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Lucjan T. Orlowski, Ph.D. Professor of Economics and International Finance Sacred Heart University 5151 Park Ave.

, Fairfield, CT 06825, USA

Tel.: (203) 371-7858 E-mail: [email protected]

EDUCATION Ph.D. International Economics The Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice, Poland Doctoral Dissertation # 255: Models of Effective Protection in Comparative Economic Systems Postgraduate Degree, International Economics The Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice, Poland Master in Economics, The Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice, Poland ACADEMIC POSITIONS Professor of Economics and International Finance, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (since 1995); Associate Professor (1987-1995); Assistant Professor (1983-1987). Chairman, Department of Economics and Finance, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (since 1998). Fulbright Scholar, New York University - Stern Graduate School of Business, International Business Department (1981-1983). Associate Professor of International Economics, The Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice, Poland (1980-1981); Assistant Professor (1976-1980). 1979

1978 1975


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Research Fellow, The William Davidson Institute (WDI) University of Michigan School of Business (since 2005). DIW Research Professor, The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin); (since 2004). Senior Fellow, Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) - University of Bonn, Germany (since 2000). Senior Fellow, Center for Economic and Social Research (CASE), Warsaw, Poland (since 1992). Visiting Professor (Annual International Week), College of Modern Business Studies, Hungary (since 1994). Visiting Scholar, Halle Institute of Economic Research, Germany (Summers 1997, 1998 and 1999). Visiting Professor, University of Warsaw (Fall 1997). Research Fellow, Foreign Trade Research Institute, Warsaw (1994). Advisor and Research Fellow, Institute for East-West Studies, New York and Prague (1993-1994). Visiting Scholar, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Germany (1992-1993). American Council on Education and Faculty Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN (1990-1991). Acting Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (19891990). Chairman, Faculty of Financial Studies, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (1988-1989). PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Senior Adviser, The National Bank of Poland (since 2002). Senior Adviser and the Macroeconomic Policy Council Member, Ministry of Finance, Poland (19982001). Advisory Board, DRI-WEFA Group, Inc., Eurasia Service, Washington, DC (since 1999). Advisory Council, Center for Economic and Social Research, Warsaw (since 1997). Advisory Council, Polish Governments Center for Strategic Research Task Force: Conditions for Accession of Poland to the European Union, Warsaw (1997-1998). Member of the U.S. Government Mission to Eastern Europe (led by U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd and Connecticut Governor William O'Neill), May 1990. RESEARCH GRANTS CERGE-EI Foundation GDN GRC III-068 Grant: Transparency of Monetary Policy in EU Accession Countries - Empirical Investigation (2003-2004). European Commission PhareACE P98-1065 R: Monetary and Exchange Rate Strategies Related to the Current European Union's Enlargement Process (2000-2002). Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Cohesive Growth in the Enlarging Euroland (2001).

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USAID and CASE Foundation Project No. 181-A-00-97-00322: Sustaining Growth through Reform Consolidation, Section 1: The Development of Financial Markets in Poland (1997-1999). Volkswagen Foundation: Opening up for Foreign Capital - Why Central and Eastern Europe Can Benefit, with Kiel Institute of World Economics, Germany and CASE Foundation, Warsaw (1997-1998). Krupp von Bohlen Foundation: Economic Disintegration of the Former Soviet Union, Kiel Institute of World Economics Germany (1992-1993). EDITORIAL APPOINTMENTS Editorial Board: Comparative Economic Studies Associate Editor: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Regional Editor: Journal of Emerging Markets Guest Editor: Open Economies Review, Economic Systems REFEREE FOR: Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Integration, Journal of Comparative Economics, IMF Staff Papers, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, Comparative Economic Studies, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Open Economies Review, Economic Systems, Economics of Transition, Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal of International Money and Finance, European Economic Review, The Economic Journal, Routledge Publishing Company, Elgar Publishing, Princeton University Press, Elsevier North Holland, South Western Publishing and Thomson Learning, Prentice Hall HONORS AND AWARDS University Teaching Excellence Award, Sacred Heart University, 2007 John F. Welch College of Business Research Award, Sacred Heart University, 2003. 2002 Outstanding Academic Title (for Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries: The TenYear Experience, E. Elgar Publishing Inc., Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts, July 2001), Choice Magazine, 2003. Faculty Scholarship Award, Sacred Heart University, 2002. Faculty Scholarship Award, Sacred Heart University, 1994. American Council on Education Fellow, 1990-1991. The Exxon Award for Academic Excellence and University Service, 1986. Fulbright Scholarship, New York University, 1981-1983. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Polish Ministry of Education, 1980. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS MEMBERSHIP American Economic Association North American Economic and Finance Association Association for Comparative Economic Studies Financial Management Association International Atlantic Economic Society

