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LMT For RNC Huawei

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RNC V100R012

LMT User Guide

Issue Date

01 2009-12-25

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

RNC LMT User Guide


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1 1 Changes in RNC LMT User Guide.........................................................................................1-1 2 Introduction to the RNC LMT.................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Definitions of the LMT...................................................................................................................................2-2 2.2 Functions of the RNC LMT............................................................................................................................2-2 2.3 Networking of the RNC OM System..............................................................................................................2-2 2.4 Computer Requirements of the LMT..............................................................................................................2-3

3 Subsystems of the LMT Application......................................................................................3-1

3.1 Local Maintenance Terminal of RNC.............................................................................................................3-2 3.2 FTP Client of RNC LMT................................................................................................................................3-4 3.3 Trace Viewer of RNC LMT............................................................................................................................3-5 3.4 Monitor Viewer of RNC LMT........................................................................................................................3-6 3.5 Performance Browser Tool of RNC LMT......................................................................................................3-7 3.6 Convert Management System of RNC LMT..................................................................................................3-8

4 Installing the RNC LMT Application....................................................................................4-1 5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT.......................................................................................5-1
5.1 Setting the IP Address of the RNC LMT PC..................................................................................................5-3 5.2 Connecting the RNC LMT to the BAM..........................................................................................................5-5 5.3 Starting the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC....................................................................................5-6 5.4 Setting the Properties of the RNC Local Maintenance Terminal..................................................................5-10 5.5 Configuring the Identity Certificate..............................................................................................................5-11 5.6 Setting the Office Information on the RNC LMT.........................................................................................5-13 5.7 Locking the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC.................................................................................5-17 5.8 Unlocking the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC.............................................................................5-18 5.9 Exiting the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC..................................................................................5-18

6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management......................................................................6-1

6.1 Concepts of RNC LMT Authority Management.............................................................................................6-2 6.1.1 Principles of RNC LMT Authority Management..................................................................................6-2 6.1.2 RNC Operator Password .......................................................................................................................6-2 6.1.3 RNC Command Groups.........................................................................................................................6-3 6.1.4 RNC Users..............................................................................................................................................6-4 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i


RNC LMT User Guide 6.1.5 RNC Operator Authorities.....................................................................................................................6-4 6.1.6 RNC Operation Time Limits..................................................................................................................6-5

6.2 Managing RNC Operators...............................................................................................................................6-6 6.2.1 Defining Policies for Login Passwords..................................................................................................6-7 6.2.2 Adding an RNC External Operator Account..........................................................................................6-7 6.2.3 Modifying the Properties of an RNC External Operator Account.........................................................6-9 6.2.4 Deleting an RNC External Operator Account......................................................................................6-11 6.2.5 Changing the Password of the RNC Active Operator Account...........................................................6-12 6.3 Managing RNC Command Groups...............................................................................................................6-13 6.3.1 Querying RNC Command Groups.......................................................................................................6-13 6.3.2 Renaming an RNC Command Group...................................................................................................6-13 6.3.3 Changing Commands in an RNC Command Group............................................................................6-14

7 Running RNC MML Commands............................................................................................7-1

7.1 Definitions of RNC MML Commands............................................................................................................7-3 7.1.1 Introduction to RNC MML Commands.................................................................................................7-3 7.1.2 Introduction to the RNC MML Client....................................................................................................7-5 7.1.3 RNC Data Configuration Right Management........................................................................................7-6 7.1.4 RNC Data Configuration Mode.............................................................................................................7-7 7.1.5 RNC Data Configuration Rollback........................................................................................................7-9 7.1.6 RNC Data Consistency Check.............................................................................................................7-10 7.2 Starting the RNC MML Client......................................................................................................................7-10 7.3 Running a Single RNC MML Command......................................................................................................7-11 7.4 Batch Running RNC MML Commands........................................................................................................7-12 7.5 Switching RNC Subracks to the Online Mode..............................................................................................7-14 7.6 Switching RNC Subracks to the Offline Mode.............................................................................................7-15 7.7 Checking Data Configuration Mode.............................................................................................................7-16 7.8 Viewing the Ownership of Data Configuration Right..................................................................................7-16 7.9 Obtaining the Ownership of Data Configuration Right................................................................................7-17 7.10 Releasing the Data Configuration Right.....................................................................................................7-18 7.11 Undoing/Redoing a Single RNC Data Configuration Action.....................................................................7-19 7.12 Undoing/Redoing Multiple Data Configuration Actions............................................................................7-19

8 Managing the RNC License..................................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Basic Concepts of the RNC License...............................................................................................................8-2 8.1.1 License File............................................................................................................................................8-2 8.1.2 License Control for Multiple Operators.................................................................................................8-3 8.1.3 License Validation Mechanism..............................................................................................................8-5 8.2 Activating the RNC License...........................................................................................................................8-7 8.2.1 Obtaining ESN Information from the RNC..........................................................................................8-7 8.2.2 Uploading the RNC License File to the BAM.......................................................................................8-8 8.2.3 Checking RNC Basic Information and Operator Information...............................................................8-9 8.2.4 Activating and Verifying the License..................................................................................................8-10 8.3 Reallocating the RNC License......................................................................................................................8-11 ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


8.4 Checking RNC Current User Number/Throughput......................................................................................8-12

9 Managing RNC Alarms.............................................................................................................9-1

9.1 Definitions of RNC Alarm Management........................................................................................................9-2 9.1.1 Introduction to RNC Alarm Management..............................................................................................9-2 9.1.2 Alarm Type............................................................................................................................................9-4 9.1.3 Alarm Severity.......................................................................................................................................9-5 9.1.4 RNC Event Alarm Types.......................................................................................................................9-5 9.1.5 RNC Alarm Box.....................................................................................................................................9-6 9.2 Setting RNC Alarm Logs................................................................................................................................9-6 9.2.1 Setting the Capacity and Time Limit of an RNC Alarm Log................................................................9-7 9.2.2 Querying the Capacity and Time Limit of an RNC Alarm Log.............................................................9-7 9.3 Filtering RNC Alarms.....................................................................................................................................9-7 9.3.1 Adding an RNC Alarm Shield...............................................................................................................9-8 9.3.2 Deleting an RNC Alarm Shield..............................................................................................................9-8 9.3.3 Querying RNC Alarm Shields................................................................................................................9-9 9.4 Masking RNC Alarms.....................................................................................................................................9-9 9.4.1 Setting the Mask Level of an RNC Alarm.............................................................................................9-9 9.4.2 Querying the Mask Level of an RNC Alarm.......................................................................................9-10 9.5 Monitoring RNC Alarms...............................................................................................................................9-10 9.5.1 Setting the Properties of the Alarm Browse Window..........................................................................9-11 9.5.2 Setting the Properties of RNC Fault Alarm Sounds.............................................................................9-12 9.5.3 Browsing Alarms..................................................................................................................................9-13 9.5.4 Querying RNC Alarm Logs.................................................................................................................9-15 9.5.5 Querying Alarm Handling Suggestions...............................................................................................9-17 9.5.6 Manually Setting a Cleared Alarm.......................................................................................................9-19 9.5.7 Saving the Information on an RNC Alarm...........................................................................................9-19 9.5.8 Setting the Preferences for Printing Alarms in Real Time...................................................................9-21 9.5.9 Manually Printing Alarms....................................................................................................................9-22 9.6 Managing the Convert Management System................................................................................................9-23 9.6.1 Starting the Convert Management System...........................................................................................9-24 9.6.2 Setting the Parameters of the Convert Management System...............................................................9-24 9.6.3 Saving the Information in the Output Window....................................................................................9-25 9.6.4 Exiting the Convert Management System............................................................................................9-25 9.7 Operating the RNC Alarm Box.....................................................................................................................9-26 9.7.1 Connecting the RNC Alarm Box to the RNC LMT.............................................................................9-26 9.7.2 Resetting the RNC Alarm Box.............................................................................................................9-27 9.7.3 Stopping an RNC Alarm Sound...........................................................................................................9-28 9.7.4 Manually Turning Off an RNC Alarm Light.......................................................................................9-29 9.7.5 Querying the Version of the RNC Alarm Box.....................................................................................9-30 9.7.6 Querying the State of an RNC Alarm Light.........................................................................................9-31 9.7.7 Setting the Shield Severity of the RNC Alarm Box.............................................................................9-31 9.7.8 Querying the Mask Level of the RNC Alarm Box...............................................................................9-32 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii


RNC LMT User Guide

10 Managing RNC Logs.............................................................................................................10-1

10.1 Definitions of RNC Log Management........................................................................................................10-3 10.1.1 RNC Log Types.................................................................................................................................10-3 10.1.2 RNC Log Management Authority......................................................................................................10-3 10.2 Setting the Time and Count Limits of the RNC Log..................................................................................10-3 10.3 Querying the Time and Count Limits of the RNC Log...............................................................................10-4 10.4 Querying an RNC Operation Log...............................................................................................................10-4 10.5 Exporting an RNC Operation Log..............................................................................................................10-5 10.6 Querying RNC Security Logs.....................................................................................................................10-6 10.7 Exporting an RNC Security Log.................................................................................................................10-7 10.8 Obtaining an RNC Running Log.................................................................................................................10-8 10.9 Collecting Fault Log Information...............................................................................................................10-9

11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel.......11-1
11.1 Using the RNC Device Panel......................................................................................................................11-2 11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel...............................................................................................11-2 11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel..........................................................................................................11-3 11.1.3 Showing or Hiding the Legend on the RNC Device Panel................................................................11-4 11.1.4 Showing or Hiding the Failure Bar on the RNC Device Panel..........................................................11-6 11.1.5 Browsing the Status of an RNC Board...............................................................................................11-7 11.1.6 Querying the Detailed Information on the Status of an RNC Board..................................................11-8 11.1.7 Querying the CPU/DSP Usage of an RNC Board..............................................................................11-9 11.1.8 Switching over RNC Boards............................................................................................................11-10 11.2 Using the RNC Display Panel...................................................................................................................11-10 11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel............................................................................................11-11 11.2.2 Starting the RNC Display Panel.......................................................................................................11-12 11.2.3 Viewing the Status of a WFMRc DSP.............................................................................................11-13 11.2.4 Viewing the Status of an RNC Board Port.......................................................................................11-13 11.2.5 Querying Alarms through a Board Alarm Light..............................................................................11-14 11.3 Querying the Configuration Mode of a Subrack.......................................................................................11-16 11.4 Maintaining the WRSS Subrack...............................................................................................................11-16

12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing..................................................................................12-1

12.1 Concepts of RNC Message Tracing Management......................................................................................12-4 12.1.1 Functions of RNC Message Tracing Management............................................................................12-4 12.1.2 Working Principles of RNC Message Tracing Management.............................................................12-4 12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management............................................................................12-5 12.2 Tracing Iu Interface Messages....................................................................................................................12-6 12.3 Tracing Iur Interface Messages...................................................................................................................12-9 12.4 Tracing Iub Interface Messages................................................................................................................12-12 12.5 Tracing Uu Interface Messages.................................................................................................................12-14 12.6 Tracing UE Messages................................................................................................................................12-17 12.7 Tracing IOS Messages..............................................................................................................................12-20 12.8 Tracing Cell Messages..............................................................................................................................12-21 iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


12.9 Tracing REDIRECT Messages.................................................................................................................12-22 12.10 Tracing MNCDT Messages....................................................................................................................12-25 12.10.1 Tracing Messages of Missed Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cells.................................................12-26 12.10.2 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cells.................................................12-27 12.10.3 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-RAT Neighboring Cells..........................................................12-28 12.11 Tracing OS Messages..............................................................................................................................12-29 12.12 Tracing IP Messages...............................................................................................................................12-30 12.13 Tracing SCCP Messages.........................................................................................................................12-30 12.14 Tracing MTP3B Messages......................................................................................................................12-33 12.15 Tracing QAAL2 Messages......................................................................................................................12-35 12.16 Tracing SAAL Messages........................................................................................................................12-37 12.17 Tracing SCTP Messages.........................................................................................................................12-39 12.18 Tracing M3UA Messages........................................................................................................................12-42 12.19 Tracing Location Messages.....................................................................................................................12-43 12.20 Basic Operations of RNC Message Tracing...........................................................................................12-45 12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online...................................................................................12-45 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task.................................................................................12-47 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation.....................................................................................................12-47 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message....................................................................................................12-47 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task.......................................................................................................12-49 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task...................................................................................................12-50 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task.....................................................................................................12-51 12.20.8 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Offline...................................................................................12-51 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task.........................................................................................12-55 12.20.10 Managing All Tracing Tasks........................................................................................................12-55 12.21 Parameter Reference for Tracing and Viewing RNC Messages.............................................................12-56 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing................................................................................12-57 12.21.2 Parameter Reference for Iur Interface Tracing...............................................................................12-58 12.21.3 Parameter Reference for Iub Interface Tracing..............................................................................12-60 12.21.4 Parameter Reference for Uu Interface Tracing..............................................................................12-61 12.21.5 Parameter Reference for UE Tracing.............................................................................................12-61 12.21.6 Parameter Reference for IOS Tracing............................................................................................12-62 12.21.7 Parameter Reference for Cell Tracing............................................................................................12-63 12.21.8 Parameter Reference for REDIRECT Tracing...............................................................................12-64 12.21.9 Parameter Reference for Intra-Frequency MNCDT Tracing.........................................................12-64 12.21.10 Parameter Reference for Inter-Frequency MNCDT Tracing.......................................................12-65 12.21.11 Parameter Reference for Inter-RAT MNCDT Tracing................................................................12-66 12.21.12 Parameter Reference for OS Tracing...........................................................................................12-68 12.21.13 Parameter Reference for IP Message Tracing..............................................................................12-69 12.21.14 Paramter Reference for Location Reporting Control...................................................................12-70

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring........................................................................13-1

13.1 Concepts of RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring..............................................................................13-2 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v


RNC LMT User Guide 13.1.1 Introduction to RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring................................................................13-2 13.1.2 Working Principles of RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring....................................................13-2 13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring..............................................................13-4

13.2 Monitoring the RNC CPU Usage................................................................................................................13-4 13.3 Monitoring the RNC Connection Performance...........................................................................................13-8 13.3.1 Monitoring P-CPICH Ec/No and RSCP.............................................................................................13-9 13.3.2 Monitoring the SIR Measurement Values of UL RLSs...................................................................13-11 13.3.3 Monitoring the SIR Error Values of UL RLSs................................................................................13-13 13.3.4 Monitoring DL Code TX Power......................................................................................................13-15 13.3.5 Monitoring the UE TX Power..........................................................................................................13-16 13.3.6 Monitoring UL Traffic.....................................................................................................................13-18 13.3.7 Monitoring DL Traffic.....................................................................................................................13-20 13.3.8 Monitoring UL Throughput and Bandwidth....................................................................................13-21 13.3.9 Monitoring DL Throughput and Bandwidth....................................................................................13-23 13.3.10 Monitoring Handover Delay..........................................................................................................13-24 13.3.11 Monitoring the BLER of the DL Transport Channel.....................................................................13-26 13.3.12 Monitoring the AMR Mode...........................................................................................................13-27 13.3.13 Monitoring the Enhanced Outer Loop Power Control...................................................................13-29 13.4 Monitoring the RNC Cell Performance....................................................................................................13-30 13.4.1 Monitoring Cell P-CPICH TX Power..............................................................................................13-32 13.4.2 Monitoring UL RX Total Wideband Power of a Cell......................................................................13-33 13.4.3 Monitoring DL Carrier TX Power of a Cell.....................................................................................13-35 13.4.4 Monitoring the Number of Cell Users..............................................................................................13-37 13.4.5 Monitoring Node Synchronization...................................................................................................13-38 13.4.6 Monitoring the UL CAC..................................................................................................................13-40 13.4.7 Monitoring DL CAC........................................................................................................................13-42 13.4.8 Monitoring the Number of UL Equivalent Users.............................................................................13-43 13.4.9 Monitoring the Number of DL Equivalent Users.............................................................................13-44 13.4.10 Monitoring the Cell Code Tree......................................................................................................13-46 13.4.11 Monitoring the Minimum Required Power of the HS-DSCH........................................................13-47 13.4.12 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the HS-DSCH.....................................................................13-49 13.4.13 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the E-DCH..........................................................................13-50 13.4.14 Monitoring the Cell CE..................................................................................................................13-51 13.4.15 Monitoring the FDPCH SYMBOL................................................................................................13-52 13.5 Monitoring the RNC Link Performance....................................................................................................13-54 13.5.1 Monitoring the IMA Group Traffic..................................................................................................13-55 13.5.2 Monitoring the UNI Link Traffic.....................................................................................................13-57 13.5.3 Monitoring the Fractional ATM Link Traffic..................................................................................13-59 13.5.4 Monitoring the SAAL Link Traffic..................................................................................................13-61 13.5.5 Monitoring the IPoA PVC Traffic...................................................................................................13-62 13.5.6 Monitoring the QoS of an IP Path....................................................................................................13-64 13.5.7 Monitoring the AAL2 Path Traffic..................................................................................................13-66 vi Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


13.5.8 Monitoring the FE/GE Traffic..........................................................................................................13-68 13.5.9 Monitoring the PPP Link Traffic.....................................................................................................13-70 13.5.10 Monitoring the MLPPP Group Traffic...........................................................................................13-72 13.5.11 Monitoring the SCTP Link Traffic.................................................................................................13-73 13.5.12 Monitoring the Performance of a QoS Queue................................................................................13-75 13.5.13 Monitoring the IP Path Traffic.......................................................................................................13-77 13.5.14 Monitoring the IP Performance......................................................................................................13-79 13.5.15 Monitoring OAM Traffic...............................................................................................................13-80 13.5.16 Monitoring the Logical Ports.........................................................................................................13-82 13.6 Monitoring PVC Traffic............................................................................................................................13-83 13.7 Basic RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring Operations....................................................................13-85 13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online...............................................................................13-86 13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode............................................................................................................13-87 13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode....................................................................................................13-88 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart...........................................................................................13-88 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results......................................................................................................13-89 13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task...........................................................................13-90 13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task...........................................................................................13-90 13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task.........................................................................................13-91 13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task.................................................................................................13-91 13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline...................................................................................13-92 13.8 Parameter Reference for RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring........................................................13-95 13.8.1 Parameter Reference for RNC CPU Usage Monitoring...................................................................13-95 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring.......................................................13-96 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring...................................................................13-97 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring..................................................................13-97 13.8.5 Parameter Reference for PVC Traffic Monitoring...........................................................................13-99

14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool............................................................14-1

14.1 Introduction to RNC Performance Management.........................................................................................14-3 14.2 Starting the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool...................................................................................14-4 14.3 Exiting the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool....................................................................................14-4 14.4 Setting the Parameters of the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool........................................................14-4 14.5 Downloading Performance Measurement Results......................................................................................14-6 14.6 Querying Performance Measurement Data.................................................................................................14-8 14.7 Filtering Performance Measurement Data..................................................................................................14-9 14.8 Exporting Performance Measurement Data..............................................................................................14-10 14.9 Browsing Description Files.......................................................................................................................14-11

15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT..............................................................................15-1

15.1 Logging in to the FTP Server on the LMT FTP Client...............................................................................15-2 15.2 Uploading Data Files to the RNC FTP Server............................................................................................15-3 15.3 Downloading Data Files from the RNC FTP Server...................................................................................15-4 15.4 Setting the Encryption Mode of the RNC FTP Server................................................................................15-5 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vii


RNC LMT User Guide

15.5 Querying the Encryption Mode of the RNC FTP Server............................................................................15-5 15.6 Disconnecting the LMT FTP Client from the RNC FTP Server.................................................................15-5


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


Figure 2-1 LMT networking structure..................................................................................................................2-3 Figure 3-1 Main interface of the Local Maintenance Terminal...........................................................................3-2 Figure 3-2 Main interface of the FTP Client........................................................................................................3-4 Figure 3-3 Main interface of the Trace Viewer....................................................................................................3-6 Figure 3-4 Main interface of the Monitor Viewer................................................................................................3-7 Figure 3-5 Main interface of the Performance Browser Tool..............................................................................3-8 Figure 3-6 Main interface of the Convert Management System..........................................................................3-9 Figure 4-1 Selecting a setup language..................................................................................................................4-1 Figure 4-2 Copyright notice.................................................................................................................................4-2 Figure 4-3 Selecting software components..........................................................................................................4-3 Figure 4-4 Confirming installation.......................................................................................................................4-4 Figure 5-1 Local Area Connection Properties dialog box....................................................................................5-4 Figure 5-2 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box.............................................................................. 5-5 Figure 5-3 Checking the icon of LMT Service Manager on the status bar..........................................................5-7 Figure 5-4 User Login dialog box........................................................................................................................5-7 Figure 5-5 Office Management dialog box..........................................................................................................5-8 Figure 5-6 Adding an office.................................................................................................................................5-8 Figure 5-7 Office Management dialog box..........................................................................................................5-9 Figure 5-8 User Login dialog box........................................................................................................................5-9 Figure 5-9 Certificate Configuration dialog box................................................................................................5-12 Figure 5-10 Open dialog box..............................................................................................................................5-13 Figure 5-11 Office Management dialog box......................................................................................................5-14 Figure 5-12 Adding an office.............................................................................................................................5-14 Figure 5-13 Modifying an office........................................................................................................................5-15 Figure 5-14 Open dialog box..............................................................................................................................5-16 Figure 5-15 Adding an office.............................................................................................................................5-17 Figure 6-1 Setting password policies................................................................................................................... 6-7 Figure 6-2 Operator Management dialog box......................................................................................................6-8 Figure 6-3 Modifying an operator......................................................................................................................6-10 Figure 6-4 Operator Management dialog box....................................................................................................6-10 Figure 6-5 Deleting an operator.........................................................................................................................6-11 Figure 6-6 Change Password dialog box............................................................................................................6-12 Figure 6-7 Setting the name of a command group.............................................................................................6-14 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ix


RNC LMT User Guide Figure 6-8 Modifying a command group...........................................................................................................6-15

Figure 7-1 MML client.........................................................................................................................................7-5 Figure 7-2 RNC online data configuration...........................................................................................................7-7 Figure 7-3 RNC offline data configuration..........................................................................................................7-8 Figure 7-4 Immediate batch running of MML commands.................................................................................7-13 Figure 7-5 Scheduled batch running of MML commands.................................................................................7-14 Figure 7-6 Subrack data configuration mode.....................................................................................................7-16 Figure 7-7 Data configuration user being NULL...............................................................................................7-17 Figure 7-8 Data configuration user being admin................................................................................................7-17 Figure 7-9 Data configuration right owned by admin........................................................................................7-18 Figure 8-1 Activating the license of the primary operator...................................................................................8-4 Figure 8-2 Activating the license of the secondary operator................................................................................8-4 Figure 8-3 ESN in the returned message..............................................................................................................8-8 Figure 8-4 Adding the basic information about the RNC....................................................................................8-9 Figure 8-5 Adding the basic information about the primary operator..................................................................8-9 Figure 8-6 ESN in the returned message............................................................................................................8-10 Figure 9-1 Process of alarm management............................................................................................................9-3 Figure 9-2 Alarm box...........................................................................................................................................9-3 Figure 9-3 Process of driving the alarm box........................................................................................................9-4 Figure 9-4 Alarm box...........................................................................................................................................9-6 Figure 9-5 Alarm Browse window.....................................................................................................................9-11 Figure 9-6 Customizing alarms..........................................................................................................................9-13 Figure 9-7 Details of an alarm............................................................................................................................9-14 Figure 9-8 Querying an alarm log......................................................................................................................9-16 Figure 9-9 Query Alarm Log window................................................................................................................9-16 Figure 9-10 Details of an alarm..........................................................................................................................9-18 Figure 9-11 Alarm online help...........................................................................................................................9-18 Figure 9-12 Saving alarms.................................................................................................................................9-21 Figure 9-13 Setting alarm real-time print...........................................................................................................9-22 Figure 9-14 Printing alarms................................................................................................................................9-23 Figure 9-15 Configuring the Convert Management System..............................................................................9-24 Figure 9-16 Configuring the Convert Management System..............................................................................9-27 Figure 9-17 Resetting alarm box........................................................................................................................9-28 Figure 9-18 Alarmbox Control dialog box.........................................................................................................9-29 Figure 9-19 Alarmbox Control dialog box.........................................................................................................9-30 Figure 9-20 Setting the alarm shield severity.....................................................................................................9-32 Figure 9-21 Querying alarm mask level.............................................................................................................9-33 Figure 10-1 Server entry bar..............................................................................................................................10-6 Figure 10-2 Server entry bar..............................................................................................................................10-7 Figure 10-3 Server entry bar..............................................................................................................................10-8 Figure 11-1 RNC device panel...........................................................................................................................11-3 Figure 11-2 Navigation tree of the device panel................................................................................................11-4 x Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


Figure 11-3 Displaying the color legend............................................................................................................11-5 Figure 11-4 Hiding the color legend..................................................................................................................11-5 Figure 11-5 To show the failure bar, perform the following step:.....................................................................11-6 Figure 11-6 Hiding the failure bar......................................................................................................................11-7 Figure 11-7 Querying details of boards..............................................................................................................11-8 Figure 11-8 Output interface of the CPU/DSP Usage window..........................................................................11-9 Figure 11-9 RNC display panel........................................................................................................................11-11 Figure 11-10 Edge of a subrack.......................................................................................................................11-12 Figure 11-11 Information about the status of an optical port on the WLPU....................................................11-14 Figure 11-12 Query The Alarm Information Of Alarm Lamp.........................................................................11-15 Figure 11-13 Query The Alarm Information Of Alarm Lamp dialog box.......................................................11-15 Figure 11-14 Configuration modes of subracks...............................................................................................11-16 Figure 12-1 Working principles of the message tracing....................................................................................12-5 Figure 12-2 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing............................................................................12-7 Figure 12-3 Output of Iu interface tracing......................................................................................................12-8 Figure 12-4 Setting the parameters for Iur interface tracing...........................................................................12-10 Figure 12-5 Output of Iur interface tracing..................................................................................................12-11 Figure 12-6 Setting the parameters for Iub interface tracing........................................................................12-13 Figure 12-7 Output of Iub interface tracing.................................................................................................12-14 Figure 12-8 Setting the parameters for Uu interface tracing.........................................................................12-15 Figure 12-9 Output of Uu interface tracing...................................................................................................12-16 Figure 12-10 Setting the parameters for UE tracing ......................................................................................12-18 Figure 12-11 Output of UE tracing.................................................................................................................12-19 Figure 12-12 Setting the parameters for REDIRECT tracing .....................................................................12-23 Figure 12-13 Output of REDIRECT tracing................................................................................................12-24 Figure 12-14 Save dialog box..........................................................................................................................12-24 Figure 12-15 Missed intra-frequency neighboring cell tracing........................................................................12-26 Figure 12-16 Missed inter-frequency neighboring cell tracing........................................................................12-27 Figure 12-17 Missed inter-RAT neighboring cell tracing................................................................................12-28 Figure 12-18 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing.........................................................................12-31 Figure 12-19 Output of SCCP tracing...........................................................................................................12-32 Figure 12-20 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing.........................................................................12-34 Figure 12-21 Output of MTP3B tracing........................................................................................................12-35 Figure 12-22 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing.........................................................................12-38 Figure 12-23 Output of SAAL tracing...........................................................................................................12-39 Figure 12-24 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing.........................................................................12-41 Figure 12-25 Output of SCTP tracing...........................................................................................................12-42 Figure 12-26 Message Browser window.........................................................................................................12-46 Figure 12-27 Save dialog box.........................................................................................................................12-49 Figure 12-28 Pausing a tracing task.................................................................................................................12-50 Figure 12-29 Resuming a tracing task..............................................................................................................12-50 Figure 12-30 Stopping a tracing task...............................................................................................................12-51 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xi


RNC LMT User Guide Figure 12-31 Opening a file containing traced messages.................................................................................12-52 Figure 12-32 Displaying traced messages........................................................................................................12-53

Figure 12-33 Message Browser window.........................................................................................................12-54 Figure 13-1 CPU usage monitoring....................................................................................................................13-3 Figure 13-2 Working principle of connection/cell/link performance monitoring..............................................13-3 Figure 13-3 Add Tasks dialog box.....................................................................................................................13-5 Figure 13-4 List tab page of the CPU Usage monitoring window.....................................................................13-6 Figure 13-5 Chart tab page of the CPU Usage monitoring window..................................................................13-6 Figure 13-6 Querying the properties of a CPU usage monitoring task..............................................................13-7 Figure 13-7 Connection performance monitoring dialog box..........................................................................13-10 Figure 13-8 Connection performance monitoring dialog box..........................................................................13-12 Figure 13-9 Connection performance monitoring dialog box......................................................................13-14 Figure 13-10 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-15 Figure 13-11 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-17 Figure 13-12 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-19 Figure 13-13 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-20 Figure 13-14 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-22 Figure 13-15 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-23 Figure 13-16 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-25 Figure 13-17 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-26 Figure 13-18 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-28 Figure 13-19 Connection performance monitoring dialog box........................................................................13-29 Figure 13-20 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-32 Figure 13-21 Output interface of cell P-CPICH TX power monitoring...........................................................13-33 Figure 13-22 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-34 Figure 13-23 Output interface of UL RX total wideband power monitoring for a cell...................................13-35 Figure 13-24 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-36 Figure 13-25 Output interface of DL TX carrier power monitoring for a cell.................................................13-37 Figure 13-26 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-38 Figure 13-27 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-39 Figure 13-28 Output interface of node synchronization monitoring................................................................13-40 Figure 13-29 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-41 Figure 13-30 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-42 Figure 13-31 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-44 Figure 13-32 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-45 Figure 13-33 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-46 Figure 13-34 Output of the cell code tree usage in static view........................................................................13-47 Figure 13-35 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-48 Figure 13-36 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-49 Figure 13-37 Cell performance monitoring dialog box....................................................................................13-50 Figure 13-38 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-52 Figure 13-39 Cell performance monitoring dialog box................................................................................13-53 xii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 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Figure 13-40 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-56 Figure 13-41 Output interface of IMA group real-time traffic monitoring......................................................13-57 Figure 13-42 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-58 Figure 13-43 Output interface of UNI link real-time traffic monitoring..........................................................13-59 Figure 13-44 Link performance monitoring dialog box...............................................................................13-60 Figure 13-45 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-61 Figure 13-46 Output interface of SAAL link real-time traffic monitoring......................................................13-62 Figure 13-47 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-63 Figure 13-48 Output interface of IPoA PVC real-time traffic monitoring.......................................................13-64 Figure 13-49 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-65 Figure 13-50 Output interface of IP path QoS monitoring..............................................................................13-66 Figure 13-51 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-67 Figure 13-52 Output interface of AAL2 path real-time traffic monitoring......................................................13-68 Figure 13-53 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-69 Figure 13-54 Output interface of FE/GE real-time traffic monitoring.............................................................13-70 Figure 13-55 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-71 Figure 13-56 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-72 Figure 13-57 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-74 Figure 13-58 Output interface of SCTP link real-time traffic monitoring.......................................................13-75 Figure 13-59 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-76 Figure 13-60 Output interface of QoS performance monitoring......................................................................13-77 Figure 13-61 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-78 Figure 13-62 Output interface of IP path real-time traffic monitoring............................................................13-79 Figure 13-63 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-80 Figure 13-64 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-81 Figure 13-65 Link performance monitoring dialog box...................................................................................13-82 Figure 13-66 PVC performance monitoring dialog box..................................................................................13-84 Figure 13-67 Output interface of PVC real-time traffic monitoring................................................................13-85 Figure 13-68 Adding CPU usage monitoring tasks..........................................................................................13-90 Figure 13-69 Deleting the CPU usage monitoring tasks..................................................................................13-91 Figure 13-70 Open dialog box..........................................................................................................................13-93 Figure 13-71 Displaying monitoring results in a list........................................................................................13-94 Figure 13-72 Displaying monitoring results in a chart.....................................................................................13-94 Figure 14-1 Process of performance measurement............................................................................................14-3 Figure 14-2 Select NE dialog box......................................................................................................................14-5 Figure 14-3 NE Configure dialog box..............................................................................................................14-5 Figure 14-4 Downloading the measurement results...........................................................................................14-7 Figure 14-5 Auto Download Settings dialog box...............................................................................................14-7 Figure 14-6 Add dialog box...............................................................................................................................14-8 Figure 14-7 Querying performance measurement results..................................................................................14-9 Figure 14-8 Filtering results.............................................................................................................................14-10 Figure 14-9 Save dialog box............................................................................................................................14-11 Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xiii


RNC LMT User Guide Figure 14-10 Browsing description files..........................................................................................................14-12 Figure 14-11 Checking details.........................................................................................................................14-12 Figure 15-1 Main interface of the FTP Client....................................................................................................15-2


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RNC LMT User Guide


Table 2-1 Hardware requirements........................................................................................................................2-4 Table 2-2 Software requirements.........................................................................................................................2-4 Table 3-1 Main interface of the Local Maintenance Terminal.............................................................................3-2 Table 3-2 Online help of the Local Maintenance Terminal.................................................................................3-3 Table 3-3 Main interface of the FTP Client.........................................................................................................3-4 Table 3-4 Online help of the FTP Client..............................................................................................................3-5 Table 3-5 Online help of the Trace Viewer..........................................................................................................3-6 Table 3-6 Online help of the Monitor Viewer......................................................................................................3-7 Table 3-7 Online help of the Performance Browser Tool....................................................................................3-8 Table 3-8 Online help of the Convert Management System................................................................................3-9 Table 6-1 Command groups.................................................................................................................................6-3 Table 6-2 External operators of different levels...................................................................................................6-5 Table 6-3 Examples of operation time limit settings............................................................................................6-6 Table 7-1 Actions of the MML commands..........................................................................................................7-3 Table 7-2 Fields on the MML client.....................................................................................................................7-5 Table 7-3 RNC offline commands........................................................................................................................7-8 Table 9-1 Fault alarms and event alarms..............................................................................................................9-4 Table 9-2 Alarm severity levels............................................................................................................................9-5 Table 9-3 Display properties and setting methods.............................................................................................9-12 Table 12-1 Parameters on the input GUI..........................................................................................................12-65 Table 12-2 Parameters on the output GUI........................................................................................................12-65 Table 12-3 Parameters on the input GUI..........................................................................................................12-65 Table 12-4 Parameters on the output GUI........................................................................................................12-66 Table 12-5 Parameters on the input GUI..........................................................................................................12-67 Table 12-6 Parameters on the output GUI........................................................................................................12-67 Table 14-1 Parameters in the NE Configure dialog box....................................................................................14-6 Table 15-1 Implementation method of encryption.............................................................................................15-3

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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RNC LMT User Guide

About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the installation, functions, and interfaces of the RNC Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT). It also provides instructions for performing basic OM operations.

Product Version
The following table lists the product version related to this document. Product Name RNC Product Model BSC6800 Product Version V100R012

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
l l l l

Network operators Shift operators System engineers Field engineers

1 Changes in RNC LMT User Guide This describes the changes in RNC LMT User Guide. 2 Introduction to the RNC LMT This describes the LMT and its program group. 3 Subsystems of the LMT Application This describes the subsystems of the LMT application.
Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1


RNC LMT User Guide

4 Installing the RNC LMT Application This describes how to install the RNC LMT application. It takes V100R011C00SPC100 as an example. 5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT This describes how to start, configure, use, and quit the LMT application. When running the LMT application, ensure that the free space of the hard disk is no less than 1 GB. 6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management This describes the basic concepts related to the management authorities and how to manage the operators and the command groups. 7 Running RNC MML Commands This describes how to run the RNC MML commands. 8 Managing the RNC License This describes how to manage the RNC license, for example, activate and reallocate the RNC license, check the quantity of current RNC operators, the traffic on the RNC, or the alarms related to the RNC license. 9 Managing RNC Alarms This describes how to manage RNC command groups. 10 Managing RNC Logs This describes how to manage the RNC logs. The logs are saved in .txt and .log files. 11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel This describes how to manage the RNC equipment by using the device panel and display panel. By performing this task, you can query the information about the boards, board ports, board links, and board alarms in GUI mode. 12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing This describes how to manage the RNC traced messages. RNC message tracing is implemented through menus. You can use the Trace Viewer to query the tracing data recorded in the files. 13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring This describes how to monitor RNC performance in real time. 14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool This describes how to start, configure, and exit the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool. 15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT This describes how to use the FTP Client of the RNC LMT. By performing this task, you can use and exit the FTP Client. You can also set and query the encryption mode of the FTP server.

Symbol Conventions The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide



Description Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided,will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided,could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance degradation, or unexpected results. Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time. Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text.

General Conventions The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Convention Times New Roman Boldface Italic Courier New Description Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman. Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For example, log in as user root. Book titles are in italics. Examples of information displayed on the screen are in Courier New.

Command Conventions The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Convention Boldface Italic [] { x | y | ... } [ x | y | ... ] Description The keywords of a command line are in boldface. Command arguments are in italics. Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional. Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected. Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
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Issue 01 (2009-12-25)


RNC LMT User Guide

Convention { x | y | ... }*

Description Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all items can be selected. Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]*

GUI Conventions The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Convention Boldface > Description Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK. Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Format Key Key 1+Key 2 Key 1, Key 2 Description Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab. Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt +A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently. Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Action Click Double-click Drag Description Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer. Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer. Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

1 Changes in RNC LMT User Guide

01 (2009-12-25)

Changes in RNC LMT User Guide

This describes the changes in RNC LMT User Guide.

This is the field trial release. Compared with issue 02 (2009-03-25) of V100R011, the following parts are deleted: Testing RNC Faults

Compared with issue 02 (2009-03-25) of V100R011, no part is added to this document. The figures of the document are optimized.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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RNC LMT User Guide

2 Introduction to the RNC LMT

About This Chapter

Introduction to the RNC LMT

This describes the LMT and its program group. 2.1 Definitions of the LMT When using the Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT), you need to know the following concepts: LMT, LMT PC, and LMT application. 2.2 Functions of the RNC LMT The RNC OM system functions in client/server mode. The LMT acts as a client, and the Back Administration Module (BAM) acts as a server. 2.3 Networking of the RNC OM System The RNC OM system has the following components: the RNC host, BAM server, and LMT. The BAM server connects to the LMT through a LAN switch or a router. 2.4 Computer Requirements of the LMT Requirements of the computer with the LMT application are hardware requirements, software requirements, and communication capability requirements.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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2 Introduction to the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

2.1 Definitions of the LMT

When using the Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT), you need to know the following concepts: LMT, LMT PC, and LMT application.

