Bible Code Research
Bible Code Research
Bible Code Research
by Frank Colijn
There are many different codes in the bible. All these codes are related with numbers. The English langue is already telling it: recount-count. Or in French: raconter-conter, in German: erzhlen-zhlen, in Dutch: vertellen-tellen. Since longtime people seem to know that there is a connection between langue and counting. Most of the time it is called numerology or Kabbalah (Jewish mystics) or simply biblecode. But none of these terms is the right term for this bible code research. Moreover this has nothing to do with the research of Michael Drosnin or the Da Vinci Code. And many people ask themselves if it is necessary that there are codes in the bible. About sense and nonsense we can have all kind of thoughts, fact is that there are codes in the bible and specially in the Torah, the first five books of the bible. In Hebrew each letter has a number value so that every word has a number value too; this is called gematria. With these values are all kind of codes embodied in the Hebrew text. Even by means of letter and word places all kind of things are fixed in the bible text. It's recommended to read the chapters in the given order.
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Index: 1.Counting with the alphabet 2. Sophit letters 3. The acting of God 4. The circle and the time 5. The Star of David 6. Truth 7. The prime table
8. The use of prime numbers
9. Pythagoras' Theorem
10. God speaks 11. Structure chapter 1 11a. Gematria chapter 1 12. Jesus ELS 22
If we start to count we have to know how to count. An introduction to the use of the letter values of the Hebrew alphabet (Gematria). A research of the placing of the sophit letters in the Hebrew alphabet. With the Creation the first acting of God becomes visible. The circle is the symbol of eternity: a line without beginning and without an end. With the creation of heaven and earth also time appears. The calculation of Pi with the help of Gen.1:1 by Vernon Jenkins. last update 29-10-2012 The Star of David or hexagram is a mathematical working out of numbers. The bible writer has used this fact very often. Learn here how the star of David is build up. The number value 441 of the word 'truth' appears in different ways in number systems. Prime numbers play a large roll. The properties of primes and their mutual relations. Primes are used in many ways in the bible text. Some examples. In the openings verse of the bible appears Pythagoras' Theorem to be hidden. There also seems to be a relationship with the alphabet and the prime table. last addition 20-08-2009 The speaking of God and the relation with the Hebrew alphabet and Truth. The first chapter of the bible appears to be divided with the numbers three and seven. A suchlike phenomenon we know also in poetry in the structure of sonnets. Besides the structure in the number of letters, words and verses there are also structures in the gematria. But these structures are much more complex. With Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) are all kind of things coded in the bible text. So is the name of Jesus with an interval of 22 letters, the measure of the Hebrew alphabet, coded in the first chapter of the bible. Also with ELS 86 a code of Jesus can be found. The coordinates are 26x26. The mem appears to have a special relationship with codes concerning Jesus. Jesus is our spiritual water and bread. In the first chapter is hidden/revealed with 37 mems the birth place of Jesus: Bethlehem, the House of the Bread. Also with the so called prime jump the coming of Christ is encoded. Gen.22:9-14 is a forgoing reflection of the sacrifice of Christ. The three and the seven are used in many different codes. In this chapter 3/7=0,428571... Also the 3rd and 7th generation, Enosh and Hanoch, hide/reveal the number 1480 of Christ. Perfect numbers are numbers of which the sum of the dividers is equal to the number itself. The bible writer used this fact to order letters, words and verses. A mathematical approach of the first word 'berashit' of the bible. The relation between the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the aleph, and Elohim. The three nouns God, the Heaven and the Earth of Gen.1:1 have together the number value 777.
13. Jesus ELS 86 14. The mem 15. Elohim ELS 26 16. The prime jump 17. Three-seven 18. The perfect number 496 19. The first word 20. The aleph and Elohim 777
666-2368 Three
The relation between the number 666 of the beast, and the number 2368 of Jesus Christ. The word 'three' can be found in Gen.1:1 with ELS 7 starting on letter 4, the number of the door. Jesus claims to be the door. In Gen.17:5 Abram gets the name Abraham. This change of name is related with the square Abram-Abraham root of 5. The center of the Torah In this chapter mathematical proof that there is no letter is added or lost from the Torah The Creation of the Heaven The Heaven and the Earth are created with the five, according to a mathematical pattern. Amicable numbers 220 and 284 Also the phenomenon 'amicable numbers' turns out to be applied in the bible text. The sequence 5678 appears to have special properties in the Number Universe and in the The 5678 phenomenon bible. Isaiah 53 This chapter of the bible appears to have a special relationship with Jesus.
The Greek alphabet 500 prime numbers Palindromes Composite numbers HTML code Hebrew HTML code Greek Factor and prime factor calculator
Triangular numbers
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The zero has no independent function. Zero apples is nothing. So the zero is in principal not a number. With these nine ciphers we will count the letters of the alphabet in the first instance:
This way of counting is called: gematria Katan. So we see that there are 3x9=27 characters in the Hebrew alphabet. The zeros are added to make a difference between the letter values:
Gematria Ragil is most used way of gematria. But it is a bit more complicated, because Hebrew knows five sophit letters. They are used at the end of a word, like we use capitals at the beginning of a sentence. These letters have sometimes an own value, but most of the time not.
These five sophit letters can be found on the end of the alphabet:
The sophit letters become placed with the letters from which they are derived and have in the most common used gematria the same number value. About these sophit letters I will write in the next chapter. Finally the Hebrew alphabet looks thus like this: the 27 letters have now 22 number values.
Now we know how the number value of the alphabet is build up, we can approach the bible text with this knowledge. We start at the beginning: Gen.1:1. Apart from that, the writing direction in Hebrew is from right to left:
the earth and* Gematria Ragil Gen.1:1 the heaven * God created In the beginning
1-200-2 400-10-300-1-200-2
401 2701
God is the starting point of the Creation. Fist the nine ciphers become created. With the created ciphers God tells how it is going with the Creation. Therefore we approach the openings verse of the bible with the gematria method Katan, the simple method with the nine ciphers 1 till 9:
the earth and* Gematria Katan Gen.1:1 the heaven * God created In the beginning
9-2-1-5 4-1-6
19 5 16 17+11+19+5+16+5+13=86
The nine created numbers tell us that God the starting point of the Creation is. The sum of the seven words of Gen.1:1 is: 17+11+19+5+16+5+13=86. Out of 86, out of God originates everything, or saying it in a different way: in the beginning God. With the normal gematria, gematria Ragil, the alphabet with 22 letters, is the number value of word 1 and word 3 of Gen.1:1 together: In the beginning God= =(40+10+5+30+1)+(400+10+300+1+200+2)=86+913=999.
These three nines express the starting point of the Hebrew alphabet, with which the 'Word' is formed. John1:1 tells us: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (divine). 999 in factors is 27x37. The 27 (or 3x9) stands for the 27 units (letters) that the Hebrew alphabet counts. The Hebrew word means unit or unity and has the number value 37: unit= =5+4+10+8+10=37
Twenty seven units form the starting point of the alphabet. The sophit letters are taken out of the alphabet and replaced and joined together with the alphabet of 22 letters. The word together is in Hebrew: (Deut.33:5) Together= Both words and = 4+8+10=22 , one.
= 4+8+1=13
In the world of numbers is the 13th prime 37 and the 13th composite 22. This indicates that numbers and langue are highly integrated in each other.
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Prime 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 Composite 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40
The Hebrew alphabet and the bible are determining how our society developed itself. Our written langue and our norms and values like we know them, wouldn't be there if we hadn't the bible. The first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are: aleph and beth. The sound of those two letters tells us that our alphabet originates here. The Greek have adopted this alphabet around 1200 BC and made alpha and beta out of it. The junction of the first two letters, , ab, means 'father'. The Hebrew alphabet is like a father of our alphabet. I think that it is important to get more insight in the origin of our langue and culture. Many people say 'I judge for my self what good is or wrong', but don't realize how deeply our culture and norms are involved in the bible and the Jewish culture. And the man made judgments fail most of the time. The destruction of the Jews has a lot to do with the destruction of the roots of our culture and probably a jalousie towards that what is greater then ourselves. And if you ask me 'do you believe in God' then I answer: 'tell me who or what God is, then I will tell you if I believe in it'. The concept 'God' is far to big for us people to understand. We just make 'images' of God and that is what God asks us, by means of the bible, not to do. We can't limit God. A Hebrew alphabet table can be found under this link: The Hebrew alphabet
homeNL homeEN 2006 1 - 250 Priemgetallen en hun numerieke plaats/primes and their numerical place. P n P n P n P n 1 1 51 229 101 541 17 151 863 201 2 52 233 102 547 152 877 202 3 53 239 103 557 153 881 203 5 54 241 104 563 154 883 204 7 55 251 105 569 155 887 205 11 56 257 106 571 156 907 206 13 57 263 107 577 157 911 207 17 58 269 108 587 158 919 26 208 19 2 59 271 10 109 593 159 929 209 23 60 277 110 599 160 937 210 29 61 281 111 601 161 941 211 31 62 283 112 607 162 947 212 37 3 63 293 113 613 19 163 953 213 41 64 307 11 114 617 164 967 214 43 65 311 115 619 165 971 215 47 66 313 116 631 166 977 216 53 67 317 117 641 167 983 217 59 68 331 118 643 168 991 218 61 69 337 119 647 169 997 219 67 70 347 120 653 170 1009 220 71 71 349 121 659 171 1013 221 73 4 72 353 122 661 172 1019 222 79 73 359 123 673 173 1021 223 83 74 367 124 677 174 1031 224 89 75 373 125 683 175 1033 225 97 76 379 126 691 176 1039 226 101 77 383 127 701 177 1049 227 103 78 389 128 709 178 1051 228 107 79 397 13 129 719 179 1061 229 109 5 80 401 130 727 180 1063 230 113 81 409 131 733 181 1069 231 127 6 82 419 132 739 182 1087 232 131 83 421 133 743 183 1091 233 137 84 43 134 751 184 1093 234 139 85 433 135 757 22 185 1097 235 149 86 439 136 761 186 1103 236 151 87 443 137 769 187 1109 237 157 88 449 138 773 188 1117 238 163 7 89 457 139 787 189 1123 239 167 90 461 140 797 190 1129 240 173 91 463 141 809 191 1151 241 179 92 467 142 811 192 1153 242 181 8 93 479 143 821 193 1163 243 35 191 94 487 144 823 194 1171 33 244 193 95 491 145 827 195 1181 245 197 96 499 146 829 196 1187 246 199 211 223 227 97 98 99 100 503 509 521 523 16 147 148 149 150 839 853 857 859 197 198 199 200 1193 1201 1213 1217 247 248 249 250
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
P 1223 1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291 1297 1301 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 1361 1367 1373 1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451 1453 1459 37 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511 1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 40 1571 1579
n 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300
251 - 500 Priemgetallen en hun numerieke plaats/primes and their numerical place. P n P n P n P n 1583 301 1987 351 2357 401 2741 451 1597 302 1993 352 2371 402 2749 452 1601 303 1997 353 2377 403 2753 453 1607 304 1999 354 2381 404 2767 454 1609 305 2003 355 2383 405 2777 455 1613 306 2011 356 2389 406 2789 456 1619 307 2017 357 2393 407 2791 457 1621 308 2027 358 2399 408 2797 458 1627 309 2029 359 2411 409 2801 459 1637 310 2039 360 2417 410 2803 460 1657 311 2053 361 2423 411 2819 46 1663 312 2063 362 2437 412 2833 462 1667 313 2069 363 2441 413 2837 463 1669 314 2081 364 2447 414 2843 464 1693 315 2083 365 2459 415 2851 465 1697 316 2087 366 2467 416 2857 466 1699 317 2089 367 2473 417 2861 467 1709 318 2099 368 2477 418 2879 468 1721 319 2111 369 2503 419 2887 469 1723 320 2113 370 2521 420 2897 470 1733 321 2129 371 2531 421 2903 471 1741 322 2131 372 2539 422 2909 472 1747 323 2137 373 2543 423 2917 473 1753 324 2141 374 2549 424 2927 474 1759 325 2143 375 2551 425 2939 475 1777 326 2153 376 2557 426 2953 476 1783 327 2161 377 2579 427 2957 477 1787 328 2179 378 2591 428 2963 478 1789 329 2203 379 2593 429 2969 479 1801 330 2207 380 2609 430 2971 480 1811 331 2213 381 2617 431 2999 481 1823 332 2221 382 2621 432 300 482 1831 333 2237 383 2633 433 3011 483 1847 334 2239 384 2647 434 3019 484 1861 335 2243 385 2657 435 3023 485 1867 336 2251 386 2659 436 3037 486 1871 337 2267 387 2663 437 3041 487 1873 338 2269 388 2671 438 3049 488 1877 339 2273 389 2677 439 3061 73 489 1879 340 228 390 2683 440 3067 490 1889 341 2287 391 2687 441 3079 491 1901 342 2293 392 2689 442 3083 492 1907 343 73 2297 393 2693 443 3089 493 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 2699 2707 2711 2713 2719 2729 2731 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 494 495 496 497 498 499 500
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NL ***Enkele composiet getallen zijn in de bijbel structuur verwerkt. De frase in Gen.1:1 'In den beginne schiep God de Hemel' heeft de getallenwaarde 913+203+86+401+395=1998. De delers van dit getal zijn 37 en 54(1x2x3x3x3) In de tabel kunnen we zien dat 54 de 37ste composiet is. ***De Schepping wordt in tegendelen geschapen. Dit is ook een van de redenen dat de bijbel met de letter beth, de 2, begint. Het tot voltooiing komen van deze dualiteit, van deze 2, wordt uitgedrukt door 2 tot de macht 7 of 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128. De 128ste composiet is 168. De som van deze getallen is 128+168=296, de getallenwaarde van het 7de woord van Gen.1:1: 'de aarde', . ***296 is de 233ste composiet. 233 is het getal van de 'boom des levens', , 73+160=233. Deze boom is in de hof van Eden geplaatst op deze aarde. 233+296=529 (23x23) Het 529ste woord van de bijbel is het eerste woord van Gen.2:8, daar waar God de Hof van Eden plant met de boom des levens in het midden van de tuin.
EN ***Some composite numbers are applied in the structure of the bible. The phrase in Gen.1:1 'In the beginning God created the Heaven' has the number value: 913+203+86+401+395=1998. The dividers of this number are 37 and 54 (1x2x3x3x3) In the table we can see that 54 the 37th composite is. ***The Creation becomes created in contrary parts. This is also one of the reasons that the bible starts with the letter beth, the 2. The completion of this duality becomes expressed by 2 raised to the power of 7 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128. The 128th composite is 168. The sum of these numbers is 128+168=296, the number value of the 7th word of Gen.1:1: 'the earth', . ***296 is the 233rd composite. 233 is the number of the 'tree of life', ,73+160=233. This tree is planted by God in the garden of Eden on this earth. 233+296=529 (23x23) The 529th word of the bible is the first word of Gen.2:8, there where God planted the Garden of Eden with the tree of life in the midst of the garden.
***De aarde, 296, op zijn beurt wijst 370 aan. De som is 296+370=666. De frase 'als het stof der aarde', , in Gen.13:16 als God aan Abraham een nageslacht belooft, heeft deze getallenwaarde en ook de structuur van 296 en 370 . ***De 355ste composiet is 441. In hoofdstuk 15 heb ik de relatie tussen deze twee getallen beschreven. Overigens zijn de factoren van 3773 (de som van 2701 en het gespiegelde getal 1072)=1x(7x7x7)x11, som 1+343+11=355. Zoals je weet is 441= (1x)3x7x7x3. ***De getallenwaarde van de frase 'Gods Woord is Waarheid', , is: 441+86+206=733. Het 733ste composietgetal is 888, gelijk aan de getallenwaarde van , Jezus. Het is Jezus die het Woord van God wordt genoemd en hij zegt zelf de waarheid te zijn.
***The earth, 296, appoints on his turn 370. The sum is 296+370=666. The phrase 'as the dust of the earth', , in Gen.13:16 when God promises to Abraham an offspring, has this value and also the same structure of 296 and 370. ***The 355th composite is 441. In chapter 15 I have described the relation between those two numbers. By the way the factors of 3773 (the sum of 2701 and the reversed digits 1072) are 1x(7x7x7)x11, sum 1+343+11=355. As you know 441 is (1x)3x7x7x3. ***The number value of the phrase, 'Gods Word is Truth', , is: 441+86+206=733. The 733rd composite is 888, equal to the number value of , Jesus. It is Jesus who is called the Word of God, and he himself claims to be the truth.
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There are five sophit letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In the English langue we don 't know this phenomenon. But in Hebrew five letters have a different writing form at the end of a word, then when they are used in the middle or beginning of a word.
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 abc ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
I questioned myself why there are five and not seven or eight sophit letters. Or all letters like we know the capitals at the beginning of a sentence (the Hebrew langue doesn't do that) A possible explanation I found in the sequence of ciphers from 1 till 9. 1234567890 In this sequence I searched for changeable and unchangeable numbers. This because there is a change of form at the sophit letters and sometimes also a change of value. The prime numbers I call unchangeable because they only can be divided by themselves. The primes in the sequence are 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7: 123456789 We see that the sum of the five primes in the sequence of nine is 1+2+3+5+7=18, equal to 2x9, and the sum of the four composite numbers is 4+6+8+9=27, equal to 3x9: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9..............................................................9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.................................18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9......27 We can see that in the prime sequence the order number 4 is not available for the 5, because four isn't a prime number. And in the composite sequence the 4 is the only order that's available, namely for the nine:
5x Prime Prime 1=1 Prime 2=2 Prime 3=3 4x Composite Composite 1=4 Composite 2=6 Composite 3=8
1+2+3+5+7=18=4+6+8 In the alphabet the last nine becomes replaced by the four and this generates an alphabet of 9+9+4=22 letters. The fourth prime is five and these five become inserted into the alphabet: 9+9+4 9 9 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 abc ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * +7 , -8 .9 / 0 gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5 18 +4 22 4 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5 25
1: 2;
These are the numbers with which the alphabet is build. The alphabet of 27 letters is build up out of three times a group of nine numbers and the properties of those nine tell how the 27 should be classified. 27 is the 17th composite. In the alphabet we find 17 unchanged letters and 5 changed double letters. 17 normal letters and 5 letters with a sophit form, together 22 letters. (N.B. In Gen.17:5 Abraham gets the hee, , the 5 in his name) Now the sophit letters are inserted into the alphabet, it is the 22nd letter, the tav, , that closes the alphabet. If we count the original order numbers of the sophit letters 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 two by two until one number is left, the sum is 400, equal to the number value 400 of the tav. The tav is the fourth letter in the third group of nine. The four is connected with the five, for the fourth prime is five. Coming to completion becomes expressed by the multiplication of the squares of the four and five: 42 x52=16x25=400=
The sum of the order places of the sophit letters, counted two by two, is 400, equal to the number value 400 of the letter tav that closes the alphabet. 400 196 204 96 100 104 47 49 51 53 23 24 25 26 27
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 abc ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 9 9 4 5
The sophit letters are now replaced, but why on the positions 11, 13, 14, 17 and 18? Also here a mathematical calculation brings order. To make this visible we roll out the prime sequence along the alphabet. The 22nd prime turns out to be 73. It is the tav, , that closes the alphabet:
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 abc ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * +7 , -8 .9 / 0 1: 2; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; prime 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
When we count the order numbers of the five replaced sophit letters, then the sum turns out to be also 73: 11+13+14+17+18=73 There are other combinations possible to get the sum 73. I think the explanation is to be found in the prime sequence. If we count the 11th, 13th, 14th, 17th and 18th prime, respectively 29, 37, 41, 53 en 59, than is the sum: 29+37+41+53+59=219
219=3x73 We see that the sum of the prime numbers that correspond with the sophit letter places is a trinity of 73. The trinity is also a part of the building of the alphabet (3x9). This Trinity is also an essential part of the bible. Also in all kind of mathematical realities the three pays a roll. This will become more clear as my story proceeds.
Sum of the letter places of the sophit letters is 73: n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 abc ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 prime 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 Sum of the primes on the position of the sophit letters: 11 + 13 14 + 17 18 = 19 73 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
+7 , -8 .9
0 1: 2;
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 29 + 37 41 + 53 59 = 219 ................. ...............219=3x73
Also the letter places of the replaced sophit letters we can count two by two in a triangular count until one number is left. The sum is 233. The difference is 125-73=52. The 52nd prime appears to be 233.
233 109 51 58 124 66 96 47 49 23 + 24 + 196 100 25 51 + 400 204 104 53 26 + 27 = 125
24 27 31 35 11 + 13 + 14 + 17 + 18 = 73
233 is the number value of the tree of life. The part of life has the number value 73. Also the word wisdom, chokmah, has the number value 73. 8**(% ;0 8**(% %&%* 4&! %-+(
233 the tree of life 73 73 of life, the life wisdom Gen.2:9 Num.17:13 Ex.28:3
The alphabet and the written word can become a tree of life. This becomes expressed not only by this sophit letter construction, but also by the alphabet of 22 letters: 9-9-4 or: (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)+(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)+(1+2+3+4)=45+45+10=100 The alphabet is a composition of numbers. The 100th composite number is 133; together they are: 100+133=233. The Word of God becomes written by the alphabet and is a tree of life. For whom this is a to quick conclusion, I will show how also the first vers uses this construction. The first verse of the bible describes the creation of duality. The world of opposites. The creation of heaven and earth. Therefore the verse starts with the letter beth, , a two. The letter has the symbolic meaning of a tent or a house. The world of opposites is our house. With word seven, the earth, the duality comes till completion. The word the earth, , closes 2 the first verse. This can be expressed as 7 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128. The 128th composite is 168. The sum of these two numbers is 128+168=296, equal to the CV of word seven, ,90+200+1+5=296. And by the way 296 is composite 233. I can not emphasize enough that Gen.1:1 contains genetic codes for mathematical structures that we also find elsewhere in the bible.
Gen.1:1 128=2x2x2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2 2x2x2 2x2 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. the earth and* the heaven * God created 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 2 1. In the beginning 6 5 4 3 2
1 407
! !
5 !
200 1 296
40 10 40 300 395
40 10
5 30 86
Composite 128=168.....128+168=296=
And pay attention to the fact that also the seventh letter of the verse is a beth, a two. *** An other possible approach of this subject can be found with the triangular number of 5. This number is: 1+2+3+4+5=15. So the triangle of 5 has 15 units. Where the triangle of 4 has a singular center of gravity, there are 3 units in the center of the triangle of 5. The sum of these units is 5 + 8 + 9 =22. The sum of the 'corner stones' is 1+11+15=27, and the sum of the individual digits of these corner stones is 1+(1+1)+(1+5)=9 (for more information about triangular numbers see chapter 5)
The center of gravity of the triangle of 4 is 5. Furthermore is the fourth prime five. This is a relation that exists in the Number Universe. If we count the first four primes the sum is 11 (1+2+3+5=11) and the sum of the first five primes is 18 (1+2+3+5+7=18) This are the order numbers of the first and the last replaced sophit letters, the kaf (11) and the tsadee (18). The other three order numbers of the sophit letters we can find with the center of gravity of the triangle of five: 5 + 8 =13 (mem), 5 + 9 =14 (nun) en 8 + 9 =17 (peh).
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 abc ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1: 2;
The first and the last are together: 11+18=29 (prime 11=29). The sum of the order numbers of the three sophit letters in between is 13+14+17=44. If you check out the table of composite numbers you will find out that the 29th composite is 44. There are more mathematical relations and possibilities but I think this will be enough for the reader at this moment. The bible writer(s) have built the present Hebrew alphabet with help of the primes and the composites and let's not forget the triangular numbers. But we have to realize that the sophit letters not existed in Old Hebrew. These letters are only added to the Late or Modern Hebrew alphabet. The Tenach, or Old Testament, already existed as far as I know.
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In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth Genesis 1:1 expresses the first visible acting of God. A Creation appears. When a human creates something he is doing that with his hands. The bible tells us that we are created in the image of God. That is why I thought that this acting would express itself in one or an other way in the first bible verse. That's the reason I looked at the anatomical structure of our hands and arms and counted the parts of the skeleton. The resemblance with the verse is striking. To make this visible the values of the seven words of Gen.1:1 have to be counted till their reduced number. I will show that from example with the first word In the beginning, berashit: In the beginning=
9+1+3=13 1+3=4 So the reduced number of the first word is 4. Then we proceed to count in the same way the six other words till their reduced number:
The reduced number 4 of the first word happens to be the number of our fingertips, whereby we should realize that the thumb has one bone less and gets counted in the following sequence (see the picture). This counting is going well with all the other words and bones until we reach the upper arm (out of sight) The upper arm has only one bone, and the basic number of the earth is 8. What is going on here? Well, imagine you are in a grocery shop and there are standing some articles on the counter. The grocer types the amounts on the cash desk. To control if he has done well, the grocer counts the number of amounts and the number of articles. When the numbers are corresponding, then he didnt overlook something. In my point of view the bible writer did so. There are seven sequences to be counted, and this number is added to the one of the upper arm bone. I think it is coded in this way, and this is probably (one of) the reason(s) that the basic number of the earth is 8. But there are other reasons for adding the seven to the one. The 6-1 patron of the six days of creation and the seventh as rest day (Shabbat) is also present. To the seventh day God adds something extra. That day He blessed and sanctified it. But later more about this issue. Counting numbers till their basic or reduced number is mathematical or practical seen of course nonsense. But, if done consequent, it can function as a code. Nothing is wrong with that. But a coding that holds in one case does not necessarily have to hold in an other case. There are variations possible like flowers in the field. The total of the reduced numbers of the words of Gen.1:1 is: 4+5+5+5+8+2+8=37. Because we do not have one but two arms, this number will be doubled. This needs to be done symmetrically like our hands mirror themselves, so we find 37-73. The activity of Gods acting, creating heaven and earth, is expressed by the multiplication of these two numbers. It appear to be the factors of the number value of Gen.1:1, for 37x73 is 2701:
The 11th letter of the alphabet, the kaf, , has the meaning of hand. The kaf written full is: (Gen.40:11). The sum of the letter places of the letters of the word in the alphabet is 26+11=37. This number is equal to the sum of the reduced numbers of the words of Gen.1:1.
. But
is often used in de bible text (Ex.29:24); this way of writing can also be
translated as from my hands (Gen.20:5) The sum of the letter values is: 10+80+20=110. This number is equal to the sum of the factors of Gen.1:1: 37+73=110.
Is.48:13 My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand has spanned the heavens; when I call to them, they stand up together.
The original letter symbols in old Hebrew of the word kaf, , are these: , the mouth and the hand palm. God acts, creates, by means of the mouth, by speaking. By God speaking and acting are one. 37x73 expresses Gods acting, and 37x37 expresses the activity of Gods Spirit (Ruach Elohim).
Gen.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit from God moved upon the face of the waters. 95 140 100 728 86 220 451 + 140 100 334 19 411 420 302
3546 The connection between thoughts (spirit) and acting is speaking. With the 22nd word of the bible in Gen.1:3 starting on the 81st letter God speaks for the first time in the bible. 81 is the number value of the name of the 17th letter of the alphabet, the peh/feh, , with the meaning mouth, written full: =1+80=81. With 22 letters the Hebrew alphabet is ready. The speaking of God starts on the 22nd word: = and said. The speaking of God brings forth Creation: when I call to them, they stand up together (Is.48:13) Like the number values of the words of Gen.1:1 can be counted to their smallest reduced number, so they can be reduced to their smallest basic prime. Primes are the smallest dividers of whole numbers and they can only be divided by themselves or by one. I call it numbers that cannot lie. They are good nor bad, but they can't deny what they represent. Therefore they represent the truth.
Also the counting till the smallest prime has again a remarkable result. I will show from example with the first word how to count: In the beginning= =400+10+300+1+200+2=913 9+1+3=13 Should 13 be counted further then is the result: 1+3= 4, and 4 is not a prime. So at 13 we stop counting. Although the fourth word with the value 401 is already a prime, it can be counted until 5 as smallest prime: 4+0+1=5.
The sum of these smallest reduced prime basics is: 13+5+5+5+17+2+17=64. This is the number value of the plural form for an other word for hands, jadim (Is.13:7): =40+10+4+10=64. Also the expression from my hand(s), , has the number value 64 (Gen.21:30). In Greek gematria the number value of the word truth is 64: truth: =1+30+8+9+5+10+1=64
Together with the common reduced number 37 of Gen.1:1 it contributes to a remarkable possibility. The multiplication of 64 and 37 is: 64x37=2368 the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ:
888+1480=2368 So seems Gen.1:1 to hide the activity of God by mean of Jesus Christ. This is very remarkable when we do realize that Genesis is written about 1450 before Christ. So has the first bible writer Gods Plan hidden in the first verse. John 1:3 states in fact that Jesus has participated in the creating process:
John 1:3
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And about the truth said Jesus about himself: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life:
John 14:6
22 words, 81 letters
Jesus said unto him: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me. If we see this and can accept it, God can place the light in our live, for Gen.1:3 begins on letter 81 and on the 22nd word, there where God begins with the making of the light. When we look further, we see that the 64th word of the bible the first word of Gen.1:7 is:
= Jesus/deliverer/386
Also in this way seems to be hidden the fact that God by means of Jesus Christ made Creation. When we look for the 37th word in the bible then it appears to be the word the light, .
Gen.1:4 Word 37, letter 137 ( ), in verse word 10, in verse letter 34 Prime 34=137 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
The word the light seems to be pinpointed in a special way in the bible text. The 37th word starts on letter 137. Now is 137 the 34th prime. In the verse Gen.1:4 the light starts on the 34th letter. In this way the first letter of the light, the hee, , becomes pinpointed in the text. The factor 34 of the phrase and God made the firmament (34x37) seems to be referring to the 37th word of the bible. On this point I've got an email from Steve Coneglan. He recognized in this part of the bible text the 'fine structure constant'. This is a number that relates to the interaction between photons and electrons, between light and matter, between light and darkness. A better place to hide or to reveal this number can not be found in the bible. You can find his email here.
John 1:4 In verse word 3 starts on letter 7 and word 7 ends on letter 21 (3x7), word 10 starts on letter 26 ( )
In him was life; and the life was the light of men. In Isaiah 46:10 God announces that he tells from the beginning what will happen in the end:
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from old times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure; If we take this saying by Isaiah from Is.46:10 seriously, than we don't have to be surprised that we can find Jesus Christ hidden and coded in Gen.1:1.
Frank Colijn 2005 .
Het Griekse alfabet 4.Delta 5.Epsilon 6.Zeta Dd Ee Zz 4 5 7 12.Mu 13.Nu 14.Xi Mm Nn Xx 40 50 60 20.Upsilon 21.Phi 22.Chi Uu Ff Cc 400 500 600
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This way of looking seems to me very logical. It is an open door to say that the dial plate of the clock is derived from this too. With the circle as starting point the clock with the twelve ours can be constructed, like we use to measure time. The circle is probably also the base of the dozen. You can find this 6-1 pattern in many different ways in the bible. Also in gematria. In Gen.1:1 you can find different examples. By means of primes this 6-1 division becomes visible. Both the gematria methods Ragil and Katan show this pattern. With gematria Katan six words out of the seven are prime:
With gematria Ragil it is just the opposite: six words are not prime and one word prime:
Also with the sum of the letter places we find one prime and six composites:
And with gematria Millui, gematria full, this pattern can be found too: (gematria Millui: a=aleph, = b=beth, = =400+10+2=412 etc.)
The partition of the six alephs over the seven words has a similar pattern. Six words with an aleph and one word without an aleph. It is God who established the Sabbath as day of rest and God himself fulfils this condition too. The bible writer has woven this very carefully in the text. If we look to the letter places of the six alephs then we will see that God controls the
text. The aleph represents God in the bible. This is what the first verse is telling us:
The sum of the letter places of the six alephs is: 26+23+15+10+9+3=86: God. The primes in this sequence have the value: 26+23+15+10+9+3=26. This happens to be the number of the name of God, Yahweh, , 5+6+5+10=26. It is as if God places his signature. The not primes that remain have the sum: 26+15+10+9=60. This is also the sum of the letter places of word three: God, Elohim, in Gen.1:1: 14+13+12+11+10=60. So God and his name are here committed in different ways. One and other points out that the 6-1 relation, based on the circle, and with that time, put it's stamp on the bible. From this point of view we don't have to be surprised that the number Pi, which is needed for calculating the circumference of a circle, can be calculated with help of Gen.1:1. It is correct till 5 ciphers. Why not totally perfect? Couldn't the bible writer(s) that? I think they could. The simple division 355:113 gifs already a more accurate number for Pi, correct till 7 ciphers. The bible writer used these two numbers to make codes. I'll write later about that. The next calculation is not found by myself, but as far as I know by Vernon Jenkins in cooperation with Craig Paardekooper and Peter Bluer. The calculation is miraculously simple.
The calculation of Pi with help of Gen.1:1. The 28 letters of Gen.1:1 have 28 number values. These letter values we multiply with each other x28. This gives a large number of 43 ciphers. This number becomes divided by the multiplication of the seven word values x7 (19 ciphers) In total there are 43+19=62 ciphers. Now we remove 26 zeros so that the amount of numbers above the line is the same as the amount under the line. (2x18 ciphers) Here by can be noticed that 62 mirrors 26 (62-26=36=2x18) The result of the division is the number Pi, 5 ciphers correct: 3.141554....
Aleksander Litto, a researcher from Poland, found recently also in Mat.20:5 the number Pi , also with five digits correct. He was searching for the Creation number 2701 of Gen.1:1 in the Greek New Testament. Only one word with the number value 2701 can be found in the NT. And that is the last word of Mat.20:5: !"#$%!&, likewise:
Mat.20:5, 9 words, 50 letters Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
The number value of the verse is 6283, which is a digit anagram of 2368, the CV of Jesus Christ (Gr.). The calculation that is applied is 'likewise' the calculation in Gen.1:1. Only this time the number value of the verse becomes multiplied with the number of letters of the verse: number of letters of Mat.20:5 x number value of Mat.20:5
Pi=3.1415926..... We see indeed that the calculation has as outcome the first five digits of Pi. Pi is an irrational number, which means that there are infinite ciphers after the point. The exact number pi we cannot measure even if we find a billion ciphers after the point. Possibly this is one of the reasons why the bible writer has chosen this number, for God can't be measured. God is infinite and eternal. So Pi is related with eternity. From out of eternity God is/becomes active. This activity can be expressed by the multiplication of God (86) and time. For time I have chosen the length of a year as an objective time measure. The encyclopedia gives for a year 365.2422 days. The activity of God with time can then be formulated as follows: God x time 86 x 365.2422=3141168 This activity of God with the earthly time has as result the number Pi, 4 ciphers correct. The calculation ignores the decimal point. That I have chosen a year for time measuring is because the year has a fixed measure namely 365.2422 days. One day is one turn of the earth around its own axis. This is a fixed time. The time of revolution of the earth around the sun is also a fixed time. Now we can also express the activity of God and Pi by multiplication. We use the four correct ciphers that we found with the multiplication of God and time: God x Pi 86x3.141=270.126 The outcome of the multiplication points to the number value of Gen.1:1, for that happens to be 2701....
