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Structural Steel Design Project: Calculation Sheet

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 1 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by PU Date 25-04-00

The girder showed in Fig. E1 is fully restrained against lateral buckling throughout its span. The span is 36 m and carries two concentrated loads as shown in Fig. E1. Design a plate girder. Yield stress of steel, fy Material factor for steel, m Dead Load factor, fd Imposed load factor, fl W1 9000 mm = 250 N/mm2 = 1.15 = 1.35 = 1.50 w 18000 mm W2 9000 mm

36000 mm Fig. E1 Example plate girder 1.0 LOADING

Dead load: Uniformly distributed load, wd Concentrated load, W1d Concentrated load, W2d Live load: Uniformly distributed load, wl Concentrated load, W1l Concentrated load, W2l = 35 kN/m = 400 kN = 400 kN = 20 kN/ m (Including self-weight) = 200 kN = 200 kN

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet
Factored Loads: w W1 W2 2.0

Job No: Sheet 2 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by PU Date 25-04-00

= wd * fd + wl* fl = 20 * 1.35 + 35 * 1.5 = W1d* fd + W1l* fl = 200 * 1.35 + 400 * 1.5 = W2d * fd + W2l* fl = 200 * 1.35 + 400 * 1.5 BENDING MOMENT AND SHEAR FORCE Bending moment (kN-m) UDL effect

= 79.5 kN/m = 870 kN = 870 kN

Shear force (kN)

w1l 2 79.5* 36 * 36 = = 12879 8 8

Wl = 870 * 9 4 = 7830

w1l = 1431 2

Concentrated load effect

W = 870




The design shear forces and bending moments are shown in Fig. E2. 3.0 INITIAL SIZING OF PLATE GIRDER

Depth of the plate girder: The recommended span/depth ratio for simply supported girder varies between 12 for short span and 20 for long span girder. Let us consider depth of the girder as 2400 mm.

l 36000 = = 15.0 2400 d

Depth of 2400 mm is acceptable.

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 3 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

(For drawing the bending moment and shear force diagrams, factored loads are considered)

79.5 kN/m 870 kN 9000 mm 18000 mm 870 kN 9000 mm

36000 mm 2301 1585.5 715.5

Shear force in kN

715.5 1585.5 2301

20709 Bending moment in kN-m

Fig. E2 Bending moment and shear force diagrams

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Sheet 4 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

py = 250/1.15 = 217.4 N/mm2 Single flange area,

Af = M max 20709 *106 = = 39690.7 mm 2 d py 2400 * 217.4

By thumb rule, the flange width is assumed as 0.3 times the depth of the section. Try 720 X 60 mm, giving an area = 43200 mm2.

Minimum web thickness for plate girder in buildings usually varies between 10 mm to 20 mm. Here, thickness is assumed as 14 mm. Hence, web size is 2400 X 14 mm


250 = fy b=

250 = 250

= 1.0

B t 720 14 = = 353 2 2

b 353 = = 5.9 < 7.9 T 60

Hence, Flange is PLASTIC SECTION.

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 5 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Date 25-04-00 Checked by PU

d 2400 = = 171.4 > 66.2 t 14 Hence, the web is checked for shear buckling.

Check for serviceability:

d 2400 = = 9.6 mm < t 250 250 d Since, t > 250 Web is adequate for serviceability.

Check for flange buckling in to web:

Assuming stiffener spacing, a > 1.5 d

d p yf t 294 250
1/ 2

2400 217.4 = 294 250

1/ 2

= 7.6 mm

Since, t (= 14 mm) > 7.6 mm, the web is adequate to avoid flange buckling into the web.
Check for moment carrying capacity of the flanges:

The moment is assumed to be resisted by flanges alone and the web resists shear only. Distance between centroid of flanges, hs = d + T = 2400 + 60 = 2460 mm Af = B * T = 720 * 60 = 43200 mm2

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 6 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Mc = pyf * Af * hs = 217.4 * 43200 * 2460 * 10-6 = 23103.5 kN-m > 20709 kN-m Hence, the section in adequate for carrying moment and web is designed for shear.



The stiffeners are spaced as shown in Fig. E5. The spacing of stiffeners is taken as 3000 mm. The spacing can be increased towards the centre of the span for economy. W1 W2 A B C D

12 panels @ 3000 mm [36000 mm]

Fig.E3 Trial stiffener arrangement

Panel AB is the most critical panel (Maximum shear zone), so design checks for the web are made for panel AB only.

