Roy Keane
Roy Keane
Roy Keane
" I was banished from the world championship back home. I s tood at the airport in the Korean city of Saipan. Journalists and photographers swarmed around me. I said nothing. I was calm. There is no shame in that telling the truth. It was difficult - probably why I think the people and kept their mo uths shut. I have long kept their mouths shut. Well, relatively long, of course. I knew that I was already in London awaiting reporters. It will be tomorrow. On the one hand, I was calm, but then again, I was burning. I've been preparing fo r this World Cup. All matches qualifying campaign, I went out of his way to get to the final part. Now that I am almost thirty-one, I knew it, seems to be my la st attempt at the world championships. I knew that level of organization in the Irish team was far from ideal, everybody knew it. But even by Irish notions of w hat happened in the last week, it was hard to believe. Under the guise of peace in my heart, simmering rage and pain. I was angry about lack of professionalism that prevails in the camp of Team Ireland, the lack of ambition, serving of numb ers and the ratio of the tournament, getting to that should be the goal of each player. We - the Irish are doing everything their own way. This is our ambition. The world loves us, we told ourselves. But not if we were like cabaret artists invited to the party? When the match is becoming a serious nastoyaschmu, we usua lly went to the side. Went home to celebrate another party after a victory, we a re usually achieved, and watch the end of the championship on TV. Excellent. But to do that if we gave all the power in the qualifying group, chased out of the tournament the Dutch team, completed the campaign without a single defeat after the Portuguese national team? No, it's not for me. I was a player, "Manchester U nited". We celebrated a victory. I was hurt. For Teresa, for my family in Cork. I spent 30 000euro, giving my brothers Dennis, Johnson and Pat along with his co usin John Lynch's dream - a trip to the World Cup. Now they will not go there. I 'm spoiled them. Like my mom and dad. I called them. They sat down at home, not looking up from the screen, watching Sky Television, listening to the radio, rea ding newspapers on their disgraced son. I could handle it. For them it was tortu re. Finally I'm on the plane. Thanks to "Manchester United"! I called Ann Wiley at the club. She ordered the plane tickets. To get rid of the annoying crowd of journalists, she bought me a ticket via Guam, and not through Tokyo. Guam, Hong Kong, London, Manchester. Teresa, my children, Shannon, Carafa, Aidan and Lee. A nd Triggs, my dog. And the rest. When we arrived in Hong Kong, someone was waiti ng for me out of the airline British Airways. Ann Wiley learned of a flight dela y, and ordered me tickets to the next plane to London. First class. Bed. I am re ady to depart for the night. I will never forget the British Airways. They were just super for the entire flight. I could not sleep. Thought frantically rushing to my head. I watched a movie with Denzel Washington in "training day". So-so. Two flight attendants were pleasant to communicate with me. "We support you one hundred percent" - they said. They were preparing breakfast. I went to the kitch en to chat with them. There is something waiting for me in London? When I got of f the plane, I waited for the car from British Airways, which was to take me to the other terminal of the airport on a plane to Manchester. When I sat in the ca r with my luggage, passed by the porter. I was expecting from him some taunt. Th ought he was some fan of "Arsenal" or "Spurs". "Fine, Cinema! - He smiled. - Kee p your pecker up! ". This little remark gave me a huge supply of energy. I thank him for fair play. Sure, he has charged me for the next season! I quietly had a room for items in Midland. In came Michael Kennedy, my agent. He said he would fly to Manchester with me. "No, this is not necessary" - I persisted.He said tha t from the Internet to me is pouring stream of mud. About my personal life. What ! My wife Teresa was always nazvanivaet a woman. I called home. "Do not worry Teresa said - just come." Michael said that the press shows to my personal life a great interest. I'll have to make a statement. I told him I wanted to go home. At Manchester Airport waiting for my car, "United". Five minutes later I was at his. The house was under siege. Journalists, TV cars with plates. I thought to myself damn! It's that - the arrival of Bill Clinton? Teresa told me that he cou ld not leave the house. "A dog is not already walking their two days." I waited for an hour, playing with children, and then took Triggs. I have nothing to be a
shamed of. My life must log in again to normal. "Come, my girl. We go for a walk . " I I was born on August 10, 1971, becoming the fourth child in a family of fi ve, in Mayfield, a northern suburb of Cork city. Later, my mom and dad, my older brothers and Denis Johnson, I, my older sister, Hilary (my younger brother Pat was born later) moved in Lotemor Park in Mayfield. My mother, Marie (nee Lynch) was from a famous sporting family. My father worked for a time at a local knitwe ar factory "Sunbeam Wolsey," but it soon went bankrupt. Then, when it was hard t o find a job, my dad, like many other men, was taken as any craft, which only tu rned up, including second jobs at companies "Guinness" and "Pfizer" - the two la rgest employers in Cork. In the seventies and eighties, when a global financial crisis after another, the Irish economy was going through difficult times. Cork also suffered more than others.
Growing up, I realized that the money had always lacked: for example, we had no car. But to be honest, I never and not want for anything. My mother is Marie and my father were caring, loving parents. My older brothers and sister were brough t up to me. Perhaps due to the fact that I was the youngest in the family (Pat w as born yet), I was spoiled. I went to a local primary school of St. John. In cl ass, I certainly did not shine. I was quiet and happy that I did not notice. For me and my friends come first in my life was sports, not education. Life began o nly with the call, announcing the end of the school day. Cork sports traditions have deep roots and are diverse. In our house, always venerated British football . Others preferred to Gaelic football and hurling. Sport is often a cause of dee p division. Gaelic games were regarded as truly Irish, and implied that other ga mes such as football and rugby, as such could never be. Foreign games, especiall y identified with Britain, were not held in high esteem. Of course, Jack Charlto n will soon change the situation. Our family has been an avid fan of British foo tball. My father was a team regular in the "Crofton" and "North End" - two local youth clubs. The father of my mother and her two uncles were the owners of gold medals in junior championships under the auspices of the Football Federation of Ireland. Her two brothers - Mike and Pat Lynch played for the "Rockmount" - one of the oldest and most famous junior club in Cork. So me and my brothers was a sin not to play. One of the well-known joke in my family have been talking about what great players have been my dad and uncle. Me and my brothers always made f un of it, because it seemed that "if" every player has been great. Like most peo ple in Cork, I am proud of my origins and roots. On the question of their origin people in Cork invariably respond: "The Born Irishman, a resident of Cork by th e grace of God." Laughter - that's what I often equate my house and the city. La ughter in times of joy and sorrow. Real or simulated. Laughter for any reason, o ver every idiot who are not fortunate enough to be born in the breakaway County (the so-called County Cork. - VS). Megalomania - a feature of any sensible citiz en of Cork.And as a resident - even more so. Before you finally choose football, I have tried their hand at hurling and boxing. The older team of Cork's hockey repeatedly became the winner Vseirlandskih games, and players such as Jack Lynch and Christy Ring, regarded as folk heroes no less than Stanley Matthews and Tom Finney in England. My career in hockey ended badly. In a perfectly harmless sit uation, the end of my stick broke, and stuck a chip in his leg, resulting in inj ury had to heal a good six months. I went to workout at a boxing club by Brian D illon at Dillon's Cross. I spent all four fights in the Irish league newcomers a nd in all cases emerged victorious. By the time I could box, I was the most prep ared physically boxer. And the most eager to fight. But I had a problem since I' ve played regularly for the "Rockmount". My boxing coach set me down in front of a stark choice: either football or boxing. So, the box was forgotten. However, he was instrumental in my becoming an athlete. Jumping and boxing techniques hav e made me very mobile and agile. In addition, I gained some confidence when face d with aggressive media. I still was short of stature for my age, but boxing tec hnique of warfare and accustomed to discipline, gave me a psychological advantag e: I could stand up for himself, despite his short stature and shyness. When I h ad to choose between football and boxing, I never doubted for a second, what wou ld be my answer. There was no doubt that I'll be playing at "Rockmount" instead of the club my district, "Mayfield", where they played all my school friends. Th e fact that my brother Dennis, and Johnson played for the "Rockmount," was one r eason for choosing this club. But the real explanation for this was the fact tha t "Rockmount" was on the rise. I came to the club when I was eight and is about to be hit nine, but even then I struggled to victories.Since the "Rockmount" thu ndered across the district, he came to the best players of all suburbs of Cork. To get to the club, I had to overcome a distance of seven miles. My mother alway s easily gave me money for the bus. And if I needed shoes, she got out of if by magic. Perhaps they were not the best brand, but more than adequate for me. I li ked to wear a T-shirt and these football boots. Play on fields with this (althou gh rough) white markings, gates, and nets. Everything was for real. I even loved the judges for what they are allowed to dispute that in the ordinary of our gam es in Mayfield led to bedlam and recriminations. The arrival of "Rockmount" was
a huge step in my boy's life. After all, I became a footballer. In ten years I p layed for the team, made up of players no older than 11 years. I'm much inferior in height and weight, but I could give others a head start in what concerned th e relationship to the game. I gave all my strength. I could run away, just give in, I could take the ball. And it's true: after a marathon game, which we are ac customed to Mayfield in the fields not the best quality, thirty-five minutes of each half of the match for the team to 11 years seemed a cakewalk. All in Mayfie ld rooting for English clubs. My club had been "Spurs" ("Tottenham Hotspur." - V S). Why? Because most of my friends were rooting for damn "Manchester United", " Liverpool" and "Arsenal", which won the double in the year of my birth. Glenn Ho ddle was my favorite player. In one of the happiest days of my childhood, I watc hed on television as "the Spurs' win at the" Manchester City "in the centenary y ear, the FA Cup final. The winning goal Ricardo Villa, which he scored, passed i n the slalom with a ball past the defenders, became a magnificent denouement fas cinating game. Although I liked to imitate the brilliant players such as Ricky V illa and Glenn Hoddle, my game was not like their style. I was more a workhorse than a outstanding personality.I struggled for goals, fought for every ball, whe n we lost him. In general, I was very active in the field. I listened to the adv ice of our coaches Timmy Murphy and Jenna O'Sullivan, especially when they talke d about respect for the game. Their principle was simple, but it was true: go ou t on a field with no attitude - no matter what skill you possess, you just lose. I believed them. I still believe them. At the end of my first season of "Rockmo unt" I was named player of the year. I was incredibly proud that I was able to c ontinue the family tradition of Kin at the club that used to play my brothers an d uncles. In the second season of my stay at the club, we won the championship f or eleven years and took the Cup. By the time "Rockmount" signed a contract with Paul McCarthy, Alan O'Sallivanom, Damien Martin and Len Downie (they later play ed for various teams of Ireland). They were the backbone of the team that won th e Cup and league title six years in a row. Competition in the school football in Cork was is amazing, and we remained unbeaten in five seasons. When I was twelv e, I moved to the "Public School Mayfield." My brother, Johnson has already made it famous name Keane. Teacher: "Name?"
Me: "Keane. Roy Keane. " Teacher: "Johnson's your brother?" "Yes." "Aha!" And th at his smirk did not require further explanation. I lay on the print order for s omeone in particular should be closely monitored. My indifference to school did not remain without consequences. At fifteen I needed to pass the "midterm exam." If I had failures, then the school will be finished. In this case, I would have had to live on the graft or unemployment benefits. If I pass my "Interim," then I would be allowed to take in the future, "Final Exam," which opened the way to decent work, a sense of social security and all the attendant benefits.But - he re again it is worth recalling debacles in the economy - no surrender "intermedi ate" or delivery "Final" tests do not guarantee a good income in a few years. Bu t this fact does not excuse my neglect their studies. I was more in the belief t hat I would be a professional football player than what I can cope with the "int ermediate". Most young players dream of nurturing a professional career in Engla nd. To achieve this, only a successful game in Cork was not enough. The first st ep is to get into the English club was elected to the Irish team for players und er 15 years - a prize that seemed to have been in the pocket of pupils in Dublin . But the success of "Rockmount," he could not go unnoticed. I, Alan, Len, Paul and Damien have been invited to view the local and the national team for players under 14 years old. Unfortunately, I failed to reach a goal. People said I was too small. Some people do not like my character. The irony is that I was just "c haracter" and temperament just because I was too small. When it was necessary to join the fight for the ball, I did not depart. Since I was short of stature, I set a goal as early as possible to learn how to pick the ball well in each game. I earned a reputation that was to my liking - "not to be trifled with." Such a reputation was good for me. It has provided me tremendous support. Then there we re those who hoped to win a fight with me, but as time passed, those were less a nd less. I failed my 'midterm exam. " It was painful. And though one could hardl y expect the other, I felt that I led myself and the parents. Maybe it was not t he end of the world, but, of course, this fact has put a question mark over my f uture. Time, energy and imagination that I had to send in lessons and homework, were instead invested many hours playing football. Today's children are more smy shleny, or at least should be so.Education and career football are not mutually exclusive. The appearance of a team of 15 years was an important event for the y oung footballer. If you are involved in the Irish team, you automatically appear s as though the window of which was studied Scouts of English clubs. It was a cr ucial season. The emergence of the Irish team was more important than delivery, "Intermediate exam." In the last season I played for Cork County for a 14-year-o ld, who won the National Cup, played between counties. The prospect of entering the national team looked quite real, and if your account will be a match for the team, then you have a good chance to be invited to watch the English club. One day after school I came home at night and saw the smiling father holding hands i n a local newspaper "Evening Echo", "You got, boy, you're going to show in Dubli n." At the viewing, I have shown a good game. When I was replaced in about fifte en minutes before the end of the match, I thought this happened only because tho se who took away the team saw enough to confirm my need. Returning to Cork, I am impatiently waiting for news of the invitation to the final show. When they arr ived, it turned out to be bad for me. The lists of those who have been called on him, R. Keane was not, as I tried to find it. I was killed. It was the biggest disappointment of my life. The door slammed in my dream in the face. My mother w as very concerned about looking at what is happening in my life. For some time I lost my inherent boldness. I have received another blow when Paul contacted me and said that he knocked me for a viewing of "Brighton". I had to go to Dublin b y train, then get on a plane flight to London, and then again by train to get to Brighton. In the evening the day before my scheduled departure Paul called me a nd said that prosmor canceled. After reviewing the recommendation of Paul, the r epresentatives of "Brighton" abandoned the idea.They had heard that I was too sh ort of stature, to become a professional footballer. The whole broken, I sank in to a half-life, spending long days of aimless. I get out of bed an hour to get t he first joy of the coming day - to see the series "Neighbours", which started a t 13.30. After that I went for a walk with my dog Ben - a black mongrel, replaci
ng him Lucky, another mongrel, named so because she was a stray dog, which was l ucky to stumble on Roy Keane. I loved his dogs, really loved them (and to this d ay). Unlike humans dogs do not talk any nonsense. They will not betray you, or y ou will spoil the mood. In response to what you give, you get the same amount or even more. Ben, like Lucky and other dogs, which I wound up, was a devoted and loving dog. And funny, too. They all had their own, unique character. For me, th eir most magical feature was the fact that they do not care who you are - the ca ptain of "Manchester United" or the unemployed. Walking with Ben was the best mo ment of my day. I still loved football and played and trained with the same enth usiasm, despite the feeling that I missed my chance, which may be the last. I di d not receive unemployment benefits for one simple reason: I was eighteen. Money was a problem. My mother and father did not have enough money then, but I have never needed to really anything. The brothers also sometimes "subsidized" me fro m time to time. I was taken for any physical work, where they was. The easiest w as to bar "The Gelvin" in Blackpool. As someone once wrote that I had come there to build up muscles, carrying barrels of beer from a warehouse into a bar. The truth is that I chose this job because of money - 3.5 pounds per hour - and spen t his time quietly stealing the chocolate and filling them yourself mouth. I wor ked there for three weeks. The most crappy job for which I took was one hardhead who hired us, so we scraped off the rust from metal sheets.We were given this b y a blowtorch without any clothes! It was dangerous work, but well-paid - 50 pou nds a week. I stayed there for three months. Then in the spring went to collect the potatoes, cycling for fifteen miles round trip. It was a killer, a hell of a job, a legacy from which I got a bad back, which to this day, I was worried. Pe rhaps noticing my frustration and concern over the future of football, Timmy Mur phy, Jen and John O'Sullivan Delhi, which is now coached by our team, "Rockmount ," advised me to write letters asking about watching the English club. I did it, and the answers speak for themselves.
"We fear that we have no vacancies at present, but we would like to thank you fo r your interest in us and would like to wish you every success in the future." ( "Derby"). "I thank you for your letter, but regret that we can not help you. Cur rently, we have filled all the regular places for the players, and we will not d isplay in the near future. " ("Sheffield Wednesday"). "Unfortunately, I can not fulfill your request for a viewing of" Aston Villa ", as we already have all the players in your position." ("Aston Villa"). "I'm very sorry, but I have to tell you that after the recent restructuring of our juvenile division I suggest brow sing at the beginning of the season only to boys younger than 15 years. I'm sorr y to disappoint you, but, like most other clubs, we have a large number of scout s, who take care of games players of all ages, and if you have the makings of a professional footballer, you have every chance of being noticed. " ("Chelsea"). "I'm sure you'll understand - we get literally hundreds of such letters every we ek ... The usual practice is a positive response to the letters of players who h ave some merit, or who have excellent references close to football people. So I regret that I can not offer you a view. " ("Nottingham Forest").Recalling those days, I understand that the main reason for my failures, not even taking into ac count my height, did not see his experienced eye Scouts. I was a generalist, and considered himself a team player. I could score goals, but was bright and visib le from the outside. Although I was able to control the middle of the field, I d o not often go on break, looking around one player after another, and do not cut the defense on the part of the longPaz thirty-five meters. I read the game, int ercepted the transmission space overlaps rival did plain passes. I am continuall y working on the penalty to the penalty, defending and attacking. For every grea t goal that I scored, we had hundreds of small operations - both defensive and o ffensive, which went unnoticed bystander. I've been working every second of the game is determined and the absolute concentration. Determination has been my hal lmark. Concentration was not visible to others. To make this notice was needed v ery trained eye. Help came, as always, where it did not expect it. In 1989 the I rish Government in conjunction with the Football Association, the country has op ened courses for young elite soccer players. Each of the twenty-four National Le ague clubs (twelve from each division) could send in their courses of promising young players. I have read about and saw his chance. It did the same and my frie nd Len Downie, who is about to sign a contract with "Cork City", our local Natio nal League club. Len was a typical representative of Cork. But Roy Keane was als o the guy does not miss, passed through the school of the streets. Representativ es of the "City" also came to me with a proposal to sign a contract, and I even signed a preliminary agreement Ferris. I knew that they could send only one play er in Dublin on courses FAS. So when Len told me that the "City" sends his cours es, I was greatly disappointed. Thank God Eddie O'Rourke has contacted me on the same day.Eddie Carpenter combined work and coach junior team "Remblers Cove," t he club of the second national division. He knew me for several years and have s een many fights with "Springfield", school club Cova, who was a top contender "R ockmount", constantly occupying the second place in those years when we won the double. "I would not want you to come to the" Cove Remblers "Roy?" - Eddie asked . "I have already signed a contract with the" City "- I replied. "When?" "Yester day!" "Wait a minute. I'll call the association to find out whether you claimed. " Know I'd much depended on that call, I would have died instantly. "Cork City" and did not bother to send the association the document that I signed. I told E ddie that I signed a contract with "Remblers" only if they give me a place on co urses FAS. He gave his consent. The deal was made and the documents sent to Dubl in by express mail. Cove was formerly known as Kuinztaun and among other things, that was the last port of call for the liner "Titanic" before he went down, mak ing his infamous voyage across the Atlantic in 1912. Over the next eight months I was training like a pro and got 30 pounds per week, plus compensation for trav el expenses and an additional 40 pounds in prize money (10 per win, 5 for a draw ) when entered into the first team, "Cova", which was already in for several wee ks. The course took place in Palmerstown, west Dublin area. Leaving home was exp erienced particularly difficult to me, although I do not fly away to the moon. I 'm still lost when dealing with strangers, and therefore the presence of Len Dow
nie eased my existence. In terms of training and constant travel rate regime was simply inhumane. After Sunday's games for our local clubs Len and I went to Dub lin on the first train on Monday morning. We trained every day from ten to twelv e and from two to four. Work more intensive and consisted of a routine set of ac tivities aimed at improving every aspect of the game.Morning we started to warm up and stretch marks. Then work with the ball, alternating games in which we div ided into four groups of six and spent three matches against the three special g ates of smaller sizes. We played on my feelings, not a life or death. Maurice Pr ice was one of the leaders of our courses. In addition, he was a member of the c oaching staff Jackie Charlton first team in Ireland, which a year ago came in th e final of the European Championships in Germany, but its players and coaches re turned home as national heroes after defeating England 1-0 in Stuttgart. Of cour se, I wanted to impress the coach, who was so close to the center of our footbal l universe. The most striking event of the course became matches with various Ir ish youth teams who performed with us training games in preparation for internat ional meetings. These matches were horrible sight: we, the guys from the course FAS, had to prove their worth in games with opponents, many of whom played for t he leading English clubs. The daily schedule was just exhausting, especially for us guys in the hinterland, who trained, rode and played for their clubs. I enjo yed working hard in training. Moving from Cork to Dublin I was exhausted. But in my pocket a couple of pounds vodilas earned playing football. I was a professio nal player, although it was at the foot of what seemed to be a steep hill. Again , it should be noted that unemployment and all its attendant unpleasant conseque nces were then an essential feature of the working class of Ireland. Among my ac quaintances in Mayfield, and even in my extended family, a decent work was value d highly. I made it into the first team, "Remblers" and was able to pocket about 50 a week.
National Second Division was hard for a school boy of seventeen.Most of the play ers were focused on a semi-tough fight, which even in terms of skill and thought have played at this level, which I did not expect. Respect from both teammates and opponents, it was hard earned. Any game with the ball at the audience immedi ately punished. Try to just relax - and they immediately prizhmut you to the wal l. Opponents do not take prisoners! Six months after the start of the course in the spring of 1990, I felt noticeably gained as a player. From the beginning I s et a goal - to become the best player of course. But the daily training with the best young players of 23 countries, I realized one thing: some aptitude for it was not enough. To succeed, you had to have the fortitude and strength of the bo dy. Physical training was by itself when you consider the amount of work I was d oing. But the spirit was all the different and more complicated. Not everyone ca n withstand the constant cold winter morning workout on a muddy field under a pi ercing east wind blown recreation center. But I knew that if I could force mysel f to overcome the psychological barriers that for the other became an insurmount able obstacle, then I will achieve an important victory. Every day, when the wor k is coming to an end, I felt the rush of this meet, located on the other side o f the barriers that you overcame. While the first team, "Cove Remblers" stuck in the middle of the standings, a team led by junior Eddie O `Rourke took one step after another in the Cup for the country's 18-year-olds. It was there that I wa s able to apply those skills and the progress I've made. I added in the growth a nd strength. I was no longer the Runt. For several months, I grew from boy to ma n. I've always had a strong will, and now I had more muscle and to support it. K amikaze has become a football player, who had understanding of the game, its ebb and flow. Controlling your emotions, I could control the rhythm of the game.I w as not Glenn Hoddle, and he was no longer my favorite player. While I was still a fan of the "Hotspur", became a role model for me of Bryan Robson, "Manchester United". His ability to play in the selection, the way he scored goals, and ubiq uitous presence on the field in the "Manchester United" and England was proof th at you can become a great player without even having to stock two or three spect acular tricks with the ball . Robson was not bright. He inspired respect. My mai n goal this season was hit in the Republic of Ireland for players younger than 1 8 years. An important factor to accomplish this goal, it was a good performance in the Cup. When we got to play a lot with the "Belvedere Boys," the best team i n Dublin, we desperately embraced the news. The good news is that we have served as the home team, but I was frustrated by a draw - 1:1, despite the fact that t he equalizer. On the day of the replay, February 18, 1990, from the beginning ev erything went wrong. The bus, which was supposed to pick us up in the Cove, too late. On the roads there were many traffic jams. Most of the roads we had, and k ept looking nervously at his watch. Will we have time for the beginning of the m atch? We arrived in Feyrvyu Park - big and blown by winds from all sides a publi c park - a minute before the starting whistle. "Belvedere" defeated us 4-0. It w as a total fucking mess, the cat-in-hell-and-mouse, and so it seems to Cork - to give more boys from Dublin, an easy puzzle to which they are easily handled in his typical arrogant manner. If I played like crazy on that day, it was because he felt the only player on the team. "Belvedere" enjoyed great success - in the Park Feyrvyu many people had gathered to watch the match. I've been playing for themselves. Even when I realized that the game was up, I did not wind down. I wi ll show, I thought to myself, these bastards out of Dublin, as necessary, their mother, playing. I was like obsessed with a strange mix of anger, despair, and p ride in themselves.This feeling can change the course of games, and even in the most hopeless situation, with it you can find a way out. But not that day in Fey rvyu. After the match we went to a bar to drink a glass of orange juice and eat a sandwich. John O'Rourke, vice president, "Remblers" came and sat next to me, " Roy, was a scout at the game of" Nottingham Forest. " He said that they want to call you on the show. " My heart is not beating with joy. Where is the scout? Was my first reaction. If he was so impressed with my game, why he himself did n ot speak about it? .. Memories of "Brighton" is still alive in my heart. "He sai d he will contact with you" - John continued. He just passed on what he said. Se veral weeks passed and I got a call from the "Cova", asking if I could meet with
a scout from the "Forest" by Noel McCabe at the hotel "Aisling". I immediately liked Noel, as soon as he opened his mouth. He was honest and open in his conver sation with me. He asked me to come to watch and not a contract that is not with in its competence. "But you're a player, typical of the" Forest ", son. You can pass the ball without hardship, to work on the penalty to the penalty and score goals. Brian Clough you approach you "- he assured me Noel. He impressed me as h onest and direct person. Now the joy I suppressed the in Feyrvyu, lunging out. I am in some unknown sense understood here it finally happened. My chance finally came. I'm ready. I swore after the fiasco with the "Brighton" that believe in h is English dream, when I hold a ticket in hand. And I have no doubt that McCabe will keep his word. I just re-ran into yet another disappointment in life. I got a ticket. But when he arrived in Nottingham, is no match for the show was not. Every day there I was waiting for him, every day, worked with youth team coach A rchie Gemmill. Where did Brian Clough? .. Liam O'Kane? .. Ronnie Fenton? At the end of the week I was given a one-way ticket home. "We will get back with you" I was told. "Well, how did it go?"- Asked me to the" Cove ". "Nothing is held", - I answered. I contact with Noel McCabe. He calls the "Forest". There was a di screpancy. I'll be back there in April. When I returned to the "Nottingham", a c ouple of days to train reservists club. I was told that I play for 'Forest' agai nst 'the Tranmere Rovers' League in Midland County. At the game, Liam O'Kane and chief scout, "Forest" Alan Hill. It's now or never! Stadium "Tranmere" was empt y. I did not care. I learned to make himself the surrounding atmosphere in the h ead. Playing on the "garden" Mayfield and training field Palmerstown, I found th e ability to heat itself, regardless of the environment and all those annoying e xcuse for bad stadiums in the National League. In the match against "Trenmera" g ray afternoon in late spring that I've been taught and what did not seem to matt er much, showed itself in full measure. I played well, pass, escaped, drifted in to rolled up, won the bad balls in the air. I have replaced in the 70th minute. We already went through. But this time I felt that everything goes as it should. The next day Brian Clough told me that he was going to buy out my contract. The necessary preparation for negotiations with "Remblers Cove." I am afraid they w ill ask too much. I figured that I was standing about 5,000 pounds.