The LMT is a logical concept. It refers to the operation and maintenance (OM) terminal that is installed with the Huawei local maintenance terminal software and is connected to the OM network of NEs. The LMT is used to operate and maintain NEs.

The LMT PC is the hardware of the LMT. It refers to the computer to be installed with the LMT application.

LMT Application
The LMT application refers to the Huawei proprietary application, the Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal software group, which is installed on the LMT PC.

2.2 Functions of the RNC LMT

The RNC OM system functions in client/server mode. The LMT acts as a client, and the Back Administration Module (BAM) acts as a server. The LMT communicates with the BAM server through a Local Area Network (LAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN). As an operating terminal, the LMT provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for the operation and maintenance of the RNC equipment. On the LMT, you can run the MML commands, query execution results, trace messages, query alarms, and collect performance statistics.

2.3 Networking of the RNC OM System

The RNC OM system has the following components: the RNC host, BAM server, and LMT. The BAM server connects to the LMT through a LAN switch or a router. Figure 2-1 shows the networking structure of the RNC OM system.


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Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

2 Introduction to the RNC LMT

Figure 2-1 LMT networking structure

RNC Host
The RNC boards closely related to the OM subsystem are WMPU and WMUXb. The WMPU is the main processing board of the WRSS. The WRSS is configured with two WMPUs, which work in active/standby mode. The WMPU connects to the BAM through an Ethernet cable and the LAN switch. The WMUXb is the main processing board of the WRBS. The WRBS is configured with two WMUXbs, which work in active/standby mode. The WMUXb connects to the WLPU in the WRSS through an optical cable.

The BAM server is the server of the RNC OM system. It is installed with Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2000. The RNC can be configured with one or two BAM servers (the BAM_Lower and the BAM_Upper). If it is configured with two BAM servers, the servers work in active/standby mode. The BAM server is configured in the WRSR. The BAM server connects to the LAN switch through Ethernet cables. The active/standby BAM servers are connected through serial cables.

The LMT is the computer on which the LMT application is installed. It is installed with the Windows XP Professional operating system. You can configure one or more LMTs. The LMT connects to the LAN switch directly or through a hub. As the OM terminal, it connects to the alarm box through serial cables to maintain the RNC.

2.4 Computer Requirements of the LMT

Requirements of the computer with the LMT application are hardware requirements, software requirements, and communication capability requirements.
Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2-3

2 Introduction to the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

Hardware Requirements
Table 2-1 lists the hardware requirements for the PC on which the LMT application will be installed. Table 2-1 Hardware requirements Item CPU NO RAM Hard disk Display adapter resolution CD-ROM drive Ethernet adapter Others Quantit y 1 1 1 1 1 5x1 Recommended Configuration 2.8 GHz or above 512 MB 80 GB 1024 by 768 pixels or above 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s Keyboard, mouse, modem, audio adapter, sound box Minimum Configuration 866 MHz 256 MB 10 GB 800 by 600 pixels 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s -

Software Requirements
Table 2-2 lists the software requirements for the PC on which the LMT application will be installed. Table 2-2 Software requirements Item Operating system Default language of the operating system Web browser Recommended Configuration Microsoft Windows XP Professional English (United States) Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later


To guarantee stable system operation, you should install the LMT application on a computer with the recommended configurations.

Communication Capability Requirements

The computer on which the LMT application will be installed supports the TCP/IP protocols.
2-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

Subsystems of the LMT Application

About This Chapter

This describes the subsystems of the LMT application. 3.1 Local Maintenance Terminal of RNC The Local Maintenance Terminal is a subsystem of the LMT application. On the GUI of the Local Maintenance Terminal, you can perform tasks, such as authority management, equipment maintenance, message tracing, and real-time monitoring. The Local Maintenance Terminal supports many Man Machine Language (MML) commands for system configuration and maintenance. In addition, it provides detailed online help. To use the Local Maintenance Terminal for online OM, ensure that the LMT communicates with the BAM properly. 3.2 FTP Client of RNC LMT The FTP Client is an FTP tool for the LMT application. It enables the LMT to communicate with the FTP server through the FTP protocol, and implements ciphering-based FTP transmission. 3.3 Trace Viewer of RNC LMT You can use the Trace Viewer to view the traced messages that are saved in the .tmf files. The Trace Viewer is an offline tool. It can be used when the LMT and the BAM server are disconnected. 3.4 Monitor Viewer of RNC LMT You can use the Monitor Viewer to view the monitoring results of the CPU usage. The results are saved in the .mrf files. The Monitor Viewer is an offline tool. It can be used when the LMT and the BAM are disconnected. 3.5 Performance Browser Tool of RNC LMT You can use the Performance Browser Tool to import the NE measurement description files, in addition to viewing or exporting the result files. 3.6 Convert Management System of RNC LMT The Convert Management System is a subsystem in the RNC LMT application. It is used to convert the alarm information, control information on the alarm box, and status information on the alarm box between the BAM server and the alarm box.

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3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

RNC LMT User Guide

3.1 Local Maintenance Terminal of RNC

The Local Maintenance Terminal is a subsystem of the LMT application. On the GUI of the Local Maintenance Terminal, you can perform tasks, such as authority management, equipment maintenance, message tracing, and real-time monitoring. The Local Maintenance Terminal supports many Man Machine Language (MML) commands for system configuration and maintenance. In addition, it provides detailed online help. To use the Local Maintenance Terminal for online OM, ensure that the LMT communicates with the BAM properly.

Figure 3-1 shows the main interface of the Local Maintenance Terminal. Figure 3-1 Main interface of the Local Maintenance Terminal

Table 3-1 describes the numbered interface components of Local Maintenance Terminal. Table 3-1 Main interface of the Local Maintenance Terminal Num ber 1 2

Field Menu bar Toolbar

Description Displays menus for system operation. Provides shortcut icons for system operation.
Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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RNC LMT User Guide

3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

Num ber 3 4

Field Navigation pane Object area

Description Displays the operation objects in the tree structure.

l l l

Performs system operation. Displays details of operation objects. Displays the MML client when MML Command is active in the navigation tree pane.

Status bar

Displays the name of the current user, the connection status, and the virtual external IP address of the BAM server.

Online Help
The Local Maintenance Terminal provides two kinds of online help:
l l

Local Maintenance Terminal system help MML help

Table 3-2 lists the contents and startup modes of the two kinds of help. Table 3-2 Online help of the Local Maintenance Terminal Name Local Maintenance Terminal system help Content This help provides:

Startup Mode In the Local Maintenance Terminal window,


Meanings of the fields in dialog boxes Function descriptions and operation guidelines of the Local Maintenance Terminal Detailed information on boards Detailed information on alarms Terms and abbreviations

press F1 or choose Help > Help Topics. when a dialog box is displayed in the window, press F1 to display the help information for this dialog box.

MML help

This help provides the following information for each MML command:
l l l l l

Function Note Parameter Example Output description (only for query commands)

Input a command on the MML client, and press Enter. The Help Information window displays the help information about this command.

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3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

RNC LMT User Guide

3.2 FTP Client of RNC LMT

The FTP Client is an FTP tool for the LMT application. It enables the LMT to communicate with the FTP server through the FTP protocol, and implements ciphering-based FTP transmission.

Figure 3-2 shows the main interface of the FTP Client. Figure 3-2 Main interface of the FTP Client

Table 3-3 describes the numbered interface components of FTP Client. Table 3-3 Main interface of the FTP Client Number 1 2 3 4 5

Field Menu bar Toolbar Local directory list pane Server file list pane Local file list pane

Description Provides menus for system operation. Provides shortcut icons for system operation. Displays directories that are in use. Displays the files and folders in the connected FTP server. Displays the files and folders in the chosen directory.
Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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RNC LMT User Guide

3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

Number 6 7

Field Connection tip pane Server entry bar

Description Displays the operation information and the status of the connection with the FTP server. Includes the server name, user name, password, port number, and mode.

Online Help
Table 3-4 describes the online help of the FTP Client. Table 3-4 Online help of the FTP Client Content Instructions about how to use the data management, the file management, and the transfer functions of the FTP Client Startup Mode On the FTP Client window, press F1 or choose Help > Help Topics.

3.3 Trace Viewer of RNC LMT

You can use the Trace Viewer to view the traced messages that are saved in the .tmf files. The Trace Viewer is an offline tool. It can be used when the LMT and the BAM server are disconnected.

Figure 3-3 shows the main interface of the Trace Viewer.

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3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 3-3 Main interface of the Trace Viewer

Online Help
Table 3-5 describes the online help of the Trace Viewer. Table 3-5 Online help of the Trace Viewer Content Instructions about how to use the message browse functions of the Trace Viewer Startup Mode In the Trace Viewer window, press F1 or choose Help > Help Topics.

3.4 Monitor Viewer of RNC LMT

You can use the Monitor Viewer to view the monitoring results of the CPU usage. The results are saved in the .mrf files. The Monitor Viewer is an offline tool. It can be used when the LMT and the BAM are disconnected.

Figure 3-4 shows the main interface of the Monitor Viewer.


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RNC LMT User Guide

3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

Figure 3-4 Main interface of the Monitor Viewer

Online Help
Table 3-6 describes the online help of the Monitor Viewer. Table 3-6 Online help of the Monitor Viewer Content Instructions on how the Monitor Viewer views data Startup Mode In the Monitor Viewer window, press F1 or choose Help > Help Topics.

3.5 Performance Browser Tool of RNC LMT

You can use the Performance Browser Tool to import the NE measurement description files, in addition to viewing or exporting the result files.

Figure 3-5 shows the main interface of the Performance Browser Tool.

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3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 3-5 Main interface of the Performance Browser Tool

Online Help
Table 3-7 describes the online help of the Performance Browser Tool. Table 3-7 Online help of the Performance Browser Tool Content Instructions about how to import the NE measurement description files, and how to export or view the result files Startup Mode In the Performance Browser Tool window, press F1 or choose Help > Help Topics.

3.6 Convert Management System of RNC LMT

The Convert Management System is a subsystem in the RNC LMT application. It is used to convert the alarm information, control information on the alarm box, and status information on the alarm box between the BAM server and the alarm box.

The Convert Management System performs the following functions:

Forwarding operating instructions to the alarm box. The instructions include:

Querying status of alarm indicators Querying alarm box version

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RNC LMT User Guide

3 Subsystems of the LMT Application

Turning off alarm indicators Stopping alarm sound Resetting alarm box

In this way, you can operate the alarm box on the LMT.
l l

Forwarding alarms to the alarm box which displays audio and visual alarms Monitoring the communication between the LMT and the BAM server, in addition to the communication between the LMT and the alarm box in real time. When a fault occurs, the Convert Management System reports the fault to the LMT.

Figure 3-6 shows the main interface of the Convert Management System. Figure 3-6 Main interface of the Convert Management System

Online Help
Table 3-8 describes the online help of the Convert Management System. Table 3-8 Online help of the Convert Management System Content Descriptions of the functions of the Convert Management System and instructions about how to use the functions Startup Mode In the Convert Management System window, press F1 or choose Help > Help Topics.

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RNC LMT User Guide

4 Installing the RNC LMT Application

l l l

Installing the RNC LMT Application

This describes how to install the RNC LMT application. It takes V100R011C00SPC100 as an example.

The setup disk and the instructions on the LMT application installation are available. Huawei provides both the disk and the instructions. The valid CD-KEY of the LMT application is available. The PC on which the LMT application will be installed meets all the requirements listed in 2.4 Computer Requirements of the LMT.

Step 1 Use the administrator account to log in to the Windows XP operating system. Step 2 Insert the setup disk into the CD-ROM drive.
l l

The setup program runs automatically. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-1. If the setup program fails to run automatically, double-click setup.bat or setup.vbs in the directory of the setup disk. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Selecting a setup language

Step 3 Select a language for the installation, and then click OK to start up. Step 4 Click Next. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-2.
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4 Installing the RNC LMT Application

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 4-2 Copyright notice

Step 5 Read the copyright notice. If you accept the agreement terms, select I accept these terms, and then click Next. The installation directory is displayed, as shown in Step 6. If you do not accept the agreement terms, click Cancel to quit the installation. Step 6 Use the default directory or set up a new directory, and then click Next.

If the installation directory does not exist, a dialog box is displayed, prompting whether to create the directory. Click Yes. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-3. If the installation directory exists, A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-3.

The default installation path is D:\HW LMT. If the LMT application of other versions or of other Network Elements (NEs) has already been installed, the default installation path is the path of the previous installation and cannot be changed. To change it, you must uninstall the existing LMT application.


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4 Installing the RNC LMT Application

Figure 4-3 Selecting software components

Step 7 Select the software components and then click Next. It is recommended that you select all components. A dialog box is displayed for entering the CD-KEY. Step 8 Enter the CD-KEY correctly, and then click Next. A dialog box is displayed for confirming the installation, as shown in Figure 4-4.

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4 Installing the RNC LMT Application

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 4-4 Confirming installation

Step 9 Confirm the installation parameters and click Next. A dialog box is displayed for copying files. When the task of copying files is complete, a dialog box is displayed for initializing components. When all programs are installed, the dialog box for completing the installation is displayed. Step 10 Click Finish.

The installation is complete. When the installation is complete, the LMT Service Manager automatically starts.



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RNC LMT User Guide

5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Getting Started with the RNC LMT

About This Chapter

This describes how to start, configure, use, and quit the LMT application. When running the LMT application, ensure that the free space of the hard disk is no less than 1 GB. 5.1 Setting the IP Address of the RNC LMT PC This describes how to set the IP address of the LMT PC. When the network segment where the RNC LMT is located changes, you need to set the IP address of the LMT PC again. This task takes the connection between the LMT and the BAM server as an example to introduce how to set the IP address of the LMT PC. 5.2 Connecting the RNC LMT to the BAM This describes how to connect the LMT to the BAM server in the LAN. It instructs how to connect the LMT to the OM network. This task is only performed before the LMT is used for the first time. 5.3 Starting the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC This describes how to start the LMT and connect it to the RNC. 5.4 Setting the Properties of the RNC Local Maintenance Terminal This describes how to set the following related properties of the LMT: maximum line number, auto locking, MML command timeouts, output to file, and save commands. 5.5 Configuring the Identity Certificate This describes how to configure the identity certificate. You need to configure the identity certificate before you log in to the LMT in encryption mode. 5.6 Setting the Office Information on the RNC LMT This describes how to set the office information in connected mode on the LMT. You can add, modify, delete, import, export an office, or log in to the LMT in encryption mode. 5.7 Locking the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC This describes how to lock the RNC Local Maintenance Terminal to avoid any access to the LMT by unauthorized operators. Before you leave the LMT, you are required to manually lock the Local Maintenance Terminal. 5.8 Unlocking the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC This describes how to unlock the Local Maintenance Terminal. If the Local Maintenance Terminal is locked, you need to unlock it before using it.
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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

5.9 Exiting the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC This describes how to exit the Local Maintenance Terminal and stop all the applications.


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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

5.1 Setting the IP Address of the RNC LMT PC

This describes how to set the IP address of the LMT PC. When the network segment where the RNC LMT is located changes, you need to set the IP address of the LMT PC again. This task takes the connection between the LMT and the BAM server as an example to introduce how to set the IP address of the LMT PC.

The new IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway of the LMT PC are determined.

To set the IP address of the LMT PC, observe the following principles:

If you connect the LMT to the BAM server through a LAN, the IP address of the LMT and the external virtual IP address of the BAM server must be in the same network segment. If you connect the LMT to the BAM server through a router, the IP address of the LMT and the external virtual IP address of the BAM server can be in different network segments.

Step 1 On the LMT PC, choose Start > Control Panel and double-click Network Connections. Step 2 Right-click the LMT local area connection to be set and choose Property from the shortcut menu. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1.

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 5-1 Local Area Connection Properties dialog box

Step 3 Click the General tab, and then select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Step 4 Click Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2.


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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Figure 5-2 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box

Step 5 Click the General tab, and then select Use the following IP address. Set an IP address that is in the same network segment as the external virtual IP address of the BAM server. Set the subnet mask and the default gateway the same as those of the BAM server. Step 6 (Optional, perform this step when there is a DNS server in the network.) Select Use the following DNS server addresses. Set the DNS server addresses the same as those of the BAM server. Step 7 Click OK. The system returns to the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box shown in Figure 5-1. Step 8 Click OK to complete the setting. ----End

5.2 Connecting the RNC LMT to the BAM

This describes how to connect the LMT to the BAM server in the LAN. It instructs how to connect the LMT to the OM network. This task is only performed before the LMT is used for the first time.

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

l l

The BAM is running properly. The physical connection between the LMT and the BAM server is established.

Step 1 Check whether the IP address of the LMT and the external virtual IP address of the BAM server belong to the same network segment. Step 2 If they belong to different network segments, you need to set the IP address of the LMT by referring to Setting the IP Address of the RNC LMT PC. Step 3 On the LMT PC, choose Start > Run, enter the cmd command in the Run dialog box, and then press Enter. The cmd.exe window is displayed. Step 4 Enter ping BAM external virtual IP address in the cmd.exe window. If the window displays the following information, the communication between the LMT and the BAM server is functional. The task is complete. In this example, the BAM external virtual IP address is
Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=125 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=125 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=125 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=125 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms


5.3 Starting the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC

This describes how to start the LMT and connect it to the RNC.

l l

The LMT is connected to the BAM server. The LMT application is installed correctly.


When the LMT application is running, do not modify the system time. Otherwise, serious errors may occur on the system. If you have to modify the system time, stop all the LMT application first.


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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Step 1 Check whether the icon of the LMT Service Manager in Figure 5-3. If... The LMT Service Manager icon exists, Then... The LMT Service Manager is started. Go to Step 2. is displayed on the status bar, as shown

The LMT Service Manager icon does not Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local exist, Maintenance Terminal > LMT Service Manager to start the LMT Service Manager. Go to Step 2.

Figure 5-3 Checking the icon of LMT Service Manager on the status bar

Step 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > Local Maintenance Terminal. The User Login dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-4. If... It is the first time to start the LMT, Then... Go to Step 3.

It is not the first time to start the LMT, Select the office in the Office drop-down list, and then go to Step 7.

Figure 5-4 User Login dialog box

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide


l l

Click Offline to log in to the LMT offline. In this way, you do not log in to the BAM server, but still can perform part of the functions of the LMT. For example, you can browse the online help. Click Exit to exit the LMT.

Step 3 Click

. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5 Office Management dialog box

Step 4 Click Add. The Add dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-6. Figure 5-6 Adding an office


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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Step 5 In the Add dialog box, specify the office name in Office and enter the external virtual IP address of the BAM in IP Address. Choose Normal or SSL as Connect Type. Click OK. The system returns to the Office Management dialog box shown in Figure 5-7.

If the LMT PC is installed with the LMTs of other Network Elements (NE) such as SGSN, you can select one NE from the NE Type drop-down list, and then set the office for the NE.

Figure 5-7 Office Management dialog box

Step 6 In the Office Management dialog box, click Close. The system returns to the User Login dialog box, as shown in Figure 5-8. Figure 5-8 User Login dialog box

Step 7 Enter the user name and password. Choose Local or EMS in the User Type box, and then click Login. The main interface of the Local Maintenance Terminal is displayed.
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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT


RNC LMT User Guide

If the LMT communicates with the BAM server through the M2000 Proxy Server, select the Proxy Server in the User Login dialog box and then enter the IP address of the proxy server. Log in with the account of admin for the first login. The password is set during the installation of the BAM application.


5.4 Setting the Properties of the RNC Local Maintenance Terminal

This describes how to set the following related properties of the LMT: maximum line number, auto locking, MML command timeouts, output to file, and save commands.

The LMT is started and connected to the RNC.

l Setting maximum line number 1. 2. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > System Setting. Click the Output Window tab and set Maximum Output Lines.

When the number of lines reaches the maximum, the system deletes the earliest lines to display new ones.

Setting auto locking 1. 2. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > System Setting. Click the Terminal tab, select Automatically locked, and then set the time to automatically lock the client.

If the terminal stays in the idle state longer than the set time, the system automatically locks the terminal. The time to lock the terminal is ten minutes by default.

Setting MML command timeouts 1. 2. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > Command Timeout Setting. In the Command Timeout Setting dialog box, set MML Command Timeout.

This property specifies the time limit for the communication between the LMT and the BAM server through MML commands. When the time is out, and the LMT still receives no response from the BAM server, the system prompts for the delay.

Setting output to file 1. 2. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > Output Window Setting. In the Output Window Setting dialog box, set the parameters.
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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Some reports may be too large to be displayed in the output pane. By this property, you can specify a period of time during which the system saves all reports in files for you to view later. The setting is valid only for the current login.

Setting save commands 1. 2. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > Save Input Commands. In the Save Input Commands dialog box, set the parameters.

By this property, you can set the system to save the successful MML commands, or the failed MML commands, or the both. By default, the system does not save all MML commands.


5.5 Configuring the Identity Certificate

This describes how to configure the identity certificate. You need to configure the identity certificate before you log in to the LMT in encryption mode.

l l

You have logged in to the LMT offline. The identity certificate is ready.


You can log in to the LMT in encryption mode only after you log in to the LMT offline and configure the identity certificate.

Step 1 On the LMT, choose System > Certificate Configuration. The Certificate Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-9.

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

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Figure 5-9 Certificate Configuration dialog box

Step 2 On the ID Certificate tab page in the Certificate Configuration dialog box, specify File Name or click . The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-10.


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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Figure 5-10 Open dialog box

Step 3 Select the certificate file, and then click Open. The system returns to the Certificate Configuration dialog box. Specify PFX Password and then click OK. The certificate is successfully configured.

PFX Password which is assigned during the application for the certificate is the password of the certificate file.


5.6 Setting the Office Information on the RNC LMT

This describes how to set the office information in connected mode on the LMT. You can add, modify, delete, import, export an office, or log in to the LMT in encryption mode.

The LMT is started.

Adding an office is used to set up a connected office to operate and maintain the office on the LMT. Modifying an office is used to change the name and IP address of the office. Deleting an office is used to remove the information on an office on the LMT.

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

l To add an office, perform the following steps: 1. On the LMT, choose System > Office Management. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11 Office Management dialog box


Click Add in the Office Management dialog box. The Add dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-12. Figure 5-12 Adding an office

3. 4.

Specify Office, the external virtual IP Address of the BAM, and NE Type, and then set Connect Type to Normal or SSL. Click OK. The system returns to the Office Management dialog box.
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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT


Click Close to end the operation.


If the LMT PC is installed with the LMTs of other Network Elements (NE) such as the SGSN, you can select one NE from the NE Type drop-down list and then set the office for the NE.

To modify an office, perform the following steps: 1. 2. On the LMT, choose System > Office Management. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-11. Select the office to be modified. Click Modify. The Modify dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-13. Figure 5-13 Modifying an office

3. 4. 5. l 1. 2. 3. 4. l 1. 2.

Modify Office, IP Address, Connect Type, or NE Type as required. Click OK. The system returns to the Office Management dialog box. Click Close to end the operation. On the LMT, choose System > Office Management. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-11. Select the office to be deleted, and then click Delete. The Confirm dialog box is displayed. Click Yes. The system returns to the Office Management dialog box. Click Close to end the operation. On the LMT, choose System > Office Management. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-11. Click Import. The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-14.

To delete an office, perform the following steps:

To import an office, perform the following steps:

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 5-14 Open dialog box

3. l

Select the office information to be imported, and then click Open. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the office information is successfully imported. On the LMT, choose System > Office Management. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-11. Select the office to be exported, and then click Export. The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-14. Click Save. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the office information is successfully exported.

To export an office, perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3.

To log in to the LMT in encryption mode, perform the following steps:

Logging in to the LMT in encryption mode is optional.

1. 2. 3.

Log in to the LMT offline, and then configure the identity certificate. Login in to the LMT online, and then choose System > Office Management. The Office Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-11. In the Add or Modify dialog box, set Connect Type to SSL, and then log in to the LMT in encryption mode, as shown in Figure 5-15.


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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT

Figure 5-15 Adding an office


l l l

Protocol Version can be set to SSLv3, TLSv1, or TLSv1.1. The involved encryption algorithm varies by Algorithm Intensity. Authentication Mode can be set to Authenticate the peer or Do not authenticate the peer.

4. 5. ----End

Click OK. The system returns to the Office Management dialog box. Click Close to end the operation.

5.7 Locking the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC

This describes how to lock the RNC Local Maintenance Terminal to avoid any access to the LMT by unauthorized operators. Before you leave the LMT, you are required to manually lock the Local Maintenance Terminal.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Lock the Local Maintenance Terminal in any of the following ways:

l l l
Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

Choose System > Lock. Press Ctrl+Alt+M. Click the shortcut icon .

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5 Getting Started with the RNC LMT


RNC LMT User Guide

The RNC automatically locks the LMT in ten minutes by default.


After the LMT is locked, the Terminal Locked dialog box is displayed.

5.8 Unlocking the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC

This describes how to unlock the Local Maintenance Terminal. If the Local Maintenance Terminal is locked, you need to unlock it before using it.

The LMT is locked and the Terminal Locked dialog box is displayed.

Step 1 In the Terminal Locked dialog box, press Ctrl+Alt+U. The Unlock Terminal dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Enter the password, and then click OK. ----End

5.9 Exiting the Local Maintenance Terminal of the RNC

This describes how to exit the Local Maintenance Terminal and stop all the applications.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 To exit the Local Maintenance Terminal, use one of the following methods:
l l l

Choose System > Exit. Press Alt+X. Click the shortcut icon .

Step 2 The Exit Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Confirm to exit the LMT.

But in this operation, you do not exit the LMT Service Manager.

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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

Managing Authorities for RNC Management

About This Chapter

This describes the basic concepts related to the management authorities and how to manage the operators and the command groups. 6.1 Concepts of RNC LMT Authority Management This describes the related concepts of the RNC LMT authority management. 6.2 Managing RNC Operators This describes how to manage the RNC operators. 6.3 Managing RNC Command Groups This describes how to manage RNC command groups.

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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

RNC LMT User Guide

6.1 Concepts of RNC LMT Authority Management

This describes the related concepts of the RNC LMT authority management. 6.1.1 Principles of RNC LMT Authority Management RNC authority management is performed to identify users and define the authorities of users. 6.1.2 RNC Operator Password This describes the RNC LMT operator password from the following aspects: the definition of the operator password, initial password setting, and authority for changing the password. 6.1.3 RNC Command Groups The RNC provides 32 command groups (G_0 to G_31). 6.1.4 RNC Users When logging in to the LMT, you need to choose to log in as a Local user or an EMS user in the User Login dialog box. 6.1.5 RNC Operator Authorities The LMT operators can be categorized into the internal operators and external operators. This topic describes the RNC operator authorities from the two aspects. 6.1.6 RNC Operation Time Limits This defines the RNC operation time limits and describes the principle of operation time limits and the authority to set operation time limits.

6.1.1 Principles of RNC LMT Authority Management

RNC authority management is performed to identify users and define the authorities of users. The RNC OM subsystem supports multi-user operation. For the system security, the system uses the authority management which includes the following aspects:

Operator identity. An operator must enter the correct user name and password to log in to the system. Operation authority. Operators of different types are authorized to use different command groups for GUI or MML operations. The RNC categorizes operators into different types and provides different command groups for each type as a way to control operation authority. Operation time limit. An operator can operate the RNC only in an account-specific period.

6.1.2 RNC Operator Password

This describes the RNC LMT operator password from the following aspects: the definition of the operator password, initial password setting, and authority for changing the password.

Definition of Operator Password

To ensure the system security, each operator account has a password. When starting the LMT, an operator must enter a valid user name and a correct password to log in to the RNC. The operator authorized for the ADMINISTRATOR-level operations can also set the password complexity through Password Policy Setting.
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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

Initial Password Setting

The password of admin is set during the installation of the BAM application. The password of an external operator can be set by the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators during account addition.

Authority for Changing Passwords

Any operator can change his or her own password. The admin and the ADMINISTRATORlevel and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can change the passwords of all external operator accounts. Only the admin operator can change the admin password. For details, refer to Changing Your Password and Changing Passwords of External Operator Accounts.

6.1.3 RNC Command Groups

The RNC provides 32 command groups (G_0 to G_31). Table 6-1 lists the 32 command groups (G_0 to G_31) that the system provides. Table 6-1 Command groups Command Group G_0 G_1 G_2 Function Used to query system information, including all MML query commands Used to manage system information, including all MML commands Used to query data configuration information, for example, to query the cell data or the AAL2 path data Used to configure data, for example, to add a cell or an AAL2 path Used to query alarm information, for example, to query an alarm log or the alarm box version Used to manage alarms, for example, to manually clear alarms or to reset the alarm box Used to query performance information, for example, to query a performance measurement task or the type of the measurement object Used to manage performance, for example, to create a measurement task or a custom measurement counter Used to query equipment status and information, for example, to query the status of E1/T1 links or the rack information
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l l l

Predefined by the system Cannot be changed Can be queried

G_3 G_4 G_5 G_6



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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

RNC LMT User Guide

Command Group G_9 G_10

Function Used to manage equipment Used to perform the functions of the Tracing node and the Realtime Performance Monitoring node in the Maintenance tab page in the Local Maintenance Terminal window Used to perform all the functions in the Integrated Equipment Test tab page in the Local Maintenance Terminal window Set to null initially and can be defined by the following operators: admin, ADMINISTRATORlevel operators, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators



Binary command groups predefined by the system Cannot be changed or queried


Can be added, changed, queried or deleted

For the operations related to command groups, refer to Managing RNC Command Groups.

6.1.4 RNC Users

When logging in to the LMT, you need to choose to log in as a Local user or an EMS user in the User Login dialog box.

Local user: user account solely controlled by the RNC LMT. It can also be the default local user admin. The local user can log in to the RNC for operations during installation of the RNC or when the RNC is disconnected from the M2000. EMS user: user account under the centralized management of the M2000. It is created, modified, authenticated, and authorized by the M2000. After being authorized, the EMS user can either log in to the RNC through the LMT or log in to the M2000 server through the M2000 client for operations.

6.1.5 RNC Operator Authorities

The LMT operators can be categorized into the internal operators and external operators. This topic describes the RNC operator authorities from the two aspects.

Internal Operator
The internal operator refers to the admin account. This account has all operation authorities and cannot be changed or removed.

External Operators
External operators are divided into five levels. Each level has different authorities, as described in Table 6-2.


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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

Table 6-2 External operators of different levels Operator Level Authorized Command Group G_0, G_2, G_4, G_6, G_8 G_0, G_2, G_4, G_6G_11 Authority Description


Data query

Authorities of GUEST-level System OM Authorities of USERlevel Data configuration

The authorities are predefined by the system and cannot be changed.


G_0, G_2, G_3 G_11


G_1, G_10, G_11 Command groups assigned during account addition

All authorities Specified during account addition The authorities can be changed. The authorities of different CUSTOM-level operators can be different.


l l

The admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can add or delete accounts of external operators. An authorized CUSTOM-level operator can perform operations on operator accounts and command groups only in MML mode.

6.1.6 RNC Operation Time Limits

This defines the RNC operation time limits and describes the principle of operation time limits and the authority to set operation time limits.

Definition of Operation Time Limit

The operation time limit refers to the period during which an operator can operate the system:

There is no operation time limit for the admin account, which means that the admin operator can operate the system at any time. The operation time limit of an external operator account is set during the account addition. If no time limit is set, the operator can operate the system at any time.

Principle of Operation Time Limit

The operation time limit consists of date, day, and time. The allowable operation time is the combination of these settings. Table 6-3 lists some examples of operation time limit settings.
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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

RNC LMT User Guide

Table 6-3 Examples of operation time limit settings SN Example 1 Date 2004-08-01 to 2005-08-01 Day Monday to Friday Time 8:00:00 to 18:00:00 Actual Operation Time From 8:00:00 to 18:00:00 every Monday to Friday between 2004-08-01 and 2005-08-01 Any time on Saturday and Sunday No operation time limit, that is, the operator can operate the system at any time.

Example 2 Example 3

Saturday and Sunday -

Authority to Set Operating Time Limit

The admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can set or change the operation time limit of all external operator accounts.

6.2 Managing RNC Operators

This describes how to manage the RNC operators. 6.2.1 Defining Policies for Login Passwords This describes how to define policies for login passwords. The policies for lo gin passwords are related to the minimum length and complexity of passwords. Only the ADMINISTRATORlevel operators can define the policies for the login passwords. 6.2.2 Adding an RNC External Operator Account This describes how to add an external operator account. You are required to set the password, operator level, command group (for CUSTOM-level operators only), and operation time limit for a new external operator account. The password takes effect the next time you log in to the system. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can perform this operation. 6.2.3 Modifying the Properties of an RNC External Operator Account This describes how to modify the properties of external operator accounts. The properties involve operator description, password, operator level, operation authorities, and operation time limit. Except for the password, all the new information takes effect immediately. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can change the external operator properties. 6.2.4 Deleting an RNC External Operator Account Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can perform this operation. 6.2.5 Changing the Password of the RNC Active Operator Account This describes how to change the password of the RNC active operator account. Every operator can change his or her own password. The new password takes effect the next time the operator logs in to the BAM server.
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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

6.2.1 Defining Policies for Login Passwords

This describes how to define policies for login passwords. The policies for lo gin passwords are related to the minimum length and complexity of passwords. Only the ADMINISTRATORlevel operators can define the policies for the login passwords.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for ADMINISTRATOR-level operations.

l In GUI mode 1. On the Local Maintenance Terminal, choose Authority > Password Policy Setting.... The Password Policy Setting dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1 Setting password policies

2. 3.

In the Password Policy Setting dialog box, set Minimum Length of Password and set the Password Complexity. Click OK to complete the policy settings for the login password. The newly set password policies only affect the subsequent password settings and password modifications.

Run the LST PWDPOLICY command to query the password policies.

In MML mode 1. Run the SET PWDPOLICY command and set the policies for LMT login passwords.


6.2.2 Adding an RNC External Operator Account

This describes how to add an external operator account. You are required to set the password, operator level, command group (for CUSTOM-level operators only), and operation time limit for a new external operator account. The password takes effect the next time you log in to the
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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

RNC LMT User Guide

system. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can perform this operation.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


The newly-added external operator account cannot be the same as any existing account. There are two ways to add an external operator account: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Authority > Account > Add. The Operator Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 Operator Management dialog box


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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management


Enter the operator account and password, and then select the operator level from the Operator Definition drop-down list. If the level is Custom, select command groups in the Authority Limit pane. Set the operation time limit as required. Click OK. If the addition is successful, a dialog box is displayed, prompting whether to add other operator accounts. Click Yes to add another account or click No to exit the setting. Run the ADD OP command and add an external operator account on the MML client.

3. 4. 5. l 1. ----End

In MML mode

6.2.3 Modifying the Properties of an RNC External Operator Account

This describes how to modify the properties of external operator accounts. The properties involve operator description, password, operator level, operation authorities, and operation time limit. Except for the password, all the new information takes effect immediately. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can change the external operator properties.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

To modify the properties of external operator accounts, you can use either of the following modes: GUI and MML.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Authority > Account > Modify. The Modify Operator dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-3.

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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 6-3 Modifying an operator


Select an operator account, and then click Modify. The Operator Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 Operator Management dialog box


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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

3. 4. l 1. ----End

Modify the properties as required, and then click OK. The dialog box prompting operation success is displayed. Click OK. The modification is complete. Run the MOD OP command and modify the properties of an operator account on the MML client.

In MML mode

6.2.4 Deleting an RNC External Operator Account

Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can perform this operation.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The admin account cannot be deleted. To delete an RNC external operator account, you can use either of the following modes: GUI and MML.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Authority > Account > Delete. The Delete Operator dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-5. Figure 6-5 Deleting an operator

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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

RNC LMT User Guide

2. 3. 4. l 1.

Select the account to be deleted, and then click Delete. The dialog box is displayed, asking whether to delete the account. Click Yes. The system returns to the Delete Operator dialog box. If you want to delete other accounts, go back to Step 2. Otherwise, click Close to exit. Run the RMV OP command and delete specified external operator accounts on the MML client.

In MML mode

If the operator whose account is deleted has logged in to the LMT, all the operations are invalid and the operator cannot log in after exiting the system.


6.2.5 Changing the Password of the RNC Active Operator Account

This describes how to change the password of the RNC active operator account. Every operator can change his or her own password. The new password takes effect the next time the operator logs in to the BAM server.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


Change the password of the admin account with caution. If the password is lost, you cannot log in to the system. In that case, contact Huawei for technical support.

Step 1 In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Authority > Change Password. The Change Password dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-6. Figure 6-6 Change Password dialog box


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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

Step 2 Enter the old password for authentication. Enter the new password in the New Password box. Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password box. Step 3 Click OK to complete the password changing. ----End

6.3 Managing RNC Command Groups

This describes how to manage RNC command groups. 6.3.1 Querying RNC Command Groups This describes how to query the MML commands of all command groups except the two binary groups G_10 and G_11. The system provides 32 command groups from G_0 to G_31. All operators can perform this task. 6.3.2 Renaming an RNC Command Group This describes how to rename an RNC command group. Groups G_0 to G_11 are predefined by the system and cannot be renamed. Groups G_12 to G_31 can be renamed. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can name the groups. 6.3.3 Changing Commands in an RNC Command Group This describes how to change commands in an RNC command group. Groups G_0 to G_11 are predefined by the system, and the contents cannot be changed. Operators can add commands to or remove commands from groups G_12 to G_31 as required. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can change the group contents.

6.3.1 Querying RNC Command Groups

This describes how to query the MML commands of all command groups except the two binary groups G_10 and G_11. The system provides 32 command groups from G_0 to G_31. All operators can perform this task.

