Skybus Metro 2014
Skybus Metro 2014
Skybus Metro 2014
India is one of the leading developing country in the world community today. But, the main obstacle it is facing is its large population. Now a days communication has been one of the most important aspect where our country is concentrating to work in, for its development, where mass transportation plays a vital role as we always have to think about moving of a large population in a very denser area. Thats why our Government is planning to implement the new technologies in mass public transportation. The kybus pro!ect was envisioned while looking at the pathetic road condition created by the metro infrastructure put in place on the wide roads which has caused enormous hardship and delays, traffic !ams for the daily road users. The concept of metro as the solution to the city traffic !ams as well as to handle large people movement from one area of the city to the other end seems very bright when looked upon from the surface level, whereas in reality people who owned the cars as well as the public transport bus system operated by the government will not evaporate overnight on the inauguration of metro.
Fig 1.1 " Traffic congestion The government may reduce a few number of buses in specific routes to accommodate the metro. #hereas private car owners under no circumstance would like to part with their personal cars, viewing this scenario traffic congestion in metro routes is not going to reduce substantially. #hereas installation and commissioning of metro has eroded road space by placing pillars along the road to run the metro overhead on the elevated platform. This concept of eroding road space will under all circumstances create narrow spaces on the important roads for car and bus utility. If the metro was put in place at least a decayed ago many city dwellers would have not gone in for purchase of personal four wheelers. #ith this in mind we thought about to build a system where the space erosion by a mask rapid transport system should provide e$tra road facility to improve the traffic condition as well as provide alternate transport system as metro.
Fig 1.2 " skybus metro This type of system has been successfully implemented in certain countries, where road has been
added along with introduction of metro type transport system. These systems are called as ky Bus or %ir Bus in high density metro polis cities in advance outh &ast %sian countries.
The most precious asset in growing urban areas is the land. %llocation to residential and commercial purposes put heavy pressures on land for public use like parks and open spaces apart from very important and critical roadways. 'ardly () to a ma$imum of *+) of land in cities form roadways. The roadways once laid, almost remain constant - at best, and may effectively reduce by uncontrolled encroachments. The physical constraint of road area being constant, as population increases, naturally loads on roads increase. %s more and more people from different habitats try to converge on to the central business district, the road has no capacity to handle and congestions erupt. .oads take one e$actly to the point where one wants to go. But the capacity is limited in terms of passengers per hour that can be handled. &ven if one considers only buses, need to maintain the braking distances between two buses and the space maintained between them affects speed as well as limits per lane what capacity can be achieved. #hen mass transit, that too at higher speed is re/uired, rail based systems only can handle.
%ll administrations are in search of an economically viable solution to the transportation problem, which is also environmental friendly. The present conventional capital,intensive technologies are proving to be financially unviable and re/uire heavy subsidy, which is not practical. The new technological solution, in terms of ky Bus 8etro is based on the concept of ky #heels presented in *9+9 at #orld 1ongress for .ailway research. This innovative alternative transportation solution completely eliminates any possibility of vandalism, derailments and virtually maintenance free. ky Bus 8etro is the new rail based mass transit system that re, defines urban transport solution making the e$isting elevated and underground metros obsolete: ky Bus Technology 0aunched *4th ;ct.<556 0ife si3e =rototype at 8argao, Goa by hri Nitish >umar !i, 'on?ble 8inister of .ailways, India.
