Consumer Perception
Consumer Perception
Consumer Perception
This is to certify that SYED FARAAZUDDIN ARIF Reg No. 1260103 student of BBM IVTH Semester, uru Nan!, "irst rade Science #o$$ege, Bidar has satisfactori$y com%$eted %ro&ect Re%ort on CONSUMER PERCEPTION .His %ro&ect re%ort su'mitted for %artia$ fu$fi$$ment for the a(ard of BBM Degree. Internal Gui an!e
Mr.FAIZODDIN Mrs.Kalpana.K ( M.B.A ) .B.A )
( M
PRINCIP$% Dr# S&t# S'(a&ala ) Datta Guru Nana* +ir,t Gra e)|Page
S!ien!e C.llege- Bi ar
I here 'y dec$are that the (or! inc$uded in this %ro&ect entit$ed /CONSUMER PERCEPTION0 is carried out 'y me Head under of the guidance of of Mr,#1al2ana#1 Management C.llege- Bi ar. This (or! has not 'een su'mitted 'efore in any form for the fu$fi$$ment of the *egree of Guru Nana* +ir,t Gra e S!ien!e C.llege- Bi ar. SYED +$R$$3UDDIN $RI+ Reg# N.# 1260103 BBM I)t' Se&e,terGuru Nana* +ir,t Gra e- S!ien!e C.llege Bi ar# Pla!e 4BID$R the *e%artment
Date 4
I consider it my %$easure to ac!no($edge a$$ those indi,idua$s (ho ha,e he$%ed me in com%$etion of my %ro&ect. "irst$y I e-%ress my dee% sense of gratitude to our %rinci%a$ Smt. Shyam$a .V .*utta of uru Nana! "irst rade Science #o$$ege, Bidar for accommodating me in the fami$y of uru Nana! "irst rade Science #o$$ege, Bidar. I am e-treme$y gratefu$ to my %ro&ect guide MR.".I/0**IN., for their guidance and %atience through the com%$etion of my %ro&ect. I (ou$d a$so $i!e to than! our Head of the *e%artment Mrs. 1a$%ana 1. for granting me this o%%ortunity to carry out my %ro&ect (or!. I (ou$d a$so re $i!e to than! the facu$ty mem'ers of the *e%artment of Management (ho %ro,ided me (ith ,a$ua'$e information I he$%ed me in time of need. SYED +$R$$3UDDIN $RI+ Reg# N.# 1260103 BBM I)t' Se&e,terGuru Nana* +ir,t Gra e- S!ien!e C.llege Bi ar#
3ast 'ut not $east I (ou$d $i!e to than! our other staff mem'ers and friends (ho a$(ays he$%ed me in time of need and made the %ro&ect (or! a successfu$ ,enture.
5 To !no( the %urchase 'eha,ior of the consumer. 5 To o'tained sincere suggestions %ro,iding a sco%e for im%ro,ement if needed. 5 Persona$ inter,ie(ing and 6uestionaiers (as ado%ted . 5 7ide s%read internationa$ %resence . 5 The com%any has good o%%ortunity for futher industry conso$idation and ca%acity e-%ansion and uti$i8ation 5 By this (e can !no( the %erce%tion of an consumer
5 The study %ro,ides detai$s a'out the consumers segments organi8ation 5 The study is conducted to !no( the %hysica$ %erce%tion and other su%%orting consumers acti,ities 5 It a$so ma!es some re$e,ant suggestions to im%ro,e its efficiency (ith certain consumers . 5 The sco%e of study sho(s ho( im%ortant is the study of consumers 5 It is a %art of consumer %erce%tion system .
Research design defined as ;It is a 'asic %$an (hich guides the data co$$ection, ana$ysis and %hases of the %ro&ect. It is a frame (or! (hich s%ecifies the ty%e of information to 'e co$$ected, the sources of data co$$ection %rocedure<. =tc
go,ern such 'eha,ior. .s!ing a 'road 6uestion and co$$ecting data in the form of (ords, images, ,ideo etc that is ana$y8ed searching for themes. This ty%e of research aims to in,estigate a 6uestion (ithout attem%ting to 6uantifia'$y measure ,aria'$es or $oo! to %otentia$ re$ationshi%s 'et(een ,aria'$es. It is ,ie(ed as more restricti,e in testing hy%otheses 'ecause it can 'e e-%ensi,e and time consuming, and ty%ica$$y $imited to a sing$e set of research su'&ects. Bua$itati,e research is often used as a method of e-%$oratory research as a 'asis for $ater 6uantitati,e research hy%otheses. Bua$itati,e research is $in!ed (ith the %hi$oso%hica$ and theoretica$ stance of socia$ constructionist.