The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

Step 1 Run the LST CCG command on the MML client. ----End

6.3.2 Renaming an RNC Command Group

This describes how to rename an RNC command group. Groups G_0 to G_11 are predefined by the system and cannot be renamed. Groups G_12 to G_31 can be renamed. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can name the groups.

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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

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l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

There are two modes to modify the group names: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Authority > Command Group > Set Command Group Name. The Set Command Group Name dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-7. Figure 6-7 Setting the name of a command group

2. 3. 4. l 1.

Select the group to be renamed from the Command Group drop-down list, and enter the new name in the Command Group Name box. Click Set. If the setting is successful, a dialog box prompting success is displayed. Click OK. Run the LST CCGN command on the MML client.

In MML mode

You can query the names of all the command groups (G_0 to G_31) by running the LST CCGN command.

2. ----End

Run the SET CCGN command to set the group name.

6.3.3 Changing Commands in an RNC Command Group

This describes how to change commands in an RNC command group. Groups G_0 to G_11 are predefined by the system, and the contents cannot be changed. Operators can add commands to or remove commands from groups G_12 to G_31 as required. Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can change the group contents.
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6 Managing Authorities for RNC Management

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

There are two modes to modify the group contents: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Authority > Command Group > Modify Command Group. The Modify Command Group dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-8. Figure 6-8 Modifying a command group

2. 3. 4. l

Select a command group from G_12 to G_31 in the command group drop-down list. In this example, select G_12. Select or clear the check boxes of commands. Click OK. The modification is complete. Run the ADD CCG command on the MML client to add commands to command group. Run the RMV CCG command on the MML client to remove commands from command group.

In MML mode


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RNC LMT User Guide

7 Running RNC MML Commands

Running RNC MML Commands

About This Chapter

This describes how to run the RNC MML commands. 7.1 Definitions of RNC MML Commands This describes the following definitions of RNC MML commands: MML command, MML client, and data configuration. 7.2 Starting the RNC MML Client This describes how to start the RNC MML client. Before running the MML commands, you need to start the MML client. When the LMT is started, the MML client is started by default. If the current interface is not the MML client, refer to the methods of starting the client in this task. 7.3 Running a Single RNC MML Command This describes how to enter and run the MML commands one by one on the MML client. It is applied to the system configuration and routine maintenance. 7.4 Batch Running RNC MML Commands This describes how to run multiple MML commands at a time. By running a batch file of commands, you are freed from manually running MML commands one by one. 7.5 Switching RNC Subracks to the Online Mode This describes how to switch the RNC subracks to the online mode. 7.6 Switching RNC Subracks to the Offline Mode This describes how to switch the RNC subracks to the offline mode. 7.7 Checking Data Configuration Mode This describes how to check the current data configuration mode of the RNC. 7.8 Viewing the Ownership of Data Configuration Right This describes how to check the ownership of the RNC data configuration right. 7.9 Obtaining the Ownership of Data Configuration Right This describes how to obtain the ownership of the RNC data configuration right. Only the M2000 users and users of the following levels can obtain the data configuration right: admin, ADMINISTRATOR, OPERATOR, and CUSTOM entitled to use command group G_3. 7.10 Releasing the Data Configuration Right
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

RNC LMT User Guide

After data configuration, you need to release your current data configuration right so that it is available for others. Only the M2000 operators and the operators of the following levels can obtain the data configuration right: admin, ADMINISTRATOR, OPERATOR, and CUSTOM entitled to use command group G_3. 7.11 Undoing/Redoing a Single RNC Data Configuration Action This describes how to undo and redo a single RNC data configuration action. 7.12 Undoing/Redoing Multiple Data Configuration Actions This describes how to undo and redo multiple data configuration actions.


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7 Running RNC MML Commands

7.1 Definitions of RNC MML Commands

This describes the following definitions of RNC MML commands: MML command, MML client, and data configuration. 7.1.1 Introduction to RNC MML Commands The Local Maintenance Terminal provides two operating modes: Graphic User Interface (GUI) and MML commands. You can use the MML commands for RNC operation and maintenance. 7.1.2 Introduction to the RNC MML Client The MML client is integrated in the subsystem of the LMT. It provides the user interface for running the MML commands. 7.1.3 RNC Data Configuration Right Management RNC data configuration right management enables only one user to perform RNC data configuration on the LMT or on the M2000 at a time. 7.1.4 RNC Data Configuration Mode This describes two RNC data configuration modes: online configuration mode and offline configuration mode. 7.1.5 RNC Data Configuration Rollback RNC data configuration rollback is performed to restore the previous configurations. If a data configuration activity fails to achieve the expected result or even causes equipment or network faults, you can perform rollback to restore the configurations quickly to ensure the normal operation of the RNC. 7.1.6 RNC Data Consistency Check RNC data consistency check ensures consistency between the data in the BAM and that in the FAM. Inconsistency between data in the BAM database and that in the FAM memory affects the stable running of the RNC. Data inconsistency may also lead to the result that part of data configuration on the LMT does not take effect at the host.

7.1.1 Introduction to RNC MML Commands

The Local Maintenance Terminal provides two operating modes: Graphic User Interface (GUI) and MML commands. You can use the MML commands for RNC operation and maintenance. An MML command consists of two parts: action and object, for example, ADD OP. Table 7-1 describes the actions of the MML commands. Table 7-1 Actions of the MML commands Action ACT ADD ADT BEG BKP
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Description Activate Add Audit Begin Backup

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7 Running RNC MML Commands

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Description Block Clear Compare Confirm Collect Deactivate Display Establish Export Format Forcibly obtain Handover Inhibit Install Set Request Run Load Lock Loop back test List Modify Remove Reset Start/Open Stop/Close Swap Trace Unblock Uninhibit


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7 Running RNC MML Commands

Action ULD ULK

Description Upload Unlock

7.1.2 Introduction to the RNC MML Client

The MML client is integrated in the subsystem of the LMT. It provides the user interface for running the MML commands. Figure 7-1 shows the MML client. Figure 7-1 MML client

Table 7-2 describes the fields identified with numbers. Table 7-2 Fields on the MML client Numb er 1 Field Common Maintenance pane Description Displays system feedbacks, for example, the execution results.

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7 Running RNC MML Commands

RNC LMT User Guide

Numb er 2 3 4 5 6

Field Operation Record Help Information pane Command input area History Command box Command Input box

Description Displays the MML commands that have been executed and the related parameters. Displays the help information on a command. Displays the currently run command or the selected history command, and their parameter values. Displays the commands that the current operator has run after logging in to the system and the related parameters. Displays in the drop-down list all the MML commands available on the system. You can select an MML command from the drop-down list or type in an MML command for execution. Displays the parameters of the current command. You need to set parameter values in the boxes for the execution of the command. The parameters in red are mandatory to be set, and those in black are optional.

Parameter area


For details of the MML commands and parameters, see the MML online help.

7.1.3 RNC Data Configuration Right Management

RNC data configuration right management enables only one user to perform RNC data configuration on the LMT or on the M2000 at a time. In case of conflicts during data configuration, the BAM manages the configuration right as follows:

When the data configuration right control switch is ON, only one user has the data configuration right at a time. When the data configuration right switch is OFF, no data configuration right control is applicable. You can run the SET CMCTRLSW command to set the switch to ON or OFF. Before data configuration, the data configuration right must be obtained. The data configuration right is always occupied by the authorized user unless it is manually released. That is, if the user account is logged out without releasing the data configuration right, it still has the data configuration right at the next login. The ADMINISTRATOR-level operators, however, can obtain the data configuration right by running the FOC CMCTRL command.

With the data configuration right management, different users cannot configure data for the RNC at the same time. A user can perform data configuration for the RNC only after the user is granted the data configuration right.


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7 Running RNC MML Commands

7.1.4 RNC Data Configuration Mode

This describes two RNC data configuration modes: online configuration mode and offline configuration mode. In online configuration mode, you can configure the data dynamically. In offline configuration mode, you can configure massive data rapidly at high efficiency.

RNC Online and Offline Modes

This describes the RNC online and offline mode.

RNC Online Mode

If yon configure data for a subrack in online mode, the data configuration is updated to the BAM database and the subrack simultaneously. The data configuration takes effect immediately without resetting the system or the subrack. Therefore, you are advised to modify the data configuration in online mode, because the online modification of data can be immediately updated to the database on the BAM and the RNC host.

RNC Offline Mode

If yon configure data for a subrack in offline mode, the data configuration is updated only to the BAM database but not the subrack. The data configuration takes effect only after the system or the subrack is reset and the configured data are loaded. Therefore, you are advised to perform RNC initial data configuration or massive data configuration in offline mode.

Principles of RNC Online and Offiline Data Configuration

This describes the principles of the RNC data configuration respectively in online and offline modes. The data configuration in these two modes takes effect in different ways.

RNC Online Data Configuration

Figure 7-2 shows the process of online data configuration for an RNC subrack. Figure 7-2 RNC online data configuration

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7 Running RNC MML Commands

RNC LMT User Guide

The process of online data configuration for an RNC subrack is as follows: 1. 2. The LMT or M2000 sends an MML command for data configuration to the configuration module of the BAM. The data management (Dataman) module of the BAM writes the data of the online subracks contained in the received MML command to the BAM data base (DB). The Dataman module also forwards these data to the database of each subrack on the host. However, the data of the offline subracks contained in the MML command are only written to the DB.

RNC Offline Data Configuration

Figure 7-3 shows the process of RNC offline configuration. Figure 7-3 RNC offline data configuration

The process of offline data configuration for an RNC subrack is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The LMT or M2000 sends an MML command for data configuration to the configuration module of the BAM. The Dataman module sends the configuration data only to the DB. The configuration data is formatted in the DB and then converted into a .dat file. When the RNC or subrack restarts up, the .dat file is loaded onto the boards. Then, the data configuration takes effect.

Commands Executable in RNC Online and Offline Modes

This describes the commands that are executable in RNC online and offline modes. In RNC online mode, all commands except the offline ones are executable. In RNC offline mode, all commands are executable. Table 7-3 shows the offline commands that can only be executed in RNC offline mode. Table 7-3 RNC offline commands Offline Commands ADD RNCBASIC SET SUBNET

Function Adds the basic information of the RNC Sets the subnet No. of the system
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7 Running RNC MML Commands


Function Adds an OPC Modifies an OPC Initialzes the BAM configuration data Modifies the basic information of the RNC Modifies the name of a cell

Handling of Failures During RNC Data Configuration

This describes different solutions for RNC data configuration failures in running the RMV (remove), ADD (add), SET (set), or MOD (modify) commands in online mode.

Failure in Running the RMV Commands Online

If you fail to run a RMV command in online mode, you can run the RMV command repeatedly until the object data is successfully removed.

Failure in Running the ADD Commands Online

There are two failures in running an ADD command online:
l l

If the target subrack or board is not in position, no handling is required. If the target subrack or board is in position, you can remove the failed configuration data online to ensure that the BAM and RNC restore the configuration when the data is not added. Then, add the data again.

Failure in Running the SET or MOD Commands

There are two failures in running a SET or MOD command online:
l l

If the target subrack or board is not in position, no handling is required. If the target subrack or board is in position, you can run the SET or MOD command repeatedly until the object data is successfully set or modified.

7.1.5 RNC Data Configuration Rollback

RNC data configuration rollback is performed to restore the previous configurations. If a data configuration activity fails to achieve the expected result or even causes equipment or network faults, you can perform rollback to restore the configurations quickly to ensure the normal operation of the RNC.

Definition of Configuration Rollback

During data configuration, a rollback point is used to identify a data configuration status. Rollback points can be set by the user or automatically allocated by the RNC.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

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Configuration rollback: By selecting a rollback point corresponding to the expected data configuration status, the user can flexibly roll back or forward to any rollback point during the configuration.

Operations of Configuration Rollback

You can perform configuration roll back when the switch of the data configuration right is ON. (The switch of the data configuration right can be set by running SET CMCTRLSW.) RNC data configuration rollback consists of the following types of operation:

Undoing a single configuration command: After undoing the command, the RNC rolls back to the previous configuration before the relevant command is run. This operation is applicable to only the previous ten configuration commands. Redoing a single configuration command: After redoing the command, the RNC returns to the previous configuration after the relevant command is run. This operation is applicable to only the previous ten configuration commands that are cancelled. Undoing configuration commands in batches: This operation is performed to undo all the configuration commands that are run after a specified rollback point. After the undoing, the RNC rolls back to the configuration of the specified rollback point. Redoing configuration commands in batches: This operation is performed to redo all the configurations that are rolled back in batches. After the redoing, the RNC either returns to the configuration of the specified rollback point or the previous configuration before the undoing is performed.

7.1.6 RNC Data Consistency Check

RNC data consistency check ensures consistency between the data in the BAM and that in the FAM. Inconsistency between data in the BAM database and that in the FAM memory affects the stable running of the RNC. Data inconsistency may also lead to the result that part of data configuration on the LMT does not take effect at the host. RNC data consistency check can be initiated by an operator through the LMT. Alternatively, the check can be initiated periodically by the MML Server module of the BAM, which can be set on the LMT. This check applies to the data between the BAM and FAM databases. The fundamental unit for data consistency check is the table records.

7.2 Starting the RNC MML Client

This describes how to start the RNC MML client. Before running the MML commands, you need to start the MML client. When the LMT is started, the MML client is started by default. If the current interface is not the MML client, refer to the methods of starting the client in this task.

The LMT is started.

Start the MML client in either of the ways.


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7 Running RNC MML Commands

l In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, click the MML Command tab below the left navigation tree. In the displayed Navigation Tree pane, double-click the MML Command node to start the MML client. Click the shortcut icon .


7.3 Running a Single RNC MML Command

This describes how to enter and run the MML commands one by one on the MML client. It is applied to the system configuration and routine maintenance.

l l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The MML client is started. For data configuration, get the configuration management (CM) control right first.

There are the following equivalent methods for running a single MML command:
l l l l

Entering an MML command in the command input box Selecting a history command from the History Command box Copying a command and its parameter values to the command input area Selecting an MML command from the MML Command navigation tree

l Entering an MML command in the command input box 1. 2. 3. 4. l Enter an MML command in the command input box. Press Enter or click .

The command parameter area displays all the parameters of this command. Enter the parameter values in the command parameter area. Press F9 or click on the right of the command input box to run the command.

The Common Maintenance pane displays the execution results. Selecting a history command from the History Command box 1. Select a history command from the drop-down list of the history command box. (Press F7 or click to select the previous history command. Press F8 or click the next history command.) The command parameter area displays all the parameters of this command. 2. 3.
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to select

Change the parameter values in the command parameter area. This step is optional. Press F9 or click to run the command.

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7 Running RNC MML Commands

RNC LMT User Guide

The Common Maintenance pane displays the execution results. l Copying a command and its parameter values to the command input area 1. 2. l Copy a command and its parameter values, and then paste them in the command input area. Press F9 or click to run the command.

The Common Maintenance pane displays the execution results. Selecting an MML command from the MML Command navigation tree 1. 2. 3. Click the MML Command tab, and double-click an MML command in the navigation tree. Enter the parameter values in the command parameter area. Press F9 or click

to run the command.

The Common Maintenance pane displays the execution results.

In offline mode, press F9 or click

to save the command.


7.4 Batch Running RNC MML Commands

This describes how to run multiple MML commands at a time. By running a batch file of commands, you are freed from manually running MML commands one by one.

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. For data configuration, you have obtained the configuration management (CM) control right. The MML client is started. The batch file is ready.

l l

The batch file (also called data script file) is a plain text file. It contains a group of command scripts for a special task. The system automatically runs the commands in sequence. The batch running of MML commands is of two types:
l l

Immediate execution Time execution. You can preset the execution date and time. The system automatically executes the batch file at the preset execution time.

l Immediate batch running of MML commands 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > Batch Commands, or press Ctrl+E. The MML Batch pane is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-4.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

Figure 7-4 Immediate batch running of MML commands

2. 3. 4.

On the Immediate Batch Command tab page, click New and enter the batch file name, or click Open and select the batch file. Set the parameters. Click Go to start running the commands.

It is recommended that you select Fault Prompt. It is selected by default. The batch running syntax checker helps you find out the wrong commands in the scripts before running the batch file. In this case, the wrong commands can be rectified before they are executed. Thus, errors are less likely to occur in the execution of the commands, and the OM efficiency is improved.

Scheduled batch running of MML commands 1. 2. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose System > Batch Commands, or press Ctrl + E. The MML Batch pane is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-4. Click the Timer Batch Command tab, as shown in Figure 7-5.

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7 Running RNC MML Commands

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 7-5 Scheduled batch running of MML commands

3. 4. 5. ----End

Click the icon beside the Batch file box to select the batch file. Click the icon beside the Execute Time box to set the running time. Click Add. Do not close the MML Batch window. Otherwise, the scheduled task is removed.

7.5 Switching RNC Subracks to the Online Mode

This describes how to switch the RNC subracks to the online mode.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.


To validate the configuration data modified in offline mode on the host when you switch the RNC subracks to the online mode, you need to manually and forcibly format the loaded data files, reset the board that carries the modified data, and then load data again. To discard the modification performed in offline mode, you need to manually restore the data that has been automatically backed up when you switching to the offline mode.

To switch the subrack mode, you must go through either of the previous steps. If you skip all the steps, the configuration data between BAM and FAM will be inconsistent and the system may suffer the consequences.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

Step 1 Run the LST CFGMODE command to query the current configuration mode of the RNC subracks. If... The subrack to be switched is online, The subrack to be switched is offline, Then... End this task. Go to Step 2.


l l

When the subrack is online, you can immediately validate the modified data on that subrack through the configuration command. When the subrack is offline, you cannot immediately validate the modified data on that subrack through the configuration command. To validate the modification, you need to reset the subrack and reload data files from the BAM.

Step 2 Run the SET ONLINE command to switch the subrack to the online mode. Step 3 Run the LST CFGMODE command to make sure that the subrack is in online mode. ----End

7.6 Switching RNC Subracks to the Offline Mode

This describes how to switch the RNC subracks to the offline mode.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

When the subrack is switched from online mode to offline mode, the BAM backs up the configured data.

Step 1 Run the LST CFGMODE command to query the current configuration mode of the RNC subracks. If... The subrack to be switched is offline, The subrack to be switched is online, Then... End this task. Go to Step 2.

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7 Running RNC MML Commands


RNC LMT User Guide

When the subrack is in offline mode, the configuration data of the BAM can be modified but cannot be updated to the host, that is, the BAM only updates the data in itself. In this way, if the BAM fails to update its data, the RNC ensures that all the configuration data in the current database remains unchanged. In offline mode, whether to refresh the loaded data files determined by the refresh flag. Therefore, to validate the configuration data modified in offline mode on the host, you need to forcibly format the loaded data files and then reset the host to reload the data files.

Step 2 Run the SET OFFLINE command to switch the subrack to the offline mode. Step 3 Run the LST CFGMODE command to make sure that the subrack is in offline mode. ----End

7.7 Checking Data Configuration Mode

This describes how to check the current data configuration mode of the RNC.

The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

You can view the data configuration in the following two modes: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. In the main window of the Local Maintenance Terminal, click the Subrack Configuration Mode drop-down list on the right of the toolbar to check the data configuration mode, as shown in Figure 7-6. Figure 7-6 Subrack data configuration mode

In MML mode 1. Run the LST CFGMODE command to check the current data configuration mode.


7.8 Viewing the Ownership of Data Configuration Right

This describes how to check the ownership of the RNC data configuration right.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

The returned result can be NULL, which indicates that no one owns this right currently. To view the ownership of the data configuration right, you can use either of the following modes: GUI and MML.

l In GUI mode 1. Click the CM Control user drop-down list box on the toolbar in the Local Maintenance Terminal window. If the user is NULL, as shown in Figure 7-7, you can infer that no user owns the data configuration right currently. Figure 7-7 Data configuration user being NULL

If the user is admin, as shown in Figure 7-8, you can infer that admin owns the data configuration right currently. Figure 7-8 Data configuration user being admin

In MML mode 1. Run the LST CMCTRL command to check the current data configuration user.


7.9 Obtaining the Ownership of Data Configuration Right

This describes how to obtain the ownership of the RNC data configuration right. Only the M2000 users and users of the following levels can obtain the data configuration right: admin, ADMINISTRATOR, OPERATOR, and CUSTOM entitled to use command group G_3.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands


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The switch of the data configuration right is set to OFF. (You can query this by running LST CMCTRLSW.)


After one LMT user is granted with the data configuration right, other LMT users cannot obtain it. However, if you are admin or an ADMINISTRATOR-level user, you can use the FOC CMCTRL command to forcibly get back the data configuration right. After one LMT user obtains the data configuration right and does not lock it, the right will be obtained by the M2000 user when the M2000 requests the right from the RNC.

Step 1 Check whether there are users who have the data configuration right. For details, refer to 7.8 Viewing the Ownership of Data Configuration Right.
l l

If no users currently have the data configuration right, go to Step 2. If there are users who have the data configuration right, go to Step 2 after the data configuration right is released.

Step 2 Run the REQ CMCTRL command to obtain the data configuration right. Step 3 Click the CM Control Information drop-down list to check the operation result. The data configuration right is owned by admin, as shown in Figure 7-9. Figure 7-9 Data configuration right owned by admin


7.10 Releasing the Data Configuration Right

After data configuration, you need to release your current data configuration right so that it is available for others. Only the M2000 operators and the operators of the following levels can obtain the data configuration right: admin, ADMINISTRATOR, OPERATOR, and CUSTOM entitled to use command group G_3.

l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. You have obtained the data configuration right.

Step 1 Run the REL CMCTRL command to release the data configuration right.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

Step 2 Run the LST CMCTRL command to check whether you have released the data configuration right. ----End

7.11 Undoing/Redoing a Single RNC Data Configuration Action

This describes how to undo and redo a single RNC data configuration action.

l l

The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC. You have obtained the data configuration right (see 7.9 Obtaining the Ownership of Data Configuration Right), and have run one or more configuration commands successfully.


Undoing a single configuration command: After undoing the command, the RNC rolls back to the previous configuration before the relevant command is run. This operation is applicable to only the previous ten configuration commands. Redoing a single configuration command: After redoing the command, the RNC returns to the previous configuration after the relevant command is run. This operation is applicable to only the previous ten configuration commands that are cancelled.

l Undoing a single configuration action 1. You can undo your latest configuration action in either of the following two ways:

In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, click Run the BEG UNDO command on the MML client.

on the toolbar.

2. l 1.

To undo multiple actions, repeat Step 1. You can redo an undone action in either of the following two ways:

Redoing a single configuration action

In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, click Run the BEG REDO command on the MML client.

on the toolbar.

2. ----End

To redo multiple actions, repeat Step 1.

7.12 Undoing/Redoing Multiple Data Configuration Actions

This describes how to undo and redo multiple data configuration actions.
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7 Running RNC MML Commands

RNC LMT User Guide

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. You have obtained the data configuration right (see 7.9 Obtaining the Ownership of Data Configuration Right), and have run multiple configuration commands successfully.


Undoing configuration commands in batches: This operation is performed to undo all the configuration commands that are run after a specified rollback point. After the undoing, the RNC rolls back to the configuration of the specified rollback point. Redoing configuration commands in batches: This operation is performed to redo all the configurations that are rolled back in batches. After the redoing, the RNC either returns to the configuration of the specified rollback point or the previous configuration before the undoing is performed.

The initial rollback point is the first rollback point set by the user. The final rollback point is set automatically when the latest configuration command is successfully run. A maximum of 1,000 configuration commands can be undone between the initial and final rollback points. If the system finds more than 1,000 commands between the two rollback points, it does not undo the commands and reports a failure message. You can set at most five rollback points. If you release the configuration right, the BAM clears the information related to the rollback stack and rollback points.

Step 1 To undo/redo configuration actions in batches, you can use the ADD ROLLBACKPOINT command to set the rollback points as required. Step 2 Run the BEG ROLLBACK command to undo the configuration actions. The system rolls back to the configuration at the specified rollback point. Step 3 Run the BEG FORWARD command to redo the configuration actions. The system returns to the configuration before the rollback. ----End


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RNC LMT User Guide

8 Managing the RNC License

About This Chapter

Managing the RNC License

This describes how to manage the RNC license, for example, activate and reallocate the RNC license, check the quantity of current RNC operators, the traffic on the RNC, or the alarms related to the RNC license. 8.1 Basic Concepts of the RNC License A license is an authorization agreement between the supplier and the operator in terms of the functions, application scope, and service life of products. Physically, a license consists of a license certificate and a license file. 8.2 Activating the RNC License Activating the RNC license means initially activating the license or changing the RNC license. 8.3 Reallocating the RNC License Reallocating the RNC license to the primary and secondary operators means that the license file does not change but the license allocation policies do. For example, secondary operator A may purchase some RNC capacity from the primary operator. 8.4 Checking RNC Current User Number/Throughput For a running RNC, you can run the MML commands to check the current user number or throughput of the RNC.

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8 Managing the RNC License

RNC LMT User Guide

8.1 Basic Concepts of the RNC License

A license is an authorization agreement between the supplier and the operator in terms of the functions, application scope, and service life of products. Physically, a license consists of a license certificate and a license file. 8.1.1 License File To acquire more capacity and functions for the RNC, you need to obtain a valid license file from Huawei and successfully activate it. One RNC can activate only one license file and the total capability of the authorized RNC is defined in the license file. If there is no license or the license is invalid, the RNC provides only the minimum capability by default. 8.1.2 License Control for Multiple Operators The RNC supports the RAN sharing function, that is, one primary operator and up to three secondary operators can share one RNC. The RNC enabled with the RAN sharing function still has only one license file, which defines the total capability of the RNC. Each operator uses a unique share of the license and activates the license independently. Therefore, the RNC capacity and functions must be allocated in advance to the primary operator first and then the secondary operators. Then, you can run the ACT LICENSE command to activate the license for the operators involved. 8.1.3 License Validation Mechanism The activation of the license file accompanies validity check, after which the RNC automatically verifies license data on a daily basis.

8.1.1 License File

To acquire more capacity and functions for the RNC, you need to obtain a valid license file from Huawei and successfully activate it. One RNC can activate only one license file and the total capability of the authorized RNC is defined in the license file. If there is no license or the license is invalid, the RNC provides only the minimum capability by default.

Components of the License File

The license file is composed of equipment ID, service life, capacity control items, and control items of optional functions. Component License file ID Equipment ID Description The only identifier of a license file, which makes the license file easy to manage. The license file is valid only when the equipment ID is consistent with the ESN of the RNC. Only a valid license file can be activated on the RNC.
NOTE The Equipment Serial Number (ESN) identifies only one set of RNC equipment. The ESN of the RNC refers to the encrypted data of three parameters, namely the MNC and MCC of the primary operator, and the RNC ID.

Service life

Service life of the license file consists of two parameters: service deadline and trial time after service deadline. If the trial time is not defined, it is set to 60 days by default.
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8 Managing the RNC License

Component Equipment capacity

Description Equipment capacity means the maximum CS user number (unit: Erlang), the maximum PS throughput (unit: kbit/s), the maximum HSDPA throughput (unit: kbit/s), the maximum HSUPA throughput (unit: kbit/s), the maximum MBMS throughput (unit: kbit/s). The control items involve the authorization of optional functions of the RNC.

Control items of optional functions

License File Management

The license file is controlled and issued by Huawei license management center. The primary operator needs to apply for a license file from Huawei in the following situations:
l l l

An RNC is added. The ESN of the RNC is changed. The capacity and functions of the RNC are enhanced due to software upgrade or capacity expansion.

Activating the License


Activating the license online After the license is activated online, the license information on the operator is applied to the host and the licensed services can be provided as required.

Activating the license offline Activating the license offline only modifies the license information stored on the BAM. The license takes effect on the host only after the board is reset or the RNC is reset.

l l

After the RNC is reset, all the subracks are reset and obtain the new license. Only the reset boards can obtain the new license.

8.1.2 License Control for Multiple Operators

The RNC supports the RAN sharing function, that is, one primary operator and up to three secondary operators can share one RNC. The RNC enabled with the RAN sharing function still has only one license file, which defines the total capability of the RNC. Each operator uses a unique share of the license and activates the license independently. Therefore, the RNC capacity and functions must be allocated in advance to the primary operator first and then the secondary operators. Then, you can run the ACT LICENSE command to activate the license for the operators involved.

Activating the License of Primary and Secondary Operators

Figure 8-1 shows an example interface where the command to activate the license of the primary operator is used.
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8 Managing the RNC License

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 8-1 Activating the license of the primary operator


When the license of the primary operator is activated, the Function SwitchRANSHARE(RAN sharing) must be selected.

Figure 8-2 shows an example interface where the command to activate the license of the secondary operator is used. Figure 8-2 Activating the license of the secondary operator

Allocating RNC Capacity to Primary and Secondary Operators

The total maximum number of CS users of primary and secondary operators must be no more than that defined in the license file. The same is the maximum number of PS users. When the maximum number of CS users or the maximum PS throughput of the primary operator is not set, the value is the same as that provided in the license file by default. When the maximum number of CS users or the maximum PS throughput of the secondary operator is not set, the value is zero by default.

Allocating RNC Functions to Primary and Secondary Operators

Allocating RNC functions to primary and secondary operators complies with the following principles:
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8 Managing the RNC License

Neither the primary operator nor the secondary operators can activate the functions unauthorized by the license file. Both the primary operator and the secondary operators can activate the functions authorized by the license file. The secondary operators can activate the authorized functions except those totally controlled by the primary operator. RAN sharing RAN enhanced package ATM/IP dual stack transport over Iub IP transport over Iur Fractional IP Fractional ATM IP Iub overbooking ATM Iub overbooking HUB Iub overbooking Hybrid IP transport over Iur Cell ACR in SPU overloading FP multiplexing Dynamic IP bandwidth control on the Iub interface BFD/ARP-based IP Rerouting

The primary operator fully controls the following functions:

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

If the Function Switch checkbox of the ACT LICENSE command is dimmed, you can infer that the function is consistent with the license file setting.

8.1.3 License Validation Mechanism

The activation of the license file accompanies validity check, after which the RNC automatically verifies license data on a daily basis.

Path of the License File

Before the activation, the valid license file needs to be imported as a .lic file into the directory BAM installation directory\License on the BAM. In this directory, multiple license files can be saved and the files to be activated must be saved here. After successful activation, the file is transferred to the directory of BAM installation directory \License (license directory for short). This directory stores only one current license file of the RNC.

Legality of the License File

If in a license file the equipment ID is consistent with the ESN of the RNC, the license file is legal; otherwise, the license file is illegal.

For a legal license file:

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8 Managing the RNC License

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If the license expires, it cannot be activated; otherwise, the license can be successfully activated. The activated license file is valid during the time period of running deadline plus trial time. For the time afterwards, the license file becomes invalid and the RNC turns to the default capacity and functions. On 30 days before the running deadline, the RNC reports the alarm 20016 License Will Expire. On the running deadline, the RNC reports the alarm 20021 License Has Expired. The license file can be successfully activated. The activated license file is valid within the trial time. For the time afterwards, the license file becomes invalid and the RNC turns to the default capacity and functions. The RNC reports the alarm 20018 Invalid License On Trial.

For an illegal license file:

Internal Processing of the License Data

In addition to the current license file under the license directory, the RNC also saves license data in the BAM database and the WMUXb/WSPUb at the host. Only the license data at the host takes effect. The activation of a license varies with the data configuration states of the RNC:

Activating the license online The RNC updates the license data both in the BAM database and in the WMUXb/WSPUb at the host.

Activating the license offline The RNC updates the license data only in the BAM database rather than in the board at the new host.

After the license is activated, the RNC updates the license data in the BAM database and the WMUXb/WSPUb at the host in the following conditions:

After being restarted, the BAM updates the license data in its database according to the current license file. After the host is restarted, the WMUXb/WSPUb updates the license data according the BAM database.

Therefore, the license-related alarms must be cleared as soon as possible to ensure the license validity.

Automatic Verification of the License Data

At 00:45 every morning, the RNC automatically verifies the state of current license file under the license directory. If the current license file is faulty, the RNC generates related alarms, for example, 20011 License File Damaged, 20012 License File Does Not Exist, and 20013 Invalid License. At 3:00 every morning, the RNC automatically compares and checks whether the license data in the WMUXb/WSPUb is consistent with that in the BAM database. If the license data is consistent, the RNC reports the alarm 20020 Host And BAM LICENSE Inconsistency In CMP LICENSE.
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8 Managing the RNC License

When the alarm 20020 Host And BAM LICENSE Inconsistency In CMP LICENSE is reported, handle the alarm according to related help information. The alarm, if not cleared, may affect the running of the RNC.

8.2 Activating the RNC License

Activating the RNC license means initially activating the license or changing the RNC license.


Initially activating the license refers to activating the license when an RNC is set up. A valid license file from Huawei, however, is a prerequisite for setting up the RNC. When installing or commissioning the RNC, you can manually import and activate the license file. For details, refer to the RNC BAM Administration Guide and the RNC Commissioning Guide. Changing the RNC license refers to applying for and activating a new license file for a running RNC due to software upgrade, capacity expansion, and change of the ESN. Change the RNC license as follows:

Step 1 Obtain the ESN of the RNC.

If the ESN remains the same after the license file changes, obtain the ESN of the RNC by referring to Obtaining ESN Information from the RNC. If the ESN changes with the license file, contact Huawei engineers for confirmation.

Step 2 Apply for a new license file from Huawei. Step 3 Upload the new license file to the BAM. Refer to Uploading License File to the BAM. Step 4 Confirm the basic information about the RNC and check whether the operator information exists. Refer to Checking RNC Basic Information and Operator Information. Step 5 Activate and test the RNC license. Refer to Activating and Verifying the RNC License. ----End

8.2.1 Obtaining ESN Information from the RNC

This describes how to query the Equipment Serial Number (ESN) information from the RNC.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

Step 1 Run the LST ESN command on the MML client. Step 2 Obtain the ESN of the RNC from the returned messages, as shown in Figure 8-3.
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8 Managing the RNC License

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Figure 8-3 ESN in the returned message


8.2.2 Uploading the RNC License File to the BAM

This describes how to upload the RNC license file to the BAM through the FTP.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

Before uploading the license file, you need the following information:
l l

External IP address of the BAM Name and password of the FTP user

Step 1 Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > FTP Client. The FTP Client is started. Step 2 Enter the external virtual IP address of the BAM in Server, and then enter the user name and password of the FTP in User and Password. Step 3 Click window. to connect the BAM. A BAM file directory is displayed on the right of the FTP Client

Step 4 Click in the right of the FTP Client window, and locate the BAM file directory under BAM installation directory\FTP\License. Step 5 On the left of the FTP Client window, select the license file to be uploaded locally, and then click .

Step 6 Find the uploaded license file on the right of the window. The uploading is complete. ----End
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8 Managing the RNC License

8.2.3 Checking RNC Basic Information and Operator Information

This describes how to check that the basic information about the RNC and the operator information exist.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

The RNC ID and the MNC and MCC of the primary operator must be consistent with those in the license file.

Step 1 Run the LST RNCBASIC command to check whether the basic information about the RNC exists. Step 2 In the absence of the basic information, run the ADD RNCBASIC command to add the basic information about the RNC, as shown in Figure 8-4. Figure 8-4 Adding the basic information about the RNC

Step 3 Run the LST CNOPERATOR command to check whether the basic information about the primary operator exists. Step 4 In the absence of the basic information, run the ADD CNOPERATOR command to add the basic information about the primary operator, as shown in Figure 8-5. Figure 8-5 Adding the basic information about the primary operator

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8 Managing the RNC License

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 5 (Optional) Run the ADD CNOPERATOR command to add a secondary operator, an external operator, or a common operator. Step 6 Run the LST ESN command to check whether the modified ESN information is consistent with the license file. Figure 8-6 shows the returned message. Figure 8-6 ESN in the returned message


8.2.4 Activating and Verifying the License

This describes how to activate the RNC license and to verify whether the license configuration information is valid.

l l l

The RNC LMT is started and properly communicates with the BAM server. The communication between the RNC FAM and the BAM is operational. The license of the local office is in BAM Installation Directory\FTP\License and no restriction is on the file name.

Step 1 On the RNC LMT, run the LST LICENSE command and enter the name of the license file to be activated to query the detailed configuration information of the license file. If... The license is consistent with that applied, The license is inconsistent with that applied, Then... Go to Step 2. Contact Huawei for confirmation.

Step 2 Run the LST CFGMODE to query the data configuration of all the subracks. If the subrack is in offline mode, run the SET ONLINE command to set the subrack to the online mode. Step 3 Run the ACT LICENSE command to activate the licenses of all operators. The activation is performed in sequence from the primary operator to the secondary operator. If there are multiple operators, run the command repeatedly.
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8 Managing the RNC License

Step 4 Run the CMP LICENSE command to check whether the license of the host and that of the BAM are consistent. If... The two licenses are consistent, The two licenses are inconsistent, Then... End the task. Go to Step 5.

Step 5 Run the DSP LICENSE command to check whether the license of the host is consistent with that applied. If... The query result is consistent with the actual configuration, The query result is inconsistent with the actual configuration, ----End Then... End this task. Go to Step 1.

8.3 Reallocating the RNC License

Reallocating the RNC license to the primary and secondary operators means that the license file does not change but the license allocation policies do. For example, secondary operator A may purchase some RNC capacity from the primary operator.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

Step 1 Determine the primary and secondary operators involved. Step 2 Run the LST LICENSE command to enter the file name of the license to be activated and then query the configuration details of this file. If the configuration information is consistent with what you apply for, go to Step 3. If it is inconsistent, stop this task and contact Huawei for confirmation. Step 3 Run the LST CFGMODE command to check the data configuration status of the RNC. Step 4 If the RNC is offline, run the SET ONLINE command to make it online. Step 5 Run the ACT LICENSE command to activate the license of the primary operator first and then that of the secondary operator. If there are multiple secondary operators, repeat this command. Step 6 Run the CMP LICENSE command to compare and check whether the license data in the WMUXb/WSPUb memory is consistent with that in the BAM database. If they are consistent with each other, end this task. If they are inconsistent, go to Step 7.
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8 Managing the RNC License

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Step 7 Run the DSP LICENSE command to check whether the license data in the WMUXb/WSPUb memory is consistent with what you apply for. If they are consistent with each other, end this task. If they are inconsistent, go to Step 2. ----End

8.4 Checking RNC Current User Number/Throughput

For a running RNC, you can run the MML commands to check the current user number or throughput of the RNC.

l l

The RNC is running properly. The LMT is started and you have logged in to the RNC.