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BOOKS AND EDITED VOLUMES Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries: The Ten Year Experience (ed.), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2001, reprinted 2003. Whrungskrisen in Mittel- und Osteuropa (Balance of Payments Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe) co-authored with A. Brggemann, H. Gabrisch, M. Kmpfe, T. Linne and J. Stephan; Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Publishing Co., July 2000. Trade and Payments in Central and Eastern Europes Transforming Economies co-edited with Dominick Salvatore, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, May 1997. CHAPTER CONTRIBUTIONS Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Poland During EU Accession in Basci, E. Togan, S., von Hagen, J. (eds.) Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, April 2007. Feasibility and Timing of the Euro Adoption by the New EU Member States in Dauderstdt, Michael (ed.) Towards a Prosperous Wider Europe, pp. 71-76, Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 2005. Convergence from Inflation Targeting to Euroisation in Sepp, Urmas and Martti Randveer (eds) Alternative Monetary Regimes in Entry to EMU, Bank of Estonia, Tallinn, November 2002. Monetary Policy Targeting in Central Europe's Transition Economies in Marek Dabrowski (ed) Disinflation in Transition Economies, Budapest, Hungary: Central University Press, October 2002. Capital Inflows and Monetary Convergence: Lessons from the Central European Transition Economies in Dauderstdt, Michael and Lothar Witte (eds.) Cohesive Growth in the Enlarging Euroland, Bonn and Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, December 2001. Exchange-Rate Regimes and Monetary Policies for EU Candidates in Jozef M. vanBrabant (ed.) Remaking Europe: the European Union and Transition Economies, Lanhan, Maryland and Boulder, Colorado: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999. Capital Inflows and Convertibility in the Transforming Economies of Central Europe in Gabrisch, Hubert and Rudiger Pohl (eds), EU Enlargement and Its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe, London: McMillan Publishing Co., and New York: St. Martins Press, February 1999. Economic Conditions for Accession of Central European Transforming Economies to the European Union in Iliana Zloch-Christy (ed.), Eastern Europe and the World Economy: Challenges of Transition and Globalization, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar, January 1998. Recent Developments in International Currency Derivatives in Horst Brezinski and Michael Fritsch (eds), The Emergence and Evolution of Markets, Cheltenham, UK and Lyme, US: Edward Elgar, 1997. Russias Economic Stability: Recent Evidence and Policy Implications in Armand Clesse and Vitaly Zhurkin (eds), The Future Role of Russia in Europe and in the World, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, 1997. Problems of Corrective Inflation in the Transformation from Central Planning to a Market Economy: the Experience of Poland in John Campbell and Stanislaw Owsiak (eds), Fiscal Reforms in Post-Communist Countries, Cracow, Poland: Cracow Academy of Economics, 1994.


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Advancing Inflation Targeting in Central Europe: Strategies, Policy Rules and Empirical Evidence Comparative Economic Studies, forthcoming Fall 2008. Relative Inflation-Forecast as Monetary Policy Target for Convergence to the Euro Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.30. No. 3, May/June 2008. Implications of ERM2 for Polands Monetary Policy (with Krzysztof Rybinski), Economic Systems, Vol. 30, No. 4, December 2006. Monetary Convergence of the EU Accession Countries to the Eurozone: A Theoretical Framework and Policy Implications, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.29, No 1, January 2005. Money Rules for Monetary Convergence to the Euro, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 26, No 7, October 2004.

of Exchange Rate and Inflation Risk Premiums in the Asian and Central European Emerging Market Economies, Thammasat Economic Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, September 2003.

