ro+ the outputs, which are currently being obtaine& a'ter +anual processing stan&ar& printer is to be use& as output +e&ia 'or har& copies
N%,T +ES 4N
Input &esign is a part o' o$erall syste+ &esign The +ain ob(ecti$e &uring the input &esing is as gi$en below: To pro&uce a cost#e''ecti$e +etho& o' input To achi$e the highest possible le$el o' accuracy To ensure that the input is acceptable an& un&erstoo& by the user I-,6T STAG.S: The +ain input stages can be liste& as below: /ata recor&ing /ata transcription /ata con$ersion /ata $eri'ication /ata control /ata trans+ission
/ata $ali&ation /ata correction (NP)T T,P-+ It is necessary to &eter+ine the $arious types o' inputs Inputs can be categorise& as 'ollows : .8ternal inputs, which are pri+e inputs 'or the syste+ Internal inputs, which are user co++unications with the syste+ Operational, which are co+puter &epart+ent*s co++unications to the syste+ Interacti$e, which are inputs entere& &uring a &ialogue (NP)T M-D( : At this stage choice has to be +a&e about the input +e&ia To conclu&e about the input +e&ia consi&eration has to be gi$en toC Type o' input 7le8ibility o' 'or+at Spee& Accuracy Deri'ication +etho&s Re(ection rates .ase o' correction Storage an& han&ling re"uire+ents Security
.asy to use ,ortabilility Beeping in $iew that abo$e &escription o' the input types an& input +e&ia, it can be sai& that +ost o' the inputs are o' the 'or+ o' internal an& interacti$e As Input &ata is to be the &irectly )eye& in by the user, the )eyboar& can be consi&ere& to be the +ost suitable input &e$ice -RROR .O(D N*At this stage care is to be ta)en to ensure that input &ata re+ains accurate 'or+ the stage at which it is recor&e& upto the stage in which the &ata is accepte& by the syste+ This can be achie$e& only by +eans o' care'ul control each ti+e the &ata is han&le& -RROR D-T-*T(ON .$en though e$ery e''ort is +a)e to a$oi& the occurrence o' errors, still a s+all proportion o' errors is always li)ely to occur, these types o' errors can be &isco$ere& by using $ali&ations to chec) the input &ata D T . L(D T(ON ,roce&ures are &esigne& to &etect errors in &ata at a lower le$el o' &etail /ata $ali&ations ha$e been inclu&e& in the syste+ in al+ost e$ery area where there is a possibility 'or the user to co++it errors The syste+ will not accept in$ali& &ata %hene$er an in$ali& &ata is )eye& in, the syste+ i++e&iately propts the user an& the user has to again )ey in the &ata an& the syste+ will accept the &ata only i' the &ata is correct Dali&ations ha$e been inclu&e& where necessary
The syste+ is &esigne& to be a user 'rien&ly one In other wor&s the syste+ has been &esigne& to co++unicate e''ecti$ely with the user The syste+ has been &esigne& with pop up +enus )+-R(NT-R/0 *- D-+(/N It is essential to consult the syste+ users an& &iscuss their nee&s while &esigning the user inter'ace: )+-R (NT-R0 *- +,+T-M+ * N B- BRO DL, *L +(0(-D +: 1 6ser initiate& inter'ace the user is in charge, controlling the progress o' the userEco+puter &ialogue In the co+puter#initiate& inter'ace, the co+puter selects the ne8t stage in the interaction ; Co+puter initiate& inter'aces In the co+puter initiate& inter'aces the co+puter gui&es the progress o' the userEco+puter &ialogue In'or+ation is &isplaye& an& the user response o' the co+puter ta)es action or &isplays 'urther in'or+ation )+-R1(N(T( T-D (NT-R/0 *-+ 6ser initiate& inter'aces 'all into two appro8i+ate classes: 1 Co++an& &ri$en inter'aces: In this type o' inter'ace the user inputs co++an&s or "ueries which are interprete& by the co+puter
; 7or+s oriente& inter'ace: The user calls up an i+age o' the 'or+ to hisEher screen an& 'ills in the 'or+ chosen because it is the best choice *OMP)T-R2(N(T( T-D (NT-R0 *-+ The 'ollowing co+puter F initiate& inter'aces were use&: 1 The +enu syste+ 'or the user is presente& with a list o' alternati$es an& the user chooses oneC o' alternati$es ; Guestions F answer type &ialog syste+ where the co+puter as)s "uestion an& ta)es action base& on the basis o' the users reply Right 'ro+ the start the syste+ is going to be +enu &ri$en, the opening +enu &isplays the a$ailable options )ey in the &ata -RROR M-++ /- D-+(/N: The &esign o' error +essages is an i+portant part o' the user inter'ace &esign As user is boun& to co++it so+e errors or other while &esigning a syste+ the syste+ shoul& be &esigne& to be help'ul by pro$i&ing the user with in'or+ation regar&ing the error heEshe has co++itte& This application +ust be able to pro&uce output at &i''erent +o&ules 'or &i''erent inputs Per3orman"e Re4u%remen#$: ,er'or+ance is +easure& in ter+s o' reports generate& wee)ly an& +onthly Choosing one option gi$es another popup +enu with +ore options In this way e$ery option lea&s the users to &ata entry 'or+ where the user can The 'or+s oriente& inter'ace is
Re"uire+ent speci'ication plays an i+portant part in the analysis o' a syste+ Only when the re"uire+ent speci'ications are properly gi$en, it is possible to &esign a syste+, which will 'it into re"uire& en$iron+ent It rests largely in the part o' the users o' the e8isting syste+ to gi$e the re"uire+ent speci'ications because they are the people who 'inally use the syste+ This is because the re"uire+ents ha$e to be )nown &uring the initial stages so that the syste+ can be &esigne& accor&ing to those re"uire+ents It is $ery &i''icult to change the syste+ once it has been &esigne& an& on the other han& &esigning a syste+, which &oes not cater to the re"uire+ents o' the user, is o' no use The re"uire+ent speci'ication 'or any syste+ can be broa&ly state& as gi$en below: The syste+ shoul& be able to inter'ace with the e8isting syste+ The syste+ shoul& be accurate The syste+ shoul& be better than the e8isting syste+ The e8isting syste+ is co+pletely &epen&ent on the sta'' to per'or+ all the &uties
