The Design of Competition Engines
The Design of Competition Engines
The Design of Competition Engines
of Competition Engines
Philip H. Smith
Sixth Edition Revised by
David N. Wenner
The Design and Tuning
of Competition Engines
Rewritten from its formerly British view-
point, this sixth edition covers the compe-
tition engine in America. Oval track, drag,
and stock car racing are discussed, whereas
earlier editions were concerned with "road
racing only". Part I (Theory) covers ther-
modynamics, engine construction mate-
rials, and fundamentals of engine design.
Part II (Practice) describes techniques used
in engine preparation, including cylinder
head modifications. Part III (Engines and
Applications) has seven chapters on modi-
fying specific engines: American V8s,
Formula Fords, Formula Vees, Formula
(inrlllr!ing water-cooled), D:>.t-
suns (fours and sixes), Twin-cam Fords,
and Mazda rotaries. This virtually all-new
book is an indispensable reference for any
person involved (or just interested) in
David N. Wenner's revision of this
classic marks a complete and major update,
focusing on the American racing scene.
More than ever, it is a book anyone inter-
ested in racing competition should have."
-Autos Unlimited.
Updated, completely revised 6th edition
The Design and Tuning
of Competition Engines
The Design and Tuning
of Competition Engines
Philip H. Smith
David N. Wenner
872 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
First Edition 1954
Second Revised Edition 1957
Third ~ e v i s e Edition 1963
Fourth Revised Edition 1967
Fifth Revised Edition 1971
Sixth Revised Edition 1977
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
1977 Robert Bentley, Inc.
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-78834
ISBN 0.8376.014.1
Manufactured in the United States of America
Basic to the requirements of a comprehensive book on any
subject is suitable illustrative matter. Philip H. Smith, deceased,
the original author of this book, and T.C. Millington, who edited
and revised the Fifth Edition, were fortunate to have cooperation
from many sources. Some of their original illustrations remain in
the present edition-notably drawings that were provided by IPC
Transport Press Ltd., British publishers of Autoear, Automobile
Engineer, and Motor Trader. In addition, one or more illustra-
tions were provided by the following:
The Alexander Engineering Co. Ltd., Haddenham, England
Robert Bosch G.m.b.H., Stuttgart, Germany
V.W. Derrington Ltd., Kingston on Thames, England
Ken Lowe Accessories Ltd., Slough, England
London Art Tech (Motor Sport), London, England
Joseph Lucas Ltd., Birmingham, England
Dr.-Ing. h.c.F. Porsche, Stuttgart, Germany
Renold Chains Ltd., Manchester, England
Rubery Owen and Co. Ltd., London, England
Shorrock Superchargers Ltd., Wednesbury, England
Wade Engineering Ltd., Brighton, England
Soc. p. Az. Ed. Weber, Bologna, Italy
Mr. Douglas Armstrong, Reading, England
Mr. Michael Porter, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.
In the preparation of this Sixth Revised Edition, it has been
our pleasure to use a number of illustrations made available
through the courtesy of American Motors, Chrysler Corporation,
the Ford Motor Company, and General Motors-America's "Big
Four". Special thanks are also due the Champion Spark Plug
Company of Toledo, Ohio, whose excellent Service Corner pub-
lication has been the source for several of our illustrations. The
vast support given to racing by these American companies is well
known to all.
Our thanks are also extended to Volkswagen of America, Inc.,
and British Leyland Motors, Inc., with whom it has been the
present author's privilege to work in the preparation of official
service manuals. Both of these representatives of European manu-
facturers maintain very active racing programs in the U.S.A. Our
appreciation is likewise extended to Fiat, both for making avail-
able the basic art for our dust jacket, and for bringing high-per-
formance overhead camshaft engines within reach of the average
It is with particular pleasure that we express our appreciation
to Datsun, Honda, Mazda, and Toyota-four auto manufacturers
based in Japan who have in recent years brought new excitement
to racing and to highway motoring in America. Only one or two
illustrations have been provided by each of these carmakers, but
their contributions to the modern automobile have been monu-
mental. Toyota has lent great financial support to Grand Prix rac-
ing in America-in addition to building fast and durable cars.
Honda and Mazda have made outstanding contributions to racing
and are especially noteworthy for having developed radically new
engines-showing that they represent the forefront of automobile
engineering today. Datsun, of course, wins races (which is what
this book is really about) , and has been given an entire chapter
as an indication of its important place in American competition.
Finally, we are indebted to the Moser Engine Corporation of
Monterey Park, California for providing us with photos of their
beautifully designed four-cam racing engine. Undoubtedly, this is
the last word in the development of America's favorite competition
powerplant, the small-block Chevrolet VS.
Revised Sixth Edition
This sixth edition of The Design and Tuning of Compe-
tition Engines remains a carefully-proportioned amalgam of the
timely and the timeless. It includes both the laws of thermo-
dynamics, as immutable today as in 1954 when Philip H. Smith
included them in the first edition of the book, and a wealth of
information on present-day engines and the tuning methods
that form the cornerstone of racing in America.
When the first edition was published, the sidevalve engine
still occupied an important place in motor competition. In
America the immortal Ford flathead V8 was a major staple in
all forms of racing, and in England the 1098-cm3 Ford Ten
was propelling unknowns such as Colin Chapman and Eric
Broadley to their first tastes of racing glory. The overhead cam-
shaft engine-which today is used in well over half the makes
of cars sold in the United States-was, in 1954, a piece of pure
exotica reserved for Grand Prix cars and a few expensive Gran
Turismo machines.
Not only have many of the "glory" engines of 1954, 1957,
1963, 1967, and 1971 passed into obsolescence and obscurity,
most of the racing classes that these engines participated in
have also fallen by the way-superseded by new racing classes
that are more in tune with the times. Who could have predicted
m 1963 that the underpowered Volkswagen would find a hil>tory-
making place in Formula Vee COmpetItIOn-not to mention in
drag racing, where outputs of 200 bhp are not unheard of? For
that matter, who could have predicted in 1971, when the fifth
edition was published, that there would be a racing class for stock
Volkswagens-with watercooled engines mounted at the front?
But though the engines used in racing have changed, the
fundamental principles have not. Because of this, some of the
obsolete engines are mentioned here; occasionally they were
the last applications of principles that may someday be revived.
The 1935-1940 V16 Cadillac, for example, is discussed not be-
cause it is a significant competition engine today (it is not; its
sole claim to fame was as the powerplant for the Southern Cali-
fornia Timing Association's fastest "lakester" back in the late
194os) , but because it is representative of all 45 V16 engines-
a cylinder arrangement that could find a place on the racing
scene in the not-distant future.
This book is not a "how-to-do-it" book. It is better de-
scribed as a "how-to-know-what-you're-doing" book. That is,
there are many engine tuning methods and many design fea-
tures that the racing enthusiast recognizes as effective in com-
petition. Consequently, such a person, ill pn::paring an engine
for racing, may decide that forged aluminum connecting rods
are necessary-because he has seen forged aluminum connecting
rods in other competition engines. This book will help him to
make his decision more wisely by telling him when forged
aluminum rods are necessary and, for that matter, when they
are unnecessary or undesirable.
The Design and Tuning of Competition Engines is par-
ticularly helpful for aspiring speed tuners, who may be well
informed in matters of practical mechanics, but lack compre-
hensive engineering training. Many such people have gone on
to great accomplishments in racing, and it is our hope that
this book will be an important step for many others in their
quest for a sound theoretical foundation. Auto racing aside, we
need look no further than the Wright brothers for an historical
precedent that shows the manner in which the self-taught can
tread the path to success.
Preface Vll
Introduction/The Competition Engine in America xiii
1. Heat Engine Operation 3
Theoretical Considerations 3
Indicated and Brake Horsepower 20
Factors Governing Expansion Pressure 23
2. The Production of Power 27
Bmep and Torque 27
Heat Loss 34
Valve Size and Gas Velocity 37
3. Problems of High-speed Operation 39
Valve Timing 39
Pulsating Pressure 49
Mechanical Stresses 55
4. Mechanical Construction of High-power
Engines 62
Basic Materials in Construction 62
Valve Operation 68
Camshafts and Drives 72
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 83
Crankshafts 96
Bearings and Materials 100
Engine Block Materials 110
Pistons and Rings 117
Connecting Rods 123
The Cylinder Head 128
5. Crankshaft Design and Engine Balance 139
Bearing Location 139
Problems of Balancing 141
The Single Cylindel' Engine 145
Multiple Cylinder Engines 149
Engine Mounting 177
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations 179
6. Planning for Performance 190
Performance Data 190
Cylinder Head Design 191
Port Shape 200
Special Exhaust Systems 206
The Combustion Chamber 207
T01'que Requirements 211
7. Efficient Combustion 215
Improving Performance 215
Spark Plug Position 223
Ignition CU1Tent 227
Timing 233
8. Mixture Production 241
Mixture Supply 241
Constant Depression Carburetors 246
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 250
Fuel Injection Systems 269
9. The Cylinder Head 287
General Condition 287
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 288
Valves, Springs, and Retainers 303
Exhaust Pipe Layout 306
The Induction System 311
10. The Valve Gear 314
Valve Train Modifications 314
Valve Timing Modifications 323
1 I. Crankshaft, Cylinders, and Pistons 327
General Condition 327
Piston Rings 330
Piston Design 334
Connecting Rod Alignment 335
Balancing 337
Assembly Work 340
12. Compression Ratio 343
Selecting a Ratio 343
Obtaining the Ratio 347
13 The Engine in Operation 357
The Engine Installed 357
Mechanical Losses 362
14. Supercharging 368
Historical Background 368
Roots Blowers 371
Vanetype Blowers 373
Pressures 374
Turbocharging 376
15. The American V8 Engine 387
Expert Tuners 387
Standard Design 387
Cylinder Heads 391
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 398
Cylinder Block 403
Tuning 406
16. Formula Ford 409
The Engine 409
Cylinder Head 414
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Cylinders,
and Pistons 419
Tuning and Maintenance 424
17. Cosworth 426
Choice of Champions 426
Cylinder Head 432
Cylinder Block 436
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 437
Tuning 441
18. Datsun 443
The Datsun Heritage 443
Cylinder Head 447
Cylinder Block 455
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 457
Conclusion 459
19. Volkswagen Air-cooled 461
Competition Beginnings 461
State of the Art 462
Cylinder Heads 465
Crankcase 469
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Pistons,
and Cylinders 470
Formula Vee Ignitiun and CU1buTetiun 474
Supertuning and Supercharging 475
20. Volkswagen Water-cooled 478
New Force in Racing 478
Cylinder Head 480
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 484
Cylinder Block 485
Ignition 486
21. Other Popular Competition Engines 487
Wankel Rotary 487
Toyota 490
Ford SOHC "Four" 492
Porsche 91 I 493
Amateur Racing 498
Appendix/Definitions, Constants, and Formulas 501
Introduction / The Competition Engine
in America
The Competition Engine Defined
What exactly is a competition engine? It is not, as the
general public fancies, the same thing as a high-performance
or hot ' rod engine. A competition engine is first uf all one that
is competitive in a particular kind of racing or in a particular
racing class.
