Malar Jewelery Malar Jewelery Malar Jewelery
Malar Jewelery Malar Jewelery Malar Jewelery
Malar Jewelery Malar Jewelery Malar Jewelery
1 ORGANIZATION PROFILE Started as an information portal in 2006 MALAR JEWELERY has now become the primary networ in! platform for all pet lo"ers and "ets# MALAR
JEWELERY is Royal $anin%s online partner helpin! Royal $anin resol"e its
cons&mer '&eries online and facilitate online do! food sales# MALAR
JEWELERY has b&ilt a cons&mer base of o"er (0000 pet owners who benefit
from promotions and offers wee ly articles ) newsletters abo&t "ario&s prod&cts th&s creatin! awareness of "ario&s thin!s happenin! in and aro&nd the pet ind&stry#
MALAR JEWELERY has a dedicated team of e*perienced "ets to resol"e pet
owners '&eries MALAR JEWELERY pro"ides cons<ancy on b&yin! the ri!ht pet in sync with the c&stomer%s lifestyle as well as pro"idin! day to day sol&tions to any and e"ery pet '&ery# +herefore it has e"erythin! &nder one roof#
MALAR JEWELERY is intended to be the epicenter for all pet lo"ers, "ets,
pet shops, pet lod!es, pet trainers, breeders, pet food and all accessories#
MALAR JEWELERY has the "ision of becomin! the most preferred platform for
ind&stry to promote their prod&cts and to !et a direct feedbac from the pet owners helpin! them to create e"en better prod&cts and ser"ices# We are also
comin! &p with the plans thro&!h which pet owners can access to hin!s from their home#
Man&al calc&lations are error prone and ta e a lot of time this may res< in incorrect information#
0.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION +his section !i"es the details of the software that are &sed for the de"elopment# 4peratin! System 2 Windows H= G
2 2
while fire, or floodin! occ&r# -ts ta e m&ch more time for man ind to finish the wor # +his may lead to time cons&min! and less acc&racy# +o a"oid these, the system can be comp&teri0ed and wor ed thro&!h comp&ters# +h&s the e*istin! system can be switch o"er to the comp&ters and de"eloped in the manner of fine and acc&racy#
+here may be many drawbac s in the e*istin! system since h&mans can wor it# +hey may be as follows, -nacc&racy and error can be arisin! d&rin! transaction process s&ch as reser"ation Report may be not clear and neat +ime cons&mption may be hi!h to !enerate the reports or cross reference -ncrease data red&ndancy Loan sanction and loan amo&nt calc&lation may be diffic<
+here are a lot of reasons for the introd&ction of a new comp&teri0ed system# Since the data to be handled is more, man&al record maintenance became a time cons&min! one especially !eneratin! the reports# +o o"ercome the abo"e diffic<ies, a system is re'&ired so that the problems may not be happenin!#
3.0 NEED FOR T1E PROPOSED SYSYEM +he e*istin! system was carried o&t man&ally# +here is lot of diffic<ies a"ailable in the e*istin! system# +he drawbac of e*istin! system is s&ch that physical chec in! for the boo s a"ailable is ta en in consideration# So there rise the need for proposed system to rectify the drawbac s of the e*istin! system and so it is comp&teri0ed# +he proposed system IJEWELLARY MA8AEEME8+ SYS+EM? is a comp&teri0ed one which now red&ces the ris and time in"ol"ed in maintenance and administrati"e wor s# +he easy men& dri"en screens ma e the item entries, the bill entry and the other transaction s&ch as deli"ery become easier than the old system# +he details of a partic&lar bill can be "iewed with less or no effort# +he system maintains all the necessary records for f&t&re reference witho&t loss of a"ailability, consistency and acc&racy# -t ens&res !ood sec&rity there by eliminatin! chances of data corr&ption by &na&thori0ed &sers Mo#.'"() C.($o!"% Mo#.'") -n this mod&le, c&stomer name, address, and contact n&mber are recorded in the database# -t/s will be helpf&l while ma in! bill preparation or any one other special schemes may be anno&nced in the .ewel shop# Ma%k"$ Mo#.'") :ere, e"ery day the mar et rate is "ary for !old, sil"er and other ornaments# So the admin controls the mar et rate day to day acti"ities# B '' +, Mo#.'")
