She Speaks - Wisdom From The Women of The Bible To The Modern Black Woman

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The document discusses several women from the Bible and lessons that can be learned from their stories.

Eve was curious about the forbidden fruit and was tricked by the serpent into eating it, which led to her and Adam being cast out of the garden.

God promised Sarah that she would have a son in her old age named Isaac, despite her doubts due to her age.



Sis S is t ts er e ers rs s

2013 by Michele Clark Jenkins All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Images:, Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected]. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION. ISBN: 978-1-4016-7780-0 Printed in the United States of America 12 13 14 15 16 QG 6 5 4 3 2 1


And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Genesis 2:22



had God. God was my Father and He was good to me and provided for all of my needs. However, I just didnt understand why God told Adam He didnt want us to taste the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I grew more and more curious. Then we got company. It was a snake; and it spoke to me questions that sounded much like my own. But he took it even further, saying God just didnt want Adam and me to rise to His level. He told me that if we ate from the tree, we would be as God. He told us we would not die if we ate the forbidden fruit, although God told us that we would. I chose to believe the serpent. I didnt want to get in trouble with God, at least not by myself, so I talked Adam into tasting of the fruit of the tree with me. As we did, terrible things happened. We saw everything around us through our altered, sinful eyes and no longer through the pure, unblemished vision we had known through our unbroken relationship with God. We knew we were in big trouble! So we tried to run from God (which was futile since He is everywhere). Of course, God found us. The first thing Adam did was tell God I gave him the fruit to eat. What a tattletale! So I explained to God it was really the serpents fault because he is the one who tricked me. God held Adam and me accountable for our actions and He cast us out of the garden, never to return.

was the first woman. I was in that beautiful garden named Eden and I was not alone. I had Adam, to whom I was a helpmate, and I



Why Her?
We all remember that Eve broke the only commandment God had given to her through Adamshe believed Satans lies and ate from the only forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. And she convinced Adam to do the same. As a result, she also became the agent through whom death entered the world. Wow, talk about your reputation preceding you! She had a lot to live down. It would seem that nothing good could ever have come from Eve. But her sin is not the only thing we remember about Eve; from her we also learn that God can use the worst in us for good. Eves name means source of life. Even though Eve is considered the source of death, as the mother of all living people, God allowed Eve to maintain her purpose as the mother of all life through her son, Seth. It was Seths children who began to call on the name of the Lord. His childrens children waited for the Messiah, one of Eves own bloodline, to restore true life to all. What an honor God bestowed on this rst of sinners.

source of life.

ves name means



About Her
Eve was made from the rib of Adam and was the rst woman. Before they were driven out, Eve lived with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Among her sons were Cain, Abel, and Seth. She is the mother of all mankind and is responsible, along with Adam, for the rst sin that separated us from God.

Apply Her
Eves sin was that she reasoned and freely chose to be disobedient to what God said. Actually, at the point she made her decision, she didnt care what God said; she cared only for what she wanted. It was her selshness and self-rule that separated Eve from God, but not from His love. It is the same with us. We can either choose to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, submit to His will, and spend all eternity with Him; or we can choose our own way without Him, which is the path of sin and eternal death.

Find Her
Genesis 1:2629 Genesis 2:1525 Genesis 3:124 Genesis 4:1, 2, 25, 26 2 Corinthians 11:3 1 Timothy 2:14


And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.
Genesis 17:19



prayers, I arranged for my husband, Abraham, to be with my handmaiden. That way, he could have a son to continue his line. Then God showed up. When I was old and worn out, I overheard him telling Abraham that I would give birth within a year. In my head, I was thinking, What a joke. Id already been through menopause! Unfortunately, I laughed out loud and God asked Abraham why I laughed. Then I lied and told God that I hadnt. But God had heard and said, You did laugh. As badly as I feel about lying to Him, I am highly honored that He spoke to me and cared about what I thought. Ive never heard much about God speaking to any women; but the God of the universe told me He would go against the natural and would supernaturally bless us with a son, Isaacthe answer to my lifelong prayers. I am a living testimony that, even when the earth treats women like second class citizens, God will answer our prayers. He is faithful even when weve given up asking.

had prayed and prayed, but the Lord had not seen fit to let me have children. When it seemed God was never going to answer my



Why Her?
Sarah, wife of Abraham, is considered one of the great women of faith in the Bible; but she also demonstrated a lack of faith when she got tired of waiting on God. God had promised Abraham, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be (Gen. 15:5). Yet, Sarah looked at all of her circumstances and determined that she could not be used in Gods plan to multiply Abrahams seed. So, she gave another woman, Hagar, her Egyptian maid, to her husband as his wife so he could ful ll Gods plan without her. After Hagar gave birth, Sarah saw that this might not have been such a good plan. Jealousy and competition created some serious drama between Sarah and her ex-handmaiden. Through all the problems, Sarah still laughed to herself at the thought that God could open up her her ninety-year-old womb to have children. She soon found that nothing is too great for GodIsaac was born to her in her old age. The strife was even greater once Isaac was born. Isaac was Gods chosen vessel to carry on the lineage of Abraham; Hagar and

ealousy and

competition created some serious drama between Sarah and her exhandmaiden.



Ishmael were soon forced to leave the camp and begin life in a new country. All the drama in Sarahs life with Hagar and the issues between their sons, Ishmael and Isaac, could have been avoided if Sarah had just waited for the Lord to do what He promised in His time and in His way.

About Her
Sarai (whose name God changed to Sarah as a symbol of His covenant with her, promising that He would covenant with her child) was both Abrahams wife and his half-sisterthey had the same father, Terah, but different mothers. She is also the mother of Isaac and an ancestor in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Apply Her
Sometimes God whispers in our ears and mobilizes us to take action on His behalf to carry out His will. But Sarah had no such directive from God in choosing to give Hagar to Abraham. God doesnt need our help to move things along or to make things happen. Unless we hear from Him, we should remove our hands from manipulating the lives of others; even if were doing what we think is best for them. In fact, we could be interfering with Gods plans for that persons life and our own.



Find Her
Genesis 11:2931 Genesis 12:5 Genesis 12:1120 Genesis 17:1521 Genesis 18:115 Genesis 20:118 Genesis 21:112 Genesis 23:12


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