For example, the humble VW 1200 engine, offering at
best about 45 bhp per liter, would scarcely be competitive in
most kinds of racing. Yet, by virtue of its being the only engine
permitted by the rules of Fonnula Vee, it is a competition
engine. Consequently it is appropriate in a book of this kind
to talk about the VW 1200. On the other hand, it would be
inappropriate to waste space on the Rover 2000 or Mercedes
Benz 250C engines; they are unquestionably powerful and
sophisticated, but they are never used in American racing.
Yesterday's racing engine cannot be classified as a compe-
tition engine today either. In the previous edition of this book,
it seemed indispensable to discuss the Hillman Imp and the
260 cubic inch Ford V8, which were being campaigned, re-
spectively, in the SCCA's D Sports Racing and B Production
classes. Alas, how the mighty are fallen. The appearance of
either engine is rare in road racing these days.
Development Potential
And so it can be seen that time is the natural enemy of
all competition engines-not only in critical fractions of sec-
onds that it must annihilate during a race but also in irretriev-
able hours of competitive life that tick away while the car lies
idle in the garage. What, then, can account for the brief life
spans of some engines and the incredible longevity of others?
Why are some engines, which enjoyed no great advantage over
their competition during the past decade, still competitive to-
day against even more sophisticated rivals?
These questions can best be answered by surveying a list
of those few unbeatable engines of fifteen years ago that are
still competitive in the late 1970s. None, it will be seen, has
survived unchanged. Their long life in competition is entirely
the result of a peculiar amenability to long-term development.
This development potential is a competition engine's sole and
ultimate defense against the remorseless progress of time.
To be successful, a competition engine that lacks develop-
ment potential must reach its full potential immediately so
that a respectable number of racing wins he attained be-
fore the design becomes obsolete. In this context it should be
remembered that debugging a design is not the same thing as
development. In fact, time wasted in correcting basic design
and manufacturing faults invariably means less time available
for effective development. Examples of engines that could have
succeeded-had they been running right before they became
obsolete-are too abundant to catalog here.
It can be argued with considerable success that a "sensible"
design is better than a "sophisticated" design, both in terms of
immediate success and development potential. Nowhere is this
more apparent than in Formula I. The first two seasons of the
present formula were dominated by the SORC Repco-Brabham
V8, which was a development of an Oldsmobile production
engine; it was a simple design that "worked" while more sophis-
ticated engines were being "debugged." From that point on
Formula I has virtually belonged to the Cosworth-Ford, a rela-
tively uncomplicated V8 engine designed for extensive parts
interchangeability and based on a four-cylinder Formula II
The Competition Engine Defined xv
engine that was itself a development of a production Ford Cor-
tina engine. Meanwhile, an incredible number of sophisticated,
expensive and complex sixteen-cylinder and twelve-cylinder de-
signs have come and gone, leaving behind them a trail of shat-
tered hopes and broken bank accounts.
The designer's know-how has as much to do with an en-
gine's immediate sUccess as development potential has to do
with its continued success. Keith Duckworth, the designer of
the Cosworth-Ford Grand Prix engine, had at his disposal con-
siderable know-how gained through development work with
four-cylinder Fords-which suggests that success is more readily
obtained by a designer who is starting out with something more
than a blank piece of paper and a headful of theoretical knowl-
edge. It is obvious from studying the history of Formula I that,
when it comes to engine design, evolution (development and
the know-how derived from it) has always had a better record
than revolution (innovation based on abstract theory) .
An existing tradition of know-how is also indispensable
when the designer or tuner must begin with a production en-
gine, either for economic reasons or because it is mandatory by
the rules of a racing class. For example, it is conceivable that
the Mercedes Benz 450 V8 could be developed into a "world
beater" drag racing powerplant. But no one has tried it. Con-
sequently any tuner who sets out to develop this engine for
drag racing will have to start from scratch. On the other hand,
many tuners have worked for many years developing drag
engines based on the big-block Chevrolet V8-creating a tre-
mendous tradition of know-how that can be drawn upon by
any person who decides to prepare such an engine for compe-
Which brings us to the matter of cost. Chevrolet engines
are available in grand profusion from any junkyard; Mercedes
engines are expensive from any source. Moreover, a fantastic
array of speed equipment is readily available for the big "Chev",
whereas expensive tooling and pattern making would be neces-
sary before the first piece of speed equipment could be ob-
tained for the big "Mere".
Economic Considerations
The extensive competition success of Chevrolet, Ford, and
Volkswagen engines should not be credited solely to the merits
of their designs. In large part, they owe their winning ways to
their low cost and ready availability-which has made possible
rapid and extensive development by countless speed tuners. The
proponents of competing powerplants find it very difficult to
catch up without an influx of sponsorship money from their
engine's manufacturer. But, as nearly every major automaker
has found, winning at all costs usually means a very costly
engine. So the sponsorship often dries up once the manufacturer
has reaped the publicity benefits, and the engine fades back
into obscurity.
Summing up, the successful competition engine is likely
to have a majority of the following attributes: (1) it is suited
to the rules of its class and is among the best available engines
for its time, (2) it has the capability for immediate success and
the development potential for continued success, (3) its design
is based on the know-how acquired through development work
on similar engines, and (4) it is a comparatively economical
engine to build so that modification costs do not preclude effec-
tive development.
Blueprinting-What It Is
Blueprinting is the basis of most competition engine pre-
paration. Specifically it is the remanufacturing of an engine to
bring it into precise conformity with the designer's intentions
and to advance various dimensions to the limits of the factory's
tolerance range so that the powerplant is suited for high-rpm
In rare instances factories have made available actual blue-
prints for their engines. Most blueprinting, however, is done
without blueprints. Instead a complete and accurate list of
engineering specifications is obtained so that each engine
component can be remachined to its ideal dimensions-correct-
ing the errors and variations that are common among mass-
produced parts. Technically the blueprinted engine conforms
Blueprinting-What It Is XVII
to factory specifications, making it eligible for production class
racing. But it is incomparably faster than the production line
version of the same powerplant.
Dyno Tuning
Blueprinting always begins with the complete disassembly
of the engine-even if it is a brand-new engine fresh from the
factory crate. Therefore, blueprinting should not be confused
with dyno tuning, which can be done without disassembling
the engine. In certain racing categories, such as the "pure
stock" drag racing classes, no preparation other than dyno tun-
ing is permitted by the rules of the class. The actual modifica-
tions are limited to minor adjustments and the replacement of
small parts.
A typical dyno tune, which is performed with the car on
a chassis dynamometer, usually includes selecting different car-
buretor jets or needles and, if possible, different carburetor
venturis. Different springs will be installed in the ignition dis-
tributor's centrifugal advance mechanism, and the tension of
the springs will be adjusted with the rlistrihutor installed on a
distributor testing machine. The acceleration pump, the valve
clearances, and the ignition timing may all be adjusted to non-
standard specifications. Different spark plugs, ignition coils,
low-restriction air filters, and metallic-conductor high tension
cables are usually substituted for the factory equivalents. and
the exhaust system may be modified if the rules permit.
Blueprinting Fundamentals
The first step in blueprinting is the careful cleaning and
inspection of every engine component. Actual machining usu-
ally begins with a rework of the main bearing and camshaft
bearing bores in the block, which is called align boring. In
production engines, these bearing bores are sometimes out of
line with one another, tapered, out-of-round, or not parallel to
the crankshaft centerline. Any such production errors will cause
power-robbing internal friction and possible bearing failure
when the engine is used in racing.
Next, the deck height is corrected (the deck is the block
surface that the cylinder head bolts to). The deck is milled to
make it exactly parallel to the crankshaft centerline-and at
the precise distance from the crankshaft centerline that is indi-
cated in the original blueprints. The cylinders are then bored
to make them perpendicular to the crankshaft centerline and
to the deck. In addition, the cylinders are usually bored to the
maximum diameter permitted by the engine manufacturer or
by the racing class rules. If factory pistons are not specified by
the rules, racing pistons are usually substituted.
The clearances between parts are increased to the widest
dimension permitted by factory tolerances, again to reduce
friction. (During factory assembly, clearances are usually held
to near the opposite end of the tolerance range in the interest
of long service life during highway usage.) The bearing sur-
faces will be polished to a mirror finish, the cylinders honed
to an absolutely uniform diameter throughout, and all recipro-
cating parts and rotating parts will be balanced-the latter with
electronic equipment.
During assembly, the valve timing is carefully checked with
a degree wheel installed on the crankshaft (Fig. 0-1) -whether
a stock camshaft is used or whether the rules permit a reground
or custom-made camshaft. Yet it is the cylinder heads that are
Fig. aI. Degree wheel for permanent installation on VW crank-
shaft. Precision valve and ignition timing is possible with this
Supertuning-What It Is xix
most extensively checked and reworked. Each head is given a
competition valve grind, the combustion chamber volume is
carefully measured, and then the head is milled to obtain the
precise compression ratio given in the factory specifications. If
the rules permit it, the intake and exhaust ports may be ma-
chined slightly to align them perfectly with the manifolds.
Supertuning-What It Is
Supertuning is the modification of an engine to specifica-
tions other than those given by the manufacturer. The purpose,
of course, is to obtain greater performance than is possible by
blueprinting alone. Nevertheless all production components
used in a supertuned competition engine are carefully blue-
printed before any additional reworking begins.
Fitting larger valves, polishing and reshaping the cylinder
head ports (Fig. 0-2) and combustion chambers, and installing
different manifolds are all included in supertuning. In addi-
tion, the moving parts of the engine are nearly always replaced
by components designed especially for racing. Only a few pieces,
such as the crankshaft, the cylinder head castings, and the
engine block, are derived from production components. In full-
race modifications only the cylinder block itself is likely to be
based on a stock part.
Fig. 0-2. Modified cylinder head for Chevrolet VS. Because ports
have good shape and fairly ample size in most American VS en-
gines, modification consists mainly of contouring and smoothing
surfaces, not enlarging ports greatly. Combustion chambers are
similarly smoothed and polished and high-performance valve gear
is fitted.