The diameter of the Circle of Creating of God is 86; the radius is than 43. We also might say that the diameter 2x43 or 43+43 is. If we multiply these factors we find:
word 478
In the beginning I was surprised about this construction, but the bible appears to be full with these kind of mathematical jokes. Specially when a word appears for the first time in the bible text or when an important statement is made, it becomes pinpointed with numbers. And it doesn't stop here. There can always be found more witnesses. Let's look further: the jod, with the number value 10, the first letter of Yahweh, letter 1849, appears to be the 260th jod of Genesis, or 10x26. The number value of the word Yahweh is: =5+6+5+10=26. Or if we 260 factorize further: 260=(2x2)x5x13 4+5+13=22 (In Gen.2 it is the 22nd jod!!!) So in Gen.1 there are: 260-22=238 jods. In factors: 238=2x7x17 2+7+17=26. The factors of 238 can also be expressed with an one: 1x2x7x17 1+2+7+17=27. By researching the third verse (Gen.1:3) we will see that the verse starts with 22nd word of Genesis and ends with the 27th word. The gematria of the 26th and the
27th word together is 238 (and there was - light = = 207+31=238). So points the name Yahweh, when he appears for the first time in the bible, to the light..... The 27 and 22 who play a roll in building the alphabet, seem to play here a roll too. By the way: 1849 is 1+8+4+9=22. With the measure of a year (365,2422 days) I want to go to the bible text. Word 36524/ 36525 we can find in Ex.39:17 the sixth and the seventh word: =two rings.
Well the ring or circle that's the orbit the earth describes around the sun in 365,2422 days. Ex.39:17 is speaking of two rings. And there are two rings needed to measure the year.
But now I want to return to the number Pi calculated with Gen.1:1. The 5 correct ciphers we use as starting point to go to the bible text. We look for word 31415. When we use a longer sequence of Pi to search a word number it would be out of the Tenach (O.T.), for the Tenach has 305485 words. Word 31415 is located in Ex.28:15 the 15th word: : to weave, woven, twisted. We see that the number Pi and other numbers are woven in the bible text in many different ways. An other reason that one can calculate Pi with Gen.1:1 is the fact that everything in creation is based on the round or ball form. In the micro cosmos the atoms are round and in the macro cosmos sun, moon and stars are round like our earth. But not exact round, the earth is flattened:
The difference between Pi (exact) and Pi (Gen.1:1) is that Pi Gen.1:1 is about 0,000038.. smaller. The difference between both Pi numbers is for the calculation of the flattening of the earth mathematical not quite correct. The deviation of Pi is than a bit larger. Pi is than about 3.138(difference 0,0035..) But maybe there are other calculations possible.........time will learn. It is also possible that the difference has a more symbolic meaning. If we place the digits of Pi along the first verse, that's to say one digit per word, than we see that Pi is correct until the heaven:
The number value of these five words is: 913+203+86+401+395=1998. This is 54x37. These five words have 21 letters; composite 21=33, the sum is 21+33=54. This number is the 37th composite. Also the sum of the individual digits of the values of the first five words is: (9+1+3)+(2+0+3)+(8+6)+(4+0+1)+(3+9+5)=54. And who doesn't know the phrase: so in heaven, so on earth. We see that word 6 and 7, and* the earth, correspond with the digits 5 and 4. The number value of these two words is: 407+296=703. This is the triangular number of 37 (1+2+3+3+37=703) But that's not all. De factors of 1998 can also be expressed with an one: 1x54x37. The sum of the factors is then: 1+54+37=92.(1998 in factors: 1x2x(3x3x3)x37; the sum of these factors is: 1+2+27+37=67) The digits of this number 92 correspond with the word places 6 and 7 of the exact number Pi!!! Moreover the 67th composite is 92, and the 37th composite is 54! This can also be approached in an other way. If we take the text of Revelation 22:13: I am the Alfa and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, and apply the text on the factors of 1998 than we find 1x(2x3x3x3)x37. The 1 and the 37 are of God and the 2x3x3x3=54 are for us, for the earth. This can be a clue how heavenly things are brought to earth. But it is difficult to give an exact meaning or explanation for this kind of calculations. Maybe the difference between 92 and 54 can explain it: 92-54=38. This can be an expression of three eights: 888, , Jesus. He will make the earth perfect. The factors 1x2x3x3x3x37 that belong to God have the sum 1+37=38. If God becomes active with this number than that can be expressed by the multiplication: 38x86=3268. This is an anagram of 2368, , Jesus Christ.
Of all the creation days says the bible: it became evening and it became morning, day one; a second day, a third day etc. So the days of creation become closed. Only about the seventh it's not said. This day becomes not closed. Because man is created in the sixth day and this day is closed, we now have to live in the seventh day. The Fall of Adam and Eve plays in the transition time of the sixth day to the seventh day of creation. The circle of time can be classified in the same manner as the great creation cycle. In this small cycle usually 1000 years are taken for one day on ground of different bible texts. (Ps 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8). 2 Peter 3:8: But you must not forget, dear friends, that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. Because there has passed almost 6000 years since the creation story of Adam, you might say that we are living now in the transition time of the 6th and the 7th millennium. According to some calculations we have already passed the 6000th year; but according to the Jewish calendar we are now in the year 5765 (ann. begin 2005) I think the transition of the 6th to the 7th millennium is not very far any more. I will make a calculation for this later. This is the time about which Jesus says that wars, famine and earthquakes will increase, like a woman in labor. (Math.24) The bible tells us that Jesus returns immediately after the tribulation. (Mat.24:30) He will bring all things in order, and then starts a millennial kingdom on earth where right will rule (Revelation 20:4). Nobody knows that day, even Jesus didn't know exactly (Mat.24:36), but look for the signs of time then you know it's standing at the doorstep. I will do another chapter on this issue. In the meantime you can find here an interesting site.
Also on the site of you can find interesting information about how pi is integrated in the bible text.
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Infact two triangles are the basis of the hexagram. Triangles can be expressed with numbers. So for instance the triangle number of four is ten: 1+2+3+4=10. This triangle can be expressed with an image:
The most perfect triangle is the triangle of three, because there are 3 angles, 3 sides and 3 units on each side. And we might realize that the first triangle is only potential a triangle. All the other triangles connect the center of the circles. It may be clear that the triangles of triangular numbers are equilateral triangles.
So the triangle of 7 is 28. The bible writer used this fact by starting the first verse of the bible, Gen.1:1, with 7 words and 28 letters. Besides that has the first word 6 letters (T3=6) and has the phrase 'In the beginning God created the heaven', 21 letters (T6=21).
The triangle of 7 with 28 places is the starting point for making the Star of David with 37 units.
When we look how the hexagram develops than we see that the first hexagram or Star of David in principle can be found in
one circle, the second has 7 places, the third 13, the fourth 37 and the fifth 73.
Although there is some difference of opinion about the counting of the hexagrams, I stick to the counting like I described. The reason of this difference of opinion is the fact that the second hexagram is turned on its side, and is not build up out of triangles of triangular numbers. And mathematicians don't like departure from a rule. But I see a Star of David, so I count a Star of David. And the first hexagram is of course only potential. The formula to calculate the number of units of a Star of David is: H(n+2)=(12xDn)+1=(12xDn)+1
So H(3+2)=(12xD3)+1.....H5=(12x6)+1=72+1=73
This formula makes clear that the third Star of David with 13 units is the first star that satisfies the formula. (The H stand for Hexagram and I made the 2 grey, because there are different interpretation possible. I could not yet determine if the counting of the Hexagrams is important for interpreting the codes in the bible. For the numbering of the primes and composites it is important) So in the opinion of some people the Star with 13 units is the first star. The Hebrew word echad means one and has the number value 13: , 4+8+1=13.
The reader will have seen that the fourth and the fifth Star of David have respectively 37 and 73 units. This are the factors with which the number value 2701 of Gen.1:1 is build up. Also appears the core of the fifth hexagram, the hexagon, to have 37 units, thus is equal to the fourth hexagram. The formula for the number of units in a hexagon (h) is: hn=(6xDn) h3=(6xD3)+1=(6x6)+1=36+1=37
Not only in the number structure of the number of letters and words the triangle plays a roll, also in the number value of the first verse the triangle plays a roll. 2701 is namely the triangular number of 73. Vernon Jenkins has written about this phenomenon, but it is necessary to mention it here to get a good understanding of the mathematical structure of the bible
7 the earth 6 and* 5 the heaven 4 * 3 God 2 1 created In the beginning
296 703
The seven words of Gen.1:1 can be divided in two groups of words with special properties. The first group has five words: In the beginning God created the heaven, with the number value 1998. And the second group contains word six and seven: and* the earth, with the number value 703. This number happens to be the triangle of 37. This triangle can be placed in the triangle of 73, so that each corner of T37 touches one of the sides of T73, for the middle between 1 and 73 is 37.
The number 1998 of the first five words appears to be divided in three triangles and each triangle has 666 units, and is the triangle of 36. This are now the cornerstones that keep the earth on its place. The Hebrew word for cornerstone or head of the corner is: , (5+50+80)+(300+1+200+30)=135+531=666.(Ps.118:22) The Star of David seems to nest itself in the beginning of the bible. The text must have been written by Moses about 1450 year B.C. Yet there are no archeological findings of Stars of David from the beginning time of the bible. The oldest finding, as far as I know, is dated approximately the 3rd or the 4th century B.C. And not before the 15th century after Christ the magen David, the shield of David, was used as a symbol for the Jews. Therefore it's the question if Moses was aware of the fact that when he wrote down the bible text, he also wrote down the mathematical laws of the hexagram. From creation point of view it's logic, for with creation of heaven and earth appear also the Laws of Nature and of course the mathematical Laws too. It doesn't have to surprise us that other cultures know the hexagram as a symbol too: it's a part of Creation. And therefore we don't have to be surprised that we can find Pi with Gen.1:1. Later I will demonstrate also Pythagoras's Theorem in Gen.1:1. From the number value 2701 of Gen.1:1 can be drawn a mathematical pattern of 37x73. A star of stars. Maybe Revelation 22:16 is here on its place: I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star.' But for putting the reader on the wrong leg, or maybe to put the reader on two legs, I add a text from Isaiah. In the bible you can always find this double pattern. The text is sometimes like a two cutting sword. Isaiah 14:12 How are you fallen from heaven, O bright star, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, you who ruled the nations!
the only (son) unit Zach.12:10 x wisdom (dictionary) the life
Ex.28:3 Gen.2:9
I have also added an image of a star of 73x37 units to show that AxB is not always equal to BxA. This phenomenon is also known in the quantum mechanics. If we look in the world of atoms we see the same thing. Atoms contain protons (p), neutrons (n) and electrons (e). When we call an atom A then we can formulate the third element as: A3=(3.p+3.n+3.e) However this not equal to 3.A=3(p+n+e). The same amount of protons, neutrons and electrons. It are different elements with different properties:
We have to consider that in the word of numbers this phenomenon also occurs.
Frank Colijn 2005 .
6. Truth.
The number value 441 of the word truth appears in different ways in the bible and number systems. Prime numbers play an important roll. Primes are numbers that only can be divided by themselves. I call them numbers that cannot lie. Therefore they represent the truth. Sometimes it becomes formulated as 'numbers that only can be divided by themselves or one'. However one doesn't divide anything and is therefore not a real divider. But also 1 can only become divided by itself and fulfils the theorem mentioned above. In the spirit of the law one is a prime, but it takes a unique position in among the primes. In mathematics 1 becomes seen as a divider and therefore primes have then always two dividers and 2 becomes seen as the first prime. In my vision that's not correct. Like the sequence 'n' can become divided in odd or even numbers, you can divide the sequence 'n' in primes or composites; and one is definitely not a composite. I will show now some relations by means of the table of the Perfect Primes. First we make a table of the first 27 numbers (n) These numbers are the starting point of the Hebrew alphabet:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Then we make a table of the first 27 primes (P) Although not everybody considers 1 as a prime, I see 1 as the first prime. You can find an other comment on this issue here. But here is the table:
P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
And we look in the number sequence (n) for the primes too:
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
The primes in the P-sequence that become appointed by the primes in the n-sequence I call Perfect Primes. (PP). Then they get their own number; in this sequence there are exactly ten:
nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 27 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 4 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
Those ten numbers of these three sequences (3x10) we isolate from the table and count them together. The sum appears to be 441, the number of truth:
Then we can divide the primes in this table in Super Perfect (3) en Perfect (7) Primes. I call the first three primes Super Perfect because they are equal to their appointers, to their order number, you might say here like above, so beneath, like in heaven, so on earth.
So we see that there are three Super Perfect Primes. In Hebrew the word three is: , and can be found coded in the first verse with an interval of seven letters, starting on the fourth letter (7-3=4). When Gen.1:1 is placed in a matrix of seven letters per line we see the word three as the central axis appear in the text.
The 3 and the 7 are the essential elements from which the factors of Gen.1:1 are build up (2701=37x73) When we look closer to the word three we see that the sum of the letter paces is: 4+11+18+25=58. This number is related with the Theorem of Pythagoras. (See chapter Pythagoras.) 58 is also the sum of the factors of the word truth: 441=32x72 9+49=58 , has the number value: 50+8=58.
So it seems the truth is hiding itself in de genes of Gen.1:1. The word grace, gan, Grace is one of the central themes of the bible.
If we express the number 441 in a mathematical figure, we can do that with a rectangle with one side of 3x3 and the other 7x7:
The outline of this image appears to have 112 units, what exactly the value is of the words Yahweh Elohim, 86+26=112. Yahweh God embraces and encloses the truth:
The surrounded part has 441-112=329 units. 329 is the number value of the word (I) shall be surety of him (Gen.43:9), , 6+50+2+200+70+1=329. So: Yahweh Elohim-shall be surety of him=truth. Also in the table of the Perfect Primes 441 is locked up by 112. These kind of parallels can be seen as a God given mathematical reality and are used by the bible writers very regularly.
This parallel is also present in the relation between the Perfect Prime table and the alphabet. Here the 22 letters get locked up by 112 on the 23rd place, there where the sophit letters start. It reminds me of the story of the garden of Eden that becomes closed after the Fall by Gods angles with the flaming swords. Because there are only 9 ciphers, at 10 a new cycle starts. In the sequence of the nPP's, this is on the place where the sophit letters start. The ten Perfect Primes are placed like this in a 9-1 relation. Because the first three primes are Super Perfect, there are 7 normal Perfect Primes left, so we find there a 6-1 relation.
According to the bible text Creation becomes created in 6 days; on the 7th day God rests. The sum of all the numbers in the sophit environment, after the 22 is 646. This is the number value of Elohim with the mem sophit( ):
nPP 10+14+15+16+17+23+24+25+26+27+79+83+89+97+101=646 10 14 15 16 n 23 24 25 26 mem sophit, =600 P God, Elohim= =600+10+5+30+1=646
79 83 89 17 27
97 101
Maybe we have to conclude that God controls with the sophit letters Creation (the alphabet, the langue), and has the final word in the end. I rather not jump into such conclusions, but somehow I feel it points out in that direction. In the prime table there is an other way to find the number 441, the number of truth. Therefore we look to the Super Perfect Primes. These are the first three Primes. This is the world of like in heaven, so on earth. This is the world where the lie is not possible. The appointers are equal to the primes they appoint:
nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
The sum of these Super Perfect Primes and their appointers is: (1+2+3)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3)= 6+6+6= 18 With these 18 out of the world of the Super Perfect Primes, where the lie is not possible, we are going to count the primes; aren't that the numbers that cannot lie? The sum of the first 18 primes is:
1+2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53+59=441 nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
And there is an other nice phenomenon: in the numerical sequence (n) from 1 till 18, the sum of the primes is equal to the 18th prime: 59 1+2+3+5+7+11+13+17=59
n P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 29 31 13 14 15 16 37 41 43 47 17 53 18 59 =59 Prime 18=59 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
Now have the factors of the truth, of 441, also a relation with the number 59. The factors of a number can be expressed with an 1. For the multiplication it makes no difference, but for the sum of the factors it does: 441=32x72 441=1x32x72
Now represents the 1 as factor God. Out of one all the other numbers spring off. Out of God originates everything; the Creation where the imperfect also finds a place. We see that in the sequence n from 1 till 18 the sum of the 10 imperfect numbers, the 10 not primes, is 112, the number of Yahweh Elohim, God Yahweh, , 86+26=112. You might say that God Himself takes the blame for the imperfect.
1 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 3 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n =112 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 P18=59
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The sum of the 10 normal primes in the prime sequence is 296, the number value of word seven of Gen.1:1, the earth, harets, , 90+200+1+5=296:
With this it becomes clear that God goes as Yahweh Elohim along to the earth with Creation and closely related is to the earth. This becomes consolidated in the vertical count of the two groups of 10 numbers:
26 86
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 =112 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 =296
37+75=112 75+221=296
For whom 10 is only an arbitrarily number: the bible text gives a possible indication. The first time God appears in the bible text it's on the 10th letter. This is the third aleph of the bible. With the prime jump we find three numbers whose sum is together 112. Prime 10=23 and prime 23=79: 10+23+79= 112 Besides this is the number value of the phrase Spirit of God, , with sophit value: 646+214=860 or 10x86.
And there is an other nice phenomenon to be found with the number value 441 of the word truth. Therefore we search all dividers of the number 441: all dividers of 441 are: 1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 49, 63 and 147 the sum of the dividers is: 1+3+7+9+21+49+63+147=300 Truth is related with the Spirit of God. Now is the number value of the phrase Spirit of God, =86+214=300. The square root out of 441, out of truth, , is 21. The 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the shien, , and has the value 300. We have seen that the of the first 18 primes add up to 441. Also in the number 18 is the number 21 hidden. To make this visible we look for the dividers of 18. The sum of all dividers of 18, the 18 itself excluded, is: 1+2+3+6+9=21. And then we see that we find on the 18th letter place of Gen.1:1 the shien, the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Its the second letter of the heaven, ha shamajim, . The heaven contains the Spirit of God (300). The letter places of the heaven in Gen.1:1 are: 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21; the sum of these letter places is 95. And so is the sum of the number value of the Spirit of God, and the place where we find this Spirit: 300+95=395, the CV of the heaven. And there is an other important phenomenon: the sum of all indicators of the 18 primes, plus 441 of the 18 primes theme selves, is 703. The number value of the last two words of Gen.1:1, and* the earth, is:
And* the earth = 296+407=703
nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3x18=54 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 296+407=703, and* the earth= =296+407=703
This number value 703 is formed by (3x18=) 54 numbers. We have seen that the number Pi can be generated with Gen.1:1, correct until heaven. For the last two words and* the earth with the value 703 we find then 54. In this way Pi, the Prime table and Gen.1:1 are integrated with each other.
Who wants to make his conclusions can think hat the bible writer(s) used all these mathematical facts to create the bible. But it is also possible that the bible writer humanly spoken was unaware of these facts and that the text was written inspired. Who knows may tell.
112 Yahweh Elohim Gen.2:4 De aarde 296 Gen.1:1, woord 7
An other nice aspect is that God embraces and encloses the earth. The earth, 296, has the factors (2x2x2)x37 or 8x37. If we express that as an rectangle, the circumference happens to be 86:
Frank Colijn 2005
home 2005
In the numerical sequence n I have marked the primes yellow. That are exact ten numbers. The sum is: 1+2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23=101. We see now that the sum of those ten primes is equal to the 27th prime, namely 101. The bible writer used this fact by starting 27th word of the bible on the 101st letter, the 27th prime. Also the 26th word starts on its own prime namely on the 97th letter. These are the last two words of Gen.1:3: and there was light, (200+6+1)+(10+5+10+6)=207+31=238.
As far as I know these are the only two words, without mentioning the first word of course, that from the beginning of the bible text start on their own prime. Therefore the light is the third word that starts on its own prime. An other important fact is that the light, the 6th word in verse three, starts on the 21st letter, its own triangular number: 1+2+3+4+5+6=21 We can realize that the sum of the factors of the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ, 2368=64x37, also 101 is: 64+37=101. Word 37 of the bible is , the light, and word 64 is , and made. Together point the factors 37 and 64 of the Greek in the Hebrews text to the making of the light( ). Word 64, and made, , is at the same time an anagram of the Hebrew , Jesus. Remarkable, isn't it? But let's go on with the prime table. The ten primes in the prime sequence I called Perfect Primes. This because their place in relation to the numerical sequence is prime too.
nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101
The first three primes, 1, 2 and 3, I called Super Perfect Primes, because they are equal to their indicators. They are symbol for the Super Perfect World. Like above, so beneath. Like in heaven, so on earth. Thought, word and acting are one in this world. Probably therefore the three has an important symbol function. If God says in Gen.1:3: there will be light, than it's there in the very same moment. The Thought of God becomes reality by His Speaking the very same moment. The light is word 27 or said in a different way 3x3x3, the perfection raised to the third power: Super Perfect. It's a place where man cannot exist: if our thoughts would be transformed in acts, this world would be destroyed very quickly. Only the innocent man or the man with insight can exist here. God knows this and therefore he creates a world where the imperfect man also can exist. After the 3 comes the 4. This is not a prime. And the fourth prime is five (P4=5). Now there is space between the numbers, now there is place for the imperfect.
The 4 has, because it is not a prime, no entrance to the Super Perfect world. But because God is Perfect and His Creation too, we count the first four Perfect Primes. The sum is 7+13+29+37=86, the value of the word God, Elohim, ,
40+10+5+30+1=86. But 86 is also the number value of Creation, of Gen.1:1, calculated with the starting point of the gematria system: Gematria Katan(1 till 9). [Possibly the Greek word odos, the way (Joh.14:6), is related to this starting point: = 70+4+70+200=344 of (4x86)]
It can be characteristic that the word God in this system has the number value 16, or 42. And four was the starting point of the sum of the four Perfect Primes that leaded to 86. A square expresses the coming to completion of a number. Try to see it like this: when we have a room of 4 by 4 meter and we walk trough that room we step on each square meter and we get to know the whole room. We have been on each of the 16 square meters. God knows His Creation.. We will see that the square has very often this function.
4 5 7
We started to count from the forth Perfect Prime. In the table we can count not only horizotal, we can count vertical too. The forth prime is 5, and the fifth prime is 7. The sum is: 4+5+7=16. This way of counting seems to confirm the square of 4 and connects in this table the 16 with the 86, like God (16) and his Creation (86) are connected. The next step after the four is the five. The five is indeed a prime and can't lie. Therefore the five has entrance to the Super Perfect world. That's why we count now the first five Perfect Primes. That includes the three Super Perfect Primes:
The sum is then 26. This is the value of the name of God, Yahweh,
5 7 13
, 5+6+5+10=26.
There where four numbers, that form 86, start on the 4th Perfect Prime and the vertical count 42 is, so end the five numbers that form the 26, on the 5th Perfect Prime. The vertical count is there: 5+7+13=25 or 5x5. This seems to consolidate (confirm) the perfection of this count. With 25 and 16 we can go to the bible text. We find word 16: , and the Spirit (of God) and word 25: , light. Word 16 and 25 together: , and the Spirit of light. This is one of Gods most important attributes. When we do count 16 and 25 together than is that: 16+25=41. Word 41 is: , God (6th in the bible) When we now also count the numerical places of the Perfect Primes (nPP) of these 4 and 5 PP's than we find for the four: 4+5+6+7=22, and for the five: 1+2+3+4+5=15. Together: 22+15=37. This is one of the factors of the Creation. 22 and 15 are numbers that play a roll in building of the alphabet. With these the Word and the Creation becomes build.
3 3 3
The Super Perfect world of the Super Perfect Primes comprises 9 numbers. This world becomes closed vertical by: 3+3+3=9 or 3x3. The 9 ciphers with which the alphabet in the first instance becomes counted, correspond with this and can be grouped in a ratio of 5-4 , namely in 5 primes and 4 not primes.
The sum of the prime numbers in the sequence is 18 and corresponds with the sum of all numbers in the Super Perfect world: (1+2+3)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3)=6+6+6=18. The highest number in that world is 3. That world gets closed (vertical) by 3+3+3=9. The coming to completion of the three can be expressed as: 3x3x3=27. This number is equal to the length of the table, the starting point of the alphabet, and the sum of the not primes in the sequence of 9. Now the following attracts my attention: 18+4=22 and 27-5=22 or 18 4 22 5 27
27 is the starting point of the alphabet, 22 is finally the size of the alphabet with which we work. The division of the alphabet is: 1 till 9 10 till 90 100 till 400) The five sophit letters get replaced in the alphabet at the letters from with they are derived and get the following places: 11, 13, 14, 17 and 18. The sum of the letter places of those finals is 73, equal to the 22nd prime. This is a parallel between the sophit letters and the closing of the alphabet. With the 22nd letter, the tav, , the sighn or cross, the 400, the alphabet gets closed: 400=42x52.
78 corresponds with the sum of the primes in the sequence from 1 till 22:
1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 = 78
The letters and the letter values that correspond with this prime sequence are:
258=3x86 The sum of all numbers after the closing of the alphabet is: (10+14+15+16+17)+(23+(24+25+26+27)+(79+83+89+97+101)=646. This number is the value of Elohim with the final value 600 of the sophit mem: Elohim= =600+10+5+30+1=646
You might say God has the final word in the end. He starts and He closes. And He is doing that by means of His Word, by means of the alphabet. With His Word He makes His Creation.
The Creation (Gen.1:1) embraces the alphabet, but the alphabet embraces Creation too.
home 2005
When we count primes it's important that we start to count with 1 as the first prime. For out of one proceed all numbers. And one is only divisible by one. Two should be counted too. Although it's the only even prime, it satisfies the definition like I have given. The sum of the gematria of the first two verses together is 2701+3546=6247. This number turns out to be the 813th prime. 813 is the number value of Gen.1:3.
That this is a coincidence is very unlikely. The fact that the 81st letter of the bible the first letter of the 3rd verse is, might be a coincidence. Who might say? And if prime 6247 was known as the 813th prime, Than the 812 prime numbers must have been known too. And one might ask again: is this Jewish knowledge, or by God inspired and/or dictated? Moreover with the number 6247 a very beautiful mathematical image can be drawn that related is to the Star of David. The basis of the image is the triangle of 73 with 2701 units and at the same time the number value of Gen.1:1. With this triangle we make a Star of David with 3601 units. On each of the six points we place a smaller Star of David with 541 units. This is the number of Israel (= =30+1+200+300+10=541) This star is build with the triangle of 28 and is related to the 28 letters of Gen.1:1. This triangle has 406 units. With this triangle the Star of David with 541 units gets formed. Each of the six small stars has 10x10=100 units in common with the big Star of David. Now we can calculate the number of units of this image: 3601 + (6x541) - (6x100)=
3601+3246-600=6247 A small Star of David can be found in the center of the big star, in fact he coincides with the big star and adds nothing to the counting of the units. You might say he is in rest. In fact this is again the 6-1 pattern that is present in the whole biblical Creation.
So the Gematria of Gen.1:1+gematria Gen.1:2 is 2701+3546=6247. When we remove the triangle of 73 with 2701 units again (Gen.1:1) then we save six lose parts that have together the value 3546 of Gen.1:2. These parts we can add together again and save a new interesting image. We would never have found this image for the number 3546, if we not followed this route, this logic, like I described.
Now we can research if this image has a special relationship with the second verse:
Gen.1 :2
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. .
The core of this verse is on one side that the earth is without form, and void and on the other side the moving of Gods Spirit upon the waters. This part of the text has the number value: 1369, which is 37x37, the square of 37, the starting point of Gen.1:1. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
1369 37x37
The Spirit of God is a part of this phrase: : 86+214=300. The base of the triangle with 300 units is 24, and the base of the image with 441 units is 37. The 37 is the starting point of Gods acting. The activity of those numbers becomes expressed by the multiplication of those numbers: 24x37=888, the number of , Jesus in Greek gematria. At the base of the truth and the Spirit of God Jesus can be found.
So 300 is the triangular number of 24. See the image. This triangle is a part of the elements with which 3546 is created. The triangle covers a part of the hexagram 541 with 10x10=100 units. There remain 441 units And that is the number value of the Hebrew word ameth, truth. The truth is the crown of the Spirit of God. With these parts the image of Gen.1:2 becomes composed:
(3x Gods Spirit) + (6x truth) (3x300) + (6x441) 900+2646=3546. From Gen.1:2 (3546) can in a simple way Gen.1:3 become constructed. The gematria of Gen.1:3 is 813 (=3x271) The image below shows how that happens:
With the number 813 is something else going on, it is namely 3x271. Three times the hexagon 271, the core of 541, Israel. (Israel= =30+1+200+300+10=541) In Israel God places the Light.
If we go to word 27, the word light, , in verse three, it turns out that this word starts on the 12th aleph of the bible. The sum of the letter places of these 12 alephs is 543. This is the number value of the phrase in Israel (Gen.34:7), , 30+1+200+300+10+2=543. We can realize ourselves that the 101st prime is 541: Israel. In Israel appears the Light, in Israel Christ is born.
The number value of Jesus Christ, , is 888+1480=2368. The factors are: (2x2x2x2x2x2)x37 or 64x37. The sum is 64+37=101. This is the letter place where the light in de text appears (word 27) Moreover the text: I AM WHAT I AM of Ex.3:14 has the number value 543: , 21+501+21=543. (A possible better translation is: I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE. Look here for a comment on this issue).
The phrase in Revelation 2:16 has the same number value 3546 as Gen.1:2: with the sword of my mouth
55 308
Frank Colijn 2005
Now we know again how the theorem looks like, we look at Gen.1:1. Now appears that the bible writer has coded the word three with Equidistance Letter Sequence (ELS) in Gen.1:1.We see that the word three, , is written, coded with an interval of seven letters from the forth letter till the 25th letter:
If we make a matrix with seven letters on a line than the word three becomes visible as the central axis of Gen.1:1. For constructing a triangle we use for one side three as measure (a) and place square a side with the measure seven (b) abstracted from the ELS 7. Now we can calculate the length of the third side (c):
Because 58 is not a square of a whole number we formulate that as the root of 58: sum of the letter places of the code three, with ELS 7:
4+11+18+25=58 It's nice to notice that the first seven digits of the root of 58 (=7,615773) contains three times the seven, and on the seventh place the three. If we calculate root 58 with more digits, we find: 7.6157731058639082856614110271583..... In this sequence we find the digits of 58 on the 10th and the 11th place, sum 10+11=21=3x7.....the sum of the nine digits before 58 is: 7+6+1+5+7+7+3+1+0=37 This is also one of the many special properties of the root of 58. Moreover we find the 4th seven on the 28th place (4x7=28) If we go with this root number to the bible text to look for word 7615773 than this is only possible if we use the first five digits, for the Tenach contains only 305485 words. This can be seen as a parallel with the number Pi calculated with Gen.1:1, correct till only 5 digits. Word 76157 we find in Deut.26:16 the eighth word: = laws, statutes. And that is exactly what the Theorem of Pythagoras is: a mathematical law.
In this verse the first letter of the word statutes, , is pinpointed mathematically. There turn out to be 10 hees in the verse, of which the 7th the start letter of the word statutes is. Of the ten letter places of the hee in the verse, three letter places are dividable by 7: 1 5 7 9 11 14 28 33 36 40 The sum of those letter places is 7+14+28=49, which is 7x7. The seventh , the third that is dividable by 7, is letter 28, which is the triangular number of 7 is. 28 is 4x7; in Gen.1:1 starts the triangular formula on the 4th letter with an interval of 7 letters. The sum of the individual digits of the letter places of the hee is: 1+5+7+9+(1+1)+(1+4)+(2+8)+(3+3)+(3+6)+(4+0)=58 This number has a relation with Theorem of Pythagoras like I have shown. The hee, the 5, with the symbolic meaning of window gives us a view on the mathematical realities.
The word three is the third word and becomes preceded by the word Noah,
forth the 58; in this verse brings 58 (Noah) forth the three (sons) The son who proceeds the the line of generations to Christ is Sem. The letter places in the verse of Noah are 6 and 7, sum 13, and the letter places of Sem are 18+19=37. The 13th prime is 37; the 13 brings forth the 37. It is possible that the verse numbering 6:10 also plays a roll. The verse has 10 words and Sem is the 6th word. Sem is the 11th generation counted from Adam; the sixth prime is 11, and the tenth palindrome is also 11. It can be a coincident but I wanted to show this possibility. We can also express the numbers that play a roll in the code as follows: 7 , 7three or 73=343. Word 343 is the 28th time (4x7) that the word Elohim, , God, occurs in the bible (Gen.1:27: word 7). This Elohim appears to be the 58th word in the sixth day. The sixth day starts in Gen 1:24. Word 343 starts with the 117th aleph of the bible. Word 343 is =86; composite 86 is 117. This Elohim is the sixth Elohim in the sixth day. When we express that as 6x6 we find 36. The truth becomes expressed by primes. The 36th prime is 149; this is the amount of words with which the sixth day is written (Gen.1:24-31)
* There can be found an other code with the word three, code, to the third power, we find: . When we raise the letter places on which we find the three-
64++1331+5832+15625=22852 When we search for word 22852 in the bible, then we find that word in Ex.7:7 the 7th word: , the feminine form of the word three. What catches the eye is that the chapter, the verse and the word number is 7, equal to the ELS distance of the code in Gen.1:1.
Word 22852 in Ex.7:7, word 7 And Moses [was] fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three years old, when they spoke unto Pharaoh.
It is the 10th time that the word three occurs in the bible in this form. 10 is the triangular number of 4. When we take the fourth number raising (253) , and let the 3 'come down', we find the number 253. This is the triangular number of 22. In Ex.7:7 the word three starts on letter 22. When we take the first three numbers of the power raising the sum is: 64+1331+5832=7227. This is an interesting number for when we divide this number in two parts, we find 72-27. The number 27 is three raised to the third power. When we multiply these two numbers the outcome is: 72x27=1944. Now we look for word 1944; this happens to be the word Noah, , 8+50=58. It is the last word of Gen.6:9, and the word Noah occurs three times in this verse. Three words further in the next verse, in Gen.6:10 we find the word three, (word 1947), and this occurrence is the first time in the bible text in this form.
The number value of the word three, , is: 5+300+30+300=635. If we use the digits 6, 3 and 5 of this number 635, as word numbers of Gen.1:1, then is the sum of the CV's is 888:
7 6 the earth and*
28-27-26-25 24-23-22
5 the heaven
4 *
3 God
The word ha-eben appears for the first time in the bible in verse Gen.28:18. In this verse we find this word on the letter places: 20, 21, 22 and 23. The sum of these letter places is 20+21+22+23=86, equal to the CV of Elohim.