'eavy 4<@(5 kg @m rails placed at standard gauge floating in elastic medium and damped by inertia of measured mass held in a +m A <m bo$ enclosure, supported over a *m dia. columns spaced at *4 m and located at *4 m distance from each other,
in the divider space in between lanes on a roadway, at a height of +m above road surface, provides the support and guidance for powered bogies which can run at *55 kmph, with the coach shells suspended below carry passengers in air conditioned comfort, can follow e$isting road routes, while e$isting traffic on roads continue. The fi$ed structure at + m height above road level is aesthetically pleasing and there is no concern of claustrophobic feeling for road users. %esthetic and eco,friendly, the ky Bus can never derail, capsi3e nor collide by design as well as by construction, hence is safer than e$isting rail,based system. #ith no signalling and having no points and crossings, it is a uni/ue mass,transit system, which can be put up within two years in any crowded B congested city. %t the cost of .s. 45 1rore per km. in India , the system is noise - free and pollution - free with a capacity to transport 6(555 passengers per hour CpphD, scalable to E<,555 pph as re/uired. #ith no signaling and having no points and crossings, it is a uni/ue mass,transit system that can be put up within two years in any crowded B congested city. In addition to moving people, the ky Bus system can carry standard <5 ft. containers, boosting its capacity utili3ation to double that of other e$isting systems. The ky bus is essentially a fusion of a bus and a train. Its carriage looks like a bus, but it runs like a train, and instead of the compartments running on rails, they hang below the rails and slide *5 meters above the regular road traffic. of the solution to decongesting the cities. ky bus metro technology will cause a paradigm shift to rail based systems, by improving safety. The coaches can never escape guidance system and !am over tracks. But same speeds as carried in regular high speed metro rail can be handled by ky bus. The two,coach ky bus has a capacity for 655 passengers on a single trip and depending on the number of coachesF it is e$pected to handle *+,555 to one laces passengers per hour. ky bus as the one
#ell proven rail guided bogie system commonly used for normal railway system. =roven 6 phase asynchronous %1 electrical motive unit,well proven and widely adopted abroad as well as in India. 0ight weight coaches called G ky BusesH which are suspended from Bogies and Travel below rail guides. =re,fabricated latest construction technologies, which save time and money resulting in easy e$ecution of the pro!ect in busy urban areas without disturbing the e$isting traffic pattern. These structural engineering methods are well proven which do not have any pro!ect e$ecution risk attached. Information technology tools for economic communications and control. The pro!ect will be of world class standard and will place India in the forefront of providing the much needed alternative transportation solution, which is a financially viable, environmental friendly, synergi3ing well proven e$isting cutting edge technology.
The sky bus metro is designed considering various parameters to make it the mode of mass transportation of the ne$t generation. =assengers safety, environment safety,
low cost of production, noise less movement and economic running are few most important parameters, based upon which this is designed.
Fig 4.3 : %rrangement of bogies and suspended coaches 8a$ a$les load *< tones #eight of Bogie" ,< a$le motor" 4 t , Tare weight of coach" (.4 t , #eight of e/uipment" <t , =assenger load" 9 t
Fig 4.4 The under , frame with standard railway wheel,set running on railway track.
Fig 4.! The under,frame remains sameF railway wheels run on the same track, the coach is firmly attached to the under,frame positively.
Fig 4." The under,frame traction motors enclosed in the the railway track below outside the concrete bo$, now the coach and the together, cannot escape from rails. with wheels and railway B railway track concrete bo$, travel on , carrying the coach track are positively held
SKY WAY In the middle of roadway pile foundations support * m diameter column appro$imately + m high, and space at *4 m all along the roadway. The sky way consists of a concrete bo$ structure carried over a series of piers at a height of 9 m to *5 m above e$isting road level. Two rails fi$ed with appropriate fastenings within the concrete bo$ support and guide the sky bogie.
SKY BOGIE tandard two a$le bogies used in metros for speed of *55 kmph are used C but can have higher speeds, if re/uired up to *(5 kmphD,of standard guage 0inear induction motor technology is incorporated,with 7th rail driving which is above the bogie and 6 =hase %1 motors with regenerative power capability. Third rail is used for current collection Braking ince the bogie is mounted, 6 levels of braking namely -
F !.2: ky bogie
Iouble walled light shells with wide large windows are suspended from the sky bogies 1ontrolled banking on curves, even *55m radius curves can be handled. %ir conditioned and with automatic doors %udio visual information to passengers pecial 7m wide sliding doors for /uick entry and e$it of passengers &ach pair carries 655 persons and service every one minute or 65 seconds is possible.
Fig !.3: ky coaches !.4 SKY STATION 2nlike conventional mass transit systems, ky Bus needs smaller stations
ervice is every 65sec or * minutes that is virtually no waiting time for passengers Totally automated without drivers or guards,and access control is also electronic by prepaid cards being swiped in tations act as only access facility, and not as passenger holding area.
Fig !.4: ky station !.! TRA$ERSER: There are no points and crossings. The traverser is the system which automatically shifts the sky bus units for balancing the loads@ changing routes too as well as shift units to depot lines etc. =roven technologies and a very simple solution by merely re, engineering the components constitute ky Bus.
