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RETRO GAMER is the UKs first regular retro magazine. 2004

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| PN* | issue one | insides |

>insides 01
Sinclair Researched
John Southern fawns over Sir Clive Sinclairs range of classic micros

Retro News


Horror Movie Licences


1983 Advertising Gallery

52 30
The Top 100 Retro Games!
10 games on 10 formats. Do you agree with our choices?

Mastertronic, a History
Anthony Guter looks at the history of the classic budget software publisher

24 18
Return of the Rings
A fascinating look at the many games based on Tolkiens epic novel

Hall of the Miner King

Martyn Carroll walks down Surbiton Way in search of Miner Willy


Emulation Nation




Street Fighting Clan
Charles Brigden takes an swipe at the long-running Street Fighter series

Next Month


| PN* | issue one | news |

om the The latest news fr ng mi ga o world of retr

Get Your Rocks Off

Nope, its not a long overdue reworking of Asteroids sadly, but the almost comparably exciting news that grubby little seed-meister Leisure Suit Larry is pulling on his raincoat once more and sinking into the murky underworld of sex shops, brothels and ladies of the night for another close-to-the-bone adventure! This seventh Larry adventure, dubbed Magna Cum Laude, (which is actually some sort of Yankee award for being the biggest swot in a particular university, but also has the word cum in it, making it naturally hilarious LSL fare), introduces Larry to the younger, hipper scene of PS2 and The lewdster returns in a brand new Xbox, and also adventure, the seventh to date reacquaints him with his old friend and sleazing buddy, the PC. Taking its inspiration from such high-brow art house films as American Pie, we can expect lots of leching and leering, but not a whole lot of actual lovin, as Larry gets knocked back time and again by the lovely ladies in the game. While no one on the Retro Gamer team can imagine what that must feel like, were looking forward to finding out. So, get your leisure suits dry-cleaned, pressed and ready for action when this one arrives later this year!

Retro Zone

The second Micro Mart Computer Fair took place at the NEC in November, and once again the star of the show was the Retro Zone. Like an island of tranquillity in a hall full of sweaty bargain hunters, the Retro Zone gathered together the cream of the current retro scene. Allan Bairstow from Commodore Scene magazine was in attendance, showing off both classic and contemporary Commodore machines. Ever seen an accelerated C64 with a 4Gb hard drive? You would have if you were there. Other attendees included representatives from QUANTA, showing several generations of the Sinclair QL, Colin Piggot from Quazar (issue six of his Sam Revival magazine is on sale now) and Colin Woodcock, editor of the ZXF online Spectrum magazine. As an added treat, Arcade Warehouse supplied several arcade machines for the day, including the classic Dragons Lair. The Retro Zone event was expertly organised by Micro Mart column writer Shaun

Photographs from the recent Retro Zone event

Bebbington, who also showed off rare computers from his extensive collection. Overall, the fair was a success, and the Retro Zone a highpoint. Heres hope that it goes ahead again next year, and if it does, dont miss it!


Buried Treasure

t), then emulation stuff (or just irritatingly hones If youre too thick to figure out the Companies like Midway fix. retro your on out miss to dont worry, you dont have g off thar cupboards, so theyre busy dustin are realising that theres gold in them The latest ness. loveli of logies antho as them their back catalogues and repacking PS2, Xbox and GameCube. is Midway Arcade Treasures for the moisten is a trip down memory lane that will MAT titles, c classi 22 ring Featu behind them. Heres ience exper g gamin of e lifetim a the eyes of anyone whos got Spyhunter, Defender, Gauntlet, Joust, a list of whats on it (deep breath) Robotron 2084, Smash TV, Joust 2, Paperboy, Rampage, Marble Madness, Patrol, Blaster, Rampart, Sinistar, Super Moon ate, Bubbles, Roadblasters, Starg Satans Sprint, 720, Toobin, KLAX, SPLAT!, Hollow and Vindicators! you Now if theres nothing in there to get to EA. soul your sold have must you ing drool for that. And believe us, youre going to hell Play these classic Midway games on your next-gen console

Thirteen years after he first made his debut, James Pond has returned. Originally appearing on the Amiga ST and then gracing the likes of Segas Megadrive, the chubby-faced mecha-fish finally slinks his way onto the PSone, a machine that in itself could be deemed as retro. Robocod was the second outing for James Pond, who proved to be one of the most memorable platform characters of the 16-bit era. Purists will be pleased to note that the game is exactly the same as the 1992 Atari ST version, apart from a slight reworking of the intro sequence. Dr Mebbe has hijacked Santas Lapland toy factory and kidnapped all the little elves. What a horrible little sod! Fortunately our hero Robocod, with his magically expanding stomach (it goes up instead of the one youve got, that goes out), is on the case, sure to bring scaly justice and free the dynamite-bound elves. What follows is 36 levels of platform mayhem for the bargain price of 9.99. All we wonder know is what happened to the PS2 update of Robocod, originally announced a couple of years ago? Robocod has been released by budget specialists Play It, and is out now.

Half Fish. Half Machine. All Cop

sters ad m e d o C Honore

been er Jim Darling, have all s, Richard, David and fath the industries Founders of Codemaster At . stry indu mes oga UK computer and vide honoured recently by the company in 1986, were sons, who formed the and er fath the er annual dinn PA Hall of Fame award. with father presented with the ELS launched Codemasters e teenagers when they wer id some Richard and Dav for es gam ting been crea The brothers had already publishing Jim acting as Chairman. for ers elop dev as mail order before working r first years, firstly selling via sters in 1986. Since thei the funds to form Codema ided prov ch companies, whi Codemasters release BMX Simulator, one bestber has had over 60 num e of the som ed lish pub sellers and popular titles. t mos s strie indu es gam emasters said David Darling, CEO of Cod the award. ive rece to d oure hon Were about ate sion Weve always been pas ed by gnis reco be to and es creating gam sing. plea ely ens imm is PA ELS

Fashion victims

Weve come a long way (baby). Games are in fashion literally. No longer the preserve of the spotty kid with a pasty pallor even Steve Davis would snigger at, suddenly the world is realising what weve always known games are cool! And now you can wear your obsession with pride. Fashion labels are springing up all over the place, each desperate to cash in on the craze, but in our opinion none are doing it with more style than the Joystick Junkies (www.joystickjunkies.com). With a whole range of eye-catching t-shirts (and yes, hotpants!) that you really wouldnt be ashamed to be seen wearing down your local roller disco, theres something for everyone from Space Invaders to Defender and all the way up to perhaps the greatest video game ever, the mighty Sensible Soccer. And all at more than reasonable prices. So get along to their Web site for a look and smarten yourself up!


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | sinclair researched |


a-ir lr ca ne >RSeis ched.


couldn't We simply etro magazine launch a rnning a without ru the Sinclair feature on omputers. range of cern, our John South inclair resident S oks at every expert, lo m the ZX80 to model, fro d brings us the QL, an with what's up to datein the happening cene right Sinclair s now

| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | sinclair researched |

The ZX80/81
In the beginning
1980. This was when Sinclair t all really got started in January on uter engineers had been working Research announced a new comp came to life in ZX80 air Sincl The year. ous since May the previ was not Clive d to sell at computer fairs. This February, when the first kits starte had sold kit MK14 ous previ his ; uters comp Sinclairs first venture into selling some 50,000 of these total, In . ZX80 the for nd dema well, but nothing like the as you would computers were sold. Not as many first stepping stones to modern UK. the in craze uter comp the start perhaps imagine, but enough to 95) or could be bought in kit form (79. In white moulded plastic, the ZX80 rs pape news nal natio r majo in g Advertisin pre-built and ready to run (99.95). as the futur e and it saw who many of tion atten brought the computer to the hundreds of their children. Sales took off and something educational to buy for ing. amm progr BASIC of taste first got their children throughout the country only do integer could ZX80 The t. expec d woul you However, all was not as ds strange e unheard of. Although this soun mathematics. Decimal points wher Tiles, had to Nine of Grant John by n writte was today, the Sinclair BASIC, which a real was ory mem The machines limited be squeezed onto a 4K ROM chip.

drawback and very soon, Sinclair started to sell 3K RAM expansion packs. As prices for memory started to fall at the beginning of the 80s, Sinclair later brought out a 16K expansion module. Around the world, the ZX81 price mark broke barriers at $199 in the USA and Dmk 498 in Germany.

Version 2.0
1981 saw the release of Sinclairs improved ZX81. It was launched in March, in a blaze of television and media publicity. Similar in looks, the black-cased ZX81 had hardware mainly designed by the ZX80 designer, Jim Westwood. The upgraded 8K ROM finally had a decimal point for its mathematics routines. For those who had bought a ZX80, they could buy an 8K ROM upgrade, although it was the end of Autumn before the final maths bugs had been sorted out. The new machine retailed for an unprecedented 69.95. This low price was mainly due to the Ferranti-produced ULA (Uncommitted Logic Array) which reduced the number of components and, therefore, the overall cost. The ZX80 contained 21 chips, whereas the ZX81 contained just four chips, including the RAM and processor. The ZX81 possessed 1K of RAM, but for 29.95 you could purchase a 16K RAM pack. However, these expansion packs had one major design fault. To save money, the computers did not have a socket for expansion. They relied on the circuit board itself. Copper circuit tracks ran to the edge of the board. The expansion packs had to grip the original board and make a connection. During

>Official add-ons.
The Sinclair ZX Printer came to market in time for Christmas 1981, costing a very reasonable 49.95 (this later rose to 59.95 because of rising production costs). At the time, 9 pin dot matrix printers typically sold for 200 to 300. The printer used aluminium coated black paper. The stylus was electrically charged and this burnt away the aluminium, leaving the black paper to show through. At 32 characters wide (about 4in), the black on silver output was mainly used for printing program listings. The printer may have been cheap, but the paper was not, costing 12 for five small rolls. Fortunately for businesses attempting to use the ZX81, third party manufacturers produced interfaces that allowed a standard Centronic printer to be connected. By the time the Spectum arrived, the ZX Printer had almost been phased out, but it could still be connected to the new computer. 1983 saw the launch of the Sinclair Interface 1. This was a small expansion module that raised the back of the spectrum. Along with two 100 baud network ports and a real RS-232-C port for either printers or modems, the Interface 1 had a new connection port. This port allowed the connection of up to eight Sinclairs Microdrives. The ZX Microdrive was a cheap mass storage device using an endless loop of 1.9mm video tape. Each unit was priced at 49.95, although 79.95 got you one plus the Interface 1. Between 85k and 100K could be stored on a cartridge, and at 15k per second, that meant that games could be loaded very quickly. At the time it was seen as a cheap, reliable form of storage, but the new 3.5in disks slowly ate the market and third party manufacturers produced floppy drive interfaces. The Sinclair Interface 2 was also released in 1983. This was Sir Clives answer to the boom in console sales, and the small unit (priced at 19.95) contained two joystick ports and a ROM cartridge slot. Several cartridge games were released, including a quartet of classics titles from Ultimate, but they were priced at 15 each! Granted, they loaded quicker than their cassette-based counterparts, but who would pay three times more for that privilege? Another blow was that the ROM cartridges could only store 16K games, so the growling library of 48K games was not supported.


the design phase, this was reasonable, but in practice, the memory expansion was prone to lose some contact, so your carefully typed-in program was at risk if anything was to knock the pack. And as the keyboard was nothing but a membrane, it was possible to press a key just a little too hard and the whole machine would move enough to crash. Although a major headache for users, this did lead to the creation of many a small company, attempting to solve the problem. These solutions ranged from blu-tak or velcro fasteners to metal strips and screws which bolted onto the expansion pack. The ingenuity of users started to show too. Tired of a black and white television screen? Just buy a sheet of green plastic film and you have a green screen monitor just like the expensive business computers! Hardware peripheral manufacturers sprung up in almost every garden shed, which was remarkable because most were garden sheds. Memory could be added to a massive 1Mb, although this relied on memory paging. Memotech produced a hi-resolution expansion box. Moving-key keyboards were popular, along with joysticks and even digitising tablets.

Gathering pace
The success of the ZX81 snowballed. After sales reached a certain point, there were enough young wannabe programmers desperate to make the next big

selling hit. These programs incre ased the software catalogue and so in turn persuaded others to buy the mach ine. Christmas 1981 saw thousands of parents spending the whole of the festiv e season trying to get the level on a tape recorder just perfect to be able to load in a program off a cassette tape. Magazines sprung up quickly to try and cater for the demand, with many printing program listings. Nobody thought it was strange to type in a hexadecimal computer listing that was an obvious photocopy from someones Sinclair thermal printer, save it to cassette and hope it did something useful before the machine crashed and lost everything! Pre-recorded software was the wise alternative. The Sinclair ZX Softw are arm produced a range of cassette-based teaching aids but these were not succe ssful. Games, however, did rule. With its very limited graphics, it was possi ble to play Space Invaders as long as you had no problem pretending the chun ky graphics were alien-like. There was some innovation though, with 3D Mons ter Maze being one of the original first-person adve ntures. Within two years, over one millio n ZX81 computers had been sold, some 300,000 via Sinclairs own mail order service. Of course, some people never give in. You can still buy original kits, so never mind collecting, start using ! The ZX Team are a user group of (friendly) fanatics who still support the ZX80 /81 and their clones. Fancy making a porta ble? Visit their site (w www.zx81.de ) and go to the projects page.

