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Comment' 5he word 3OBC, spelled with all capital letters is the name o# /od, Jehovah. ;or more in#ormation about /odEs name 0o to the article titled 3OBC, 8ebrew 5etra0rammaton. !n prophec", John the baptist was to prepare the world to receive /od 6lmi0ht". !n realit", John prepared the world #or Jesus, preachin0 the messa0e o# repentance. John did not make a mistake, he knew that Jesus was Jehovah /od 2oinin0 the human race. !saiah @,'A. -- 7e#ore me ever" knee will bowD b" me ever" ton0ue will swear $>rophec"+. >hilippians A'9-%% -- >rophec" #ul#illed' 5here#ore /od e1alted him to the hi0hest place and 0ave him the name that is above ever" name, %& that at the name o# Jesus ever" knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, %% and ever" ton0ue con#ess that Jesus Christ is 3ord, to the 0lor" o# /od the ;ather $!saiah @,'A. prophec" re#errin0 to Jesus+. Comment' !saiah @,'A. quotes /od to sa" that ever" knee will bow...ever" ton0ue will swear. !n the previous verses /od stated' ...there is no /od apart #rom me, a ri0hteous /od and a FaviorD there is none but me...there is no other. !n >hilippians, >aul, a >harisee, uses this same lan0ua0e to re#er to Jesus. 8e understood scriptureEs description o# /od as a solitar" spirit, a lone soverei0n. 8e also knew that appl"in0 this scripture to Jesus was the same as callin0 him the onl" true /od. !n essence, >aul was sa"in0 that Jesus was the onl" /od and Favior, become a man. !saiah @@':--5hus saith the 3OBC the )in0 o# !srael, and his redeemer the 3OBC o# hostsD ! am the #irst, and ! am the lastD and beside me there is no /od. !saiah @G'%A--8earken unto me, O Jacob and !srael, m" calledD ! am heD ! am the #irst, ! also am the last. Bevelation AA'%., %:-- ! am the 6lpha and the Ome0a, the ;irst and the 3ast, the 7e0innin0 and the =nd. Comment' /od declared throu0h !saiah that he was the #irst and the last, but Jesus went #urther with his declaration b" claimin0 to be the 6lpha and Ome0a, #irst and last, be0innin0 and end. 8ow man" #irsts and lasts are there? 5he onl" accurate e1planation is #ound in the #act that Jesus is 6lmi0ht" /od incarnate. Jesus is the ima0e o# the invisible /od 8ebrews %'. -- 5he Fon is the radiance o# /odEs 0lor" and the e1act representation o# his bein0, sustainin0 all thin0s b" his power#ul word. 6#ter he had provided puri#ication #or sins, he sat down at the ri0ht hand o# the <a2est" in heaven. A Corinthians @'@ -- 5he 0od o# this a0e has blinded the minds o# unbelievers, so that the" cannot see the li0ht o# the 0ospel o# the 0lor" o# Christ, who is the ima0e o# /od. Colossians %'%, -- 8e is the ima0e o# the invisible /od, the #irstborn over all
creation. Comment' 6ccordin0 to John @'A@, /od is spirit. 3uke A@'.9 tells us a spirit has no #lesh or bone. 6ll scripture con#irms that /od, in the Old 5estament, was invisible. (o man has seen /od $John %'%G+D but Jesus is described as the e1act representation o# /od, the ima0e o# /od, and the ima0e o# the invisible /od. 5he spirit o# /od that never permanentl" occupied a bod" or #orm be#ore, took on the #orm o# a man b" becomin0 the person o# Jesus Christ. 8e was no lon0er invisible, untouchable, without #orm, now he dwelt amon0 us. 7oth /od 6lmi0ht" and man' born in 7ethlehem as Jesus Christ. Jesus came to save us #rom our sin <atthew %'A% -- Fhe will 0ive birth to a son, and "ou are to 0ive him the name Jesus, because he will save his people #rom their sins. John %'A9 -- 5he ne1t da" John saw Jesus comin0 toward him and said, 3ook, the 3amb o# /od, who takes awa" the sin o# the worldH John .'%? -- ;or /od did not send his Fon into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world throu0h him. 8ebrews ?'A? -- ...8e sacri#iced #or their sins once #or all when he o##ered himsel#. ! John %'? -- 7ut i# we walk in the li0ht, as he is in the li0ht, we have #ellowship with one another, and the blood o# Jesus, his Fon, puri#ies us #rom all sin. ! John .', -- 7ut "ou know that he appeared so that he mi0ht take awa" our sins. 6nd in him is no sin. Comment' 5he name o# Jesus in (ew 5estament /reek is !esous $e-a"-soosE+. 