John O'Rourke, vice president and John Mead led a delegation of "Remblers Cove" in negotiations with the "Forest". The club enlisted the assistance of a former player of "Chelsea" and John Hollins England, who was familiar with the conduct of such cases. Negotiations on the part of "Nottingham" was headed by Ronnie Fen ton. When started trading, I tried not to betray emotion. The guys from "Kowa" s aid the big money. Things went not in the right direction, while Brian Clough wa s not included in the study. It was an old, tattered green sweater, and next to him - his golden retriever. I've been playing with the dog and the rest were tal king about money. Clough ordered that Ronnie Fenton gave the "gentlemen of Irela nd," to drink. "He's good?"- Asked Clough Fenton, pointing at me. "He can play a little, boss" - the answer Fenton. Now, the conversation appeared larger amount s. First 20,000 pounds, then another 10,000 after the first ten games, and even 10,000, when I will play 20 matches for "Forest." "Cove" will get another 7000, when my account will be five goals for the national team of Ireland. "The deal i s done, Mr. Clough" - I heard from John O'Rourke. "These funds do not go in your pocket, do not you?" - Barked at him Clough. "Mr. Clough, we had to take a day off to come here. It costs us money, "- said O'Rourke. "Okay, Ronnie, give them money." Turning to our delegation, he added: "You can call me Brian. Now let us drink. " Turning to me and the dog, he barked: "Except you. Call me Mr. Clough. " "Tough guy" - I thought. "Forest" has signed a contract with me three years wi th a salary of 250 pounds per week, 50 of which went to pay rent at home, home t o two football players. I also received a lift in the amount of 1500 pounds per year. Frankly, I would agree to play and for a fraction of what was. Mr. Clough told me to come to the pre-season training in July. Feeling himself a millionair e, I'm back in Cork. Over the next few weeks, I ate and drank far more than the norm. II I already paid for their feasts, when he returned to the location of "F orest". The first week was hell. Some days we do not see the ball, running, payi ng attention first and foremost the development of endurance, physical fitness, and in the intervals spent restoring the exercise. Finally we were given balls. I survived the worst - physical torture, but now began to enjoy their work. "For est" won the League Cup a week before my arrival. The first team played outstand ing football mozhestvo. Stuart Pearce, Des Walker and Steve Hodge played for Eng land, Nigel Clough is already knocking at the door of the team. It was noticeabl e that Pierce had a strong character.He had just returned from the World Cup, wh ere not scored the decisive penalty shootout in the semifinals. But this fact do es not affect his credibility. As part of reservists I trained with Steve Stone, Ian Scott Gemmill Uoanom and the son of a junior team coach Archie, who stood o ut among the others. Philip Starbuck was another outstanding player doubles, pla yed a few games for the first team. Brian Clough rarely attend training. Liam O 'Kane spent training with the first team, and Archie Gemmill coached us. Althoug h Clough could not see his presence felt. His golden retriever, Del, as usual, a ppeared on the field, signaling his approach. Suddenly everything started to wor k with even greater zeal. Except me. I always shook the whole piece of metal. I loved my job if you can call it so, and every day felt stronger and stronger, ge tting used to working professional. My present life seemed a paradise. In the lo cker room doubles my youthful enthusiasm is not shared by all. I was surprised a nd even shocked by the attitude to work some of the players. They are always gru mbling. Some were unhappy that they were not photographed together with the firs t team, considering it a bad sign before the season started. Perhaps it was, but what the fuck! With this you can somehow cope! To listen to them, since Archie Gemmill was a freak, and Brian Clough - a bum. We have experienced heavy load. S eason has not started yet, but these guys have whined, looking for justification for his failure. I vowed never to be a whiner. If only these guys knew how many guys would give their right arm to sit here in this lovely summer day and get p aid for playing football. When the first team went to the pre-season training in Italy, I went with players younger than 21 years at a tournament in Holland. "S porting" (Lisbon), "Barcelona", "Eindhoven" and "Haarlem", taking the competitio n were our rivals. We easily beat "Sporting" 2-0 in the first match.I felt like a fish in water. The Portuguese were well treated with the ball, but were weak i n the "physics". Then we smashed "Eindhoven" 5-1 and I scored my first goal of t
he professional team. In the next game we lost, "Haarlem," 0-2, which put in pla ce the bulk of the younger players. Nevertheless, we reached the semi-finals, wh ere we were met with "Barcelona". The Spaniards took the lead from the very firs t minutes of the match. But as soon as we tuned up the pace, they began to simul ate and "dive". We drove them to death, playing confidently in the selection and raspasovyvaya balls, which won 3-1. In the finals we played again with the "Haa rlem." The game was tense. Phil Starbuck scored a goal back with a "point", maki ng the expense of 1:1, which meant holding penalties. All remembered what happen ed at the last World Cup, when England flew out of the tournament, losing in the semi-finals in West Germany on penalties. We have not played at the same rate, but I have no doubt that rent my first serious test as a player, "Forest", and i t successfully passed. My first task for the season was a place in the starting lineup Reserves "Forest". So the tournament in the Netherlands has given me conf idence. First Pre-season game at home was against an amateur club. I started the match on the bench. It's a little upset me, because the game was attended by Br ian Clough, and I wanted to impress him. He came into the locker room and asked Archie Gemmill exit. Only some time later, found out about their conversation. C lough: "I would like to look at the Irishman. Replace his son (he played in midf ield). " Archie: "I will set him in the second half." Shortly after the start of the second half of the meeting, I saw Clough coming to the brow, "Archie! - He snapped. - Produces an Irishman. " Over the next fifteen minutes, nothing happen ed. I hung up the nose. Twenty minutes before the end of the
game Archie led the field with Scott and I put up.I feel that I was on the field only because of the fact that my presence had to endure, but it showed all that was capable of remaining time. My first week in the "Forest" only confirmed wha t I suspected: the world was full of those who always bluffing, and whiners the guys who have the title of a professional and do not meet the requirements, conf irming their status. And they are outraged Archie Gemmill behavior, who played f or Scotland and won national championships at the Cup of Champions! And as a coa ch, who won two championships with modest clubs - "Forest" and "Derby" and two C up champions. This is not a joke! I am not a paragon of virtue, and prove that t ime. But at the very beginning of my career I realized the difference between th e respect from people like Gemmill, Clough and Stuart Pearce, and so when you ju st call yourself a professional. I wanted to be like them and to reach their lev el and knew I had a lot of work. But for me it did not take long, as I thought. A few days later was followed by a dramatic and disturbing event. On Saturday, " Forest" opened the season in the first division, playing in their stadium with t he "Queens Park Rangers" - 1:1. Nigel jamesonite scored from the penalty spot. I was interested spectator. The setting was gorgeous, and the lawn looked like a perfect carpet. That's the way I had imagined in the first division football. Th e result disappointed "Forest", which was still among the leading clubs in the c ountry, setting the tone in the championship over the previous few years. In the doubles match, I went on the field, when we were ten minutes, and could do noth ing. After the game I joined the rest of the players heading for the town to bin ge. Skipping a few pints of beer, I fell into bed. It was nearly two o'clock in the morning. The next morning I went to the gym. The first team played in the da y to "Anfield" (stadium "Liverpool." - VS).As soon as I appeared on "City Ground ", experiencing a slight hangover from last night, me and Phil Starbuck, sitting in the locker room, approached Ronnie Fenton. "You go to the" Enfield ", - he s aid. - And do not forget your boots. " These are for! Well, I thought Phil playe d a couple games for the first team - he was a talented player, so his attractio n to the game was the natural course of things. I probably needed in order to ga in experience and to help carry bags to our manager, engaged in a form. But ... Stuart Pearce, Steve Hodge and Terry Wilson was found to have been injured. The first team arrived in Liverpool the night before, so I got in the car Phil Ronni e Fenton. On the way to Liverpool, we stopped at a Derby trainer. Brian Clough l ived in a large private house. I was instructed to ring the doorbell. "Ah, an Ir ishman, how are you?" "Okay, boss." He comes in and gives me a full three-quarte r bottle of milk. "That's an Irishman. Drink up. " God, I hate milk! "I do not l ike milk, boss." "Drink." "Shut up, Roy ... and drink it! " "Thanks, boss." And the contents of the bottle directs me to the stomach. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Cl ough exchanged strong words. Obviously, she had more courage than I do. "Come on , Irish, we're leaving." "So far, Mrs Clough. Nice to meet you. " On arrival at the hotel, which housed the first team, we went to Pre-match lunch. I stayed nex t to Phil, who was the only player who is familiar to me. I still felt not quite ready to to meet all necessary requirements. "Enfield" seemed very spacious. An hour before the start of the game in the stadium heard the hum of voices. The t eam "Liverpool" was considered as an aristocrat of English football. Ian Rush, P eter Beardsley, John Barnes, Ray Houghton and Ronnie Whelan. They all played for different teams. Such a situation like Brian Clough.If other teams were defeate d before they saw the famous inscription "This is a" Enfield ", leading from the corridor on the field, Clough liked confrontation with the legends" Enfield ", and he gave his commitment to the players. To somehow be helpful, I started to h elp carry bags to our manager. "The Irishman, what are you doing?" "Help" - was my answer. "Take a t-shirt with the seventh number. Do you play. " "Sorry?" "You 're playing." It was a shock. Fortunately, I did not even have time to think abo ut what I'm going to debut in first division. Against the best team in Britain. On the "Anfield". For forty-five minutes can make a lot of things. For example, to present itself as the main players, "Forest", which had no clue about who thi s "Irish". In the warm up on the field, I answered questions. "Repeat your name, son?" "Roy" - I replied. They were great! Their attitude was friendly and meant only one thing: "Good luck, son!" Strange, but I was calm when he left the lock
er room. Clough, as always, was wound up. He was not afraid to assert their opin ion and taking into account all the circumstances, do not put pressure on me. De spite the fact that "Liverpool" beat us easily in the evening 2-0 - Rush and Bea rdsley scored a goal, I felt I did everything right. A lot of fans in the "Anfie ld" knew a lot about football, playing in front of them was a pleasure. My game has caused a positive response from the audience, who, despite their commitment to one team, do not hesitate to express your feelings when it was necessary to e stimate a good football no matter who played. But that evening at "Anfield" and I witnessed the almost total lack of patriotism. Dubliner Ronnie Whelan, welcomi ng the start of his young career, a compatriot of Roy
Mayfield-like there-his-name, which nearly blew his head off, taking away the ba ll. I participated in a collision with Ray Houghton. This meeting is Irish, from which the cracked bone, was also devoid of mutual affection.Counts the number o f times in his career, I was glad to leave the field after a defeat. We have don e everything in our power. And if you guys knew my name at the beginning of the match, but now I felt that they remember him. When I called his father after the game to tell him that played against the "Liverpool", he was as shocked as I di d a couple of hours ago. "How'd it go, son?" - He asked. I said, "Okay." Now tha t I have experienced the taste of real football, my goal was to place at the bas e of the first team. When I met Brian Clough in the locker room, "the City Groun d," the next morning, he asked me my name. "Roy" - I replied. Then he took off h is shoes, which were dirty from walking with his dog. "You do not clean them for me, Roy?" I was happy to comply with his request. I understand why he does it. I kept his place in the composition and in the away match with "Coventry" next S aturday. We played a draw, which would be a victory, if I used a great chance at the end of the match. In the next round I debuted at the home stadium of the ga me with "Southampton." My mom and dad with two guys came to play. The next morni ng I went to look at the game alternates. Archie Gemmill was furious when he saw me at the edge. "What are you doing here? You have an important match today. Go home and rest. " When you're nineteen, and in the morning will make its debut a t the stadium of your team, not so easy to relax. Especially when your family tr avels from Cork to attend this important event for you. "The City Ground," and f ans "Forest" will remain forever in my heart. Players often say that they do not notice visitors. And it's true - the more experience you have amassed, the less you act on the rostrum, whether you're playing at their stadium or at a party. But part of the game is to communicate with stands - or you force them to shut u p, or to reciprocate the passion of its fans, especially the part that understan ds football.My first game at "the City Ground" was finished ten minutes before t he final whistle, when I replaced Brian Clough. We were 3-1. I participated in t he first gol and spent a good match. When considering all the circumstances, esp ecially the fact that the game was present, my family, the debut of this one cou ld only dream of. Supporters carried me off the field, standing applauding. I wa s happy and at the same time confused. I was in the locker room and was about to go into the shower, when I was approached by Archie Gemmill and said that the b oss would like to bring me up to the field. To my surprise I went after Archie. I was even more surprised when Brian Clough hugged me and kissed on the cheek, t o the delight and amazement of the audience. It was an amazing final glorious da y. The presence of my parents and brothers, and Noel McCabe, who came specially to see my first game at the stadium "Forest", reminded me how much my life has c hanged over the last six months since then, as the "Cove Remblers" were routed 0 : 4 Feyrvyu Park. In the future I will have a small tiff with Brian Clough, but I will never forget how and what he did for me. He was canny, prepared for the f act that to be a tough non-conformist, opposing public opinion. On the day of th e match with "Southampton" Clough behaved politely pointed out to my family. Des pite all its merits, Clough could be a simple man, that is not often the case wi th living legends. Over the next few months, the transitional period in my life completely over. Week after week I played against players and clubs, for which I watched on TV last season. In October, we played with 'Tottenham' to 'City Grou nd. " My first meeting with the club for which I was ill. And with Paul Gascoign e, whose tears at the world championships last summer, made him an idol. He ador ed the whole country, and it has caused renewed interest in the English nation i n football that led to the creation of the Premier League with a multimillion-do llar contracts from the Sky Television.Partners Gazza in the team Stuart Pearce and Des Walker warned me before the game that he would try to provoke me. And so it happened - he verbally abused me, screaming that I was an Irish cripple, who did not understand anything of horseradish in the game. Many of his words passed my ears. I did not understand his accent. In fact, he was very funny. Alas, such s verhodarenny player wasted his energy on something that I provoke. Brian Clough was sympathetic to my request, let me go home for a few days. Usually, I approac hed him with this question after Saturday's match, which ended well for us, and
his answer is almost not different from the old, "Go, my son, see you on Thursda y." The only thing that bothered me is that I have not scored any goals for "Not tingham." Only in December, I marked the first goal in the championship match ag ainst the 'Sheffield United' to 'Bremoll Lane. " But, unfortunately, we did fail ed. My next goal in the meeting with "Wimbledon" turned out to be victorious. So on Brian Clough called me into his office. Under the terms of my contract I prov ided to the club car. "The Irishman, take it" - he said, throwing on the table a bunch of car keys. I got a brand new car brands, "Ford Orion." I was in seventh heaven. This was another symbol of progress and proof that the last six months have not been sleeping. And I care about my car as a child. Every Sunday I was c leaning it. I often went without a purpose, just to get pleasure from my "cars". In the FA Cup with the "Crystal Palace" I first felt the atmosphere of this com petition, which in 1991 was of great importance for the players. Reaching the fi nal at the "Wembley" was the cherished dream of every professional and every fan in England. Success in the FA Cup has been especially important for Brian Cloug h - he was the only major trophy that he had not yet won. By lot, we had to play on the "Crystal Palace".We have clung to zero tie. In the replay on the "City G round," we were in the score was 2:1, when I was too weak sent the ball back goa lkeeper Mark Crossley, which led to dire consequences. Mark managed to hit the b all, but right at John herring, which threw the ball over the goalkeeper with a forty-five meters. Their mother! When I walked into the locker room after the ga me, Clough punched me in the face. "Do not give the ball back goalkeeper!" He sh outed, standing over me as I lay on the floor. I felt pain and was stunned - stu nned too, to do something about it, and only nodded in agreement. My honeymoon w ith Clough and professional football is over. Sometimes in the locker room becom es unbearable, there can not be forgiven much. Knockdown of Clough was part of m y lessons. Realizing how much
pressure he feels, I did not keep him injury. He did not apologize, but next wee k I was given several days off, so I went home to Cork. After the second replay with a "Crystal Palace", in which we won 3-0, "Forest" play dropped away from th e "Newcastle" in 1 / 16. All matches were held in Newcastle in a hard struggle. Fifteen minutes later we conceded two unanswered goals. In the face of Stuart Pe arce, we had a player who really answered all the definitions of the pros. Pierc e was the leader, a true professional, he has proved in the cup matches. He led the others by his example. He infected everyone with his intransigence. When som e players started to drop their heads, Pierce noticed this and encouraged them. One had to be strong language, the other - a pat on the shoulder. We desperately fought at the stadium, "St. James' Park to remedy the situation. Despite the fa ct that Stuart Pearce has played at left-back position, he was the main driving force behind the team. At such moments, this "Obsessed", seemed to play like a p sychopath. He acted tough in the selection. He could not get to shake the faint of heart attackers. His magnificent left it easily controlled with the ball. In the game with "Newcastle United" his contribution to the success was decisive.It reduced the gap in the account. Nigel Clough has restored the balance for two m inutes before the break. It is for this game Brian Clough and Stuart Pearce appr eciated. Most of the contenders in a collision with a pencil Pierce. This cup ma tch was an important lesson for me. The will to win and desire are important com ponents of the game. The strength of spirit in our fight with a rival was more i mportant than mere skill. We can easily beat the "Newcastle" in the replay 3-0. And again in the next round we had to play at a party - this time with "Southamp ton." Soon after the game with "Newcastle United", I was summoned to the foreign tour of Ireland national team. This trip coincided in time with the guest play, "Forrest" against "Bansli" in a commercial tournament "Cup Zenit Deyta Systems. " Needless to say that Brian Clough was counting on me. "Forest" was my liveliho od, so I advised the Football Association of Ireland would not be able to attend . I phoned Maurice Price, my trainer at courses FAS. He assured me that I need t o go. I explained to him that he must play for 'Forest'. "Hey, Roy. Big Jack sai d that if you refuse to travel, you're never going to play for Ireland, "- repli ed Price. For some time, feeling embarrassed, I quickly poraskinul brains. It to ok me less than thirty seconds to make a decision. "If he says, then so be it, M aurice" - so I said politely, as far as was possible in this situation. I owe to Brian Clough and "Forest" to all that I have. I was proud of his Irish origins, but the "Forest" gave me a salary. It is to him I must be true. I was disappoin ted by the fact that Charlton is trying to intimidate a player like me. We are t ied in eighth finals of the FA Cup with "Southampton", and Nigel jamesonite hattrick in a re-meeting, which allowed us to achieve an easy victory.Finale to "We mbley" now seemed achievable task, in spite of the fact that we had to play with , "Norwich", and again at a party. On the way to "Carrow Road," our bus broke do wn. We had to walk the last three miles to the stadium. At the head of the proce ssion, to the surprise of fans, "Norwich" was Brian Clough. As to the "Wembley" both teams had only two matches, the game took place in the tough, tough fight. Again, Stuart Pearce was our inspiration in this difficult match in which the op ponent is constantly kept us under pressure. Again, his presence on the field ha s become important components of our success. 0-0 was for us an acceptable resul t. But the replay was not needed, since I scored a goal at end of the match. Ano ther battle won, it won another victory of the spirit, embodied in Stuart Pearce , our leader. Satisfied, I asked Brian Clough to give me a few days off for the trip home. "See you on Friday '- was the short answer Clough. III Our semi-final match with the "West Ham" to "Villa Park" was the easiest in the whole tourname nt. After the first fifteen minutes, when the players 'West Ham' hit the goalpos ts, they have no courage left. They certainly did not help and removing their ce nter-forward Tony Gale at the fifteenth minute. But by the time we started winni ng all mikrodueli across the field, again led by example Stuart Pearce. Traditio nally, the semifinal matches of the FA Cup run in a bitter struggle. Opportunity to enter the finals at the "Wembley" makes the team play with caution. Fear of losing is felt particularly acutely - no one wants to make a mistake that could put an end to the discharge of their dreams. A combination of clever tactics pan
s Brian Clough and determination "possessed" helped us out on the field in an ov erwhelming state of mind. Meaning of Clough was simple and soothing on the nerve s: "It's just another game, play our own game and win."He did not mention that t he FA Cup is the only major trophy, which is missing in his collection of awards , although it was written in all the newspapers. In addition, he made no mention of statistics that say not in our favor, and as well as the press wrote: "Fores t" won only two of eleven semi-final matches of the FA Cup, in which he particip ated. Looking around the locker room, I felt no fear. Stuart Pearce, Des Walker and Steve Hodge played for England. Gary Charles, I, Nigel and Gary Crosby james onite, despite his youth and lack of experience, received a boost of energy from older teammates, especially from Stuart Pearce. But there was something that ma de me wonder. Besides the fact that Stuart Pearce, Des Walker and Brian Clough d id not feel any fear, they rushed into battle and were looking forward to the ma tch. "Go, go! Play fun - because we worked for just such critical games, "- it s eemed, they said. I felt positive emotions, when I came out of the locker room t o take part in the most important match of my career. That's what I always wante d. "West Ham" played in the second division, having a chance of reaching the fir st. Gary Crosby, I, Stuart Pearce and Gary Charles scored a goal and we won 4-0. In the other semifinal, "Tottenham" beat "Arsenal". Brian Clough will make anot her attempt to take the FA Cup. One year later, after a meeting with Noel McCabe I was preparing for "Wembley". Two weeks before the finals I damaged ligaments ankle in the championship match. It was a serious blow. I passionately wanted to play against the "Hotspur" to "Wembley". But I knew that the leadership of "For est" does not make me a match,
until I prove its readiness. On Monday I was supposed to play in the doubles to determine my condition. I played that game with a bandage on her ankle. Almost n ormal. On Thursday, ignoring common sense, Brian Clough named the starting lineu p yet, two days before the final.I was named among the others and was put in pla ce a player for England Steve Hodge. We arrived in London on Thursday. When we a rrived at the hotel, Ron Fenton said that Steve and I are going to live in one r oom. I do not know what these psychological experiment to prove to Brian Clough. I've never shared a room with Steve, and in these circumstances, each of us obv iously feel uncomfortable. Like me, Steve was not a talkative guy. We did not wa nt to discuss what lodged in our brain and most of us worried: his withdrawal fr om the mine and of course a huge step to the final FAS to "Wembley". Another imp ortant issue for all players, "Forest" had tickets for the final. Our limit of t wenty tickets guarantee a source of headache for each. Friends, family, relative s, anyone who has once done you a favor (or once did me a favor with your friend s, family or relatives) - all wanted to get tickets for the final. It was a matt er of life and death, a heavy burden for the players who were preparing for an i mportant football match. My ankle still bothered me. The atmosphere in the room was tense. But I can say with certainty that the forty-eight hours before the fi nal I'm most jolted out of tickets. From my family and friends, I received a req uest forty-five tickets. I just gain enemies. Now it is difficult to believe tha t my memories of the first important match in his career were related to the sea rch for the precious tickets. It seemed that the match comes to the whole of Cor k. What should have been a significant milestone in my career has turned into a nightmare. Only forty-five minutes before the match I started to prepare for the game. Search tickets negatively affected my condition. When we came out on the field after Brian Clough, I was crushed. I was squeezed like a lemon and not fee l under your feet down, spending all their energy in the previous eight hours. Y es, and my ankle was not in the best condition. Press has prepared her for the f inal example program "Spurs" - "Forest".Commentators said that the "Wembley" is a good place to Paul Gascoigne has proved that it is worth adoration, which Engl and had for him after his tearful departure from the world championship last yea r. Gazza strikes the hour in this game? Other circumstances match, as the newspa pers concerned Brian Clough. Can he finish his great career coach, got hold of t he Cup, which he did not manage to win? Going to this "great scene", it was hard to concentrate. The fans behaved noisily, but they were far away. Brian Clough briskly marched ahead of us, holding the arm of Terry Venables. Prince Charles s hook hands with me. Gazza like a madman. Two minutes after the match Gascoigne " knocked out" by Gary Parker kick in the chest by adopting one of the techniques of kung fu. We looked at the judge. In vain. His eyes glistened. As with Gascoig ne. It was evident that he went out of control. Maniac. Crazy. Ten minutes later , Gascoigne was on a stretcher. Gary Charles knocked the ball long before they a rrived in time for him Gascoigne. As a result, he injured himself. As it turned out, this is a cruciate ligament injury, which he paid to himself and also had a n influence on Gazza's career - he no longer went to the previous level. Unbelie vable, but this time the referee did not punish him for his rough play against C harles! As always, Stuart Pearce was excellent. When Gazza went into the tunnel, Pierce scored a great goal from the penalty area. We were on the bill by a marg in of one goal at halftime. I was tormented by my ankle, but I did not want to a dmit that I could not hold out for another forty five minutes. The second half o f the game was terrible. In the first half, Mark Crossley saved a penalty goal a fter a performance of Gary Lineker. But the "Spurs" put pressure on us. The resp onse goal was inevitable. And so it happened, and the game moved into the mainst ream of extra time. Despite the ailing ankle, I mustered all his strength, but c ould not really help the team.My feet are tired of the turf, the fans remained d istant spot, creating background noise, resulting in a bereavement in touch with them, which is characteristic for the usual Saturday matches. When Des Walker s cored the own goal and gave the 'Spurs' victory, it seemed appropriate ending ni ghtmare of the day. Tickets, ankle, Gazza, a hotel room with a guy I kicked out of! In the locker room I was devastated. I got two lessons from this Cup. The fi rst has only strengthened my belief that football is primarily a game command. T
hen as a coach, "the Spurs' Terry Venables has reorganized his team after the de parture of Gazza was very impressive. If Gazza was, we could neutralize him, lea ving the "Spurs" no chance to threaten our goal. However, rival rearranged their ranks and achieved the result by the fact that the whole team, "Spurs" was bett er than the sum of its individual components. Also, I realized how much you can draw from a variety of football affairs - in my case it was the tickets. It took me a long time to use those lessons in life. I also felt as far as the hype in the press around the cup can suck you, make you forget that the Cup final - it's just another football game. By this loser in this case was Paul Gascoigne, who suffered for what I wanted to meet the expectations of the press and make it a h eavy burden on their fragile shoulders. I know that, despite the defeat of the " Forest", the experience was good for me. The defeat of the "Wembley" put me down from heaven to earth. Immediately after the FA Cup final I was drafted into the Republic of Ireland, which took in a friendly match at the stadium Chile nation al team, "Lansdowne Road." This was my first meeting with Jack Charlton, or as i t is called, Big Jack, whose success with the Republic of Ireland made him a nat ional hero. I was glad that I was invited to the team, but my first stay in the team was not anything memorable. Ireland did not know defeat at the "Lansdowne R oad" for five matches.Chileans almost broke the series. Only a goal by David Kel ly for ten minutes before the end of the meeting has allowed us to complete the match a draw. My contribution to the team game was hardly unique. Charlton's app roach to football differed sharply from what we see in "Forest". The game was no t a pass for him in the first place. He demanded that every area of the field cr eated by the numerical superiority, he did emphasize that to disarm an opponent, but not to play constructive football. His tactic was to throw the long ball be hind defense opponents and then fight for them on another side of the field, whe re he hoped we could get them wrong. Such a primitive approach, which the perfor mers were a few outstanding players, helped the Republic of Ireland at that time to enter the two major tournaments -
Euro 88 and Italia 90. "Davie them!" - Such was the conviction of Jack. "Do not be mistaken, not drawn on its side of the field" - seemed, he said. Similarly, n ot knowing what is expected of me, except physical effort, which has made me hap py, I wanted to understand whether Charlton to offer something more than his "ma gic formula". Time has shown that it was all his life tactical units. After a su ccessful first season of Brian Clough offered me a new contract stipulating a sa lary of 700 per week plus 15,000 pounds, which were issued at the signing of the agreement. In October, I played his first official match for the national team o f Ireland, which met in the qualifying tournament played in Europe with the nati onal team of Poland. To break into the Euro-92, needed a victory. By keeping the score 3-1, we conceded two goals at the end of the match and gave the Poles a p oint that they, frankly, deserve. Matches in the Republic of Ireland were to me quite strange lessons. In the very foundations of football Charlton wing a contr adiction. On the one hand, he demanded of us that we did not lose the ball, but on the other hand, insisted that we played a long pass, which is why most of the game ball owned rival.His idea was to force the opponent to make mistakes. Goin g forward, pressinguya, we did not allow him to establish his own tempo game. A creative approach to the game was not included in the plans of national team of Ireland Charlton. He did not encourage deviation from its mounting on the game. Was always the risk that you could bring him into a rage, if you try to do somet hing original. It was clear that he did not trust even the best players in the t eam of Ireland and not allow them to play at the football, they are used in thei r clubs. That's what some have paid our outstanding players, including Liam Brad y, Ronnie Whelan and whose career was finished in the team after they fell out o f favor with Charlton. We needed time to get used to the football, which require us to Charlton. Republic of Ireland football fans were great as at home games a nd away. We have never achieved much success in football, so it was necessary fi rst of all a good game, not the result. And if you be fair to Charlton, it is ne cessary to say that we achieved good results in many meetings with the countries which possess large resources of football than Ireland. Charlton did not believ e that we have in the structure of high quality players who can not only catch u p with the skill of the players of European teams, but to surpass them in any pa rt of the game. My perception of the football contrary to popular opinion in Ire land that Jack Charlton - is a football genius who has managed a hundred and eig hty degrees to change the position in the team and get good results with it, for cing players to change their understanding of the game. In the second season of "Forest" I played twice on the "Wembley" - at the end of "Zenith Deyta Systems C up" and "Rambelouz Cap" (League Cup). Brian Clough has signed a contract with Te ddy Sheringham from "Millwall", adding sharpness to our attacks. "Rambelouz Cap" was important for the teams of the Premier League.I scored the winning goal in overtime in the semifinal match against the 'Tottenham' to 'White Hart Lane. " W ith each match, I felt stronger and better prepared in the course of his second season of his professional career. Now I had established a reputation, I was fam ous, so I paid an opponent more attention. I never stopped learning. How to get rid of a guardian, how to control the game, how to choose the time for the races into the penalty opponent. But perhaps most importantly - from their lessons I have learned that every game you must win a duel with his rival in your sector o f the field. I was lucky that I got into a good team, which has provided invalua ble support to a great coach. Stuart Pearce, Des Walker, Nigel Clough and Teddy Sheringham were high quality players. It was clear that, although we find it dif ficult to compete for the championship with the leading clubs, including the "Li verpool", "Arsenal", "Manchester United" and "Leeds", we can play with them at t he same level, when in the mood. But on the whole season, "Forest" was not able to adequately resist them. We took the eighth place in the championship and lost to "Manchester United" in the finale of "Rambelouz Cap." Once again we were not in the spirit of playing the "Wembley", and although we fought, but still "Unit ed" won the match 1-0. Despite the fact that we played twice on the "Wembley" an d more or less successfully completed the championship, the "City Ground" and re igned around him feel like "Forest" is lower than its level. Announced the estab lishment of the Premier League. A contract was signed with the broadcaster, "Sky
Television." This deal promised fabulous profits for the leading clubs, which a re separated from the rest of the league. Under the leadership of Brian Clough, "Forest" won the championship in his time, and two European Cup. Such an incredi ble achievement has been achieved without infusion of Finance in transfer deals with famous players. Indeed, it was like a miracle.Concern about the fate of "Fo rest" in the Premier League was associated with the ever-growing feeling among f ans that Brian Clough was not so legendary coach, able to new conditions to achi eve success with the club, which had not been able to acquire players. In the lo cker room the players belonged to Clough in different ways: some of his fear, he did not like the others, while others grumbled that they often do not. My opini on about Clough was due to the fact that was decisive for me: he gave me a chanc e, and I owed him everything that I have. How many coaches will put their reputa tion on the line, putting an inexperienced youngster of nineteen in the first te am, and even to "Anfield"? Watching the mood in the locker room, I began to unde rstand more clearly what many pros thought the whole world something they have t o. Come to the gym, laughing and pobryuzzhat for a couple hours, and then plunge into the comfort of their homes or to go shopping, or just a golf club ... Afte r the good results they were bathed in glory. When the game does not go well, th ey blame others in this. This annoyed me. I am confident that my relatively late arrival in professional sports has become a major factor in shaping my attitude to Brian Clough and even the entire football team. I was obsessed with the grea t desire than others, but not more than Stuart Pearce. The more I watched Pierce , the more I was struck by his professionalism. Players complained about it. "Fu ck you, Pierce" - they groaned when he required them to greater efforts whether in training or in the game. They whispered among themselves that he was "stingy bastard" with a bunch of money (it was!). So what? We paid for the work, and Stu art Pearce led others by example. He never demanded that to which he was not rea dy. I deeply respected for his knowledge of Clough in the game. He may have ever y day more and more rarely appeared in training, but during the match his presen ce and his keen eye radically changed the situation.If you do not fully perform its
task, Clough is noticed. At first glance, a harmless error, which led to a misse d goal after three or four minutes later, an unsuccessful attempt of selection, the lack of breakthrough at the right time or pass them will be rightly identifi ed as the cause of a goal. And do not skip on the other finger, which was second nature to most players. He knew it, and you knew he knew. Every football match consists of thousands of details that together determine the outcome. A coach wh o can not notice these details, as did Clough in his clinical way, just bluffing . The game is full of those who are engaged in a bluff, who knows only that shou t, "Roll up your sleeves," "Tune in to the game properly, 'and talk about what y ou should be proud to wear this shirt. The coach, who constantly uses the cliche - and there are many - do not know the most important thing. Brian Clough notic es small details, facts, mikroepizody and makes all the correct conclusions. Clo ugh has been its approach to other things. Once, when he was not in training, ai des got the goods that we have worked with him. After half an hour lessons emerg ed Dell, dog trainer, for which he was, as usual, dressed in his jacket, green s weat suit and high boots. "What is this crap?" - Asked Clough Liam O `Kane, poin ting to the load. Liam did not have time to open his mouth, as Clough ordered: " Take it away and remove the balls." This was his strength. And, as I think weakn ess, as the game has evolved while we were preparing to enter the premier league . Alas, as with Margaret Thatcher, whom he despised Clough, his days are gone. A round that time I noticed a beautiful girl in town nightclub. Her name was Teres a Doyle. I tried to please her, but she did not seem to notice. She had a seriou s romance with a guy and a great footballer Roy Keane did not make her any impre ssion. I think that I then had the reputation of a loser, though I could not rea lly explain why.I knew one of her friends, who told me that Teresa was the daugh ter of a dentist assistant. Eventually she broke up his relationship with anothe r guy, and we began to leave the community together. I was in love. We became cl ose friends. Theresa, despite the fact that I was born in Nottingham, had Irish roots. Her parents, Bray and Lusk, came from County Dublin. We playfully started a new championship, beating "Liverpool" 1-0 in a match, first broadcast on Sky Television. Goal at his own expense recorded Teddy Sheringham. Then began a nigh tmare of a series of six defeats. Alas, the Sheringham in September came in, "To ttenham". In October, we closed the tournament, conceding twenty-two goals in te n matches. "Forest" is in deep crisis. In these challenging times, my position i s more complicated. Newspapers began to wonder what the top clubs going out of m e to get. Mention "Blackburn", "Arsenal", "Aston Villa" and "Liverpool". The pre ss wrote that the clubs are ready to beat England transfer record to sign a cont ract with me. If the "Forest" will take off from the Premier League and was said by many, Brian Clough will leave the club, what will become of me? I had a cont ract and pay 700 pounds a week, which was much less than other players. Prior to completion of the contract remained a half years. Around the same time called m e friend Kenny Dalglish, and said that the head coach, "Blackburn" I would like to meet with me. Alan Shearer has just refused to go to the "Manchester United" from the "Southampton" by selecting "Blackburn", whose desire to win the Premier League was sponsored by Jack Walker. In the house of David O `Leary was schedul ed to meet with Dalglish and his assistant in the" Blackburn "Ray Hartford. I wa s asked about the situation with my contract in the "Forest". When I said that I was offered a new contract, they began to persuade him not to sign. And if I si gn a deal, it was necessary to include a paragraph that would permit me to leave the "Forest" in the event of relegation from the Premier League.I have made it clear that "Blackburn" was ready to set transfer record in English football in t he 3.5 million pounds. I knew that these secret negotiations were against the ru les, but such transactions are taken place. The newspapers wrote that I demanded one million pounds over three years in the "Forest". About the way it was. Kenn y Dalglish indirectly conveyed that my salary is in the "Blackburn" will be 250 000 pounds a year, and 500 000 I get when signing the contract. In person and I get along Brian Clough with each other, despite his harsh words addressed to me in the press. "Keane - like a child waking up on Christmas morning and discovere d the apple, orange and sweet in a sock. He wants more - Clough said in a local newspaper. - He's a very talented young man. He was everything comes easy, and i
n football he is loved everything, especially the players, "Forest". Keane is cu rrently the most attractive property in the game, but it would bankrupt the club . We made him an offer. He has his thoughts on the matter, but it belongs to us eighteen months, and at present negotiations are frozen. I do not want to know a bout the stupid terms of the contract and that he would do, if we take off. I wo uld like him to sign a reasonable contract that our budget can afford. " Stuart Pearce, whose devotion to the club and the authority was indisputable, he came t o my aid after a morning workout. He went to all the players, asking them the sa me question: "Are you happy with your contract?". One by one the players gave a positive response. Pierce then shouted: "If you're happy, then leave Roy alone. He has the right to get more. " I was very grateful to Pierce. My talks with Ron Fenton kept secret from the press continued. He did not argue with my arguments that I was worth, "Forest" of 47 000, and now the club could sell me more than three million. He also admitted that my salary is 700 pounds a week was one of t he lowest among first-team players.Still two stumbling blocks: point on which I could escape from the "Forest" in the event of his departure from the Premier Le ague, and my call to 125 000 upon signing the contract. During the next negotiat ion Brian Clough entered the office of Ron Fenton. He asked me how things are mo ving. Ron told him about our disagreements. Without hesitation, Clough said: "Ro n, give Roy that he asks." Half an hour later a contract was prepared. I was hap py to sign an agreement for a period of three and a half years, although the sou l does not think I could play it through. With the advent of Sky Television and the creation of the Premier League footballers wages grew at an astronomical pro gression. Tears of Gazza in Italy-90 did football fashion. The game began to pay attention and, of course, to us, the players. The continued existence of "Fores t" in the Premier League now depended on the last two games. The defeat in the h ome match against "Sheffield United" or loss on the field, "Ipswich" meant parti ng with the league. The fact that my contract allowed me to leave the club if hi s departure is in no way affected by my zeal and desire to "Forest" has remained in the
Premier League. On the contrary. Someone at the club told the press about the co nditions of my contract. This led to what some have come to doubt my dedication to the struggle for survival. Therefore, in the last two games I had to prove ot herwise. During our preparation for the meeting with "Sheffield United" Brian Cl ough announced that he was resigning at the end of the season. "Sheffield United " beat us 2-0. Aware of the price of defeat, many of our players to play as if f rozen. With a selection of players, in theory we should not have to take off. Ho wever, the energy and faith in the coaching genius of Brian Clough left the club inexplicably. A few minutes after taking off from the Premier League, some play ers, praying in the shower, already exchanged jokes. I could not believe my eyes and ears. Their career was rolling downhill, and they thought, in which restaur ant to go to them! I have mixed feelings of guilt and pain.Frank Clark, who repl aced Brian Clough at the post coach, "Forest", said: "It is thanks to its profes sionalism Roy Keane has made every effort to leave the" Forest "in the Premier L eague." He was wrong. I did it only for self-preservation. A few weeks later the fans, "Forest" I was chosen best player of the season - in the past two years, this honor has been awarded Stuart Pearce. I was glad that the fans, "Forest" ha ve understood that, notwithstanding the conditions of my contract, my dedication to the struggle for survival was total. During the heavy season, I learned anot her lesson: Football should not be anyone and anything. No one could believe tha t the team is Brian Clough could crash. Now, even such a talented player like St uart Pearce, was below the Premier League. Was the football in such a case, a br utal game? It may be so, if you lose your guard, reduce your level of at least f ive percent and will start to think you're "too good to fly." In our team, "Forr est" was not lacking in talent. However, she flew out of the Premier League. If I wanted to go to the "Blackburn"? Kenny Dalglish was a millionaire Jack Walker' s money, but the "Blackburn" was relatively modest club. They said that other cl ubs such as "Arsenal" and "Liverpool", also showed interest in me. Now with the departure of Brian Clough, I was even more determined to bring to effect the con dition of my contract, which allowed me to leave the club. I was attacked from a ll sides agents, but I resisted them, though I knew that I would need help in ne gotiations with the "Blackburn", or another club that wants me to buy. David O'L eary was one of the leading players in Republic of Ireland. He became a victim o f philosophy Charlton "hit-and-run" in which high-tsentrhavy considered dangerou s overkill. His view of Charlton largely coincided with my: on this coach could only laugh. One evening I asked David, who represents its interests.He replied t hat his case be solved by Michael Kennedy, attorney for property matters in Lond on. David would be happy to introduce me to Michael, if I so choose. In addition , I also appealed to the Professional Footballers' Association with a request to represent my interests in future dealings. Concerned by the growing influence o f the private agents, the Association announced that it is ready to assist playe rs in transfer negotiations. Agents deterred me, not only those amounts that the y requested for their services. Judging by what I saw, the players football care er was not for the agents in the first place. The more often the player moves fr om club to club, the more money earned his representative. Footballer not decide his future, but still want to see that in their ranks a few clubs, it seems to agents a potential source of income. Rumors about the transitions, fueled by age nts and swallows the Sunday papers, is very difficult to carry such players. In these games the players were mere pawns who are eager to roast annoying facts of the newspaper and greedy brokers. Strongly opposed to the fact that I manipulat ed, I turned to the Association. Another option was Michael Kennedy. Frank Clark was appointed in place of Brian Clough. Clark used to play for 'Forest' and was considered competent in many cases. Upon arrival of the Republic of Ireland, I met with Clark and assured him that, notwithstanding the conditions of my contra ct, I will be fully committed to the club until I was in it. Clark said that he understands my position. Being sparing of words, however, he made it clear that if any Premiership club wants me to pay for the required amount, "Forest" will n ot stand in my way. We understood each other. Now it's up, "Blackburn." Kenny Da lglish did not wait. After a brief bidding parties agreed on the sum of 4 millio n pounds. I was allowed to begin talks with the "Blackburn". The talks helped me
Brenden Batson of the Association.Under the contract with the "Forest" after th e transition I was paid the sum of 600 thousand. The main issue discussed with t he "Blackburn" has become my salary. I heard that Alan Shearer received 500 thou sand a year, so I demanded the same. After discussing this issue, I agreed to 40 0 thousand a year. The deal was made on Friday evening. Dalglish was a major fig ure in football. Great player, who at one time also successfully coached the "Li verpool". Jack Walker gave the order to Dalglish your checkbook for building a t eam capable of fighting for the championship in the premier league. Dalglish has assured me that if I sign a contract with a club, a series volyus team, which a fford a variety of prizes. His intelligence and calm nature made indelible impre ssion on me. After the agreement of all the conditions I was willing to sign a c ontract. But when Dalglish called the "Ewood Park" (the stadium, "Blackburn." VS), there was not one of leadership - a working day is over. "Do not worry - he said. - You can sign the papers on Monday. " We shook hands. I went to Cork for the weekend. On Saturday, the news of my transfer in 'Blackburn' appeared in th e newspapers. Transfer payments have broken the British record. Life changed dra matically since I left home. But, fortunately, my family and friends remained fa ithful to me. I was very pleased that they have not changed in this regard. With Denis Johnson, we went to town on Saturday night to celebrate my transition. We started with "Templikra", before heading to the center where the night finished the adventures of "Saydtreks." On Sunday I woke up, suffering from a hangover. The next day I had to go to the "Blackburn" to sign papers. After that, I was de termined to leave. At dinner the phone rang. Pat picked up the phone. At the oth er end was Alex Ferguson. My family passionately rooting for "Manchester United" . "Roy, it's Alex Ferguson. You have already signed the contract? "."No, but we shook hands and I have to sign the papers tomorrow." "Why do not you come to Man chester to talk to me first?".
