Subsonic and Supersonic Air Intakes
Subsonic and Supersonic Air Intakes
Subsonic and Supersonic Air Intakes
SANJAY SINGH Asst. Prof. and Head Department Of Aeronautical Engineering VMKV Engineering College Salem (Tamilnadu) [email protected]
Inlets are very important to the overall jet engine performance & will greatly influence jet engine thrust output. The faster the airplane goes the more critical the inlet duct design becomes. Engine thrust will be high only if the inlet duct supplies the engine with the required airflow at the highest possible pressure.
The nacelle/duct must allow the engine to operate with minimum stall/surge tendencies & permit wide variation in angle of attack & yaw of the aircraft.
For subsonic aircraft, the nacelle shouldnt produce strong shock waves or flow separations & should be of minimum weight for both subsonic & supersonic designs.
Inlet ducts add to parasitic drag (skin friction+ viscous drag) & interference drag. It must operate from static ground run up to high aircraft Mach number with high duct efficiency at all altitude, attitudes & flight speeds. It should be as straight & smooth as possible & designed in such a way that Boundary layer separation is minimum. It should deliver pressure distribution evenly to the compressor.
Spring loaded , Blow-in or Suck-in- Doors are sometimes placed around the side of the inlet to provide enough air to the engine at high engine rpm & low aircraft speed. It is also operated during compressor surge / stall. It must be shaped in such a way that ram velocity is slowly & smoothly decreases while the ram pressure is slowly & smoothly increases.
Types 1. Internal Compression Subsonic Intakes 2. External Compression Subsonic Intakes
Inlet design
Inlet design requires a compromise between external and internal deceleration. Both can lead to difficulties, and a balance is needed. To examine the effect of external deceleration on inlet design, methods are needed for calculating both potential flow (internal and external) and boundary layer growth on intake surfaces.
The above relation shows that the greater external deceleration (i.e. the smaller the ratio ui / ua ), the larger must be thrust increment.
Area Ratio
Therefore the area ratio can be expressed in terms of external deceleration ratio.
External Deceleration
From the relation of Area Ratio and External Deceleration, it is clear that the larger the external deceleration (the smaller the value of of ui / ua), the larger must be the size of the nacelle, if one is to prevent excessive drag. Even in the absence of boundary layer separation, the larger the nacelle, the larger the aerodynamic drag on it. If the external deceleration is modest ( e.g. ui / ua > 0.8), its effect on minimum nacelle size is quite small.
Internal Deceleration
The use of partial internal deceleration is more effective in reducing maximum diameter because it permits a reduction in both Ai and Amax / Ai . Performance of an inlet depends on the pressure gradient on both internal and external surfaces.
Performance Criterion
1. Isentropic Efficiency of a Diffuser (defined in terms of temperature rise).
State 02s is defined as the state that would be reached by isentropic compression to the actual outlet stagnation pressure.
Diffuser efficiency
can be written as
Ram Efficiency
2. Ram Efficiency (Defined in terms of pressure rises)
r = (P02 - Pa ) / P0a - Pa
factor, P
The relationship between internal and external deceleration depends on engine mass flow rate as well as flight Mach number M.
DUCT EFFICIENCY The duct pressure efficiency ratio is defined as the ability of the duct to convert the kinetic or dynamic pressure energy at the inlet of the duct to the static pressure energy at the inlet of the compressor without a loss in total pressure . It is in order of 98% if there is less friction loss.
RAM RECOVERY POINT The Ram Recovery Point is that aircraft speed at which the ram pressure rise is equal to the friction pressure losses OR That aircraft speed at which the compressor inlet total pressure is equal to the outside ambient air pressure. A good subsonic duct has aircraft speed of 257.4 km/h for a good ram recovery point.
Supersonic Inlets
Even for supersonic flight it remains necessary that the flow leaving the inlet system be subsonic. It is required to have some means to decelerate supersonic flow to subsonic speeds tolerable by existing compressors or fans.