So the word three, , has the number value 635. The factors are: 5x127. These factors seem to have a relation with the number value of the first three verses of the bible. The number value of those three verses is 7060:
Gen.1:1 Gematria 2701 Gen.1:2 ,, 3546 Gen.1:3 ,, 813 sum 7060
The calculation that is applied uses also the word values of Gen.1:1 and looks as follows:
635=5x127 5x(Word 1+Word 2+Word 7)= 5x(913+203+296)= 5x1412=7060 The word three confirms that 7060 is the correct number value of the first three verses. In those verses Creation and the Light are made. The factors of 7060 are: 2x2x5x353 or 20x353. The number 353 is the CV of the phrase:
Possibly there is hidden even more under the word 'three', we raise the word three to the fourth power it looks like this: (
Now appears the 58th composite to be 81. Also begins verse three (Gen.1:3) on the 81st letter of the bible. This is the first letter of the 22nd word of the bible. The word spans 1+(3x7)=22 letters. Now is the 22nd composite 34, a combination of the 3 and the 4. The sum of 22 and 34 is 56. If we upgrade this number by means of primes than appears the 56th prime to be 257. This is the number value of word 22, and said, , 200+40+1+10+6=257. The central letter of this word is the aleph. This is the letter that God represents in the bible text. It is the 9th aleph of the bible. The sum of the letter places of those 9 alephs is: (3+9+10+15+23+26)+(31+62)+83=262 262 is also a junction of 257 (and said, ) and the number of letters (5) of and said: 257+5=262. The expression (we have) spoken (Num.21:7), , has the number value 6+50+200+2+4=262. Also is 262 the 206th composite. 206 is the number value of the word Word, , 200+2+4=206. This is what comes to existence by the speaking of God. The difference between these two numbers is 262-206=56, which is equal to the sum of 22 and 34. An other possibility is the upgrading of 81, the first letter of word 22. The 81st composite is 111. This is the number value of the word aleph, . Here seems to be switched from letter to word. The 111th composite is 146; the sum is 111+146=257, the number value of and said. 262 is also 2x131. Now is the 131st prime 733, which is the number value of and said with gematria 'full': =(300+10+200)+(40+40)+(80+30+1)+(4+6+10)+(6+6)=476+257=733.
Joh.1:17 .
For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Here two Hebrew words in relation to 32 and 72, the words 'grace' and 'truth': 32+72=9+49=58= 32x72=9x49=441= =50+8: grace =400+40+1: truth
The activity of these two words can be expressed by the multiplication of the number values of these words:
58x441=25578 Word 25578 we find in Ex.13:3: by force, strength, , 100+7+8+2=117. The 86th composite is 117.
And Moses said to the people, Remember this day, in which you came out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this place; there shall no leavened bread be eaten.
We can give the word three also an other position. The word starts on the fourth letter of Gen.1:1. We can express that as four raised till the power of three: 4 , 4three, 43=64. The number 64 is number value of the Greek word for truth, , 1+30+8+9+5+10+1=64. The truth is the central theme of the bible and is embodied as the central axis in the first verse.
Also in the prime/alphabet table there is an astonishing parallel. In the numerical sequence I have marked the primes (nPP 1 till 10) There remain 17 not primes or composites. In that sequence (1-17) I looked for the 3rd and the 7th place. These correspond respectively with 8th and the 14th letter of the alphabet: the chet, , the 8, and the nun, , the 50. Together 8+50=58, the outcome of the Theorem of Pythagoras in Gen.1:1. These two letters form the word grace, or the word Noach, . Also in the prime sequence 58 turns out to be the sum: 17+41=58.
With gematria Katan (sophit) is the number value of the first five words, the super natural part of Gen.1:1, In the beginning created God the heaven and the earth, 13+5+16+5+19+11+17=58
9-2-1-5 17
4-1-6 11
6-10-4-3-5 19
4-1 5
6-1-5-3-1 16
1-2-2 5
4-1-3-1-2-2 13
The third book of the bible (Leviticus), the seventh chapter, verse 28 is: And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, (Lev.7:28). With gematria Katan is the number value of this verse 58: Lev.7:28 (2+4+1+3)+(5+3+4)+(3+1)+(5+6+5+1)+(2+2+4+1+6)= 10+12+4+17+15=58 The verse has 5 words and 18 letters. The data of this verse seem to relate with the numbers of the first verse: the 5th prime is 7 and the 18th composite is 28, de ingredients (7 words, 28 letters) with which Gen.1:1 is constructed. It is Moses who wrote in commission of God the first five books of the bible. The Torah becomes given by God to Moses in Ex.24:12:
And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give you the tables of stone, and the law (Torah), and commandments which I have written; that you may teach them. With gematria Katan is the number value of this verse 282, which is the 37th palindrome. This verse has verse number 2187. This is so in the traditional Hebrew way of the verse count. The number 2187 in factors is: 3x3x3x3x3x3x3 or 37.
However in the KJV this verse is verse 2190. The factors of 2190 are: 2x3x5x73 or 30x73 or 3x10x73. The difference in the number of verses can be found in the Ten Commandments. In the Tenach four commandments can be found in Ex.20:13. In the KJV these four commandments have each their own verse number. The first of those four (verse 2065) is the commandment: You shall not kill and has the number value 729 or 36.
Originally the verses of the bible were not numbered. This numbering is added in the late Middle Ages to make it possible to find back the verses in a easy way.
10. The Speaking of God and the Hebrew alphabet with 22 letters.
In general is accepted the alphabet originates from sounds. Moreover in the Hebrew langue this is possibly different. Here the speaking originates from the alphabet. Although the alphabet arises out of 27 letters, after replacing the 5 finals, the alphabet is ready with 22 letters. Gen.1:3 indicates that. This verse starts with the 22nd word of Genesis. With the 22nd word speaking begins:
25 24
: And God said let there be light and there was light.
If God speaks, His words become reality. Word and Act are one with God. The thought proceeds the word. In fact with God thought, word and act are one. This is the essence of truth. Here is no difference between thinking, speaking and acting. The speaking of God comes to us by the bible, by the Hebrew text and also by the Hebrew alphabet. The word that goes out from God, can be expressed by the triangle of 22. This triangle has 253 units:
T22 has 253 units. The Word that emanates from God.
To the number 253 are awarded different meanings. Various meanings seem to point in the same direction: womb (!"#$), un born (%$&'), to be guiltless (()*+'). You might say one can see the alphabet as the womb for words, unformed, they can't do any good or any harm. In Math.15:11 Jesus says: What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.' And also Luke 19:22 expresses this: His master replied, 'I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant! You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow? Therefore it's important that we use our words very carefully. Also the phrase 'place of understanding' has the number value 253: 253=67+186=,-(" !'.& (job 28:12).
Triangle 22 is 253 womb prove to be righteous be guiltless to justify oneself unborn, uncreated place of understanding 253
Jesus is called the Word of God (Revelation 19:13) and died guiltless according to the bible story. Because he took all the blame on him, God justifies him selves and suffers with him too. That is the base on which the bible stands. Also the Word of God is called truth (Ps.111:7) The triangle of 22 with 253 units is related with this. Three units can be connected with each other by one triangle. The 253 units can be connected with each other by 441 triangles. The Hebrew word for truth is ameth: =400+40+1=441. So we see that the under laying structure of the Hebrew alphabet and the emanating of Gods Word is connected by the number of truth.
The factors of 253 are 11x23. If we express that as a rectangle, the circumference turns out to be 64. In the Greek gematria is the number value of the word 'truth', =1+30+8+9+5+10+1=64. Here embraces the truth the emanation of the word of God.
Because the Word that emanates from God is truth (Ps.119:160, Joh.17:17), it doesn't return without success (Jes.55:11). This returning can be expressed by the turned triangle of 22. Together these two triangles form the hexagram or Star of David with 337 units.
This is also the number value of the phrase God said: =86+251=337. Because the speaking of God ends up with the truth, I have calculated the number value of the phrase: the Word of God is truth: =441+86+206=733. This number mirrors it selves in the speaking of God: 337-733. Although the phrase the Word of God is truth not occurs in the bible (but it's described like this), other phrases can be found with the value 733. Because Jesus becomes called the Word of God (John 1:14), I have looked for related texts. The phrase out of the well of Bethlehem (the place of birth of Jesus) in 2 Sam.23:15 turns out to have the number value 733:
Out of Beth Lechem, the House of the Bread, comes our spiritual bread and out of the well of Bethlehem comes the water through which we never shall thirst again (John 7:37-38). Out of 733, out of the truth of Gods Word Christ arises. Composite 733=888. I think that we have to realize that it is David, who wants to drink out of the well of Bethlehem. And he lived about 1000 years BC. Jesus says about that the following:
I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star
Jesus tells that he is the root of David. In fact he is telling that he is the forefather of David. Historical that seems to be impossible. For us, any way for me, that's hard to understand. But the bible appears to be interlarded by this kind of statements. 733 is also the number value of the phrase visions of God, , 86+647=733 (Ez.1:1). Also the 22nd word of the bible and said, where God speaks for the first time in the bible, has with gematria full the number value 733: and said= , gematria full:
=(300+10+200)+(40+40)+(80+30+1)+(4+6+10)+(6+6)=733 The speaking of God hides in this way that with His speaking also the truth appears. And the number 733 can become expressed by a mathematical image of hexagons and hexagrams:
snowflake with 733 units: the Word of God is truth, =441+86+206=733= [(7x73)+(6x37)]
The Star of David with 337 units (God said) holds the centers of the 7 stars of 73 units.
The gematria and the symbols make the relationship between the Hebrew and the Greek langue visible. The gematria of the Greek word logos (Word) is: Word= /0102=30+70+3+70+200=373
snowflake with 373 units 373 is build up out of (7x37)+(6x19) and 733 is: (7x73)+(6x37)
, Yahweh our God has with gematria Millui (full) the number value 373. =(12+106+20+6+74+111) + (6+12+6+20)=329+44=373
The last word of Gen.21:24 points to the same issue. There Abraham says: I will swear. Will swear has the same number value as the word logos, /0102, Word, the word that is Truth: Will swear = =70+2+300+1=373
*** The sum of first five Stars of David is: 1+7+13+37+73=131. Palindrome 22=131, and prime 131=733 (131=prime 33) All these numbers, 337, 373 and 733 have an optical relation with the starting point of the Star of David: 1 3 3 7
Even the number of letters of the Torah is possibly related with this figure. In this case the gray circle plays a roll as unit 1. The first word of the Torah is In the beginning, , and the last word is Israel, . The first and the last letter of the Torah form together the word , which means: hart or center. The Torah is seen as a unity. It are the five core books on which the bible is based. The Torah has 304805 letters, and the center, the middle is letter 152403. This letter is to be found in Lev.8:28. This letter is an aleph, , the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. If we look for the factors of 152403, we find:
152403= (1x3x37)x(1373) The factors of the center of the Torah are build up by the numbers 1, 3, 3 and 7 from the starting point of the Star of David . The bible text seems to be composed very carefully. The phrase and God said(Gen.1:3), has the number value 343: and God said= =(40+10+5+30+1)+(200+40+1+10+6) 86+(251+6) 86+257=343 343=7x7x7 or 73
7x7x7=343(=337+6) 343
En God said The ark of God 7x7x7 73 Gen.1:3 2 Sam.3:3
The three as well the seven have an important symbolic meaning in the bible. The bible writer seems again and again to make the connection between the 3 and the 7, not only arithmetically but also optical. For by adding them together the numbers 37 and 73 occur (factors of Gen.1:1). The word truth with the number value 441 is also related with these two ciphers. For 441 is 21x21 or (3x7)x(7x3) The factors of truth have a clear optical relationship with the factors of Gen.1:1. (37x73) The speaking of God can be seen as the creating by God, for by God thinking, speaking and acting are one. The number of the speaking of God, 337, seems to confirm this. When we look for word 337 in the bible text, than it turns out to be the first word of Gen.1:27: and created, (1+200+2+10+6=219 219=3x73) It is the third time the word created is used in the bible. And in verse 27 it's used three times.
It are the words 337, 344 and 348, sum 1029, which happens to be 3x7x7x7. Or formulated in a different way: 3x343, Three times and God said( =86+257=343) In verse 27 it are the words 1, 8 en 12, sum 21 (3x7) In the sixth day that is to say from Gen.1:24, it are the words 52, 59 en 63, sum 174, which can be formulated as 3x58 or 3x{(3x3)+(7x7)}. And 58 can be related to the word three because the word three can be found coded with an interval of 7 letters in Gen.1:1 and the sum of the letter places together 58 is (see chapter Pythagoras).
Star of David with 337 units and 588 triangles, center of gravity 113 The 337 units of the Star of David, can be connected by 588 triangles. The gematria of in Jerusalem, (Joshua 15:63). There Gods Word and Gods Truth become till completion. The construction from out of the Hebrew alphabet: , is 588
justifying oneself
,.!3% $"%.
God speaks
in Jerusalem
In Jerusalem stands the altar for Yahweh, (Gen.8:20), (=56+57=113) with the gematria of 113, which is also the center of gravity of the triangle of 22, with which Star of David 337 is build up: . Also the word forgiveness, , has the number value 113. Although it not appears with this spelling in the OT, Jesus makes clear that with the sacrifice of his life, it is forgiveness he lays on the altar of Yahweh.
Lucas 23:24
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
An other interesting detail is that the sum of the squares of the individual digits of 2368, of Jesus Christ, is 113: Jesus Christ = = 2368 22+32+62+82=4+9+36+64=113
6789:2 763
1890 1Cor.8:6 3168
the Almighty
70 80+1+50+300+70+20+100+1+300+800+100
1892=22x86 (2x2x11x43)
God speaks for the first time in the bible at word 22, the first word of Gen.1:3: and said, . We can find here a mathematical construction. The 22nd composite is 34. The sum of these two numbers is: 22+34=56. Now is the 56th prime 257, the number value of word 22: , 200+40+1+10+6=257. These kind of mathematical constructions appear from time to time especially when a word is important or occurs for the first time in the bible text. With gematria full is the number value of word 22: =(300+10+200)+(40+40)+(80+30+1)+(4+6+10)+(6+6)=476+257=733. . The phrase 'Gods Word is Truth', , has the number value 441+86+206=733. Now is the 733rd composite 888, the number of , Jesus. And doesn't say Jesus himself that he is the truth? (John.14:6) And Revelation speaks about him as 'the Word of God' (Rev.19:13) It are the prophets that pass on Gods words to us. The Hebrew word for prophet is: (Gen.20:7), 1+10+2+50=63. The multiplication factors of 63 are: 3x3x7. These factors are closely related to 337, God said.
Sum 659=prime 121=112 (anagram 112) The phrase 'And Yahweh said to Moses' occurs 66 times in the bible. This is the triangular number of 11.
The first part of the phrase is: and Yahweh said, , 26+257=283= prime 62. This number is a reflection of 26 and at the same time the middle point between 1 and 121. With gematria millui (full) is the number value of the phrase and Yahweh said: [(1+5)+(6+6)+(1+5)+(4+6+10)]+[(300+10+200)+(40+40)+(80+30+1)+(4+6+10)+(6+6)]=44+733=777 The phrase 'and God said',
and Yahweh said and Elohim said .
The dividers of 6 are: 1, 2 and 3, the sum is 1+2+3=6. But there is something special with this number for the multiplication of the dividers is 6 too:
1+2+3=6=1x2x3 We might call six a Super Perfect Number. Besides that is the triangular number of six 21 or 3x7. This is also the number of the letters of the phrase: In the beginning God created the heaven. Until there the digits of the number Pi, calculated with Gen.1:1, are correct (see the circle and the time). Now tells the first verse something about the division of the first three verses. This can be made visible with the prime jump. The first verse has 28 letters. The 28th prime is 103 (P28=103) The last letter of Gen.1:3 is letter 103, so it is the measure of the letters of the first three verses. This is the 27th word of the bible and starts on its own prime (P27=101). Verse three has 6 words. This is equal to the triangular counting of the verse numbers of the first group of three verses: 1+2+3=6. This parallel can also to be found in the second group of seven verses (Gen.1:4-10) The last verse of this group has 49 letters. This is equal to the triangular counting of the verse numbers of those seven verses: 4+5+6+7+8+9+10=49. With a double prime jump the number of words in the third group (21 verses) gets pin-pointed: P6=11 and P11=29
Triangle 6=21 and 11x29=319 Group 3 has 21 verses and 319 words The second group is telling something about the number of letters in the third group. The sum 49 of the seven verse numbers provides the possibility to calculate the number of letters in the third group, for the triangular number of 49 is 1225: Triangle of 49 is 1225 (see fig. above) Group 3 has 1225 letters We see that the number of verses out of the first and second group is determining for the number of letter and words of the third group. The sum of the verse numbers of the third group (Gen.1:11-31) is: 11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31=441 441 is the number of the truth and also the sum of the 30 numbers in the table of the Perfect Primes. In the first two groups the counting of the verse numbers had a relation with the last verse out of each group. In this situation it's not the case, anyway I don't see the relation. But there is something else. In the sequence above of verse 11 till verse 31, verse 21 is the central verse. The gematria of this verse is 5834(2x2917) This number has a relation with the table of Perfect Primes.
nPP n P 3x3=9 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 7 5 7 13 3x7=21 6 7 8 11 29 13 37 17 53 9 19 61 10 Sum 55 23 Sum 101 79 Sum 285+ Sum 441
Sum 18=2x9
Sum 423
The sum of the Super Perfect Primes and their appointers is: (1+2+3)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3)=18, which 2x32 or 2x9 is. So it are (3x3=)9 numbers that have the number value of 2x9. This double character is brought over to the group of (3x7=)21 numbers. The sum of these 21 numbers is 423. If we count the digits of this number to its reduced number, we find: 4+2+3=9.
The distance of 423 till the truth, ameth (441) is 18(or 2x9) The truth of a number can be expressed by the prime of that number. So the truth of 423 is in this case 2917. Because the sum of the digits of 423 is nine and the truth can be reached by 18(2x9) the truth of this number gets doubled: 2917+2917=5834. This is the number value of verse 21.
I cannot directly verify if there is also a relation between the structure of the text (gematria, letters, words, verses, chapters, books) and the content of the text. Possibly this structure has a similar function as the structure in a sonnet.
A sonnet is build up out of fourteen verse lines, separated in two parts (for instance: two strophes of four and two of three lines. Or one strophe of twelve lines and one of two lines) In its original form, the Italian sonnet was divided into an octave followed by a sestet. The octave stated a proposition and the sestet stated its solution with a clear break between the two. Though Giacomo da Lentini octave rhymed a-b-a-b, a-b-a-b it became later a-b-b-a, a-b-b-a. For the sestet there were two different possibilities, c-d-e-c-d-e and c-d-c-c-d-c. In time, other variants on this rhyming scheme were introduced. Typically, the ninth line created a turn or volta, which signaled the change in the topic or tone of the sonnet. I mention this so it will be less strange in our eyes that we can find an under laying structure in the bible. Where this has a more rhythmical function in a sonnet, there are more mathematical structures present in the bible. These mathematical structures are probably used because mathematical realities are unchangeable and undeniable and therefore they represent the truth. It will take some time before we have a more complete insight in the building up of these structures, for they are much more complex then in poetry. Now I have to explain the number of words of the second group with seven verses. There are 88 words in this group. The factors of 88 are 8(2x2x2)and 11. These numbers we have find. And these numbers have to come out of the first group for that group is about words. For the 11 this is quite simple for the 6th prime is 11.
For the eight it's more complicated. But because six is a Super Perfect Number there are two possibilities to make the six: 1+2+3=6 and 1x2x3=6. With these two sixes the square of six can be formed: 6x6=36. But 36 is also the triangle of 8 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36). This 8 is the other factor. Moreover the 28 units of the triangle of seven can be connected by 36 triangles. In this way we have found the factors for the number of 88 words of the seven verses. With this a part of the structure in the first chapter has become visible.
Division of chapter 1: Gen.1:1-31 verses words letters
Gen.1:1-3 3 3x3x3 103 Gen.1:4-10 7 88 7x7x7 Gen.11:31 21(3x7) 319 1225 Gen.1:1-31 31 434 1671 Like I have made a table of Perfect Primes so we can make also a table of Triangular numbers (T) In the numerical sequence (n) we look also for the triangular numbers and we give them a number (nPT=number Perfect Triangle) There are 6 Perfect Triangular numbers in the sequence of 27. The sum of these six Perfect Triangles is:
1+6+21+55+120+231=434 434 is the number of words of the first chapter. The triangular counting of the first three verse numbers (1+2+3=6) appeared to be determining for the number of words in the second and third group verses. The 434 words describe the six days of creation.
Table of Perfect Triangular Numbers
nPD 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 5 11 12 13 14 15 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 D 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231 253 276 300 325 351 378
1+6+21+55+120+231=434 434 is the number value of the word door, daleth, which we enter the bible. , 400+30+4=434. The first chapter of Genesis is the door through
The group of six Perfect Triangles that have together the sum 434, become vertical closed by the numbers 6, 21 en 231. The sum of these numbers is 6+21+231=258 or 3x86. 6 21 Sum 6+21+231=258 258=3x86 231 This is a kind of trinity confirmation by Elohim, by 86. I have found two other ways of the confirmation by 86, by God. If we count the factors of the words in the three groups of verses, than is the sum 86:
Division of the words of the first chapter 3 verses 7 verses 21=3x7 verses 31 verses Gen.1:1-3 Gen.1:4-10 Gen.1:11-31 Gen.1:1-31 27 words (3x3x3) 27 88 words (23) 8x11 319 words 11x29 434 words 14x31
When we count the words of the three groups together than we have the 434 words of the first chapter. We can express that number 434 as a rectangle of 14 by 31 units. The outline is 86. This leaves for the center 434-86=348. This is the number value of the word: , 2+300+6+40=348, seat, dwelling place (Ez.28:2) 434 can express the dwelling place of God, =86+348=434. Chapter one is the door of the Creation and the door to the Word of God. Apart from that is the number value of 'the door', , 400+30+4+5=439. This happens to be the 86th prime.
Elohim is also connected with 434 in an other way. In the foregoing example 86 units enclose the 434. This enclosure can also be expressed by using the mem sophit, . The number value of Elohim becomes then: 600+10+5+30+1=646. When we look for all dividers of 646, the number itself excluded, then that are: 1, 2, 17, 19, 34, 38 and 323. The sum of all the possible dividers is: 1+2+17+19+34+38+323=434
An other phenomenon can be found by taking for the digits of 434 the word numbers and fill in the CV's of word 4, 3 and 4:
434 word 4 word 3 word 4 'eth' Elohim (God) 'eth'
86 888
'I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture'.
home 2005
The sum of the gematria of the 31 verses is 100099, which is 31x3229. I made a graphical image of the number 3229, based on the Star of David. The central star is build up with the triangle of 43. We can realize ourselves that the factors of 86, of God, are 2x43 or 43+43. Also is the gematria of Gen.1:1, calculated with gematria Katan, 86. In fact in the first verse the whole Creation is made. The 30 verses that follow give an impression how God divides the Creation. The triangle of 43 has 946 units, and is the CV of the phrase: in the day that Yahweh Elohim made (Gen.2:4), the Spirit (Mat.10:20), !" #$%&', 370+576=946 By means of speaking God creates (Jes.48:13....... when I call to them, they stand up together) And He is doing that during six days. , 86+26+776+58=946
God speaks in the first instance by mean of the Hebrew alphabet, the alphabet with the 22 letters. The Star of David with 337 units represents the speaking of God: God said= =86+251=337. Six days God speaks. Six stars with 337 units become connected with the big star of 1261 units. These six are connected each with the big star by 9 units, so together 6x9=54 units. Now we can calculate the number of units of the image: 1261+(6x337)-(6x9)=1261+2022-54=3229 By the way the number 3229 is the 73rd prime with reduced number 7 (3229.....3+2+2+9=16....1+6=7) On this very moment I cannot indicate why it are 9 units that form the connection between the the both stars. Maybe it's because the 9 plays an important roll in building up the alphabet. Also the following calculation is a possible reason: 1261-(6x9)=1261-54=1207. This number is a digit anagram of the creation number 2701.
But possibly have the (6x9)54 units a relation with the outcome of the calculation of Pi with help of Gen.1:1. But also the counting of the 4 and 5 Perfect Primes can play a roll. It is also not to exclude that the both subjects have a relation with each other. Time and more research will learn.
The bible knows God as a multiple personality, as Elohim (Gen.1:26...And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness;.....) The singular form is El, =30+1= 31. The number 31 can be expressed as a hexagon or hexagram with 37 units out of which the six corner places are taken. Maybe God keeps in this way the 31 verses together as one unit. Here is the image of the gematria of chapter one: 31x3229=100099:
*** We have met God as Elohim, as 86. The number value of 'the Almighty', " #'$!"()'!*) , ho pantokrator, is 1892 (Rev.1:8). This number 1892 is based on the number 86 for: 86=2x43 or 43+43.....Triangle 43+Triangle 43=946+946=1892:
the Almighty
" #'$!"()'!*)
Rev.1:8: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Frank Colijn 2005 .
home 2005
This is the number value of Jesus Christ, calculated with the Greek gematria:
(10+8+200+70+400+200) + (600+100+10+200+300+70+200)
888 + 1480 2368 This may be called a very exaggerated coincident that we find under the Hebrew , Jesus, the value of the Greek , Jesus Christ. The code starts on letter 625 in Gen.1:14, and in the verse on the 21st letter (3x7) Now is Jesus also called son of man or the last Adam (1.Cor.15:45): So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.. Jesus, the last Adam, , is the full grown man. This can be expressed by mean of gematria milliui (full): =(40+40)+(400+30+4)+(80+30+1)=80+434+111=625. When we separate the filling from Adam and rearrange the filling, than we find: , 580+45. This is the man who prays, or the worshipper. This is the man who understands the Work of God and accepts it. This 625th letter, the jod, , is the 108th jod of the bible. Because the jod has the value 10, these 108 jods are together 1080. This is the number value of the Holy Spirit: =370+134+576=1080 (Luke 12:10) The Holy Spirit seems to begin the code of Jesus on letter 625.
Proceeding we look for the words in which we find the letters of the code:
= in the firmament is the third his good seed This is a statement we have to remember. In biblical sense the seed is the son. The sons of Adam are: 1.Kan, 2.Abel and 3.Seth. So the third son is Seth. By way of him the line of generations leads to Jesus Christ according to the bible story. By way of him the light appears into the world. (John 8:12 I am the light of the world.) Now is the appearance of the light described in Gen.1:3. With the last two words of Gen.1:3 the light really appears: and there was light. If we look to the letter places of these two words and count them together than we find: Letter places: and there was light, (103+102+101)+(100+99+98+97)=700
The name Seth in Hebrew is: =400+300=700. So hides the third son Seth the coming of the light in his name. The meaning of the name is substituted or inter changed. He substitutes Abel who is killed by Kain. The name Abel is in Hebrew: =30+2+5=37. When we look for the factors of 700, of Seth, Then we find: 700=1x(2x2)x(5x5)x7. The sum of the factors is 1+4+25+7=37. In this way Abel is substituted in the name of Seth. But let's go on with the code. The third letter of the code is located in the word good, tov, . This appears to be the third time that the word good is used in the first chapter. In total the word good is used seven times in the first chapter. This third tov appears to be placed in a special way in the text. The gematria of the word good is: , 2+6+9=17. The triangle of 17 is: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17=153:
The word tov, , appears to be word 153. So it is the third time of the word good in the bible text, placed on the triangle of itself (T17=153), and is crossing the third letter of the Jesus code. This third letter is the vav, the six. The sixth prime is 11, together: 6+11=17, the number value of the word tov. In the code matrix the horizontal coordinates are: 10+9+8=27 (3x3x3) and the vertical coordinate is also 27. This part of the code seems to want to emphasize itself with the number three. But also the 17 seems to participate. The four words in which we find the Jesus code have together 17 letters. With gematria katan is the number value of Jesus: , 7+6+3+1=17. We can also find a parallel with the table of Perfect Primes. There are 3 Super Perfect Primes, 7 Perfect Primes and 17 normal Primes in the table. Four of those 17 are located in the surroundings of the sophit letters.
Different formulated: (3+7)x37. The number value of the word (Gen.45:26), governor, regent, rule, reign, is 370. It is Jesus who acts as regent in the name of God. The sum of those four Primes nd their locaters (order numbers) is:
14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 83 + 89 + 97 + 101 =
534 is the number value of the sanctuary of the king, 90+444=534. This phrase can be found in Amos 7:13.
Amos 7:13 But never again prophesy at Beth-El; for it is the king's sanctuary, and the royal house. 10 + 23 + 79 = 112 Yahweh Elohim, 26+86=112, is the king of Creation. Jesus is regent on behalf of God and sits in the royal house at Gods right hand (Math.22:44). Proceeding we look to the begin letters of the four words where through the code is written. Those letters are 557, 580, 600 and 622. The sum of these begin letters is 2359, which is 7x337, or 7x God said, =86+251=337. In this way the code seems to be sealed. Now is in the bible text nearly always and God said, used. Because the 3 and the 7 always go brotherly together, I have looked to the first three and God said, and counted the begin letters. That are the letters 81, 198 and 346, sum 625. This number equals the begin letter of the Jesus code with ELS 22. Of course it can be a coincident but I wanted to show it anyway.
It is also possible that 625 has a relation with the sums of the first 4 and 5 Perfect Primes which are 86 and 26: God and his Name. 625 is namely 54. Besides that the reduced number of Elohim, of 86, is 8+6=14...1+4=5. And the reduced number of Yahweh, of 26, is 2+6=8. The division of these two reduced numbers of Yahweh and Elohim is 5/8=0.625. It attracts my attention that word 625 of the bible the word God is, , Elohim. This is the 42nd time that the word Elohim appears in the bible text. 42 formulated in a different way: (1x2x3)x7 or 6x7. When we look to word 6 and 7 than we see that word 6, , and*, starts on letter 22 and word 7, , the earth, on letter 25 starts. The truth of these seven letter places can be expressed by the primes of those places: letter places: 22+23+24+25+26+27+28=175 (=7x25) primes 73+79+83+89+97+101+103=625 (=25x25)
the earth 7
28 103 27 101 26 97 25 89 24 83
and* 6
23 79 22 73 21 71
created 2
9 19 8 17 7 13 6 11
In the beginning 1
5 7 4 5 3 3 2 2 1 1
161=palindrome 25
Also for the letter places of the letters in the alphabet (gematria in n) we can fill in primes. When we apply them for word 6 and 7, than is the sun of these two words: 85+176=261. The factors of 261 are 9 and 29. This appear to be the coordinates of letter 625, the , the starting letter of the Jesus code in the matrix of 22. In this way hides and* the earth the coordinates and the letter place of the beginning of the code. Also seems the Star of David with 337+6 units of and God said, , to hide all the numbers that are important for this code. We have now three witnesses namely the earth, the speaking of God and the Prime table.
It are the primes, the truth, of the letter places of the earth and the letter places of the alphabet that bring us to . The earth, , has the number value 296 and Jesus in Greek, , is 888 which is 3x296. This trinity expresses the relationship of Jesus and the earth. In chapter 18 you can find an analysis how this Jesus-code is connected with the 3rd perfect number 496 and the Star of David with 661 units that can be formed with this number. The reason that this Jesus-code has ELS 22 is hidden in the alphabet. In the alphabet we find the building blocks of the Word. In chapter 1 and 2 I've given an explanation about the construction of the alphabet. The 4 and the 5 play a roll in reducing the number of letters of the alphabet from 27 till 22. Underneath a survey. abc---(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)---(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)---(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) - (10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18) - (19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27) 0123456789 5 primes and 4 composite numbers P4=5 1+2+3+5+7=18 and 4+6+8+9=27 18+27=45 27-18=9=4+5 18---4---22---5---27 letter 22 of the alphabet is the tav with the number value 400 4x4x5x5=400 The tav has the meaning of cross or sign From the cross, from Jesus, comes the light...(John 8:12) Triangle of 27=378 and the triangle of 18=171 T27-T18=207(light) (=the third group of nine=19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27=207) The 22nd letter of the alphabet, the tav, has the meaning of sign or cross. From the cross, from Jesus, comes the light (John 8:12) The code tells us that the third is the good seed. When we look to the third group of nine, that's to say from 19 till 27, the sum turns out to be 207, the number of light, , 200+6+1=207. The word light is the 27th word of the bible in Gen.1:3. In this verse light is the 6th word and starts on the 21st letter (the triangle of 6=21) So the three letters of light have in the verse the letter places: 21, 22 en 23, sum 66. The bible that is also called the Word of God and has to bring light in our existence, contains 66 books. 66 is the triangular number of 11, which is the 6th prime. In this mathematical way the word light is pinpointed in the bible text. In the construction of the alphabet is already hidden that Jesus will bring the light. This is a part of Creation. In the end the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. In chapter 10 I have shown that the triangle of 22 has 235 units and that those units can become connected by means of 441 triangles (=truth). Jesus is called as well the WORD as the TRUTH. A reason to look an other time at the number 22. Because I found significance in the composition of composites in the story above, I started to count from the number 22. In the table beneath you can see how, starting with 22 it ends up with 386. Eight numbers are involved, six are counted (in three times) and the seventh (the result of those three times) points out the eighth:
1x som 56
, Jezus
22 - 34 - 56 - 78 - 134 - 175 - 309 - 386 In this sequence the number 56 is the third number. This number provides us with all kind of information. But first I want to point out in a mathematical way why 22 is the start number of this sequence. For I want to show that this is not a random starting point. You can see I added up continually two by two the composites and their order number to find the next number. When we try to do that with the number 22 than that is not possible. The 7th composite is 14, sum 7+14=21. One to short. The 8th composite is 15, sun 8+15=23. One to much. Therefore I looked also to the prime numbers. Prime 7=13, sum 7+13=20, and the 8th prime is 17, sum 8+17=25. Also here the 22 cannot be formed. In both cases 22 is between the sum of 7th and the 8th prime/composite and their order number. Now is the 56th composite 78; together they form a proceeding sequence: 5678. This is the only composite combination where this phenomenon occurs. The of the digits of these numbers is: 5+6+7+8=26, the CV of the Gods Name Yahweh. Moreover 78 is 3x26. But 56 is also 7x8. If we multiply the 7th and the 8th number from the sequence we find: 309x386=119274. Proceeding we look fore word 119247 in the bible. That word we do find in 2Sam.15:9, word 3: !"#$, the King. Both 7x8 as well as 78 have a relation with 56. The number 56 hides/reveals the name of the King. The sum of the first 56 composites is 2368:
The sum of the first 56 composites is 2368 C sum n C sum n C sum n C sum n C 4 4 11 20 132 21 33 400 31 46 799 41 58 6 10 12 21 153 22 34 434 32 48 847 42 60 8 18 13 22 175 23 35 469 33 49 896 43 62 9 27 14 24 199 24 36 505 34 50 946 44 63 10 37 15 25 224 25 38 543 35 51 977 45 64 12 49 16 26 250 26 39 582 36 52 1049 46 65 14 63 17 27 277 27 40 622 37 54 1103 47 66 15 78 18 28 305 28 42 664 38 55 1158 48 68 16 94 19 30 335 29 44 708 39 56 1214 49 69 18 112 20 32 367 30 45 753 40 57 1271 50 70
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
sum 1329 1389 1451 1514 1578 1643 1709 1777 1846 1916
n 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
C 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 84
sum 1988 2062 2137 2213 2290 2368 2448 2529 2611 2695
The number 2368 is the CV of Jesus Christ. He is the King of Creation. That is what Gods Number Universe is telling us.