+-L-*T-D +O0T5 R-
Microsoft'# T "rame(or)
The -.T 7ra+ewor) is a new co+puting plat'or+ that si+pli'ies application &e$elop+ent in the highly &istribute& en$iron+ent o' the Internet The -.T 7ra+ewor) is &esigne& to 'ul'ill the 'ollowing ob(ecti$es:
To pro$i&e a consistent ob(ect#oriente& progra++ing en$iron+ent whether ob(ect co&e is store& an& e8ecute& locally, e8ecute& locally but Internet# &istribute&, or e8ecute& re+otely
To pro$i&e a co&e#e8ecution en$iron+ent that +ini+i9es so'tware &eploy+ent an& $ersioning con'licts
To pro$i&e a co&e#e8ecution en$iron+ent that guarantees sa'e e8ecution o' co&e, inclu&ing co&e create& by an un)nown or se+i#truste& thir& party
To pro$i&e a co&e#e8ecution en$iron+ent that eli+inates the per'or+ance proble+s o' scripte& or interprete& en$iron+ents
To +a)e the &e$eloper e8perience consistent across wi&ely $arying types o' applications, such as %in&ows#base& applications an& %eb#base& applications
To buil& all co++unication on in&ustry stan&ar&s to ensure that co&e base& on the -.T 7ra+ewor) can integrate with any other co&e
The -.T 7ra+ewor) has two +ain co+ponents: the co++on language runti+e an& the -.T 7ra+ewor) class library The co++on language runti+e is the 'oun&ation o' the -.T 7ra+ewor) Hou can thin) o' the runti+e as an agent that +anages co&e at e8ecution ti+e, pro$i&ing core ser$ices such as +e+ory +anage+ent, threa& +anage+ent, an& re+oting, while also en'orcing strict type sa'ety an& other 'or+s o' co&e accuracy that ensure security an& robustness In 'act, the concept o' co&e +anage+ent is a 'un&a+ental principle o' the runti+e Co&e that targets the runti+e is )nown as +anage& co&e, while co&e that &oes not target the runti+e is )nown as un+anage& co&e The class library, the other +ain co+ponent o' the -.T 7ra+ewor), is a co+prehensi$e, ob(ect#oriente& collection o' reusable types that you can use to &e$elop applications ranging 'ro+ tra&itional co++an&#line or graphical user inter'ace <G6I: applications to applications base& on the latest inno$ations pro$i&e& by AS, -.T, such as %eb 7or+s an& IM3 %eb ser$ices The -.T 7ra+ewor) can be hoste& by un+anage& co+ponents that loa& the co++on language runti+e into their processes an& initiate the e8ecution o' +anage& co&e, thereby creating a so'tware en$iron+ent that can e8ploit both +anage& an& un+anage& 'eatures The -.T 7ra+ewor) not only pro$i&es se$eral runti+e hosts, but also supports the &e$elop+ent o' thir&#party runti+e hosts 7or e8a+ple, AS, -.T hosts the runti+e to pro$i&e a scalable, ser$er#si&e en$iron+ent 'or +anage& co&e AS, -.T wor)s &irectly with the runti+e to enable
%eb 7or+s applications an& IM3 %eb ser$ices, both o' which are &iscusse& later in this topic Internet .8plorer is an e8a+ple o' an un+anage& application that hosts the runti+e <in the 'or+ o' a MIM. type e8tension: 6sing Internet .8plorer to host the runti+e enables you to e+be& +anage& co+ponents or %in&ows 7or+s controls in 0TM3 &ocu+ents 0osting the runti+e in this way +a)es +anage& +obile co&e <si+ilar to Microso'tJ Acti$eIJ controls: possible, but with signi'icant i+pro$e+ents that only +anage& co&e can o''er, such as se+i#truste& e8ecution an& secure isolate& 'ile storage The 'ollowing illustration shows the relationship o' the co++on language runti+e an& the class library to your applications an& to the o$erall syste+ The illustration also shows how +anage& co&e operates within a larger architecture
+ight not be able to per'or+ 'ile#access operations, registry#access operations, or other sensiti$e 'unctions, e$en i' it is being use& in the sa+e acti$e application The runti+e en'orces co&e access security 7or e8a+ple, users can trust that an e8ecutable e+be&&e& in a %eb page can play an ani+ation on screen or sing a song, but cannot access their personal &ata, 'ile syste+, or networ) The security 'eatures o' the runti+e thus enable legiti+ate Internet#&eploye& so'tware to be e8ceptionally 'eature rich The runti+e also en'orces co&e robustness by i+ple+enting a strict type# an& co&e# $eri'ication in'rastructure calle& the co++on type syste+ <CTS: The CTS ensures that all +anage& co&e is sel'#&escribing The $arious Microso't an& thir&#party language co+pilers Generate +anage& co&e that con'or+s to the CTS This +eans that +anage& co&e can consu+e other +anage& types an& instances, while strictly en'orcing type 'i&elity an& type sa'ety In a&&ition, the +anage& en$iron+ent o' the runti+e eli+inates +any co++on so'tware issues 7or e8a+ple, the runti+e auto+atically han&les ob(ect layout an& +anages re'erences to ob(ects, releasing the+ when they are no longer being use& This auto+atic +e+ory +anage+ent resol$es the two +ost co++on application errors, +e+ory lea)s an& in$ali& +e+ory re'erences
The runti+e also accelerates &e$eloper pro&ucti$ity 7or e8a+ple, progra++ers can write applications in their &e$elop+ent language o' choice, yet ta)e 'ull a&$antage o' the runti+e, the class library, an& co+ponents written in other languages by other &e$elopers Any co+piler $en&or who chooses to target the runti+e can &o so 3anguage co+pilers that target the -.T 7ra+ewor) +a)e the 'eatures o' the -.T 7ra+ewor) a$ailable to e8isting co&e written in that language, greatly easing the +igration process 'or e8isting applications %hile the runti+e is &esigne& 'or the so'tware o' the 'uture, it also supports so'tware o' to&ay an& yester&ay Interoperability between +anage& an& un+anage& co&e enables &e$elopers to continue to use necessary COM co+ponents an& /33s The runti+e is &esigne& to enhance per'or+ance Although the co++on language runti+e pro$i&es +any stan&ar& runti+e ser$ices, +anage& co&e is ne$er interprete& A 'eature calle& (ust#in#ti+e <2IT: co+piling enables all +anage& co&e to run in the nati$e +achine language o' the syste+ on which it is e8ecuting Meanwhile, the +e+ory +anager re+o$es the possibilities o' 'rag+ente& +e+ory an& increases +e+ory locality#o'#re'erence to 'urther increase per'or+ance 7inally, the runti+e can be hoste& by high#per'or+ance, ser$er#si&e applications, such as Microso'tJ SG3 Ser$erK an& Internet In'or+ation Ser$ices <IIS: This