5he ori0in o# JesusE name is #ound in the Old 5estament names Joshua, Jehoshuah, or Jehoshua, pronounced YehowshuwaI $"eh-ho-shooE-ah+D or Yehowshua. 5hese names mean Jehovah-saved, Jehovah saves, Jehovah saviour. 5he name o# Jesus was not decided upon in an arbitrar" #ashion as most childrenEs names are. JesusE name was decided based upon his mission in li#e, and his mission was determined #rom the #oundation o# the world48e was to save us #rom our sins $Bevelation %.'G+ with one sacri#ice #or all time. 5he si0ni#icance o# the name o# Jesus does not end with his mission in li#e. !t is also #ound in the #act that Jesus is Jehovah. 5he one true /od, who stretched out the heavens alone, and spread out the earth b" himsel# $!saiah @@'A@+, came to earth to save us b" livin0 as Jesus Christ. /od did not send someone else to save the world...he came himsel#. Jesus is the Fon o# /od >salm A'? -- ! will proclaim the decree o# the 3OBC' 8e said to me, You are m" FonD toda" ! have become "our ;ather $6lso 8ebrews %',+. <atthew %'%G -- 5his is how the birth o# Jesus Christ came about' 8is mother <ar" was pled0ed to be married to Joseph, but be#ore the" came to0ether, she was #ound to be with child throu0h the 8ol" Fpirit. John .'%: -- ;or /od so loved the world that he 0ave his one and onl" Fon,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal li#e. John %@'AG--...!# "ou loved me, "ou would be 0lad that ! am 0oin0 to the ;ather, #or the ;ather is 0reater than !. <atthew .'%? -- 6nd a voice #rom heaven said, 5his is m" Fon, whom ! loveD with him ! am well pleased. <att A:':.-:@ -- 7ut Jesus remained silent. 5he hi0h priest said to him, ! char0e "ou under oath b" the livin0 /od' 5ell us i# "ou are the Christ, the Fon o# /od. Yes, it is as "ou sa", Jesus replied. Bomans %'@ -- ...and who throu0h the Fpirit o# holiness was declared with power to be the Fon o# /od b" his resurrection #rom the dead' Jesus Christ our 3ord. Comment' 5he sonship o# Jesus was predetermined in the mind and plan o# /od #rom eternit", but he did not reall" e1ist until he was born in 7ethlehem. 6s m" mentor Bobert Fabin described, when a homebuilder looks at blueprints o# his #uture home, the" see the plans #or the bathroom and sa", 5hereEs the bathroom. 5he" can see it in their mindEs e"e, but it doesnEt e1ist "et. 5he plan o# JesusE birth, li#e, sacri#ice, and death was similar. You mi0ht sa", /od had a blueprint o# salvation that was so real to him he could see it as thou0h it alread" e1isted. Bomans @'%? tells us /od...calls thin0s that are not as thou0h the" were. >salm A'? $quoted above+ in the )J* states this da" have ! be0otten thee. Jesus was /odEs son, his onl" son4he had a birthda" which means there was a time when he did not e1ist. 5he spirit o# /od is eternal, without be0innin0 or end. <an is not eternal. 6s a man, Jesus had a be0innin0. 5he humanit" o# Jesus died as a sacri#ice #or our sins at Calvar". 5he spirit o# the risen Christ, humanit" and divinit" to0ether will never end. Fince the #irst Christmas da", Jesus will alwa"s be /od, and /od will alwa"s be man. % Corinthians %,'AG describes a time when /od will be all, and in all. 5he sonship o# Jesus as mediator to the human race will no lon0er be necessar" when there is no more sin, no more death, no more sorrow. Jesus will alwa"s be /odEs onl" be0otten son. Jesus is both the creator and descendant o# Cavid !saiah %%'%--6 shoot will come up #rom the stump o# JesseD #rom his roots a 7ranch will bear #ruit. <atthew %'A-A:--Fee this te1t #or the linea0e o# 6braham to Cavid, and Cavid to Jesus. <atthew AA'@%-@:--While the >harisees were 0athered to0ether, Jesus asked them, @A What do "ou think about the Christ? Whose son is he? @A 5he son o# Cavid, the" replied. @. 8e said to them, 8ow is it then that Cavid, speakin0 b" the Fpirit, calls him I3ordE? ;or he sa"s, @@ I5he 3ord said to m" 3ord' Fit at m" ri0ht hand until ! put "our enemies under "our #eet. E @,!# then Cavid calls him I3ord,E how can he be his son? @:(o one could sa" a word in repl", and #rom that da" on no one dared to ask him an" more questions.