So the number value of the word Elohim is 86 and the number value of Yahweh is 26. With 86 we make a matrix of the bible text with 86 letters on a row, without spars; and than we look for the cross point of the horizontal and the vertical coordinates 26, the number value of the name of God:
The letter that we find there is the jod: . This appears to be the first letter of a coding. On this special place we find the first letter of the word: Jesus/salvation. With an interval of 86 letters the word becomes formed from coordinate H(orizontal) 26 and V(ertical) 26. The first letter can be found in Gen.2:10 and the last in Gen.2:17. The distance of the first till the last letter is: (3x86)+1=259, which 7x37 is. Moreover this holds for all 4 letter words with ELS 86. The number value 259 is also the value of the name of Adoni-Zedek, Lord of Justice (Joshua 10:1). I don't know if the code word here already has to be translated with Jesus or that it is a hidden announcement that the redeemer is bound to come. The word Jesus, Jeshua means literally translated: salvation or God will save . The reader has to interpret that him/her self. Personally it seems to me a very exaggerated coincidence that this Jesus-code with ELS 86 appears on this special place and I don't think that this is a coincident. Nevertheless we have to be very careful with this phenomenon, for the word Jeshua with ELS 86 occurs 3x in Genesis, 8x in the Torah en 54x in the Tenach (O.T.) Therefore we have to look further if we can find more connections. The jod, the first letter of the code, is the 296th jod in the bible. 296 is the number value of the earth, 90+200+1+5=296. The Greek name of Jesus is: ,
=10+8+200+70+200=888 or 3x296.
If we count the value of the 296 jods (number value 10) we find 2960. This appears to be the value of the phrase Son of man, a title of Jesus used in the New Testament (Mar. 2:10): Son of man
680+770+1510 2960
This part of the code tells us that Jesus as Son of man is related with this earth. The phrase from the earth, 296+90=386 (Gen.2:6), has the same number value as Jesus: = 70+6+300+10=386.
Jesus ELS 86
=letter 2176 It is God who appoints where the code in the text appears. God, Elohim, is 86. I have already shown in chapter 4 that Yahweh appears on letter 1849 for the first time in the bible. 1849 is derived from 86 for: 86=2x43 or 43+43.....43x43=1849. The Jesus-code with ELS 86 starts on letter 2176, which happens to be the 1849th composite! Also the begin letter, 2076, the jod of the nearby Yahweh-code (H12, V25) with ELS 86 can be explained in a mathematical way:
=letter 2076 The number value of the Gods name Yahweh is 26. When we multiply this number with the ELS number 86 we find: 26x86=2236. When we look for all dividers of 2236 the number itself excluded, we find: 1, 2, 4, 13, 26, 43, 52, 86, 172, 559 and 1118. The sum of these numbers is: 1+2+4+13+26+43+52+86+172+559+1118=2076 This number happens to be the begin letter of the Yahweh-code with ELS 86. But we should realize that there are 63 Yahweh-codes with ELS 86 in the Torah, however this is the first one that appears in the bible. The first letter of the Jesus-code is letter 2176. Because Jesus also is called the Word of God (Revelation 19:13) I have made the letter- word jump, which is to say I searched for the word 2176 in the bible text. This appears to be the word arbajim, , forty (Gen.7:4). Forty is the number value of the mem, the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, that symbolizes the water. It's the water of life that Jesus gives us to drink. In one of the next chapters I'll write about that. It's the second time the word forty occurs in de bible text and starts on letter 8125 (Gen.7:4). The first time that the word forty in the text occurs is word 1590, starting on letter 5949 (Gen.5:13). The letter distance between both words is: 2nd word 1st word
This is again a very exaggerated coincident. Besides letter number 2176 and word number 2176, we have now also the letter distance 2176. Therefore I have measured also the distance from the Jesus-code till the 1st word forty and till the 2nd word forty. The letter distance of the code till the first forty (word 1590) is:
1st word
Although 3773 is a striking number, it will not directly be clear for the reader what the properties of this number are. Of course we recognize the factors 37 and 73. Multiplied with each other they make the value 2701 of Gen.1:1. This number 2701 of Creation can be mirrored: 2701 mirrored is 1072. The sum of these two numbers is: 2701+1072=3773 So we see appear the original factor 37 and 73 again, that's to say they appear in a different mutual relation. These are the only two numbers with which this mathematical phenomenon is possible. This is probably one of the many reasons why the number value of the first bible verse 2701 is. The letter distance of the Jesus-code till the second forty (word 2176) is: 2nd word Jesus code 8125-2176=5949 The distance of the Jesus-code till the second forty is 5949 and this is of course exact the letter number on which the first word forty starts, for 2176+3773=5949. So seems the Jesus-code together with the two words forty to be coded with an internal coherence in the bible text. There are more indications for, but therefore we have to go back to the matrix 86. In the near surroundings of the Jesus-code we find also a Yahweh and a Elohim-code with ELS 86. The first letter of the Yahweh-code has the coordinates H12 and V25, together 37. And the first letter of the Elohim-code has the coordinates H38 and V35, together 73. So bear the coordinates of the first letters of the Yahweh and the Elohim-code the marks of Gen.1:1, for the gematria of that verse is 37x73. With this both codes seem to take position on remarkable places. With these two codes we make a cutout out of the matrix of 86 letters on a row. In the right upper corner we find the first letter of the Yahweh-code and in the left corner underneath we find the last letter of the Elohim-code. The cutout shows us some things that attract our attention. We have seen that the first letter of the Jesus-code, letter 2176, brings us with the letter-word jump to the word arbaijm, , forty (Gen.7:4). Now appears the 40th time of the word Elohim of the bible text to stand exact above the Jesus-code . This can be a coincident, but the last Elohim in this matrix happens to be the 52nd Elohim of the bible. And 52 is 2x26 or 26+26, the sum of the coordinates of the Jesus-code. And above that is the gematria in n of Elohim: 24+10+5+12+1=52. With an other gematria method you can find an other combination of the double 26 with the word Elohim. The method is called Haperati and works with the square of the letter values of the normal gematria: =402+102+52+302+12=2626. This expresses the coming to completion of every single letter of the essence of God. There we find the redeemer, the redeemer who knows the name of God and reflects the essence of Him. The coordinates of the first and the last letter of this matrix seem to point out to the forty. The coordinates of the first letter of the Yahweh-code in the right upper corner are 12 and 25, together 37. And the coordinates of the last letter of the Elohim-code, the mem in the left corner beneath, are 38 en 39, together 77. The distance between 37 and 77 is 40. This mem, , is also the last letter of the vertical Elohim-code with ELS 86. We can find this mem in Gen.3:8 the 6th word. Or written in a different way: Gen.3:8:6 386, savior or Jesus, : 70+6+300+10=386. This mem appears to be the 40th mem of Gen.3. In verse Gen.3:8 it is the 21st letter or 3x7 (21 is triangle of 6, the word number in the verse) The sum of the coordinates of the starting letter of the Jesus-code is: 26+26=52. The truth of 52 becomes expressed by the 52nd prime: 233. This is the number value of the Tree of Life, ets hachajim: =(40+10+10+8+5)+(90+70)=73+160=233 Jesus is this Tree of Life. Letter 233 appears to be the 40th jod of the bible.
From this 40th jod, letter 233, we can find a Jesus-code with the smallest ELS 2635. This code ends in the word.......... arbajim, forty (Gen.7:4) This seems to me again a very exaggerated coincident. This is the third time the word forty appears in the bible text. That Jesus has a specific relation with the forty, becomes confirmed by Math.4:2, Markus 1:13, Luke 4:2 and Acts 1:3. Jesus fulfills all the time, the whole forty. This is the sign of the Holy One. The forty jods are together: 40x10=400. The tav, , has the number value 400, and the meaning of sign or cross. One of the Greek words for the Holy One is: (Acts 2:27) and has the number value 70+200+10+70+50=400. Math.4:1-2: 1.Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2.After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. This in contrast with a part of the Israelites who had to wait for Moses when he got the commandments from God on the mountain Horeb (Deut.9:9) When they became impatient, lost their faith and clutched at the visible world, they made the Golden Calf just on the 39/40th day.
home 2005
The mem is the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The mem has the meaning of water and is derived from the word majim, . The number value of the mem ( ) is 40. But because the letter is also used as sophit letter, the letter can have in that form ( ) the number value 600. But most of the time the value 40 is used. 40=23x5 or 8x5
8+5=13 8 and 5 are respectively the reduced numbers of Yahweh (26 2+6=8) and Elohim (86 8+6=14 1+4=5) The sum of 5 and 8 is 13, and the multiplication is 40. The 13th letter of the alphabet has the number value 40. In the center of all possible divisors of 112, the number 112 itself excluded, we find the fifth divisor, being 8. The multiplication of central divisor and its order number is 5x8=40:
All possible divisors of 112 (Yahweh Elohim) n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sum divisors 1 2 4 7 8 14 16 28 56 136 5x8=40
The mem is unique in this, for there is no other letter of the Hebrew alphabet where this mathematical phenomenon occurs. Probably is this one of the reasons that this letter has a special meaning. You might call this letter holy or perfect. It is the starting letter of the word messiah, the anointed, . The anointed is the redeemer who stands up for us, the gavel, : 30+1+6+3=40 (Jes.59:20). The 13th and the 24th letter of the alphabet become connected by God and His Name by means of triangular numbers: T13+T14+T15+T16+T17+T18+T19+T20+T21+T22+T23+T24= 91+105+120+136+153+171+190+210+231+253+276+300=2236 2236=86x26= The number 2236 is 26x86, God x His Name= 13, , and letter 24, . x
T13+T24=91+300=391. This is the CV Jesus, Jehoshua, when the hee is added to the name Jeshua (386), just like the hee is added to the the name of Abram, so that his name became Abraham. Jesus= !"#$%=70+300+6+5+10=391
The value of the 24th letter, the mem as sophit letter, is 600; in factors is that: 600=1x23x3x52 1+8+3+25=37 So the essence of the 24th letter is: 600 37 Place x essence: 24 x 37 888 , Jesus, savior. Now is 37 the 13th prime. So the truth (=prime) of 13 is 37. On letter place 13 the and the become joined together. The sum of the letter places of the mem (13) and the mem sophit (24) is: 13+24=37. The value of the mem is on the 13th place: 40. Truth x value: 37 x 40 1480 , Christ, the anointed. The word forty in Hebrew is: arbajim, =40+10+70+2+200+1=323 (Gen.5:13) 323=1x17x19 1+17+19=37 We see that the essence of the word forty also 37 is. The meaning or value x essence is here also 40x37=1480, the number value van Christ. The sum of the letter places of the mem in the alphabet is: 13+24=37, and the sum of the letter values of the mem and the mem sophit is 40+600=640. Sum of alphabet places x sum of values: 37x640 23680 10x , Jesus Christ, 2368. The forty is the water, the water of Life that God gives us to drink by mouth of Jesus. It is also Jesus who walks over the waters to his disciples (Math.14:25, John.6:19). We also see that Jesus appears in the 40th bible book: Matthew. The bible has 66 books of which 39 in the OT and 27 books in the NT. Therefore the book Matthew is the 40th book of the bible. There Jesus appears for the first time as a man in the bible. The meaning of the name Matthew is: God's gift. The truth of 40 gets expressed by the 40th prime, which is 167. The sum of these two numbers is: 40+167=207. This is the number of the light, , 200+6+1=207. In John 8:12 Jesus tells that he is that light: When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. The light appears at the 27th word of the bible in Gen.1:3; the 27th composite is 40. Further appears the 40th composite to be 57; the sum is 40+57=97. This is the 26th prime, the number of Yahweh. Prime 97 expresses the truth of 26. This truth of Yahweh becomes reflected in the life of Jesus. The 97th palindrome is 888, the number of , Jesus. An other indication that Jesus is related to the mem can be found in the number of mems that can be found in the Torah. The Torah is the core book (or 5 books) of the bible. There are 25090 mem's in the Torah. In factors that is: 25090=2x5x13x193 (5x13) x (2x193) 65 x 386 x Adonai x Jeshua Lord x Jesus The first mem in the Torah is letter 14. It's the last letter of the first time that Elohim in the text appears. The last mem of the Torah is letter 304791. It is here the first letter of the word Moses who is supposed the be the writer of the Torah, although he never can have written the last verses concerning his own death. Together they place their signature under the Torah:
God - Mozes
letter 14+304791=304805 304805 is the number of letters of the Torah. The same phenomenon can be found with the resh, . This letter has the meaning of head. The first resh is letter 2 in the first word berashit and the last resh is letter 304803, the central letter of Israel, . God starts with> Israel, berashit Israel, . Also by the hee, , the window, occurs this phenomenon: the first hee is letter 12, the last hee is letter 304793: God - Moses
letter 12+304793=304805 God gives by means of Moses and the Torah a window, a glance, at His Plans.
Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. Jesus Christ is called the Word of God. He is the water and bread we get to eat and drink. The Greek word for Word is logos: . The number value of this word is 30+70+3+70+200=373. This is the 75th prime. Word 75 of the bible is hamajim, the water (Gen.1:7) And word 373 is the 31st Elohim, Gen.1:29. We have seen in the chapter before that the mem is related to the water. Prime 75 is in factors: 3x5x5. The digits of these factors can be joined together in the following way: 355 (word 355 is the 30th Elohim, Gen.1:28). When we go to the bible text we will find out that the 355th letter of the bible is the last letter of the tenth time the word Elohim appears in the text (Gen.1:9) It happens to be the last letter of a Elohimcode with ELS 26 too. It also happens to be the 37th mem of the bible text. Since the mem has the value of 40, 37 mems are 37x40=1480, which is the number value of the word Christ: =60+100+10+200+300+70+200=1480. So in a over view: logos=Word=373 prime 75 factors of 75= 3x5x5 355 letter 355 37th mem 37x40=1480 Christ and 22 sofhit mems: .
But there is more going on. I'll show you. The 37 mems can be divided in 15 normal mems
When we look at matrix 26 and search for the coordinates 22 and 15 then we find letter 386. This is the number value of the word Jesus or Savior. It is the last letter of the word: , and let appear (the dry land, Gen.1:9) This might be an announcement from God, or a window to show us that a Savior will appear. Note: the numbers 22 and 15 are related to the sum nPP's of the sum 86 and 26 in the Perfect Prime Table.
The normal mem has the value 40 and the mem sofhit has the value 600. So we find the number value for the 37 mems:
15x 15x 40=600 22x 22x 600=13200
600+13200=13800 When we go to the bible text we will find out that word 13800 is the word: lechem, bread (Gen.35:19). The word is used together with the word beth, which means house. The House of the Bread: Bethlehem; God reveals here the birth place of Christ. From there comes our spiritual bread. The beloved one of Jacob (Israel) is buried here and the beloved one of God is born here. The word Bethlehem is used only two times in the Torah; this one is the first appearance. The Torah has 79977 words; so you can calculate how coincidental this is.....The water letter, the mem, the last letter of the bread is letter 51781 and is also the last letter of the verse . The factors of this letter number are 1x53x977. The sum of these factors is:
1+53+977=1031. This happens to be also the verse number of Gen.35:19. The last letter of this verse seems to pinpoint the verse number.
But let us go on with matrix 26. I took out the most important data; the image below is showing them. The ten word numbers of the word Elohim add up till 441, the number value of the word ameth, truth. 3+17+23+29+35+41+54+65+82+92=441 The 10th Elohim starts on letter 351, which is the triangle of 26, of Jahwe, the name of God. And this 10th word Elohim is ending on letter 355 (The 355sth composite number appears to be 441) The 'truth' of those 10x Elohim can also be expressed by the word numbers that are prime. The sum of these word numbers is: 3+17+23+29+35+41+54+65+82+92=113 And as you probably know the division of 355 and 113 makes the number of Pi, seven digits correct: 355/113=3.141592920.... The 10th Elohim begins with the 33rd aleph. Because the aleph is a representation of God we go to the 33rd Elohim; that happens to be word 441 (Gen.2:2 word 2). The text is telling there: And on the seventh day God ended his work......Probably there is not a more accurate number for Pi in the bible than this one with seven digits correct.
Elohim seems to claim all the word numbers that play a roll in this Pi calculation: 54 and 92 from Pi Gen.1:1=3.141554 and Pi exact (or 355/113)=3.141592. And word 113 and 355 from the division 355/113. And word 441 seals the truth. This is the 33rd Elohim (in the 33rd verse). 33 is also the life span of Jesus and He claims to be the truth (John 14:6). I think that is clear now that the bible text is composed in a very special way. Mathematical calculations are used to show us what Gods plans are. The Elohim-code in matrix 26 starts on letter 251. This is the 'truth' of 55, for prime 55 is 251. Fifty five itself is the triangular number of 10. The Elohim-code starts on letter 251 and ends at the end of the 10th Elohim on letter 355. This is the 37th mem, being 37x40=1480, number value of Christ. In the prime table of the Perfect Primes the first ten Perfect
Primes add up together with their appointers till 441. When we separate the 10 nPP that add up till 55 from the 441, we find 441-55=386 of , Jesus. The 37 mems are divided in 15 normal mems and 22 sofhit mems. I showed that this are the coordinates of letter 386.
4 nPP add up till 22 and 5 nPP add up till 15. Realize that there are 4x5=20 numbers in the Perfect Prime Table that add up till 386. And 22+15=37 37th mem is letter 355 355+86=441. (86 is Elohim-code). John 14:6: Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth (441) and the life. No one comes to the Father (86) except through me (355). Jesus is also called the Nazarene ( =355) in the bible:
John 19:19: And Pilate wrote a title, and put [it] on the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. In the Hebrew version this is written as:
9 letters 80 90 355 386 433 386 18 127 38 letters 100 413 178 339 422 195
The part of the text 'And Pilate wrote a title, and put [it] on the cross. And the writing was': has the number value 2611, which is: 7x373, 7x logos, , Word. This text has 38 letters or 2x19 and seems to have a relation with the verse number (John 19:19). Prime 38 is 157, and prime 157 is 911. This is the number value of the last part of the text: JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS, : 80+90+355+386=911. Pilate calls Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus the Nazarene has the number value: 386+355=741. This happens to be the triangular number of 38. Jesus came out of Nazareth (Matth.2:23) The word the Nazarene, , has the number value: 10+200+90+50+5=355. This number equals the letter place of the code letter mem. In the beginning of this chapter I showed the connection between 373 and 355 ( 75=373) Joh.19:19 appears to be the 3700th verse of the New Testament. The Greek version of Jesus the Nazarene is: , 888+70+1239=2197=13x13x13. Unity in three dimensions: one= =13. It's all rather complex. Please take your time to understand all the data.
10+23+79=112 Something similar can be found in Gen.1:4 too. The word 'the light', , begins here on the 12th letter of the verse and is the 31st word of Genesis. Proceeding the 'nota objectie', eth, , that belongs to the word light, begins on letter 113 of Genesis and the gematria of both words together is 212+401=613.
Gen.1:4: And God saw that the light was good. And God divided the light from the darkness.
= *-the light letter 12 in Gen.1:4 word 31 in Genesis letter 113 in Genesis the light: gematria 613 Prime 12=31 P31=113 P113= 613
So we see that by the first letter of the noun 'the light' the 12, the 31, the 113 and the 613 are reached (see the prime table). According to the Jewish tradition the Torah contains 613 commandments which regulate all aspects of Jewish life. De Torah is the book with which God starts His Word, the Word that must bring light in the world. These commandments help us to get insight in good and evil. And we can find them 'in the Torah', , 5+200+6+400+2=613 (see also or These will help to bring the light into the world. On letter 113 begins the light here. The word , ordinance (Num.9:14), has the number value 113. Besides that is 113 also the number value of the word: , forgiveness. With that starts the light. So we see here that God brings the law and the forgiveness together in the light. The noun 'the light' begins on letter 12 in verse 4, the 4th word and is related to the 12th Elohim that appears in the bible text (Gen.1:10, word 10); this happens to be word 113 (P12=31, and P 31=113) The hee of 'the light' is the 16th hee in the bible and the hee of the 12th Elohim, , is the 47th hee. So the number of hee's between the light and the 12th Elohim is: 47-16=31x the hee. So here appears the 12th prime 31 by means of 31 hee's to be woven in the text. Besides that the 16th prime is 47 (P16=47) (Possibly the third perfect number 496 plays a roll too. 496=16x31, the sum of these factors is 16+31=47). And this hee in the 12th Elohim is letter 439 of the bible and 439 is the 86th prime (P86=439). This can be an indication that God is strongly related with the twelve. The bible story points this out too. The text appears to be full with all kind of prime jumps. And possibly there is also a triangular connection between word 31 and 113, because 'the light' is the 4th word in the 4th verse and the 12th Elohim is the 10th word in the 10th verse. The triangular sum of 4 happens to bee 10 (1+2+3+4=10). There can be found more mathematical relations. But what is the purpose of all this? I think it are the 'guy-ropes' of the 'tent' of God. The bible emphasizes that not one jota or tittle may be changed. Nothing may be added or left out (Revelation 22:18-19) These are the elements with which the letters in the bible text are embodied. And realize that my insight is very limited and that there are probably various other possibilities. I see Gen.1:1 as a kind of genetic code from whereof the bible unfolds itself. This verse has 7 words and 28 letters. The prime jump brings us by way of 7 and 13 to 37, one of the factors of the first verse (37x73). Here I will look to the prime jump of 28 (and as you probably know: 28 is the triangular number of 7):
28 1. 28 2. 3.
103 557
This is an adding to chapter 11, where I have shown how the structure of the first chapter of the bible is. We can realize that 28, the number of letters of the first verse, is the triangle of 7. A kind of co-operation act of the 3 and the 7. The whole first chapter has 1671 letters, which 3x557 is. The word 'first' is in Hebrew: , (Ex.12:2) 50+6+300+1+200=557. The sum of the numbers of the prime jump of 28 is: 28+103+557=688 This happens to be the number value of the name 'Jesus' like it appears for the first time in the New Testament. The manner of writing of 'Jesus Christ' in Math.1:1 is: , 688+1680=2368. Most of the time the manner of writing is: , 888+1480=2368 (Math.1:16) This difference has a grammatical origin. So we keep in mind the number value 688 for the name Jesus. But now I want to approach this prime jump in an other way. We can see this jump also as an upgrade from letter to word, and from word to verse: 1. 2. 3. 28 103 557
letter word verse
When we look for verse number 557 than appears that to be Gen.22:9. From there we count 103 words. These 103 words span exact 6 verses: Gen.22:9-14. Of course these 103 words can not be spanned by 28 letters; these 6 verses contain 386 letters, which is the number value of , Jesus. The text of these 6 verses is about the offering of Isaac by Abraham and forms a whole. It is a forgoing reflection of the sacrifice of Christ. In the forgoing verse (Gen.22:8) Abraham says that God will provide himself a lamb for the sacrifice:
The lamb, , is the central word in that verse, that's to say 'the lamb' is the middle word in the verse. The verse has 11 words and the lamb is word 6 (Prime 6=11) Moreover the word is on the central letter places: the verse has 45 letters and the lamb we find on letter 22, 23 and 24. In chapter 22 this are the letters 495, 496 and 497, sum 1488 or 3x496. Three times the third perfect number. A very perfect lamb! In verse eight the sum of the letter places of the lamb is: 22+23+24=69. The sum of the 6 verse numbers in chapter 22 is also 69 for 9+10+11+12+13+14=69. Because these 6 verses contain 386 letters, hides or reveals the bible text here that Jesus will be the sacrificial lamb. We also can realize that the 69th prime is 337, the number value of God said, , 86+251=337. The sum of the 6 verse numbers in the bible is: 557+558+559+560+561+562=3357. In factors is that: 9x373 or 9x , logos, Word. I think the bible writer is very clear about what he is trying to tell.
In the forgoing chapters I pointed out that the mem has a relationship with Christ. In these 6 verses with 386 letters we can find 37 mems. Since the mem has the number value 40, we find here again: 37x40=1480= , Christ. Here we find a balanced division between the two shapes of the mem: 19 normal and 18 sophit mems. This division becomes visible when we place the mems in a Star of David with 37 units:
When we look for the value of the mem and the mem sophit than we find: (19x40)+(18x600)=760+10800=11560. Word 11560 we find in Gen.30:39 word 6: , sheep, flock. So are the ones called who listen to the Word of God. The ram, , is the leader of the flock. This ram symbolizes Jesus who becomes scarified for his 'flock'. This ram is caught in a thicket or thorn bush by his horns; so gets Jesus also his crown of thorns (Joh.19:5). In Gen.22:13 the word 'ram' is used 2 times. The first time as and the second time together with the 'nota objectie' eth: . The sum of the letter places in the verse of these three words is: (25+26+27)+(58+59)+(60+61+62+63)= 78 + 117 + 246 = 441 The reader will recognize the number 441 as the number of 'truth', , of which Jesus says that He that is. In the group of 6 verses is the 86th word, the number of Elohim, God. In this way God tells that He Himself will provide a sacrificial lamb, the sacrificial lamb that gets shape in the life of Christ. In this bible story Isaac figures as sacrificial lamb: =100+8+90+10=208 (=8x26) The number value 208 appears to be the sum of the fourfold prime jump of 7: 7+13+37+151=208.
1. 7 2. 13 3. 37 4. 7+13+37+151=208 151 4x151=604
Triangle 7=28 Prime 28=103, P103=557 28+103+557= 688 =8x86 Prime 7=13, P13=37, P37=151 7+13+37+151= 208 =8x26
The triangle of 7 is 28. In factors is that 4x7. The triangular counting of the 4 primes of the prime jump of 7 is 208. With this 208 seems to be a kind of upgrade of 28. The word Isaac begins on the 64th letter of this verse group. The 4th prime of this prime jump that adds up to 208 is 151 and 4x151=604. This seems to be an upgrade of 64. By the way the text in Gen.22:9 where Isaac is laid on the altar, has exact 28 letters:
If we take these 28 letters out of the 386 letters, after all Isaac is not sacrificed, there are left 386-28=358 letters. 358 is the gematria of the word 'messiah', ,8+10+300+40=358. If it was Ishmael who was laid on the altar by Abraham for a sacrifice, like the Islamic tradition wants, although the name Ishmael is not used in this Koran text, than this system like I described, would collapse. The name Ishmael, , has two letters more than Isaac, . The text would have than 388 letters instead of 386. Besides that there would have been one more mem in the text and we would have found for the mem, that represents Christ, 38x40=1520 instead of 37x40=1480, . So there would be one mem to much. Until this day these mathematical aspects of the bible text were unknown and become now revealed after more than 3000 years. When we get more insight in these mathematical elements of the text we can check if texts are twisted or falsified. And I fear that the Koran writer has twisted a number of biblical facts. Moses has written the Torah about 450 years after Abraham; the Koran writer did write the Koran about 2000 years after that.
Now is this 10th jod the 71st letter in the verse. 71 is the 21st prime. A prime expresses the truth of a number, so 71 is the truth of 21(or 3x7) So letter 428571 becomes pinpointed in the text of 1Sam.26:21.
I will first look at the 10 jods. If we count the letter places in the verse than has that a remarkable result: 2+14+20+25+42+49+52+54+57+71=386 I suppose it is well known that 386 is the number value of Jesus/deliverer. But before I go on with that I will show some things concerning the letter places of this sequence of these 10 jods. The sum of all the individual digits of the numbers of the sequence is a kind of triangular count of which the outcome is equal to the last number 71: 2+(1+4)+(2+0)+(2+5)+(4+2)+(4+9)+(5+2)+(5+4)+(5+7)+(7+1)=71 The primes in the sequence are the first and the last number: 2 and 71, together 73:
2+14+20+25+42+49+52+54+57+71=73 And in the sequence of ten there are 3 numbers that can be divided by 7, so there are seven that are not dividable by seven: 2+14+20+25+42+49+52+54+57+71=105(=15x7 of 1x3x5x7)(105=Triangle14) 7 3
In the sequence there are also 3 numbers that can be divided by 3; so there are seven numbers that are not dividable by three: 2+14+20+25+42+49+52+54+57+71=153(=D17) 7 3
But let us return to the sum of the ten jods. Because this sum is 386, I searched from this tenth jod , or letter 428571, for an ELS code of Jesus/deliverer: . We can find one with the smallest ELS of 6832. This is a digit anagram of 2368, the number value of the Greeks Jesus Christ: . And of course I ask myself why an anagram, why not simply an ELS of 2368? It's not simple to give an answer without speculating. Besides that occurs Jesus with ELS 6832 in the Tenach 65 times. I haven't analyzed them all, but concentrated on this code with the special start letter 428571(3/7). Letter 428571 is the 46051st jod in the bible. This number is a prime and can't be divided in factors therefore. 46051 is the 4766th prime. This number can be divided in factors: 4766=1x2x2383 1+2+2383=2386. This number is a digit anagram of 2368 too, Jesus Christ. This digit anagram mirrors itself in the ELS 6832: 6832 2386. This number 2386 is 2+ 2 =192+452= a very special anagram. It is namely the sum of Eve2+Adam2, 361+2025=2386. A square expresses the coming till completion of a number. So Eve in her completion plus Adam in his completion expresses man in its completion. It are Adam and Eve who were disobedient to God, who failed in the sight of God. It is possible that the human failing of Saul becomes expressed in this way. Although Saul makes a confession of his betrayal against David and seems to repent, in the continuation of the story it is evident that this comes not out of his hart. With Saul it ends up very bad. Possibly that is the reason why the word Jesus/deliverer is coded with the digit anagram 6832 (ELS) and the first letter of the code, the jod, a versatile 2386. If we except these codes in 1Sam.26:21, especially the division of the 10 jods, than fixes letter 428571 the number of letters until that letter. That indicates that the number of letters of the Torah, Joshua, Judges until 1Sam.26:21 is still intact. Hereby the original Hebrew canon of the scriptures is followed. Some translations place the book 'Ruth' between Judges and 1Sam. However this is not correct. The original Jewish canon doesn't do that. It is important to identify this fact, because otherwise it is not possible to accept codes that pass over several books. With the gematria of 1Sam.26:21 is something peculiar going on. The number value of the verse is 5329, which 73x73 is. With the number 5329 can be drawn a beautiful mathematical image based on the Star of David. The basic image is the triangle of 73=2701, the number value of Gen.1:1. With this triangle we make a Star of David with 3601 units. On each corner we place a Star of David with 337 units. This is the number value of the phrase: God said: , 86+251=337. But 337 is also the number value of the name Saul: , 30+6+1+300=337. Curiously God does not speak with Saul:
1Sam.28:6 He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets. The star 337 has the triangle of 22 as starting point. This is striking for the 22nd prime is 73 and is in this way related with the central Star that has the triangle of 73 as starting point. On the place where these Stars of David are connected (7x7=49 units are communal) we can find a Star of David with 73 units. We can calculate the number of units of the image as follows:
3601+(6x337)-(6x49)=3601+2022-294=5329 73x73
Relation between Gen.1:1 and 1Sam.26:21 verse Gen.1:1 1Sam.26:21 gematria 2701 5329 factors 37x73 73x73 code 3 and 7 three ELS 7 3/7=0,428571
***An other phenomenon we can find in the names of the generations. The third generation is Enosh, son of Seth (Gen.5:6). The name Enosh, , means 'mortal' and has the number value 357. The seventh generation is Hanoch (5:18), and his name means 'walks with God'. The number value of his name is 84. So generation 3 + generation 7, is Enosh+Hanoch, the mortal one who walks with God, 357+84=441, de CV of ameth, , truth, or 32x72. It is the truth that makes us walking with God. And there is an other interesting aspect related to both names. If we take for the digits of 357 (Enosh) the CV's of the word numbers, we find: word 3+word 5+word 7, God+the Heaven+the Earth, + + , 86+395+296=777. Three sevens or 3x7x37. For Hanoch, 84, we find: word 4+word 8, 'eth'+and the earth, + , 401+302=703. An other combination of 3 and 7. Together they are 777+703=1480, the CV of Christ, . This is again a 'fingerprint' of Jesus. The number of letters of the words 3-5-7 en 8-4 is: (5+5+4)+(5+2)= 14+7=21 of 3x7 sum of the word numbers: (3+5+7)+(8+4)= 15+12=27 3x3x3
The bible writer has used this fact by starting the bible with the word 'berashit', verse with 28 letters: Gen.1:1 The third perfect number is 496:
Dividers of the Perfect number 496 9 dividers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dividers of 496 1 2 4 8 16 31 62 124 248
Sum: 1+2+4+8+16+31+62+124+248=496 The last letter of Gen.1:1 is the tsadee, , with the number value 90. This is the 28th letter of the verse. The triangular number of 28 is 406. together with the number value of the tsadee that is 406+90=496. In this way the third perfect number seems to close the first verse. But after some searching I found also the forth perfect number in Gen.1:1. To find this number we have to count the letter values, two by two, from each word till there is one number left. So we find seven numbers that add up to 8128, the forth perfect number:
Triangle 0127=8128
All dividers of 8128 are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 127, 254, 508, 1016, 2032 and 4064, sum: 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+127+254+508+1016+2032+4064=8128 The first three perfect numbers can easily become implemented in a text, however for the fourth perfect number this is different. And it becomes even more complex for also the number Pi, the Theorem of Pythagoras and a lot of mathematical laws and numbers are hidden/revealed in the first verse. All perfect numbers are triangular numbers. 6 is the triangle of three, 28 is the triangular number of seven and 496 is the triangle of thirty one:
Dividers of the Perfect number 496 9 dividers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dividers of 496 1 2 4 8 16 31 62 124 248
Of the nine dividers of the third Perfect number 496 the 5 is the middle divider. So 16 is the central divider. The factors of 496 (this is something else then the dividers) are: 1x(2x2x2x2)x31 or 1x16x31. The 16 is also the center between 1 and 31:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
6 1x2x3 28 1x(2x2)7
More perfect numbers can be found here. An other property of perfect number is that they always end up with an 8 or a 6, the digits that form together 86, the CV of Elohim. And an other interesting detail is the fact that if we count the six digits of the first perfect number 6 two by two, the sum is 112, the CV of Yahweh Elohim:
!"#$% #&#"
. . . . . . . . . 112 . . . . . . . . 64 48 . . . . . . 36 28 20 . . . . 20 16 12 8 . . 11 9 7 5 3 . 6 5 4 3 2 1 T6=21 or 3x7
So the 5th divider of 496 is 16. The multiplication of those two numbers is: 5x16=80. The 80th prime is 401, the number value of the central untranslatable word, the nota objecty, eth, of Gen.1:1. The third perfect number 496 turns out to be the 401st composite. An 'exaggerated coincident'. (composites are all numbers, the primes excluded. So 4 is the first composite) The letter places of this word are 15 and 16, together 31 (15 is the sum of the first 4 dividers of 496: 1+2+4+8=15)
Composite 401=496, the 3rd Perfect number. So we see that the middle word of Gen.1:1, is composed of the first and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, hides the third perfect number 496. The aleph and the tav, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last represent God (Rev.1:8). This is the 661st composite. 661 is related to the number 496. With the triangle of 496 units the Star of David with 661 units can be formed:
In this way the first and the last letter of the Hebrew and the Greek alphabet are connected. We will see that the numbers 496 and 661 often cooperate together in structuring the bible text. But there is something special going on: 496 is a composite
but 661 is a prime number. 661 is the 122nd prime. The sum of these two numbers is: 661+122=783. The sum of 496 and its order number 401 is 897. These two numbers sum together: 897+783=1680, equal to the CV of '()*+,-, Christ. The sum of the letter places of the aleph, until the word eth is: 3+9+10+15=37, while the sum of the letter places of the tav is: 6+16=22. We can go now to letter 496, but first I will go to word 496. This word appears to be the 37th 'Elohim' in the bible text and can be found in Gen.2:5. I suppose that it is clear to the reader that the number 37 has a special function in the bible structure. Because 496 is the 401st composite and aleph-tav is 401, I looked for the letter places in the alphabet of the aleph and the tav. These are respectively the 1st and the 22nd letter. The sum is 1+22=23. Gen.2:5 appears to have 23 words. 401 is the 80th prime, the number of letters of Gen.2:5 is 80 or 5x16. The 5th divider of 496 is 16. The 37th Elohim is the 16th word and at the same time the 5th Elohim of chapter 2. Also the aleph, , of the 37th Elohim appears to be the 22nd aleph of chapter 2. Also here the 1 and 22 are joined.