A selection of official Sinclair peripherals


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | sinclair researched |

-m X Z e Th Spectru
The glory days
Sinclair uter literate frenzy, 1982 saw Sir Clive Having turned the nation into a comp Acorn Computers chose who BBC, the by ed snubb reach a pinnacle. He had been uter worked for Sinclair) to build a comp (set up by Chris Curry who had once ls A and B mode BBC Acorn the , 400 At r. caste endorsed by the national TV broad In another , and Sinclair planned his revenge. were a little beyond the reach of most first The rum. Spect ZX ir the new Sincla glare of camera lights, he announced the 16K RAM there was the price. 125 bought noticeable feature was colour. Then dropped to l mode 16K l (within six months, the version or 175 for the 48K mode ugh not Altho . 100) r unde for ble uter availa 99.95, making the first colour comp ence was to be a differ price the BBC, the of ports equipped with all the interface huge factor. . They team had learned some new tricks At the launch, Sinclairs marketing be available; a brilliant would that are softw l tiona educa constantly referred to the that the could try to persuade their parents move as every child in the country chance that their the take could t paren What computer could help with school work. that the few days saw such a buying frenzy child could be left behind? The first

Sinclair mail order department could not keep up with demand. These delays were to become part of folklore and the mail order department was never able to shake its less than stellar image. Almost immediately, industries sprung up to support the Spectrum. Magazines were launched, software companies created almost nightly, and hardware add-ons flourished. Most people bought the 16K version as you could later upgrade to 48K by slotting in extra RAM chips for about 50. Programmers had by now spent two years learning how to cram code into 16K. This was the machine they had been waiting for. After Christmas, school playgrounds became a battle field of rivalries. Parents who had paid extra to buy a BBC or one of the newly imported Atari computers found their child outnumbered by the Spectrum-owning kids. This rivalry intensified with each new machine launched, forcing the owners to become inventive in their programming. Other computers could boast better hardware features and facilities. Spectrum users made up for this by using brilliant software hacks. Every time a new program hit the shop shelves it was eagerly bought and carefully reverse-engineered to learn just how the programmer had implemented the new features. Disassembler programs were common, and no-one thought anything wrong with taking other programmers code to pieces in pursuit of learning.

Profit from piracy

No-one worried about reverse engineering because a much bigger existed. Software was sold and stored on cassette tape, and any child could connect a

>Sinclair overseas.
Starting with the ZX81, the machines were being manufactured by the American Timex company in their Dundee factory. This gave Sinclair a way into the American market. Timex re-badged the ZX81 and Spectrum and sold them in the States as the TS1000 and TS2000 respectively. Other countries saw the success and a few started to make their own cloned versions. Brazil and Argentina were not part of the official Sinclair distribution and many unofficial clones were produced. These ranged from the MicroDigital TK82 clone of the ZX80 to the Argentinean Czerweny Electronica CZ2000+ Spectrum clone. Hong Kong followed with a Spectrum derivative called the Lambda 8300. However, most clones came from behind the iron curtain. The cold war meant that Sinclair could do little about copyright. From Slovakia came the Didaktik Gama. It is actually still possible to find versions for sale, with the Didaktik Kompakt having a built-in disk drive! Russia naturally went a little further and produced the Hobeta or Hobbit Personal Computer in Leningrad, with a high degree of compatibility and a considerably improved spec: 64K RAM, dual 5.25in disk drives, three joystick ports, both TV and RGB monitor output, parallel and serial ports. It was mainly sold for use in Russian schools. The ultimate Spectrum though was the Scorpion ZS-256 a Z80B 7Mhz CPU with a huge 256K of RAM. It came with a disk drive controller and TRDOS. More recently in 1996, an upgraded Spectrum called the Sprinter arrived, which could run both TR-DOS and MS-DOS!

MicroDigital released a whole host of unofficial Spectrum clones


buy the and run off a copy or two. You could couple of tape recorders together dozens of other for l schoo at it ped swap have latest game and within a day, a huge knew that you could quickly have games. Although illegal, everyone you could and , tapes C90 on up stock and library of programs. Buy a Spectrum a fraction of the price for ams progr edge g cuttin the end up with hundreds of by hit back the only way they could compared to BBC owners. Acorn so expensive were these Sadly s. drive disk n introducing add-ons such as 5.25i over ced their own, adding to confusion that third party manufacturers produ bought just users trum Spec ity. dens e or double single or double sided and singl c and more C90s! musi copy also could ts paren double tape players so their of the ative games as each new feature The early days saw a host of innov ers meant amm progr om bedro of ands thous Spectrum was discovered. Having as piracy sands of games were written, and that the market was ruthless. Thou uter comp rn mode of res featu For all of the was rife, only the very best sold. playability. is test ate ultim the gue, dialo games with extensive graphics and games had to survive and make a million, the Limited hardware meant that, to . Early ssive impre is list The ble. ntly playa grab your attention and be insta young programmers of tales with ine, Imag like success came to companies other acular collapse, many left to form earning thousands. After its spect was Ashby e hous are softw n know best bly the companies such as Ocean. Proba

Computer Graphics which traded under the name of Ultimate Play The Game. It produced classics such as Jetpac, Atic Atac and Knight Lore. As a typic al game took some six minutes to load, it soon became common for a splas h screen to be loaded before the rest of the program. Many software houses at the time hired artists just to produce these images, which due to the limited palette and resolutions, were in fact real work s of art. Third party hardware manufacturers flourished, and fought to out do one another with inventive add-ons, including graphics tablets, full-sized printers, alternative storage media and, due to the popularity of games, joyst icks. Where the rival BBC had analogue joyst icks requiring expensive potentiome ters, the Spectrum made do with cheaper contact switches. When it came to the keyboard, Sincl air had learned valuable lesssons from the previous computers. The flat membrane keyboards had been poorl y thoug ht of, and in an effort to reduce cost but improve features, the Spectrum used a membrane as the contacts, but this time had rubber blocks for the keys. The Dead Flesh keyboard gave a little response back, but many add-on keyboards were developed and sold. With so much potential for third party fixes, the system was as cheap as you were willing to pay. You could live with the basic model or spend as much as your piggy bank could afford to buy yours elf a better computer.

>Super Spectrum.
No, not the SAM Coupe, but rather the Spectrum +3e. This souped-up Speccy is the work of Garry Lancaster. Hes basically upgraded the +3 ROMs, fixing bugs and adding new features. The improvements range from the small (you can now change the colours in the editor) to the significant (the introduction of user-defined text windows). Best of all, the enhanced ROMs allow you to connect a standard IDE hard drive to your Spectrum +3 (or +2A)! Obviously you need to construct a suitable interface, but if your soldering skills are up the scratch, the new software will do the rest. Its even possible to build an interface that plugs directly into the Z80 socket, so the connector sits neatly inside the casing. Lancaster reports that hes connected drives as big as 8Gb, and he sees no reason why you cant connect even bigger drives. For more information about the Spectrum +3e, including details on how to upgrade your ROMs with the new code, visit Garrys Web site at www.zxplus3e.plus.com .

Upgrade your Spectrum +3 to support a standard IDE hard drive


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | sinclair researched |

Broadening the range

be made. being shipped as fast as they could Sinclair was on a roll, with Spectrums r, and leade ese Japan the her, presented one to The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatc Clive Sinclair was knighted in 1983. This was Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ was produced. In October the following year, the ng worki a had but ine still the same mach similar to a software patch. It was and so the moved. By 1985, sales started to slide keyboard, where the keys actually machine new This 128. produce the ZX Spectrum Spectrum+ was again improved to els chann three with m, syste sound and a new had the keyboard of the Spectrum+ BASIC did away 128 new The RAM. 128K itous and seven octaves, plus the ubiqu could still the original version, although you with the one-touch entry system of l in mode the saw finally n Britai ed. if need switch to 48K compatibility mode A few months later, Amstrad out. way the on was ir Sincla February 1986, but by then dited to sustained heavy financial losses, accre took over Sinclair after the company rad Amst as ed dropp soon was 128 rum the doomed Sinclair C5. The Spect g it something of a rarity today. consolidated the operation, makin was manufactured ZX Spectrum +2. This In 1987, Amstrad sold the Taiwanese6128 case. With the builtCPC own rads Amst inside d basically a Spectrum 128 stuffe console g games and marketed more as a in tape player, it was perfect for playin opment Devel gun). light a with led bund came than a computer (early packs even This was +3. rum saw the release of the Spect continued but at a slower pace. 1988 ed an includ also It r. playe tape the drive replacing basically a +2 with a built-in disk ands. At 250, comm ting opera disk new with upgraded version of BASIC, complete of disk partially due to the unusual choice the +3 was not a big seller. This was 3.5in ard stand the than r rathe 3in disk drive format. Amstrad opted for its own lar though, and the popu still was +2 The . today floppy drive that is still used

upgraded +2A model also appeared in 1988. This was basically a +2 with +3 BASIC, and a port to connect a standalone disk drive that was never released. This model outlived the +3 and remained on sale well into the early 90s.

The Sinclair QL
Sir Clive gets serious
Riding on the wave of success from the ZX Spectrum, Sinclair decided that the business market was the next big thing. This time, it was not to be a super Spectrum, but rather a leap forward. The Sinclair QL (Quantum Leap) was marketed as the first 32-bit business machine to retail for under 400. The first improvement was the memory. Chip prices were slowly falling so 128K on-board was possible. Ending Sinclairs use of the Z80 processors, the QL used the new Motorola 68008 chip, although once again with only a 16-bit bus. The ability to connect a real computer monitor or television offered the best of both worlds, while the twin Microdrives would provide rapid storage for programs and data. How could it go wrong? The launch was dogged by the fact that the hardware was not quite complete. The new QDOS operating system did not fit into the ROM and so initial models had a Dongle circuit board. This was complicated by a disastrous mail order arm

>Software support.
Every QL was sold with four business programs written by Psion, who itself went on to produce handheld computers. Quill was the standard word processing package while Archive was a database, capable of real business use and scripting. Abacus introduced spreadsheets, only to be let down by Easel for graphical output. This was not really down to the software, but the fact that QLs only had four colours (Black, White, Red and Green) made graphics somewhat limited. Games did not take off for the QL, which was both its downfall and its saving grace. Without games it failed to hit the mass market. No games meant that it was used in businesses throughout the country and further afield. Software was written and is still being improved. The latest commercial software, released just a few weeks ago, is called Launchpad. This is a program launcher and general GUI for all the differing operating systems.

The Z88

After Sinclair had been bought by Amstrad, Sir Clive was not quite out of the market. He formed Cambridge Computers which manufactured the very portable Z88. This was really a follow on to the Grundy NewBrain designed by the Sinclair Radionics company, which was released in 1980 and would possibly have been the BBC computer had ownership not changed before launch. The Z88s are still favoured by some researchers as the rubber keyboard is silent, so it can be used in libraries and recording studies throughout the world. Oddly, the operating system is very similar to that of the Acorn BBC.


was which failed to supply machines. The independent user group (QUANTA) a produced even and machine a of hold get to managed formed before anyone disk drive magazine before machines were shipped. At the same time, the 3.5in to cassette arrived. Previously, the Microdrive was seen as a viable alternative of 3.5in Drives tape. of loop s continuou each on 100K holding of tape, capable upgraded by killed this idea so that very soon, any self-respecting QL user had adding a third party disk interface. the name Launching the Sinclair C5 tricycle around the same time did not do market. the eroded PC Intel/IBM of Sinclair any favours. Slowly, the rise of the a clone called Over 100,000 QLs were eventually sold. BT, with Merlin, produced made a the Merlin Tonto, and ICL, which later became part of the Fujitsu empire, s and telephone in built had models two version called the One-Per-Desk. These the now than rather colour, beige dark a in made being with along modems Thor. By standard Sinclair black. Other compatibles followed including the CST over its took Amstrad where state the to reduced 1986 Sinclairs fortunes had of the QL business. Amstrad, ever one to market a good idea, stopped production and focused on improved versions of the Spectrum.

The QL lives!
ports did The network sockets never worked as stated, but the added RS-232-C 1200/75 baud leave an opening for attaching a modem as well as a printer. Cheap

modems allowed many people to use bulletin boards for communications. Online communities developed and dedicated users grouped together. Just like a PC has evolved from an XT to the modern 3GHz machine, the QL has since evolved both in hardware and software. The user group is still going strong, with monthly meetings in various parts of the country. After disk drive interfaces and memory expansions, the QL really took the hearts of its users with accelerator cards from Miracle Systems. Upgrading the processor and RAM was then usually followed by ROM changes. Full keyboards, mice and proper disk drives followed. Never mind 1.44Mbs per disk later QLs used ED disks capable of storing 3.2Mbs each! Hard drives eventually came and the latest models now being produced are the Q40 and Q60, which use faster processors and are housed in standard PC cases. These can run either the QDOS operating system or Linux. QDOS survived because the SuperBASIC was more like a Pascal language in some respects. Multitasking was the norm. Improved ROMs became available along with additional software toolkits. Finally, a replacement operating system was produced which is now called SMSQ/E. 5**

air l c in >S l. es dc oe m sp
) NEC 780C-1 (Zilog Z80A compatible Hz 3.25M 4K ROM 32x24 characters graphics 64x48 (Quarter Character blocks) l adapter aeria TV UHF a via white and Black No Sound at 250 baud Microphone and earphone sockets Expansion bus keyboard Touch-sensitive, smooth-membrane

3.54MHz Zilog Z80A 128K RAM 32x22 text 256x192 8 colour graphics 3 channel 7 octave range sound Tactile Keyboard Joystick ports RS-232-C Midi Out

ZX Spectrum 128


) NEC 780C-1 (Zilog Z80A compatible Hz 3.25M 4K ROM 32x24 characters l adapter Black and white via a UHF TV aeria d No Soun at 250 baud Microphone and earphone sockets Expansion bus keyboard Touch-sensitive, smooth-membrane

3.54MHz Zilog Z80A 128K RAM 32x22 text 256x192 8 colour graphics 3 channel 7 octave range sound Tactile Keyboard, Grey casing Built-in tape recorder Joystick ports RS-232-C Midi Out

ZX Spectrum+2/+2A

ZX Spectrum

3.54MHz Zilog Z80A 128K RAM 32x22 text 256x192 8 colour graphics 3 channel 7 octave range sound Tactile Keyboard 3in disk drive Joystick ports RS-232-C Midi Out

ZX Spectrum+3

3.54MHz Zilog Z80A 16K or 48K RAM ics 32x22 text 256x192 8 colour graph 1 channel 5 octave range sound Dead Flesh Keyboard

Sinclair QL
7.5 MHz Motorola MC68008P 128K RAM 48K ROM 42x25 text, 256x256 8 colours, 512x256 4 colours 2 joystick ports 2 RS-232-C ports TV and monitor connections 2 100K Microdrives 2 network sockets

ZX Spectrum+
Down but not out. Sir Clive strikes back with the Z88 portable computer

3.54MHz Zilog Z80A 48K RAM ics 32x22 text 256x192 8 colour graph d soun range e octav 5 el 1 chann Tactile Keyboard


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | lord of the rings |



>orfettuhren rings.
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| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | lord of the rings |

