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Gibi Lisco

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QUIZ 1 BASIC PHYSICAL CONCEPT pg40 1. The atomic number of an element is determined by: A. The number of neutrons. B. The number of protons. C. The number of neutrons plus the number of protons. D. The number of electrons. 2. The atomic weight of an element is appro imately determined by: A. The number of neutrons. !. The number of protons. C. The number of neutrons p us the number of protons. D. The number of electrons. ". #uppose there is an atom of o ygen$ containing eight protons and eight neutrons in the nucleus$ and two neutrons are added to the nucleus. The resulting atomic weight is about: A. %. !. 10. C. 1&. !. 1". 4. An ion: A. 's electrically neutral. !. (as positi)e electric charge. C. (as negati)e electric charge. !. #$%ht h&'e e$ther & pos$t$'e or ne%&t$'e (h&r%e. *. An isotope: A. 's electrically neutral. !. (as positi)e electric charge. C. (as negati)e electric charge. !. #$%ht h&'e e$ther & pos$t$'e or ne%&t$'e (h&r%e. &. A molecule: A. #$%ht (ons$st of )ust & s$n% e &tom of &n e ement. !. +ust always contain two or more elements. C. Always has two or more atoms. D. 's always electrically charged. ,. 'n a compound: A. There can be -ust a single atom of an element. B. There must & *&+s be t*o or more e ements. C. The atoms are mi ed in with each other but not -oined. D. There is always a shortage of electrons. %. An electrical insulator can be made a conductor: A. !y heating. !. !y cooling. C. B+ $on$,$n%. D. !y o idi.ing. /. 0f the following substances$ the worst conductor is: A. A$r. !. Copper. C. 'ron. D. #alt water. 10. 0f the following substances$ the best conductor is: A. Air. B. Copper. C. 'ron. D. #alt water. 11. +o)ement of holes in a semiconductor: A. 's li1e a flow of electrons in the same direction. !. 's possible only if the current is high enough. C. -esu ts $n & (ert&$n &mount of e e(tr$( (urrent. D. Causes the material to stop conducting. 12. 'f a material has low resistance: A. It $s & %oo. (on.u(tor. !. 't is a poor conductor. C. The current flows mainly in the form of holes. D. Current can flow only in one direction. 1". A coulomb: A. 2epresents a current of one ampere. !. 3lows through a 1004watt light bulb. C. 's one ampere per second. !. Is &n e/treme + &r%e number of (h&r%e (&rr$ers. 14. A stro1e of lightning: A. 's caused by a mo)ement of holes in an insulator. !. (as a )ery low current. C. Is & .$s(h&r%e of st&t$( e e(tr$($t+. D. !uilds up between clouds. 1*. The )olt is the standard unit of: A. Current. !. Charge. C. E e(tromot$'e for(e. D. 2esistance. 1&. 'f an 5+3 of one )olt is placed across a resistance of two ohms$ then the current is: A. H& f &n &mpere. !. 0ne ampere. C. Two amperes. D. 0ne ohm. 1,. A bac1wards4wor1ing electric motor is best described as: A. An inefficient$ energy4wasting de)ice. !. A motor with the )oltage connected the wrong way. C. An e e(tr$( %ener&tor. D. A magnetic4field generator. 1%. 'n some batteries$ chemical energy can be replenished by: A. Connecting it to a light bulb. B. Ch&r%$n% $t. C. Discharging it. D. 6o means 1nown7 when a battery is dead$ you ha)e to throw it away. 1/. A changing magnetic field: A. 8roduces an electric current in an insulator. !. +agneti.es the earth. C. Pro.u(es & f u(tu&t$n% e e(tr$( f$e .. D. 2esults from a steady electric current. 20. 9ight is con)erted into electricity: A. 'n a dry cell. !. 'n a wet cell. C. 'n an incandescent bulb. !. In & photo'o t&$( (e . QUIZ 0 ELCT-ICAL UNITS 1. A positi)e electric pole: A. (as a deficiency of electrons. B. H&s fe*er e e(trons th&n the ne%&t$'e po e. C. (as an e cess of electrons. D. (as more electrons than the negati)e pole 2. An 5+3 of one )olt: A. Cannot dri)e much current through a circuit. !. 2epresents a low resistance. C. C&n somet$mes pro.u(e & &r%e (urrent. D. Drops to .ero in a short time. ". A potentially lethal electric current is on the order of: A. 0.01 mA. !. 0.1 mA. C. 1 mA. !. 1.1 A. 4. A current of 2* A is most li1ely drawn by: A. A flashlight bulb. B. A t+p$(& househo .. C. A power plant. D. A cloc1 radio. *. A piece of wire has a conductance of 20 siemens. 'ts resistance is: A. 20 :. !. 0.* :. C. 1.12 3. D. 0.02 :. &. A resistor has a )alue of "00 ohms. 'ts conductance is: A. 4.44 m$ $s$emens. !. ""." millisiemens. C. """ microsiemens. D. 0.""" siemens. ,. A mile of wire has a conductance of 0.& siemens. Then three miles of the same wire has a conductance of: A. 1.% siemens. !. 1.% :. C. 1.0 s$emens.


D. 6ot enough information has been gi)en to answer this. %. A 241; generator will deli)er appro imately how much current$ reliably$ at 11, <= A. 1, mA. !. 2"4 mA. C. 15 A. D. 2"4 A. /. A circuit brea1er is rated for 1* A at 11, <. This represents appro imately how many 1ilowatts= A. 1.56. !. 1,&0. C. ,.%. D. 0.00,%. 10. >ou are told that a certain air conditioner is rated at *00 !tu. ;hat is this in 1;h= A. 14,. !. 14.,. C. 1.4,. !. 1.175. 11. 0f the following energy units$ the one most often used to define electrical energy is: A. The !tu. !. The erg. C. The foot pound. !. The 8$ o*&tt hour. 12. The fre?uency of common household ac in the @.#. is: A. 61 H,. !. 120 (.. C. *0 (.. D. 100 (.. 1". (alf4wa)e rectification means that: A. (alf of the ac wa)e is in)erted. B. H& f of the &( *&'e $s (hoppe. off. C. The whole wa)e is in)erted. D. The effecti)e )alue is half the pea1 )alue. 14. 'n the output of a half4wa)e rectifier: A. (alf of the wa)e is in)erted. B. The effe(t$'e '& ue $s ess th&n th&t of the or$%$n& &( *&'e. C. The effecti)e )alue is the same as that of the original ac wa)e. D. The effecti)e )alue is more than that of the original ac wa)e. 1*. 'n the output of a full4wa)e rectifier: A. The whole wa)e is in)erted. !. The effecti)e )alue is less than that of the original ac wa)e. C. The effe(t$'e '& ue $s the s&me &s th&t of the or$%$n& &( *&'e. D. The effecti)e )alue is more than that of the original ac wa)e. 1&. A low )oltage$ such as 12 <: A. 's ne)er dangerous. !. 's always dangerous. C. 's dangerous if it is ac$ but not if it is dc. !. C&n be .&n%erous un.er (ert&$n (on.$t$ons. 1,. ;hich of these can represent magnetomoti)e force= A. The )olt4turn. B. The &mpere9turn. C. The gauss. D. The gauss4turn. 1%. ;hich of the following units can represent magnetic flu density= A. The )olt4turn. !. The ampere4turn. C. The %&uss. D. The gauss4turn. 1/. A ferromagnetic material: A. Con(entr&tes m&%net$( f u/ $nes *$th$n $tse f. !. 'ncreases the total magnetomoti)e force around a current4carrying wire. C. Causes an increase in the current in a wire. D. 'ncreases the number of ampere4turns in a wire. 20. A coil has *00 turns and carries ,* mA of current. The magnetomoti)e force will be: A. ",$*00 At. !. ",* At. C. 45.2 At . D. ".,* At. A@'B " #EASU-IN: !E;ICE pg%* 1. The force between two electrically charged ob-ects is called: A. 5lectromagnetic deflection. B. E e(trost&t$( for(e. C. +agnetic force. D. 5lectroscopic force. 2. The change in the direction of a compass needle$ when a current4carrying wire is brought near$ is: A. E e(trom&%net$( .ef e(t$on. !. 5lectrostatic force. C. +agnetic force. D. 5lectroscopic force. ". #uppose a certain current in a gal)anometer causes the needle to deflect 20 degrees$ and then this current is doubled. The needle deflection: A. ;ill decrease. !. ;ill stay the same. C. <$ $n(re&se. D. ;ill re)erse direction. 4. 0ne important ad)antage of an electrostatic meter is that: A. 't measures )ery small currents. !. 't will handle large currents. C. It (&n .ete(t &( 'o t&%es. D. 't draws a large current from the source. *. A thermocouple: A. :ets *&rm *hen (urrent f o*s throu%h $t. !. 's a thin$ straight$ special wire. C. Cenerates dc when e posed to light. D. Cenerates ac when heated. &. 0ne ad)antage of an electromagnet meter o)er a permanent4 magnet meter is that: A. The electromagnet meter costs much less. !. The electromagnet meter need not be aligned with the earthDs magnetic field. C. The permanent4magnet meter has a more sluggish coil. D. The e e(trom&%net meter $s more ru%%e.. ,. An ammeter shunt is useful because: A. 't increases meter sensiti)ity. !. 't ma1es a meter more physically rugged. C. It & o*s for me&surement of & *$.e r&n%e of (urrents. D. 't pre)ents o)erheating of the meter. %. <oltmeters should generally ha)e: A. L&r%e $ntern& res$st&n(e. !. 9ow internal resistance. C. +a imum possible sensiti)ity. D. Ability to withstand large currents. /. To measure power4supply )oltage being used by a circuit$ a )oltmeter A. 's placed in series with the circuit that wor1s from the supply. !. 's placed between the negati)e pole of the supply and the circuit wor1ing from the supply. C. 's placed between the positi)e pole of the supply and the circuit wor1ing from the supply. !. Is p &(e. $n p&r& e *$th the ($r(u$t th&t *or8s from the supp +. 10. ;hich of the following will not cause a ma-or error in an ohmmeter reading= A. A small )oltage between points under test. !. A slight change in switchable internal resistance. C. A sm& (h&n%e $n the res$st&n(e to be me&sure..


D. A slight error in range switch selection. 11. The ohmmeter in 3ig. "41, shows a reading of about: A. 44=111 3. !. "." E:. C. ""0 :. D. "" :. 12. The main ad)antage of a 35T<+ o)er a con)entional )oltmeter is the fact that the 35T<+: A. Can measure lower )oltages. B. !r&*s ess (urrent from the ($r(u$t un.er test. C. Can withstand higher )oltages safely. D. 's sensiti)e to ac as well as to dc. 1". ;hich of the following is not a function of a fuse= A. To be sure there $s enou%h (urrent &'&$ &b e for &n &pp $&n(e to *or8 r$%ht. !. To ma1e it impossible to use appliances that are too large for a gi)en circuit. C. To limit the amount of power that a circuit can deli)er. D. To ma1e sure the current is within safe limits. 14. A utility meterDs motor speed wor1s directly from: A. The number of ampere hours being used at the time. !. The number of watt hours being used at the time. C. The number of *&tts be$n% use. &t the t$me. D. The number of 1ilowatt hours being used at the time. 1*. A utility meterDs readout indicates: A. <oltage. !. 8ower. C. Current. !. Ener%+. 1&. A typical fre?uency counter: A. (as an analog readout. B. Is usu& + &((ur&te to s$/ .$%$ts or more. C. ;or1s by indirectly measuring current. D. ;or1s by indirectly measuring )oltage. 1,. A <@ meter is never used for measurement of: A. #ound. !. Decibels. C. 8ower. !. Ener%+. 1%. The meter mo)ement in an illumination meter measures: A. Current. !. <oltage. C. 8ower. D. 5nergy. 1/. An oscilloscope cannot be used to indicate: A. 3re?uency. !. ;a)e shape. C. Ener%+. D. 8ea1 signal )oltage. 20. The display in 3ig. "41% could be caused by a )oltage of: A. &.0 <. B. 6.6 ;. C. ,. 0<. D. 6o way to tell7 the meter is malfunctioning. C. The ser'$(e?rep&$r m&nu& for & r&.$o re(e$'er. D. A procedural flowchart. 3or ?uestions " through 11$ see 3ig. 44,.

A@'B 4 BASIC !C CI-CUIT pg/% 1. #uppose you double the )oltage in a simple dc circuit$ and cut the resistance in half. The current will become: A. >our t$mes &s %re&t. !. Twice as great. C. The same as it was before. D. (alf as great. 2. A wiring diagram would most li1ely be found in: A. An engineerDs general circuit idea noteboo1. !. An ad)ertisement for an electrical de)ice.

". Ci)en a dc )oltage source deli)ering 24 < and a circuit resistance of "." EF$ what is the current= A. 0.," A. !. 1"% A. C. 1"% mA. !. 5.4 mA. 4. #uppose that a circuit has 4,2 F of resistance and the current is %,* mA. Then the source )oltage is: A. 714 ;. !. 0.*"/ <. C. 1.%* <. D. 6one of the abo)e. *. The dc )oltage in a circuit is **0 m< and the current is ,.2 mA. Then them resistance is: A. 0.,& :. B. 56 :. C. 0.0040 :. D. 6one of the abo)e. &. Ci)en a dc )oltage source of ".* 1< and a circuit resistance of 220 F$ what is the current= A. 1& mA. !. &." mA. C. &." A. !. None of the &bo'e. 1*./A ,. A circuit has a total resistance of 4,"$""2 F and draws 4.4 mA. The best e pression for the )oltage of the source is: A. 20%2 <. !. 110 1<. C. 0.1 8;. D. 2.0%2&& 1<. %. A source deli)ers 12 < and the current is ,,, mA. Then the best e pression for the resistance is: A. 12 :. !. 1*.4 :. C. /." :. D. /."2 :. /. The )oltage is 2*0 < and the current is %.0 mA. The power dissipated by the potentiometer is: A. "1 m;. !. "1 ;. C. 0.1 <. D. 2.0 m;. 10. The )oltage from the source is 12 < and the potentiometer is set for 4,0 F. The power is about: A. 411 m<. !. 2*.* m;. C. "/.2 ;. D. ".2& ;. 11. The current through the potentiometer is 1, mA and its )alue is 1.22EF. The power is: A. 0.24 G;. !. 20., ;. C. 20., m;. !. 421 m<. 12. #uppose si resistors are hoo1ed up in series$ and each of them has a )alue of *40 F. Then the total resistance is: A. /0 :. B. 4.07 @ 3. C. *40 : D. 6one of the abo)e.


1". 3our resistors are connected in series$ each with a )alue of 4.0 E :. The total resistance is: A. 1 E :. !. 4 E :. C. % E :. !. 16 @ :. 14. #uppose you ha)e three resistors in parallel$ each with a )alue of &%$000 :. Then the total resistance is: A. 2" :. B. 04 @ :. C. 204 :. D. 0.2 + :. 1*. There are three resistors in parallel$ with )alues of 22 :$ 2, :$ and "" :. A 124< battery is connected across this combination$ as shown in 3ig. 4411. ;hat is the current drawn from the battery by this resistance combination= A. 1.4 A. !. 1* mA. C. 1*0 mA. D. 1.* A. 7911 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestion 1*. B. The (urrent $n the str$n% *$ %o up. C. The current in the string will go down. D. The current in the string will stay the same. 2. 3our resistors are connected in series across a &.04< battery. The )alues are R1 F 10 :$ R2 F 20 :$ R" F *0 :$ and R4 F 100 : as shown in 3ig. *4/. The )oltage across 22 is: A. 0.1% <. !. "" m<. C. *.& m<. !. 651 m;.

1&. Three resistors$ with )alues of 4, : $&% :$ and %2 :$ are connected in series with a *04< dc generator$ as shown in 3ig. 44 12. The total power consumed by this networ1 of resistors is: A. 2*0 m;. !. 1" m;. C. 14 <. D. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en.

". 'n ?uestion 2 H3ig. *4/I$ the )oltage across the combination of R" and R4 is: A. 0.22 <. !. 0.22 m<. C. 2.1 ;. D. "." <. 4. Three resistors are connected in parallel across a battery that deli)ers 1* <. The )alues are R1 J 4,0 :$ R2 J 2.2 E:$ R" J "." E: H3ig. *410I. The )oltage across R2 is: A. 4.4 <. !. *.0 <. C. 12 ;. D. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en.

1,. >ou ha)e an unlimited supply of 14;$ 1004 : resistors. >ou need to get a 1004:$ 104; resistor. This can be done most cheaply by means of a series4parallel matri of A. " " resistors. !. 4 " resistors. C. 7 / 7 res$stors. D. 2 * resistors. 1%. >ou ha)e an unlimited supply of 14;$ 10004 : resistors$ and you need a *004 resistance rated at , ; or more. This can be done by assembling: A. >our sets of t*o 11119 : res$stors $n ser$es= &n. (onne(t$n% these four sets $n p&r& e . !. 3our sets of two 10004 : resistors in parallel$ and connecting these four sets in series. C. A " " series4parallel matri of 10004 : resistors. D. #omething other than any of the abo)e. 1/. >ou ha)e an unlimited supply of 14;$ 10004 : resistors$ and you need to get a "0004:$ *4; resistance. The best way is to: A. +a1e a 2 2 series4parallel matri . !. Connect three of the resistors in parallel. C. +a1e a " " series4parallel matri . !. !o someth$n% other th&n &n+ of the &bo'e. 20. Cood engineering practice usually re?uires that a series4 parallel resisti)e networ1 be made: A. 3rom resistors that are all )ery rugged. B. >rom res$stors th&t &re & the s&me. C. 3rom a series combination of resistors in parallel. D. 3rom a parallel combination of resistors in series. QUIZ 2 !C CI-CUIT ANALYSIS 811& 1. 'n a series4connected string of holiday ornament bulbs$ if one bulb gets shorted out$ which of these is most li1ely= A. All the other bulbs will go out.

*. 'n the e ample of ?uestion 4 H3ig. *410I$ what is the current through R2= A. 6." mA. !. 4" mA. C. 1*0 mA. D. &.% A. &. 'n the e ample of ?uestion 4 H3ig. *410I$ what is the total current drawn from the source= A. &.% mA. B. 74 mA. C. 1*0 mA. D. &.% A. ,. 'n the e ample of ?uestion 4 H3ig. *410I$ suppose that resistor 22 opens up. The current through the other two resistors will: A. 'ncrease. !. Decrease. C. Drop to .ero. !. No (h&n%e. %. 3our resistors are connected in series with a &.04< supply$ with )alues shown in 3ig. *4/ Hthe same as ?uestion 2I. ;hat is the power dissipated by the whole combination= A. 011 m<. !. &.* m;. C. 200 ;. D. &.* ;. /. 'n 3ig. *4/$ what is the power dissipated by R4= 2911 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestions 4$ *$ &$ ,$ 10$ and 11. A. 11 m;. B. 1.11 <. C. 0.2 ;. D. &.* m;. 10. Three resistors are in parallel in the same configuration and with the same )alues as in problem 4 H3ig. *410I. ;hat is the power dissipated by the whole set= A. *.4 ;. !. *.4 u;. C. &*0 ;.


!. 621 m<. 11. 'n 3ig. *410$ the power dissipated by R1 is: A. "2 m;. B. 7"1 m<. C. 2.1 ;. D. "1 ;. 12. 3ill in the blan1 in the following sentence. 'n either series or a parallel circuit$ the sum of the s in each component is e?ual to the total pro)ided by the supply. A. Current. !. <oltage. C. <&tt&%e. D. 2esistance. D. #hould be such that the current is 1ept to 100 mA. 1%. The ma imum )oltage output from a )oltage di)ider: A. 's a fraction of the power supply )oltage. !. Depends on the total resistance. C. Is eAu& to the supp + 'o t&%e. D. Depends on the ratio of resistances. 1/. 2efer to 3ig. *4,. The battery E is 1%.0 <. #uppose there are four resistors in the networ1: R1 F 100 :$ R2 F 22.0 :$ R" F "".0 :$ R4 F 4,.0 :. The )oltage 5" at 8" is:

1". 2efer to 3ig. *4*A. #uppose the resistors each ha)e )alues of "" :. The battery pro)ides 24 <. The current '1 is: A. 1.1 A. B. 541 mA. C. "&0 mA. D. 6ot determinable from the information gi)en. 14. 2efer to 3ig. *4*!. 9et each resistor ha)e a )alue of %20 :. #uppose the top three resistors all lead to light bulbs of the e act same wattage. 'f I1 F *0 mA and I2 F ,0 mA$ what is the power dissipated in the resistor carrying current '4= A. "" ;. !. 40 m;. C. 1.4 <. D. 't canDt be found using the information gi)en. 1*. 2efer to 3ig. *4&. #uppose the resistances R1$ R2$ R"$ and R4 are in the ratio 1:2:4:% from left to right$ and the battery supplies "0 <. Then the )oltage E2 is:

A. 4.1/ <. B. 14." ;. C. 1.&1 <. D. 2./4 <. 20. 2efer to 3ig. *4,. The battery is 12 <7 you want intermediate )oltages of ".0$&.0 and /.0 <. #uppose that a ma imum of 200 mA is allowed through the networ1. ;hat )alues should the resistors$ R1$ R2$ R"$ and R4 ha)e$ respecti)ely= A. 1* :$ "0 :$ 4* :$ &0 :. !. &0 :$ 4* :$ "0 :$ 1* :. C. 12 3= 12 3= 12 3= 12 3. D. There isnDt enough information to design the circuit.

A. 7 ;. !. % <. C. 1& <. D. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. 1&. 2efer to 3ig. *4&. 9et the resistances each be "." E: and the battery 12 <. 'f the plus terminal of a dc )oltmeter is placed between R1 and R2 Hwith )oltages E1and E2I$ and the minus terminal of the )oltmeter is placed between R" and R4 Hwith )oltages E" and E4), what will the meter register= A. 0 <. !. " <. C. 6 ;. D. 12 <. 1,. 'n a )oltage di)ider networ1$ the total resistance: A. #hould be large to minimi.e current drain. B. Shou . be &s sm& &s the po*er supp + *$ & o*. C. 's not important.

QUIZ 6 -SISTO-S p%142 1. !iasing in an amplifier circuit: A. Eeeps it from oscillating. !. +atches it to other amplifier stages in a chain. C. C&n be .one us$n% 'o t&%e .$'$.ers. D. +a imi.es current flow. 2. A transistor can be protected from needless o)erheating by: A. Current9 $m$t$n% res$stors. !. !leeder resistors. C. +a imi.ing the dri)ing power. D. #horting out d power supply when the circuit is off. ". !leeder resistors: A. Are (onne(te. &(ross the (&p&($tor $n & po*er supp +. !. Eeep a transistor from drawing too much current. C. 8re)ent an amplifier from being o)erdri)en. D. 0ptimi.e the efficiency of an amplifier. 4. Carbon4composition resistors: A. Can handle lots of power. !. (a)e capacitance or inductance along with resistance. C. Are (omp&r&t$'e + nonre&(t$'e . D. ;or1 better for ac than for dc. *. The best place to use a wirewound resistor is: A. 'n a radio4fre?uency amplifier. !. ;hen the resistor doesnDt dissipate much power. C. 'n a high4power$ radio4fre?uency circuit. !. In & h$%h9po*er= .$re(t9(urrent ($r(u$t. &. A metal4film resistor:


A. 's made using solid carbonKphenolic paste. B. H&s ess re&(t&n(e th&n & *$re*oun. t+pe. C. Can dissipate large amounts of power. D. (as considerable inductance. ,. A meter4sensiti)ity control in a test instrument would probably be: A. A set of switchable$ fi ed resistors. B. A $ne&r9t&per potent$ometer. C. A logarithmic4taper potentiometer. D. A wirewound resistor. %. A )olume control in a stereo compact4disc player would probably be: A. A set of switchable$ fi ed resistors. !. A linear4taper potentiometer. C. A o%&r$thm$(9t&per potent$ometer. D. A wirewound resistor. /. 'f a sound triples in actual power le)el$ appro imately what is the decibel increase= A. " d!. B. 2 .B. C. & d!. D. / d!. 10. #uppose a sound changes in )olume by 41" d!. 'f the original sound power is 1 ;$ what is the final sound power= A. 1" ;. !. ,, m;. C. 21 m<. D. There is not enough information to tell. 11. The sound from a transistor radio is at a le)el of *0 d!. (ow many times the threshold of hearing is this$ in terms of actual sound power= A. *0. !. 1&/. C. *$000. !. 111=111. 12. An ad)antage of a rheostat o)er a potentiometer is that: A. A rheostat can handle higher fre?uencies. !. A rheostat is more precise. C. A rheost&t (&n h&n. e more (urrent. D. A rheostat wor1s better with dc. 1". A resistor is specified as ha)ing a )alue of &% :$ but is measured with an ohmmeter as &" :. The )alue is off by: A. 5.7 per(ent. !. ,./ percent. C. * percent. D. 10 percent. 14. #uppose a resistor is rated at "." E:$ plus or minus * percent.This means it can be e pected to ha)e a )alue bet: A. 2$/,0 and "$&"0 :. !. "$2/* and "$"0* :. C. 4=142 &n. 4=762 3. D. 2.% E: and ".% E:. 1*. A pac1age of resistors is rated at *& :$ plus or minus 10 percent. >ou test them with an ohmmeter. ;hich of the following )alues indicates a re-ect= A. 21.1 3. !. *".0 :. C. */., :. D. &1.1 :. 1&. A resistor has a )alue of &%0 :$ and you e pect it will ha)e to draw 1 mA ma imum continuous current. ;hat power rating is best for this application= A. 1?7 <. !. 1K2 ;. C. ' ;. D. 2 ;. 1,. #uppose a 14E: resistor will dissipate 1.0* ;$ and you ha)e many 14; resistors of all common )alues. 'f thereDs room for 204 percent resistance error$ the cheapest solution is to use: A. 3our 1 E:$ 14; resistors in series4parallel. B. T*o 0.0 @3= 19< res$stors $n p&r& e . C. Three "." E:$ 14; resistors in parallel. D. 0ne 1 E:$ 14; resistor$ since manufacturers allow for a 104percent margin of safety. 1%. 2ed$ red$ red$ gold indicates a resistance of: A. 22 :. !. 220 :. C. 0.0 @3. D. 22 E:. 1/. The actual resistance of the abo)e unit can be e pected to )ary by how much abo)e or below the specified )alue= A. 11 :. B. 111 3. C. 22 :. D. 220 :. 20. A resistor has three bands: gray$ red$ yellow. This unit can b e pected to ha)e a )alue within appro what range= A. 661 @3 to B"1 @3. !. ,40 E: to /00 E:. C. ,.4 E: to /.0 E:. D. The manufacturer does not ma1e any claim.