Buantitati,e research Systematic em%irica$ in,estigation of 6uantitati,e %ro%erties and %henomena and their re$ationshi%s. .s!ing a narro( 6uestion and co$$ecting numerica$ data to ana$y8e uti$i8ing statistica$ methods. The 6uantitati,e research designs are e-%erimenta$, corre$ationa$, and sur,ey. Statistics deri,ed from 6uantitati,e research can 'e used to esta'$ish the e-istence of associati,e or causa$ re$ationshi%s 'et(een ,aria'$es. Buantitati,e research is $in!ed (ith the %hi$oso%hica$ and theoretica$ stance of %ositi,ism. The Buantitati,e data co$$ection methods re$y on random sam%$ing and structured data co$$ection instruments that fit di,erse e-%eriences into %redetermined res%onse categories These methods %roduce resu$ts that are easy to summari8e, com%are, and genera$i8e. Buantitati,e research is concerned (ith testing hy%otheses deri,ed from theory andDor 'eing a'$e to estimate the si8e of a %henomenon of interest. *e%ending on the research 6uestion, %artici%ants may 'e random$y assigned to different treatments Ethis is the on$y (ay that a 6uantitati,e study can 'e considered a true e-%eriment. If this is not feasi'$e, the researcher may co$$ect data on %artici%ant and situationa$ characteristics in order to statistica$$y contro$ for their inf$uence on the de%endent, or outcome, ,aria'$e. If
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the intent is to genera$i8e from the research %artici%ants to a $arger %o%u$ation, the researcher (i$$ em%$oy %ro'a'i$ity sam%$ing to se$ect %artici%ants.
"or any (or! or the acti,ities underta!en 'y man their (i$$ 'e some $imitations, the same a%%$ies here a$so. The $imitations of this study are as fo$$o(s. 5 The study is 'ased on$y on customer %erce%tion 'ut not on the mar!et conditions and other factors. 5 The study is conducted on$y on se$ected customers not on o,era$$ customers 5 The study is fu$$y 'ased u%on the customer>s attitudes, and their situations at the time of fi$$ing the 6uestionnaire. 5 The study is madeS, !ee%ing in mind the time constraint i.e. on$y a fe( days a$$o(ed for (ho$e study
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Perce%tion refers to a %rocess 'y (hich indi,idua$s organi8e and inter%ret their sensory im%ressions in order to gi,e meaning to their en,ironment. . moti,ated %erson is reads to act, ho( the moti,ated %erson actua$$y acts is inf$uenced 'y hisDher %erce%tion of the situation. Perce%tion is the %rocess 'y (hich an indi,idua$s se$ects, organi8es, and inter%rets information in%uts to create a meaningfu$ %ictures of the (or$d. Perce%tion de%ends not on$y on the %hysica$ stimu$i, 'ut a$so on the stimu$i>s re$ation to the surrounding fie$d and on conditions (ithin the indi,idua$s e-%ressed to the same rea$ty. In mar!eting, %eo%$e EcustomersG %erce%tions are more im%ortant than the rea$ity. Peo%$e can emerge (ith different
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%erce%tion of the same o'&ect. Because of three %erce%tua$ %rocesses. Se$ecti,e attention Se$ecti,e distortion Se$ecti,e retention
Se$ecti,e .ttention Se$ecti,e =-%osure Se$ecti,e rece%tion, com%rehension and retention. Perce%tua$ ,igi$ance or defense =-%ectation Su'$imina$ %erce%tion
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Peo%$e ha,e the tendency to ,ie( the same %henomenon different$y. The 'eha,iour of the consumer in the mar!et $ace de%ends to a $arge e-tent on his !no($edge of the (or$d.
#onsumer %erce%tion has im%$ications for a mar!eter. Mar!eter shou$d understand that %eo%$e %ercei,e things different$y 'ecause of the %erce%tua$ mechanism that differs 'et(een %eo%$e. =,ery %erson is uni6ue in himse$f (ith uni6ue 'ac!grounds, e-%eriences, e-%ectations, etc, and so the resu$tant %erce%tions are a$so uni6ue.
I Perceptual selectivity:
5 The mar!eter shou$d manage the sensory and %erce%tua$ factors to inf$uence consumers. 5 Human 'eings are simu$taneous$y e-%osed to ,arious stimu$i in hisDher en,ironment. The choice of the stimu$i that they se$ect (ou$d de%end on (hat they fee$ is re$e,ant for them and or a%%ro%riate for them. In the fie$d of mar!eting, stimu$i cou$d inc$ude the %roduct, the 'rand name, the features and attri'utes, the %ac!aging, the ad,ertisement, etc. 5The mar!eter shou$d gi,e attention to factors e-terna$ and re$ated to the stimu$i, as (e$$ as to factors, interna$ and re$ated to the %ercei,er. =-terna$ stimu$i cou$d ta!e the form of si8e, intensity, contrast, motion, re%etition, fami$iarity, no,e$ty etc. The stimu$i shou$d %ossess one or more of such characteristics to get se$ected. Interna$ stimu$i refer to factors that are re$ated to an indi,idua$ ,i8., factors $i!e moti,ation, $earning, %ersona$ity and se$f5image, etc.