in'rastructure enables you to use +anage& co&e to write your business logic, while still
en(oying the superior per'or+ance o' the in&ustry>s best enterprise ser$ers that support runti+e hosting
speciali9e& &e$elop+ent scenarios 7or e8a+ple, you can use the -.T 7ra+ewor) to &e$elop the 'ollowing types o' applications an& ser$ices:
Console applications Scripte& or hoste& applications %in&ows G6I applications <%in&ows 7or+s: AS, -.T applications IM3 %eb ser$ices %in&ows ser$ices
7or e8a+ple, the %in&ows 7or+s classes are a co+prehensi$e set o' reusable types that $astly si+pli'y %in&ows G6I &e$elop+ent I' you write an AS, -.T %eb 7or+ application, you can use the %eb 7or+s classes
Client Application *e+elopment
Client applications are the closest to a tra&itional style o' application in %in&ows#base& progra++ing These are the types o' applications that &isplay win&ows or 'or+s on the &es)top, enabling a user to per'or+ a tas) Client applications inclu&e applications such as wor& processors an& sprea&sheets, as well as custo+ business applications such as &ata#entry tools, reporting tools, an& so on Client applications usually e+ploy win&ows, +enus, buttons, an& other G6I ele+ents, an& they li)ely access local resources such as the 'ile syste+ an& peripherals such as printers
Another )in& o' client application is the tra&itional Acti$eI control <now replace& by the +anage& %in&ows 7or+s control: &eploye& o$er the Internet as a %eb page This application is +uch li)e other client applications: it is e8ecute& nati$ely, has access to local resources, an& inclu&es graphical ele+ents
In the past, &e$elopers create& such applications using CECLL in con(unction with the Microso't 7oun&ation Classes <M7C: or with a rapi& application &e$elop+ent <RA/: en$iron+ent such as Microso'tJ Disual BasicJ The -.T 7ra+ewor) incorporates aspects o' these e8isting pro&ucts into a single, consistent &e$elop+ent en$iron+ent that &rastically si+pli'ies the &e$elop+ent o' client applications The %in&ows 7or+s classes containe& in the -.T 7ra+ewor) are &esigne& to be use& 'or G6I &e$elop+ent Hou can easily create co++an& win&ows, buttons, +enus, toolbars, an& other screen ele+ents with the 'le8ibility necessary to acco++o&ate shi'ting business nee&s 7or e8a+ple, the -.T 7ra+ewor) pro$i&es si+ple properties to a&(ust $isual attributes associate& with 'or+s In so+e cases the un&erlying operating syste+ &oes not support changing these attributes &irectly, an& in these cases the -.T 7ra+ewor)
auto+atically recreates the 'or+s This is one o' +any ways in which the -.T 7ra+ewor) integrates the &e$eloper inter'ace, +a)ing co&ing si+pler an& +ore consistent
6nli)e Acti$eI controls, %in&ows 7or+s controls ha$e se+i#truste& access to a user>s co+puter This +eans that binary or nati$ely e8ecuting co&e can access so+e o' the resources on the user>s syste+ <such as G6I ele+ents an& li+ite& 'ile access: without being able to access or co+pro+ise other resources Because o' co&e access security, +any applications that once nee&e& to be installe& on a user>s syste+ can now be sa'ely &eploye& through the %eb Hour applications can i+ple+ent the 'eatures o' a local application while being &eploye& li)e a %eb page
,isual -asic.#!'
(n#rodu"#%on #o 5%ndo'$ 0orm$ 6.%$ua7 Ba$%".N-T8
%in&ows 7or+s is the new plat'or+ 'or Microso't %in&ows application &e$elop+ent, base& on the -.T 7ra+ewor) This 'ra+ewor) pro$i&es a clear, ob(ect#oriente&, e8tensible set o' classes that enable you to &e$elop rich %in&ows applications A&&itionally, %in&ows 7or+s can act as the local user inter'ace in a +ulti#tier &istribute& solution %in&ows 7or+s is a 'ra+ewor) 'or buil&ing %in&ows client
applications that utili9e the co++on language runti+e %in&ows 7or+s applications can be written in any language that the co++on language runti+e supports %hat Is a 7or+= A 'or+ is a bit o' screen real estate, usually rectangular, that you can use to present in'or+ation to the user an& to accept input 'ro+ the user 7or+s can be stan&ar& win&ows, +ultiple &ocu+ent inter'ace <M/I: win&ows, &ialog bo8es, or &isplay sur'aces 'or graphical routines The easiest way to &e'ine the user inter'ace 'or a 'or+ is to place controls on its sur'ace 7or+s are ob(ects that e8pose properties which &e'ine their appearance, +etho&s which &e'ine their beha$ior, an& e$ents which &e'ine their interaction with the user By setting the properties o' the 'or+ an& writing co&e to respon& to its e$ents, you custo+i9e the ob(ect to +eet the re"uire+ents o' your application As with all ob(ects in the -.T 7ra+ewor), 'or+s are instances o' classes The 'or+ you create with the %in&ows 7or+s /esigner is a class, an& when you &isplay an instance o' the 'or+ at run ti+e, this class is the te+plate use& to create the 'or+ The 'ra+ewor) also allows you to inherit 'ro+ e8isting 'or+s to a&& 'unctionality or +o&i'y e8isting beha$ior %hen you a&& a 'or+ to your pro(ect, you can choose whether it inherits 'ro+ the 0orm class pro$i&e& by the 'ra+ewor), or 'ro+ a 'or+ you ha$e pre$iously create& A&&itionally, 'or+s are controls, because they inherit 'ro+ the Control class
%ithin a %in&ows 7or+s pro(ect, the 'or+ is the pri+ary $ehicle 'or user interaction By co+bining &i''erent sets o' controls an& writing co&e, you can elicit in'or+ation 'ro+ the user an& respon& to it, wor) with e8isting stores o' &ata, an& "uery an& write bac) to the 'ile syste+ an& registry on the user>s local co+puter Although the 'or+ can be create& entirely in the Co&e .&itor, it is easier to use the %in&ows 7or+s /esigner to create an& +o&i'y 'or+s So+e o' the a&$antages o' using %in&ows 7or+s inclu&e the 'ollowing:
