Human Motion Analysis: A Review
Human Motion Analysis: A Review
Human Motion Analysis: A Review
J. K. Aggarwal and Q. Cai Computer and Vision Research Center Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 Tel: (512)471-1369 Fax: (512)471-5532
Human motion analysis is receiving increasing attention from computer vision researchers. This interest is motivated by a wide spectrum of applications, such as athletic performance analysis, surveillance, man-machine interfaces, content-based image storage and retrieval, and video conferencing. This paper gives an overview of the various tasks involved in motion analysis of the human body. We focus on three major areas related to interpreting human motion: 1) motion analysis involving human body parts, 2) tracking of human motion using single or multiple cameras, and 3) recognizing human activities from image sequences. Motion analysis of human body parts involves the lowlevel segmentation of the human body into segments connected by joints, and recovers the 3D structure of the human body using its 2D projections over a sequence of images. Tracking human motion using a single or multiple cameras focuses on higher-level processing, in which moving humans are tracked without identifying speci c parts of the body structure. After successfully matching the moving human image from one frame to another in image sequences, understanding the human movements or activities comes naturally, which leads to our discussion of recognizing human activities. The review is illustrated by examples.
analysis of athletic performance as well as medical diagnostics. The capability to automatically monitor human activities using computers in security-sensitive areas such as airports, borders, and building lobbies is of great interest to the police and military. With the development of digital libraries, the ability to automatically interpret video sequences will save tremendous human e ort in sorting and retrieving images or video sequences using content-based queries. Other applications include building man-machine user interfaces, video conferencing, etc. This paper gives an overview of recent approaches to the various levels of tasks needed to accomplish the analysis of human motion from image sequences. In contrast to our previous review of motion estimation of a rigid body 3], this survey concentrates on motion analysis of the human body, which is a nonrigid form. Our discussion covers three areas: 1) motion analysis of the human body structure, 2) tracking of human motion using a single or multiple cameras, and 3) recognizing human activities from image sequences. The relationship among these three areas is depicted in Figure 1. Our review follows a bottomup approach in describing the general tasks for each area. Motion analysis of the human body usually involves the extraction of the low-level feature, such as body part segmentation, joint detection and identi cation, and the recovery of 3D structure from the 2D projections in an image sequence. Tracking moving individuals using a single or multiple cameras involves applying visual features to detect the presence of humans directly, i.e., without considering the geometric structure of the body parts. Motion information, such as position and velocity incorporated with intensity values, is employed to establish matching between consecutive frames. After feature correspondence between successive frames is solved, the next step is to
1 Introduction
Human motion analysis is receiving increasing attention from computer vision researchers. This interest is motivated by applications over a wide spectrum of topics. For example, segmenting the parts of the human body in an image, tracking the movement of joints over an image sequence, and recovering the underlying 3D body structure is particularly useful for
Model Based Tracking Non-model Based Single Camera Recognition Multiple Cameras
Figure 1: Relationship among the three areas of human motion analysis addressed in the paper. understand the behavior of these features throughout the image sequence. Therefore, our discussion turns to a review of methods for recognition of human movements and activities. There are two typical approaches to the motion analysis of human body parts, depending on whether a priori shape models are used. Figure 2 lists a number of the publications in this area over the past several years. The work denoted with an asterisk was developed in the Computer and Vision Research Center at The University of Texas at Austin. In each type of approach, the representation of the human body evolves from stick gures to 2D contours to 3D volumes as the complexity of the model increases. The stick gure representation is based on the observation that human motion is essentially the movement of the supporting bones. The use of 2D contours to represent the human body is directly associated with the projection of the human gure in images. Volumetric models, such as generalized cones, elliptical cylinders, and spheres, attempt to describe the details of a human body in 3D and thus require more parameters for computation. With regard to the tracking of human motion without the use of body parts, we di erentiate the work based on whether the subject is imaged at one time instant by a single camera or from multiple perspectives using di erent cameras. In both con gurations, the features to be tracked vary from points to 2D blobs to 3D volumes. There is always a trade-o between feature complexity and tracking e ciency. Lower-level features, such as points, are easier to extract but relatively more di cult to track than higher-level features such as blobs and 3D volumes. Most of the work in this area is listed in Figure 3. To recognize human activities from an image sequence, researchers typically use one of two types of approaches: approaches based on a state-space model or ones which use a template matching technique. In the rst case, the features used for recognition have been points, lines, and 2D blobs. Methods using template matching usually apply meshes of a subject image to identify a particular movement. Figure 4 gives an overview of past research in this area. In some of the publications, recognition is conducted using only parts of the human images. Since these methods can be naturally extended to recognition of a whole body movement, we also include them in our discussion. The organization of the paper is as follows: Section 2 reviews work on motion analysis of the human body structure. Section 3 covers the research on the higherlevel tasks of tracking human motion without identifying the human body parts. Section 4 extends the discussion to recognition of human activity in image sequences based upon successfully tracking the features between consecutive frames. Finally, section 5 concludes the paper by giving general comments on previous work in the area of human motion analysis and discusses possible future directions of research in this area.