The Relevance of Inflation and Exchange Rate Risk for Monetary Convergence to the Eurozone, Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 2003. Monetary Convergence and Risk Premiums in the EU Accession Countries, Open Economies Review, Vol.14, No. 3, July 2003. From Inflation Targeting to the Euro-Peg: A Model of Monetary Convergence for Transition Economies, Economic Systems, Vol. 25, No. 31, September 2001. Monetary Policy Regimes and Real Exchange Rates in Central Europe's Transition Economies, Economic Systems, Vol. 24, No.2, June 2000. Direct Inflation Targeting in Central Europe, Post-Soviet Geography and Economy, Vol. 41, No. 2, March 2000. Volatility of Central European Exchange Rates: Reaction to Financial Contagion and Policy Recommendations for European Union Accession (with T. Corrigan), Russian and East European Finance and Trade, Vol. 35, No. 6, November-December 1999. Feasibility and Conditionality of Inflation Targeting Among Central European Candidates for the EU Accession, IWH-Forschungsreihe 2, Halle, Germany: The Halle Institute for Economic Research, 1999. Financial Restructuring and Bank Privatization in Central European Transition Countries: The Case of Polands Bank Handlowy (with Gerhard Fink, Peter Haiss, and Dominick Salvatore), Osteuropa Wirtschaft, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1999. Exchange Rate Policies in Central Europe and Monetary Union, Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 40, No. 3, Fall 1998. Central European Banks and Stock Exchanges: Capacity Building and Institutional Development (with Gerhard Fink, Peter Haiss, and Dominick Salvatore), European Management Journal, Vol. 16, No.4, Fall 1998. Realny kurs zlotego a struktura bilansu obrotow kapitalowych Polski (The Real Exchange Rate and the Structure of Capital Balance in Poland), Gospodarka Narodowa, Vol. 86. No.1, 1998, Warsaw.

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The Role of Real Exchange Rates in the Central European Transformation, IWH-Forschungsreihe No.1, 1998, Halle, Germany: The Halle Institute for Economic Research. The Link Between Real Exchange Rates and Capital Accounts in Central European Transforming Economies (with Thomas D. Corrigan), Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall/Winter 1997. The Maastricht Criteria of Monetary Convergence: Their Applicability for Poland (orig.: Kryteria konwergencji monetarnej traktatu z Maastricht: Proba ich zastosowania wobec Polski), Ekonomista, Vol. 56, No. 2, 1996, Warsaw. Preparations of the Visegrad Group Countries for Admission to the European Union: Monetary Policy Aspects, The Economics of Transition, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1995, Oxford University Press, London. Social Safety Nets in Central Europe: Preparation for Accession to the European Union?, Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 37, No.2, 1995. Direct Transfers Between the Former Soviet Union Central Budget and the Republics: Past Evidence and Current Implications, Economics of Planning, Vol. 28, No.1, 1995. The Uruguay Round of GATT: Expected Consequences For U.S. Businesses, The Vanguard Journal of Small Businesses, Spring-Summer,1994. The Disintegration of the Ruble Zone: Driving Forces and Proposals for Policy Change, Aussenwirtschaft - The Swiss Review of International Economic Relations, Vol. 49, No.1, March 1994. Indirect Transfers in Trade Among Former Soviet Union Republics: Sources, Patterns and Policy Responses in the Post-Soviet Period, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 45, No. 6, 1993. Inflation in Poland in the Period 1990-1991 (orig: Inflacja w Polsce w okresie 1990-1991), Gospodarka Narodowa, Warsaw, March 1993. WORKING PAPERS Implications of ERM2 for Polands Monetary Policy, William Davidson Institute Working Paper Series No 802, December 2005, University of Michigan School of Business (with Krzysztof Rybinski). Bond Yield Compression in the Countries Converging to the Euro, William Davidson Institute Working Paper Series No 799, October 2005, University of Michigan School of Business (with Kirsten Lommatzsch). Monetary Policy Adjustments on the Final Passage towards the Euro, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 294, April 2005, Warsaw. Targeting Relative Inflation Forecast as Monetary Policy Framework for Adopting the Euro, William Davidson Institute Working Paper Series No 754, February 2005, University of Michigan School of Business. Exchange Rate Risk and Convergence to the Euro, University of Bonn - Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI): Working Paper No.B25, October 2004, Bonn, Germany. Monetary Policy Transparency in the Inflation Targeting Countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, with Mariusz Jarmuzek and Artur Radziwill, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 281, June 2004, Warsaw.