+%mp7%"%#9 and po'er: %in&ows 7or+s is a progra++ing +o&el 'or &e$eloping %in&ows applications that co+bines the si+plicity o' the Disual Basic M N progra++ing +o&el with the power an& 'le8ibility o' the co++on language runti+e
Lo'er #o#a7 "o$# o3 o'ner$:%p: %in&ows 7or+s ta)es a&$antage o' the $ersioning an& &eploy+ent 'eatures o' the co++on language runti+e to o''er re&uce& &eploy+ent costs an& higher application robustness o$er ti+e This signi'icantly lowers the +aintenance costs <TCO: 'or applications written in %in&ows 7or+s
r":%#e"#ure 3or "on#ro7$: %in&ows 7or+s o''ers an architecture 'or controls an& control containers that is base& on concrete i+ple+entation o' the control an& container classes This signi'icantly re&uces control#container interoperability issues
+e"ur%#9: %in&ows 7or+s ta)es 'ull a&$antage o' the security 'eatures o' the co++on language runti+e This +eans that %in&ows 7or+s can be use&
i+ple+ent e$erything 'ro+ an untruste& control running in the browser to a 'ully truste& application installe& on a user>s har& &is)
;ML 5e< $er&%"e$ $uppor#: %in&ows 7or+s o''ers 'ull support 'or "uic)ly an& easily connecting to IM3 %eb ser$ices
R%": grap:%"$: %in&ows 7or+s is one o' the 'irst ship $ehicles 'or G/IL, a new $ersion o' the %in&ows Graphical /e$ice Inter'ace <G/I: that supports alpha blen&ing, te8ture brushes, a&$ance& trans'or+s, rich te8t support, an& +ore
07e=%<7e "on#ro7$: %in&ows 7or+s o''ers a rich set o' controls that enco+pass all o' the controls o''ere& by %in&ows These controls also o''er new 'eatures, such as O'lat loo)O styles 'or buttons, ra&io buttons, an& chec) bo8es
Da#a a'arene$$: %in&ows 7or+s o''ers 'ull support 'or the A/O &ata +o&el "#%&e; "on#ro7 $uppor#: %in&ows 7or+s o''ers 'ull support 'or Acti$eI controls Hou can easily host Acti$eI controls in a %in&ows 7or+s application Hou can also host a %in&ows 7or+s control as an Acti$eI control
L%"en$%ng: %in&ows 7or+s ta)es a&$antage o' the co++on language runti+e enhance& licensing +o&el
Pr%n#%ng: %in&ows 7or+s o''ers a printing 'ra+ewor) that enables applications to pro$i&e co+prehensi$e reports
""e$$%<%7%#9: %in&ows 7or+s controls i+ple+ent the inter'aces &e'ine& by Microso't Acti$e Accessibility <MSAA:, which +a)e it si+ple to buil& applications that support accessibility ai&s, such as screen rea&ers
De$%gn2#%me $uppor#: %in&ows 7or+s ta)es 'ull a&$antage o' the +eta#&ata an& co+ponent +o&el 'eatures o''ere& by the co++on language runti+e to pro$i&e thorough &esign#ti+e support 'or both control users an& control i+ple+enters
A/O -.T is an e$olution o' the A/O &ata access +o&el that &irectly a&&resses user re"uire+ents 'or &e$eloping scalable applications It was &esigne& speci'ically 'or the web with scalability, statelessness, an& IM3 in +in& A/O -.T uses so+e A/O ob(ects, such as the *onne"#%on an& *ommand ob(ects, an& also intro&uces new ob(ects Bey new A/O -.T ob(ects inclu&e the Da#a$e#, Da#aReader, an& Da#a dap#er The i+portant &istinction between this e$ol$e& stage o' A/O -.T an& pre$ious &ata architectures is that there e8ists an ob(ect ## the Da#a+e# ## that is separate an& &istinct 'ro+ any &ata stores Because o' that, the Da#a+e# 'unctions as a stan&alone entity Hou can thin) o' the /ataSet as an always &isconnecte& recor&set that )nows nothing about the source or &estination o' the &ata it contains Insi&e a Da#a+e#, +uch li)e in a &atabase, there are tables, colu+ns, relationships, constraints, $iews, an& so 'orth A Da#a dap#er is the ob(ect that connects to the &atabase to 'ill the Da#a+e# Then, it connects bac) to the &atabase to up&ate the &ata there, base& on operations per'or+e& while the Da#a+e# hel& the &ata In the past, &ata processing has been pri+arily connection#base& -ow, in an e''ort to +a)e +ulti#tiere& apps +ore e''icient, &ata processing is turning to a +essage#base& approach that re$ol$es aroun& chun)s o' in'or+ation At the center o' this approach is the Da#a dap#er, which pro$i&es a bri&ge to retrie$e an& sa$e &ata between a Da#a+e# an& its source &ata store It acco+plishes this by +eans o' re"uests to the appropriate SG3 co++an&s +a&e against the &ata store
The IM3#base& Da#a+e# ob(ect pro$i&es a consistent progra++ing +o&el that wor)s with all +o&els o' &ata storage: 'lat, relational, an& hierarchical It &oes this by ha$ing no >)nowle&ge> o' the source o' its &ata, an& by representing the &ata that it hol&s as collections an& &ata types -o +atter what the source o' the &ata within the Da#a+e# is, it is +anipulate& through the sa+e set o' stan&ar& A,Is e8pose& through the Da#a+e# an& its subor&inate ob(ects %hile the Da#a+e# has no )nowle&ge o' the source o' its &ata, the +anage& pro$i&er has &etaile& an& speci'ic in'or+ation The role o' the +anage& pro$i&er is to connect, 'ill, an& persist the Da#a+e# to an& 'ro+ &ata stores The O3. /B an& SG3 Ser$er -.T /ata ,ro$i&ers <Syste+ /ata Ole/b an& Syste+ /ata S"lClient: that are part o' the -et 7ra+ewor) pro$i&e 'our basic ob(ects: the *ommand, *onne"#%on, Da#aReader an& Da#a dap#er In the re+aining sections o' this &ocu+ent, we>ll wal) through each part o' the Da#a+e# an& the O3. /BESG3 Ser$er -.T /ata ,ro$i&ers e8plaining what they are, an& how to progra+ against the+ The 'ollowing sections will intro&uce you to so+e ob(ects that ha$e e$ol$e&, an& so+e that are new These ob(ects are:
*onne"#%on$ 7or connection to an& +anaging transactions against a &atabase *ommand$ 7or issuing SG3 co++an&s against a &atabase Da#aReader$ 7or rea&ing a 'orwar&#only strea+ o' &ata recor&s 'ro+ a SG3 Ser$er &ata source
Da#a+e#$ 7or storing, re+oting an& progra++ing against 'lat &ata, IM3 &ata an& relational &ata