The bold and the not so beautiful

Back in the early 80s, long before the fledgling computer games market could be classed as an industry, publishers could not justify licensing costs so they dreamt up unofficial yet blatant titles. Games with titles like Return of the Jedy and Invasion of the Body Snatchas were common place. In 1982, Postern Software released the more subtly titled Shadowfax, an arcade game named after Gandalfs horse. Originally released on the Vic 20, and later appearing on the Spectrum and C64, the game saw the player ride the titular beast into battle against a never-ending stream of Black Riders. By hitting the fire button you could zap Saurons servants with well-placed lightning bolts. There was no level structure as such, and the riders just kept on coming, re we at th s me Two early ga making Shadowfax something of d on The Lord loosely base a one trick pony. The animation s ng Ri e of th

of the horses was excellent, however, being based on Eadweard Muybridges famous photographs. Shadowfax is a solid gold classic when compared to Moria a game released in the same year on the Spectrum, C64 and Oric-1. You played Gandalf in this too and your aim was to retrieve Durins ring from the mines of Moria. It sounded intriguing until you realised Moria was depicted as a 11x11 square grid and your position was marked with a letter G. As you moved from square to square you would stumble upon enemies. Here you could choose to fight or run and that was about as interactive as the game ever got. As Moria shows, developers were never going to successfully visualise Tolkiens tale with these primitive machines, so the best games came in the form of text adventures. These games where often characterised by their complexity, although half the time, players struggled with the syntax rather then the puzzles themselves. Many games required you to enter exact phrases to progress, resulting in much thesaurus thumbing. The very first text adventure, cunningly entitled Adventure, was

loaded with Tolkien references. This influential game toured University campuses throughout the 1970s, eventually turning up on home computers (as Colossal Adventure) in 1981, courtesy of Level 9 Computing. By now it had gathered even more Tolkien lore, including trolls, elves and a volcano that was strikingly similar to Mount Doom. The game spawned two sequels, Adventure Quest and Dungeon Adventure, and the three adventures came to be known as the Middle-earth Trilogy. The games were later re-released under the Jewels of Darkness title and all of the Tolkien references were removed. This was no doubt due to the fact that Melbourne House had licensed Lord of the Rings from the Tolkien estate. Following on from their successful adventure game based on The Hobbit, Melbourne House released Lord of the Rings Game One in 1985 on Spectrum, C64, Amstrad CPC, BBC, PC, Apple II and Mac. The game covered The Fellowship of the Ring (in the US the game was released as The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adventure), and was split into two parts like the book. In what was a first for an adventure


9 Computing arth Trilogy from Level The rather cheeky Middle-e

game, you could choose which character you wanted to play from Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry. Your selection didnt make a great deal of difference, but if you managed to complete the game (no small feat) you could play through again from different perspectives. The game began in The Shire, where you were able to explore the Hobbits homeland before setting off on your journey to Rivendell. In fact, it was possible to stray from the story and head in the opposite direction, over the Blue Mountains towards the forested planes of Harlingdon and the ocean beyond. So while the game followed the plot closely, it was possible to explore some of the places only mentioned in the book (or included on Tolkiens map of Middleearth). The game threw in a number of unique plot twists too, so even fans were in for a few surprises. Saying that, at the time of release many fans were disappointed with the game, possibly because an in-depth knowledge of the book was not assumed. The text was riddled with grammatical errors too, making it look like a rushed job rather than a game that had been in development for 15 months. On a more general note, the game cost a staggering 16! However, it did come in fancy packaging with a paperback copy of The Fellowship of the Ring thrown in. In 1988, Melbourne House released Lord of the Rings Game Two on the Spectrum, C64, Amstrad CPC, PC, Apple II and Mac. It was subtitled Shadows of Mordor and specifically covered book four of The Two Towers, following Frodo and Sams quest rather than Aragorns plotline. While not a great departure from the first game, it was certainly a lot more polished, with far fewer typing errors and improved graphics used to illustrate the text. Characters also displayed more independence. They would go off and do their own thing rather than follow you dumbly whilst singing about gold. The company always intended to release a trilogy of games and the final instalment duly appeared in 1989. Subtitled The Crack of Doom, it covered the events in book six of The Return of the King, climaxing in the ring forging scene on top of Mount Doom. Unlike the first two adventures, you could only control Sam Gamgee but overall the game was a marked improvement over its predecessors. It was only released on the C64, PC and Mac, and rather strangely, the game was never released outside North America, The Tolkien Trilogy, released in 1989, actually consisted of The Hobbit and the first two Lord of the Rings games.

Speaking volumes
The PC and Amiga were home to the first fully graphical adventure game based on the book. It was entitled

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| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | lord of the rings |

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Lord of the Rings Vol 1 and was released by Interplay in 1990. It was similar to the early Zelda and Final Fantasy games in many respects. The action was viewed from overhead and the gameplay revolved around slaying enemies (wolves and wargs at first, spiders and sorcerers later on) and solving tricky puzzles. If you were stumped, you could always gain clues by engaging the local inhabitants in conversation. You started out controlling just a single character (Frodo) but as you progressed you were able to enlist the services of various dwarves, elves and humans. With a party of up to ten in tow, you could stage some spectacular battles later on. Lord of the Rings Vol 1 was an entertaining game which has aged far better than the earlier text adventure. However, like the Melbourne House games, the plot was not too linear, meaning that the player was not forced to complete tasks in a strict order (some tasks could be avoided completely). Interplay followed up the game with an enhanced CD version (which featured scenes from Ralph Bakshis animated movie), a SNES version and

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a very similar PC-only sequel titled Lord of the Rings Vol 2: The Two Towers. The follow-up shifted the emphasis from combat to puzzle solving and was better for it. This SNES version was interesting because while it shared the same name as the PC/Amiga version, it was a completely different game. It supported up to five players for a start, and there were loads of silly errands to run and mind-boggling mazes to explore. You could interact with non-playable characters, and level-up the members of the fellowship, but this was very much a light RPG. The game ended abruptly too, and the proposed SNES sequel never appeared. The same fate befell the final part of the PC trilogy. Work was well underway on Vol 3 when it was unceremoniously pulled. The third game was to be more of a strategy game than an RPG, and it was very nearly released as part of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms series before it was canned altogether.


>war games.

Melbourne House marched out War in Middle Earth in 1988, shortly before the release of The Crack of Doom. This turn-based strategy game was developed by Mike Singleton, author of Shadowfax and The Lords of Midnight (which was heavily inspired by The Lord of the Rings itself). Using an icon-driven interface, you had to guide Frodo and the fellowship from The Shire to Mount Doom. Along the way you would become embroiled in battles with Saurons armies. The removed perspective distanced the player from the characters, who were, after all, just pixels on a huge playing field, yet the game certainly emphasised the epic nature of the novel. It was ahead of its time too, predating the similar Dune games by at least two years. The game was originally released on 8-bit machines (including the MSX) but later appeared on the PC, Amiga and Atari ST. These later versions benefited from enhanced visuals, including graphic sequences which showed the characters preparing for battle. Beam Software, the Australian owners of Melbourne House, released Riders of Rohan on PC in 1990. This strategy game was similar to War in Middle Earth and began with the battle for Helms Deep. There were a number of units you could utilise, including Frodo and Aragorn, but the battle engine was on the simplistic side. Besides making tactical decisions, there were also several action scenes in which you battled against orcs, either firing arrows as Legolas or swinging your axe as Gimli.

The Interplay games used a series of stills to drive the story

Dead and buried?

There is hope that Vol 3 may surface some time in the future, especially as a Lord of the Rings game written for the Atari 2600 has recently surfaced. This unreleased prototype, subtitled Journey To Rivendell, was originally scheduled for release in 1984 by Parker Brothers but never materialised, even though box artwork and screen shots appeared in one of their release catalogues at the time. Excited fans who phoned Parker

Brothers were told that the game had sold out to cover up the fact that it had never been released. The prototype available on the Web is clearly unfinished, although some gameplay elements have been implemented. For instance, when the black riders attack, you can wear the ring to become invisible and dodge their attack. All this is a long way off the licences available now, but then again, both The Two Towers and The Return of the King games from EA are little more than polished versions of Golden Axe. Perhaps we havent travelled that far after all! 5**

These turn-based strategy sims were a welcome departure from the adventure games


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | miner willy |


Miner Willy is one of the most recognisable game characters ever, having starred in Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy, two of the most successful and influential games of the 8-bit era. Martyn Carroll takes a walk down Surbiton Way, following in the footsteps of the intrepid explorer

>Hall of the Miner King.

| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | miner willy |

hen we first considered putting together a retro magazine, talk about content, readership and the business side of things always led, in a roundabout fashion, to Miner Willy. Nostalgia is infectious, and meetings would be filled with musings about back in the day, when games were good. The frequency with which Miner Willy entered the conversation was alarming. Indeed, talk to any videogame veteran about classic games and theyll nearly always remember Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy with fondness. Miner Willy seems to strike a chord that cannot be ignored. And ignore it we wont.

Manic Miner
Manic Miner was originally written for the Spectrum by Matthew Smith and released by Bug-Byte Software in 1983. Smith was 18 at the time, and it was only his second commercial game (Styx being the first). His main inspiration was a game written for the TRS-80 called Miner 2049er. Miner Miner was immediately a huge hit, and perhaps the first Spectrum megagame. It was released at a time when many Spectrum games were simple affairs, often written in BASIC. In contrast, Miner was a stunningly smooth machine code creation. It was also big, featuring 20 screens, an almost unheard of number. And the best bit each screen was completely unique, and home to a variety of weird and wonderful enemies. There were no alien ships or ghosts here. Smith introduced clockwork robots,

mutant telephones and man-eating toilets! The game delivered a succession of firsts. It featured in-game music in addition to standard spot effects. Granted, the stunted version of In The Halls Of The Mountain Kings was continually looped, but it worked brilliantly. The game also featured an animated loading screen, with Manic Miner flashing as the tape played. Although this was a simple trick using flashing attributes, it was still a first for a Spectrum game. However, Manic Miner is perhaps best remembered for being the first very difficult game! You couldnt complete this in an afternoon. In fact, you probably would never complete it. There was a fair chance youd lose your three lives before Eugenes Lair, and that was only a quarter of the way through the game. You could cheat, but this prevented you from completing the game properly. Following the success of Manic Miner, Smith left Bug-Byte and formed Software Projects with two associates. A legal loophole allowed Smith to take Manic Miner with him and re-release it as a Software Projects game. Subtitled Second Edition, the game was virtually identical. A small number of character sprites were changed, and some excellent new inlay art was created, but it was the same game. But fans neednt have worried, as the true sequel was just around the corner.

Jet Set Willy

Jet Set Willy was scheduled for a Christmas 1983 release, but it slipped and eventually appeared in April 1984 (this would probably explain why the inlay says 1983 and the tape says 1984).

>Perils of WillY.

Neither Manic Miner or Jet Set Willy could be squeezed onto the Vic 20, so Software Projects set about creating a brand new Miner Willy adventure for the Commodore computer. The result was Perils of Willy, a Manic Miner clone with much cruder visuals. The aim was to jump from platform to platform, grabbing musical notes. Collect all the notes and youd be taken to the next screen. It was a good step back from Manic Miner, and is only worth seeking out if youre a Miner Willy completist.


Jet Set Willy was not so much a sequel as a completely new game, in which Willy was let loose in a mansion containing 60 unique rooms. Unlike the original, there was no need to complete one screen in order to move onto the next. You could now explore! If one room looked a little tricky, why not leave it and come back later. If you were having trouble grabbing a tricky object, why not enter the room from the other side. The level of freedom offered was unprecedented, and the sheer scale was unparalleled. Jet Set Willy received rave reviews in the gaming press. Crash magazine called it a high point in the development of the Spectrum game and gave it 95% overall. Like Manic Miner, it was very unlikely that you would ever complete the game, despite the seven lives you began with. Just visiting every room in the game was sufficiently challenging. Software Projects sensed this, and offered a prize to the first person to telephone their offices and tell them how many glasses needed to be collected to complete the game. The winner would receive a case of Don Perignon champagne and a helicopter ride with Matthew Smith. The winners were Ross Holman and Cameron Else, who realised that the game couldnt be completed, because an object in the First Landing couldnt be collected. So you could only collect 82 objects instead of the required 83. Holman and Else won the prize nevertheless, and Software Projects released a

Manic Miner. Perhaps the only game in existence with three different covers!


series of POKEs that fixed the game. This is generally regarded as the first ever software patch! In order for the POKEs to work, Software Projects disclosed information on how to MERGE the basic loader. This opened up the possibility of changing the game in other ways, and quickly Jet Set Willy became the most hacked game ever. Your Spectrum magazine even included a special feature on hacking the game, including information on how to add a new screen in the place of a previously empty room. In fact, the games room format was so easy to exploit that two publishers, Spectrum Electronics and Softricks, released Jet Set Willy editors in 1984. These editing tools allowed users to design their own rooms, and many used them to create complete Miner Willy adventures. The best were Jet Set Willy III, an unofficial sequel by Michael Blanke and Arno P. Gitz, and Join the Jet Set, a surprisingly faithful spin-off by Richard Hallas. Jet Set Willy topped the charts throughout most of 1984, and rumours about secret rooms and the emergence of new hacks meant that it was never far from the pages of the specialist press. A sequel was inevitable, so it was no surprise when Software Projects announced that Smith was working on a new Miner Willy game. It was to be called the Megatree.