When the current CS user number or PS throughput of the RNC approaches or exceeds the limit of the license file, the RNC generates alarms.

When the current user number or throughput of the RNC approaches the capacity limit, the alarm ALM-1356 Number of Users Over 90% of System Capacity is reported. When the current user number or throughput of the RNC exceeds the capacity limit, the alarm ALM-1357 Number of Users Over 120% of System Capacity is reported.

When the CS user number or PS throughput of the RNC frequently exceeds the limit of the license file, you can infer that the RNC needs capacity expansion.

Step 1 Run the DSP USERNUM command on the MML client to check the number of RNC CS users (unit: Erlang) and the PS throughput in the uplink and downlink (unit: kbit/s). ----End


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Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

9 Managing RNC Alarms

About This Chapter

Managing RNC Alarms

This describes how to manage RNC command groups. 9.1 Definitions of RNC Alarm Management This describes the related basic concepts of the alarm management. The concepts include alarm types, alarm severity, event types, and the alarm box. 9.2 Setting RNC Alarm Logs This describes how to set RNC alarm logs. Alarm logs are used to record details of alarms. Alarm logs are collected by and stored on the BAM. To prevent the logs from occupying too much space on the hard disk, you need to set the capacity and time limits of alarm logs. 9.3 Filtering RNC Alarms The alarm filtering function is used to filter specified alarms, for example, alarms of a WFMR/ WFMRb/WFMRc DSP or of an E1/T1 port. The filtered alarms are not sent to the LMT or the M2000. To filter alarms, you can set specific alarm shields on the LMT. 9.4 Masking RNC Alarms The RNC can mask the alarms. This function is used to mask the derivative alarms, that is, the ripple effect of alarms. The two alarm mask levels are ON and OFF. 9.5 Monitoring RNC Alarms This describes how to monitor RNC alarms. In the Alarm Browse window of the LMT, you can monitor the alarm information sent to the LMT in real time. 9.6 Managing the Convert Management System This describes how to manage the Convert Management System. The Convert Management System runs on the LMT PC, which is connected to the alarm box through the serial port. The system forwards the alarms and the commands about the alarms from the BAM to the alarm box to manage and monitor the alarm box. When receiving the information, the alarm box provides audible and visible indications. 9.7 Operating the RNC Alarm Box This describes how to operate the RNC alarm box. In the RNC, the LMT is connected to the universal alarm box of Huawei. When the LMT receives alarms sent from the BAM server, the alarm box gives audible and visible indications.

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

9.1 Definitions of RNC Alarm Management

This describes the related basic concepts of the alarm management. The concepts include alarm types, alarm severity, event types, and the alarm box. 9.1.1 Introduction to RNC Alarm Management RNC alarm management facilitates you to monitor the running state of the RNC and informs you of faults in real time so that you can take measures in time. 9.1.2 Alarm Type There are two types of alarms: fault alarms and event alarms. 9.1.3 Alarm Severity The alarm severity indicates how serious a fault is. The alarm severity for both fault alarms and event alarms can be divided into four levels: critical, major, minor, and warning. 9.1.4 RNC Event Alarm Types The RNC event alarms can be divided into ten types based on specific alarm event. 9.1.5 RNC Alarm Box The RNC uses the universal alarm box of Huawei. The alarm box provides audible and visible indications based on the alarm severity level. It is optional and the RNC can be configured with only one alarm box. For details, refer to its delivery-attached documents.

9.1.1 Introduction to RNC Alarm Management

RNC alarm management facilitates you to monitor the running state of the RNC and informs you of faults in real time so that you can take measures in time.

RNC Alarm Management Function

RNC alarm management covers the following functions:

Alarm information processing You can browse real-time alarm information, query history alarm information, and handle alarms based on the handling suggestions available from the Online Help of the RNC. The RNC stores the information of alarms generated in the last 90 days.

Alarm masking The RNC has the alarm masking function. You can mask derivative alarms to reduce the number of the reported alarms.

Alarm filtering The RNC can filter alarms about certain objects. If an object is filtered, the alarms of this object are not sent to the alarm management system.

Alarm indication When a fault alarm is generated, the RNC informs you of the alarm in any of the following ways: blinking of the icon, audible indication of the terminal, and audible and visible indication on the alarm box.

RNC Alarm Management Mechanism

The alarm management process consists of alarm generation, alarm reporting, and alarm handling. Figure 9-1 shows the process of alarm management.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Figure 9-1 Process of alarm management

Each board automatically detects alarms and reports the alarms to the BAM in acknowledged mode. The Warn module of the BAM has the following functions:

Alarm storage The module stores the alarms in the alarm database on the BAM. Alarm processing The module processes the commands sent from the alarm console and sends the responses to the alarm console. The commands can be used to query active alarms or alarm logs or to modify alarm configurations.

RNC Alarm Box Driving

The alarm box provides audible and visible indications of the reported alarms. Figure 9-2 shows the alarm box. Figure 9-2 Alarm box

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

The alarm box has four alarm indicators of different colors. Each color corresponds to an alarm severity level. The severity levels are Critical, Major, Minor, and Warning. Each level has a unique alarm sound. Figure 9-3 shows the process of driving the alarm box. Figure 9-3 Process of driving the alarm box

The alarm box is connected to the LMT through the serial port. When an alarm is reported, the LMT transfers it to the alarm box. The alarm box then emits audible and visible indications.

9.1.2 Alarm Type

There are two types of alarms: fault alarms and event alarms. Table 9-1 describes the two types of alarms. Table 9-1 Fault alarms and event alarms Alarm Type Fault alarms Description Alarms caused by hardware faults or the abnormity of major functions, for example, board failure or link failure. Fault alarms are of higher severity than event alarms. After the faults occur, according to the statuses of the faults, fault alarms are divided into active and recovery alarms. An event alarm indicates a predefined event that happens during the running of the devices. The alarm represents an instantaneous status of the system and the status may not be a fault. Some event alarms are generated repeatedly and regularly. Event alarms cannot be divided into active and recovery alarms.

Event alarms

After the faults occur, according to the statuses of the faults, fault alarms are divided into active and recovery alarms.

If the fault is cleared, the status of the alarm changes to Recovery, and the alarm is called a recovery alarm. If the fault is not cleared, the status of the alarm remains Active, and the alarm is called an active alarm.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

For example, when congestion occurs in a cell, the system reports a fault alarm of cell congestion. Before the congestion is cleared, the alarm remains an active one. After the congestion is cleared, the alarm becomes a recovery one.

The record of a recovery alarm is stored in the BAM database and can be queried.

9.1.3 Alarm Severity

The alarm severity indicates how serious a fault is. The alarm severity for both fault alarms and event alarms can be divided into four levels: critical, major, minor, and warning. Table 9-2 describes the four severity levels. Table 9-2 Alarm severity levels Alarm Severity Critical alarm Definition Reporting faults that affect the services provided by the system. These alarms need immediate treatment even during off-work period. For example, some equipment or resource breaks down. Reporting faults that affect the Quality of Service (QoS). These alarms need treatment during working hours. For example, the performance of some equipment or resource deteriorates. Reporting faults that are not serious enough to affect the QoS. These alarms need timely treatment or further observation to avoid worsening. Reporting faults that potentially threaten the system services. These alarms need treatment according to specific situations. Solution Handle the faults immediately. Otherwise, the system may collapse. Handle the faults timely. Otherwise, the system may fail to perform some major functions. Find and clear any potential fault in time. Learn the working status of the system.

Major alarm

Minor alarm

Warning alarm

9.1.4 RNC Event Alarm Types

The RNC event alarms can be divided into ten types based on specific alarm event.
l l

Power system: alarms related to the power system Environment system: alarms related to the equipment room environment, such as temperature, humidity, and access control Signaling system: alarms related to the signaling system Trunk system: alarms related to the trunk system, including trunk circuits and trunk boards Hardware system: alarms related to a board, such as clock and CPU Software system: alarms related to the software
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l l l l

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

l l

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Running system: alarms generated during the running of the system Communication system: alarms related to the communication system, such as the one between the host and the BAM server QoS: alarms related to QoS Processing error: alarms caused by other exceptions not listed above

l l

9.1.5 RNC Alarm Box

The RNC uses the universal alarm box of Huawei. The alarm box provides audible and visible indications based on the alarm severity level. It is optional and the RNC can be configured with only one alarm box. For details, refer to its delivery-attached documents. The appearance of the alarm box is shown in Figure 9-4. Figure 9-4 Alarm box

The alarm box is driven when the BAM server reports a fault alarm to the LMT. The alarm box then provides audible and visible indications based on the alarm severity level.

The alarm box does not give any indication for event alarms.

When the LMT receives the fault alarm, the alarm box provides audio indications. The sound of the alarm box stops when the alarm is cleared. You can also manually stop the sound on the LMT. For details, refer to Stopping an RNC Alarm Sound.

9.2 Setting RNC Alarm Logs

This describes how to set RNC alarm logs. Alarm logs are used to record details of alarms. Alarm logs are collected by and stored on the BAM. To prevent the logs from occupying too much space on the hard disk, you need to set the capacity and time limits of alarm logs. 9.2.1 Setting the Capacity and Time Limit of an RNC Alarm Log
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

This describes how to set the maximum of alarms that can be stored in each log and the time validity of the logs. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can set these two items. 9.2.2 Querying the Capacity and Time Limit of an RNC Alarm Log This describes how to query the maximum of alarms that can be stored in each log and the time validity of the logs.

9.2.1 Setting the Capacity and Time Limit of an RNC Alarm Log
This describes how to set the maximum of alarms that can be stored in each log and the time validity of the logs. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can set these two items.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 On the MML client, run the SET ALMCAPACITY command. ----End

9.2.2 Querying the Capacity and Time Limit of an RNC Alarm Log
This describes how to query the maximum of alarms that can be stored in each log and the time validity of the logs.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 On the MML client, run the LST ALMCAPACITY command. ----End

9.3 Filtering RNC Alarms

The alarm filtering function is used to filter specified alarms, for example, alarms of a WFMR/ WFMRb/WFMRc DSP or of an E1/T1 port. The filtered alarms are not sent to the LMT or the M2000. To filter alarms, you can set specific alarm shields on the LMT. 9.3.1 Adding an RNC Alarm Shield This describes how to add an RNC alarm shield to filter alarms of a WFMR/WFMRb/WFMRc DSP or of an E1/T1 port or to filter a specified alarm. Operators of the following levels can add alarm shields: ADMINISTRATOR and OPERATOR. 9.3.2 Deleting an RNC Alarm Shield
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

This describes how to delete an alarm shield or all alarm shields in the RNC. When you do not need the RNC to filter an alarm, you should delete all the shields related to this alarm. Operators of the following levels can delete alarm shields: ADMINISTRATOR and OPERATOR. 9.3.3 Querying RNC Alarm Shields This describes how to query RNC alarm shields.

9.3.1 Adding an RNC Alarm Shield

This describes how to add an RNC alarm shield to filter alarms of a WFMR/WFMRb/WFMRc DSP or of an E1/T1 port or to filter a specified alarm. Operators of the following levels can add alarm shields: ADMINISTRATOR and OPERATOR.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 Run the ADD OBJALMSHLD command on the MML client to add an alarm shield. The successfully added alarm shield takes effect immediately.

l l

The names of the alarm shields cannot be duplicate. Otherwise, the addition fails. A maximum of 100 alarm shields can be added to each RNC.

Step 2 Run the LST OBJALMSHLD command to check whether the alarm shield is successfully added. ----End

9.3.2 Deleting an RNC Alarm Shield

This describes how to delete an alarm shield or all alarm shields in the RNC. When you do not need the RNC to filter an alarm, you should delete all the shields related to this alarm. Operators of the following levels can delete alarm shields: ADMINISTRATOR and OPERATOR.

l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The alarm shield to be deleted exists.

Step 1 Run the LST OBJALMSHLD command on the MML client to query RNC alarm shields to be deleted.


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

If... The shield is listed, The shield is not listed,

Then... Go to Step 2. End this operation.

Step 2 Run the RMV OBJALMSHLD command to delete the alarm shield. If you need to delete an alarm shield, enter The Shield name of Alarm Object. If you need to delete all the alarm shields, leave The Shield name of Alarm Object blank.

If The Shield name of Alarm Object is not specified, all alarm shields in the RNC are deleted. Step 3 If you need to delete multiple alarm shields, go to Step 1. ----End

9.3.3 Querying RNC Alarm Shields

This describes how to query RNC alarm shields.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 Run the LST OBJALMSHLD command on the MML client to query RNC alarm shields. ----End

9.4 Masking RNC Alarms

The RNC can mask the alarms. This function is used to mask the derivative alarms, that is, the ripple effect of alarms. The two alarm mask levels are ON and OFF. 9.4.1 Setting the Mask Level of an RNC Alarm This describes how to set the mask level of an RNC to ON or OFF. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can set the alarm mask. 9.4.2 Querying the Mask Level of an RNC Alarm This describes how to query the alarm mask level.

9.4.1 Setting the Mask Level of an RNC Alarm

This describes how to set the mask level of an RNC to ON or OFF. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can set the alarm mask.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 Run the SET ALMML command on the MML client. ----End

9.4.2 Querying the Mask Level of an RNC Alarm

This describes how to query the alarm mask level.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 Run the LST ALMML command on the MML client. ----End

9.5 Monitoring RNC Alarms

This describes how to monitor RNC alarms. In the Alarm Browse window of the LMT, you can monitor the alarm information sent to the LMT in real time. 9.5.1 Setting the Properties of the Alarm Browse Window This describes how to set the display properties of the Alarm Browse window. 9.5.2 Setting the Properties of RNC Fault Alarm Sounds This describes how to specify the severity level(s) and the duration of the audible alarms. The LMT emits audible alarms when it receives fault alarms of specified severity levels. 9.5.3 Browsing Alarms This describes how to browse the fault and event alarms that are sent to the LMT and displayed in the Alarm Browse window in real time. It helps learn about the operating situation of the system. 9.5.4 Querying RNC Alarm Logs This describes how to query the history alarm information from the BAM database. It helps learn the history operating situation of the system. 9.5.5 Querying Alarm Handling Suggestions This describes how to query alarm handling suggestions. The LMT provides detailed help information for every alarm. 9.5.6 Manually Setting a Cleared Alarm This describes how to manually set a cleared alarm. When a fault is cleared or can be neglected, you can manually set the alarm as a cleared alarm. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can perform the task.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

9.5.7 Saving the Information on an RNC Alarm This describes how to save a part or all of the alarm information in the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window for later queries. 9.5.8 Setting the Preferences for Printing Alarms in Real Time This describes how to set the requirements for the alarms for printing. After the setting, only the real-time alarms that meet the requirements can be printed. 9.5.9 Manually Printing Alarms This describes how to print a part or all of the alarm information in the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window.

9.5.1 Setting the Properties of the Alarm Browse Window

This describes how to set the display properties of the Alarm Browse window.

The LMT is started.

l The Alarm Browse window is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5 Alarm Browse window

Table 9-3 lists the display properties of the Alarm Browse window and describes how to set them.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

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Table 9-3 Display properties and setting methods Display Property Alarm colors Setting Description

Choose Fault Management > Select colors for alarms of Alarm Customization. different types, severity levels, and status. Choose Fault Management > Set the initial and Alarm Customization. maximum amounts of alarms to be displayed. Right-click the fault alarm browse window and choose Clear All Recovery Alarms from the shortcut menu. Delete all recovery alarms from the fault alarm browse window. The records of the recovery alarms are still stored and can be queried. Refresh the alarm information in the fault alarm window and delete all the cleared alarms.

Alarm amount

Clear recovery alarms


Right-click the fault alarm browse window and choose Refresh from the shortcut menu.


9.5.2 Setting the Properties of RNC Fault Alarm Sounds

This describes how to specify the severity level(s) and the duration of the audible alarms. The LMT emits audible alarms when it receives fault alarms of specified severity levels.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Customization. The Alarm Customization dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-6.


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Figure 9-6 Customizing alarms

Step 2 In the Fault Alarm Sound area, select the alarm severity and set the sound duration. Step 3 Click OK to save the settings. ----End

9.5.3 Browsing Alarms

This describes how to browse the fault and event alarms that are sent to the LMT and displayed in the Alarm Browse window in real time. It helps learn about the operating situation of the system.

The LMT is started.

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 1 In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Browse Alarm to display the Alarm Browse window. The upside of the window is the fault alarm browse pane and the downside is the event alarm browse pane. Step 2 Browse alarms in the Alarm Browse windows. Step 3 To learn the details of an alarm, double-click it. The Alarm Detailed Information dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-7. Figure 9-7 Details of an alarm

Step 4 Click the corresponding buttons to perform the corresponding operation. Click... To...

Previous Check the details of the previous alarm Next Check the details of the next alarm

Solution Check the alarm meaning, the impact on the system, the system action, and the alarm handling. Step 5 Click Close to close the dialog box. ----End


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

9.5.4 Querying RNC Alarm Logs

This describes how to query the history alarm information from the BAM database. It helps learn the history operating situation of the system.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

You can query the alarms logs by individual or combinations of the following parameters:
l l l l l l l l l l

Alarm Type Alarm Severity Alarm time Event type Range of alarm IDs Range of alarm serial numbers Module ID Maximum return amount Subrack number of the board generating alarms Slot number of the board generating alarms

You can perform this task in either of the following modes: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Query Alarm Log or click in Figure 9-8. . The Query Alarm Log dialog box is displayed, as shown

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 9-8 Querying an alarm log

2. 3.

Set the query parameters. Click OK. The Query Alarm Log window is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-9.

Figure 9-9 Query Alarm Log window


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

4. 5. 6. l 1.

Browse the queried history alarms in the window. To learn the details of an alarm, double-click it. The displayed Alarm Detailed Information dialog box shows the details of this alarm. Click to close the window when the browsing is complete.

In MML mode Run the LST ALMLOG command on the MML client.

After running the alarm querying command, right-click in the Query Alarm Log and choose the Dynamically Add. The alarm is automatically appended to the Query Alarm Log window.


9.5.5 Querying Alarm Handling Suggestions

This describes how to query alarm handling suggestions. The LMT provides detailed help information for every alarm.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

The LMT provides detailed help information for every alarm, which includes:
l l l l

Alarm meaning Impact on system System action Alarm handling

Step 1 In the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window, double-click an alarm. The Alarm Detailed Information dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-10.

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 9-10 Details of an alarm

Step 2 In the Alarm Detailed Information dialog box, click Solution. The online help window is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-11 Figure 9-11 Alarm online help


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Step 3 Check the information. Step 4 Click Close to close the page when the checking is complete. ----End

9.5.6 Manually Setting a Cleared Alarm

This describes how to manually set a cleared alarm. When a fault is cleared or can be neglected, you can manually set the alarm as a cleared alarm. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can perform the task.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


If you manually clear the alarm by accident without rectifying the fault, you will not be able to locate the fault. So do not manually clear the alarms at random. You can perform this task in either of the following modes: GUI and MML.

l In GUI mode 1. 2. In the fault alarm browse window, select the alarm to be cleared manually. Press Ctrl+Delete or right-click the alarm, and then choose Manually Clear Alarm from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed, prompting whether to clear this alarm. Click Yes. The color of the alarm changes to that of a cleared one. Run the RMV ALMFLT command on the MML client.

3. l 1. ----End

In MML mode

9.5.7 Saving the Information on an RNC Alarm

This describes how to save a part or all of the alarm information in the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window for later queries.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

The information is stored in any of the following formats:
l l l

.txt .htm .csv Serial No. Alarm Name Alarm Severity Raised/Clear Time Location Info Alarm ID Module ID Event Type Alarm Type Ne Name Cleared Type

The files record the following information:

l l l l l l l l l l l

Step 1 In the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window:
l l

To save all alarms, right-click and choose Save All Alarms from the shortcut menu. To save part of the alarms, select the alarms (hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple alarms), right-click them, and then choose Save Selected Alarms from the shortcut menu.

The Save File dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-12.


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Figure 9-12 Saving alarms

Step 2 Enter the file name and specify the save path and the file type.

l l

The default save path is installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number \alarm. The default file name is ALM-year-month-day-hour-minute-second.txt, for example ALM-06-02-23-11-12-58.txt.

Step 3 Click Save. The saving is complete. ----End

9.5.8 Setting the Preferences for Printing Alarms in Real Time

This describes how to set the requirements for the alarms for printing. After the setting, only the real-time alarms that meet the requirements can be printed.

l l

The LMT is started. The LMT is connected to a printer that works properly.

Step 1 In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Realtime Print Set. The Alarm Realtime Print Set dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-13.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 9-13 Setting alarm real-time print

Step 2 Set the print requirements. Step 3 Click OK. ----End

9.5.9 Manually Printing Alarms

This describes how to print a part or all of the alarm information in the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window.

l l

The LMT is started. The LMT is connected to a printer that works properly.

Step 1 In the Alarm Browse window or the Query Alarm Log window:
l l

To print all alarms, right-click and choose Print All Alarms from the shortcut menu. To print a part of the alarms, press and hold down Ctrl or Shift and choose the alarms to be printed, right-click them, and then choose Print Selected Alarms from the shortcut menu.

The Print dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-14.


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Figure 9-14 Printing alarms

Step 2 Set the print requirements. Step 3 Click Print. ----End

9.6 Managing the Convert Management System

This describes how to manage the Convert Management System. The Convert Management System runs on the LMT PC, which is connected to the alarm box through the serial port. The system forwards the alarms and the commands about the alarms from the BAM to the alarm box to manage and monitor the alarm box. When receiving the information, the alarm box provides audible and visible indications. 9.6.1 Starting the Convert Management System This describes how to start the Convert Management System on the LMT PC which is connected to the alarm box. 9.6.2 Setting the Parameters of the Convert Management System This describes how to set the parameters of the Convert Management System to enable the system to perform properly the function of forwarding alarm information. 9.6.3 Saving the Information in the Output Window This describes how to save the information in the output window for the analysis of the operating situation of the Convert Management System.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

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9.6.4 Exiting the Convert Management System This describes how to exit the Convert Management System on the LMT PC when the audible and visible indications provided by the alarm box are no longer necessary. The LMT PC is connected to the alarm box.

9.6.1 Starting the Convert Management System

This describes how to start the Convert Management System on the LMT PC which is connected to the alarm box.

l l

The LMT is properly connected to the RNC. The LMT PC is properly connected to the alarm box through the serial port.

Step 1 Choose Start > All Programs > HUAWEI Local Maintenance Terminal > Convert Management System to start the Convert Management System. ----End

9.6.2 Setting the Parameters of the Convert Management System

This describes how to set the parameters of the Convert Management System to enable the system to perform properly the function of forwarding alarm information.

l l l

The Convert Management System is successfully started on the LMT PC. The communication between the LMT and the BAM is functional. The communication between the LMT and the alarm box is functional.

Step 1 Double-click the icon in the status area on the bottom right of the window (if the ) to start the Convert Management communication on the serial port is abnormal, the icon is System.

Step 2 Choose Operate > Configuration or click the shortcut icon

Step 3 The Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-15. Figure 9-15 Configuring the Convert Management System


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Step 4 In the Host IP box, enter the external virtual IP address of the BAM. Set the COM Port to the serial port that connects the LMT with the alarm box. Step 5 Click OK. If the Convert Management System window displays the following information, the configuration of the parameters for the system is successful.
+++Begin2005-11-06 07:47:50 PM Prompt: Original connection is closed and new connection will be built with new configuration... +++End +++Begin2005-11-06 07:47:50 PM Prompt: COM communicate normally and connect the host now... +++End ++ +Begin2005-11-06 07:47:58 PM Prompt: Connection to host succeeded, alarm transfer begins... +++End


9.6.3 Saving the Information in the Output Window

This describes how to save the information in the output window for the analysis of the operating situation of the Convert Management System.


The Convert Management System is successfully started. The communication between the LMT and the BAM, and the communication between the LMT and the alarm box are functional. The parameters of the Convert Management System are successfully set.

Step 1 Choose Operate > Save or click the shortcut icon as. . You can also choose Operate > Save

Step 2 In the Save As dialog box, enter the file name in the File name box and select the file type from the Save as type drop-down list. Step 3 Click Save to save the information in the output window. ----End

9.6.4 Exiting the Convert Management System

This describes how to exit the Convert Management System on the LMT PC when the audible and visible indications provided by the alarm box are no longer necessary. The LMT PC is connected to the alarm box.

The Convert Management System is successfully started.

Step 1 Perform any of the following ways to exit the Convert Management System.
l l

Choose Operate > Exit. Click .

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

Right-click the icon is

in the status area (when the communication on the serial port is abnormal, ) and then choose Exit from the shortcut menu.

Step 2 In the displayed dialog box, click OK to exit the Convert Management System. ----End

9.7 Operating the RNC Alarm Box

This describes how to operate the RNC alarm box. In the RNC, the LMT is connected to the universal alarm box of Huawei. When the LMT receives alarms sent from the BAM server, the alarm box gives audible and visible indications. 9.7.1 Connecting the RNC Alarm Box to the RNC LMT This describes how to connect the LMT PC to the alarm box and set relevant parameters to enable the alarm box. 9.7.2 Resetting the RNC Alarm Box This describes how to reset the alarm box. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can reset alarm boxes. 9.7.3 Stopping an RNC Alarm Sound This describes how to stop an alarm sound. 9.7.4 Manually Turning Off an RNC Alarm Light This describes how to manually turn off an RNC alarm light. 9.7.5 Querying the Version of the RNC Alarm Box This describes how to query the version of the alarm box. 9.7.6 Querying the State of an RNC Alarm Light This describes how to query the number of alarms that the flashing indicator indicates. 9.7.7 Setting the Shield Severity of the RNC Alarm Box This describes how to set the shield severity of the alarm box. After the shield severity is set, the LMT does not send any fault alarm below the shield severity to the alarm box. 9.7.8 Querying the Mask Level of the RNC Alarm Box This describes how to query the mask level of the alarm box.

9.7.1 Connecting the RNC Alarm Box to the RNC LMT

This describes how to connect the LMT PC to the alarm box and set relevant parameters to enable the alarm box.

The LMT PC has an idle serial port.

Step 1 Connect the LMT PC to the alarm box using a serial port cable. Step 2 On the LMT PC, choose Start > All Programs > HUAWEI Local Maintenance Terminal > Convert Management System. The Convert Management System window is displayed, showing the following information:
9-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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9 Managing RNC Alarms

+++Begin2005-11-06 19:45:07 Prompt: COM communication exception, please check the connection. +++End

Step 3 In the Convert Management System window, choose Operate > Configuration. The Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-16. Figure 9-16 Configuring the Convert Management System

Step 4 Enter the external virtual IP address of the LMT-connected BAM and select the serial port that connects the LMT with the alarm box. Step 5 Click OK. When the Convert Management System window displays the following information, the connection between the LMT and the alarm box is successful.
+++Begin2005-11-06 07:47:50 PM Prompt: Original connection is closed and new connection will be built with new configuration... +++End +++Begin2005-11-06 07:47:50 PM Prompt: COM communicate normally and connect the host now... +++End ++ +Begin2005-11-06 07:47:58 PM Prompt: Connection to host succeeded, alarm transfer begins... +++End


9.7.2 Resetting the RNC Alarm Box

This describes how to reset the alarm box. Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can reset alarm boxes.

l l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The LMT is connected to the alarm box and it communicates with the alarm box normally. The Convert Management System is started, and it communicates with the BAM server normally.

You can choose either of the following modes to perform this task: GUI mode and MML mode.

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In GUI mode
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

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In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Box Operation > Alarm Box Control or click box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-17. Figure 9-17 Resetting alarm box . The Alarm Box Control dialog

2. 3. l 1. ----End

Select Reset Alarmbox. Click OK. Run the RST ALMBOX command on the MML client.

In MML mode

9.7.3 Stopping an RNC Alarm Sound

This describes how to stop an alarm sound.

l l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The LMT is connected to the alarm box. The Convert Management System is started, and it communicates with the BAM server normally.

When the LMT receives fault alarms sent from the BAM, the alarm box emits sound until the fault is rectified.
l l

After the fault alarm is cleared, the alarm sound automatically stops. If the alarm is not cleared, perform this operation to manually stop the alarm sound.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOMlevel operators can stop the alarm sound. To stop the alarm sound, you can use either of the following modes: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Box Operation > Alarm Box Control or click box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-18. Figure 9-18 Alarmbox Control dialog box . The Alarmbox Control dialog

2. 3. l 1. ----End

Select Stop Alarm Sound in the dialog box. Click OK. Run the STP BOXSND command on the MML client.

In MML mode

9.7.4 Manually Turning Off an RNC Alarm Light

This describes how to manually turn off an RNC alarm light.

l l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The LMT is connected to the alarm box. The Convert Management System is started, and it communicates with the BAM server normally.
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9 Managing RNC Alarms

RNC LMT User Guide

When the LMT receives fault alarms sent from the BAM, the color indicator on the alarm box corresponding to the alarm severity flashes until the fault is rectified.
l l

After the fault alarm is cleared, the status of the indicator becomes normal. If the alarm is not cleared, perform the operation to manually turn off the alarm light, that is, to change the status of the indicator from flashing to normal.

Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOMlevel operators can turn off the alarm light. To manually turn off the alarm light, you can use either of the following modes: GUI and MML.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Box Operation > Alarm Box Control or click box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-19. Figure 9-19 Alarmbox Control dialog box . The Alarmbox Control dialog

2. 3. l 1. ----End

Select Stop Alarm Status Lamp. Select an alarm severity from the Alarm Severity drop-down list. Click OK. Run the CLR BOXLGT command on the MML client.

In MML mode

9.7.5 Querying the Version of the RNC Alarm Box

This describes how to query the version of the alarm box.


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9 Managing RNC Alarms

l l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The LMT is connected to the alarm box. The Convert Management System is started, and it communicates with the BAM server normally.

To query the version of the alarm box, you can use either of the following modes: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. l In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Box Operation > Alarm Box Version. Run the LST BOXVER command on the MML client.

In MML mode 1.


9.7.6 Querying the State of an RNC Alarm Light

This describes how to query the number of alarms that the flashing indicator indicates.

l l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The LMT is connected to the alarm box. The Convert Management System is started, and it communicates with the BAM server normally.

When the LMT receives one or more fault alarms of some severity level from the BAM server, the corresponding indicator on the alarm box flashes. The flashing indicator, however, does not indicate the number of alarms.

Step 1 Run the LST BOXLGT command on the MML client. ----End

9.7.7 Setting the Shield Severity of the RNC Alarm Box

This describes how to set the shield severity of the alarm box. After the shield severity is set, the LMT does not send any fault alarm below the shield severity to the alarm box.


The LMT is started.

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9 Managing RNC Alarms


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You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Only the admin, the OPERATOR-level, ADMINISTRATOR-level, and authorized CUSTOMlevel operators can set alarm shield severity. To set the alarm shield severity, you can use either of the following modes: GUI and MML.

l In GUI mode 1. In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Box Operation > Shield Severity Set. The Alarmbox Shield Severity Setting dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-20. Figure 9-20 Setting the alarm shield severity

2. 3. l 1. ----End

Select the alarm severity from the Alarm Severity drop-down list. Click OK. Run the SET ALMSCRN command on the MML client.

In MML mode

9.7.8 Querying the Mask Level of the RNC Alarm Box

This describes how to query the mask level of the alarm box.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

To set the alarm shield severity, you can use either of the following modes: GUI and MML.


In GUI mode
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9 Managing RNC Alarms


In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, choose Fault Management > Alarm Box Operation > Shield Severity Get. The Alarm Box Shield Severity Query dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-21. Figure 9-21 Querying alarm mask level

2. l 1. ----End

Click Close. Run the LST ALMSCRN command on the MML client.

In MML mode

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RNC LMT User Guide

10 Managing RNC Logs

About This Chapter

Managing RNC Logs

This describes how to manage the RNC logs. The logs are saved in .txt and .log files. 10.1 Definitions of RNC Log Management This describes the basic concepts of the logs. 10.2 Setting the Time and Count Limits of the RNC Log This describes how to set the limit for the continuous system run time that an operation or security log records and how to set the limit for the number of items that an operation or security log saves. If the run time or the quantity of saved items exceeds the limit, the BAM database automatically deletes oldest information. 10.3 Querying the Time and Count Limits of the RNC Log This describes how to query the time and count limits for the storage of the RNC operation log and RNC security log. 10.4 Querying an RNC Operation Log This describes how to query operation logs from the BAM database. 10.5 Exporting an RNC Operation Log This describes how to use the FTP client to download to the LMT an exported operation log that is saved in the directory BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlog. 10.6 Querying RNC Security Logs This describes how to query the RNC security logs. The security logs record the results generated when the delivered and authenticated commands are run. By performing this task, you can learn about the information related to RNC operations. 10.7 Exporting an RNC Security Log This describes how to use the FTP Client to download to the LMT an exported security log that is saved in the directory BAM installation directory\FTP. 10.8 Obtaining an RNC Running Log This describes how to use the FTP Client to download to the LMT an exported running log that is uploaded and saved in the directories BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlog and BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlogfmt. 10.9 Collecting Fault Log Information
Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10-1

10 Managing RNC Logs

RNC LMT User Guide

This describes how to collect fault log information for fault location. Fault log information consists of the host log, BAM log, database log, system event log, operation log, BAM installation log, remote upgrade log, and alarm records.


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RNC LMT User Guide

10 Managing RNC Logs

10.1 Definitions of RNC Log Management

This describes the basic concepts of the logs. 10.1.1 RNC Log Types The RNC logs include operation logs, security logs, and running logs. 10.1.2 RNC Log Management Authority Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can manage the logs.

10.1.1 RNC Log Types

The RNC logs include operation logs, security logs, and running logs.

RNC Operation Log

The RNC operation log refers to all the real-time operation information recorded in the BAM database. The operation log is mainly used to analyze the association between the device faults and operations.

RNC Security Log

The RNC security log refers to the NE or EMS information related to security events such as login, logout, and authorization. The security log is used for auditing and tracing security events.

RNC Running Log

The running log refers to the system running information the RNC host records in real time. The running log is used for fault location, routine inspection, and device running monitoring.

10.1.2 RNC Log Management Authority

Only the admin and the ADMINISTRATOR-level and authorized CUSTOM-level operators can manage the logs.

For details of the operator levels and the authorities for log management, refer to Managing the RNC License.

10.2 Setting the Time and Count Limits of the RNC Log
This describes how to set the limit for the continuous system run time that an operation or security log records and how to set the limit for the number of items that an operation or security log saves. If the run time or the quantity of saved items exceeds the limit, the BAM database automatically deletes oldest information.
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10 Managing RNC Logs

RNC LMT User Guide

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for log management.

Step 1 Enter SET LOGLIMIT on the MML client, and then press Enter or click .

Step 2 Set the limits in the Time Limit [Days] and Counts Limit [Items] boxes, and then choose a Log Type. Step 3 Press F9 or click

to run the command.

l l

Time Limit [Days] ranges from 7 to 365 days and the default setting is 30 days. Counts Limit [Items] ranges from 10,000 to 50,000 items, and the default setting is 50,000 items.


10.3 Querying the Time and Count Limits of the RNC Log
This describes how to query the time and count limits for the storage of the RNC operation log and RNC security log.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for log management.

Step 1 Enter the LST LOGLIMIT command on the MML client, and press Enter or click Step 2 Specify the Log Type, press F9 or click ----End to run the command. .

10.4 Querying an RNC Operation Log

This describes how to query operation logs from the BAM database.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for log management.


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10 Managing RNC Logs

Step 1 Enter the LST OPTLOG command on the MML client, and press Enter or click Step 2 Set the following parameters:
l l l l l l

Operator IP address of the LMT in operation Time range Command name Command result (Final) Number of records returned . The LMT lists the queried information.

Step 3 Press F9 or click


If no query parameter is set, the LMT lists the operation logs of the current day.


10.5 Exporting an RNC Operation Log

This describes how to use the FTP client to download to the LMT an exported operation log that is saved in the directory BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlog.

Step 1 On the MML client, run the EXP LOG command, set Log Type to OPTLOG(OPERATING LOG), and then set other parameters as required to export the operation log. When exporting operation logs, you can name the file or use the default name provided by the system. The default name of the exported file is RNC-start time-end time-OLOG.txt.

If Time Mode is set to RELATIVE_T(relative_time), the operation log within N hour(s) before the time point of running the command is exported. N stands for the relative time length. For example, if Relative Time is 72, then the log within the latest 72 hours is exported. If Time Mode is set to ONTIME(fixed_time), the operation log within the absolute time is exported. For example, Start Time for exporting the operation log is 11.06.07 16:57:01 and End Time is 12.06.07 16:57:01. The default file name is RNC-Y2007M06D11H17N32S46Y2007M06D12H17N32S46-OLOG.txt.

The default save path for the exported logs is BAM installation directory\FTP. Step 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > FTP Client. The FTP Client is started. Step 3 In the server entry bar shown in Figure 10-1 on the FTP client, enter the external virtual IP address of the BAM, the FTP user name, and the password.

Set the FTP user name and password only as characters, numbers, or symbols like a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, or - and _. The user name and the password are case sensitive.

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10 Managing RNC Logs

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 10-1 Server entry bar

Step 4 Click

on the toolbar or press Enter. The connection tip pane displays the connection status.

Step 5 After the connection is successful, in the server file list pane, double-click BAM installation directory\FTP. The server file list pane displays the files in the directory. Step 6 Double-click a running log, or select it and then click

to download it to the LMT.

By double-clicking a file, you can download only that file. You can also select multiple files and then click to download all the selected files.