Wow! "Manchester United". Champion of the Premier League. My mom, dad and brothe rs were standing in the hall and looked at me. It seems that they had a stroke. "Yes, but I had already agreed" - I said Ferguson. "You do not sign. Come and ta lk. " At this point I do not want to sign any contract with other clubs. Deep do wn, I realized that I could not refuse to contract with the most famous club in the world. But the reason I knew that I did not need to lose my head. The next m orning, after yet another stormy night in the city, I flew to Manchester. Sir Al ex Ferguson met me at the airport. We arrived at his house, which was located ne arby. There was Brian Kidd. After lunch and chatter about anything Ferguson sugg ested to play snooker (a kind of billiards. - VS). He was a good player, and alt hough I did not depart from it, thought it would be wise to play him. I immediat ely liked it. For the coach, "Manchester United" was too easy to communicate, a sense of humor and had a whole set of positive human qualities. It was clear tha t he wanted a trophy to his collection even more prizes. "Roy," Manchester Unite d ", with you or without you, will be the strongest club in England. With you we can succeed in Europe ", - he said. It was a strong argument. He asked me about my representatives. I told the Association of Professional Footballers. Ferguso n suggested that we do not discuss details of the forthcoming transaction. "Leav e it to me" - he insisted. We came to an agreement, under which I would have to say Dalglish to cancel the contract. After that I was instructed to wait positio n, while the "United" is in talks with "Forest". It will not be so easy, says Fe rguson, but he assured me that eventually we will reach mutual goals. I called K enny Dalglish to tell him that he changed his mind to go, "Blackburn."He came ou t furious. "What the hell does it all mean?" I told him about my conversation wi th Ferguson. "We shook hands. Now you can not retreat! "- He cried. "Wait a minu te. I'm very sorry, very, - I brought him to apologize. - But I need to think ab out his future. I have this right. " "You have no right to anything, except to f ulfill his promise that you gave me on Friday." "I'm sorry, but if you have prep ared a paper on time, I would have signed them on Friday." "No one will dare to behave this way with me. No one dares to act like Kenny Dalglish. You - you bast ard, you and it just will not get away with it "- Kenny has not been so calm. I felt at ease. But I have already gained experience in my short career, to know t hat all parties are rarely willing to abide by the agreement. Players blew train ers, coaches blew the players, they, in turn, lied to management. Agents despise d for their nosy, but clubs were only too happy to deal with them. And Kenny Dal glish will still require that I comply with the contract, which did not sign! Th e same Kenny Dalglish, who a few months ago led me secret negotiations behind th e backs of Brian Clough. The more he attacked me with his angry tirades, the les s I was tormented by conscience. The next call was from Frank Clark. Clark was s upposed to show people that does everything to keep me in the club, but he knew that I will go anyway, and now he had to learn to "Forest" as much as possible b enefit. "What's going on, Roy? - He began. - I just called Kenny Dalglish. He sa ys that you change your mind. " I confirmed that after discussions with Alex Fer guson, I changed my mind. Ferguson also called Clark. In contrast to the "Blackb urn", who was willing to pay 4 million pounds, "Manchester United" was going to give me a little more than 3 million pounds.For the "Forest" was unacceptable, s aid Clark. So he wanted me to sign a deal with Dalglish in the interest of "Fore st". I explained that I must do what is in the interest of my career. This dispu te is somewhat spoiled my relationship with Clark. He made it clear that the "Un ited" There will be no deal if the club does not offer as much and "Blackburn." I insisted that he would like to move it in the "United". Stalemate. I was going to vacation with Tony Laflanom, Gary Raymond Boyer and Burne - three young play ers who I played for the "Forest", the next day. We were going to soak up the Cy prus sunshine. Once again, I talked with Alex Ferguson. He assured me that the c hoice is up to me. I have to decide for which club to play. If I'm not going to rush, then eventually all come off. But do not rush for me would mean that next season I will start a T-shirt "Forest". I decided to rely on Ferguson. To go on vacation and not think about nothing. The next morning at 6:30 the phone rang. I thought something had happened at home in Cork. It was Kenny Dalglish. "You do not get away with it - he began. - "Blackburn Rovers" shook you to court and sue
you every penny! ". Between him and Alex Ferguson will never have normal relati onships, and it's like nothing else, he was irritated. He began to call me. He a gain and again that no one can "fuck" and Kenny Dalglish emerge unscathed. I tol d him that I was going to leave and that the case is closed. "Where are you goin g?" - He asked. "Far away, where the sun shines" - followed by my response. "We shall find you and file a lawsuit," - he said. But he was not able to find me. W hen I returned to the pre-season training at the "Forest", Frank Clark was deter mined. I had to train reservists, and they gave me to understand that I will be punished for the "crime", which consists of refusing to go to the "Blackburn". C lark declared me persona non grata. Ferguson advised me not to lose self-control ."United" and "Forest" played poker. The sentence "United" in 3.5 million pounds was half a million less than what the proposed "Blackburn." If I continue to su ffer, the "Forest" will be faced with a dilemma: 3.5 million pounds, or a worthl ess asset, exercising with double. For three seasons I spent 154 games in the "F orest", scored thirty-three goals, playing midfield position. I cost the club 47, 000. He lights the net profit of three million. Were their representatives are g lad? No. In their world, the players were human material to be bought and sold l ike cattle. Think of himself or itself decide to continue his career as a crime. Newspapers in nauskivaniyu Clark, now write about me as a "rebellious Roe." For coaches, managers and journalists were in the order of things to choose their o wn career on the soul. Football players were supposed to do that on another soul . If you stand on his own, your "game" is outrageous. In the second week pre-sea son nerves "Forest" passed. The club accepted the offer of "Manchester United" i n 3.75 million pounds. Now I needed to negotiate personal terms of the contract with the "United". His proposal
250 thousand pounds a year was 150 thousand less, "Blackburn." Brenden Batson, o f the Association could not squeeze more out of "United". I thought that the dif ference in money too palpable. Remembering the conversation with David O'Leary, I called Michael Kennedy. Michael flew into Manchester for talks with Martin Edw ards. He was able to get the "United" to increase the salaries of 350 thousand a year. I loved the "Old Trafford" from the moment he stepped onto the lawn. IV T he cost of my transfer was the reason for a number of articles in the press. Now 3.75 million feet - a pittance. In 1993, it was a huge amount. Even for "Manche ster United", the new champion of the Premier League. I realized that I was the most expensive player in Britain, but I'm not from this dizzy. I was convinced t hat only add, by playing with better players.A day after signing the contract we were supposed to fly at a ten-day pre-season tour of South Africa. I suggested to Alex Ferguson, so I stayed to work on his "physics". But he insisted on my tr ip with the team. Practicing only with stand-ins "Forest", and sometimes alone, I felt that flawed. "Do not worry - he assured me Ferguson - training and matche s will give you the right tone, and the trip will get to know guys." Looking aro und on the bus on the way to the airport in Manchester, I was struck by the matu rity and confidence of the players, "United". The "Forest" Stuart Pearce was a m an among boys. Here was a team of real men: Bryan Robson, Eric Cantona, Steve Br uce, Gary Pallister, Paul Ince, Peter Schmeichel, Brian Makkleer, Denis Irwin an d Mark Hughes. All had the charisma and professional approach to business. Stron g personality, exuding confidence. Among them, I felt like a kid. Yes, I was a k id - to 22-th anniversary I stayed a couple of weeks. I did not forget that the first task is getting into the main part. I was also amazed and a constant buzz wherever they appear, "United". Leaving the airport that morning, I realized wha t it means to be a player, "Manchester United". On weekdays, the "Old Trafford" turned into a beehive. People queue up for tickets for the next match. In the so uvenir shops selling crowds of people. Tourists photographed against the backdro p of a huge stadium. People came from all over the world. Among them were Irish, Chinese, Americans, Londoners, men, women, old and young. Many of them were jus t standing near the stadium, looking at the memorial clock in memory of Munich. I also stared in all directions! This place was great. Hours remind those who ar e below them, about a plane crash in Munich that killed eight young players of t he legendary Matt Busby's team. As I soon realized that even the greatest player s and the inveterate professional history of the club can not be indifferent.Foo tballer of the "Manchester United" always feels the responsibility that lay upon him the traditions of the club. At Manchester Airport, people gathered to see o ur land an aircraft. When we arrived in Johannesburg, we waited a few hundred fa ns and two television crews. In our hotel, the air was heavy with excitement and hotel workers, and those who live there, immediately threw his business to gawk at the famous players, "Manchester United". Caught in such an atmosphere, I fel t like in the movies. Lights, action star. And, of course, extras. I played the role of tacit character and was totally immersed in it. "Manchester United" was certainly more than a football club. Since I was familiar with Denis Irwin on ga mes in the Republic of Ireland, I stayed with him in the same room. He was from Cork, while in another district. Both of us were not much to talk and get along very well. I've never trained so hard. Brian Kidd spent training. He was a great footballer, who in 1968 together with the team winning the European Cup. Player s respected him and loved him. He was a native of Manchester, having a good sens e of humor and good character. To him it was always possible appeal on a questio n. The training was interesting and varied day by day. We always felt the focus, and bilateral games and daily exercises all had a meaning. This is much differe nt from the aimless hours spent on the training field in the "Forest". Since the team was a lot of strong personalities, it is not surprising that almost everyt hing we do, felt the sharp point of competition. We approached the game seriousl y "five by five" at the end of your workout. Often, they started sluggishly, but soon the players were taken in what we do in all seriousness. The reason for th e war could be a tough game in the selection. After that, someone always inflame d, and Brian Kiddu had to intervene.I ran with all his might, trying to catch up to the amazingly talented players who were around me. Eric Cantona was great. L
ike Ryan Giggs. Ryan was two years younger than me, but in the sense of mastery and maturity, he would give me a head start on a few light years ahead. He was a strong personality, funny and provocative, endowed with extraordinary talent, w hich is used to the fullest, to laugh at others while exercising. Although I fel t a little timid and a bit scared of my teammates skill level, I liked the atmos phere in the team. I understand why the "United" was wearing the championship: t he team consisted of great players, training was at a high level, but Sir Alex F erguson with his presence inspired confidence and inspiration, Brian Kidd footba ll knowledge and his humor, which helped everyone in a difficult moment, and wel l not the last, I think, a factor - they were all happy to play for this team. W hining here does not go away. Demoralization and depression, which were felt in the locker room, "Forest", the complaints and groans, and all this talk of loser s in "the City Ground," which sucked out of you the last remnants of the spirit, completely absent from the "Old Trafford". What could I complain? Football play ers believed that they are playing for the best club in the world. Ferguson and Kidd was respected, but their power is not questioned. Bryan Robson was the capt ain and enjoyed the prestige. Robson and Steve Bruce have helped me settle into the team and feel part of it during the preseason tour. For me it was important for several reasons, not the least of them was the fact that, like many other pl ayers, I once tried to add extra speed, playing against the "Manchester United". In my case this meant a tougher game in the selection. More than once I came in to skirmishes with Robson, Gary Pallister and Paul Ince. I have not forgotten an d clash with Peter Schmeichel. But evil on me, no one hid.I did not know yet, af ter winning the championship Ferguson consulted with the leading players of the new acquisitions in the offseason. Many of them supported the coach, when he sho wed interest in me.
After working in training and a couple of friendlies it's time to relax. And the se people knew how to relax. Led by Robson, we spent a couple of unforgettable " gigs" in South Africa. We do not hide from anyone. Ferguson and Kidd did not see anything wrong in that players will miss a glass or two. Playing in the Cup sea son with "Arsenal" to "Wembley" was my first official match in the "Manchester U nited". As Bryan Robson was not fully ready to play, I'm paired with Paul Ince i n charge of the middle line and wanted to prove himself and his power to dismiss any questions about my line price 3.75 million pounds as quickly as possible. A lso, I realized that I, Brian Robson and Paul Insua will fight for two places in midfield. Rival fought for every ball in every area of the field. Everything ha d to get through hard work. At the end of the match we have earned a draw and wo n 1-1 on penalties. I played at a normal level, but I understood that "normal" w ill not work. Hard work and goals to be my first priority. I knew that cope with hard work, after which I was hoping to follow goals. In the first match of the new season of the Premier League we have played away from the "Norwich". Ryan Gi ggs and Bryan Robson scored a goal and we scored an easy win 2-0. I also made a contribution to the victory, having supplied the ball from Giggs flank, after wh ich he opened the account. Three days later I played my first match at "Old Traf ford" T-shirt "MJ". On the Tuesday evening atmosphere in the stadium was great. I used to play on "Old Trafford", but for the fans, I was a stranger. Now I'm pl aying for them. Our opponent was "Sheffield United". I was charged for the match , I felt inflated and fully concentrated on the game.Eric Cantona was injured, s o Bryan Robson, Paul Ince and I played in midfield. Andrei Kanchelskis and Ryan Giggs played in front of the flanks, and to spearhead acted Mark Hughes. Robson and Ince in charge of the middle line, so I was asked to come to the fore. There are days when you all get, and this day was for me just like that. I scored my first goal for the "United", when dared to rush forward to the ball, which bounc ed off the head of Ryan Giggs. I just calculated the time to leap and easily sen t the ball into the goal. Sometimes, heaven help you. On this debut could only d ream of. To realize this goal requires a breakthrough in accurately calculated t ime and good luck. You can make leaps of fifty times and never get the ball. Or miss. Rock, who I believe was in the evening on my side. I scored the second goa l, while Mark Hughes set the final score - 3-0. Since that match, the burden of the most expensive player has been tolerated more easily. Soon the issue altoget her ceased to exist. We conducted a series of first six matches of the champions hip without defeat, of which celebrated the victory in five meetings so far not yielded "Chelsea" with a score of 0-1. Start the Premier League turned out to be successful, but after playing with "Chelsea" We had to match European Cup on We dnesday. Our opponent was Hungarian champion "Honvd," and we ran the first leg in Budapest. I scored two goals, Eric Cantona added another, and we won 3-2. "Honvd" was not very strong team, but victory is a victory, especially the guest. Bryan Robson was suffering from a succession of injuries unbroken, so the first games of the season, I often get up in the middle line, along with Paul Ince. We are s imilar in many ways - have won the majority of martial arts, being in the same t erms with his rival, and did not shirk from the fight, if someone offered us. Mo st of the teams we lost before the players as they left the locker room. And not just on "Old Trafford", but also on their stadium.Aura "Manchester United" was very powerful, and the preponderance of forces in the field also was in our favo r. In our first seven matches of that season we only conceded four goals. Peter Schmeichel reigned supreme in the penalty area. Steve Bruce, Gary Pallister and not let opponents descent. Paul Parker, Denis Irwin could defend themselves, and begin the attack. I, Ince and Robson did not intend to give in the middle of th e field. And in attack we had the speed of forwards in the face of Giggs and Kan chelskis. Mark Hughes handled the ball superbly and is easy to hit the target. E ric Cantona himself completing this full ammunition. Cantona came to the team in the middle of last season when, after twenty-six years without a championship, "Manchester United" fought desperately for a victory in the Premier League. He d id his work, calming their presence in the important matches and scored nine goa ls to help Alex Ferguson to win his first title. "United," Cantona was almost fo r nothing - 1.2 million pounds when he fell out with Howard Wilkinson in 'Leeds'
. He played for many clubs, but nowhere could not stay for long. Now he has foun d a new home. But even here he could not calm down and do everything their own w ay, showing that he does not care at all. I was interested to learn more about E ric, when I came to "United". On a mysterious person saying all cantons, especia lly after the "United" won the championship. I immediately liked it. Yes, it dif fered from the others. He tried to do his exercises in training, that allowed hi m to Alex Ferguson and Brian Kidd. He was engaged in his own warm-up, and after the Games 'five by five "remained to hone their skills in taking opponents' goal . He and Peter Schmeichel had dislike for each other. A couple of times in the c ourse were clenched. For the mystical mask hiding a true professional, very seri ous about his football, which has extensive knowledge about the game. With a rai sed collar, upstanding and protruding chest, he rushed on the field as if it bel onged only to the damn place him.Any field, but especially "Old Trafford". This was his scene. He loved her, and the fans adored him. Players, too, loved it, an d it was a lot of reasons, most important of which was that he was doing his job . Its bite in the final stage of attack was fatal. He does not always came back when we were fighting for the ball. We often scolded him for it. Of course, we a re more than you need, ran and worked out for him. But soon, when there came alm ost despair - that he immediately handed - Eric magically unfolded the game at 1 80 degrees in the right direction for us. He used polushans - and bam - the ball in the net! I've never seen someone scored such goals (and still do not see it) . On the field, Eric has played a role. Yes, it was not like the others, but it was fucking great. And not just when scoring winning goals. You could otpasovat him the ball in any situation, and he could keep him - he was unusually strong and then just return the ball to you. He scored as many assists did. Outside th e field, Eric also played their role perfectly. I'm not surprised that he was ac ting in movies. The audience attributed his temperamental diva properties, but i n reality it was only one of us. To strangers he always set at a veil of mystery - it was his game, especially with the press. In response to questions from fan s and journalists Eric shrugged his shoulders and pretended to understand nothin g.