Da#a dap#er$ 7or pushing &ata into a Da#a+e#, an& reconciling &ata against a &atabase
%hen &ealing with connections to a &atabase, there are two &i''erent options: SG3 Ser$er -.T /ata ,ro$i&er <Syste+ /ata S"lClient: an& O3. /B -.T /ata ,ro$i&er <Syste+ /ata Ole/b: In these sa+ples we will use the SG3 Ser$er -.T /ata ,ro$i&er These are written to tal) &irectly to Microso't SG3 Ser$er The O3. /B -.T /ata ,ro$i&er is use& to tal) to any O3. /B pro$i&er <as it uses O3. /B un&erneath: *onne"#%on$ Connections are use& to >tal) to> &atabases, an& are respresente& by pro$i&er#speci'ic classes such as +>L*onne"#%on Co++an&s tra$el o$er connections an& resultsets are returne& in the 'or+ o' strea+s which can be rea& by a Da#aReader ob(ect, or pushe& into a Da#a+e# ob(ect *ommand$ Co++an&s contain the in'or+ation that is sub+itte& to a &atabase, an& are represente& by pro$i&er#speci'ic classes such as +>L*ommand A co++an& can be a store& proce&ure call, an 6,/AT. state+ent, or a state+ent that returns results Hou can also use input an& output para+eters, an& return $alues as part o' your co++an& synta8 The e8a+ple below shows how to issue an I-S.RT state+ent against the Nor#:'%nd &atabase Da#aReader$ The Da#aReader ob(ect is so+ewhat synony+ous with a rea&#onlyE'orwar&#only cursor o$er &ata The Da#aReader A,I supports 'lat as well as hierarchical &ata A Da#aReader ob(ect is returne& a'ter e8ecuting a co++an& against a &atabase The 'or+at o' the returne& Da#aReader ob(ect is &i''erent 'ro+ a recor&set 7or e8a+ple, you +ight use the Da#aReader to show the results o' a search list in a web page
Da#a+e#$ and Da#a dap#er$ Da#a+e#$ The Da#a+e# ob(ect is si+ilar to the A/O Re"ord$e# ob(ect, but +ore power'ul, an& with one other i+portant &istinction: the Da#a+e# is always &isconnecte& The Da#a+e# ob(ect represents a cache o' &ata, with &atabase#li)e structures such as tables, colu+ns, relationships, an& constraints 0owe$er, though a Da#a+e# can an& &oes beha$e +uch li)e a &atabase, it is i+portant to re+e+ber that Da#a+e# ob(ects &o not interact &irectly with &atabases, or other source &ata This allows the &e$eloper to wor) with a progra++ing +o&el that is always consistent, regar&less o' where the source &ata resi&es /ata co+ing 'ro+ a &atabase, an IM3 'ile, 'ro+ co&e, or user input can all be place& into Da#a+e# ob(ects Then, as changes are +a&e to the Da#a+e# they can be trac)e& an& $eri'ie& be'ore up&ating the source &ata The /e#*:ange$ +etho& o' the Da#a+e# ob(ect actually creates a secon& Da#+e# that contains only the changes to the &ata This Da#a+e# is then use& by a Da#a dap#er <or other ob(ects: to up&ate the original &ata source The Da#a+e# has +any IM3 characteristics, inclu&ing the ability to pro&uce an& consu+e IM3 &ata an& IM3 sche+as IM3 sche+as can be use& to &escribe sche+as interchange& $ia %ebSer$ices In 'act, a Da#a+e# with a sche+a can actually be co+pile& 'or type sa'ety an& state+ent co+pletion Da#a dap#er$ 6OL-DB?+>L8 The Da#a dap#er ob(ect wor)s as a bri&ge between the Da#a+e# an& the source &ata 6sing the pro$i&er#speci'ic +47Da#a dap#er <along with its associate& +47*ommand an& +47*onne"#%on: can increase o$erall per'or+ance when wor)ing with a Microso't SG3 Ser$er &atabases 7or other O3. /B#supporte& &atabases, you woul& use the O7eD<Da#a dap#er ob(ect an& its associate& O7eD<*ommand an& O7eD<*onne"#%on ob(ects
The Da#a dap#er ob(ect uses co++an&s to up&ate the &ata source a'ter changes ha$e been +a&e to the Da#a+e# 6sing the 0%77 +etho& o' the Da#a dap#er calls the S.3.CT co++an&C using the )pda#e +etho& calls the I-S.RT, 6,/AT. or /.3.T. co++an& 'or each change& row Hou can e8plicitly set these co++an&s in or&er to control the state+ents use& at runti+e to resol$e changes, inclu&ing the use o' store& proce&ures 7or a&#hoc scenarios, a *ommandBu%7der ob(ect can generate these at run#ti+e base& upon a select state+ent 0owe$er, this run#ti+e generation re"uires an e8tra roun&#trip to the ser$er in or&er to gather re"uire& +eta&ata, so e8plicitly pro$i&ing the I-S.RT, 6,/AT., an& /.3.T. co++an&s at &esign ti+e will result in better run#ti+e per'or+ance 1 A/O -.T is the ne8t e$olution o' A/O 'or the -et 7ra+ewor) ; A/O -.T was create& with n#Tier, statelessness an& IM3 in the 'ore'ront Two new ob(ects, the Da#a+e# an& Da#a dap#er, are pro$i&e& 'or these scenarios ? A/O -.T can be use& to get &ata 'ro+ a strea+, or to store &ata in a cache 'or up&ates @ There is a lot +ore in'or+ation about A/O -.T in the &ocu+entation A Re+e+ber, you can e8ecute a co++an& &irectly against the &atabase in or&er to &o inserts, up&ates, an& &eletes Hou &on>t nee& to 'irst put &ata into a Da#a+e# in or&er to insert, up&ate, or &elete it M Also, you can use a Da#a+e# to bin& to the &ata, +o$e through the &ata, an& na$igate &ata relationships
The two &esign ob(ecti$es continuously sought by &e$elopers are reliability an& +aintenance Re7%a<7e +9$#em There are two le$els o' reliability The 'irst is +eeting the right re"uire+ents A care'ul an& through syste+s stu&y is nee&e& to satis'y this aspect o' reliability The secon& le$el o' syste+s reliability in$ol$es the actual wor)ing &eli$ere& to the user At this le$el, the syste+s reliability is interwo$en with so'tware engineering an& &e$elop+ent There are three approaches to reliability 1 -rror a&o%dan"e: ,re$ents errors 'ro+ occurring in so'tware ; -rror de#e"#%on and "orre"#%on: In this approach errors are recogni9e& whene$er they are encountere& an& correcting the error by e''ect o' error, o' the syste+ &oes not 'ail ? -rror #o7eran"e: In this approach errors are recogni9e& whene$er they occur, but enables the syste+ to )eep running through &egra&e& per'or+ or by applying $alues that instruct the syste+ to continue process Ma%n#enan"e: The )ey to re&ucing nee& 'or +aintenance, while wor)ing, i' possible to &o essential tas)s