Ch&pter 5 CELLS AN! BATTE-IES pg1*1 1. The chemical energy in a battery or cell: A. 's a form of 1inetic energy. !. Cannot be replenished once it is gone. C. Ch&n%es to 8$net$( ener%+ *hen the (e $s use.. D. 's caused by electric current. 2. A cell that cannot be recharged is: A. A dry cell. !. A wet cell. C. A pr$m&r+ (e . D. A secondary cell. ". A ;eston cell is generally used: A. As a current reference source. B. As & 'o t&%e referen(e sour(e. C. As a power reference source. D. As an energy reference source. 4. The )oltage in a battery is: A. 9ess than the )oltage in a cell of the same 1ind. !. The same as the )oltage in a cell of the same 1ind. C. #ore th&n the 'o t&%e $n & (e of the s&me 8$n.. D. Always a multiple of 1.01% <. *. A direct short4circuit of a battery can cause: A. An increase in its )oltage. !. 6o harm other than a rapid discharge of its energy. C. The current to drop to .ero. !. An e/p os$on. &. A cell of 1.* < supplies 100 mA for se)en hours and twenty minutes$ and then it is replaced. 't has supplied: A. ,."" Ah. B. 544 mAh. C. ,."" ;h. D. ,"" m;h. ,. A 124< auto battery is rated at "& Ah. 'f a 1004;$ 124<dc bulb is connected across this battery$ about how long will the bulb stay lit$ if the battery has been fully charged= A. 7 hours &n. 01 m$nutes. !. 4"2 hours. C. ".& hours. D. 21.& minutes. %. Al1aline cells: A. Are cheaper than .inc4carbon cells. B. Are %ener& + better $n r&.$os th&n ,$n(9(&rbon (e s. C. (a)e higher )oltages than .inc4carbon cells. D. (a)e shorter shelf li)es than .inc4carbon cells. /. The energy in a cell or battery depends mainly on: A. Its ph+s$(& s$,e. !. The current drawn from it. C. 'ts )oltage. D. All of the abo)e. 10. 'n which of the following places would a LlanternM battery most li1ely be found= A. A heart pacema1er. !. An electronic calculator. C. An 9CD wall cloc1.


!. A t*o9*&+ port&b e r&.$o. 11. 'n which of the following places would a transistor battery be the best power4source choice= A. A heart pacema1er. B. An e e(tron$( (& (u &tor. C. An 9CD wristwatch. D. A two4way portable radio. 12. 'n which of the following places would you most li1ely choose a lithium battery= A. A m$(ro(omputer memor+ b&(8up. !. A two4way portable radio. C. A portable audio cassette player. D. A rechargeable flashlight. 1". ;here would you most li1ely find a lead4acid battery= A. 'n a portable audio cassette player. B. In & port&b e '$.eo (&mer&?re(or.er. C. 'n an 9CD wall cloc1. D. 'n a flashlight. 14. A cell or battery that 1eeps up a constant current4deli)ering capability almost until it dies is said to ha)e: A. A large ampere4hour rating. !. 5 cellent energy capacity. C. A f &t .$s(h&r%e (ur'e. D. Cood energy storage per unit )olume. 1*. ;here might you find a 6'CAD battery= A. 'n a satellite. !. 'n a portable cassette player. C. 'n a handheld radio transcei)er. !. In more th&n one of the &bo'e. 1&. A disad)antage of mercury cells and batteries is that: A. They donDt last as long as other types. !. They ha)e a flat discharge cur)e. C. The+ po ute the en'$ronment. D. They need to be recharged often. 1,. ;hich 1ind of battery should ne)er be used until it LdiesM= A. #il)er4o ide. !. 9ead4acid. C. N$(8e 9(&.m$um. D. +ercury. 1%. The current from a solar panel is increased by: A. Connecting solar cells in series. !. @sing 6'CAD cells in series with the solar cells. C. Conne(t$n% so &r (e s $n p&r& e . D. @sing lead4acid cells in series with the solar cells. 1/. An interacti)e solar power system: A. A o*s & homeo*ner to se po*er to the ut$ $t+. !. 9ets the batteries recharge at night. C. 8owers lights but not electronic de)ices. D. 's totally independent from the utility. 20. 0ne reason why it is impractical to ma1e an e tremely high4 )oltage battery of cells is that: A. ThereDs a danger of electric shoc1. !. 't is impossible to get more than 10".* < with electrochemical cells. C. The battery would weigh to much. !. There $snCt &n+ re& nee. for su(h th$n%. C. 8ermanently magnetic. !. >errom&%net$(. 4. The force between a magnet and a piece of ferromagnetic metal that has not been magneti.ed: A. Can be either repulsi)e or attracti)e. B. Is ne'er repu s$'e. C. Cets smaller as the magnet gets closer to the metal. D. Depends on the geomagnetic field. *. +agnetic flu can always be attributed to: A. 3erromagnetic materials. !. Aligned atoms. C. #ot$on of (h&r%e. p&rt$( es. D. The geomagnetic field. &. 9ines of magnetic flu are said to originate: A. 'n atoms of ferromagnetic materials. B. At & north m&%net$( po e. C. ;here the lines con)erge to a point. D. 'n charge carriers. ,. The magnetic flu around a straight$ current4carrying wire: A. Cets stronger with increasing distance from the wire. B. Is stron%est ne&r the *$re. C. Does not )ary in strength with distance from the wire. D. Consists of straight lines parallel to the wire. %. The gauss is a unit of: A. 0)erall magnetic field strength. !. Ampere4turns. C. #&%net$( f u/ .ens$t+. D. +agnetic power. /. A unit of o)erall magnetic field ?uantity is the: A. #&/*e . !. Causs. C. Tesla. D. Ampere4turn. 10. 'f a wire coil has 10 turns and carries *00 mA of current$ what is the magnetomoti)e force in ampere4turns= A. *000. !. *0. C. 2.1. D. 0.02. 11. 'f a wire coil has 100 turns and carries 1."0 A of current$ what is the magnetomoti)e force in gilberts= A. 1"0. !. ,&./. C. 167. D. &1.0. 12. ;hich of the following is not generally possible in a geomagnetic storm= A. Charged particles streaming out from the sun. !. 3luctuations in the earthDs magnetic field. C. Disruption of electrical power transmission. !. !$srupt$on of m$(ro*&'e r&.$o $n8s. 1". An ac electromagnet: A. ;ill attract only other magneti.ed ob-ects. B. <$ &ttr&(t pure= unm&%net$,e. $ron. C. ;ill repel other magneti.ed ob-ects. D. ;ill either attract or repel permanent magnets$ depending on the polarity. 14. An ad)antage of an electromagnet o)er a permanent magnet is that: A. An e e(trom&%net (&n be s*$t(he. on &n. off. !. An electromagnet does not ha)e specific polarity. C. An electromagnet re?uires no power source. D. 8ermanent magnets must always be cylindrical. 1*. A substance with high retenti)ity is best suited for ma1ing: A. An ac electromagnet. !. A dc electromagnet. C. An electrostatic shield. !. A perm&nent m&%net. 1&. A relay is connected into a circuit so that a de)ice gets a signal only when the relay coil carries current. The relay is probably: A. An ac relay. !. A dc relay. C. 6ormally closed.

QUIZ " #A:NETIS# p%151 1. The geomagnetic field: A. +a1es the earth li1e a huge horseshoe magnet. !. 2uns e actly through the geographic poles. C. Is *h&t m&8es & (omp&ss *or8. D. 's what ma1es an electromagnet wor1. 2. Ceomagnetic lines of flu : A. Are hor$,ont& &t the %eom&%net$( eAu&tor. !. Are )ertical at the geomagnetic e?uator. C. Are always slanted$ no matter where you go. D. Are e actly symmetrical around the earth$ e)en far out into space. ". A material that can be permanently magneti.ed is generally said to be: A. +agnetic. !. 5lectromagnetic.


!. Norm& + open. 1,. A de)ice that re)erses magnetic field polarity to 1eep a dc motor rotating is: A. A solenoid. !. An armature coil. C. A (ommut&tor. D. A field coil. 1%. A high tape4recorder motor speed is generally used for: A. <oices. B. ;$.eo. C. Digital data. D. All of the abo)e. 1/. An ad)antage of a magnetic dis1$ as compared with magnetic tape$ for data storage and retrie)al is that: A. A dis1 lasts longer. B. !&t& (&n be store. &n. retr$e'e. more Au$(8 + *$th .$s8s th&n *$th t&pes. C. Dis1s loo1 better. D. Dis1s are less susceptible to magnetic fields. 20. A bubble memory is best suited for: A. A &r%e (omputer. !. A home )ideo entertainment system. C. A portable cassette player. D. A magnetic dis1.


TEST PA-T 1 1. An application in which an analog meter would almost always be preferred o)er a digital meter is: A. A signal4strength indicator in a radio recei)er. !. A meter that shows power4supply )oltage. C. A utility watt4hour meter. D. A cloc1. 5. A de)ice in which a direct numeric display is wanted. 2. ;hich of the following statements is false= A. The current in a series dc circuit is di)ided up among the resistances. !. 'n a parallel dc circuit$ the )oltage is the same across each component. C. 'n a series dc circuit$ the sum of the )oltages across all the components$ going once around a complete circle$ is .ero. D. The net resistance of a parallel set of resistors is less than the )alue of the smallest resistor. 5. The total power consumed in a series circuit is the sum of the wattages consumed by each of the components. ". The ohm is a unit of: A. 5lectrical charge ?uantity. !. The rate at which charge carriers flow. C. 0pposition to electrical current. D. 5lectrical conductance. 5. 8otential difference. 4. A wiring diagram differs from a schematic diagram in that: A. A wiring diagram is less detailed. !. A wiring diagram shows component )alues. C. A schematic does not show all the interconnections between the components. D. A schematic shows pictures of components$ while a wiring diagram shows the electronic symbols. 5. A schematic shows the electronic symbols$ while a wiring diagram shows pictures of the components. *. ;hich of the following is a good use$ or place$ for a wirewound resistor= A. To dissipate a large amount of dc power. !. 'n the input of a radio4fre?uency amplifier. C. 'n the output of a radio4fre?uency amplifier. D. 'n an antenna$ to limit the transmitter power. 5. !etween ground and the chassis of a power supply. &. The number of protons in the nucleus of an element is the: A. 5lectron number. !. Atomic number. C. <alence number. D. Charge number. 5. 8roton number. ,. A hot4wire ammeter: A. Can measure ac as well as dc. !. 2egisters current changes )ery fast. C. Can indicate )ery low )oltages. D. +easures electrical energy. 5. ;or1s only when current flows in one direction. %. ;hich of the following units indicates the rate at which energy is e pended= A. The )olt. !. The ampere. C. The coulomb. D. The ampere hour. 5. The watt. /. ;hich of the following correctly states 0hmDs 9aw= A. <olts e?ual amperes di)ided by ohms. !. 0hms e?ual amperes di)ided by )olts. C. Amperes e?ual ohms di)ided by )olts. D. Amperes e?ual ohms times )olts. 5. 0hms e?ual )olts di)ided by amperes. 10. The current going into a point in a dc circuit is always e?ual to the current: A. Deli)ered by the power supply. !. Through any one of the resistances. C. 3lowing out of that point. D. At any other point. 5. 'n any single branch of the circuit. 11. A loudness meter in a hi4fi system is generally calibrated in: A. <olts. !. Amperes. C. Decibels. D. ;att hours. 5. 0hms. 12. A charged atom is 1nown as: A. A molecule. !. An isotope. C. An ion. D. An electron. 5. A fundamental particle. 1". A battery deli)ers 12 < to a bulb. The current in the bulb is " A. ;hat is the resistance of the bulb= A. "& :. !. 4 :. C. 0.2* :. D. 10% :. 5. 0.,* :. 14. 8ea1 )alues are always: A. Creater than a)erage )alues. !. 9ess than a)erage )alues. C. Creater than or e?ual to a)erage )alues. D. 9ess than or e?ual to a)erage )alues. 5. 3luctuating. 1*. A resistor has a )alue of &%0 ohms$ and a tolerance of plus or minus * percent. ;hich of the following )alues indicates a re-ect= A. &4% :. !. ,12 :. C. &// :. D. &"& :. 5. ,0, :. 1&. A primiti)e de)ice for indicating the presence of an electric current is: A. An electrometer. !. A gal)anometer. C. A )oltmeter. D. A coulometer. 5. A wattmeter. 1,. A disad)antage of mercury cells is that they: A. 8ollute the en)ironment when discarded. !. #upply less )oltage than other cells. C. Can re)erse polarity une pectedly. D. +ust be physically large. 5. +ust be 1ept right4side4up. 1%. A battery supplies &.0 < to a bulb rated at 12 ;. (ow much current does the bulb draw= A. 2.0 A. !. 0.* A. C. ,2 A. D. 40 mA. 5. ,2 mA. 1/. 0f the following$ which is not a common use of a resistor= A. !iasing for a transistor. !. <oltage di)ision. C. Current limiting. D. @se as a LdummyM antenna. 5. 'ncreasing the charge in a capacitor. 20. ;hen a charge builds up without a flow of current$ the charge is said to be: A. 'oni.ing. !. Atomic. C. +olecular. D. 5lectronic. 5. #tatic. 21. The sum of the )oltages$ going around a dc circuit$ but not including the power supply$ has: A. 5?ual )alue$ and the same polarity$ as the supply. !. A )alue that depends on the ratio of the resistances. C. Different )alue from$ but the same polarity as$ the supply. D. 5?ual )alue as$ but opposite polarity from$ the supply. 5. Different )alue$ and opposite polarity$ from the supply.


22. A watt hour meter measures: A. <oltage. !. Current. C. 8ower. D. 5nergy. 5. Charge. 2". 5)ery chemical element has its own uni?ue type of particle$ called its: A. +olecule. !. 5lectron. C. 8roton. D. Atom. 5. 'sotope. 24. An ad)antage of a magnetic dis1 o)er magnetic tape for data storage is that: A. Data is too closely pac1ed on the tape. !. The dis1 is immune to the effects of magnetic fields. C. Data storage and retrie)al is faster on dis1. D. Dis1s store computer data in analog form. 5. Tapes cannot be used to store digital data. 2*. A &4< battery is connected across a series combination of resistors. The resistance )alues are 1$ 2$ and " :. ;hat is the current through the 24: resistor= A. 1 A. !. " A. C. 12 A. D. 24 A. 5. ,2 A. 2&. A material that has e tremely high electrical resistance is 1nown as: A. A semiconductor. !. A paraconductor. C. An insulator. D. A resistor. 5. A diamagnetic substance. 2,. 8rimary cells: A. Can be used o)er and o)er. !. (a)e higher )oltage than other types of cells. C. All ha)e e actly 1.*00 <. D. Cannot be recharged. 5. Are made of .inc and carbon. 2%. A rheostat: A. 's used in high4)oltage andKor high4power dc circuits. !. 's ideal for tuning a radio recei)er. C. 's often used as a bleeder resistor. D. 's better than a potentiometer for low4power audio. 5. 0ffers the ad)antage of ha)ing no inductance. 2/. A )oltage typical of a dry cell is: A. 12 <. !. & <. C. 1.* <. D. 11, <. 5. 0.1* <. "0. A geomagnetic storm: A. Causes solar wind. !. Causes charged particles to bombard the earth. C. Can disrupt the earthDs magnetic field. D. 2uins microwa)e communications. 5. (as no effect near the earthDs poles. "1. An ad)antage of an al1aline cell o)er a .inc4carbon cell is that: A. The al1aline cell pro)ides more )oltage. !. The al1aline cell can be recharged. C. An al1aline cell wor1s at lower temperatures. D. The al1aline cell is far less bul1y for the same amount of energy capacity. 5. There is no ad)antage of al1aline o)er .inc4carbon cells. "2. A battery deli)ers 12 < across a set of si 44: resistors in a series )oltage di)iding combination. This pro)ides si different )oltages$ differing by an increment of: A. 1K4 <. !. 1K" <. 12" Test: Part one C. 1 <. D. 2 <. 5. " <. "". A unit of electrical charge ?uantity is the: A. <olt. !. Ampere. C. ;att. D. Tesla. 5. Coulomb. "4. A unit of sound )olume is: A. The )olt per s?uare meter. !. The )olt. C. The watt hour. D. The decibel. 5. The ampere per s?uare meter. "*. A 244< battery is connected across a set of four resistors in parallel. 5ach resistor has a )alue of "2 ohms. ;hat is the total power dissipated by the resistors= A. 0.1/ ;. !. " ;. C. 1/2 ;. D. 0."" ;. 5. ,2 ;. "&. The main difference between a LlanternM battery and a LtransistorM battery is: A. The lantern battery has higher )oltage. !. The lantern battery has more energy capacity. C. 9antern batteries cannot be used with electronic de)ices such as transistor radios. D. 9antern batteries can be recharged$ but transistor batteries cannot. 5. The lantern battery is more compact. ",. 6'CAD batteries are most e tensi)ely used: A. 'n disposable flashlights. !. 'n large lanterns. C. As car batteries. D. 'n handheld radio transcei)ers. 5. 'n remote garage4door4opener control bo es. "%. A )oltmeter should ha)e: A. <ery low internal resistance. !. 5lectrostatic plates. C. A sensiti)e amplifier. D. (igh internal resistance. 5. The highest possible full4scale )alue. "/. The purpose of a bleeder resistor is to: A. 8ro)ide bias for a transistor. !. #er)e as a )oltage di)ider. C. 8rotect people against the danger of electric shoc1. D. 2educe the current in a power supply. 5. #mooth out the ac ripple in a power supply. 40. A dc electromagnet: A. (as constant polarity. !. 2e?uires a core with high retenti)ity. C. ;ill not attract or repel a permanent magnet. D. (as polarity that periodically re)erses. 5. Cannot be used to permanently magneti.e anything. 41. The rate at which charge carriers flow is measured in: A. Amperes. !. Coulombs. C. <olts. D. ;atts. 5. ;att hours. 42. A 124< battery is connected to a set of three resistors in series. The resistance )alues are 1$2$ and " ohms. ;hat is the )oltage across the "4: resistor= A. 1 <. !. 2 <. C. 4 <. D. & <. 5. 12 <. 4". 6ine /04ohm resistors are connected in a " N " series4parallel networ1. The total resistance is: A. 10 :. !. "0 :. C. /0 :.


D. 2,0 :. 5. %10 :. 44. A de)ice commonly used for remote switching of wire communications signals is: A. A solenoid. !. An electromagnet. C. A potentiometer. D. A photo)oltaic cell. 5. A relay. 4*. 6'CAD memory: A. 0ccurs often when 6'CADs are misused. !. 'ndicates that the cell or battery is dead. C. Does not occur )ery often. D. Can cause a 6'CAD to e plode. 5. Causes 6'CADs to re)erse polarity. 4&. A 1004; bulb burns for 100 hours. 't has consumed: A. 0.10 1;h. !. 1.00 1;h. C. 10.0 1;h. D. 100 1;h. 5. 1000 1;h. 4,. A material with high permeability: A. 'ncreases magnetic field ?uantity. !. 's necessary if a coil is to produce a magnetic field. C. Always has high retenti)ity. D. Concentrates magnetic lines of flu . 5. 2educes flu density. 4%. A chemical compound: A. Consists of two or more atoms. !. Contains an unusual number of neutrons. C. 's technically the same as an ion. D. (as a shortage of electrons. 5. (as an e cess of electrons. 4/. A &.004< battery is connected to a parallel combination of two resistors$ whose )alues are %.00 : and 12.0 :. ;hat is the power dissipated in the %4: resistor= A. 0."00 ;. !. 0.,*0 ;. C. 1.2* ;. Test: Part one 161 D. 1.%0 ;. 5. 4.*0 ;. *0. The main problem with a bar4graph meter is that: A. 's isnDt )ery sensiti)e. !. 't isnDt stable. C. 't canDt gi)e a )ery precise reading. D. >ou need special training to read it. 5. 't shows only pea1 )alues. CHAPTE- B Alternating current basics p199 1. ;hich of the following can )ary with ac$ but not with dc= A. 8ower. !. <oltage. C. 3re?uency. D. +agnitude. 2. The length of time between a point in one cycle and the same point in the ne t cycle of an ac wa)e is the: A. 3re?uency. !. +agnitude. C. 8eriod. D. 8olarity. ". 0n a spectrum analy.er$ a pure ac signal$ ha)ing -ust one fre?uency component$would loo1 li1e: A. A single pip. !. A perfect sine wa)e. C. A s?uare wa)e. D. A sawtooth wa)e. 4. The period of an ac wa)e is: A. The same as the fre?uency. !. 6ot related to the fre?uency. C. 5?ual to 1 di)ided by the fre?uency. D. 5?ual to the amplitude di)ided by the fre?uency. *. The si th harmonic of an ac wa)e whose period is 0.001 second has a fre?uency of A. 0.00& (.. !. 1&, (.. C. , 1(.. D. & 1(.. &. A degree of phase represents: A. &.2% cycles. !. *,." cycles. C. 1K&.2% cycle. D. 1K"&0 cycle. ,. Two wa)es ha)e the same fre?uency but differ in phase by 1K20 cycle. The phase difference in degrees is: A. 1%. !. 20. C. "&. D. *.,". %. A signal has a fre?uency of 1,,0 (.. The angular fre?uency is: A. 1,,0 radians per second. !. 11$120 radians per second. C. 2%2 radians per second. D. 'mpossible to determine from the data gi)en. /. A triangular wa)e: A. (as a fast rise time and a slow decay time. !. (as a slow rise time and a fast decay time. C. (as e?ual rise and decay rates. D. 2ises and falls abruptly. 10. Three4phase ac: A. (as wa)es that add up to three times the originals. !. (as three wa)es$ all of the same magnitude. C. 's what you get at a common wall outlet. D. 's of interest only to physicists. 11. 'f two wa)es ha)e the same fre?uency and the same amplitude$ but opposite phase$ the composite wa)e is: A. Twice the amplitude of either wa)e alone. !. (alf the amplitude of either wa)e alone. C. A comple wa)eform$ but with the same fre?uency as the originals. D. Bero. 12. 'f two wa)es ha)e the same fre?uency and the same phase$ the composite wa)e: A. (as a magnitude e?ual to the difference between the two originals. !. (as a magnitude e?ual to the sum of the two originals. C. 's comple $ with the same fre?uency as the originals. D. 's .ero. 1". 'n a 11,4< utility circuit$ the pea1 )oltage is: A. %2., <. !. 1&* <. C. 2"4 <. D. ""1 <. 14. 'n a 11,4< utility circuit$ the p14p1 )oltage is: A. %2., <. !. 1&* <. C. 2"4 <. D. ""1 <. 1*. 'n a perfect sine wa)e$ the p14p1 )alue is: A. (alf the pea1 )alue. !. The same as the pea1 )alue. C. 1.414 times the pea1 )alue. D. Twice the pea1 )alue. 1&. 'f a 4*4<dc battery is connected in series with the 11,4< utility mains as shown in 3ig. /41*$ the pea1 )oltages will be: A. F 210 < and F 120 <. !. F 1&2 < and F ,2 <. C. F "/& < and F 2%& <. D. !oth e?ual to 11, <.


without mutual inductance$ the combination will ha)e a )alue of: A. 1.% (. !. 22 m(. C. %% m(. D. 21 m(. %. Three inductors are connected in series without mutual inductance. Their )alues are 4 n($ 140 G($ and * (. 3or practical purposes$ the net inductance will be )ery close to: A. 4 n(. !. 140 G(. C. * (. D. 6one of these. /. #uppose the three inductors mentioned abo)e are connected in parallel without mutual inductance. The net inductance will be close to: A. 4 n(. !. 140 G(. C. * (. D. 6one of these. 10. Two inductors$ each of 100 G($ are in series. The coefficient of coupling is 0.40. The net inductance$ if the coil fields reinforce each other$ is: A. *0 G(. !. 120 G(. C. 200 G(. D. 2%0 G(. 11. 'f the coil fields oppose in the foregoing series4connected arrangement$ the net inductance is: A. *0 G(. !. 120 G(. C. 200 G(. D. 2%0 G(. 12. Two inductors$ ha)ing )alues of 44 m( and %% m($ are connected in series with a coefficient of coupling e?ual to 1.0 Hma imum possible mutual inductanceI. 'f their fields reinforce$ the net inductance Hto two significant digitsI is: A. ,.* m(. !. 1"2 m(. C. 1/0 m(. D. 2&0 m(. 1". 'f the fields in the pre)ious situation oppose$ the net inductance will be: A. ,.* m(. !. 1"2 m(. C. 1/0 m(. D. 2&0 m(. 14. ;ith permeability tuning$ mo)ing the core further into a solenoidal coil: A. 'ncreases the inductance. !. 2educes the inductance C. (as no effect on the inductance$ but increases the current4carrying capacity of the coil. D. 2aises the fre?uency. 1*. A significant ad)antage$ in some situations$ of a toroidal coil o)er a solenoid is: A. The toroid is easier to wind. !. The solenoid cannot carry as much current. C. The toroid is easier to tune. D. The magnetic flu in a toroid is practically all within the core. 1&. A ma-or feature of a pot4core winding is: A. (igh current capacity. !. 9arge inductance in small )olume. C. 5fficiency at )ery high fre?uencies. D. 5ase of inductance ad-ustment. 1,. As an inductor core material$ air: A. (as e cellent efficiency. !. (as high permeability. C. Allows large inductance in a small )olume. D. (as permeability that can )ary o)er a wide range. 1%. At a fre?uency of 400 (.$ the most li1ely form for an inductor would be: A. Air4core.

B912 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestion 1&. 1,. 'n the situation of ?uestion 1&$ the p14p1 )oltage will be: A. 11, <. !. 210 <. C. ""1 <. D. "/& <. 1%. ;hich one of the following does not affect the power output a)ailable from a particular ac generator= A. The strength of the magnet. !. The number of turns in the coil. C. The type of natural energy source used. D. The speed of rotation of the coil or magnet. 1/. 'f a 1,*4< dc source were connected in series with the utility mains from a standard wall outlet$ the result would be: A. #mooth dc. !. #mooth ac. C. Ac with one pea1 greater than the other. D 8ulsating dc. 20. An ad)antage of ac o)er dc in utility applications is: A. Ac is easier to transform from one )oltage to another. !. Ac is transmitted with lower loss in wires. C. Ac can be easily gotten from dc generators. D. Ac can be generated with less dangerous by4 products.