He is well spoken in English. His knowledge of languages was impressive, especia lly when it comes to expletives. With us he was gay and liked to drink more cham pagne than the "Heineken", and was sociable friend. Eric was a great guy, one of the best - he always spoke frankly, bluntly. His mask was the behavior of an ec centric and lonely young man. And as such it would seem in part. By the end of O ctober we confidently headed by the Premier League. But I did not like my game.O ne reason for this was stretching hamstring joint, which constantly tormented me . I was always willing to play through pain for selfish reasons: because of the injury I did not want to lose your place in any team. The "United" Such thoughts are especially timely. I'm still fighting for a place at the heart of Bryan Rob son and Paul Ince. After three months I was certain only that our team was good but could be even better. I was not the only footballer to realize that the juni or club team that won the Youth Cup in 1992 and 1993, there are several players who will soon be hard to break into the first team. Young players, including Gar y and Phil Neville, David Beckham, Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes, already become k nown, and everywhere they said. Time will prove that these conversations were no t idle. Sir Alex Ferguson made it clear that signing a contract with me that suc cess in Europe is a primary objective for the club. Europe has been a source of triumph and tragedy for the "United". He became the first English club took part in the Champions Cup, despite resistance from the football association. Sir Mat t Busby's realized his dream in 1968 when the "Manchester United" won the Champi ons Cup. But a plane crash in Munich in 1958, which killed eight players, "Unite d", has left an indelible mark in club history. UEFA club competition matches fo r "Old Trafford" has always had an emotional connotation. When we met with the T urkish champion "Galatasaray" in the second round of the Champions Cup, no one a t this point had not thought about this magnificent start to the Premier League. For us, these games have become a real challenge. We lost as a result of two me etings. Sweep of 2:0 for its stadium, we missed three goals. The game ended in a draw - 3:3, and the rule of guest goals Turkish Champion got a huge advantage. We needed a win in Istanbul surrounded by aggressive fans a bad reputation."Gala tasaray" proved a tough nut. His players have resorted to various tricks - dives , prolonging the time arguing with the judge. They played very tight defense, no t allowing us to break through it. The game ended goalless draw. In her course r aises a lot of hassles, but in the end the players and did lose control of himse lf. Eric has been removed. On the way to the dressing room hit the policeman ove r the head with Bryan Robson. Cantona joined the melee. In the locker room as if Eric had gone mad. If others wanted to get out of here, he was determined to de al with the police, who baton ohazhivat everyone who he had just caught his arm. Eric was a large build and was serious. He shouted that he was going to nail th is bastard. Its calmed only by joint efforts coach, Brian Kidd and a few players . Normally I am not going to fight, but even I was not ready to make war. There were so many Turkish fans! In any case, the result does not change. We left. In early November, I participated in his first derby mankunianskom to "Main Road". "City" managed to climb to mid-table after a weak start. But the place in the ta ble and forgotten reputation in the derby. The match was extremely important, es pecially for fans of "United". Defeat would make them grieve for months and in d esperation to wander around the city. The victory also gives them a shield and a weapon for a celebration in stores, factories, offices and pubs in the next few weeks. Fans of "United" and "City" hated each other. For obvious reasons annoya nce of fans of "City" was better. The success of "United" did not go to any comp arison with the miserable existence of the "City", whose leadership was replaced , one by one, and his bosses and just doing what coaches were fired. His support ers cried out that only the "City" was the only real club in Manchester, which, in contrast to the "United" is not cosmopolitan, and steeped in wealth, and this is mankuniantsev.Historically, it was possible to give arguments in favor of th e "City" is a fundamental and most important club in Manchester. Before joining in 1945, Mata Busby in "United" "Manchester United" was just one of a series of gray clubs. Within a short period in the seventies Joe Mercer and Malcolm Alliso n restored to its former glory, "City". But still, "United" was on top most of t he modern era. To mark our departure from the European cup after meetings with "
Galatasaray" fans "City" when we went to the pre-match warm-up, we threw the Tur kish sweets. The game started as usual. The pace was crazy, the players drifted in rolled over all parts of the field. Opponents were flying at full speed, driv en by fans, who, it seemed, the result was all the more necessary, than by the p layers. We were not prepared for such a turn of events. Accustomed to control th e pace of play in away games, we were unable to hold back the onslaught of the c razy energy that drew us against rivals in the first forty-five minutes of the m atch. I missed a great opportunity for a goal when the score was 0-0. And then . .. we miss two goals. The whistle, notifying the completion of the first half, w as received with relief. Coach warned us about what might happen if we do not gi ve all the best, as a rival, from the first minutes of play. The class is not in the bill, if you can not win a physical fight. Entering the second half, we kne w exactly what we do. You must first win the combat and fold each in his persona l duel with a rival. Then the class will affect. Despite the fact that Alex Ferg uson had a reputation for tough coaches, throwing a cup of tea in the dressing r oom - and this happened - he had a more subtle analytical mind than some suggest on the basis of the above characteristics. In the match of his words at half-ti me were simple: meet them at an adequate pressure, Score a goal and the game wil l go in a different way. Win the second half. We won it. Eric has reduced the ga p in the score early in the second half.Twenty minutes later, players of "City" were unlike themselves. They gave all the power in the first half. With the scor e 1-2, I knew that we would win. Ninety minutes - a long period of time, and 2-0 - a solid advantage. If you hold the account by standing defense and forget abo ut any attempts to attack, if you throw all that has helped you in the first pla ce to score those two goals, we expect a sharp turn of events. Competition, cons isting of ninety minutes to have their ebbs and flows. Each new situation requir es a rapid solution. You need to know when to add speed and when they slow down, when to slow down and when to increase it. It is through our understanding of t hese things, as well as the ability to put into practice what we know in theory, we won the match on the "Main Road". Bruce, Cantona, Irwin, Hughes, Ince, Palli ster - they instinctively felt the ebb and flow of these matches. The concept of "the psychology of winning" is often applied to football. "I - the winner." Any one can say those words. But to prove this in practice can only upscale professi onals. And only now do I fully understand that it is due to the
nature of the team, of which I was, she became a champion. Bryan Robson had all the typical qualities champion. But in a match against the "City", he did not pl ay. Nevertheless, we had enough power to do their job properly. Eric scored the second goal. And then we realized that the three points we will have in your poc ket. There was no chance that we would agree to a draw. A lot of teams would sto p at that. Again, experience tells us that we can not calm down and leave the fi eld, gaining only one point. Now that the "City" struggled in its death throes, it's time to finish them off. We went forward, encountering little resistance. T hey only pretended to play. At least the majority. Denis Irwin broke to the left . I started to move forward from the halfway line. Now only two things decide th e outcome of the match:precision delivery of Dennis and the selected time my lea p into the penalty area, "City". I pull out too early, I could be either offside or run past the ball. I duds too late - and not manage the ball, even if it wou ld fly in my direction. During the game you're doing dozens of these jerks, but the ball never comes to you. Other jerks are also made in vain, as you incorrect ly calculate their time. The main thing is to always make jerks. That was my gam e. Chamber was perfect - to the far post, behind the defenders of the "City", wh ich long ago lost concentration. This time I got my. The ball hit me on the cour se, and I broke on it, almost dropping to the ground. I worked for my bread for a week. Having scored the winning goal, I became a hero for a while. But the tru th was that this goal, as always happens in football, has been hammered through the efforts of the team. Our victory was made possible by many different factors , most important of which was a fusion of experience the trainer and leading the team who knew exactly how to approach the task facing us in the second half. In addition, we have been endowed with the necessary abilities to handle this work . The "Manchester City" had no skills or experience. In the match against the me n met the boys. That's why we won. In almost all respects, "Manchester United" w as the epitome of a young football player dreams of. With such excellent profess ional training, each was instructive, and demanded from you great effort. I lear ned, for example, this character, who was opposed to gossip and nytyu. These pla yers, like Bruce, Robson, Cantona and Gary Pallister, were not especially talkat ive - they're just doing their job. Paul Ince, "manager" as they called him, had a long tongue, but he also possessed the qualities of a great player, and it di d not have to wait for the game in the final game reached boiling point.Ince has had his own, rogue, character, and, besides, he was my rival for a place in the composition. But I got along well with him. He was always a cheerleader, when w e went for a walk and drink a few glasses or two. Peter Schmeichel was a great p oser. He was endowed with self-important and often played in public. Such was hi s nature. All this finger pointing gestures and bright, showing frustration, sai d fans of the following: Look at me, I'll still long to give you his magic to sa ve the team. It was his acting, but we basically did not pay her any attention, because it helped him in difficult times. In addition, Schmeichel knew his busin ess. He was an excellent goalkeeper. That is, not his antics, has been important . Pampering affordable cost. Although Bryan Robson was still unable to gain the necessary form, it was felt in the locker room leader. He enjoyed great respect, sometimes turning into a cult worship of the other players. This largely explai ns the success of the captain on the football field, where he was a real fighter - scored goals, played in the selection, defended himself excellently acted "on the second floor," and ruled the ball. He was without a shadow of fear in the s election, without fear of injury. When Alex Ferguson had hard in his early years at the club, Robson fought like a lion to help the team. He was a great player as a "United" as well as in England. But his behavior was not a hint of vanity. Robson made no secret that enjoys life, and had a strong character. He could dri nk as hard as playing and training. He was very intelligent and had a sense of h umor. His passionate desire to live helped him become a great player and a compa nionable friend during parties. As the captain skillfully managed Robson players . The coach consulted with him on most issues relating to players. Training, tra vel, any small issues that, if left unresolved, could become a big problem ...Fr om the first day of my stay at the club, Brian treated me very well. I was shy a nd did not feel at ease, trying to adjust to major changes in my life - both on
the field and off it - so the speech recognition and praise meant a lot to me. A fter the derby, I returned to Dublin, the location of the Republic of Ireland, w ho spent visiting the crucial World Cup qualifying match in Northern Ireland. Be ating us 3-1 in Dublin, Spanish team left in the group favorite in the fight for a ticket to the USA. During the second disputed Ireland and Denmark. If the Dan es replay the Spaniards away, they will get second place in the group. If they l ose - that seemed the most real - we're going to the championship, avoiding, of course, defeat in Belfast. Since we can easily beat Northern Ireland in Dublin o n 3-0, the task before us did not seem impossible. Now, I think it would be nece ssary to say that I had mixed feelings about playing for Ireland. I enjoyed play ing ninety minutes on the field, but the rest I'm treated coldly. Organization a ffairs in the Irish team was at its lowest level. The Football Association has d one everything not as it should, since the conditions of training of the trainin g process, travel arrangements, and forms of care. Getting into this mess after a professional club in England, I was shocked. Coming here from the "Manchester United", where Sir Alex Ferguson did his best to every detail has been given its most scrupulous attention, my desperation even more intensified. Even worse tha n a very bad organization of the case, was a sense of pride that everyone has to suffer for what the Irish do everything their own way. Unlike other teams with whom we met, we were ill-prepared and unprofessional approach to business, and e ven bragged about it!No one else seems to be so disliked anecdotes about the org anization disgusting Football Association of Ireland, Jack Charlton as. His stor ies about it were part of an afternoon routine when next to him was a large audi ence. Naturally, he was the main character in his stories because it makes the t eam play well, despite the fact that everyone was against him. Stories Charlton had to make an impression on the audience, but, in truth, they were blatant nons ense. Did it all for training players to a game at the highest level? If we were prepared, as needed, then would increase the quality of his speech on 5 - 10 pe rcent. And this small contribution would be important. But, apparently, the coac h did not care. On the contrary, "the charming" behavior of the Irish - to do ev erything through your ass - just water on his Lilo mill. Players shrugged their shoulders and a wry smile, settling into another wretched hotel, to be trained o n "kochkarnike" did not find a decent training suit or something more simple, su ch as bandages on my ankle, and he sat in the back of the aircraft,
together with the fans and journalists, took it as is, while Jack and other lead ers of the team flying in business class. In fact, we have not done so? Is Big J ack had not done a miracle, moving the team to Ireland Euro 88 and Italia 90? It seems that the upcoming game was like a passing game, and the air was not felt this atmosphere of a common goal, no willingness, no sense that the game on Wedn esday was the only reason that you came here. We started to deal with the case o nly on the day of the match. Religious divisions in Northern Ireland had its inf luence on football, as in other aspects of life. "Windsor Park," where we were s upposed to play a stadium, "Linfield". Like the "Rangers" in Scotland, "Linfield " was considered a Protestant club."Windsor Park" was and remains off-limits to Catholics, if they just do not come back a large crowd to cheer for a Catholic c lub. Because of the many historical reasons, only a few representatives of the C atholic Church were rooting for team in Northern Ireland. Instead, they supporte d the Republic of Ireland. Many Catholics of Northern Ireland came to "Lansdowne Road" to cheer on Team Ireland. Not surprisingly, the atmosphere at 'Windsor Pa rk', was electric. We were met by hateful chants, "Fenian scum" (Fenian - a memb er of a secret society that fought for the liberation of Ireland from British ru le. - VS) and the "Catholic bastards!". Soccer players of our team, who had Brit ish roots were in disarray. Know nothing about history, guys like Andy Townsend, John Aldridge, Tony Cascarino and Alan McLaughlin, looked at each other with be wildered look. Shocking was the fact that anger came not only from the places wh ere the audience sat victorious. Hatred felt and the main grandstands. We easily beat Northern Ireland on the "Lansdowne Road." Now the opponent has been set ou t to give us a fight. I believe that the unusual atmosphere of the stadium preve nted some of our guys to concentrate. Also, I was surprised with what fury fough t football team in Northern Ireland. They really do not want us to come to the W orld Cup. Game for them meant nothing, except that they could stop us to reach t he world championship. By keeping this idea in my head, they did their best to c arry it out. In addition, the seventy-third minute, Jimmy Quinn, he led them for ward. Fortunately, three minutes later, Alan McLoughlin equalized superb strike from outside the penalty area. We were able to defend us right through to the en d, inspired by the news that Spain beat Denmark. We went into the final tourname nt of the World Cup 94.I was glad, of course, get to the World Cup, but when the floor was flooded with champagne dressing and celebrations continued in our mid night flight to Dublin, I felt as if he was over at this celebration of life. My dislike of Charlton, disgusting preparation for matches, our primitive game tac tics, all the patting on the shoulder and the other crap would not let me enjoy the holiday. I felt at ease. If you do not make radical changes, at the World Cu p will bring us into the light. After switching to the "Manchester United" I was living in the hotel "Four Seasons" near the airport. It was a shelter, while I was looking for an apartment or house. I was lonely. In addition to training and games that had nothing to do. At least once a week I went to Nottingham, where I still had a home and old friends. But most of the time I spent munching in fro nt of the TV food cooked at the hotel. Because now I was "the most expensive foo tballer in Britain" and star "Manchester United", a dinner at the restaurant del ivered a lot of inconvenience. I found that I find it hard to cope with fame, wh ich was a load for a career football player. Can you talk about this as syndrome whiny actress. I wanted to be alone. Sometimes I missed the company. Just go wi th someone else to eat or drink. The other players, "United" was his wife, famil y and friends. And since I did not want someone came to my area, I tried not to stand in the way of others. Perhaps it is here is a myth about my retreat. Stupi dity and pride did not allow me to take the first step towards friendship. Frien ds and family members regularly came from Cork to Manchester for the matches, "U nited". I dropped in behind them at the airport on Friday evening, transported t o their hotels and then deciding how to get the tickets to me to be enough for e veryone. Tickets! Each player "United" live "ticket" a nightmare.My case was mor e severe because of the large size of family and kin many friends and friends of friends who were fans of "Manchester United". In Cork knew that Roy would not h urt you! Desperately trying not to lose face and reputation to support a man who does not forget old friends, I spent a significant part of the week, trying to
get tickets. This helped me to Bryan Robson. As captain, he distributed the tick ets among the players. The most important were the tickets to the players' loung e, where they could meet after the match. I mercilessly attacked Robbo. He was j ust super. I do not remember it I was ever disappointed, however much I demanded of him. We assumed four tickets for the match and two in the lounge. Brian gave me six or seven tickets, when I implored him, saying that my friends have done a long trip from Cork. Sometimes people come up to me fifteen. Sometimes I just bought ten or fifteen tickets to meet all needs. Problem solved? No Way! Tickets without crossing the room to the players considered to be disrespectful on my p art. Back to Robbo: "Are there any extra ticket into the room?" Lounge for playe rs to "Old Trafford" is not very spacious and can accommodate about forty people . After one game I counted in her eighteen of his relatives and friends! Sometim es the problem with the tickets made me mad. At first, I liked to see some famil iar faces. After the game we went to eat and drink. All interested in my life an d I wanted to remain close to those whom he knew before, how to get "on stage." Steve Bruce, who was second team after Bryan Robson, sometimes joined us. With h is experience he understood the difficulties faced by the novice, who joined the "United", and especially one that has cost the club a lot of money and which no w have a responsibility, which consisted in justifying the expectations imposed on him.Loneliness, the burden of expectations placed on you, the hotel life and a new environment, which is very different from that to which you are accustomed - both on the field and off it - and can make staying intolerable players in an y major clubs, including " Manchester United ". Steve Bruce and Bryan Robson und erstood this and helped me get used to the Manchester, assisting in major cases (eg, tickets), and in various small - with an invitation to eat or drink. I felt like part of the club, respected and needed. The fact that there has been nothi ng to do with football, in fact, has been important. I gained more confidence an d a sense of belonging to the club due to the attention shown to me by Bruce and Robson, which in turn helped improve my game.
Usually after a tumultuous weekend, I felt bad on Monday. "Irish weekend, Roy?" - Asked me to coach, when I appeared on the training field in the morning all br uised. "Just a few friends and family" - I replied calmly. Alex Ferguson was str ict, but at the same time often changed temper justice with mercy. If you spoke to him a question, he was always willing to listen to you. Brian Kidd also could help you. He always saw that you're a little out of it, and spent training in t he power saving mode. "This morning, I will not be too strict with you." And aga in, it would seem a small detail, but it was for me very important, and I starte d to make extraordinary efforts to our overall success on the field. Being at th e head of the collective strengths of individuals, Ferguson and Kidd, who themse lves had a strong character to understand that is governed not by some Boy Scout s. After all, they do not win cups! The coach felt the day before if there was a serious drinking. I soon learned that Alex Ferguson had a network of agents in Manchester, who informed him about how to behave in society of his players. Manc hester was a great country, and you could not take a step without the knowledge of the coach. "Roy - had happened, he would call me in the morning. - Walked las t night?" "Yeah, just a few shots." "When you come home?" "I'm not sure, but it' s too late" - I replied, desperately hoping for the success of his words. "It is not too late ... Do not you called in a taxi this morning at half past two Dean sgate? ". Then he called the club where you have visited, and the exact time whe n you come home. I soon gave up and spoke the truth when the coach began to ques tion me. Honesty was the best policy. For many years, this idea works in my favo r. I openly admitted that when he was not in the best condition, and the tabloid s published stinging article about my "night of shame", when in fact they had no shred of truth and, Sir Alex Ferguson believed only in my version of events. Dr unkenness and so-called culture of drinking in "Manchester United" have been ver y sensitive issues in relations with the coach. I knew that he struggled with al coholism, when he came to the club. Paul McGrath sale and Norman Whiteside was p artly the fact that the coach wanted to show that he would not tolerate the abus e of alcohol. Today, football has changed a lot. Now your diet carefully selecte d. It is recommended to use the juice, fruit and pasta. Foreign coaches, players and nutritionists, who have resorted to the services of all the leading clubs h ave convinced us of the need to take care of yourself. How to convert to the fai th I can say that the strict way of life, which we now adhere to, has led to a s ubstantial improvement of our condition and playing. English football has change d for the better. There's no doubt about it. Now I'm even afraid to think about his early years on "Old Trafford", although I still have fond memories of that t ime. I was young, happy and playing for the best club in the country. This, I th ought, and laid the meaning of life. After the first days of lonely hotel life, I began to catch up. I stayed on the same type of schedule, in which all revolve d around drinking. After the game on Saturday the whole team going into the "Fou r Seasons".Before the guest bus picked up a club games where players who leave t heir cars near the hotel. After work, bus drove us over there, and "vechernika" began to "Mulligans," Irish bar, located in the "Four Seasons". "Mulligans" was a fashionable establishment in those days. For me it was ideal - I needed only t o reach the elevator to fall into bed! It is interesting that while our team was not a recluse, not wanting to drink. Seldom has a player went home, never missi ng a glass or two. Of course, there were exceptional circumstances where people had to go home at once, but usually have to be a brave man to refuse to particip ate in our after-match "party", without giving the benefit of hard evidence. Whe n the bar closed, we moved to a night club, which is also located nearby. Only t hree or four in the morning, and sometimes even much later I came back to him. ( Now everything is different. We meet at the "Four Seasons" in front of guest spo ts. But when we return, I immediately get in the car and go home to their famili es. I sometimes think that Laurent Blanc, I suggest to hold a "party" in the "Mu lligans," he'll think I'm crazy). If the "United" was playing in the middle of t he week, my communication with friends ended on Sunday evening. My Irish visitor s went home, the other players went to their families, and then the loneliness t hat I felt in English the hotel on Sunday evening, it became unbearable. I often visited the two local pubs - "Griffin" and "Stanford." Sometimes I go there wit
h Lee Sharpe and Eric, sometimes alone. Lee was two years older than me and kept bachelor lifestyle. He played in the "United" for a couple of seasons and was a n outstanding player. Lee was able to stand on the left edge of the defense or t he right to place an attacking midfielder. He was an excellent, cheerful and car efree guy. He could cheer me and loved the fast life. Lee was a ladies' man.I ne ver saw that the other could produce such an impression on women, like Lee. Cond uct nighttime raids with Eric Cantona was always fun. Everywhere he attracted at tention. Even in the "Griffin", where regulars are accustomed to visits George B est and Bryan Robson, a mysterious aura Eric drew people to him. Although he gav e the impression of an alienated and immersed in thoughts of the genius that he was well served, in real life he was a normal person. Well, almost normal. He ne ver took any money. Always drinking champagne. I remember being startled dealers at Manchester Airport when he offered his gold credit card to pay for a pack of gum. At parties, Eric loved to talk about football. He has extensive knowledge about the game and could speak at length about the various tactics and modes of European clubs. Recalling those days, I can not believe what I was living then c onducted. Most of us in the "United" did not see anything wrong to have a drink for three or four days before the match. I felt fine, but the club also was fine . "Blackburn" has been our closest competitor, who had three games left. When we have won, "Norwich" in 1 / 16 finals of the FA Cup and got to "Wimbledon" in 1 / 8 finals, people started talking about the golden double. Playing with the "No rwich" was broadcast on BBC-BBC. Eric and I scored one goal and we won 2-0. Foot ballers 'Norwich' were determined, and soon struck up a tough fight. Our positio n on the team was simple. If an opponent wants to play football, please. But whe n he entered the field and begins to kick, we were also not against it. Therefor e, when players 'Norwich' and began to ride up to play hard, we answered them in kind. In the Premier League and now this can be seen
everywhere. Should immediately declare itself. We must show the opponent, if it is configured to physically fight, then he is doomed. Rigorous selection process at the beginning of the game is the best way to tell him about it.In Norwich, E rik hit one of the players' opponent as he lay on the grass. In different parts of the field began a fight. After the game, Jimmy Hill and other top B-BBC angri ly talking about our behavior. Revenge was out of control, said Hill and his fri ends. Of course, they is not beating. When our coach was asked about the behavio r of his team, but at the same time attention was drawn particularly to Eric and me, Ferguson called Jimmy Hill's "vain talkers." The next day, the newspapers d id not need to invent titles. That same month, Sir Matt Busby died. We attended the funeral along with great players, "Manchester United" of the past. I felt go ose bumps on his back while standing in the church and listened to speeches of p raise to the Busby. The ceremony was solemn. Despite the fact that Busby's death was not my personal grief, I could understand the sense of loss experienced by many people in the "Manchester United" and in the city. "United" Busby was more than a football club. Busby was a pioneer of his time - the first who has entrus ted the young, the first who understood the importance of participation in Europ ean competition. I did not need to leave the family home to see the magic that i s happening in the pronunciation of the name "Manchester United". A couple of da ys we played with "Everton" to "Old Trafford". Scottish bagpiper led both teams on the field. During a moment of silence was filled with emotion atmosphere. The story always reminded me about yourself, the player is "United". In the subcons cious mind is always sitting on that this club was not the same as the others. Y ou had to justify the high expectations. In a match with "Everton" We lost conce ntration. Recent events clearly had an effect on us. We played bad, but won 1-0 thanks to a goal from Ryan Giggs. In a series of games, especially against so-ca lled middling, including "Swindon", "Oldham" and "Wimbledon", your membership in the "Manchester United" is most noticeable. For most clubs in the game with "MJ " were the most important of the season.No matter how badly things were going to the championship victory over the "Manchester United" was considered self-suffi cient. Stadiums, which at best is usually filled to three-quarters of the games with "United" was packed to capacity. Supporters of the home team starts, passin g his attitude to football players who began play at higher speeds. The old clic h that they took this game as a Cup final, was the right definition. So every game we had to concentrate one hundred percent, especially in the first few minutes. I liked the tension away games, "United". Above us the danger of complacency pr evailed not, and I thought that because of this I continually refine his game. T he main thing that hurt us the quick, was that the opponent out on the field to make a name for themselves, disposing of it with us. What the hell are not laid out every week? Maybe then they would not have to play for the damn "Norwich" or "Swindon"? Therefore we are not retreating, having appeared in such circumstanc es. Need to respond to aggression to aggression, and then at the end of the matc h class beats everything else. At Easter, a crucial period in the Premier League , in my personal life was exciting events: the woman I loved, has agreed to live with me in Manchester. Now, when she moved to my home, my life outside of the f ield has become more consistent. I've got goals and objectives. Theresa was preg nant with my first child, and this motivated me to continue to grow. It took us two games to beat, "Oldham" in the semi-finals of the FA Cup. Our opponent in th e finals was "Chelsea", who twice beat us in the championship. In the league we have issued a series of six matches without defeat. The most important game was the guest met with the "Leeds", in which we won 2-0. Claims, "Blackburn" for the title were dashed after losing to his guest, "Coventry". We played a draw - 0:0 with "Coventry" on "Old Trafford" in the last league match of the season.Bryan Robson for this match was special - he ended his speech for his "Manchester Unit ed". Robbo was one of the greatest players of his generation, the legend "Old Tr afford", who was loved and respected as any other outstanding player in the past , "United". Of course, I remember that day as well as won the first medal of the championship, but the most memorable was the hospitality extended to Brian fans after he lifted the championship trophy. Players 'United', coaches and club wor kers were also impressed by what is happening, and as fans of our team. For all
of us seemed to be the embodiment of Bryan Robson a professional footballer. It was almost a perfect player: scoring, robbed, he played a pass, was good at "sec ond floor", ready for every game, not afraid to fight and led the by example. Ro bbo was the captain of the England team and the club, but did not have complex s tars. He was a very influential figure in the "United", when I went to the club. In all cases, large and small, both on the field and outside it, he always set the tone. The main players are the style of most teams. The nature of the champi on team of Alex Ferguson, Brian Robson was determined more than any other player . Now he moved in, "Middlesbrough" as a player-coach. It was a great loss for Al ex Ferguson, and for us. The next Sunday we beat in the FA Cup final, "Chelsea" to "Wembley". Eric has implemented two penalty and brought the desired gloss on the scoreboard, which caressed our eyes. I was in seventh heaven after winning g old double is in his first season in the "United". Reserve was the fruit of the efforts of the entire team. Eric wrote on his twenty and five goals, Mark Hughes - twenty-one, Ryan Giggs - seventeen, Andrei Kanchelskis - ten, Paul Ince - nin e, and Lee Sharpe - eleven. In the Premiership we have missed thirty-eight heads , which averaged less than one goal per game.Remembering the season, I realized that the most important achievement for me was a permanent place in the starting lineup. "I am glad, but not lost his head" - perhaps the most accurate descript ion of my feelings that I experienced when, along with Denis Irwin went to the W orld Cup in the United States in the Republic of Ireland. The only problem stand ing in front of us - to avoid embarrassment. Four years ago, a strong Irish-skay a team reached the quarterfinals in Italy-90, which lost to the hosts with a min imum score of the championship. I was watching the championship on television an d with the whole country watched in amazement the achievements of our team. In h is first championship game, we met with the Italian team in New York. Our other rivals in the group were Mexico and Norway. To prepare for the heat and high hum idity, our training camp is located in Orlando, Florida. Conditions of preparati on provided by the Americans, were perfect. The only thought that is put into pr actice the Great and his assistant
Jack Setters, was to drive us half to death every day. They believed that we hav e become accustomed to heavy loads, and therefore be able to resist to the end o f matches. Most bet on the fact that Italy will become the world champion. In ad dition to the great defenders in the face of Maldini and Baresi they had a first -class player attacks Roberto Baggio, Dino Baggio and Donadoni and in midfield. Many people are leery of the need for the World Cup in the USA under the hot sun in the middle of summer. One thing was clear: the heat will be on hand tactics Charlton "hit-and-run." He made only one concession to humidity, abundant water supplies are preparing for a field edge. Now, our plan was a "drink-and-run." Bu t, as it always has in the Irish national team, our spirit was strong. In the bu s on the way to the "Giants Stadium" we sang songs of Irish rebels, who commente d on the English yoke and the glorious struggle heroes Ireland. And how they wer e killed. Or hanged.Soccer players with English roots sang as fervently as the r est. Thousands of Irish fans have come to America. We expect good support in New York had a huge Italian-American community in many ways superior to the Irish. We thought that the stadium is divided in its preferences about half. To our sur prise, we were greeted by rows of seats, painted in the colors of the Irish tric olor, when they came out on pre-match warm-up. It was established that on that S aturday, "Giants Stadium" attended by 50 000 fans Republic of Ireland, which in itself was incredible! "Giants Stadium" was like a fire-breathing oven. I never felt like humidity. It was hard to breathe, I'm not talking about how to run. Th e Italians started the match in his cautious fashion. They were only too happy t o play the pass and make us run. While it was too early to say that the game too k a particular course. However, knowing about the presence of Roberto Baggio in the camp of the opponent, we thought that the momentary loss of concentration ca n cost you a lot. On hand to us was that in our part there was a lot of experien ced players. Peki Bonner, Denis Irwin, Steve Staunton, John Aldridge, Ray Hought on, Andy Townsend and Paul McGrath, who spent his best days in the "Aston Villa" . Because the Italians have not taken an offensive onslaught in the first minute s of the match, we gradually began to seize the initiative. The fans helped us w ith their fierce support and play on the nerves of the Italians. As if from nowh ere, Ray Houghton scored. In the penalty box Italians were randomly sent the bal l long distances. Baresi, who usually plays quietly knocked the ball and he fell to Ray, who stood at thirty meters from the gate. Ray handled the ball has move d five meters and shot with trimming. Italian goalkeeper Palyuka moved from the goal line, waiting for a strong and accurate strike. However, Ray did not hit th e ball well, and he flew up and down over his head in Palyuki net. I did not und erstand how it all happened.But it did not matter - at the expense of going all naked. In the second half of the meeting the Italians for twenty-five minutes in a row did not give us the descent. We were like a cornered. Peki made a couple of great "saves." I've played in front of the defenders of the Quartet, with spe cial attention to Roberto Baggio, who every now and then walked away from his gu ardians. It is these moments is especially appreciated by real players. The batt le requires you like peace of mind and ingenuity, and craftsmanship. The Italian s certainly have the best selection of players. But the field was a struggle of the spirit. The great Paul McGrath displayed all those qualities which were requ ired of us for half an hour in the day to "Giants Stadium". For a definition of "great" as suitable for anyone else. Known for his self-control, ability to hand le the ball and a unique talent reading the game, Paul showed that day, all thes e characteristics. One of his greatest qualities was courage. When the Italians came to the gate, Paul seemed to them an insurmountable obstacle. He managed to demoralize the end of Roberto Baggio and other Italian players. It was an amazin g match, a fantastic start the World Cup. At certain times we have been able to pass a bad football. Like sometimes happened to Jack Charlton's Ireland team whe n she was in shock. Forget about installing the game and just played the way it did in their clubs. Irish fans were in great shape after a victory that was perh aps the greatest in our history. They celebrated like we won a world championshi p. But I did not have any illusions about what we have done in reality. We took over the Italians, who were not in great shape, and were not the first team, whi ch succeeded. World Championship for the Republic of Ireland, one might say, end
ed the day at "Giants Stadium". The heat in Florida, where we met with the natio nal team of Mexico was intolerable, much worse than in New York. Rivals, we repl ayed in all areas of the field. They played in a pass, and we ran.The temperatur e was over 43 degrees Celsius. For seven minutes before the end of the match, we reduced the gap in the score - 1:2. This goal John Aldridge allowed us to play a draw with Norway in the last match of the group to go to the next round. Back in New York. Our match against Norway ended goalless draw, it could expect to be the most boring in the history of the world championships. After a skirmish wit h an assistant judge in the previous game Big Jack was removed from the coaching bench and watched the match from a television station ITV. Setters had contact with a national hero through the radio. Again we go to Florida. Travel and the h eat began to exert its negative effect on all of our players. Matches begin at n oon in Florida was someone evil joke. It is suitable TV men, but killing the pla yers. Charlton play football in such circumstances, it seemed impossible. Howeve r, he continued to believe in yourself. Our next opponent was the Dutch team, a team of this world-class players such as Dennis Berhkamp, Marc Overmars, Frank R eykaard, Ronald Koeman and Frank De Boer. We resorted to our usual tactics and l ost 0-2. I thought that FM-94 all showed a rough and primitive approach to the C harlton game. He had no fallback, nothing. Judging by the news from home, the na tion was proud of us. Flags were hung out to salute the team, beating the Italia n team. Other events in the USA-94 has been erased from memory. We're back, as i f the invaders, the Great Jack led the parade. I vaguely remember receiving the President and other details of the celebration of our arrival. Although I was gr ateful to everyone who came out to give us their support, but like most players, fed up with it all. We had nothing to celebrate. VII
Season 1994 - 95 years was considered the "Old Trafford" failure. We took second place in the Premier League, behind on points from the "Blackburn", and lost, " Everton" in the FA Cup final.We were also unable to leave the group in the Champ ions Cup, which now had a new format called the Champions League. European Cups, of course, were the first in our scale of values. But to be able to successful performance in Europe, we needed to win the Premier League. Thus, the pressure w as felt from day one. But it went good. Knowing that from the "United", which wo n the last two championships, expect only the victory, we have raised the bar ev en higher level of our game. Many players complain of constant pressure from the outside. But if you want to achieve something big, you must understand that in the period between August and May, you will not have time to relax. And so every year. The more you win, the more you demand from. The more you try to fulfill t hese requirements, the better you play. This is a nice pressure. And, of course, the more successful, "United" reached in these years, the stronger the bitterne ss felt sadder and failures the players, fans, and especially Alex Ferguson. Any player who is experiencing illusions about what his reputation or trophies obta ined in the previous season, guarantee him a spot in the starting lineup soon re alizes that the "United" everything is different. 1994/95 season proved it. Alth ough I made it into the main part, I am in no way reassured. During last season I got more and more took on the duties of a playmaker on the advice of Bryan Rob son and ... scored fewer goals. Watching old games on TV, "Manchester United" I was doing and to this day, I was horrified by how no nonsense and I just played some matches, which then felt on top. Physically, I'm not even close to not comi ng to the optimal shape because of his dissolute lifestyle, but in my game to pa ss no imagination and gentleness. Instinctively, I felt it then ... But I played the best team in the country, that in itself should be said that everything is as it should. Even if, as the old records, I was still a lot to learn.Another so urce of pressure on us in the season 94-95 was the emergence of young talent in duplicate. About the team that won the Youth Cup in 1992 and 1993, have said in the past two years. Ryan Giggs hit the right basis for the first team. Others we re ready to follow his example. People at the club, as fans - real fans, who wat ched the stand-ins, rather than those who ate sandwiches in the stands with shri mp - were arguing about who will be following a reservist, who secured a place a t the base of the first team. Paul Scholes was a great footballer, a great game to pass, precast midfielder, stubborn and able-bodied guy, never deviating from the fight. Nicky Butt also predicted a bright future. Another player the middle line, which could play a roll up their sleeves and score goals - David Beckham. He was a Londoner, but fans of the "United" all his life. Becks had a great impa ct and was able to play both at right and in midfield. Heated debate going about who is better of the brothers Neville - Gary or Phil? Gary was a very mature pl ayer who can play right or center of defense. Paul had a more diverse arsenal of technical tools and know how to perform the role of protector at any place. Kei th Gillespie from Northern Ireland had the reputation of a great flank attackers . From the beginning, we knew that these guys could do it. They practiced with t he first team and feel it like a duck to water. They were not only good players, but also self-confident guys always stuck together and were not spill water on the field as well as outside it. They were a team, and against them, it was diff icult to play in practice matches, which are undertaken more coach from time to time so that we can not relax. These games were held in a tight struggle. Both t eams had something to prove. In the course allowed the toughest tackles and the quality of football was incredible. They desperately wanted to prove that they a re willing to act for the first team, but we wanted to say that we were too earl y to write off.There would be no exaggeration to say that the tests that we subj ected young understudies "United" have been much more difficult than in games wi th our rivals in the Premier League. We felt that the appearance of David Beckha m, Neville, Butt, Scholes and Gillespie on the list of first team was only a mat ter of time. Now had to guess which player the basic structure will give way to young players. The first setback of the season we suffered in the Champions Leag ue. The die is reduced, "United" with "Goteborg", "Galatasaray" and "Barcelona" in the same group from further out only two teams. We could not cope with the pr
oblem. "Barcelona" defeated us 4-0 in the "Camp Nou", went further in the tourna ment thanks to better mesh the difference between goals scored and goals concede d. Because of the UEFA regulations, we could not put on the field for more than three foreigners (and not more than two 'assimilated players') in the Champions League. Therefore, before each match, the coach faced a difficult task. He was f orced to decide who to bet on the game - Peter Schmeichel, Eric Cantona, Andrei Kanchelskis, Denis Irwin and me. For the sake of UEFA regulations, we had to sac rifice the experience and skill. But, despite the fact that the rules of tournam ent, on the foreign players, does not go in our favor, it can not explain our fa ilures. If we were forced to leave the bench of talent, such a needed and from o ther clubs. Our failure in Europe was due to two main factors. First of all, our style of play has been adapted to the English Championship, where the pace was insane from beginning to end, and it lacked the subtlety and tactical flexibilit y with which we are usually faced in Europe. Playing European clubs was more sub tle and clever than the Premier League, and the errors immediately punished. In the domestic league we can act negligently in the attack, and if you lose the ba ll in front of goal, they soon re-took possession of them. On defense, the same error, as opposed to the European cup, did not lead to serious consequences.Anot her and, at the first glance, does not manifest itself in the problem were the b ad habits that take root and were purchased from week to week in our games in th e Premier League. Most of the time we did not need to play at full strength. On "Old Trafford" most teams thrown the white flag, feeling that the smell of defea t. They fought for real about twenty minutes. Most of the guests did not believe in its success, but served a number in the field and stayed in the literal sens e, when we went forward. Guest also matches have been quite another matter. Befo re opponent its fans looking for their luck, but in most fields, except for "Enf ield", "Highbury", "Elland Road" or "Ewood Park," where "Blackburn" and Dalglish have shown their full strength, we had just come out and fight in anticipation of the moment will affect the class of Eric Cantona and Mark Hughes. Statistics of my three seasons in the "United" speaks volumes. While we have always suffere d setbacks in Europe, we lost only sixteen of the 122 matches played in the Prem ier League. The truth is that both then and now in the Premier League success wa s achieved with little bloodshed. Relatively easy success we have developed bad habits that have manifested themselves in meetings with the champions of other c ountries.