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Money Rules for the Eurozone Candidate Countries, University of Bonn - Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI): Working Paper No.B05, March 2004, Bonn, Germany. Monetary Convergence and Risk Premiums in the EU Candidate Countries, University of Bonn Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI): Working Paper No.B26, November 2002, Bonn, Germany. Monetary Convergence of the EU Candidates to the Euro: A Theoretical Framework and Policy Implications, University of Bonn - Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI): Working Paper No.B25, September 2001, Bonn, Germany. A Dynamic Approach to Inflation Targeting in Transition Economies, University of Bonn - Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI): Working Paper No.B11, September 2000, Bonn, Germany. Privileged Interfirm/Bank Relationships in Central Europe: Trigger or Trap for Corporate Governance? (with Gerhard Fink, Peter Haiss, and Dominick Salvatore), CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 170, September 1999, Warsaw. The Development of Financial Markets in Poland, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research and Central European University: Working Paper Series No. 33, 1999, Warsaw and Budapest. Monetary Policy Targeting in Central Europes Transforming Economies: The Case for Direct Inflation Targeting CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research and Central European University: Working Paper Series No. 11, August 1998, Warsaw and Budapest. Exchange Rate Policies in Central Europe in Response to the EMU, Halle Institute for Economic Research: Discussion Paper No. 75, May 1998. Halle, Germany. Revised version: CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 130, May 1998, Warsaw. Realny kurs zlotego a struktura bilansu obrotow kapitalowych Polski (The Real Exchange Rate of the Polish Zloty and the Structure of Polands Capital Account), Warsaw School of Economics Institute of World Economy: Zeszyty Naukowe No.4, April 1998. Warsaw, Poland. Revised version: CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 133, May 1998, Warsaw. The Path of Exchange Rates in the Polish Economic Transformation, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 90, October 1996, Warsaw. Fiscal Consolidation in Central Europe in Preparation for Accession to the European Union, CASECenter for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 77, April 1996. Translated to Czech: Fiskalni konsolidace ve stredni Evrope v priprave na vstup do EU Finance a Uver, Vol. 46, No. 10, October 1996, Prague. Recent Developments in International Currency Derivatives Markets: Implications for Poland, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research: Studies and Analyses No. 55, September 1995, Warsaw. The Disintegration of the Ruble Zone: Driving Forces and Proposals for Policy Change, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Working Paper, No. 585, July 1993. Indirect Transfers in Trade Among Former Soviet Union Republics: Sources, Patterns and Policy Responses in the Post-Soviet Period, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Working Paper, No. 556, February 1993.