Ch&pter 11 Inductance pg 216 1. An inductor wor1s by: A. Charging a piece of wire. !. #toring energy as a magnetic field. C. Cho1ing off high4fre?uency ac. D. 'ntroducing resistance into a circuit. 2. ;hich of the following does not affect the inductance of a coil= A. The diameter of the wire. !. The number of turns. C. The type of core material. D. The length of the coil. ". 'n a small inductance: A. 5nergy is stored and released slowly. !. The current flow is always large. C. The current flow is always small. D. 5nergy is stored and released ?uic1ly. 4. A ferromagnetic core is placed in an inductor mainly to: A. 'ncrease the current carrying capacity. !. 'ncrease the inductance. C. 9imit the current. D. 2educe the inductance. *. 'nductors in series$ assuming there is no mutual inductance$ combine: A. 9i1e resistors in parallel. !. 9i1e resistors in series. C. 9i1e batteries in series with opposite polarities. D. 'n a way unli1e any other type of component. &. Two inductors are connected in series$ without mutual inductance. Their )alues are "" m( and ** m(. The net inductance of the combination is: A. 1.% (. !. 22 m(. C. %% m(. D. 21 m(. ,. 'f the same two inductors H"" m( and ** m(I are connected in parallel


!. #olenoidal. C. Toroidal. D. Transmission4line. 1/. At a fre?uency of /* +(.$ the best form for an inductor would be: A. Air4core. !. 8ot core. C. 5ither of the abo)e. D. 6either of the abo)e. 20. A transmission4line inductor made from coa ial cable$ ha)ing )elocity factor of 0.&&$ and wor1ing at 4*0 +(.$ would be shorter than: A. 1&., m. !. 11 m. C. 1&., cm. D. 11 cm.


CHAPTE- 11 CAPACITANCE pg2"2 1. Capacitance acts to store electrical energy as: A. Current. !. <oltage. C. A magnetic field. D. An electric field. 2. As capacitor plate area increases$ all other things being e?ual: A. The capacitance increases. !. The capacitance decreases. C. The capacitance does not change. D. The )oltage4handling ability increases. ". As the spacing between plates in a capacitor is made smaller$ all other things being e?ual: A. The capacitance increases. !. The capacitance decreases. C. The capacitance does not change. D. The )oltage4handling ability increases. 4. A material with a high dielectric constant: A. Acts to increase capacitance per unit )olume. !. Acts to decrease capacitance per unit )olume. C. (as no effect on capacitance. D. Causes a capacitor to become polari.ed. *. A capacitance of 100 p3 is the same as: A. 0.01 O3. !. 0.001 O3. C. 0.0001 O3. D. 0. 00001 O3. &. A capacitance of 0.0"" O3 is the same as: A. "" p3. !. ""0 p3. C. ""00 p3. D. ""$000 p3. ,. 3i)e 0.0*04O3 capacitors are connected in parallel. The total capacitance is: A. 0.010 O3. !. 0.2* O3. C. 0.*0 O3. D. 0.02* O3. %. 'f the same fi)e capacitors are connected in series$ the total capacitance will be: A. 0.010 O3. !. 0.2* O3. C. 0.*0 O3. D. 0.02* O3. /. Two capacitors are in series. Their )alues are 4, p3 and "" p3. The composite )alue is: A. %0 p3. !. 4, p3. C. "" p3. D. 1/ p3. 10. Two capacitors are in parallel. Their )alues are 4, p3 and 4,0 O3. The combination capacitance is: A. 4, p3. !. *1, p3. C. *1, O3. D. 4,0 O3. 11. Three capacitors are in parallel. Their )alues are 0.0200 O3$ 0.0*00 O3 and 0.10000 O3. The total apacitance is: A. 0.012* O3. !. 0.1,0 O3. C. 0.1 O3. D. 0.12* O3. 12. Air wor1s well as a dielectric mainly because it: A. (as a high dielectric constant. !. 's not physically dense. C. (as low loss. D. Allows for large capacitance in a small )olume. 1". ;hich of the following is not a characteristic of mica capacitors= A. (igh efficiency. !. #mall si.e. C. Capability to handle high )oltages. D. 9ow loss. 14. A dis1 ceramic capacitor might ha)e a )alue of: A. 100 p3. !. "" O3. C. 4,0 O3. D. 10$000 O3. 1*. A paper capacitor might ha)e a )alue of: A. 0.001 p3. !. 0.01 O3. C. 100 O3. D. ""00 O3. 1&. An air4)ariable capacitor might ha)e a range of: A. 0.01 O3 to 1 O3. !. 1 O3 to 100 O3. C. 1 p3 to 100 p3. D. 0.001 p3 to 0.1 p3. 1,. ;hich of the following types of capacitors is polari.ed= A. 8aper !. +ica. C. 'nterelectrode. D. 5lectrolytic. 1%. 'f a capacitor has a negati)e temperature coefficient: A. 'ts )alue decreases as the temperature rises. !. 'ts )alue increases as the temperature rises. C. 'ts )alue does not change with temperature. D. 't must be connected with the correct polarity. 1/. A capacitor is rated at "" p3$ plus or minus 10 percent. ;hich of the following capacitances is outside the acceptable range= A. "0 p3. !. ", p3. C. "* p3. D. "1 p3. 20. A capacitor$ rated at ""0 p3$ shows an actual )alue of "1, p3. (ow many percent off is its )alue= A. 0.0"/. !. "./. C. 0.041. D. 4.1.

Ch&pter 10 PHASE pg 24, 1. ;hich of the following is not a general characteristic of an ac wa)e= A. The wa)e shape is identical for each cycle. !. The polarity re)erses periodically. C. The electrons always flow in the same direction. D. There is a definite fre?uency. 2. A sine wa)e: A. Always has the same general appearance. !. (as instantaneous rise and fall times. C. 's in the same phase as a cosine wa)e. D. 2ises )ery fast$ but decays slowly. ". The deri)ati)e of a sine wa)e: A. 's shifted in phase by 1P2 cycle from the sine wa)e. !. 's a representation of the rate of change. C. (as instantaneous rise and fall times. D. 2ises )ery fast$ but decays slowly. 4. A phase difference of 1%0 degrees in the circular model represents: A. 1K4 re)olution. !. 1K2 re)olution. C. A full re)olution. D. Two full re)olutions. *. >ou can add or subtract a certain number of degrees of phase to or from a wa)e$ and end up with e actly the same wa)e again. This number is: A. /0. !. 1%0. C. 2,0. D. "&0. &. >ou can add or subtract a certain number of degrees of phase to or from a sine wa)e$ and end up with an in)erted Hupside4 downI representation of the original. This number is: A. /0. !. 1%0. C. 2,0. D. "&0. ,. A wa)e has a fre?uency of "00 1(.. 0ne complete cycle ta1es: A. 1P"00 second. !. 0.00""" second. C. 1P"$000 second.


D. 0.00000""" second. %. 'f a wa)e has a fre?uency of 440 (.$ how long does it ta1e for 10 degrees of phase= A. 0.002," second. !. 0.0002," second. C. 0.0000&"1 second. D. 0.00000&"1 second. /. Two wa)es are in phase coincidence. 0ne has a pea1 )alue of " < and the other a pea1 )alue of * <. The resultant will be: A. % < pea1$ in phase with the composites. !. 2 < pea1$ in phase with the composites. C. % < pea1$ in phase opposition with respect to the composites. D. 2 < pea1$ in phase opposition with respect to the composites. 10. #hifting the phase of an ac sine wa)e by /0 degrees is the same thing as: A. +o)ing it to the right or left by a full cycle. !. +o)ing it to the right or left by 1P4 cycle. C. Turning it upside4down. D. 9ea)ing it alone. 11. A phase difference of *40 degrees would more often be spo1en of as: A. An offset of more than one cycle. !. 8hase opposition. C. A cycle and a half. D. 1.* (.. 12. Two sine wa)es are in phase opposition. ;a)e X has a pea1 amplitude of 4 < and wa)e Y has a pea1 amplitude of % <. The resultant has a pea1 amplitude of: A. 4 <$ in phase with the composites. !. 4 <$ out of phase with the composites. C. 4 <$ in phase with wa)e X. D. 4 <$ in phase with wa)e Y. 1". 'f wa)e X leads wa)e Y by 4* degrees of phase$ then: A. ;a)e Y is 1P4 cycle ahead of wa)e X. !. ;a)e Y is 1P4 cycle behind wa)e X. C. ;a)e Y is 1P% cycle behind wa)e X. D. ;a)e Y is 1P1& cycle ahead of wa)e X. 14. 'f wa)e X lags wa)e Y by 1P" cycle$ then: A. Y is 120 degrees earlier than X. !. Y is /0 degrees earlier than X. C. Y is &0 degrees earlier than X. D. Y is "0 degrees earlier than X. 1*. 'n the drawing of 3ig. 12412: A. X lags Y by 4* degrees. !. X leads Y by 4* degrees. C. X lags Y by 1"* degrees. D. X leads Y by 1"* degrees.

10914 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestions 1& through 20. 1%. 'n )ector diagrams such as those of 3ig. 1241"$ the angle between two )ectors represents: A. A)erage amplitude. !. 3re?uency. C. 8hase difference. D. 8ea1 amplitude. 1/. 'n )ector diagrams such as those of 3ig. 1241"$ the distance from the center of the graph represents: A. A)erage amplitude. !. 3re?uency. C. 8hase difference. D. 8ea1 amplitude. 20. 'n diagrams li1e those of 3ig. 1241"$ the progression of time is sometimes depicted as: A. +o)ement to the right. !. +o)ement to the left. C. 2otation countercloc1wise. D. 2otation cloc1wise. Ch&pter 14 IN!UCTI;E -EACTANCE pg2&4 1. As the number of turns in a coil increases$ the current in the coil will e)entually: A. !ecome )ery large. !. #tay the same. C. Decrease to near .ero. D. !e stored in the core material. 2. As the number of turns in a coil increases$ the reactance: A. 'ncreases. !. Decreases. C. #tays the same. D. 's stored in the core material. ". As the fre?uency of an ac wa)e gets lower$ the )alue of XL for a particular coil: A. 'ncreases. !. Decreases. C. #tays the same. D. Depends on the )oltage. 4. A coil has an inductance of 100 m(. ;hat is the reactance at a fre?uency of 1000 (.= A. 0.&2% :. !. &.2% :. C. &2.% :. D. &2% :. *. A coil shows an inducti)e reactance of 200 : at *00 (.. ;hat is its inductance= A. 0.&", (. !. &2% (. C. &"., m(. D. &2% m(. &. A coil has an inductance of 400 G(. 'ts reactance is "" :. ;hat is the fre?uency= A. 1" 1(..

10910 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestion 1*. 1&. ;hich of the drawings in 3ig. 1241" represents the situation of 3ig. 12412= A. A. !. !. C. C. D. D. 1,. 'n )ector diagrams such as those of 3ig. 1241"$ length of the )ector represents: A. A)erage amplitude. !. 3re?uency. C. 8hase difference. D. 8ea1 amplitude.


!. 0.01" 1(.. C. %" 1(.. D. %" +(.. ,. An inductor has XL F *** : at f F 1"2 1(.. ;hat is L? A. &,0 m(. !. &,0 G(. C. 4&0 m(. D. 4&0 G(. %. A coil has L F &%/ G( at f F //0 1(.. ;hat is XL= A. &%2 :. !. 4.2% :. C. 4.2% E:. D. 4.2% +:. /. An inductor has L F %% m( with XL F 100 :. ;hat is f= A. **." 1(.. !. **." (.. C. 1%1 1(.. D. 1%1 (.. 10. 5ach point in the 29 plane: A. Corresponds to a uni?ue resistance. !. Corresponds to a uni?ue inductance. C. Corresponds to a uni?ue combination of resistance and inducti)e reactance. D. Corresponds to a uni?ue combination of resistance and inductance. 11. 'f the resistance R and the inducti)e reactance XL both )ary from .ero to unlimited )alues$ but are always in the ratio ":1$ the points in the 29 plane for all the resulting impedances will fall along: A. A )ector pointing straight up. !. A )ector pointing Least.M C. A circle. D. A ray of unlimited length. 12. 5ach impedance R F jXL: A. Corresponds to a uni?ue point in the 29 plane. !. Corresponds to a uni?ue inducti)e reactance. C. Corresponds to a uni?ue resistance. D. All of the abo)e. 1". A )ector is a ?uantity that has: A. +agnitude and direction. !. 2esistance and inductance. C. 2esistance and reactance. D. 'nductance and reactance. 14. 'n an 29 circuit$ as the ratio of inducti)e reactance to resistance$ XLKR$ decreases$ the phase angle: A. 'ncreases. !. Decreases. C. #tays the same. D. Cannot be found. 1*. 'n a purely reacti)e circuit$ the phase angle is: A. 'ncreasing. !. Decreasing. C. 0 degrees. D. /0 degrees. 1&. 'f the inducti)e reactance is the same as the resistance in an 29 circuit$ the phase angle is: A. 0 degrees. !. 4* degrees. C. /0 degrees. D. 'mpossible to find7 thereDs not enough data gi)en. 1,. 'n 3ig. 1"414$ the impedance shown is: A. %.0. !. /0. C. /0 F j%.0. D. %.0 F j/0. 1%. 'n 3ig. 1"414$ note that the 2 and XL scale di)isions are of different si.es. The phase angle is: A. About *0 degrees$ from the loo1s of it. !. 4% degrees$ as measured with a protractor. C. %* degrees$ as calculated trigonometrically. D. &.* degrees$ as calculated trigonometrically. 1/ An 29 circuit consists of a 1004G( inductor and a 1004: resistor. ;hat is the phase angle at a fre?uency of 200 1(.= A. 4*.0 degrees. !. *1.* degrees. C. "%.* degrees. D. There isnDt enough data to 1now. 20. An 29 circuit has an inductance of %% m(. The resistance is /* :. ;hat is the phase angle at %00 (.= A. ,% degrees. !. 12 degrees. C. 4" degrees. D. 4, degrees.

14917 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestions 1, and 1%. Chapter 14 CAPACITI;E -EACTACTANCE pg 2%0 1. As the si.e of the plates in a capacitor increases$ all other things being e?ual: A. The )alue of XC increases negati)ely. !. The )alue of XC decreases negati)ely. C. The )alue of XC does not change. D. >ou canDt say what happens to XC without more data. 2. 'f the dielectric material between the plates of a capacitor is changed$ all other things being e?ual: A. The )alue of XC increases negati)ely. !. The )alue of XC decreases negati)ely. C. The )alue of XC does not change. D. >ou canDt say what happens to XC without more data. ". As the fre?uency of a wa)e gets lower$ all other things being e?ual$ the )alue of XC for a capacitor: A. 'ncreases negati)ely. !. Decreases negati)ely. C. Does not change. D. Depends on the current. 4. A capacitor has a )alue of ""0 p3. ;hat is its capaciti)e reactance at a fre?uency of %00 1(.= A. F1.&& :. !. F0.001&& :. C. F&0" :. D. F&0" E:. *. A capacitor has a reactance of F4.*0 : at ",, (.. ;hat is its capacitance= A. /."/ G3. !. /"./ G3. C. ,.42 G3. D. ,4.2 G3. &. A capacitor has a )alue of 4, G3. 'ts reactance is F4, :. ;hat is the fre?uency= A. ,2 (.. !. ,.2 +(.. C. 0.0000,2 (.. D. ,.2 (.. ,. A capacitor has XCFF%%00 : at f F %"0 1(.. ;hat is C= A. 2.1% G3.


!. 21.% p3. C. 0.0021% G3. D. 2.1% p3. %. A capacitor has C F 1&& p3 at f F 400 1(.. ;hat is XC= A. F2.4 E :. !. F2.4 :. C. F2.4 N 10F& :. D. F2.4 + :. /. A capacitor has C F 4,00 G3 and XCFF"" :. ;hat is f= A. 1.0 (.. !. 10 (.. C. 1.0 1(.. D. 10 1(.. 10. 5ach point in the 2C plane: A. Corresponds to a uni?ue inductance. !. Corresponds to a uni?ue capacitance. C. Corresponds to a uni?ue combination of resistance and capacitance. D. Corresponds to a uni?ue combination of resistance and reactance. 11 'f R increases in an 2C circuit$ but XC is always .ero$ then the )ector in the 2C plane will: A. 2otate cloc1wise. !. 2otate countercloc1wise. C. Always point straight towards the right. D. Always point straight down. 12. 'f the resistance R increases in an 2C circuit$ but the capacitance and the fre?uency are non.ero and constant$ then the )ector in the 2C plane will: A. Cet longer and rotate cloc1wise. !. Cet longer and rotate countercloc1wise. C. Cet shorter and rotate cloc1wise. D. Cet shorter and rotate countercloc1wise. 1". 5ach impedance R F jXC: A. 2epresents a uni?ue combination of resistance and capacitance. !. 2epresents a uni?ue combination of resistance and reactance. C. 2epresents a uni?ue combination of resistance and fre?uency. D. All of the abo)e. 14. 'n an 2C circuit$ as the ratio of capaciti)e reactance to resistance$ FXCKR$ gets closer to .ero$ the phase angle: A. Cets closer to F/0 degrees. !. Cets closer to 0 degrees. C. #tays the same. D. Cannot be found. 1*. 'n a purely resisti)e circuit$ the phase angle is: A. 'ncreasing. !. Decreasing. C. 0 degrees. D. F/0 degrees. 1&. 'f the ratio of XCKR is 1$ the phase angle is: A. 0 degrees. !. F4* degrees. C. F/0 degrees. D. 'mpossible to find7 thereDs not enough data gi)en. 1,. 'n 3ig. 1441"$ the impedance shown is: A. %.02 F j"2". !. "2" F j%.02. C. %.02 F j"2". D. "2" F j%.02.

17914 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestions 1, and 1%. 1%. 'n 3ig. 1441"$ note that the R and XC scale di)isions are not the same si.e. The phase angle is A. 1.42 degrees. !. About F&0 degress$ from the loo1s of it. C.F*%./ degrees. D. F%%.& degrees. 1/. An 2C circuit consists of a 1*04p3 capacitor and a ""0 : resisitor in series. ;hat is the phase angle at a fre?uency of 1."4 +(.= A. Q&,.4 degrees. !. Q22.& degrees. C. Q24.4 degrees. D. Q&*.& degrees. 20. An 2C circuit has a capitance of 0.01* G3. The resistance is *2 :. ;hat is the phase angle at /0 1(.= A. Q24 degrees. !. Q0.01, degrees. C. Q&& degrees. D. 6one of the abo)e. C(A8T52 1* Impe.&n(e &n. &.m$tt&n(e pg"01 1. The s?uare of an imaginary number: A. Can ne)er be negati)e. !. Can ne)er be positi)e. C. +ight be either positi)e or negati)e. D. 's e?ual to j. 2. A comple number: A. 's the same thing as an imaginary number. !. (as a real part and an imaginary part. C. 's one4dimensional. D. 's a concept reser)ed for elite imaginations. ". ;hat is the sum of " F j, and F" F j,= A. 0 F j0 !. & F j14. C. F& F j14. D. 0 F j14. 4. ;hat is HF * F j,I F H4 F j*I= A. F1 F j2. !. F/ F j2. C. F1 F j2. D. F/ F j12. *. ;hat is the product HF4 F j,IH& F j2I= A. 24 F j14. !. F"% F j"4. C. F24 Q j14. D. F24 F j14. &. ;hat is the magnitude of the )ector 1% F j24= A. 42. !. F42. C. "0. D. F"0. ,. The impedance )ector * F j0 represents: A. A pure resistance. !. A pure inductance.


C. A pure capacitance. D. An inductance combined with a capacitance. %. The impedance )ector 0 F j22 represents: A. A pure resistance. !. A pure inductance. C. A pure capacitance. D. An inductance combined with a resistance. /. ;hat is the absolute4)alue impedance of ".0 F j&.0= A. F /.0 O. !. F ".0 O. C. F 4* O. D. F &., O. 10. ;hat is the absolute4)alue impedance of *0 F j2"*= A. F 240 O. !. F *%$000 O. C. F 2%* O. D. FF1%* O. 11. 'f the center conductor of a coa ial cable is made to ha)e smaller diameter$ all other things being e?ual$ what will happen to the o of the transmission line= A. 't will increase. !. 't will decrease. C. 't will stay the same. D. There is no way to 1now. 12. 'f a de)ice is said to ha)e an impedance of F 100 O$ this would most often mean that: A. R F jR F 100 F j0. !. R F jR F 0 F j100. C. R F jR F 0 F j100. D. >ou need to 1now more specific information. 1". A capacitor has a )alue of 0.0*0 G3 at &&* 1(.. ;hat is the capaciti)e susceptance= A. j4.,/. !. Fj4.,/. C. j0. 20/. D. Fj0. 20/. 14. An inductor has a )alue of 44 m( at &0 (.. ;hat is the inducti)e susceptance= A.. Fj0.0&0. !. j0.0&0. C. Fj1,. D. j1,. 1*. #usceptance and conductance add to form: A. 'mpedance. !. 'nductance. C. 2eactance. D. Admittance. 1&. Absolute4)alue impedance is e?ual to the s?uare root of: A. !2 F"2 !. R2 F X2. C. o. D. Y. 1,. 'nducti)e susceptance is measured in: A. 0hms. !. (enrys. C. 3arads. D. #iemens. 1%. Capaciti)e susceptance is: A. 8ositi)e and real )alued. !. 6egati)e and real )alued. C. 8ositi)e and imaginary. D. 6egati)e and imaginary. 1/. ;hich of the following is false= A. "C F 1KXC. !. Comple impedance can be depicted as a )ector. C. Characteristic impedance is comple . D. ! F 1KR. 20. 'n general$ the greater the absolute )alue of the impedance in a circuit: A. The greater the flow of alternating current. !. The less the flow of alternating current. C. The larger the reactance. D. The larger the resistance. Ions

CHAPTE- 16 -LC ($r(u$t &n& +s$s pg"22 1. A coil and capacitor are connected in series. The inducti)e reactance is 2*0 :$ and the capaciti)e eactance is F"00 :. ;hat is the net impedance )ector$ R F jX= A. 0 F j**0. !. 0 F j*0. C. 2*0 F j"00 D. F"00 F j2*0. 2. A coil of 2*.0 G( and capacitor of 100 p3 are connected in series. The fre?uency is *.00 +(.. ;hat is the impedance )ector$ R F jX= A 0 F j4&,. !. 2* F j100. C. 0 F j4&,. D. 2* F j100. ". ;hen R F 0 in a series 29C circuit$ but the net reactance is not .ero$ the impedance )ector: A. Always points straight up. !. Always points straight down. C. Always points straight towards the right. D. 6one of the abo)e. 4. A resistor of 1*0 :$ a coil with reactance 100 : and a capacitor with reactance Q200 : are connected in series. ;hat is the comple impedance R F jX= A. 1*0 F j100. !. 1*0 F j200. C. 100 F j200. D. 1*0 F j100. *. A resistor of ""0 :$ a coil of 1.00 G( and a capacitor of 200 p3 are in series. ;hat is R F jX at 10.0 +(.= A. ""0 F j1//. !. "00 F j201. C. "00 F j142. D. ""0 F j1&.%. &. A coil has an inductance of ".00 G( and a resistance of 10.0 : in its winding. A capacitor of 100 p3 is in series with this coil. ;hat is R F jX at 10.0 +(.= A. 10 F j".00. !. 10 F j2/.2. C. 10 F j/,. D. 10 F j"4%. ,. A coil has a reactance of 4.00 :. ;hat is the admittance )ector$ ! F j", assuming nothing else is in the circuit= A. 0 F j0.2*. !. 0 F j4.00. C. 0 Q j0.2*. D. 0 F j4.00. %. ;hat will happen to the susceptance of a capacitor if the fre?uency is doubled$ all other things being e?ual= A. 't will decrease to half its former )alue. !. 't will not change. C. 't will double. D. 't will ?uadruple. /. A coil and capacitor are in parallel$ with j"9FFj0.0* and j"C F j0.0". ;hat is the admittance )ector$ assuming that nothing is in series or parallel with these components= A. 0 F j0.02. !. 0 F j0.0,. C. 0 F j0.02. D. F0.0* F j0.0". 10. A coil$ resistor$ and capacitor are in parallel. The resistance is 1 : 7 the capaciti)e susceptance is 1.0 siemens7 the inducti)e susceptance is F1.0 siemens. Then the fre?uency is cut to half its former )alue. ;hat will be the admittance )ector$ ! F j"$ at the new fre?uency= A. 1 F j0. !. 1 F jl.*. C. 1 F jl.*. D. 1 Q j2. 11. A coil of ".*0 G( and a capacitor of 4,.0 p3 are in parallel. The fre?uency is /.** +(.. There is nothing else in series or parallel with these components. ;hat is the admittance )ector= A. 0 F j0.002%2.