Step 7 When the download is complete, choose System > Exit or click the close button to exit the FTP Client. ----End

10.6 Querying RNC Security Logs

This describes how to query the RNC security logs. The security logs record the results generated when the delivered and authenticated commands are run. By performing this task, you can learn about the information related to RNC operations.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for log management.

Step 1 Enter the LST SECLOG command on the MML client, and press Enter or click Step 2 Set the following parameters:
l l l l l l l l l

Source Operator Domain name IP address Start time End time Security log type Security log levels Final
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l l

10 Managing RNC Logs

Return code Records to return . The LMT lists the queried information.

Step 3 Press F9 or click


If no query parameter is set, the LMT lists the security logs of the current day.


10.7 Exporting an RNC Security Log

This describes how to use the FTP Client to download to the LMT an exported security log that is saved in the directory BAM installation directory\FTP.

Step 1 On the MML client, run the EXP LOG command, set Log Type to SECLOG(SECURITY LOG), and then set other parameters as required to export the security log. When exporting operation logs, you can name the file or use the default name provided by the system. The default name of the exported file is RNC-start time-end time-OLOG.txt.

If Time Mode is set to RELATIVE_T(relative_time), the security log within N hour(s) before the time point of running the command is exported. N stands for the relative time length. For example, if Relative Time is 72, then the log within the latest 72 hours is exported. If Time Mode is set to ONTIME(fixed_time), the security log within the absolute time is exported. For example, Start Time for exporting the security log is 11.06.07 17:32:46 and End Time is 12.06.07 17:32:46. The default file name is RNC-Y2007M06D11H17N32S46Y2007M06D12H17N32S46-SLOG.txt.

The default save path for the exported logs is BAM installation directory\FTP. Step 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > FTP Client. The FTP Client is started. Step 3 In the server entry bar shown in Figure 10-2 on the FTP Client, enter the external virtual IP address of the BAM, the FTP user name, and the password.

The user name and the password are case sensitive.

Figure 10-2 Server entry bar

Step 4 Click

on the toolbar or press Enter. The connection tip pane displays the connection status.

Step 5 After the connection is successful, in the server file list pane, double-click BAM installation directory\FTP. The server file list pane displays the files in the directory. Step 6 Based on the file name, double-click the security log file, or select it and then click download it to the LMT.
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10 Managing RNC Logs


RNC LMT User Guide

By double-clicking a file, you can download only that file. You can also select multiple files and then click to download all the selected files.

Step 7 When the download is complete, choose System > Exit or click the close button to exit the FTP Client. ----End

10.8 Obtaining an RNC Running Log

This describes how to use the FTP Client to download to the LMT an exported running log that is uploaded and saved in the directories BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlog and BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlogfmt.

Step 1 On the MML client, run the ULD LOGTOBAM command, enter the subrack number, and then export the related running log file.

The format of the file name is subrack number/Log/yyyy/mm/dd/hh/mm/ss.log. For example, for the running log of the No. 3 RBS that is uploaded at 2005-11-07 17:19:47, the file name is 03Log20051107171947.log. The default save path for the uploaded running logs is BAM installation directory \LoadData \famlog on the BAM.

Step 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > FTP Client. The FTP Client is started. Step 3 In the server entry bar shown in Figure 10-3 on the FTP Client, enter the external virtual IP address of the BAM server, the user name, and the password.

The user name and the password are case sensitive.

Figure 10-3 Server entry bar

Step 4 Click

on the toolbar or press Enter. The connection tip pane displays the connection status.

Step 5 After the connection is successful, in the server file list pane, double-click BAM installation directory\LoadData\famlog. The server file list pane displays the files in the directory. Step 6 Double-click a running log, or select it and then click to download it to the LMT.


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10 Managing RNC Logs

By double-clicking a file, you can download only that file. You can also select multiple files and then click to download all the selected files.

Step 7 When the download is complete, choose System > Exit or click the close button to exit the FTP Client. ----End

10.9 Collecting Fault Log Information

This describes how to collect fault log information for fault location. Fault log information consists of the host log, BAM log, database log, system event log, operation log, BAM installation log, remote upgrade log, and alarm records.

Step 1 Enter the COL LOG command on the MML client, and press Enter or click Step 2 Set the parameters, and then press F9 or click ----End . .

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RNC LMT User Guide

11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel


Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

About This Chapter

This describes how to manage the RNC equipment by using the device panel and display panel. By performing this task, you can query the information about the boards, board ports, board links, and board alarms in GUI mode. 11.1 Using the RNC Device Panel The RNC device panel can be used to view the status of the RNC subracks and boards. 11.2 Using the RNC Display Panel The RNC display panel can be used to view the information about the board ports and about the alarms. 11.3 Querying the Configuration Mode of a Subrack This describes how to query the configuration mode of a subrack. By performing this task, you can learn about the current subrack status. 11.4 Maintaining the WRSS Subrack This describes how to maintain the WMPU by using command lines through the LMT-BAMWRSS BIN interface channel. After you enter commands in character string format, the WRSS resolves and runs the commands, and then returns the results. This task is intended only for Huawei engineers.

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

RNC LMT User Guide

11.1 Using the RNC Device Panel

The RNC device panel can be used to view the status of the RNC subracks and boards. 11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel The RNC system provides multiple modes for equipment maintenance. In addition to MML commands, the Local Maintenance Terminal provides the graphical device panel that simplifies the equipment maintenance. 11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel This describes how to start the RNC device panel for operations on it. 11.1.3 Showing or Hiding the Legend on the RNC Device Panel This describes how to show and hide the legend on the RNC device panel. The color legend indicates the meanings of colors. It helps to judge the working statuses of boards. By performing this task, you can display or hide the color legend. 11.1.4 Showing or Hiding the Failure Bar on the RNC Device Panel When a fault occurs on a board, the failure bar displays the following information on the faulty board: cabinet number, subrack number, slot number, and board name. This task describes how to display or hide the failure bar on the RNC device panel. 11.1.5 Browsing the Status of an RNC Board This describes how to directly browse the status of an RNC board through the device panel. 11.1.6 Querying the Detailed Information on the Status of an RNC Board This describes how to query the detailed information on the status of an RNC board. 11.1.7 Querying the CPU/DSP Usage of an RNC Board This describes how to query the CPU/DSP usage of an RNC board. By performing this task, you can learn about the usage of the CPU/DSP resources on a board. 11.1.8 Switching over RNC Boards This describes how to switch over the active and standby RNC boards. The boards can be switched over are the WSPUb, WMUX/WMUXb, and WFIE in the WRBS, the WHPU, WNET/ WNETc, and WMPU in the WRSS.

11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

The RNC system provides multiple modes for equipment maintenance. In addition to MML commands, the Local Maintenance Terminal provides the graphical device panel that simplifies the equipment maintenance. The device panel is automatically refreshed, showing board status in real time through the board colors, LEDs, and failure bar. On the device panel, you can right-click a board in position and choose operations from the shortcut menu. For example, you can query the board status. Figure 11-1 shows the device panel.


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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

Figure 11-1 RNC device panel

Related Tasks
11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel 11.1.3 Showing or Hiding the Legend on the RNC Device Panel 11.1.4 Showing or Hiding the Failure Bar on the RNC Device Panel 11.1.5 Browsing the Status of an RNC Board 11.1.6 Querying the Detailed Information on the Status of an RNC Board 11.1.7 Querying the CPU/DSP Usage of an RNC Board 11.1.8 Switching over RNC Boards

11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel

This describes how to start the RNC device panel for operations on it.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, click the Device Panel tab. Step 2 Expand the Device Management node, as shown in Figure 11-2.

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 11-2 Navigation tree of the device panel

Step 3 Double-click a shelf. The device panel of the shelf is displayed in the right pane. ----End

Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

Related Tasks
11.1.3 Showing or Hiding the Legend on the RNC Device Panel 11.1.4 Showing or Hiding the Failure Bar on the RNC Device Panel 11.1.5 Browsing the Status of an RNC Board 11.1.6 Querying the Detailed Information on the Status of an RNC Board 11.1.7 Querying the CPU/DSP Usage of an RNC Board

11.1.3 Showing or Hiding the Legend on the RNC Device Panel

This describes how to show and hide the legend on the RNC device panel. The color legend indicates the meanings of colors. It helps to judge the working statuses of boards. By performing this task, you can display or hide the color legend.

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The device panel is started.


To display the color legend, perform the following step:

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel



on the top right of the device panel, as shown in Figure 11-3.

Figure 11-3 Displaying the color legend

To hide the color legend, perform the following step: 1. Click on the top right of the device panel, as shown in Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4 Hiding the color legend


By default, the color legend is always displayed.


Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

Related Tasks
11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel
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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

RNC LMT User Guide

11.1.4 Showing or Hiding the Failure Bar on the RNC Device Panel
When a fault occurs on a board, the failure bar displays the following information on the faulty board: cabinet number, subrack number, slot number, and board name. This task describes how to display or hide the failure bar on the RNC device panel.

l l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The device panel is started. There are one or more faulty boards.

l To show the failure bar, perform the following step: 1. Right-click the edge of the shelf and then choose Show Failure Bar from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 11-5.

Figure 11-5 To show the failure bar, perform the following step:

Hiding the failure bar 1. Right-click the edge of the rack and choose Hide Failure Bar from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 11-6.


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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

Figure 11-6 Hiding the failure bar


Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

Related Tasks
11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel

11.1.5 Browsing the Status of an RNC Board

This describes how to directly browse the status of an RNC board through the device panel.

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The device panel is started.

Step 1 View the status of an RNC board by referring to the legend on the device panel. ----End

Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel
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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

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Related Tasks
11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel

11.1.6 Querying the Detailed Information on the Status of an RNC Board

This describes how to query the detailed information on the status of an RNC board.

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The boards are in position.

You can either use the device or display panel or run the MML commands to perform this task.

l In GUI mode 1. 2. Open the device panel or open the display panel. Right-click a board in position in the device panel or display panel, and then choose Query Board State from the shortcut menu. The Query Board State dialog box is displayed, showing details of the board. Figure 11-7 shows the query result of the WSPUb in slot 10 of subrack 0. Figure 11-7 Querying details of boards

In MML mode Run the following commands on the MML client to query the detailed information on boards:


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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

Run DSP BRD to query board details. Run DSP CPUUSAGE to query CPU usage of board subsystems. Run DSP CLKSTAT to query clock status of boards. Run DSP DSP to query working status of DSPs on the WFMR.


Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

Related Tasks
11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel

11.1.7 Querying the CPU/DSP Usage of an RNC Board

This describes how to query the CPU/DSP usage of an RNC board. By performing this task, you can learn about the usage of the CPU/DSP resources on a board.

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The boards are in position.

Step 1 Open the device panel or open the display panel. Step 2 Right-click a board in position in the device panel or display panel, and then choose Display CPU Usage from the shortcut menu. The CPU/DSP Usage window is displayed, showing realtime monitoring results in either list or chart. Figure 11-8 is an example of the output interface (list) of the CPU/DSP Usage window. Figure 11-8 Output interface of the CPU/DSP Usage window

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

RNC LMT User Guide


Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

Related Tasks
11.1.2 Starting the RNC Device Panel

11.1.8 Switching over RNC Boards

This describes how to switch over the active and standby RNC boards. The boards can be switched over are the WSPUb, WMUX/WMUXb, and WFIE in the WRBS, the WHPU, WNET/ WNETc, and WMPU in the WRSS.

l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The active and standby boards to be switched over are in position and work normally.



Switchover failure leads to short disruption of links or traffic data lost. Therefore, perform the switchover with caution. Since the switchover may have negative impact on the active services, you should perform the switchover when the traffic volume is low, for example, in the early morning.

Step 1 Run SWP BRD on the MML client to switch over boards. Step 2 Run DSP BRD and check the states of the active and standby boards. Ensure that the switchover is successful. ----End

Related Concepts
11.1.1 Introduction to the RNC Device Panel

11.2 Using the RNC Display Panel

The RNC display panel can be used to view the information about the board ports and about the alarms.
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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel The LMT provides the display panel, which bears close resemblance to the panels of the boards. The display panel helps to learn the status of each board. 11.2.2 Starting the RNC Display Panel This describes how to start the display panel that helps learn the working status of the equipment. 11.2.3 Viewing the Status of a WFMRc DSP This describes how to view the status of a DSP on the WFMRc. The DSP working status includes normal, in place, loading, and faulty. 11.2.4 Viewing the Status of an RNC Board Port This describes how to view the status of a port in an RNC subrack. The ports include the optical ports on the WLPU/WOSEc, E1/T1 ports on the WBIEb/WOSEc, and Ethernet port on the WMUXb/WFEE/WFIE. 11.2.5 Querying Alarms through a Board Alarm Light This describes how to query the alarms through a board alarm light.

11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel

The LMT provides the display panel, which bears close resemblance to the panels of the boards. The display panel helps to learn the status of each board. Through the display panel, you can see the status of each board or port. You can also perform related operations by clicking and right-clicking the display panel, as shown in Figure 11-9. Figure 11-9 RNC display panel

The display panel has the following functions:

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel
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RNC LMT User Guide

Showing the running status of the device in GUI mode You can perform the following operations from the shortcut menu: querying the detailed status of an RNC board, querying the CPU/DSP usage of an RNC board, and querying the port status of an RNC board.

Related Tasks
11.2.2 Starting the RNC Display Panel 11.2.3 Viewing the Status of a WFMRc DSP 11.2.4 Viewing the Status of an RNC Board Port 11.2.5 Querying Alarms through a Board Alarm Light

11.2.2 Starting the RNC Display Panel

This describes how to start the display panel that helps learn the working status of the equipment.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 In the navigation pane of the Local Maintenance Terminal window, click the Device Panel tab. Expand the Device Management node. Step 2 Double-click a rack. The device panel is displayed. Step 3 Double-click the edge of a subrack, as shown in Figure 11-10. The display panel is displayed. Figure 11-10 Edge of a subrack


Related Concepts
11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel
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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

Related Tasks
11.2.5 Querying Alarms through a Board Alarm Light

11.2.3 Viewing the Status of a WFMRc DSP

This describes how to view the status of a DSP on the WFMRc. The DSP working status includes normal, in place, loading, and faulty.

l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The boards are in position.

You can check the state of a DSP on the WFMRc in either of the following modes: GUI mode and MML mode.

l In GUI mode 1. 2. l Perform 11.2.2 Starting the RNC Display Panel. Right-click the target board and choose Query DSP State from the shortcut menu. The current status of the DSPs on the board is displayed. Run DSP DSP to query the working status of a DSP on the WFMRc.

In MML mode 1.


Related Concepts
11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel

11.2.4 Viewing the Status of an RNC Board Port

This describes how to view the status of a port in an RNC subrack. The ports include the optical ports on the WLPU/WOSEc, E1/T1 ports on the WBIEb/WOSEc, and Ethernet port on the WMUXb/WFEE/WFIE.

l l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The boards are in position. The display panel is started.

On the display panel, you can view the port status in the following ways:

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

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l Place the pointer on the port to be viewed. The popup window displays the information about the port. Figure 11-11 shows information about the status of an optical port on the WLPU.

Figure 11-11 Information about the status of an optical port on the WLPU

Right-click the port to be viewed and choose the command from the shortcut menu to view the port status.


Related Concepts
11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel

11.2.5 Querying Alarms through a Board Alarm Light

This describes how to query the alarms through a board alarm light.

l l l

You have logged in to the RNC LMT. The boards are in position. The display panel is started.

Step 1 On the display panel, right-click the alarm light to be queried, and then choose Query The Alarm Information Of Alarm Lamp from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 11-12.
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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

Figure 11-12 Query The Alarm Information Of Alarm Lamp

Step 2 The Query The Alarm Information Of Alarm Lamp dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-13. Figure 11-13 Query The Alarm Information Of Alarm Lamp dialog box

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11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

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Related Concepts
11.2.1 Introduction to the RNC Display Panel

Related Tasks
11.2.2 Starting the RNC Display Panel

11.3 Querying the Configuration Mode of a Subrack

This describes how to query the configuration mode of a subrack. By performing this task, you can learn about the current subrack status.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

Step 1 In the main window of the Local Maintenance Terminal, click the drop-down list shown in Figure 11-14 on the right of the toolbar to check the configuration mode of each subrack. Figure 11-14 Configuration modes of subracks


11.4 Maintaining the WRSS Subrack

This describes how to maintain the WMPU by using command lines through the LMT-BAMWRSS BIN interface channel. After you enter commands in character string format, the WRSS resolves and runs the commands, and then returns the results. This task is intended only for Huawei engineers.

You have logged in to the RNC LMT.

The WRSS management performs the following functions:
l l

Querying the status of the WMPU board and the WHPU board Querying the logical slot number of the WHPU board
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l l

11 Managing the RNC Equipment by Using the Device Panel and Display Panel

Querying the clock information on the WNET/WNETc board Checking the load channels of WRBSs as well as the channels to the CS and PS domains


You can maintain and configure the WRSS by running commands. In application, do not configure or change the WRSS internal data by performing this task. Users should not perform this task.

Step 1 Click the Maintenance tab in the navigation tree, and then double-click WRSS Management. The edit window is displayed. Step 2 Type a command in the Input box, and then press Enter. The message browse window displays the returned information. ----End

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RNC LMT User Guide

12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing


RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

About This Chapter

This describes how to manage the RNC traced messages. RNC message tracing is implemented through menus. You can use the Trace Viewer to query the tracing data recorded in the files. 12.1 Concepts of RNC Message Tracing Management This describes the basic concepts of the RNC message tracing management. 12.2 Tracing Iu Interface Messages This describes how to trace the signaling messages over the Iu interface, including the connection-oriented messages and the connectionless messages. You can perform this task to locate the fault in the failure of the following procedures: RAB assignment, RAB release, paging, Iu release, security mode control, initial UE message, and relocation. 12.3 Tracing Iur Interface Messages This describes how to trace the signaling messages over the Iur interface, including the connection-oriented messages and the connectionless messages. You can perform this task to locate the fault in the following scenarios: radio link setup failure, radio link addition failure, radio link deletion, resource release failure on common transport channel, DL power control failure, and paging failure. 12.4 Tracing Iub Interface Messages This describes how to trace signaling messages over the Iub interface, that is, NodeB Application Part (NBAP) messages. You can perform this task to identify the fault in the failure of the following procedures: radio link setup, radio link reconfiguration, resource audit, cell setup, cell reconfiguration, common transport channel setup, and system information update. 12.5 Tracing Uu Interface Messages This describes how to trace all or part of the signaling messages over the Uu interface in a specified cell. You can perform this task to locate the fault in the following scenarios: RRC connection setup failure, radio bearer setup failure, physical channel reconfiguration failure, and cell update failure. 12.6 Tracing UE Messages This describes how to monitor the interworking of signaling on the standard interfaces, the interworking of signaling on the user plan, and the uplink and downlink traffic during the call. You can perform this task to locate the signaling problems of the VIP subscribers, in combination with the drive test result.
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12.7 Tracing IOS Messages This describes how to trace a number of calls that meet the sampling criteria within a specified range of cells. When creating the task, you can specify the number of calls to be traced. You can also specify the messages to be traced by selecting the event type. 12.8 Tracing Cell Messages This describes how to trace the NBAP common messages on the Iub interface of a specified cell. You can perform this task to locate the fault on the common channel, to locate the problem of no access or low access success rate of the cell, and to collect the user volume in the cell. 12.9 Tracing REDIRECT Messages This describes how to redirect messages that are printed through the serial port of a specified subsystem to the message browse window. 12.10 Tracing MNCDT Messages This describes how to trace the missing neighbor cell relations of a cell. The Missing Neighbor Cell Detect Trace (MNCDT) tracing task involves three independent detection types: detection of missing intra-frequency neighboring cell relations, detection of missing inter-frequency neighboring cell relations, and detection of missing inter-RAT neighboring cell relations. 12.11 Tracing OS Messages This describes how to trace messages between the exchange module of the BAM and internal modules of a board or between internal modules of different boards. 12.12 Tracing IP Messages This describes how to trace IP messages. This task is performed to locate the problem that leads to the unavailability of the IP path. 12.13 Tracing SCCP Messages This describes how to monitor the interworking of SCCP messages respectively over the Iu and Iur interfaces, including the connection-oriented messages and the connectionless messages. You can perform this task to locate the link setup failure or link release abnormality on the Iu and Iur interfaces. 12.14 Tracing MTP3B Messages This describes how to trace the MTP3B messages, including the MTP3B upper layer (QAAL2 and SCCP) messages, MTP3B signaling link test messages, and MTP3B signaling network management messages. 12.15 Tracing QAAL2 Messages This describes how to monitor the interworking of QAAL2 messages respectively over the Iu and Iur interfaces. You can perform this task to locate the setup failure or release abnormality of an ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 (AAL2) connection on the user plane respectively on the Iu and Iur interfaces. 12.16 Tracing SAAL Messages This describes how to monitor the interworking of SAAL messages respectively over the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces. You can perform this task to locate the problem of non-availability of SAAL link on the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces. 12.17 Tracing SCTP Messages This describes how to trace the SCTP messages respectively over the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces. You can perform this task to trace the interworking of SCTP messages and to locate the problem of non-availability of SCTP link on the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces. 12.18 Tracing M3UA Messages


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

This describes how to trace the M3UA Messages over the Iu and Iur interfaces. You can perform this task to locate the problem that the M3UA link is unavailable while the corresponding IP link is available. 12.19 Tracing Location Messages This describes how to trace the results of a location tracing initiated by the CN. This task can also simulate the CN to initiate a location tracing and trace the results. 12.20 Basic Operations of RNC Message Tracing This describes the basic operations of RNC Message Tracing. These operations apply to all the RNC message tracing tasks. 12.21 Parameter Reference for Tracing and Viewing RNC Messages This describes the parameters used for each message tracing.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

RNC LMT User Guide

12.1 Concepts of RNC Message Tracing Management

This describes the basic concepts of the RNC message tracing management. 12.1.1 Functions of RNC Message Tracing Management RNC message tracing management is used to trace interfaces, signaling links, and internal messages. It is applicable to routine equipment maintenance, debugging, and fault location. 12.1.2 Working Principles of RNC Message Tracing Management This describes the working principles of the message tracing. It also describes how to create or close message trace tasks and the internal process for the service module to report traced messages to the LMT. 12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management You can perform the message tracing management operations only when you are authorized.

12.1.1 Functions of RNC Message Tracing Management

RNC message tracing management is used to trace interfaces, signaling links, and internal messages. It is applicable to routine equipment maintenance, debugging, and fault location. The RNC provides the following tracing functions:
l l l l l l l l l l

RNC Message Tracing on Standard Interfaces UE tracing Call tracing Message tracing at the transport network layer MNCDT tracing Cell tracing OS tracing REDIRECT tracing IP Tracing Location message tracing

12.1.2 Working Principles of RNC Message Tracing Management

This describes the working principles of the message tracing. It also describes how to create or close message trace tasks and the internal process for the service module to report traced messages to the LMT.

Working Principles of the Message Tracing

Figure 12-1 shows the working principles of the message tracing.


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

Figure 12-1 Working principles of the message tracing

Internal Process for Creating the Tracing Task

The internal process of creating a message tracing task is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The operator creates a trace task on the LMT and the LMT sends a binary command to the BAM server to create the task. The BAM server assigns an ID to the task and forwards the command to the debugging module of the specified board. After receiving the command, the debugging module records the filter parameters of the tracing data in the filter table and notifies the service module. The service module updates the local filter table according to the message from the debugging module.

Internal Process for Closing the Tracing Task

The internal process of closing a message tracing task is as follows: 1. 2. 3. The operator closes a trace task on the LMT and the LMT sends a binary command to the BAM server to delete the task. The BAM server forwards the command to the specified board according to the task ID. The commissioning module and service module delete the task from the filter table.

Internal Process for the Service Module to Report Traced Messages to the LMT
The internal process of reporting traced messages to the LMT is as follows: 1. 2. 3. The service module filters the collected messages according to the filter parameters in the local filter table and reports the messages meeting the requirements to the BAM server. The BAM server forwards the traced messages to the LMT that creates the task according to the task ID. The LMT translates the messages and displays them on the interface.

12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

You can perform the message tracing management operations only when you are authorized. The operators at the following levels can perform the trace tasks: admin, USER, OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR and CUSTOM entitled to use command group G_10.
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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That is, except operators at GUEST-level and CUSTOM not entitled to use command group G_10, all the others have the authority to perform the online tracing tasks.

Group G_10 contains commands for tracing and query. It is a binary command group, which contains no MML commands.

Related Tasks
12.2 Tracing Iu Interface Messages 12.3 Tracing Iur Interface Messages 12.4 Tracing Iub Interface Messages 12.5 Tracing Uu Interface Messages 12.6 Tracing UE Messages 12.7 Tracing IOS Messages 12.8 Tracing Cell Messages 12.9 Tracing REDIRECT Messages 12.10.1 Tracing Messages of Missed Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cells 12.10.2 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cells 12.10.3 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-RAT Neighboring Cells 12.11 Tracing OS Messages 12.12 Tracing IP Messages 12.13 Tracing SCCP Messages 12.14 Tracing MTP3B Messages 12.15 Tracing QAAL2 Messages 12.16 Tracing SAAL Messages 12.17 Tracing SCTP Messages 12.18 Tracing M3UA Messages 12.19 Tracing Location Messages

12.2 Tracing Iu Interface Messages

This describes how to trace the signaling messages over the Iu interface, including the connection-oriented messages and the connectionless messages. You can perform this task to locate the fault in the failure of the following procedures: RAB assignment, RAB release, paging, Iu release, security mode control, initial UE message, and relocation.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

You can start the Iu interface tracing on the LMT to monitor the interworking of signaling messages over the Iu interface.
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

To start a tracing task, you can select the following operations:

l l l l

Tracing the messages processed by the specified SPU subsystem Tracing the required message types Tracing all message types Tracing signaling messages at the transport network layer

For each subsystem, a maximum of six Iu interface tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously. When creating two or more tasks of the same type, do not set their parameters completely the same. Otherwise, only one tracing task can be created successfully.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-2. Figure 12-2 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select Iu in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the Iu tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow. ----End

The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-3. Figure 12-3 Output of Iu interface tracing


In the message browse window of Iu Interface Tracing, the number in the Information Source column represents the DPC of the peer CN equipment. You can query more information about the DPC by running the command LST N7DPC.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing

12.3 Tracing Iur Interface Messages

This describes how to trace the signaling messages over the Iur interface, including the connection-oriented messages and the connectionless messages. You can perform this task to locate the fault in the following scenarios: radio link setup failure, radio link addition failure, radio link deletion, resource release failure on common transport channel, DL power control failure, and paging failure.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

You can start the Iur interface tracing on the LMT to monitor the interworking of signaling messages over the Iur interface. To start a tracing task, you can select the following operations:
l l l l

Tracing the messages processed by the specified SPU subsystem Tracing the required message types Tracing all message types Tracing signaling messages at the transport network layer

For each subsystem, a maximum of six Iur interface tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously. When creating two or more tasks of the same type, do not set their parameters completely the same. Otherwise, only one tracing task can be created successfully.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iur. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-4.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 12-4 Setting the parameters for Iur interface tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.2 Parameter Reference for Iur Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select Iur in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the Iur tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow. ----End

The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-5.


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

Figure 12-5 Output of Iur interface tracing


In the message browse window of Iur Interface Tracing, the number in the Information Source column represents the DPC of the neighboring RNC. You can query more information about the DPC by running the command LST N7DPC.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.2 Parameter Reference for Iur Interface Tracing

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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12.4 Tracing Iub Interface Messages

This describes how to trace signaling messages over the Iub interface, that is, NodeB Application Part (NBAP) messages. You can perform this task to identify the fault in the failure of the following procedures: radio link setup, radio link reconfiguration, resource audit, cell setup, cell reconfiguration, common transport channel setup, and system information update.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

You can start the Iub interface tracing on the LMT to monitor the interworking of signaling messages over the Iub interface. To start a tracing task, you can select the following operations:
l l l l l l

Tracing messages of all the NodeBs Tracing messages on all the ports of the specified NodeB Tracing messages on the specified port of the specified NodeB Tracing the messages processed by the specified SPU subsystem Selecting the types of traced messages Tracing signaling messages at the transport network layer

For each subsystem, a maximum of six Iub interface tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously. When creating two or more tasks of the same type, do not set their parameters completely the same. Otherwise, only one tracing task can be created successfully.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iub. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-6.


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

Figure 12-6 Setting the parameters for Iub interface tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.3 Parameter Reference for Iub Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select Iub in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the Iub tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow.

l l

You can query the NodeB ID and other information about the NodeB by running the command LST NODEB. You can query the NodeB port type and other information about the port by running the command LST IUBCP.


The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-7.
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Figure 12-7 Output of Iub interface tracing


In the message browse window of the Iub interface tracing task, the number in the Information Source column represents the NodeB ID. You can query more information about the NodeB by running the command LST NODEB.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.3 Parameter Reference for Iub Interface Tracing

12.5 Tracing Uu Interface Messages

This describes how to trace all or part of the signaling messages over the Uu interface in a specified cell. You can perform this task to locate the fault in the following scenarios: RRC connection setup failure, radio bearer setup failure, physical channel reconfiguration failure, and cell update failure.
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

You can start the Uu interface tracing on the LMT to monitor the interworking of signaling messages over the Uu interface. To start a tracing task, you can select the following operations:
l l l

Tracing one or multiple RNCs and cells Tracing all the types of messages on the Uu interface Tracing the specified types of messages

A maximum of six Uu interface tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously in an RNC. Each Uu interface tracing task targets at a maximum of 32 cells. When creating two or more tasks of the same type, do not set their parameters completely the same. Otherwise, only one tracing task can be created successfully.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Uu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-8. Figure 12-8 Setting the parameters for Uu interface tracing

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Step 2 In the 12.21.4 Parameter Reference for Uu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the message flow of the interface. ----End

The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-9. Figure 12-9 Output of Uu interface tracing


In the message browse window of Uu interface tracing task, the RNC ID represents the SRNC ID. If the UE accesses the network through DRNC, the DRNC ID is traced. You can query the RNC ID by running the command LST RNCBASIC. In the message browse window of Uu Interface Tracing task, cell represents the cell that transmits or receives the message. You can query the cell information by running the command LST CELL.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message
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12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.4 Parameter Reference for Uu Interface Tracing

12.6 Tracing UE Messages

This describes how to monitor the interworking of signaling on the standard interfaces, the interworking of signaling on the user plan, and the uplink and downlink traffic during the call. You can perform this task to locate the signaling problems of the VIP subscribers, in combination with the drive test result.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The UE tracing task is to trace signaling messages of a UE on all the Iu, Iur, Iub and Uu interfaces or specified interfaces. The UE can be specified by IMSI, TMSI, P-TMSI, or IMEI.

Each RNC supports a maximum of 12 UE tracing tasks simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click UE. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-10.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Figure 12-10 Setting the parameters for UE tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.5 Parameter Reference for UE Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the message flow of the UE. ----End

The message browse window displays the serial number, generation time, tracing type, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-11.


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Figure 12-11 Output of UE tracing


Assume that you trace a UE by specifying the IMSI and a consistent IMSI is included in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE. Then, the UE tracing task traces all the messages that are sent after the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. Assume that you trace a UE by specifying the IMSI and a consistent IMSI is included only in the RANAP COMMON ID message but not in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE. If CDT_MSG_FULL_TRACE is set to ON, the UE tracing task traces the messages that are sent after the RANAP COMMON ID message, and the messages before the RANAP COMMON ID message are buffered and reported to the RNC. If CDT_MSG_FULL_TRACE is set to OFF, the messages before the RANAP COMMON ID message are discarded instead of being buffered. In the tracing result displayed in the message browse window of UE Tracing, the number displayed in the User ID column has different meanings for different interfaces:
l l l l

For the Iu interface, the user ID represents DPC ID at the CN side. For the Iu interface, the user ID represents DPC ID at the RNC side. For the Iub interface, the user ID represents NODEB ID. For the Uu interface, the user ID represents CELL ID.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task
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12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.5 Parameter Reference for UE Tracing

12.7 Tracing IOS Messages

This describes how to trace a number of calls that meet the sampling criteria within a specified range of cells. When creating the task, you can specify the number of calls to be traced. You can also specify the messages to be traced by selecting the event type.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


Assume that the specified number of continuous calls is N. If N calls are already being traced, the system does not trace any newly accessed calls. If the number becomes less than N because of the termination of a traced call, the system automatically traces a new call. A maximum of six (Intelligent Optimum Sample) IOS tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously. Each task targets at a maximum of 30 calls and 32 cells. You need to specify the number of calls to be traced, tracing cell range, sampling criteria, and tracing time. The calls that meet the sampling criteria are traced within the specified period of trace time. When creating a new call tracing task, you can define the sampling criteria by setting the RAB parameter constraints and the RRC Est Cause. Once the call meets the criteria, the tracing of the call is not stopped even if the RAB parameters of the RRC establishment cause are changed during the call. If the initial settings of the RAB parameters and the RRC establishment cause of a call do not meet the criteria, the RNC does not trace the call even if these parameters are modified to meet the criteria during the call. You can specify the message types to be traced by selecting the event types. You can also select one or more cells to trace.

The IOS tracing task involves a large amount of trace information, which affects the system operation. Therefore, Call counts in the IOS Tracing dialog box should not be set too high. In addition, you are advised not to trace all events at a time. Furthermore, you should minimize the frequencies of performing this task.


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Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click IOS. Step 2 In the 12.21.6 Parameter Reference for IOS Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the message flow of the interface.

l l l

If the RRC establishment cause is specified and the RNC receives an RRC_CONN_REQ message of a call that matches a specified RRC establishment cause in the specified cell, the call is traced. If the RAB parameters are specified and the RNC receives an RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message of a call that matches the specified RAB parameters in the specified cell, the call is traced. If a call sets up multiple RAB services, the call is traced if one of them meets the specified RAB parameters.


Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.6 Parameter Reference for IOS Tracing

12.8 Tracing Cell Messages

This describes how to trace the NBAP common messages on the Iub interface of a specified cell. You can perform this task to locate the fault on the common channel, to locate the problem of no access or low access success rate of the cell, and to collect the user volume in the cell.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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l l l l

A maximum of six cell tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously. Each Cell tracing task targets at only one cell. Each Cell tracing task targets at up to two S-CCPCHs. The cell to be traced must be activated.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Cell. Step 2 In the 12.21.7 Parameter Reference for Cell Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the message flow of the interface.

You can query the cell ID and other cell information by running the command LST CELL.


Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.7 Parameter Reference for Cell Tracing

12.9 Tracing REDIRECT Messages

This describes how to redirect messages that are printed through the serial port of a specified subsystem to the message browse window.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing


For each subsystem, only one REDIRECT tracing task can be performed simultaneously. When there are many messages printed through the serial port, the REDIRECT tracing task may affect the performance of the system. REDIRECT tracing is started on the RNC LMT or M2000. You can use the Trace Viewer to view the tracing data recorded in the files.

A maximum of five REDIRECT tracing can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click REDIRECT. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-12. Figure 12-12 Setting the parameters for REDIRECT tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.8 Parameter Reference for REDIRECT Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows returned information. ----End

The system displays the details of the traced messages in the message browse window, as shown in Figure 12-13.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Figure 12-13 Output of REDIRECT tracing

Right-click in the message browse window, and then choose Redirection from the shortcut menu. The Save in dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-14. Figure 12-14 Save dialog box


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Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.8 Parameter Reference for REDIRECT Tracing

12.10 Tracing MNCDT Messages

This describes how to trace the missing neighbor cell relations of a cell. The Missing Neighbor Cell Detect Trace (MNCDT) tracing task involves three independent detection types: detection of missing intra-frequency neighboring cell relations, detection of missing inter-frequency neighboring cell relations, and detection of missing inter-RAT neighboring cell relations. 12.10.1 Tracing Messages of Missed Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cells This describes how to trace messages of missed intra-frequency neighboring cells in the same band. 12.10.2 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cells This describes how to trace messages of missed inter-frequency neighboring cells in different bands. 12.10.3 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-RAT Neighboring Cells This describes how to trace messages of missed inter-RAT neighboring cells in different systems.

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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12.10.1 Tracing Messages of Missed Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cells

This describes how to trace messages of missed intra-frequency neighboring cells in the same band.

l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The detect switch of the missed intra-frequency neighboring cell tracing is set to ON. (You can query this by running LST NCELLDETECTSWITCH.)

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab in the Local Maintenance Terminal window, expand the Trace Management node, expand the Interface Trace Task node, and then doubleclick MNCDT. Step 2 In the MNCDT Tracing dialog box, set Detection Type to Intra Freq, as shown in Figure 12-15. 12.21.9 Parameter Reference for Intra-Frequency MNCDT Tracing describes the parameters for missed intra-frequency neighboring cell tracing. Figure 12-15 Missed intra-frequency neighboring cell tracing

Step 3 Click OK. The information about the missed intra-frequency neighboring cells is displayed. For the descriptions of the parameters on the output interface, refer to 12.21.9 Parameter Reference for Intra-Frequency MNCDT Tracing. ----End

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related References
12.21.9 Parameter Reference for Intra-Frequency MNCDT Tracing
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12.10.2 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cells

This describes how to trace messages of missed inter-frequency neighboring cells in different bands.

l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The detect switch of the missed inter-frequency neighboring cell tracing is set to ON. (You can query this by running LST NCELLDETECTSWITCH.)

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab in the Local Maintenance Terminal window, expand the Trace Management node, expand the Interface Trace Task node, and then doubleclick MNCDT. Step 2 In the MNCDT Tracing dialog box, set Detection Type to Inter Freq, and then set the parameters, as shown in Figure 12-16. 12.21.10 Parameter Reference for Inter-Frequency MNCDT Tracing describes the parameters for missed inter-frequency neighboring cell tracing. Figure 12-16 Missed inter-frequency neighboring cell tracing

Step 3 Click OK. The information about the missed inter-frequency neighboring cells is displayed. For the descriptions of the parameters on the output interface, refer to 12.21.10 Parameter Reference for Inter-Frequency MNCDT Tracing. ----End
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Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related References
12.21.10 Parameter Reference for Inter-Frequency MNCDT Tracing

12.10.3 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-RAT Neighboring Cells

This describes how to trace messages of missed inter-RAT neighboring cells in different systems.

l l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task. The detect switch of the missed inter-RAT neighboring cell tracing is set to ON. (You can query this by running LST NCELLDETECTSWITCH.)