Bomans %'. -- ...re0ardin0 his Fon, who as to his human nature was a descendant o# Cavid.... Bevelation ,', 5hen one o# the elders said to me, Co not weepH Fee, the 3ion o# the tribe o# Judah, the Boot o# Cavid, has triumphed. 8e is able to open the scroll and its seven seals. Bevelation AA'%: -- !, Jesus, have sent m" an0el to 0ive "ou this testimon" #or the churches. ! am the Boot and the O##sprin0 o# Cavid, and the bri0ht <ornin0 Ftar. Comment' When Jesus declares he is the Boot and O##sprin0 o# Cavid, he is e1posin0 two #acts' %+ Cavid is descended #rom Jesus and A+ Jesus is descended #rom Cavid. 8ow can this be? Jesus, the human, did not e1ist actuall" be#ore Cavid, but the spirit o# /od did. 5he Boot is the Fpirit o# /od. 5he Fpirit that spoke the worlds into e1istence out o# nothin0. 5he same Fpirit that selected Cavid as kin0 and then blessed his kin0dom. !t was that Fpirit which overshadowed <ar" to become the #ather o# Jesus. 5he Fpirit o# /od then took on the identit" o# Jesus, b" livin0 in him. JesusE human ancestr" is traced back to Cavid and 6braham. 8is bloodline comes directl" #rom /od. Jesus is the Fpirit o# /od #rom the Old 5estament who became a man in the (ew 5estament, thereb" the Boot and O##sprin0 o# Cavid. 8e is the )in0 o# )in0s and 3ord o# lords Caniel A'@?--5he kin0 said to Caniel, Furel" "our /od is the /od o# 0ods and the 3ord o# kin0s and a revealer o# m"steries, #or "ou were able to reveal this m"ster". % 5imoth" :'%.-%,--! char0e "ou to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearin0 o# our 3ord Jesus Christ, which /od will brin0 about in his own time-/od, the blessed and onl" Buler, the )in0 o# kin0s and 3ord o# lords. Bevelation %?'%@ -- 5he" will make war a0ainst the 3amb, but the 3amb will overcome them because he is 3ord o# lords and )in0 o# kin0s-- and with him will be his called, chosen and #aith#ul #ollowers. Bevelation %9'%:--On his robe and on his thi0h he has this name written' )!(/
5estament be alone as /od, and "et Jesus ri0ht#ull" claims the same title in the (ew 5estament? 5he answer is #ound in the #act that the )in0 o# the Old 5estament is also )in0 in the (ew 5estament. 5here is no division o# power, no dele0ation o# authorit", no savior dispatched #rom heaven. /od did not send someone else to save the world, 8e came 8imsel#. /od did not send a prince into the kin0dom, the kin0 put on the robe o# a prince and came into the kin0dom. You ma" ask, how can this be? Bead on below. JesusJ ;ather, the Fpirit o# /od, was livin0 within him. John %&'.& -- Jesus said, ! and the ;ather are one. John %&'.G -- 7ut i# ! do it, even thou0h "ou do not believe me, believe the miracles, that "ou ma" know and understand that the ;ather is in me, and ! in the ;ather. John %@'G-%& -- >hilip said, 3ord, show us the ;ather and that will be enou0h #or us. 9 Jesus answered' ConEt "ou know me, >hilip, even a#ter ! have been amon0 "ou such a lon0 time? 6n"one who has seen me has seen the ;ather. 8ow can "ou sa", EFhow us the ;atherE? %& ConEt "ou believe that ! am in the ;ather, and that the ;ather is in me? 5he words ! sa" to "ou are not 2ust m" own. Bather, it is the ;ather, livin0 in me, who is doin0 his work. John %@'A& -- On that da" "ou will realize that ! am in m" ;ather, and "ou are in me, and ! am in "ou. A Corinthians ,'%9 -- .../od was in Christ reconcilin0 the world to 8imsel#, not imputin0 their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word o# reconciliation $()J+. Colossians %'%9 -- ;or /od was pleased to have all his #ullness dwell in him Comment' 8ave "ou ever asked "oursel# the question' When Jesus pra"ed, who was he pra"in0 to? Wh" did Jesus seem to have such a subordinate role i# he was /od 6lmi0ht"? $6#ter readin0 this, ! encoura0e "ou to visit the Fir !saac WattEs article 6 Folemn 6ddress to the Ceit". 8e had ver" similar questions.+ Jesus was born a male child o# the human race. 8e required #ood, water, warmth, and nurturin0 to survive and #lourish. Jesus became tiredD he sleptD he wept. 8e was tempted in ever" aspect possible. 