Supertuning Applications
Supertuning in its various degrees sires the majority of
competition engines used in professional racing. In fact, the
rules are often written to encourage wide use of "stock block"
engines, for example, by permitting them greater piston dis-
placement than is allowed for pure racing designs. The con-
sideration is mainly economic. Though a supertuned engine is
certainly not cheap, it is nevertheless considerably cheaper than
an engine designed and built solely for racing.
Whether the preparation of a competition engine is con-
fined to blueprinting or includes the highest degree of super-
tuning, the services of an expert machinist are indispensable.
For this reason, one must never confuse supertuning with the
mere bolting on of high compression heads, "tuned" exhaust
headers, dual-carburetor manifolds, or any of the other widely
sold hop-up parts that have made backyard hot rodding the
greatest educational hobby in the United States. It is the con-
stant failing of the hobbyist/street racer to install speed equip-
ment on an engine that has not had the benefit of balancing or
a good precision valve grind. This slipshod practice, if it is
carried over into serious competition, produces the engines that
look impressive in the paddock and disintegrate on the track
or that use the same components as the winning car but never-
theless fail to finish anywhere near the front.
The theory and practice described in this book are in-
tended as a guide for machinist/tuners who do super tuning
work, for drivers who wish to plan the construction of engines
that they intend to have built for their cars, and for those who
want to design racing engines. It should be pointed out, there-
fore, that blueprinting and supertuning, which are commonly
thought of as the province of the stock block racing engine
builder, also have a vital place in the preparation of pure racing
It is no secret that most of the racing engines sold on the
open market are produced on a semi-mass production basis.
Furthermore, their builders recognize that no competent team
manager is going to use an engine in a race that has not been
disassembled, inspected, and carefully reassembled to the stand-
The Racing Engine XXI
dards of his or her own skilled employees. Therefore, it is not
uncommon for the finest and most expensive racing powerplants
to arrive from their makers in a less than perfect state. In addi-
tion to correcting minor imperfections, installing different com-
ponents that are personally favored (or are demanded by a
sponsor), and then reassembling the engine with absolute pre-
cision, the tuner/engine builder may be called upon to carry
out the kind of supertuning work that is necessary to fit mani-
folds, ignition components, or similar parts and systems that
are often not included on the basic racing engine as delivered
by its maker.
It is in the supertuning of stock block and production en-
gines that the tuner/machinist has the greatest opportunity for
applying his craft. Here, a thorough grasp of theory can lead
to accurately guided experiments with combustion chamber
shapes, compression ratios, supercharging, exhaust system de-
sign, and every other facet of the engine builder's art that could
eventually lead to a highly superior competition engine. Engine
builders who produce winners never have to worry about a lack
of business-or an abundance of bill collectors-coming through
the doors of their shops!
The Racing Engine
A true racing engine is developed from a prototype de-
signed solely for racing. It is not a modified production car
powerplant. Aside from rules limitations, which may limit the
piston displacement, restrict the fuel used, specify the maximum
supercharger boost, or proscribe supercharging altogether, the
racing engine designer is free to draft an engine that has but
one purpose-winning races.
Nevertheless, racing engine prototypes do require develop-
ment. Fig. 03 shows a racing engine prototype that is markedly
different from the engine that eventually entered successful
competition (Fig. 0-4). The designer must at all costs create
an engine that is good enough on paper to avoid the long ges-
tation that is disastrous for a racing engine once it is "in the
Fig. 0-). First development of Ford V8 Indy engine, with double-
choke carburetors centrally mounted.
Art or Science?
There is a maxim with a long tradition in racing that
"what looks right generally is right". This is essentially true.
But, as can be seen from the spotty records of some designers
and the large number of racing engines that never win a race,
a great deal depends on who is doing the looking. Thus, the
dividing line between art and science is exceedingly thin, and
Keith Duckworth, who admits to using intuition in designing
combustion chambers, is not far removed from Leonardo da
Vinci, who by "intuition" put just the right smile on Mona
Those who have tried to duplicate the feats of Duckworth
or da Vinci and have failed may suspect that these men were
The Racing Engine XXI!!
Fig. 0-4. End view of redesigned Ford V8 Indy engine, with fuel
injection ducts between the cams and central exhaust system.
merely lucky. In public, however, they are more likely to say
that there is a secret mathematics behind Duckworth's combus-
tion chamber designs or Leonardo's compositions. We inferior
mortals always find it consoling to believe that secret mathe-
matics are responsible for great designs, for this would mean
that any person could be a master designer once the mathe-
matics have been learned. In truth, masterpieces-whether paint-
ings or racing engines-owe far more to the genius that guides
the artist/designer's eye than to any quality that can be im-
parted by education or a mastery of mathematics.
The Designer
The racing engine designer needs sufficient mathematics
to understand books such as this one and adequate engineering
knowledge to provide a familiarity with materials, stresses, and
design fundamentals. It is also necessary to be an expert
draughtsman and be prepared to work long hours at the draw-
ing board. However, it is a racing apprenticeship of hot rod-
ding, speed tuning, dyno tuning, blueprinting, and supertuning
that is the Gradus ad Parnassum for the designer of racing
As suggested earlier, the successful racing engine design is
nearly always based on the know-how gained through successful
development of an earlier engine. Seeking a theoretical "ulti-
mate"-that is, doing things the "best" or "right" way based
on theory without practical precedent and 1'egardless of cost
and complexity-is not, in many unfortunate cases, the path to
competition success. The many elaborate but unsuccessful BRM
engines, both of the now-distant past and the almost present,
could in themselves provide all the examples that are necessary
to prove the truth of this allegation.
The United States
A racing engine's developmental roots are important, and
in America these roots have always extended literally into the
dirt-whether the actual clay of the dirt tracks or the sand be-
tween the bricks at Indianapolis. There, in the last races be-
fore World War I, the Peugeot Grand Prix cars achieved their
greatest wins in U.S. competition. From copies of these triumph-
ant Peugeot engines, through derivatives such as the Miller, the
lineage of American racing engines can be traced through an
uninterrupted strain of DORC, barrel-crankcase scions that per-
sists today in the indomitable "Offy".
In other parts of the world, racing engine ancestry has
been more diverse. Consequently Formula I and Formula II
road racing-not to mention the various sports racing car classes
that permit the use of pure racing engines-provide many more
interesting models for aspiring designers than are commonly
available on this side of the Atlantic. In Japan a fantastically
successful racing technology has grown up around .the motor-
cycle engine, and Honda has participated just enough in inter-
national auto racing to whet the interest of the rest of the
world. Needless to say, their motorcycle-based tradition of com-
petition engine design is far removed from the racing engine
The Plan of This Book xxv
tradition of the United States, which at present is virtually
With one exception, no American auto manufacturer has
initiated the design of a racing engine since the Auburn, Cord,
Duesenberg Company died in the 1930s. The exception, of
course, is Ford, whose Indy V8 (now known in developed form
as the "Foyt") was launched long ago in 1964. With the death
of eighty-two-year-old Leo Goossen near the end of 1974. there
remained no person fully employed in the United States as a
racing engine designer, and the rather dismal showing of Ameri-
can-based Formula I teams during the mid-1970s suggests that
racing designers of genuine genius either are unavailable
in North America or are present but lack the support of people
with vision who will finance and support their efforts.
The Plan of This Book
This book has been divided into three parts. Part 1 is de-
voted to theory. It explores the scientific basis of engine opera-
tion- in particular, the design problems that are raised by high-
speed operation.
Part 2 describes practice-the practical applications of the
theory described in part 1. It is not, however, a how-to-do-it
guide. It is practical in that it investigates the various design
features and modifications that have proven effective for achiev-
ing high outputs from competition engines.
Part 3 covers the principal engines used in American racing
today, including descriptions of how they are tuned for particu-
lar racing classes. Finally, there is an appendix to the book that
gives various definitions, constants, and formulas that are use-
ful to the racing engine designer and to the competition engine
tuner who will find them invaluable for converting "book learn-
ing" into race track wins.
1 / Heat Engine Operation
Theoretical Considerations
The extreme conditions encountered in rocketry and space
exploration have thoroughly upset some of our most cherished
conclusions about the behavior of liquids and gases at very high
temperatures and pressures. But despite the apparent progress
of today's competition engines toward the outer limits attain-
able by reciprocating designs, the old basic laws governing pres-
sures and temperatures remain unchanged insofar as they are
applicable to this book.
This chapter begins with an examination of some of the
traditional fundamentals of thermodynamics-a science that is
essential to those whose interest in high-speed gasoline engines
goes deeper than a mere knowledge of its obvious, or visual to
the eye, operations. Our examination must be brief for reasons
of space. But it is hoped that the reader's interest will be
aroused, and those who wish to go further will find that a mod-
ern textbook on thermodynamics offers an invaluable oppor-
tunity for continued investigation.
Although a great deal of blueprinting and supertuning
work can be done without any knowledge of theory simply by
imitating the work of others, an understanding of thermody-
namics is the key that unlocks doors to those uncharted regions
of speed tuning where added power may be discovered. Theory
itself remains constant; but designs are not constant and can be
changed in order to apply known theory to a greater advantage
in competition.
To avoid complexity in the first part of this book, a num-
ber of definitions, constants, and formulas have been relegated
to the appendix. However, a familiarity with the following
standard symbols and terms for certain quantities is indispens-
able for understanding this chapter:
T= temperature
U=internal energy of gas
C = degrees Celsi us
F=degrees Fahrenheit
R=universal gas constant
Y=ratio of specific heats
c=specific heat
r=compression ratio
ase=air standard efficiency
Thermodynamics is the science of the relationship be-
tween heat and mechanical work. Its basis is in two laws, both
of which have been firmly accepted for a long time because
phenomena have invariably been found to occur in a manner
consistent with them; but being empirical they can be expressed
in many ways. The first law concerns the conservation of energy;
although energy, as heat or work, can be interchanged between
a system and its surroundings, the total energy of the whole re-
mains unaltered even though its form may change. (The term
system indicates a specific layout or machine-such as an engine
-in which changes are taking place.) The following definitions
are typical of the first law:
1. Heat and work are mutually convertible, the one into
the other.
2. In all transformations, the energy resulting from the
heat units supplied must be balanced by the external
work done, plus the gain in internal energy resulting
from the rise in temperature.
Theoretical Considerations 5
3. The total energy of an isolated system remains constant
whatever changes may occur within (Clausius).
The second law deals with heat transfer and might seem to
stress the obvious; but in applying heat engine theory one can
easily lose sight of the inevitability of certain losses if this law
is not kept firmly in mind. The following definitions are typ-
ical of the second law:
1. It is impossible for an automatic machine, unaided by
external power, to convey heat from a colder to a hot-
ter body.
