Change of Residence

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Change Of Residence - Transits The texts gives many techniques to time shifting of residence (temp or long term shift)

. Yogas and dasas have upper hand in it than transits . Just wanting to test one method which does not work 100% since some OTHER transits or dasas take precedence yet for the sake of testing. a) When Transit Jupiter is in trine to Moon esp on Natal Moon in D1 Or b) The same in D4 natal Moon Or c) The same above Part a) trine to 4H or d) In Part a), some take 7th aspect as more powerful instead of trine This increases the parameters but if at all it works then which of the above 3/4 is working more ? That is the main query Have people observed this technique to work in some cases. Pls use/reply to this with astro commonsense approach
For shifting house jupiter should be in trine. In my own practice i have tested it and for change of place(May be far from the house) Jupiter should be on the natal moon in transit. This is my own observation . But the yoga should be there. Note - Observations made for D1 only for shift of residence. In my case, Moon is in Lagna so all conditions apply from Moon and Lagna. 1. Move for my whole family - parents and younger sibling: a) Jup was trinal only to 4L and in 2H from Moon (no other parameters from Moon or 4H met) b) Jup was trinal to my sibling's 4H from Moon and on 4L from L and Moon in 12H from Moon - moved abroad (no other parameters met) 2. Move back from abroad to India (home town) under adverse conditions a) Jup was in 7H to Moon (no other parameters met) b) Jup was trinal to sibling's natal Moon - no other parameters met 3. Move for me under adverse conditions- Jup was in 7H from Moon - no other parameters met 4. Move for me under adverse conditions (in a few months from move in point 3) - Jup in 7H from natal Moon; no other parameters met 5. Move for me (led to solving an adverse situation) - Jup was retro in 12H from Moon & triine to 4H - NO other parameters met Same time - move for sibling (adverse condition) - Jup in 4H from lagna - no other parameter met 6. Move for me - (pleasant circumstance/marriage) - Jup in4H from natal Moon and 7H from 4L from Moon and Lagna - no other condition met. 7. Move for sibling for college (outstation) - Jup in 12H from natal Moon on 4L from lagna and Moon 8. Move for sibling (abroad for education, leading to permanent migration) - Jup transitioning to 4H from natal Moon, 7th from 4H and trinal to 4L from Lagna and Moon- since move was permanent, ALL parameters in D1 met My observations -

a) Jup in 7H from natal Moon has led to move under adverse circumstances and in trine to Moon/4H/4L has been due to pleasant/progressive circumstances. b) Jup's transit in 12H from Moon/Lagna and other conditions being met (individually or collectively) has led to to irreversible/permanent move. Thank you, Sapta Rishis, for sharing this rule, very interesting insights. TJupiter in 12th house aspecting the 4th house took me abroad permanently. Jupiter is in the 12th house in natal chart. Originally, the move was only for studies, but became permanent. This Jupiter is in trine to Moon. Jupiter was in own sign in lagna in Chaturthamsha when this happened. I must add that I was also in Jupite/Jupiter vimshottri dasa when this move happened that I refer to above. So it was a perfect storm of natal position/transit/dasa. Just before I left, Jupiter was in 11th aspecting the 7th and it brought marriage. And as I left without my husband, there was separation from the partner due to 7th ruler in the 12th. It is not compulsory that every Transit of Jup on Moon may show Change of Place, But when there is a Change of Place it may be noted by the Transit of Jup on Moon (In Trine also) In Nadi works Moon is recognized as YATRA KARAKA planet and Jupiter as JEEV KARAKA.or SWAKARAKA (something like Lagnesh). Hence, the connection of natal Moon with the transiting / progressingJupiter indicate Journey. Tf/Pr Saturn, which is another important planet being it KARMA KARAKA, connection also gives journey/location/residence change.

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