A person b&ys any ornaments from .ewels shop, its recorded in the billin! mod&les# -ts ha"in! c&stomer name, c&stomer address, n&mber of ornament p&rchased , no#of !rams, total amo&nt sa"ed in this mod&le E6c7a+," !o#.'"() A person will e*chan!e the ornament for cash bac offer or sellin! ornament in the .ewel shop# -t/s also sa"ed in the database#
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>est data was prepared for testin! the pro.ect contains the se"eral test cases to test cases to test the acc&racy and performance of the system in different conditions# +he test data had been desi!ned to test the consistency and inte!rity of system# System testin! of software or hardware is testin! cond&cted on a complete, inte!rated system to e"al&ate the system%s compliance with its specified re'&irements# System testin! falls within the scope of blac bo* testin!, and as s&ch, sho&ld re'&ire no nowled!e of the inner desi!n of the code or lo!ic# W1ITE BO4 TESTING) -n this method of testin! te*t are made with the complete nowled!e abo&t the internal wor in! of the prod&ct# +est were cond&cted to ens&re that all the internal operations of the prod&ct performed accordin! to the specifications, lo!ical paths thro&!h the software was tested by pro"idin! the test +estin! is the process of demonstratin! pro!ram correctness by e*ec&tin! the pro!ram with a set of sample inp&t data# +he followin! tests were carried o&t after the completion of the pro.ect# +he factors chec ed are9 (# All the independent paths in the mod&les has been e*ercised at least once 2# E*ec&ted all the loops with in their bo&nds BLAC5*BO4 TESTING) >lac 2bo* testin! is a method of software testin! that tests the f&nctionality of an application as opposed to its internal str&ct&res or wor in!s 5see white2bo* testin!7# Specific nowled!e of the application%s code1internal str&ct&re and pro!rammin! nowled!e in !eneral is not re'&ired# +est cases are b&ilt aro&nd specifications and re'&irements, i#e#, what the application is s&pposed to do# -t &ses e*ternal descriptions of the software, incl&din! specifications, re'&irements, and desi!ns to deri"e test cases# +hese tests can be f&nctional or non2f&nctional, tho&!h &s&ally f&nctional# +he test desi!ner selects "alid and in"alid inp&ts and determines the correct o&tp&t# +here is no nowled!e of the test ob.ect%s internal str&ct&re#
UNIT TESTING) -n comp&ter pro!rammin!, &nit testin! is a method by which indi"id&al &nits of so&rce code are tested to determine if they are fit for &se# A &nit is the smallest testable part of an application# -n proced&ral pro!rammin! a &nit may be an indi"id&al f&nction or proced&re# Jnit tests are created by pro!rammers or occasionally by white bo* testers# -deally, each test ((
case is independent from the others9 s&bstit&tes li e method st&bs, moc ob.ects, fa es and test harnesses can be &sed to assist testin! a mod&le in isolation# Jnit tests are typically written and r&n by software de"elopers to ens&re that code meets its desi!n and beha"es as intended# -ts implementation can "ary from bein! "ery man&al 5pencil and paper7 to bein! formali0ed as part of b&ild a&tomation# INTEGRATION TESTING) -nte!ration testin! 5sometimes called -nte!ration and +estin!, abbre"iated M-)+M7 is the phase in software testin! in which indi"id&al software mod&les are combined and tested as a !ro&p# -t occ&rs after &nit testin! and before system testin!# -nte!ration testin! ta es as its inp&t mod&les that ha"e been &nit tested, !ro&ps them in lar!er a!!re!ates, applies tests defined in an inte!ration test plan to those a!!re!ates, and deli"ers as its o&tp&t the inte!rated system ready for system testin!# ACCEPTANCE TESTING) -n en!ineerin! and its "ario&s s&b disciplines, acceptance testin! is blac 2bo* testin! performed on a system 5for e*ample9 a piece of software, lots of man&fact&red mechanical parts, or batches of chemical prod&cts7 prior to its deli"ery# -t is also nown as f&nctional testin!, blac 2bo* testin!, LA testin!, application testin!, confidence testin!, final testin!, "alidation testin!, or factory acceptance testin!# Software de"elopers often distin!&ish acceptance testin! by the system pro"ider from acceptance testin! by the c&stomer 5the &ser or client7 prior to acceptin! transfer of ownership# -n the case of software, acceptance testin! performed by the c&stomer is nown as &ser acceptance testin! 5JA+7, end2&ser testin!, site 5acceptance7 testin!, or field 5acceptance7 testin!# A smo e test is &sed as an acceptance test prior to introd&cin! a b&ild to the main testin! process#