Active and Passive Voice

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CONSTRUCTION OF ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE ACTIVE VOICE Subject-Verb-Object Ali eats the red apple. The car ran !er the cat. They are discussing the pr blem in the library. $e was counting the m ney "hen it "as snatched by the armed man. They will roast the lamb be& re ni#ht&all. Have the #irls watered the plants' They had taken the b (s t the st re. * u ought to warn him that he "ill be punished i& he is cau#ht. PASSIVE VOICE Object-Verb-Subject The red apple is eaten by Ali. The cat was run !er by the car. The pr blem is being discussed in the library. The m ney was being counted "hen it "as snatched by the armed man. The lamb will be roasted by ni#ht&all. Have the plants been watered by the #irls' The b (s had been taken t the st re. $e ought to be warned that he "ill be punished i& he is cau#ht.

Simple Present Simple Past Present C ntinu us Past C ntinu us Simple %uture Present Per&ect Past Per&ect ) dals

am/is/are + past participle "as/"ere + past participle am/is/are + bein# + past participle "as/"ere + bein# + past participle shall/"ill + be + past participle has/ha!e + been + past participle had + been + past participle m dal + be + past participle

Summary & the tenses used in acti!e and passi!e ! ice. TE+SES Simple Present Present C ntinu us Present Per&ect Simple Past Past C ntinu us Past Per&ect Simple %uture %uture C ntinu us ACTIVE VOICE eats is eatin# has eaten ate "as eatin# had eaten "ill eat "ill be eatin# PASSIVE VOICE is eaten is bein# eaten has been eaten "as eaten "as bein# eaten had been eaten "ill be eaten -



,e & rm the passi!e ! ice by usin# the verb to be + past particip e. The & ll "in# are rules "hich are bser!ed "hen chan#in# acti!e ! ice t passi!e ! ice.. In acti!e ! ice/ the subject is the & cus. In the passi!e ! ice/ the acti n is m re imp rtant. ,e use the passi!e ! ice "hen "e "ant t stress the imp rtance & the acti n rather than the d er. E0ampleACTIVE VOICE She found the b (s in the bedr They lock the d r e!ery ni#ht. We will wash th se cups a#ain. m. PASSIVE VOICE The books were found in the bedr The door is locked e!ery ni#ht. Those cups will be washed a#ain. m.

Note: Only transiti!e !erbs can be used in the passi!e ! ice. The bject in the acti!e ! ice bec mes the subject in the passi!e ! ice. 1. ,e use by t intr duce the d er in the passi!e ! ice nly i& it is necessary t c mplete the meanin# & the sentence. Acti!e The hunter has just sh t d "n a bird. Passi!eA bird has just been sh t d "n by the hunter. Acti!e Passi!eThe #ardener "ill pull ut the "eeds. The "eeds "ill be pulled ut by the gardener.

2. ,e use the passi!e ! ice "hen the d er & the acti n is un(n "n r rather !a#ue. ACTIVE VOICE Somebody t re the ma#a3ines just n ". People ma(e chairs & " d. Someone has rem !ed the cushi n c !ers. They planted the trees in the #arden. Someone pins up n tices n this b ard e!ery m rnin#. You "ill ha!e t deal "ith these pr blems ne at a time. We ha!e & und the ans"er t the pr blem. PASSIVE VOICE The ma#a3ine "as t rn just n ". Chairs are made & " d. The cushi n c !ers ha!e been rem !ed. The trees "ere planted in the #arden. + tices are pinned up n this b ard in this b ard e!ery m rnin#. These pr blems "ill ha!e t be dealt "ith ne at a time. The ans"er t the pr blem has been & und.

4. to!i"#i"itive is used a&ter !erbs such as believe, claim, ear, say, know, think, ind

ACTIVE VOICE E!ery ne (n "s that he is !ery rich. She belie!es that the bus crashed int the ra!ine lea!in# n sur!i! rs. Pe ple claim that he has the m st number & dau#hters in his !illa#e. The !illa#ers &ear that their headman has been (illed by the ti#er. They say that sm (in# is ha3ard us t ne5s health.

PASSIVE VOICE $e is known to be !ery rich. The bus is believed to have crashed int the ra!ine lea!in# n sur!i! rs. $e is claimed to have the m st number & dau#hters in his !illa#e. Their headman is eared to have been (illed by the ti#ers. Sm (in# is believed to be ha3ard us t ne5s health.

6. ,hen there are t" bjects in the sentence/ the indirect bject usually bec mes the subject & the !erb in the passi!e ! ice. Acti!e She #a!e eac$ o# t$e% an ice-cream. Passi!eEac$ o# t$e% "as #i!en an ice-cream. Acti!e Passi!e$is &ather has re&used $i% the m ney. He has been re&used the m ney.

7. ,e must +OT lea!e ut any prep siti ns r ad!erbial particles. ACTIVE VOICE They must carry out all his instructi ns. The sch l bus le t her behind. They have ound out the truth ab ut the &i#ht. She d es n t li(e pe ple to stare at her. The ne"s has spread all over the sch l. PASSIVE VOICE All his instructi ns must be carried out. She was le t behind by the sch l bus. The truth ab ut the &i#ht has been ound out! She d es n t li(e to be stared at. The ne"s has been spread all over the sch l.

8. "t is said is used t intr duced statements "hich are in the there is & rm. ACTIVE VOICE They say that there "ill be an ille#al race t ni#ht at 9alan Tunan#. There is str n# ri!alry bet"een the t" nei#hb urin# sch ls. There is an e0hibiti n & ancient c ins in the h tel l bby. PASSIVE VOICE "t is said that there "ill be an ille#al race t ni#ht at 9alan Tunan#. "t is said that there is str n# ri!alry bet"een the t" nei#hb urin# sch ls. "t is said that there is an e0hibiti n & ancient c ins in the h tel l bby.

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