!. 0 Q j0.001/4. C. 0 F j0.001/4. D. 0 Q j0.00,*%. 12. A )ector pointing LsoutheastM in the C! plane would indicate the following: A. 8ure conductance$ .ero susceptance. !. Conductance and inducti)e susceptance. C. Conductance and capaciti)e susceptance. D. 8ure susceptance$ .ero conductance. 1". A resistor of 0.0044 siemens$ a capacitor whose susceptance is 0.0"* siemens$ and a coil whose susceptance is F0.011 siemens are all connected in parallel. The admittance )ector is: A. 0.0044 F j0.024. !. 0.0"* Q j0.011. C. F0.011 F j0.0"*. D. 0.0044 F j0.04&. 14. A resistor of 100 :$ a coil of 4.*0 G($ and a capacitor of 220 p3 are in parallel. ;hat is the admittance )ector at &.*0 +(.= A. 100 F j0.00"*4. !. 0.010 F j0.00"*4. C. 100 Q j0.0144. D. 0.010 F j0.0144. 1*. The admittance for a circuit$ ! F j"$ is 0.02 F j0.20. ;hat is the impedance$ 2 FjX= A. *0 F j*.0. !. 0.4/* F j4./*. C. *0 F j*.0. D. 0.4/* F j4./*. 1&. A resistor of *1.0 :$ an inductor of 22.0 G( and a capacitor of 1*0 p3 are in parallel. The fre?uency is 1.00 +(.. ;hat is the comple impedance$ R F jX= A. *1.0 F j14./. !. *1.0 F j14./. C. 4&.2 F j14./. D. 4&.2 F j14./. 1,. A series circuit has //.0 : of resistance and %%.0 : of inducti)e reactance. An ac rms )oltage of 11, < is applied to this series networ1. ;hat is the current= A. 1.1% A. !. 1.1" A. C. 0.%%& A. D. 0.%4& A. 1%. ;hat is the )oltage across the reactance in the abo)e e ample= A. ,%.0 <. !. **.1 <. C. //.4 <. D. ,4.4 <. 1/. A parallel circuit has 10 ohms of resistance and 1* : of reactance. An ac rms )oltage of 20 < is applied across it. ;hat is the total current= A. 2.00 A. !. 2.40 A. C. 1."" A. D. 0.%00 A. 20. ;hat is the current through the resistance in the abo)e e ample= A. 2.00 A. !. 2.40 A. C. 1."" A. D. 0.%00 A. D. (eat loss in a feed line. ". The apparent power in a circuit is 100 watts$ and the imaginary power is 40 watts. The true power is: A. /2 watts. !. 100 watts. C. 140 watts. D. 6ot determinable from this information. 4.8ower factor is e?ual to: A. Apparent power di)ided by true power. !. 'maginary power di)ided by apparent power. C. 'maginary power di)ided by true power. D. True power di)ided by apparent power. *. A circuit has a resistance of "00 ; and an inductance of 1".* G( in series at 10.0 +(.. ;hat is the power factor= A. 0.""4. !. 0.///. C. 0.*/*. D. 't canDt be found from the data gi)en. &. A series circuit has F %%.4 :$ with R F *0.0 :. ;hat is 83= A. //./ percent. !. *&.& percent. C. &0.* percent. D. 2/.* percent. ,. A series circuit has R F *".* : and X F ,*.* :. ;hat is 83= A. ,0./ percent. !. %1.& percent. C. *,.% percent. D. &".2 percent. %. 8hase angle is e?ual to: A. Arctan KR. !. Arctan RK . C. Arctan RKX. D. Arctan XKR. /. A wattmeter shows 220 watts of <A power in a circuit. There is a resistance of *0 : in series with a capaciti)e reactance of S20 :. ;hat is the true power= A. 2", watts. !. 204 watts. C. %%.0 watts. D. %1.& watts. 10. A wattmeter shows *, watts of <A power in a circuit. The resistance is 1nown to be *0 :$ and the true power is 1nown to be 40 watts. ;hat is the absolute4)alue impedance= A. *0 :. !. *, :. C. ,1 :. D. 't canDt be calculated from this data. 11. ;hich of the following is the most important consideration in a transmission line= A. The characteristic impedance. !. The resistance. C. +inimi.ing the loss. D. The <A power. 12. ;hich of the following does not increase the loss in a transmission line= A. 2educing the power output of the source. !. 'ncreasing the degree of mismatch between the line and the load. C. 2educing the diameter of the line conductors. D. 2aising the fre?uency. 1". A problem that standing wa)es can cause is: A. 3eed line o)erheating. !. 5 cessi)e power loss. C. 'naccuracy in power measurement. D. All of the abo)e. 14. A coil and capacitor are in series. The inductance is %% m( and the capacitance is 1000 p3. ;hat is the resonant fre?uency= A. 1, 1(.. !. *40 (.. C. 1, +(.. D. *40 1(.. 1*. A coil and capacitor are in parallel$ with L F 10.0 G( and C F 10 p3. ;hat is fo= A. 1*./ 1(..

Ch&pter 15 Po*er &n. reson&n(e $n &( ($r(u$ts pg"44 1. The power in a reactance is: A. 2adiated power. !. True power. C. 'maginary power. D. Apparent power. 2. ;hich of the following is not an e ample of true power= A. 8ower that heats a resistor. !. 8ower radiated from an antenna. C. 8ower in a capacitor.


!. *.04 +(.. C. 1*./ +(.. D. *0.4 +(.. 1&. A series4resonant circuit is to be made for 14.1 +(.. A coil of 1".* G( is a)ailable. ;hat si.e capacitor is needed= A. 0./4* G3. !. /.4* p3. C. /4.* p3. D. /4* p3. 1,. A parallel4resonant circuit is to be made for 21." +(.. A capacitor of 22.0 p3 is a)ailable. ;hat si.e coil is needed= A. 2.*4 m(. !. 2*4 G(. C. 2*.4 G(. D. 2.*4 G(. 1%. A 1K44wa)e line section is made for 21.1 +(.$ using cable with a )elocity factor of 0.%00. (ow many meters long is it= A. 11.1 m. !. ".** m. C. %.%, m. D. 2.%4 m. 1/. The fourth harmonic of %00 1(. is: A. 200 1(.. !. 400 1(.. C. ".20 +(.. D. 4.00 +(.. 20. (ow long is a 1K24wa)e dipole for ".&0 +(.= A. 1"0 feet. !. 1&%0 feet. C. "/., feet. D. *1* feet.


Ch&pter 1" Tr&nsformers &n. $mpe.&n(e m&t(h$n% pg"&" 1. 'n a step4up transformer: A. The primary impedance is greater than the secondary impedance. !. The secondary winding is right on top of the primary. C. The primary )oltage is less than the secondary )oltage. D. All of the abo)e. 2. The capacitance between the primary and the secondary windings of a transformer can be minimi.ed by: A. 8lacing the windings on opposite sides of a toroidal core. !. ;inding the secondary right on top of the primary. C. @sing the highest possible fre?uency. D. @sing a center tap on the balanced winding. ". A transformer steps a )oltage down from 11, < to &.00 <. ;hat is its primary4to4secondary turns ratio= A. 1:"%0. !. "%0:1. C. 1:1/.*. D. 1/.*:1. 4. A step4up transformer has a primary4to4secondary turns ratio of 1:*.00. 'f 11, < rms appears at the primary$ what is the rms )oltage across the secondary= A. 2".4 <. !. *%* <. C. 11, <. D. 2./" 1<. *. A transformer has a secondary4to4primary turns ratio of 0.1&,. This transformer is: A. A step4up unit. !. A step4down unit. C. 6either step4up nor step4down. D. A re)ersible unit. &. ;hich of the following is fa#se$ concerning air cores )ersus ferromagnetic cores= A. Air concentrates the magnetic lines of flu . !. Air wor1s at higher fre?uencies than ferromagnetics. C. 3erromagnetics are lossier than air. D. A ferromagnetic4core unit needs fewer turns of wire than an e?ui)alent air4core unit. ,. 5ddy currents cause: A. An increase in efficiency. !. An increase in coupling between windings. C. An increase in core loss. D. An increase in usable fre?uency range. %. A transformer has 11, < rms across its primary and 2"4 < rms across its secondary. 'f this unit is re)ersed$ assuming it can be done without damaging the windings$ what will be the )oltage at the output= A. 2"4 <. !. 4&% <. C. 11, <. D. *%.* <. /. The shell method of transformer winding: A. 8ro)ides ma imum coupling. !. +inimi.es capacitance between windings. C. ;ithstands more )oltage than other winding methods. D. (as windings far apart but along a common a is. 10. ;hich of these core types$ in general$ is best if you need a winding inductance of 1.* (= A. Air core. !. 3erromagnetic solenoid core. C. 3erromagnetic toroid core. D. 3erromagnetic pot core. 11. An ad)antage of a toroid core o)er a solenoid core is: A. The toroid wor1s at higher fre?uencies. !. The toroid confines the magnetic flu . C. The toroid can wor1 for dc as well as for ac. D. 'tDs easier to wind the turns on a toroid. 12. (igh )oltage is used in long4distance power transmission because: A. 't is easier to regulate than low )oltage. !. The I2R losses are lower. C. The electromagnetic fields are stronger. D. #maller transformers can be used. 1". 'n a household circuit$ the 2"44< power has: A. 0ne phase. !. Two phases. C. Three phases. D. 3our phases. 14. 'n a transformer$ a center tap would probably be found in: A. The primary winding. !. The secondary winding. C. The unbalanced winding. D. The balanced winding. 1*. An autotransformer: A. ;or1s automatically. !. (as a center4tapped secondary. C. (as one tapped winding. D. 's useful only for impedance matching. 1&. A transformer has a primary4to4secondary turns ratio of 2.00:1. The input impedance is "00 : resisti)e. ;hat is the output impedance= A. ,* :. !. 1*0 :. C. &00 :. D. 1200 :. 1,. A resisti)e input impedance of *0 : must be matched to a resisti)e output impedance of 4*0 :. The primary4to4secondary turns ratio of the transformer must be: A. /.00:1. !. ".00:1. C. 1:".00. D. 1:/.00. 1%. A ?uarter4wa)e matching section has a characteristic impedance of ,*.0 :. The input impedance is *0.0 : resisti)e. ;hat is the resisti)e output impedance= A. 1*0 :. !. 12* :. C. 100 :. D. 11" :. 1/. A resisti)e impedance of ,* : must be matched to a resisti)e impedance of "00 :. A ?uarter4wa)e section would need: A. o F 1%% :. !. oF 1*0 :. C. o F 22* :. D. o F ",* :. 20. 'f there is reactance at the output of an impedance transformer: A. The circuit will not wor1. !. There will be an impedance mismatch$ no matter what the turns ratio of the transformer. C. A center tap must be used at the secondary. D. The turns ratio must be changed to obtain a match.

T5#T 8A2T 2 1. A series circuit has a resistance of 100 : and a capaciti)e reactance of 4200 :. The comple impedance is: A. F200 F -100. !. 100 F -200. C. 200 F -100. D. 200 F -100. 5. 100 F -200. 2. +utual inductance causes the net )alue of a set of coils to: A. Cancel out$ resulting in .ero inductance. !. !e greater than what it would be with no mutual coupling. C. !e less than what it would be with no mutual coupling. D. Double. 5. <ary$ depending on the e tent and phase of mutual coupling. ". 2efer to 3ig. T5#T 241. ;a)e A is: A. 9eading wa)e ! by /0 degrees.


!. 9agging wa)e ! by /0 degrees. C. 9eading wa)e ! by 1%0 degrees. D. 9agging wa)e ! by 1"* degrees. 4. A sine wa)e has a pea1 )alue of "0.0 <. 'ts rms )alue is: A. 21.2 <. !. "0.0 <. C. 42.4 <. D. &0.0 <. 5. /0.0 <. *. 3our capacitors are connected in parallel. Their )alues are 100 p3 each. The net capacitance is: A. 2* p3. !. *0 p3. C. 100 p3. D. 200 p3. 5. 400 p3. &. A transformer has a primary4to4secondary turns ratio of e actly %.%%:1. The input )oltage is 2"4 < rms. The output )oltage is: A. 2.0% 1< rms. !. 1%.* 1< rms. C. 2./, < rms. D. 2&.4 < rms. 5. 20.% < rms. ,. 'n a series 29 circuit$ as the resistance becomes small compared with the reactance$ the angle of lag approaches: A. 0 degrees. 5. 9agging wa)e ! by 4* degrees. !. 4* degrees. C. /0 degrees. D. 1%0 degrees. 5. "&0 degrees. %. A transmission line carries ".*0 A of ac current and 1*0 < ac. The tr$e po%er in the line is: A. *2* ;. !. 42./ ;. C. 1.%4 ;. D. +eaningless7 true power is dissipated$ not transmitted. 5. <ariable$ depending on standing wa)e effects. /. 'n a parallel configuration$ susceptances: A. #imply add up. !. Add li1e capacitances in series. C. Add li1e inductances in parallel. D. +ust be changed to reactances before you can wor1 with them. 5. Cancel out. 10. A wa)e has a fre?uency of 200 1(.. (ow many degrees of phase change occur in a microsecond Ha millionth of a secondI= A. 1%0 degrees. !. 144 degrees. C. 120 degrees. D. /0 degrees. 5. ,2 degrees. 11. At a fre?uency of 2.** +(.$ a ""04p3 capacitor has a reactance of: A. S*.2% :. !. S0.00*2% :. C. S1%/ :. D. S1%./1 :. 5. S0.0001%/ :. 12. A transformer has a step4up turns ratio of 1:".1&. The output impedance is 4// : purely resisti)e. The input impedance is: A. *0.0 :. !. 1*% :. C. 1.*%1 :. D. 4./%1 :. 5. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. 1". A comple impedance is represented by "4 S j2". The absolute4)alue impedance is: A. "4 :. !. 11 :. C. F2" :. D. 41 :. 5. *, :. 14. A coil has an inductance of ,*0 G(. The inducti)e reactance at 100 1(. is: A. ,*.0 :. !. ,*.0 1:. C. 4,1 :. D. 4,.1 1:. 5. 212 :. 1*. Two wa)es are 1%0 degrees out of phase. This is a difference of: A. 1K% cycle. !. 1K4 cycle. C. 1K2 cycle. D. A full cycle. 5. Two full cycles. 1&. 'f R denotes resistance and denotes absolute4)alue impedance$ then RK is the: A. True power. !. 'maginary power. C. Apparent power. D. Absolute4)alue power. 5. 8ower factor. 1,. Two comple impedances are in series. 0ne is "0 T j*0 and the other is *0 S j"0. The net impedance is: A. %0 T j%0. !. 20 T j20. C. 20 F j20. D. F20 T j20. 5. %0 T j20. 1%. Two inductors$ ha)ing )alues of 140 G( and 1.*0 m($ are connected in series. The net inductance is: A. 141.* G(. !. 1.&4 G(. C. 0.141* m(. D. 1.&4 m(. 5. 0.1&4 m(. 1/. ;hich of the following types of capacitor is polari.ed= A. +ica. !. 8aper. C. 5lectrolytic. D. Air )ariable. 5. Ceramic. 20. A toroidal4core coil: A. (as lower inductance than an air4core coil with the same number of turns. !. 's essentially self4shielding. C. ;or1s well as a loopstic1 antenna. D. 's ideal as a transmission4line transformer. 5. Cannot be used at fre?uencies below about 10 +(.. 21. The efficiency of a generator: A. Depends on the dri)ing power source. !. 's e?ual to output power di)ided by dri)ing power. C. Depends on the nature of the load. D. 's e?ual to dri)ing )oltage di)ided by output )oltage. 5. 's e?ual to dri)ing current di)ided by output current. 22. Admittance is: A. The reciprocal of reactance. !. The reciprocal of resistance. C. A measure of the opposition a circuit offers to ac. D. A measure of the ease with which a circuit passes ac. 5. Another e pression for absolute4)alue impedance. 2". The absolute4)alue impedance of a parallel 29C circuit$ where R is the resistance and X is the net reactance$ is found according to the formula: A. F R T X. !. 2F R2 T X2. C. 2F RXKHR2 T X2I. D. B F 1KHR2 T X2I. 5. F R2X2&'R T XI. 24. Comple numbers are used to represent impedance because: A. 2eactance cannot store power. !. 2eactance isnDt a real physical thing. C. They pro)ide a way to represent what happens in resistance4reactance circuits.


D. 5ngineers li1e to wor1 with sophisticated mathematics. 5. 6oU Comple numbers arenDt used to represent impedance. 2*. ;hich of the following does not affect the capacitance of a capacitor= A. The mutual surface area of the plates. !. The dielectric constant of the material between the plates Hwithin reasonI. C. The spacing between the plates Hwithin reasonI. D. The amount of o)erlap between plates. 5. The fre?uency Hwithin reasonI. 2&. The .ero4degree phase point in an ac sine wa)e is usually considered to be the instant at which the amplitude is: A. Bero and negati)e4going. !. At its negati)e pea1. C. Bero and positi)e4going. D. At its positi)e pea1. 5. Any )alue7 it doesnDt matter. 2,. The inductance of a coil can be continuously )aried by: A. <arying the fre?uency. !. <arying the net core permeability. C. <arying the current in the coil. D. <arying the wa)elength. 5. <arying the )oltage across the coil. 2%. 8ower factor is defined as the ratio of: A. True power to <A power. !. True power to imaginary power. C. 'maginary power to <A power. D. 'maginary power to true power. 5. <A power to true power. 2/. A *0 : feed line needs to be matched to an antenna with a purely resisti)e impedance of 200 :. A ?uarter4wa)e matching section should ha)e: A. o F 1*0 :. !. o F 2*0 :. C. o F 12* :. D. o F 1"" :. 5. o F 100 :. "0. The )ector 40 T j"0 represents: A. 40 : resistance and "0 G( inductance. !. 40 u( inductance and "0 : resistance. C. 40 : resistance and "0 : inducti)e reactance. D. 40 : inducti)e reactance and "0 : resistance. 5. 40 u( inducti)e reactance and "0 : resistance. "1. 'n a series 2C circuit$ where$ R F "00 : and XC F S"0 :: A. The current leads the )oltage by a few degrees. !. The current leads the )oltage by almost /0 degrees. C. The )oltage leads the current by a few degrees. D. The )oltage leads the current by almost /0 degrees. 5. The )oltage leads the current by /0 degrees. "2. 'n a step4down transformer: A. The primary )oltage is greater than the secondary )oltage. !. The primary impedance is less than the secondary impedance. C. The secondary )oltage is greater than the primary )oltage. D. The output fre?uency is higher than the input fre?uency. 5. The output fre?uency is lower than the input fre?uency. "". A capacitor of 4,0 p3 is in parallel with an inductor of 4.44 G(. ;hat is the resonant fre?uency= A. ".4/ +(.. !. ".4/ 1(.. C. 1".0 +(.. D. 1".0 C(.. 5. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. "4. A sine wa)e contains energy at: A. Vust one fre?uency. !. A fre?uency and its e)en harmonics. C. A fre?uency and its odd harmonics. D. A fre?uency and all its harmonics. 5. A fre?uency and its second harmonic only. "*. 'nducti)e susceptance is: A. The reciprocal of inductance. !. 6egati)e imaginary. C. 5?ual to capaciti)e reactance. D. The reciprocal of capaciti)e susceptance. 5. A measure of the opposition a coil offers to ac. "&. The rate of change Hderi)ati)eI of a sine wa)e is itself a wa)e that: A. 's in phase with the original wa)e. !. 's 1%0 degrees out of phase with the original wa)e. C. 9eads the original wa)e by 4* degrees of phase. D. 9ags the original wa)e by /0 degrees of phase. 5. 9eads the original wa)e by /0 degrees of phase. ",. True power is e?ual to: A. <A power plus imaginary power. !. 'maginary power minus <A power. C. <ector difference of <A and reacti)e power. D. <A power7 the two are the same thing. 5. 0.,0, times the <A power. "%. Three capacitors are connected in series. Their )alues are 4, G3$ &% G3$ and 100 G3. The total capacitance is: A. 21* G3. !. !etween &% G3 and 100 G3. C. !etween 4, G3 and &% G3. D. 22 G3. 5. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. "/. The reactance of a section of transmission line depends on all of the following e(cept: A. The )elocity factor of the line. !. The length of the section. C. The current in the line. D. The fre?uency. 5. The wa)elength. 40. ;hen confronted with a parallel 29C circuit and you need to find the comple impedance: A. Vust add the resistance and reactance to get R T jX. !. 3ind the net conductance and susceptance$ then con)ert to resistance and reactance$ and add these to get R T jX. C. 3ind the net conductance and susceptance$ and -ust add these together to get R T jX. D. 2earrange the components so theyDre in series$ and find the comple impedance of that circuit. 5. #ubtract reactance from resistance to get R S jX. 41. The illustration in 3ig. Test 242 shows a )ector R T jX representing: A. XC F &0 : and R F 2* :. !. X9 F &0 : and R F 2* :. C. X9 F &0 G( and R F 2* :. D. C F &0 G3 and R F 2* :. 5. L F &0 G( and R F 2* :. ?uestion 41. 42. 'f two sine wa)es ha)e the same fre?uency and the same amplitude$ but they cancel out$ the phase difference is: A. 4* degrees. !. /0 degrees. C. 1%0 degrees. D. 2,0 degrees. 5. "&0 degrees. 4". A series circuit has a resistance of *0 : and a capaciti)e reactance of S", :. The phase angle is: A. ", degrees. !. *" degrees. C. S", degrees. D. S*" degrees. 5. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. 44. A 2004: resistor is in series with a coil and capacitor7 X9 F 200 : and XC F S100 :. The comple impedance is: A. 200 S j100. !. 200 S j200. C. 200 T j100. D. 200 T j200. 5. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en.


4*. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line: A. 's negati)e imaginary. !. 's positi)e imaginary. C. Depends on the fre?uency. D. Depends on the construction of the line. 5. Depends on the length of the line. 4&. The period of a wa)e is 2 F 10S% second. The fre?uency is: A. 2 F 10% (.. !. 20 +(.. C. *0 1(.. D. *0 +(.. 5. *00 +(.. 4,. A series circuit has a resistance of &00 : and a capacitance of 220 p3. The phase angle is: A. S20 degrees. !. 20 degrees. C. S,0 degrees. D. ,0 degrees. 5. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. 4%. A capacitor with a negati)e temperature coefficient: A. ;or1s less well as the temperature increases. !. ;or1s better as the temperature increases. C. (eats up as its )alue is made larger. D. Cools down as its )alue is made larger. 5. (as increasing capacitance as temperature goes down. 4/. Three coils are connected in parallel. 5ach has an inductance of "00G(. There is no mutual inductance. The net inductance is: A. 100 G(. !. "00 G(. C. /00 G(. D. 1,." G(. 5. 1," G(. *0. An inductor shows 100 : of reactance at "0.0 +(.. ;hat is its inductance= A. 0.*"1 G(. !. 1%.% m(. C. *"1 G(. D. 1%.% G(. 5. 't canDt be found from the data gi)en D. <oltage regulators. ,. 0f the following$ which material allows the lowest forward )oltage drop in a diode= A. #elenium. !. #ilicon. C. Copper. D. Cermanium. %. A C+0# integrated circuit: A. Can only wor1 at low fre?uencies. !. 's susceptible to damage by static. C. 2e?uires considerable power to function. D. 6eeds )ery high )oltage. /. The purpose of doping is to: A. +a1e the charge carriers mo)e faster. !. Cause holes to flow. C. Ci)e a semiconductor material certain properties. D. 8rotect de)ices from damage in case of transients. 10. A semiconductor material is made into 6 type by: A. Adding an acceptor impurity. !. Adding a donor impurity. C. 'n-ecting electrons. D. Ta1ing electrons away. 11. ;hich of the following )oes not result from adding an acceptor impurity= A. The material becomes 8 type. !. Current flows mainly in the form of holes. C. +ost of the carriers ha)e positi)e electric charge. D. The substance has an electron surplus. 12. 'n a 84type material$ electrons are: A. +a-ority carriers. !. +inority carriers. C. 8ositi)ely charged. D. 5ntirely absent. 1". (oles flow from: A. +inus to plus. !. 8lus to minus. C. 84type to 64type material. D. 64type to 84type material. 14. ;hen a 846 -unction does not conduct$ it is: A. 2e)erse biased. !. 3orward biased. C. !iased past the brea1er )oltage. D. 'n a state of a)alanche effect. 1*. (oles flow the opposite way from electrons because: A. Charge carriers flow continuously. !. Charge carriers are passed from atom to atom. C. They ha)e the same polarity. D. 6oU (oles flow in the same direction as electrons. 1&. 'f an electron has a charge of F1 unit$ a hole has: A. A charge of F1 unit. !. 6o charge. C. A charge of T1 unit. D. A charge that depends on the semiconductor type. 1,. ;hen a 846 -unction is re)erse4biased$ the capacitance depends on all of the following e(cept: A. The fre?uency. !. The width of the depletion region. C. The cross4sectional area of the -unction. D. The type of semiconductor material. 1%. 'f the re)erse bias e ceeds the a)alanche )oltage in a 846 -unction: A. The -unction will be destroyed. !. The -unction will insulate7 no current will flow. C. The -unction will conduct current. D. The capacitance will become e tremely high. 1/. A)alanche )oltage is routinely e ceeded when a 846 -unction acts as a: A. Current rectifier. !. <ariable resistor. C. <ariable capacitor. D. <oltage regulator. 20. An $n*+portant factor concerning the fre?uency at which a 84 6 -unction will wor1 effecti)ely is: A. The type of semiconductor material. !. The cross4sectional area of the -unction.

CHAPTE- 1B Intro.u(t$on to SE#ICON!UCTO-S pg"%% 1. The term LsemiconductorM arises from: A. 2esistor4li1e properties of metal o ides. !. <ariable conducti)e properties of some materials. C. The fact that thereDs nothing better to call silicon. D. 'nsulating properties of silicon and CaAs. 2. ;hich of the following is not an ad)antage of semiconductor de)ices o)er )acuum tubes= A. #maller si.e. !. 9ower wor1ing )oltage. C. 9ighter weight. D. Ability to withstand high )oltages. ". The most common semiconductor among the following substances is: A. Cermanium. !. Calena. C. #ilicon. D. Copper. 4. CaAs is aHnI: A. Compound. !. 5lement. C. Conductor. D. Cas. *. A disad)antage of gallium4arsenide de)ices is that: A. The charge carriers mo)e fast. !. The material does not react to ioni.ing radiation. C. 't is e pensi)e to produce. D. 't must be used at high fre?uencies. &. #elenium wor1s especially well in: A. 8hotocells. !. (igh4fre?uency detectors. C. 2adio4fre?uency power amplifiers.


C. The re)erse current. D. The capacitance with re)erse bias. C. An '+8ATT diode. D. 6one of the abo)e. 14. A Cunnple er can be used as a: A. Communications de)ice. !. 2adio detector. C. 2ectifier. D. #ignal mi er. 1*. The most li1ely place you would find an 95D would be: A. 'n a rectifier circuit. !. 'n a mi er circuit. C. 'n a digital fre?uency display. D. 'n an oscillator circuit. 1&. Coherent radiation is produced by a: A. Cunn diode. !. <aractor diode. C. 2ectifier diode. D. 9aser diode. 1,. >ou want a circuit to be stable with a )ariety of amplifier impedance conditions. >ou might consider a coupler using: A. A Cunn diode. !. An optoisolator. C. A photo)oltaic cell. D. A laser diode. 1%. The power from a solar panel depends on all of the following e cept: A. The operating fre?uency of the panel. !. The total surface area of the panel. C. The number of cells in the panel. D. The intensity of the light. 1/. 5mission of energy in an '25D is caused by: A. (igh4fre?uency radio wa)es. !. 2ectification. C. 5lectron energy4le)el changes. D. 6one of the abo)e. 20. A photodiode$ when not used as a photo)oltaic cell$ has: A. 2e)erse bias. !. 6o bias. C. 3orward bias. D. 6egati)e resistance.