2D contours
[Shio & Sklansky 91] [Kurakake & Nevatia 92] [Kakadiaris et al. 94, 95]
2D contours
[Akita 84]
[ORourke & Badler 80] [Hogg 83] *[Bharat. et al. 94] [Leung & Yang 94,95] [Akita 84] [Huber 96] [Rohr 94] [Perales & Torres94] [Goncalves et al. 95] [Rehg & Kanade 95]
[Rossi & Bozzoli 95] [Intille & Bobick 95] [Azarbayejani & Pentland 96] [Wren et al. 96]
*[Cai & Aggarwal 96] [Sato et al. 94] [Jain et al. 95] [Kakadiaris et al. 96]
Figure 3: Past research on tracking of human motion without using body parts.
State-Space points
[Bobick & Wilson 95] [Campbell & Bobick 95]
[Goddard 94]
Left elbow Pelvis Left hip Left wrist Right hip Right elbow
Right wrist
Left ankle
Right ankle
Figure 5: A stick- gure human model (based on Chen and Lee's work 11]).
Figure 6: A 2D contour human model (similar to Leung and Yang's model 26]).
or estimation of features related to position, velocity, shape, texture, and color. These two methodologies can also be combined to complete processing at various levels, verify the matching between consecutive frames, and nally, accomplish complex, high-level tasks. Since we have addressed a certain amount of work in this area in 1], we will focus on the discussion of the very recent developments in this area, and describe others brie y.
of speci c humans. Most of Bobick's studies 8, 11] concentrated on the trajectories of the MLDs of joints. However, they obtained the 3D positions of the joints directly from range data, and thus avoided the problem of feature correspondence. This strategy helped them to focus on higher-level processing, such as activity recognition and understanding, which will be reviewed in later sections. Another way to describe the human body is by using 2D contours. Under such descriptions, the human body segments are analogous to 2D ribbons or blobs. For example, Shio and Sklansky 45] focused their work on 2D translational motion of human blobs. The blobs were grouped based on the magnitude and direction of the pixel velocity, which was obtained using techniques similar to the optical ow method 18]. The velocity of each part was considered to converge to a global average value over several frames. This average velocity corresponded to the motion of the whole human body. This observation led to identi cation of the whole subject via region grouping of blobs with a similar smoothed velocity. Kurakake and Nevatia 30] attempted to obtain the joint locations in images of walking humans by establishing correspondence between extracted ribbons. Their work assumed small motion between two consecutive frames, and feature correspondence was conducted using various geometric constraints. Joints were nally identi ed as the center of the area where two ribbons overlaps. Recent work by Kakadiaris et al. 26, 25] focused on body part decomposition and joint location from image sequences of the moving subject using a physics-based framework. In this work, the subject image is assumed to be one blob. As the subject moves and new postures occur, multiple new blobs are produced to replace the old ones, with each of them representing an emerging sub-part. Joints are determined based on relative motion and shape of two moving sub-parts.