2. Irrespective of the design of an engine, only a fraction
of the heat supplied can be converted into work; the
remainder is rejected as heat at some lower tempera-
ture (Carnot).
3. Heat will not pass from a lower to a higher tempera-
ture reservoir without work being done on the system.
Scientists whose work was significant in the establishment
of the two thermodynamics laws were Robert Boyle and H. J.
Charles-familiar as originators of the gas laws that bear their
names . . Engine operation depends on a gas behaving in ac-
cordance with these laws, which relate to the effect of tempera-
ture, pressure, and volume changes and their interrelation.
Gas Laws
The first gas law, formulated by Boyle in 1662, is the
earliest recorded observation on the behavior of gases. It states
that, assuming the gas temperature is kept constant, the volume
will vary inversely as its pressure. In other words, if we com-
press the gas into half its original volume or space at unvarying
temperature and at a certain original pressure, its pressure will
become double the original. Thus, if P = pressure, and V =
PV = a constant.
The second gas law, formulated in 1787, is attributed to the
French scientist Charles. (A similar independent statement was
made by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in 1802.) It states that at con-
stant pressure, the volume of a gas rises uniformly with rise in
temperature from the absolute zero of -273C (-460F). It as-
sumes that the volume at this temperature will be zero so that
the volume of a quantity of gas will vary 1/273 of its volume
at ooC for every IOC change in temperature (using the Fahr-
enheit scale, 1/492 for every lOF) , providing the pressure is
kept constant. This is based on the assumption that at the ab-
solute zero temperature of -2730C (-4600F) the volume will
become zero. In practice, of course, gases that are cooled be-
yond a certain point liquefy and finally solidify.
What Charles's law tells us is that the gas volume increases
by equal increments for equal increases in temperature. Because
the volume is proportional to the absolute temperature, with
V = volume and T = temperature,
= a constant.
It will be apparent that if the gas is in a closed cylinder and
unable to expand, thus keeping the volume constant and un-
altered, any application of heat will alter its pressure in propor-
tion to the rise in temperature. Thus
a constant.
Therefore, SInce PV and P / T both equal a constant, we
can combine the two and obtain
---:T=-- = a constant.
The constant is denoted as R and is known as the universal
gas constant: the expression
is called the ideal or perfect gas equation when dealing with
(theoretical) gases that follow both gas laws with exact preci-
sion. Real-world "working gases" do not always follow these
gas laws precisely. However, gases such as oxygen, hydrogen,
nitrogen, and helium (represented in Fig. I-I), which liquefy
at very low temperatures under atmospheric pressure, come
Theoretical Considerations 7
close to ideal behavior when at room temperature and atmo-
spheric pressure-though they deviate considerably from the
ideal at higher pressures. This relationship between P
TJ and
V prevails throughout the operating cycle and, of course, works
both ways (that is, whether the pressure or the volume, or both,
are increasing or decreasing) .
-273OC T
Fig. I-I. The fall in pressure of several "working" gases closely
follows the perfect gas equation, shown by the interrupted-line
extension to absolute zero T.
Internal Energy
Energy must be expended for work to be done. Therefore,
it is evident that gases must possess some such energy that can
be used. The energy contained in a cylinder of gas under pres-
sure will comprise (1) potential energy (gravitational), (2)
kinetic energy, which could be shown, for instance, by thrust-
causing movement of a piston, and (3) molecular energy that
results from the movements, vibrations, and attractions of the
gas molecules themselves. Taken together, these three forms of
energy are known as the internal energy of the gas.
If a gas is neither doing work nor having work done to it-
but is at the same time receiving or losing heat-its internal
energy will be increased or reduced by exactly that equivalent
amount of heat. (By the first law of thermodynamics, the
change of internal energy in any process is equal to the differ-
ence of the heat gained and the external work done.) As far as
engine theory is concerned, only the changes in internal energy
are of any significance; the total internal energy is of no im-
portance. These changes can result only from an alteration in
the characteristics of the system since the internal energy is a
function thereof. If the pressure remains constant when the
working gas is heated (the gas being allowed to expand and
do external work), more heat will be required to raise its tem-
perature through a given range than if it is prevented from
Thus, the specific heat of a gas is greater at constant pres-
sure than at constant volume. In the first case stated above, the
internal energy is constant, and in the second case it changes.
Although the change in internal energy can be expressed in
terms of its specific heat at constant volume, it is also possible
to express it as an energy function in terms of its specific heat
at constant pressure. This is known as the enthalpy of the sys-
tem. (Terms formerly used, such as total heat and heat con-
stant, are now obsolete.) Enthalpy is denoted by H and in-
ternal energy by U; thus enthalpy can be expressed
H = PV + U.
The Specific Heat of Air
In a gasoline engine, air constitutes the bulk of the work-
ing gas (or mixture) . The behavior of the air that is being sub-
jected to the changing conditions of the operating cycle of an
engine is, therefore, a useful guide to engine performance.
At constant pressure. the specific heat of dry air is gen-
Theoretical Considerations 9
erally accepted as .2374 Btu per pound weight. If a quantity of
air is allowed to expand as its temperature rises, in accordance
with Charles's law, it will do work by exerting pressure against
the surrounding atmosphere. For example, if the quantity of
air is 1 pound in weight, its volume at normal temperature and
pressure will be 12.387 cubic feet. If its temperature is raised
by 1
F, it will expand by 1/492 of its volume against atmo-
spheric pressure. That is equal to 14.7 X 144 pounds per square
foot, assuming atmospheric pressure at 14.7 psi. Multiply this by
the volume of 12.387 cubic feet, and then by 1/492. The result
is work done against the atmosphere in foot pounds.
Thus: 53.29 ft. lb.
To convert this to Btu we divide it by 778 .
Thus: . 0685 Btu.
If the volume of air is not allowed to expand against atmo-
spheric pressure (that is, the volume is maintained unaltered),
the pressure of the air will rise, but there will be no external
work performed. The specific heat required (.2374 Btu per
pound at constant pressure) will therefore (at constant vol-
ume) be less by the amount calculated above: .2374 - .0685
.1689 Btu.
There are two values of specific heat for air:
.2374 Btu per lb.
.1689 Btu per lb.
The relationship between the two values is very important
in engine calculations. By simple calculation, it will be seen
that, for air,
Expansion and Compression
Expansion and compression can be classified as isothermal
and adiabatic.
Isothermal expansion or compression assumes that Boyle's
law is exactly conformed to; thus, no change in temperature
takes place. This would mean that, during expansion under
constant temperature, the internal energy of the air, which is
proportional to the absolute temperature, would also remain
unchanged. Therefore, the work necessary [or expansion would
have to be supplied from a source of external heat. Further,
during isothermal compression, the heat generated in the air
would have to be allowed to escape as quickly as it was gen-
erated, and the heat flowing away during compression would
be equal to the heat supplied from outside during expansion.
Adiabatic expansion or compression assumes that no heat
flows either to or from the air during the operation. Thus, the
air would gain or lose internal energy as the temperature is
raised by compression and lowered by expansion, and the
amount of internal energy is proportional to the quantity o[
external work put into or done by the air. See Fig. 1-2.
2 4 6 8
Fig. I-2. Rise in pressure with isothermal (A) and adiabatic (B)
Theoretical Considerations 11
Returning for a moment to the isothermal condition, sup-
pose that the original volume V is compressed to a smaller vol-
ume V 1. The original pressure P will then rise to a pressure PI:
PV = PI VI = a constant.
If, however, the operation is carried out adiabatically, the equa-
tion becomes
PV" = PI VI".
With isothermal conditions, n = 1, because the internal
energy of the air is unchanged. Under adiabatic operation, the
air gains or loses internal energy. Thus n is equal to y, or to
In actual practice, the value of n lies somewhere between 1
and 1.406; it is dependent on the characteristics of such factors
as the fuel added to form a combustible mixture and the con-
ditions of heat flow in the engine. If, for instance, the mixture
is admitted to the cylinder of an engine that is already warm
through running, heat will flow from the cylinder to the mix-
ture. Thus, in the early stages of induction-including the first
part of the compression stroke-this heat will continue to flow,
warn .. ing the Inixlure.
Therefore, n will temporarily exceed the normal value of y.
As compression continues and the mixture's temperature first
equals and then exceeds the cylinder's temperature, the heat
flow will first stop and then reverse direction. At the later stages
of compression, heat will be lost from the mixture to the cyl-
inder walls, causing n to fall below y by an amount dependent
on the temperature difference between the gas and the metal.
The extent of the mixture's heat loss will obviously be influenced
by the area of metal exposed to the gas, the ratio between vol-
ume and internal surfaces, the density and amount of move-
ment of the gas, and so on.
Experimental Determination
An interesting experimental method was developed by
Clement and Desormes for determining the ratio of specific
heats. Their apparatus consists of an insulated vessel (shown
in Fig. 1-3). The vessel is equipped with a three-way valve and
a U-tube manometer that contains a fluid for indicating the
pressure differential between the air in the vessel and the at-
mosphere. Initially the vessel is charged with air that is under
slightly more than atmospheric pressure, and the valve is closed.
If the valve is opened to the atmosphere and again closed,
the pressure in the vessel will become atmospheric because of
the adiabatic expansion of the gas. This gives the condition
PV = PIVi.
If the vessel is allowed to stand for a time with the valve closed,
the temperature will again rise to its original value, and the
pressure will also rise because V remains constant. Hence, we
now obtain the condition
Fig. I-3. Clement and Desormes apparatus for measuring ratio of
specific heats.
Entropy, denoted by S, is another of those functions that
cannot be precisely defined. A dictionary definition of entropy
might be "a measure of a system's (thermal) energy that is un-
Theoretical Considerations 13
available for conversion into mechanical work during a natural
process." It is some property of a gas's state that determines the
relationship between the rise in gas temperature and the in-
crease of heat units.
One pound of water at the freezing point at atmospheric
pressure is generally considered to have an entropy of zero. But
in practical terms it is only changes in entropy that matter. Pub-
lished tables are available that show the specific entropy for
certain gases over a range of pressures and temperatures. The
significance of entropy is that any increase in entropy implies
a decrease in the heat that is available for doing work.
The diagram given in Fig. 1-4 shows a "reversible" cycle,
that is, one in which heat can be converted into work or work
into heat. This cycle is indicated by line ABCDA. If, as be-
tween process ABC and process CDA, the heat absorbed is rep-
resented by the area ABCFEA and the heat rejected by area
CFEADC, the work done during the cycle is represented by the
area ABCD.