Ch&pter 01 SO#E USES O> !IO!ES pg 401 1. ;hen a diode is forward4biased$ the anode: A. 's negati)e relati)e to the cathode. !. 's positi)e relati)e to the cathode. C. 's at the same )oltage as the cathode. D. Alternates between positi)e and negati)e relati)e to the cathode. 2. 'f ac is applied to a diode$ and the pea1 ac )oltage ne)er e ceeds the a)alanche )oltage$ then the output is: A. Ac with half the fre?uency of the input. !. Ac with the same fre?uency as the input. C. Ac with twice the fre?uency of the input. D. 6one of the abo)e. ". A crystal set: A. Can be used to transmit radio signals. !. 2e?uires a battery with long life. C. 2e?uires no battery. D. 's useful for rectifying &04(. ac. 4. A diode detector: A. 's used in power supplies. !. 's employed in some radio recei)ers. C. 's used commonly in high4power radio transmitters. D. Changes dc into ac. *. 'f the output wa)e in a circuit has the same shape as the input wa)e$ then: A. The circuit is linear. !. The circuit is said to be detecting. C. The circuit is a mi er. D. The circuit is a rectifier. &. The two input fre?uencies of a mi er circuit are ".*22 +(. and "./,, +(.. ;hich of the following fre?uencies might be used at the output= A. 4** 1(.. !. %%& 1(.. C. 14.00 +(.. D. 1.12/ +(.. ,. A time4domain display might be found in: A. An ammeter. !. A spectrum analy.er. C. A digital )oltmeter. D. An oscilloscope. %. Bener )oltage is also 1nown as: A. 3orward brea1o)er )oltage. !. 8ea1 forward )oltage. C. A)alanche )oltage. D. 2e)erse bias. /. The forward brea1o)er )oltage of a silicon diode is: A. About 0." <. !. About 0.& <. C. About 1.0 <. D. Dependent on the method of manufacture. 10. A diode audio limiter circuit: A. 's useful for )oltage regulation. !. Always uses Bener diodes. C. 2ectifies the audio to reduce distortion. D. Can cause ob-ectionable signal distortion. 11. The capacitance of a )aractor )aries with: A. 3orward )oltage. !. 2e)erse )oltage. C. A)alanche )oltage. D. 3orward brea1o)er )oltage. 12. The purpose of the ' layer in a 8'6 diode is to: A. +inimi.e the diode capacitance. !. 0ptimi.e the a)alanche )oltage. C. 2educe the forward brea1o)er )oltage. D. 'ncrease the current through the diode. 1". ;hich of these diode types might be found in the oscillator circuit of a microwa)e radio transmitter= A. A rectifier diode. !. A cat whis1er.

Ch&pter 01 PO<E- SUPPLIES pg41, 1. The output of a rectifier is: A. &04(. ac. !. #mooth dc. C. 8ulsating dc. D. 1204(. ac. 2. ;hich of the following might not be needed in a power supply= A. The transformer. !. The filter. C. The rectifier. D. All of the abo)e are generally needed. ". 0f the following appliances$ which would need the biggest transformer= A. A cloc1 radio. !. A T< broadcast transmitter. C. A shortwa)e radio recei)er. D. A home T< set. 4. An ad)antage of full4wa)e bridge rectification is: A. 't uses the whole transformer secondary for the entire ac input cycle. !. 't costs less than other rectifier types. C. 't cuts off half of the ac wa)e cycle. D. 't ne)er needs a regulator. *. 'n. a supply designed to pro)ide high power at low )oltage$ the best rectifier design would probably be: A. (alf4wa)e. !. 3ull4wa)e$ center4tap. C. !ridge. D. <oltage multiplier. &. The part of a power supply immediately preceding the regulator is: A. The transformer. !. The rectifier.


C. The filter. D. The ac input. ,. 'f a half4wa)e rectifier is used with 11,4< rms ac Hhouse mainsI$ the a)erage dc output )oltage is about: A. *2., <. !. 10* <. C. 11, <. D. "2% <. %. 'f a full4wa)e bridge circuit is used with a transformer whose secondary pro)ides *0 < rms$ the 8'< across the diodes is about: A. *0 <. !. ,0 <. C. 100 <. D. 140 <. /. The principal disad)antage of a )oltage multiplier is: A. 5 cessi)e current. !. 5 cessi)e )oltage. C. 'nsufficient rectification. D. 8oor regulation. 10. A transformer secondary pro)ides 10 < rms to a )oltage4 doubler circuit. The dc output )oltage is about: A. 14 <. !. 20 <. C. 2% <. D. "& <. 11. The ripple fre?uency from a full4wa)e rectifier is: A. Twice that from a half4wa)e circuit. !. The same as that from a half4wa)e circuit. C. (alf that from a half4wa)e circuit. D. 0ne4fourth that from a half4wa)e circuit. 12. ;hich of the following would ma1e the best filter for a power supply= A. A capacitor in series. !. A cho1e in series. C. A capacitor in series and a cho1e in parallel. D. A capacitor in parallel and a cho1e in series. 1". 'f you needed e ceptionally good ripple filtering for a power supply$ the best approach would be to: A. Connect se)eral capacitors in parallel. !. @se a cho1e4input filter. C. Connect se)eral cho1es in series. D. @se two capacitorKcho1e sections one after the other. 14. <oltage regulation can be accomplished by a Bener diode connected in: A. 8arallel with the filter output$ forward4biased. !. 8arallel with the filter output$ re)erse4biased. C. #eries with the filter output$ forward4biased. D. #eries with the filter output$ re)erse4biased. 1*. A current surge ta1es place when a power supply is first turned on because: A. The transformer core is suddenly magneti.ed. !. The diodes suddenly start to conduct. C. The filter capacitorHsI must be initially charged. D. Arcing ta1es place in the power switch. 1&. Transient suppression minimi.es the chance of: A. Diode failure. !. Transformer failure. C. 3ilter capacitor failure. D. 8oor )oltage regulation. 1,. 'f a fuse blows$ and it is replaced with one ha)ing a lower current rating$ thereDs a good chance that: A. The power supply will be se)erely damaged. !. The diodes will not rectify. C. The fuse will blow out right away. D. Transient suppressors wonDt wor1. 1%. A fuse with nothing but a straight wire inside is probably: A. A slow4blow type. !. A ?uic14brea1 type. C. 0f a low current rating. D. 0f a high current rating. 1/. !leeder resistors are: A. Connected in parallel with filter capacitors. !. 0f low ohmic )alue. C. 5ffecti)e for transient suppression. D. 5ffecti)e for surge suppression. 20. To ser)ice a power supply with which you are not completely familiar$ you should: A. 'nstall bleeder resistors. !. @se proper fusing. C. 9ea)e it alone and ha)e a professional wor1 on it. D. @se a )oltage regulator. Ch&pter 00 THE BIPOLA- T-ANSISTO1. 'n a 868 circuit$ the collector: A. (as an arrow pointing inward. !. 's positi)e with respect to the emitter. C. 's biased at a small fraction of the base bias. D. 's negati)e with respect to the emitter. 2. 'n many cases$ a 868 transistor can be replaced with an 686 de)ice and the circuit will do the same thing$ pro)ided that: A. The supply polarity is re)ersed. is also 1nown as an emitter follower. !. The collector and emitter leads are interchanged. C. The arrow is pointing inward. D. 6oU A 868 de)ice cannot be replaced with an 686. ". A bipolar transistor has: A. Three 846 -unctions. !. Three semiconductor layers. C. Two 64type layers around a 84type layer. D. A low a)alanche )oltage. 4. 'n the dual4diode model of an 686 transistor$ the emitter corresponds to: A. The point where the cathodes are connected together. !. The point where the cathode of one diode is connected to the anode of the other. C. The point where the anodes are connected together. D. 5ither of the diode cathodes. *. The current through a transistor depends on: A . E C. !. E! relati)e to EC. C. I!. D. +ore than one of the abo)e. &. ;ith no signal input$ a bipolar transistor would ha)e the least IC when: A. The emitter is grounded. !. The 54! -unction is forward biased. C. The 54! -unction is re)erse biased. D. The 54! current is high. ,. ;hen a transistor is conducting as much as it possibly can$ it is said to be: A. 'n cutoff. !. 'n saturation. C. 3orward biased. D. 'n a)alanche. %. 2efer to 3ig. 22412. The best point at which to operate a transistor as a small4signal amplifier is: A. A. !. !. C. C. D. D. /. 'n 3ig. 22412$ the forward4brea1o)er point for the 54! -unction is nearest to: A. 6o point on this graph. !. !. C. C. D. D. 10. 'n 3ig. 22412$ saturation is nearest to point: A. A. !. !. C. C. D. D. 11. 'n 3ig. 22412$ the greatest gain occurs at point: A. A. !. !. C. C. D. D. 12. 'n a common4emitter circuit$ the gain bandwidth product is:


A. The fre?uency at which the gain is 1. !. The fre?uency at which the gain is 0.,0, times its )alue at 1 +(.. C. The fre?uency at which the gain is greatest. D. The difference between the fre?uency at which the gain is greatest$ and the fre?uency at which the gain is 1. ?uestions %$ /$ 10$ and 11. 1". The configuration most often used for matching a high input impedance to a low output impedance puts signal ground at: A. The emitter. !. The base. C. The collector. D. Any point7 it doesnDt matter. 14. The output is in phase with the input in a: A. Common4emitter circuit. !. Common4base circuit. C. Common4collector circuit. D. +ore than one of the abo)e. 1*. The greatest possible amplification is obtained in: A. A common4emitter circuit. !. A common4base circuit. C. A common4collector circuit. D. +ore than one of the abo)e. 1&. The input is applied to the collector in: A. A common4emitter circuit. !. A common4base circuit. C. A common4collector circuit. D. 6one of the abo)e. 1,. The configuration noted for its stability in radio4fre?uency power amplifiers is the: A. Common4emitter circuit. !. Common4base circuit. C. Common4collector circuit. D. 5mitter4follower circuit. 1%. 'n a common4base circuit$ the output is ta1en from the: A. 5mitter. !. !ase. C. Collector. D. +ore than one of the abo)e. 1/. The input signal to a transistor amplifier results in saturation during part of the cycle. This produces: A. The greatest possible amplification. !. 2educed efficiency. C. A)alanche effect. D. 6onlinear output impedance. 20. The gain of a transistor in a common4emitter circuit is 100 at a fre?uency of 1000 (.. The gain is ,0., at ""* 1(.. The gain drops to 1 at 210 +(.. The alpha cutoff is: A. 1 1(.. !. ""* 1(.. C. 210 +(.. D. 6one of the abo)e. C. A filter. D. A transformer. *. 'n a P4channel V35T: A. The drain is forward4biased. !. The gate4source -unction is forward biased. C. The drain is negati)e relati)e to the source. D. The gate must be at dc ground. &. A V35T is sometimes biased at or beyond pinchoff in: A. A power amplifier. !. A rectifier. C. An oscillator. D. A wea14signal amplifier. ,. The gate of a V35T has: A. 3orward bias. !. (igh impedance. C. 9ow re)erse resistance. D. 9ow a)alanche )oltage. %. A V35T circuit essentially ne)er has: A. A pinched4off channel. !. (oles as the ma-ority carriers. C. A forward4biased 846 -unction. D. A high4input impedance. /. ;hen a V35T is pinched off: A. )IDK)EC is )ery large with no signal. !. )IDK)EC might )ary considerably with no signal. C. )IDK)EC is negati)e with no signal. D. )IDK)EC is .ero with no signal. 10. Transconductance is the ratio of: A. A change in drain )oltage to a change in source )oltage. !. A change in drain current to a change in gate )oltage. C. A change in gate current to a change in source )oltage. D. A change in drain current to a change in drain )oltage. 11. Characteristic cur)es for V35Ts generally show: A Drain )oltage as a function of source current. !. Drain current as a function of gate current. C. Drain current as a function of drain )oltage. D. Drain )oltage as a function of gate current. 12. A disad)antage of a +0# component is that: A. 't is easily damaged by static electricity. !. 't needs a high input )oltage. C. 't draws a large amount of current. D. 't produces a great deal of electrical noise. 1". The input impedance of a +0#35T: A. 's lower than that of a V35T. !. 's lower than that of a bipolar transistor. C. 's between that of a bipolar transistor and a V35T. D. 's e tremely high. 14. An ad)antage of +0#35Ts o)er V35Ts is that: A. +0#35Ts can handle a wider range of gate )oltages. !. +0#35Ts deli)er greater output power. C. +0#35Ts are more rugged. D. +0#35Ts last longer. 1*. The channel in a .ero4biased V35T is normally: A. 8inched off. !. #omewhat open. C. All the way open. D. 0f 84type semiconductor material. 1&. ;hen an enhancement4mode +0#35T is at .ero bias: A. The drain current is high with no signal. !. The drain current fluctuates with no signal. C. The drain current is low with no signal. D. The drain current is .ero with no signal. 1,. An enhancement4mode +0#35T can be recogni.ed in schematic diagrams by: A. An arrow pointing inward. !. A bro1en )ertical line inside the circle. C. An arrow pointing outward. D. A solid )ertical line inside the circle. 1%. 'n a source follower$ which of the electrodes of the 35T recei)es the input signal=

Ch&pter 04 THE >IEL!9E>>ECT T-ANSISTO1. The current through the channel of a V35T is directly affected by all of the following e(cept: A. Drain )oltage. !. Transconductance. C. Cate )oltage. D. Cate bias. 2. 'n an 64channel V35T$ pinchoff occurs when the gate bias is: A. #lightly positi)e. !. Bero. C. #lightly negati)e. D. <ery negati)e. ". The current consists mainly of holes when a V35T: A. (as a 84type channel. !. 's forward4biased. C. 's .ero4biased. D. 's re)erse4biased. 4. A V35T might wor1 better than a bipolar transistor in: A. A rectifier. !. A radio recei)er.


A. 6one of them. !. The source. C. The gate. D. The drain. 1/. ;hich of the following circuits has its output 1%0 degrees out of phase with its input= A. Common source. !. Common gate. C. Common drain. D. All of them. 20. ;hich of the following circuits generally has the greatest gain= A. Common source. !. Common gate. C. Common drain. D. 't depends only on bias$ not on which electrode is grounded. Ch&pter 07 Amp $f$ers 1. The decibel is a unit of: A. 2elati)e signal strength. !. <oltage. C. 8ower. D. Current. 2. 'f a circuit has a )oltage4amplification factor of 20$ then the )oltage gain is: A. 1" d!. !. 20 d!. C. 2& d!. D. 40 d!. ". A gain of F1* d! in a circuit means that: A. The output signal is stronger than the input. !. The input signal is stronger than the output. C. The input signal is 1* times as strong as the output. D. The output signal is 1* times as strong as the input. 4. A de)ice has a )oltage gain of 2" d!. The input )oltage is "." <. The output )oltage is: A. ,& <. !. 4, <. C. &&0 <. D. 6ot determinable from the data gi)en. *. A power gain of 44 d! is e?ui)alent to an outputKinput power ratio of: A. 44. !. 1&0. C. 440. D. 2*$000. &. A resistor between the base of an 686 bipolar transistor and the positi)e supply )oltage is used to: A. 8ro)ide proper bias. !. 8ro)ide a path for the input signal. C. 8ro)ide a path for the output signal. D. 9imit the collector current. ,. The capacitance )alues in an amplifier circuit depend on: A. The supply )oltage. !. The polarity. C. The signal strength. D. The signal fre?uency. %. A class4A circuit would not wor1 well as: A. A stereo hi4fi amplifier. !. A tele)ision transmitter 8A. C. A low4le)el microphone preamplifier. D. The first stage in a radio recei)er. /. 'n which of the following 35T amplifier types does drain current flow for *0 percent of the signal cycle= A. Class A. !. Class A!1. C. Class A!2. D. Class !. 10. ;hich of the following amplifier types produces the least distortion of the signal wa)eform= A. Class A. !. Class A!1. C. Class A!2. D. Class !. 11. ;hich bipolar amplifier type has some distortion in the signal wa)e$ with collector current during most$ but not all$ of the cycle= A. Class A. !. Class A!1. C. Class A!2. D. Class !. 12. (ow can a class4! amplifier be made suitable for hi4fi audio applications= A. !y increasing the bias. !. !y using two transistors in push4pull. C. !y using tuned circuits in the output. D. A class4! amplifier cannot wor1 well for hi4fi audio. 1". (ow can a class4C amplifier be made linear= A. !y reducing the bias. !. !y increasing the dri)e. C. !y using two transistors in push4pull. D. A class4C amplifier cannot be made linear. 14. ;hich of the following amplifier classes generally needs the most dri)ing power= A. Class A. !. Class A!1. C. Class A!2. D. Class !. 1*. A graphic e?uali.er is a form of: A. !ias control. !. Cain control. C. Tone control. D. 3re?uency control. 1&. A disad)antage of transfer coupling$ as opposed to capaciti)e coupling$ is that: A. Transformers canDt match impedances. !. Transformers canDt wor1 abo)e audio fre?uencies. C. Transformers cost more. D. Transformers reduce the gain. 1,. A certain bipolar4transistor 8A is && percent efficient. The output power is "" ;. The dc collector power input is: A. 22 ;. !. *0 ;. C. 2.2 ;. D. 6one of the abo)e. 1%. A broadband 8A is: A. Cenerally easy to use. !. +ore efficient than a tuned 8A. C. 9ess li1ely than a tuned 8A to amplify unwanted signals. D. @sable only at audio fre?uencies. 1/. A tuned 8A must always be: A. #et to wor1 o)er a wide range of fre?uencies. !. Ad-usted for ma imum power output. C. +ade as efficient as possible. D. 0perated in class C. 20. A loading control in a tuned 8A: A. 8ro)ides an impedance match between the bipolar transistor or 35T and the load. !. Allows broadband operation. C. Ad-usts the resonant fre?uency. D. Controls the input impedance. Ch&pter 02 Os($ &tors 1. 6egati)e feedbac1 in an amplifier: A. Causes oscillation. !. 'ncreases sensiti)ity. C. 2educes the gain. D. 's used in an Armstrong oscillator. 2. 0scillation re?uires: A. A common4drain or common4collector circuit. !. A stage with gain. C. A tapped coil. D. 6egati)e feedbac1. ". A Colpitts oscillator can be recogni.ed by: A. A split capacitance in the tuned circuit. !. A tapped coil in the tuned circuit. C. A transformer for the feedbac1.


D. A common4base or common4gate arrangement. 4. 'n an oscillator circuit$ the feedbac1 should be: A. As great as possible. !. Eept to a minimum. C. Vust enough to sustain oscillation. D. Done through a transformer whose wires can be switched easily. *. A tapped coil is used in aHnI: A. (artley oscillator. !. Colpitts oscillator. C. Armstrong oscillator. D. Clapp oscillator. &. An 23 cho1e: A. 8asses 23 but not dc. !. 8asses both 23 and dc. C. 8asses dc but not 23. D. !loc1s both dc and 23. ,. 3erromagnetic coil cores are not generally good for use in 23 oscillators because: A. The inductances are too large. !. 'tDs hard to )ary the inductance of such a coil. C. #uch coils are too bul1y. D. Air4core coils ha)e better thermal stability. %. An oscillator might fail to start for any of the following reasons e(cept: A. 9ow4power4supply )oltage. !. 9ow stage gain. C. 'n4phase feedbac1. D. <ery low output impedance. /. An ad)antage of a crystal4controlled oscillator o)er a <30 is: A. #ingle4fre?uency operation. !. 5ase of fre?uency ad-ustment. C. (igh output power. D. 9ow drift. 10. The fre?uency at which a crystal oscillator functions is determined mainly by: A. The )alues of the inductor and capacitor. !. The thic1ness of the crystal. C. The amount of capacitance across the crystal. D. The power4supply )oltage. 11. The different sounds of musical instruments are primarily the result of: A. Differences in the wa)eshape. !. Differences in fre?uency. C. Differences in amplitude. D. Differences in phase. 12. A radio4fre?uency oscillator usually: A. (as an irregular wa)eshape. !. (as most or all of its energy at a single fre?uency. C. 8roduces a sound that depends on its wa)eform. D. @ses 2C tuning. 1". A )aractor diode: A. 's mechanically fle ible. !. (as high power output. C. Can produce different wa)eforms. D. 's good for use in fre?uency synthesi.ers. 14. A fre?uency synthesi.er has: A. (igh power output. !. (igh drift rate. C. 5 ceptional stability. D. Ad-ustable wa)eshape. 1*. A ferromagnetic4core coil is preferred for use in the tuned circuit of an 23 oscillator: A. That must ha)e the best possible stability. !. That must ha)e high power output. C. That must wor1 at microwa)e fre?uencies. D. 6oU Air4core coils wor1 better in 23 oscillators. 1&. 'f the load impedance for an oscillator is too high: A. The fre?uency might drift. !. The power output might be reduced. C. The oscillator might fail to start. D. 'tDs not a cause for worry7 it canDt be too high. 1,. The bipolar transistors or V35Ts in a multi)ibrator are usually connected in: A. Class !. !. A common4emitter or common4source arrangement. C. Class C. D. A common4collector or common4drain arrangement. 1%. The arrangement in the bloc1 diagram of 3ig. 2*411 represents: A. A wa)eform analy.er. !. An audio oscillator. C. An 23 oscillator. D. A sine4wa)e generator.

02911 'llustration for ?ui. ?uestion 1%. 1/. Acoustic feedbac1 in a public4address system: A. 's useful for generating 23 sine wa)es. !. 's useful for wa)eform analysis. C. Can be used to increase the amplifier gain. D. #er)es no useful purpose. 20. An '+8ATT diode: A. +a1es a good audio oscillator. !. Can be used for wa)eform analysis. C. 's used as a microwa)e oscillator. D. Allows for fre?uency ad-ustment of a <C0. Ch&pter 06 !&t& tr&nsm$ss$on 1. A radio wa)e has a fre?uency of 1.** +(.. The highest modulating fre?uency that can be used effecti)ely is about: A. 1.** 1(.. !. 1*.* 1(.. C. 1** 1(.. D. 1.** +(.. 2. +orse code is a form of: A. Digital modulation. !. Analog modulation. C. 8hase modulation. D. dc modulation. ". An ad)antage of 3#E o)er simple on4off 1eying for 2TT> is: A. !etter fre?uency stability. !. (igher speed capability. C. 2educed number of misprints. D. 0n4off 1eying is -ust as good as 3#E. 4. The ma imum A+ percentage possible without distortion is: A. "" percent. !. &, percent. C. 100 percent. D. 1*0 percent. *. 'f an A+ signal is modulated with audio ha)ing fre?uencies up to * 1(.$ then the complete signal bandwidth will be: A. 10 1(.. !. & 1(.. C. * 1(.. D. " 1(.. &. An A+ transmitter using a class4C 8A should employ: A. Carrier suppression. !. (igh4le)el modulation. C. 9ower sideband. D. #ingle sideband. ,. ;hich of the following modulation methods is used to send teleprinter data o)er the phone lines= A. C;. !. ##!. C. A+. D. A3#E. %. An ad)antage of ##! o)er A+ is: A. (igher data transmission rate. !. +ore effecti)e use of transmitter power.


C. Creater bandwidth. D. 5nhanced carrier wa)e le)el. /. An ##! suppressed carrier is at 14.""* +(.. The )oice data is contained in a band from 14.""*414.""% +(.. The mode is: A. A+. !. 9#!. C. @#!. D. 3#E. 10. A spectrum analy.er displays: A. Time as a function of fre?uency. !. 3re?uency as a function of time. C. #ignal strength as a function of time. D. #ignal strength as a function of fre?uency. 11. The de)iation for )oice 3+ signals is usually: A. 8lus4or4minus " 1(.. !. 8lus4or4minus * 1(. C. 8lus4or4minus & 1(.. D. 8lus4or4minus 10 1(.. 12. ;ideband 3+ is preferable to narrowband 3+ for music transmission because: A. 9ower fre?uencies are heard better. !. #pectrum space is conser)ed. C. The fidelity is better. D. 6oU 6arrowband 3+ is better for music. 1". 'n which mode of 8+ does the pulse le)el )ary= A. 8A+. !. 8D+. C. 8;+. D. 83+. 14. 'n which 8+ mode do pulses last for )arying times= A. 8A+. !. 8;+. C. 83+. D. 8C+. 1*. (ow many states are commonly used for the transmission of digiti.ed )oice signals= A. Two. !. 3our. C. #i . D. 5ight. 1&. 'n an ##T< signal$ the frame time is: A. 1K*2* second. !. 1K"0 second. C. 1K% second. D. % seconds. 1,. The bandwidth of a fa signal is 1ept narrow by: A. #ending the data at a slow rate of speed. !. 9imiting the image resolution. C. 9imiting the range of shades sent. D. @sing pulse modulation. 1%. ;hat is the wa)elength of a 21."4+(. signal= A. 4&.2 m. !. 14.1 m. C. 21.0 1m. D. &."/ 1m. 1/. A coa ial cable: A. Eeeps the signal confined. !. 2adiates efficiently. C. ;or1s well as a transmitting antenna. D. Can pic1 up signals from outside. 20. An ad)antage of fiberoptics o)er cable communications is: A. +ore sensiti)ity to noise. !. 'mpro)ed antenna efficiency. C. (igher 23 output. D. #impler and easier maintenance. Ch&pter 05 !&t& re(ept$on 1. The reflected wa)e in a radio signal: A. Tra)els less distance than the direct wa)e. !. Tra)els -ust as far as the direct wa)e. C. Tra)els farther than the direct wa)e. D. +ight tra)el less far than$ -ust as far as$ or farther than the direct wa)e. 2. The reflected wa)e: A. Arri)es in phase with the direct wa)e. !. Arri)es out of phase with the direct wa)e. C. Arri)es in a )ariable phase compared with the direct wa)e. D. 's hori.ontally polari.ed. ". The ionospheric layer that absorbs radio wa)es is: A. The D layer. !. The 5 layer. C. The 3 layer. D. 6o layers e)er absorb radio wa)es. 4. The highest layer of the ionosphere is: A. The D layer. !. The 5 layer. C. The 3 layer. D. Dependent on the time of day and the solar cycle. *. 2adio wa)es that cur)e earthward in the lower atmosphere are being affected by: A. Troposcatter. !. The D layer. C. 'onospheric ducting. D. Tropospheric bending. &. #ingle4sideband can be demodulated by: A. An en)elope detector. !. A diode. C. A !30 and mi er. D. A ratio detector. ,. A diode and capacitor can be used to detect: A. C;. !. A+. C. ##!. D. 3#E. %. The #F6K6 ratio is a measure of. A. #ensiti)ity. !. #electi)ity. C. Dynamic range. D. Ad-acent4channel re-ection. /. The ability of a recei)er to perform in the presence of strong signals is a conse?uence of its: A. #ensiti)ity. !. 6oise figure. C. Dynamic range. D. Ad-acent4channel re-ection. 10. A recei)er that responds to a desired signal$ but not to one )ery nearby in fre?uency$ has good: A. #ensiti)ity. !. 6oise figure. C. Dynamic range. D. Ad-acent4channel re-ection. 11. An A+ recei)er can be used to demodulate 3+ by means of: A. 5n)elope detection. !. 8roduct detection. C. #lope detection. D. 8ulse detection. 12. An 3+ detector with built4in limiting is: A. A ratio detector. !. A discriminator. C. An en)elope detector. D. A product detector. 1". Time4di)ision multiple is often done with: A. A+. !. 3+. C. 3#E. D. 8+. 14. A continuously )ariable signal is reco)ered from a signal ha)ing discrete states by: A. A ratio detector. !. A DKA con)erter. C. A product detector. D. An en)elope detector. 1*. Digital modulation is superior to analog modulation in the sense that: A. Analog signals ha)e discrete states$ while digital ones )ary continuously. !. Digital signals resemble noise less than analog ones. C. Digital signals are easier to use with 3+.


