Policy On Anti Sexual Harassment of Employees
Policy On Anti Sexual Harassment of Employees
Policy On Anti Sexual Harassment of Employees
without fear of prejudice, gender bias and sexual harassment. Company regards sexual harassment and actions that create a hostile work environment as a very serious matter and such conduct is prohibited in the workplace by any person and in any form.Company also believes that all employees of the Company have to be treated with dignity. SCOPE AND EFFECTIVE DATE Extends to all employees of the Company and is deemed to be incorporated in the service conditions of all employeesand comes into effect immediately. Applicable at all locations and activities including those run in partnership so also to all company-sponsored social events. Applies to men and women to like and opposite gender relationships to relationships between supervisors and subordinates doctors and patients and peer relationships. !t includes employees, customers, vendors, consultants, and anyone else doing business on our premises, as well as to those involved in activities in which our name is associated. All associates shall comply with this policy.
DEFINITIONS Employee includes a person employed " engaged by the company for any work directly, or by or through any Agency. #or this purpose, $%exual &arassment' includes any unwanted or unwarranted gesture or verbal sexual advances, sexually explicit and derogatory statements or remarks, sexually colored remarks, avoidable and unwarranted physical contacts, willfully touching or patting, suggestive sexual remarks, sexually slanted and obscene jokes, vulgar comments about physical appearance, indecent invitations, stalking sounds, lurid stares, use" showing of pornographic material,
display of pictures, demand for sexual favors, demanding sexual favor by making telephone calls or sending %(%"(ails, threats of physical assault or molestation on refusal by the employee by their superiors, colleagues or anyone who for the time being is in a position to sexually exploit or harass the employee at any work place which may contain ) !mplied or overt promise of preferential treatment in that employee*s employment An implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in that employee*s employment or an implied or overt threat about the present or future employment status of that employee and includes the creation of a hostile working environment. +he conduct interferes with an employee,s work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. %uch conduct that is humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem which offends the individuals sensibilities and affect her"his performance conduct of such an act at work place or outside in relation to an Employee, or vice versa during the course of employment COMMITTEE AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT ( CASH!" CA%& has been constituted to consider and redress complaints of %exual &arassment. +he committee should be headed by a -oman and -oman members should not be less than half of the total members in the committee who are direct employees of the Company &. /epartment shall finali0e the Committee members in coordination with respective -orks " %ite " 1ranch " 2ocation &ead and shall circulate Committee details to employees in respective locations. +he si0e of the Committee shall not be more than 3 members.
Employee hasto submit his " her compliant in writing on the occurrence of such an incident at their respective location mentioning the /ate and nature of the harassment.
4pon receipt of the formal complaint from the employee CASHCommittee will initiate investigation on the veracity " strength of the compliant. Confidentiality will be maintained during the investigation.
5rgani0ation will not tolerate any form of reprisal or retaliation against an employee or applicant reporting any incident of claimed sexual harassment. #alse accusations of harassment will not be tolerated and would be viewed seriously.
EN#UIRY PROCESS A 6uorum of 7 members is re6uired to start the En6uiry process !f the complaint is raised against a Committee member by the Complainant, the Committee shall ensure that the defendant should not be the part of the Committee and not allowed to be part of the proceedings " interfere in the proceedings. CASHCommittee shall maintain a register to endorse the complaint received.+he details are to be recorded and maintained as per Annexure 8 9, Annexure-: of this policy. +he CASHCommittee members shall hear the Complainantand record his"her allegations. +he Complainant " defendant can submit anycorroborative material with a documentary proof, written material,etc., in original which is self attestedto substantiate his " her complaint. !f the Complainant ;if #emale< does not wishto depose personally due to embarrassment of narration of event, a female coemployee shall meet and record the statement. +hereafter, the defendant shall be called fora deposition before the Committee and an opportunity will be given to him" her to give an explanation, where after, an $En6uiry= shall be conductedand concluded. !n case the complaint is proved true, &. /epartment shall initiate necessary action as recommended by the CASHCommittee. !n the event, the complaint does not fall under the purview of %exual&arassment the same would be dropped after recording the reasonsthereof.
CASH Committee shall complete the $En6uiry= within >? days from the date of complaint and communicate its findings and its recommendations for action to the &. /epartment
-here sexual harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by any third party or outsider, CA%& committee shall take steps necessary and reasonable to assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action.
!n case the Committee finds the degree of offence coverable under the !ndian @enal Code, then this fact shall be mentioned in its report and appropriate action shall be initiated by the (anagement, for making a @olice Complaint.
IMPROPER COMPLAINTS +his policy shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against anyone. (aking a knowingly false complaint subjects the complaint to disciplinary or corrective action. &owever, failure to prove a claim of sexual harassment does not constitute proof of a false and " or malicious accusation. PROHIBITION OF VICTIMISATION Ao person shall be victimi0ed for anything said or done in relation to any complaint. A person victimi0es another person if the person subjects the other person or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment in connection with employment or recruitment or promotion because such person o o o &as brought proceedings against any person. +he other person associates with the complainant. &as given evidence or information or produced a document, in connection with any proceedings.