Gen.2:5 is the 36th verse of the bible and has 23 words and 80 letters. 5th composite is 10 10=23... ...23 words 16th composite is 26 ...26-62......62ste composite is 86... ...16th word: Elohim sum is 36 ...Gen.2:5 is verse 36 of the bible... ...80 letters =5x16
Furthermore 496 is the triangular number of 31. The singular form of Elohim is 'El', , and has the number value 31. This is possibly one of the many reasons that word 496 is Elohim, God. The 31 becomes connected here with the 37. 31 is also the 6th divider of 496, together 31+6=37. The multiplication of these two numbers is: 6x31=186. Word 186 is the 16th Elohim in the bible (Gen.1:16) The 16th composite is 26, the number value of Yahweh. The sum of the squares of the number values of the four letters of Yahweh, is: 52+62+52+102=25+36+25+100=186.
The Star of David that can be formed with the triangle of 496 units has 661 units. Word 661 is also Elohim (Gen.2:19). This is the 44th of the bible. 44 can be formulated here as 37+7, for word 496 is the 37th Elohim. The word Elohim seems to connect itself with mathematical facts. [It is also nice to see that the center of gravity of the triangle 496 is 221 and that 661 is prime 122. The sum of these numbers that have reversed digits is: 221+122=343=(7x7x7) Until verse Gen.2:19, where we find word 661, there are 686 words in the bible, which is: 2x(7x7x7)]
In the first chapter of the bible we find 32x (=25) Elohim, so word 496 is the (37-32=5) 5th Elohim in the second chapter. It turns out to be the 16th word in Gen.2:5. The 5th divider of 496 is 16. An exaggerated coincidence. The first chapter of the bible has 434 words, which is 2x7x31 or 7x62. The 7th divider of 496 is 62. The 434 words of Gen.1 plus the 62 words of Gen.2 bring us to word 434+62=496, the 37th Elohim. The first and the second chapter of the bible are as well connected as divided by the dividers of 496. In chapter 2 the letter places of the 5th (=37th) Elohim are: 246, 247, 248, 249 and 250. The sum of these numbers is 1240 or 5x248. De middle letter of Elohim, , is the hee with the letter value 5 and is also letter 248 in Gen.2. The ninth divider of 496 is 248. So in the verse (Gen.2:5) Elohim is the 16th word. From the start of the second chapter 'Elohim' is the 62nd word and at the same time the 5th Elohim in Gen.2. The number 62 is the 7th factor in the sequence of dividers of 496. Here in the
second chapter the 5th divider becomes connected with the 7th divider of 496. Note: prime 5=7. Here becomes referred by means of the 'prime jump' from the 5th verse to the 7th verse in Genesis 2: Gen.2:7 has namely 16 words and 62 letters.
In Gen.2:7 is described an other time what in verse 27 already was described, namely: the creation of men. This is an important part of Creation and it is possibly for this reason that this verse is tied up mathematical way. This impression becomes even stronger in Gen.2:22 where the woman is made and brought to the man. This verse starts on letter 2727 and ends on letter 2772. From the start of the bible there are 727 words to the end of the verse. From verse 27 (the creation of men) up to and including Gen.2:22 (woman brought to the man) are 27 verses. The number 2772 happens to be the 2368th composite. Because 2368 is the CV of Jesus Christ, he seems to place also here his fingerprint.
An other theme can be found between the start of the bible and the third day of creation. Letter 496 is to be found in the third day in Gen.1:11 the 50th letter. From the start of the third day (Gen.1:9) this is the 151st letter. Now was word 496 the 37th Elohim and the 37th prime is 151. With this seems word 496 to connect itself with letter 496 in the third day for letter 496 happens to be the 151st letter in the third day:
It is also nice to see that the third day contains 259 letters, which is 7x37. Seven stars with 37 units can express this number :
The core, the hexagons of the six outmost stars plus the seventh Star of David in the center is:
(6x19)+37=114+37=151 In the third day the accent lays on the number 151, the 37th prime. The last Elohim that occurs in the third day is word 151 of the bible. Till the end of the third day there are 604 letters which is: 4x151. This might be an expression of importance of this number 151 (letter 496 of the bible) in the third day. The gematria of these five verses is: 3068+2074+5165+4335+1342=15984. This is 432x37. The sum of this multiplication is: 432+37=469, an anagram of 496. To make visible how 496 further is connected with the third day, we have to count the digits of the dividers of 496. The sum is: 1+2+4+8+(1+6)+(3+1)+(6+2)+(1+2+4)+(2+4+8)=55 The sum of the verse numbers of the third day, Gen.1:9-13, is: 9+10+11+12+13=55. I remind you that 496 is the third perfect number. And there are also 55 aleph's from the start of the bible, the first letter of the alphabet that represents God in the text. There are 3 triangles of 55 units needed together with 496 to form the Star of David with 661 units: 496+ (3x55)=496+165=661.
If we go to letter 661 then it happens to be the last letter of word 172 (2x86) 'for signs' in Gen.1:14. The sum of the letter places of this word is 658+659+660+661=2638. This a digit anagram of 2368, Jesus Christ. The birth date of Jesus is the starting point of our calendar and in this way he is a sign for seasons, days and years. We can also find between letter 496 and letter 661 the Jesus-code with ELS 22, of which the sum of the letter places is: 625+603+581+559=2368.
The distance from 496 up to and including 559, the last letter of the code, is 64. And the distance from the first letter of the code 625 up to and including 661 is 37. These are the factors 64 and 37 of Jesus Christ, , 888+1480=2368=64x37. The Jesus-code seems to be located in this special way with its own factors between the third perfect number and the Star of David that can be formed with this perfect number. Letter 496 is the shien, , and letter 661 is the tav, .
Together these two letters form the word 'Seth', . Seth is the third son of Adam. Now is the Jesus code written though the words: in the firmament-third-good-seed. By way of the third son (=seed) the line of generations leads to Jesus Christ according to the bible story. For more information see chapter 12. Jesus ELS 22. Word 172 (2x86) 'for signs' has a relation with the phrase 'sign of a covenant', , (400+10+200+2)+(400+6+1)=612+407=1019 (Gen.9:13). The 172nd prime is 1019.
The kingdom in Hebrew is: 400+6+20+30+40=496. The foundation of the kingdom that God will establish is already laid here. And the code is telling who the king in that kingdom will be. We see here that the dividers of the perfect number 496 play a roll in dividing letters, words and verses in the bible text.
The Kingdom:
Joshua 12 also seems to have a relation with the Perfect Number 496. In this chapter 31 kings become described that are defeated by the sons of Israel, to make place for the nation of Israel. The chapter has: 963 letters, 248 words and 24 verses. 248 is the 9th divider of 496. We know that 496 the 31st triangular number is. The bible writer has used this fact in the last verse of Joshua 12:24. The king of Tirzah, one; all the kings being thirty and one. Book Joshua is the 6th book of the bible; the 6th divider of 496 is 31. And the 6th composite is 12. As you know the 12th prime is 31.
Dividers of the Perfect number 496 9 dividers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dividers of 496 1 2 4 8 16 31 62 124 248
The words 'thirty and one', : , are the last words of the chapter. The last letter, letter 963, is the daleth, , of the word echad, , one. This appears to be the 62nd daleth of the chapter. The daleth has the number value, 4 so: 62x4=248. This is the word place of the word echad, one, the last word of the chapter. In the verse Jozua 12:24 this daleth is the last letter of the 7th word and at the same time the 26th letter of the verse. We see here a reversal of 62 in 26, and besides that is 62 is the 7th divider of 496! Also the number of letters of the chapter (963) is coded in the words : , thirty and one, 31. These two words have 9 letters. The 6th letter, the vav, with the number value 6, is a prefix and becomes translated as and. The 6th divider of 496 is 31. If we take out this prefix the words are: , thirty one. The number values of these words are respectively 13 and 680, together 13+680=693. This is a digit anagram of 963. We see that the 6 and the 9 have changed places. When we count the word numbers in the chapter we find 247+248=495. Here is missing one to make 496 complete. On the other hand the factors of 495 are: 1x(3x3)x5x11. The sum of these factors is: 1+9+5+11=26, the letter place of the last letter in the verse, the daleth. But if we see (3x3) not as a unit and count the individual digits, then the sum is: 1+3+3+5+11=23, the letter place of the vav in the verse, that we have taken out. Also now play the 9 (=3x3) and the 6 (=3+3) a roll. The 6th divider of 496 is 31 and the 9th divider is 248. All these number take part in coding the words thirty and one. Now that these words and numbers have our attention, we can look further. Now we look at the numbers of letters, words and verses of the Book Joshua. From the beginning of the book till Joshua 12:24 there are: 20007 letters, 5115 words and 303 verses So word 5115 is the last word of Joshua 12:1-24: , meaning one. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the aleph, has the number value one, 1. The first letter of the word echad is the aleph, . This aleph is the 1551st aleph of the book Joshua. Word number 5115 of the word echad and aleph number 1551 are both palindromes. The fives and ones have changed places. There also seems to be a relation between the first and the last letter of the word echad. The daleth, the last letter is letter 20007 in the book Joshua. 20007 in factors is: 1x(3x3x3x3)x13x19. The sum of these factors is: 1+81+13+19=114. When we look now in the table of palindromes we see that the 114th palindrome is 1551. The number 1551in factors is: 1x3x11x47, the sum is: 1+3+11+47=62. This is the 7th divider of 496. This 1551 aleph of book Joshua can be found at the 7the place in the word thirty and one, : . And in chapter Joshua 12 it is the 961st letter which is: 31x31. The sum is 31+31=62, the seventh divider of 496 again. Besides that is the 114th composite 150. The 150th palindrome is 5115!!!
114th composite is 150 114th palindrome is 1551 1551st of Joshua 12 ) of Joshua 12 1551=1x3x11x47, sum 1+3+11+47=62 62nd in Joshua 12, 26th letter in Joshua 12:24
The factors of 5115 are: 1x3x5x11x31. The sum is 1+3+5+11+31=51. But we were talking about the word(s) thirty one. 31 is one of the factors of 5115. In fact 5115 is (1x3x5x11)x31=165x31. The 165th palindrome is 6666, which is 1551+5115. Everything is there, but changed a bit. Maybe my explanation is here not quit correct, but I think it's very close. It's all about changes that God is going to make. And I remind you that 165 is 3x55, three times the triangle of 10 that are added to the triangle of 31 to make the Star of David with 661 units.
661=T31+(3xT10) 661 reversed is 166. When we 'telescope' 166 and 661 we find 1661. The last letter of the word thirty, , is the mem, . This is the 1661st mem of the book Joshua. It is the central letter in the word thirty and one. God seems to confirm this, for this mem is the 86th mem and also the last mem of the chapter. An other explanation is that this mem is the 5th (and central) letter of the word thirty (and one). The 5th (and central) divider of 496 (T31) is 16, reversed 61 and 'married' is 1661, the mem number in the book. The sum of the letter places of the word(s) thirty and one in chapter Joshua 12 you can find in the following table: thirty and one
In Joshua 12:24 Letter places in book 20007+20006+20005+20004+20003+20002+20001+20000+19999=180027 9x20003 Letter places in chapter 963+962+961+960+959+958+957+956+955=8631 9x595 Letter places in verse 26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18=198 9x22 Letter places in word(s) 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 9x5
This mem is letter 20003 of the book Joshua. This letter seems also to have a relation with the hee, , the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, for this is the 2003rd hee in the book Joshua. 2003 is the 305th prime and 305 is 5x61. This 61 is added to the 5th divider of 496, being 16, to make up 1661 for the mem number on the 5th place in the word thirty and one in the book Joshua. And there is more to say about this hee in Joshua 12:24. It is the 944 letter in the chapter. The factors of 944 are: 1x(2x2x2x2)x59. The sum of the factors is: 1+16+59=76. This hee appears to be the 76th hee of chapter Joshua 12!!! The 76th composite is 104, and the 104th palindrome is 959, the letter place of the mem in this chapter of the book Joshua. 104 in factors is: 1x(2x2x2)x13. The sum is: 1+8+13=22, the letter place of the mem in the verse. 959 and 22 are connected in this way and the hee in the verse, the 5 is telling how. So there is more than one possible relation between the mem and the hee in this chapter of the book Joshua.
is letter 944 in Joshua 12 944=1x(2x2x2x2)x59, sum 1+16+59=76 76th composite is 104 in Joshua 12:24 is the 76th in the chapter 104th palindrome is 959 104=1x(2x2x2)x13, sum 1+8+13=22 2003rd in book Joshua............................. ...........................................................
is letter 959 in chapter Joshua 12 is letter 22 in verse Joshua 12:24 is 5, the is the 5th letter in the word: thirty and one is letter 20003 in book Joshua
Maybe the last letter of Joshua 12:24 is telling us even more. It is the daleth and the 324812th letter of the bible. The factors of 324812 are: 1x(2x2)x81203. The sum of these factors is: 1+4+81203=81208. The daleth has the number value 4 and in 81208 we find on the fourth place a zero. When we remove this 0, we find the number 8128, which is the 4th Perfect Number!!! This number is stitched to the ninth divider 248 of the 3rd perfect number, for the word echad, , is word 248 of Joshua 12 and the daleth is letter 3.248.12 of the bible.
I think that this is only the top of the iceberg of the hidden structures. There will come other researchers with more insight, being able to explain the meaning of these structures. Like always: this analysis of the perfect number 496 in relation to the bible is far from complete. But I hope that I could bring some light. Here are some more observations in relation to the perfect number 496, but they make the structure not more clear yet, but they might be interesting for other researchers. Tablets of stone, Is made perfect, , 58+438=496 (Ex.24:12) , 661 (2Cor.12:9)
Hexagram 37
hexagon 19
The Star of David with 37 units seems to be the model for the number value of the first word. 913 can be formulated as (18x37+(13x19). Al these number can be found in the structure of this Star of David. The gematria full of the first word is 1819 (see below) and is a junction of 18 and 19. In fact the word berashit is a junction of the word 'begin', rashit, , and the prefix 'In', . (911+2=913) All these letters have a name. That name can be written in full: gematria Millui:
By using this gematria system there is given more information to the first word. The gematria 'full' of the first word of the bible is 1819, which is 17x107. This number value of the letters appears to have a relation with the number of letters. The logic that is followed is not very complicated. The word 'berashit', has six letters. The sixth prime is 11 (P6=11). Together that is 6+11=17, exact the number of letters of the gematria full and one of the factors of 1819:
gematria full:
6+11=17 letters
The principal that I have used I call the 'prime jump'. If we 'jump' two times more than we reach the number 107: 6 P6=11, P11=29, P29=107
107 is the second factor of 1819. But why should we stop here with 'jumping'? There can be different reasons. The sum of the first six prime numbers is: 1+2+3+5+7+11=29 In this way the 29 becomes 'locked up' by the 'triangular count' of the first 6 primes. From 29 the last jump is made: P29=107. The sum of all four numbers of these three jumps is:
Triangle 17=153
The triangular number of 17 is 153. In this way 153 locks up the last prime jump from 29 to 107. The number 153 has also in other places in the bible an important meaning. Mathematical it is also an interesting number. The triangle of 17 has not a singular centre of gravity, but has 3 units in its centre. These are the units 61, 72 and 73, counted from the top of the triangle. The sum is 206. This is the number value of the word 'Word', , 200+2+4=206. It seems to be logic to interpret it in this way, think hereby of Joh.1:1: In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God (divine)
Many mathematicians don't see 1 as a prime and if 1 is not seen as the first prime, then this system would not work. Possibly this system tells us how we have to look at numbers and have the mathematicians to reconsider if they have to see 1 as a prime. To get not entangled in the words of a definition of primes, I show here in a very simple way the division in prime numbers and composite numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1/1=1 2/2=1 3/3=1 4/4=1 5/5=1 6/6=1 7/7=1 8/8=1 9/9=1 4/2=2 6/3=2 8/4=2 9/3=3 6/2=3 8/2=4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9............ The letters become distributed in a special way over the 17 letter places. The sum of the normal letter places within the gematria full of berashit is 51 (3x17) and the sum of the letter places of the filling is 102 (6x17 or 2x51) And further we have to notice that the sum of the numbers 6 until 11 (P6=11) is: 6+7+8+9+10+11=51:
With both numbers, 51 and 102, triangles can be formed of which each unit has the number value 17. The structure is chosen in a way that there are for the 17 letter places five 3letter 'letters' and one 2letter 'letter'. With an other deviation of the letters it would not have been possible to make triangles with the unit 17. Moreover the word 'begin', , has 5 letters and the prefix 'In', , 1 letter. The normal gematria of 'In the beginning', , is 400+10+300+1+200+2=913. This number has a relation with the triangular counting of the first six and the first seventeen triangular numbers: Sum of the first 6 triangular numbers: 1+3+6+10+15+21=56 Sum of the first 17 triangular numbers: 1+3+6+10+15+21+28+36+45+55+66+78+91+105+120+136+153=969 969-56=913 913=11x83 So it are 17-6=11 triangular numbers or said in a different way, the triangular numbers T7 up to and including T17 that form 913.
The part of the word that means 'begin', , has with gematria Katan the value: 4+1+3+1+2=11. With the normal gematria that is 400+10+300+1+200=911. In reduction that is also 9+1+1=11. This is one of the factors of 913. If we reduce 11 further more we find: 1+1=2, the number value of the prefix 'In', . When we count from 11(the 6th prime) the next four primes, so in total 5 primes, equal to the number of letters of rashit, than the sum is: P6+P7+P8+P9+P10=11+13+17+19+23=83 This is the second factor of 913. An other interesting detail is that 911 the 157th prime is. In reduction that is: 1+5+7=13, the gematria Katan of all six letters of the first word. Moreover 157 is the 38th prime, a number that has the reversed digits of 83. The 'filling' of berashit has the number value 906. In factors: 1x2x3x151. The sum is 1+2+3+151=157. In this way 906 (the filling of the six letters) becomes connected with 911 ( ). The sum is 906+911=1817. Hereby is the beth, , the first letter excluded. The factors of 1817 are 1x23x79. If we exclude the first factor 1 , or join it with one of the other factors (1x23=23) Than we have in fact the multiplication 23x79. A nice detail is that 79 is the 23rd prime. The sum of these numbers is: 23+79=102. This number is equal to the sum of the letter places of the filling of berashit. The sum of the individual digits is (2+3)+(7+9)=21. Because 21...3x7 is and this fundamental digits are in the structure of the bible I have also looked if they have a special relation with the first word. The aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the one that represents God, can be found in the 3rd place in the word berashit. In the gematria full the same aleph can be found on the 7th place (the sum of the letter places of the word 'aleph' is 7+8+9=24, and because the aleph represents God we keep this number in our thoughts):
And is it logic to select the aleph out of the sequence of letters from the first word? I think it is. The Word is build by means of the alphabet. The first letter and the first word say something about how and in what way there becomes build. However I notice that many people find it difficult to except that a langue can be expressed with numbers. But can't everything become expressed with numbers? When I say: water, nobody sees numbers, but we all know the formula of water: H2O.Hydrogen and Oxygen. How much Hydrogen and how much Oxygen? It are the number of atoms that make up that it is water. And what is the difference between H and O? Both atoms are build up out of neutrons, protons and electrons. What is the difference? Again: it are the numbers that make up what the difference is. Numbers are almost invisible, but they are present. In the Hebrew and Greek langue this is also present. If we (want to) see it or not. With the table of the first word we can find a parallel with the prime table of the first 27 numbers, that represents the starting point of the Hebrew alphabet. There we find 3 Super Perfect Primes, 7 Perfect and 17 normal Primes. The 7 Perfect Primes are located between the 17 normal primes. This number is equal to the letter places of the aleph in the gematria 'full' of berashit, with the 'God' of the beginning.
With the gematria Katan the number value of the word 'berashit', , is: 4+1+3+1+2+2=13 (In the next table I have written the Hebrew letters from the left to the right). It seems that the first 6 nPP's (number place Perfect Prime) are used, that's to say in a different order. It can be coincidental, but I should say judge for yourself:
There are some different possibilities to divide the six nPP's over the letters of berashit, because there are more ones and twos to divide. The 3 and the 4 have a fixed place, respectively the 4th and the 6th place. The deviation appears to be in prime places and not-prime places. With this difference the factors 11x83 of 913 can be found. The sum of the prime places is: 1+2+3+5=11. I found it more difficult to explain the connection between {4 and 6} and 83. The multiplication between those two numbers is: 4x6=24 (this is also 8x3) The 24th prime is 83. It is possible that this factor is hidden in this way. So now we have again the 11 and the 83, two 'witnesses' in the structure of the first word. And by the way, the multiplication of the first four primes is: 1x2x3x5=30. This is the number value of the lamed, , the second letter of Elohim. This letter appears for the first time in the bible on letter place 11. This happens to be the sum of those primes: 1+2+3+5=11. This approach of the first word is mainly mathematical. This page is still in development. So look every now and then if there are changes. And if you wish to contribute ideas, please mail me. An other interesting site on the first word you can find at this link: .
This interpretation is very common known. Nevertheless when we use the gematria Millui (full) for these two jods and vav, then the sum is: (4+6+10)+(6+6)+(4+6+10)=20+12+20=52. This also turns out to be the gematria in 'n' (the letter places in the alphabet) of God, Elohim, : 24+10+5+12+1=52. In fact we find here 2x26. The number value of the name Yahweh, , is equal to the sum of the proceeding numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8: 5+6+7+8=26 Of these four numbers we can make an other kind of triangular counting where we count the numbers two by two until there is one number left. The result is the 52, equal to the gematria in 'n' of Elohim: 52 24 28 11 13 15 5 6 7 8 Gematria 'n' of Elohim= =25+10+5+12+1=52 When we approach these four numbers in a different way then the result is 1680, the CV of Christ like this word occurs in Acts 28:31: 5x6x7x8=1680 Christ=!"#$%&'=600+100+10+200+300+70+400=1680 The gematria 'full' of the aleph has also a relation with the gematria 'full' of Elohim. The aleph 'full' is: , 80+30+1=111. This are the units on the level of numbers, tens and hundreds. In Hebrew 111 can be expressed as , 1-10-100. As multiplication we can express 111 as: 3x37. The word hundred eleven is in Hebrew: , 570+19+46=635. This is also the number value of the word three, , 5+300+30+300=635 (see The theorem of Pythagoras). Interesting is that the sum of the CV's of word 6, 3 and 5 (635) is: 407+86+395=888, the number of Jesus, . Three ones can also be written as three alephs for =1. So the number 111 can be expressed as: . And every aleph hides again the number value 26. So now we have also 3x26 (=78) This is the number value of Yahweh Elohim, , with gematria in 'n': 26+52=78. Now becomes the 'truth' of 26 expressed by its prime. The 26th prime is 97. When we fill in this value for the three alephs we find: 97+97+97=291.
Now is the gematria 'full' of Elohim also 291, for 80+20+6+74+111=291. See also the image beneath.
With an other gematria system we can find a connection between God and His name. This system uses the square of the normal letter values. I think that I have shown that in chapter 13 already, but it belongs also in this series.
The square of the letters mean that every single part of Elohim, of God, has come till completion. Also the first verse tells us that the aleph represents God. This becomes made clear by means of the letter places of the aleph. In Gen.1:1 six alephs are used and are divided over seven words. The first letter of the bible, the beth, tells how the alephs must be distributed over the seven words. The beth, , has the number value 2, and with gematria full, =400+10+2=412. The digits 4 and 2 can be divided in respectively 4 and 2 units. The 1 can not be divided in more than one unit. You might say that this unit is in 'rest'. The 4 and 2, together 6, can be divided=work. The bible tells us that there are six days of creation and one day of rest. There are 6 alephs in Gen.1:1 and one hidden, which I will show later. The digits in 412 show how the six alephs over the seven words become distributed. The first four words have an aleph (=work), the fifth word has no aleph (=rest) and the sixth and the seventh word have also an aleph (=work). 412 in the Hebrew reading direction from right to left is 214: 2 - 1 - 4 or 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.
the earth and* the heaven * Gen.1:1 God created In the beginning
Although this division is well known, nobody seems to realize that this division originates from the first letter of de bible. The sum of the six letter places of the aleph is 26+23+15+10+9+3=86, the number value of Elohim, . The primes in this sequence have the sum: 26+23+15+10+9+3=26, the number value of Yahweh, , the name of God. 23 and 3 are respectively the 10th and the 3rd prime. The sum is 10+3=13, the number value of echad, one, . Yahweh Elohim is One: . This is what Deut.6:4 expresses: Hear Israel, Yahweh, our God Yahweh, is one. The gematria of this verse is 1118 or 86x13, Elohim x Echad. The prime places 23 and 3 of the aleph, seem to confirm the creation structure; we find those primes in word 1 and word 6. Possibly these six alephs point out that one is the first prime. This becomes clear when we count the letter places two by two until there is only one number left. This happens to be the number 439, which is the 86th prime, when one is counted as the first prime.
26 + 23 49 87 + 38 150 257 439 15 63 107 182 + 25 10 44 75 + 19 9 31 + 3 = 86 12
Prime 86=439 The beth, the 2, is also responsible for the letter places of the aleph in Gen.1:1. By mathematical upgrade the letter places can be found. The first step is the triangle of 2: 1+2=3. This appears to be the letter place of the first aleph. If we upgrade this 3 further we find: 1+2+3=6. Because 6 falls in the first word and there is only one place available in each word, we look for an other upgrade of the triangle of 2. That could be: 32=9. And indeed this is the letter place of the second aleph. You might ask why in the second word not 8 (=23) is the alef. I think it is because in the first word the 3 goes before the 4 (=22). The 3 gets the first chance to upgrade. So the next step will be the square of 2: 2x2=4. This number falls also in the first word and because there is only one aleph per word, we have to upgrade the 4. Because the letter place in the second word is given to the 9, we have to go to the triangle of 4: T4=10. The letter place in the third word of the third aleph is 10. A next step could be the joining of the 2 and the 3, together 5. But also the square of the digits of the triangle of 2, (1x1)+(2x2)=5 has the same outcome. Also the five falls in the first word and needs to be upgraded furthermore. The triangle of 5 is 15. This is the letter place of the 4th aleph in the fourth word.
The sum of all the digits in the triangle of 2, when every unit gets a proceeding number, is 1+2+3=6. This is at the same time the triangle of three. This number is also located in the first word and needs to be upgraded further. The triangle of 6 is: 1+2+3+4+5+6=21. Because 21 falls in the 5th word, there where is rest, no aleph becomes placed there. With 21 the Super natural part of Creation is finished, the creation of Heaven by God. This all has to do with the properties of numbers. The 6 we can see as a Super Perfect Number; the sum of the dividers is equal to the multiplication of the dividers: 1+2+3=6=1x2x3. The 6 is the one and only number where this phenomenon occurs. The triangle of 6 is 21. After word 5, the heaven, there where is rest, no new numbers become formed by upgrading. For word 6 and 7, (and*)+(the earth), we find the 'marriage' of numbers. For word 6 the marriage of 2&3=23, the letter place of the fifth aleph. And for word 7 the marriage of 2&6=26, the letter place of the sixth aleph. Now we have the letter places of all alephs of Gen.1:1 with help of mathematical upgrading of the two. It is also nice to see that the sum of the letter places of aleph 6 and 7 is: 23+26=49=7x7. Within this group of two words it are respectively the 2nd and the 5th letter, sum 7:
7 6 5 4
28 27 26 25
3 2 1
24 23 22
I will show now how the seventh aleph is hidden in the first verse. This is the aleph that is in 'rest', and that rest we find in word 5, in the heaven. In fact are word 4 and 5 grammatical a unit. And mathematical the 4 and the 5 have a relation, for prime 4 is 5. See also chapter 7 how the 4 and the 5 are connected by Yahweh (26) and Elohim (86) in the table of Perfect Primes. Word 4 and 5:
40 - 10 - 40 - 300 - 5
400 - 1
Together these two words have 7 letters. Also here are six units that 'work' and one is in 'rest'. All the number values of the letters can become divided in more than one unit, except for the aleph. Moreover this aleph did already work together as one of the six alephs. Now this aleph is in rest. The sum of the letter places is then: 21+20+19+18+17+16+15=111. This is the number value of the word 'aleph', The sum of the individual digits is: (2+1)+(2+0)+(1+9)+(1+8)+(1+7)+(1+6)=39. The number 39 is the 26th composite, and expresses: Yahweh is One, , 13+26=39. Also God (86) seems to confirm my reasoning. The number value of these seven
alephs is:
+ + + +
If we now fill in for the six letter places of the alephs triangular numbers, than the sum is: 853. This is the number value of the word the seal, , 400+40+400+8+5=853.(Gen.38:25)
Sum of the triangular numbers of the letter places of the six alephs in Gen.1:1 letter places 26+23+15+10+9+3 =86 triangular numbers 351+276+120+55+45+6 =853
With this God seems to seal the bible text with the aleph. If we fill in for the letter place numbers 16 till 21 of the hidden aleph primes, than is the sum 358, the number of the Messiah, , 8+10+300+40=358. Jesus is the Messiah and he claims to be the truth. Truth becomes expressed by primes, this is the reason why primes are used for this code. This number 358 is reflecting itself in the number 853 of the seal.
letter places of the hidden aleph letter places 21+20+19+18+17+16 =111 primes 71+67+61+59+53+47 =358
Probably the first verse tells us that the Messiah at the transition time of the fourth and the fifth millennium will appear. I did mention this already before, but this is the indication that I have. (Here you can find the timeline)
An other approach to determine the division between Heaven and Earth, can be found in the composite numbers. The 1234th composite is 1467. Together they sum: 1234+1467=2701, the CV of Gen.1:1. Both numbers together can be seen as a proceeding sequence from 1 till 7. However on the place of the 5 we find a 1 and a 4: 1234-1467 1 2 3 4 (1-4) 6 7 1234567 This is the place (word 5, the Heaven) where there is no aleph, or only hidden present. The 5, or in fact the first five numbers, contain 4 primes (1, 2, 3 and 5) and one composite number (4). 5 is the 4th prime, and 4 is the 1st composite. In this way the 1-4 relation is included in the five.
I can't discuss all the alephs, but the letter places in Gen.1:2 are also very interesting. In this verse we find two alephs. The first aleph is letter 31 and the second is letter 62 of the bible. Both numbers are dividers of the third Perfect Number 496, namely the 6th and the 7th divider. In verse two the letter places of the two alephs are respectively 3 and 34. The first aleph seems to appoint the place of the second one: 3 is the place of the first aleph in the verse and 31 is the place in the bible, sum 3+31=34. This is the letter place of the second aleph in the verse. 62 is also a duplication of 31, of El, ; 62 is the start letter of the second time Elohim that appears in the bible. Interesting is that 62 is the 43rd composite which is half of 86, the number of Elohim. We're talking about the 7th and the 8th aleph of the bible: 7+8=15.....the 15th prime is 43. This is also the reflection of 34. The numbers 31 and 62 are respectively the 6th and the 7th divider of the Perfect Number 496, sum 6+7=13..... the 13th prime is 37.....the letter places of the two alephs in the verse are 3 and 34, sum 37. It all works like the wheel-work in a watch; all the wheels seem to move in a different direction, but in the end the watch is showing the right time. There where the 1st Elohim in the first verse starts on the tenth letter, the 2nd Elohim is the tenth word in the second verse. The 3rd Elohim starts on the tenth aleph of the bible; this is letter 86, the number of Elohim Himself. In the three everything finds its place. Elohim is there the 23rd word of the bible, and.....23 is the 10th prime. In verse three God makes the light; and he is doing that with 23 letters. and in the light we can find God. A reason that Elohim is connected with the 10 can be found in the number 86. This number is build up out of two digits, an 8 and a 6. If we fill in these numbers in the Theorem of Pythagoras then we find c=10:
a2+b2=c2, 82+62=102.
It might be interesting to know that 26x26=676. This is the number value of the word triangle, might express that we find in the trinity the fulfillment of Gods Name.
, 300+30+6+300+40=676. This
The longest sequence of alephs that can be found in the bible with ELS is a sequence of 10x the aleph: sequence can not be found in the Tenach (O.T.). The ELS of this sequence is 1850 or 50x37:
. A longer
The code starts, or ends, in Gen.11:4. This is interesting for in this verse the building of the tower of Babel is described, whose top is supposed to reach unto heaven. The code comes out exactly in the top of the tower:
Gen.11:4, verse 271 59 27 3
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. In verse Gen.11:5 God comes down from heaven to look to the city and the tower that the sons of man have build. This becomes expressed by the ten alephs ending in the top of the tower. Gen.11:4 is the 271st verse of the bible. This number is the 59th prime and at the same time the tenth prime of which the reduced number is one: 271...2+7+1=10...1+0=1.
Prime numbers with reduced number 1 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ..... P 1 19 37 73 109 127 163 181 199 271 307 379 .....
The word ten, , can be found with the same ELS 1850 very close to the 10x aleph-code. We find this code-word in column 1733; this appears to be the 271st prime. The distance from column 1754 where we find the 10x aleph-code, till column 1733 is 21 or 3x7.
God is one.
13 + 12 + 86
The number value of the first verse of the bible is 296+407+395+401+86+203+913=2701.