tioned before, the models may be represented as stick gures, 2D contours, or volumetric models. We will discuss each of these below. Chen and Lee 12] recovered the 3D con guration of a moving subject according to its projected 2D image. Their model used 17 line segments and 14 joints to represent the features of the head, torso, hip, arms, and legs (shown in Figure 5). Various constraints were imposed for the basic analysis of the gait. The method was computationally expensive, as it searched through all possible combinations of 3D con gurations, given the known 2D projection, and required accurate extraction of 2D stick gures. Bharatkumar et al. 6] also used stick gures to model the lower limbs of the human body, where joints such as the hip, knee, and ankle were considered. They aimed at constructing a general model for gait analysis in human walking. Medial-axis transformations were applied to extract 2D stick gures of the lower limbs. The body segment angle and joint displacement were measured and smoothed from real image sequences, and then a common kinematic pattern was detected for each walking cycle. A high correlation ( 0 95) was found between the subject in real image sequences and the model, showing that the kinematic model is a good measure for detecting walking humans. Huber's human model 19] is a re ned version of the stick gure representation. Joints are connected by line segments with a certain degree of constraint that can be relaxed by "virtual springs". Thus, this designed articulated kinematic model behaves analogously to a mass-springdamper system. Motion and stereo measurements of joints are con ned to a three-dimensional space called Proximity Space (PS). The human head serves as the starting point for tracking all PS locations. In the end, particular gestures were recognized based on the PS states of the joints associated with the head, torso, and arms. Akita 4] focused on model-based motion analysis for real image sequences. Both stick gures and cone approximations were integrated and processed in a coarse-to- ne fashion. A key frame sequence of stick gures indicates the approximate order of the motion and spatial relationships between the body parts. The stick gure contains six segments: head, torso, arms, and legs. A cone model is included to provide knowledge of the rough shape of the body parts, which consists of six segments corresponding to the counterparts of the stick gure model. Perales and Torres also made use of both stick gure and volumetric representations in their work 36]. They introduced a prede ned library with two levels of biomechanical graphical mod> :
els. Level One is a stick gure tree with nodes for body segments and arcs for joints. Level Two is composed of descriptions of surface and body segments constructed with various 3D primitives used in computer graphics. Both levels of the model are applied in di erent matching stages. Leung and Yang 31] applied a 2D ribbon model to recognize poses of a human performing gymnastic movements. The emphasis of their work is to estimate motion solely from the outline of a moving human subject. The system consists of two major processes: extraction of human outlines and interpretation of human motion. The 2D ribbon model is comprised of two components, the \basic" body model and the \extended" body model. The basic body model outlines the structural and shape relationships between the body parts, shown in Figure 6. The extended model consists of three patterns: the support posture model, the side view kneeling model, and side horse motion model. A modi ed edge detection technique was developed based on the work in Jain and Nagel 21] to generate a complete outline of the moving object images. A spatial-temporal relaxation process was proposed to determine which side of the moving edge belongs to the moving object. Two sets of 2D ribbons on each side of the moving edge, either a part of the body or that of the background, are identi ed according to their shape changes over time. The body parts are labeled according to the human body model. Then, a description of the body parts and the appropriate body joints is obtained. Elliptical cylinders are one of the commonly used volumetric models for modeling human forms. Hogg 17] and Rohr 41] used the cylinder model originated by Marr and Nishihara 32], in which the human body is represented by 14 elliptical cylinders. Each cylinder is described by three parameters: the length of the axis and the major and minor axes of the ellipse cross section. The origin of the coordinate system is located at the center of the torso. Both Hogg and Rohr attempted to generate 3D descriptions of a human walking by modeling. Hogg 17] presented a computer program (WALKER) which attempted to recover the 3D structure of a walking person. Rohr applied eigenvector line tting to outline the human image, and then tted the 2D projections into the 3D human model using a distance measure similar to Hogg 17]. O'Rourke and Badler 35] conducted 3D human motion analysis by mapping the input images to an elaborate volumetric model. The model is a well-de ned structure that consists of 24 rigid segments and 25 joints. The surface of each segment is de ned by a col-
lection of overlapping sphere primitives. A coordinate system is embedded in the segments. Their model also includes the constraints of human motion, such as restrictions on joint angles, and a method to detect collisions between non-adjacent segments. Along the same vein, Rehg et al. 40] rendered two occluded ngers with several cylinders, and the center axes of the cylinders are projected into the center line segments of the 2D nger images. To track the motion of the self-occluded ngers, they assumed an invariant visibility order of 2D templates of these two occluded ngers to the viewing camera. Three possible occlusions were considered. These assumptions simpli ed the motion prediction and matching process between the 3D shape model and its projection in the image plane. Recent work by Goncalves et al. 16] addressed the problem of motion estimation of a human arm in 3D using a calibrated camera. Both the upper and lower arm were modeled as truncated circular cones, and the shoulder and elbow joints were assumed to be spherical joints. They used perspective projection of a 3D arm model to t the blurred image of a real arm. Matching was conducted by recursively minimizing the error between the model projection and the real image through dynamically adapting the size and orientation of the model. All of these approaches must match each real image frame to the corresponding model, which represents the human body structure at a abstract level. This procedure is itself non-trivial. The complexity of the matching process is governed by the number of model parameters and the e ciency of human body segmentation. When fewer model parameters are used, it is easier to match the feature to the model, but more di cult to extract the feature. For example, the stick gure is the simplest way to represent a human body, and thus it is relatively easier to t the extracted lines into the corresponding body segments. However, extracting a stick gure from real images needs more care than searching for 2D blobs or 3D volumes.