D. Digital signals ha)e greater bandwidth. 1&. A product detector would most often be used to recei)e: A. A+. !. C;. C. 3+. D. 6one of the abo)e. 1,. To recei)e @(3 signals on a shortwa)e recei)er$ you would need: A. A heterodyne detector. !. A product detector. C. An up con)erter. D. A down con)erter. 1%. 'mage re-ection in a superhet recei)er is enhanced by: A. 3ront4end selecti)ity. !. A product detector. C. A )ariable 90. D. A sensiti)e '3 amplifier chain. 1/. A low '3 is not practical with a single4con)ersion recei)er because: A. 8roduct detection cannot be used. !. The image fre?uency would be too close to the incoming4signal fre?uency. C. #ensiti)ity would be impaired. D. Ad-acent4channel re-ection would be poor. 20. Digital signal processing can be used to ad)antage with: A. ##!. !. ##T<. C. 3#E. D. Any of the abo)e. Ch&pter 0" Inte%r&te. ($r(u$ts &n. .&t& stor&%e me.$& 1. !ecause of the small si.e of 'Cs compared with e?ui)alent circuits made from discrete components: A. +ore heat is generated. !. (igher power output is possible. C. (igher switching speeds are attainable. D. 3ewer calculations need be done in a gi)en time. 2. ;hich of the following is not an ad)antage of 'Cs o)er discrete components= A. (igher component density. !. 5ase of maintenance. C. Creater power capability. D. 9ower current consumption. ". 'n which of the following de)ices would you be least li1ely to find an integrated circuit as the main component= A. A radio broadcast transmitterDs final amplifier. !. A noteboo1 computer. C. A battery4powered calculator. D. A low4power audio amplifier. 4. ;hich type of component is generally not practical for fabrication in an 'C= A. 2esistors. !. 'nductors. C. Diodes. D. Capacitors. *. An op amp usually employs negati)e feedbac1 to: A. +a imi.e the gain. !. Control the gain. C. Allow oscillation o)er a wide band of fre?uencies. D. 6oU 0p amps do not employ negati)e feedbac1. &. A channel carries se)eral signals at once. ;hich type of 'C might be used to select one of the signals for reception= A. An op amp. !. A timer. C. A comparator. D. A multiple erKdemultiple er. ,. ;hich type of 'C is used to determine whether )oltage le)els are the same or not= A. An op amp. !. A timer. C. A comparator. D. A multiple erKdemultiple er. %. ;hich type of digital 'C is least susceptible to noise= A. Transistor4transistor logic. !. !ase4coupled logic. C. 5mitter4coupled logic. D. 64channel4coupled logic. /. ;hich of the following is not an ad)antage of C+0#= A. 2elati)e immunity to noise pulses. !. 9ow4current re?uirements. C. Ability to wor1 at high speed. D. Ability to handle high power le)els. 10. An absolute limit on 'C component density is: A. The current le)els needed. !. The ma imum attainable impedance. C. The si.e of the semiconductor atoms. D. 6oU There is no limit on component density. 11. 'n a 20+: A. 'tDs easy to get data out and put it in. !. 'tDs hard to get data out$ but easy to put it in. C. 'tDs easy to get data out$ but hard to put it in. D. 'tDs hard to get data out or put it in. 12. 'n a 2A+: A. 'tDs easy to get data out and put it in. !. 'tDs hard to get data out$ but easy to put it in. C. 'tDs easy to get data out$ but hard to put it in. D. 'tDs hard to get data out or put it in. 1". ;hich of the following 'C types must be physically remo)ed from the circuit to ha)e its memory contents changed= A. 55820+. !. 5820+. C. 20+. D. 2A+. 14. A 1ilobyte is: A. 5?ui)alent to a no)el. !. About 1$000 bytes. C. About 1$000$000 bytes. D. 5?ui)alent to about one typewritten line. 1*. 'n magnetic audio tape: A. The trac1s are parallel to the edges. !. The trac1s are diagonal. C. The trac1s are perpendicular to the edges. D. The trac1s can be oriented at any angle. 1&. 'n magnetic )ideo tape: A. The )ideo trac1s are parallel to the edges. !. The )ideo trac1s are diagonal. C. The )ideo trac1s are perpendicular to the edges. D. The )ideo trac1s can be oriented at any angle. 1,. An ad)antage of magnetic dis1s o)er magnetic tape is: A. Dis1s are immune to damage by heat. !. Tapes are difficult to rewind. C. Dis1s allow faster data storage and retrie)al. D. Dis1s are immune to e ternal magnetic fields. 1%. A typical audio recording tape thic1ness is: A. 0.001 mil. !. 0.01 mil. C. 0.1 mil. D. 1 mil. 1/. Compact dis1s HCDsI are not generally used for recording: A. <oices. !. +usic. C. 'n digital form. D. <ia magnetic fields. 20. A reason CDs donDt wear out with repeated playbac1 is: A. The magnetic fields are strong. !. 6othing touches the dis1. C. The data is analog. D. The magnetic particle density is high. Ch&pter 0B E e(tron tubes 1. 0ne difference between a triode and an 64channel 35T is that: A. Triodes wor1 with lower )oltages. !. Triodes are more compact. C. Triodes need more )oltage. D. Triodes donDt need filaments. 2. The control grid of a tube corresponds to the: A. #ource of an 35T. !. Collector of a bipolar transistor. C. Anode of a diode. D. Cate of an 35T.


". The intensity of the electron flow in a )acuum tube depends on all of the following e(cept: A. The gate )oltage. !. The power supply )oltage. C. The grid )oltage. D. The )oltage between the cathode and the plate. 4. ;hich type of tube maintains constant )oltage drop with changes in current= A. A triode. !. A gas4filled regulator. C. A tetrode. D. A pentagrid con)erter. *. 'n a tube with a directly heated cathode: A. The filament is separate from the cathode. !. The grid is connected to the filament. C. The filament ser)es as the cathode. D. There is no filament. &. 'n a tube with a cold cathode: A. The filament is separate from the cathode. !. The grid is connected to the filament. C. The filament ser)es as the cathode. D. There is no filament. ,. A screen grid enhances tube operation by: A. Decreasing the gain. !. Decreasing the plate )oltage. C. Decreasing the grid4to4plate capacitance. D. 8ulling e cess electrons from the plate. %. A tube with three grids is called a: A. Triode. !. Tetrode. C. 8entode. D. (e ode. /. A tube type radio recei)er: A. 's bul1y and hea)y. !. 2e?uires low )oltage. C. 's more sensiti)e than a transistori.ed radio. D. All of the abo)e. 10. An ad)antage of a grounded4grid power amplifier is: A. 5 cellent sensiti)ity. !. (igh impedance. C. 9ow noise. D. Cood stability. 11. A heptode tube has: A. Two grids. !. Three grids. C. 3i)e grids. D. #e)en grids. 12. The electron gun in a C2T is another name for its: A. Cathode. !. Anode. C. Control grid. D. #creen grid. 1". The electron beam in an electrostatic C2T is bent by: A. A magnetic field. !. An electric field. C. A fluctuating current. D. A constant current. 14. The hori.ontal displacement on an oscilloscope C2T screen is usually measured in: A. 3re?uency per unit di)ision. !. Current per unit di)ision. C. Time per unit di)ision. D. <oltage per unit di)ision. 1*. 'n a time4domain oscilloscope$ the wa)eform to be analy.ed is usually applied to the: A. Control grid plates or coils. !. Anode plates or coils. C. <ertical deflection plates or coils. D. (ori.ontal deflection plates or coils. 1&. A )idicon camera tube is noted for its: A. #ensiti)ity. !. 9arge si.e. C. (ea)y weight. D. 2apid response. 1,. 'n a magnetron$ as the fre?uency is increased: A. The achie)able power output increases. !. The achie)able power output decreases. C. The output power stays the same. D. The output power increases and decreases alternately. 1%. The paths of the electrons in a magnetron are spirals$ rather than straight lines$ because of: A. The e treme )oltage used. !. The longitudinal magnetic flu . C. The bunching4up of the electrons. D. The shapes of the ca)ities. 1/. A 1lystron is noted for its: A. #piralling electrons. !. 9ow noise output. C. (igh achie)able output power. D. +agnetic4field intensity. 20. 'n a multica)ity 1lystron$ the electrons: A. (a)e )ariable speed. !. Tra)el in circles. C. Are reflected by the ca)ities. D. Are drawn out )ia the cathode.

Ch&pter 41 B&s$( .$%$t& pr$n($p es 1. The )alue of the decimal number 2" in binary form is: A. 1011. !. 110111. C. 10111. D. 11100. 2. The binary number 110001 represents the digital number: A. 4/. !. 2*. C. 21. D. 1". ". The fifth digit from the right in a binary number carries a decimal )alue of: A. &4. !. "2. C. 24. D. 1&. 4. The largest possible decimal number that can be represented by si binary digits HbitsI is: A. 2*&. !. 12%. C. &4. D. &". *. ;hich of the following )oltages could normally represent a 1 in positi)e logic= A. 0 <. !. F 1 <. C. F 4 <. D. F 12 <. &. ;hich of the following )oltages might normally represent a 1 in negati)e logic= A. 0 <. !. F 4 <. C. F & <. D. F 12 <. ,. 'f R is low$ what is the state of R A6D >= A. There is not enough information to tell. !. 9ow. C. (igh. D. This logic statement ma1es no sense. %. 'f R is high$ what is the state of R 602 >= A. There is not enough information to tell. !. 9ow. C. (igh. D. This logic statement ma1es no sense. /. 'f R and > are both high$ what is the state of R 6A6D >= A. There is not enough information to tell. !. 9ow. C. (igh. D. This logic statement ma1es no sense. 10. 'f R is high and > is low$ what is the state of R 60T >=


A. There is not enough information to tell. !. 9ow. C. (igh. D. This logic statement ma1es no sense. 11. A logic circuit has four inputs ;$ R$ >$ and B. (ow many possible input combinations are there= A. 4. !. %. C. 1&. D. "2. 12. Data sent along a single line$ one bit after another$ is called: A. #erial. !. #ynchronous. C. 8arallel. D. Asynchronous. 1". 'f R F 1 and > F 1$ then R F >B is: A. Always 0. !. 0 if B F 0$ and 1 if B F 1. C. 1 if B F 0$ and 0 if B F 1. D. Always 1. 14. 'f R F 0 and > F 1$ then RH> T BI is: A. Always 0. !. 0 if B F 0$ and 1 if B F 1. C. 1 if B F 0$ and 0 if B F 1. D. Always 1. 1*. An ad)antage of a V4E o)er an 24# flip4flop is that: A. The V4E flip4flop is faster. !. The V4E can attain more states. C. The V4E always has predictable outputs. D. 6oU An 24# flip4flop is superior to a V4E. 1&. 'n positi)e4edge triggering$ the change of state occurs when: A. The pulse le)el is high. !. The pulse le)el is going from high to low. C. The pulse le)el is going from low to high. D. The pulse le)el is low. 1,. The inputs of an 24# flip4flop are 1nown as: A. 9ow and high. !. Asynchronous. C. #ynchronous. D. #et and reset. 1%. ;hen both inputs of an 24# flip4flop are 0: A. The outputs stay as they are. !. A F 0 and FA F 1. C. A F 1 and FA F 0. D. The resulting outputs can be absurd. 1/. ;hen both inputs of an 24# flip4flop are 1: A. The outputs stay as they are. !. A F 0 and FA F 1. C. A F 1 and FA F 0. D. The resulting outputs can be absurd. 20. A fre?uency synthesi.er ma1es use of A. An 02 gate. !. A di)ider. C. The octal numbering system. D. The he adecimal numbering system. TestD P&rt Three 1. 'n a -unction 35T$ the control electrode is usually the: A. #ource. !. 5mitter. C. Drain. D. !ase. 5. Cate. 2. A diode can be used as a fre?uency multiplier because of its: A. Vunction capacitance. !. 6onlinearity. C. A)alanche )oltage. D. 3orward brea1o)er. 5. Charge4carrier concentration. ". ;hich of the following is not a common form of data transmission= A. 8arallel modulation. !. 3re?uency modulation. C. Amplitude modulation. D. 8hase modulation. 5. 8ulse modulation. 4. A )ery brief$ high4)oltage spi1e on an ac power line is called: A. A surge. !. An arc. C. A transient. D. An a)alanche. 3. A clamp. *. ;hich of the following is not characteristic of an oscillator= A. 6egati)e feedbac1. !. Cood output4to4input coupling. C. 2easonably high transistor gain. D. Ac output. 5. @sefulness as a signal generator. &. ;hich layer of the ionosphere absorbs radio signals below about , +(. during the daylight hours= A. The 3 layer. !. The 5 layer. C. The D layer. D. The C layer. 5. The ! layer. ,. The beta of a bipolar transistor is its: A. Current amplification factor. !. <oltage amplification factor. C. 8ower amplification factor. D. +a imum amplification fre?uency. 5. 0ptimum amplification fre?uency. %. ;hich type of component is impractical to fabricate on a silicon chip= A. A capacitor. !. A transistor. C. A diode. D. An inductor. 5. Any component can be fabricated on a silicon chip. /. The e tent to which an oscillator maintains a constant fre?uency is called its: A. #ensiti)ity. !. Drift ratio. C. Cain. D. #electi)ity. 5. #tability. 10. A Bener diode would most li1ely be used in: A. A mi er. !. A )oltage4controlled oscillator. C. A detector. D. A power supply regulating circuit. 5. An oscillator. 11. ;hen the bias in an 35T stops the flow of current$ the condition is called: A. 3orward brea1o)er. !. Cutoff. C. 2e)erse bias. D. 8inchoff. 5. A)alanche. 12. A )acuum tube would most li1ely be found in: A. The front end of a radio recei)er. !. A high4power radio4fre?uency linear amplifier. C. A low4le)el audio amplifier. D. A digital computer. 5. Anti?ue radios only. 1". 'n an ,4type semiconductor$ the minority carriers are: A. 5lectrons. !. 8rotons. C. (oles. D. 6eutrons. 5. #ilicon chips. 14. A disad)antage of a half4wa)e rectifier is that: A. The )oltage is e cessi)e. !. The current output is low. C. The output is hard to filter. D. 't needs many diodes. 5. The transformer must ha)e a center tap. 1*. A power gain of "0 d! is e?ui)alent to an amplification factor of: A. 0.001.


!. 1K"0. C. "0. D. 1000. 5. 6one of the abo)e. 1&. An amplifier has a dc collector power input of "00 ;$ and is ,*.0 percent efficient. The signal output power is: A. 400 ;. !. "00 ;. C. 22* ;. D. <ariable$ depending on the bias. 5. 'mpossible to determine from this data. 1,. ;hen both 64channel and 84channel transistors are found in a metal4o idesemiconductor4 type integrated circuit$ the technology is 1nown as: A. Transistor4transistor logic. !. C+0#. C. !ipolar logic. D. 6868. 5. 8686. 1%. A common4base circuit is commonly employed as: A. A microwa)e oscillator. !. A low4pass filter. C. A noise generator. D. A phase4loc1ed loop. 5. A radio4fre?uency power amplifier. 1/. ;hich of the following de)ices always uses an 'C as one of its main acti)e components= A. A radio4fre?uency power amplifier. !. A digital computer. C. A low4le)el audio amplifier. D. A power transformer. 5. An impedance matching networ1. 20. ;hich type of amplifier circuit pro)ides the greatest efficiency= A. Class A. !. Class A!. C. Class !. D. Class C. 5. Any of the abo)e can be as efficient as any other. 21. A#C'' is a form of: A. <ideo modulation. !. Diode. C. Teleprinter code. D. <oice modulation. 5. A+ detector. 22. The most stable type of oscillator circuit uses: A. A tapped coil. !. A split capacitor. C. 6egati)e feedbac1. D. A common4base arrangement. 5. A ?uart. crystal. 2". 'f the source4gate -unction in an 35T conducts: A. 't is a sign of improper bias. !. The de)ice will wor1 in class C. C. The de)ice will oscillate. D. The de)ice will wor1 in class A. 5. The circuit will ha)e good stability. 24. The octal number system uses modulo: A. 2. !. %. C. 10. D. 12. 5. 1&. 2*. #ignal4plus4noise4to4noise ratio H#F6K6I is often specified when stating a recei)erDs: A. #electi)ity. !. #tability. C. +odulation coefficient. D. #ensiti)ity. 5. 8olari.ation. 2&. 'n a re)erse4biased semiconductor diode$ the capacitance depends on: A. The width of the depletion region. !. The re)erse current. C. The 8:6 ratio. D. The gate bias. 5. The a)alanche )oltage. 2,. The effecti)e speed of a recording or playbac1 head with respect to the data on a tape can be ma imi.ed by ma1ing the trac1s: A. 8arallel with the edges of the tape. !. 8erpendicular to the edges of the tape. C. #lanted with respect to the edges of the tape. D. 5lliptically polari.ed. 5. 2ectangularly polari.ed. 2%. A simple power supply filter can be built with: A. A capacitor in series with the dc output. !. An inductor in parallel with the dc output. C. A rectifier in parallel with the dc output. D. A resistor in series and an inductor in parallel with the dc output. 5. A capacitor in parallel with the dc output. 2/. ;hich of the following bipolar4transistor circuits can$ in theory$ pro)ide the most amplification= A. Common emitter. !. Common base. C. Common collector. D. Common gate. 5. Common drain. "0. +agnetic fields within 'Cs can store data in a de)ice called: A. +agnetic media. !. 'C memory. C. Tape memory. D. !ubble memory. 5. 2andom4access memory. "1. An e ample of a de)ice that commonly oscillates is: A. A rectifier diode. !. A wea14signal diode. C. A Cunn diode. D. A Bener diode. 5. An a)alanche diode. "2. 'n a 868 bipolar transistor: A. The collector is positi)e relati)e to the emitter. !. The collector is at the same )oltage as the emitter. C. The collector is negati)e relati)e to the emitter. D. The collector might be either positi)e or negati)e relati)e to the emitter. 5. The collector must be at ground potential. "". 'n a cathode4ray tube HC2TI$ the term electrostatic deflection means: A. The de)ice is not wor1ing correctly. !. #tatic electricity is distorting the image. C. The beam is bent by an electric field. D. The beam is bent by coils carrying a )ariable current. 5. 6othingU There is no such thing as electrostatic deflection in a C2T. "4. ;hich type of modulation consists of one )oice sideband$ with a suppressed carrier= A. A+. !. ##!. C. 3+. D. 2TT>. 5. 8C+. "*. A type of electron tube that can be used to generate microwa)e energy is: A. A triode. !. An oscillotron. C. A cathode4ray tube. D. A )ideotron. 5. A magnetron. "&. 'n an A6D gate$ the output is high: A. 'f any input is high. !. 0nly when all inputs are low. C. 'f any input is low. D. 0nly when all inputs are high. 5. 0nly when the inputs ha)e opposite logic states. ",. A )oltage4controlled oscillator ma1es use of: A. A )aractor diode. !. A Bener diode. C. 6egati)e feedbac1.


D. A split capacitance. 5. Ad-ustable gate or base bias. "%. ;hich of the following is not an ad)antage of a transistor o)er a )acuum tube= A. #maller si.e. !. 9ighter weight. C. 9ess heat generation. D. 9ower operating )oltages. 5. (igher power4handling capacity. "/. An amplifier has an output signal )oltage that is "* times the input signal )oltage. This is a gain of: A. 1* d!. !. "1 d!. C. "* d!. D. "*0 d!. 5. ,00 d!. 40. 'n an e clusi)e 02 gate$ the output is high: A. 'f any input is high. !. 0nly when all inputs are low. C. 'f any input is low. D. 0nly when all inputs are high. 5. 0nly when the inputs ha)e opposite logic states. 41. A ratio detector is a circuit for demodulating: A. A+. !. 8+. C. 3+. D. ##!. 5. A3#E. 42. 'n a radio4fre?uency power amplifier using a )acuum tube$ stability can be enhanced by using a circuit in which the following electrode is at 23 ground potential: A. The cathode. !. The plate. C. The filament. D. The control grid. 5. The screen grid. 4". A method of modulation in which the strength of pulses )aries is called: A. 8ulse amplitude modulation. !. 8ulse position modulation. C. 8ulse fre?uency modulation. D. 8ulse ratio modulation. 5. 8ulse width modulation. 44. !oolean algebra is: A. Vust li1e ordinary algebra. !. A useful tool in digital logic circuit design. C. @sed to calculate the )alue of an un1nown. D. @sed with negati)e logic only. 5. @sed with positi)e logic only. 4*. A )oltage4doubler power supply is best for use in: A. Circuits that need low current at high )oltage. !. 9ow4)oltage de)ices. C. (igh4current appliances. D. All 1inds of electronic e?uipment. 5. !roadcast transmitter power amplifiers. 4&. An optoisolator consists of: A. Two Bener diodes bac1 to bac1. !. An 95D and a photodiode. C. Two 686 transistors in series. D. An 686 transistor followed by a 868 transistor. 5. A 868 transistor followed by an 686 transistor. 4,. ;hen a semiconductor is re)erse4biased with a large enough )oltage$ it will conduct. This is because of: A. !ias effect. !. A)alanche effect. C. 3orward brea1o)er. D. An e cess of charge carriers. 5. Conduction effect. 4%. #ynchroni.ing pulses in a )ideo signal: A. Eeep the brightness constant. !. Eeep the contrast constant. C. Eeep the image from tearing or rolling. D. 5nsure that the colors are right. 5. Eeep the image in good focus. 4/. 'n an enhancement4mode +0#35T: A. The channel conducts fully with .ero gate bias. !. The channel conducts partially with .ero gate bias. C. The channel conducts ac but not dc. D. The channel conducts dc but not ac. 5. The channel does not conduct with .ero gate bias. *0. 'n a step4up power transformer: A. The primary )oltage is more than the secondary )oltage. !. The secondary )oltage is more than the primary )oltage. C. The primary and secondary )oltages are the same. D. The secondary must be center4tapped. 5. The primary must be center4tapped. A good score is at least ", correct. Answers are in the bac1 of the boo1. 'tDs best to ha)e a friend chec1 your score the first time$ so you wonDt memori.e the answers if you want to ta1e the test again. Ch&pter 41 A(oust$(s= &u.$o= &n. h$%h f$.e $t+ 1. Acoustics is important in the design of: A. Amplifier power supplies. !. #pea1er enclosures. C. Cables that connect components of a hi4fi system together. D. Craphic e?uali.ers. 2. 5lectromagnetic interference to a hi4fi amplifier can be caused by: A. A nearby radio broadcast station. !. 'mproperly designed recei)ing antennas. C. 5 cessi)e utility )oltage. D. 'mproper balance between the left and right channels. ". The midrange audio fre?uencies: A. Are halfway between the lowest and highest audible fre?uencies. !. 2epresent sounds whose )olume le)els are not too loud or too soft. C. Are abo)e the treble range but below the bass range. D. Are between appro imately 0.2 and 2 1(.. 4. An indoor concert hall such that sound reaches e)ery listenerDs ears perfectly at all audio fre?uencies re?uires: A. A suspended ceiling with acoustical tile completely co)ering it. !. 6umerous baffles on the walls and ceiling. C. A le)el of engineering beyond reasonable e pectation. D. A)oidance of e cessi)e bac1ground noise. *. A sound )olume change of F" d! represents: A. A doubling of acoustic power. !. A threefold increase in acoustic power. C. A tenfold increase in acoustic power. D. 6o change in acoustic power. &. A sound whose wa)elength is & in in the air has a fre?uency of: A. **0 (.. !. 1100 (.. C. 2200 (.. D. 't is impossible to calculate from this information. ,. A sound wa)e that tra)els at ""* m per second has a fre?uency of: A. ""* (.. !. ""*0 (.. C. "".* (.. D. 't is impossible to calculate from this information. %. The relati)e phase of two acoustic wa)es$ as they arri)e at your ears$ can affect: A. (ow loud the sound seems. !. The direction from which the sound seems to be coming. C. !oth A and !. D. 6either A nor !. /. 'n an acoustic sine wa)e: A. The fre?uency and phase are identical.