End panel ( AB) design:

d = 2400 mm t = 14 mm a 3000 = = 1.25 d 2400

d 2400 = = 171.4 t 14

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet
Calculation of critical shear strength, qcr:

Sheet 7 of 18 Rev Job No: Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Elastic critical stress, qe (when a/d > 1) = [1.0 + 0.75/(a/d)2][1000/(d/t)]2 = [1 + 0.75/(1.25)2][1000/(171.4)]2 = 50.4 N/mm2 Slenderness parameter, w = [0.6(fyw/m)/qe]1/2 = [0.6(250/1.15)/50.4]1/2 = 1.61 > 1.25 Hence, Critical shear strength (qcr = qe) = 50.4 N/mm2

fv =

FVA 2301*103 = = 68.5 N / mm 2 dt 2400 *14

(68.5 > 50.4)

Since, fv > qcr

Panel AB is designed using tension field action. Calculation of basic shear strength, qb:

t =

1.5qcr a 1+ d

1.5 * 50.4 1 + (1.25)2

= 47.2

yb = (pyw2 3qcr2 + t2) 1/2 - t = (217.42 3*50.42 + 47.22) 1/2 47.2 = 157.4
qb = qcr + yb
2 a a 2 + 1+ d d

= 50.4 +

157.4 21.25 + 1 + (1.25)2

= 78.0 N / mm 2

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet
Since, qb > fv

Job No: Sheet 8 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU (78.0 > 68.5)

Panel AB is safe against shear buckling.

Checks for the web panel:

End panel AB should also be checked as a beam (Spanning between the flanges of the girder) capable of resisting a shear force Rtf and a moment Mtf due to anchor forces. (In the following calculations boundary stiffeners are omitted for simplicity)

Check for shear capacity of the end panel: q H q = 0.75 dt p y 1 cr 0.6 p y

qcr = 50.4 N / mm 2
1 2

f v qcr qb qcr

50.4 H q = 0.75* 2400 *14 * 217.4 1 0.6 * (250 / 1.15) Hq 2814 Rtf = = = 1407 kN 2 2 Av = t .a = 14 * 3000 = 42000 mm2

68.5 50.4 = 2814 kN . 78 50.4

Pv = 0.6 pyw Av = 0.6 * (250/1.15) * 42000/1000 = 5478 kN Since, Rtf < Pv, the end panel can carry the shear force.

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 9 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Check for moment capacity of end panel AB:

M tf =
y =

Hq d 10

2814 * 2400 *10 3 = 675.4 kN m 10

a 3000 = =1500 2 2 1 3 1 ta = *14 *30003 = 3150 * 107 mm 4 12 12 I 3150 *107 py = * (250 / 1.15) *10 6 = 4565 kN m y 1500
(675.4 < 4565)

I =

Mq =

Since, Mtf < Mq

The end panel can carry the bending moment.

7.0 DESIGN OF STIFFENERS Load bearing stiffener at A:
Design should be made for compression force due to bearing and moment. Design force due to bearing, Fb = 2301 kN Force(Fm) due to moment Mtf, is

Fm =

M tf a

675.4 *103 = 225 kN 3000

Total compression = Fc = Fb + Fm = 2301 + 225 = 2526 kN

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 10 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Area of stiffener in contact with the flange, A:

Area ( A) should be greater than

0.8 Fc p ys

0.8 Fc 0.8* 2526 = * 103 = 9295 mm 2 217.4 p ys

Try stiffener of 2 flats of size 240 X 25 mm thick Allow 15 mm to cope for web/flange weld A = 225 * 25 * 2 = 11250 mm2 > 9295 mm2

Bearing check is ok.

Check for outstand:

Outstand from face of web should not be greater than 20 ts.

250 = fy

250 2 = = 1.0 250

Outstand bs = 240 mm < 20 ts (= 20 * 25 * 1.0 = 500) bs = 240 mm < 13.7 ts (= 13.7 * 25 * 1.0 = 342.5) Hence, outstand criteria is satisfied.

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 11 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Check stiffener for buckling: (The effective stiffener section is shown in Fig. E4)

Y 25 mm bs = 240 mm 14 mm X bs = 240 mm Stiffener Web

Fig. E4 End bearing stiffener

The buckling resistance due to web is neglected here for the sake of simplicity.
Ix = 25 * 4943 1 * 25*143 = 25115 *10 4 mm 4 12 12

Ae = Effective area = 240 * 25 * 2 = 12000 mm2

I rx = x Ae
1 2

25115 *104 = 12000

= 144.7 mm

Flange is restrained against rotation in the plane of stiffener, then le = 0.7 l = 0.7 * 2400 = 1680 mm

le 1680 = = 11.6 rx 144.7

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet
For fy = 250 N/mm2 and = 11.6

Job No: Sheet 12 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

c = 250 N/mm2 from table (3) of chapter on axially compressed columns

Buckling resistance of stiffener is Pc = c Ae / m = (250/1.15) * 12000 * 10 -3 = 2609 kN Since Fc < Pc (2526 < 2609), stiffener provided is safe against buckling.