cuss a number of methods that adopt such a strategy. The objective of tracking is to establish correspondence of the image structure between consecutive frames based on features related to position, velocity, shape, texture, and color. Typically, the tracking process involves matching between images using pixels, points, lines, and blobs, based on their motion, shape, and other visual information 2]. There are two general classes of correspondence models, namely \iconic models", which use correlation templates, and \structural models", which use image features 2]. Iconic models are generally suitable for any objects, but only when the motion between two consecutive frames is small enough so that the object images in these frames are highly correlated. Because our interest is in tracking moving humans, which retain a certain degree of nonrigidity, our literature review is limited to the use of structure models. Feature-based tracking typically starts with feature extraction, followed by feature matching over a sequence of images. The criteria for selecting a good feature are its robustness to noise, brightness, contrast, and size. To establish feature correspondence between successive frames, well-de ned constraints are usually imposed to eliminate invalid matches and distinguish a unique correspondence. There is a trade-o between feature complexity and tracking e ciency. Lower-level features, such as points, are easier to extract but relatively more di cult to track than higher-level features such as lines, blobs, and polygons. We discuss the problem of tracking human motion in two scenarios { with a single camera setup and with a distributed-camera con guration. Under the rst setup, images are taken from the view of a single camera, whereas the a distributed-camera tracking system uses several cameras xed at various locations of the monitored area to capture images simultaneously. In both cases, various levels of features could be used to establish matching in successive frames. The major di erence is that the features used for matching using images taken from multiple perspectives must project to the same spatial reference, while tracking using a single camera does not have this requirement.
box was used as the feature to track. Positions of the center point in the previous frames were used to estimate the current position. Therefore, correct tracking was resolved even when the two subjects were occluded to each other in the middle of the image sequence. Cai et al. 10] also focused on tracking the movements of the whole human body using a viewing system with 2D translational movement. They focused on dynamic recovery of still or changing background images. The image motion of the viewing camera was estimated by matching the line segments of the background image. Then, motion-compensated frames were constructed to adjust three consecutive frames into the same spatial reference. In the nal stage, subjects were tracked using the center of the bounding boxes and estimated motion information. Segen and Pingali's 44] people tracking system utilized the corner points of moving contours as the features for correspondence. These feature points were matched in forward and backward orders between two successive frames using a distance measure related to position and curvature values of the points. The matching process implies that a certain degree of rigidity of the moving human body and small motion between consecutive frames was assumed. Finally, short-lived or partially overlapped trajectories were merged into long-lived paths. Another commonly used feature for tracking is 2D blobs or meshes. In Okawa and Hanatani's work 34], background pixels were voted as the most frequent value during the image sequence 45]. The meshes belong to a moving foot were then detected by incorporating low-pass ltering and masking. Finally, the distance between the human foot and the viewing camera was computed by comparing the relative foot position to the pre-calibrated CAD oor model. Rossi and Bozzoli 42] also used moving blobs to track and count people crossing the eld of view of a vertically mounted camera. Occlusion of multiple subjects was avoided due to the viewing angle of the camera, and tracking was performed using position estimation during the period when the subject enters the top and the bottom of the image. Intille and Bobick 20] solved their tracking problem by taking advantage of the knowledge of a so called \closed-world". A \closed-world" is a space-time domain where the knowledge of all possible objects present in the image sequences are available. They illustrated their tracking algorithm using the example of a football game, where the background and the rules for play are known a priori. Camera motion was removed by establishing homographic transforms between the football eld model and its model using landmarks in the eld. The
players were detected as moving blobs, and tracking was performed by template matching the neighbor region of the player image between consecutive frames. Pentland et al. 49, 5] explored the blob feature thoroughly. In their work, blobs were not restricted to regions due to motion, and could be any homogeneous areas, such as color, texture, brightness, motion, shading, or a combination of these. Statistics such as mean and covariance were used to model the blob features in both 2D and 3D. In 49], the feature vector of a blob is formulated as ( ), consisting of a spatial ( ) and color ( ) information. A human body is constructed by blobs representing various body parts such as head, torso, hands, and feet. Meanwhile, the surrounding scene is modeled as a texture surface. Gaussian distributions were assumed for both models of human body and background scene. Finally, pixels belong to the human body were assigned to di erent body part blobs using the log-likelihood measure. Later, Azarbayejani and Pentland 5] recovered the 3D geometry of the blobs from a pair of 2D blob features via nonlinear modeling and recursive estimation. The 3D geometry included the shape and the orientation of the 3D blobs along with the relative rotation and translation to the binocular camera. Tracking of the 2D blobs was inherent in the recovery process, which iteratively searched the equilibria of the nonlinear state space model across image sequences.