Jet Set Willy II

The Megatree (aka Willy Meets the Taxman) went on to become the stuff of legend. Some rumours suggest that Smith never even started work on the game, while others claim that a single screen was created before Smith walked out on Software Projects,

The foot that squashed Willy was influenced by Monty Python's Flying Circus


>The Gaping Pit?

apparently after an argument over royalty rates. The fact is that Matthew Smith never wrote a sequel. That job was left to Derrick Rowson. You can imagine the situation. The fans are crying out for a sequel and the man behind the series has gone AWOL. Software Projects needed something quick, and the solution was Jet Set Willy II: The Final Frontier. Released in July 1985, just over a year after the original, part II is best described as an enhanced version of Jet Set Willy. Rowson took all 60 of Smiths rooms and added a further 71 rooms of his own, bringing the total number to 131. New rooms are dotted throughout the house, with the majority lying in the rarely-explored area beyond The Forgotten Abbey. However, the majority of new rooms were not in Willys house at all. In the original game, if you made your way to the very top of the house, and jumped up from The Watch Tower, youd be looped back around to The Off License. But in the sequel, youd appear in The Rocket Room. This would then take you to a space ship from which you could beam down to an alien planet. The main problem with Jet Set Willy II was that the new rooms were largely dull and boring. The author shared little of Smiths imagination, and apart from a few nice touches (Willy in a space suit being one of them), the sequel was something of a missed opportunity. Crash agreed, giving the game 61% overall and saying Good, but not much progress. However, the sequels greatest strengths lay behind the scenes. Smith has squeezed every last byte out of the Spectrum to produce the original, and yet Rowson somehow managed to cram over double the amount of screens inside the 48K memory. To achieve this, Rowson created a compression algorithm that he used to scrunch the size of each screen. On the downside, this made the game much harder to hack, and very few modified versions of the sequel have appeared. 5** Many rumours surrounded Jet Set Willy, with the main ones relating to supposed secret rooms. This seems to stem from a reference in Smiths original code to a room called The Gaping Pit. Imaginations were on fire and the whole thing boiled over when Your Spectrum printed this letter from Robin Daines in issue seven: Seeing your article in issue 4 about Jet Set Willy I felt compelled to write to you about some locations youve missed out. The Gaping Pit seemed the most obvious one, though even I havent visited it. Secondly, and more importantly, you omitted three major locations; heres how you get to them. Wait on the bow till 11.45pm (Smith time), which may seem an awful long time to you swashbuckling Spectrummers. At that moment, a raft will get tossed up on a large wave and you must then jump on. It takes you to Crusoe Corner (a desert island to us landlubbers). Then you shin up a palm tree to arrive at Tree Tops The Sequel, from which you catch the bird that travels up towards In The Clouds. From there you can control yourself all over the house (funny things happen when you try to enter the water or the Master Bedroom) and from that point, it should be possible to find The Gaping Pit (though Ive not tried it myself). It also clobbers the Attic Attack and makes it possible to go through baddies (fire puts you down where you are, so be careful) whereupon the bird disintegrates. Your Spectrum countered with a sarcastic reply, about how they themselves had found even more secret rooms, but this was no doubt lost on countless readers, who waited and waited for that raft like Crusoe himself. This hoax became so famous that Derrick Rowson actually included the desert island in Jet Set Willy II. If you flick the trip switch, and then make it to The Bow without losing a life, the yacht will take you to The Deserted Isle.

The JSW in-game tune is If I was a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof, although the version of JSW that appeared on the They Sold a Million compilation features In The Halls Of The Mountain Kings from Manic Miner. JSW II also features the Griegs movement. Theres a room in JSW called We Must Perform a Quirkafleeg. In case youre wondering, a Quirkafleeg is an act that involves lying on the floor and kicking your legs out. It comes from a comic Smith used to read called The Furry Freak Brothers. In the original JSW, you would die instantly if you entered We Must Perform a Quirkafleeg after visiting The Attic. It seems that the large caterpillar messed up some of the graphics, causing the crash. Software Projects released a POKE for this problem, although they claimed it was part of the games design! Apparently, after visiting The Attic, Quirkafleeg filled with deadly gas, forcing you to find an alternative route. In JSW, the screen Nomen Luni is a mikey-take of the Nomen Ludi legend that appeared on Imagines plane-shooting game Zzoom. And if you look at that particular screen, youll see that a plane has indeed crashed into Willys mansion. If you do manage to collect all 83 objects in JSW, Maria will let Willy retire to bed. But as soon as his head hits the pillow, he dashes to The Bathroom and throws up in the toilet! The ending to JSW II is even more devious, because it transports Willy to The Central Cavern. Thats right the first screen from MM. Perhaps it was a recurring dream after all. MM, JSW and JSW II were ported to many different machines, with some minor but interesting changes. For instance, the BBC Micro version of MM completely replaced the Solar Power Generator with a new screen called The Meteor Shower. Similarly, the Amstrad CPC version changed the layout of Solar Power Generator but the name remained the same. However, Eugenes Lair was renamed Eugene Was Here. The Commodore 16 version of Jet Set Willy only featured 20 screens, even though it was labelled Enhanced Version. The furthest to the left you could go was the Back Stairway and the furthest to the right was The Bridge. The C16 version of JSW II included over 80 screens, but the game was a four part multi-load The Commodore 64 and Spectrum versions of JSW II were identical, expect that in the C64 port you could jump into the toilet at the start and visit several additional screens. Software Projects commissioned Atari ST and Amiga versions of JSW in 1989. The company later canned both versions, but the Atari ST version was finished, and has since found its way onto the Web. Its a very faithful remake of the Spectrum version, although there are two new rooms Buried Treasure and Zaphod Says: DONT PANIC! Jester Interactive now own the rights to MM and JSW. A jazzed-up version of MM appeared on the GameBoy Advance in 2002, and there are plans to port both games to mobile phones.

>Surbiton secrets.


| SFUSPHBNFS*| issue one | mastertronic |

>mastertronic, a history.
It was announced in August last year that Mastertronic would be reborn as a software re-publisher. As its new owners look forward, we take the opportunity to look back at this classic software label. Anthony Guter, employee at the company from 1985 to 1991, takes us back to the beginning, revealing how Mastertronic ripped up the rulebook and redefined the UK software market

astertronic was founded in 1983 by Martin Alper, Frank Herman and Alan Sharam. Based in London, the three businessmen had some financial backing from a small, outside group of investors. Unlike many of the companys competitors in the games software market, the company was not set up by programmers seeking an outlet for their creations. Nor was it part of an established business with money to spare, dipping its corporate toe in the games industrys rising tide. Mastertronics founders committed themselves to succeeding as publishers by selling games as cheaply as possible. Other publishers seemed to be concerned only with the process of creating the software and marketing an image a strategy aimed directly at the consumer, with the hope that customer demand would somehow bring the games into the shops. In contrast, Mastertronic aimed its strategy at the distributors and retailers. If the games could be put on the shelves then a low

selling price would do the rest. To this end, the core of the strategy was budget software games priced at no more than 3, at a time when most decent software was priced at 6 or more. In fact, Mastertronic opted for 1.99 as the basic price. Both Alper and Herman had experience in the video distribution business, and they believed it possible to build up a reasonable market share at this low price. With the strategy in place, the company began trading on April 1st, 1984. It initially operated out of the back room of Sharams office, in the heart of Londons West End.

Trading blows
After the infamous videogame crash of 1983, a new generation of cheap, programmable computers emerged. This was led in the UK by Sinclair, with fierce competition from Commodore. At this time, the retail end was poorly organised, with console games being sold through a variety of outlets including electrical stores, photography

shops and some of the high street chains. When the console market collapsed, these retailers pulled out. And as there were virtually no specialist games shops, publishers were forced to take out adverts in computer magazines and sell their software by mail order. The problem was one of classification. Were games merely toys, or published products like books and records, or did they rightly belong with consumer electronics alongside the computers on which they ran? There was no obvious answer. One certainty was that the trade was in disarray. The failure of the first consoles made retailers suspicious. The buyers for the larger high street chains like Woolworths and Boots were confused by the many different types of home computer. They did not know how to cope with suppliers who might produce a good game one month, then nothing but failures thereafter. They were afraid to commit to buying product unless they could be sure of returning unsold stock for a refund, but who knew how long the new games

publishers would be in business? And how the hell do you sell a computer game anyway? A customer could flick through a book, listen to a record, play with a toy. Games were slow to load and needed some understanding which sales staff usually lacked. It seemed crazy to stick a tape into a computer, wait five minutes for it to load and then watch the potential customer play with it for ten minutes before deciding not to buy. Retailers were unsurprisingly sceptical and reluctant to believe there was any money to be made.

Distribution deals
Mastertronic was started by men who understood distribution and marketing. They knew nothing about computer games and were proud to boast that they never played them. When programmers came in with demos, someone would have to set up the machines, load the games and even plug in the joysticks for the directors.

Mastertronic rar ely advertised in the specialis t press, but there were except ions


| SFUSPHBNFS*| issue one | mastertronic |

Why was it called Mastertronic? As part of a general marketing plan, the word master was to be used with a variety of other words in order to distribute various electrical products. The company briefly published music under the name Mastersound and videos as Mastervision. These were not particularly succesful ventures. It also used the name MasterAdventurer for marketing interactive fiction. This was partly due to a deal with Carnell Software to publish an elaborate adventure game for the Spectrum called Wrath of Magra. Carnell Software fell into financial difficulties and ceased trading in the summer of 1984, although Mastertronic republished two of their earlier releases, Volcanic Dungeon and Black Crystal.

>Where are they now?

Mastertronic agreed publishing deals with many programmers, yet records show that some of them never returned to collect their royalties! Those who vanished without trace include Nigel Johnstone (The Captive, Spooks), M&S Srebalius (Rockman, Rest in Peace), Paul Ranson (converted Bump Set Spike to Amstrad and Spectrum) and Raymond Tredoux (Star Force Nova). One cheeky chap who probably had good reason not to return with cap in hand was Sean DeBray, who sold the same game as Ghettoblaster to Virgin, and as Streetbeat to Mastertronic!

Mastertronic's re-release carries the familiar colourcoded packaging design

The same game, but with a different title and a different publisher

directors. They never employed programmers directly. Everything was bought in from outside, either directly from the authors or from other games publishers. Once established, Mastertronic was deluged with games from enthusiastic amateurs and actually published quite a few of them. Before the company started trading, the business strategy had been clearly defined. Each of the separate elements (distribution, sourcing and pricing) were vital to success. The founders fell back on their backgrounds in video retail and used their contacts to set up distribution deals. In the beginning, the high street chains were not interested. But because the games were cheap, it was easy to persuade smaller retailers to take them. Mastertronic set up a network of selfemployed distributors, with some knowledge of merchandising, to reach outlets that the mainstream wholesalers overlooked. A key figure in setting up these networks was Richard Bielby, an ex-professional cricketer with Leicestershire. Bielby and his wife kept in touch with dozens of shops and traders, bought in bulk from Mastertronic and broke the stock into manageable units for their subdistributors and merchandisers. Many

had experience of the video distribution business, which was now rapidly consolidating as large high street operators took over. Computer games software was a welcome alternative. They targeted newsagents, sweetshops, garages, video shops, groceries and even motorway service stations. Shops were encouraged to take dealer packs 100 games at a time mounted on cardboard racks. They were asked only to give the products some floor space. Sale or exchange agreements meant they undertook no risk.

From left to right, Martin Alper, John Maxwell, PR person Alison Beasley and Alan Sharam Mastertronic cast its net wide and looked to release a constant flow of new titles. Unlike its competitors, Mastertronic did not entrust the storage and distribution of its products to wholesalers. Determined to control the distribution process, the directors set up their own warehouse. In the early days this was a cellar in Paul Street, on the edge of the City of London. Most of the employees were casual labourers. To take on the overheads of a warehouse was a bold step, and one which very few publishers would ever do. But for Mastertronic, the key was to keep promises about delivery. No publisher working through a wholesaler could guarantee when

Rallying the retailers

The nervousness of the retail trade about the continuity of software products was profound. Buyers did not want to rely on publishers who might not deliver new product on time. They wanted the same sort of assurances that the long established music and book publishers could supply, with guaranteed releases of new titles and buyback arrangements for overstocks. Mastertronic set out to provide these assurances. While other publishers based their marketing strategy on the output of one or two key programmers,

products would be issued. A retailer buying from Mastertronic could, if they wished, go to the warehouse and collect the goods there and then. Running the warehouse kept the directors in touch with the physical side of the business too. By listening to retailers, they were forced to understand how to pack games, what sorts of packaging broke in transit, what sort of labelling was required, and just about every aspect of distribution. Furthermore, the three key suppliers the tape copier, the arthouse and the printers were all geared to fast responses. They understood that it was often crucial to get a certain number of titles out each month. Mastertronic also pioneered colour coded packaging. All games had a coloured triangle on the top right hand corner of the inlay and a coloured rectangle on the spine. Spectrum games were yellow, Commodore 64 games were red and Amstrad games were orange. This led many software houses to use variations on this theme. Retailers, who understood very little about computer games, liked this system and it enhanced the professional image of the company.


>One Man and His Droid II.

Lurking just outside the top 10 best selling Mastertronic games is One Man & His Droid, the worlds first alien sheep-herding simulator. Clive Brooker, its programmer, wrote a 128K-only sequel in 1991 and approached Virgin Mastertronic. The company told him that the Spectrum market was all but dead, but if the game was good enough, theyd convert it to other formats. In the end the game was never published, but Clive has made it freely available for download from his site (www.autolaunch.freeserve.co.uk).

>Formats of the future!

Mastertronic was one of the few publishers to sell dedicated software for the more powerful Spectrum and Commodore 128 machines. The Enhanced versions of The Last V8 and Kikstart on the C128, only sold around 5,000 copies very poor compared to the standard machines. It was a similar story on the Spectrum where the 128K versions of the Magic Knight sequels suffered badly against their 48K counterparts. In fact, the 128K version of Knight Tyme was released a couple of months before the 48K version, yet still only shifted 7,400 copies.

The unpublished sequel, now available as a free download

Poor sales forced Mastertronic to can its dedicated 128K games

Sourcing software
Because Mastertronic was a publisher and not a software house, its first problem was to source the product. One important source was Mr Chip (later Magnetic Fields), a software house run by Doug Braisby. The games he sourced in the first 15 months of Mastertronics life (up to June 1985) sold a staggering 395,000 copies. But this achievement was eclipsed by another key source, the Darling Brothers. Having mastered the art of quickly developing games for the Vic20 and C64, David and Richard Darling set up a partnership with Mastertronic which gave them both a royalty payment and a share of the profits on the sales of their games. It was astonishingly successful. In that first 15 months, nearly 750,000 games written by the Darlings were sold, netting them some 85,000! For two boys of school age, this was evidence enough that games would earn them more than any nine to five, and they soon terminated the deal with Mastertronic and established Codemasters, their own budget software company.