~ ~ H e a t
~ ~ ~ t e d
Fig. I-4. Temperature-entropy diagram showing absorption and re-
jection of heat in reversible cycle.
PV and T Diagrams
The usual PV diagram (Fig. I-S) shows the external work
done in foot pounds when the volume V of a gas increases from
VI to V2. If, however, we use T as the vertical axis instead of
P, and S as the horizontal axis instead of V, as shown in Fig.
1-6, the area under the line T2 will indicate the number of heat
units supplied to the gas. Suppose that this area is 1,000 Chu (a
unit of heat) and that T is constant at soooC (absolute). With
isothermal expansion, the curve will be fiat, and SI - S2 will
equal 2 units of entropy in length and 2 X soo = 1000 Chu. In
this case, one unit of entropy would be the value of the increase
in entropy caused by the reception of a number of heat units
equal in amount to the absolute temperature at which the heat
is received. '
~ =W::>rk done
Fig. I-5. The conventional form of PV diagram, showing work done
(indicated by area under the curve) with increase in V.
We have shown that in isothermal expansion or compres-
sion the change of entropy is equal to the heat added or with-
Theoretical Considerations 15
drawn, divided by the absolute temperature. In adiabatic ex-
pansion or compression, entropy is the one factor that does not
change-though the pressure, the temperature, the enthalpy,
and the internal energy are all changing. Thus, the temperature-
entropy diagram for the isothermal condition will be a straight
line alongside the entropy axis. For adiabatic conditions, the
entropy is constant; the line will now lie vertically alongside
the temperature axis. Therefore, a "closed circuit" made up of
both conditions would be shown on a graph as a number of
straight lines at right angles to one another.
In summing up the relationships between PV and TS dia-
grams as applied to a cycle using an ideal gas, we can state as
an example that the former could show that work in foot
pounds is equal to the mean force in pounds, multiplied by the
space range in feet (or the mean pressure in psi, multiplied by
the volume range in cubic feet). The TS diagram shows that
the heat units taken in are equal to the average absolute tem-
perature, multiplied by the entropy.
Fig. I-6. With TS in place of PV, area under line T2 represents
heat units supplied.
Thermal Efficiency
The thermal efficiency of a cycle is the difference between
the heat units supplied and the work done. The PV diagram
in Fig. 1-7 shows a cycle that approaches practicability; it is re-
versible and comprises two isothermal and two adiabatic proc-
esses. Along the line ab, a quantity of gas takes in heat from
the outside and expands at constant pressure from a to b. It
next expands adiabatically, with falling temperature, from b
to c. Compression from c to d at constant pressure is followed
by adiabatic compression from d to a.
~ ~
~ 1\
~ ~
do" 0
: Isothermal: c
f f
f 0
0 I f
Fig. I-7. Reversible ideal cycle based on Carnot, with two iso-
thermal and two adiabatic processes.
From a to b heat is absorbed from outside, and from c to d
it is rejected to outside. In the two adiabatic processes, bc and
da, heat is neither taken in nor passed out. The work done is
thus represented by the differences between ab and cd (the heat
absorbed minus the heat rejected) . The heat rejected, however,
is not necessarily wasted but could be reused-though the per-
Theoretical Consideration5 17
centage of rejected heat actually converted into work could be
considered unimportant even theoretically were it not for the
fact that the temperature at which rejection takes place (at cd)
might be lower than that at which heat is supplied (at ab) . As
the second law of thermodynamics confirms, the heat will not
flow naturally between cd and abo
In 1824 Sadi Carnot gave conditions for an "ideal" heat en-
gine cycle, which, though obviously unattainable, gives a con-
cise exposition of the effect of various phenomena. Carnot visu-
alized a quantity of an ideal gas in a cylinder with a weightless
piston. The cylinder was capable of associating with two ther-
mal sources, each of unlimited capacity and at different tem-
If Carnol's ideal engine is applied to Fig. 1-7, the cylinder
comes into contact with the "hot" thermal source at a, causing
the gas to expand isothermally from VI to V2, at constant tem-
perature. The cylinder is removed from contact with the "hot"
course at b, and, with thermal insulation being assumed, there
is adiabatic expansion from b to c, with the temperature falling.
At c the cylinder comes into contact with the "cold" reservoir,
and from c to d isothermal compression takes place from V3 to
V 4; because the temperature must remain constant, heat is lost
to the "cold" source. The cylinder is removed from contact
with the "cold" source at d, and, again assuming thermal insu-
lation of the cylinder, adiabatic compression takes place from
d to a, with a rise in temperature.
It is evident that the efficiency of the Carnot engine de-
pends on the temperature at which heat is supplied and re-
jected by the hot and cold sources respectively. Complete
thermal efficiency could obviously be obtained only if the cold
reservoir was of infinite capacity at the absolute zero tempera-
ture, which is, of course, impossible.
The Otto Cycle
The four-st roke spark-ignition engine operates on a cycle
usually credited to Otto (1876). His ideal cycle-in which air
is assumed to be the working gas-is interesting to compare
with the Carnot cycle. The Otto cycle is sometimes known as
the constant volume cycle. The four strokes that make up the
Otto cycle are familiar in their practical application to auto-
mobile engines. Let us consider these strokes in relation to the
ideal cycle given in Fig. 1-8.
The horizontal line ab represents the induction stroke at
constant (atmospheric) pressure. From b to c} adiabatic com-
pression takes place, with no change in entropy. With the ex-
plosion intiated at c} there is a further pressure rise at constant
volume to d} followed by adiabatic expansion with constant en-
tropy to e. The exhaust valve opens at e} the pressure dropping
at constant volume to b} and this being followed by the exhaust
stroke <:t constant pressure from b to a.
1------;- OtIC- 3 S"
I <1>;3-
Induction & Exhaust
at Constant Pressure
Fig. I-B. Otto's air-standard cycle, with pressure variation at
constant volume.
Fig. 1-8 shows that the conventional induction and exhaust
strokes are not of significance as such-a consideration that has
made possible the application of the Otto cycle to the "stroke-
Theoretical Considerations 19
less" Wankel rotary engine. The important processes are the
compression from b to c, the expansion from c to e, and the
rejection of the remaining heat from e to b. During cd, heat is
added; therefore, the work must be the equivalent of the dif-
ference between the heat that is added at cd and the heat that
is rejected at eb.
Based on the absolute temperatures and pressures and the
respective volume of the air at points bcd and e, the thermal
efficiency of the cycle is equal to
Since, with air, y is equal to 1.406 (usually shortened to 1.4)
the formula becomes
where r = the compression ratio. In this case, the efficiency is
known as air standard effici ency, Ul ase.
The ase shows what percentage of the external heat added
to the air is converted into work. (In actual practice this heat is
produced by combining the air with fuel to form a combustible
mixture.) It will be evident from a study of the above formula
that the compression ratio governs the ase and that the higher
the value of r, the greater the ase. The value of being able to
work out the ase for any particular engine lies in the fact that
it forms a yardstick against which the results obtained in prac-
tice can be assessed.
Air Standard Efficiency, percent at different compression ratios
r ase r ase
75 5534
64 5
8 g.o
0 10.0 60.2
11.0 6q
8 12.0 62.g
To the designer, ase represents "top end" efficiency, or,
more exactly, the efficiency of the engine's cylinders and cyl-
inder head (s) in converting the heat energy of the fuel into
work on the pistons, If he chooses a compression ratio of 10: 1,
the perfect or ideal engine would convert over 60 percent of
the fuel energy into power. The nearer that the actual thermal
efficiency of the engine being designed can be made to approach
this figure, the more power will be produced per unit of fuel
mixture delivered to the inlet valves-and the more the de-
signer can congratulate himself on his cylinder and head layout.
But power is not the only point to think about. Another im-
portant consideration is that any heat in the mixture that is
liberated but not converted into work must somehow be got
rid of.
Indicated and Brake Horsepower
Most readers are familiar with the definitions of indicated
horsepower (ihp) and brake horsepower (bhp). (Although
metrication is making kilowatts the power rating system of the
future, it seems advisable for the purposes of this book to keep
the traditional units of measure; they undoubtedly will be
grasped more easily.) Indicated horsepower represents the horse-
power produced on the pistons. It is calculated from the cyl-
inder expansion pressure, which is measured by a device called
an indicator-hence the name. This pressure is stated in pounds
per square inch as mean effective pressure (mep). In obtaining
mep, the pressures throughout the cycle are used, and in each
case the pressure is the average, or mean, obtaining on that
particular stroke. An example will explain matters.
Assuming that atmospheric pressure is 15 psi:
Induction pressure, say 12 psi (absolute)
Compression pressure, say 40 psi (absolute)
Expansion pressure, say 185 psi (absolute)
Exhaust pressure, say 18 psi (absolute)
The expansion pressure is the only positive stroke, the
other three being employed in pumping work, or negatively.
Indicated and Brake Horsepower 21
Thus the effective pressure is 185 - (12 + 40 + 18), or 115
psi. If, having obtained the pressure on the pistons, we combine
with this the distance and the time factors required, we can
obtain a result in foot pounds per minute, and thus horsepower.
If p = expansion pressure (imep) in psi
l = length of stroke in feet (or fraction thereof)
a = area of one piston in square inches
n = number of working (expansion) strokes per minute
of the engine,
the multiplication of the above four quantities will give the
result in foot pounds per minute. If this is divided by 33,000,
the result will give ihp. Therefore,
.h P X l X a X n
1 p= _____ _
Brake horsepower is the actual power available at the en-
gine's crankshaft or flywheel, and it is called brake horsepower
because, in the early days, it was measured by applying a brak-
ing force to a pully or a drum on a shaft being driven at a 1: 1
ratio by the engine. Modern "brakes" are known as dyna-
mometers, and the power is absorbed electrically or hydraulic-
Horsepower Ratings
A number of horsepower rating systems have been in use
during the past quarter-century. Until recently, passenger car
engines in the United States were rated by "SAE horsepower."
Since Ig72, ratings have been given in "SAE net horsepower."
Both of these measurements are derived from a dynamometer
test (Fig. I-g) of a sample, or prototype, engine. The old system
was grossly misleading because the test was made without any
auxiliaries (such as the alternator, the air cleaner, an air
pump, the fan, and so forth) and without the kind of exhaust
system that is actually used on cars. The "net" rating is some-
what more informative, being measured with all of the auxil-
iaries in place.
For the purpose of this book, horsepower should be con-
sidered as the scientific quantity described by James Watt
(1736-1829). That is, one horsepower is equal to 33,000 ft.
lbfjmin. (or 550 ft. lbfjsec.). Though the term horsepower is
no longer accepted by the scientific community, the interna-
tional General Conference of Weights and Measures has hon-
ored it indirectly by making the watt (or kilowatt-watts X
1000) the SI (Systeme International, or "modernized metric sys-
tem") unit of power.