1 More accurately &e'ining user re"uire+ent &uring syste+ &e$elop+ent ; Asse+bling better syste+s &ocu+entation ? 6sing +ore e''ecti$e +etho&s 'or &esigning, processing, login an& co++unicating in'or+ation with pro(ect tea+ +e+bers @ Ma)ing better use o' e8isting tools an& techni"ues A Managing syste+ engineering process e''ecti$ely Ou#pu# De$%gn: One o' the +ost i+portant 'actors o' an in'or+ation syste+ 'or the user is the output the syste+ pro&uces %ithout the "uality o' the output, the entire syste+ +ay appear unnecessary that will +a)e us a$oi& using it possibly causing it to 'ail /esigning the output shoul& process the in an organi9e& well throughout the +anner The right output +ust be &e$elope& while ensuring that each output ele+ent is &esigne& so that people will 'in& the syste+ easy to use e''ecti$ely The ter+ output applying to in'or+ation pro&uce& by an in'or+ation syste+ whether printe& or &isplaye& while &esigning the output we shoul& i&enti'y the speci'ic output that is nee&e& to in'or+ation re"uire+ents select a +etho& to present the 'or+ation an& create a &ocu+ent report or other 'or+ats that contains pro&uce& by the syste+
T9pe$ o3 ou#pu#:
%hether the output is 'or+atte& report or a si+ple listing o' the contents o' a 'ile, a co+puter process will pro&uce the output A /ocu+ent A Message Retrie$al 'ro+ a &ata store Trans+ission 'ro+ a process or syste+ acti$ity /irectly 'ro+ an output sources La9ou# De$%gn: It is an arrange+ent o' ite+s on the output +e&iu+ The layouts are buil&ing a +oc) up o' the actual reports or &ocu+ent, as it will appear a'ter the syste+ is in operation The output layout has been &esignate& to co$er in'or+ation The outputs are presente& in the appen&i8 (npu# de$%gn and "on#ro7: Input speci'ications &escribe the +anner in which &ata enter the syste+ 'or processing Input &esign 'eatures will ensure the reliability o' the syste+s an& pro&uce results 'ro+ accurate &ata, or thus can be result in the pro&uction o' erroneous in'or+ation The input &esign also &eter+ines whene$er the user can interact e''iciently with this syste+ O<!e"#%&e$ o3 %npu# de$%gn: Input &esign consists o' &e$eloping speci'ications an& proce&ures 'or &ata preparation, the steps necessary to put transaction &ata into a usable 'ro+ 'or processing an& &ata entry, the acti$ity o' &ata into the co+puter processing The 'i$e ob(ecti$es o' input &esign are:
Controlling the a+ount o' input A$oi&ing &elay A$oi&ing error in &ata A$oi&ing e8tra steps Beeping the process si+ple *on#ro77%ng #:e amoun# o3 %npu#: /ata preparation an& &ata entry operation &epen& on people, because labour costs are high, the cost o' preparing an& entering &ata is also high Re&ucing &ata re"uire+ent e8pense By re&ucing input re"uire+ent the spee& o' entire process 'ro+ &ata capturing to processing to pro$i&e results to users &o%d%ng de7a9: The processing &elay resulting 'ro+ &ata preparation or &ata entry operations is calle& bottlenec)s A$oi&ing bottlenec)s shoul& be one ob(ecti$e o' input &o%d%ng error$: Through input $ali&ation we control the errors in the input &ata &o%d%ng e=#ra $#ep$: The &esigner shoul& a$oi& the input &esign that cause e8tra steps in processing sa$ing or a&&ing a single step in large nu+ber o' transactions sa$es a lot o' processing ti+e or ta)es +ore ti+e to process Keep%ng pro"e$$ $%mp7e: I' controls are +ore people +ay 'eel &i''icult in using the syste+s The best#&esigne& syste+ 'its the people who use it in a way that is co+'ortable 'or the+ NORM L(@ T(ON
It is a process o' con$erting a relation to a stan&ar& 'or+ The process is use& to han&le the proble+s that can arise &ue to &ata re&un&ancy i e repetition o' &ata in the &atabase, +aintain &ata integrity as well as han&ling proble+s that can arise &ue to insertion, up&ation, &eletion ano+alies
/eco+posing is the process o' splitting relations into +ultiple relations to eli+inate ano+alies an& +aintain ano+alies an& +aintain &ata integrity To &o this we use nor+al 'or+s or rules 'or structuring relation (n$er#%on anoma79: Inability to a&& &ata to the &atabase &ue to absence o' other &ata De7e#%on anoma79: 6ninten&e& loss o' &ata &ue to &eletion o' other &ata )pda#e anoma79: /ata inconsistency resulting 'ro+ &ata re&un&ancy an& partial up&ate Norma7 0orm$: These are the rules 'or structuring relations that eli+inate ano+alies
0%r$# Norma7 0orm: A relation is sai& to be in 'irst nor+al 'or+ i' the $alues in the relation are ato+ic 'or e$ery attribute in the relation By this we +ean si+ply that no attribute $alue can be a set o' $alues or, as it is so+eti+es e8presse&, a repeating group +e"ond Norma7 0orm: A relation is sai& to be in secon& -or+al 'or+ is it is in 'irst nor+al 'or+ an& it shoul& satis'y any one o' the 'ollowing rules 1: ,ri+ary )ey is a not a co+posite pri+ary )ey ;: -o non )ey attributes are present
?: .$ery non )ey attribute is 'ully 'unctionally &epen&ent on 'ull set o' pri+ary )ey T:%rd Norma7 0orm: A relation is sai& to be in thir& nor+al 'or+ i' their e8its no transiti$e &epen&encies Tran$%#%&e Dependen"9: I' two non )ey attributes &epen& on each other as well as on the pri+ary )ey then they are sai& to be transiti$ely &epen&ent The abo$e nor+ali9ation principles were applie& to &eco+pose the &ata in +ultiple table thereby +a)ing the &ata to be +aintaine& in a consistent state
Da#a D%"#%onar9
A'ter care'ully un&erstan&ing the re"uire+ents o' the client the the entire &ata storage re"uire+ents are &i$i&e& into tables The below tables are nor+ali9e& to a$oi& any ano+alies &uring the course o' &ata entry *ata *ictionary
After carefully understanding the requirements of the client the entire data storage requirements are divided into tables. The below tables are normalized to avoid any anomalies during the course of data entry.