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab in the Local Maintenance Terminal window, expand the Trace Management node, expand the Interface Trace Task node, and then doubleclick MNCDT. Step 2 In the MNCDT Tracing dialog box, set Detection Type to Inter RAT, and then set the parameters, as shown in Figure 12-17. 12.21.11 Parameter Reference for Inter-RAT MNCDT Tracing describes the parameters for missed inter-RAT neighboring cell tracing. Figure 12-17 Missed inter-RAT neighboring cell tracing


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

Step 3 Click OK. The information about the missed inter-RAT neighboring cells is displayed. For the descriptions of the parameters on the output interface, refer to 12.21.11 Parameter Reference for Inter-RAT MNCDT Tracing. ----End

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related References
12.21.11 Parameter Reference for Inter-RAT MNCDT Tracing

12.11 Tracing OS Messages

This describes how to trace messages between the exchange module of the BAM and internal modules of a board or between internal modules of different boards.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

In addition to the messages between different modules, this task can be performed to trace messages sent by and to a module itself.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab in the Local Maintenance Terminal window, expand the Trace Management node, expand the Interface Trace Task node, and then doubleclick OS. Step 2 In the 12.21.12 Parameter Reference for OS Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the traced message flow. ----End

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task
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12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.12 Parameter Reference for OS Tracing

12.12 Tracing IP Messages

This describes how to trace IP messages. This task is performed to locate the problem that leads to the unavailability of the IP path.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 Click the Maintenance tab in the Local Maintenance Terminal window, expand the Trace Management node, expand the Interface Trace Task node, and then double-click IP. Step 2 In the 12.21.13 Parameter Reference for IP Message Tracing dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the traced message flow. ----End

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

Related References
12.21.13 Parameter Reference for IP Message Tracing

12.13 Tracing SCCP Messages

This describes how to monitor the interworking of SCCP messages respectively over the Iu and Iur interfaces, including the connection-oriented messages and the connectionless messages.
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You can perform this task to locate the link setup failure or link release abnormality on the Iu and Iur interfaces.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


For each subsystem, a maximum of six SCCP tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-18. Figure 12-18 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select SCCP in the Trace Type area. The displayed message browse window shows the message flow of the interface. ----End

The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-19. Figure 12-19 Output of SCCP tracing


l l

The above SCCP tracing is performed on the Iu interface. The SCCP tracing on the Iur interface is similar to that on the Iu interface.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task
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12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

12.14 Tracing MTP3B Messages

This describes how to trace the MTP3B messages, including the MTP3B upper layer (QAAL2 and SCCP) messages, MTP3B signaling link test messages, and MTP3B signaling network management messages.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

You can perform the MTP3B tracing task to locate the problem that an MTP3B link is unavailable when the corresponding SAAL link is available. The method is to check the consistency of the Originating signaling Point Code (OPC), Destination signaling Point Code (DPC), and Signaling Link Selection code (SLS) in the sent and received SLTM (Signaling Link Test Message) messages with the negotiated data.

For each subsystem, a maximum of six MTP3B tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-20.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Figure 12-20 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select MTP3B in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the MTP3B tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow. ----End

The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-21.


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Figure 12-21 Output of MTP3B tracing


l l

The above MTP3B tracing is performed on the Iu interface. The MTP3B tracing on the Iur interface is similar to that on the Iu interface.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

12.15 Tracing QAAL2 Messages

This describes how to monitor the interworking of QAAL2 messages respectively over the Iu and Iur interfaces. You can perform this task to locate the setup failure or release abnormality of an ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 (AAL2) connection on the user plane respectively on the Iu and Iur interfaces.
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l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The QAAL2 tracing task helps you to determine whether the near end or the peer end is faulty as follows:

If the RNC does not send an ESTABLISH_REQUEST message, you can infer that the bandwidth of the near end (RNC) is not enough or the ATM address is not correctly configured. If the RNC sends the ESTABLISH_REQUEST message and receives the RELEASE_CONFIRM message, you can infer that the peer end does not work properly.

For each subsystem, a maximum of six QAAL2 tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select QAAL2 in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the QAAL2 tab, select the QAAL2 trace type, and set the required parameters if any. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow.

l l

The above QAAL2 tracing is performed on the Iu interface. The QAAL2 tracing on the Iur interface is similar to that on the Iu interface.


Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task
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12.16 Tracing SAAL Messages

This describes how to monitor the interworking of SAAL messages respectively over the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces. You can perform this task to locate the problem of non-availability of SAAL link on the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


For each subsystem, a maximum of six SAAL tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-22.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Figure 12-22 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select SAAL in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the SAAL tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow.

l l

You can query the link No. and more information about the SAAL link by running the command LST SAALLNK. If there are only outgoing but no incoming RNC messages, you can infer that the PVC is disconnected or the peer end is not working normally.


The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-23.
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Figure 12-23 Output of SAAL tracing


l l

The above SAAL tracing is performed on the Iu interface. The SAAL tracing on the Iur and Iub interfaces is similar to that on the Iu interface.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

12.17 Tracing SCTP Messages

This describes how to trace the SCTP messages respectively over the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces. You can perform this task to trace the interworking of SCTP messages and to locate the problem of non-availability of SCTP link on the Iu, Iur, and Iub interfaces.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The NCP, CCP, or M3UA uses the SCTP link for IP transmission. If the NCP, CCP, or M3UA is not functional, you can start the SCTP tracing task to query the information on the SCTP link concerned. The SCTP link receives and transmits data frequently. Therefore, starting this tracing task may affect the performance of the system. You are not advised to start multiple SCTP tracing tasks simultaneously.

For each subsystem, a maximum of six SCTP tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-24.


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Figure 12-24 Setting the parameters for Iu interface tracing

Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select SCTP in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the SCTP tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow.

You can query the link No. and more information about the SCTP link by running the command LST SCTPLNK.


The message browse window displays the details of a tracing message, including the task number, task time, RFN, subrack number, slot number, subsystem number, message direction, message type, message source, user ID, and message content, as shown in Figure 12-25.
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Figure 12-25 Output of SCTP tracing


l l

The above SCTP tracing is performed on the Iu interface. The SCTP tracing on the Iur and Iub interfaces is similar to that on the Iu interface.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

12.18 Tracing M3UA Messages

This describes how to trace the M3UA Messages over the Iu and Iur interfaces. You can perform this task to locate the problem that the M3UA link is unavailable while the corresponding IP link is available.


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l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The M3UA tracing is performed to locate the problem that an M3UA link is unavailable when the corresponding IP link is available. The method is to check the consistency of the OPC, DPC, and SLS in the sent and received SLTM messages with the negotiated data.

For each subsystem, a maximum of six M3UA tracing tasks can be performed simultaneously.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Trace Management > Interface Trace Task, and then double-click Iu. Step 2 In the 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing dialog box, set the parameters in the Basic tab page. Select M3UA in the Trace Type area. Step 3 Click the M3UA tab, and set the parameters accordingly. Click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the related message flow.

l l l l

You must configure the SCTP link before configuring the M3UA link to be traced. You can query the linkset index, link No., and more information about the M3UA link by running the command LST M3LNK. The above M3UA tracing is performed on the Iu interface. The M3UA tracing on the Iur interface is similar to that on the Iu interface.


Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task

12.19 Tracing Location Messages

This describes how to trace the results of a location tracing initiated by the CN. This task can also simulate the CN to initiate a location tracing and trace the results.
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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Based on different settings, this task can simulate location tracing for different situations.

Step 1 Click the Maintenance tab in the Local Maintenance Terminal window, expand the Trace Management node, expand the Location Trace node, and then double-click Location Reporting Control. Step 2 In the 12.21.14 Paramter Reference for Location Reporting Control dialog box, set the parameters, and then click OK. The displayed message browse window shows the location monitoring information and location delay information. ----End

After the location request is successfully sent, the Location Monitor Info tab page displays the returned location messages. The Location TimeDelay Info tab page displays the delay from the location tracing initiation to location messages acquisition.

l l l

Right-click on the Location Monitor Info tab page, and then choose Save as Excel to save the location results in an Excel file. The Location TimeDelay Info tab page reflects the variation of the location delay in list and in chart. Right-click in the chart on the Location TimeDelay Info tab page, and then choose Set Y axis display range to adjust the display range of the Y-coordinate.

Related Concepts
12.1.3 Authority of RNC Message Tracing Management

Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task
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Related References
12.21.14 Paramter Reference for Location Reporting Control

12.20 Basic Operations of RNC Message Tracing

This describes the basic operations of RNC Message Tracing. These operations apply to all the RNC message tracing tasks. 12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online This describes how to browse the traced messages online in the message browse window after the tracing task is created. 12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task This describes how to query the properties of the tracing task in the message browse window. 12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation This describes how to view the translation of a traced message. 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message This describes how to save an RNC traced message file in the local computer. 12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task This describes how to pause an RNC tracing task when the tracing task is not needed for a while. 12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task This describes how to resume an RNC tracing task when you want to start the tracing task again. 12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task This describes how to stop a tracing task to release system resource when the task is not needed. 12.20.8 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Offline This describes how to use the Trace Viewer to browse offline the traced messages that are saved in .tmf format. 12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task This describes how to query a created RNC tracing task. The following information can be queried: number of a binary task, task type, task status, workstation number of the task, workstation type, and Handle number. 12.20.10 Managing All Tracing Tasks This describes how to manage all the tracing tasks after the multiple tasks are created. The management of all the tracing tasks involves stopping all tasks, restarting all tasks, saving all window messages, clearing all window messages, and closing all tasks.

12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online

This describes how to browse the traced messages online in the message browse window after the tracing task is created.

l l

A tracing task is successfully created. Traced messages are reported.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Step 1 Browse or query the traced messages in the message browse window in real time. You can rightclick in the message browse window, and perform the following operations from the shortcut menu: Shortcut Pausing a tracing task Restart Trace Task Auto Scroll Clear Messages Close All xxx Message Trace Tasks Property Description Pause the task. Resume the task. The messages in the window are automatically refreshed in real time and are scrolled upward. Remove all messages from the window. Close the tracing tasks. xxx stands for the types of tracing tasks. Query the task properties.

Step 2 To view the details of a message, double-click it. The Message Browser dialog box is displayed, showing the details of the message, as shown in Figure 12-26. Figure 12-26 Message Browser window


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

For the location tracing, expand the Trace Management node, and then the Location Trace node. Select Location Reporting Control.


Related Tasks
12.20.8 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Offline

12.20.2 Querying the Properties of the Tracing Task

This describes how to query the properties of the tracing task in the message browse window.

l l

A tracing task is started. Traced messages are reported.

Step 1 Right-click a tracing task in the message browse window, and then choose Property from the shortcut menu. Step 2 The Trace Property dialog box is displayed, showing the properties of the tracing task, Step 3 Click OK. ----End

12.20.3 Viewing a Message Translation

This describes how to view the translation of a traced message.

l l

A tracing task is started. Traced messages are reported.

Step 1 In the message browse window, select and double-click the traced message. Step 2 The Message Browser window is displayed. The dialog box displays the details and meaning of the message in protocol translation format. Step 3 Click ----End on the top right of the window.

12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message

This describes how to save an RNC traced message file in the local computer.
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l l

A tracing task is started. Traced messages are reported.

The name length (including the extension) of the file storing the tracing results cannot exceed 100 characters. There are two ways of saving tracing results: auto saving and manual saving.

l Automatically Saving Traced Messages When a tracing task is created, the default setting is used to save all messages displayed in the message browse window in .tmf format. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace.

The LMT saves every 5,000 messages in a file. From the 5001st message, every 5,000 messages are saved in the file whose name has a serial number. For example, the default save name of the 5001st to 10000th messages is office name_MTP3B_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_1.tmf. You can use the Trace Viewer to browse offline the messages saved in .tmf format. For details, refer to 12.20.8 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Offline.

Manually Saving Traced Messages When the tracing task is running, you can manually save all or part of the messages in the message browse window in .tmf, .txt, or .csv format. 1. Right-click in the message browse window and choose Save All Messages from the shortcut menu; or press and hold down Ctrl or Shift, and then choose the messages to be saved in the message browse window. Then right-click them and choose Save Selected Messages from the shortcut menu. The Save dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-27.


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Figure 12-27 Save dialog box


Enter a file name, and specify the file type and save path. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_tracing type_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf.

3. ----End

Click Save to save the file in the specified path.

Related Tasks
12.20.8 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Offline

12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task

This describes how to pause an RNC tracing task when the tracing task is not needed for a while.

A message tracing task is started.

Step 1 Right-click in the message browse window, and then choose Stop Trace Task from the shortcut menu to pause the tracing task, as shown in Figure 12-28.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Figure 12-28 Pausing a tracing task


Related Tasks
12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task

12.20.6 Resuming an RNC Tracing Task

This describes how to resume an RNC tracing task when you want to start the tracing task again.

A tracing task is paused.

Step 1 Right-click in the message browse window, and choose Restart Trace Task from the shortcut menu to resume the tracing task, as shown in Figure 12-29. Figure 12-29 Resuming a tracing task


Related Tasks
12.20.5 Pausing an RNC Tracing Task
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12.20.7 Stopping an RNC Tracing Task

This describes how to stop a tracing task to release system resource when the task is not needed.

A tracing task is created.

You can select either of the following operations to stop the task:

l l Click in the top right corner of the message browse window. Right-click in the message browse window, and then choose Close All xxx Message Trace Tasks (xxx stands for specific tracing tasks, for example, Close All MTP3B Message Trace Tasks) from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 12-30.

Figure 12-30 Stopping a tracing task


12.20.8 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Offline

This describes how to use the Trace Viewer to browse offline the traced messages that are saved in .tmf format.

The traced messages are saved in .tmf format.

You can find the .txt or .csv files in the save directory. You can double-click them to read the traced messages.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Step 1 Select either of the following ways to start the Trace Viewer:
l l


on the toolbar in the Local Maintenance Terminal window.

Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > Trace Viewer.

The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-31. Figure 12-31 Opening a file containing traced messages

Step 2 Select the file that saves the traced messages. The default save path for the files is: LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. Step 3 Click Open or double-click the file. The Trace Viewer window displays traced messages in the file, as shown in Figure 12-32.


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Figure 12-32 Displaying traced messages


The time format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS(Tick). The unit of Tick is 10 ms.

Step 4 Browse these messages, or double-click one to view its details, as shown in Figure 12-33.

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Figure 12-33 Message Browser window

Step 5 To browse other saved messages, choose File > Open. In the Open dialog box, select and open files to read the traced messages that are saved in the files. Step 6 In the Trace Viewer window, you can also perform the following operations: If... You choose Save All Messages from the shortcut menu, You choose Save Selected Messages from the shortcut menu, Then... All the messages are saved in the window in .tmf or .txt format. The selected messages are saved in .tmf or .txt format.

You choose Filter from the shortcut menu, Set the filter to selectively display the information. You choose Filter By Column from the shortcut menu, Filter the information by column to selectively display the information.

You choose Find from the shortcut menu, Locate the message that you want. You choose Properties from the shortcut menu, View the properties of the task that the tracing result corresponds to.


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If... You click any column name,

Then... The messages in the window are sequenced by No., time, subrack No., direction, DPC, or content.


Related Tasks
12.20.1 Browsing an RNC Traced Message Online 12.20.4 Saving an RNC Traced Message

12.20.9 Querying a Created RNC Tracing Task

This describes how to query a created RNC tracing task. The following information can be queried: number of a binary task, task type, task status, workstation number of the task, workstation type, and Handle number.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 Run LST BINTSK on the MML client, and then set Task Type to TRACE(Trace). ----End

12.20.10 Managing All Tracing Tasks

This describes how to manage all the tracing tasks after the multiple tasks are created. The management of all the tracing tasks involves stopping all tasks, restarting all tasks, saving all window messages, clearing all window messages, and closing all tasks.

l l

One or more tracing tasks are created. Traced messages are reported.

l Stopping all tracing tasks 1. 2. l 1. Choose Trace Management > Stop All Tasks. A Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to stop all the tracing tasks. Choose Trace Management > Restart All Tasks. A Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
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Restarting all tracing tasks

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2. l 1. 2.

Click Yes to restart all the tracing tasks. Choose Trace Management > Save All Window Messages. A Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes. A Select Folder dialog box is displayed. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_tracing type_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf. Choose Trace Management > Clear All Window Messages. A Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to clear all the window messages. Choose Trace Management > Close All Tasks. A Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to close all the tracing tasks.

Saving all window messages

Clearing all window messages 1. 2.

Closing all tracing tasks 1. 2.


12.21 Parameter Reference for Tracing and Viewing RNC Messages

This describes the parameters used for each message tracing. 12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing This describes the parameters used for Iu interface tracing. 12.21.2 Parameter Reference for Iur Interface Tracing This describes the parameters used for Iur interface tracing. 12.21.3 Parameter Reference for Iub Interface Tracing This describes the parameters used for Iub interface tracing. 12.21.4 Parameter Reference for Uu Interface Tracing This describes the parameters used for Uu interface tracing. 12.21.5 Parameter Reference for UE Tracing This describes the parameters used for UE tracing. 12.21.6 Parameter Reference for IOS Tracing This describes the parameters used for IOS tracing. 12.21.7 Parameter Reference for Cell Tracing This describes the parameters used for cell tracing. 12.21.8 Parameter Reference for REDIRECT Tracing This describes the parameters used for REDIRECT tracing. 12.21.9 Parameter Reference for Intra-Frequency MNCDT Tracing This describes the parameters on the input and output GUIs of intra-frequency MNCDT tracing. 12.21.10 Parameter Reference for Inter-Frequency MNCDT Tracing This describes the parameters on the input and output GUIs of inter-frequency MNCDT tracing.
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12.21.11 Parameter Reference for Inter-RAT MNCDT Tracing This describes the parameters on the input and output GUIs of inter-RAT MNCDT tracing. 12.21.12 Parameter Reference for OS Tracing This describes the parameters used for OS tracing. 12.21.13 Parameter Reference for IP Message Tracing This describes the parameters used for IP message tracing. 12.21.14 Paramter Reference for Location Reporting Control This describes the parameters used for location reporting control.

12.21.1 Parameter Reference for Iu Interface Tracing

This describes the parameters used for Iu interface tracing. Item Basic Field Active SPU subsystem (Subrack No.Slot No.Subsystem No.) DPC Configuration Trace Type Description In this area, you can select the SPU subsystem whose message flow to be traced.

In this area, you can select either All DPC or specified DPC as the DPC trace type. If you select Specified DPC, Destination Point Code is required. You can select one or multiple tracing types, including Iu, SCCP, MTP3B, QAAL2, SAAL, SCTP, and M3UA. If you select SCCP, you need only set the parameters on the Basic tab page.

Autosave to File File name

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number \trace. The default file name is office name_Iu_YYYY-MMDD-HH-MM-SS.tmf. In this area, you can select the type of Iu messages to be traced. If you select Iu in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the Iu tab page are required. In this area, you can select the type of MTP3B messages to be traced. If you select MTP3B in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the MTP3B tab page are required.


Iu Message Type


MTP3B Message Type


Trace Configuration

In this area, you can select the QAAL2 trace type and set the required parameters if any. If you select QAAL2 in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the QAAL2 tab page are required.

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Field Parameter Configuration

Description In this area, you can specify the number of the SAAL to be traced. The value range of the SAAL link No. is 0 to 199. If you select SAAL in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the SCTP tab page are required.

SAAL Message Type SCTP Parameter Configuration

In this area, you can select the type of SAAL messages to be traced. In this area, you can specify the number of the SCTP link to be traced. The value range of the SCTP link No. is 0 to 299. If you select SCTP in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the SCTP tab page are required.

SCTP Message Type M3UA Parameter Configuration

In this area, you can select the type of SCTP messages to be traced. In this area, you can select the M3UA trace type. If you trace the M3UA messages of a link set, you must set the linkset No. (value range: 0 to 118). If you trace the M3UA messages of a specified link, you must further set the link No. (value range: 0 to 63). If you select M3UA in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the M3UA tab page are required.

M3UA Message Type

In this area, you can select the type of M3UA messages to be traced.

Related Tasks
12.2 Tracing Iu Interface Messages

12.21.2 Parameter Reference for Iur Interface Tracing

This describes the parameters used for Iur interface tracing. Item Basic Field Active SPU subsystem (Subrack No.Slot No.Subsystem No.) DPC Configuration Description In this area, you can select the SPU subsystem whose message flow to be traced.

You can select Trace All DPCs or Trace Specified DPC to perform tracing. When Trace Specified DPC is selected, Destination Point Code is required.


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Field Trace Type

Description You can select one or multiple tracing types, including Iur, SCCP, MTP3B, QAAL2, SAAL, SCTP, and M3UA. If you select SCCP, you need only set the parameters on the Basic tab page.

Autosave to File File name

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number \trace. The default file name is office name_Iur_YYYYMM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf. In this area, you can select the type of Iur messages to be traced. If you select Iur in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the Iur tab page are required. In this area, you can select the type of MTP3B messages to be traced. If you select MTP3B in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the MTP3B tab page are required.


Iur Message Type


MTP3B Message Type


Trace Configuration

In this area, you can select the QAAL2 trace type and set the required parameters if any. If you select QAAL2 in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the QAAL2 tab page are required.


Parameter Configuration

In this area, you can specify the number of the SAAL to be traced. The value range of the SAAL link No. is 0 to 199. If you select SAAL in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the SCTP tab page are required.

SAAL Message Type SCTP Trace DPC configuration

In this area, you can select the type of SAAL messages to be traced. In this area, you can specify the number of the SCTP link to be traced. The value range of the SCTP link No. is 0 to 299. If you select SCTP in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the SCTP tab page are required.

SCTP Message Type M3UA Parameter Configuration

In this area, you can select the type of SCTP messages to be traced. In this area, you can select the M3UA trace type. If you trace the M3UA messages of a link set, you must set the linkset No. (value range: 0 to 118). If you trace the M3UA messages of a specified link, you must further set the link No. (value range: 0 to 63). If you select M3UA in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the M3UA tab page are required.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Field M3UA Message Type

Description In this area, you can select the type of M3UA messages to be traced.

Related Tasks
12.3 Tracing Iur Interface Messages

12.21.3 Parameter Reference for Iub Interface Tracing

This describes the parameters used for Iub interface tracing. Item Field Active SPU subsystem (Subrack No.Slot No.Subsystem No.) Trace Type Autosave to File File name Description In this area, you can select the SPU subsystem whose message flow to be traced.

You can select one or multiple tracing types, including Iub, SAAL, and SCTP. In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory \client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_Iub_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM-SS.tmf. In this area, you can select the Iub trace type and set the required parameters if any. If you select Iub in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the Iub tab page are required.


Parameter Configuration

Iub Message Type SAAL Parameter Configuration

In this area, you can select the type of Iub messages to be traced. In this area, you can specify the number of the SAAL to be traced. The value range of the SAAL link No. is 0 to 199. If you select SAAL in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the SCTP tab page are required.

SAAL Message Type

In this area, you can select the type of SAAL messages to be traced.


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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing


Field Parameter Configuration

Description In this area, you can specify the number of the SCTP link to be traced. The value range of the SCTP link No. is 0 to 299. If you select SCTP in the Trace Type area on the Basic tab page, the parameters on the SCTP tab page are required.

SCTP Message Type

In this area, you can select the type of SCTP messages to be traced.

Related Tasks
12.4 Tracing Iub Interface Messages

12.21.4 Parameter Reference for Uu Interface Tracing

This describes the parameters used for Uu interface tracing. Parameter Cell Configuration Uu Message Type Autosave to File File name Description In this area, you can specify the RNC ID and cell ID. In this area, you can select the messages to be traced on the Uu interface. In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_Uu_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf.

Related Tasks
12.5 Tracing Uu Interface Messages

12.21.5 Parameter Reference for UE Tracing

This describes the parameters used for UE tracing. Field UE IMSI IMEI TMSI Description These are used to identify the UE. You can choose to trace the UE by the IMSI, IMEI, TMSI, or P-TMSI. l If you trace a UE by the TMSI, the Location Area Code (LAC), Mobile Country Code (MCC), and Mobile Network Code (MNC) are required.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Field P-TMSI


If you trace a UE by the P-TMSI, the LAC, Routing Area Code (RAC), MCC, and MNC are required.

Autosave to File File name

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_UE_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf. You can select the types of the Iur messages to be traced on this tab page. You may select all types or select some of them. You can select the types of the Iub messages to be traced on this tab page. You may select all types or select some of them. You can select the types of the Iu messages to be traced on this tab page. You may select all types or select some of them. You can select the types of the Uu messages to be traced on this tab page. You may select all types or select some of them. This is used to select the UE connection performance for monitoring. You can monitor the UL SIR, transmit power, DL block error rate (BLER), DL code transmit power, PCPICH Ec/No and RSCP, AMR mode, received total wideband power (RTWP), and transmit carrier power of a UE identified by the P-TMSI, TMSI, or IMEI.


Iur Message Type


Iub Message Type


Iu Message Type


Uu Message Type

Monito r

Monitor Config

Related Tasks
12.6 Tracing UE Messages

12.21.6 Parameter Reference for IOS Tracing

This describes the parameters used for IOS tracing. Parameter Basic Calls count Cell ID Description To set the maximum number of the calls to be traced at the same time after the tracing task is started. Value range: 1 to 30. You can specify one or more cells to be traced.


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Parameter Event

Description To select the events to be traced. These events classify the messages related to the calls.
NOTE You can choose to Select All, Select None, or Select Default as required.

Autosave to File File name

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client \output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_IOS_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf. This is used to set the RAB parameters for IOS tracing, for example, Period of trace time(10s) and those in the Traffic type area.
NOTE Period of trace time(10s) is 0 by default, that is, the trace time is not limited.



This is used to set the RRC parameters for IOS tracing, for example, the parameters in the strMeasurePeriods area and in the Traffic type area.

Related Tasks
12.7 Tracing IOS Messages

12.21.7 Parameter Reference for Cell Tracing

This describes the parameters used for cell tracing. Field CELL Cell ID USER_VO LUME PROPAGA TION_DE LAY Description This is used to specify the cell ID. You can choose the events to be traced: USER_VOLUME or PROPAGATION_DELAY. To trace the UE statistical information including the custom messages, select USER_VOLUME (value range: 1,000 to 10,000; unit: 10 ms). To trace the propagation delays, select PROPAGATION_DELAY (value range: 1 to 80; unit: times).
l When you create a CELL tracing task, USER_VOLUME is selected

and set to 1000 by default.

l When you create a CELL tracing task, PROPAGATION_DELAY

is selected and set to 1 by default.

Autosave to File

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results.

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Field File name

Description In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory \client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_CELL_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM-SS.tmf. You can select either Perodically Data Report or CCCH Data Frame Report. This is used to specify the IDs of the SCCPCHs to be traced. You can choose to trace two SCCPCHs at the same time by specifying two SCCPCH IDs. If you choose Periodically Data Report, you must set the Report Period(100 ms). This is used to specify the messages to be traced on the Iub interface.


strFMRTrc Event SCCPCH ID Report Period(100 ms)


Trace Type

Related Tasks
12.8 Tracing Cell Messages

12.21.8 Parameter Reference for REDIRECT Tracing

This describes the parameters used for REDIRECT tracing. Field Subrack No. Slot No. Subsystem No. Description Number of the subrack to be redirected. Value range: 1, 3-17. Number of the slot to be redirected. Value range: 0-7, 9-10, 12-15. Number of the subsystem to be redirected. Value range: 0 and 1.

Related Tasks
12.9 Tracing REDIRECT Messages

12.21.9 Parameter Reference for Intra-Frequency MNCDT Tracing

This describes the parameters on the input and output GUIs of intra-frequency MNCDT tracing.

Parameters on the Input GUI

Table 12-1 describes the parameters on the input GUI of intra-frequency MNCDT tracing.
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Table 12-1 Parameters on the input GUI Field Autosave to File File name Description In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output \RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_MNCDT_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf.

Parameters on the Output GUI

Table 12-2 describes the parameters on the output GUI of intra-frequency MNCDT tracing. Table 12-2 Parameters on the output GUI Field ulRnti ucActSetNum ausActCellId ucDetectCellNum ausSrimbleCode Description User ID Number of active sets Array of the IDs of the cells in the active set. The first ID in the array corresponds to the best cell. Number of missing neighboring cells Scrambling code array of the missing neighboring cells

Related Tasks
12.10.1 Tracing Messages of Missed Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cells

12.21.10 Parameter Reference for Inter-Frequency MNCDT Tracing

This describes the parameters on the input and output GUIs of inter-frequency MNCDT tracing.

Parameters on the Input GUI

Table 12-3 describes the parameters on the input GUI of inter-frequency MNCDT tracing. Table 12-3 Parameters on the input GUI Field Uplink UARFCN Downlink UARFCN Description This is used to specify the uplink (UL) frequency of the cell to be traced. This is used to specify the downlink (DL) frequency of the cell to be traced.

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12 RNC Message Tracing and Viewing

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Field Start of Primary Scrambling Code End of Primary Scrambling Code

Description This is used to specify the minimum scrambling code for MNCDT tracing. This is used to specify the maximum scrambling code for MNCDT tracing.
NOTE The end of the primary scrambling code is not less than the start of the primary scrambling code.

Autosave to File File name

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client \output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_MNCDT_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf.

Parameters on the Output GUI

Table 12-4 describes the parameters on the output GUI of inter-frequency MNCDT tracing. Table 12-4 Parameters on the output GUI Field ulRnti ucActSetNum ausActCellId ucDetectCellNum usUlUarFcn usDlUarFcn usPsc Description User ID Number of active sets Array of the IDs of the cells in the active set. The first ID in the array corresponds to the best cell. Number of missing neighboring cells UL frequency of the missing neighboring cell DL frequency of the missing neighboring cell Scrambling code of the detected cell

Related Tasks
12.10.2 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cells

12.21.11 Parameter Reference for Inter-RAT MNCDT Tracing

This describes the parameters on the input and output GUIs of inter-RAT MNCDT tracing.

Parameters on the Input GUI

Table 12-5 describes the parameters on the input GUI for inter-RAT MNCDT tracing.
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Table 12-5 Parameters on the input GUI Field Start of NCC End of NCC Start of BCC End of BCC Band Indicator Start of BCCH ARFCN End of BCCH ARFCN Autosave to File File name Description Start network color code of the cell to be traced. Value range: 0 to 7. End network color code of the cell to be traced. Value range: 0 to 7. The value of the start NCC should be greater than that of the end NCC. Start BS color code of the cell to be traced. Value range: 0 to 7. End BS color code of the cell to be traced. Value range: 0 to 7. The value of the start BCC should be greater than that of the end BCC. Band in which the ARFCN is used (DCS 1800 or PCS 1900) Minimum ARFCN for MNCDT tracing

Maximum ARFCN for MNCDT tracing

In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC \LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_MNCDT_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf.

Parameters on the Output GUI

Table 12-6 describes the parameters on the output GUI for inter-RAT MNCDT tracing. Table 12-6 Parameters on the output GUI Field ucNcc ucBcc ucInterRatBandInd usInterRatArfcn Description Network color code of the missing inter-RAT neighboring cell Base station color code of the missing inter-RAT neighboring cell Band indicator of the missing inter-RAT neighboring cell ARFCN of the missing inter-RAT neighboring cell

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Related Tasks
12.10.3 Tracing Messages of Missed Inter-RAT Neighboring Cells

12.21.12 Parameter Reference for OS Tracing

This describes the parameters used for OS tracing. Field Trace Type Description You can specify whether to trace the OS messages by the sender or by the receiver.

If you select Trace OS Sender, you can select only a specified IP for the IP type in the Sender Parameter area. If you select Trace OS Receiver, you can select only a specified IP for the IP type in the Receiver Parameter area.

Sender Parameter

IP Type

This is used to specify the IP type of the sender. You can select one from the following types:
l l

All. The receiver traces the messages sent from all the IPs. Bam. The receiver traces only the messages sent from the BAM. Specified IP. The receiver traces only the messages sent from the specified IP.

Subrack No. Slot No.

This is used to specify the subrack number of the sender. This parameter is required only when the IP type of the sender is set to a specified IP. This is used to specify the slot number of the sender. This parameter is required only when the IP type of the sender is set to a specified IP. This is used to specify the subsystem number of the sender. This parameter is required only when the IP type of the sender is set to a specified IP. This is used to specify the module name of the sender. This is used to specify the IP type of the receiver. You can select one from the following types:
l l l

Subsystem No. Module Name Receiver Parameter IP Type

All. The sender traces the messages sent to all the IPs. Bam. The sender traces only the messages sent to the BAM. Specified IP. The sender traces only the messages sent to the specified IP.

Subrack No.

This is used to specify the subrack number of the receiver. This parameter is required only when the IP type of the receiver is set to a specified IP.


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Field Slot No.

Description This is used to specify the slot number of the receiver. This parameter is required only when the IP type of the receiver is set to a specified IP. This is used to specify the subsystem number of the receiver. This parameter is required only when the IP type of the receiver is set to a specified IP. This is used to specify the module name of the receiver. In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory \client\output\RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_OS_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM-SS.tmf.

Subsystem No. Module Name Autosave to File File name

Related Tasks
12.11 Tracing OS Messages

12.21.13 Parameter Reference for IP Message Tracing

This describes the parameters used for IP message tracing. Field Subrack No. Slot No. Src IP Source Port Dst IP Destination Port Protocol Type Autosave to File Description This is used to specify the number of the subrack to be traced. Value range: 1, 3 to 17. This is used to specify the number of the slot to be traced. Value range: 0, 1, 14, 15. This is used to specify the source IP address to be traced. This is used to specify the number of the source port to be traced. Value range: 0 to 65535. This is used to specify the destination IP address to be traced. This is used to specify the number of the destination port to be traced. Value range: 0 to 65,535. This is used to specify the protocol type of the IP messages to be traced. Value range: TCP and UDP. In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results.

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Field File name

Description In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output\RNC \LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_IP_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.tmf.

Related Tasks
12.12 Tracing IP Messages

12.21.14 Paramter Reference for Location Reporting Control

This describes the parameters used for location reporting control. Field IMSI LocRprtingCtrl Description This is used to specify the IMSI of the UE to be located. If this check box is selected, you can initiate a simulated CN location tracing by setting the following parameters: event type, report area type, horizontal accuracy code, positioning interval, vertical accuracy code, response time type, positioning priority, and client type. This is used to specify the type of the event to be located. This is used to specify the type of the area to be located. This is used to specify the required horizontal accuracy of the reported results. Its value range is: 0 to 1,800,000. This is used to specify the time interval between two location requests. Its value range is: 0 to 1,440 (unit: 10s). This is used to specify the required vertical accuracy of the reported results. Its value range is: 0 to 990. This is used to specify the type of the response time of the location protection timer. This is used to specify the priority of the UE to be located. This is used to specify the type of the client to be located. In this area, you can set whether to automatically save the trace results. In this field, you can specify the file name and save path for the trace results. The default save path is LMT installation directory\client\output \RNC\LMT software version number\trace. The default file name is office name_Location_Reporting_Control_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM-SS.tmf.

Event Report Area Horizontal Accuracy Code (m) Positioning Interval(10s) Vertical Accuracy Code (m) Response Time Positioning Priority Client Type Autosave to File File name


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Related Tasks
12.19 Tracing Location Messages

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RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

About This Chapter

RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

This describes how to monitor RNC performance in real time. 13.1 Concepts of RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring This describes the following concepts of RNC real-time performance monitoring: functions, working principles, and operation authority. 13.2 Monitoring the RNC CPU Usage This describes how to display the RNC CPU usage. By performing this task, you can learn about the usage of the CPU resources. 13.3 Monitoring the RNC Connection Performance This describes how to monitor the connection state of the physical links during a conversation of a UE. For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks. 13.4 Monitoring the RNC Cell Performance This describes how to monitor the cell performance, such as the common measured value and number of common channel users. For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks. 13.5 Monitoring the RNC Link Performance This describes how to monitor the RNC link performance. This task applies to the traffic statistics based on IP path/SCTP/OAM stream, statistics based on priority queues. The statistics based on priority queues include the statistics of packet loss rate, number of the sent packets, and number of the sent bytes. For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks. 13.6 Monitoring PVC Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified PVC in real time. The real-time traffic on the current PVC is displayed in either list or chart. 13.7 Basic RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring Operations This describes how to perform basic operations after an RNC real-time performance monitoring task is started. 13.8 Parameter Reference for RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring This describes the parameters used for each performance monitoring.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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13.1 Concepts of RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

This describes the following concepts of RNC real-time performance monitoring: functions, working principles, and operation authority. 13.1.1 Introduction to RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring The RNC real-time performance monitoring function provides the display of CPU usage monitoring, connection/cell/link performance monitoring, and PVC traffic monitoring in charts and lists to monitor the status of the current system devices and services. During the monitoring, the abnormalities are analyzed to maintain the devices and clear faults. 13.1.2 Working Principles of RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring The working principle of CPU usage monitoring is different from that of the other types of monitoring. 13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring You can perform the real-time performance monitoring operations only when you are authorized for these operations.

13.1.1 Introduction to RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

The RNC real-time performance monitoring function provides the display of CPU usage monitoring, connection/cell/link performance monitoring, and PVC traffic monitoring in charts and lists to monitor the status of the current system devices and services. During the monitoring, the abnormalities are analyzed to maintain the devices and clear faults. The RNC monitors the following items in real time:
l l l l l

CPU usage Connection performance Cell performance Link performance PVC traffic

13.1.2 Working Principles of RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

The working principle of CPU usage monitoring is different from that of the other types of monitoring.