Premier League grew like a monster, which was very attractive and bring more mon ey to players, agents, and Sky Television, whose curves are selling satellite "d ishes" soared up through the football broadcasts. In response, Sky Television to pump more and more money in football. I signed his first commercial contract wi th the sponsor, Diadora boots early in the season 1994 - 95 years. Now I earn mo re than he could dream about it. With the growth of the Premier League grew and commercial success, accompany her. Videos, books, sponsorship deals and intervie ws to promote the product on the market. Shop "Manchester United" has turned int o a supermarket, and soon planned to make a network of stores.Among the hype of this locker room and training field seemed an oasis of reason. Commitment by the coach and his indefatigable desire to move forward constantly reminded us that the main objective was to gain the greatest possible number of prizes. Alex Ferg uson first came every morning to workout. He remained on the field until the end of work. He did not neglect the smallest detail. The coach watched each player trying to find the dim attribute of appetite, reduced requirements for training and display of bad habits. Nothing could hide from its gaze. In early January, c oach Andy Cole got out of "Newcastle" for 7 million pounds. Keith Gillespie came in the "Newcastle" in the framework of this transaction. Cole was a good scorer in the "Newcastle". Goals in the "United" in recent years seemed an insoluble p roblem for many of the best scorers. If Andy would succeed, the transfer record will be placed not in vain. Eric and Andrei Kanchelskis have been struck by the opponent's gate for the entire season. Mark Hughes also made his contribution. S ince the amount of transfer deals and the salary of players have reached astrono mical proportions, devotion to the club was valued even more. The press in conne ction with the transition to another team became increasingly appear the names o f our three players. It was rumored that Paul Ince was going to Italy. In additi on, constantly talked about the desire of Andrei Kanchelskis and Mark Hughes to find himself a new club. Andrew said about all but the most disturbing rumor the re was a message that allegedly shows him to interest the Russian mafia. I never knew what happened to him actually. One morning, Steve Bruce came into the lock er room with a check for fifteen "units." The first team got a bit of money for the shooting of a movie, and now they had to be divided into eighteen players. T rying to figure out how much someone owes, we decided to cast lots, that the ent ire amount went to one. In addition, you can take your part - about 800 pounds.S ome young players get so much in two weeks. They took my money. Only Paul Schole s and Nicky Butt have decided to go for broke and put its share of the total jac kpot, which totaled about 12 thousand after all payments. When was the draw, the prize went to Eric Cantona. He got his check. And its share of grins. The next morning, Eric came up with two checks in 6000 by Paul and Nikki. This was their reward for risk, explained Eric. It was so like him! He again struck by its unex pected move. He smelled of something higher and understanding of what young guys need the money more than he does. Twelve "units" has been a lot of money for a beautiful gesture, even in the relatively prosperous times. Eric showed on the f ield really top-notch football. In a match with the "Blackburn" to "Old Trafford " in which we can say, six points were played, Eric scored the winning goal. If we win the championship, he beat the record of four consecutive league titles three with our club and one with a "Leeds". We meet at a party with the "Crystal Palace" - in this meeting, we must win. We beat the club 3-0 at home, and in th is match, it seemed that everything was decided after the first goal by Eric. I felt right and I thought to myself: "This is a passing game, no problem." But th e efforts of competitors lead to what order hits our class. However, when the sc ore was 1-1 there is always hope, especially for Eric that he can create, out of nowhere, a chance for a goal. But Eric quarreled with his guardian, Richard Sha w. A simple little thing, nothing serious. For pulling a T-shirt, violation of r ules and a few words to each other. On it you should not pay attention, but the rival is always trying to mislead in this way you and Eric is he often goes. Eri c loses control and hits the show. And leaves the field. The fans go crazy. "Sel hurst Park," packed to capacity. Some phrases that are heard from the stands, yo u can be shocking. Racist shouts slogans about the personal lives of footballers (Eric suffered from that hard), dirt, because of which you start to think: why
do people go to football and even mock disaster in Munich! What is it? Only one answer: English football. When Eric went to the locker room, the game resumed. W e are left with ten men. Now the real fight began. No Eric. Suddenly on the far from my brow, I noticed some excitement. Something happened. This episode will b e an infinite number of times to scroll on TV in the coming weeks. Some idiot tr ied to annoy Eric at the entrance to the tunnel. Eric replied immediately. But t hen he turned and attacked her abuser. Bruce Lee would be proud of stroke in the style of Eric's kung fu. Well, he was in boots without studs. He always played without a thorn. The game is over - draw 1-1, and in the locker room there was s ilence. The group of directors, one of which - Maurice Watkins, a lawyer of the club, carried out with Ferguson meeting. Eric is sitting, hanging nose, her face buried in her knees. Policemen stand in the hallway. My first reaction: nothing happened. Eric was playing fair! I probably would, and he did so. When he got h ome and turned on the TV, I saw that the jig is up. It was a serious incident, a nd Eric, of course, lost control. But my attitude has changed. My heart was with him. All the guys feel about the same. We have not slapped him on the shoulder and did not approve of his actions, but Eric was a great guy and we were not goi ng to turn away from him. It is obvious that the club was in serious trouble. Th e coach was angry. For him, the incident was an ordeal, especially when this eve ry step of the press trumpeted. Lifetime disqualification! Get out of the countr y! Press enjoyed. Within a few weeks training our stadium, "Cliff" was under sie ge. The gates were closed, but reporters scramble to the wall using rope ladders and take photos. Eric gave up and hired a good lawyer and "otpahal" by the verd ict of the court on public works, spending a few interesting exercises with loca l kids.The club had no choice but to disqualify him until the end of the season. It's all over the film. Life goes on, and you sometimes have to endure hardship s. We have won eight of nine subsequent games, missing the championship by just one goal, "Everton", which we lost 0-1. The scandal surrounding the Canton has n ot yet subsided. He was to appear before a disciplinary committee and the associ ation to pass a court hearing on charges of assault. In the semi-finals of the F A Cup in the opponents we got "Crystal Palace". We have shown mediocre football in the first match at "Villa Park". Footballers 'Palace' practiced football in a long
pass, just as Jack Charlton's team, which is difficult to play against, especial ly when such tactics are combined with a rigid pressure from the opponent. The m atch took place in the context of the incident from Canton - that there was no d oubt. This was on hand to competitors. After extra time the match ended in a dra w - 2:2. Before the replay coach talked about distractedly Eric warned us that w e should be careful: "Act like it should. You know the players, "Palace" are agg ressive, do not succumb. " Easy to say but hard to do. English football is aggre ssive by nature. This is a tough reality I fully felt in the first half. Darren Pitcher swipes me and hurt my ankle. It hurts. During the break, the doctor puts me seven stitches. The coach asked if I could continue the match. Give a look a t how everything went at the beginning every time, I tell him. This Cup semi-fin al, I tell myself, pull yourself together. Desire? Fear? Madness? I do not know. Lost and the whole season goes down the drain. The inner voice that calls to av oid conflicts, particularly dangerous for the players, "United", where there is always someone to do your job instead of you. At the end of the fifth minute of the second half, the coach is interested in the order I. Of course, I'm wrong, b ut I think I can run through the pain. Five more minutes? He agrees.Gareth South gate takes me into a fight, without violating the rules, but it hurt my right an kle, which has just stitches. Yes to you! I get up and step on it. Pain, anger, despair. I know that is not right. "What the hell were you thinking?" - Asked me to coach. I'm just doing what I apologize. My first red card in English footbal l greatly complicate an already unenviable position of Alex Ferguson. Although w e beat the "Palace" with the score 2-0, the result was in the shadow of another "day of shame" "Manchester United". Newspapers demanded that the association to punish me for intimidating others. They were a little ordinary trehmatchevoy dis qualification for removal. I disgraced the game and must bear an adequate punish ment. No word on Darren Pitcher and my ankle and seven joints. No understanding of what was played on the field two teams and that the "Villa Park" is "Crystal Palace" and not "United" impose a physical fight. Erica Leap-style kung fu club and the response to this is the background of everything going on. Besides the f act that Eric was disqualified before the end of the season, it imposed a maximu m fine of 20,000 pounds, which was a two-week earnings. However, Sir Alex Fergus on resisted demands to sell the Canton or break the contract with him. The press , and not just sports, and demanded blood. If the coach does not ask Eric pepper , then so will go with the newspaper by the coach. He demanded the courage of th e players, and now he has demonstrated this character trait of himself. He stuck to his opinion, which in our dressing room shared by the other, that, although Eric and lost control of himself, he did not do anything that would put an end t o his career. Despite the fact that Alex Ferguson has always scolded me for pers onal contact in the press he was on my side. On Friday, after the game I attende d, along with a coach at a news conference. I apologized for the incident at the "Villa Park" and showed reporters a damaged ankle. Apparently, she did not make them any impression.The association did not oppose those who demanded my head. I was accused that I disgraced the game. During the hearing, the disciplinary co mmittee in London I have imposed an automatic disqualification trehmatchevuyu an d a fine of 5,000 pounds. "United" has fined me for a week salary. Well, at leas t that I can play in the Cup final. The fate of the championship was decided in the final round. If we beat, "West Ham", "Blackburn" will also need three points to "Anfield". Twenty minutes before the end of the expense of our games was 1-1 . We have created an unimaginable set of moments for a goal. These opportunities are missed, one after another. This clearly was not our day, and the bill remai ned unchanged. But the "Anfield" "Liverpool" scored the winning goal behind the curtain of the meeting. "Blackburn" not stand the test ... In the Cup final, "Ev erton" beat us 1-0. If only Eric kept composure to "Selhurst Park!" I have no do ubt that with Eric, we would have won the second gold double. But even without h im we could do it, do not spend a we so much effort and energy because of the sc andal and its aftermath. I am infinitely confident that football - a team game. To become a great coach, you need great players, or at least players with the mo st professional approach to their work. In order to achieve success as a player, you need to advocate for the right club at the right time and together with oth
er good players. Alex Ferguson took and takes decisions that determine the fate of the players, "Manchester United". Without an appropriate structure, command, or proper preparation Roy Keane or David Beckham, Eric Cantona, no, no other "st ars" would not shine as brightly as possible, and do fade away. Most trainers an d managers do not control. They choose the staff, buying players impose their ta ctics to flirt with the leadership of the club and the press. Then they were fir ed. Ferguson is different from the rest. He knows the "Manchester United" and ou t;watching matches reservists as closely as the games and the first team, the pl ayer knows about the youth team, his habits, strengths and weaknesses, as well a s football players on first team, on which depends the success of the club. He i s known for its thoroughness and meticulously to every detail. But what does thi s really mean? That means - special attention to all factors that may affect the development of the club: where you spent last night with some friends you vodis hsya and when to rest players showing signs of fatigue during training and when to throw in a young player, giving him the opportunity to show himself in the Pr emier League when seasoned veteran can no longer cope with their responsibilitie s, who buy, sell one and when to travel to away games, in which hotel will be th e players calm, but at the same time and not get bored, your diet, the latest de velopments in medicine; solution of personal problems players understanding and humanity, providing everything necessary to "Manchester United" of his players h ave the maximum support for concentrating solely on what is important in any foo tball club - the result. The scope and scale of its activities at the club is en ormous. There are many examples. That's one of them. Realizing the increasing pr essure on the players and their families and then, what negative impact it may h ave, Ferguson last season, ordered to organize a nursery for "Old Trafford" to h is wife's players and their children can attend home games, feeling comfort. It seems to be a pushover, but at the same time of great importance, emphasizing th e important role in the lives of footballers wives and girlfriends. In this appr oach to business life players became a little easier. Sir Alex Ferguson came eve ry morning to workout. His presence was felt even when he was in his office. He quietly went on the field, laughing, joking, chatting on his mobile phone.He is always watching, looking for either positive or negative side of players that ca red more than others it at the moment. Two, three, or even more players have alw ays been in his field of
vision. Who is left on the bench, who put the match? Who should be customized ki cks in the butt? Who needs a pat on the shoulder? Smoothing scandal Eric Cantona and at the same time, the solution of dozens of other pressing matters will giv e you almost everything you ever wanted to know about the art of governance and Alex Ferguson. Eric guilty of serious misconduct. Such circumstances were unprec edented in football. Nowhere to one coach did not come across such a test. First , you need to set aside a textbook on coaching and managerial arts. Ferguson had acted solely on instinct. Management is identified with the decision-making, an d Ferguson's first decision, which will continue to influence all his subsequent steps, was the fact that, while Eric and lost control, he did not deserve a lif e sentence. What would the punishment for him no matter ugotovlena, Eric will be a player, "Manchester United". Eric has done more than anyone else, for Ferguso n, won the championship and two doubles. Dedication has been the cornerstone pri nciples of Ferguson, so he fought with all the gates of the club, rescuing his c areer Eric and making every effort for its recovery. He did right. And, of cours e, in the interests of "Manchester United" was to keep Eric's talent at his disp osal. In this tight game it was impossible to forget about their own interests. After receiving fierce criticism from a portion of the nation, Eric fled to Fran ce. The coach went after him and convinced Eric that the problem can be solved. For the football club "Manchester United", this moment was decisive. It was a de fining moment in my career.I do not think any other man football could show such determination, skill and strength, which showed Alex Ferguson, running scandal of Canton. We all went in favor of the effort and the result, which reached Alex Ferguson. To all those who served his claim that he was responsible. The coach was again under fire in the summer of 1995, this time with the fans, "United" an d the press when he decided to sell Andrei Kanchelskis, Mark Hughes and Paul Inc e. Financial affairs Andrew were a mystery, which was discussed at all angles. A t the time, said he and coach quarreled, or that he would like to move to anothe r club for the money. In any case, he went to the "Everton" and then played in o ther clubs. The decision to sell three players, professional perform its task fr om August to May and even the speakers for the various teams, was a courageous a ct. The pressure at the beginning of the season for Alex Ferguson has increased due to the fact that Eric Cantona could not go into operation before the end of September, as the Association has imposed additional sanctions on him, and no on e knew what form it comes after eight months without football. It's unbelievable , how could challenge such a frenzy skills coach, who just three seasons won two championships, the FA Cup (and even his team to two League Cup finals and Engla nd, in which she lost) and got a double. But now, neither the fans nor the press did not expect anything else from a "Manchester United", as the total superiori ty over our rivals. Alex Ferguson is now solved one of the most difficult, as th e football practice problems: smooth replacement of one of the championship to a nother with minimal losses. A similar ploy was possible only "Liverpool", which has consistently been on the crest of success in the sixties, seventies and eigh ties. With your luggage trophies Alex Ferguson could easily choose two ways: do nothing or try to storm the highest peaks.Difficult and risky decision, which he accepted, was that to rely on Nicky Butt, Paul Scholes, Gary Neville and Phil, and David Beckham. He liked to play on a grand scale, but we knew the life insid e the club, saw less risk in his decision than the fans and his critics. If a co ach loses, it will have to pay the ultimate price. We understand that the reacti on to the result of the opening match of the season 1995/96. We lost at a party, "Aston Villa" 1:3. The game was shown on television in the evening when the com mentator Alan Hansen gave his now famous phrase: "The children did not win." The newspapers were equally caustic. Criticism hurts struck by our vanity. The foll owing Wednesday we played at home with the "West Ham". Usually it was a passable game, but this time we were facing a difficult task. We had to prove something very important to their fans. Meeting with "Liverpool" would have been easier th an with the "West Ham" in these circumstances. Analyzing the composition of our team to play with, "West Ham", we see clearly that in spite of popular opinion t hat we put "kindergarten", it should be noted that we had a lot of experienced p layers. Peter Schmeichel, Gary Pallister and Steve Bruce (who missed the game wi
th "Villa" because of the trauma), as usual, formed a key defensive triangle. De nis Irwin, Brian Makkleera, Lee Sharpe and I can hardly be called "children". In Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes had enough experience of playing in the Premier Lea gue. Only Gary Neville and David Beckham, who was preparing to play their sevent h game in the first team, came within the definition of "children". Nevertheless , we feel pressure, "West Ham" was set to do battle on "Old Trafford". In a matc h marked by the struggle of a viscous, I scored the goal that helped us to avoid a tie and criticism. Of course, winning 2-1 at home on "West Ham" does not prov e anything. Eric returned to the team on 1 October and scored from the penalty s pot, having brought us to a point in the home match with "Liverpool".He was good on the field, like a year ago that spoke of his professionalism and character, since only a few players, especially the "legionnaires," failed to pass the test s he underwent for his hit in the style of Bruce Lee (the criticism against him is not subside, and during the season). "Newcastle" gave the championship a uniq ue flavor. Kevin Keegan made his team play in the attack, jumping out of cowards . Cynics laughed cavalry approach Keegan to football. I must admit, admired his passion. "Newcastle," head table, to get ahead by ten points. Match with him was of enormous value. The game was like hell, the voltage does not go down all nin ety minutes. Andy Cole and I scored one goal and we won 2-0. But unfortunately, we briefly came close to "Newcastle." "Tottenham," we defeated the "White Hart L ane" with a score of 4-1 on the first day of the year. "Newcastle" stretched the ir lead to seven points. It's all over? Criticism of the coach was despise: the old days, "United" have passed, we are no longer the team that shone in the past , the summer transfer policy was wrong, this team will not be able to win the ch ampionship. After the defeat of the "Spurs" We gave a sensational series of twen ty-three matches in the Premier League and FA Cup, which lost only once at a par ty, "Southampton." Eric was in top form and scored ten goals in fifteen league g ames, adding five more goals in the FA Cup.
Backlog of "Newcastle" was becoming less and less, but he has a chance to get ri d of us in early March, when we come to "St. James' Park. It's a real struggle, again passing through all ninety minutes. Eric scored a fantastic winning goal, despite the advantage the home team. After this defeat, it became clear that the "Newcastle" will not win the championship. If we do not stumble, we'll take his .Despite talk of "children" - there is no reason to talk about Gary Neville as a "child" - in our team experience was enough to calm down or do not pass too ear ly. A trip to Leeds in April, to the most severe. "Newcastle" was taking with ea ch round. Kevin Keegan is now realized that to talk of victory is much easier th an to win on the field. It must be football players, "Newcastle" praying that ou r match with the "Leeds" ended with the results they want. We have received your three precious points after a 90-minute battle. I had to plug in their reserves of energy to score the winning goal. After the scandal with Cantona and portion s of criticism he received for the sale of Kanchelskis, Hughes and Paul Ince, th e coach went to his goal. It had its own interests. Only at the end of the seaso n Alex Ferguson has publicly stated its displeasure with the contract. At this s tage of his talks with the club stalled. It is impossible to imagine, but it was true that the players received a higher salary than the person responsible for the success of the club more than anyone else. Another double add it trumps. We have completed the championship with two easy victories, beating "Forest" 5-0 at home and "Middlesbrough" 3-0 - on a visit. Now we are waiting for the FA Cup fi nal with "Liverpool"! From the date of first arrival to the "Wembley" with "Fore st", this stadium I've never wound up. The fans were too far away to create the right atmosphere. Compared with the "Old Trafford", "Enfield" or "Elland Road" g ame on "Wembley" was held as if in a vacuum. The field was sticky and drains you of power. All these stupid ceremony before the game only takes time and concent ration. Shaking hands with dignitaries them to you as you are to them, did not c are. But we met with "Liverpool". For us fans of "United" to meet him in the Cup and the championship, were the most important. Neutral observers say that the F A Cup final in 1996 was boring.Of course, so it might seem, if you have not play ed in it. The match was tough and demanded from you with all the concentration, you had to play the last breath. My job was to manage the middle of the field, s o as not to give players a "Liverpool" neither time nor space, bring them down t o the rhythm on the vine to stop any attempts and plans to take over the top of us. The field of "Wembley" was large and had to be responsible for a vast territ ory, but I managed to cover all areas, to enter into combat, trying to convey to the players the meaning of my actions: we have to work hard, damned hard work. Along with Nicky Butt, we won the fight for the middle of the field. Nicky was n ot a coward and a perfect fit for such work. Five minutes before the end of norm al time we owned the initiative, which was not reflected on the scoreboard. Eric , as sometimes the case, was too calm. We got right on the corner on the right. David James gets the ball, but only knocks him to the penalty. The ball rebounds to Eric. He was somehow able to break through the summer, and while he had enou gh space to regroup. A moment later I saw the ball flicked into the grid, and pl ayers, "Liverpool" bowed their heads. Another double. This time with "children". The moment of victory is short - so it should be, but this time he was very swe et. Double of the season 1995/96 was revenge for the coach. He achieved somethin g with the "children". Eric played the role of captain in the absence of Steve B ruce. After the final whistle, he persuaded Steve to join us in getting the Cup in the royal box. It was a typical gesture of Canton, who took Steve, our captai n. One of the remarkable features of soccer, "United" was the fact that they are not sick, "zvezdnyakom" which accompanied the glory. We won the Cup, and nobody thought did not care about who his first lift. Four days after our victory in t he Cup of the newspaper "Manchester Evening News," published article under the h eadline "Fergie: I'll go over a dispute about wages."If Ferguson's new contract will be signed before he leaves on vacation, the coach will leave the club. In f ootball, I was nothing surprising. The man who brought the "United" all that is possible on the domestic scene for the past ten years, is forced to appeal to pu blic opinion, to conclude the contract. It is unlikely that he deserved such tre atment. He received a pittance - 300 000 per year, and this at a time when the g
ame was awash with money from the deals with broadcasters. He got his: the salar y was increased twice, and yet he was promised the prize of success! When Alex F erguson has returned from vacation, I signed a new contract for another four yea rs and was glad of it. A year later, will leave Canton. A week after our fourth win in the championship, he announced his retirement from football: "I spent thi rteen years in professional football, which is the long term. Now I would like t o do something else. I always planned to leave, while in bloom, and the "Manches ter United" I reached the peak of his career. In the past four and a half years, I showed his best game and spent his happiest time. I had an excellent relation ship with the coach, his assistant, employees of the club and players, and certa inly not least, the fans. I wish the "Manchester United" to achieve even greater success in the future. " Martin Edwards and Sir Alex Ferguson paid tribute to E ric. The club president said: "I am incredibly saddened by the fact that Eric ha s made such a choice, but understand and respect his decision and the reasons th at guided. Many of us think that Eric was the catalyst for the most successful p eriod in our history. This time, it was truly fantastic. " Sir Alex Ferguson add ed: "Eric has had an enormous influence on the development of our young players. His professional approach was a model for imitation. He is undoubtedly one of t he most gifted and most dedication of players with whom I had the pleasure to wo rk with.He leaves with best wishes from us, and we are always glad to see him on "Old Trafford". We will recall that together. " Fans were shocked. Hundreds of fans with a jersey number at the seventh Eric stood in mourning for "Old Traffor d". Many of the eye tears. As the funeral Busby or European cup matches in, imbu ed with emotion, these events have reminded me that "Manchester United" was more than just a football club. It was impossible to imagine that something similar would occur near the stadiums of other clubs in Britain. Eric was a proud man. I think he decided that if he can not play for the "United", then it can and does play football. I admired his action. We won the championship last season for Er ic. At the beginning of the season the coach has made it clear that the primary objective is to win the Champions League. Walking in the majority of Premier Lea gue matches were hardly ideal preparation for the match with the best teams in
Europe. For me, the season was marred by various injuries and suspension. I was sent off for a second warning, when we were defeated with a score of 3:6 on the "Southampton." At this time, as in the past, I have not felt such hatred for opp onents, as to himself and mates, for the fact that he lost his head. Match with the "Southampton" is a good example of how we just pretend that we play, believi ng that our class gives us the divine right to beat all the rest. These attempts to avoid fighting drove me mad. Therefore, stringent action and game selection, from which the bones were cracking, I tried to somehow make the match an elemen t of competition and competitiveness. I could live with defeat, but not with the delivery. If we lose, "Southampton", then what, to hell, a chance we will have a meeting with "Juventus" (which, as often happened, and was our opponent in the first stage of the Champions League)?Understanding that you can not control the physical state as the switch light bulbs, led me to despair during games like t he one that took place on the "Dell". As a result, I have either removed from th e field, or argued with teammates. Any player can upscale the game to tune in to "Anfield" or "Highbury". But to be fully prepared to meet with "Southampton" fr om the Premier League was quite another matter. In my mind you already appropria tes three points by looking at the schedule of matches. "Enfield": there will be heavy. 'Highbury': another important game. "Coventry": Well, all right. "Southa mpton": no problem. "West Ham": should all turn out. "Sunderland": an easy walk. "Juventus'! The first match with the "Bianconeri" has clearly demonstrated wher e the lurking threat. On Saturday before the game we defeated the European club, "Leeds' 4-0 to" Elland Road ". Next Saturday we beat at home, "Nottingham Fores t" - 4:1. In Turin, as in the through Wednesday between games of the Premier Lea gue we lost 0-1 in an interesting match. Due to injury I missed the game. But I have acquired the knowledge accumulated on the rise at that time, as I watched t he matches from the sidelines. Eric, frankly, could not compete with European te ams - and it concerned us all. As I have already admitted it was a great on the domestic scene and are ideally suited to English football, where his composure a nd technical skill gave him a head start in tsarivshem around chaos. Against the background of flying bodies and rapid cold rolled up the mind of Eric was a val uable asset. And since we were one of the best in the country, he could not worr y about the rear and at times allowed himself to avoid the fight and give us the dirty work. Sometimes I thought: "Eric, what the fuck, you lazy bastard!" And a fter a moment or a few seconds before these words were ready to break out of my mouth, as if he waved his magic wand and scored either gave an assist. This situ ation suited us in the league and FA Cup.In Europe, was a football - a more dema nding. Even the most modest by European standards the team in meetings with us f eel themselves masters of the situation. This was the main thing. They're used t o winning and getting the desired result for the opponent. Against the Viennese "Rapid" or commands such as "Brndby" we could achieve success with Eric. But not i n the meetings with "Juventus", "Bavaria", or with quite ordinary, but highly pr ofessional clubs, like "Gothenburg", which won us 3-1 and knocked out of the tou rnament two seasons ago. Being infinitely useful in games and the Cup championsh ip in England, scoring winning goals uncountable the number of times Eric did no t shine in Europe. I can not think of a single European Cup match in which he co uld turn the tide of the game. In Europe, you're a little adds momentum. Attenti on to itself drew not only high-profile players such as Zidane's attacking plan or Del Piero, but strong, clever advocates - the guys, of which nobody heard, wi th good speed and the ability to block all approaches to rival their gates in ti me to make a decision and enter in the selection of the ideal accuracy and insti nctively holding the right position in defensive formations, as well as reading great game. Eric was not able to cope with it and take precedence over such play ers. The success in Europe was now the main task of "Manchester United" Alex Fer guson. Our exit from the group, which played a "Rapid" (Vienna), "Fenerbahce" an d "Juventus", was not without a hitch. After losing in Turin, we beat "Rapid" in his field and "Fenerbahce" at a party. Then came the champions of Turkey on "Ol d Trafford" and won. This defeat at home to become the first "United" for forty years of participation in European competition. The victory virtually ensures us a place in the quarterfinals, but "Fenerbahce" left us no chance.This club is a
