Regular Features: View Demo Editorial To Our Readers Data Bank Book Summary

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Regular Features January'03

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Editorial To Our Readers

Data Bank Book Summary


case study Employee Downsizing A Neela Radhi a The case examines the increasing trend of employee downsizing across the world in the !!"s and early # st century$ The case discusses in detail the downsizing concept and explores its positi%e and negati%e impact on the organization as well as the employees$ The case also examines the &'est practices( regarding downsizing pre%alent in the world and the steps downsized employees need to take in the future$ )t also discusses the growing trend of organizations adopting concepts such as flexi'le working arrangements and contingent employment* in the early # st century* to facilitate easy downsizing* when re+uired$ Next to the death of a relative or friend, there's nothing more traumatic than losing a job. Corporate cutbacks threaten the security and self-esteem of survivors and victims alike. They cause turmoil and shatter morale inside organi ations and they confirm the vie! that profits al!ays come before people. - Laura Rubach, Industry Analyst, in 1994 The market is going to determine !here !e stop !ith the lay-offs. - Tom Ryan, a Boeing spokesman, in August


Downsizing !lues all o"er the world ,o' markets across the world looked %ery gloomy in the early # st century* with many companies ha%ing downsized a considera'le part of their employee 'ase and many more re%ealing plans to do so in the near future$ -ompanies on the "orbes ."" and "orbes #nternational /"" lists had laid off o%er 01"*""" employees altogether* during early #"" itself$ This trend created ha%oc in the li%es of millions of employees across the world$ 2any people lost their 3o's at a %ery short or no ad%ance notice* and many others li%ed in a state of uncertainty regarding their 3o's$ -ompanies claimed that worldwide economic slowdown during the late !!"s had forced them to downsize* cut costs* optimize resources and sur%i%e the slump$ Though the concept of downsizing had existed for a long time* its use had increased only recently* since the late !!"s$ 4Refer Ta'le )5$ 6nalysts commented that downsizing did more damage than good to the companies as it resulted in low morale of retained employees* loss of employee loyalty and loss of expertise as key personnel7experts left to find more secure 3o's$ 2oreo%er* the uncertain 3o' en%ironment created 'y downsizing negati%ely affected the +uality of the work produced$ 6nalysts also felt that most companies adopted downsizing 3ust as a 8me9too: strategy e%en when it was not re+uired$ ;owe%er* despite these concerns* the num'er of companies that chose to downsize their employee 'ase increased in the early # st century$ Downsizing strategy was adopted 'y almost all ma3or industries such as 'anking* automo'iles* chemical* information technology* fa'rics* <2-=* air transportation and petroleum$ )n mid9#""#* some of the ma3or companies that announced downsizing plans in%ol%ing a large num'er of employees included ,aguar 4>?5* Boeing 4>S5* -harles Schwa' 4>S5* 6lactel 4<rance5* Dresdner 4=ermany5* @ucent Technologies 4>S5* -iena -orp$ 4>S5 and =oldman Sachs =roup 4>S5$ E%en companies in de%eloping countries such as )ndia* )ndonesia* Thailand* 2alaysia and South ?orea were going in for downsizing$

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