7 6 the Earth and*
28-27-26-25 24-23-22
5 the Heaven
4 *
3 God
2701=37x73 The numbers 3 and 7 are the elements of which the factors of the first verse are build: 3&7=37 and 7&3=73. In the number 777 the 3 is not visible, but we know that the tree is present as an organizing factor in 777. In Gen.1:1 we find three nouns: God - the Heaven - the Earth.
7 6 the Earth and*
28-27-26-25 24-23-22
5 the Heaven
4 *
3 God
The CV's of these three words are: 296+395+86=777. The factors are 3x7x37. Also in organizing the factors of the sum of the CV's of the three nouns the 3 and the 7 play a roll. 777 can be expressed as (3x7)x37=21x37. The circumference of this rectangle is 112, Yahweh Elohim, 26+86.
The reduced numbers of these three nouns are: God 86...8+6=14...1+4=5, the heaven 395...3+9+5=17...1+7=8, the earth 296..2+9+6=17...1+7=8 The sum of the reduced numbers is 5+8+8=21 or 3x7 or 7+7+7. The word numbers are 3, 5 en 7, sum 15 of 3x5 of 5+5+5. The order number of prime 3 is 3, but the order number of prime 7 is 5 (P5=7). In this way become the word numbers connected with the reduced numbers of these three nouns. The four words that remain have together the number value: 407+401+203+913=1924. In factors that is: 1x(2x2)x13x37. Because the first composite is 4 and the13th prime is 37, we can order the factors in the following structure: (1x4)x(13x37)=4x481. Word 4 has the number value 401 and is the 80th prime; the sum of prime 401 and prime place 80 is 481. Moreover the sum of word 3 (God=86) and word 5 (the Heaven=395) is also 481. The number value of word 3, 4 and 5 is 86+401+395=882. This number can be formulated as follows: 882=2x441=(3x7x7x3)+(3x7x7x3) The sum of the tree word numbers is equal to the number of letters of these three words: 3+4+5=12. Verse 777 is Gen 28:3: And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people;
7 5 3 the Earth the Heaven God 4 letters 10 letters
28-27-26-25 14-13-12-11 21-20-19-18-17 10-9-8-7-6 14-13-12-11-10 5-4-3-2-1
Verse 777 begins with word 10296. This seems to be a contraction of the number of letters of God and the Heaven (10) and the number value of the Earth (296) Word 10296 is: and God, , 30+1+6=37, and this number is closely related with the three sevens.
An other interesting phenomenon we can find in the center of the Tenach (O.T.) I use the original Hebrew canon which has a different order of books than the later translations. The Tenach has 305485 words. So the middle word is word 152743. This word is: , in your midst.(Jes.12:6) The words before and after this word are , great, and , the Holy One:
Center of the Tenach is word 152743 the Holy One in your midst 410 324 777 great 43
The sum of these three words in the center of the Tenach is 410+324+43=777. And these three words have several mathematical relations. The prime factors of in your midst, 324, are: 324=1x(2x2)x(3x3x3x3)=1x4x81. The sum of these factors is 1+4+81=86; this is the number of Elohim. God is hidden in the center of the Tenach. Now is the Holy One 410, and 410-86=324=in your midst. The Holy One means God in your midst. The sum of the CV's of great and in your midst is 43+324=367*. For this number I don't have a specific meaning, but it is the 74th prime. The sum of this prime and its order number is: 367+74=441, the number of truth, ameth (441=3x7x7x3). This attracts our attention even more for the sum of the CV's of in your midst and the Holy One is: 324+410=734=2x367; and the Holy One who delivers up his great (ness) is also 410-43=367. This number stays emphatically present. The whole phrase has 5 words and runs: for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst, , 541+410+324+43+30=1348. The prime factors 1x(2x2)x337; sum 1+4+337=342. This is an anagram of 324, in your midst. If we also remove the great (ness) out of 324 we find 324-43=281. This is CV of the word weakness, (2Cor.12:9) Also the Lamb, , who represent the divine weakness has the number value 281 (Rev.5:6) This is the 61st prime. The sum of this prime and its order number is 281+61=342. The meaning of this number can be: because of me, (Jonah 1:12) and the meaning of 324: from pursuing, (1Sam.23:28). So the number value of the phrase from pursuing because of me , , is 342+324=666, the number of the 'beast'. In the word place of in your midst, 152743, the 6 seems emphatically to be left out, for the sequence contains all number from 1 till 7, except for the 6: 152743....1-2-3-4-5-*-7. The sum of these numbers is 22, the measure of the Hebrew alphabet, that represents the Word and the Lamb. The prime factors of 152743 are: 1x23x29x229. The sum is 1+23+29+229=282; this is the 37th palindrome. If we fill in for the prime factors of 152743 the order number of these primes, we find: 1+10+11+51=73. 37 and 73 are numbers with which God his Creation arranges. *367= =written, Rev.2:17
***There is a discussion going on how the name Jesus should be written in Hebrew, for the name Jesus comes from the Greek N.T. Personally I think that the 386 form, (Jeshua), correct is, but others give preference to the 391 form, (Jehoshuah). But it is possible that both forms are correct, for it is biblical (Rev.2:17) to get a new name like Abram was changed into Abraham by adding a hee to his name (Gen.17:5). Both Hebrew names of Jesus are together: + =386+391=777. Word 7x7x7=343 is Elohim in Gen.1:27 and is the 7th word in the verse. It is the 28th time the word Elohim appears in the bible. For this the factors of the word number in the bible (7x7x7) and the word number in the verse (7) seem to be joined together: (7+7+7)+7=28. I remind the reader that the 28 letters of Gen.1:1 with gematria Katan, the starting point of the Hebrew alphabet, the number value 86 (=Elohim) has. All dividers of 777 are (777 itself excluded): 1, 3, 7, 21, 37, 111 en 259. The sum is 439; this is the 86th prime, the number of Elohim, God. Moreover the 86th palindrome is also 777. The two words firmament of heaven, , have the number value 395+382=777. This phrase occurs 3 times in the bible ( in verse 14,15 and 17) and in the first chapter it are the only two proceeding words that have the number value 777 together. More phrases and words with the number value 777:
, is mentioned in Gen.4:18 and means: God's man or champion of God, , 376+401=777 , 277+500=777 , 140+637=777 , 116+138+116+407=777
***And he took his people with him (Ex.14:6): ***Meat pots (Ex.16:3): , 507+270=777
***With your vineyards and with your olive trees (Ex.23:11): ***And they stoned him with stones (Num.15:36): ***God speaks with man, and he lives (Deut.5:21[24]): ***Good and right in 66+26+142+521+22=777 the eyes of Yahweh, your God
, 50+206+521=777.
, 216+401+160=777 , 261+401+115=777. , 148+269+360=777.
777=3x7x37 or 3x259
For more words with the number value 777 you can visit the Bible Wheel site. My dear readers don't let you make mad by the date 07-07-2007. Jesus is probably born in 4 before 0 AD. So we live probably now in the year 2011 AD. So don't look what the 'world' made of it, but look at the bible.
home 05-09-2007
Since long time we try to understand the number 666 of the 'beast' of the end time. Revelation 13 gives a description of the beast. The last verse of that chapter indicates that 666 is the number of a man: Rev.13:18: This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666. This is an invitation of God to do research of numbers in the bible. Many calculations are made and for instance Caesar Nero is appointed as personification of 666. But do we have to look outside the bible? In my opinion it's about a man who has the attitude of Satan. But who or what is Satan....? Let's look what the bible/Jesus is telling us. Math.16:23: Jesus turned and said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men. Peter gets addressed here by Jesus as Satan. Is Peter now Satan? Or has Satan whispered something in the ears of Peter? I don't think so. I think that Peter didn't want Jesus to die, for he loved him. He wanted the 'good' for Jesus. But he didn't know or didn't understand (yet) Gods plans with Jesus His reaction on the forthcoming death of Jesus was indeed very human. It seems more a lack of insight which gives rise to a 'satanic' behavior. But also this behavior full of love becomes copied by Satan. 2Cor.11:14 describes it like this: And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Rev 20:2 refers to the original snake. This is the snake, the nachash, of Gen.3:1. In Hebrew is the snake: =300+8+50=358. The snake has the same number value as 'messiah', =8+10+300+40=358. This is a reason to be very careful with the meaning of numbers.
The number 666 of the beast can also mean the corner stone: , (5+50+80)+(300+1+200+30)=135+531=666 (Ps.118:22) Literally is the translation: head of the corner. See how these how the numbers of these two words mirror themselves: 135-531. As if they want to warn for the two-edged character of the words. I'll get back on these numbers.
When we go to Rev.13:18, then we see that the part of the text 'and his number is six hundred sixty six' has the number value 2368. This is also the number of Jesus Christ, . The text indicates that Jesus is aware of the activity of the 'beast', and also that the beast will make himself as Christ.
Probably is the New Testament originally written in Hebrew, for Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were all Jews and spoke Hebrew. And Latin was was the langue of the Roman ruler of that time. However these Hebrew writings are lost and only the Greek documents remain. These writings are later translated in Hebrew again as far as I know. In the gematria of Rev.13:18 we can find some special issues. I copied the Hebrew text from e-Sword HNT:
447 2701
392 3168
320 1181
36 1664
410 483
467 4832
The last part of this phrase 'and his number is six hundred threescore and six' which has with the Greek gematria the number value 2368, has in the Hebrew number value 2701, equal to the Creation number of Gen.1:1. The beast, +$.+, who's number 666 is, has the number value: 5+10+8+5=28. It are the 28 letters of Gen.1:1 that have the number value 2701. The phrase 'for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six' has the number value: 467+2701=3168, equal to the CV of Lord Jesus Christ, 345678 9:;748 <56;=78, 800+888+1480=3168. Also an other peculiarity occurs here: the sum of all possible devisors of 3168, the number 3168 itself excluded, is 6660 or 10x666. All possible devisors of 3168: 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 11 12 16 18 22 24 32 33 36 44 48 66 72 88 96 99 132 144 176 198 264 288 352 396 528 792 1056 1584 Sum:1+2+3+4+6+8+9+11+12+16+18+22+24+32+33+36+44+48+66+72+88+96+99+132+144+176+198+264+288+352+396+528+792+1056+1584=6660 So we find in the Greek text the number 2368 and in Hebrew the number 3168; both these numbers relate in a special way to the number of the beast. If we subtract in the Greek version 666 from 2368 is the result: 2368-666=1702, a digit anagram of the Creation number 2701. So this is the number value of the Greek phrase: 'and his number is', >?6 7 ?56@78 ?4=74, 31+70+430+1171=1702. The Hebrew New Testament identifies in Rev.2:16 that it is Jesus who comes to fight with the sword of his mouth. The complete text of the verse is: Repent, or I will come to thee quickly, and I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
Rev.2:16, Hebrew translation
and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
I want to emphasize here again, that numbers have nor a negative nor a positive meaning. Numbers are only the road; it are the motives that make that a number has a positive or a negative effect. It is the attitude of man (Adam/Eve) through which we are expelled out of the Garden of Eden. A flaming sword stands in the way of the entrance of the garden. This text phrase in Gen.3:24 has also the number value 666: and a flaming sword, , 215+44+407=666. But let's return to Satan or the original snake. The first time that the word (Satan) in the bible appears is in 1Kon.5:4 (1Kon.5:18 in some versions) and becomes translated as adversary. In the matrix with 86 letters on a row, we find the word Satan, , with ELS 86 starting in the word the snake, , in Gen.3:4: Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die".
the snake,
- Satan,
This is the same matrix in which we find the Jesus-code with ELS 86 with the horizontal and vertical coordinates 26 of the first letter. The coordinates of the first letter of Satan are H61 en V36, sum 97. This is the 26th prime. The sum of all coordinates of the Satan-code is: H61+V36+V37+V38=172, which can be expressed as 2x86. This number 172 is interesting for the first Jesus-code in the bible with ELS 172 ends in the 666th letter of the bible. This ayin can be found in the 14th word of Gen.1:14, and for seasons, , 40+10+4+70+6+40+30+6=206:
The first letter of this Jesus-code we find in letter place 150 and is the 22nd jod of the bible. The jod has the number value 10, so 22x10=220. This is important for the 172nd composite is 220. So there is made a mathematical connection between the ELS (172) and the start letter of the code (22x10). 172 itself is the 132nd composite; we keep this in mind, but in itself this is already important for the difference between these two numbers is 172-132=40. This is the word number of the word and called, , in which the code starts. Also the word seems to be pinpointed in the text very carefully. The fact that and for seasons is the 14the word in the 14th verse attracts our attention. The 14the prime is namely 41, and the 41st prime is 173. This happens to be the word number in the bible of this word . It gets even more interesting when we telescope the 14 and the 41 till 141. The 141st prime is 809. This is the word number of the snake or the serpent, , in Gen.3:4. The verse number of this verse is 60, which is also the number value of the samech, , the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and symbolizes the snake. It is the third time that the snake appears in the bible text. The last letter of this word, the shien, , is the begin letter of the Satan-code and is letter 3071, a variant of 0173. Besides that is the distance from the first letter up to and including the last letter of the code 86+86+1=173. This is the case for all three letter codes with ELS 86. The whole Satan code can be found on the letters 3071, 3157 and 3243. The sum is 9471.....1x3x7x11x41 or 231x41. The distance from 41 till 173 is 173-41=132, an anagram/mirror of 231. Notice the following: 132=12x11 and 231=21x11, whereby the numbers 12 and 21 mirror themselves, moreover is the 12th composite 21. The sum of 132 and 231 is 363 (3x112). This is the number value of word 809, the snake, , 300+8+50+5=363 (=palindrome 45), like this word occurs in Gen.3:4. We can telescope 132 and 231 till 1331. The 112th palindrome is 1331, which is 11x11x11, the cube of eleven. (Yahweh Elohim, , 86+26=112) The unit in the center of this cube is 666. This unit 666 is at the same time the 'corner stone' of the cube 6x6x6, when this cube is placed in the corner of the cube of eleven. (notice: prime 6=11)
Palindrome 112=1331=11x11x11, the center unit is 666, corner stone of the cube 6x6x6.
The first 26 verses of Genesis have exact 1331 letters, of which 112x the aleph, the numerical place of palindrome 1331. On his turn has verse 1331 (Gen.44:6) exact 26 letters. It might be interesting to know that the word value 1331 occurs 11x in the bible (NT), this is the third power root of 1331: =11. But there are some text variations. So take it for what it is worth. And there are six verses in the bible that have the number value 1331 (Prime 6=11) Also the numbers of the corner stone, , 135 and 531 deliver the number 1331 when they become telescoped: 13(5-5)31=1331. Together they are: 135+531=666.
God isn't afraid tot use the number 666. In Gen.6:12 we find the 666th aleph and is there the begin letter of the 70th Elohim in the bible: Gen.6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. 70 is the letter value of the letter ajin, , which has the symbolic meaning of eye. God looks upon the earth and sees it is corrupt, that it is 666. The verse has 3x the vav, , three times the 6 ( + + =18). The letter places of the three vav's in the verse are 1, 16 and 42, sum 59, which is the 18th prime (18=6+6+6) This 70th Elohim appears to be word 1963 of the bible. In factors is that 13x151. With this the word Elohim gets pinpointed. The dividers of the number 70 are: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 35; the sum of these dividers is 74 of 2x37. For the 70th Elohim one 37 becomes diminished, and the other becomes upgraded. The 13th prime is namely 37, and the 37th prime is 151. And the word place of the 70th Elohim is 1963 or 13x151. So the number 37 plays a roll here too.
The verses Gen.3:1-13 have exact 666 letters. This is from the moment that the snake tries to deceive Eve, till her confession before God of what she has done. The central verse of this group verses is Gen.3:7. This is the 7th verse of the group of 13 verses (prime 7=13) and is the 63rd verse of the bible. 63 can be an expression of three sixes, like 37 also a relation has with 777. This becomes even more clear when we go to the 63rd word of these 13 verses. This is word: as Gods, (Gen.3:5 word 11) The number value of this word with the sophit-mem is: 600+10+5+30+1+20=666.
When God promises an offspring to Abraham, has the phrase 'as the dust of the earth', , in Gen.13:16, also the number value 296+370=666. The structure of these two words is related to the composite numbers, for the 296th composite is namely 370.
Because we can calculate the number Pi with Gen.1:1, I did some closer research on this number. Although there are only five digits 'correct' with the calculation with Gen.1:1, we already know millions of digits of Pi. In the surface of the bible text we can easily calculate the first number 3 of Pi on ground of 1Kings 7:23 and 2Chron.4:2. More accurate calculations are deeper in the text embedded. So if we count from the decimal point, the three not counted, we find the sequence 2701 starting at position 165. So the four digits of the Creation number 2701 have the positions: 165, 166, 167 and 168; the sum is 666: Pi=3, 1415926535 8979323846 263383279.........
The part of Creation that spans the first five words: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, has the number value 1998 or 3x666. In the table of digits of Pi we find on the 666th position the 3.
7 the earth 6 and* 5 the heaven 4 * 3 God 2 1 created In the beginning
296 703
86 203 1998=3x666
What also attracts my attention is the number 703, the CV of the last two words of Gen.1:1, and* the earth, , 296+407=703, with the first digit on position 407, the CV of the first of those two words. How we have to interpret these data and or they are relevant in Gods number universe we'll have to investigate closer. Here is a link to the Pi-Search Results site.
Mar.4:14 The sower soweth the word.
home 01-11-2007
On this page a combination of some old elements that can be found here and there on my website in combination with some new elements. The word three is in Gen.1:1 coded with an interval of seven (ELS 7) letters and starts on letter 4, which is the shien, , the 21st (3x7) letter of the alphabet.
The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the daleth, , written full: starts at the door. The number value of the word three is: three =
If we take for the digits of the number 635 the CV's of word 6, 3 en 5, then we find the following:
7 the earth 6 and* 5 the heaven 4 * 3 God 2 created 1 In the beginning
, Jesus.
So we see that Jesus is hidden/revealed in the three and that he appears on the place of the door. Even stronger, in Joh.10:9 Jesus says that he is the door: 'I am the Door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.' The door though which we go in and out seems to play an important roll. The number value of the door is: Door = =400+30+4=434
If we also take for the digits of the number 434 the CV's of the words 4, 3 en 4, then we find:
434 word 4 word 3 word 4 'eth' Elohim (God) 'eth'
86 888
The coding of the door explains that Jesus is indeed the door. Because Jesus is also called the Word I have looked to the Hebrew word davar, (206) and the Greek logos, (373). In the first instance I didn't find anything, but when the article the is added to word, like it is written in John 1:1, o logos, then the number value is: 70+373=443. This number has the same digits as 434 of the door. We can fill in for The Word, o logos, 443, the CV's of word 4, 4 and 3: 401+401+86=888.....Jesus. How could Moses code this? In the New Testament in Mar. 9:4 and Luc. 9:30 is said that Jesus talked with Moses, which is something that goes beyond our imagination. And there are voices that say that the Torah is compiled in ca. 600 B.C. The bible itself says that Joshua (ca. 1400 BC) already had the Torah, (Jos.1:7-8, Jos.8:34 and Jos.22:5). Or did the writers of the New Testament write in the direction of those codes? But then these codes had to be already there. Maybe in Gods number universe numbers have properties and can Jesus only be represented by the number 888. You will have to find yourself an answer. The numbers three and seven also hide/ reveal Christ in the names of the generations. Enosh, son of Seth, son of Adam is the third generation. Hanoch is the seventh generation. Enosh is , 300+6+50+1=357, and Hanoch is , 20+6+50+8=84. Together they are:
3 Enosh 357
7 Hanoch 84 441
3x3x7x7 441 is the number of ameth, , truth. It is Jesus who says in John 14:6 that he is the truth:
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The name Enosh means mortal, and the name Hanoch means walks with God. Together that is: the mortal one who walks with God. If we now also take for the digits of the numbers 357 and 84 the CV's of the words 3, 5 and 7, and of the words 8 and 4, we find:
Enosh 357 word 5 395 777 Hanoch 84 word 7 word 8 word 4 296 1480 302 703 401
word 3 86
Together that is: 777+703=1480, the CV of Christ, . Christ is the mortal one who walks with God. Both numbers 777 and 703 have a three-seven character. The digits of the number 357 of Enosh represent the three nouns of Gen.1:1: God, the Heaven and the Earth, 86+395+296=777. These three become connected by Jesus. This becomes clear when we also take for the digits of 777 the CV of word 7:
the Heaven the Earth 777 word 7 word 7 word 7 296 296 888 296 God
The Greek word for seven is hepta, , 5+80+300+1=386; this is the number value Jesus, = 70+6+300+10=386, in Hebrew. The phrase from the earth (Gen.2:6), , 296+90=386, has the same number value as Jesus. Furthermore the 386th word of the bible is: , the earth (Gen.1:29 word 15) The letter places of these four letters are 1513+1514+1515+1516=6058, which is 26x233. As you know is 26 the CV of Yahweh and 233 is the CV of the tree of life. Here something about the number value of Hebrew and Greek. As we know Jesus is crucified at Passover. The Hebrew Passover is Pesach: , 8+60+80=148. The fulfilling of the sacrifice by Jesus is expressed by the tenfold of this number: 10x148=1480, , Christ. 4x37 becomes 40x37. Every time the number value of the Hebrew text appears to be integrated with the number value of the Greek text. It is not that apples and pears are counted together, but together they are fruit; fruits from the tree of life. The number value of Gen.1:1 is 2701. The factors are 37x73, both combinations of 3 and 7. The number 2701 is the triangular number of 73, and the triangle of 37 is 703, equal to the sum of the CV's of word 6 and 7, , and* the earth. Now are the Centers of Gravity of T73 and T37 counted from the top respectively 1201 and 313. The difference is 1201-313=888, the CV of Jesus.
Coming from above Jesus connects the earth with the whole Creation. The Center of Gravity of T37 is 313, counted from the top, however counted from the basis this is 391. This is the CV of Jehoshua, an other way of writing of the name Jesus in Hebrew: , 70+300+6+5+10=391. Moreover the 313th composite happens to be 391. The number 313 is the 66th prime. 66 is the number of books of the bible, and the bible describes the coming of the Redeemer for this earth, the coming of 888. The name Jehoshua is build up out of the first three letters of Yahweh: JHW, 10+5+6=21 (3x7). And the second part is Shien-Ajin, 300+70=370. So 391 is: (3x7)+370, or even (3x7)+[(3+7)x37]. Now there is an other way to express the Creation number 2701 (and numbers in general). This can be done by means of composite numbers: Composite 1234=1467 1234+1467=2701 What attracts the attention in the first place is that the number 1234 is a consecutive sequence. The number 1467 could have been a continuation of the sequence, but the 5 appears to be split up in a one and a four. The total sum of the individual digits is: 1+2+3+4+1+4+6+7=28, the number of letters of Gen.1:1. When we take the digits of the number 1467 and fill in the CV's of the words 1, 4, 6 and 7, the result is:
7 6 the earth and*
28-27-26-25 24-23-22
5 the heaven
4 *
3 God
296+407+401+913=2017 2017 is the largest prime that can be formed with the CV's of the words of Gen.1:1. and is a digit anagram of 2701. If we count the units starting at the basis of T73 then we find unit 2017 there where the perpendicular from the top crosses the basis of the reversed triangle T37:
T73 Besides that 2017 is a digit anagram of 2701, the 2017 composite is 2368, the CV of , Jesus Christ. So appears the number 1467 to co-operate with the CV's of the words of Gen.1:1 and hide/reveal the CV of Christ. Moreover 2017 is the 307th prime, a reversing of 703. On its turn is 307 the 64th prime, a number related to the CV of Jesus Christ, for 2368 is 64x37. The numbers 685 and 2017 coincide when becomes counted respectively from the top or from the basis of T73. In verse 684 and 685 (Gen.25:25 and Gen.25:26) the twins Esau and Jacob are born. 684+685=1369 or 37x37. This number is the CV of the second part of Gen.1:2:
Gen.1:2, part 2 And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (=time) 95 140 100 728 86 1369=37x37 220
685 is the center of the square 37x37. In verse 685 Jacob becomes born. Although he is born as the second, he obtains the birthright of the firstborn. By him the line of generations goes to Jesus Christ:
685=2017 , composite 2017=2368 The difference between 1234 and 1467 is 233, the CV of the tree of life, . 233 is also the number of firstborn or birthright: , 5+200+6+20+2=233. Also the number 233 can be divided in two composite numbers. The 100th composite is 133, so together: 100+133=233. The number 100 is related to the number 1234 for the sum of the cubed digits is: 13+23+33+43=1+8+27+64=100. The number 133 is related to 1467 for composite 133 is 174, sum 133+174=307; this is the prime order number of prime 2017, which is the sum of the CV of the words 1, 4, 6 and 7. Christ becomes also called the firstborn of all creation, Col.1:15: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Col.1:15 the firstborn of all creation 2010 489 1535 4034=2x2017
The number 4034 has an optical relation with the number 434 of the door. The factors are 2x2017, two times 2017 as an expression of a double witness that, 2368, , is the firstborn of Creation.
To be born has a relation with the door. The word to bear is in Hebrew . This is an inversion/anagram of the door: . The womb is a dark place. When enter the door of life, we come into the light. In Gen.1:4 God sees that the light is good, and He divides light from darkness. The four is the number of the time-space; three dimensions that move in the fourth dimension. The gematria of verse four is 1776. Verse 4 is very four: 1776=4x444. [4x(3x4)x37]
door 434 to bear
The word three, , can be divided in two parts: lamb. Together that is: of the lamb. Gods lamb: 888.
243 - 248
The first time that God gives a name to something is in Gen.1:5. There God calls the light Day and the darkness he calls Night. This is expressed by the first two words of Gen.1:5: and God called= =86+317=403 (13x31).
This number 403 seems to have a direct relation with the change of name of Abram, for verse 403 is Gen.17:5. In this verse Abram gets a hee in his name and becomes Abraham. In this verse 403 we find on letter place 13 a shien, , and on letter place 31 a mem, . Together those letters form the word shem, , which means name. The number value of this word is: 40+300=340; this is a digit anagram of 403. It is even possible that the words and God called point directly to Abram. The word places in chapter one are 40 and 41, together 81. In the verse it are the word places 1 and 2, together 3. When we multiply these numbers the outcome is: 3x81=243, the CV of Abram.
The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the de hee, , with the number value 5, and has the meaning of window. This letter becomes added to the name of Abram, , so his name becomes Abraham, , (Gen.17:5). This is done with a certain purpose. A reason to examine the five a bit closer. I'm doing some different researches on the five, but the square root of five, , seems to have a relation with the change of name of Abram. Because 5 is not a square of a whole number, we can find a long sequence of numbers for this root. So first we look to some properties of the root of five. =2.236067.97749978.9696409.17366.87313...... Prime 4=5, the first four digits are 2236.....=26x86 Five, the first five digits are 22360.....=10x26x86
Prime 5=7, the sum of the first seven digits is: 2+2+3+6+0+6+7=26
Composite 5=10, the sum of the first 10 digits is: 2+2+3+6+0+6+7+9+7+7=49=7x7 Triangle 5=15, the sum of the first 15 digits is: 2+2+3+6+0+6+7+9+7+7+4+9+9+7+8=86 The first 3 on position three: 2.236067.97749978.9696409.17366.87313..... The first 3 threes on position 3, 25 and 30, sum 58: 2.236067.97749978.9696409.17366.87313... The first 7 on position seven: 2.236067.97749978.9696409.17366.87313..... The first 3 sevens on position 7, 9 and 10, sum 26: 2.236067.97749978.9696409.17366.87313..... A longer sequence of the square root of five you can download from this site. Here is a sequence of 80 digits:
The first time that the five itself occurs in the sequence is on position 37. Five times the 5 we find on the positions: 37+45+50+52+64=248 248 is the number value of Abraham: =40+5+200+2+1=248. Abram who became Abraham because he got a hee, a five, in his name. Five fives is 25; the square root of 25 is 5. Striking is that from this group of 5 fives the first is found on position 37 and the last on position 64. Together these numbers are the factors of the CV of Jesus Christ, , 2368=37x64. Also on position 248 of the root of five we find a 5; this appears to be the 26th five in the sequence. 26 is the number value of the Gods name Yahweh. The first time that the 3 and the 7 appear proceeding as 37 in the sequence, is on position 75 and 76, together: 75+76=151. This is the 37th prime The number 441 of the word ameth, truth, we find on position 85, 86 and 87, sum 258 or 3x86. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2236067977 4997896964 0917366873 1276235440 6183596115 2572427089 7245410520 9256378048 9941441440 8378782274 9695081761 5077378350 4253267724 4470738635 8636012153 3452708866 7781731918 7916581127 6645322639 8565805357 6135041753 3785003423 3924140644 4208643253 9097252592 6272288762 9951740244 0681611775 9089094984 9237139072 9728898482 0886415426 8989409913 1693577019 7486788844 2508975413 2956183176 9214999774 2480153043 4115035957 6683325124 9881517813 9408000562 4208552435 4223555610 6306342820 2340933319 8293395974 6352271201 3417496142 0263590473 7885504389 6870611356 6004575713 9956595566 9569175645
248 is half of 496, the third Perfect Number. We find the digits 4, 9 and 6 proceeding in the sqrt of 5 on position 495, 496 and 497, sum 1488 or 3x496. By the way, this is the second time that the number 496 appears in the sequence; on position 100, 101 and 102 (sum 303 or 3x101) is the first appearance (101= prime 27) The distance that both numbers divide/connect is 496-101=395. This is the CV of word five of Genesis: the heaven, . I will come back to this, for word 243 (CV of Abram) is also the heaven. This number 496 is strongly related with the alphabet. The first and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet are the aleph and the tav: =400+1=401. This is at the same time the central word of Gen.1:1. The 401st composite is 496. The dividers of 496 are:
Dividers of the Perfect Number 496 9 dividers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dividers of 496 1 2 4 8 16 31 62 124 248
So the ninth divider is 248. The name Abraham appears for the first time in the bible in Gen.17:5 when Abram gets his new name; if we count the words there, we see that the ninth word is Abraham. Moreover the word Abraham becomes closed by the 31st letter of the verse; the 31st triangle is 496.
We find the hee of Abraham on position 30. The sum of all triangles till T30 is 4960 or 10x496, the third Perfect Number. Although it's not common, you might say that 496 is the tenth divider of 496. When we count the letters of the first 10 verses of chapter 17, we find that there are 496 letters. Moreover those ten verses have 124 words, which is the 8th divider of 496. 124 is for Abraham the 7th divider. And in those ten verses we find 31x the hee, the 5. This is equal to the 5th divider of Abraham.
Abraham=248 1 2 3 4 5
7 dividers
The number value of Abram is 40+200+2+1=243. When we place the sqrt. of 5 parallel with Gen.17:5, that's to say one digit per letter, then we use 48 digits for the verse has 48 letters. The sum of those 48 digits is 243, Abram. I also want to point out that 48 is derived from Elohim, 86, for 48 is 8x6. The first five words of the verse have 15 letters; triangle 5=15. The meaning of those five words is: Neither shall your name any more be called. In the sqrt. of 5 the first fifteen digits add up to 86. So we find the hee of Abraham on position 30. he sum of the digits of the sqrt. of 5 is there 170. Together that is 30+170=200. This is he letter place of the hee in chapter 17.
Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations I have made you.
The word Abraham starts with the aleph on the 27th letter of the verse. When we multiply the word place (9) with the letter place (27) the result is 9x27=243. This is the number value of Abram, , 243 [(3x3)x(3x3x3)] Abram becomes here Abraham. In the square root of five we find on position 243 a nine. This happens to be the 19th nine in the sequence (prime 9=19). In Gen.17:5 is the last appearance of the name Abram and becomes closed with the mem, , the 19th letter of the verse. After that his name is Abraham. In the sqrt. of five we find on the 19th position a 6. With the 19th letter place word 6 becomes closed.
Gen.17:5, verse 403 Abram Abraham
word place 6 9 Hebrew (reversed) n 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 letter pl./position in sqrt. 5 ..... 16 17 18 19 ..... 27 28 29 30 31 sqrt. 5 ..... 9 6 9 6 ..... 6 8 7 3 1 9+6+9+6=30 6+8+7+3+1=25 (=5x5) 5th divider of 496 is 16 5th divider of 248 is 31 3x30=90 =5 is 18th in chapter 17 18x5=90
So on position 243 of the sqrt. of 5 we find the 19th 9. However on position 19 we find a 6 and corresponds with the closing of the name Abram. The letter places 16-17-18-19 of Abram in Gen.17:5 that correspond with the positions in the sqrt. of 5 is a sequence of 9-6-9-6. Clearly there seems to be an interaction in the number universe that connects the 6 and the 9. Probably this has to do with the Creation of the Heaven, for 6x9=54. Composite 37=54. As you know is 54x37=1998, the CV of the first five words of Genesis: In the beginning God created the heaven. Abram is 99 years old when he gets his new name: composite 73=99. The number 73 is the CV of wisdom, , 5+40+20+8=73. Abraham dies at the age of 175, so the life span that is still left: 175-99=76 years.....composite 54=76.
Word 6 Word 9 =243 appears on =3x3x3x3x3 letter 27, word 9 (3x3x3) and (3x3) (3+3+3) and (3+3) or (3x3) and (3x2) 35
33 and 32
9 and 6
33 en 32
Let's go further with position 243 of the sqrt. of 5 where we find the 19th 9. The multiplication is 19x9=171. In Chapter 17 is letter 171 the first letter of the fifth verse (Gen.17:5) And the sum of the first 31 digits of the sqrt. of 5 is also 171. This is in the verse until the last letter of Abraham Chapter 17 describes the covenant of God with Abraham, and his seed after him, Isaac, who is not yet born. The last letter of Gen.17:5 is letter 218 of chapter 17; composite 218=278. The sum is 218+278=496, the third perfect number. These two numbers are the CV's of: I will speak, =218 (Gen.18:30) and with/to Abraham, =248+30=278. Besides that is the number value of the phrase: to become circumcised-with you, =(40+20+30)+(30+6+40+5)=90+81=171. This phrase can be found in Gen.17:10 and are word 121 and 122 in chapter 17. The sum of the word places is 121+122=243, the CV of Abram, who will become circumcised. In the verse this are word 10 and 11, sum 21 or 3x7, the fundamental numbers with which the Word is build. The part of the phrase that we translate as with you, has the number value 90. This number is related to the hee that Abraham gets in his name. This happens to be the 18th hee of chapter 17; and 18x =18x5=90. Besides that is the 18th triangular number 171. The essence of the circumcision is that a part of the foreskin/veil becomes taken away, that there comes a view at Gods plans and intentions. Abraham gets a window in his name, for that is the symbolic meaning of the hee. A view at the world to come. To Abram God promises a great posterity (Gen.17:2) Word 243 in chapter 17 is Isaac, , 100+8+90+10=208 (Gen.17:19). With him God continues the covenant that he made with Abraham. Word 248 is for a covenant, , 400+10+200+2+30=642. Together is the sum of the Cv's of those two words: 208+642=850 of 10x(17x5).....In verse 17 we find as word five: , and laughed (Gen.17:17). The name Isaac means: he who laughs. And he has all the reasons to laugh, for with him God proceeds his covenant.