CASH Committee shall take all reasonable steps to ensure prevention of sexual harassment at work. Such steps shall include: Circulation of the policy in English/ Vernacular in Office / Plant / Works locations on Sexualharassment to all direct / indirect employees. Sexual harassment will be affirmatively discussed at monthly meetings,
workshopsetc., Conduct regular in-house training on sexual harassment andaddressing complaints to all direct / indirect employees.
A commitment is re6uired from all the levels of the organi0ation for the positive implementation of the policies and procedures made against sexual harassment.
Widely publicize that the Sexual Harassment is a crime & will not be tolerated. Names and contact numbers of members of the CASH committee will beprominently displayed in all the Offices/ Projects.
$HO SHOULD HELP STOP $OR%PLACE HARASSMENT& So'()e T*(+e, O-.e(/e( Pe(.o0 %top the &arassing 1ehavior +ell the source to stop and"or report the behavior. Ao such thing as an innocent bystander A /uty Exists
FOLLO$-UP $ITH THE COMPLAINANT #inally, CASH Committee shall affirmatively follow up with the complainant after one month of decision to determine whether the inappropriate activity has stopped whether any retaliatory or related activity has been initiated against the complainant by the defendant /epending on the situation, it may also be advisable to interview coworkers or supervisors of the harasser in order to ascertain whether inappropriate activity has continued with respect to the original victim or other parties.
E01'2(y Fo(m No) CASH3EF3444444 ANNEXURE 5 6 EN#UIRY FORM +o BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB A complaint of %exual &arassment ;Complaint Aumber) CA%&"xxx< has been lodged against you by (r. " (s. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB on BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. +he complaint refersto the following incidents that allegedly took place between both parties where the details are as following S7 No 6 ; < N*,'(e o8 I0)29e0, D*,e : T2me o8 I0)29e0, Lo)*,2o0
CASH Committee is at present examining the complaint;s<. +he Committee would like to meet you on BBBBBBBBBBBB ;/ate< atBBBBBBB in the BBBBBBBBBBBBB ;mention the venue<. ;+ime<
Cou are re6uested to attend the En6uiry without fail and meet the Committee to present your version with respect to the Complaint.
!f you desire to call any witness;es< the same may be communicated to CA%& Committee within 9 day of receiving this communication. #or any change in the time or date of your appointment with the Committee, please contact undersigned. Cours truly,
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (ember 8CA%& Committee /ate) Encl) Copy of the Complaint along with @roof;s< A),2o0 T*=e0 Fo(m No) CASH3ATF34444444444 ANNEXURE - ; ACTION TA%EN FORM (To -e 202,2*,e9 -y HR Dep*(,me0," +o (r. " (s. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1asing on the complaint lodged by (r. " (s. BBBBBBBBBBBBB on %exual &arassment ;@l. refer #orm Ao) CA%&"E#"xxxx< and the subse6uent detailed en6uiry conducted by CA%& Committee it has been proved that the allegations are true. 1asing on the recommendations of the committee the following disciplinary action is initiated against you
Cou are re6uested to abide the decision of the Committee and shall act accordingly. Cours truly,
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (ember 8CA%& Committee /ate) DECLARATION ! agree to the action recommended by the CA%& Committee and shall abide by the same
! acknowledge that ! have received a copy of the Anti%exual &arassment Employee handbook. ! understand and agree that it is myresponsibility to read and familiari0e myself with all of theprovisions of the handbook. ! understand that the provisions of this handbook and aware that the Committee reserves the right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement oradd to the provisions of this handbook as it deems appropriate fromtime to time in its sole and absolute discretion and shall provide information of changes as theyoccur. ! am committed to abide by the policy and to act in a @rofessionalmanner that will respect the dignity of Colleagues DEisitors.
ANNEXURE 5 6 CASH - COMPLAINT REGISTER S No 6 ; < @ N*,'(e o8 Compl*20, N*me : Dep*(,me0, o8 ,>e Compl*20*0, N*me : Dep*(,me0, o8 ,>e De8e09*0, D*,e : T2me o8 (e)e2/20+ ,>e Compl*20, De,*2l. o8 E/29e0)e. p(o/29e9 E01'2(y Fo(m N'm-e( (CASH3EF3???"
ANNEXURE 5 ; CASH 5EN#UIRY PROCESS DETAILS S No 6 ; < @ E01'2(y Fo(m No N*,'(e o8 Compl*20, D*,e : T2me o8 Compl*20, Rem*(=. D*,e o8 Re)omme09*,2o0. E01'2(y -y CASH Comm2,,ee A),2o0 202,2*,e9 -y HR Dep*(,me0,