good example of so-called medium-sized European teams, I talked about earlier without big names, but strong-minded professionals working in full force during the whole season, not leaving the prisoners - especially on defense. We could n ot so easily create chances at the goal net as it was in the Premier League. Foo tballers 'Fenerbahce' were able to control the ball, forcing us to run after him . But they were only champions of Turkey! Nevertheless, they refused to surrende r, as did many European clubs, who came to "Old Trafford". Seeking by all means to win the victory, running like a wound, we got hit in the twelve minutes befor e the end of the game. The ball ricocheted from David May, and Schmeichel was le ft no chance. 0-1. Everything. Now we needed to play with "Juventus" and "Rapid" and fight for the desired result. Many shook their heads in the locker room: "H ow could this happen to us?" Footballers only then think about their game. But s ometimes - not always - the answer lies here. If you play good enough and has al l the necessary qualities, and that we had not taken away, then defeat is usuall y explained only thine own mistakes. Neither the judge nor luck, nor the rebound , no matter how comforting this explanation of your failure. In such cases the q uality of these professionals, such as Bryan Robson, Steve Bruce and Denis Irwin have become invaluable to your team. They know where to find the answer. The co ach knows it too. That is why he is all that he deserved and earned. After the m atch, with "Fenerbahce", he stood side by side when dealing with the press. No l uck, etc. etc. Record should be the same ever been to fall. In any case, it only afflicted us. We'll be back, etc. etc. Maybe we missed the chance of reaching t he quarterfinals four days ago. In a match with "Southampton." Three-in-hell-six . 0:5 And before "Newcastle." How is it that I lost my head on the "Dell" and ea rned a red card?Because I knew that this did not go away. I felt in my heart tha t can not be like this vyezhivatsya with "Southampton", and then collect all the ir reserves in a match with this team four days later. It will not work. Maybe s ometimes it happens. But the "Manchester United" is not "sometimes". We play or should play in the style of shirt-put on-to-make-my-job-to-end. I figured it out by looking at my family and friends - fans of "United". Three to six "Southampt on"! They could not stick his nose out of the house. People laughed at them at w ork. The boys, who were rooting for us, were confounded in and outside school. R idicule, smirks, podnachivaniya. Too many players to forget about what it means defeat for those people whose
money we're playing. We paid for us to play. Pla tyat. Play for "Manchester Unit ed". The fans, these fans, lay out their money to support us. And we can not sti r foot in a match against Matt Le Tissier! 0:1 defeat in Turin, has meant that w e have to beat the "Rapid" in Vienna and hope to "Juventus" has not lost at home , "Fenerbahce". At this time we do not repeat "deed" with the "Southampton", win ning the "Leicester" 3-1 on Saturday before the game with the "Rapid". In the ma tch against the Austrians we found ourselves a good team. The coach set me a tas k to take care of the most dangerous player in the "Rapida" - Kyubauera. The tas k was carried out with 2:0 (goals scored Ryan and Eric), but I still feel the ap proach of danger. They nearly scored when Kuhbauer broke through to our gate. I caught up with him and enter into a selection. Successfully. Its thorns cut my l eg. Just below the knee I impose nineteen stitches. Another month on the sidelin es. "Juve" did the trick. We have passed on. Meet the "Port" in the quarterfinal s. As if from nowhere there was another problem. To cope with the task exit in t he quarterfinals of the Champions League, we were only able to reduce our draw t he next two championship games against the "West Ham" and "Sheffield Wednesday". Then we lost, "Sunderland" just four days after it defeated the "Port" 4-0 at ho me in the first match of the quarterfinals. We went to the semifinals of the Cha mpions League but the Premier League we caught up with the crisis. As if to aggr avate our situation, we lost a home game "Derby" with a score of 2:3, four days before the first leg semi-final in Dortmund Away "Borussia". We have achieved wh at they wanted - to be one step away from winning the Champions League. But I fe el that one or two players of our team are beginning to pass. Surprisingly, perh aps, and not Eric - one of them. Despite the fact that Eric has done so much for us, he has not had a chance to speak for the French team. He is a star in the " United", but if we do not succeed in Europe, the merits of Eric will never be pu t in one number with a truly great European players. European arena is the real measure of skill players. Maybe Eric can not win it. And will not ever. But whil e we at the height of the match with the "Borussia" in visit. Eric misses a grea t chance. Nicky Butt gets the post. On the way to the ball, sent David Beckham g ets back when the goalkeeper is powerless to help his team. All goes to a goalle ss draw, and the denouement has come to "Old Trafford". Fourteen minutes before the end of the meeting, Eric refuses to fight in the middle of the field. Tretsh ok, with whom he could not take the ball forward breaks, beats, and the ball cha nges its trajectory, hitting his leg, Gary Pallister. Gol. Perhaps it was at thi s point, it was decided the future of Eric. Four days before the return match, w e performed a difficult task in the Premier League to "Anfield", which won the " Liverpool" 3-1. Having received a yellow card in Dortmund, I missed the return m atch at "Old Trafford". Despite the Germans a good game, I thought we could beat them in front of their fans. But by skipping the ball into the beginning of the meeting, we had to score a complete victory for three of the rules of the guest goal.But not with the game at this level. In the middle of the line "Borussia" ran the Scotsman Scott Lambert, Kohler led the defense, but their best player An dreas Moeller has always been focused on the goal. With these players could not play peacefully rival. I was incredibly hard to sit on the bench and watch the g ame, I could not do anything in a match that had buried our hopes of reaching th e Champions League final. When the "Borussia" then won the finals, "Juventus", w e are at least able to console myself with the thought that had a team that was almost able to become the club champion of Europe. But we became champions of En gland. Eric Cantona, Steve Bruce has replaced the post of captain of the club. N ow, after he left this place again remained vacant. Immediately began to wonder, whose candidacy will offer coach as captain. Peter Schmeichel, Gary Pallister, Denis Irwin and Gary Neville were obviously prime candidates for the post. I was surprised when Alex Ferguson chose me. Offer captaincy in "Manchester United" w as a huge compliment, and of course, the appropriate duty. On the field I was su re that cope with their goal. However, the mission consisted of the captain and diplomatic duties outside the field that, in my view, was far more serious probl em. One of the favorable circumstances surrounding the work of the captain, was the distribution of tickets for matches as well as the recreation room of player s. If I had pestered their requests Bryan Robson, Steve Bruce and Eric, now the
other players will harass my location. With the departure of Eric Cantona, we lo st a voice of a professional. Locker room has changed markedly since my arrival at the club four years ago. Since then, the left Bryan Robson, Steve Bruce, Mark Hughes, Paul Ince, and now it is the turn of Canton. Each of these high-profile players one way or another was a highly influential figure both on the field an d beyond.Overall size of their impact was difficult to determine, except that in the absence of these players, our locker room and look younger longer looked so hardened in battle. In place of Eric's was bought from Teddy Sheringham, "Totte nham". Teddy came in his first training session in the red "Ferrari", and all as pects of his conduct betrayed in him a confident Londoner. Teddy and I have know n each other for joint action for the "Forest". Relations between us were not ea sy always. Progress in our communication and not come to "Old Trafford". Teddy d oes not stand out in his first season at the club, but time will tell what his a cquisition was a very good bargain. Sheringham was a hell of a great player - he can score and give assists. The fact that we did not get along with each other, no matter where we went on the field. We won the first official match under my captaincy, winning "Chelsea" in the penalty shootout in the Cup season. We staye d unbeaten in eight league matches at the start of 1997/98 season, and easily be at visiting Slovak "Kosice" in the first game of the Champions League. For Satur day's away match with the "Leeds" I came up with a complete lack of playing tone . During the match several times I came across Alfie Holland. He whet me from th e beginning of the game. I still could not accept the belated rolled up, which h e used - it was an integral part of football. But other things, such as clinging to the shirt and butting, when I was without the ball, knocking me off balance. Sometimes even Holland did not watch the game, but just ran over me. I thought that coach, "Leeds' David O'Leary, who knew how to get me, put in front of Holla nd this task. Five minutes before the final whistle, when we were pressing on th em the penalty, I'm desperate attack on Holland. I tried to put his bandwagon, b ut not hit. I knew that probably will earn a warning, but that's hell, it turned out that he had served its purpose. When I slid on the grass, my spikes have to uched the turf. I even heard the crack of my ligaments.Agonizing pain hit me in an instant. Holland stood over me and shouted: "Good to pretend! Get up! ". His partner Uezeroll gestures showed the same thing. I knew what happened that somet hing very serious, but was not sure what it was. The judge showed me a
yellow card, when I was led to the brow. Dave Fevre, our doctor, tried to get me out of the field. However, we have already used all three substitutions, so I f inish the game was the final minute of the match. When limping, I left the field , David O'Leary tried to calm me down. "Fuck you, Dave. You put this bastard to me specifically to bring out of balance "- I thought. In the locker room came th e doctor, "Leeds". Sign Language doctors told me that the worst has happened - I lost my cruciate ligament. Dave Fevre, who worked as a doctor in the rugby club , "Wigan", recognize the relevant symptoms. Cruciate injury is a frequent phenom enon in rugby because of the hard nature of this game. Injury provoked and my ni ghtly adventures. Price that had to be more determined. I returned to Manchester to study at the hospital at Whalley Range BUPA. On the way home in our bus, I p rayed that injury was not as serious as was the initial verdict of doctors. That same evening, without unnecessary delay, Dave took me to the hospital. The cons ultant, who spent an initial inspection, did not seem attuned to optimistic. Doc tors sent me home telling me to come back on Monday, and then they vskroyut knee and inspection of the damaged zone. On Sunday, Denis Irwin drove my car to the house from the "Old Trafford", where I had left it. The knee swelled and grew al most to the size of the balloon. The pain was unbearable. I knew that the plunge in earnest. Examination on Monday confirmed my fears. I was sent to remedial co urses to six weeks, I build muscle mass needed for further operations. Even afte r nine matches of my season was over. And maybe the whole career.Paul Gascoigne was not the only player who failed to return to previous levels after surgery fo r cruciate ligament reconstruction. With his experience in working with the rugb y Dave Fevre know what to do and what not to do to fully recover. In the rehabil itation process has its own physical and psychological aspects. After surgery I spent in the hospital for three days. After that I started a long, difficult and painful process of restoring physical condition. Once I came to Lee Sharpe (now it stood for "Leeds"). He also damaged knee ligaments in a few weeks after my i njury. I look like to hear how to promote his cause. "I'm almost flying - was hi s reply. - I run, I beat on the ball - almost ready to play. " In about two hour s we sat together and reminisced the good old days, and I thought: God, I'm far behind on where might already be if Lee runs and runs with the ball. When he sto od up, then nearly collapsed. "I must have spent a leg" - Lee lied unconvincingl y. He went to his limping "Porsche", jumped into the car and drove away. With a light heart, after all seen, I told Dave all the next morning. "Apparently, he w as in a hurry, Roy. Do not worry, we come to his purpose "- he assured me. When I began to engage in play five on five, guys were trying hard not to play with m e. It is too easy for me. So Dave Fevre called the team and said that they shoul d not do me any favors. Deprive him the ball. And soon, everyone started to rush me into the selection process. I'm back ... well, almost. In the last week of t he season, "Arsenal" had acquired the title. I figured that I could play in our last championship game with the "Barnsley". Fortunately, the doctors did not wan t to hear about it. After resting for another six weeks, I flew in the preparato ry training sessions and matches before the season 1998/99. We went on a tour of Scandinavia. In my absence, the team captain was Peter Schmeichel.The coach tol d me that he would like to have Peter remained captain's armband for the tour. I was not too pleased with that message, and even more so when the game before th e Cup of the season against the "Arsenal" to "Wembley" Schmeichel showed no sign s that he was ready to return my captain's armband. In the end, the coach ordere d him to obey. He yielded and became darker clouds. "Arsenal" scored two goals a nd lung won the match 3-0. After the game, the coach called a team and encourage d Peter to grow up and do not play in children's toys. The desire to coach for s uccess has become even more noticeable when he broke the transfer record of cent ral defenders Jaap Stam in buying "Eindhoven". He also had acquired Jesper Blomq vist in "Parma". When the "United" broke the British transfer record by buying Y ork for 12.6 million pounds in the club really started to feel the wind of chang e. With such a strong line-up in autumn 1998, one could hardly expect the player s to be complacent. No one was guaranteed a place at the base, which in my opini on, it was only on hand for the development of the club. Now we were so fed up w ith success on the domestic scene, that we were hurt, when it comes to this priz
e - the Champions League. Purchase Dwight Yorke was one of the boldest moves on the part of Alex Ferguson. As it turned out, Brian Kidd was skeptical about the fact that New York can justify laid out for him the sum of it, he said bluntly. As head coach, Kidd said directly that what I was thinking. To be honest, I did not think that New York can score as many goals as expected of him, though no do ubt in his ability to appeal to the ball and that the defenders of the opponent will have to work hard to be "close". Jaap Stam provide reliable defense. It was just what we needed with the departure of Gary Pallister to "Middlesbrough". St eve Bruce, Gary Pallister and created a tandem, largely thanks to which our succ ess has been achieved in the past.In Stam and Ronny Johnsen, who was acquired tw o years ago to replace Bruce, had enough experience. Ole Gunnar Solskyar came to "United" from the Norwegian "Molde", at the same time as the Johnsen. It cost t he club just 1.5 million pounds, and, perhaps, this deal was the best in club hi story. They called him a murderer with the face of the boy, and it's true - he w as a murderer, and he was the boy's face. When he first came to the gym and went along with a team picture taken, I thought he was one of the students who are s uffering from a "United". He could give sixteen. But when it got to the ball, I realized - it's all understood - what an extraordinary mastery of the final stag e of the attack he had. Ole could and scored with any desired position. He becam e a favorite in our dressing room, being nice and at the same time demonstrating the most professional approach. Ole longer sit on the bench, fighting for a spo t in the starting lineup with Andy Cole, Dwight Yorke and Teddy Sheringham. But he never complained, and when he had the opportunity, almost always doing what i s required of him. In a team game, despite all the hype surrounding some of the players, which is and will remain a football, the importance of professionals su ch as Ole always priceless. So it is for us. I regain form after a few matches. But I was not the lunatic, who was hunting for Alfie Holland (although I did not forget his insult to my address, as I lay on the lawn "Elland Road"). I now app reciate every moment of the game both during matches and in training. Now I'll s hake his muscles in the gym. I realized - what I never realized until last seaso n - that your time in football is limited. Things can only end in one stroke in the selection, and your career will go into the past in the blink of an eye. Ano ther radical change occurred in my lifestyle.
Returning to the system, I had a lot to prove, and not only that I was in great shape.As entry into the season I started to play the best football of his life. This was largely due to stronger players around me. Defensive line did not cause fear - Gary Neville and Denis Irwin have acted in the position of the last defe nders and Jaap Stam and Ronny Johnsen have an excellent understanding in the cen ter of defense. In midfield, Paul Scholes, Nicky Butt and I rarely inferior oppo nent in martial arts. David Beckham and Ryan Giggs have used a diverse arsenal o f offensive weapons on both flanks. Andy Cole and Dwight Yorke were friends off the field, but to protect the opponent they represented a double threat. Now tha t we have preached team football, Phil Neville, Teddy Sheringham and Ole gave us a great help when the time came to join the battle. UEFA club competition match es - our Achilles' heel - now were not so complicated. The championship of the P remier League in second place, we had to go through qualifying rounds of the Cha mpions League, which met with the Polish team, "Vidzy." We are easily coped with its task. As a result, got into a strong group, which played "Brondby," "Barcel ona" and "Bavaria". We defeated the "Brndby" at home (5-0) and away (6-2) and tied with "Barcelona" and "Bavaria". Draw - 3-3 on the "Nou Camp" shows how far we'v e gone after the defeat with the score 0-4 at the same stadium in 1994. In a mat ch with "Bars" Dwight Yorke has issued a double, and Cole scored one goal. In th e Premier League champion "Arsenal" are our main threat. He outplayed us 3-0 at "Highbury" in September and earned a bonus point for "Old Trafford" in February. Four games in fourteen days of April have decided the fate of our season. Playi ng at home with "Juventus" in the first semifinal of the Champions League has be come a real challenge. We do not show a good game. Conte led the hosts ahead and scored an important goal guest, Ryan Giggs and rescued us from the predicament, the last-minute equalizer.Prior to this home game the coach suddenly decided to leave the team for the night in the hotel "Mottrem Hill," a five-minute walk fr om whom lived many players. Detail. Always in thought. It's so like him. After t he game we returned to our hotel for dinner and had a team meeting. At the meeti ng, it was a lot of unpleasant words. Becks and Giggs has got its own dose of cr iticism for what they failed to comply with a sufficient amount of work without the ball. Then it was my turn. I'm fairly "pushed" by Denis Irwin for some of hi s mistake, prior goal opponent. Denis said. The coach suggested that I apologize . No, I was standing on his own. If we come to analyze the game, let's analyze. "Sorry." "No". The atmosphere is tense for some time. I refused to apologize. Th en we went to sleep. Dennis and I, as always, shared one room. We can handle up to him. I do not apologize, but we laughed about what had happened. Do the playe rs themselves sometimes as a child? Of course. They should be kids - otherwise t hey will think that the only part of the game. And who knows what can cause thes e games! (Not to win, so it is exactly). Four days later, we met with "Arsenal" in the "Villa Park". It was a fight of characters, for that matter, and soccer s chools. Neither team was unwilling to give up, and the match ended in a draw - 0 :0. In extra time, nothing has changed. Replay, which took place next Wednesday, will be remembered for all the incredible winning goal in the performance of Ry an Giggs. We played with "Arsenal", the reigning champion of England, who beat u s 3-0 at "Highbury" and a draw - 1:1 to the "Old Trafford". For us to remove the m from the scalp was very important. The victory over them in this match became an end in itself. How the hell we are good? Ryan Giggs goal was simply amazing. This was a key moment for us that season. Victory over the "Arsenal" ten men (I was sent off for a second yellow card)despite all proved that we were a real tea m that has a rare property to find the strength to achieve the desired result, w hen needed. Sometimes even the "Manchester United" to confirm their qualities, b ut such victories are irrefutable proof of this. A week later, again in Turin, w e had to pass a difficult test of our ability and determination. "Juventus" was necessary only goalless draw. Knowing the mentality of the Italians, we were awa re that they are likely to be closed in the defense and offered us to attack. Wi thin six minutes of these discussions can be forgotten. Inzaghi was left unatten ded at the far post and struck the gate with ease. Four minutes later, he develo ped a success. Anyone who would like to hang out the white flag, had a great opp ortunity. Those who wanted to prove that they deserve to play for "Manchester Un
ited", also had the damn chance. It is in moments like football - and any kind o f sport - turns into a struggle of intellects. As far as we were strong intellec tually? How much has been strong in this regard, "Juventus"? Of course, the goal s against were bad news. The good news and positive response to our position was that the front was another eighty minutes of football. We fell behind on two go als on aggregate. However, if we equalize, then pass on thanks to the best diffe rence guest heads. When we started with the center of the field after the second goal Inzaghi, I made a quick calculation in my head. Any idiot can start a fren zy to jump an opponent's feet, taking away the ball and, using a heap, trying to score a quick goal in this situation. But it will not work in games against tea ms such as "Juventus". Looking at our team, it was easy to get a positive charge due to the ability to score confidence of many of our players. New York, Cole, Beckham - all of them had the ability to hit the opponent's (and Scholes could s core a goal or two, coming on as substitute). That's us it was necessary to re-s how the Italians what.Therefore it was necessary to select and play the ball, in creasing the tempo, use a pair of receptions in the selection, change the course of the game. Step by step we were able to reverse the situation. "Juventus" cal med down, scoring two goals. They allowed us to impose our game measured. When w e tuned up the pace, they did not react to it. I felt that they fell into the tr ap of complacency. I was sure that they would rather be happy to keep what they have and not try to score a goal, which will decide the outcome of the match. We gained speed. Do they have enough strength and capabilities to deter "Mancheste r United"? As the events in the first half we dominated more noticeable in open play. With a certain touch of the grotesque, I began to enjoy the race, which ha s now become a game. We needed to score a goal before the break. Becks ran submi t a corner on the left. I started to move near the bar. It was a little adventur e - I have not hammered your head after a corner still with my performances at " Rockmount". You need luck when you count the time a breakthrough in the penalty area, but first you need to make a breakthrough. I did so. Filing Becks was done perfectly. I just spent a ball through the eyes of a net. Balance of the match was broken. They were afraid of us. We had the inspiration and methodically conc entrating dialing speed. Before the break I tried to catch the ball, which was s tarted Jesper Blomqvist inaccurate, but Zidane ahead of me. It
was too late, I accidentally ran into him and we fell. Yellow card shut out of t he way to the final. But I was so engrossed in the game that completely forgot a bout all the implications of warning. As in the game with "Arsenal", a victory h ere and now an end in itself. We were not in the final. But if we do not get the desired result here, that of no finals and no need to worry about. They were tw o steps away from being able to miss the victory - we've seen it in their eyes, and it forced us to go forward. New York and Cole tormented them four defenders. The speed and cunning Dwight and Andy are now manifest in all its glory.Goal sc ored by Dwight, was organized with the filing of Andy. With the score 2-2, we we nt into the final. Rival was also dozhat. Zidane, Deschamps and Davids missed an opportunity to level the score. I went to Davids in a struggle in which the cha nces were equal, and picked the ball with ease. When Cole scored our third goal, I realized that I will miss the final. But then I did not care (later everythin g will be different). I was proud of his team that night, proud of himself, sati sfied that justified its existence as a team and pay their debts coach, justifie d his confidence. I figured that "Manchester United" on the right to play in the Champions League final. I felt that it was of greater importance than the quest ion of whether I play there. Sunday May 16, 1999 We are, as everyone knows, in j ust three games away from the historic treble. Everything was simple: to beat to day, "Spurs' win" Newcastle "to" Wembley "in next Saturday and take precedence o ver the" Bavaria "in the resulting environment in Barcelona, and we will achieve what has not yet managed any team in the modern football. But there are other d evelopments that may give rise to headlines such as "United" profukannyh treble "or" Boys Do not Fergie again passed the European test. " Hitherto this season I have all went well. A year ago, I was not sure I can play again. Because of one stupid reception against Alfie Holland I could lose the honor of wearing the ca ptain's armband, and has twenty-seven of me could only speak in past tense. I ma de a mistake and learned his lesson. Really? Not really. When the guys will go o ut on a match with "Bavaria" on the "Camp Nou", I'll sit on the fucking rostrum. Why? Another stupid reception against Zidane in the game with "Juventus" and do es not necessarily prevent a dispute with the referee, when we met with the "Int er"! We need to beat today, "spurs." Under the leadership of George Graham, they try to impose on us hard football, will try to cheat. But if we play our own ga me, we break them.We know that will not give any team in terms of ongoing effort s, then would affect the class. After all, we have Becks, Ryan Giggs, Dwight Yor ke, Andy Cole, Paul Scholes, Teddy. We feel a strong desire to win, and this sho uld be sufficient. We hear the crowd roar outside fans. They are determined to c elebrate the victory, happily waiting for another great event at "Old Trafford", another title. We are here to work. Football at that level, which is "Mancheste r United", is a tough business. Yes, the reward is great. You can earn lots of m oney here and be a hero. But you can be and losers, which is everywhere humiliat ed, incline press, fans boo, or simply withdrawn from the composition of the tea m, which is equal to public humiliation, concerning not only you but also your f amily, wife, children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. In this club, a m oment of weakness can lead to shame. A negative result in matches with "Real" an d "Bavaria" is considered a failure. To be fair, this is a failure. The failure and inability to justify the level that was set by those who came to "Old Traffo rd" to you, Matt Busby, Bobby Charlton, George Best, Denis Law, the team, who di ed in a plane crash in Munich, Bryan Robson, Eric Cantona. It is because of them I wanted to play for the "United". Thanks to them about every match, "Mancheste r United" created a stir. Everyone is waiting for a miracle. Our work - expectat ions. This is a difficult task. Every time I wear a red shirt, I am aware of a r esponsibility that falls on the shoulders of the player, "Manchester United". As soon as the trainer reveals to you the goals and objectives to date, feelings o f anxiety disappears.This anxiety, weak and hidden in the subconscious feeling, because in the next ten days we will play three games, which may lead us to a "g lorious treble", or impose on us an eternal curse print "command failed in need of radical surgery intervention. " Winning the FA Cup would have been self-suffi cient for some clubs. For us, winning the Cup, only emphasize the most terrible failure if we fail to seize victory in the championship and the Champions League
. Even double - the championship and the Cup - will also be regarded as a failur e. Success on the European stage is a major challenge, "Manchester United" - a l evel that the team asked in 1968. That is why the coach bought me six years ago. While we unsuccessfully stormed the vertex. Until we win the Champions League, this team will never be called a success. Despite the fact that this game is imp ortant, the match with the "spurs" further demonstrates the point of view of the coach and I agree with her - that the so-called little things can not be ignore d. Opponent always two feet behind us in the fight for a lost ball. He hesitantl y operates in a pass. He tries to play in the selection, but only, rather, repre sents the struggle, rather than seriously trying to take away the ball. "Tottenh am," comes out ahead. Les Ferdinand responds to the chamber, but inaccurately ap plied to the outer side of the ball of the foot and the ball flies through the c razy trajectory over Schmeichel. We lose a ball. Now we need to put pressure. Ag ain, a trifle. No need to run at a breakneck pace - just jack up the pace. Do al l that is needed to pass the ball, make the bastards work their exhaust. Becks s hows magic, creating a goal out of nowhere. In fact, it just seems to be nowhere - in fact, a goal was the result of our continuous pressure on the opponent's g ate in fifteen minutes, of which "Tottenham" could not cope. Becks only meter. T hey give him five ... The impact is great, and the ball flies in an arc into the top corner. We escape to freedom.At half-time coach to replace Teddy Andy Cole. We know what we do ... and we know how. In the second minute of the second half , Andy Cole scored a goal does not, as a diamond. He tames the loose pass and th rows the ball over Ian Walker - the skill is applied at the right time and right place. Now you can relax. The most strongly the feeling that I feel at this mom ent - relaxation. Heck, we did it! Glances at his watch. Play for a long time. A s many as forty minutes. We begin to lose concentration. Again the little things that we have to concede. Allow them to be ahead at half-meter. Less willing to go forward into the territory of a rival for fear of losing the ball. The instin ct that forces you to defend what you did. Dangerous instinct.