x; y; Y ; U; V Y ; U; V x; y
points belonging to the medial axis of the human upper body as the feature to track. These points are sparsely sampled and assumed to be independent of each other, which preserves a certain degree of nonrigidity of the human body. Location and average intensity of the feature points are integrated to nd the most likely match between two consecutive frames imaged from di erent viewing angles. One feature point is assumed to match to its corresponding epipolar line via motion estimation and pre-calibration of the cameras. Multivariate Gaussian distributions are assumed for the class-conditional probability density function of features of candidate subject images. Experimental results of tracking moving humans in indoor environments using a prototype system equipped with three cameras indicated robust performance and a potential for real time implementation. Sato et al. 43], on the other hand, treated a moving human as a combination of various blobs of its body parts. All distributed cameras are calibrated in the world coordinate system, which correspond to a CAD model of the indoor environment. The blobs of body parts were matched over image sequences using their area, average brightness and rough 3D position in the world coordinates. The 3D position of a 2D blob was estimated based on height information by measuring the distance between the center of gravity of the blob and the oor. These small blobs were then merged into an entire region of the human image using the spatial and motion parameters from several frames. Kakadiaris and Metaxas 24] consider the problem of tracking humans using as inputs from three cameras to estimate 3D human motion. Kelly et al. 27, 22] adopt a similar strategy 43] to construct a 3D environmental model. They introduce a feature called voxels, which are sets of cubic volume elements containing information such as which object belongs to this pixel and the history of this object. The depth information of the voxel is also obtained using height estimation. Moving humans are tracked as a group of these voxels from the "best" angle of the viewing system. A signi cant amount of e ort is made in 22, 27] to construct a friendly graphical interface for browsing multiple images sequences of a same event.
ature is devoted to human facial motion recognition and emotion detection, which fall into the category of elastic non-rigid motion. In this paper, we are only interested in motion involving a human body, i.e., human body motion as a form of articulated motion. The di erence between articulated motion and elastic motion is well addressed in 1]. There also exists a certain amount of work on human image recognition by applying geometric features, such as 2D clusters 45, 9], pro le projects 29], texture and color information 14, 51]. Since motion information was not incorporated in the recognition process, we exclude them from further discussion. For human activity or behavior recognition, most e orts have been concentrated on using state-space approaches 13] to understand the human motion sequence 50, 15, 8, 11, 46]. Another approach is to use the template matching technique 37, 7] to compare the feature extracted from the given image sequence to the pre-stored patterns during the recognition process. The advantage of using the template matching technique is its inexpensive computational cost; however, it is relatively sensitive to the variance of the movement duration. Approaches using statespace models, on the other hand, de ne each static posture as a state. These states are connected by certain probabilities. Any motion sequence as a composition of these static poses is considered a tour going through various states. Joint probabilities are computed through these tours, and the maximum value is selected as the criterion for classi cation of activities. Under such a scenario, duration of motion is no longer an issue because each state can repeatedly visit itself. However, approaches using these methods usually need intrinsic nonlinear models and do not have closed-form solutions. As we know, nonlinear modeling also requires searching for a global optimum in the training process, which requires complex computing iterations. Meanwhile, selecting the proper number of states and dimension of the feature vector to avoid "under tting" or "over tting" remains an issue. In the following subsections, template matching and state-space approaches 13] will be discussed.
and directions. The motion magnitude in each cell is summed, forming a high dimensional feature vector used for recognition. To normalize the duration of the movement, they assume that human motion is periodic and divide the entire sequence into a number of cycles of the activity. Motion in a single cycle is averaged throughout the number of cycles and di erentiated into a xed number of temporal divisions. Finally, activity recognition is processed using the nearest neighbor algorithm. Recent work by Bobick and Davis 7] follows the same vein, but extracts the motion feature di erently. They interpret human motion in an image sequence by using motion-energy images (MEI) and motion-history images (MHI). The motion images in a sequence are calculated via di erencing between successive frames and then thresholded into binary values. These motion images are accumulated in time and form MEI, which are binary images containing motion blobs. The MEI are enhanced into MHI, where each pixel value is proportional to the duration of motion at that position. Each action consists of MEIs and MHIs obtained from images sequences captured from various viewing angles. Moment-based features are extracted from MEIs and MHIs and employed for recognition using template matching.