Working Principle of CPU Usage Monitoring

Figure 13-1 shows the working principle of CPU usage monitoring.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-1 CPU usage monitoring

The internal process in the RNC is as follows: 1. The operator creates a task of CPU usage monitoring on the LMT, and the LMT sends a binary command querying CPU usage to the maintenance module of the BAM server every five seconds. The BAM sends the corresponding command to the maintenance and configuration module of the specified board. The board collects data according to the commands, and reports it to the BAM server. The BAM server sends the data to the LMT.

2. 3. 4.

Working Principle of Connection/Cell/Link Performance Monitoring

The working principle of connection/cell/link performance monitoring is almost the same. See Figure 13-2. Figure 13-2 Working principle of connection/cell/link performance monitoring

The internal process of creating connection/cell/link performance monitoring tasks is as follows: 1. 2. 3. The operator creates a monitoring task on the LMT. Then, the LMT sends a binary command to the BAM to create the task. The BAM server assigns a number to the task and sends the command to the commissioning module of the specified board. After receiving the command, the commissioning module records the filter parameters in the filter table and notifies the service module.
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The service module updates the local filter table according to the messages from the commissioning module.

The internal process for closing the three monitoring tasks is as follows: 1. 2. 3. The operator closes a monitoring task on the LMT. Then, the LMT sends a binary command to the BAM to delete the task. The BAM server sends the command to the specified board according to the task number. The commissioning module and service module delete the task from the filter table.

The internal process of reporting monitoring data is as follows: 1. 2. 3. The service module filters the collected data according to the filter parameters in the local filter table, and reports the messages meeting the requirements to the BAM server. The BAM server forwards the data to the LMT that creates the task according to the task number. The LMT displays the data in a chart or a list on the interface.

13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

You can perform the real-time performance monitoring operations only when you are authorized for these operations. Operators of the following levels can perform the real-time performance monitoring tasks: admin, USER, OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR, and CUSTOM entitled to use command group G_10. That is, except GUEST-level and CUSTOM not entitled to use command group G_10, all the other operators have the authority to perform the real-time performance monitoring tasks.

Group G_10 contains commands for tracing and query. It is a binary command group, which contains no MML commands.

Related Tasks
13.2 Monitoring the RNC CPU Usage 13.3 Monitoring the RNC Connection Performance 13.4 Monitoring the RNC Cell Performance 13.5 Monitoring the RNC Link Performance

Related References
13.8.1 Parameter Reference for RNC CPU Usage Monitoring

13.2 Monitoring the RNC CPU Usage

This describes how to display the RNC CPU usage. By performing this task, you can learn about the usage of the CPU resources.


The LMT is started.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for the real-time performance monitoring. The monitored board works properly.


The system can open only one pane for CPU usage monitoring. If the pane is open, you can add monitoring tasks for more boards in this CPU Usage pane. The system can perform a maximum of ten monitoring tasks simultaneously.

In the Local Maintenance Terminal window, check the Window menu to see whether the CPU Usage window is open or not. If yes, add CPU usage monitoring tasks or delete CPU usage monitoring tasks. If no, starting CPU usage monitoring tasks.

l To start a CPU usage monitoring task, perform the following steps: 1. 2. In the navigation tree, click the Maintenance tab. Expand the Common Monitoring node, and then double-click CPU Usage. The 13.8.1 Parameter Reference for RNC CPU Usage Monitoring dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-3.

Figure 13-3 Add Tasks dialog box

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Set the monitoring parameters in the dialog box, and then click Add. The CPU Usage window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in either list (as shown in Figure 13-4) or chart (as shown in Figure 13-5). You can repeat this step to create monitoring tasks for more boards.

Figure 13-4 List tab page of the CPU Usage monitoring window

Figure 13-5 Chart tab page of the CPU Usage monitoring window


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time and the Y-coordinate represents the CPU usage (%). The range of normal CPU usage is 0-75%.

4. l 1. 2.

Click Close to close the Add Tasks dialog box. In the task information pane at the bottom of the CPU Usage window, select the monitoring task to be queried. Right-click the monitoring task to be queried in the task information pane and choose Properties from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 13-6. The Monitor Properties dialog box is displayed, showing the properties of the monitoring task.

To query the properties of a CPU usage monitoring task, perform the following steps:

Figure 13-6 Querying the properties of a CPU usage monitoring task


Related Concepts
13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Related Tasks
13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online 13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode 13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results 13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

Related References
13.8.1 Parameter Reference for RNC CPU Usage Monitoring

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

13.3 Monitoring the RNC Connection Performance

This describes how to monitor the connection state of the physical links during a conversation of a UE. For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks. 13.3.1 Monitoring P-CPICH Ec/No and RSCP This describes how to monitor in real time the Primary Common Pilot Channel (P-CPICH) Ec/ No and Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) of the cells in the active set. The monitoring result, including the number of cells in the active set and the signal strength of each cell, is displayed in a chart. By performing this task, you can learn about whether the current connection is at the edge or the center of the cell. 13.3.2 Monitoring the SIR Measurement Values of UL RLSs This describes how to monitor in real time the Signal-Interference Ratio (SIR) measurement values of the UL RLSs of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the quality of UL radio links and the quality variation. 13.3.3 Monitoring the SIR Error Values of UL RLSs This describes how to monitor in real time the SIR error values of the UL radio link sets (RLSs) of the current connection. By performing this task, you can observe whether the SIR can keep up with the variation of the target values and estimate the UL inner loop power control function. If the SIR error values vary all the time but converge near 0 dB, you can infer that the UL inner loop power control converges. Otherwise, the UL inner loop power control does not converge. 13.3.4 Monitoring DL Code TX Power This describes how to monitor the variation of the DL code TX power of each radio link of the current connection in real time. By performing this task, you can analyze the DL power consumption. If the DL code TX power increases, even approximately up to the maximum value configured in the signaling message, it indicates a decline in the quality of this radio link. 13.3.5 Monitoring the UE TX Power This describes how to monitor in real time the variation of the UE TX power of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the UL quality. If the UE TX power increases, even reaching the limit of the UE capability, the UL quality declines. 13.3.6 Monitoring UL Traffic This describes how to monitor in real time the UL traffic (that is, data buffer size on the UE side) of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the transmission performance of the UL traffic. The UL traffic is measured by the UE and reported to the RNC per transport channel. 13.3.7 Monitoring DL Traffic This describes how to monitor the DL traffic (that is, data buffer size on the network side) of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the transmission performance of the DL traffic. The DL traffic is measured at the RNC per transport channel. 13.3.8 Monitoring UL Throughput and Bandwidth This describes how to monitor in real time the rate variation of the UL transport access stratum and non-access stratum of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the dynamic channel configuration function and service source rate variation characteristics. 13.3.9 Monitoring DL Throughput and Bandwidth This describes how to monitor in real time the rate variation of the DL transport access stratum and non-access stratum of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the dynamic channel configuration function and service source rate variation characteristics.
13-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

13.3.10 Monitoring Handover Delay This describes how to monitor the handover delay performance. By performing this task, you can observe and obtain the time taken by each handover of the current connection. The handover includes intra-frequency soft handover and inter-frequency handover. 13.3.11 Monitoring the BLER of the DL Transport Channel This describes how to monitor the variation of the BLER on all transport channels of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the DL quality. If the BLER of the DL transport channel increases, you can infer that the DL quality declines. If the BLER decreases, you can infer that the DL quality is improved. 13.3.12 Monitoring the AMR Mode This describes how to monitor the variation of the AMR rate configured by the UE and to record the variation in real time. 13.3.13 Monitoring the Enhanced Outer Loop Power Control This describes how to monitor the enhanced outer loop power control. Monitoring the enhanced outer loop power control consists of monitoring the following items: the target UL RLS SIR, BER of the UL physical channel, BLER of the UL transport channel, E-DCH average times of retransmission, and E-DCH retransmission probability.

Related Concepts
13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Related Tasks
13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online 13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode 13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results 13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

13.3.1 Monitoring P-CPICH Ec/No and RSCP

This describes how to monitor in real time the Primary Common Pilot Channel (P-CPICH) Ec/ No and Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) of the cells in the active set. The monitoring result, including the number of cells in the active set and the signal strength of each cell, is displayed in a chart. By performing this task, you can learn about whether the current connection is at the edge or the center of the cell.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide


Before running this monitoring task, you need to perform one of the following operations:

Run SET CORRMALGOSWITCH to set Handover algorithm switch. Ensure that SOFT_HANDOVER_SWITCH is selected. Run MOD CELLMEAS to set Intra-freq Meas Ctrl Info Ind to REQUIRE.

This task applies to only monitoring connections established on dedicated channels. A started task is stopped if the monitored connection is released or transited from the dedicated channel to the common channel. The task is restarted if the monitored connection is transited from the common channel back to the dedicated channel. This task is performed to monitor only the real-time data of the cells in the active set. The data of other cells is not be reported. Therefore, the monitoring results reflect the variation of the number of cells in the active set in real time. In the active set, the maximum number of the cells that can be reported is 3.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-7. Figure 13-7 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to PCPICH EcNo&RSCP, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.
13-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_PCPICH EcNo&RSCP_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSIIMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported P-CPICH Ec/No (unit: dB) and RSCP (unit: dBm).

RSCP stands for Received Signal Code Power. It is the received power on one code measured on the P-CPICH. The reference point for measurement of the RSCP is at the antenna connector of the UE. If the P-CPICH uses transmit diversity, you need to measure the RSCP of each antenna and sum up all of the RSCP values. Then you can obtain the total RSCP of the P-CPICH. Ec/No refers to the ratio of received energy per chip to noise spectral density. Like RSCP/ RSSI, Ec/No is also measured on the P-CPICH. The reference point for measurement is also at the antenna connector of the UE. If the P-CPICH uses transmit diversity, you need to measure the Ec of each antenna and sum up all of the Ec values. Then, you can calculate the Ec/No.

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.2 Monitoring the SIR Measurement Values of UL RLSs

This describes how to monitor in real time the Signal-Interference Ratio (SIR) measurement values of the UL RLSs of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the quality of UL radio links and the quality variation.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide


Each task can monitor only one UE. The monitoring result, including the number of cells in the active set and the signal strength of each cell, is displayed in a chart. By performing this task, you can learn about whether the current connection is at the edge or the center of the cell.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-8. Figure 13-8 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UL SIR, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_UL SIR_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. The monitoring results reflect the variation of the number of the RLSs in real time.
13-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported SIR of the UL RLSs (unit: dB). The calculation formula of SIR is (RSCP/ISCP) x SF, where:
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RSCP stands for Received Signal Code Power. It is the received power on one code. ISCP stands for Interference Signal Code Power. Only the non-orthogonal part of received interference signals is measured. SF refers to the spreading factor of the DPCCH.

The measurement is performed on the DPCCH selected after radio links are combined on the NodeB. In compressed mode, do not measure the SIR in the transmission gap. The measurement values of UL SIR are reported to the RNC by the NodeB.

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.3 Monitoring the SIR Error Values of UL RLSs

This describes how to monitor in real time the SIR error values of the UL radio link sets (RLSs) of the current connection. By performing this task, you can observe whether the SIR can keep up with the variation of the target values and estimate the UL inner loop power control function. If the SIR error values vary all the time but converge near 0 dB, you can infer that the UL inner loop power control converges. Otherwise, the UL inner loop power control does not converge.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

This task applies to only monitoring connections established on dedicated channels. A started task is stopped if the monitored connection is released or transited from the dedicated channel to the common channel. The task is restarted if the monitored connection is transited from the common channel back to the dedicated channel.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-9.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 13-9 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UL SIRerror, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too low, a large volume of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transportation and system processing, which affects the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_UL SIRerror_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. The monitoring results reflect the variation of the number of the RLSs in real time. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported SIR error values (SIRerror) of the UL RLSs.

SIRerror (unit: dB) is reported to the RNC by the NodeB. The calculation formula is SIRerror = SIR - SIRtarget_ave. Where, SIRtarget_ave represents the average of SIRtarget within a period that is equal to the time for calculating the SIR in the above formula of SIRerror.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

In compressed mode, SIRtarget equals to SIRcm_target. The SIRtarget_ave in the transmission gap is not calculated. The average of SIRtarget is an arithmetical average. The unit of SIRtarget_ave is dB.

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.4 Monitoring DL Code TX Power

This describes how to monitor the variation of the DL code TX power of each radio link of the current connection in real time. By performing this task, you can analyze the DL power consumption. If the DL code TX power increases, even approximately up to the maximum value configured in the signaling message, it indicates a decline in the quality of this radio link.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

This task applies to only monitoring connections established on dedicated channels. A started task is stopped if the monitored connection is released or transited from the dedicated channel to the common channel. The task is restarted if the monitored connection is transited from the common channel back to the dedicated channel.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-10. Figure 13-10 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to DL Tx Code Power, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_DL Tx Code Power_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. The monitoring results reflect the variation of the number of the radio links involved in the current connection in real time. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported DL code TX power (unit: dBm). Code TX power refers to the NodeB TX power on one channelization code that is on one given scrambling code on one given carrier. The DL code TX power can be measured on the DPCCH of any radio link outgoing from the UTRAN and indicates the pilot bit power of the DPCCH. The measurement should involve all timeslots, such as transmit timeslots, in compressed mode. The reference point for measurement is at the antenna connector. If transmit diversity is used, you need to measure the code TX power of each diversity and then sum them up to obtain the DL code TX power.

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.5 Monitoring the UE TX Power

This describes how to monitor in real time the variation of the UE TX power of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the UL quality. If the UE TX power increases, even reaching the limit of the UE capability, the UL quality declines.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

UE TX power refers to the UE TX power in a carrier. The reference point for measurement of the UE TX power is at the antenna connector of the UE. This task applies to only monitoring connections established on dedicated channels. A started task is stopped if the monitored connection is released or transited from the dedicated channel to the common channel. The task is restarted if the monitored connection is transited from the common channel back to the dedicated channel.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-11. Figure 13-11 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UE TxPower, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_UE TxPower_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported UE TX power (unit: dBm).

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.6 Monitoring UL Traffic

This describes how to monitor in real time the UL traffic (that is, data buffer size on the UE side) of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the transmission performance of the UL traffic. The UL traffic is measured by the UE and reported to the RNC per transport channel.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Traffic volume refers to the Buffer Occupy (BO) value. BO is the number of data bytes to be transmitted or retransmitted from the RLC entity on each logical channel. If RLC is in AM mode, the BO value includes the control Protocol Data Unit (PDU) and the PDU outside the transmit window and excludes the PDUs transmitted but not acknowledged. This task can monitor the connections of PS domain interactive and background services on both common channels and dedicated channels.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-12.


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Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-12 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UL Traffic Vol, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_UL Traffic Vol_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported UL traffic on the UL physical channel (unit: byte).

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

13.3.7 Monitoring DL Traffic

This describes how to monitor the DL traffic (that is, data buffer size on the network side) of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the transmission performance of the DL traffic. The DL traffic is measured at the RNC per transport channel.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Traffic volume refers to the Buffer Occupy (BO) value. BO is the number of data bytes to be transmitted or retransmitted from the RLC entity on each logical channel. If RLC is in AM mode, the BO value includes the control Protocol Data Unit (PDU) and the PDU outside the transmit window and excludes the PDUs transmitted but not acknowledged. This task can monitor the connections of PS domain interactive and background services on both common channels and dedicated channels.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-13. Figure 13-13 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to DL Traffic Vol, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_DL Traffic Vol_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported DL traffic (unit: byte).

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.8 Monitoring UL Throughput and Bandwidth

This describes how to monitor in real time the rate variation of the UL transport access stratum and non-access stratum of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the dynamic channel configuration function and service source rate variation characteristics.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Throughput refers to the amount of data transmitted on a transport channel in a unit of time. Throughput is measured on the MAC-d. Bandwidth refers to the maximum rate calculated according to RLC payload. The bandwidth changes in RB reconfiguration. The throughput measurement involves RLC headers, and therefore, the measured peak throughput is higher than the bandwidth. This task can monitor the connections of PS domain interactive and background services on both common channels and dedicated channels.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-14. Figure 13-14 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UL Throughput & Bandwidth, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_UL Throughput & Bandwidth_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MMSS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported UL throughput and UL bandwidth (unit: bit/s).
13-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

If the UL bandwidth increases/decreases with the increase/decrease of UL throughput, you can infer that the dynamic channel configuration function is normal. When the dynamic channel configuration function is not used, you can also learn the rate variation characteristics of UL service source by observing the variation of UL throughput.

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.9 Monitoring DL Throughput and Bandwidth

This describes how to monitor in real time the rate variation of the DL transport access stratum and non-access stratum of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the dynamic channel configuration function and service source rate variation characteristics.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Throughput refers to the amount of data transmitted on a transport channel in a unit of time. Throughput is measured on the MAC-d. Bandwidth refers to the maximum rate calculated according to RLC payload. The bandwidth changes in RB reconfiguration. The throughput measurement involves RLC headers, and therefore, the measured peak throughput is higher than the bandwidth. This task can monitor the connections of PS domain interactive and background services on both common channels and dedicated channels.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-15. Figure 13-15 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to DL Throughput & Bandwidth, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_DL Throughput & Bandwidth_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MMSS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported DL throughput and DL bandwidth (unit: bit/s).

If the DL bandwidth increases/decreases with the increase/decrease of DL throughput, you can infer that the dynamic channel configuration function is normal. When the dynamic channel configuration function is not used, you can also learn the rate variation characteristics of DL service source by observing the variation of DL throughput.

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.10 Monitoring Handover Delay

This describes how to monitor the handover delay performance. By performing this task, you can observe and obtain the time taken by each handover of the current connection. The handover includes intra-frequency soft handover and inter-frequency handover.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Handover delay refers to the period during which: the RNC receives a measurement report; the RNC implements a handover decision; the RNC initiates a soft or hard handover; the handover ends.
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RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

This task applies to only monitoring connections established on dedicated channels. A started task is stopped if the monitored connection is released or transited from the dedicated channel to the common channel. The task is restarted if the monitored connection is transited from the common channel back to the dedicated channel. At most five handover delay monitoring tasks can be started simultaneously. This task can monitor only intra-frequency handover and inter-frequency handover but cannot monitor interRAT handover.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-16. Figure 13-16 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to HO Delay, and then set IMSI.

For this task, you need not set Monitor period(s).

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_HO Delay_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

The real-time monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the interval of each successful handover (unit: ms).

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.11 Monitoring the BLER of the DL Transport Channel

This describes how to monitor the variation of the BLER on all transport channels of the current connection. By performing this task, you can analyze the DL quality. If the BLER of the DL transport channel increases, you can infer that the DL quality declines. If the BLER decreases, you can infer that the DL quality is improved.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The BLER of the DL transport channel is measured at the UE. The BLER is used for outer loop power control. This task applies to only monitoring connections established on dedicated channels. A started task is stopped if the monitored connection is released or transited from the dedicated channel to the common channel. The task is restarted if the monitored connection is transited from the common channel back to the dedicated channel.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-17. Figure 13-17 Connection performance monitoring dialog box


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RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to DL BLER, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_DL BLER_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. The monitoring results reflect the variation of the number of traffic transport channels in real time. The number of signaling transport channels is always 1. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is less than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is not less than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the reported BLER of the DL transport channel (unit: %).

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

13.3.12 Monitoring the AMR Mode

This describes how to monitor the variation of the AMR rate configured by the UE and to record the variation in real time.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The monitoring is valid only when the traced UE has an AMR service in process. The narrowband AMR has 8 available rates, that is, 8 available modes: 12.2 kbit/s, 10.2 kbit/s, 7.95 kbit/s, 7.4 kbit/s, 6.7 kbit/s, 5.9 kbit/s, 5.15 kbit/s, and 4.75 kbit/s. The wideband AMR has 9 available rates, that is, 9 available modes: 23.85 kbit/s, 23.05 kbit/s, 19.85 kbit/s, 18.25 kbit/s, 15.85 kbit/s, 14.25 kbit/s, 12.65 kbit/s, 8.85 kbit/s, and 6.60 kbit/s.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-18. Figure 13-18 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to AMR Mode, and then set IMSI.

For this task, you need not set Monitor period(s).

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_AMR Mode_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

The real-time monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the maximum mode of the current AMR in UL and DL (unit: KB).

Related References
13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

13.3.13 Monitoring the Enhanced Outer Loop Power Control

This describes how to monitor the enhanced outer loop power control. Monitoring the enhanced outer loop power control consists of monitoring the following items: the target UL RLS SIR, BER of the UL physical channel, BLER of the UL transport channel, E-DCH average times of retransmission, and E-DCH retransmission probability.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Connection performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-19. Figure 13-19 Connection performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to OLPC, and then set Monitor period(s) and IMSI.

If Monitor period(s) is set too short, a large amount of reported data increases the overhead of signaling transport and system processing, which has influence on the CPU usage of the RNC. You are advised to set Monitor period(s) to 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Connection performance monitoring_OLPC_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_IMSI-IMSI value. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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The real-time monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). Two small charts are respectively used to describe the five monitoring items.

The first small chart shows the output interface of the SIR target values of the UL RLSs, BLER of the UL transport channel, and BER of the UL physical channel. The left Ycoordinate represents the SIR target values of the UL RLSs (range: -10 to 18, unit: dB). The right Y-coordinate represents the BLER of the UL transport channel (range: 0 to 1, unit: BLER) and BER of the UL physical channel (range: 0 to 1, unit: BER). The second small chart shows the output interface of the E-DCH average times of retransmission and E-DCH retransmission probability. The left Y-coordinate represents the E-DCH average times of retransmission (range: 0 to 16, unit: none). The right Y-coordinate represents the E-DCH retransmission probability (range: 0 to 1, unit: none).

13.4 Monitoring the RNC Cell Performance

This describes how to monitor the cell performance, such as the common measured value and number of common channel users. For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks. 13.4.1 Monitoring Cell P-CPICH TX Power This describes how to monitor the Primary Common Pilot Channel (P-CPICH) TX power of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe and determine in real time whether the pilot power is normal. 13.4.2 Monitoring UL RX Total Wideband Power of a Cell This describes how to monitor the UL RX total wideband power of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the UL load level in real time. The UL RX total wideband power is measured and reported by the related NodeB. 13.4.3 Monitoring DL Carrier TX Power of a Cell This describes how to monitor the DL TX carrier power of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the DL load level in real time. The DL TX carrier power of a cell is measured and reported by the related NodeB. 13.4.4 Monitoring the Number of Cell Users This describes how to monitor the number of users in a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe in real time the user number of the common channels, dedicated channels, HSDPA services, and HSUPA services in the cell. You can also learn about the distribution of the users in the cell. 13.4.5 Monitoring Node Synchronization This describes how to monitor the time difference between RNC Frame Number (RFN) and NodeB Frame Number (BFN) of the specified cell and the time taken for node synchronization. By performing this task, you can observe the float situations of RFN and BFN in real time. If the difference between RFN and BFN varies too rapidly, you can infer that there are some problems on the transmission between the RNC and the NodeB. 13.4.6 Monitoring the UL CAC This describes how to monitor the UL Call Admission Control (CAC) procedure of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted values and measured values of UL load so as to measure the predicted accuracy of the UL CAC algorithm.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

13.4.7 Monitoring DL CAC This describes how to monitor the DL Call Admission Control (CAC) procedure of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted values and measured values of the DL load so as to measure the predicted accuracy of the DL CAC algorithm. 13.4.8 Monitoring the Number of UL Equivalent Users This describes how to monitor the number of UL equivalent users in a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted and measured values of UL equivalent users. 13.4.9 Monitoring the Number of DL Equivalent Users This describes how to monitor the number of DL equivalent users in a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted and measured values of DL equivalent users. 13.4.10 Monitoring the Cell Code Tree This describes how to monitor the DL channel OVSF code tree of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the usage of the DL channel code in real time. 13.4.11 Monitoring the Minimum Required Power of the HS-DSCH This describes how to monitor the minimum required power of the HS-DSCH of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the ratio of the minimum required power to the maximum TX power on the HS-DSCH in the cell. 13.4.12 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the HS-DSCH This describes how to monitor the bit rate of the HS-DSCH of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the transmission rate provided by the HS-DSCH. 13.4.13 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the E-DCH This describes how to monitor the bit rate provided by the E-DCH that is set up for the HSUPA services. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the transmission rate provided by the E-DCH in real time. 13.4.14 Monitoring the Cell CE This describes how to monitor the credit and consumption of the local cell, the local cell group, and the corresponding NodeB. Based on the monitoring result, the RNC determines whether to grant an new access request of an MS. 13.4.15 Monitoring the FDPCH SYMBOL This describes how to monitor the condition of the F-DPCH SYMBOL, including the F-DPCH code, SYMBOL No., and timeslot format corresponding to the occupied SYMBOL.

Related Concepts
13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Related Tasks
13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online 13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode 13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results 13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task
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RNC LMT User Guide

13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

13.4.1 Monitoring Cell P-CPICH TX Power

This describes how to monitor the Primary Common Pilot Channel (P-CPICH) TX power of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe and determine in real time whether the pilot power is normal.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The value range of the P-CPICH TX power can be obtained by running the LST PCPICH command. If the pilot power exceeds this range, you can infer that the power is abnormal.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-20. Figure 13-20 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to PCPICH TxPower, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.5 to 120. Its recommended value is 0.5s.


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RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_PCPICH TxPower_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. Figure 13-21 is an example of the output interface (chart) of cell P-CPICH TX power monitoring. Figure 13-21 Output interface of cell P-CPICH TX power monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the PCPICH power (unit: dBm).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.2 Monitoring UL RX Total Wideband Power of a Cell

This describes how to monitor the UL RX total wideband power of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the UL load level in real time. The UL RX total wideband power is measured and reported by the related NodeB.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The CAC procedure measures the UL load by the UL load factor, the ratio of (UL RX total wideband power-cell background noise) to UL RX total wideband power. The background noise of the cell approximates to a constant, which can be set through the command ADD CELLCAC or MOD CELLCAC. Therefore, the UL RX total wideband power can also be used to measure the relative level of the UL load of the cell.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-22. Figure 13-22 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to RTWP, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.5 to 120. Its recommended value is 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_RTWP_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. Figure 13-23 is an example of the output interface (chart) of UL RX total wideband power monitoring for a cell. Figure 13-23 Output interface of UL RX total wideband power monitoring for a cell

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the cell UL RX total wideband power (unit: dBm).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.3 Monitoring DL Carrier TX Power of a Cell

This describes how to monitor the DL TX carrier power of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the DL load level in real time. The DL TX carrier power of a cell is measured and reported by the related NodeB.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The CAC procedure uses the ratio of the DL TX carrier power to the maximum TX power of the cell to measure the DL load of the cell. When setting up a cell, you can run ADD
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RNC LMT User Guide

CELLSETUP to set the maximum TX power. After the cell is set up, you can run MOD CELL to modify it.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-24. Figure 13-24 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to Tx Carrier Power, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.5 to 120. Its recommended value is 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_Tx Carrier Power_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. Figure 13-25 is an example of the output interface (chart) of DL TX carrier power monitoring for a cell.


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Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-25 Output interface of DL TX carrier power monitoring for a cell

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the ratio of the DL TX carrier power to the maximum TX power of the cell (unit: %).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.4 Monitoring the Number of Cell Users

This describes how to monitor the number of users in a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe in real time the user number of the common channels, dedicated channels, HSDPA services, and HSUPA services in the cell. You can also learn about the distribution of the users in the cell.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-26.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 13-26 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to Cell User Num, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 1 to 1,800. Its recommended value is 1.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_Cell User Num_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the number of cell users.

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.5 Monitoring Node Synchronization

This describes how to monitor the time difference between RNC Frame Number (RFN) and NodeB Frame Number (BFN) of the specified cell and the time taken for node synchronization. By performing this task, you can observe the float situations of RFN and BFN in real time. If the difference between RFN and BFN varies too rapidly, you can infer that there are some problems on the transmission between the RNC and the NodeB.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-27. Figure 13-27 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to Node Sync, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 30 to 300. Its recommended value is 30s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_Node Sync_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. Figure 13-28 is an example of the output interface (chart) of node synchronization monitoring.
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Figure 13-28 Output interface of node synchronization monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the time difference between RFN and BFN and the time taken by the NodeB to finish node synchronization (unit: ms).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.6 Monitoring the UL CAC

This describes how to monitor the UL Call Admission Control (CAC) procedure of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted values and measured values of UL load so as to measure the predicted accuracy of the UL CAC algorithm.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The methods for measuring the cell load vary with CAC algorithms (CAC algorithm 1 or CAC algorithm 2). Run MOD CELLALGOSWITCH to set the UL CAC algorithm of a cell. Run LST CELLALGOSWITCH to query the UL CAC algorithm of a cell.

CAC algorithm 1 measures the UL load by the UL load factor, the ratio of (UL RX total wideband power - ssscell background noise) to UL RX total wideband power. You can run the command ADD CELLCAC or MOD CELLCAC to set the cell background noise.
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RNC LMT User Guide


13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

CAC algorithm 2 uses the ratio of the current number to the maximum number of UL equivalent users to measure the load of the cell. By default, algorithm 2 is used to measure the UL load of the cell.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-29. Figure 13-29 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UL CAC Monitor, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_UL CAC Monitor_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the PCPICH power (unit: dBm).
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.7 Monitoring DL CAC

This describes how to monitor the DL Call Admission Control (CAC) procedure of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted values and measured values of the DL load so as to measure the predicted accuracy of the DL CAC algorithm.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The methods for measuring the cell load vary with CAC algorithms (CAC algorithm 1 or CAC algorithm 2). Run MOD CELLALGOSWITCH to set the DL CAC algorithm of a cell. Run LST CELLALGOSWITCH to query the DL CAC algorithm of a cell.

CAC algorithm 1 uses the ratio of the DL TX carrier power to the maximum TX power of the cell to measure the DL load of the cell. By default, algorithm 1 is used to measure the DL load of the cell. The maximum TX power is a constant. You can run ADD CELLSETUP to set it. CAC algorithm 2 uses the ratio of the current DL equivalent number of users to the maximum DL equivalent number of users.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-30. Figure 13-30 Cell performance monitoring dialog box


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to DL CAC Monitor, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_DL CAC Monitor_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the predicted values and measured values of the load (unit: %).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.8 Monitoring the Number of UL Equivalent Users

This describes how to monitor the number of UL equivalent users in a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted and measured values of UL equivalent users.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-31.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-31 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UL Total Equivalent User Num, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_UL Total Equivalent User Num_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MMSS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the predicted values and measured values of the number of UL equivalent users.

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.9 Monitoring the Number of DL Equivalent Users

This describes how to monitor the number of DL equivalent users in a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the predicted and measured values of DL equivalent users.
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l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-32. Figure 13-32 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to DL Total Equivalent User Num, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_DL Total Equivalent User Num_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MMSS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s,
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the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the predicted values and measured values of the number of DL equivalent users.

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.10 Monitoring the Cell Code Tree

This describes how to monitor the DL channel OVSF code tree of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the usage of the DL channel code in real time.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-33. Figure 13-33 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to Cell Code Tree Monitor, and then set Cell ID. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_Cell Code Tree Monitor_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell IDCell ID.
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Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

The LMT displays a real-time monitoring window with the monitoring task name on the title bar. You can query the usage of the cell code tree in static or dynamic view.

When querying the usage of the cell code tree in static view, you can obtain the usage of each code in the cell code tree, as shown in Figure 13-34. When querying the usage of the cell code tree in dynamic view, you can view the usage in list or chart. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time; the Y-coordinate represents the codes.

Figure 13-34 Output of the cell code tree usage in static view

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.11 Monitoring the Minimum Required Power of the HS-DSCH

This describes how to monitor the minimum required power of the HS-DSCH of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the ratio of the minimum required power to the maximum TX power on the HS-DSCH in the cell.


The LMT is started.

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RNC LMT User Guide

You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-35. Figure 13-35 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to HS-DSCH Min Power Requirement, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_HS-DSCH Min Power Requirement_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MMSS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the ratio of the required power to the maximum TX power of the cell (unit: ).
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Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.12 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the HS-DSCH

This describes how to monitor the bit rate of the HS-DSCH of a specified cell. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the transmission rate provided by the HS-DSCH.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-36. Figure 13-36 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to HS-DSCH Provide Bitrate, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_HS-DSCH Provide Bitrate_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End
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A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the bit rate (unit: bit/s).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.13 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the E-DCH

This describes how to monitor the bit rate provided by the E-DCH that is set up for the HSUPA services. By performing this task, you can observe the variation of the transmission rate provided by the E-DCH in real time.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-37. Figure 13-37 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to E-DCH Provide Bitrate, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.1 to 300. Its recommended value is 0.5s.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_E-DCH Provide Bitrate_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell IDCell ID. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the bit rate (unit: bit/s).

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.14 Monitoring the Cell CE

This describes how to monitor the credit and consumption of the local cell, the local cell group, and the corresponding NodeB. Based on the monitoring result, the RNC determines whether to grant an new access request of an MS.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-38.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-38 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to Cell CE, and then set Monitor period(s) and Cell ID.

The value range of Monitor period(s) is from 0.25 to 8. Its recommended value is 0.5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_Cell CE_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

A monitoring window is displayed, showing the real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name is indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. If the reporting period is not greater than 10s, the time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). If the reporting period is greater than 10s, the time unit is TICK (one TICK corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the credit (unit: none) of the local cell, local cell group, and the NodeB corresponding to the cell.

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.4.15 Monitoring the FDPCH SYMBOL

This describes how to monitor the condition of the F-DPCH SYMBOL, including the F-DPCH code, SYMBOL No., and timeslot format corresponding to the occupied SYMBOL.
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l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

The F-DPCH channel bears the Transport Power Control (TPC) information of HSDPA services and uses the spreading factor SF256.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Cell performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-39. Figure 13-39 Cell performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to FDPCH SYMBOL monitoring, and then set Cell ID. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Cell performance monitoring_FDPCH SYMBOL monitoring_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MMSS_Cell ID-Cell ID. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

The LMT displays a real-time monitoring window with the monitoring task name on the title bar. You can query the condition of the FDPCH SYMBOL in static or dynamic view.
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In the static view of the FDPCH SYMBOL monitoring, you can see the condition of the SYMBOL corresponding to the F-DPCH code. The numbers in the grids indicate the timeslot formats. In the dynamic view of the FDPCH SYMBOL monitoring, the X-coordinate represents the time, and the Y-coordinate represents the F-DPCH code, position of the F-DPCH SYMBOL, and timeslot format.

Related References
13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

13.5 Monitoring the RNC Link Performance

This describes how to monitor the RNC link performance. This task applies to the traffic statistics based on IP path/SCTP/OAM stream, statistics based on priority queues. The statistics based on priority queues include the statistics of packet loss rate, number of the sent packets, and number of the sent bytes. For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks. 13.5.1 Monitoring the IMA Group Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified IMA group in real time. The real-time traffic on the current IMA group is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.2 Monitoring the UNI Link Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified UNI link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current UNI link is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.3 Monitoring the Fractional ATM Link Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified fractional ATM link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current fractional ATM link is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.4 Monitoring the SAAL Link Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified SAAL link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current SAAL link is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.5 Monitoring the IPoA PVC Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified IPoA PVC in real time. The real-time traffic on the current IPoA PVC is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.6 Monitoring the QoS of an IP Path This describes how to monitor the QoS of a specified IP path in real time. The QoS of the current IP path is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.7 Monitoring the AAL2 Path Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified AAL2 path in real time. The real-time traffic on the current AAL2 path is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.8 Monitoring the FE/GE Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified FE/GE port in real time. The real-time traffic on the current FE/GE port is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.9 Monitoring the PPP Link Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified PPP link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current PPP link is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.10 Monitoring the MLPPP Group Traffic
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This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified MLPPP group in real time. The realtime traffic on the current MLPPP group is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.11 Monitoring the SCTP Link Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified SCTP link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current SCTP link is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.12 Monitoring the Performance of a QoS Queue This describes how to monitor the specified QoS queue in real time. The performance of the current QoS queue is displayed in either list or chart. The performance information includes the TX traffic, TX packet rate, and packet loss rate. 13.5.13 Monitoring the IP Path Traffic This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified IP path in real time. The real-time traffic on the current IP path is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.14 Monitoring the IP Performance This describes how to monitor the IP performance. By performing this task, you can monitor statistic information about the packet loss rate and delay, and average delay. 13.5.15 Monitoring OAM Traffic This describes how to monitor the RX and TX traffic of the specified NodeB OM channel. The traffic of the current NodeB OM channel is displayed in either list or chart. 13.5.16 Monitoring the Logical Ports This describes how to monitor the traffic of the specified logical port in real time. You can monitor an entire port, where the monitoring result displays the real-time traffic of the current logical port. You can also monitor only the specified priority of the port, where the monitoring result displays the TX traffic of the specified priority of the current logical port.

Related Concepts
13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Related Tasks
13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online 13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode 13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results 13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task 13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task 13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

13.5.1 Monitoring the IMA Group Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified IMA group in real time. The real-time traffic on the current IMA group is displayed in either list or chart.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the IMA group that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored IMA group stops the task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-40. Figure 13-40 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to IMA Group, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., and IMA Group No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_IMA Group_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_IMA Group No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-41 is an example of the output interface (chart) of IMA group real-time traffic monitoring. Figure 13-41 Output interface of IMA group real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.2 Monitoring the UNI Link Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified UNI link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current UNI link is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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This task only applies to monitoring the UNI link that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-42. Figure 13-42 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to UNI Link, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., and UNI Link No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_UNI Link_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_UNI Link No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related
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parameters. Figure 13-43 is an example of the output interface (chart) of UNI link real-time traffic monitoring. Figure 13-43 Output interface of UNI link real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.3 Monitoring the Fractional ATM Link Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified fractional ATM link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current fractional ATM link is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is running normally. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the fractional ATM link that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. If you delete the monitored link after the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-44. Figure 13-44 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to FRAC ATM Link, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., and FRAC Link No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_FRAC ATM Link_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_FRAC Link No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK to start the monitoring. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The task name and related parameters are indicated in the title of the window. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic (unit: kbit/s).