To convert horsepower (550 ft. lbfjsec.) to kilowatts, mul-
tiply by .746. Metric horsepower can be converted to kilowatts
by multiplying by .736. Thus, the 82 DIN (metric) horsepower
engine used in the 1977 VW Scirocco could also be rated as a 78
SAE net horsepower engine (DIN hp X .953 = SAE hp) or as
a 60 kilowatt engine (DIN hp X .736 = kilowatts) .
Fig. I9. Racing engine mounted on dynamometer stand. Notice
driveshaft with universal joints that transmits engine 011 tput
[rom flywheel to dynamo.
Mechanical Efficiency
Since ihp represents the power at the engine's pistons and
bhp represents the power at the engine's crankshaft, it follows
Factors Governing Expansion Pressure 23
that the difference in the two values is caused by the mechani-
cal losses consequent in the conversion of the expansion pres-
sure into rotating motion. The percentage of ihp available as
bhp is known as the mechanical efficiency and is obtained thus:
bhp X 1000
Mechanical efficiency (%) = .h
1 P
It will be appreciated that the losses mentioned earlier in-
clude not only piston and bearing friction but also the power
required to drive the valve gear, the ignition apparatus, the oil
pump, and other auxiliaries. Of no small importance in very
high-rpm engines is the wind resistance of the moving parts in-
side the confines of the crankcase. Designers have always recog-
nized, abstractly at least, that a valveless rotary engine would
have superior mechanical efficiency. The Wankel rotary engine
has recently made this a reality. The Wankel also has an aero-
dynamically "smooth" internal shape that suggests another direc-
tion for future development.
Factors Governing Expansion Pressure
In general, the expansion pressure depends on the quantity
of mixture inducted into the cylinders, the efficiency of its con-
version into work on the pistons, and the percentage of the mix-
ture that is actually so converted. These three factors are known,
respectively, as volumetric efficiency) combustion efficiency) and
thermal efficiency.
It is usual to combine the above three factors into a single
efficiency figure, thermal efficiency, and on engine test runs, the
mechanical efficiency is also usually combined with them; the re-
sulting overall figure is known as brake thermal efficiency. This
useful and important figure shows the merits of the engine con-
cerning its ability to convert fuel heat energy into crankshaft
The indicated thermal efficiency is the practical counterpart
of ase, and useful information can be obtained by comparing
the two. In practice, the figure obtained on test is considerably
lower than the ase for an equivalent compression ratio. There
are several reasons for this:
1. The ratio of the specific heat of air (y) is less than 1.4
because of the necessity for mixing fuel with the air.
2. Heat is lost during the compression stroke, thus reducing
the value of T immediately before expansion.
3. The heat is not added instantaneously at tdc (top dead
center), but the mixture begins to burn before tdc and
continues to burn for some part of the expansion stroke.
Because the pressure is dropping constantly during this
stroke, the fuel burned at the lower pressures will not be
used to its fullest advantage.
4. To discharge the burned gases completely after expan-
sion, it is necessary to open the exhaust valve a long way
before bdc (bottom dead center) of the stroke while
there is still appreciable pressure in the cylinder. Thus,
the effective expansion ratio is in practice always less
than the compression ratio because the effective stroke
ends when the exhaust valve opens. .
If this list is compared with the assumptions made in calcu-
lating the ase, they certainly seem to represent formidable sources
of energy loss. Nevertheless, it is easily possible on a wen-designed
engine to obtain a thermal efficiency, in terms of foot pounds on
the pistons, of 38 percent, so that the result obtained is only 28
percent less than the theoretical ideal.
Calculating Thermal Efficiency
A simple example will make clear the requirements for cal-
culating thermal efficiency in practice. The engine in this ex-
ample develops 30 bhp steadily on test for a period of 1 hour,
during which time it consumes 17 pounds of gasoline that is
known to have a calorific value of 18,000 Btu per pound. By
reducing both the "input" and the "output" to a common quan-
tity (Btu), we get:
Fuel consumed = 17 lb. Heat consumed = 17 X 18,000 =
306,000 Btu.
Bhp developed = 30. Time = 60 min. = 30 X 60 X 33,000
t./lb. per hour.
Factors Governing Expansion Pressure 25
As I Btu = 778 ft./lb., heat available as work at crank-
shaft =
30 X 60 X 33,000
= 76,350 Btu.
Thus, brake thermal efficiency
= X 100 = 25%
,000 I '
It is usual to include volumetric efficiency in the overall
thermal efficiency, but the former can also be measured sep-
arately. This might well be desirable when valve gear modifi-
cations or port shape modifications are concerned. The connec-
tion of the air intake to an accurate measuring device, such as
a type of gasholder, would enable the volume inhaled to be
measured over any required number of induction strokes, and
comparison with the theoretical swept volume of the engine
then gives the percentage volumetric efficiency.
The volumetric efficiency will not remain constant in a
variable-speed engine since the valve timing must necessarily be
a compromise, as will the port areas. A volumetric efficiency of
around 80 percent is, however, obtainable on a good engine
with overhead valves over most of the useful speed range. Much
higher figures are obtained on racing engines, especially those
that make use of supercharging or the resonance effects avail-
able from tuned manifold systems.
H required, the mechanical efficiency can be measured on
the dynamometer by running the engine at the same speed at
which maximum bhp is developed and then cutting off the
ignition to each of the cylinders one at a time. The reduction
in bhp under these conditions represents the ihp of the cylinder
cut out, and by adding all the "debits" together, the total ihp
-and thus the mechanical efficiency-can be obtained. The fig-
ure for this is again not constant; it is less at higher rpm be-
cause of greater friction. It is usually above 80 percent, however,
and particular attention to free running of components may
be rewarded by a figure approaching 88 percent.
A much more accurate method on the same principle is to
cut out all of the spark plugs in such a way that a misfire occurs
at regular intervals in each cylinder. In this way, all of the
cylinders continue to function, and thus the temperature over
the whole of the engine is kept constant. The reduction in
power under various frequencies of misfiring can be closely
assessed, with the advantage that all the engine systems are
functioning virtually as in normal running. This is far from
being the case when one cylinder at a time is completely out
of action.
Combustion Efficiency
This topic is raised mainly as a matter for speculation-not
as something to be explored theoretically. Insofar as competi-
tion engines are concerned, combustion efficiency seems to be
the one aspect of thermal efficiency that is given the least con-
sideration. By far the most emphasis is given to improving volu-
metric efficiency. Unfortunately this preoccupation often blinds
the tuner or designer to something equally important: how well
the combustion chamber "burns".
Poor combustion efficiency should be the first thing looked
into when an engine that has high volumetric efficiency, from
a theoretical point of view, fails to achieve the desired (or pro-
jected) output. In actual practice, however, it is usually the last
factor to be investigated. More often than not, development
work gets bogged down in the futile redesigning of camshafts,
spark advance curves, and induction or exhaust systems. In such
circumstances, the wise tuner will set aside, at least temporarily,
considerations of volumetric efficiency and look more closely at
the combustion chamber design.
In addition to shortcomings in combustion efficiency, defi-
cient thermal efficiency is also sometimes masked by combining
volumetric efficiency, combustion efficiency, and thermal effi-
ciency into a single thermal efficiency figure. For example, in
recent years the Wankel engine has come under criticism for
its poor fuel economy. Have the engineers working with this
design been so preoccupied with its excellent mechanical effi-
ciency that they have neglected to observe something equally
fundamental to the engine's efficiency? Should not more atten-
tion be given to the heat loss that is consequent to having the
burning mixture transported along a wide expanse of (compar-
atively cool) chamber wall? It would seem that a closer look
at the second law of thermodynamics is advisable in this regard.
2 / The Production of Power
Bmep and Torque
Torque, the turning effort on the crankshaft, is indepen-
dent of engine speed. Its value depends on the pressure on the
pistons, the piston area, and the length of the piston stroke.
Since the cylinder bore and piston stroke dimensions are fixed,
any increase in mep (mean effective pressure) means an in-
crease in torque, and vice versa. Thus, the mep curve and the
torque curve follow the same line on a performance graph. That
torque can be plotted as a curve is not necessarily contradictory
to the first sentence of this paragraph.
As already stated, imep is obtained directly from an indi-
cator measurement of the cylinder expansion pressure. On the
test bed, it is usual to calculate the pressure from the bhp and
refer to it as brake mep or bmep. The figure obtained is imagi-
nary, because it allows for mechanical losses in the engine; it
does, nevertheless, enable useful comparisons to be made (as
between designs) in almost all relevant aspects.
If the bhp is known, the bmep can be calculated as follows:
If I = the length of the stroke in feet (or fraction
a = the area of one piston in square inches
n = the number of power strokes per minute,
bhp X 33,000
bmep (in pounds per square inch) - I X a X n
The makeup of the above formula will be apparent if it is com-
pared with the final calculation made in chapter 1.
To obtain the torque from the bmep, we can use a con-
stant since, for any engine, the only two variables affecting
torque are the swept volume (piston displacement) and the
bmep-and all other mathematical calculations can be resolved
into the constant:
bmep X swept volume in cm
Torque (in lbf.jft.) = ---=----==-------
For the makeup of this formula, consult the appendix.
Power Production
If the torque of the engine remains constant, the bhp will
increase in direct proportion to the speed, and the only limita-
tion on power will be the mechanical construction of the engine
in its ability to withstand high rpm. As a matter of fact, the
mechanical construction in general does determine the rpm
limit, but this limit is, nevertheless, accompanied by a falling
off in torque resulting from the decreased bmep and increased
frictional losses.
The bmep falls off as the rpm increases because of the in-
ability of the engine to inhale a full charge in the diminishing
time that is available. Thus, while the torque curve is reason-
ably flat, the bhp curve will climb approximately pro rata with
the rpm. As the bmep and torque fall off, the bhp curve will
begin to droop, and then it will flatten out until a point is
reached when increasing the rpm does not produce any more
power. The mechanical limitations at top revolutions mainly
concern the stresses arising from the inertia of the reciprocating
parts, particularly the pistons and the valve gear. As one can
see by referring to the ideal engine cycle, a high piston speed
aids the adiabatic process, making for high thermal efficiency.
Still, the mechanical limit has always to be considered.
Bmep and Torque 29
The bmep obtained from an engine is greatly influenced
by the compression ratio, which is obvious from a considera-
tion of the fundamental principles governing the air standard
efficiency. There are, however, factors that limit the compres-
sion ratio that can be used. First, a very high compression ratio
may necessitate a combustion chamber shape that is not con-
ducive to high thermal efficiency. Second, there is the danger
of detonation.
