4th Form Qualitative Analysis Sheet Summary Sheet

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Qualitative Analysis Sheet Summary Sheet Please note ppt means precipitate which is a solid formed in a chemical reaction

when two solutions are mixed Reagent(s) Aqueous NaOH only Ion(s) that the reagent tests for Metal cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+) If ppt coloure !" eit#er Cu2+($lue), Fe2+(green), Fe3+(yello%) If %#ite ppt !" all ot#er &etal ions If ppt issol'es in e(cess NaOH!" eit#er Al 3+, )n2+, *$2+ If ppt re&ains in e(cess NaOH!" any ot#er &etal ion Please note that Ba ! does not form a ppt +a&e as a$o'e ,-C,*. Only )n2+ ions for& a %#ite ppt %#ic# issol'e in e(cess NH 3(aq) Please note that "a ! does not form a ppt Hali e ions If %#ite ppt!" Cl", If crea& ppt !" /r", If yello% ppt!" I" +ulp#ite +O32" ions or sulp#ate +O12" ions 2#ite ppt in presence of aci +O12" 2#ite ppt %#ic# issol'es in presence of aci +O 32" 4ea (II) ions *$2+ For&s a yello% ppt Sometimes can be used to determine if Al3+or Pb2+is present. If a yellow ppt forms then lead is present, if no ppt then aluminium is present O5 Aqueous NaOH an %ar& &i(ture Conc7 H2+O1 only Conc7 H2+O1 + iron(II) sulp#ate solution *otassiu& io i e 3I follo%e $y so iu& t#iosulp#ate Na2+2O3 8il HCl or HNO3 O(i i6ing agent (re "$ro%n colour is seen) NH1+ ion Colourless gas e'ol'e , turn re lit&us to $lue Hali e ions If %#ite gas seen!" Cl"7 If $ro%n gas seen!" /r"7 If purple gas seen!"I" NO3" ion /ro%n ring is seen Cu2+ Mustar liqui %it# %#ite ppt *pt issol'es to for& colourless solution O(i e or car$onate ion If no effer'escence!" o(i e ion present O2" If effer'escence!" car$onate ion present CO32" O5 4ea (II) ions If %#ite ppt is seen #AS$S O(ygen gas (re:in les a glo%ing splint) Hy rogen gas (e(tinguis#es t#e fla&e %it# a ;pop< soun ) A&&onia (re to $lue) Car$on io(i e (%#ite ppt seen) A&&onia gas 8ense %#ite fu&es Hy rogen c#lori e gas 8ense %#ite fu&es 5e ucing agent If &anganate (turns fro& purple to colourless) If ic#ro&ate (turns fro& orange to green)

Aqueous a&&onia (NH3) only +il'er nitrate solution AgNO3 /ariu& c#lori e or $ariu& nitrate solution /aCl2 or /a(NO3)2 + il HCl0HNO3 *otassiu& io i e solution 3I

9lo%ing splint 4ig#te splint 5e lit&us 4i&e%ater *lacing glass ro ippe in conc HCl in &out# of test"tu$e *lacing glass ro ippe in conc NH3 in &out# of test"tu$e Aci ifie potassiu& &anganate or aci ifie potassiu& ic#ro&ate

Ionic $%uations for reactions with &a'( and &()(a%)

Ion Ca2+, Mg2+ Al3+=== )n2+ *$2+ Cu2+ Fe2+ Fe3+ ,quation for reaction %it# NaOH Ca2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) Ca(OH)2 (s) Mg2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) Mg(OH)2 (s) Al3+ (aq) + 3OH" (aq) Al(OH)3 (s) Al(OH)3 (s) + 3OH" (aq) >Al(OH)?@3" (aq) )n2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) )n(OH)2 (s) )n(OH)2 (s) + 2OH" (aq) >)n(OH)1@2" (aq) *$2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) *$(OH)2 (s) Cu2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) Cu(OH)2 (s) Fe2+ (aq) + 3OH" (aq) Fe(OH)2 (s) Fe3+ (aq) + 3OH" (aq) Fe(OH)3 (s) ,quation for reaction %it# NH3(aq) Mg2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) Mg(OH)2 (s) Al3+ (aq) + 3OH" (aq) Al(OH)3 (s) )n2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) )n(OH)2 (s) )n(OH)2 (s) + 1NH3 (aq) >)n(NH3)1@2"(aq) *$2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) *$(OH)2 (s) Cu2+ (aq) + 2OH" (aq) Cu(OH)2 (s) Cu(OH)2 (s) + 1NH3 (aq) >Cu(NH3)1@2+ (aq) Fe2+ (aq) + 3OH" (aq) Fe(OH)2 (s) Fe3+ (aq) + 3OH" (aq) Fe(OH)3 (s)