S2 y(t) S0
Figure 8: The basic structure of an Hidden Markov Model. high dimensional phase space, and this phase space or its subspace are employed as the feature to recognize. Both of them are intended to transform the continuous motion into a set of discrete symbol representations. They apply the trajectories of the high dimensional phase space or its subspace as the feature for recognition. The feature vector in each frame in a motion sequence is portrayed as a point in the phase space, which belongs to a certain state. A typical gesture is de ned as an order sequence of these states restricted by motion constraints. In Campbell 11], the learning/training process is conducted by tting the unique curve of a gesture into the subspace of the full phase space into low-order polynomials. Gesture recognition is based on the maximum value of the correlation between the predictor and the current motion. Bobick 8], on the other hand, applied the k-means algorithm to nd the center for each cluster (or state) using the sample points of the trajectories. Classifying motion trajectories to a gesture was accomplished through dynamic programming. Goddard's human movement recognition 15] focused on the low limb segments of the human stick gure. 2D projections of the joints were directly used, without interpretation, as inputs, and features for recognition were encoded by coarse orientation and coarse angular speed of the line segments in the image plane. Although Goddard 15] did not directly apply HMM in his work for discrimination of human gaits, he also considered a movement as a composition of events linked by time intervals. Each event is independent of the movement. The links between these events are restrained by feature and temporal constraints. This type of structure is called a scenario, which is easily extended by assembling scenarios into composite scenarios. Learning is done by training the parallel network mapped by a feature hierarchy. Matching real scene
kinematics to modeled movements involves visual motion feature in the scene, a priori events matched to the scenario, and the temporal constraints on the sequence and time intervals. Another commonly used feature for identifying human movements or activities is 2D blobs, obtained from any homogeneous regions based on motion, color, texture, etc. The work by Yamato et al. 50] is perhaps the rst one on recognition of human action in this category. Mesh features of binary moving human blobs are used as the low-level feature for learning and recognition. Learning was implemented by training the HMMs to generate symbol patterns for each class. Optimization of the model parameters is achieved using the Baum-Welch algorithm. Finally, recognition is based on the output of the given image sequence using forward calculation. They tested sequences with six tennis strokes and achieved recognition rates ranging from 70% to 100%, depending on the number of training patterns. Recent work by Starner and Pentland 46] applied a similar method to recognition of American Sign Language. Instead of directly using the low-level mesh feature, they introduced the position of a hand blob, its angle of axis of least inertia, and eccentricity of its bounding ellipse in the feature vector.
recognizing human activity over image sequences assumes that feature tracking for recognition has been accomplished. Two typical approaches are addressed: those based on a state-space model and those based on template matching the given images to a pre-stored pattern. Template matching is easy to implement, but sensitive to noise and the time interval of the movements. State-space approaches, on the other hand, overcome these drawbacks but usually involve complex iterative computation. The key to successful execution of high-level tasks is to establish feature correspondence between consecutive frames, which still remains a bottle-neck in the whole processing. Typically, constraints on human motion or human models are assumed in order to decrease the ambiguity during the matching process. However, these assumptions may not closely t the real situation or may introduce other tractable issues, such as the di culty in estimating model parameters given the real image data. Recognition of human motion is just in its infancy, and there exists a trade-o between computational cost and motion duration accuracy for methodologies based on state-space models and template matching. New techniques are expected to improve the performance and, meanwhile, decrease the computational cost.
5 Conclusion
We have given an overview of past developments in human motion analysis. Our discussion has focused on three major tasks: 1) motion analysis of the human body parts, 2) high-level tracking of human motion using a single or multiple cameras, and 3) recognition of human movements or activities based on successfully tracking features over an image sequence. Motion analysis of the human body parts is essentially the 2D or 3D interpretation of the human body structure using the motion of the body parts over image sequences, and involves low-level tasks such as body part segmentation, joint location and detection. Tracking human motion is a higher level task in which the parts of the human body are not explicitly identi ed, e.g., the human body is considered as a whole when establishing matches between consecutive frames. Tracking procedures depend on whether the subject is imaged at one time instant by a single camera or from multiple perspectives using di erent cameras. Tracking a subject from images taken from multiple perspectives at the same time instant requires that features be projected into a common spatial reference. The task of
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