Compression Ratio and Detonation
Normally the fuel/air charge in the combustion chamber
burns with a smoothly advancing flame front. Detonation oc-
curs when the fuel/air charge, or a portion of it, ignites instan-
taneously throughout, causing an explosion rather than pro-
gressive combustion.
For example, an overheated exhaust valve may ignite the
charge at a point remote from the spark plug. The flame front
that advances from this uncontrolled point of ignition may trap
an unburned portion of the charge between itself and an op-
posing flame front advancing from the spark plug. The un-
burned portion of the charge, thus "squeezed", rapidly increases
in temperature until it ignites spontaneously and nearly in-
stantaneously, causing detonation. Similarly, if the compression
ratio is very high, or the fuel octane low, the entire charge may
detonate because of the temperature rise caused by compression
pressure alone.
It is important to differentiate between preignition and
detonation. If the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber
is ignited by a "hot spot", such as an overheated spark plug
electrode, before a spark actually occurs, there is untimed ig-
nition, or preignition. The flame front may advance smoothly
through the charge but the engine "pings" because ignition
has taken place too early. If preignition takes place early in the
compression stroke, or if it takes place at several points-or at
a point remote from the spark plug-there may be sufficient
pressure and temperature rise to produce detonation.
The shock waves set up by preignition and detonation give
rise to a characteristic metallic sound. This sound can vary in
magnitude from a mild "ping" caused by preignition at low
speeds and wide throttle openings, to such violent manifesta-
tions caused by detonation that the engine pulls up dead-most
likely with holes in its pistons.
The choice of fuel has a great influence on detonation. In-
ferior (low octane) fuels demand comparatively low compres-
sion ratios if detonation is to be avoided. High octane gasoline
and the special alcohol-based fuels used in some kinds of racing
allow very high compression ratios. In fact, the compression
ratios of "alki burning" racing engines are often limited more
by considerations of valve-to-piston clearances than by fuel
To appreciate what happens during detonation, it must be
understood that, if the temperature of an explosive mixture is
raised sufficiently, the mixture will eventually explode spon-
taneously (the temperature concerned is known as the spon-
taneous ignition temperature). Before exploding, however,
there is an interval called the ignition time-lag, which in the
case of a mixture of gasoline and air is about 0.0033 seconds. If
the piston, approaching tdc of the compression stroke, takes
longer than this period of time before the spark plug operates,
there will be a premature explosion, the magnitude of which
depends on the extent of the symptoms. Obviously, the longer
the ignition time lag, the less liability there is of spontaneous
Even if the mixture is correctly fired at the "timed" point,
and with an apparently smooth flame spread, there may still be .
a loss of power through detonation. The burned mixture be-
hind the flame front will be at high temperature and pressure,
causing compression of the unburned gas ahead of the flame;
this can raise the temperature of the latter above the sponta-
neous ignition point. It is thus necessary for the flame front to
move right through the unburned charge before the end of the
ignition time-lag period; otherwise the violent counter pressures
set up will lead to overheating and excessive mechanical stressing.
With any particular fuel, the brake thermal efficiency will
decrease if the compression ratio is raised above the optimum
figure for that fuel. Thus, high octane fuel must be used to reap
Bmep and Torque lP
the ase advantages of high compression. Octane improvements
extend the ignition time-lag period of a fuel, thereby decreasing
the fuel's liability to spontaneous ignition. The octane of the
fuel permitted by the racing class rules is therefore of great im-
portance since any limitation on compression ratio is tanta-
mount to a limitation on thermal efficiency.
Fuel technology is a formidable subject in itself, and hardly
within the scope of this book. However, because of recent re-
ductions in the octane of pump gasoline, the subject is assuming
ever greater importance for designers and tuners of competition
engines. At present, there are a number of octane-improving
additives on the market that can be mixed with pump gasoline
to make today's fuel as suitable for racing as were the high-
octane "super premium" gasolines of the 1960s.
In improving the octane rating, a compound is added to
the fuel that diminishes the tendency to detonation. Usually, this
compound is tetraethyllead. Large gasoline companies test their
fuels on a variable-compression engine in the laboratory, the
compression being increased to the highest point possible with-
out detonation. The fuel is graded by an octane number based
on the percentage of tetraethyllead that is necessary to achieve
detonation-free operation at a specific compression ratio.
It is important to note that the calorific value of high oc-
tane fuel may be inferior to that of more ordinary gasolines.
The latter have a calorific value of about 18,000 Btu per pound,
whereas the same weight of high octane alcohol-based racing
fuel may well produce only about half this figure, so that a very
much greater quantity of fuel is required to produce the same
amount of heat. This, of course, explains the abnormal increase
in size of carburetor jets, venturis, fuel lines, and so forth re-
quired when such fuels are used. The much higher thermal ef-
ficiency obtainable naturally results in a net .power gain, and
the high latent heat of evaporation assists in lowering internal
temperatures-a good point so long as the fuel is not used de-
liberately to this end. Nevertheless, engines that race with high-
boost supercharging or turbocharging frequently pass a great
deal of unburned fuel through their combustion chambers,
mainly to keep the pistons from melting.
P"essure Increase with Compression Ratio
On competition engines, the object of increasing the com-
pression ratio is obviously to increase the torque, though in-
creased fuel economy is an important consideration for pas-
senger cars. Particularly when large power output increases are
contemplated for a supertuned production engine, it is impor-
tant to know ahead of time what the consequences will be in
terms of pressure increases. If, for example, a 50 percent in-
crease in bhp is aimed for and the maximum rpm remains the
same, this means a 50 percent increase in bmep or an increase,
say, of from 100 psi to 150 psi in compression pressures.
The graph in Fig. 2-1 shows cylinder pressures at various
compression ratios. The pressure indicated is that at the end
of the compression stroke and assumes adequate cylinder filling
(good volumetric efficiency and wide-open throttle). At the
moment of ignition, the pressure will rise to a maximum of
three or four times the compression pressure. Fig. 2-2 shows the
approximate bhp figures obtained on engines of similar con-
struction using, first, 72-octane pump gasoline and, second, an
alcohol-base fuel that allows a 12:1 compression ratio.
o 3.or 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 l-t 15 to I
Fig. 2I. Increase of pressure prior to ignition with increase in
compression ratio.
Bmep and Torque 33
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
RPM X 100
Fig. 2-2. Power output with compression ratios graded to suit fuel.
(A) medium octane, 7: 1: (B) high octane, 12 : 1.
The final compression pressure is governed lal-gcly by the
volumetric efficiency. Assuming induction at atmospheric pres-
sure, and 'Y = 1.3,
final compression pressure = 14.7 X rl.3.
In practice, of course, induction will be at a pressure somewhat
lower than atmospheric pressure so that any pressure calculated
as above will be safe. Obviously supercharging, which produces
induction at above-atmospheric pressures, is another thing al-
When an engine has been blueprinted or supertuned to
produce even a moderate increase in torque, it is necessary that
detonation is not allowed. What would be innocuous "pinging"
on a lower compression ratio can, if judged by the same degree
of audibility, have serious results if permitted at higher com-
pression ratios. Unfortunately, with a wide-open, unmuffied
racing exhaust system, even the loudest of "pings" is usually in-
audible-making it doubly important to run the engine con-
servatively at first and then to check the spark plugs frequently
for even the slightest indication of detonation damage. Usually,
given a particular fuel, a compression ratio on which the en-
gine is perfectly happy is only fractionally lower than the one
at which all kinds of troubles can intervene. 'As can be seen
from Fig. 2-3, the slightly higher (and dangerous) ratio gives
only a negligible increase in power.
7 8 , 10
Compression Ratio
Fig. 2']. Progressive decrease in power gained as a result of raising
compression ratio.
Heat Loss
In comparing the average thermal efficiency figure with the
ase for an equivalent compression ratio, it is evident that even
in the very best designs a large proportion of the fuel energy
goes to waste. We have already indicated some of the reasons
for a possible 30 percent discrepancy between actual and ase
figures. One important point is the inevitable early opening of
the exhaust valve, which accounts for most of the loss. For ex-
Heat Loss 35
ample, if we assume an indicated thermal efficiency of 35 per-
cent, it means that there is a loss of 65 percent; of this loss nearly
40 percent will go to exhaust. The remaining 25 percent is
carried away in the cooling medium.
The heat loss to the cylinders, and thus to the cooling water
(or air, or oil), takes place roughly as 5 percent during initial
combustion, 6 percent during expansion, and the remaining 14
percent during exhaust. Of this last-named loss, none can pos-
sibly be recovered, so we are left with 11 percent to be accounted
for during the combustion and expansion process.
Obviously, the combustion/expansion stroke, even with no
heat loss at all, could never be 100 percent efficient. The effi-
ciency of the processes depends on the compression ratio and is
governed by basic thermodynamic laws. It can safely be said
that the ignition process accounts for a loss of 5 out of the 11
percent mentioned and that the process in itself must lose half
of this, the jacket loss therefore accounting for 2.5 percent.
As for expansion, it might be thought that a serious heat
loss could take place as the cylinder wall is uncovered by the
descending piston because of the large area of metal exposed.
It should be borne in mind, howevel-, that the pressure is drop-
ping all the time. Thus, the heat loss toward the end of expan-
sion is not so serious since its retention would have added little
to the work done before the exhaust valve opened. In fact, it is
doubtful if more than one-fifth of the 6 percent lost during ex-
pansion could be saved even with no jacket loss whatever. The
total saving, 3.7 percent, would be very small, even if all the
heat could be trapped. This represents a gain in thermal effi-
ciency from 35 to 38.7 percent. Actually the gain would be less
because of the higher operating temperature of the mixture,
and its consequent increase in specific heat would cause a de-
crease in thermal efficiency. As a result, the net gain would
probably only be about 2 percent. We are, of course, considering
only piston engines here.
The significance of the preceding analysis lies in the fact
that high thermal efficiencies are sometimes claimed for engines
on the basis of the use of a compact form of combustion cham-
ber; the idea is that such a shape presents the minimum area for
loss of heat to the cooling jackets. However, our analysis sug-
gests that this conclusion is not so, and the probability is that
the high thermal efficiency figures obtained by these engines
largely result from the good "breathing" characteristics that
usually go with a compact combustion chamber shape.
Water Temperature
Engines run better when the cooling water is hot. The
reason frequently given is that the increased temperature leads
to higher pressures and less heat loss. Actually the improvement
is mostly caused by the improved carburetion and mixture dis-
tribution afforded by the warm induction arrangements and
by the decreased piston friction and improved ring sealing that
is a result of the thinning of the oil on the bores. There are
very little data drawn from experience with air-cooled engines
to contradict this conclusion.
