Claim On Death of Depositors in Banks

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Policy on claim settlement of deceased and missing persons Branches receive requests for settlement of claims from the

nominees or legal heirs in respect of deceased customers as well as persons reported missing. The intent of this policy is to lay down clear guidelines with respect to claim settlement of deceased depositors and missing persons both in respect of deposits and lockers. Background Indian Banks' Association (IBA has issued model operational procedures for settlement of claims of deceased depositors in !ctober "##$ and revised them in %arch "##&. As per the master circular on customer service dated 'ovember () "##& the bank should have a Board approved policy on claim settlement of deceased and missing persons. In order to facilitate e*peditious and hassle+free settlement of such claims on the death of a depositor) the ,eserve Bank of India (,BI also has asked the banks to follow a simple procedure with minimum documentation for release of balance amounts in deceased account holders- accounts) without insisting on production of succession certificate) letter of administration) probate or obtaining any bond of indemnity or surety from the survivor(s or nominee. .or accounts which do not have /0ither or 1urvivor- clause nor have a nomination) the ,BI has asked banks to fi* a threshold limit upto which they could release the balance amount lying in the deceased account holders- account after obtaining a letter of indemnity and without insisting upon production of any other documents. 1ettlement of deceased claims At branches) customers have the option of maintaining their accounts under various modes of operations including2 3. Account in single name ". 4oint accounts with survivorship mandate (any of the account holders can operate the account (. 4oint accounts without survivorship mandate (all account holders must 5ointly operate the account A 5oint account opened as 60ither or 1urvivor7 or 6Anyone or 1urvivor7 or 6.ormer or 1urvivor7 or 68atter or 1urvivor7 will permit the surviving account holder(s to have unimpeded access to the credit balance in the account for withdrawal if one of the co+ account holders dies. The survivor will supersede the nominee for settlement even if a nomination is available on the account. 9ustomers who hold an individual account or 5oint account without survivorship mandate have an option of giving a nomination on the account. 'omination facility simplifies the procedure for settlement of claims of deceased depositors to the nominee at the time of death of the account holder or at any time thereafter. :ith the nomination)

the Bank gets a clearance for making the payment of the outstanding balance in the depositors account. In the event the claim has not settled and a probate ; succession certificate is presented) the Bank should discharge its obligation in accordance with the probate ; succession certificate after giving due notice to the nominee of the same. The above policy will be applicable for settlement of claims for lockers as well. <ocuments required A combination of the following documents will be required depending upon the value of the claim to be settled and mode of operation of the account2 a b c d e f g h ,equest letter from the surviving account holders ; nominee or claimant 9opy of death certificate A stamped receipt signed by all the claimants;legal heirs Indemnity letter 8etter of disclaimer Affidavit Asset = liability statement of sureties 1uccession certificate

1ettlement of claim in case of missing persons Branches may receive requests for settlements of claims in respect of persons reported missing from their nominees ; legal heirs. ,BI vide its notification ,BI;"##$+#&;(#& <B!<.'o.8eg. B9.&# ;#>.#$.##?;"##$+#& dated %ay ") "##& has provided guidelines for settlement of claims in such accounts. As per the provisions of section 3#& of the Indian 0vidence Act) presumption of death can be made only after a lapse of seven years from the date of a person being reported missing) i.e. the date when the .I, ; non+traceable report was lodged. After the lapse of seven years) the decision to set the threshold beyond which a court order for settlement of claim is required has been left to the discretion of banks by ,BI. I9I9I Bank has set the threshold limit as ,s 3.# million. Below the threshold limit) after a lapse of seven years from the date of a person being reported missing) i.e. the date when the .I, ; non+traceable report was lodged) nominee ; legal heir has to essentially submit the .I, and the non+traceable report issued by police authorities for settlement of claims) along with the documents similar to those required for deceased claim settlement. .or any settlement beyond the threshold limit) the claimant would be required to submit the court order (presuming the death of the missing account holder along with other documents as above.

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