Computer Science Department Portal
Computer Science Department Portal
Computer Science Department Portal
The proposed system is to make an online web portal for Computer Science Department, so that everyone can get information about department, students can easily communicate with teachers from anywhere. Teachers can easily communicate with the students, and can keep records of every student easily and efficiently. The proposed system could be accessed from any corner of the world on net.
Faculties: This module gives profile information of various faculties associated to the department. It gives profile information of all the faculties. Anyone can contact to these faculties and post queries to them. They can upload E-books and other reading materials. They can post notices to the students and also view the notices from the administrator.
Students: This is a separate webpage for students. They can view, edit, and update their profile from anywhere. Student can download documents as well. They can view faculty profile and even post queries to the faculties. The can also generate their Resume They can view notices by the Admin.
Administrator: The administrator has the central control over the whole portal. He can access the students and faculties information directly. He will create the student and faculty profiles which they can later on edit. He can respond to the queries of the faculties. He can post notices which will be accessible to the both the faculties and the students. He will handle the number of students and incase any student or faculty leaves he will edit the record accordingly.
Database Tables
Field Name UserID Password Status Description int(10) PK Varchar(30) Varchar (5)
Field Name UserID RollNo Batch Branch Degree JoiningYear Description int(10) primary key int(10) int(4) Varchar(30) Varchar(10) int(4)
Note: Batch is the year of passing , Joining Year is the Year in which the student
Field Name UserID Department Degree JoiningYear Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30) Varchar(20) int(4)
Note: Department is the department in which the faculty teaches , Joining Year is the
Field Name UserId Name DOB Gender Address Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30) int(10) varchar(6) varchar(50)
MobNumber Email
Int(10) Varchar(20)
Field Name UserId Name DOB Gender MobNumber Email Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30) int(10) varchar(6) Int(10) Varchar(20)
Field Name UserId AcdAchvmt Sports Cultural Others Graduation Inter HighSchool Description int(10) primary key Varchar(150) Varchar(150) Varchar(150) Varchar(150) Int (5) Int (5) Int (5)
Field Name UserId PrgmLanguage Database OS Software OtherSkill IndustryExp AcademicProject Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30) Varchar(30) Varchar(30) Varchar(30) Varchar(30) Varchar(150) Varchar(150)
PrgmLanguage is the Programing Language known. Database is the databases known. OS is the OS known. Software is the softwares known. OtherSkill is the Other skills the person knows.
Field Name UserId Title Content Type Date Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30) Varchar(30) varchar(8) Int(10)
Admin Module:
1. Add Students and Faculty Details : Create a form for administrator to add new student/Faculty. And insert new entry on LoginMaster table. This form has 1drop down list for 2. Delete/Edit the details selection of student or faculty.
Create a form where all students/faculty are display on the combo and the admin can select any student and can delete any of the student/faculty from the LoginMaster table. 3. Upload Notice Create a page with 1 text field for title of the notice and text area for the content of the notice. The page should also contain a combo to choose for whom the notice is for. 4. Delete/Edit the details Create a form where all notice title are display on the combo and the admin can select any notice and can delete/edit any of the notice.
Student Module:
1. Create An profile(Registration): Create a form where the user can create an enter the details of academics and extra curricular activites the profile is is in editable mode. .
2. Resume Builder Create a page which will generate a resume based on the data entered 3. Notice board: by the student in the profile.
Create a page which will have a combo box from which the student can choose which notice he wishes to see either by the admin or by 4. Faculty page: Create a page which will contain the list of the faculties sorted 5. Ebooks page alphabetically and each entry serves as a link to the faculty profile. In this form user can download the ebooks uploaded by the faculties 6. Scrap Space: the are also sorted by their name. the faculty.
Each student should have his own scrap space where the response to their queries is posted.
Faculty Module:
1. Create An profile(Registration): Create a form where the faculty can create an enter the details of academics and extra curricular activites the profile is is in editable mode. .
2. Notice : Create a page with 1 text field for title of the notice and text area for the content of the notice. The page should also contain a combo to 3. Students page: choose for whom the notice is for.
Create a page which will contain a combo box from which the faculties can choose to view the profile of the students of the 4. Upload ebooks page In this form user can upload the ebooks for the students it will have a 5. Scrap Space: posted. combo to decide for whom the ebook is to be uploaded. respective batch.
Each faculty should have their own scrap space where the queries is 7. Notice board: The faculty should be able to view the notices uploaded on the 8. Delete/Edit the details common notice board.
Create a form where all notice title are display on the combo and the admin can select any notice and can delete/edit any of the notice.