!. The sound power is in)ersely proportional to the fre?uency. C. The sound power is directly proportional to the fre?uency. D. All of the sound power is concentrated at a single fre?uency. 10. <inyl dis1s are: A. #usceptible to physical damage. !. @seful primarily in high4power sound systems. C. Digital media. D. 8referred for off4the4air sound recording. 11. 'f an amplifier introduces se)ere distortion in the wa)eforms of input signals$ then that amplifier is: A. 6ot deli)ering enough power. !. 0perating at the wrong fre?uency. C. 0perating in a nonlinear fashion. D. !eing underdri)en. 12. 'f a 104watt amplifier is used with spea1ers designed for a 1004watt amplifier: A. The spea1ers are capable of handling the amplifier output. !. The amplifier might be damaged by the spea1ers. C. 5lectromagnetic interference is li1ely to occur. D. The spea1ers are li1ely to produce distortion of the sound. 1". ;hich of the following fre?uencies cannot be recei)ed by an A+K3+ tuner= A. %"0 1(.. !. /*., 1(.. C. 100.1 +(.. D. 10,." +(.. 14. A woofer: A. 's especially useful for reproducing the sounds of bar1ing dogs. !. 's designed to handle short$ intense bursts of sound. C. #hould not be used with a graphic e?uali.er. D. 's designed to reproduce low4fre?uency sounds. 1*. #uppose you ha)e an amateur radio station and its transmitter causes 5+' to your hi4fi system. ;hich of the following would almost certainly not help= A. !uy a radio transmitter that wor1s on the same fre?uencies with the same power output$ but is made by a different manufacturer. !. 2educe the transmitter output power. C. @se shielded spea1er wires in the hi4fi system. D. +o)e the radio transmitting antenna to a location farther away from the hifi system. 1&. A tape recording head: A. Con)erts sound wa)es to radio signals. !. Con)erts sound wa)es to fluctuating electric current. C. Con)erts audio4fre?uency currents to a fluctuating magnetic field. D. Con)erts direct current to audio4fre?uency currents. 1,. A microphone: A. Con)erts sound wa)es to radio signals. !. Con)erts sound wa)es to fluctuating electric current. C. Con)erts audio4fre?uency currents to a fluctuating magnetic field. D. Con)erts direct current to audio4fre?uency currents. 1%. An audio mi er: A. Cannot match impedances. !. Cannot ma1e an amplifier more powerful. C. ;ill eliminate 5+'. D. Allows a microphone to be used as a spea1er. 1/. ;hich of the following media or de)ices use digital4to4analog con)ersion= A. A CD player. !. A spea1er. C. A microphone. D. A )inyl dis1. 20. 8hase ?uadrature is sometimes used to: A. 'ncrease the output from a microphone. !. 2educe the susceptibility of a hi4fi system to 5+'. C. Create the illusion of four4channel stereo when there are really only two channels. D. Con)ert an analog signal to a digital signal$ or )ice4 )ersa.

Ch&pter 40 <$re ess &n. person& (ommun$(&t$ons s+stems 1. A networ1 that employs one powerful central computer and se)eral 8Cs is called: A. A wireless networ1. !. A local4area networ1. C. A client4ser)er networ1. D. A peer4to4peer networ1. 2. 'nfrared and optical wireless lin1s wor1 best: A. 0)er distances e ceeding 1000 miles. !. 0n a line of sight. C. At low radio fre?uencies. D. 'n situations with high le)els of noise. ". ;hich of the following de)ices or systems is not generally considered wireless= A. A remote4control garage4door opener. !. An amateur radio station. C. A beeperKpager. D. A telephone set that re?uires a wall -ac1. 4. A noise blan1er can impro)e the ?uality of: A. 2adio reception. !. 2adio transmission. C. 'nfrared reception. D. 'nfrared transmission. *. 'n the @nited #tates$ a license is re?uired for: A. 2ecei)ing on amateur4radio fre?uencies. !. Transmitting on amateur4radio fre?uencies. C. @sing infrared wireless de)ices. D. @sing a wireless automobile security system. &. 6oise in a wireless recei)er can be minimi.ed by: A. 2aising the temperature to )ery high )alues. !. 2educing the temperature to )ery low )alues. C. +a imi.ing the amplification. D. +inimi.ing the relati)e humidity. ,. As the data speed increases in a wireless system$ all other factors being e?ual: A. The signal bandwidth increases. !. The signal bandwidth decreases. C. The o)erall noise le)el increases. D. The o)erall noise le)el decreases. %. The term s-ort%ave, in reference to radio$ refers to signals ha)ing wa)elengths of appro imately: A. 10 to 100 millimeters. !. 100 millimeters to 1 meter. C. 1 to 10 meters. D. 10 to 100 meters. /. 'n general$ as the noise le)el in a wireless system increases: A. #tronger incoming signals are needed to o)ercome it. !. ;ea1er signals can be recei)ed. C. The temperature of the system rises. D. The bandwidth of the system increases. 10. 'n a spectrum analy.er$ the hori.ontal a is shows: A. <oltage. !. 8ower. C. 3re?uency. D. Time. 11. A de)ice consisting of a recei)er and transmitter in the same bo is called a: A. +odem. !. Trans)erter. C. Transcei)er. D. Transponder. 12. The use of direction4finding e?uipment to determine the latitude and longitude of a radio transmitter is an e ample of: A. 2adiolocation. !. '2 wireless. C. The Clobal 8ositioning #ystem. D. 8ac1et radio.


1". A 9A6 in which each userDs computer stores its own data is called: A. A wireless 9A6. !. A wide4area 9A6. C. 9A6 topology. D. A peer4to4peer 9A6. 14. ;hich of the following constitutes illegal use of ham radio= A. #elling cars by broadcasting prices to other hams. !. Tal1ing about the weather and e changing local forecasts. C. Tal1ing about who might be the ne t president of the @nited #tates. D. Connecting a radio to the 'nternet. 1*. An electromagnetic wa)e can be considered to fall in the shortwa)e band if its free4space wa)elength is: A. ** 1ilometers. !. ** meters. C. ** centimeters. D. ** millimeters. 1&. 'n a cellular networ1$ a base station is sometimes called a: A. Transcei)er. !. Cell. C. 2epeater. D. Cell phone. 1,. An ad)antage of con)entional hard4wired telephone o)er cellular is: A. 8ri)acy. !. 8ortability. C. 5ase of use in a car. D. 9A6 topology. 1%. An ad)antage of cellular o)er con)entional hard4wired telephone is: A. #ecurity. !. 9ower cost. C. +obility. D. Data speed. 1/. 'nfrared wa)es are: A. 9onger than radio wa)es. !. 9onger than )isible4light wa)es. C. #horter than )isible4light wa)es. D. 'naccurately named7 they are really heat rays. 20. The C8# might be useful: A. 3or impro)ing the performance of a 9A6. !. 3or increasing the data speed in a wireless system. C. 3or minimi.ing noise in a wireless system. D. To a motorist who is lost. D. 2ead4write head. &. The character string sg*.*#*sco/noaa.gov might represent: A. A ;eb site. !. The location of data in memory. C. An e4mail address. D. A computerDs serial number. ,. !its per second HbpsI is a unit of: A. Computer memory. !. +ass storage. C. 'mage resolution. D. Data speed. %. A platter is a: A. 8art of a hard dri)e. !. @nit of memory. C. 5lement of a digital image. D. #emiconductor chip. /. 8rotocol ensures that: A. A hard dri)e runs smoothly. !. A monitor reproduces color accurately. C. A printer generates a clear image. D. Computers can e change data. 10. A pac1et is: A. A computer memory module. !. A unit of 210 bytes. C. A piece of a file sent o)er the 6et. D. A picture element in a computer monitor. 11. A motherboard contains: A. A microprocessor. !. An e ternal modem. C. A dis1ette dri)e. D. A display screen. 12. Cross4referencing among web pages is done with: A. Digital signal processing. !. A modem. C. 'nternet relay chat H'2CI. D. 9in1s. 1". The abbre)iation 3T8 stands for: A. 3ast Te t 8ac1et. !. 3ile Transfer 8rotocol. C. 3re?uencyKTime 8rocessing. D. 3ederal Trade 8rogram. 14. A telephone modem contains: A. An internal hard dri)e. !. A microprocessor. C. An AKD con)erter. D. A printer interface. 1*. An asset of a dot4matri printer is: A. 9ow operating cost. !. 5 cellent image detail. C. 2esemblance to a photocopy machine. D. Compatibility with most modems. 1&. ;hich of the following types of mass storage pro)ide the fastest access time= A. +agnetic tape. !. CD420+. C. 3lash memory. D. (ard dri)e. 1,. ;hich of the following is a serial4access medium= A. Computer memory. !. +agnetic tape. C. A hard dri)e. D. CD420+. 1%. ;hen computer data is sent o)er long4distance telephone circuits$ the digital highs and lows are generally represented by: A. Audio tones. !. A series of clic1s. C. 8ositi)e and negati)e direct currents. D. 8i els. 1/. 3or animated graphics in)ol)ing fast motion$ you should ideally use: A. A laser printer. !. A hard dri)e. C. (yperte t. D. A noninterlaced monitor. 20. A thermal printer might be the best type of printer for:

Ch&pter 44 Computers &n. the Internet 1. 0ne megabyte is the same amount of data as: A. 1024 bytes. !. 1024 E!. C. 1024 C!. D. 1K1024 E!. 2. The ;eb would probably wor1 fastest for a user in 6ew >or1 at: A. 2:00 a.m. local time on a Tuesday. !. 4:00 p.m. local time on a ;ednesday. C. 12:"0 p.m. local time on a Thursday. D. Any of the abo)e times7 it does not matter. ". 'mage resolution can be specified in terms of: A. +egahert.. !. Color intensity. C. ;a)elength. D. Dot pitch. 4. A cluster is a unit of: A. 3re?uency on a hard dri)e. !. Data on the 'nternet. C. Data on a hard dri)e. D. !andwidth on the 'nternet. *. An e ample of a mass4storage de)ice is a: A. (ard dri)e. !. +icroprocessor. C. +odem.


A. #omeone who tra)els a lot. !. #omeone who wor1s with animated graphics. C. #omeone who needs to print huge te t documents. D. #omeone who needs top4?uality printouts. A. 5pipolar na)igation. !. !inocular )ision. C. 2ange sensing and plotting. D. 'nsect robots. 14. An asset of epipolar na)igation is the fact that it: A. Does not re?uire binaural hearing. !. Does not re?uire a computer. C. Can be done from a single obser)ation frame. D. 2e?uires no reference points at all. 1*. #pherical coordinates can uni?uely define the position of a point in up to: A. 0ne dimension. !. Two dimensions. C. Three dimensions. D. 3our dimensions. 1&. The number of ways in which a robot arm can mo)e is 1nown as: A. Degrees of rotation. !. Degrees of freedom. C. Degrees of arc. D. Coordinate geometry. 1,. The region throughout which a robot arm can accomplish tas1s is called its: A. Coordinate geometry. !. 2eference a is. C. 2eference frame. D. ;or1 en)elope. 1%. A robot arm that mo)es along three independent a es$ each of which is straight and perpendicular to the other two$ employs: A. 2e)olute geometry. !. #pherical coordinate geometry. C. Cartesian coordinate geometry. D. Cylindrical coordinate geometry. 1/. A color )ision system can use three gray4scale cameras$ e?uipped with filters that allow which three colors of light to pass= A. !lue$ red$ and yellow. !. !lue$ red$ and green. C. Cyan$ magenta$ and yellow. D. 0range$ green$ and )iolet. 20. A robot can determine the steepness of a slope using aHnI: A. 5pipolar na)igation system. !. Clinometer. C. 5nd effector. D. +anipulator.

Ch&pter 47 -obot$(s &n. &rt$f$($& $nte $%en(e 1. An android ta1es the form of: A. An insect. !. A human body. C. A simple robot arm. D. !inocular )ision. 2. According to Asimo)Ds three laws$ under what circumstances is it all right for a robot to in-ure a human being= A. 6e)er. !. ;hen the human being specifically re?uests it. C. 'n case of an accident. D. 'n case the robot controller is infected with a computer )irus. ". #econd4generation robots first were used around the year: A. 1/*0. !. 1/&0. C. 1/,0. D. 1/%0. 4. The e tent to which a machine )ision system can differentiate between two ob-ects is called the: A. +agnification. !. #ensiti)ity. C. #electi)ity. D. 2esolution. *. An automoti)e robot might best 1eep itself tra)eling down a specific lane of traffic by using: A. !inaural hearing. !. 5pipolar na)igation. C. 5dge detection. D. A second4generation end effector. &. A rule4based system is also 1nown as: A. Artificial intelligence. !. An e pert system. C. An analytical engine. D. An automated guided )ehicle. ,. A robot that has its own computer$ and can wor1 independently of other robots or computers$ is called an: A. Android. !. 'nsect robot. C. Automated guided )ehicle. D. Autonomous robot. %. A manipulator is also 1nown as a: A. Trac1 dri)e. !. 2obot arm. C. <ision system. D. 2obot controller. /. An android is well suited for operation in: A. 5 treme weather conditions. !. Total dar1ness. C. An assembly line. D. An en)ironment with children. 10. 8ro imity sensing is most closely a1in to: A. Direction measurement. !. 5pipolar na)igation. C. Distance measurement. D. +achine )ision. 11. A telechir is used in con-unction with: A. An automated guided )ehicle. !. Telepresence. C. An insect robot. D. An autonomous robot. 12. An absolute limit to the distance o)er which teleoperation is practical is imposed by: A. The speed of light. !. The image resolution of the )ision system. C. The ability of a robot to determine te ture. D. All of the abo)e. 1". 2odney !roo1s is best 1nown for his wor1 with:

TestD P&rt >our 1. A machine )ision system that uses two cameras to allow a robot to sense depth is: A. !inaural. !. !inocular. C. +onaural. D. +onocular. 5. (igh resolution. 2. A <@ meter contains a scale that measures relati)e: A. Decibels. !. Current. C. <oltage. D. 8ower. 5. 3re?uency. ".. A fleet of insect robots generally has: A. 9ow indi)idual intelligence but high group intelligence. !. (igh indi)idual intelligence but low group intelligence. C. 9ow indi)idual intelligence and low group intelligence. D. (igh indi)idual intelligence and high group intelligence. 5. 6one of the abo)e. 4. ;hen two or more audio sources dri)e a single amplifier$ it is good engineering practice to use: A. A synthesi.er. !. An audio4fre?uency cho1e.


C. An audio mi er. D. A graphic e?uali.er. 5. A phase control. *. The use of a stereo headset to listen to music while dri)ing: A. 's good because it 1eeps passengers from distracting the dri)er. !. 's dangerous. C. Eeeps the dri)erDs mind on the road. D. 's good because it pre)ents road rage. 5. 's better than using car spea1ers. &. A ?uantitati)e measure of the ability of a machine )ision system to detect dim light is its: A. #electi)ity. !. 2esolution. C. #ensiti)ity. D. 3ield of )iew. 5. Amplitude ratio. ,. The pitch of an audio sine4wa)e tone depends on: A. The amplitude of the disturbance. !. The fre?uency of the disturbance. C. The polari.ation of the disturbance. D. The medium through which the sound tra)els. 5. The wa)eform of the disturbance. %. Three4dimensional range plotting is generally done in: A. 9inear coordinates. !. 2ectangular coordinates. C. 8olar coordinates. D. Celestial coordinates. 5. #pherical coordinates. /. A form of communications in which either party can LhearM while Ltal1ing$M thus allowing one party to instantly interrupt the other at any time$ is called: A. (alf simple . !. 3ull simple . C. (alf duple . D. 3ull duple . 5. 6othing. There is no such mode of communications. 10. ;hich of the following is an e ample of wireless technology= A. The Clobal 8ositioning #ystem. !. A field4effect transistor. C. A -unction diode. D. A carbon4composition resistor. 5. Digital4to4analog con)ersion. 11. A satellite in a 950 system is usually: A. At an altitude of 22$"00 miles. !. Ceosynchronous. C. 'n a retrograde orbit. D. 'n a polar orbit. 5. +idway between the earth and the moon. 12. ;hich consideration is the most important in a hi4fi audio amplifier= A. 8ower output. !. 5fficiency. C. 9inearity. D. 'nput impedance. 5. 0utput impedance. 1". The microprocessor in a computer is part of the: A. 2andom4access memory. !. Central processing unit. C. 2ead4only memory. D. (ard dri)e. 5. 'nternet controller. 14. An 23 transducer is: A. #ensiti)e only within the range of human hearing. !. #ensiti)e only to )isible light. C. An antenna. D. An analog4to4digital con)erter. 5. A digital4to4analog con)erter. 1*. <acuum tubes might be found in: A. A portable headset tape player. !. The amplifier used by a band at a roc1 concert. C. A meter for measuring sound intensity. D. A robot controller. 5. A C8# recei)er. 1&. 0ne 1ilobyte is the same amount of data as: A. 1024 bits. !. 1024 1ilobits. C. 1024 megabits. D. 1024 gigabits. 5. 6one of the abo)e. 1,. (e aphonic sound is not common$ but if it were$ it would most li1ely be used for: A. True three4dimensional hi4fi audio reproduction. !. Two4way radio communications. C. 5nsuring that an A+K3+ tuner can recei)e at least si stations. D. 'mpro)ing the dynamic range of a spea1er system. 5. 2obot control. 1%. 2ange sensing and range plotting are basically the same thing e cept for the: A. 9ight4detecting sensiti)ity. !. 'mage resolution. C. #electi)ity. D. ;a)elength at which the system functions. 5. 6umber of dimensions in)ol)ed. 1/. 'n a component4type hi4fi system$ cables connecting the )arious units should be: A. As long as possible. !. #ingle4conductor only. C. Connected in parallel. D. #hielded whene)er possible. 5. Connected in series. 20. A radio antenna recei)es *0 watts of 23 power from a transmitter$ and radiates 4/ watts of that power into space. ;hich of the following statements is true= A. The antenna is /% percent efficient. !. The loss resistance is 1 ohm. C. The loss resistance is 1 percent. D. The ground loss is 1 watt. 5. The antenna feed line loss is 1 watt. 21. The technical e pression for robot4arm -oint fle ibility is: A. Degrees of rotation. !. 2adians of rotation. C. Degrees of fle ibility. D. +anipulator fle ibility. 5. The wor1 en)elope. 22. 'n an 'nternet connection$ the recei)ing computer is also 1nown as the: A. #er)er. !. (ost. C. 8eer. D. 6ode. 5. Destination. 2". The term refres- rate refers to: A. The number of times per second that an image is renewed in a computer display. !. The number of times per second that a computer memory contents change. C. The speed at which files on a hard dri)e are o)erwritten. D. The number of bits per second transferred in an 'nternet connection. 5. The time it ta1es to recharge a nic1el4cadmium electrochemical cell. 24. The LbrainM of a computer is the: A. (ard dri)e. !. Controller. C. +icroprocessor. D. CD420+. 5. +onitor. 2*. 0n a computer hard dri)e$ the circular trac1s are bro1en into arcs called: A. Clusters. !. !ytes. C. #ectors. D. Di)isions. 5. #torage units. 2&. A robot arm mo)es in three dimensions according to a polar coordinate scheme


with a linear ele)ation dimension added. This is called: A. #pherical coordinate geometry. !. 2ectangular coordinate geometry. C. Cartesian coordinate geometry. D. Concentric coordinate geometry. 5. Cylindrical coordinate geometry. 2,. 'n a )olatile memory chip: A. The stored data is retained e)en when power is remo)ed. !. The stored data )anishes when power is remo)ed. C. The stored data capacity is greater than that of a hard dri)e. D. The stored data capacity declines with the passage of time. 5. The reliability has deteriorated and the chip should be replaced. 2%. At low )olume le)els in an audio amplifier system$ the dynamic range is limited primarily by the: A. 'nput impedance. !. 5fficiency. C. 'nput power. D. 6oise le)el. 5. 3re?uency. 2/. 'n a wireless system$ noise always: A. 'mpro)es the bandwidth. !. 'ncreases data transfer rate. C. 2educes the transmitted signal power. D. Degrades performance. 5. +a1es communication or data transfer impossible. "0. The noise le)el in a wireless recei)er can be reduced using: A. A more powerful final amplifier. !. A grounded4grid configuration. C. Cryotechnology. D. The Clobal 8ositioning #ystem. 5. A large antenna. "1. 'mage resolution is an important specification in: A. 0scillators. !. Computer monitors. C. 2ecei)er sensiti)ity. D. 2ectifier diodes. 5. #uperheterodyne recei)ers. "2. According to Asimo)Ds laws$ a robot must obey all orders from humans: A. 6o matter what. !. As long as nobody gets hurt or 1illed as a result. C. As long as the power is on. D. @nless its controller is infected with a computer )irus. 5. As long as it does not cause the robot controller to crash. "". The use of a cell phone is prohibited in a commercial aircraft in flight because: A. 't can annoy other passengers. !. 't can interfere with other peopleDs cell phones. C. The interior of the aircraft produces a dangerous 23 resonant ca)ity. D. 't wonDt wor1 anyhow. 5. 't can interfere with flight instruments and communications. "4. A satellite can remain o)er the same spot on the earthDs surface at all times: A. 0nly if it orbits at an altitude of 22$"00 miles. !. 0nly if it is a member of a 950 fleet. C. 0nly if its orbit is retrograde. D. 0nly if its orbit is polar. 5. 6e)er. An orbiting satellite always mo)es relati)e to the earthDs surface. "*. #ignal4plus4noise4to4noise ratio H#F6K6I is often specified when stating a recei)erDs: A. #electi)ity. !. #tability. C. +odulation coefficient. D. #ensiti)ity. 5. 8olari.ation. "&. A platter is a part of a de)ice 1nown as: A. A )ideotape recorder. !. A ceramic filter. C. Tape memory. D. A hard dri)e. 5. A )oltage4controlled oscillator. ",. ;hich type of modulation consists of one )oice sideband$ with a suppressed carrier= A. A+. !. ##!. C. 3+. D. 2TT>. 5. 8C+. "%. 'n a machine )ision system$ enhanced sensiti)ity often in)ol)es a sacrifice in the: A. 'mage resolution. !. +emory capacity. C. Data speed. D. #hort4wa)elength response. 5. 9ong4wa)elength response. "/. A machine hearing system can best identify the sort of de)ice or ob-ect producing a sound by analy.ing the: A. Distance to the sound source. !. Direction from which the sound is coming. C. Duration of the sound. D. 6umber of sources from which the sound is coming. 5. ;a)eform of the sound. 40. A ratio detector is a circuit for demodulating: A. A+. !. (+. C. 3+. D. ##!. 5. A3#E. 41. A belt dri)e might be found in a: A. #ynthesi.ed A+K3+ tuner. !. 2obotic )ision system. C. CD player. D. Craphic e?uali.er. 5. Turntable. 42. A robot can be considered autonomous if: A. 't is self4contained. !. 't has its own computer system. C. 't does not rely on a central computer to recei)e its commands. D. Conditions A$ !$ and C are all true. 5. Any one of conditions A$ !$ or C is true. 4". #ound wa)es in air consist of: A. 3luctuating magnetic fields. !. 3luctuating electric fields. C. 3luctuating electric and magnetic fields. D. <ibrating electron orbits. 5. <ibrating molecules. 44. An A+K3+ hi4fi tuner that deri)es its fre?uency from a ?uart. crystal and phase4loc1ing circuits is said to be: A. !roadband. !. #ynthesi.ed. C. 8hased. D. +odulated. 5. Analog. 4*. 5pipolar na)igation is a means by which a machine can locate ob-ects and plot a course in: A. The total dar1ness of the deep ocean. !. A straight line. C. Three4dimensional space. D. A circular path. 5. The north and south polar regions only. 4&. The term ro.ot generat*on refers to: A. The time period in which a particular type of robot was de)eloped. !. A robot4controlled electric power plant. C. The manufacture of robots by other robots. D. The manufacture of robots by human beings. 5. The number of times a robot has copied itself. 4,. ;hich word best completes the following sentence= L The human earKbrain


percei)es sound )olume according to the FFFFFFFFF of the actual intensity.M A. #um. !. 8roduct. C. #?uare. D. #?uare root. 5. 9ogarithm. 4%. (uman eyes can see electromagnetic radiation o)er a wa)elength range of appro imately: A. "/0 to ,*0 meters. !. "/0 to ,*0 millimeters. C. "/0 to ,*0 micrometers. D. "/0 to ,*0 nanometers. 5. "/0 to ,*0 1ilometers. 4/. The ;orld ;ide ;eb is: A. 8art of the 'nternet. !. A company that manufactures communications e?uipment. C. An agreement between nations concerning data protocols. D. Another name for the Clobal 8ositioning #ystem. 5. A satellite tele)ision networ1. *0. #ynchroni.ing pulses in a )ideo signal: A. Eeep the brightness constant. !. Eeep the contrast constant. C. Eeep the image from rolling. D. 5nsure that the colors are right. 5. Eeep the image in good focus. D. An independent robot. 5. An insect robot. %. An ad)antage of a laser printer o)er a dot4matri printer for computer applications is: A. 9ower cost. !. #uperior image ?uality. C. Creater bandwidth. D. 9ower resolution. 5. !etter )oltage regulation. /. The output electrode of a bipolar transistor is usually the: A. Crid. !. Cate. C. !ase. D. #ource. 5. Collector. 10. The schematic symbol for an op amp is: A. A triangle. !. A circle. C. A circle with a line through it. D. A rectangle. 5. A D4shaped figure. 11. 3or a gi)en )alue of capacitance$ as the fre?uency goes down$ the reactance: A. Approaches .ero from the negati)e side. !. Cets more and more negati)e. C. Approaches .ero from the positi)e side. D. Cets more and more positi)e. 5. #tays the same. 12. 'n a "&04(. wa)e$ a degree of phase represents: A. 1.00 second. !. 1K"&0 second. C. "&0 milliseconds. D. ,.,2 microseconds. 5. A ?uantity you canDt calculate from this data. 1". A de)ice that con)erts )isible light into dc is: A. A phototransistor. !. A photo)oltaic cell. C. An opto)oltaic cell. D. An optocell. 5. An optoisolator. 14. ;hich of the following is not an e ample of wireless= A. The connection between a computer and its monitor. !. A cellular telephone system. C. The Clobal 8ositioning #ystem. D. A beeper. 5. A 950 satellite system. 1*. A circuit has a battery of ".0 < and a bulb with a resistance of 12.0 ohms. The current through the bulb is: A. "& A. !. 4.0 A. C. 2*0 mA. D. 40 mA. 5. "& mA. 1&. A small /4< battery might be used to pro)ide power to: A. An electronic calculator. !. A personal computer. C. A radio transmitter. D. An electric iron. 5. Any of the abo)e. 1,. 'n an A+ )oice signal$ the audio information is: A. 5 actly at the carrier fre?uency. !. Contained in sidebands. C. At harmonics of the carrier fre?uency. D. 2ectified before being impressed onto the carrier. 5. Detected before being impressed onto the carrier. 1%. The oscillating fre?uency of a ?uart. crystal can be )aried slightly by: A. Changing the bias on the transistor. !. Changing the )oltage across the )aractor. C. 2e)ersing the power supply polarity. D. 8lacing a small )ariable capacitor across the crystal. 5. 6o. The fre?uency of a crystal cannot be changed at all. 1/. ;hen se)eral resistances are connected in series: A. The current is the same through each one.