One chance, slipped an arbitrator, and will be too late. The last ten minutes pa ss like in another dimension. Well, Blow as judge in his fucking whistle, please ! Graham Poll whistles. A sense of relief overwhelmed me. The work is done. Than k God. I can smell him under his feet. Coach embrace me. Now we can have a drink ! Sir Alex - beautiful, warm and witty people. They have a great resemblance to the natives of Cork, who is also known for its simplicity and lack of pretentiou sness and pomposity. I do not like the different techniques, "in a tie." Too muc h going on in their rubbish. Empty talk about anything. It's not for me. But cer tainly not today. Ryan Giggs and Nicky Butt, as usual, joking, laughing at peopl e, and populate them. They are a dangerous tandem in such verbal sparring. Giggs is a typical hero. The guy from Salford - a crook, who grew up on the street. W ith his deadpan expression on his face and innocent way, he acts on others sooth ing. Tricky Nicky, Mr Reliable, a joker and prankster. As usual, today he and Gi ggs in the mood. Becks, Paul Scholes, Gary and Phil Neville from behind them. Th ese six were always together since childhood. They constitute the backbone of th e team both on the field and beyond.And they kept aloof, not taking us into thei r society. Since this is no problem. On the contrary, I believe this is a huge f actor in the success of the club. All except David Beckham, coming from Manchest er, but Becks is playing for "United" in twelve years. Therefore, in modern foot ball, where money has a great voice, usually foreign, such devotion that embodie s this six, is an asset. This is a "Liverpool". And here at the "Arsenal", "Chel sea" and "Leeds" - no. At the heart of our team is something solid, something re al, something unique to Manchester, the ratio of the game Six Amigo, which is fu ndamental to the team and its success. We celebrate not achieve fame, or devout fulfillment of dreams, namely, that we have such quality. This is truly a happy evening for a truly happy club. Prior to the FA Cup final on the "Wembley" is si x days, before meeting with the "Bavaria" on the "Camp Nou" - ten, and so we can relax and forget about the discipline, rigor, and fears inherent in too long fo otball season in England. We later go home - tired and in good spirits and satis fied. Monday, May 17 I woke up feeling great. Hangovers - yes. With nagging ankl e that will need to inspect and test to make sure that my willingness to Cup fin al with "Newcastle United", but it will be another five days. Since I will not p lay in Barcelona, my season ended prematurely. Meanwhile, I had a day off, and t he only thing I had to do - visit a doctor who must examine my ankle and offer t reatment. After that we planned out in town with the kids. "United" has not been the club, which flourished in the culture of drinking, when I came into it. Lon g gone have become an integral feature of club life regular drinking on Saturday nights, along with Bryan Robson, Steve Bruce, Eric, Lee Sharpe and other player s. The game has changed for the better. We have matured.Now we are watching her complexion, ate pasta, drank creatine and calmly ate dinner with their wives. Pr ofessional Roy Keane took with joy the new regime, it demands discipline and its related victory. The plan was agreed upon. We meet at "Mulligans," Irish Bar in Manchester, at five o'clock. The first hour I went from a doctor. The forecast was positive. I will be in service by Saturday - not a hundred percent, but quit e ready to play their last game of the season. "Mulligans" - a small Irish pub, tucked away in an alley, and is a great place for these coveted evening for us, for normal feasts, which bring together the usual co-workers after a normal work ing week. The negative side of fame player, "United" the lack of normality, whic h is emphasized by the presence of our three-body keepers. But this does not pre vent us from a great time. Ryan Giggs and Nicky Butt seek out victims. Gary Nevi lle does not close his mouth. Peter Schmeichel is drawn (in this new?), Making p eople miss. Dwight Yorke is in a good mood picaresque. Gary Beck's listening. Te ddy is calm and cool. He's from London! Denis Irwin and Paul Scholes, the quiet guys, liberating. We decide to go elsewhere. One of the guards goes to the bar, "Henry," that on the other side of the street, to scout the situation there. No problem, the report said. Some of the guys - regulars, "Henry," so we can take a couple of tables and continue our celebration. For a while everything is going well, but soon narisovyvaetsya problem in the face of two women and the men who watched us in the "Mulligans." I'm talking with Ryan, when a woman asks me to bu y her a drink. We did not notice. But she continues to insist on his own. This t
ime it joined her friend and boyfriend. We go to another place. They follow us. "You do not want to buy a girl a drink, kid?" This guy stood in front of my nose . Respond to the aggression of aggression? ..Yes, a reasonable act in this situa tion would be to call the guard. Unfortunately, after drinking a reasonable beha vior is no longer my hallmark. "Go away and leave us alone!" - I replied. "Why d o you yourself do not get out of here? What the hell are you currently think you are? "- Meets a woman number one. Suddenly, I get hit by a glass eye. I push a guy. Then comes a complete mess. Subsequent moments are like a fog. But I later learned that two women got out of the bar to call. One - the newspaper "Sun" to sell the story (yes, that is!), The other to the police to inform them about the attack on the part of Roy Keane. This accusation was later refuted by the owner of the bar, which confirmed that "Roy Keane left the girls who molested him, an d one of them threw a glass that hit him in the face. At this point, the girls w ere asked to leave the bar. They rudely behaved with respect to both bar staff a nd to its visitors and were expelled from the bar in accordance with its policy. " Police arrived, shining lights and flashing lights. Gathered a small crowd of people. I can already see the headlines of tomorrow's news. "Go, Mr. Keane." Po litely, but firmly. I'm sitting in the back seat of police cars. "You idiot. Why do I, as usual - why me? I was not the only one to which they are bothered, but I just tried to intervene. Again "- I thought. At the police station, I explain what happened. They listen to me. Unfortunately, my form after the revelry does not inspire confidence. I crammed into the camera, so I awoke. The night was lo ng. Most of it I could not sleep. The first thing I thought of Teresa and their children. You will soon regret and shame are sobering. Near the house there will be a crowd of journalists, when Shannon goes to school. Then it will be the clu b: he will spend two major games, one of
which is the most important in the history of "United", and its captain is sitti ng in a cell for drunken escapade and disorderly conduct! Yes, it was the bases, but this is no excuse.There was no excuse for my behavior - I acted like a fool . Crazy, wild kin. I called Michael Kennedy, who urged me to pull myself togethe r and do not worry. I thought about my in Cork. They open the newspaper headline s read, try to avoid contact with neighbors and forced to endure all this shame for his Roy. Again. Well, I fool. The coach arrived the next morning. He called Michael, although it was not at all necessary. Manchester - a big village. If yo u have something done, then the coach will know about it already the next mornin g. Such a stayed at a nightclub until half past two nights. He got into a taxi i n a rather drunk, etc. The trainer you figured out and useless excuses. I've alw ays been honest with him, lifted up his hands, and now I am rewarded for this be havior - when I explain what happened, "Henry V", he believed me. "I'll get you. " He was not happy my opinion four days before the Cup final. In such situations , the coach always finds a way and behaves well. He knows that at heart I scrape the devil. And this time I did better not start serious talks. I was released o n bail. I was assured that if the accusations prove groundless, I do not hear an ything about this case. With a light heart, I went to Teresa and the children, g iving himself a vow that will not commit such a mistake. Of course, I had promis ed myself such a promise. Saturday, May 22, 1999 My last game of the season. Vic tory over the "Newcastle" will mean a third double in the nineties and place in history. I never really touched all the talk about the "dream" to "Wembley". The conditions for players and spectators there do not meet high standards. The fie ld seems to be a few miles from the stands, the atmosphere is not the most suita ble. When I started to warm up before a match with "Newcastle United", I realize d that my left ankle still has not recovered. I took the risk, not knowing if I could spend the entire match. I was able to play just eight minutes. Gary Speed played rough with me.A belated welcome to the selection. He certainly "cut down" me - at this time torn ligaments of my right (healthy) ankles. If I was ready f or a hundred, Speed could not overtake me. A few minutes later I was limping, le ft the field. We will meet with Gary ever. Coach Teddy released on the field, wh ich proved a wise move. Teddy scored a goal and assisted Paul Scholes. We won th e double. Despite skepticism about the "miracles" "Wembley" and "dream" about to pick up the FA Cup, I felt a real satisfaction when the children took the steps to get the trophy from the hands of Prince Charles. The work is done. The next job would be sad as it sounds, is, alas, not for me ... Monday, May 24 We had to spend the most important game in club history after the Champions Cup final in 1968. Flying the "Concord" was perhaps a reminder from coach to us and the world that "Manchester United" deserves only the best. You never know what will make Sir Alex Ferguson. He always wanted to come. End of season dawned not quite the way I imagined it and hoped for. It was great that we won the double and now hav e an excellent opportunity to add to his victory in the Champions League, which was the main goal for the club with my first days in there. But on the other han d, I was uncomfortable with the fact that I spent the night in a police cell, wa s injured in the early finals and now I fly first class as ballast on the crucia l Champions League match. I really like the guys won. Despite the dominant posit ion in the Premier League for several years, it makes no sense to deny our failu res in Europe. The finals gave us an excellent opportunity to get rid of its rep utation as losers. I was hurt because of the fact that I was not able to help th e team, especially when he remembered the words of the coach coming to the club: "Roy," Manchester United ", with you or without you, but will be the strongest club in England.With you we can succeed in Europe. " Now, when this achievement was at arm's length, I'll be just a bystander. Like Paul Scholes, also received a warning in Turin. The desire to play in the Champions League final defeat and moved me from the first days in the "United". Now, when we reached it, I could n ot help the team. I will be only part of the extras in this film, part of the no ise and color. I was almost as sad for Scholes, as well as for themselves. He wa s probably the most gifted player in our team. He was a player of "Manchester Un ited" to the bone. Should be, he was very hurt to miss such an event, especially looking at how its partners have won with him in the Youth Cup in 1992 and 1993
, is now fighting for the most prestigious European club football trophy. Paul the perfect professional. Gorgeous on the field, humble and thoughtful beyond. There is no "zvezdnyaka" no selfpromotion and hunting for glory. Incredibly gift ed player who remained unspoiled by man. Strange, but that we were with him in t he same boat a little brighten up my disappointment. I drank a few pints of beer on Wednesday before we left the hotel at the "Camp Nou". The bus was quiet and there was no usual pre-match talk. Even Ryan Giggs and Nicky Butt were sitting q uietly. The coach has also been collected and all serious. Our team has come a l ong way, breaking many records on the domestic scene. We have won three doubles. But everything in the bus knew that we had to play a crucial game. We have been in many places, but here - ever. Unknown land. Ahead of us are not waiting for the next meeting. For the coach rates were particularly high. I was sure that he will not feel the completeness of his life, until we win the Champions League. I owe him, as we all are, and this evening it was necessary to pay debts. All I could do - just watch.As Paul and I could not play, the coach moved to the middl e of the field Becks along with Nicky Butt. Ryan Giggs came on the right flank, and Jesper Blomqvist - on the left. I sat next to Jimmy Ryan, Henning Berg and P aul. I tried to fill in the form of a gallant, but in my heart I had the worst e xperience in my entire football career. We are the "Bavaria" played home and awa y in the group stage of the tournament. Both games ended in a draw. "Bavaria" wa s a good team, which, however, it was possible to win. She could not "break" you , like, say, the "Real" or "Barcelona". She - toughie. "Bavaria" is a good defen se, play the pass, be patient and wait for my chance. Effenberg in the center of the field was its central figure, he dictated the pace of the game team. In the sixth minute of the game we gave them an easy goal. Ronny Johnsen fouls their h igh Yankere Frontline, and Mario Basler scored well who undertake the ball from the penalty area. After that, any event almost did not happen. Neither team
seems, could not jack up the pace and refresh the game. Of course, "Bavaria" sco red a goal, and the players feel much more comfortable on the background of such a predictable pattern game. We need to take control of the game and do not forg et about the danger of a counterattack by the opponent. Twice in the second half of the fight they got into woodwork. Curiously, these failures have inspired a rival of our players. Gradually I realized that the game has changed its directi on. Glancing at my watch, I saw that the rest of the match has less than fifteen minutes. Jesper Blomqvist coach and replaced by Andy Cole and Ole at Teddy. You can hardly find the best players coming out to replace it. Teddy can make raids into the camp of the opponent and take the ball, Ole was perhaps the best strik er in Europe. Pace of the game was supposed to change in any way. Will the Germa ns now answer the question posed in a different light? The answer was no. Watchi ng the game, I almost lost my head. "Bavaria" waiting for the match.Now its back four did not go far from their gates, and midfielders huddled in their half of the field. "They have an end, - I said to Jimmy Ryan. - We caught them. " We nee ded a breakthrough. If you do everything correctly, then in every game you break occurs. But the Germans continued to hold on to the goal, lined up along his pe nalty. For a team with such a reputation that was in "Bavaria", it is at this mo ment is a pitiful sight, that is possible to provide such a game ... Since they are unlikely to win the Champions League. Or not? Despite all the pressure we ex erted on an opponent near his goal, "United" could not create any real chances. Near the edge of the field assistant referee raised the scoreboard, which showed that the referee added another three minutes. Another corner. Peter Schmeichel runs forward. I've never seen that such tactics worked. Surprisingly, this time it helped. Becks gave excellent corner, the ball was repelled by Ryan, located o n the edge of the penalty area. He does not hit the ball well, and he flies stra ight to Teddy, who sends it by poking the German goalkeeper. "Nou Camp" exploded . Even now I can not adequately describe the emotions engulfed me then. Relief? Yes. And satisfaction - because I felt that the guys deserved to stay alive, jus t as the Germans did not deserve to win this prize, doing nothing. But mostly I was happy for the coach. Is not the first nor the last time he played cards wise ly substitutes. Remained a moment when the "Bavaria" began with the center of th e field. Now she has completely lost control. We instantly recovers the ball. Ha ve risen from the dead, we are now struggling to score the winning goal. "Bavari a" gives us the opportunity to make another corner. Becks spins the ball to the near post. Teddy forwards it on, and Ole scores. I doubt we will ever again witn ess such a three minutes of football. As a result, the prize for winning the Cha mpions League 1998/99 was a team that wanted it more than others.In the spirit o f the day won. I played in twelve of thirteen games of the League, but I've neve r felt so tired as it was at the end of the ninety-three minutes in Barcelona. E ven in the happiest moments I have never been among those who vigorously celebra tes victory after the match (I usually save for the power bar). That evening at the "Camp Nou" coach with difficulty, and Paul made me go and get a medal. Yes, we have played a role in the European campaign, but the evening belonged to the other guys who have done their job in a match against the "Bavaria". Paul and I were like on the football side of the road and were a vivid example of the truth of professional football: you play for your team, your club, the fans, but in t he first place - for themselves. Football - a very selfish game. And no matter h ow much I may say that I deserved a medal of the Champions League, I know it's n ot. In fact, we can say that my misconduct almost led to big trouble for us. We had a great night at the hotel. Those who feel involved in the team set up by Al ex Ferguson have shared a true sense of achieving something great. European Cups were presented ordeal, which we passed with flying colors. Of course, it was hi s achievement. I could easily forget about the disappointment of having missed t he final game, because in reality I was honored to be captain of the team that b rought great success coach and a great club. That's why I sang, laughed and dran k all night. Some of the boys, led by Dwight Yorke decided to explore the nightl ife of Barcelona, and I stayed at the hotel. The next day we made a memorable re ception in Manchester. XI In the middle of the season where we won the "treble", Brian Kidd moved to the "Blackburn" as a head coach. He thought it was time to
become a master, try your hand as head coach of the club. Despite the fact that Kidd has been an integral part of our club, I was not surprised by his move. Me there is nothing surprising in football.I am sure that the money was one of the reasons why Brian left the club. He played a key role in the transformation of t he "United" in the nineties, while working his right hand the head coach. But wi th the growth of our wealth of his salary could not even compare to that receive d regular player lower divisions. Only fools do not think about the salary, when all around you nail down dough. Could Brian reject an offer to Jack Walker, who gave him as much as he could not earn in a lifetime to "Old Trafford". I respec t him as a person and as a coach. I was sorry that he left us. He was replaced b y Steve McClaren. New voice, new ideas, which I also received. At the time I tho ught about money and new contracts. I was twenty-eight, when to expire the last year of the contract. Michael Kennedy was negotiating with the club for several months. Things were going so far as we wanted. I loved playing for the "Manchest er United". To me, Alex Ferguson was a great coach. He dictated his will and was hungry to succeed. He did not like talkers and those who are bluffing, and alwa ys fought with such people in our dressing room. Personally, I owe him a lot. Ha ve there scrape a living, as it happened to me on and off the field - he was alw ays there. He did not want to be next to a submissive boy scouts, and took all o f my character traits - negative, positive, and the ugly. I also liked the atmos phere in the locker room, "United". At this time I had the opportunity to go abr oad. A large number of clubs in Europe's leading clubs, feel the soil beneath me . From 1 January 2000, I was able to negotiate with other clubs. In June 2000, a ccording to the rule Bosman I could move to another club as a free agent. I've h ad better cards. Michael knew how to manage them. I seriously thought about "Juv entus" and "Bavaria". Both of these clubs were willing to offer me a lot of mone y so I can support yourself for a lifetime. However, the withdrawal of the "Unit ed" was hard to imagine.Despite the fact that they write about me, that I am a l oser, half cut off from other players of the club, the truth is far more complex . I'm a little older "children" and am not in a gang Becks, Neville, Nicky Butt, Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes. They dined together, talked with each other, engag ed in their common affairs. With me everything is different. I talked more with the guys from Team 1994/95. I took part
in drinking bouts with Robbo, Bruce, and Eric Insi. Another team, another lighthearted moment. Those guys were my buddies. Now, about my only colleagues. But t hey all like me, everything. We share jokes, each of us plays a role. They accep t me for who I am, just as I have them. In contrast to our communications team n inetieth harder on the field than in the bar. I understand that the "children" a re potentially the greatest force, which is available in the arsenal of the club . They form the basis of those who are devoted to "United", it is not necessaril y what is in each Premier League club. Arsene Wenger won the double with "Arsena l", and immediately left the club Petit and Overmars. Vieira may, and probably c an not go to the "Real" or in some Italian club. Such instability destroys the f oundation of the club and the "Leeds", and "Chelsea". But not in the "Manchester United". I was happy to "Old Trafford". The talks went all the way until an agr eement had been reached. I was happy to sign a new four-year contract. In the fi rst weeks of the season 1999/2000 Michael kept my business and I worked all iso effort to prove the club on the field at a price. I scored two goals to "Highbur y", where we prevailed 2-1, and brought victory in the final of the Intercontine ntal Cup in Tokyo, where we played with the Brazilian club, "Palmeiras". We won six matches and drawn three meetings in our first nine games of the Premier Leag ue. And then the "Chelsea" defeated us 5-0 in the "Stamford Bridge". That summer the team went Peter Schmeichel. The coach took his place on the two goalkeepers : Mark Bosnich from the "Villa" and Massimo Taib of "Venice." Bosnich was a nice guy.About it it is possible to write a book. But even though he was a gifted go alkeeper, apparently, he was not okay with professionalism. At his first practic e he was late for an hour. Trainer absent for any reason. When Bosi came on the field at 11 o'clock, I asked him where he was. "I got lost on the way out of the hotel" - he smiled a smug smile. He has always been a bit complacent. "He lost a way, to hell!" - I chuckled. "Yeah, buddy," - said Bosi. "Your first fucking d ay" Manchester United ", and you're late for an hour on a fucking workout" - "pu shed" to him myself. It's funny sounds, but this incident has touched me. Like m e six years ago, Bosnich was lodged in the hotel "Four Seasons". Afraid of getti ng lost in my first day of their stay there, I ordered a taxi and told the drive r that he was going to "Cliff", and I followed his car. I arrived an hour before the workout. Must take into account all the small details that give your relati onship and to work. In this case, these details say a lot. I provoke him, that h e woke up a little and let him know what to expect from a player, "Manchester Un ited" in our days. Bosi was already in the "United", but then he was denied a wo rk permit. Mark Bosnich was on "Old Trafford", but he did not understand what I wanted to tell him. He and Dwight Yorke were gay and in many respects resembled each other. Duyat had a great season when we won the "treble". At fifty-one matc h, he scored goals and twenty-nine superbly led the attack, the same amount of t ime assistiruya others. Unfortunately for him and for us, success on the field l ed to the fact that he's too much time having fun after the Games. He still coul d simultaneously fulfill its role of a football player, and Playboy, but his clo ck ticked relentlessly time. Massimo Taib was a really good professional and a g ood guy. Of course, he was a great goalie. But, alas, turned out to be his debut awful.A week before the rout in a game with "Chelsea" he missed the ball betwee n the legs of an innocent after hitting Matt Le Tissier in a meeting with the "S outhampton." Match with "Chelsea" was the end of a career in Massimo "United". T he next week in place of the gate again took Bosnich. Massimo returned to Italy. But it was not important. After losing the 'spur' 1:3, we issued a series of el even championship matches without defeat. We were confident in Europe. Talks abo ut my contract remained unfinished, and I went on to score. The day before the g ame with "Valencia" Michael called me to announce a new contract. In October 199 9, the coach gathered the team and said that for reasons beyond the control of " United", we do not play in the FA Cup. England participated in the contest for t he adoption of the 2006 World Cup - the decision to host the FIFA World Champion ship took. Its leaders also wanted to "Manchester United" was played in the firs t world club championship to be held in Brazil in early January 2000. The govern ment and the Football Association had on the club pressure to force him to parti cipate in this tournament. For "United" lose-lose situation was: to offend FIFA,
FA and Government ... or ignore the world's oldest soccer competition, and hurt , as it turned out, almost everyone. The truth was that the FA Cup has lost its former glory, at least for me. Yes, the Cup went to our family and all those who worked at the club. The myth of "Wembley" folk tale about the exit of the locke r room in the tunnel, the red carpet, meeting with large "cones", a trip to the Royal Box for the medals, pat you on the back, royalty, receiving the most Cup it was all complete nonsense. We just wanted to win the Premier League and Cham pions League. Of course, this was his meaning. Traditions die hard in England. B ut they still die. When news came out that the holder of the FA Cup will not def end his title, started this brouhaha.We all let loose in a sad and important kin d of regretting the incident. But inside, I did not care. I delighted prospects trip to Brazil in January. Even if the so-called club world championship tournam ent seemed unlikely, in which it was necessary to give all power to win. We flew to Brazil in a good mood and wanted to win. You always want to win. We represen ted the "Manchester United". Coach reminded us of our responsibilities, requirin g us to prove the title of best club in the world. In Rio, it was hot. Situated on the beach. Tournament status was not all clear. "Nekaksa" from Mexico, "Vasco da Gama," Brazilian and Australian team, "South Melbourne" to be our rivals in the group stage. In our first game against the Mexican club updated, but still s habby stadium "Maracana" was empty. Wide concrete oval, which echoed our voices heard. Atmosphere - zero. Utter heat. Result - 1:1. The stadium was completed du ring our second game with the "Vasco da Gama", the local champion. Because of tw o unpardonable mistakes, Gary Neville, "Vasco" scored two easy goals. We lost 13. Finished. But no one cried. On different kind of reasons, our mission was imp ossible. Journalists who accompanied us were struggling to create the impression that we are here only to enjoy your vacation. Yes, that was it. But we kept it a secret. But at the same time we must comply with the Football Association, FIF A and the government. Coach let me rest a few players in a meeting with the "Sou th Melbourne", which we beat 2-0.
Upon returning from vacation, we had to concentrate on the game. Freed from the burden of the FA Cup matches, we can concentrate on the Premier League and Champ ions League. We had to play two important home game with the "Arsenal" and "Midd lesbrough". Meeting with the "Arsenal" has always been important. This time the match was of particular importance because of the criticism which has fallen upo n us.We played ugly - slowly gave way to fight in the important moments and play one ball, until Teddy had not saved us through the curtain leveling the game 1:1. Summarizing the meeting, Andy Gray of Sky Sport made the following observat ion: "We all waited and watched the play will be" United ". Players of "Arsenal" flew across the field, and "Manchester United" took an hour to start. Only Roy Keane was magnificent. Anyone have a video of this game, it can look and see how Keane made the team. He went out and began to start, and hard podnachivat play against an opponent. Suddenly, his team has risen, and this explains why Sir Ale x Ferguson decided to give him a huge salary to leave the "Old Trafford". " The next meeting with "Middlesbrough". Another dangerous game if you do not approach it with the right attitude. And so it happened. Our thoughts were still in Rio. 0-0, but we're still waiting for something. Jaap Stam a foul in the penalty are a penalty. In fact, Jaap touched the ball when Juninho tried to pass him. Judge Andy D'Arcy made a mistake. We run up to him and beg not to punish us. He steps back, and we are attacking. Photos of the now infamous incident are striking. Th ose crazy with the veins, forcing up around his neck - that's me. Later, I joked that if D'Arcy has ceased to run backwards, we would cease to pursue it. This i s no joke. I know that we were not right and I was the principal offender. Now I understand: despite the fact that Andy D'Arcy made a mistake, we did not have t o pour on him all our bile. We were to blame for the fact that the score was 0-0 . That's why I opposed our complacency, which has now been compounded by a mista ke of a judge. Mr. D'Arcy was a scapegoat. This was a reasonable explanation for what is happening. Unfortunately, you never thought wise in the game. At that l evel, where he played "Manchester United" Football is always cruel and merciless . There is no free lunch and a soft landing on arrival from Brazil.This is becau se we have come upon hard lessons. Fortunately, Mark Bosnich beaten off Juninho' s penalty kick. Beck also scored the winning goal three minutes before the final whistle. After this game we seem to have woken up, losing only one of the seven teen remaining matches of the championship. In fact the only lost match - with a score of 0-3, "Newcastle" - I was removed because of two warnings. I got one fo r arguing with referee, the other - a violation that I did not commit. We had a chance to win the Premier League at the time of our meeting with the "Real" in t he quarterfinals of the Champions League. In the first match in Madrid we had to run. They were good - Raul, Roberto Carlos, Morientes, advancing on us from all sides. They were sturdy fellows. The game brought pleasure to all who wanted to play at the highest level. "Bernabeu" was full - time fiesta. This evening, esp ecially in Spain and Italy, were remarkable - other sights, sounds and smells, c reating an exotic atmosphere. I have often wondered how it - great play for Euro pean clubs? In Madrid, we dug into the ground, ran, covered his players were pla ying soccer when the ball possession. Goalless draw was the appropriate result. In the second leg of the "Old Trafford" has been electrified. Meetings "Manchest er United" with "Real" have their own history, stretching back even further than the time before the disaster team Busby in Munich. "United" beat "Real" in the semi-finals in 1968. At this time, "Manchester United" as the "Real" showed itse lf in all its glory. The meeting turned out a classic, both teams created a lot of things. "Real" has earned an important guest goal when I sent the ball into h is own net past Raimond van der Gove, trying to stop the Wing backache. We have begun to escalate the situation at the gates of the opponent, but soon after the break, Raul scored the second goal and another couple of minutes. We've built a insurmountable obstacle. Despite the goals Becks and Paul Scholes, we were not able to overcome the "Real". Defeat always hurts, but at least we lost to a good team.Breakthrough Redondo and his departure from Henning Berg, after which he g ave one of the great chances to score passes, Raul, is a top-class football. It is to such world-class standards we need to strive for. Many aspects of the game "Real" surprised me. Incredible handling the ball. Saving movements, no useless
running around, each movement has a clearly defined goal. Raoul is waiting, lik e a partner, a polushansa. And uses it when he comes. Contestant played without passion and balanced, even when we were tough. They were so skillfully that we h ad no choice but to run for shade, as well as strong in the "physics" and hardy. I often watch Spanish football on Saturday nights. They have set the bar high, we need to take, go ahead and defend. Yes, it hurts to lose, but this game has g iven us so much to think about! But the main thing - we had to think about Scori ng draw that we had to score on the "Old Trafford". Should, but they were not. B efore and after the match with the "Real" We played with the "West Ham", "Middle sbrough", "Sunderland" and "Southampton". We defeated the "West Ham" - 7:1, beat 'Boro' Away - 4:3, "Sunderland" - 4-0 and won the league title, taking preceden ce over the "Southampton" from 3-1 on Saturday after how we won the "Real". Desp ite the easy victory in the Premier League, we are in danger in the form of self -deception. We could not defend the title winners of the Champions League. To be honest, I was not surprised. After taking the "treble" I knew it would be diffi cult to develop a hunger to be the first in the Premiership and the Champions Le ague next season. I was seized with doubt, yet when I stood in the dressing room at "Camp Nou" after the victory over the "Bavaria". River poured champagne, peo ple went crazy. Of course, this behavior was normal for human and understandable . But I felt, though not to say that we just lucky that we beat, "Bavaria" in th e evening. I could not say it in those circumstances. I have not made a contribu tion to the overall victory.So I, at least, I think. "Bavaria" voluntarily surre ndered the game, giving us all the cards. Maybe I'm just tediousness of the fact that I missed such an important game. If it were not jaundiced, Roy, let the ki ds will be happy to his achievement. But this argument was contradicted by anoth er thought: We were lucky when the other team gave up. When I hear the post-matc h interview, even more doubts plagued me. A couple of players told the press tha t after that they care about is whether they can win other trophies or not. Wow, I think. Maybe they're too overexcited, but what the hell, what do we do next y ear? It's all over? We made history. Now is the time to gather our things? It do es not matter if you do not win another trophy? Lord Jesus! Begin to think so, a nd you just do not win a single trophy. If it were not jaundiced, Roy tells me t he little voice inside of me.
What happened to Dwight Yorke after the night may have become the most dramatic example of our failure. But other players have passed, even though each of them is reflected in his own, softer and more quietly outside observer. Do not get me wrong. I like Yorkie, he a nice guy. But the "Old Trafford" rotten smell after a victorious evening when we received the "treble". In the following months for us constantly followed by his shadow, wherever we went. In the middle of next se ason, we were greeted like heroes that make history, surpassed the team in 1968, we called a team of the century. We have signed photos of the three prizes, spe aking of the great party that will never be forgotten. And no matter what we do now. It continues to this day! I come from it in anger. What's next, what about the other steps that will lead us to glory, not comparable to the Premier League and put on a par with "Real"? We were supposed to celebrate the evening and mov e on. But we did not. For this we will pay off.Defeated by "Real" was taken quie tly, because you can not win all the time. Why not? After all, "Liverpool," it w orked. The "Real" worked. The "Bianconeri" worked. The "Bavaria" worked. I keep your mouth shut. But not in communion with family and close friends. A couple of weeks after being defeated by "Real" I phoned my friend, season ticket holder a t "Old Trafford". He received a letter from the club, stating that the price inc rease is due to subscription costs to perform my new contract. "You sure about t hat?" - I asked him. "Yes," - he said, noting that keeps the letter in his hands . It was signed by the Secretary, "United" Ken Merrett. The next morning I went to the secretary. I asked if it was true that the rise in price season tickets d ue to my new contract? He assured me that everything was not so. I called my fri end and he said: "Roy, I will send you a letter." In one part of the letter was written: "All are deeply relieved when Roy Keane has agreed to sign a new contra ct, which guarantees that it will remain a player," Manchester United "for at le ast another three years. Retaining the loyalty to Roy, the club believes that it thus preserves the dedication and the fans. Fans of "Manchester United" are acc ustomed to the best. Therefore, our duty is, so we stayed at these positions, ho lding that we could be the best. Rising prices have never seen with joy, but we are confident that fans will understand the importance of what we put on our com petitiveness and ability to compete not only in the transfer market, but also pe rform tasks to retain our players at the club. " I was angry when he returned to Merrett. As he could not foresee what will people think? I put the letter on hi s desk, and then went to the coach. He agreed that the club acted incorrectly. N othing surprises me in football.But despite the disappointment befell me off the field, at the end of the season I was named best player of the year according t o the journalists. I was pleased the prize, but I knew that it would not mean an ything if we as a team will become complacent. Fabien Barthez was a good purchas e of the club in 2000/01. Eric is always positive comments about Fabien, who sto od at the gate of the French team that won the World Cup and Euro 2000. Watching the finals of Euro 2000, I decided to put in Italy. I am particularly fond of n ot gambling, but I really liked the Italians. I called the bookmaker Ladbrokes a nd put 5000 pounds on Italy. I proudly paid her a gold credit card. Bet is place d. The next morning, the coach gave me a hard time. "I do not know what you're p laying games of chance" - he said. "Yes, I do not play" - was my answer. "Fine. And what were you doing when yesterday put five "pieces" in Italy? " "Well, well ... I like them, Coach. " "But you were wrong, is not it?" Snitched on me. Mike Dillon of Ladbrokes friends with the coach. "In any case, only transactions wit h your gold credit card, it took fifty pounds. You do not want to play the game "- he said at the end of the conversation. "Oh, of course, with Ladbrokes, - I tho ught. In a match of the Cup season with "Chelsea" I was sent off for rough play against Gus Poyet. Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink fouls on me a few minutes earlier, an d he got away with it. We were only in the Cup of the season, but the meeting ha s stood the rough. Press vengeance scolded me. Why Keane was again in the middle of the action? The answer is simple. You can not afford to play the role of vic tim. If they try to play against you rude, intimidating, try your strength, you need to fight back and let them know that you and I be trifled with. You are doi ng their job and do not even think of giving up. You must protect yourself. In N ovember, we headed over the Premier League, eight points having come off from th
eir nearest pursuers.In the Champions League, we met with the Kiev "Dynamo" to " Old Trafford". Teddy brought us forward in the beginning of the match. But we pl ayed very badly. We needed to win to reach the second stage. In the second half of the meeting "Dynamo" We crushed. Five minutes before the final whistle, we al most flew out of the Champions League. They effortlessly come to our gate and br ought to the shock position Demetradze, but he missed from five yards. We were j ust glad to get away quickly from the field. We were close to the departure of t he tournament. Metastasis decay were rooted in the team. The fans did not notice anything until the joy. Interestingly, when we were under a real press in the s econd half, the stands were quiet. It seemed that they were protesting the lack of spectacle, for which came to the stadium. Full mesh balls, knocking the crap out of "Southampton", 4:0 or 5:0, and the joy they almost carried the stadium. B ut what about in times when you need moral support to the fans? After the match, it was my turn to communicate with the press. When asked about the game I gave the following answer: "A lot of people who come here have been asking us for thr ee or four goals, but it does not always happen. Our fans on the road deserve go od things, like fans of any other team, but during the home games you sometimes think, and if they understand the game of football? Some go to "Old Trafford", b ut I do not think they can even spell the word "football", not to mention his un derstanding. At the end of the day you should come and support your team. Visiti ng our fans are fantastic, I would have called them the most notorious fans, but at home they drink a little and maybe chew their sandwiches with shrimp and do not understand what is happening on the field. This is wrong. " My words of sand wiches with shrimp the next day appeared in many newspapers. I attributed that s upposedly I was referring to the fans in the VIP-boxes. In fact, it was not the case. The club had needed the money from the sale of seats in the VIPboxes. Such is life.In fact, I talked about all the fans, "United" in general, as in expens ive places, and on conventional stands, which could lose touch with reality. "Un ited" was endowed with a divine right to success. True, savvy football fans knew it.