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Direct Transfers Between the Former Soviet Union Central Budget and the Republics: Past Evidence and Current Implications, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Working Paper, No. 542, November 1992. Present Stages of Economic Reforms and Privatization Programs in Eastern Europe: Cases of Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary, University of Notre Dame, The Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Working Paper, No. 156, April 1991. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (SELECTED) The Right Populism for Poland, Project Syndicate, October 2005 (by invitation) The Dangers of Premature Euroization, Project Syndicate, November 2002 (by invitation) The Asian and the Russian Financial Crises: Propagation Effects and Policy Responses in Central Europe's Transition Economies, Halle Institute for Economic Research: Discussion Paper No. 104, October 1999, Halle, Germany. Directions of Monetary Policies in Eastern Europe in the Aftermath of the Russian Crisis, Special Report, WEFA's Eurasia Service, June 1999, Washington DC. Economic Conditions for Accession of Central European Transforming Economies to the European Union, REPERES: Bulletin economique et financier - Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, Vol. 49, No. 2., pp. 28-41, June 1997, Luxembourg. Improving the System of Trade Financing among the Post-Soviet States: The Case of Ukraine, Current Politics and Economics of Russia, Vol. 4, No. 2/3, 1995. Spanish Monetary Policy Before and After the Inclusion into the European Community: Lessons for Poland, REPERES: Bulletin economique et financier - Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, Vol. 39, No. 4, 1994. Spanish Monetary Policy Before and After the Inclusion into the European Community: Lessons for Poland, Foreign Trade Research Institute: Discussion Paper No. 57, Warsaw, 1994. Polish language version: Polityka monetarna Hiszpanii w zwiazku z przystapieniem do Wspolnot Europejskich: Wnioski dla Polski Instytut Koniunktur i Cen Handlu Zagranicznego, Studia i Materialy, Nr.48, 1994. SELECTED CONFERENCE PAPERS AND OTHER PRESENTATIONS Monetary Policy Rules for Convergence to the Euro International Atlantic Economic Society, Warsaw, April 11, 2008. Exchange Rate Risk, Financial Stability and Euro-Convergence of New Member States ASSA/American Economic Association Annual Convention (NAEFA session),Chicago, January 7, 2007; INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Trinity College, Dublin, June 11-12, 2007 Advancing Inflation Targeting in Central Europe: Strategies, Policy Rules and Empirical Evidence European Association for Comparative Economic Studies conference, Brighton, September 7-9, 2006.

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Bond Yield Compression in the Countries Converging to the Euro, International Atlantic Economic Society, Berlin, Germany, March 15-18, 2006, also: Euroframe conference, Berlin, June 2, 2006; INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Dublin, June 12-13, 2006. Monetary Convergence and Risk Premia in EU Candidate Countries, ASSA/American Economic Association Annual Convention, Boston, January 6-8, 2006. Strategies for Monetary Convergence of EU New Member States to the Euro: Implications for Monetary Consolidation in Asia: Academia Sinica, Taipei - January 18, 2005; Koahsiung University, Koahsiung - January 19, 2005 and Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan January 20, 2005 (by invitation). Targeting Relative Inflation Forecast as Monetary Policy Framework for Adopting Euro, Paper to Western Economic Association Convention, Hong Kong, January 14-16, 2005. Exchange Rate Risk and Convergence to the Euro, Paper to Western Economic Association Convention, Hong Kong, January 14-16, 2005. Targeting Relative Inflation Forecast as Monetary Policy Framework for Adopting Euro , Paper to the Oesterreichische Nationalbank 53rd East Jour Fixe, Vienna, October 29, 2004 (by invitation). Money Rules for the Eurozone Accession Candidates, International Atlantic Economic Society, Lisbon, March 10-14, 2004. Monetary Convergence and Risk Premia in EU Candidate Countries, ASSA/American Economic Association Annual Convention, San Diego, January 3-5, 2004. Monetary Convergence and Risk Premiums in the EU Accession Countries: Implications for the Balkan States, University of Trento, Italy, May 5, 2003. Convergence of Exchange Rate and Inflation Risk Premiums in Asian and Central European Emerging Market Economies, Paper to the International Conference on Economic Recovery and Reforms, Thammasat University and Bank of Thailand, Bangkok, October 28-29, 2002. Risk Management and Monetary Policies in the European Union Candidate Countries, Financial Management Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, October 16-19, 2002. Managing Monetary Convergence and Risk Premiums in the EU Candidate Countries, European Association of Comparative Economic Studies, Forli, Italy, June 6-8, 2002. Monetary Convergence of the EU Candidates to the Euro: A Theoretical Framework and Policy Implications, European Commission Economic Seminar Series, Directorate Gnral Economic and Financial Affairs, Brussels, February 20, 2002 (by invitation). Monetary Convergence of the EU Candidates to the Euro: A Theoretical Framework and Policy Implications, ASSA/American Economic Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, January 4-6, 2002. Monetary Convergence of the EU Candidates to the Euro: A Theoretical Framework and Policy Implications, The Deutsche Bundesbank/National Bank of Hungary joint conference, Bundesbank Training Center, Eltville, Germany, October 26-27, 2001 (by invitation). Capital Inflows and Monetary Convergence: Lessons from the Central European Transition Economies, Friedrich Ebert Foundation conference: Cohesive Growth in the Enlarging Euroland: Patterns, Problems, Policies, Berlin, June 7-9, 2001 (by invitation). From Inflation Targeting to the Euro-Peg: A Model of Monetary Convergence for Transition Economies, PhareACE Workshop, Erasmus University-Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam, The