>$n& E/&m 1. As the fre?uency of ac increases in a coil$ the reactance: A. Cets larger negati)ely. !. Cets smaller negati)ely. C. #tays the same. D. Cets larger positi)ely. 5. Cets smaller positi)ely. 2. A beat4fre?uency oscillator is useful for: A. Cenerating 3+. !. Detecting 3+. C. Cenerating C;. D. Detecting C;. 5. Any of the abo)e. ". A Colpitts circuit is a form of: A. Amplifier. !. Detector. C. +odulator. D. 0scillator. 5. 2ectifier. 4. The high component density of integrated circuits acts to: A. +a imi.e the power output. !. 'ncrease the current drain. C. 'ncrease the )oltage re?uirements. D. 'ncrease the operating speed. 5. 2educe the fre?uency range. *. A utility meter generally measures: A. ;atts. !. Amperes. C. Eilowatt hours. D. Eilowatts. 5. <olt hours. &. (igh )oltages are better than low )oltages for long4distance electric power transmission because: A. The lines can better withstand lightning stro1es. !. The magnetic fields are wea1er. C. The electric fields are wea1er. D. The I2R losses are lower. 5. 6o. 9ow )oltages are better. ,. A member of a fleet of robots$ all under the control of a single central computer and able to communicate only with that computer and not with each other$ is called: A. An android. !. An autonomous robot. C. A dependent robot.


!. The )oltage is the same across each one. C. !oth A and ! are true. D. 6either A nor ! is true. 5. They must all ha)e the same )alue. 20. 'n a power supply$ resistors are sometimes connected in series with the diodes in order to: A. 'ncrease the current output. !. 8rotect the diodes against surge currents. C. (elp the diodes discharge. D. !leed charge from the filter capacitors. 5. 2egulate the output )oltage. 21. 'n a purely resisti)e impedance$ there is: A. A net capacitance. !. A net inductance. C. Bero resistance. D. Bero reactance. 5. Bero conductance. 22. Two 4004F( inductors are connected in series. There is no mutual inductance. The total inductance is: A. 100 F(. !. 200 F(. C. 400 F(. D. %00 F(. 5. 1.& m(. 2". The current4carrying part of a field4effect transistor$ analogous to a garden hose in some ways$ is called the: A. #ource. !. Cate. C. Drain. D. #ource4drain -unction. 5. Channel. 24. 'n a rectifier diode$ current flows for appro imately how much of the ac cycle= A. "&0 degrees. !. 2,0 degrees. C. 1%0 degrees. D. /0 degrees. 5. 4* degrees. 2*. A milli)olt is: A. 10" <. !. 10F" <. C. 10& <. D. 10F& <. 5. 10F/ <. 2&. The reciprocal of reactance is called: A. 'mpedance. !. Conductance. C. 2esistance. D. Admittance. 5. #usceptance. 2,. Another name for -oules per second is: A. <olts. !. Amperes. C. 0hms. D. Cilberts. 5. ;atts. 2%. 'n a pure inductance: A. Current lags )oltage by /0 degrees. !. Current lags )oltage by less than /0 degrees. C. Current and )oltage are in phase. D. Current leads )oltage by /0 degrees. 5. Current leads )oltage by 1%0 degrees. 2/. A form of microwa)e electron tube is: A. A ca)ity resonator. !. A triode. C. A Elystron. D. A cathode4ray tube. 5. 6one of the abo)e. "0. +agnetic lines of flu are generally: A. 8arallel with the flow of electric current. !. 'n the plane of the electric current. C. At right angles to the flow of current. D. At a 4* degree angle to the flow of current. 5. 'mpossible to predict as to their direction. "1. A class4A amplifier conducts during how much of the input cycle= A. 9ess than /0 degrees. !. /0Q1%0 degrees. C. 1%0Q2,0 degrees. D. 2,0Q"&0 degrees. 5. "&0 degrees. "2. An ad)antage of parallel data transfer o)er serial transfer is: A. (igher speed. !. 6arrower bandwidth. C. 9ower fre?uency. D. (igher power. 5. !etter signal4to4noise ratio. "". 0ne way to 1eep interelectrode capacitance to a minimum is to: A. @se only electrolytic capacitors. !. A)oid the use of sheet metal. C. @se batteries as the source of power. D. Eeep wire leads short. 5. @se air4core transformers. "4. 0ne ad)antage of ac Hcompared with dcI as a source of utility power is that: A. 't can be used at safer )oltage le)els. !. 't can be easily stepped up or down in )oltage. C. There is lower transmission line loss. D. The wa)eshape can be )aried easily. 5. (igher )oltages can be used. "*. An element of matter: A. 's a good conductor. !. (as a uni?ue number of protons. C. 's an insulator. D. +a1es a good electronic component. 5. Can be fabricated onto an 'C chip. "&. A transformer ?uadruples the ac )oltage. The primary4to4 secondary impedance ratio is therefore: A. 1:1&. !. 1:4. C. 1:1. D. 4:1. 5. 1&:1. ",. 3re?uency multiplication is possible with a semiconductor diode because the diode is: A. Amplifying. !. Detecting. C. 3orward4biased. D. 2e)erse4biased. 5. 6onlinear. "%. An ammeter measures: A. Current. !. <oltage. C. 2esistance. D. 8ower. 5. 5nergy. "/. A good type of resistor to use in a radio amplifier is: A. Carbon composition. !. ;irewound. C. #il)er mica. D. 2eacti)e. 5. Tantalum. 40. An ad)antage of machine )ision o)er human )ision is the fact that: A. +achines can see at wa)elengths to which human eyes are blind. !. +achine )ision systems ha)e e?ual sensiti)ity at all wa)elengths. C. +achine )ision can measure pressure. D. +achine )ision engineers need not ta1e image resolution into account. 5. +achine )ision engineers need not ta1e sensiti)ity into account. 41. A logic circuit has an output 0 when the input is 1$ and )ice )ersa. This is: A. A 602 gate. !. An A6D gate. C. A 60T gate.


D. An R02 gate. 5. An R602 gate. 42. A type of 3+ detector that has its limiter built in is: A. A balanced modulator. !. A beat4fre?uency oscillator. C. An en)elope detector. D. A product detector. 5. A ratio detector. 4". ;hich of the following materials isKare commonly used as a semiconductor= A. #il)er4mica. !. 3errite. C. Callium arsenide. D. Tantalum. 5. All of the abo)e. 44. 'n an 686 bipolar transistor circuit: A. The dc collector )oltage is negati)e. !. The output is ta1en from the base. C. The dc collector )oltage is positi)e. D. The output is ta1en from the drain. 5. 6egati)e feedbac1 must be used. 4*. A simple power supply filter can be made using: A. A capacitor in parallel with the rectifier output. !. A resistor in parallel with the rectifier output. C. An inductor in parallel with the rectifier output. D. A capacitor in series with the rectifier output. 5. A resistor in series with the rectifier output. 4&. 'f an ac admittance contains finite$ non.ero resistance and finite$ non.ero susceptance: A. The impedance is a pure resistance. !. The impedance is .ero. C. The resistance is .ero. D. The impedance is comple . 5. 6o. An ac admittance cannot contain susceptance. 4,. Three resistances are in parallel$ with )alues of 100$ 200$ and "00 ohms. The current through the 2004ohm resistor is *00 mA. ;hat is the )oltage across the whole combination= A. There isnDt enough information to figure it out. !. 400 <. C. 400 m<. D. 100 <. 5. 100 m<. 4%. As the fre?uency of ac increases$ the reactance of an inductor: A. 2emains constant. !. !ecomes small positi)ely. C. !ecomes small negati)ely. D. !ecomes large negati)ely. 5. !ecomes large positi)ely. 4/. The rate of change in a ?uantity is called the: A. 5ffecti)e )alue. !. 'nstantaneous )alue. C. A)erage )alue. D. 8ea1 )alue. 5. Deri)ati)e. *0. The a is of the geomagnetic field: A. Corresponds e actly with the rotational a is. !. 's slanted with respect to the rotational a is. C. 's perpendicular to the rotational a is. D. 2uns parallel to lines of latitude. 5. 's circular in shape. *1. 0ne of the main shortcomings of +0#35Ts is that they: A. Are easily damaged by static electricity. !. 2e?uire high )oltages. C. Consume large amounts of current. D. (a)e )ery low gain. 5. Do not ha)e good sensiti)ity. *2. 2esisti)ity of wire can be specified in: A. <olts per ohm. !. 0hms per )olt. C. 0hms per meter. D. Amperes per ohm. 5. 0hms per ampere. *". A complementary4metal4o ide4semiconductor HC+0#I 'C: A. 5mploys diodes and 686 transistors on a single chip. !. 5mploys 64channel and 84channel 35Ts on a single chip. C. @ses two chips connected together in a special way. D. @ses resistors and 868 transistors on a single chip. 5. Consists of metal o ide sandwiched between two layers of 84type material. *4. A piano sounds different than a sa ophone$ e)en if the notes are at the same fre?uency$ because of a difference in: A. !ias. !. ;a)eform. C. <oltage. D. Current. 5. The way you imagine it. **. 'nductances in parallel$ assuming there is no mutual inductance$ add up li1e: A. 2esistances in series. !. 2esistances in parallel. C. Capacitances in parallel. D. !atteries in parallel. 5. 6o other type of electrical component. *&. A reactance modulator produces: A. C;. !. A+. C. ##!. D. 3+. 5. 8C+. *,. Antenna efficiency is: A. @sually more important in transmitting systems than in recei)ing systems. !. The difference between the input and output power. C. A direct function of the noise in a transmitting system. D. The proportion of input power that gets con)erted into heat. 5. (ighest when the transmitter final amplifier is ma imally efficient. *%. 'n a parallel4resonant 9C circuit$ the impedance is: A. 9ow and reacti)e. !. (igh and reacti)e. C. 9ow and resisti)e. D. (igh and resisti)e. 5. Any of the abo)e. */. 'n a resistanceKinductance H29I series circuit: A. Current lags )oltage by 1%0 degrees. !. Current lags )oltage by /0 degrees. C. Current lags )oltage by less than /0 degrees. D. Current and )oltage are in phase. 5. Current leads )oltage by /0 degrees. &0. 'n three4phase ac$ the difference in phase between any two wa)es is: A. "0 degrees. !. 4* degrees. C. &0 degrees. D. /0 degrees. 5. 120 degrees. &1. 5lectrostatic forces can be measured to directly indicate: A. 8ower. !. 3re?uency. C. Current. D. 2esistance. 5. <oltage. &2. A circuit has a comple impedance of / F j12. The absolute4 )alue impedance is: A. 1* ohms. !. / ohms. C. 12 ohms. D. 21 ohms. 5. 'mpossible to calculate from this data. &". Three resistors$ each of "0 ohms$ are connected in parallel. The net resistance is: A. /0 ohms. !. &0 ohms. C. "" ohms.


D. 10 ohms. 5. 'mpossible to determine from the data gi)en. &4. The logical statement R F > F > F R depicts: A. The distributi)e property. !. The associati)e property. C. The commutati)e property. D. The de +organ theorem. 5. The beha)ior of a 602 gate. &*. A cell that can be recharged$ and therefore used again and again$ is called: A. A secondary cell. !. A multiple4use cell. C. A primary cell. D. A tertiary cell. 5. A battery. &&. A resistor has a positi)e temperature coefficient of 1.00 percent per degree C. 'f its )alue is 100 ohms at 20 degrees C$ what is its )alue at 2* degrees C= A. 100 ohms. !. 10* ohms. C. /* ohms. D. 12* ohms. 5. 't canDt be calculated from this data. &,. A memory that can be easily accessed$ but not written o)er$ is called: A. 2A+. !. 82A+. C. C+0#. D. 20+. 5. C20+. &%. The capacitance between two parallel sheets of metal is: A. Directly proportional to the distance between them. !. 'n)ersely proportional to the distance between them. C. 6ot dependent on the distance between them. D. 'n)ersely proportional to their surface area. 5. 6egligible unless the sheets are both gigantic. &/. The forward base bias in a transistor is increased until the collector current le)els off. This condition is: A. Cutoff. !. #aturation. C. 8inchoff. D. 3orward brea1o)er. 5. A)alanche. ,0. An ad)antage of a 950 communications satellite system o)er a geostationary communications satellite is the fact that: A. The bandwidth is greater. !. The image resolution is superior. C. The satellites ne)er change their position in the s1y. D. 9arge$ high4gain antennas are not re?uired. 5. The satellites orbit at higher altitudes. ,1. A coil has 20 m( of inductance. ;hat is the inducti)e reactance= A. 20 ohms. !. 0.0* ohms. C. *0 ohms. D. 201 ohms. 5. There isnDt enough information gi)en here to figure it out. ,2. ;hat is an ad)antage of digital signal processing HD#8I= A. 'mpro)ed signal4to4noise ratio. !. 5nhanced fidelity. C. 'mpro)ed intelligibility. D. 2elati)e immunity to atmospheric noise. 5. All of the foregoing. ,". A dc )oltage4di)ider networ1 is made using: A. 'nductors. !. 2esistors. C. Capacitors. D. !ipolar transistors. 5. 35Ts. ,4. The electron )olt is a unit of: A. <oltage. !. Current. C. 8ower. D. 5lectric field strength. 5. 5nergy. ,*. A transformer has a primary4to4secondary turns ratio of 10:1. The input is 120 < rms ac. The output is: A. 12 1< rms ac. !. 1.2 1< rms ac. C. 120 < rms ac. D. 12 < rms ac. 5. 1.2 < rms ac. ,&. ;a)e R leads wa)e > by 2,0 degrees. This would be better e pressed by saying that: A. ;a)e R lags wa)e > by /0 degrees. !. ;a)e R lags wa)e > by 1%0 degrees. C. ;a)e R lags wa)e > by 2,0 degrees. D. ;a)es R and > are out of phase. 5. ;a)es R and > are in phase. ,,. ;hich type of amplifier circuit has the transistor or 35T biased e actly at cutoff or pinchoff when there is no signal input= A. Class4A. !. Class4A!. C. Class4!. D. Class4C. 5. Class4D. ,%. The term reso#$t*on might apply to: A. A hi4fi amplifier system. !. A power supply. C. A machine )ision system. D. An 686 bipolar transistor. 5. An electrolytic capacitor. ,/. An audio oscillator that uses two amplifiers in cascade$ with positi)e feedbac1 from the output of the second stage to the input of the first stage$ is 1nown as a: A. Colpitts circuit. !. (artley circuit. C. +ulti)ibrator. D. <C0. 5. Clapp circuit. %0. The main factor that limits the fre?uency at which a 846 -unction will rectify is the: A. 8'< rating. !. Vunction capacitance. C. Vunction resistance. D. Vunction inductance. 5. 2e)erse bias current. %1. The henry is a: A. <ery small unit. !. @nit of capaciti)e reactance. C. +easure of transistor gain. D. @nit of phase. 5. <ery large unit. %2. A diode that can be used as a )ariable capacitance is a: A. CaAs35T. !. #ilicon rectifier. C. 8oint4contact diode. D. <aractor. 5. Cermanium detector. %". 5lements can -oin together to form: A. 'ons. !. 'sotopes. C. 6uclei. D. Compounds. 5. +a-ority carriers. %4. The rms )alue for an ac wa)e is also sometimes called the: A. Absolute )alue. !. Direct4current )alue. C. 5ffecti)e )alue. D. 5?ui)alent )alue. 5. 2eacti)e )alue. %*. The gigabyte is a unit commonly used as a measure of: A. Data access time. !. Data fre?uency. C. Data transfer speed. D. Data storage capacity. 5. Data communications accuracy.


%&. 'n a parallel combination of light bulbs$ if one bulb soc1et totally shorts out: A. The circuit had better ha)e a fuse or a circuit brea1er. !. The other bulbs will burn out. C. The other bulbs will dim slightly$ but stay lit. D. The current drawn from the source will decrease. 5. 6one of the abo)e. %,. A common lab multimeter cannot measure: A. Current. !. 3re?uency. C. <oltage. D. 2esistance. 5. 't can measure any of the abo)e. %%. 'n a 84channel V35T: A. The drain is positi)e with respect to the source. !. The gate must be grounded. C. The ma-ority carriers are holes. D. The source recei)es the input signal. 5. All of the abo)e are true. %/. 'f you place a bar of iron inside a cylindrical coil of wire$ and then run dc through the wire$ you ha)e: A. A rheostat. !. A permanent magnet. C. A flu meter. D. An electric generator. 5. An electromagnet. /0. Admittance is a ?uantity e pressing: A. 0pposition to dc. !. 0pposition to audio signals. C. 5ase with which a circuit passes ac. D. The ratio of capacitance to inductance. 5. The ratio of reactance to resistance. /1. 'n a common4emitter bipolar4transistor circuit: A. The collector is at signal ground. !. The output is ta1en from the base. C. The emitter is at signal ground. D. The bases of two transistors are connected together. 5. The output is ta1en from the emitter. /2. 'n a certain resistance4capacitance H2CI circuit$ the current leads the )oltage by 4* degrees. The resistance is *0 ohms. The capaciti)e reactance is: A. 2* ohms. !. F2* ohms. C. *0 ohms. D. F*0 ohms. 5. 'mpossible to determine from this information. /". The <A power is e?ual to the true power only when: A. A circuit has no resistance. !. A circuit has no impedance. C. A circuit has no reactance. D. The comple impedance is high. 5. The phase angle is 4* degrees. /4. !inaural machine hearing can be ad)antageous o)er monaural machine hearing because the binaural scheme: A. Allows a robot to measure the fre?uency of a sound. !. Allows a robot to determine the amplitude of a sound. C. Allows a robot to tell from which direction a sound is coming. D. Allows a robot to ascertain the wa)eform of a sound. 5. Allows a robot to interpret spo1en commands. /*. The standard unit of inductance is the: A. 3arad. !. (enry. C. Cilbert. D. Causs. 5. Tesla. /&. The output of an amplifier circuit is 20 < and the input is *.0 <. The input and output impedances are identical. The circuit thus has a gain of: A. 4 d!. !. & d!. C. 12 d!. D. F4 d!. 5. F& d!. /,. An e ample of a de)ice that con)erts electrical energy into )isible radiant energy is: A. A photocell. !. A phototransistor. C. A photo)oltaic cell. D. A light4emitting diode. 5. A spea1er. /%. ;hat is the function of bleeder resistors in a power supply= A. To regulate the current. !. To regulate the )oltage. C. To protect the rectifier diodes against electromagnetic interference. D. To protect the rectifier diodes against current surges. 5. To discharge the filter capacitors after the supply is shut off. //. A resistor of 100 ohms carries """ mA dc. The power dissipated by that resistor is: A. "00 m;. !. "."" ;. C. ""." ;. D. "."" ;. 5. 11.1 ;. 100. The data in non)olatile memory: A. 's stored on magnetic dis1s. !. Consists of analog wa)eforms. C. 's retained after the power is remo)ed. D. +ust pass through a modem before it can be understood by the C8@. 5. Cannot be used by a microprocessor.


Ch&pter 1 1. ! 2. C ". D 4. D *. D &. A ,. ! %. C /. A 10. ! 11. C 12. A 1". D 14. C 1*. C 1&. A 1,. C 1%. ! 1/. C 20. D Ch&pter 0 1. ! 2. C ". D 4. ! *. C &. A ,. C %. C /. A 10. D 11. D 12. A 1". ! 14. ! 1*. C 1&. D 1,. ! 1%. C 1/. A 20. C Ch&pter 4 1. ! 2. A ". C 4. C *. A &. D ,. C %. A /. D 10. C 11. A 12. ! 1". A 14. C 1*. D 1&. ! 1,. D 1%. A 1/. C 20. ! Ch&pter 7 1. A 2. C ". D 4. A *. ! &. D ,. C %. A /. C 10. A 11. D 12. ! 1". D 14. ! 1*. A 1&. C 1,. C 1%. A 1/. D 20. ! Ch&pter 2 1. ! 2. D ". C 4. C *. A &. ! ,. D %. A /. ! 10. D 11. ! 12. C 1". ! 14. C 1*. A 1&. C 1,. ! 1%. C 1/. ! 20. C Ch&pter 6 1. C 2. A ". A 4. C *. D &. ! ,. ! %. C /. ! 10. C 11. D 12. C 1". A 14. C 1*. A 1&. A 1,. ! 1%. C 1/. ! 20. A Ch&pter 5 1. C 2. C ". ! 4. C *. D &. ! ,. A %. ! /. A 10. D 11. ! 12. A 1". ! 14. C 1*. D 1&. C 1,. C 1%. C 1/. A 20. D Ch&pter " 1. C 2. A ". D 4. ! *. C &. ! ,. ! %. C /. A 10. C 11. C 12. D 1". ! 14. A 1*. D 1&. D 1,. C 1%. ! 1/. ! 20. A TestD P&rt One 1. A 2. A ". C 4. ! *. A &. ! ,. A %. 5 /. 5 10. C 11. C 12. C 1". ! 14. C 1*. D 1&. ! 1,. A 1%. A 1/. 5 20. 5 21. D 22. D 2". D 24. C 2*. A 2&. C 2,. D 2%. A 2/. C "0. C "1. C "2. D "". 5 "4. D "*. 5 "&. ! ",. D "%. D "/. C 40. A 41. A 42. D 4". C 44. 5 4*. C 4&. C 4,. D 4%. A 4/. 5 *0. C Ch&pter B 1. C 2. C ". A 4. C *. D &. D ,. A %. !

/. C 10. ! 11. D 12. ! 1". ! 14. D 1*. D 1&. A 1,. C 1%. C 1/. D 20. A Ch&pter 11 1. ! 2. A ". D 4. ! *. ! &. C ,. D %. C /. A 10. D 11. ! 12. D 1". A 14. A 1*. D 1&. ! 1,. A 1%. C 1/. A 20. D Ch&pter 11 1. D 2. A ". A 4. A *. C &. D ,. ! %. A /. D 10. D 11. ! 12. C 1". ! 14. A 1*. ! 1&. C 1,. D 1%. A 1/. ! 20. ! Ch&pter 10 1. C 2. A ". ! 4. ! *. D &. ! ,. D %. C /. A 10. ! 11. ! 12. D 1". C 14. A 1*. C 1&. ! 1,. D 1%. C 1/. D 20. C Ch&pter 14 1. C 2. A ". ! 4. D *. C &. A ,. ! %. C /. D 10. C 11. D 12. D 1". A 14. ! 1*. D 1&. ! 1,. D 1%. C 1/. ! 20. A Ch&pter 17 1. ! 2. D ". A 4. C *. ! &. A ,. ! %. A /. A 10. D 11. C 12. ! 1". ! 14. ! 1*. C 1&. ! 1,. C 1%. D 1/. A 20. C Ch&pter 12 1. ! 2. ! ". A 4. D *. ! &. C ,. A %. C /. D 10. A 11. A 12. A 1". C 14. A 1*. D 1&. ! 1,. D 1%. C 1/. C 20. ! Ch&pter 16 1. ! 2. A ". D 4. D *. D &. ! ,. C %. C /. A 10. C 11. ! 12. ! 1". A 14. ! 1*. ! 1&. D 1,. C 1%. A 1/. ! 20. A Ch&pter 15 1. C 2. C ". A 4. D *. A &. ! ,. C %. D /. ! 10. C 11. C 12. A 1". D 14. A 1*. C 1&. ! 1,. D 1%. D 1/. C 20. A Ch&pter 1" 1. C 2. A ". D 4. ! *. ! &. A ,. C %. D /. A 10. D 11. ! 12. ! 1". C 14. D 1*. C 1&. A 1,. C 1%. D 1/. ! 20. ! TestD P&rt T*o 1. 5 2. 5 ". A 4. A *. 5 &. D ,. C %. D /. A 10. 5 11. C 12. A 1". D 14. C 1*. C 1&. 5 1,. 5 1%. D 1/. C 20. !

21. ! 22. D 2". C 24. C 2*. 5 2&. C 2,. ! 2%. A 2/. 5 "0. C "1. A "2. A "". A "4. A "*. ! "&. 5 ",. C "%. D "/. C 40. ! 41. ! 42. C 4". C 44. C 4*. D 4&. D 4,. 5 4%. 5 4/. A *0. A Ch&pter 1B 1. ! 2. D ". C 4. A *. C &. A ,. D %. ! /. C 10. ! 11. D 12. ! 1". ! 14. A 1*. ! 1&. C 1,. A 1%. C 1/. D 20. C Ch&pter 01 1. ! 2. D ". C 4. ! *. A &. A ,. D %. C /. ! 10. D 11. ! 12. A 1". C 14. A 1*. C 1&. D 1,. ! 1%. A 1/. C 20. A Ch&pter 01 1. C 2. D ". ! 4. A *. ! &. C ,. A %. ! /. D 10. C 11. A 12. D 1". D 14. ! 1*. C 1&. A 1,. C 1%. ! 1/. A 20. C Ch&pter 00 1. D 2. A ". ! 4. D *. D &. C ,. ! %. C /. ! 10. D 11. C 12. A 1". C 14. D 1*. A 1&. D 1,. ! 1%. C 1/. ! 20. ! Ch&pter 04 1. ! 2. D ". A 4. ! *. C &. A ,. ! %. C /. D 10. ! 11. C 12. A 1". D 14. A 1*. C 1&. D 1,. ! 1%. C 1/. A 20. A Ch&pter 07 1. A 2. C ". ! 4. ! *. D &. A ,. D %. ! /. D 10. A 11. C 12. ! 1". D 14. D 1*. C 1&. C 1,. ! 1%. A 1/. ! 20. A Ch&pter 02 1. C 2. ! ". A 4. C *. A &. C ,. D %. C /. D 10. ! 11. A 12. ! 1". D 14. C 1*. D 1&. D 1,. ! 1%. A 1/. D 20. C Ch&pter 06 1. C 2. A ". C 4. C *. A &. ! ,. D %. ! /. C 10. D 11. ! 12. C 1". A 14. ! 1*. D 1&. D 1,. A 1%. ! 1/. A 20. D Ch&pter 05 1. C 2. C ". A 4. C *. D &. C ,. ! %. A /. C 10. D 11. C 12. A 1". D 14. ! 1*. ! 1&. ! 1,. D 1%. A 1/. ! 20. D Ch&pter 0" 1. C 2. C ". A 4. !


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