Ionic $%uations for tests other than &a'( or &() '&*+

.est %it# sil'er nitrate Ag+ (aq) + Cl" (aq) AgCl (s) ppt ar:ens in presence of sunlig#t AgCl (s) +2NH3 (aq) >Ag(NH3)2@+ t#is reaction occurs %#en aqueous a&&onia is a e to t#e sil'er c#lori e ppt Ag+ (aq) + /r" (aq) Ag/r(s) Ag+ (aq) + I" (aq) AgI(s) +O32" (aq) + 2H+ (aq) +O2(g) + H2O (l) O5 /a2+(aq) + +O12"(aq) /a+O1)s) *$2+ (aq) + 2I" (aq) *$I2 (s) *$2+ (aq) + 2Cl" (aq) *$Cl2 (s) NH +!a"# + $H% !a"# NH3 !&# + H2$!l# O2"(s) + 2H+(aq) H2O(l) CO32"(s) + 2H+(aq) CO2(g) + H2O(l) NO3" + 3Fe2+ + 1H+ A 3Fe3+ + NO + 2H2O >Fe(H2O)?@2+ + NO A >Fe(H2O)B(NO)@2+ ($ro%n ring) 3NO3" + DAl + BOHE + FDH2O A 3NH3 + D>Al(OH)1@E 2Cu2+(aq) + 1I"(aq) 2CuI(s) + I2(aq) 2+2O32"(aq) + I2 (aq) +1O?2"(aq) + 2I"(aq) 'a!$H#2!a"# + '$2!&# 'a'$3!s# + H2$!l# NH3!&# + H'l!&# NH 'l !s#

.est %it# $ariu& c#lori e or $ariu& nitrate %it# il HCl or HNO3 .est %it# 3I or a ition of lea (II) ions A ition of HCl or source of Cl" ions A ition of NaOH an %ar& A ition of ilute aci to o(i e or car$onate .est %it# conc H2+O1 an iron(II) sulp#ate crystals or solution A ition of 8e'ar aCs alloy to sa&ple in presence of NaOH solution an %ar& A ition of 3I to Cu2+ ions an t#en so iu& t#iosulp#ate is a e until t#ere is no furt#er c#ange .est %it# li&e%ater .est %it# glass ro ippe in conc HCl or NH3

Points to note
F7 *recipitates s#oul $e gi'en an a Gecti'e to escri$e t#eir te(ture7 .#ey can $e eit#er gelatinous (li:e a gel or sli&y loo:ing) or po% ery0granular 7 27 2#en a ppt (#y ro(i e) issol'es in e(cess NaOH, it &eans t#e #y ro(i e is a&p#oteric an for&s a co&ple( ion7 If t#e ppt (#y ro(i e) issol'es in e(cess NH3(aq) it is not a&p#oteric $ut it for&s a co&ple( ion7 37 All sil'er salts ar:en in t#e presence of sunlig#t, $ecause sil'er ions are re uce to sil'er ato&s responsi$le for t#e grey or purple colour7 17 Iron(II) #y ro(i e Fe(OH)2 turns $ro%n on stan ing as it is o(i ise $y air to $ro%n iron(III) #y ro(i e Fe(OH) 3 B7 In t#e test %it# $ariu& c#lori e0nitrate, ilute nitric aci is a e to pre'ent t#e precipitation of car$onates or sulp#ites7 ?7 4ea (II) c#lori e, $ro&i e an io i e are &ore solu$le in #ot %ater t#an col %ater an %oul issol'e eit#er partially or co&pletely if it is $oile 7 2#en it cools, it for&s nee le s#ape crystals7 H7 9ases %#ic# turn $lue lit&us re are aci ic an %#ic# turn re lit&us $lue are $asic7 Only gases in group III $leac# lit&us i7e7 turn $lue lit&us re t#en %#ite7 D7 .#ere are only t%o $ro%n gases you %ill &eet!" eit#er nitrogen io(i e gas or $ro&ine 'apour7 J7 If car$on io(i e gas is $u$$le into li&e%ater for too long, it first for&s t#e %#ite ppt $ut t#en it issol'es for&ing a colourless solution7 ,quation!" 'a'$3!s# + '$2!&# + H2$!l# 'a!H'$3#2!a"#

FK7 2#en so iu& car$onate is a e to Al3+ ions, a %#ite gelatinous ppt is seen %it# s&all a&ounts of effer'escence7 .#is is ue to Al3+ ions $eing aci ic an t#e alu&iniu& car$onate reacts %it# t#e H+ ions for&ing car$on io(i e gas7

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