To put these two sources in perspective, about 2.1 million units were sold of all titles in that first 15 months. Thus the deals with Braisby and the Darlings secured 55% of early Mastertronic sales. Later on, as Mastertronic became better known, many people approached the company with finished games, or just ideas, and were keen for Mastertronic to publish their work.

Early hits
The early games were produced for the dominant computer formats of the time. The Vic20, C64 and Spectrum were the main machines. The marketing strategy required a flow of titles so that retailers had compelling reasons to keep the games prominent in their shops, and attracted and held the interest of the consumer. Between April and June 1984, Mastertronic launched 32 titles: 13 on the C64, nine on the Spectrum, seven on the Vic20, two on the BBC Micro and one on the Dragon. Eight titles were developed by Mr Chip, seven by the Darlings and four by CME Software. Almost all were derivative, based on popular arcade games. Hence there was a Centipede clone called Spectipede on

the Spectrum and BBC Micro, and a PacMan rip-off named Munch Mania on the C64. But a couple of titles stood out the Darlings BMX Racers on the C64, and Vegas Jackpot by Mr Chip on the C64 and Vic20. BMX Racers was not based on an arcade game and it was the first of a number of extremely successful games aimed specifically at young boys. 340,000 copies of BMX Racers were sold. Vegas Jackpot sold nearly 300,000 units, including a rare version for the Dragon. Great care was paid to the appearance of the games and to the image of the publisher. Quality artwork was commissioned for the inlay covers. Some of these pictures, particularly those with science fiction themes, undoubtedly helped many an undistinguished game to sell.

In 1983/4, most computer games retailed in the UK at prices between 5 and 8. Retailers disliked cheaper games because they made less profit and the public were suspicious of the quality of budget games (rightly so in the majority of cases). Despite this, Mastertronic games were priced at a mere 1.99.

At the time, all computer games in the UK and Europe were distributed on cassette tape. Computers using floppy disks were available, most notably the C64 and the models aimed at business users, such as the Apple, Commodore PET and Tandy ranges. But these were mainly sold in the US. In Europe, the cheaper tape-based machines were much more common. Games were short, reflecting the limited memory capacities of the computers. Code that filled the memory would fit onto a short length of tape that could load in around four or five minutes. For a reasonable print run, a tape duplicator could produce copies for about 25p each. Mastertronic, aiming for large product runs, bought its tapes at 22p (some assistance was gained in the directors having part ownership of the tape duplicator). Inlay cards cost around 3p each, with the cover artwork costing anything up to 1,000; assuming a print run of 20,000, this worked out at around 5p per unit. Other distribution costs might add another 5p in total. So a game could be duplicated and put out to market for a total cost of 35p. The other main cost was the software itself. Games could be purchased outright but most authors wanted royalties, so as not to lose out


| SFUSPHBNFS*| issue one | mastertronic |

>Mastertronics all-time best sellers.

The top 30 sales across all formats, including all Mastertronic labels.




SQUIRM 123,006




LA SWAT 161,672




MILK RACE 174,110

in case of success. The standard deal that was offered in 1984 was an advance of 2,000 and a royalty rate of 10p per unit. Many young authors were very happy to take this, especially when Mastertronic usually went on to sell 50,000 copies or more.

Having set the costs, the profit depended on the wholesale price. Here, the calculations work backwards. From a retail price of 1.99, VAT (15% at the time) took 26p. Retailers expected to make a margin of 30%. They would, therefore, not buy at prices higher than about 1.30. Between this price and the production cost of 35p was a margin wide enough to cover advertising, overheads, the profits of distributors and, provided there were not too many, the costs of failed titles.

In practice Mastertronic sold to distributors at about 90p per unit, reduced to around 80p in the more competitive late 1980s, and at about 1.30 when they were able to distribute directly to retailers. This pricing structure would generate good profits provided sales were high enough. If the total sales of a title were just 10,000 units, then raw material and distribution costs might be 3,000, inlay artwork and advance to the author a further 2,500, and the receipts about 9,000. So this would bring a reasonable gross margin of 38%. But in the early days, the company easily exceeded 10,000 units per title. The ten C64 titles released in Mastertronics early days sold (on average) 40,000 in the first year, then over 50,000 before being withdrawn from sale. The Vic20 titles achieved 44,000 on average. Surprisingly, the early Spectrum releases did less well,

but still averaged 28,000. Budget pricing proved to be perfectly viable provided that the majority of titles achieved good sales, and in the fast growing market of the mid 80s, at the pocket-money price of 1.99, they did just that.

Growing pains
Rapid growth required more staff and the development of internal systems for accounting, sales, stock control and royalties. The company left George Street for a flat overlooking Regents Park. By now there was a games buyer, John Maxwell (with two assistants) and some PR, accounting and secretarial staff. The flat soon proved too small for the expanding business, so in September 1985, Mastertronic found new offices in Paul Street (where the warehouse was situated). This became

the companys home until it merged with Virgin Games in September 1988. But long before then, the emergence of new computers slowly began to complicate the business. The company now had to consider whether it was worth making conversions of existing hits for different machines and models. The more types of computer, the less shelf space available for each individual format. In a way, this reduced the range of different games. The Amstrad CPC, Atari XL, MSX and Commodore 16 computers all became established in this year. Few of the competitors took much notice of the C16, and for a while, Mastertronic was the only company with a range of games for this machine. Each title sold in huge quantities. For example, Squirm on the C64 sold 41,000 copies, but one year later, the C16 version sold 82,000.





THE LAST V8 127,331


BIG MAC 139,946


ROCKMAN 143,882






FEUD 191,381


STORM 193,074

MAD for it
In late 1985, the company launched the MAD label. This stood for Mastertronic Added Dimension, and was the first, deliberate, step away from the pure budget market. MAD games retailed at 2.99 and were intended to be of better quality than their cheaper counterparts. The label was launched with a boat party on the Thames, where the authors demonstrated the first games in the range The Last V8, Master Of Magic, Hero Of The Golden Talisman and Spellbound, sequel to the very popular Finders Keepers. The MAD launch was an exception to the companys policy of not spending a lot on marketing. Its competitors spent plenty on advertising, mainly in magazines. Mastertronic rarely advertised. This probably reduced the amount of editorial coverage it received,

but overall the game reviews were fair. The press had been fairly contemptuous of the publisher at first, but in 1985 there was a grudging acceptance that budget games were at least value for money, with some as good as full price products. In 1986 Mastertronic became cool. It began to be deluged with games, game ideas and propositions. Sample tapes arrived daily and were stacked up for evaluation. People would walk in off the street and if they had something promising, theyd be signed up there and then. The TV show Jimll Fix It received a letter from a youngster, asking if his idea could to be turned into a game, and Uncle Jim duly obliged (with a little help from Mastertronic and Icon Design). The game was called Supertrolley and featured a cartoon Jimmy Saville on the cover. Programmers visited the company

regularly, including David Jones (Magic Knight series), Clive Brooker (Empire Fights Back, One Man & His Droid, Lap of the Gods), Kevin Green (Skyjet, Flash Gordon, Space Hunter), Jim Ferrari (King Tut, Human Race, Hollywood or Bust). Now and then Rob Hubbard would pop in and hand over his latest tune. Jeff Minter, the shaggy-haired one himself, also visited. Several programmers worked for the company for a while as technical advisors. These included Stephen Curtis (Nonterraqueous, Soul of a Robot, Into Oblivion), Richard Aplin (Destructo, Fly Spy, Ultimate Combat Mission) and Tony Takoushi (Frenesis, Hyperforce).

Tomorrow the world!

From the beginning, Mastertronic software had been sold in the USA by a

local distributor. In 1986, Alper went to California to set up Mastertronic Inc. Primarily, this company could only distribute C64 games because all the other 8-bit computers were virtually unknown in the US. Gradually, Alper introduced games for the new 16-bit machines and Mastertronic Inc began to take on a different profile to the UKbased business. Links with US software houses provided a new source of games and the label Entertainment USA was created to showcase these in Europe. This was balanced by another label named Bulldog (Best of British). The growing business also found exclusive distributors in the major European markets and thus created the impression of a truly international group. The UK company was now managed by Herman, whilst Sharam increasingly specialised in sales and logistics. Around the late summer of 1986, Mastertronic


| SFUSPHBNFS*| issue one | mastertronic |


NINJA 194,897


180 196,155






KIKSTART 286,256




SPEED KING 304,499



recruited Geoff Heath as Director of Marketing. Geoff had run both Activision and latterly Melbourne House. He was something of a heavyweight in the games industry, and his long-term target was to publish full price software under the Mastertronic name. 16-bit computers became increasingly popular, and for the first time, the quality of games for home machines such as the Amiga and the Atari ST seemed similar to those found in arcades. The 16-bit range was launched, appropriately enough, on a new label called 16-Blitz, although the name was not used for very long. Mastertronic Inc began to develop a range of new arcade games that would run equally well on home computers. It agreed to buy a large number of Amiga chips from Commodore to power the new arcade machines. This venture, called Arcadia, nearly killed the company

because the project developed slowly, with games of poor quality not well suited for arcades. On the other side of the coin, the success of the budget range and the growing influence of the company led to it becoming the main supplier of both budget and full price software to a number of major retailers in the UK, notably Toys R Us and Woolworths. Some full price publishers were happy to let Mastertronic re-release their older games at a budget price, and of course, this was very easy business. The Richochet label was born, featuring games from Activision, Martech and US Gold.

Mergers and buy-outs

The business had always steered clear of full price software, but that

changed radically in 1987 when it purchased struggling UK publisher Melbourne House from its Australian holding company, Beam Software. Melbourne House kept its label identity and a few of the staff joined the Mastertronic team, notably Rachel Davies the marketing manager, and general manager Martin Corrall. Ironically they were reunited with their old boss, Geoff Heath. This move meant that Mastertronic had first refusal on re-releases of classic games such as the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Way Of The Exploding Fist. However, the main justification for the purchase was to provide a vehicle for the sale of full price games, and in particular as a sales outlet for the home versions of popular arcade games. In 1987, following negotiations between Herman and Richard Branson, Virgin Group purchased the 45% of

shares held by the outside investment group. In that year, Mastertronics turnover was about 8 million, with pretax profits standing at 1 million. The deal valued the group at around 10 million. The remaining 55% was held by Alper, Herman and Sharam, who eventually sold out in 1988. The company was renamed the Mastertronic Group Ltd, and later merged with Virgin Games to create Virgin Mastertronic. In September 1988, the staff left Paul Street and joined forces with the Virgin Games staff in offices just off Portobello Road. This signalled the beginning of the end to the key Mastertronic budget business. While the buy-out shifted the focus of the company, the budget end of the business had been in general decline since 1986, the year in which Mastertronic peaked. From then on, sales declined almost as fast as they





KANE 262,829


CHILLER 280,173


KIKSTART 2 283,585




BMX RACERS 345,423





grew. The number of titles released actually increased in 1987/8, so the unit sales per title were falling rapidly, eroding the profitability of the business to the point that there seemed little use in continuing. This decline had several reasons, the first being new and intense competition in the budget market. Codemasters has established itself as a very successful company, and full price publishers like US Gold began to release their own budget labels. The growing market for 16-bit computers was another contributory factor. Mastertronic produced budget games for these machines but there was never the same buoyancy in the market. The console market was bouncing back too, spearheaded by the NES and the Sega Master System. This was one pie that Mastertronic most definitely had its finger in.

The Japanese giant

It was Herman who, in early 1987, spotted that Sega had no UK distributor for its Master System range. Mastertronic applied and was appointed distributor for one year. Martin Corrall, who was somewhat at a loose end after the absorption of Melbourne House, was the ideal manager for this new line of business. The company sold all it could get its hands on that year, and the UK distributorship was renewed. In addition, Mastertronic were appointed as distributors in France and Germany, and thus was born the huge business that was to become Sega Europe. In 1991, the group turnover was almost 100 million. Nearly all of the sales, and certainly all of the profit,

came from Sega products. Full price games such as Golden Axe and Supremacy were achieving significant sales, making the budget business irrelevant. In early 1991, Sega expressed an interest in taking over the distribution business (but not the publishing side). Virgin Group sold, and as a result, the staff moved over to Sega. Only a handful of Virgin programmers stayed with the publishing side (quickly renamed Virgin Interactive Entertainment, or VIE). After the Sega takeover, Herman became deputy Managing Director of Sega Europe and Sharam was appointed Managing Director of Sega UK. Alper stayed with Virgin and continued to head up VIE for several years. Around 1993, VIE pulled out of the budget games market altogether.

Looking back
The Mastertronic name may have died over 10 years ago, but it continues to bring back memories. Theres surely thousands of kids who could not afford the more expensive games and who were able to enjoy gaming thanks to Mastertronic. The business really was unique it could not be replicated today. Games are now developed by teams, with typical retail prices being between 30 and 40. Gone are the days when a teenager could walk unannounced into a publishers office, load up their game and instantly be offered a publishing deal. But there really was a time when this happened. It is beginning to feel like a legendary era, but it was only twenty years ago. For further insight into Mastertronic, visit Anthonys website at: www.guter.org 5**


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | street fighter |

>Street Fighting Clan.

It's 15 years since Street Fighter first arrived on home consoles. To celebrat this anniversary, Ca e is to release Hyper pcom Street Fighter II, th e ultimate version of seasoned brawler. Ou its resident fight fan, r Charles Brigden, like the odd scrap now an s d

it if icks y l K ial cane c e sp ri s. , e s Hur unche n e th olve on P inv Drag and

e s hy a d l uar time g a nd is Sta sents of th ies pre tory y ser his endar leg



| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | street fighter |

hneerNaetw >T Ge ion.