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring
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13.5.4 Monitoring the SAAL Link Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified SAAL link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current SAAL link is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the SAAL link that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-45. Figure 13-45 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to SAAL Link, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., Subsystem No., and SAAL Link No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link
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performance monitoring_SAAL Link_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_SAAL Link No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-46 is an example of the output interface (chart) of SAAL link real-time traffic monitoring. Figure 13-46 Output interface of SAAL link real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.5 Monitoring the IPoA PVC Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified IPoA PVC in real time. The real-time traffic on the current IPoA PVC is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.
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This task only applies to monitoring the IPoA PVC that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-47. Figure 13-47 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to IPOA PVC, and then set Subrack No., IP Address, and Peer IP Address. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_IPOA PVC_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_IP Address-b_Peer IP Address-c.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related
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parameters. Figure 13-48 is an example of the output interface (chart) of IPoA PVC real-time traffic monitoring. Figure 13-48 Output interface of IPoA PVC real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.6 Monitoring the QoS of an IP Path

This describes how to monitor the QoS of a specified IP path in real time. The QoS of the current IP path is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the IP path that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.


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RNC LMT User Guide

13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-49. Figure 13-49 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to IPPATH Qos, and then set Subrack No., IP Node, IP PATH ID, and Display mode. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_IPPATH Qos_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_IP Node-b_IP PATH ID-c.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-50 is an example of the output interface (chart) of IP path QoS monitoring.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Figure 13-50 Output interface of IP path QoS monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.7 Monitoring the AAL2 Path Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified AAL2 path in real time. The real-time traffic on the current AAL2 path is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the AAL2 path that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-51. Figure 13-51 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to AAL2 PATH, and then set Subrack No., Neighbor Node ID, and AAL2 PATH ID. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_AAL2 PATH_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_Neighbor Node ID-d_AAL2 Path ID-e.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-52 is an example of the output interface (chart) of AAL2 path real-time traffic monitoring.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-52 Output interface of AAL2 path real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.8 Monitoring the FE/GE Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified FE/GE port in real time. The real-time traffic on the current FE/GE port is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the FE/GE port that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-53. Figure 13-53 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to FE&GE, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., and ETH Port No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_FE&GE_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_ETH Port No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-54 is an example of the output interface (chart) of FE/GE real-time traffic monitoring.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-54 Output interface of FE/GE real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.9 Monitoring the PPP Link Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified PPP link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current PPP link is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the PPP link that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-55. Figure 13-55 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to PPP Link, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., and PPP Link No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_PPP Link_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_PPP Link No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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13.5.10 Monitoring the MLPPP Group Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified MLPPP group in real time. The realtime traffic on the current MLPPP group is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the MLPPP group that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-56. Figure 13-56 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to MLPPP Group, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., and MLPPP Group No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

performance monitoring_MLPPP Group_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_MLPPP Group No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.11 Monitoring the SCTP Link Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified SCTP link in real time. The real-time traffic on the current SCTP link is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the SCTP link that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-57.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-57 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to SCTP Link, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., Subsystem No., and SCTP Link No.. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_SCTP Link_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Slot No.-b_Subsystem No.-c_SCTP Link No.-d.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-58 is an example of the output interface (chart) of SCTP link real-time traffic monitoring.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-58 Output interface of SCTP link real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.12 Monitoring the Performance of a QoS Queue

This describes how to monitor the specified QoS queue in real time. The performance of the current QoS queue is displayed in either list or chart. The performance information includes the TX traffic, TX packet rate, and packet loss rate.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


The QoS queue to be monitored is established. After the task is started, deleting the monitored QoS queue stops the task.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-59. Figure 13-59 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to QoS Queue, and then set Subrack No., Logic Port No., QOSQUE No., and Display mode. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_QoS Queue_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.a_Logic Port No.-b_QOSQUE No.-c.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-60 is an example of the output interface (chart) of QoS queue performance monitoring.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-60 Output interface of QoS performance monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.13 Monitoring the IP Path Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified IP path in real time. The real-time traffic on the current IP path is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


This task only applies to monitoring the IP path that is successfully configured and connected to its peer end. After the task is started, deleting the monitored link stops the task.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-61. Figure 13-61 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to IP PATH, and then set Subrack No., IP Node ID, and IP PATH ID. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_IP PATH_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_IP Node ID-b_IP PATH ID-c.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-62 is an example of the output interface (chart) of IP path real-time traffic monitoring.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-62 Output interface of IP path real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.14 Monitoring the IP Performance

This describes how to monitor the IP performance. By performing this task, you can monitor statistic information about the packet loss rate and delay, and average delay.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-63.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-63 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to IP PM, and then set Subrack No., Neighbor Node ID, and IP PATH ID. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_IP PM_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a_Adjacent Node ID-b_IP PATH ID-c.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.5.15 Monitoring OAM Traffic

This describes how to monitor the RX and TX traffic of the specified NodeB OM channel. The traffic of the current NodeB OM channel is displayed in either list or chart.


The LMT is started.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-64. Figure 13-64 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to OAM, and then set Subrack No. and NodeB ID. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_OAM_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic of the NodeB OM channel in kbit/ s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

RNC LMT User Guide

13.5.16 Monitoring the Logical Ports

This describes how to monitor the traffic of the specified logical port in real time. You can monitor an entire port, where the monitoring result displays the real-time traffic of the current logical port. You can also monitor only the specified priority of the port, where the monitoring result displays the TX traffic of the specified priority of the current logical port.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click Link performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-65. Figure 13-65 Link performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Monitor item to Logic Port, and then set Subrack No., Slot No., strMonitorType, and Port No..

l l

strMonitorType can be Port or QoS. When QoS is selected, specify QoS No. with a value ranging from 0 to 5.

Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_Logic Port_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Subrack No.-a.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the real-time traffic of the current logical port in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

13.6 Monitoring PVC Traffic

This describes how to monitor the traffic on a specified PVC in real time. The real-time traffic on the current PVC is displayed in either list or chart.

l l

The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC with an account authorized for this task.


For the same monitoring item, you can start up to six tasks.

Step 1 In the navigation pane, click the Maintenance tab, expand the Realtime Performance Monitoring node, and then double-click PVC performance monitoring. A dialog box for setting the parameters is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-66.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-66 PVC performance monitoring dialog box

Step 2 In the 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring dialog box, set Slot No., Port No., VPI Value, and VCI Value. Step 3 Select the Auto Save check box if you want the LMT to automatically save the monitoring records. The default save path is LMT installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC \LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default file name is Link performance monitoring_PVC_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_Slot No.-a_VPI Valueb_VCI Value-c.txt. Step 4 Click OK. The monitoring is started. ----End

After the monitoring task is started, a monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in list and chart. The title of the window indicates the task name and related parameters. Figure 13-67 is an example of the output interface (chart) of PVC real-time traffic monitoring.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-67 Output interface of PVC real-time traffic monitoring

In the chart, the X-coordinate represents the time. The time unit is RFN (one RFN corresponds to 10 ms). The Y-coordinate represents the RX and TX traffic in kbit/s.

Related References
13.8.5 Parameter Reference for PVC Traffic Monitoring

13.7 Basic RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring Operations

This describes how to perform basic operations after an RNC real-time performance monitoring task is started. 13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online This describes how to online browse and query the monitoring results that are dynamically displayed in the monitoring window in real time. 13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode This describes how to switch the display mode to lineargraph or histogram on the Chart tab page. 13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode This describes how to set the default display mode to lineargraph or histogram on the Chart tab page. 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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This describes how to edit the display mode for the chart in the real-time monitoring window, which is displayed after a monitoring task is created and started. On the Chart tab page of the window, you can set the display parameters, including the color, type, and width of the lines. 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results This describes how to save the monitoring results into local files. 13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task This describes how to temporarily stop the connection/cell/link performance monitoring tasks and restart them later when needed. 13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task This describes how to add a required CPU monitoring item to a CPU usage monitoring task. 13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task This describes how to delete an unnecessary CPU monitoring item from a CPU usage monitoring task. 13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task This describes how to stop a monitoring task when it is no longer needed. 13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline This describes how to browse RNC monitoring results offline. For the results of connection/cell/ link performance monitoring, you can double-click the .txt files in which the results are saved, and then read the details.

13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online

This describes how to online browse and query the monitoring results that are dynamically displayed in the monitoring window in real time.

l l

A real-time performance monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the RNC.

l Right-click on the chart tab page in the real-time performance monitoring window. Then, you can perform the following operations by selecting the corresponding item from the shortcut menu:

Setting auto scroll Showing or hiding the grid Setting the Y axis display range (only applicable to the connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring tasks) Switching the display mode

Right-click on the list tab page in the real-time performance monitoring window. Then, you can perform the following operations by selecting the corresponding item from the shortcut menu:

Setting auto scroll Saving selected data (only applicable to the connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring tasks)
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Quering the attributes (only applicable to the CPU/DSP usage monitoring task)

Right-click on the task information pane at the bottom of the real-time performance monitoring window. Then, you can perform the following operations by selecting the corresponding item from the shortcut menu:

Adding or deleting tasks Stopping or restarting monitoring tasks Starting or stopping saving the task data Querying details of tasks (only applicable to connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring tasks)


Related Tasks
13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

13.7.2 Switching the Display Mode

This describes how to switch the display mode to lineargraph or histogram on the Chart tab page.

l l

A real-time performance monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the RNC.

l Histogram A histogram displays monitoring results in bar mode. Therefore, you can directly learn the current monitoring results. The X-coordinate represents the task number; the Y-coordinate has different meanings according to different monitoring tasks. For example, for the CPU usage monitoring task, the Y-coordinate represents the percentage. l Lineargraph A lineargraph displays monitoring results in curve mode. Therefore, you can learn about the variation of monitoring results in a period of time. The floating curves in the window reflect the variation of monitoring results. The X-coordinate represents the time; the Y-coordinate has different meanings according to different monitoring tasks. For example, for the CPU usage monitoring task, the Ycoordinate represents the percentage.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring


RNC LMT User Guide

The task information pane at the bottom of the window displays related information about monitoring tasks in table. For example, for the CPU usage monitoring task, the task information pane displays the following information: task ID, whether to display line or not, color setting, line type, line width, subrack number, slot number, usage (%), and task status. You can perform 13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart as required in the task information pane at the bottom of the monitoring window.


13.7.3 Setting the Default Display Mode

This describes how to set the default display mode to lineargraph or histogram on the Chart tab page.

l l

A real-time performance monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the RNC.


This task only applies to the connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring tasks.

Step 1 Right-click on the Chart tab page, choose Set Default Display Mode. The Set Default Display Mode dialog box is displayed. Step 2 In the Default Display Mode area, select Line or histogram. ----End

13.7.4 Editing the Display Mode for the Chart

This describes how to edit the display mode for the chart in the real-time monitoring window, which is displayed after a monitoring task is created and started. On the Chart tab page of the window, you can set the display parameters, including the color, type, and width of the lines.

l l

A real-time performance monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the RNC.

Step 1 In the task information pane at the bottom of the window, click the property boxes of the Line Color, Line Type, or Line Width column. Step 2 Select the required properties from the drop-down lists.
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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

l l

The edited display properties of the chart only apply to the real-time monitoring window of the current monitoring task. During the real-time performance monitoring, if data is displayed on the List tab page whereas no chart is displayed on the Chart tab page, you can select one of the following line types by editing the display properties:

type 1

type 2

type 3

You can right-click in the real-time monitoring window, choose Set Default Display Mode, select Line or histogram in the Default Display Mode area to change the display mode.


13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results

This describes how to save the monitoring results into local files.

l l

A real-time performance monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the system.


For the CPU usage monitoring, the default save path is installation directory \client \output \monitor. The default format of file names is CPU Reviewyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss-task number.mrf. For the connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring and link performance monitoring tasks, the default save path is installation directory \adaptor \clientadaptor\RNC\LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. The default format of file names is monitoring type_monitoring item_yy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.txt. For example, the results of a PCPICH Ec/No and RSCP monitoring task that is started at 15:41:10 on 2005-10-26 are saved under the name Connection performance monitoring_PCPICH EcNo&RSCP_2005-10-26-15-41-10.txt.

The results of connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring can also be saved in .csv files.

For CPU usage monitoring, you can save the monitoring results in either of the following ways:

l When creating a monitoring task, click Start Saving in the Add Task dialog box, and the results are saved in real time.
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After the task is started, right-click the task information pane in the CPU Usage pane, and then choose Start Save Review Data to save results in real time.


For the connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring tasks, the only way for saving monitoring results is to select the Auto Save check box when setting the parameters (default setting: the check box is selected).

Related Tasks
13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

13.7.6 Pausing and Resuming an RNC Monitoring Task

This describes how to temporarily stop the connection/cell/link performance monitoring tasks and restart them later when needed.

The related monitoring task is started.

l l To stop a task, right-click the task information pane, and choose Stop Task. To restart the task, right-click the task information pane, and choose Restart Task.


Related Tasks
13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task

13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task

This describes how to add a required CPU monitoring item to a CPU usage monitoring task.

l l

A real-time CPU usage monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the RNC.

Step 1 Right-click the task information pane in the CPU Usage window, and then choose Add Task from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 13-68. Figure 13-68 Adding CPU usage monitoring tasks


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Step 2 In the Add Tasks dialog box, set the information on the CPU to be monitored. The information includes subrack number and slot number. Step 3 Click Add. The real-time monitoring window displays the results of the new monitoring items. Step 4 Click Close to close the dialog box. ----End

Related Tasks
13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task

13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task

This describes how to delete an unnecessary CPU monitoring item from a CPU usage monitoring task.

l l

A real-time performance monitoring task is started. Monitoring results are reported by the RNC.

Step 1 In the task information pane at the bottom of the CPU Usage monitoring window, select the monitoring task to be deleted. Step 2 Right-click the task to be deleted in the task information pane, and choose Delete Task from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 13-69. Figure 13-69 Deleting the CPU usage monitoring tasks

Step 3 The Confirm dialog box is displayed. lick Yes. ----End

Related Tasks
13.7.7 Adding an RNC CPU Monitoring Task

13.7.9 Stopping an RNC Monitoring Task

This describes how to stop a monitoring task when it is no longer needed.
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A real-time performance monitoring task is started.

Step 1 Click in the top right corner of the real-time performance monitoring task window to stop the task.

For CPU usage monitoring, you can also stop a task by deleting it. For details, refer to 13.7.8 Deleting an RNC CPU Monitoring Task.


13.7.10 Browsing RNC Monitoring Results Offline

This describes how to browse RNC monitoring results offline. For the results of connection/cell/ link performance monitoring, you can double-click the .txt files in which the results are saved, and then read the details.

The monitoring results are saved in files.

You can use the Monitor Viewer to browse offline the results of CPU usage monitoring saved in .mrf files to learn the history running situation of the system and locate the faults. The results are saved in 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results.

l Review results of CPU usage monitoring. 1. Perform either of the following ways to start the Monitor Viewer:


on the toolbar in the Local Maintenance Terminal window.

Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > Monitor Viewer.

The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-70.


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Figure 13-70 Open dialog box


Open the directory where the results of CPU usage monitoring are saved. The default save path is installation directory\client\output\monitor. Select a required file that saves the results of CPU usage monitoring. Select a file and click Open or double-click the file. The Monitor Viewer window displays the result data in list (as shown in Figure 13-71) or in chart (as shown in Figure 13-72).


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Figure 13-71 Displaying monitoring results in a list

Figure 13-72 Displaying monitoring results in a chart


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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

4. 5. l

Click the List tab or the Chart tab to review the information in different modes. To review other saved results, choose File > Open. In the Open dialog box, select files to open and then review the information.

To review results of connection performance monitoring, cell performance monitoring, and link performance monitoring, perform the following steps: 1. 1) Open the file folder that saves the files of monitoring results. The default path for the file folder is installation directory\adaptor\clientadaptor\RNC\LMT software version number\output\realmonitor. To name the files, see Saving Monitoring Results. Double-click the file to open it. Review the information.

2. 3. ----End

Related Tasks
13.7.1 Browsing the RNC Monitoring Results Online 13.7.5 Saving RNC Monitoring Results

13.8 Parameter Reference for RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

This describes the parameters used for each performance monitoring. 13.8.1 Parameter Reference for RNC CPU Usage Monitoring This describes the parameters used for RNC CPU usage monitoring. 13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring This describes the parameters for connection performance monitoring. 13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring This describes the parameters used for cell performance monitoring. 13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring This describes the parameters used for link performance monitoring. 13.8.5 Parameter Reference for PVC Traffic Monitoring This describes the parameters used for PVC traffic monitoring.

13.8.1 Parameter Reference for RNC CPU Usage Monitoring

This describes the parameters used for RNC CPU usage monitoring. Field Subrack No. Slot No. Show line graph or histogram
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Description Subrack number of the board to be monitored. Value range: 1 to 17. Slot number of the board to be monitored. Value range: 0 to 15. If this check box is selected, the curve of data variation is displayed on the Chart tab page in real time.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Field Save Review Data

Description After a monitoring task is added, click Start Saving to save the monitoring data into the file.

Related Concepts
13.1.3 Authority of the RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Related Tasks
13.2 Monitoring the RNC CPU Usage

13.8.2 Parameter Reference for Connection Performance Monitoring

This describes the parameters for connection performance monitoring. Field Monitor item Monitor period(s) IMSI Auto Save Text File Name Description Item to be monitored Monitoring period. Different monitoring items have different monitoring periods and time units. Matching conditions for the monitoring If the check box is selected, the monitoring records are automatically saved to the specified path. Path and name of the automatically saved file


The IMSI value can be automatically memorized.

Related Tasks
13.3.1 Monitoring P-CPICH Ec/No and RSCP 13.3.2 Monitoring the SIR Measurement Values of UL RLSs 13.3.3 Monitoring the SIR Error Values of UL RLSs 13.3.4 Monitoring DL Code TX Power 13.3.5 Monitoring the UE TX Power 13.3.6 Monitoring UL Traffic 13.3.7 Monitoring DL Traffic 13.3.8 Monitoring UL Throughput and Bandwidth 13.3.9 Monitoring DL Throughput and Bandwidth 13.3.10 Monitoring Handover Delay 13.3.11 Monitoring the BLER of the DL Transport Channel
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13.3.12 Monitoring the AMR Mode

13.8.3 Parameter Reference for Cell Performance Monitoring

This describes the parameters used for cell performance monitoring. Field Monitor item Monitor period(s) Cell ID Auto Save Text File Name Description Item to be monitored Monitoring period. Different monitoring items have different monitoring periods and time units. ID of the cell to be monitored If the check box is selected, the monitoring records are automatically saved to the specified path. Path and name of the automatically saved file


The Cell ID value can be automatically memorized.

Related Tasks
13.4.1 Monitoring Cell P-CPICH TX Power 13.4.2 Monitoring UL RX Total Wideband Power of a Cell 13.4.3 Monitoring DL Carrier TX Power of a Cell 13.4.4 Monitoring the Number of Cell Users 13.4.5 Monitoring Node Synchronization 13.4.6 Monitoring the UL CAC 13.4.7 Monitoring DL CAC 13.4.8 Monitoring the Number of UL Equivalent Users 13.4.9 Monitoring the Number of DL Equivalent Users 13.4.10 Monitoring the Cell Code Tree 13.4.11 Monitoring the Minimum Required Power of the HS-DSCH 13.4.12 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the HS-DSCH 13.4.13 Monitoring the Bit Rate Provided by the E-DCH 13.4.14 Monitoring the Cell CE 13.4.15 Monitoring the FDPCH SYMBOL

13.8.4 Parameter Reference for Link Performance Monitoring

This describes the parameters used for link performance monitoring. Field Monitor item
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Description Item to be monitored

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Field Subrack No. Slot No.

Description Subrack number of the board whose link is to be monitored. Value range: 0 to 17. Slot number of the link to be monitored. This parameter is valid for only the following monitoring items: IMA Group, UNI Link, FRAC ATM Link, SAAL Link, FE&GE, PPP Link, MLPPP Link, and SCTP Link. Number of the WSPUb subsystem. This parameter is valid for the following monitoring items: SAAL Link and SCTP Link. Number of the IMA group. This parameter is valid for only the IMA Group monitoring item. You can run LST IMAGRP to query its value. Number of the UNI link. This parameter is valid for only the UNI Link monitoring item. You can run LST UNILNK to query its value. Number of the fractional ATM link. This parameter is valid for only the FRAC ATM Link monitoring item. You can run LST FRALNK and set Link type to FRAATM to query its value. Number of the SAAL link. This parameter is valid for only the SAAL Link monitoring item. You can run LST SAALLNK to query its value. Local IP address and peer IP address of the IPoA PVC. These parameters are valid for only the IPOA PVC monitoring item. You can run LST IPOAPVC to query their values. IP node of the IP path QoS. This parameter is valid only for IPPATH Qos. ID of the IP path QoS. This parameter is valid only for IPPATH Qos. Adjacent node ID and ID of the AAL2 path. These parameters are valid for only the AAL2 PATH monitoring item. You can run LST AAL2PATH to query their values.

Subsystem No. IMA Group No. UNI Link No. FRAC Link No. SAAL Link No. IP Address Peer IP address IP Node IP PATH ID Neighbor Node ID AAL2 PATH ID ETH Port No.

Number of the FE or GE port. These parameters are valid for only the FE&GE monitoring item. You can run DSP ETHPORT to query their values. Number of the PPP link. This parameter is valid for only the PPP Link monitoring item. You can run LST PPPLNK to query its value. Number of the MLPPP group. This parameter is valid for only the MLPPP Group monitoring item. You can run LST MPGRP to query its value. Number of the SCTP link. This parameter is valid for only the SCTP Link monitoring item. You can run LST SCTPLNK to query its value. Number of the logical port of the QoS queue. This parameter is valid only for QoS Queue. Number of the QoS queue. This parameter is valid only for QoS Queue.

PPP Link No. MLPPP Group No. SCTP Link No. Logical Port No. QOSQUE No.


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Field IP Node ID IP Path ID Display

Description Node ID of the IP path. This parameter is valid only for IP PATH. ID of the IP path. This parameter is valid only for IP PATH. When the monitoring item is set to IPPATH Qos, this parameter can be Delay or Loss Rate. When the monitoring item is set to FE&GE, PPP Link, MLPPP Group, SCTP Link, QoS Queue, or IP PATH, this parameter can be Traffic or Loss Rate.

Auto Save Text File Name

If the check box is selected, the monitoring records are automatically saved to the specified path. Path and name of the automatically saved file

Related Tasks
13.5.1 Monitoring the IMA Group Traffic 13.5.2 Monitoring the UNI Link Traffic 13.5.3 Monitoring the Fractional ATM Link Traffic 13.5.4 Monitoring the SAAL Link Traffic 13.5.5 Monitoring the IPoA PVC Traffic 13.5.6 Monitoring the QoS of an IP Path 13.5.7 Monitoring the AAL2 Path Traffic 13.5.8 Monitoring the FE/GE Traffic 13.5.9 Monitoring the PPP Link Traffic 13.5.10 Monitoring the MLPPP Group Traffic 13.5.11 Monitoring the SCTP Link Traffic 13.5.12 Monitoring the Performance of a QoS Queue 13.5.13 Monitoring the IP Path Traffic 13.5.14 Monitoring the IP Performance 13.5.15 Monitoring OAM Traffic 13.5.16 Monitoring the Logical Ports

13.8.5 Parameter Reference for PVC Traffic Monitoring

This describes the parameters used for PVC traffic monitoring. Field Monitor item Slot No. Description Item to be monitored Slot number of the board to be monitored. Value range: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9.

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13 RNC Real-Time Performance Monitoring

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Field Port No. VPI Value VCI Value Auto Save Text File Name

Description Number of the port on the WLPU. Value range: 0 to 15. VPI value of the monitoring item. Value range: 0 to 255. VCI value of the monitoring item. Value range: 32 to 511. If the check box is selected, the monitoring records are automatically saved to the specified path. Path and name of the automatically saved file

Related Tasks
13.6 Monitoring PVC Traffic


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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool


Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

About This Chapter

This describes how to start, configure, and exit the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool. 14.1 Introduction to RNC Performance Management RNC performance management enables the RNC to collect performance data. 14.2 Starting the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool This describes how to start the Performance Browser Tool to browse the performance measurement results which are stored in the RNC. 14.3 Exiting the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool This describes how to exit the Performance Browser Tool when the browse is complete. 14.4 Setting the Parameters of the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool This describes how to set the parameters of the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool, including setting the measurement description file and the FTP. 14.5 Downloading Performance Measurement Results This describes how to log in to the BAM server through FTP and download the performance measurement results. The Performance Browser Tool provides two ways for FTP download: manual mode and automatic mode. 14.6 Querying Performance Measurement Data This describes how to browse the files (in .mrf or .xml format) of performance measurement results on the local computer. 14.7 Filtering Performance Measurement Data This describes how to set the time, objects, counters, and conditions to filter performance measurement data. You can filter the data based on different combination of the filtering requirements. 14.8 Exporting Performance Measurement Data This describes how to export the files of the queried performance measurement data and save the files in the local computer in .csv format. 14.9 Browsing Description Files
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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

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This describes how to browse the measurement description files.


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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

14.1 Introduction to RNC Performance Management

RNC performance management enables the RNC to collect performance data.

RNC Performance Management Process

The boards of the RNC collect performance measurement data and periodically report the data to the Performance module of the BAM. According to the task file, the Performance module reports the measurement data to the M2000 when the specified time arrives. The RNC stores the measurement data generated in the last 168 hours, by deleting the earlier records. Figure 14-1 shows the process of performance measurement. Figure 14-1 Process of performance measurement

In the performance measurement process, the performance console on the M2000 controls the BAM to collect measurement data, based on a default measurement task file that is in .xml format. According to the task file, the RNC reports the measurement data at the granularity period of the measurement unit.

Measurement Types
Performance measurement is categorized into the following types:

Default measurement The RNC automatically measures all default measurement objects. The default measurement task file supports the following dual periods:

Normal measurement period: 30 minutes by default Short measurement period: 5 minutes by default. It is used for real-time Key Performance Indicator (KPI) monitoring.

The M2000 cannot add objects to the list of default measurement objects or remove objects from the list.

Optional measurement By default, the RNC does not measure the optional measurement objects. The purpose of defining optional measurement objects is to avoid measuring these objects, which are of a large quantity, every time. The M2000 can add objects to the list of optional measurement objects or remove objects from the list.

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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

RNC LMT User Guide

14.2 Starting the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

This describes how to start the Performance Browser Tool to browse the performance measurement results which are stored in the RNC.

The HUAWEI Local Maintenance Terminal application is successfully installed.

Step 1 On the LMT PC, choose Start > All Programs > HUAWEI Local Maintenance Terminal > Performance Browser Tool to start the tool. ----End

14.3 Exiting the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

This describes how to exit the Performance Browser Tool when the browse is complete.

The Performance Browser Tool is successfully started.

You can exit the Performance Browser Tool in either of the following ways:

l l Choose System > Exit. Click in the upper right corner of the window.


14.4 Setting the Parameters of the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool
This describes how to set the parameters of the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool, including setting the measurement description file and the FTP.

The Performance Browser Tool is started.

Step 1 When you start the Performance Browser Tool for the first time, the Select NE dialog box is in the displayed dialog box. The NE displayed, as shown in Figure 14-2. Click Configure dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 14-3.
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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

Figure 14-2 Select NE dialog box

Figure 14-3 NE Configure dialog box

Table 14-1 describes the parameters.

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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

RNC LMT User Guide

Table 14-1 Parameters in the NE Configure dialog box Name NE Name User Password IP Address Server Path Description The name of the FTP server. It is set by operators. The valid range of length is 0 to 32 characters. The user name used to log in to the FTP server. The password used to log in to the FTP server. External virtual IP address of the BAM. The FTP server directory that stores the performance measurement data. The default directory is the root directory of the FTP server. For downloading the performance measurement data later, you are advised to set the directory to /BAM/FTP/MeasResult. FTP Configuration Test Local Result To test if the parameters in the FTP Config area are configured successfully, click this button. If the configuration is successful, a Test Succeed! message is displayed on the left area. Otherwise, a Test Failed! message is displayed. The directory under which the measurement data downloaded from the FTP server is saved on the local computer. The default directory is LMT installation directory/adaptor/clientadaptor/pfbTool/data. You can set the local destination directory for storing the measurement data downloaded from the server by clicking Target file .

To obtain the performance item file, use either of the following methods:

Click , and select MeasDefinitions.xml in the directory LMT installation directory/adaptor/clientadaptor/RNC/product version/ mml/en_US. Log in to the FTP client, download product version +MeasDefinitions.xml in the directory /BAM/FTP/MeasDefinition, and then click to select the file.

Address List

The address list of the FTP servers. Server names in the list cannot be repetitive.

Step 2 Set the parameters in the NE Configure dialog box. Step 3 Click ADD to complete the network element configuration. Step 4 Click Close to end the operation. ----End

14.5 Downloading Performance Measurement Results

This describes how to log in to the BAM server through FTP and download the performance measurement results. The Performance Browser Tool provides two ways for FTP download: manual mode and automatic mode.
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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

The parameters of the FTP server are set correctly.

l In manual mode 1. Choose File > Download Measurement Results. The Download Measurement Results dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 14-4.

Figure 14-4 Downloading the measurement results

2. 3. l

Select the file in the FTP Server Directory pane. Click Download. The Local Directory pane displays the directory under which the downloaded data is stored.

In automatic mode 1. Choose System > Auto Download Settings. The Auto Download Settings dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 14-5. Figure 14-5 Auto Download Settings dialog box

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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

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Click Add. In the Add dialog box, select one check box under Download Flag to add an automatic download setting, as shown in Figure 14-6. Figure 14-6 Add dialog box

3. 4. 5. ----End

Select the time to start downloading files from a drop-down list under Download Time. Click OK. The LMT returns to the Auto Download Settings dialog box and displays the download list in sequence of time. Click OK.

14.6 Querying Performance Measurement Data

This describes how to browse the files (in .mrf or .xml format) of performance measurement results on the local computer.

l l

The parameters of the FTP server are set correctly. The measurement results are successfully downloaded and stored in the local computer.

Step 1 In the Performance Browser Tool window, choose System > Query Performance Results. The Query Performance Results dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 14-7.


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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

Figure 14-7 Querying performance measurement results

Step 2 In the Query Performance Results dialog box, click the Counters Information tab to set counters and click the Time Information tab to set time. Step 3 Click Query to query the performance data. ----End

14.7 Filtering Performance Measurement Data

This describes how to set the time, objects, counters, and conditions to filter performance measurement data. You can filter the data based on different combination of the filtering requirements.

The query of performance measurement data is successfully performed and there is queried data available.

Step 1 Right-click the imported data table and choose Filter Results from the shortcut menu. Step 2 Set filtering requirements in the displayed Filter Results dialog box, as shown in Figure 14-8.
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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

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Figure 14-8 Filtering results

Step 3 Click OK to filter the data and refresh the data table. ----End

14.8 Exporting Performance Measurement Data

This describes how to export the files of the queried performance measurement data and save the files in the local computer in .csv format.

l l l

You have successfully logged in to the Performance Browser Tool. The query of performance measurement data is successfully performed and the queried data is available. The log file is imported.

Step 1 Right-click the imported data table and choose Export Data from the shortcut menu. Step 2 In the Save dialog box, set the file name and the directory for saving the data, as shown in Figure 14-9.
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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

Figure 14-9 Save dialog box

Step 3 Click Save to save the exported data. ----End

14.9 Browsing Description Files

This describes how to browse the measurement description files.

l l

You have successfully logged in to the Performance Browser Tool. The parameters of the description files are correctly configured.

Step 1 In the Performance Browser Tool window, choose File > Browse Description File or click the icon . The Browse Description File window is displayed, as shown in Figure 14-10.

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14 Using the RNC LMT Performance Browser Tool

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Figure 14-10 Browsing description files

Step 2 Select the node of the information to be browsed in the left pane. Step 3 Check the details in the right pane MeasDefinitions Detail, as shown in Figure 14-11. Figure 14-11 Checking details

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15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT


Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT

About This Chapter

This describes how to use the FTP Client of the RNC LMT. By performing this task, you can use and exit the FTP Client. You can also set and query the encryption mode of the FTP server. 15.1 Logging in to the FTP Server on the LMT FTP Client This describes how to log in to the RNC FTP server on the LMT FTP Client in encryption mode or plaintext mode. 15.2 Uploading Data Files to the RNC FTP Server This describes how to upload data files to the RNC FTP server. By performing this task, you can use the FTP client to upload data files to the RNC FTP server after the FTP client connects to the FTP server. 15.3 Downloading Data Files from the RNC FTP Server This describes how to download data files from the RNC FTP server. By performing this task, you can use the FTP client to download data files from the RNC FTP server after the FTP client connects to the FTP server. 15.4 Setting the Encryption Mode of the RNC FTP Server This describes how to set the encryption mode of the RNC FTP server. After the setting, you must log in to the LMT FTP Client in the active encryption mode. 15.5 Querying the Encryption Mode of the RNC FTP Server This describes how to query the encryption mode of the RNC FTP server. By performing this task, you can learn about the active encryption mode of the RNC FTP server. 15.6 Disconnecting the LMT FTP Client from the RNC FTP Server This describes how to disconnect the LMT FTP Client from the RNC FTP server.

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15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

15.1 Logging in to the FTP Server on the LMT FTP Client

This describes how to log in to the RNC FTP server on the LMT FTP Client in encryption mode or plaintext mode.

l l

The communication between the LMT and the BAM is functional. The following data is obtained: the external IP address of the BAM server, and valid user name and password to log in to the FTP server.

Step 1 Choose Start > All Programs > Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal > FTP Client. The FTP Client is started, as shown in Figure 15-1. Figure 15-1 Main interface of the FTP Client

Step 2 Enter the external IP address of the BAM server in Server, and then enter the user name and password of the RNC FTP server in User and Password boxes. Step 3 Select a encryption policy. For implementation methods of different encryption policies, refer to Table 15-1.


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15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT

Table 15-1 Implementation method of encryption Encryption Policy Encryption Only data channel encrypted Data channel encryption and command channel encryption Non-encryption Implementation Method Select SSL and CCC. Select only SSL.


SSL: Secure Socket Layer; CCC: Clear Command Channel

Step 4 Click If...

or choose System > Connect to connect the RNC FTP server. Then... A fault message is displayed. Check whether the server IP address, user name, and password are valid. Go to Step 2. The Connection tips pane displays Successfully log onto server.

The connection fails, The connection is successful,


15.2 Uploading Data Files to the RNC FTP Server

This describes how to upload data files to the RNC FTP server. By performing this task, you can use the FTP client to upload data files to the RNC FTP server after the FTP client connects to the FTP server.

The LMT FTP client is started and you have logged in to the RNC FTP server.

You can upload files to the RNC FTP server in encryption or non-encryption mode. If you choose to upload files in encryption mode, you must log in to the FTP server in encryption mode. For details, refer to 15.1 Logging in to the FTP Server on the LMT FTP Client.

Step 1 Select the file in the Local File List pane to upload it to the FTP server.
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15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT

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Step 2 In the Server List pane, select the destination directory on the RNC FTP server for storing the uploaded file. Step 3 Upload a file by using either of the following methods:
l l l


Double-click the file. Choose Transfer > Upload To Server.


After the file is uploaded, the Connection tips pane displays a message, showing that the uploading is successful. The uploaded file is displayed in the Server List pane.


15.3 Downloading Data Files from the RNC FTP Server

This describes how to download data files from the RNC FTP server. By performing this task, you can use the FTP client to download data files from the RNC FTP server after the FTP client connects to the FTP server.

The LMT FTP client is started and you have logged in to the RNC FTP server.

You can download files from the RNC FTP server in encryption or non-encryption mode from the RNC FTP server. If you choose to download files in encryption mode, you must log in to the RNC FTP server in encryption mode. For details, refer to 15.1 Logging in to the FTP Server on the LMT FTP Client.

Step 1 Select the file in the Server List pane to download it from the RNC FTP server. Step 2 In the Local Folder List pane, select the destination directory for storing the downloaded file. Step 3 Download a file by using either of the following methods:
l l l


Double-click the file. Choose Transfer > Download From Server.


After the file is downloaded, the Connection tips pane displays a message, showing that the downloading is successful. The downloaded file is displayed in the Local File List pane.



Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

RNC LMT User Guide

15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT

15.4 Setting the Encryption Mode of the RNC FTP Server

This describes how to set the encryption mode of the RNC FTP server. After the setting, you must log in to the LMT FTP Client in the active encryption mode.

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The LMT is started. You have logged in to the RNC as admin or an ADMINISTRATOR-level operator.

Step 1 Run the SET FTPSSRV command on the MML client to set the active encryption mode of the RNC FTP server.

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After the setting is successful, the RNC FTP server needs to be restarted to validate the new encryption mode. If the encryption mode of the RNC FTP server is set to forcible encryption, the connection may incur a fault when you log in to the RNC FTP server in plaintext mode.


15.5 Querying the Encryption Mode of the RNC FTP Server

This describes how to query the encryption mode of the RNC FTP server. By performing this task, you can learn about the active encryption mode of the RNC FTP server.

The LMT is started.

Step 1 Run the LST FTPSSRV command on the MML client to query the active encryption mode of the RNC FTP server. ----End

15.6 Disconnecting the LMT FTP Client from the RNC FTP Server
This describes how to disconnect the LMT FTP Client from the RNC FTP server.

The LMT FTP Client is disconnected from the RNC FTP server.
Issue 01 (2009-12-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15-5

15 Using the FTP Client of the RNC LMT

RNC LMT User Guide

Step 1 On the toolbar of the LMT FTP Client, use either of the following methods:
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On the LMT FTP Client, choose System > Disconnect.

Step 2 After a message is displayed, asking that Are you sure to disconnect, click Yes. Step 3 The Connection tips pane displays a message, indicating that the disconnection is complete.

After the FTP Client is disconnected from the RNC FTP server, you can only browse local files. You cannot perform other system function operations, including deleting local files, browsing or deleting files on the server, and uploading or downloading files.



Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 01 (2009-12-25)

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