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Perce%tua$ se$ecti,ity of a %erson (ou$d de%end u%on (hat he considers re$e,ant and a%%ro%riate as %er these %sycho$ogica$ ,aria'$es. 51ee%ing %erce%tua$ se$ecti,ity in mind, mar!eters, shou$d offer different %roducts for different segments and %osition them according$y.
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II Perceptual Organization:
The mar!eter shou$d gi,e attention to factors e-terna$ and re$ated to the stimu$i, as (e$$ as to factors, interna$ and re$ated to the %ercei,er. The e-terna$ factors refer to the e-terna$ and o'ser,a'$e characteristics of the stimu$us, i.e. of the %erson, o'&ect, thing or situationH in mar!eting terms it refers to the characteristics of the %roduct, 'rand, %ac!aging, ad,ertisement etc. Such factors (ou$d inc$ude si8e, intensity, motion, re%etition, fami$iarity and no,e$ty, co$or and contrast, %osition, and iso$ation. The indi,idua$ factors refer to factors interna$ to and re$ated to the %ercei,erH in mar!eting terms it refers to the characteristics of the consumer. "or e-am%$e, moti,ation, $earning, %ersona$ity and se$f5image etc. The mar!eter shou$d aim at ma!ing the %rinci%$es of the esta$t %hi$oso%hy (or! in the %roductIs fa,or. *ra(ing from %rinci%$es of %erce%tua$ organi8ation, tmar!eters hou$d !ee% the fo$$o(ing in mindJ
- Grouping:
#onsumers %ercei,e that %roducts that are simi$ar to each other in a%%earance and use, are re$ated to each other. That is (hy the mar!eters of ;me5too< %roducts try and co%y the %ac!aging of origina$ 'rands. 7hen mar!eter $aunch ne( 'rands, they shou$d try and 'rand it as the '$an!et fami$y name or go for a cor%orate name com'ined (ith indi,idua$ %roduct names, and ha,e the 'rand $ogo. #onsumers %ercei,e the ne( 'rand to 'e re$ated to the o$d one, in terms of the fact that they share the same $ogo. The 'enefits associated (ith the origina$ %roduct get trans$ated to the ne(er %roduct as (e$$. Mar!eters shou$d design their %romotion messages in a manner that uses cues and stimu$i in c$ose %ro-imity (ith the %roduct. The resu$t is that the %ositi,e fee$ings generated 'y one or fe( stimu$i can 'e trans$ated to the rest in tota$ity, so as to generate a %ositi,e outcome. #onsumers re$ate the ,arious stimu$i that $ie in %ro-imity to each other. . %roduct is %ercei,ed in the same (ay as the other stimu$i are %ercei,ed in the %ro-imate surroundings. If the mood generated 'y the surrounding stimu$i is rega$ and roya$, the %roduct tends to get re$ated to so%histication and sty$e. So the mar!eter must 'e carefu$ in using stimu$i that '$end %erfect$y (ith the %roduct.
The %rinci%$e of c$osure can 'e a%%$ied 'y a mar!eter to encourage audience %artici%ation, (hich increases the chance %eo%$e (i$$ attend to the message. Teaser e$ements may 'e used in ad,ertisements, and the consumers may 'e as!ed to fi$$ u% the ga%s. This generates consumer attention and in,o$,ement, interest and e-citement.
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5 Thus, mar!eters $aunch a %roductDser,ice under the '$an!et fami$y name, so that the image that a time tested successfu$ en&oys can 'e transferred to the ne( offering as (e$$. 5 The mar!eter shou$d 'e carefu$ that in this case, the offering is not disa%%ointing for the customer, $est the image of the fami$y 'rand cou$d 'e tarnished.
5 Peo%$e ma!e inter%retations on the 'asis of irre$e,ant and un meaningfu$ stimu$iH So %roducts shou$d 'e %ositioned according$y. .esthetics and $oo!s ha,e a 'ig ro$e to %$ay. 5 Peo%$e often ma!e &udgments on the 'asis of the first im%ression. . ne( %roduct shou$d ne,er 'e introduced in the mar!et 'efore it has 'een mar!et tested. 5 5 In case it is not tested and $aunched, and su'se6uent$y fai$s, it cou$d 'e disastrous for the com%any. .$$ su'se6uent attem%ts to satisfy the customer (ou$d fai$ as first im%ression is $ong $asting.