S%&'(&)( G&*g+ R&i, %)&-./: (5 kg rails fitted with double elastic fastenings, with tandard Gauge on sleepers designed B tested for <5 t a$le load norms forming maintenance free tracks. D)i0i'g 12gi+/: *55 kmph standard gauge *< ton@*7 ton a$le load powered bogies -same as used in metro rails with 7J**5@**4 >w asynchronous 6 ph %1 motors with power, regeneration and capable of peak *.6m@sec@sec acceleration. B)&.i'g: &lectrical re,generative braking, coupled with compressed air disk mechanical brakes and emergency@ idling mechanical brakes for stabling. C)*/3i'g ,2&( 42) *'(+) 4)&5+ : 2nder frame, fit to take crush loads of regular main line coaches, more than E5t. T)&i' *'i%: &ach train unit <5m long with two driving bogies, the coach divided into <$9.4 m long buses connected through vestibule door. 1apacity of <5m long train unit" &ach kybus unit <5m long having two compartments C6.<4m $ 9.4mDof 9.4 m ,can carry almost 755 persons at Epersons@s/ density peak .The <5 m units can be attached to form a 6 unit, (5m long train of *<55persons capacity.
&ach ky bus unit <5m long having two compartments C 6.<4m $ 9.4mD of 9.4 m , can carry almost 755 persons at E persons@s/.m density peak. The <5 m
units can be attached to form a 6 unit, (5m long train of *<55 persons capacity. Sig'&, 8 %)&i' -2'%)2,: imple three aspect signal system driven by line of sight by motorman, with additional uni/ue safety layer of .aksha >avach, capable of providing 75 sec headway, but planned (5 sec. R2*%+ C&6&-i%7: % kybus route can thus be designed even at (5 sec headway, to carry <5,555 to E5,555 passengers per hour per direction in peak period. S+-*)i%7 &'( /&4+%7: 1ontinuous computerised central monitoring B control with provision of audio@visual access for each coach for security. Iistributed intelligence systems with redu5ndancy to provide protection against swinging under wind loads@emergecy locali3ed control@ prevent over,loading@ emergency evacuation guidance. S%&%i2'/9+,+g&'% &'( /5&,,: tations are (5m long to handle three units of kybus, covering ne$t <4 years of re/uirements,though initially only <5m length is needed.
E&/7 A--+//: %ccess is from e$isting footpaths, climb limited to ( m for passengers within455 to (55m from wherever you are on the road having kybus route.
T*)'i'g )&(i*/ 8 g)&(i+'%: 1an be designed for <5m radius of turning radius, and vertical lift, if needed, thus we can avoid totally demolition of any built up urban property, if needed.
O' ,i'+ 5&i'%+'&'-+ 24 )2,,i'g /%2-. &'( %)&-./:
8aintenance is through continuous monitoring of vibration signatures, and directed by need automatically by computeri3ed systems, much more advanced than e$isting manual inspections only and periodic checks. %ll the sub,systems @elements are to e$isting 2I1@Indian .ailway codal practices applicable to railway transport. C&)g2 3&'(,i'g -&6&1i,i%7:
1argo of standard containers are automatically delivered and cleared into and out of city. S&4+%7 C+)%i4i-&%i2' 42) P*1,i- -&))i&g+: #ill carry international class safety certification by renowned world class safety certifiers. Guaranteed against derailments and capsi3ing, making it a uni/ue railway, where coaches can never escape the tracks. T+)5i'&, -2'-+6%: 1urrent concept of a railway terminal replaced in this KgridK system, by a multi point distributed discharge and access, almost eliminating intermodal transfers. &ach station designed for handling whatever commuters can arrive on a 7m wide foot,path, with waiting time less than one minute. L&'( )+:*i)+5+'%/ 42) )2*%+; /%&%i2'/ &'( &% (+62%/:
%ll along the route the alignment is typically located on the median C*.<m diameter columns at about <5m spacingD of the road, needing right of way at (.4m above the road, the fi$ed structure carrying railway tracks located at about **m, thus avoiding claustrophobic effect for road users. Typical road widths normally of *5m all along and at station locations <5m width for (5m length desirable . Iepots will be outside the urban areas, needing about <4 hectares land for services for every *5 km route. tations are located with access from e$isting footpaths, and over and above e$isting roadways, none of them longer than (5m to cater to ne$t *55 years of re/uirements of city, practically re/uiring little land. . P2<+) )+:*i)+5+'%/: Typically for tropical climate conditions, for a module of *5 km route, *48# power needed covering traction and all services including comfort airconditioning loads at stations. *&,i%7 24 /+)0i-+ &'( 6)i-i'g:
#ith access within 455 to E55m walking distance, air,condition travel at*55 kmph service ava5ilable at less than a minute during peak hours, priced at .e *.45 per km falling to .e * for regular travels with lead of more than Ekm can be provided . CTypicalD CLear <554D, if ridership per a *5km route is a little more than 6 lacks per day. Typical costing CLear <554,5(D Mor typical installation to handle 75,555 passengers peak load per hour, on a double line, the cost on turn key basis will be .s 44 to (5cr per km, and construction period less than 6 years, for a minimum module of *5 km route.