T BL-+
D T T,Pint int $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: *ON+TR (NT ,RIMARH B.H
*OL)MN N Mco+panyPi& (obPi& co+panyPna+e in&ustry contactPpersonPna+e a&&ress city state country pin e+ailPi& 'i8e&Pphone +obilePphone
Aca&e+icPi& wor)Pstatus e8perience &esignation salary currency userPna+e passwor&1 passwor&; upPresu+e agree+ent
$archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<AN: $archar<ANNN : $archar<AN:
R *iagram/
.!-R diagram are used to organi/e data as a relation0 normali/ing relations and finall obtaining a relational database model1. !lements of an !-R diagram are+ 2. #T$T0+ 'his specifies the real life objects 3 is represented as+
4. R LAT$O#S1$PS+ 'hese connect entities 3 establish meaningful dependencies between them and are represented b +
represented b
Ha s
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Ha s
"on$u7#an"9%n3o1 ma$#er
Ha s
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cityna+e "%#9%d
Ha s
Ha s
se$eral le$els .ach process in lower le$el &iagra+s can be bro)en &own into a +ore &etaile& /7/ in the ne8t le$el The lop#le$el &iagra+ is o'ten calle& conte8t &iagra+ It consists a single process bit, which plays $ital role in stu&ying the current syste+ The process in the conte8t le$el &iagra+ is e8plo&e& into other process at the 'irst le$el /7/ The i&ea behin& the e8plosion o' a process into +ore process is that un&erstan&ing at one le$el o' &etail is e8plo&e& into greater &etail at the ne8t le$el This is &one until 'urther e8plosion is necessary an& an a&e"uate a+ount o' &etail is &escribe& 'or analyst to un&erstan& the process 3arry Constantine 'irst &e$elope& the /7/ as a way o' e8pressing syste+ re"uire+ents in a graphical 'ro+, this lea& to the +o&ular &esign A /7/ is also )nown as a 1bubble Chart4 has the purpose o' clari'ying syste+ re"uire+ents an& i&enti'ying +a(or trans'or+ations that will beco+e progra+s in syste+ &esign So it is the starting point o' the &esign to the lowest le$el o' &etail A /7/ consists o' a series o' bubbles (oine& by &ata 'lows in the syste+
D0D +,MBOL+: In the /7/, there are 'our sy+bols 1 A s"uare &e'ines a source<originator: or &estination o' syste+ &ata ; An arrow i&enti'ies &ata 'low It is the pipeline through which the in'or+ation 'lows ? A circle or a bubble represents a process that trans'or+s inco+ing &ata 'low into outgoing &ata 'lows @ An open rectangle is a &ata store, &ata at rest or a te+porary repository o' &ata
Se$eral rules o' thu+b are use& in &rawing /7/*s: 1 ,rocess shoul& be na+e& an& nu+bere& 'or an easy re'erence .ach na+e shoul& be representati$e o' the process ; The &irection o' 'low is 'ro+ top to botto+ an& 'ro+ le't to right /ata Tra&itionally 'low 'ro+ source to the &estination although they +ay 'low bac) to the source One way to in&icate this is to &raw long 'low line bac) to a source An alternati$e way is to repeat the source sy+bol as a &estination Since it is use& +ore than once in the /7/ it is +ar)e& with a short &iagonal ? %hen a process is e8plo&e& into lower le$el &etails, they are nu+bere&
@ The na+es o' &ata stores an& &estinations are written in capital letters ,rocess an& &ata'low na+es ha$e the 'irst letter o' each wor) capitali9e& A /7/ typically shows the +ini+u+ contents o' &ata store .ach &ata store shoul& contain all the &ata ele+ents that 'low in an& out Guestionnaires shoul& contain all the &ata ele+ents that 'low in an& out Missing inter'aces re&un&ancies an& li)e is then accounte& 'or o'ten through inter$iews + (L-NT 0- T)R-+ O0 D0DA$ 1 The /7/ shows 'low o' &ata, not o' control loops an& &ecision are controlle&
consi&erations &o not appear on a /7/ ; The /7/ &oes not in&icate the ti+e 'actor in$ol$e& in any process whether the &ata'lows ta)e place &aily, wee)ly, +onthly or yearly ? The se"uence o' e$ents is not brought out on the /7/ T,P-+ O0 D T 0LO5 D( /R M+ 1 Current ,hysical ; Current 3ogical ? -ew 3ogical @ -ew ,hysical *)RR-NT PB,+(* L:
In Current ,hysical /7/ proecess label inclu&e the na+e o' people or their positions or the na+es o' co+puter syste+s that +ight pro$i&e so+e o' the o$erall syste+#processing label inclu&es an i&enti'ication o' the technology use& to process the &ata Si+ilarly &ata 'lows an& &ata stores are o'ten labels with the na+es o' the actual physical +e&ia on which &ata are store& such as 'ile 'ol&ers, co+puter 'iles, business 'or+s or co+puter tapes *)RR-NT LO/(* L: The physical aspects at the syste+ are re+o$e& as +ush as possible so that the current syste+ is re&uce& to its essence to the &ata an& the processors that trans'or+ the+ regar&less o' actual physical 'or+ N-5 LO/(* L: This is e8actly li)e a current logical +o&el i' the user were co+pletely happy with he user were co+pletely happy with the 'unctionality o' the current syste+ but ha& proble+s with how it was i+ple+ente& typically through the new logical +o&el will &i''er 'ro+ current logical +o&el while ha$ing a&&itional 'unctions, absolute 'unction re+o$al an& ine''icient 'lows recogni9e& N-5 PB,+(* L: The new physical represents only the physical i+ple+entation o' the new syste+ R)L-+ /O.-RN(N/ TB- D0DA+
%ROCESS 1: -o process can ha$e only outputs ;: -o process can ha$e only inputs I' an ob(ect has only inputs than it +ust be a sin) ?: A process has a $erb phrase label
D T +TOR1: /ata cannot +o$e &irectly 'ro+ one &ata store to another &ata store, a process +ust +o$e &ata ;: /ata cannot +o$e &irectly 'ro+ an outsi&e source to a &ata store, a process, which recei$es, +ust +o$e &ata 'ro+ the source an& place the &ata into &ata store ?: A &ata store has a noun phrase label +O)R*- OR +(NK The origin an& Eor &estination o' &ata 1: /ata cannot +o$e &irely 'ro+ a source to sin) it +ust be +o$e& by a process ;: A source an& Eor sin) has a noun phrase lan& +ATA F&O0 1: A /ata 7low has only one &irection o' 'low between sy+bol It +ay 'low in both &irections between a process an& a &ata store to show a rea& be'ore an up&ate The later is usually in&icate& howe$er by two separate arrows since these happen at &i''erent type
;: A (oin in /7/ +eans that e8actly the sa+e &ata co+es 'ro+ any o' two or +ore &i''erent processes &ata store or sin) to a co++on location ?: A &ata 'low cannot go &irectly bac) to the sa+e process it lea&s There +ust be atleast one other process that han&les the &ata 'low pro&uce so+e other &ata 'low returns the original &ata into the beginning process @: A /ata 'low to a &ata store +eans up&ate < &elete or change: A: A &ata 7low 'ro+ a &ata store +eans retrie$e or use A &ata 'low has a noun phrase label +ore than one &ata 'low noun phrase can appear on a single arrow as long as all o' the 'lows on the sa+e arrow +o$e together as one pac)age
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Tes"ing is a process used to help identify the correctness, completeness and /uality of developed computer software. 6ith that in mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness of computer software.
B. BL *K BO;
-6AC: -); testing ta$es an e"ternal perspecti8e of the test object to deri8e test cases. 'hese tests can be functional or non-functional0 though usuall functional. 'he test designer selects 8alid and in8alid input and determines the correct output. 'here is no $nowledge of the test object9s internal structure.
'his method of test design is applicable to all le8els of software testing+ unit0 integration0 functional testing0 s stem and acceptance. 'he higher the le8el0 and hence the bigger and more comple" the bo"0 the more one is forced to use blac$ bo" testing to simplif . 7hile this method can unco8er unimplemented parts of the specification0 one cannot be sure that all e"istent paths are tested.