Reverse Nozzle Diffuser or Converging Diverging Intakes Normal Shock Diffuser or Pitot Inlet Oblique Shock Diffuser
Reverse Nozzle Diffuser or Diffusers with internal contraction or Converging Diverging Intakes
Deceleration from supersonic to subsonic flow speeds can be done by a simple normal shock with small stagnation pressure loss if the upstream Mach number is close to 1. For high Mach number the loss across a single normal shock would be excessive. Therefore it is better to use a combination of oblique shocks.
Normal-Shock diffuser
All existing compressors and fans require subsonic flow at their inlet with 0.5 < M2 < 0.8 at high power conditions. So the inlet must reduce the flow Mach number from Mo > 1 to M2 < 1. The simplest way to do this is with a Normal Shock. Prandtl Meyer Relation for the normal shock in a perfect gas is V 1V 2 = a*2 = 2a0 2 / + 1 M1 * M2 * = 1
Normal-Shock diffuser
Normal-Shock diffuser
For low supersonic speeds, such diffusers are adequate because the stagnation pressure loss is small, but at Mo = 2, pt2 / pto 0.71, a serious penalty, and at Mo = 3 pt2 / pto 0.32. For example the F-16 fighter has a simple normal shock diffuser, while the F-15 has an oblique shock diffuser.
This would work at one design Mach number, the one for which the isentropic area ratio between the incoming supersonic flow and the sonic throat is exactly the as-built area ratio A1 / Athroat . But during the acceleration to this Mach number the fully supersonic flow cannot be established in the inlet without varying the geometry. Imagine the inlet flying at M0 , lower than the design Mach number. The flow will look as depicted in the top right in diagram shown in next slide.
This is because at the lower M0 the flow area that would decelerate isentropically to sonic at the throat is smaller than the built area A1.
The shock at the full flight Mach number is very lossy, and it is not practical to simply force the plane to continue accelerating to the design condition (there may not even be enough thrust left to do it). What can be done is to manipulate the geometry to swallow the shock and reduce its strength. This is called STARTING THE DIFFUSER.
To "START" THE DIFFUSER, means to pass the shock through the convergent portion, there should be an increase in the throat area until the normal shock is just at the lip. At that point, any further small increase in throat area causes the shock to jump rapidly to a position in the divergent part of the nozzle where the area is again A1. This rapid jumping of shock from converging portion to diverging portion takes place because the shock is unstable in the converging section, but stable in the divergent section.
This is accomplished by the flow due to which repositioning of the shock to a location nearer the throat, on the supersonic side takes place. The process can continue until the shock is almost at the throat. This repositioning of shock in throat on the supersonic side is called STARTING OF THE DIFFUSER . For this successive steps of acceleration is followed.
Condition (a)
Low subsonic speed operation. Inlet is not choked. The airflow through the inlet and hence the upstream capture area Aa is determined by conditions downstream of the inlet.
Condition (b)
Low subsonic speed operation. Inlet is choked. The inlet mass flow rate is limited by the choking condition at At . Since the flow is isentropic, At = A* and the upstream capture area Aa + is given by
The condition when the inlet can accept the mass flow of air required to position the terminal shock just inside the cowl lip is called critical inlet operation.
The condition when the inlet is not matched to the engine, due to which the normal shock moves upstream and stays in front of cowl lip is called as sub-critical operation.
The condition when the inlet can not capture the mass flow required by the engine and the terminal shock is sucked into the diffuser is called super - critical operation.
BUZZ Buzz is an airflow instability caused by the shock waves rapidly being alternately swallowed and expelled at the inlet of the duct and occurs in supersonic intakes at subcritical operations. It starts when the aircraft begins to fly at or near the speed of sound. At these speeds sonic shock waves are developed that if not controlled will give high duct loss in pressure and airflow and will set up vibrating conditions in the inlet duct, called inlet Buzz.