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Netherlands, May 11-12, 2001 and International Atlantic Economic Society, Athens, Greece, March 13-19, 2001.
Monetary Convergence A

of the EU Candidates, Columbia University Department of Economics and Council on Foreign Relations Conference, New York, April 12-13, 2001 (by invitation).

Dynamic Approach to Inflation Targeting in Transition Economies, Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Policy, Konstanz, Germany, October 25-29, 2000 (by invitation).

Directions of Monetary Convergence to the EU/EMU for Transition Economies, PhareACE workshop, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, September 28-29, 2000. Conditionality of Transition from Strict to Flexible Inflation Targeting in Poland, ING Barings, Warsaw, August 24, 2000. Direct Inflation Targeting in Poland: Empirical Assessment and Policy Recommendation, ING Barings, Warsaw, March 2, 2000. Direct Inflation Targeting and Transparency of Monetary Policy in Central Europe's Transition Economies, ASSA/Association of Comparative Economic Studies Annual Convention, Boston, January 7-9, 2000. Monetary Policy Regimes and Real Exchange Rates in Central Europe's Transition Economies, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, November 19-21, 1999. Real Exchange Rates in Poland - a comment on Mario Nuti, Columbia University Department of Economics Conference on Monetary Policies and Exchange Rate Regimes in Transition Economies, November 18, 1999 (by invitation). Directions of Monetary Policies in Central Europe in the Aftermath of the Russian Payments Crisis, International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, October 7-10, 1999. Central Banking in Transition Economies, Central Banking Annual Training Seminar for Central Bankers on Risk Assessment and Management, Cambridge University, UK, September 13-15, 1999 (by invitation). International Financial Contagion and Defense Mechanisms in Transition Economies, CASE-Center for Economic and Social Research, Warsaw, February 28-March 3, 2000 and June 23-30, 1999 (by invitation). Viability and Conditionality of Inflation Targeting in Central Europe's Transition Economies, London Business School, June 21, 1999 (by invitation). Volatility of Central European Exchange Rates: Responses to Financial Contagion and Policy Recommendations for the EU Accession (with Thomas Corrigan), International Atlantic Economic Society, Vienna, March 16-23, 1999. The Asian and the Russian Financial Crisis: Contagion Effects on Central Europes Transition Economies, Chemnitz University of Technology and Commerzbank joint Conference, Klaffenbach Castle, Saxony, Germany, February 4-5, 1999. Protectionism in Central Europe, ASSA/American Economic Association Annual Convention, New York, January 3-5, 1999. Monetary Policy in Transition Economies in Preparation for Accession to the EU and EMU, ASSA/International Atlantic Economic Society Annual Convention, New York, January 3-5, 1999.