Probably, I'm not just worried about the behavior of fans. Somewhere inside I fe lt the fear that we will degrade as a team. The atmosphere was not the same. Suc cess, especially in the Premier League, fueled complacency. Too many people were poisoned in the club treble. Memories, admiration, talk about legends and heroe s, the greatest team in the history of "United", etc. The words of Peter Schmeic hel that our team would have defeated the composition of the sample in 1968 with a score of 10-0, the culmination of idle talk . Hence, to hell, he know? From a ll this one can know? Then they were all great players of his time: Bobby Charlt on, Denis Law, George Best. But what we imagined myself saying that these player s would not have reached anything in modern football? "Treble" was history. But people did not want to know this. This situation was going to harm us. I felt it . I saw this on the training field. People were late for training, serving room, but won in the games with weak teams of the Premier League every week. And then - bang, Kiev "Dynamo", rather than Madrid "Real" almost knocks us out of the Ch ampions League. Looking around the locker room, I realize that it's still not a good shake. In early February, our leadership position in the Premier League of sixteen points. We finished with "Panathinaikos" and "Storm" in the Champions Le ague. Shining tip of the iceberg, but the water was all bad. April, leadership o f the thirteen points in the race with one participant. "Bavaria" come on "Old T rafford" in the first quarterfinal match of the Champions League. Signs of weakn ess are evident in a meeting with "Liverpool", who beat us 2-0 on the "Anfield" for three days before the match with "Bavaria". "Bavaria" - a good, professional team.They just will not let us get what we want. Effenberg, Scholl, Yeremis, hu nky hard in midfield, Elber and Paulo Sergio, comprising the line of attack the Brazilians, though not the best. This team, all the lines are perfect, they have no weaknesses. They built a coach Hitzfeld. They tell us too hard, Paulo Sergio , who replaced, scored the winning goal four minutes before the end of the meeti ng. They have gone far in comparison with 1999, but we also did not step forward . We can easily win a "Charlton" and "Coventry" before the second leg in Munich. Question about the winner has been practically settled, when Elber scored alrea dy after five minutes of the meeting. We are deceiving themselves. There was muc h talk and not enough doing. We got off the rails. We won the Premier League by a margin of ten points. Returning home from Munich, I was aching heart. We had t o spend big money on new players after the "treble", be ruthless, to get the bes t there is in Europe; refresh command, to fight complacency, to force those who did not care "whether they win another prize" to go a team that has never known victories. Maybe this team is already over. Including me. I have not done anythi ng in the Munich Games. I ran out of steam, was angry and devastated. I sucked s wamp the Premier League. Be better, Roy, or you perish. We came to practice on F riday. "Carrington", our new training stadium, was the dream of a professional. All you need for optimal training. Everything is fine. Tomorrow we play at home with the "Manchester City". His player Alfie Holland did not close his mouth: "I f Roy Keane so worried about rabid fans and VIP-boxes, why he would not pay cut? " (This was back before the game to "Maine Road" this season). I did not forget Alfie. Bryan Robson told me not to hurry. "You'll get your chance, Roy. Wait. " Another shitty game. An opponent is serious. We - no. "City" could go forward, b ut then Teddy has implemented a penalty. It remained for twenty minutes.Howie re stored the balance five minutes before the final whistle. I waited almost 180 mi nutes of Alfie, three years or as you like. Now he held the ball at the far edge . He seemed to be mocked. I waited a long time. He has, I believe, had a ball. T ake that, you bastard! And do not stop grinning and not over the fact that I was pretending. And tell your friend Uezerollu that I had prepared for him a gift. I did not wait until Elleray to show me the card. I turned and walked into the l ocker room. Soon after the match with "Bavaria" I went to Steve McLaren to share what is bothering me. Steve was a good coach, innovator, always seeking the bes t solutions. I respected him. He strove for the best. He was ambitious and hungr y to succeed. I told him about my feelings, that we are not the same and we have no one to play in the Premier League. "Arsenals", "Liverpool", "Chelsea" and "L eeds" just could not resist us. Because of this, we began to think that we are b etter than it actually is. He knew what I was saying. After the game in Munich,
I said to journalists that the current team, perhaps not so strong. Perhaps we n eed to dismantle it and to recruit new players to start all over again. "Keane s truck team-mates" read one headline the next day. I was referring to himself as well. I almost felt the same way complacent. Steve assured me that change must c ome soon. The coach is going to take a team of several leading players. He agree d with my characterization of our rivals in the Premier League. He also shared m y view that the new rules of the Champions League, enabling it to play the three best teams of internal championship, we need not fight for the title of the str ongest teams of the Premier League to be eligible to participate in the prestigi ous European Cup. If we do not need to win a championship, then if we can mainta in the mood of the team that reigns in it today?Fear of being in the arms of com placency at the age of twenty-nine, further distinguished himself, when we recei ved the prize for winning the Premier League, losing at home "Derby". The fans w ere happy for us. We bathed in the glory. We loved it. Then we lost the last two games. But one accomplishment still had to be noted. Alex Ferguson became the o nly coach in the history of England, has won three championships in a row with t he same club. He has earned his place in the history of the game. And it was all a little. Champions League Final in May 2002 to be held in Glasgow on "Hampden Park" - in his hometown coach. He set this goal before us for the new season. He also announced that it will be his last season at the club. Talks about his wor k in another incarnation in the "Old Trafford" were foiled. Nothing surprises me in football. Today you're here, tomorrow you have not this applies even to a ma n like Ferguson. We bought expensive players and made a good deal with free agen t. Juan Sebastian Veron came from the "Lazio" at least 28 million pounds. Seb wa s a world-class midfielder. Ruud van Nistelrooy, who acquired the club PSV Eindh oven for 19 million, was a striker with an impressive track record assists list. Laurent Blanc came to us on a free transfer. I've always admired this defender, who looked great in the France team that won the 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000. Everyone expected an immediate success, but football is not so simple. Especiall y for foreign players who are not accustomed to playing in England and a strange culture of everyday life. You can not expect miracles. Unfortunately, people we re waiting for instant results. When they attacked, the criticism fell upon the most serious.
Jaap Stam was sold for 15 million - the club made a profit of 5 million. The coac h has received for his portion of this criticism. Mainly for the fact that Laure nt acted hesitantly protection. He is too slow and can not adapt to the local fo otball team. Sale Stam was a mistake.Perhaps it was sold because of the recognit ion in his book that the coach kept him secret negotiations? I doubt it. I felt that, despite the fact that Jaap was a great guy, his abilities were limited to playing at the highest level. He acted superbly in the fight for the ball was fa st, and his presence was felt on the field. But he was weak in a positional game . Jaap hard to keep up with the best hitters. He has an instinctive flair was mi ssing, which is characteristic of the strongest defenders. I liked Jaap and his family. He was sincerely devoted to "Manchester United". He bought a house in Wi lmslow, which is directly on the road from our stadium. He was popular in the lo cker room. We are barely making ends meet in the first months of the championshi p. 0:1 defeat from the "West Ham" in his field in early December was the sixth o f the season. Simple calculations suggest that you can not lose five or six matc hes to become champion. There was no doubt that we understood the crisis. Most c ritical of arrows were fired in the direction of Laurent Blanc and Juan Verona. It was absolutely unfair. They said that they can not adapt to the Premiership. World-class players can not handle the legwork and pointless attacks? Nonsense. Laurent and Seb were excellent professionals, not so strong as the endurance to play the crazy rhythm of English football. Yes, it was necessary to adapt to it, but the best players meet more serious challenges than this. The team missed go als. Team. There was no need to point the finger at individual players. We drown or vyplyvem. Together. In the game, "Arsenal", for example, we all got off. Bar thez struggled kept us afloat. In the end, it still passed. But the rope led to the other players, including me. Other observers have attributed our loss of for m that the coach announced his retirement. Maybe this was something, but this co uld not explain the drop.In addition, the cause of the crisis seen in the fact t hat Steve McClaren moved to 'Middlesbrough' head coach. Steve was great. But I d o not think this explains everything. We no longer feel the desire to fight for victory. I remembered the feeling experienced in Barcelona, when we won the treb le. Suspicion turned to obsession. We have experienced the glory, became the her oes, we were damn living legends. We won the championship with a margin of ten p oints, what's the matter, Roy? I felt what it all goes. Lost the desire, he had neither one of us. At least, not sufficient. Instead of the very active going fo rward, we expected that one of our heroes will do everything for us. Next, Becks , bring us victory. Now I do. Scholes, your turn. Come on, Ryan. Seb, you are st anding 28 million pounds, could you win this match for us? Rood, come on, you wi ll get. Rude indeed scored some winning goals. Becks also chalked up some great goals (sixteen per season), besides several occasions he successfully assisted i n the attack. Ole, as always, was a lifesaver. While we all waited for the game of each other, significant progress has occurred. I understand both. In a match of the Cup season, "Liverpool" beat us 2-1. "Arsenal" also progressed. Now they had a great thirst for victory. More than we do. We started the championship wit h a heavy 3-2 victory over the "Fulham" in his field. Rival twice went ahead, bu t Ruud every once saved us. Then we played a draw with "Blackburn", which, like "Fulham", received a permit in the Premiership following last season. Another dr aw to the "Villa", before we dare terrible team "Everton". Happy days are back. In mid-September, playing at a party with "Newcastle United". We're losing 1-3. Giggs and compare Seb account. Shearer scored the winning goal eight minutes bef ore the final whistle. Lord Jesus! What a mess that I'm the worst! I take the ba ll to throw it out of.There is extra time, and we are deep in our half. Shearer keeps me from throwing the ball. He scoffs. I'm losing control of himself and to ss the ball to him. "You - a freak" - he grins. He says it's confident and compl acent. I ran after him, trying to grab his throat. He laughs. "You - a freak." F lashes a red card. Shearer rights. I - a freak. Caught in a trap. In the locker room everyone is silent. I blame "triumph." I can tell from the behavior of the coach that brought him to the point. He was too hurt to inflict punishment on me . I feel empty. Emptiness. Nothing. Only regret. Usually I find a justification, when wrong. It's me, and so on and so forth, I am, what is - and the rest of th
e nonsense of this kind. But not this time. I truly understand what led those wh o defended me in the past. Teresa, my family, coaches, kids club. This time, I h ave no excuses. Returning home, the coach did not say a word. Upon arrival at th e "Four Seasons" He wished me good night. I mumbled something in reply. "Do not do stupid things, Roy." That night I decided to give up. You just turned thirty, Roy. Go away, leave everything, go do something else. You need to stop inflicti ng pain to yourself and your loved ones, those with whom you work. I spoke to Te resa. She said that I will miss football. No, I will not, I replied. Any exercis e is better than this madness. Throw a fit, feel helpless, angry at the other ve nt. I felt that in the locker room no one understands my words about complacency , I lost the argument. Too many people rest on their laurels and have been happy with what they already have. Let it be as they want. It's not for me, so I need to go. The next morning at eight o'clock I was waiting for the coach near the " Carrington". This time it was too late. At 9.15, when I was about to leave, ther e was a coach. We entered the room and sat down. I told him I was going to go aw ay. "No, Roy, it's just momentum." "No, it's not that - I explained.- I do not d o their jobs, none of us can not cope with them - I can not take any more. " We talked, listened to my coach more. He understood it all. He agreed with my argum ents about the complacency that everything is falling apart, and that awaits us if we do not take decisive steps. I argued that all agreed and went home. I told him that I would not play the next match of the Champions League with the "Lill e". On Monday afternoon he came to see me coach. He sat down next to me and Tere sa. "Roy, you are correctly noted of poor performance and poor game. You would h ave made a reckless act, stepping out of football. Think about your family. " "I 've already decided to coach." "If you go now in the prime of life, you will reg ret it the rest of your life" - he insisted. Teresa stood at his side. "Play tom orrow, Roy. We will solve all problems. " "Coach, all of my being says I'm right . I feel like I'm doing wrong. I can no longer tolerate this bluff and rubbish. We deceive ourselves. " "Think, Roy. Come back tomorrow, if you want. "
Thinking and talking to Teresa, I decided to return to the club and play against the "Lille". I did it for Alex Ferguson. He stood by my side no matter what hap pened, and to leave now would be like that to give him a slap, but it's unlikely he needs, when and as the club are not doing better. We played hard against the "Lille". No high-priced power is not of this command, but after twenty minutes, we realized that we face a difficult match. Becks scored one goal in ninety min utes. One nil to the "Lille"! A few weeks later we went to La Coruna. Scholes br ought us ahead before the break. In the second half of the field rivals have add ed momentum. But we feel confident. It was not until six minutes before the end of the meeting, they are not equalized. In the last minute, Gary could not leave Naybeta offside - 1:2. We should not have to miss two goals in the last five mi nutes. Meeting with "Deportivo" in his field, found the degree of special import ance.My knee was aching - the same knee, which I upgraded. It truly ached when I went to warm up before a match with "Deportivo". I could not bend it or turn wi thout severe pain. "I can not play - I thought. - I need to play, because this g ame means so much, and you can not miss. " I gritted his teeth and held on the f ield all ninety minutes. It was crazy. Ruud brought us forward, but Fabien made two mistakes, and we lost 2:3, but in the end with "Deportivo" came out in the n ext step. But the exponential game was a meeting on "Enfield" in November. I did not play due to injury. "Liverpool" defeated 3-1, but could have scored six goa ls and all. We gave up. Now the "Liverpool" showed determination inherent in us when we wanted to. Owen, Gerrard, Murphy, Carragher, they were all true players 'Liverpool'. They fought for the ball with fury, and we are once again serving i ts own number. On that day, the difference between us and the rest leveled. Then , of course, followed by "Highbury" and another earful from the team, located on the rise. We could hardly attack by an opponent. Playing away with the "Arsenal " was fucking disaster. We have opened the score thanks to Paul Scholes. But imm ediately after the break, Gary Neville lost the ball near the center line of the field. Pires led to the shock position Freddie Ljungberg - 1:1. Gary says, and he is right that football - a team game, and we had many chances to correct his mistake. Fabien saved us, "Arsenal" is created moment by moment. Five minutes be fore the end of the game hit the ball poorly Fabien, and Henry scored a goal. Lo ng pass from Vieira allowed Henry to re-achieve success. Now all the bumps toppl ed by Fabien. Continued talking about who will replace coach. Capello, Hitzfeld, Martin O'Neill, Ericsson ... No need to once again say that I respect Alex Ferg uson. I did not want him to go from the club, and did not believe that the "Unit ed" will allow him to leave. At the same time, I was intrigued by the question a bout our future coach.We had to take some drastic measures to stop our fall - th at is exactly what happened to us. One day in late February, the coach told me t hat he thinks his decision to give up and stay. "You're crazy" - I laughed. But he was serious. He negotiated a new contract with management. I was happy. In tr uth, I could not imagine that he was going to play Saturday at the races, while his team - yes, his team came out on the field. He looked great, was full of ene rgy and lust for battle. Why not? He soon called a meeting of the team to offici ally announce his decision. Someone wrote that this meeting has taken a couple o f players away a tear and all that the coach began to applaud. In fact, only a c ouple of people clapped awkwardly as he left the room. He turned and said, "Fuck you to hell!" - Thinking that we laugh at him. Of course, everyone was very hap py. The turning point came too late, so we can save the season. There were games , important games that we won only on the class. Ruud scoring goals almost every time it wanted. Fabien saved us in many games. But his glaring errors, though t hey were rare, anointed him in the overall excellent performance of the season. I pulled hamstring in another match with "Deportivo" over kotorymmy prevailed in both games, quarter finals - 2-0 and 3-2. Four weeks on the sidelines. I was ab le to return to the first semi-final match with the "Bayer", coming on as substi tute. We played a draw - 2-2, that was not quite good, bearing in mind the next meeting at a party, but at least we still had a chance to get into the final. I went into the second leg in the starting lineup and the twenty-eighth minute goa l scored. At the end of the first half, "Bayer" equalized. That was enough for t hem - 1:1. We could not take one more step to this glory. We calmed down that wo
n the "treble". We were lulled complacency, which appeared due to recent success es.Last season we deserved something deserved - nothing. After the game I looked at the dressing room. Some of the players are not really experienced the bitter ness of defeat. Laurent felt ugly. I was sorry to Cebu. He and his price of 28 m illion pounds has become the scapegoat for a failed our season. Others managed t o escape punishment. To lay the blame on Cebu. Too easy. And wrong. Glory, a bel ief in invincibility, bloated in the press, cost us dearly. Watch "Rolex", garag es full of cars, fucking home, security for life - we forgot about the game, los t the desire, which brought us the "Rolex", cars and houses. The penultimate gam e of the season in which we met in his field with the "Arsenal", but even more e xposed existing problems in our team. The men against children. They just killed us. We could not and to come close to their goal. They could not even force the m fight. We slid into the abyss - that there was no doubt. That's where we come from. Heroes of yesterday's day. Mick McCarthy was replaced as coach of Ireland' s Great Jack in February 1996. Before that he coached, "Millwall". He was famili ar with the Irish team and suited to the role of coach. He and I were never clos e friends. McCarthy, Peki Bonner, Gerry Peyton and David O `Leary were the main players in the Republic of Ireland. I was one of the guys are always sitting in the rear seat bus. The big boys used to go together for supper, but we preferred to drink beer. McCarthy was part of the legend of Charlton. "Captain Fantastic" . Their first game under the guidance of McCarthy, I spent the qualifier against Russia on the "Lansdowne Road." Captain in that match was Andy Townsend. When A ndy was replaced captain's armband passed to me. I was sent off for that hit Rus sian footballer. "Disgrace Keane" - read one of the headlines the next day. Beca use of the injuries I've missed a few games. But the newspapers said that I did not want to play for his country. Such talk makes me protest.To me there were mo re Irish than the whole of this patriotic bravado surrounding the national team of
Ireland. Having missed a few games, I was summoned to a World Cup qualifying mat ch against Iceland national team, which we spent at home. McCarthy has put me in my place last defender. Ketel Derven, a friend of McCarthy wrote in a column th is morning in which he accused me of betraying my own country and urged the fans boo me when I show up in the field. Someone took his advice, but not many. We p layed a draw - 0:0. We could not get into the final of the 1998 World Championsh ips, held in France, losing to Belgium in the play-offs. If we beat the national team of Iceland in Dublin, we went to the championship. To be fair to McCarthy, he was able to change the game style team. He insisted that we played in a pass . I was happy to play all ninety minutes. When Andy Townsend left the team, I wa s appointed captain. We were close to having to go to the European Championship 2000 in Holland and Belgium, but lost to Turkey in the regular play-offs. The dr aw for the qualifying groups, the 2002 World Cup has placed Ireland in a difficu lt group. Portugal and Holland were dangerous. We had to play their first two ma tches on the road with these teams. After the draw the World Cup, I had arranged to meet with McCarthy in Manchester. He came to my house. As captain, I decided to stick with him on one level, to prove to him the need for reform. Should try to do everything right to decide all the details. We discussed existing problem s. He agreed with me. "Of course, you're right" - he said. Above all, we raised questions diets. The "United" and other leading clubs knew that pasta, fruits an d various cereals were the best dishes to prepare for the games. It was clear th at a diet the day before the match was more important than food on game day.Nutr itionists are so thoroughly studied the science of preparation for the match, we knew that it was better to eat three hours before the game, than four. He agree d with everything. I thought that we hit on his hands. But everything seems to b ecome only worse. We spent his first qualifying match against Holland in Amsterd am. The day before the game we were supposed to hold a training session at the s tadium, "Ajax". We had to eat before leaving the hotel. I went to a restaurant a nd saw a few guys from the team sitting at the table and eat sandwiches with che ese. I could not believe my eyes. We discussed diet. Fucking cheese sandwiches and a half hours before the workout! Twenty-four hours before an important qual ifying match. From Holland. I approached the table where sat the leaders of the team. "Where's the pasta, fruit and cereal?" - I asked. Silence. When I was in d isgust turned to leave, there was a voice: "You had to order it myself." It was Ian Evans, McCarthy's right hand. I returned to my room. God, I'm that wasted th eir time? On "Old Trafford" coach listened to everything, wanted to know your op inion about everything, about every detail that could give us any sort was an ad vantage. "You had to order it myself." I did. After I talked to Mick McCarthy an d Burne, our doctor about pre-match preparation. I ordered a pizza, which are so ld to go, because the hotel could not make anything better for the remaining tim e. When we arrived at the stadium, McCarthy came to me. "What's wrong with you?" - He asked. "What's wrong with me? - I replied. - What happened to me? We, the fuck, play with the Netherlands tomorrow in World Cup qualifying match! Do you t hink that Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink is now eating these fucking sandwiches with ch eese or pizza takeaway fucking? " We were in the match 2-0. The Dutch were quarr eling among themselves, as it usually happens with them, but we made them sweat. But in the second half, they threw in a fight all his strength.We managed to ke ep the tied score - 2:2. I was disgusted. In this group, we needed every point t hat they could take. We just lost two points. Yet around happy. In Portugal, we have also played a draw - 1:1. Players have continued to surprise and get a resu lt against all the hand. Despite the fact that we had to work hard in the game w ith Cyprus in the end we achieved victory. I scored two goals. Now, I wound up. Despite everything, I wanted to go to the World Cup. I wanted it more than befor e the US-94. We had some good young players: Robbie Keane, Damien Duff, Stephen Carr, Steve Finnen, Shay Given, but also some good professionals: Mark Kinsella, "Stan" - Staunton, large Quinn, Kenny Cunningham. We had enough capacity to set ourselves big problem. The spirit in the team was magnificent. We always have a chance to win, and we tried, but effort is half the battle in the international matches. We went to the World Cup, finishing second in the group and won the pl ay-offs with Iran. I have a sore knee. I have not played for the "United" three
and a half weeks before the first match at "Lansdowne Road." I told Alex Ferguso n that really want to play for the team. He was afraid that I have exacerbated a n injury and will not be able to help the team in the Champions League. The fate of the club and coach in the league was hanging by a thread, but, as always, sh owed his best traits. "Okay, Roy, I know how you need it. Come and play the home game, and if you achieve the desired result, you can skip the return match. It' s a deal. " We beat Iran 2-0. Their team has not shown a good game. I could not imagine that they would have won Ireland by a margin of three goals in the secon d match. My knee ached during the match. The next morning I was defeated. Phoned the coach. I told him everything. He talked to McCarthy. No problem, he agreed. I could go back to "Old Trafford" and receive treatment. ... We arrived in Kore a. The hotel is great.We rest on Sunday. In the evening McCarthy gathers the tea m. We have a problem. We have not received any training equipment, no medicines and medical equipment. A special liquid, which we need to acclimatize, and no. N o one knows what time we start training. McCarthy said that we just Let us jog. That evening I went to McCarthy. In his room was quiet. "What does it all mean, Mick?" - "They brought me" - he says. "Who are they?" - I thought and told him t hat everything necessary should have been here two weeks ago. We at the World Ch ampionships. The next morning, we wander around the hotel, trying to understand how we continue to be. In the end, we sit in a bus to go to the training field. Glade is similar to the concrete floor, with ruts. Rocks scattered everywhere. M e with my sores on such a field to play dangerously.
On Monday evening, our luggage arrived. Next to the truck had been parked for ir rigation. The band width of the field about twenty yards is buried under water. The rest of it was, as always, is stiff as stone. It was dangerous play. I laugh ed. We still had a workout, whose organization has been very badly. As always. F ucking farce. As always, a farce. Lee Carsley and Steve Finnen injured on the so -called field. Such training could not serve the cause of all our lives. Have yo u an idea of the Germans, Frenchmen, Italians and British, working in such condi tions? Or Spanish, the Paraguayans - all except the Irish? When I returned to th e hotel, it felt empty. I've had enough. It's not for me. I'm not trained for th is purpose by the sweat of the season. In the hotel I took a shower to cool off. Coming out of the room, I met McCarthy in the corridor. "Can I talk to you, Mik e?" - "Yes, yes, but what's the matter?" - "I've had enough. I want to go home. " - "What do you mean?" - "I'm going home." - "Are you sure that the right thing ?" - "Yes, and do not try to convince me. Just let me go. " "Why?Because of me, training, field? " Of course, I ought to give an affirmative answer is: because of you, training for such training. All of this was a disgrace. But I did not sa y anything. "No, I just deal with me. I've had enough. " - "Excellent, excellent , - he said. - What should I tell the press? "-" Tell them ... personal problems . " We agreed that Eddie Corcoran (responsible for logistical support), I will b ook the plane tickets. We shook hands. "Let all three of us left" - I told him. "Yes, of course," - he agreed. I went for a walk. When I returned I went to my d octor Mick Burne. "What happened to Roy?" "I've had enough, Mike. I can not stan d it. This is not just a bad dream - this is the worst nightmare. I love to trai n in full force, working in full force. I like jokes, fun night, drinking. But t his World Cup ... "A few minutes later we sat in silence. "I know Mike, I would have to wait until the championship and bite their tongue." "Roy, wait until aft er the championship. Give me fix it. " "In hell, - I answered him. - Come on. Te ll McCarthy, I'll wait until the end of the tournament. " "Excellent" - said Mic k. Two minutes later, Mick McCarthy back with. He was set up pretty aggressively . "What's going on, Roy?" "I thought that I had to wait for the tournament. I wa nt to stay. " "I called Colin Healy to replace it has arrived and you" - he said . "How fast" - I thought. There was a pause. Now I was somewhat embarrassed. I l iked Colin, he's a great guy. Maybe he deserved his time. "Oh Okay - I said. - M aybe you're right. I'll fly. Let's leave everything as is. " "I'd like you to th ink about me" - he said. "Mick, I'm uncomfortable with the whole thing. I can te ll by your behavior that you prefer my decision ... "But somewhere deep in my su bconscious, I thought, maybe I have the right to change the decision, maybe I de serve the privileges of doubt.Because people often change their decision. "Come on then all leave, Mike, I'm going back." "So - he said. - What would you like t o hear from me? " "You're a coach, you and decide." He said nothing. Left the ro om. Yes, I know that there have been a child that does not speak in my favor. Bu t something happened that had happened. I felt that I needed to talk. I was hesi tant. I desperately wanted to play. But I could not tolerate any nonsense. Of th ese situations no one comes out a hero. I walked into the room Mick Burne. "Tell him I'm leaving." In fact, I would like decent and generous response: You made a mistake, let her forget it. Soon everyone knew what had happened. I got a call from England, Michael. We talked. I told him everything. It reminded me of the consequences of my departure. I told him that, perhaps, due to the fact that I s tay, there will be his, and other effects. I just go crazy. Michael asked me to call Alex Ferguson. The coach kept in touch with Michael. He knew. "The coach is on vacation in Malta - Michael said. - Call him on a mobile phone. " "No, Micha el." "Roy, you have to do it for him." I talked to the coach for an hour. I told him everything. He agreed that everything seemed like a farce. Like Michael, he spoke again about the consequences of my decision. Alex Ferguson also agreed th at I have the right to change his mind. Shortly before eight o'clock in the door there was a knock. It was Mick Burne. "Roy, you have three minutes to decide. W e need to send a fax to the composition of teams in FIFA ". "I stay" - I said. A t lunch the next day, McCarthy called a team. "In recent days, many things have happened. Now we must forget everything we need to continue to do their job. " " Yes - I thought. - I really want to play at the world championships. His tongue.
" I agreed to two interviews with Tom Humphries and Paul Kimmedzhom. I respect these two guys. With them interesting to talk to. They ask interesting questions , under a peculiar angle, but not like that:"Who will win? And such and such a g ood player? "They had a talent for the interviewer. They asked the usual questio ns. I just answered them. On Thursday morning about 7:45 I called Tom Humphries. The difference in time from Dublin is eight hours, and the newspaper Irish Times is about to come out in print.
"Roy, can I meet with you to see this interview and make sure that all have desc ribed it?" I went down, read the article and gave a positive response. I was gra teful to Tom that he had asked me about it. The article appeared on Thursday mor ning. It was just transferred everything I felt. I thought that people in my cou ntry have a right to know the truth. Thousands of them have bought expensive thi ngs to do to support us at the World Championships, my brothers and cousin also were going to fly. For them, this trip was important in life. Millions more will watch the matches at home, as I in 1988 and 1990. Do people deserve to disrespe ct themselves? They spent their money earned through hard work, for which we wer e paid, and we should offend them in every possible public relations moves. Mayb e we should pay tribute to them and pay debts. For example, how to unite and go to goal. And tell them the truth here and now. As a captain, "Manchester United" I often make such statements when I think it's time to tell the public about wh at is happening. The secret veil surrounding the events in the Republic of Irela nd was hanging too long. At 6:30 I went to dinner. At the table, one of the lead ers were not. We were told that the meeting will be held at 7:30 the team. I kne w what was happening. Article Tom. At 7.30 the restaurant came to McCarthy. The remaining team leaders were also with him. "Okay, guys, we need to be nominated tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning. Pack your bags and attach labels to th em. And while we are here, - he continued - I would like to listen to anyone who wants to express something that he does not like. " I knew what he was getting at.But I was calm - my conscience was clear. After I told him everything eye to eye. As team captain I've already said, and there was no need to repeat. Everyon e felt that the scandal afoot. All know what the meeting is held. He's going to deal with me in front of everyone. Be an adult. I was calm. "Roy, you seem to no t like something." "Well, Mike, - I said. - Why you could not start right away w ith this? We talked about it among themselves. Why do not we continue this conve rsation apart from the others? " "You did it himself, introduced the people" - h e said, holding a newspaper article Humphries behind him. "What do you mean" mad e by people '? " "This is an interview in Times . "Hey, I saw this interview. I prom ised Him on a Sunday, I'd give him an interview. I talked to him yesterday. I do not reject a single word. Interview excellent. " "You went against his partners - he repeated. - Have you ever wanted to play for his country. You had to go to Iran, while he pretended to be injured, so as not to play for my country. " Now , he went into a rage. "You know, that's not true - I replied. - Did you talk to my coach, and you knew that I was not in shape before the match against Iran in Dublin. You yourself thanking me for what I came to Dublin. You agreed that the 2-0 - a great result. " I was furious - he was distorting the facts, "You know the whole truth. You are a liar! " In the worst movie I was supposed to be a bad character. I sat and listened to the most unbelievable and despicable allegatio ns. I was accused of having faked that injury. No, I can not tolerate this. Of t his deceiver. McCarthy runs onto the field after our draw with Portugal in the q ualifying match and hugged me. "Just hold on to me, Roy, fifteen seconds. Let us photographed together. I'm going to look great. " "You - fucking goat. I though t you were a good player. I do not think you're a good coach and I do not think you're a good man.You - fucking a goat and you can poke yourself this World Cup in the ass. I do not have any respect for you. " "If you do not respect me, I do not think you can play on my team." After that I got up and left. People say th at Alex Ferguson would never not talk. Wrong. If Sir Alex Ferguson has accused m e of faking an injury, I would have told him where to go. Throughout his career, including the match against Iran in Dublin, I spent a lot of meetings, playing through pain. For me, the most serious charge that could only come up with was t he fact that I had feigned injury. When I went to my room, I realized that he go t what he wanted. It was set up. He intentionally podnachival me, waiting for a response. Humiliation in front of all the players - what he wanted. Maybe even h e did not expect this. Soon there was a knock at the door. Stan and Quinn. "Why the hell should these puppets?" - I thought. "Roy, we can not believe your words , we can not believe what happened" - said Quinn. Again, Quinn: "We can not beli eve that you miss the World Cup. We stand behind you. " "Thanks guys, you all th e best" - I said, watching them from the room. I still did not know that they ha
ve with McCarthy gave a press conference before come to me and express their sym pathy. Alan Kelly came. "Roy, you, in my opinion, gone too far - he said to me. But then he continued: - You are entitled to their opinion. " The phone rang. It was Michael Kennedy. "You just kicked out" - he said. "Lord, Michael, how quick ly spread news." Was only 8.15. "This is stated in the newsletter." "What? Alrea dy? "I turned to Kells:" Everything is already in the news at home. " "Yes, - he said. - We held a press conference - I, Stan, Neil and Mike. Immediately after the meeting. Mike asked us to stand beside him and support him. I expressed my o pinion. Perhaps you will despise me. " "No, Alan, you have a right to their opin ion." That's it.I called the "United". I explained to Ann Wylie, who picked up t he phone that I needed to get home as quickly as possible. The next chapter in t he book of my life closed. What I experienced before the World Cup, even more co mpelled to respect the club, for which I played even more help to understand his greatness. I have more friends with friends - old and new - and strengthened th e friendship that has been the cornerstone of my life.
else the possibility of reconciliation had been exhausted, when the Rep Ireland players have signed the statement that I should not return to t I'll just stop. I can only guess as to who came up with this statement. forced the young people under him to sign. I hope that once again will Ireland. But not with McCarthy. Like me, he chose his own way.