Street m finally released a true sequel to After a long, long, long wait, Capco arm lukew a ed New Generation receiv Fighter II in 1997. Street Fighter III: Street as a step down from the excellent d viewe being fans, from tion recep except Ken and cter chara every with away did Fighter Alpha series. Capcom left a lot to cast of bizarre fighters who really Ryu, and introduced a whole new Strike Third and ct Impa d Secon be desired. Improved versions called issue by bringing back Akuma followed, addressing the character and Chun-Li. er III was its The main problem with Street Fight complex to be too ly simp was sheer depth. This game cast version fared Dream The es. arcad the in ed enjoy copy home and better, because you could take a the game. er mast to red requi devote the time

ts. er ke ct oh >P fig


on handheld also had its fair share of outings Unsurprisingly, Street Fighter has n on the Editio pion Cham of form the in consoles, the first of which appeared The World of n versio Hot on its heels was a portable version of the PC Engine. ndos Ninte on ared appe have ns Better versio Warrior on the original GameBoy. hful that is Super mout the with nce, Adva Boy handheld successor, the Game the the single best portable version of Street Fighter II Turbo Revival, and nce. game, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Adva

dgames, there have always been groun ver the history of video and computer e becom and or redefined a genre breaking titles that have defined you ular category. So much so, that when instantly synonymous with that partic title. With fic speci one that recall y diatel think of that type of game, you imme driving, you think of Super Mario Brothers, and with platformers you immediately think h, theres only thoug s em-up beatn-one 2D one-o of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. With II. r Fighte t Stree face the one game that smacks you in

First strike
prequels legions of modifications, sequels and The legacy of Street Fighter II and its usly been responsible previo had who m, Capco her began in 1987, with Japanese publis r arrived, and and Ghouls n Ghosts. Street Fighte for such classic arcade titles as 1942 signs of things the all had it , much so love come to while it was not the game we have Ken. The and two selectable characters, Ryu to come. For instance, there were only Ryu at the by him to given scar who would wear the final boss of the game was Sagat, . series the end of this game in later entries in on the fighting system, with strange pads Capcom employed a new gimmicky the more pads, the hit you r harde or kick. The machine that you would hit to punch forcing Capcom to , broke ably inevit pads These damage you did to your opponent. attacks. The of buttons for light, medium and hard replace them with two separate sets y popular, hugel not While y. histor was rest the six button fight system was born, and

its sequels, tream public that would later eat up and still forgotten amongst the mains em-up beatthe on ce advan its for Capcom, and Street Fighter had sown the seeds force. market would soon be coming up full advance side-scrolling beat-em-up that would In 1990, they released Final Fight, a The s. move ther smoo and tion anima better the work in Street Fighter further, with g were no match for fightin and ine storyl e simpl its game was a huge hit, and while would later go its characters, both good and bad, Capcoms later beat-em-up successes, the stage was Fight, Final of larity popu the ls. After on to appear in Street Fighter seque st title on the world. set for Capcom to unleash its newe

World beater
immediately was released into arcades in 1991 and Street Fighter II: The World Warrior news of the through schools and playgrounds with became a smash hit. Word spread d the aroun all from g hailin rs to choose from, this incredible game. With eight fighte ively effect or Warri World The m, syste l contro world, and the reinstated six-button amazing os could be pulled off with ease, and created a new genre in which comb ver, while Howe ns. butto of n inatio a simple comb special moves could be achieved by . more everybody ate it up, we all wanted . After the it to us, over and over, and over again In return, Capcom decided to give updates to nt differe five than more were r II, there release of the original Street Fighte as overkill by to the series. Naturally, this was seen the game, with dozens more added


Ken was one of the only all characters to appear in three games

even the most ardent fan, and the later releases in the series were not met with a huge amount of commercial success or fanfare. With Marvel vs Capcom 2, the last Street Fighter release in recent times , Capcom seems to have gone onto pastures new, with series such as Resident Evil and Mega Man selling millions. So is this the end for Street Fighter? Youd think so, but Capcom arent about to let it slip from memo ry just yet. But just what is it that has made Street Fighter II still a household name 12 years after its release, and that made the title a genre-defining game in the first place ?

Birth of a legend
Video gaming wasnt particularly exciti ng at the beginning of the 1990s. We still had Mario and the usual Nintendo, sugar -coated suspects, and Sonic was abou t the most exciting thing around, but there was nothing out there that was ready to grab us by the throats and make us take notice . At least, not until Capcom unleashed Street Fighter II in 1991. Here was a game that was so deceptively simple that anyone could just pick it up and play, and also enjoy it. Each character has an abundance of special moves, and they could be learned in a very short time. The use of comb o moves was actually an accident on the developers part. They discovered there was a split-s econd gap between most of the moves just enough time to sneak in anoth er attack . This introduced an element of skill, eleva ting it above the button-bashing tactic s required by

just about every other fighting game at the time. While everyone else was putting out games that still had the basic struct ure of Double Dragon, Capcom was taking the genre by the scruff of its neck and shaking it up for all to see. Street Fighter II also made a reasonable breakthrough in the treatment of its characters. At the time, most storybased beat-em-ups were the typica l revenge dramas that basically set them up as game adaptations of Death Wish. SFII still had this angle, but split itself across eight different characters that, while being stereotypica l, all had refreshingly different stories. Ryu was the essential warrior, searching not for glory or prizes but to satisfy his spirit, while Ken was the arrogant and egotistical one out to show everyone that he was the best. Dhalsim fought to transcend his spiritu al plane, and Blanka fought because he didnt know any different, bless him. There were two characters, Guile and Chun Li, who did embrace the revenge motive, but neither of their scenarios were as straightforward or cheesy as something like a kidnapped girlfriend. But where the game really made headw ay was the gameplay. Never before had a fighting game really had such an impac t to a point where it was imperative for everybody to know every single move for every single character. Sure, peop le picked their favourite characters and ran with them, but it was still important to know moves for everyone, so if someone got to Ken or Ryu first you could easily play with Zangief or Guile. That was the whole dynam ic of Street Fighter II. And it was all inherently linked to the incredible two-player mode. The one-player mode of Street Fighte r II was always excellent and it was one of


those games where one man against the machine always drew a crowd of people. But what was great in one-player was expanded exponentially in two-player, with the satisfaction of beating the machine itself not half as much as defeating the man standing next to you, destroying his pride and scarring his soul. Whether it was your best friend or some rando m kid you met in the arcade, nothing matte red except sending that person home licking their wounds and hanging their head in the wake of your bare-knuckle skills.

Attack of the clones

Never one to overlook a potential franch ise, Capcom released a new version of Street Fighter II in 1992. Champion Edition wasnt that different to the original game , with Capcom keeping the tried-and-trusted formula but making some small altera tions. On the visual side, each character had some brand new threads, but every one also had their moves beefed up. Kens Drago n Punch had a further range, Ryus fireball was more powerful, and every character was stronger. However, the biggest addit ion was the

chance to finally play as one of the four bosses, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and the big baddie M. Bison. While the ending sequence for each boss was essen tially the same with the evil hordes taking over the world the attraction of being able to finally use moves like the Tiger Uppercut and Bisons all-powerful Psycho Crusher was a big draw, and unsurprisingly, Champion Editio n was a big hit. The success of Champion Edition broug ht on a whole host of illegal pirate versions of the game, with faster speeds and some outrageous moves. Now every man and his fish could walk into a seedy arcade, funfair, or takeaway and experience a more intense, if illegal, Street Fighter exper ience. Now Ryu could shoot a volley of fireballs that covered the whole screen, any character could teleport, and you could switch between characters mid-game. The games had titles like Rainbow Editio n and Blackbelt Edition, and while they looked cool, the lack of any kind of rules to these special moves rendered them unplayable. As a result, Capcom went back to the drawing board, and beat the pirate s at their own game by releasing Street Fighte r II: Hyper Fighting. This version had similarly radical moves, but was much more stable. The main attraction of Hyper Fighting was its increased speed, but Capcom again gave all the characters new outfits and another increased level of power and streng th. Now Ken was able to fly across the screen with his Dragon Punch, and he and Ryu could reach higher with their Hurric ane Kicks. Blanka received a new cannonball attack and Dhalsim was blessed with the best move of all the ability to teleport. Hyper Fighting was, expectedly, a huge succe ss, but this wasnt the end for the series just yet. Capcom was only just getting starte d.


ter II The new Hyper Street Figh ter from game includes every figh the long-running series

d the overhaul of Street Fighter II. They refine In 1994, Capcom performed a total four brandadded and ics, graph oved -impr much look of the characters, gave the game total number of Cammy, and T.Hawk. This took the new characters Fei Long, DeeJay, was another ngers Challe New t Fighter II: The playable characters to 16. Super Stree ally, this included Basic es. arcad the in n Editio t huge hit, as was the special Tournamen you were told up, and as soon as you won a fight, four machines that were connected t. It was a bit amen tourn the ue contin in order to which machine you had to go to next ament modes now tourn the ed adow foresh it but , strange, and a bit like musical chairs later available. Just as before, Capcom would seen in every one-on-one fighting game Turbo X, and Turbo II r Fighte t Stree Super te with refine the proceedings again and upda ning to wane. the popularity of the series was begin but while the game was well-liked,

end of the game on a home console was at the different name. The last sign of the II. It was only released r Fighte t Stree Super ed releas SNES era, when Capcom and Virgin t Fighter conversion, signalled the end of Stree in limited quantities, and while a good II. Well, for the time being...

Fighting fit
t Fighter m released a whole host of Stree In the latter half of the decade, Capco er Alpha 3. Fight t Stree and Alpha + EX er t Fight games, the best of which were Stree ver, if Howe popularity it had in the early 90s. Sadly, the series never regained the latest the with y happ be t doub new fix, youll no youre an SF fan and in need of a y of the ersar anniv 15th the being 2003 With news coming out of Capcom HQ. . Hyper Street to issue a new version of the game series, the publisher has seen fit aul and will overh ical graph a have will yet again Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition er II. This means Fight t Stree of n editio every feature every single character from r Turbo X, pion Edition against Ryu from Supe youll be able to pit Ryu from Cham complete et box-s al speci a in sed also be relea and all kind of combinations. Itll of other goodies. host whole a and e movi ated with a DVD of the fantastic anim But, d up by an army of fans in no time. Rest assured itll probably be lappe ? Any series er Fight t Stree the of future the aside form nostalgia, just what is The Anniversary doubt depend on the success of chance of a new SF game will no the mighty of style the in title and do a new Edition. Will Capcom take the leap ardent Street most the but ne anyo Will 2D? Soul Calibur II? Will they stick to ledge that ens, Capcom can be safe in the know Fighter fan buy it? Whatever happ t Fighter. Stree than try indus s game the ntial in few games have been more influe Sho-ryu-ken! 5**

Homeward bound
home. Street in the arcades, but it was thriving at The series may have been suffering pretty horrible a ing includ rm, platfo viable every Fighter II appeared on just about PC versions Spectrum! The Amiga, Atari ST and monochrome version on the humble . fights en betwe times g long loadin were better, but they suffered from Even at a the excellent SNES version though. No such loading problems plagued time that the of most spent rs Naturally, SNES owne hefty 64.99, it was a massive hit. although this was fans, drive Mega r-less Fighte t Stree they werent playing it taunting the Segas console. was releasing Champion Edition on short lived as Capcom announced it quickly was ng Fighti Hyper as r hand for long, But Sega fans didnt have the uppe tially got the same essen les conso both h, thoug end announced for the SNES. In the , while the nt conversion of Street Fighter II Turbo game, with the SNES having a brillia Turbo with a just was which n, Editio pion al Cham Megadrive got Street Fighter II Speci


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | horror movie licences |



einlcle. >tLoicK

hot once Horror is h recent again, wit e Freddy vs movies lik pers Creepers Jason, Jee Texas 2 and The assacre Chainsaw M all surpassing ns at the box expectatio time-honoured office. In hit tradition, to licensed films lead indeed, games and, teractive is Vivendi In a game to release the upcoming based upon g movie. Van Helsin roll casts a Martyn Car man-style eye Marty Feld istory of over the hences, horror lic with games beginning d the death that playe your three march when expired lives had

he original Texas cre Chainsaw Massa several d ne aw movie sp remake, hit rs yea t las sequels, game for the and, in 1982, a 00. Cited as 26 humble Atari t Video len Vio st The Fir d you to play Game!, it invite geful the part of the ven innocent an or ce rfa the Lea safety. victim looking for otive em the g rin Conside s no surprise wa it , ing tis ver ad tributor Wizard to learn that dis ed by low ad he s wa s Game ducer Charles budget-movie pro s followed wa e titl Band. This

he game by Halloween (T home!), where HE comes d lpe he u in which yo e sav rie Lau ter sit baby nds of kids from the ha el. her brother Micha s me ga se the ile Wh the sound intriguing, re we ics graph and extremely basic ful, aw s wa the sound 00 26 by n eve s standards. It wa be to rd ha kind of ing scared of a beep chainsaw or a shapeless shape!

TCM and Halloween are two of the rarest 2600 games because many shops refused to stock them!


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | horror movie licences |

Just keep repeating "it's only a game, it's only a game..."