There is an other fact that I want to mention. Word 248 of chapter 17, for a covenant, is in the verse word 17. In the chapter it are the letter places 967-968-969-970-971 or 5x969. In we find the number 969 on positions 16-17-18, sum 51 or 3x17. This number 969 is the sum all the 3angles from 1 till 17. And realize that the resh, (letter 969) has the number value 200. Abraham got the hee in his name on letter place 200 of the chapter. The 200 is connected with 17, for 200 is the 153rd composite, and on its turn 153 is the triangle of 17. So 153 is the basis on which the 3D image below stands. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2236067977 4997896964 0917366873 1276235440 6183596115 2572427089 7245410520 9256378048
letter 969 chapter 17=resh= =200=composite 153=triangle 17 969=19x17x3....verse 19, word 17, letter 3 The resh, , is in verse 19 letter 61.....Prime 19=61
969 Now that we have this image maybe its nice to mention that 969 is also the age of the oldest person of the bible: Methuselah. He is the 8th generation counted from Adam. Prime 8=17......T17=153.....3D of T17=969. There is only one verse in the bible with the number value 969. That is Psalm 145:9:
Psalm 145:9
The LORD [is] good to all: and his tender mercies [are] over all his works. The first word of this verse is tov, good, , 2+6+9=17.
Here you can find an other 3D image expressing the number 969.
A lot of information, maybe even all, is related with the structure of Gen.1:1. One of those structures is: Composite 1234=1467, the sum is 1234+1467=2701, the CV of Gen.1:1. The starting point 1234 is related with chapter 17. This can be found very easy. We find this connection by means of the 'prime jump': prime 1234=10039. The one is counted as first prime like I always do. Proceeding we jump an other time: prime 10039=105227. This number is the number value of the 27 verses of Gen.17: 5050 +1977 +1601 +1788 +3139 +2542 +4999 +4609 +4619 +3739 +3514 +4620 +3829 +5366 +4721 +3774 +4237 + 1337+ 7127 +7071 +4417 +1299 +7963 +3548 +3819 +1169 +3353 =105227 That the number 1234 has a relation with chapter 17 can be made clear with the sqrt. of 17. The digits of this root are: =4.1231056.... The first four digits of this root contain also the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, that's to say that the 4 has now a different position. This changed position plays a roll with the word places of Abram who appears 4x in chapter 17. I will come back on this issue. It's nice to see that the sum of the digits of 105227 is: 1+0+5+2+2+7=17, the number of the chapter. The number of verses we find by means of composite numbers: composite 17=27, the number of verses of chapter 17. The first time that Abraham appears in the chapter is the 53rd 17=53. And in the verse Aham starts on letter 27: composite 17=27. In the chapter is the hee that Abraham gets in his name letter 200. This number is also related with the 17. The number 200 is namely the 153rd composite; and on its turn is 153 the 17th triangular number. The sum of all dividers of 200, the 200 itself excluded is: 1+2+4+5+8+10+20+25+40+50+100=265. This is 5x53: the 5, the hee, in word 53 of chapter 17. The 200 is also related to Elohim. See the image underneath:
In the verse this hee is letter 30; this is a multiplication of all primes till 5: 1x2x3x5=30. The five is the fourth prime; we find the hee on position four in the name Abraham, . Now we return to the number 1234. When we count the individual digits then this is a normal triangular count: 1+2+3+4=10. I want to bring here chapter 15 in remembrance, where I described the first 10x Elohim, of which the sum of the ten word places is 441 (=truth), and as last letter of the 10th Elohim the mem has on letter place 355 (composite 355=441) Chapter 17 has 355 words (355=5x71....anagram of Gen.17:5, the core verse where the name Abraham appears), and contains 10x the name Abraham. Also 10x Abraham carries the truth with it, although in a different way. With him it is the truth that is Jesus Christ.
10x Abraham in Gen.17 word number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 53 103 182 208 225 289 291 307 319 341 2318 Gen.17 Gen.17:5:9 Gen.17:9:4 Gen.17:15:4 Gen.17:17:2 Gen.17:18:2 Gen.17:22:7 Gen.17:23:2 Gen.17:23:18 Gen.17:24:1 Gen.17:26:5
In the first instance the counting of the word places there seems to be nothing to this, but we should realize that there is something changed in the name of Abraham. God has added a hee, a 5, to his name. The hee sounds like a breath, but 10x the hee is after all 50. When we add this 50 to the sum of the word places, the result is:
2318+(10x5)=2368, the CV of
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6).
Word 243,
, the heaven.
There are more connections with the begin of the bible. When we search for word 243, the CV of Abram, we find: , the heaven (Gen.1:20 This is the sixth time that the word the heaven occurs in the bible. If we count the word places of those six, than is the sum: 5+96+165+179+207+243=1060 or 20x53. (By the way, word 84 is heaven without the hee. So this one is translated as heaven instead of the heaven. This one is not counted. In verse 8 it is word 4)
Chapter 1 word number Genesis 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . 5 Gen.1:1:5 96 Gen.1:9:6 165 Gen.1:14:6 179 Gen.1:15:4 207 Gen.1:17:5 243 Gen.1:20:15 1060 . 20x53 . Chapter 17 word number Gen.17:5:9 Gen.17:9:4 Gen.17:15:4 Gen.17:17:2 Gen.17:18:2 Gen.17:22:7 . . . 53 103 182 208 225 289 1060
. 1 2 3 4 5 6 . .
In verse 20 the word starts on the 53rd letter. I also want to mention that Abram is the 20th generation counted from Adam. When we look at the table of the ten word places of Abraham in chapter 17 and count the first six word numbers, we find: 53+103+182+208+225+289=1060 Possibly this is done because 6 is the first Perfect number and has a double character (1+2+3=6=1x2x3) The triangle of 6 is 21. This is the number of letters of the creation of Heaven. This Creation becomes closed with the 21st letter. This is the third mem of Gen.1:1. The letter places of those mem's are: 14, 19 and 21. The sum is 54. Now has the mem also a double character for it appears as a normal mem and as mem sophit. In the alphabet they have two positions: 13 and 24. The sum of these positions is 37. The digits of this number are also hidden in the letter place of the third mem: 21=3x7. Together the numbers 54 and 37 form the starting point of the Creation of Heaven: 54x37=1998.
So the last letter of the creation of Heaven confirms the number value of the first five words of Gen.1:1. The core of the creation by God is word 5: the Heaven. This word starts on letter 17. This word is connected in its structure with the fifth Heaven, for this one we find in verse 17, the 5th word, and starts with the 85th hee or 5x17.
There seems to be a emphatic relation between the 5 and the 17. This has its origin in the sqrt. of 17. We find there on position 17 the third 5:
T5=15 Also in the triangle of five we find in the center the 5 and the 17. This triangle has no singular center; in row three we find the 5, this is also the place where the perpendicular of the triangle of three ends. In the fourth row we find the 8 and 9; together they are 17. I will no go further into this for the moment; it is enough to know that relation between these numbers have a mathematical origin. It is God who creates Heaven. This is recorded in some different ways. God is the central word of the five words: 1...2...3...4...5. We find Elohim, , on the letter places 10 till 14. Because Elohim is the third word I have looked for the triangular numbers: T10=55, T11=66, T12=78, T13=91 en T14=105. The sum of these triangular numbers is 395: 55+66+78+91+105=395= , the Heaven.
In fact this is the second testimony that God creates the Heaven, for the surface of the text already told us so. And there is also a third testimony. This is also a kind of triangular construction. See the image below:
God divides or mirrors himself to be able to create the Heaven. The relation between word 3 and word 5 is also expressed in the name Jesus Christ: Jesus-Christ.....888-1480....(3x296)-(5x296)....3-5 Maybe it becomes now clear for the reader what kind of relation Abram has with God, the Heaven and Jesus Christ for 243 is 35. In the image above the central axis is 5x aleph or 5x1=5. The sum of the 5th row, where the mirror is complete, is 171; this happens to be the 26th palindrome. In Gen.1:1 we find on the fifth word position the heaven and starts on letter 17 with the hee, the 5. The CV of the heaven is 395 and the sum of the individual digits is 3+9+5=17. These numbers are used for the verse number in which Abram gets the hee in his name; for that verse is Gen.17:5. This hee in word five is the second hee of the bible. When we search for word 17 than that appears to be the second Elohim of the bible, and starts with the 8th aleph of the bible. The aleph seems to pinpoint the word number for prime 8 is 17. In the second verse is Elohim the 10th word and contains the 10th hee of the bible. If we count the letter places of these 10 hee's, is the sum: Gen.1:1. 3x + Gen.1:2. 7x = (12+17+25)+(30+34+37+39+43+55+64)=54+302=356 The difference between the sum of the letter places of the hee in Gen.1:1 and Gen.1:2 is: 302-54=248 (Abraham) In Genesis we find that the 248th letter is also a hee, a 5. This hee can be found in the word Elohim, God. This Elohim is the 8th Elohim of the bible and is located in Gen.1:7. Apart from that have Gen.1:1 and Gen.1:2 in total 11 hee's. 11x =11x5=55.....composite 55=77; this is the letter place of the 11th hee in Genesis. In the second verse it is the 49th letter, or 7x7. The tenth hee in the second Elohim has letter place 64 or 8x8, and in Gen.1:2 it is the 36th letter or 6x6. Both numbers are derived from Elohim, 86. The second Elohim makes squares of them, raises them to the second power: 82 and 62. This can be seen as the theorem of Pythagoras: a2xb2=c2.....82+62=102.......100. The number 100 connects word 17 with chapter 17, for the gematria of the first verse in chapter 17 is 5050, which is the hundredth triangular number. 64 is the value of the Greek word for truth: , 1+30+8+9+5+10+1=64. Jesus claims to be the truth. If we use the digits of 356 of the sum of the ten letter places of the hee to count the CV's of word 3, 5 and 6 the result is: God+the Heaven+and*=86+395+407=888, Jesus. These 10x hee until word 17 have the sum 50. When we go with this number to Gen.17 and look for word 50 in the chapter we find Abram. This is the last time he is called Abram.
4x Abram in Gen.17 word number Gen.17 1 2 3 4 2 Gen.17:1:2 11 Gen.17:1:11 30 Gen.17:3:2 50 Gen.17:5:6 93 1x3x31
The sum of the word places of Abram in chapter 17 is 93 or 1x3x31. In verse 403 or 13x31 he gets his new name. I have shown that the sqrt. of 17=4.1231056..... The four has a changed position with respect to the number 1234. Possibly the triangular count plays a roll here: 1+2+3+4=10. The name Abram occurs 4x and Abraham 10x in chapter 17. When we count the first three times Abram, then we find: 2+11+30=43. Because the four has a changed position the approach for this one is different. The sum of all dividers of 50, the 50 self excluded is also 43: 1+2+5+10+25=43. When we join now the 3 with the fourth the sum is 43+43=86. This expresses that God is present in the life of Abram. An other explanation is that
word 50, the last Abram, carries the three other ones within him. So it is also possible that this 50 must be added to the 10x Abraham (2318) to make the 2318+50=2368. So the last time that Abraham is called Abram is the sixth word of Gen.17:5 ending with the 19 letter of the verse, with the mem. This is the turning point for Abram. This mem is the 16th mem of chapter 17.....16x40=640 or 10x64. This closing of the name Abram can be expressed by the sophitmem. The number value of his name is then: 600+200+2+1=803. The sum of the dividers of 803 is: 1+11+73=85 or 17x5. In the verse is the mem of Abram the second mem; one normal mem, =40 and one mem-sophit, =600. Together these to sum also: 40+600=640 or 10x64. It was the 64th letter of Genesis that brought us here. It stands here as a double witness. Also the aleph of Abraham is connected with the 64. When we count the letter places of the 5 aleph's in the verse until Abraham's name, the sum is 3+7+11+16+27=64..... The end of Abram and the beginning of Abraham is marked by the 64. This 5th aleph happens to be the 25 aleph of the chapter or 52. The name Abram starts with the fourth aleph of the verse on letter place 16 or 42. The sum of those four is: 3+7+11+16=37..... This expresses the walking before God and being perfect (Gen.17:1).
Abram is 99 years old (Gen.17:1) when he gets his new name. This is also hidden/revealed in the number value of his name. The CV of Abram is 243 or 35. When he becomes Abraham the 5 is coming down and the 3 is going up. This can be expressed by raising the digits of 243 till the third power: 23+43+33=8+64+27=99. And with this power raising is something peculiar going on. The three of the power raising is located above, you might say 'in heaven'. When this three comes down 'to the earth' you can express that in this way: 23+43+33.....23+43+33=99. The outcome is also 99. I couldn't find out yet if this mathematical phenomenon also occurs in other situations, or that it is unique. But it will occur with other combinations of 2, 3 and 4. So Abram is 99 years old when he gets his new name. The first letter of his new name is the 27th letter in Gen.17:5. In we find on the 27th position a six. To be exact the sixth 6. The positions of those six are: 4, 6, 17, 19, 26 and 27. The sum is 4+6+17+19+26+27=99. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2236067977 4997896964 0917366873 1276235440 6183596115 2572427089 7245410520 9256378048 Moreover word 243, the heaven, , contains the 99th hee, , and becomes closed with the 99th mem, .
is 99 years old when he becomes
=243 =243
Word 243, the heaven=6th
23+43+33=8+64+27=99 23+43+33.....23+43+33=99
first ( ) and last ( ) letter are both 99th letter is the sixth 6, positions 4+6+7+19+26+27=99
If we apply this descending from heaven on 35, the CV of Abram, then we find the number 35. Word 35 is the fifth Elohim, contains the 17th hee of Genesis (and also the 17th aleph) and is the third hee of the verse (Gen.1:4)
=2.236067.97749978.9696409.17366.87313...... Prime 4=5, the first four digits of are: 2236.....=26x86. The sum of these two numbers that represent God and his name is 26+86=112. This number is integrated in the structure of the words and letters of Gen.17:5.
This verse has 48 letters en 14 words The triangular count of 48 is 1176, and from 14 is 105. The outcome of the division of these two numbers is 112:
1176 : 105=11.2 Also with this outcome the decimal point becomes neglected just like the first four numbers (2.236) of .
I have looked for a verse with which the square root of five can be calculated. No result until now but I'm convinced that somewhere in chapter 17 or one of the verses in chapter 1 where Abram is rooted in heaven, this number is hidden/revealed. Just like we can calculate Pi with verse 1. A challenge for one of my readers?
By the long sequence of the root of five my attention was drawn to the phenomenon savants. Some of these people have photographic memory, others have a good head for mathematics and have the possibility to calculate numbers in their head, even till 100 digits behind the decimal point. Here is a site with video's about savants. Also on YouTube you can find some documentaries about this phenomenon. Maybe these abilities can help us to explain or to understand how the bible is written.
It seems to me very clear that the square root of five plays a roll at the change of name of Abraham, but also in other situations the square root plays a roll. When we take for instance word 6 and 7 of Gen.1:1, and*-the earth, , 296 and 407, and extract the root out of these numbers we find: =17.20465.... and =20.17424....The first four digits contain the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 7, related to the Creation number 2701. The sum of these roots is: =17.20465.... =20.17424.... 37.37889 The sum of the CV's of word 6 and 7 is: 407+296=703. The reader will already know that this is the triangular number of 37. The sum of the word numbers is 6+7=13.....the 13th prime is 37. An other nice detail is that composite 1720 is 2028, the CV of !"#$% &'()", Lord Jesus (Rom.14:14). And composite 2017 is 2368, the CV of Jesus Christ, .
That the life of Abram is standing in the sign of getting the new name Abraham, becomes made clear by God by means of the aleph. For this letter is a representation of God in the bible text. From where Abram is mentioned for the first time in the bible in Gen.11:26, until the last time in Gen.25:7, where his years of life are mentioned, we find 2015x the aleph, . This is 5x13x31 or 5x403: And God called (403) the 5, the hee. Verse 666: Gen.25:7: Abraham's last day of life and dies in Gen.25:8. And these [are] the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years. Vers 293: Gen.11:26: Abram becomes born.
The life of And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, Abraham and Haran. .... .... ..... .... alef 3200 alef 1186 From the first time that Abram is mentioned in the bible until his name Abraham in his last day of his life we find 2015x the aleph. Abram-Abraham, ..... =5 2015=5x403 And God called = =403
From the hee of Abraham in Gen.17:5 until the last time that his name appears before his death in Gen.25:7, we find 1227x the hee. 1227 in factors is 3x409. The number 409 happens to be the 81st prime. 81 is 3x3x3x3. If we formulate 1227 like this: 3xP(3x3x3x3) it becomes visible that this number is related with the name Abram; for the number value of his name is 243 or 3x3x3x3x3.
On the site of you can find more information about the number 248.
Frank Colijn 2008
Then Moses took them from their hands and burned them on the altar, on the burnt offering. They were consecration offerings for a sweet aroma. That was an offering made by fire to the LORD.
Now we look what kind of relation 152403 has with the truth, ameth,
=400+40+1=441 or 21x21:
The center of this square, the middle of 441, is 221. The truth of a number becomes expressed by means of the prime of a number: the 221st prime is 1373. This is one of the factors of 152403. Hereby 1 becomes seen as the first prime. The other factors are also found by means of the center of the number 221. The factors of 221 are 13x17; we can express this as a rectangle:
The center of this rectangle is 111 or 1x3x37, the other factors of 152403. Also the letter position in the verse becomes determined by means of this factor 111. 56 is on its turn the center between 1 and 111. Letter 152403 is letter 56 in Lev.8:28. Also the circumference of rectangle 13x17 with 221 units is 56, and is equal to the letter place in the verse.
The relation between the truth (441) and the center of the Torah C P221=1373 1...........................221.....................441 Truth C =441 1..........111...........221 111=1x3x37
Even the factors of 221 seem to cooperate in a special way. 13 is the 7th prime and 17 is the 8th prime: 56=7x8 (Pay attention to this: composite 56=78). And the sum of these prime order numbers is 7+8=15; this is the word number in the verse where we find letter 56. We also find in Lev.8:28 4x (13...1+3=4), on the positions 8, 38, 51 en 56; the sum is 153. This is the triangle of 17. When we push it a little bit further we find C153=200. This is the verse number in book Leviticus. Also in chapter 8 of Leviticus the center 111 of 221 plays a roll. The 111th composite is 146. In chapter 8 is letter 152403 the 146th aleph. The sum of these two numbers is: 111+146=257. This is prime 56, which is again the letter place of the aleph in the verse. In book Leviticus is letter 152403 the 936th aleph. With this number the bible writer made a little joke for: composite 777=936. We find here the number 111 in sevenfold. The seven stands for complete. Here it doesn't go any further. The book Leviticus is the middle book of the Torah. So from the beginning of Genesis and Exodus I couldn't find anything (which doesn't mean that there are no more relations). It's nice to see that the sum of the last two numbers 1713 is, a composition of the 13 and the 17: 777+936=1713
Kingdom of God (Mar.1:14) 459 770 484 1713
I think that it is clear now to the reader that the truth, 441, fixes the letter position of the central letter in the Torah, and with that also the total number of letters of these five books. We can not be sure if the bible writer was aware of this fact. It might have been divine inspiration, but it can also be a control method to keep the text clean and complete. Researchers that use scriptures with a different amount of letters have to consider whether they use the right writings or not. In most cases it will not make a big difference for the explanation of the texts. But for accurate research and research of the mathematical connections it does make a difference. So be warned and check out if your Torah text has 304805 letters. In Joh.14:6 Jesus says that He is the truth. In Hebrew is the truth: means of its prime: , 441. The truth of 441 can become expressed by
Prime 441=3079 the difference is: 3079-441=2638 this is a digit anagram of 2368: Jesus Christ However in Greek the word for truth is: !"#$%&!, 1+30+8+9+5+10+1=64. Look how 64 is the center of 127, and 127 is the center of 253, and so 2017 we stop:
Relation between truth (64) and Jesus Christ (2368) 64 1...64 127 1...64...127 253 1..........127..........253 505 1..........................253..........................505 + =441+64=505 1009 1..........................................................505.................................................1009 2017 1.................................................................................................................1009..........................................................................................................2017 Prime 64=307.......Prime 307=2017.......Composite 2017=2368 2017 is an digit anagram of 2701 Composite 1234=1467, sum 1234+1467=2701
But why should we stop here? One of the reasons is that there is an other mathematical road from 64 to 2017; namely prime 64 is 307, and prime 307 is 2017. This phenomenon I have called the prime jump. P64=307.....P307=2017 This number 2017 is a kind of corner stone. And moreover it is a digit anagram of the Creation number 2701. I showed already that 2701 is build up out of 1234 and 1467, for composite 1234=1467. If we fill in for the digits of the last number 1467 the CV's of the words 1, 4, 6, and 7 we find 913+401+407+296=2017. This number is the largest prime that can be formed with the words of Gen.1:1. You might say that it is the greatest truth that can be found in Creation. This truth is also connected with the smallest primes, that's to say the CV's of the words van Gen.1:1 reduced till the smallest possible prime (yellow column):
1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 913 13 203 86 401 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 8 2 8 6 7 407 2 2 8 4 401 5 5 1 1467 913 13 4
395 17 407 2
296 17
296 17
2701 64 37
18 2017 37 19
The smallest possible primes that can be formed with the CV's of word 1, 4, 6 and 7 are: 13, 5, 2 en 17, sum 37. So we see that 2017 is connected with 64 (prime jump) as well with the 37. The activity (64x37) has 2368 as result. 2017 is the greatest truth (prime) that goes along with Creation. This becomes expressed by its composite: Composite 2017=2368, Jesus Christ. There is also an other road from 64 to 2701.
64 Composite 64=88 sum 152 C 152=198 sum 350 Prime 350=2351 sum 2701
I can not point out exactly why there is a change from composites to primes, but 350 is the CV of the Hebrew word , my name or the Greek word , which means victory. And 2351 is the number value of the first 10 words of Gen.22:12:
The first ten words of Gen.22:12 325 31 34 738 31 257 2351 And he said, lay not your hand upon the lad, neither do any thing unto him: 92 36 770 37
Gen.22 describes the sacrificing of Isaac by Abraham. This story is a foregoing reflection of the sacrifice of Jesus. In Gen.22:12 God points out that loyalty is important and not sacrifice. God himself will provide a lamb for the offering. This is the central theme of the bible.
*** The WORD (Torah, Tenach, bible) becomes written with the alphabet. In Jewish tradition there is a different way to order the letters in the alphabet. Hereby the sophit letters become placed next to the letters from which they are derived and get in this way a different numerical place:
A different Alphabet arrangement
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -21 -22 -23 -2 4- 25- 26 - 27
The first, the middle and the last letter form now the word, . The sum of the letter places in this alphabet is: 1+14+27=42. We can formulate this number as 21+21. The multiplication of these numbers has also the truth as result, for 21x21=441. Both the alphabet as the words are carefully arranged. In the end the Hebrew alphabet with 22 letters is used. In chapter 10 I have shown that the triangle of 22 has 253 units, and that those units can become connected by 441 triangles. And I have also shown in chapter 12 a code of Jesus with ELS 22 of which the sum of the letter places 2368 is, the Greek CV of Jesus Christ. Jesus is called the WORD as well the TRUTH. A reason to look closer to the number 22 again. Because I found significance in the composition of composites in the story above, I started to count from the number 22. In the table beneath you can see how you, starting with 22 it ends up with 386. Eight numbers are involved, six are counted (in three times) and the seventh (the result of those three times) points out the eighth:
22 1x 2x sum 134 C134=175 sum 309 5-6 C309= 386= 7 8 , Jesus 3x
An other interesting phenomenon with composites we can find with the word Torah, , 5+200+6+400=611. The 611th composite is 744. This is the number value of Jesus (Jeshua) Messiah, , 358+386=744. Also if we write the Torah with a hee as prefix, this method still works: =616, composite 616=749. Jesus the Messiah, : , 363+386=749. And there is also a different writing form for Jesus with a hee in his name, which is used sometimes: Jehoshua Messiah, , 358+391=749. The number 744 can not be formulated as a combination of two composites, the number 749 can: Composite 334=415, the sum is 334+415=749.
334 books Rev.20:12 the holy 415 1Sam.6:20
Matth.5:18: For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
In this chapter I make a connection between different themes that you can find on my website and describe the relation between the Number Universe and the Creation of the Heaven and the Earth. Sometimes I have to repeat things to give them the right correlation. In the foregoing chapter I have shown how God the Heaven creates by mirroring or unfolding Himself. In this way word 3 and word 5 are connected with each other.
the Heaven=
. Word 3 determines word 5. We find the word Elohim in Gen.1:1 on the letter places
3 God
The triangles of these numbers are: T10=55, T11=66, T12=78, T13=91 and T14=105. The sum of these triangles is: 55+66+78+91+105=395, the CV of the Heaven
This is according the saying of Isaiah 66:1: Thus says the LORD: The heaven [is] my throne, and the earth [is] my footstool: where [is] the house that ye build unto me? and where [is] the place of my rest? Also in an other triangular count we can find the CV of the Heaven, but this one is a bit more complicated. For that purpose we count the letter values of the letters of Elohim two by two, until only one number is left. The outcome is 231. Together with the CV 86 of Elohim that is: 231+86=317. Now is the 317th composite 395, the CV of the Heaven.
231 is also the triangle of 21 or 3x7. This is also the triangular count of the number of letters (21) of the Creation of Heaven. Perhaps it is also interesting to know that the sum of all 15 numbers of this triangular count is 860 or 10x86: 231+(115+116)+(65+50+66)+(50+15+35+31)+(40+10+5+30+1)=860 860 is the number value , Spirit of God, with mem sophit:
(600+10+5+30+1)+(8+6+200)=646+214=860. 860 is also the number value of the phrase: in the day that Yahweh made (Gen.2:4), , 26+776+58=860.
When we add also the word Elohim like it is written in the bible text then is the number value 946: in the day that Yahweh Elohim made (Gen.2:4), 946 is then 11x86, and is an anagram of the third perfect number 496. Gen.2:4 is about the history in the time the heaven and the earth were created. In this verse the Gods Name Yahweh occurs for the first time in the bible. And some remarkable things happen in this verse. One of the things that caches the eye is the fact that the Heaven and the Earth become mentioned twice. The first time they become written with a hee, , and the second time without a hee, and moreover the order of Heaven and Earth is reversed. Now Earth becomes mentioned first: the Heaven and the Earth, Gen.2:4 (=verse 35) 21
, 86+26+776+58=946
37 35
These [are] the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.
In the original Hebrew writings some of the letters become written different. Sometimes extra big or extra small or even upside down. In this case the hee on position 21 in the fifth word becomes written extra small: , when they were created of literally in (with) the creating. The hee plays a specific roll in this verse. First we look at the hee of the Heaven and the Earth. We find them on position 10 and 16, together 26. This asks our attention for the Gods Name Yahweh (=26) occurs for the first time in the bible in this verse. In the two words Yahweh Elohim, , we find 3x a hee, on the positions: 35, 37 and 40, together 112, equal to the CV of these two words (86+26=112). Further details will be given on an other page. Now I'll pay attention to the word with the small hee. We can separate this word in the verb form , create or were created, and the prefixes , beth and hee, which means: in it. Now is an anagram of Abram, . God choose Abram to give him a new name. A name with a hee in it. With the hee in it Abraham becomes created. In Jewish tradition this explanation of the Torah is known. F.Weinreb has also written about this subject. Also the Heaven and the Earth become created with a the hee, the 5. This small letter asks our special attention. We can take this even very literally: with the five the Heaven and the Earth become created (=Gen.1:1). Underneath I give a description how this all mathematical is fitted together. I don't know if I have found all details, but the outline of the mathematical structure becomes visible. In the foregoing text I have shown the relation between God and the Heaven. There where God is (word 3) we find the Heaven (word 5). The 3angle of 5 is 1+2+3+4+5=15. This number 15 is a trinity of the start number 5. The number 15 is the only triangular number where we find this phenomenon of the trinity. We can express 15 as 5+5+5. This was for me the reason to make also a triangular count of the first five prime numbers and the first five composite numbers. These numbers are together in fact the first ten numbers. And the triangle of ten is 55, a double 5; possibly the reason that there is an 'intensive cooperation' between the first 5 primes and the first 5 composites:
n 1 2 3 Prime Composite n+P+C 1 4 6 2 6 10 3 8 14
4 5 15
5 9 7 10 18 37 18x37=666
18 22 70
The sum of the first five primes is 18 and the sum of the first five composites is 37. The activity of these two numbers becomes expressed by their multiplication: 18x37=666. (6+6+6=18) By dividing T5 (=15) again in 3x5 and approaching each group in the same way, we find 3x666:
5 1 5 P 1 1+2+3+4+5=15 C 4 5 P 1 C 4 2 3 2 3 6 8 2 3 6 8 2 3 6 8 4 5 5 7 sum 18 37 18 37 18 37 x
9 10 5 7
9 10 5 7 9 10
P5=7 3x7=21
In the beginning God created the Heaven... 3x(18x37)=3x666 are as corner stones, 37x(18+18+18) 37x54
(135+531=666) of Creation
The aleph, , that represents God in the text, occurs 4x in the first 5 words of Gen.1:1. We find the aleph on the positions: 3+9+10+15=37 God creates the Heaven. The aleph, that represents God in that Creation, 'creates' or appoints the 54, for composite 37=54.
7 6 the Earth and*
28-27-26-25 24-23-22
5 the Heaven
4 *
3 God
Now we have found the structure from which the number value of the first five words is build up. This structure is probably not telling anything about the number value of each individual word. Moreover these five words don't have 15 but 21 letters. But also in this Gods Number Universe is foreseeing, for 21 is on its turn a trinity of 7. Because prime 5=7, we can express this as follows: 15.....P5+P5+P5=7+7+7=21. But because 21 is the triangle of 6, we can express 21 also as (6+6+6)+3. On their turn the three sixes are triangles of three. When we join the three sixes till 666 and multiply this number with the 3 that is left over, then we find again: 666x3=1998, the CV of the creation of Heaven by God. Maybe it becomes now clear to the reader what Abram got from God when he changed his name and added a hee, a 5, to his name. Word 243 (Abram, 35) is not for nothing , the Heaven. The fourth aleph, , we find on position 15 and the sum of those four letter places is 37. These both numbers are respectively the sum of the first five numbers (n) and the first five composite numbers (C):
1 2 3 4 5 sum x n 1 2 3 4 5 15 15x37= 555 C 4 6 8 9 10 37
The activity of these numbers becomes expressed by the multiplication of those numbers: 15x37=555. This number appears to be the starting point of the creation number 2701: Composite 555=679.....sum: 555+679=1234.....composite 1234=1467.....sum: 1234+1467=2701. composite 1234=1467 composite (1+2+3+4)=(1+4+6+7) composite 10=18
sum 10+18=28 So the number road that leads to the whole Creation, differs from the road that leads to the creation of the Heaven. Both roads are based on the properties of the five. The total number of words of the Creation verse is 7, which is the fifth prime. The triangle of 7 is 28, the the total amount of letters of the openings verse. Also in an other way the CV 2701 of Creation can be found. And also in this case the first five numbers, primes and composites play a roll. The fifth number is of cause 5. The fifth prime is 7. And the fifth composite is 10. The multiplication of these three numbers is: 5x7x10=350.
n Prime Composite 1 1 4 2 2 6 3 3 8 4 5 9 5 7 10 15 18 37 5x7x10=350
If we consult the table of prime numbers, we see that the 350th prime is 2351. The sum of this prime and its order number is: 350+2351=2701, equal to the CV of Gen.1:1. The number value of word 6 and 7, and* the earth, (296+407=703), can also be found in a structure. Therefore we look to the prime table. Primes are related to the truth, for they can only be divided by themselves. In one of the former chapters I have shown that the sum of the first 18 primes is 441, the CV of the Hebrew word ameth, , truth. Because the sum of the first five primes is 18 we can see the connection between the five and the table below: 5
Sum of the first five primes:1+2+3+5+7=18 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 sum 171 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 sum 441
In the table the sequence 'n' (P/C) becomes divided in prime (8) and composite numbers (10):
3x18=54 nP/nC 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 sum 91 (36+55) P/C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 sum 171 (59+112) P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 sum 441+ (145+296) and* the Earth= =207+407=703 sum 703
The sum of the 54 (3x18) numbers is in total 703, the CV of the last two words of Gen.1:1: and* the Earth, , 296+407=703. The sum of the ten primes appointed by the ten composites is: 5+11+17+19+23+31+41+43+47+59=296, the CV of the Earth, , 90+200+1+5=296.
nP/nC 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 44 P/C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 10 sum 407 sum 296
The first three letters of word five are: , hashem, The Name. In Jewish tradition the Gods name YHWH becomes formulated as Hashem. We find the three letters on the positions 17, 18 and 19, together 54, the number that plays a roll in the creation of the Heaven. The name Moses, , is an anagram of The Name. The 54th prime is 241; this is the CV of the verb to speak or to say: , 200+40+1=241. All dividers of 54, the number itself excluded, are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 and 27; the sum is 66. The phrase: 'and Yahweh said to Moses', , occurs in total 66x in the Tenach (OT). The phrase 'and God (Elohim) said unto Moses' occurs only one time in the bible (Ex.3:14). The number value of The Name as well of Moses is 345. All dividers of 345, the number itself excluded, are: 1, 3, 5, 15, 23, 69 and 115, sum 231 (T21). In Hebrew the name Moses a mirror anagram of The Name: The Name - Moses If we mirror also the number values of these two words, we find: 345 - 543 sum: 345+543=888, the CV of , Jesus
543 is the CV of the phrase , I AM THAT I AM or better translation: I will be that I will be (Ex.3:14). This is the name with which Moses must make known the Name of God (Ex.3:13). 13. And Moses said unto God, Behold, [when] I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What [is] his name? what shall I say unto them? 14. And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. In Ex.3:14 the word places of those three words are: 5, 6 and 7, sum 18, and the letter places are 16 till 26, sum 231 (T21). The sum of the five dividers of 18 is 21: 1+2+3+6+9=21. The phrase God Almighty, !"# $% (Gen.17:1) has the number value: 314+31=345. Almighty, !"#, has the number value 314 and has probably a relation with the first three digits of Pi (3.141592). The verse Ex.3:14 has probably also a relation with these digits. In this verse we find a reflection of God Almighty (345) in the phrase I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE (543). Also the name of the first son of Moses and his wife Zipporah has the number value 543: Gershom, , 40+300+200+3=543. This name is a junction of: GR and ShM, foreigner-name (Ex.2:22). So we see that the number 543 is integrated in different ways in the life of Moses.
*** An other phenomenon with word 3 (God) and word 5 (the Heaven) we can find if we look at the three nouns of Gen.1:1. The sum of the word places of God-the Heaven-the Earth is: 3+5+7=15. We can express 15 as 3x5, like we have seen in the beginning of this chapter. The number value of the three nouns is: 86+395+296=777 (3x7x37).