5he humanit" o# Jesus was as #ra0ile and susceptible to #ailure as an" other human bein0. 5he di##erence between Jesus and us, is Jesus had total access to the Fpirit o# /od livin0 in him. John the baptist described Jesus b" sa"in0' ;or the one whom /od has sent speaks the words o# /od, #or /od 0ives the Fpirit without limit $John .'.@+. !t was the Fpirit o# /od livin0 in Jesus that 0ave him the power to do miracles, to know the thou0hts o# men, to be /od with us. 5he humanit" o# Jesus pra"ed to the Fpirit o# /od in him #or stren0th, insi0ht, wisdom, knowled0e, direction, and power. 5he Fpirit in Jesus was no lon0er 2ust a temporar" mani#estation o# deit" on earth $Fee 5heophanies+. /od became a man, or 5he Creator became part o# creation $Bobert 6. Fabin+. 5he humanit" o# Jesus was the mediator between /od and men $% 5imoth" A',+. 5he #lesh and blood was necessar" #or the propitiation o# our sins $Bomans .'A,, % John A'A, % John @'%&+D #or without the
sheddin0 o# blood, there can be no #or0iveness o# sin $8ebrews 9'AA+. 5he importance o# Jesus bein0 a man does not end there. Jesus is also our advocate, de#endin0 us when we stand be#ore /od in 2ud0ment when the accuser attempts to steal us awa" #rom /od $Bomans G'.@, 8ebrews ?'A,,% John A'%+. 5he humanit" o# Jesus should encoura0e ever" downtrodden, brokenhearted, de#eated individual because in Jesus, we have someone who understands what we are 0oin0 throu0h. Jesus will alwa"s be a man, but he wonEt alwa"s need to be a mediator, an atonement #or sin, an intercessor. Fee above re#erence to % Corinthians %,'AG under Jesus is the Fon o# /od. /od will alwa"s reside in Jesus, there#ore Jesus will alwa"s be /od. Jesus is the baptizer with the 8ol" /host, the Com#orter !saiah @@'.--;or ! will pour water on the thirst" land, and streams on the dr" 0roundD ! will pour out m" Fpirit on "our o##sprin0, and m" blessin0 on "our descendants. !saiah ,9'A&-A%-- 5he Bedeemer will come to Kion, to those in Jacob who repent o# their sins, declares the 3OBC. A% 6s #or me, this is m" covenant with them, sa"s the 3OBC. <" Fpirit, who is on "ou, and m" words that ! have put in "our mouth will not depart #rom "our mouth, or #rom the mouths o# "our children, or #rom the mouths o# their descendants #rom this time on and #orever, sa"s the 3OBC. Joel A'AG-A9--! will pour out m" Fpirit on all people. Your sons and dau0hters will prophes", "our old men will dream dreams, "our "oun0 men will see visions. A9 =ven on m" servants, both men and women, ! will pour out m" Fpirit in those da"s. <att .'%% -- ! baptize "ou with water #or repentance. 7ut a#ter me will come one who is more power#ul than !, whose sandals ! am not #it to carr". 8e will baptize "ou with the 8ol" Fpirit and with #ire. <ark %'?-G -- 6nd this was his messa0e' 6#ter me will come one more power#ul than !, the thon0s o# whose sandals ! am not worth" to stoop down and untie. G ! baptize "ou with water, but he will baptize "ou with the 8ol" Fpirit. 3uke .'%:--John answered them all, ! baptize "ou with water. 7ut one more power#ul than ! will come, the thon0s o# whose sandals ! am not worth" to untie. 8e will baptize "ou with the 8ol" Fpirit and with #ire. 3uke A@'@9--! am 0oin0 to send "ou what m" ;ather has promisedD but sta" in the cit" until "ou have been clothed with power #rom on hi0h. John %'.. -- ! would not have known him, e1cept that the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, E5he man on whom "ou see the Fpirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the 8ol" Fpirit.E 6cts A'%-%G--When the da" o# >entecost came...6ll o# them were #illed with the 8ol" Fpirit and be0an to speak in other ton0ues as the Fpirit enabled them...5hen >eter stood up with the =leven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd...this is what was spoken b" the prophet Joel' !n the last da"s, /od sa"s, ! will pour out m" Fpirit on all people.