Jason lives
After five film outings, Jason Voorhees finally made his digital debut in Domarks Friday the 13th: The Computer Game. Released in 1985 on the Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC, the game featured the striking Final Chapter artwork on the packaging and came complete with free blood capsules containing red sugar water. In the game, you controlled the female lead as she tried to protect her 10 fellow campers from the menacing Jason. Your first job was to take a cross from the nearby graveyard and place it in the barn, the library or the church. This then became the sanctuary where the campers could shelter as Jason would not dare enter. The only problem was that the campers soon became bored and wondered out into the open (presumably to have sex, smoke dope or go skinny dipping by moonlight). Unjustifiably trashed by critics at the time of release, the game featured a number of redeeming qualities which overshadow its crude visuals. One nice touch was that you could also become a killer by locating one of Jasons discarded weapons and attacking your friends. Another excellent feature was the thud of your heartbeat which increased rapidly when Jason was lurking nearby. Better still was the Friday the 13th game that appeared on the NES in 1988, courtesy of LJN. Taking control of one of six playable characters, your aim was to destroy Jason while protecting the kids in the camp (which, rather strangely, was also home to a hoard of zombies). As you searched the


One, two, Freddy's coming for you! The Dream Master invades consoles and computers
local area for useful weapons, an alarm would signal that Jason was stalking one of the cabins. You then had only 60 seconds to stop Jason before the bodycount started to rise. As in the films, defeating Jason was downright difficult and on some occasions, you even had his mad mother to contend with! The game was certainly challenging, but also a lot of fun and probably preferable to sitting through one of the Friday the 13th movie sequels. deeds of Carrfax Hall to the Counts castle. After signing the register and obtaining your room key, you were provided with a seat at the dinner table. An interesting problem here was that the food you chose from the menu would have a direct effect on your dreams when you retired later in the evening. A dodgy combination often resulted in a gory death as your nightmares became reality, especially if you failed to light your bedside lamp and close the bedroom window before you slept. Naturally, CRL followed Dracula a year later with Frankenstein, another excellent text adventure that proved to be similar in style and content to its predecessor. You began the game as Victor Frankenstein and your mission was to locate the monster that you created four years previously. When you eventually tracked him down, you were provided with the dubious pleasure of controlling the creatures actions yourself. Using the original novel for references, Rod Pike attempted to emphasise the monsters inherent humanity by trying to make the player sympathise with its plight: There are no bolts though his neck, he explained, I wanted to get the atmosphere and pathos of Mary Shellys novel rather that the gore of the Hammer films. As a result, the small number of detailed illustrations still only received a 15 rating. Undeterred, CRL finally succeeded with their version of Jack the Ripper (1988), the first game ever to receive an 18 certificate. Playing the part of a Victorian gent, the game began when you accidentally bumped into the Ripper as he fled from a Whitechapel crime scene. As you investigated his handiwork, the police arrived and accused you of the murder. Naturally, you were coerced into proving your innocence by trailing and exposing the man (or indeed men) involved. Through its vivid use of prose and the subtle accuracy of the murder descriptions, the game succeeded in recreating both the atmosphere of Victorian London and the horror generated by the killers unmotivated attacks. Programmed by Irish authors St Brides, CRL added the gory illustrations prior to release in their commercial aim to secure that elusive 18 rating. Deemed unnecessarily distasteful by Sinclair User magazine at the time of release, the graphical limitations of the 8-bit machines meant that apparent acts of gross violence were merely poor depictions of bloody corpses. In the same year, Rod Pike developed Wolfman, his third horror text adventure

Here's Freddy!
Predictably enough, LJN released A Nightmare on Elm Street on the NES the following year. While the game was standard platform fare in which you had to find Freddys bones and burn them in the boiler-room furnace to banish him, the development diary was slightly more interesting. Apparently, the player originally controlled Freddy but the idea of having a comedic child killer as a playable character did not sit well with Nintendo. LJN were forced to switch things around at the last minute, although screenshots of the original concept appeared in the gaming press, suggesting that a prototype of the game may once have existed. At around the same time, Monarch Software released an Elm Street game on the C64 (and later ported it to the PC). Unlike the LJN game, this version was far more episodic and followed the plot of the third film quite closely (it was subtitled Dream Warriors in fact). You began by selecting one of the five character from the film to play, all of which had their own specific dream power. You then had to rescue the others from Freddys house which, once inside, turned out to be a series of complex mazes containing monsters and traps. The action was viewed from a top-down perspective but action is probably the wrong word as much of your time was spent solving increasingly perplexing puzzles. Only the most determined and deft gamers would make it through to the final battle with Freddy.

Universal appeal
Due to the graphical limitations of the 8-bit computers, the better horror conversions came along in the form of text adventures. Although the standard get key, go north approach was often associated with bespectacled young males and blokes with beards, many of these adventures were extremely literate and featured fiendish puzzles. Software house CRL excelled in their quartet of horror film tie-ins for the Spectrum, C64 and Amstrad CPC, yet they insisted on submitting each game to the BBFC. As the guidelines state that all video games are exempt from classification unless they depict gross violence towards humans or animals to any significant extent, CRLs actions were viewed purely as a bid to attain some free publicity. While featuring no explicit text, their first release, Dracula (1986), included a small number of gory screenshots which were intended to offend the BBFC and therefore warrant an 18 rating. However, our beloved censors were obviously made of stronger stuff and only a 15 rating was issued. Programmed by acclaimed adventure author Rod Pike, the game itself was an atmospheric mix of gothic descriptions and fiendish puzzles. Taking on the role of Jonathan Harker, you began the game in a Transylvanian inn the night before your trip to deliver the


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | horror movie licenses |

Oh the horror! Someone protect us from this sick filth!

for CRL, but this well-written three-part title became lost in the ratings hype surrounding Jack the Ripper and was sadly overlooked by the press and public alike. As the title character, you awoke in a strange hovel, covered in blood and with no memory of the previous nights events. A mob of incensed villagers had surrounded the house, proclaiming that the Mayors daughter had been killed her throat ripped out. As the guilty party, your first task was to cover your tracks before escaping the village in search of a faraway temple where you could be cured of your bloodlust. Along the way you met a young girl named Nardia and you had to play from her perspective on several occasions.

search the mall for precious food while fending off the lumbering living dead. As in the film, looting the various shops for food and ammunition was the key to survival. Originally written for 8-bit computers, Zombi later appeared on the Amiga and Atari ST in a better-looking version.

Barking mad
The work of Clive Barker has been represented in several computer games, the most well-known being Oceans Nightbreed games. The first one, Nightbreed: The Action Game, appeared in 1988 on 8-bit and 16-bit machines. Based on Barkers epic movie, which in turn was based on his book Cabal, the game placed you in control of Aaron Boone as you ventured into the underground city of Midian in search of your girlfriend Lori. Standing in your way were the Nightbreed themselves and a bunch of rednecks who have stumbled upon Midian. Your chief adversary, though, was a mass-murderer known as The Mask. As the title suggests, Nightbreed: The Action Game saw you kicking and punching your way down into the depth of Midian. The sequel, however, was subtitled The Interactive Movie and only released on PC, Amiga and Atari ST. Like many of Oceans film licences, the result was an uneven mix of several mini-games, each based on a certain scene from the film. In fact, the game adhered to the plot of the film so closely that the player was forced into following a strictly linear path. The Interactive Movie was a step down from the first game and it sold poorly, canning the third game in what was originally slated as a trilogy of titles based on the film. Two titles based on the Hellraiser films befell the same fate. The first, simply entitled Hellraiser, was developed in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) by Color Dreams. Uniquely, the Hellraiser cartridge was rumoured to contain extra memory and an additional processor chip, allowing the game to display 16bit style graphics and run three times faster than standard NES titles. Unfortunately, the cost of producing such a cartridge was judged to be too great

Bloody bits
Ariolasoft seized the opportunity to capitalise on CRLs Frankenstein by releasing a game based on the Bride of Frankenstein movie. Neglecting the serious text-driven approach, Bride was a comical graphic adventure in which you controlled the title character in her hunt for the perfect husband. Set in Castle Frankenstein, you had to dodge various ghosts and skeletons as you searched the crypts and corridors for various body parts. Upon locating the brain, you could spark off the honeymoon by unlocking the laboratory and electrifying your mans vital organs. Considering the inordinate cost of licensing fees, many software releases relied on unofficial yet blatant titles. Ariloasoft (under the guise of Viz Design) followed Bride with Werewolves of London (1988), a game evidently based on An American Werewolf in London. Adopting a similar 2D viewpoint to Bride, Werewolf saw you wandering around nondescript streets solving simple puzzles. These tasks were hindered because a full-moon signalled your transformation into the snarling title character, allowing you to release your repressed frustrations upon Londons policemen, traffic wardens and underground commuters. Another unlicensed product was Ubisofts Zombi (1990), which proved to be a faithful interpretation of George Romeros Dawn of the Dead, right down to the zombie-infested shopping mall (with a helicopter on the roof ) and the impending attack of the Hells Angels. You took control of four characters and the main aim was to escape the mall by helicopter. From a first-person perspective, you had to


Palace Pictures shot to fame in the early 80s when they picked up The Evil Dead for UK distribution. The cheap ly made horror movie was a huge cult hit, and it wasnt long before Palaces software arm released a tie-in game for the Spectrum, C64 and BBC Micro. All three versions were generally the same, although the Spectrum version supp orted the Currah Speech hardware add-on. It was used to good effect, voicin g lines from the film such as the Evil Deads plea of Join us...join us. The gameplay took place within the cabin and the action was viewed from above. As Ash, you had to keep the Evil Dead out by moving from room to room closing the windows. If, or rather when, your friends became possessed, you had to destroy them using a variety of weapons (axe, spade, chain saw and so on). The head, torso and legs of each body would then attack! When you had disposed of all these parts, the Necronomicon appeared and you had to throw it onto the fire. The game then began again, but the difficulty level was increased. Extremely simplistic by todays stand ards, The Evil Dead is neverthele ss fun to play (for about five minutes anyw ay). It is also rather rare so count yourself lucky if you come across a copy. The Spectrum version is particularly uncommon as it was never actually released as a main title. Instead, it was sneaked onto the b-side of Palaces excellent Cauldron game.

>Something evil.

Descend into the depths of Midian in Ocean's gruesome twosome and this ambitious project was scrapped with no prototype produced. As a result, very little is know about the game except that Color Dreams planned to cut the costs by releasing Hellraiser on the PC. The title was to be based around Wolfenstein (the forerunner to Doom) and it would even use Ids 3D engine, suggesting that Hellraiser was a first-person action adventure. In 1995, Magnet Interactive Studios secured the licence and they set about developing Hellraiser: Virtual Hell for the PC. It too was a 3D adventure game in which you had to escape from the fiery depths of Hell. Along the way you encountered Pinhead and Pinball a new Cenobite who could throw steel spheres, Phantasm-style. Doug Bradley lent his voice to the game during a day off from filming the fourth Hellraiser movie, and a rolling demo was produced that showed Pinhead emerging from a computer screen to swallow up the player, but Magnet could not find a publisher and the plug was pulled on Virtual Hell. Although it is unlikely that the games mentioned here will ever become collectors items, they prove to be an intriguing element of the modern movie package. Who knows perhaps one day well see an old licensed game turning up as a bonus item on the films DVD release. 5**

The Evil Dead game appeared on home computers in 1985, after the movie had been banned under the Video Recording Act! Virtual Hell failed to materialise, but many screens are floating around the Web


advertising gallery
20 years ago and computer magazines were very different to the ones you read today. Besides pages and pages of program listings, there were always a number of classic adverts. We've selected our favourites from this classic year. Some signal the arrival of important milestones in computing history, while others just made us smile...


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | 1983 advertising gallery |


The original ZX Spectrum advert. All this for 125!


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | 1983 advertising gallery |

Oric looked to cash in on the success of the Spectrum


Down in price, but probably still too expensive for most parents


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | 1983 advertising gallery |

A classic C64 advert. It's not just a games machine you know



| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | 1983 advertising gallery |

Wow! It's like something from the original Star Trek series!


Brings new meaning to the term multitasking


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | 1983 advertising gallery |

Ultimate arrives on the software scene


Ah, Kevin Toms. His bearded face was a reassuring sign of quality



Emulation Nation

Reading and reminiscing about retro games is one thing, but what if you want to walk the full length of memory lane and actually play these classic titles? The easiest and least expensive way is through emulation. Martyn Carroll looks at the many emulators available for your home PC

| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | emulation nation |

mulation is very popular. One of the very first emulation Web sites, Emulators Unlimited (www.emuunlim.com), is fast approaching the 15million hit mark! The site is home to hundreds of different utilities that collectively emulate any old console or computer you could care to mention. Whether you want to play Atari 2600 games on your PC, revisit the Amiga Workbench or test-drive the Gameboy Advance before you buy one, youll find an emulator that will do just the job. Because there are generally many different programs that emulate the same machines (there are over a dozen Spectrum emulators for example), the obvious question is which one do you opt for? The choice is often complicated because emulators often stem from the source code of other emulators. First and foremost, you require a program which faithfully replicates the machine in question. That means it emulates each hardware component and runs all of the available software compatibility is key. Secondly, as the software is usually written by enthusiasts rather than professional programmers, you require a program which is easy to set-up and use (and includes relevant user information). Last and least, youll be looking for an emulator with a few bells and whistles one which lets you control games using your PC joystick, for instance, and allows you to save your progress while playing. The aim of the article is to look at each popular platform of yesteryear (and a few not so popular) and pick out the best emulators for each computer or console. All of the programs mentioned can be found on the Retro Gamer * coverdisc.

Emulating computers

A number of readers will fondly remember the Sinclair ZX81 (and perhaps its even more primitive forerunner, the ZX80). For many enthusiasts, these cheap and cheerful machines were single-handedly responsible for igniting their interest in computers. If youre looking to relive a little bit of computing history by emulating a ZX80/81 on your PC then you can use either Xtender2 or NO$ZX81. The Xtender2 readme goes out of its way to ward you off by stating that the program is NOT user-friendly and NOT intended for regular users. NO$ZX81 does at least include common sense documentation but development has ceased and the emulator has been discontinued. Serious bugs, and there are several, are seemingly there to stay, although it does work with the majority of programs I tested. Despite the warnings in the readme, Xtender2 isnt too difficult to use and it also runs native software without a hitch. The main difference between NO$ZX81 and Xtender2 is that the former does not support high-resolution graphics whereas the latter supports all graphics modes.

ZX80/81 emulators are rare but if youre looking to emulate the subsequent Sinclair machine, the ZX Spectrum, youll be spoilt for choice. There are literally dozens of Spectrum emulators available and some of them have been in development so long that they emulate the host machine perfectly. One such example is ZX32, which emulates all of the Spectrum models from the humble 16Kb version right up to the floppy disk-driven +3. The program will even check the software you want to load and The irrepressible default to the best Sinclair Spectrum. model for running it. Perhaps the most ZX32 supports all of the emulated machine in existence popular file types, including the .tzx file format which is regarded as the best way of preserving Spectrum software in its original form. Development of ZX32 appears to have stopped, so if youre looking for a cuttingedge Spectrum emulator you should take a look at RealSpectrum. It runs all Spectrum software without a hitch and yet also expands upon ZX32 by emulating various hardware add-ons such as the ZX Interface 1, the DISCiPLE/+D disk interface and the Kempston mouse. You can even use it to set up Spectrum network over the Web! Note that there are several versions of the emulator, each one optimised to work with different processors. There are several emulators available for Sir Clives last Sinclair machine, the rather grand sounding Sinclair QL (Quantum Leap). The majority are shareware though (meaning you must pay if you want to use the emulator after the free trial period). One completely free QL emulator is QLAYw. It is no longer developed and therefore slightly lacking in some departments, but its easy enough to set up (dont forget to assign the ROM file you want to run to a Microdrive port!) and offers faithful QL emulator.