Check stiffener A as a bearing stiffener:

Local capacity of the web: Assume, stiff bearing length b1 = 0 n2 Pcrip = 2.5 * 60 * 2 = 300 = (b1+ n2) t pyw = (0 + 300) * 14 * (250/1.15) * 10-3 = 913 kN Bearing stiffener is designed for FA FA = Fc Pcrip = 2526 913 = 1613 kN Bearing capacity of stiffener alone PA = pys * A = (250/1.15) * 12000/1000 = 2609 kN Since, FA < PA (1613 < 2609) BS 5950: Part 1, Clause 4.5.3

The designed stiffener is OK in bearing.

Stiffener A Adopt 2 flats 240 mm X 25 mm thick

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet
Design of intermediate stiffener at B:

Job No: Sheet 13 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Stiffener at B is the most critical intermediate stiffener, hence it will be chosen for the design.

Minimum Stiffness:

I s 0.75 dt 3 for a d 2 Is 0.75 dt 3 for a < d 2 a3

d 2 = 2 * 2400 = 3394 mm a < d 2 ( 3000 < 3394)

Conservatively' t' is taken as actual web thickness and minimum' a' is used.
1.5 d 3t 3 1.5 * 24003 * 143 = = 632 * 10 4 mm 4 2 2 a 3000

Try intermediate stiffener of 2 flats 90 mm X 12 mm

(I s )Pr ovided

12 *1943 12 *143 = 730 * 104 mm 4 12 12

The section provided satisfies the minimum required stiffness.

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet
Check for outstand:
Outstand of the stiffener 13.7 ts 13.7 ts= 13.7 * 14 * 1.0 = 192 mm Outstand = 90 mm Hence, outstand criteria is satisfied.

Job No: Sheet 14 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

(90 < 192)

Buckling check:
Stiffener force, Fq = V - Vs where, V Vs = Total shear force = Vcr of the web. = 50.4 N/mm2

Elastic critical stress, qe

Vcr = qcr d t = 50.4 * 2400 * 14 * 10-3 = 1693 kN Shear force at B, VB = 2301 [(2301 1585.5)*(3000/9000)] = 2062.5 kN Stiffener force, Fq = [2062.5 - 1693] = 369.5 kN

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 15 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Buckling resistance of intermediate stiffener at B: Y 20tw 20tw

12 90 X 14 90

Fig.E5 Effective section

20 tw = 20 * 14 = 280 mm Ix = 1 560 *143 12 *143 * 12 *1943 + = 743 * 10 4 mm 4 12 12 12

A = 180 * 12 + 560 * 14 = 10000 mm2

743 *104 rx = 10000

= 27.3

le = 0.7 * 2400 = 1680

le 1680 = = 61.5 rx 27.3

For fy = 250 N/mm2 and = 61.5 From table3 of chapter on axially compressed columns,

c = 182.3 N/mm2

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 16 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

Buckling resistance = (182.3/1.15) * 10000 * 10-3= 1585 kN Fq < Buckling resistance. (369.5 < 1585) Hence, intermediate stiffener is adequate
Intermediate stiffener at B - Adopt 2 flats 90 mm X 12 mm Intermediate Stiffener at D (Stiffener subjected to external load):

Try intermediate stiffener 2 flats 90 mm X 12 mm thick

It satisfies the minimum stiffness requirement as in case of stiffener at B. Buckling check:

Fq Fx Pq

F Ms + x + 1 Px M ys V = 1585.5 kN

Fq = V- Vs

Vs = Vcr = qcr d t = 50.4* 2400 * 14 * 10-3 = 1693 kN Fq is negative and so we can take Fq Fx = 0 Ms = 0
Fx = 870 kN

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 17 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Date 25-04-00 Checked by PU

Buckling resistance of load carrying stiffener at D: (Calculation is similar to stiffener at B)

Buckling resistance, Px = (182.3/1.15) * 10000 * 10-3= 1585 kN Fx / Px = 870/1585 = 0.55 < 1.0 Hence, stiffener at D is OK against buckling
Stiffener at D - Adopt flats 90 mm X 12 mm thick Web check between stiffeners:

fed ped fed = w1/ t = 79.5/14 = 5.7 N/mm2 when compression flange is restrained against rotation relative to the web


2 = 2.75 + a d

( ) ( )

E 2 d t

2 = 2.75 + 2 3000 2400

200000 2400 14

3.79 * 20000 = 27.4 N / mm 2 26406

Since, fed < ped [5.7 < 27.4], the web is OK for all panels.

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Structural Steel Design Project

Calculation Sheet

Job No: Sheet 18 of 18 Rev Job Title: PLATE GIRDER Worked Example - 1 Made by Date 15-04-00 SSSR Checked by Date 25-04-00 PU

(All dimensions are in mm)














(a) Longitudinal section of plate girder

720 60

14 2400

(b) Flange and web proportions

Fig. E6 Final girder

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