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5 Most of the res%ondents ha,e no %ro'$ems (ith their %roducts. 5 Ma&ority of the res%ondents ha,e ,ery good im%ression a'out the 'randed %roduct.
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5 Ma&ority of res%ondents are satisfied after %urchasing, a$so satisfied (ith the dea$er ser,ice. 5 Ma&ority of the res%ondents ha,e %urchased 'randed %roducts from dea$ers 'e$ie,ing their after sa$es.
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5 Many %eo%$e (hom I ha,e ,isited stated me that ser,ice %ro,iders shou$d come and co$$ect 'i$$ and go. "or them I suggested that in future it may %ossi'$e 'ut no( you can %ay through on$ine, if you !no( surfing and ha,e credit card or de'it card. 5 Many %eo%$e to$d that (hi$e dri,ing using ear%hone and s%ea!ing is not comforta'$e, I suggested them that a ne( techno$ogy '$ue tooth may so$,e your %ro'$em 'ut don>t use mo'i$e %hone (hi$e dri,ing or riding 'i!es, 'ecause some time it $eads to accident. 5 Some of the res%ondents to$d me that they cou$d not send more than 19F characters in e5mai$ through (ire$essH I suggested that further changes might occur in future. 7ait for sometime. 5 0$tra K,io$ent rays and the fre6uency $ines i,tur;, t'e :l(ing ;ir ,, it $eads to the e-hi'itions of natura$ ,egetation.
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5 It is suggested that com%anies ha,e to offer inno,ati,e schemes (ith insta$$ments and credit faci$ity to the customers to increase their mar!et share. 5 .na$ysis of res%ondents re,ea$s that some of the res%ondents are not satisfied (ith the %rice. Hence, the com%any has to restructure its %ricing %o$icy in ,ie( of customers fee$ing.
5 #om%any shou$d maintain good re$ationshi% (ith the dea$ers and consumers 'y gi,ing the incenti,es. 5 Best 'rand are suggested to ha,e insta$$ment %ayment system, 'ecause it he$%s those (ho are una'$e to %ay such cash %ayment 'asis.
5 The com%anies shou$d ma!e efforts to enhanceit to customers in %rescri'ed state or city.
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The study entit$ed ;. study on customer %erce%tion to(ards ser,ices has 'een underta!en (ith o'&ecti,e to !no( the usefu$ness of ser,ices in commerce fie$d, to understand customers> %erce%tion and to !no( %referred features of gaining ser,ices 'y the customers and a'out ser,ice %ro,iders in India. This study (as underta!en using ,arious too$s and techni6ues $i!e 6uestionnaire, direct inter,ie(. .fter ana$y8ing the data $i!e usefu$ness of ser,ices to the commerce and other fie$ds and ser,ices %ro,ided 'y the ser,ice %ro,iders. It has conc$uded that the ser,ice %ro,ided to the customers is satisfactory. .t %resent in India there is tota$ of 1) %$ayers in the mar!et, (ith the fi,e ma&or %$ayers 'eing Bharti Te$e,entures .Bharat sanchar nigam , Hutch India, idea ce$$u$ar, and re$iance ser,ices . .$$ the %$ayers e-ce%t RIM offering ser,ices 'ased on g$o'a$ system for ser,ices techno$ogy ..ccess %ro,ided ser,ices 'ased on code di,ision mu$ti%$e access techno$ogy.
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.s com%etition in the te$ecom arena intensified, seer,ice %ro,iders too! ne( initiati,es to attract customers. Prominent among these (ere ce$e'rity endorsements, $oya$ty re(ards, discounts cou%ons, 'usiness so$utions and ta$! time schemes. The most im%ortant consumer segment in the ce$$u$ar industry is youth segment and 'usiness c$ass segment. The youth segment is the $argest and fastest gro(ing segment and is therefore targeted most hea,i$y 'y ce$$u$ar ser,ice %ro,iders. The attraction of ce$$u$ar mo'i$e ser,ice is increasing day5'y5day 'ecause of the continued e-%ansion of the ser,ices and faci$ities made a,ai$a'$e 'y the ce$$u$ar o%erators through mo'i$e te$e%hony (hich are made %ossi'$e 'y techno$ogy u% gradation as (e$$ as information techno$ogy re,o$ution. It is no $onger the ,oice te$e%hony that a%%ea$s the consumers. "eatures $i!e short message ser,ices, mo'i$e 'an!ing, mo'i$e commerce, astro$ogy, ne(s, $i,e cric!et scores etc. and the internet and e5mai$ access through ser,ices dra(s the ma-imum num'er of customers to ser,ices %ro,iders.
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