Integration testing is a logical e"tension of unit testing. In its simplest form0 two units that ha8e alread been tested are combined into a component and the interface between them is tested. A component0 in this sense0 refers to an integrated aggregate of more than one unit. In a realistic scenario0 man units are combined into components0 which are in turn aggregated into e8en larger parts of the program. 'he idea is to test combinations of pieces and e8entuall e"pand the process to test our modules with those of other groups. !8entuall all the modules ma$ing up a process are tested together. -e ond that0 if the program is composed of more than one process0 the should be tested in pairs rather than all at once.
-. +,+T-M T-+T(N/
uring system testing the system is used experimentally used to ensure that the software does not fail, i.e., it will run according to its specification and in the way the users expect. "pecial test data are input for processing and the results examined. % limited number of users may be allowed to use the system to see whether they try to use it in unforeseen ways. It is preferable to discover any surprises before the organiEation implements the system.
<ere in this project .!LO2AL MA#A! M #T S0ST M1 we used the unit testing i.e Alfa testing and -eta 'esting for its each modules and finall we ha8e tested b Integration 'esting for the total s stem.
'he two design objectives continuously sought by developers are reliability and maintenance.
Reliable Sys"e?
'here are two levels of reliability. 'he first is meeting the right re/uirements. % careful and through systems study is needed to satisfy this aspect of reliability. 'he second level of systems reliability involves the actual working delivered to the user. %t this level, the systems reliability is interwoven with software engineering and development. 'here are three approaches to reliability.
@. Error aDoidan:e( #revents errors from occurring in software. :. Error de"e:"ion and :orre:"ion( In this approach errors are recogniEed whenever they are encountered and correcting the error by effect of error, of the system does not fail. F. Error "oleran:e( In this approach errors are recogniEed whenever they occur, but enables the system to keep running through degraded perform or by applying values that instruct the system to continue process. Main"enan:e( 'he key to reducing need for maintenance, while working, if possible to do essential tasks. F. !ore accurately defining user re/uirement during system development. G. %ssembling better systems documentation. ?. +sing more effective methods for designing, processing, login and communicating information with project team members. B. !aking better use of existing tools and techni/ues. =;. !anaging system engineering process effectively. Ou";u" +esign(
One of the most important factors of an information system for the user is the output the system produces. 6ithout the /uality of the output, the entire system may
appear unnecessary that will make us avoid using it possibly causing it to fail. esigning the output should process the in an organiEed well throughout the manner. 'he right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is designed so that people will find the system easy to use effectively.
'he term output applying to information produced by an information system whether printed or displayed while designing the output we should identify the specific output that is needed to information re/uirements select a method to present the formation and create a document report or other formats that contains produced by the system. Ty;es of ou";u"( 6hether the output is formatted report or a simple listing of the contents of a file, a computer process will produce the output. % ocument % !essage *etrieval from a data store 'ransmission from a process or system activity irectly from an output sources
&ayou" +esign( It is an arrangement of items on the output medium. 'he layouts are building a mock up of the actual reports or document, as it will appear after the system is in operation. 'he output layout has been designated to cover information. 'he outputs are presented in the appendix.
result in the production of erroneous information. 'he input design also determines whenever the user can interact efficiently with this system.
ObEe:"iDes of in;u" design(
Input design consists of developing specifications and procedures for data preparation, the steps necessary to put transaction data into a usable from for processing and data entry, the activity of data into the computer processing. 'he five objectives of input design are, $ontrolling the amount of input %voiding delay %voiding error in data %voiding extra steps Heeping the process simple
Con"rolling "he a?oun" of in;u"( ata preparation and data entry operation depend on people, because labour costs are high, the cost of preparing and entering data is also high. *educing data re/uirement expense. 0y reducing input re/uirement the speed of entire process from data capturing to processing to provide results to users. ADoiding delay( 'he processing delay resulting from data preparation or data entry operations is called bottlenecks. %voiding bottlenecks should be one objective of input. ADoiding errors( 'hrough input validation we control the errors in the input data. ADoiding eA"ra s"e;s( 'he designer should avoid the input design that cause extra steps in processing saving or adding a single step in large number of transactions saves a lot of processing time or takes more time to process. Fee;ing ;ro:ess si?;le,
controls are more people may feel difficult in using the systems. 'he best1designed system
fits the people who use it in a way that is comfortable for them.
'he project has been appreciated by all the users in the organiEation. It is easy to use, since it uses the 4, provided in the user dialog. +ser friendly screens are provided. 'he usage of software increases the efficiency, decreases the effort. It has been thoroughly tested and implemented. %ny endeavor is incomplete without the spirit of teamwork and the *"%' is no different.
1 Session wise plant 'or+ation ; Categories wise plant 'or+ation ? -ew sche+e plant 'or+ation @ Report on +e+ber o' e+ployee A In$ol$e in pro(ect Implementation of securit mechanisms at 8arious le8els
According to securit securit le8els li$e we pro8ide securit our application b using
It is the process o' $ali&ating the i&entity o' a user to allow or &eny a re"uest R@,S,1NT This in$ol$es accepting cre&entials <e g userna+e an& passwor&: 'ro+ the users an& $ali&ating it against a &esignate& authority A'ter the i&entity is $eri'ie& an& $ali&ate&, the user is consi&ere& to be legal an& the resource re"uest is 'ul'ille&
; Authori9ation
: the process o' ensuring that users with $ali& i&entity are allowe& to access speci'ic resources
? I+personation
: this process enables an application to ensure the i&entity o' the user, an& in turn +a)e re"uest to the other resources Access to resources will be grante& or &enie& base& on the i&entity that is being i+personate&
The pro(ect has +et the stan&ar&s re"uire& to wor) at Stoc) +aintenance 5 Selection ,rocess I' the business policies re+ains sa+e the pro(ect can be porte& to any co+pany with +inor changes in the wor)ing proce&ure o' the pro(ect The pro(ect can be use& as an a$ailability to &e$elop a pro(ect 'or a &i''erent co+pany with &i''erent business logic where in the co++onalties in certain areas re+ain the sa+e at any business le$el By using the co++on 'eatures in 'uture &e$elop+ent the &e$elop+ent ti+e as well as the cost o' &e$elop+ent can be &ecrease& consi&erably By shi'ting the pro(ect to the Mobile base& .n$iron+ent through Microso't -et Co+pact 7ra+ewor) the pro(ect can be +a&e into a wi&er range by which the restrictions o' the so'tware 5 har&ware re"uire+ents can be scale& &own
SO"T%AR #!$# R$#! - Roger.S. Pressman ASP'# T %ro3 Publication 4$SUAL 2AS$C'# T 2lac) 2oo) - !8angeleous Petereous S&L "OR PRO" SS$O#ALS - *ain MS*# 5665 - Microsoft