Comment' !n the Old 5estament, /od was speakin0 when he promised the out pourin0 o# the 8ol" Fpirit. !saiah ,9 uses the 8ebrew 5etra0rammaton #or the proper name o# /od--3OBC. Yet in the (ew 5estament, there can be no controvers" that Jesus will be the one who pours out the 8ol" Fpirit. Jesus even re#ers to the promise o# the ;ather in 3uke A@'@9 that he will pour out. When considered in perspective o# Jesus bein0 Jehovah /od in the #lesh, there is no con#lict between the Old and (ew 5estaments. 6n" other interpretation, requires the #ormulation o# a doctrine to reconcile the 7ible with itsel#. Jesus is the 8ol" /hostLCom#orter <atthew AG'A&--6nd surel" ! am with "ou alwa"s, to the ver" end o# the a0e. John %@'%:-%G -- 6nd ! will ask the ;ather, and he will 0ive "ou another Counselor to be with "ou #orever-- %? the Fpirit o# truth. 5he world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. 7ut "ou know him, #or he lives with "ou and will be in "ou. %G ! will not leave "ou as orphansD ! will come to "ou. Bomans G'9-%%--You, however, are controlled not b" the sin#ul nature but b" the Fpirit, i# the Fpirit o# /od lives in "ou. 6nd i# an"one does not have the Fpirit o# Christ, he does not belon0 to Christ. %&7ut i# Christ is in "ou, "our bod" is dead because o# sin, "et "our spirit is alive because o# ri0hteousness. %%6nd i# the Fpirit o# him who raised Jesus #rom the dead is livin0 in "ou, he who raised Christ #rom the dead will also 0ive li#e to "our mortal bodies throu0h his Fpirit, who lives in "ou Comments' One must be e1ercise caution to remember that the 8ol" Fpirit is /odEs Fpirit, not a separate entit". 5he words 8ol" Fpirit are pneuma ha0ion in the /reek. 5ranslated it means hol" breath. !t was the hol" breath o# /od that hovered over the waters in creation $/enesis %'A+. 5hat same hol" breath o# /od overshadowed <ar", the mother o# Jesus, and then lived in his son. 5he hol" breath o# /od raised Jesus #rom the dead. 5he spirit o# the risen Christ re#erred to in these verses is the same hol" breath o# /od. Onl" now, the spirit has taken up permanent residence in a man. Jesus told his #ollowers in John %@' ! will not leave "ou com#ortless, ! will come to "ou $)J*+. 8e identi#ies himsel# as the com#orter, which is one and the same as the 8ol" Fpirit. !n Bomans, >aul re#ers to the Fpirit o# /od livin0 in "ou, and in the ne1t phrase emphasizes the importance o# havin0 the Fpirit o# Christ in "ou. 5he connection should be simple. Jesus will be on the throne when we arrive in heaven. <atthew %9'AG--Jesus said to them, ! tell "ou the truth, at the renewal o# all thin0s, when the Fon o# <an sits on his 0lorious throne... Bevelation .'A%--5o him who overcomes, ! will 0ive the ri0ht to sit with me on m" throne, 2ust as ! overcame and sat down with m" ;ather on his throne.
Bevelation @'A-.--...there be#ore me was a throne in heaven with someone sittin0 on it. .6nd the one who sat there had the appearance o# 2asper and carnelian. Bevelation ?'%?--;or the 3amb at the center o# the throne will be their shepherdD he will lead them to sprin0s o# livin0 water. Bevelation %9'@--5he twent"-#our elders and the #our livin0 creatures #ell down and worshiped /od, who was seated on the throne. Bevelation AA'.-@--5he throne o# /od and o# the 3amb will be in the cit", and his servants will serve him. @5he" will see his #ace, and his name will be on their #oreheads. Comments' 6ccordin0 to the 7ible, how man" thrones are there in heaven? !t is clear b" the constant use o# the sin0ular word throne, that there is onl" one throne. 8ow man" will be seated on the throne. <atthew re#ers to the Fon o# <an. !s that one? When Jesus speaks in Bevelation .'A%, he tells us the he will be seated with his ;ather. !s that two? !t must be understood that the ;ather and Jesus are one $John %&'.&+ because the ;ather lives in Jesus. 5here is one /od, one savior, one ;ather, one 3OBC, one throne, one )in0 o# )in0s and 3ord o# lords...Jesus. Jesus is ever"thin0 to us' 8e is /od, savior, mediator, propitiation #or sin, advocate, and com#orter. Foon, he will be our rescuer, )in0 and ruler.