Salary Structure Models
Salary Structure Models
Salary Structure Models
A. SALARY STRUCTURE MODELS 1. Fund & Resources Management Authorit De!egation Mode! Fund & Resources Management Authority Delegation Model has the characteristics of: a Taking note of strategic decision taking authority delegation and fund & human resource management authority delegation ! Taking note of determination of the characteristics and intensity of integrity re"uired for the #o! c Taking note of determination of the characteristics and intensity of competency$ e%pertise re"uired for the #o! d Taking note of determination of the characteristics and intensity of "uality re"uired for the #o! e &heaper in total salary cost e%pense f 'n direction of to achie(e profit sharing so it kno)s the after ser(ice remunerations system g 'mplication )eight in )orking process is depending on strategic decision taking authority delegation le(el h The agreement of used salary structure is the deal of !et)een )orkers and top management or o)ner ". Other Mode!s The characteristics of other salary structure models than the Fund & Resources Management Authority Delegation Model are as follo): a *ot to taking note of strategic decision taking authority delegation and fund & human resource management authority delegation ! *ot to taking note of determination of the characteristics and intensity of integrity re"uired for the #o! c +et to taking note of determination of the characteristics and intensity of competency$ e%pertise re"uired for the #o! d *ot to taking note of determination of the characteristics and intensity of "uality re"uired for the #o!
e ,igher in total salary cost e%pense f *ot in the direction of to achie(e profit sharing so it does not recogni-e the after ser(ice remunerations system g 'mplication )eight in )orking process is not depending on strategic decision taking authority delegation le(el h The agreement of used salary structure is not the deal of !et)een )orkers and top management or o)ner and it is #ust partial deal #. E$%!anation The a!o(e mentioned is the result of e(aluating salary structure models that commonly used these days 'n this case the Fund and Resources Management Authority Delegation Model is appear to !e more in respecting the fairness and also the clarity and e"ui(alency of rights and o!ligations if it is !eing compared )ith other model that appear to !e as a form of &apitalism./i!eralism or Socialism.&ommunism or their com!inations Further, it is sho)n that the !asic difference is also in the depth of salary structure data collection Fund and Resources Management Authority Delegation Model is collecting secondary data and the other Model are collecting tertiary data Secondary data is a !etter representation of reality of the facts compared to tertiary data
C. The #est Choice Fund & Resources Management Authority Model that !ased on fair & uni(ersal human right needs fulfillment (alues is e%actly not a )rong thing This is !y considering that the core element of good community is the compliment to fair possession rights, fair communication rights and also the clarity and e"ui(alency of !et)een rights and o!ligations 'ncompliance to those three )ill cause community to do)n Socialism.&ommunism, &apitalism./i!eralism or their com!inations )ill ne(er !e united )ith the systems that highly appreciate fairness and also clarity and e"ui(alency of !et)een rights and o!ligations in the conte%t of strengthening the core element of community ,o)e(er, they still can communicate each other )ithout no harm !y using the communication interface in the form of of human satisfaction characteristics engineering (Reference: 17 Quality Characteristics Engineering, 17 QCE). 01hich salary structure model is the !est for us20 This could !e a rhetorical "uestion for us ,o)e(er, it cannot !e denied that )e )ill (ery amused if )e can )ork together in )orking synergy that has the fairness, clarity and e"ui(alency of in(ol(ed parties3 rights and o!ligations and a )in.)in solution