More 8-bit micros

The Spectrums main competition in the homecomputer market came from the Commodore 64 and the Vic 20. WinVICE emulates both machines, as well as other models in the Commodore range, including the original PET computers, the CBM-II and the Commodore 128. The program is extremely stable WinVICE is a one-stop shop for and the latest version simply your Commodore emulation needs fixes a few bugs caused by individual games. WinVICE is so popular that other Commodore emulators are generally ignored. However, if youre looking for a dedicated C64 emulator you should try Frodo, a program which focuses on reproducing special graphical effects exactly and includes support for various peripherals. WinVICE also offers support for the Commodore 16 and Plus/4 models, but if youre looking for a dedicated emulator then try either Minus4w or Artifex. Both emulators are very similar and they run all software I tested (including dedicated Plus/4 games). They even include the 3-in-1 office suite built into the Plus/4!

How far back can you go? How about a game of 3D Monster Maze on the ZX81?


Loading disk images in WinAPE can be tricky - this screenshot shows you how Due to their relative lack of popularity at the time, Amstrads range of CPC computers are not as well supported in the emulation scene. There are, however, a couple of good emulators in the form of WinAPE and Arnold. WinAPE accurately emulates the entire CPC range (including the CPC+ models) but it can be difficult to get up and running, especially if youre unfamiliar with Amstrad BASIC. Thankfully, the Running Programs chapter in the Help text steps you through the process. Similarly, Arnold can be confusing to use but all the help you need is included in the readme file. There is very little to choose between the two emulators except that Arnold features a number of configurable options, including one which allows purists to change to a green screen display (CPCs were originally purchased with either a green screen or colour monitor).

The Spectrum, Commodore and Amstrad computers dominated the European home-computer market throughout the 1980s and any other manufacturer that dared enter the fray was immediately fighting a losing battle. Three early computer casualties were the Jupiter Ace, the Oric-1 and the Atari 800. While largely ignored and rare as a result, there are dedicated emulators available to download. Ace32 is a Jupiter Ace emulator that runs under DOS. It works fine under Windows too just refer to the readme for the various keyboard commands. Development of this program appears to have discontinued but it runs the small amount of software available for download from the Web without a hitch. Euphoric allows you to emulate the Oric-1 and its lesser known successors, the Atmos and the Telestrat. Unusually, this emulator installs itself on your system but this does mean that you can easily launch tape and disc files by simply doubleclicking them from within Windows Explorer. This saves you from having to use Oric Extended BASIC to launch programs. If youre looking to emulate the Atari 800 computer you can use Atari800Win a program which accurately emulates all hardware aspects of the machine and can also be configured to behave like any of the Atari 8-bit models (including the XL and XE variations). If features full sound support and is able to emulate both the Atari disk drives and cartridge slot. Unlike many of the programs mentioned here, the ROM files required to run the emulator are not provided so youll need to obtain them from the Web. However, the accompanying readme file tells you exactly which files you need, where to get them and what to do with them.

The Atari 800 was home to one of the very best versions of Pitfall 2

Mac attack!

Ask anyone who works in a design department if they prefer to work on PCs or Apple Macs and theyll unanimously opt for the latter. It seems that designers prefer to use Macintosh software over Windows software. Compared to PCs, Macs are more expensive and less popular, but you can use an emulator to run Mac OS on your PC. Emulators, Inc. produce three different Macintosh emulators designed to handle all versions of Mac OS on different types of PCs. Fusion is a free emulator aimed at DOS users that is recommended for use on 486 and Pentium systems. It runs System 7.0 and 7.1 as well as Mac OS version 7.5, 7.6, 8.0 and 8.1. Gemulator 2000 is a basic Mac Classic emulator that is capable of running System 6.0, 7.0 and 7.5. It is especially useful for running old Mac Plus and Mac Classic games which may not even work on newer Macs. Finally, SoftMac 2000 emulates the Mac Classic, Mac II, Mac LC, Mac Quadra and all versions of Mac OS up to 8.1. Heres the best bit all three programs deliver around 70% of the clock speed in emulation. This basically means that a 500MHz Windows PC will emulate the equivalent of a 300MHz Macintosh running Mac OS 8.

You can emulate old or new Apple Macs (and even the Lisa) using various emulators


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | emulation nation |

16-bit models
Atari enjoyed greater success with its 16-bit ST machine. WinSTon is branded as the definitive Atari ST emulator for Windows as its very stable, offers excellent software compatibility (especially with games) and features full sound support. Its ideal for beginners too because its very easy to set up and yet packs in enough features to satisfy experienced ST users. You can use it to emulate an ST hard drive with up to four partitions and it is possible to read original ST disks using you PCs floppy disk drive. Earlier versions required you to locate the TOS (Tramiel Operating System) ROM but the latest release includes the file, so you can revisit the familiar green desktop without searching the Internet beforehand. WinSTon only emulates the standard ST machine. If youre looking to emulate the expanded model, the Atari STE, you will need to use Steem. This new emulator runs all of the standard ST software as well as the rarer STE releases. You do need to obtain a TOS ROM though.

Relive the delights of Robocod using the excellent WinUAE Amiga emulator The ST was eventually overshadowed by the very popular Commodore Amiga. Despite its prevalence, there are very few Amiga emulators available. By far the most popular is WinUAE (Universal Amiga Emulator) which, as the title suggests, emulates every home model from the A500 to the A1200. It can be quite confusing to use it first you have to configure the program correctly and point it to both the Amiga Kikstart ROM and program ROM before emulation but it does offer authentic emulation and runs all programs tested. At the very least WinUAE requires a P200 to run. If your machine cant cut the mustard, we recommend WinFellow an excellent, if slightly simplistic alternative for users with less-powerful PCs. I couldnt move on to consoles without briefly mentioning the Acorn range of computers. A number of emulators cater for the BBC Micro, although we recommend BeebEm (Windows) and B-EM (DOS) above the others as they are the most advanced. Electron emulation is taken care of with ElectrEm (which is great despite a dodgy GUI), while for the Archimedes you can choose from either Archie or Red Squirrel. The latter is classed as alpha software and we experienced problems running some games. Archie, on the other hand, ran all software tested. However, the RISC OS ROMs are required to run both emulators.

Let WinSTon and Steem take you back to the ST's lovely green desktop!

GBA emulation

When a new console is released, programmers fall over themselves to be the first to emulate it. In the case of the GameBoy Advance, emulators began to surface before the handheld was even released! Much to Nintendos chagrin, it seems that resourceful writers got their hands on development kits and began to see what was making the machine tick. While the some of these emulators only run home-made demos, several will actually run the latest commercial games. Boycott Advance is one example that originally had problems emulating some 3D games but with the latest release runs all games without a hitch or a graphical glitch. Better still is the excellent VisualBoyAdvance which allows you to use cheats and save your progress. It also emulates the Pocket, Super and Color GameBoys, making it the definite GameBoy emulator. Emulating handheld games may seem nonsensical, especially as the whole point of the GBA is that you can play it while one the move (or, more appropriately, while sitting on the toilet). But at least you can preview games before you go out and buy them.

Squint at a small screen no longer run GBA games on your PC!


Arcade at home
MAME can emulate a stunning range of arcade systems, giving you access to a massive back catalogue of games

So far weve looked at home computers and consoles, but emulation doesnt have to stop in the home. Several older arcade machine boards are the focus of a few emulators out there and the need to track down that old arcade favourite and pump it full of 10p pieces is no longer necessary. When it comes to emulating arcade games many people turn to MAME, the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. This is a multiple-format emulator that can replicate a large range of arcade boards from a variety of manufacturers. The easy-to-use Windows port, MAME32, includes support for over 3,000 arcade games, and the number is growing with each new release. Besides MAME there are other arcade emulators of worth. RAINE, in particular, is recommended as it features one of the friendliest interfaces of any emulator and supports hundreds of popular arcade games. If you cant get a game working with MAME then try RAINE. If youre a fan of fighting games then dont miss Callus. This Capcom arcade system emulator lets you play all of the major Capcom titles, including the Street Fighter II series and its many spin-off games. It seems the only old arcade games that neither of these programs can emulate are the classic laserdisc titles, such as Dragons Lair and Space Ace. You can, however, use DAPHNE to achieve this aim, providing you have a supported laserdisc player and the original game laserdisc. As thats something of a tall order, its also possible grab the games from the Web as MPEGs (theyre pretty large mind) and play them using your PC.

Emulating consoles

If there was one single program which drew attention to the emulation scene it would have to be UltraHLE (High Level Emulator). This tiny, freeware program was the first playable Nintendo 64 console emulator and it caused a storm, mainly because the machine it emulated was retailing for 200 at the time! Legal threats were issued and development of the program was immediately discontinued. The original release still stands up well with the glut of N64 emulators which have appeared since, although it will not play some of the more recent games. One active N64 emulator which expands its compatibility list with each new release is Nemu64. Most games run smoothly even when in full-screen mode, but success The N64 may have been superseded by the GameCube, but you can relive some of its finest games on your PC

generally depends on your system setup and the graphics card you are using. With N64 emulation, if one program doesnt work for you just try another from either Blade64, Project64 or 1964. The popularity of the Sony PlayStation has also led to several emulators of debatable legality. At the top of the pile, in terms of infamy at least, are bleem! and Virtual Game Station two commercial emulators which have been hindered Strangely, bleem! even went on sale as by legal threats and a boxed product for a short time lawsuits. In fact, all assets before its untimely demise relating to Virtual Game Station have since been acquired by Sony and development has ended with version 1.4. It still runs the vast majority of PlayStation games straight from the CD, although it renders the visuals in software using DirectDraw capabilities. bleem!, on the other hand, supports Direct 3D compatible graphics cards and actually enhances the visuals. Both programs play original games, backup copies and imports just pop the disc in the drive and the game will load. In the demo version of bleem! sound is disabled and you cannot save your progress while playing games. Note that due to copyright issues, we are unable to include these emulators on the coverdisc. If youre looking for a free alternative, then ePSXe and FPSE are the best of the bunch (once youve taken time to configure them correctly). A PlayStation BIOS ROM is required to run both emulators however, so youll need to scour the shadier side of the Web before beginning.


| SFUSPHBNFS* | issue one | emulation nation |

Games galore

If anything, console emulation is more popular than computer emulation and just about every gaming platform has been emulated. The classic Atari 2600 is no exception and there are several excellent emulators available. StellaX is certainly the most popular, mainly because it runs all 2600 cartridge games and the rarer Supercharger cassette games. The only downside is that you cant configure your own keyboard controls, although you can use a PC joystick to play the games. Atari has always commanded a cult following and all of their subsequent machines have been emulated, including the unsuccessful 5200 SuperSystem and 7800 ProSystem models. If you wish to emulate these machines, then Daniel Boris is your man because hes written emulators for both! Virtual Super System and v7800 are somewhat basic and run in DOS, but beggars cant be choosers. Everything is run and configured from the command line so be prepared to fiddle around with various options before getting any results. ROM files are also required. If the thought of using a DOS-based program makes you turn green, try out Jum52, an excellent new emulator that runs under the relative safety of Windows. Like Virtual Super System, a 5200 BIOS ROM is required. Similarly, youll need an appropriate ROM file to run Handy the Atari Lynx emulator. The final Atari console, the psuedo-64-bit Jaguar, is proving difficult to emulate. Several promising projects are afoot and furthest down the development line is Project Tempest the first Jaguar emulator to actually run commercial games. At present, only some games include support for sound, and a fairly fast PC is required to run games at a steady frame rate.

A great feature of this emulator is the rarity display. This shows how rare the original cart currently is Besides Sony and Nintendo, Ataris other rival in the console market was Sega. Programming teams are struggling to emulate the two most recent Sega consoles, the Saturn and the Dreamcast, but the earlier machines are well represented in the emulation scene. In particular, there are many Megadrive emulators available to download and lots of debate over which is the best one. If youre looking to play

The various Megadrive emulators throw open the door to 100s of classic games

While using emulators is not illegal, downloading the games to play on them is. You see, someone owns the copyright to just about every game ever released. Unless you own an original copy of the game or the copyright holder has declared that the game can be freely distributed, it is technically theft to download it for free. And dont be fooled by the disclaimers on Web sites that claim that its OK to download games as long as you delete them after 24 hours. No such law has ever been introduced. This includes old games too, because even if the original publisher no longer exists as a company, youll often find that the rights fall to the original programmer. If the publisher has been bought out by another company, the rights will belong to them, lock, stock and back catalogue. Shades of grey do creep in when considering old games however. To be found guilty of copyright theft it must be proved that downloading games is done at the expense of the copyright holder. So while this would obviously cover downloading PlayStation and GameBoy Advance games from dodgy Web sites, it cant be realistically levelled against those who download old Spectrum and Commodore games. After all, these games have not been commercially available for between 10 and 20 years! We do not condone piracy in anyway whatsoever, but its a matter of fact that no one has ever been prosecuted for downloading and playing old games.

Sharing your wares

full speed on low-end systems. When it comes to emulating the Super Nintendo system, you are generally limited to either SNES9x or ZSNES. Both programs offer fast, faithful emulation and actually expand upon the original machine by allowing you to play multiplayer games over the Internet!

Finally you can emulate the Atari Jaguar, the world's first 64-bit console, on your PC

standard Megadrive games, we recommend Kgen as Sega itself is using the program to re-release some of its older titles. However, to emulate the Mega-CD and the 32X add-ons use Gens and Retrodrive respectively. Moving back in time further, you can emulate both the original Sega Master System and the handheld Sega Game Gear using either ChaSMS or FreezeSMS. The latter now includes additional support for the Colcovision console. The Master Systems main competitor was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and there are literally dozens of emulators available for this, with new ones surfacing regularly. The NES had a strange system of mappers that determined how the game ROMs were accessed and each one has to be coded separately when writing an emulator, so the more mappers, the higher the compatibility rate. At present, fwNES supports the most mappers, with RockNES running a close second. However, many argue that Nesticle, the first ever NES emulator, is still the best as it supports all sound channels, allows you to save your game and will run

Enjoy an online game of Super Bomberman using SNES9x or ZSNES

To be continued...

In this introductory feature Ive looked at emulators designed to run on a home PC. In issue two of Retro Gamer, Ill take a closer look at other host machines, including the GamePark 32, Xbox and PlayStation 2. Thats right you can run classic games on the very latest consoles!

issue 2

4 0 0 2 l i r p a

s e v l e h s e h t hits

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