The three nouns of Gen.1:1 without and with sophit letter value Word 3 God Word 5 the Heaven Word 7 the Earth 15 15=3x5 Word 3=86 Word 5=395 86 395 296 777 palindrome 86=777 prime 395=2707 , Jesus 646 955 1106 2707
difference is 2707-777=1930.....=5x386, 5x
But if we use the sophit value of the final letters, then the sum of the number value of these three nouns is 646+955+1106= 2707. These numbers 777 and 2707 have respectively a relation with word 3 and word 5: palindrome 86=777 and prime 395=2707. It is hard to say if these patterns are man made, or a reflection of the structure of the Number Universe (of God).
. 395 . God is in her midst &'()' *!&$% Ps.46:5/Ps.46:6 the heaven Gen.1:1 *!+#& Contributions on ideas are appreciated. You can send them to [email protected]
Amicable numbers.
In the Number Universe there are all kind of numbers with special properties. So have 220 and 284 the property that the sum of all their divisors is equal to the other number. One is to be considered as a proper divisor but not the number itself. In mathematics these numbers are called amicable numbers:
Amicable numbers 220 and 284 Dividers 220 Dividers 284
This mathematical phenomenon is applied in different ways in the bible text. First we look to Gen.1:1. how it is applied there. The number 220 appears to be related with the six alephs that we find in the first verse. The sum of the letter places of the six alephs represent God, Elohim: 26+23+15+10+9+3=86=
If we make a triangular count of these six alephs like shown in the table below, the outcome is 220:
3 ! 3+9 !! 10 3+9+10 !!! 15 3+9+10+15 !!!! 23 3+9+10+15+23 !!!!! 26+ ! ! ! ! ! ! 3+9+10+15+23+26 9 86 21 lp 3 sum 3 12 22 37 60 86+ 220
So we see that God hides the number 220 under the six alephs that represent Him Self. The aleph of Elohim is the third aleph and can be found on the 10th letter place. If we make a similar count like in the table above, the sum of the first ten triangles appears to be 220 too:
C 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 lp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gen.1:1
sum 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45
. 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45
18 10+
112 55
Now appears the 220th word of the bible to be Elohim, , and to be precise the 18th Elohim of the bible text. In verse 18 this is the tenth word. In the table above I have also placed the composite numbers (C). The tenth composite happens to be 18. This becomes already fixed by the first three triangular numbers and the first three composites:
1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)=1+3+6=10 and 4+6+8=18 The number 220 carries in its divisors the number 284. This happens to be the number value of God in Greek: Theos, !"#$, 9+5+70+200=284. Now we are going to see how this mathematical phenomenon is applied in the bible text. First we look for letter 220. This appears to be the 18th mem, , of the bible, and letter 284 is the 50th jod, , of the bible.
Letter 220 and 284 in Gen.1:6 and Gen.1:7
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from (between) the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
The number value of the mem is 40 and of the de jod 10: 18x mem=18x40=720 50x jod=50x10=500 difference 720-500=220 So we see that the difference between those 18 mems and those 50 jods is again 220. In the second day (verse 6 till verse 8) is the mem the 23rd letter and the jod the 87th: 23+87=110, equal to the 11th divider of 220. We can also realize that the mem is the third mem in verse six and that the jod is the eighth jod in verse seven, together: 3+8=11.....11th divider of 220 is 110. There seems to be an interaction between letter/word position from the beginning of the bible, from the beginning of a day or the beginning of a verse. So we have to pay attention very well from where becomes counted. By the way, the letters 220 and 284, the jod and the mem, are the initials of Jesus Christ written in Hebrew: Jeshua Messiach:
Messiach Jeshua letter 220 letter 284
% '&(*
358 744
& )*(%
The 18 mems can be divided into 6 normal and 12 sophit mems: 6x = 6x40= 240 12x =12x600=7200 +
7440 This number 7440 is 10x 744, 10x the CV of Jesus Messiah, I have already shown the relation between Jesus and the mem. , 358+386=744. In chapter 14 and also in chapter 16
Word 220 is . When a number contains certain information this number becomes claimed by God, Elohim. That is also here the case. This is the 18th (!!!) occurrence of Elohim of the bible. In verse Gen.1:18 we find this Elohim on the letter places 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, sum 220, equal to the word number in the bible. This double character becomes also expressed by the order number of 220 for 220 is composite 172, or 2x86, 2x . The aleph, , of this 18th is the 77th aleph of the bible, and is the 3rd aleph in verse 18. In the fourth day (verse 14 till 19) it is the 22nd aleph. The difference between the place in the bible and the fourth day, so in fact the difference between the first three days (verse 1 till 13) and the fourth day is: 77-22=55, which is the tenth divider of 220 whilst 22 is the eighth divider of 220. So the sum of the order numbers of these dividers 22 and 55 is: 8+10=18, equal to the order number of Elohim. Moreover is composite 55=77. The letter places of the the three alephs in verse 18 are: 17, 41 and 42; the sum is 110, equal to the 11th divider of 220. The number of letters from Gen.1:1 until Gen.1:18 where we find word 220, is 880 or 4x220. Word 284 is , jom, day. This is word five in Gen.1:23 and word 56 in the fifth day (verse 20 till verse 23). The number value of is 40+6+10=56, equal to the word place in the fifth day (word place +word value=56+56=112, ) Together are word 220 and 284: Jom Elohim, Gods Day, 86+56=142 (or 2x71) This number 142 is the fifth divider of 284. By the way, the fifth day has 220 letters (letter 903 till 1122) and the word jom, , starts on the 213th letter of that day, or 3x71, the fourth divider of 284. The verse numbers of day five are: 20, 21, 22 and 23, sum 86 the CV van . Word 284 is the 9th time that the word day, , occurs in the bible: 9x =9x56=504 504=220+284. The number 112 of Yahweh Elohim has nine divisors. The ninth divisor is 56. The multiplication of the biggest divisor and its order number is: 9x56=504.
=40+6+10=56.....word 56 in the fifth day 56+56=112 All possible divisors of 112 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sum divisors 1 2 4 7 8 14 16 28 56 136 9x56=504
Now I will look to the relation between letter 220 (18th ) and word 220 (18th ). 18 is the sum of the first 5 primes: 1+2+3+5+7=18. The sum of the letter places of the first five mems in verse six is 4+10+23+25+30=92 (4x23). 23 is de letter place in verse six of the 18th mem of the bible. The word Elohim ends on the letter mem. This appears to be the 92nd mem of the bible. In verse 18 it is letter 46 or 2x23. So the difference between the number of mems from letter 220 till word 220 is: 92-18=74: 74x =74x40=2960 2960 is the CV of: , Son of Man 2960=2x1480, 2x , Christ Try to realize that the first 18 mems are composed of 6 normal mems and 12 sophit mems, and have together the number value 7440. It looks like this number becomes split up into 74 and 40. 74 is also the word place where we find letter 284. Proceeding we look at the relation between letter 284 (50th jod) and word 284 (9th ). The word jom, day, starts with a jod. This is the 183rd jod of the bible. The difference between those jods is: 183-50=133: 133x =133x10=1330
1330 is the CV of
, Christ
This is the writing form of the word Christ like we find it in Mat.27:17 word 17. This is the verse wherein Pilate asks the people who shall be released, Barabbas or Jesus, who is called the Christ. The most common used writing form for Christ is , and has the number value 1480 (10x148, 10x , 10x Pesach). This value is fixed with letter 220. For this is the third mem in Gen.1:6. The letter places in the verse of those three mems are: 4, 10 and 23, together 37. Because the mem is 40, we find: 37x40=1480. The three letter places are also mathematical related, for the triangle of 4 is 10, and prime 10 is 23 (T4=10....P10=23). Verse six has in total 44 letters of which 9x mem. The 9th mem is letter 44 in the verse. The 9th divider of 220 is 44. These nine mems can be divided in 5 normal mems, , and 4 sophit mems, :
5x 4x = 5x40 200
Now is the last mem in verse six the 24th mem of the bible. The nine mems in verse six tie up something for the last one, the 24th: the sum of the first 24 triangular numbers is namely 2600. Realize also that the mem sophit, , is the 24th letter in the alphabet of 27 letters and probably one of the reasons for this special construction here.
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 sum T 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210 231 253 276 300 2600
Maybe this is useless information for the reader, but it are anchors with which the letters of the bible are tied up in the Number Universe. This 24th mem is letter 241 of the bible. This is a mirrored digit anagram of 142, the fifth divider of 284.
An other phenomenon related to the amicable numbers we can find with letter 888, the CV of , Jesus. This turns out to be the 284th letter in the fourth day. We find this letter in Gen.1:19 in the third word and is the eighth letter in the verse. This letter is de vav, , the 6. It is the 96th vav of the bible: 96x =96x6=576. This number is the CV of the Greek word pneuma, Spirit, (Mat.3:16) In the fourth day this vav is the 31st vav: 31x =31x6=186. This number is the CV of the word Golgotha, (Mat.27:33). Jesus becomes crucified at the end of the fourth world day, the fourth millennium (see the timeline). Here comes the work in GODS NAME till completion. This becomes expressed by the square of the letters of the Gods name Yahweh: = 5-6-5-10.....52+62+52+102=25+36+25+100=186. Letter 220 is in the fourth day letter 824 of the bible, which is a digit anagram of 284. 824 is the CV of the word God, , like it is used in Mat.6:24. However the most common used writing form is , and has the number value 284 (Mat.1:23). The difference between 888 and 824 is 64, just like the difference between 284 and 220. In one of the former chapters I have written that the name Yahweh appears op the 22nd jod of chapter two. 22x jod is 22x10=220. In the verse the name Yahweh starts on letter 34 and ends on letter 37. So the sum of the letter places in the verse is: 34+35+36+37=142. This is the 5th divider of 284. So the first appearance of Yahweh in the bible is related to both amicable numbers. Letter 824 is the ajin, , the 70. It is the 32nd ajin of the bible: 32x =32x70=2240 (20x 112). This is the number value of Heb.10:21:
And [having an] high priest over the house of God high Priest=121+99=220
The core words of this verse are high and Priest. Together they have the number value: 121+99=220. And also the house [of God] has the number value 220. This 32nd ajin is the 7th of the fourth day, which is 7x70=490. This is the CV of the Greek word: , which means betrayed or delivered (Mat.17:22) *** The difference between 220 and 284 is 64 or 8x8. The 64th composite is 88, also a kind of double 8. The word places in the bible where we find letter 220 and 284 are: 58 and 74; the difference is 74-58=16 or 8+8. In verse six we find letter 220 in the sixth word. Word six, +&%,, is the central word of verse six; the verse has 11 words.
Letter 220 and 284 in Gen.1:6 and Gen.1:7
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from (between) the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
The sixth prime is 11, and moreover 220 has as de sixth divider eleven. Although the distance from 58 till 74 is sixteen, but up to and including the distance is 17, equal to the sum: 6+11=17. We see that verse 7 has 17 words and that we find letter 284 in the 11th word. This is then the 22nd word in the second day. Letter 284 is de 20ste jod in the second day and the 8th jod in verse 7. We see here an interaction between the day, the verses, the jods and the dividers of 220: the 7th divider is 20, and the 8th divider is 22. The jod is 10. The triangle of 10 is 55. We find here a parallel with the dividers of 220, for the tenth divider of 220 is 55 (letter 220 is the mem, the 40; 220/40=5,5)
Dividers 220 11 dividers 1 2 4 5 10 11 20 22 44 55 110 sum 284 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
From here we go further with the 'prime jump': prime 55 is 251, and prime 251 is 1583. Now we have found three numbers: 55, 251 and 1583:
Letter 284 is th 50th jod of the bible and the 20ste jod in the second day. 1 2 3 =10 3x1583=4749 T1+T2+T3=1+3+6=10 55 251 1583 T10=55 The sum of 20 letter places in the bible of the 20 jods in the second day till letter 284 is 4749.
The sum of 20 letter places in the bible of the 20 jods in the second day till letter 284 is 4749. n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 sum letter places jod in the bible in 2nd 199 206 208 210 213 221 224 226 230 233 236 240 243 249 256 259 264 268 280 284 4749 day
We see here that letter 220, , becomes connected with letter 284, , by a mathematical way. Together the mem and the jod are: 40+10=50, equal to the number of jods until letter 284. In the sixth day this are letter 23 for the mem and 87 for the jod; sum 110 or 2x55. These 2x55 we find as triangle of 10 (jod) and as 220/40 (mem) back. Also is the sum of the first 10 triangular numbers 220:
The sum of the first 10 triangular numbers is 220 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sum triangle 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 220
Possibly this is accentuated because the triangle of four is ten: 1+2+3+4=10= . 4xT4=4x10=40= . 4xT10=4x55=220. For this mathematical reason letter 220 is a mem. Here an image to visualize these numbers. I think that this will help to understand these numbers better.
*** Here I will go deeper into the fact that one letter can contain information or a code. Because the letters have a place in the bible text we can collect all kind of information about that letter:.... which letter is it, how many of this letter can we count from the beginning of the bible, a creation day or a verse etc. I have given already more examples on this site, but I want to give one more. And what letter can I use better for this example than letter 112, for this is the CV of Yahweh Elohim, . Letter 112 is the letter mem, . This is the eleventh mem of the bible and at the same time the last letter of the fourth time that Elohim occurs in the bible text (Gen.1:4 word 2). In the table below I give the order number, the letter place and the form ( or ):
11x mem until letter 112 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 sum 66 Letter place 14 19 21 57 66 67 78 80 84 90 112 sum 688
The sum of the eleven letter places of the mems until letter 112 is 688, and is the CV of the word Jesus, -./#0 (10+8+200+70+400=688), like the name occurs for the first time in the bible, in the 40th book, the first verse, the third word (Mat.1:1). The number 688 is 8x86. I also want to point out that the 112th triangular number 6328 is, a digit anagram of 2368, the CV of Jesus Christ. These 11 mems can be divided into in 4 normal mems and 7 sophit mems. The 4 and the 7 play also a roll in forming the number 688. The multiplication of these two numbers is 4x7=28. In chapter 16 about the 'prime jump' I have shown that P28=103 and P103=557. The sum of these three numbers is 28+103+557=688, the CV of -./#0. When we fill in the number value 40 for the normal mem and 600 for the mem sophit, then we find for these mems:
4x 7x 4x40 160
The total number value of these 11 mems is then 4360. This is the gematria of Isaiah 45:13:
I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts.
It may be clear that Is.45:13 meant Jesus here. The verses Is.40:3, Mat.3:3, Mar.1:1-3 and John 1:23 affirm this once more: The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD (Yahweh), make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Mat.3:3: For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord (1023#0), make his paths straight. Mar.1:1-3: 1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; 2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee 3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord (1023#0), make his paths straight. John 1:23: He said, I [am] the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord (1023#0), as said the prophet Esaias.
The number 688 is also the number of the cup, poterion, 4#5.23#6, 80+70+300+8+100+10+70+50=688. This is the cup of which Jesus says in Mat.20:22: ..... Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able. And this is also the cup out of which he gives his disciples to drink and of which he says: For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (Mat.26:27-28). The code of letter 112 has also a relation with the amicable number 220. We can make this visible by filling in the letter place of the mem out of the alphabet of 27 letters. The mem normal, , is the 13 letter and the mem sophit, , is 24th:
4x 7x 4x13 52 7x24 168+ 220
*** An other interesting phenomenon we can find when we extract the root out of this pair of amicable numbers 220 and 284; the sum of those numbers has a very special outcome. We ignore here the decimal point and use only the first four digits: 7220=14.83..... 7284=16.85..... 3168 The number 3168 is the CV of the Greek phrase: Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor.8:6): 8023#$ -./#0$ 923/5#$ 800 888 1480 3168 The question is of cause if this is by chance or meant to be so. Personally I do think the last, for with word 220 and 284 the Day of God, Jom Elohim, , is coded. We know that Jesus plays an important roll in that day. How the bible writer this could code is a riddle to me. The writer must have been familiar with the whole concept of the bible. *** There is only one verse in the bible with the number value (220+284=) 504. This happens to be Psalm 136:3:
Ps.136:3 Give thanks to the Lord of Lords, for his mercy endureth for ever. 78 170 30 110 504 95 21
In a former chapter I have mentioned the numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8. The combinations of these numbers have a special function in Gods Number Universe. In the first place is the sum of these numbers 26, equal to the CV of the Gods Name Yahweh: 5+6+7+8= 26 Yahweh= !"!# =5+6+5+10=26 An other operation of these four numbers is the multiplication. The outcome happens to be 1680, equal to the CV of Christ like this title appears for the first time in the bible in Mat.1:1: 5x6x7x8= 1680 Christ= $%&'()* =600+100+10+200+300+70+400=1680 The number value of Mat.1:1 happens to be 5876, and is a digit anagram of 5678. Hereby the digits 5 an 7 are standing on their original position and the 6 and the 8 have changed places. The 5 and the 7 are primes and the 6 and the 8 are composites.
Mat.1:1 Christ 1680 5876
An other consistency in the Number Universe between the four numbers can be found in the table of composite numbers. We see there that the 56th composite is 78. These are the only two proceeding numbers in the order and the composite sequence. (take note: C34=50. If we ignore the zero, than we have the sequence: 345. This is equal to the CV of Moses or haShem, the Name. And also the phrase El Sadai, God Almighty, has the number value 345. The digits 3, 4 and 5 are also the smallest possible numbers for the Theorem of Pythagoras: 32+42=52). However C56=78 is the only complete consecutive sequence. This is unique in the Number Universe: Composite 56=78 (5 - 6) - (7 - 8)
Table of the first 60 composite numbers C n C n C n 20 21 33 31 46 41 21 22 34 32 48 42 22 23 35 33 49 43 24 24 36 34 50 44 25 26 27 28 30 32 25 26 27 28 29 30 38 39 40 42 44 45 35 36 37 38 39 40 51 52 54 55 56 57 45 46 47 48 49 50
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18
n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
C 58 60 62 63 64 65 66 68 69 70
n 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
C 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 84
And also an other mathematical phenomenon occurs. 78 contains the factors for 56: 78.....7x8=56 56 doesn't contain the factors for 78, but the result of the multiplication of the digits 5 and 6 is 30: 56.....5x6=30 Because 7x8=56 and 5x6=30 we can express the sum of these operations as follows: (5x6)+(7x8)=30+56=86 As you probably know by now this outcome is equal to the CV of Elohim, God, 6#!78. In this group of four numbers we find hidden the CV's of Yahweh, Elohim and $%&'()*. We could call this group of numbers 'holy'. This becomes expressed by the sum of 56 and 78: 56+78=134 134 is the number value of the Greek word 5.&)0, holy, like it is used in Mat.7:6. Also 9/)0, a conjugation of the word 9/)-, God, like it occurs in Mat.4:7, has the number value 134. In John 1:1 we can find both forms. There is also a road from 134 to 358, the CV of Messiah, and to 386, the CV of Jesus/Jeshua:
Composite 134=175 Composite 175=224 Composite 224=286 Composite 286=358 Messiah= :#;< =8+10+300+40=358 Composite 134=175 Sum 134+175=309 Composite 309=386 Jesus= =";# =70+6+300+10=386
78 is 3x26. The number 56 is rooted in 26, in Yahweh. This becomes visible with the 'composite jump': composite 26=39 and proceeding composite 39=56. Three number in two steps: 1..........2..........3 C26=39.....C39=56 1...............2 When we do the same from the start of the composite sequence, so from 1, we arrive after 5 numbers and 4 steps at 26 and the sum of those five numbers is 56: C1=4.....C4=9......C9=16.....C16=26
1+4+9+16+26=56 To reach 78 there are seven steps and eight numbers: 1......2............3.............4...............5................6..............7..........8 C1=4.....C4=9.....C9=16.....C16=26.....C26=39.....C39=56.....C56=78 1...........2...........3................4...............5...............6................7 The sum of the numbers of this 'road' of composites is: 1+4+9+16+26+39+56+78=229 The number 229 is the CV of the Hebrew word 'the way' of which Jesus says that He is that way (John 14:6):
the way >?@! 20+200+4+5= 229 Gen.38:16, Ex.13:21
We can express 56 as a square of 7 by 8. The circumference of this square is 26, and the core is 5x6:
circumference 26
The multiplication of the two numbers 56 and 78 is: 56x78=4368 If we approach the bible text with this number, Jos.5:14 happens to be the first verse having the number value 4368:
Jos.5:14 (KJV) And he said, Nay; but [as] captain of the host of the LORD (Yahweh) am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant? 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. "@A= 78 ?A@< #B@8 !< "7 ?<8#" ":C;#" !D?8 "#BE 78 =;"!# 7E#" #C8A !C= !"!# 8AD ?; #B8 #F 87 ?<8#" 82 31 246 65 45 36 257 730 296 146 31 391 126 413 475 26 93 500 61 30 31 257 4368 am I now come 9. 8. but [as] captain of the host of the LORD (Yahweh) 7. 6. 5. 4. 3.
413 888
!C= .
500 710
The phrase 'but [as] captain of the host of the LORD (Yahweh)' has the number value 710. 710 is also the CV of the Holy Spirit, the Greek: 5.&)0 G0/*5, 134+576=710 (Luk.12:12). The phrase in Jos.5:14 (word 3 till 7) can contain the message that the Holy Spirit is the captain of Gods army. And the text is clear who that captain is. The phrase 'am I now come' (which seems to me an ugly translation) has the number value 475+413=888, equal to the CV of Jesus.
Where Jos.5:14 has the number value 56x78(=4368), is the sum of the first 56 composites (4 till 78) 2368, equal to the CV of Jesus Christ:
The sum of the first 56 composites is 2368 C n C n C n C 20 21 33 31 46 41 58 21 22 34 32 48 42 60 22 23 35 33 49 43 62 24 24 36 34 50 44 63 25 25 38 35 51 45 64 26 26 39 36 52 46 65 27 27 40 37 54 47 66 28 28 42 38 55 48 68 30 29 44 39 56 49 69 32 30 45 40 57 50 70 (Mat.1:1) Jesus Christ
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18
n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
n 51 52 53 54 55 56 1596 58 59 60
C 72 74 75 76 77 78 2368 81 82 84
&2')* 3%&'()*
688 1680 2368
The sum of the first 56 numbers, or the triangle of 56 (T56), is 1596. This is the CV of the word: '*5%(*%/&, beareth witness (Rom.8:16). The verb to bear witness or to bear joint witness is: '*5%(*%/1 (Strong's Number G4828) and has the number value 2386, a digit anagram of 2368. It is Jesus Christ who bears witness of God with the Holy Spirit.
Strongs Number G4828 '*5%(*%/1 summartureo {soom-mar-too-reh'-o} from 4862 and 3140; TDNT 4:508,564; v AV - also bear witness 2, testify unto 1, bear witness with 1; 4 1) to bear witness with, bear joint witness Gematria: 2386
The difference between the number 2368 and 1596 is 772. This is 2x386, 2x Jesus (Hbr). 772 is also the CV of the phrase: knowledge of good and evil:
Gen.2:9 and evil good knowledge of
17 772
*** An other way how the numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 are processed in the text is with the aleph. The aleph represents God in the bible text. This is made clear in Gen.1:1, where the sum of the letter places of the first six alephs is 86 (3+9+10+15+23+26=86), equal to the CV of Elohim, God.
Gen.1:1 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. and* the heaven * God created In the beginning 5. . . 4 3 2 . . 1 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7. the earth 6. . 28 27 26 25 24
8 8 ? A C # ; 8 ? A
13. upon
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 6 " ! C # B E 7 = > ; : " " ! A " " ! . 21. 20. 19. 18. of the waters the face upon moved letter place in verse letter place in bible 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 6 # < ! # B E 7 = C E : 3546 40 68 ?
8. And the earth 7. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 C ! C # ! I ? 8 ! " 17. of God 16. and the Spirit
9. was
Aleph 5, 6, 7 and 8 we find spread over two verses on the letter places 23, 26, 31 and 62. The sum of those letter places is 142: 23+26+31+62=142 142 is half of 284, of Theos, God: 9/)-=9+5+70+200=284. The number 142 is the biggest divisor of 284. This is an indication that there must be divided in two. So now we divide the verses. Now we count aleph 7 and 8 in Gen.1:2 from the beginning of that verse and than is the sum of these two letter places: 3+34=37. Together with aleph 5 and 6 in Gen.1:1 (23+26=49) is the sum 49+37=86, equal to the CV of Elohim: 8
Verse L.P. 23 26 3 34 86
Also in this way the 26 and the 86 of Yahweh and Elohim are connected by the 5th, 6th 7th and 8th aleph in Gods Number Universe and the bible text. I showed before that the digits of 78 contain the factors of 56, for 7x8=56. This information can also be found in the letter position of the 7th and the 8th aleph. The information is very simple, but doesn't work here with multiplication. From the start of the bible the 7th and the 8th aleph are the letters 31 and 62, sum 93. However from the start of the second verse these are the letters 3 and letter 34, sum 37. The difference between these two is 56:
7th 8th sum letter places in the bible 31 62 93 letter places in 2nd verse 3 34 37 difference 56
*** Now I will look to the individual digits of the word values of Gen.1:1:
Gen.1:1 * 401 2701
and* 407
God 86
created 203
In the beginning
I ? 8 ! C 8 " 6 # <
; ! C 8 6 # 8 7 8 8 ? A C #
The number values of the seven words contain 20 digits. We can write these values as one string: 913 203 86 401 395 407 296 91320386401395407296 On position 5-6-7-8 we find the string 0-3-8-6 or 386, the number value of Jeshua, Jesus in Hebrew:
When Jesus does his work in the world, he becomes anointed during his life time, than he really becomes Christ (=anointed). In Gen.1:1 we can express this work by placing the digits of the word values of Gen.1:1 in ascending order. This arrangement symbolizes the activity with which Christ brings order in Creation by his acting. So 913 becomes 139, 203 becomes 023 and so on: 139 023 68 014 359 047 269 13902368014359047269 Now we find on position 5-6-7-8 the string 2-3-6-8 or 2368, the number value of Jesus Christ in Greek. This phenomenon is already described by Ian Mallett. We see here the 'fingerprint' of Jesus in Hebrew as well of Jesus Christ in Greek. J2')*- $%&'()-=888+1480=2368 When Jesus starts his preaching he is not yet anointed, he is not yet Messiah (=anointed). Only in the course of his preaching, he becomes anointed, he becomes Christ. As a matter of fact Jesus becomes 3 times anointed by a woman during his life time.
position the 20 digits of the number values of the 7 words of Gen.1:1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5-6-7-8 9 1 3 2 0 3 8 6 4 0 1 3 9 5 4 0 7 2 9 6 0386 1 4 3 5 9 0 4 7 2 6 9 2368
n normal
ascending 1 3 9 0 2 3 6 8 0
Now I want to go with the numbers 5-6-7-8 to Gen.1:1, and look for the letters 5, 6, 7 and 7. These are the letters jod, tav, beth and resh:
Gen.1:1 the earth and* the heaven * God created In the beginning 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8 8 ? A C # ; 8 ? A
In this order these letters have no meaning, but when we place them in the order (7-8)(5-6) or 78-56, than we find the word 'birith' which means covenant. Pay attention, the writing direction in Hebrew is from right to left:
Jesus has become Surety of the covenant between God and man. It is Jesus who becomes placed at the head of that covenant. This becomes expressed by the first four letters of Gen.1:1: beRosh, at the head:
letter 1-2-3-4 Gen.1:1
Gods Plans are already implemented in the very first verse of the bible and can made visible by means of properties of Gods Number Universe. Jesus Christ becomes not only placed at the head of the covenant, but also at the head of the whole Creation. If we express the first four numbers as an unit we find: 1234. Now is the 1234th composite number 1467, and the sum of these two numbers is: 1234+1467=2701, equal to the CV of Gen.1:1, the verse that expresses the Creation. The string of these two composites is not a complete ascending string: 1234-(14)67. Where we would expect to find a 5 we find 1-4. So there is a change in the second composite. Where we used the string 1234 to locate the letters for the word beRosh, we now use the string 1467 to find the words 1, 4, 6 and 7:
Gen.1:1 the earth and* the heaven * God 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 created 2. 9 8 7 203 In the beginning 1. 6 5 4 3 2 1
I ? 8 ! C 8 " 6 # <
296 407
; ! C 8 6 # 8 7 8 8 ? A C #
The sum of these four words is 2017, which is a digit anagram of 2701. This number is the highest prime that can be formed as a combination of word values of Gen.1:1. Primes express the 'truth'. So 2017 expresses the highest truth in Creation. Composite 2017 happens to be 2368. This tells us that Jesus Christ is standing at the head of Creation. This is part of Gods Plan or intention. This intention of Yahweh we can express as the triangle of 26: T26=351. highest truth in Creation + Gods Intention=2017+T26=2017+351=2368 This phenomenon is also already described by Ian Mallett.
Truth (Gr) John 1:17=5,29& 307=2017
*** Here I want to look at all possible divisors of 2368. In total there are 13 divisors, the number 2368 itself excluded:
All possible divisors of 2368, the CV of Jesus Christ n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 divisors 1 2 4 8 16 32 37 64 74 148 296 592 1184 56=7x8.....divisor 7x divisor 8=37x64=2368
On position 7 and 8 we find 37 and 64. The multiplication of these numbers has the result: 37x64=2368, while the multiplication of 7 and 8 is 56. We know by now that the sum of the first 56 composites is also 2368. On position 5-6-7-8 of the divisors we find 16-32-37-64. The sum is 149: 16+32+37+64=149 The number 149 is the CV of the phrase 'I will save you' like we find this word in Psalm 50:15: >D7:8. In chapter 50 of the Psalms this is the 112th word, which is an expression of Yahweh Elohim. By the divisors of 2368 occurs an other phenomenon: the 10th divider of 2368 is 148, equal to the CV of Pesach, :LE. With Easter we remember the Crucifixion of Jesus. The sum of the first 10 divisors is 386, equal to the CV of Jesus in Hebrew: =";#. 1+2+4+8+16+32+37+64+74+148=386 The 10th prime is 23. The 11th and the 12th divisor (sum 23) are 296 and 592, sum 888, equal to the CV of J2')*-, the Greek version of Jeshua. What's in a name? *** With the 5-6-7-8 phenomenon I also looked at the alphabet. On these positions we find the hee, the vav, the zajin and the chet. The number value 'full' of these four letters seems to have a mathematical relation with the singular form of the letters:
5-6-7-8 in the alphabet abc full hee 5 . ! 8 ! vav zajin chet
" M :
6 . 7 8
sum 26
The sum of the number value of these four letters is of course 26. The sum of the gematria 'full' is 503. This is the 97th prime, and this prime is on its turn the 26th prime (see prime table): Prime 97=503
But take it for what it is worth, for there are other fillings possible. See this link. The software that I use (Keys to the Bible) applies the the values like they are shown in the table above. And by the way: 503 is also the number value of the first four letters of the bible, beRosh, at the head:
at the head
300+1+200+2= 503
Isaiah 53
It is said that in the Old Testament not becomes spoken about Jesus. That doesn't have to surprise us for all the OT books are written long before Jesus was born. Who came reading until here on this site knows by now that the 'fingerprint' of Jesus can be found everywhere in the OT. Isaiah 53 is besides the book Daniel one of the chapters of the OT that speaks most openly about Jesus. That this happens in this chapter has a reason. This reason is already described by others, but I can add a number of facts to this research. The Old Testament has 39 books and the New Testament has 27 books like we know the bible these days. Together for the whole bible that are 39+27=66 books. Jesus is standing central in the NT. This standing central can become expressed by the number 14 in this case for the center between 1 and 27 is 14. Because the NT belongs to the OT we can express this center as: 39+14=53 (by the way, 27 is on its turn the center between 1 and 53). Now has the book Isaiah 66 chapters and is seen as the bible in a nutshell. When we look for Isaiah chapter 53, than we find a description of the life of Jesus!
Isaiah 53: 1-12 1 Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 2 For he grew up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground; he had no form nor comeliness that we should look at him, there was no countenance that we should desire him. 3 He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with sickness; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he has borne our sicknesses, and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, struck by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded because of our transgressions, he was bruised because of our iniquities; his sufferings were that we might have peace; and by his injury we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed, but he humbled himself and opened not his mouth; he was brought like a lamb to the slaughter, and like a sheep, that is dumb before its shearers, he did not open his mouth. 8 By oppression and false judgment was he taken away; and of his generation who considered? For he was cut off from the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people. 9 And they made his grave among the wicked, and his tomb among the rich; although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. 10 Yet it pleased the Lord to crush him by sickness; if his soul shall consider it a reward for guilt, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the purpose of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 11 He shall see the labor of his soul, and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge did my servant justify the righteous One to the many, and did bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore I will give him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the plunder with the strong; because he has poured out his soul to death; and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Isaiah lived about 700 BC. Unfortunately there aren't found any writings of that time and you could think of a forgery from a later time. However in the caves of Qumran Isaiah scrolls are found that at least date from 100 BC. In total there are found 21 Isaiah scrolls spread over different caves (Isaiah at Qumran). There are found very little and very small differences compared to the current Hebrew text. This was for me a reason to check Isaiah 53 for codes. And indeed there happens to be a code in that text. With Equidistant Letter Sequence we can find a code of Jesus as well of Messiah. In Isaiah 53:9-10 we find Jesus with ELS 20 and in Isaiah 53:8-11 we find Messiah with ELS 42:
Isaiah 53:1-12
If we places these two code words in a matrix of 20 letters on a row, than we see that the word Messiah crosses the word Jesus and that the have the letter shien in common. This letter we find in Isa.53:10 (KJV) in the phrase: when thou shalt
I don't have all the mathematical relationships on a row, but the first letter of Messiah, the mem, , is the 530th letter of Isa.53, which is of cause 10x53. We find this letter in column 10 and in row 27. The number 27 is the center between 1 and 53. This letter mem is the first letter in verse eleven. The number value of verse eleven is 3168, equal to the CV of the phrase 'Lord Jesus Christ'. The title 'Lord', !"#$%&, for Jesus is mentioned for the first time in the book Luke. The writing form for Lord Jesus Christ with the number value 3168 occurs for the first time in 1Cor.8:6.
Isa.53:11 He shall see the labor of his soul, and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge did my servant justify the righteous One to the many, and did bear their iniquities..
214 3168
(1Cor.8:6) Jesus
!"#$%& 9:;%"& <#$;=%& 800 888 1480 3168 The first letter of Jesus in the code is letter 508, which is the 49th (7x7) jod in Isa.53. 508 is the number value of the word 'I have pardoned' like it is used in Num.14:20:
I have forgiven */>') 10+400+8+30+60=508 Num.14:20
If we make from the same text of Isa.53 a matrix of 42 letters on a row, that's to say with the ELS 42 of the Messiah code, than we find the word Messiah in column 26: (In matrix 20 we find the first letter of Jesus in row 26)
By the way, the gematria in 'n' (the letter places in the alphabet) of Jesus, Jeshua, is 53:
Gematria in 'n' Jesus 1,6* 16+6+21+10 =53