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International Experiences with Capital Controls - Chile and Malaysia: Lessons for Poland, IBnGR Conference on Capital Convertibility, Warsaw, December 11, 1998. Costs and Benefits of the EU Accession with Respect to Instability of Financial Markets and Vulnerability to Asymmetric Shocks, International Institute for Advanced Systems Analysis (IIASA) Conference, Laxenburg, Austria, December 3-5, 1998 (by invitation). The Impact of the Russian Crisis on Central European Economies, The WEFA International Economic Outlook conference, Philadelphia, October 19-21, 1998 (by invitation). Economic Conditions for Accession of Central European Economies to the EU: Potential Conflicts, International Studies Association Convention, Vienna, September 16-19, 1998. Monetary Policy Targeting in Central Europe's Transition Economies: The Case for Flexible Inflation Targeting, Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies, May 15, 1998 (by invitation). Capital Account Convertibility Conditions in Central Europe, ASSA/ Association of Comparative Economic Studies Annual Convention, Chicago, January 3-5, 1998. Capacity Building and Institutional Development of the Financial Sector in Central European Transition Countries (with Gerhard Fink, Peter Haiss, and Dominick Salvatore), The Showcase Symposium on Capacity Building and Institutional Development as a Means for Systemic Change in Economies in Transition Academy of Management Annual Convention, Boston, August 11-13, 1997. Economic Criteria and Modalities for Accession of Central European Candidates to the European Union, The Consortium for the European Union Eastern Enlargement Conference, Natolin, Poland, June 27-29, 1997. Capital Inflows and Convertibility in the Transforming Economies of Central Europe, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Kiel, Germany, May 30-31, 1997. Exchange Rate Policies in Central Europe, ASSA/ Association of Comparative Economic Studies Annual Convention, New Orleans, January 4-6, 1997. Economic Conditions for the Accession of Central European Transforming Economies to the European Union: A Policy Proposal, ASSA/ Association of Comparative Economic Studies Annual Convention, New Orleans, January 4-6, 1997. The Path of Exchange Rate Adjustments in Poland, The joint Conference the Center for Economic and Social Research, the National Bank of Poland and the Ministry of Finance, Warsaw, September 16, 1996. Exchange Rate Adjustments in the Economic Transformation in Central Europe, European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Grenoble, France, September 12-14, 1996. The Maastricht Convergence Criteria and Their Relevance to Polands Preparation for Accession to the European Union, Polish Economic Association, Warsaw, June 13, 1996. Fiscal Consolidation in Central Europe in Preparations for Accession to the European Union, Center for Economic and Social Research and the Harvard Institute for International Development joint Conference, Smilovice, The Czech Republic, April 13-14, 1996. Exchange Rate Policies in the Visegrad-4 Countries, National Bank of Austria, Vienna, March 1996 (by invitation). Economic Conditions for Accession of Central Europe to the EU, Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, Castle de Bourlingster, Luxembourg, January 12-14, 1996.

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Economic Conditions for Accession of Central European Transforming Economies to the European Union, ASSA/ Association of Comparative Economic Studies Annual Convention, San Francisco, January 5-7, 1996. The Social Impact of Preparations for Admission to the European Union on Transformation Strategies in Central Europe, ASSA/Association for Social Economics Annual Convention, Washington, DC, January 6-8, 1995. The Differences in Stabilizing Inflation Between Latin America and Central Europe: A Study of Argentina and Poland, European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Budapest, September 1994. Problems of Corrective Inflation in the Transformation from Central Planning to a Market Economy: the Experience of Poland, Argentine Association of Political Economy, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina, November 1993 (by invitation). Destabilizing Factors in the Economic Transition in Central Europe, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Barcelona, October 1993. Improving the System of Trade Financing Among the Post-Soviet States: The Case of Ukraine, Institute of EastWest Studies, Modra, Slovakia, December 1993. Is There a Third Way? A Comparative Systems Perspective, Panel Discussant, ASSA/Association of Comparative Economic Studies Annual Convention, Anaheim, California, January 1993. LANGUAGES Verbal and written fluency in English and Polish; knowledge of Russian; some knowledge of German and Spanish

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