4th Form Qualitative Analysis Sheet Summary Sheet
4th Form Qualitative Analysis Sheet Summary Sheet
4th Form Qualitative Analysis Sheet Summary Sheet
when two solutions are mixed Reagent(s) Aqueous NaOH only Ion(s) that the reagent tests for Metal cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+) If ppt coloure !" eit#er Cu2+($lue), Fe2+(green), Fe3+(yello%) If %#ite ppt !" all ot#er &etal ions If ppt issol'es in e(cess NaOH!" eit#er Al 3+, )n2+, *$2+ If ppt re&ains in e(cess NaOH!" any ot#er &etal ion Please note that Ba ! does not form a ppt +a&e as a$o'e ,-C,*. Only )n2+ ions for& a %#ite ppt %#ic# issol'e in e(cess NH 3(aq) Please note that "a ! does not form a ppt Hali e ions If %#ite ppt!" Cl", If crea& ppt !" /r", If yello% ppt!" I" +ulp#ite +O32" ions or sulp#ate +O12" ions 2#ite ppt in presence of aci +O12" 2#ite ppt %#ic# issol'es in presence of aci +O 32" 4ea (II) ions *$2+ For&s a yello% ppt Sometimes can be used to determine if Al3+or Pb2+is present. If a yellow ppt forms then lead is present, if no ppt then aluminium is present O5 Aqueous NaOH an %ar& &i(ture Conc7 H2+O1 only Conc7 H2+O1 + iron(II) sulp#ate solution *otassiu& io i e 3I follo%e $y so iu& t#iosulp#ate Na2+2O3 8il HCl or HNO3 O(i i6ing agent (re "$ro%n colour is seen) NH1+ ion Colourless gas e'ol'e , turn re lit&us to $lue Hali e ions If %#ite gas seen!" Cl"7 If $ro%n gas seen!" /r"7 If purple gas seen!"I" NO3" ion /ro%n ring is seen Cu2+ Mustar liqui %it# %#ite ppt *pt issol'es to for& colourless solution O(i e or car$onate ion If no effer'escence!" o(i e ion present O2" If effer'escence!" car$onate ion present CO32" O5 4ea (II) ions If %#ite ppt is seen #AS$S O(ygen gas (re:in les a glo%ing splint) Hy rogen gas (e(tinguis#es t#e fla&e %it# a ;pop< soun ) A&&onia (re to $lue) Car$on io(i e (%#ite ppt seen) A&&onia gas 8ense %#ite fu&es Hy rogen c#lori e gas 8ense %#ite fu&es 5e ucing agent If &anganate (turns fro& purple to colourless) If ic#ro&ate (turns fro& orange to green)
Aqueous a&&onia (NH3) only +il'er nitrate solution AgNO3 /ariu& c#lori e or $ariu& nitrate solution /aCl2 or /a(NO3)2 + il HCl0HNO3 *otassiu& io i e solution 3I
9lo%ing splint 4ig#te splint 5e lit&us 4i&e%ater *lacing glass ro ippe in conc HCl in &out# of test"tu$e *lacing glass ro ippe in conc NH3 in &out# of test"tu$e Aci ifie potassiu& &anganate or aci ifie potassiu& ic#ro&ate
.est %it# $ariu& c#lori e or $ariu& nitrate %it# il HCl or HNO3 .est %it# 3I or a ition of lea (II) ions A ition of HCl or source of Cl" ions A ition of NaOH an %ar& A ition of ilute aci to o(i e or car$onate .est %it# conc H2+O1 an iron(II) sulp#ate crystals or solution A ition of 8e'ar aCs alloy to sa&ple in presence of NaOH solution an %ar& A ition of 3I to Cu2+ ions an t#en so iu& t#iosulp#ate is a e until t#ere is no furt#er c#ange .est %it# li&e%ater .est %it# glass ro ippe in conc HCl or NH3
Points to note
F7 *recipitates s#oul $e gi'en an a Gecti'e to escri$e t#eir te(ture7 .#ey can $e eit#er gelatinous (li:e a gel or sli&y loo:ing) or po% ery0granular 7 27 2#en a ppt (#y ro(i e) issol'es in e(cess NaOH, it &eans t#e #y ro(i e is a&p#oteric an for&s a co&ple( ion7 If t#e ppt (#y ro(i e) issol'es in e(cess NH3(aq) it is not a&p#oteric $ut it for&s a co&ple( ion7 37 All sil'er salts ar:en in t#e presence of sunlig#t, $ecause sil'er ions are re uce to sil'er ato&s responsi$le for t#e grey or purple colour7 17 Iron(II) #y ro(i e Fe(OH)2 turns $ro%n on stan ing as it is o(i ise $y air to $ro%n iron(III) #y ro(i e Fe(OH) 3 B7 In t#e test %it# $ariu& c#lori e0nitrate, ilute nitric aci is a e to pre'ent t#e precipitation of car$onates or sulp#ites7 ?7 4ea (II) c#lori e, $ro&i e an io i e are &ore solu$le in #ot %ater t#an col %ater an %oul issol'e eit#er partially or co&pletely if it is $oile 7 2#en it cools, it for&s nee le s#ape crystals7 H7 9ases %#ic# turn $lue lit&us re are aci ic an %#ic# turn re lit&us $lue are $asic7 Only gases in group III $leac# lit&us i7e7 turn $lue lit&us re t#en %#ite7 D7 .#ere are only t%o $ro%n gases you %ill &eet!" eit#er nitrogen io(i e gas or $ro&ine 'apour7 J7 If car$on io(i e gas is $u$$le into li&e%ater for too long, it first for&s t#e %#ite ppt $ut t#en it issol'es for&ing a colourless solution7 ,quation!" 'a'$3!s# + '$2!&# + H2$!l# 'a!H'$3#2!a"#
FK7 2#en so iu& car$onate is a e to Al3+ ions, a %#ite gelatinous ppt is seen %it# s&all a&ounts of effer'escence7 .#is is ue to Al3+ ions $eing aci ic an t#e alu&iniu& car$onate reacts %it# t#e H+ ions for&ing car$on io(i e gas7