dynamic safety is many time improved .In conventional railway wind can topple the trains. In ky Bus wind cannot topple there is positive link between the rail guidance system and the Bus 1oaches, with 755) safety factor built into multiple suspenders. The railway bogies in conventional system have propensity to lose control on derailment, but additional safety in ky Bus bogie is that we have derailment arresters, which prevents the wheel from !umping off the rails. o we are ensuring that there is no derailment.
#.1 kavach
Fig .aksha
.%> '% >%N%1' C%1ID" The chances of collision between two sky buses are nearly 3ero. Because the well tested anti collision device developed by 8r.B..a!aram called as G.%> '% >%N%1'H will be there in each sky bus bogie. In normal railway systems, when collision takes place, derailment also occurs, and carriages capsi3e killing people. But in ky Bus no collision can take place between the coaches, even after the 6 levels of braking fail and the ky Bus units hit each other in a collision, the ky 1oaches in which people are travelling, will only swing to and fro, but will not collide with each other nor called as
Fig #.2 : &mergency e$it system But, if there will be any problem occurs in the skybus during its running and it has to be stopped between two sky station, then there are the safety air bags are provided with each coaches for emergency e$it of the passengers in the mid way.
L2<+/% O6+)&%i2'&, -2/%. 8aintenance free tracks, no signals B points B crossings to maintain. F&/% C,+&)&'-+ ince the system involves guide ways in the sky, which does not fall into an e$act definition of .ailway, the number of agencies involved in clearing and e$ecuting the pro!ect will be minimum and only one authority at state level will be created for implementing the pro!ect. F&/% E?+-*%i2' Mrom the date financial closure is achieved, the =ro!ect can be complete and commissioned within *55 weeks i.e. about <7 months. N2 P2,,*%i2' %esthetically pleasing B no noise pollution. N2 %)&44i- @&5/ Lou reach your destination fast. N2 <&i%i'g There is a ky Bus every *,minute or even 75 seconds, if administration like. L2< T)&0+, -2/% %t 45 paisa per km, %ir,conditioned travel is affordable. C2542)% %ll ky Buses are %ir,conditioned giving you e$cellent comfort of traveling. T2*)i/5 &n!oy the birds eye view of your city. E&/7 A--+//
2ser needs to walk ma$imum 455 meter distance to board the ky,Bus. L*?*)7 1lean and comfortable cafes, business centers, restaurants and communication facilities with health parks made available on ky,Top, thus adding to urban space.
The kybus is the technology breakthrough that India has achieved. kybus is an improved railway technology, eliminating the problems of e$isting metro rail systems, like, derailments collisions, and capsi3ing crushing people. ;ld conventional railway men, who remained basically operating and maintenance e$perts, may take a little time to appreciate, but the fact remains kybus is an improved railway technology eliminating their fears of derailments and capsi3ing from which they suffered for decades: Minancially kybus 8etro makes urban transport a dream come true for administrators, virtually free gift to people without Government funding: #hat needs to be done is to eliminate the doubting Thomas in our minds, and adopt the kybus, if we want to really solve the urban transport crisis: The ky Bus metro is one single technology which can change the face of our cities, take out almost *5 million road vehicles in the cities and make the cities livable, improving /uality of life and attract and sustain economic activity to generate wealth.
.a!ram,B . *9+6 , % simple approach to study rail wheel interaction , .ail International , Brussels