As the weight of mixture inhaled into the cylinders is pro-
portionate to its absolute temperature, it is obvious that with
cool cylinders a greater weight of charge will be drawn in than
when the temperature is higher. This will more than compen-
sate for any increase in heat loss to the water jacket or cooling
fins, and as far as the ihp is concerned, there will be a definite
gain. However, the extra piston oil drag with cold oil cancels
out this gain so that the bhp figure will be lower when the en-
gine is cold; the decreased mechanical efficiency more than com-
pensates for the increased volumetric efficiency.
In showing that the gain in thermal efficiency would be
extremely small with all combustion and expansion heat losses
completely cancelled (if this were possible), we have consid-
ered an engine that is already thermally efficient-a figure of 35
percent having been chosen. Actually there are many sports car
and passenger car engines that do not operate at anything near
this figure, though by dint of extravagant fuel consumption they
can be tuned to perform reasonably well for production class
competition. But performance obtained in this way is objec-
tionable, not merely because it wastes fuel, but for another far
more important reason.
For the engine to be efficient, it must burn its fuel to the
Valve Size and Gas Velocity 37
utmost possible advantage from the point of view of power
production. If as big a percentage as possible of the heat energy
is converted to work on the pistons, good design will take care
of the disposal of the remainder, which in any case is unavoid-
ably wasted. If the percentage converted to work is reduced, a
greater proportion has to be carried away to waste, and that
extra can spell trouble in the course of long periods of full-load
Valve Size and Gas Velocity
The dimensions of valves and ports must necessarily be
something of a compromise. For the desirable amount of tur-
bulence-which is necessary to prevent stagnant areas of mix-
ture, in particular adjacent to the cylinder walls-high gas speed
through the intake valve is required. On the other hand, an ex-
cessive gas speed means reduced volumetric efficiency and in-
creased pumping work.
In general, reasonably high gas velocity is the most impor-
tant consideration. If this sets up a degree of turbulence that
adequately scours the walls, combustion and expansion heat
losses will be minimized, combustion will be complete, and mep
will be satisfactorily high. In the kind of engine with which
we are concerned, with overhead valves, the volumetric efficiency
should not suffer in view of the very free entry afforded for the
gas. Therefore, though it is desirable to reduce pumping work
to the minimum, the increasing of port areas and valve sizes
should not be done haphazardly-particularly if by doing so
the shape of the combustion chamber is altered since turbulence
obviously depends largely on the compactness of the latter.
The exhaust valve should cause little concern in regard to
power loss. The relatively early opening, when there is still a
high pressure (at least 70 psi above atmospheric) in the cylin-
der, ensures a rapid exit of the spent gas so that the energy re-
quired to pump out the residue is negligible. Most of the gas
is expelled when the piston is around bdc, and therefore the
back pressure on the exhaust upstroke will not exceed an aver-
age of more than 2 or 3 psi. It may even be considerably less
over a good speed range as a result of the buildup of energy in
the escaping gas columns (unless the muffler and exhaust system
are outrageously inefficient) .
Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary for larger exhaust
valves to be fitted in supertuned American V8 engines that are
used in drag racing-particularly if they are being run at high
supercharger boosts. The use of semiexplosive nitromethane
fuels causes these engines to develop enormous cylinder pres-
sures, which ensure that the velocity of the exiting gases is sat-
isfactorily high despite the large valve and port diameters.
The fact that large-diameter intake valves made of exhaust
valve steels have been specified by various carmakers for certain
American V8s provides the speed tuner with a source of huge
valves that can be installed in the exhaust sides of the combus-
tion chambers. Though some auto manufacturers maintain a
competition department, which can inform tuners about the
existence of big valves suitable for exhaust service (in addition
to disseminating other valuable engineering data), it is never-
theless important for the machinist/tuner who builds competi-
tion engines to be aware of the materials specifications for all
the:: part:; that might be:: available:: Lv lllt::t::l hi:; UI hel' de:;ign needs_
Although an intake gas velocity above about 160 feet per
second is liable to lead to an increase in pumping losses and a
decrease in the weight of charge drawn in, the velocity through
the exhaust valve may be up to 50 percent above this figure
before any measurable back pressure occurs. Even doubling the
back pressure only decreases the mep by a like amount. A nega-
tive induction pressure of 2 psi, on the other hand, represents
a reduction from 14.7 psi to 12.7 psi on un supercharged en-
gines, or about 14 percent. This is a much more serious matter
because it reduces the mep by approximately the same percent-
age (14 percent)_
3 / Problems of High-speed Operation
Valve Timing
Various assumptions are made when calculating the theo-
retical thermal efficiency of an engine having a certain com-
pression ratio. Among these are that each of the four phases of
the cycle occupies 180
of crankshaft rotation and that the in-
duction and the exhaust strokes take place at atmospheric
pressure. In practice, of course, even on wide-open throttle and
at maximum torque, with the engine turning over at perhaps
half its peak rpm (when there is plenty of time for the mixture
to fill the cylinders) , the induction pressure will be barely equal
to atmospheric. The exhaust stroke begins when there is still
a high pressure in the cylinder and a proportion of expanding
gases representing useful power is forcibly ejected to waste.
In practice the valve timing is arranged so that the inlet
valve, instead of closing at bdc, remains open for a considerable
portion of the following compression stroke; the exhaust valve
also remains open after tdc of the exhaust stroke-this is the
"overlap" period between the two valves. The object of such
valve timing is to take advantage of the inertia of the gas col-
umns as an aid to better filling of the cylinders. If the intake
valve opens at tdc, the piston will be well down on the induc-
tion stroke before the mixture in the intake port and pipe be-
gins to move; thus the valve is usually timed to open earlier so
that it is fully open when the piston actually begins to descend.
See Fig. 3-1.
Fig. 3-I. Typical valve timing for showroom stock sports car. This
diagram represents crankshaft rotation during exhaust and intake
strokes only.
The piston stops momentarily at bdc, but the rapidly mov-
ing gas column does not stop. It is not only attempting to catch
up on the slightly lower pressure inside the cylinder (compared
with atmospheric), but now has considerable momentum that
continues to propel it into the cylinder and will do so even when
the piston begins to rise on the compression stroke. Not until
there is danger of a reversal of the gas flow back through the
intake valve is the valve closed, and this may be 50 or more
after bdc.
Valve Timing 41
Obviously the valves need to open quickly and close quickly
at the timing points to obtain the maximum possible gas flow
for the greatest possible duration. The large American V8 pas-
senger car engines, which in blueprinted and supertuned form
see wide use in competition, have (or can be given) excellent
breathing characteristics. But, being pushrod OHV designs, the
valve operating mechanism has rather substantial mass, which
can create problems for the tuner.
The inertia developed by heavy valve gear at high rpm
limits the speed with which the valves can be opened or closed.
Therefore, light alloy rocker arms (Fig. 3-2) , tubular aluminum
pushrods, roller tappets, and similar hot rod components are
usually a necessity. Naturally the tuner who works with over-
head camshaft designs is not plagued by such considerations.
Fig. 3-2. Aluminum rocker arm for use on American VB engine.
These components for supertuned drag racing engines replace
stock pressed steel units.
The "valve timing" (or, more accurately, the port timing)
of the Wankel rotary engine is another thing altogether. In de-
signs that use peripheral intake ports, such as the NSU Spider
and RO 80 engines, the intake port never closes; in passing the
port, the rotor's apex seal merely shuts off the intake gas flow
to one chamber while simultaneously opening it to another
chamber- The same is true of the exhaust port. Consequently
the gas columns never come to a full halt from which they must
then be restarted.
On Wankel rotary engines with side intake ports, as on
Mazdas, it is possible to "tune" the intake port timing by al-
tering the shape of the port. Whereas peripheral ports tend
toward large nominal overlap periods, side intake ports can be
designed to reduce overlap considerably, though they do this
at the expense of opening late-at tdc or even afterward. If the
port is sharp edged so that it is uncovered very rapidly, almost
instantaneous opening can be obtained. Not only does this over-
come the seeming loss that might result from late opening, it
has the advantage of creating a pressure drop in the combustion
chamber that subsequently accelerates induction. It is unfortu-
nate that, at present, the rules of most racing classes dictate
against Wankel engines; the competition development potential
seems very promising.
Maximum Charging
When the exhaust valve timing is examined we may find
that the valve opens perhaps 50 or so before bdc of the expan-
sion stroke. This apparent wastage of expansion pressure, and
a useful portion of the stroke, is unavoidable; if the valve open-
ing is delayed there simply is not time to expel the burned
charge. The task of doing so would then devolve on the piston
on its upward exhaust stroke. This would be unacceptable; the
negative work involved mechanically in pushing out the ex-
haust would entail a loss far greater than any gain made by
continuing the expansion stroke for a longer period.
At tdc of the exhaust stroke, the intake valve has just
opened. The high-speed exit of spent gases through the exhaust
valve has, however, been continuing for some time so that there
is negligible pressure existing in the cylinder. The designer may
expect the energy of the exhaust gas column to assist in clear-
ing the waste products from the combustion chamber; in fact,
there is no other way to obtain this scavenge since it is unswept
mechanically by the piston. Thus, the exhaust valve is kept
Valve Timing 43
open for a period after tdc when the piston is accelerating on
the intake stroke. If the intake valve is well open by this time,
there is little tendency for the exhaust flow to reverse direction
on a wide throttle opening unless exhaust valve closing is de-
layed too long. If the intake manifold is under low pressure
(that is, any throttle opening other than wide open) , it will be
evident that flow reversal can, and in fact does, take place at
certain combinations of engine speed, load, and throttle opening.
The valve timing has thus to be very much of a compro-
mise, and the more flexible the engine must be, the less liberties
can be taken with extended opening periods and overlap (when
both valves open together at tdc of the exhaust stroke, as shown
in Fig. 3-3)' It is quite usual on engine tests to find exhaust
residuals left in the combustion chambers, in quantities that
vary from cylinder to cylinder, at certain loads-even when the
valve timing is such that it promotes good scavenging. On the
other hand, traces of fresh mixture can many times be detected
in the exhaust outlet, showing that the scavenge is effectively
preventing the fresh charge from going its proper way into the
cylinder. These faults generally show up only at reduced throt-
tle and may account for the fact that fuel econ-
omy on light loads is, in many cases, not so good as might be
On small throttle openings, the whole induction system
will be operating at a pressure very much below atmospheric.
This is true to a degree even on supercharged engines. Under
these conditions, assuming normal valve timing, three of the
intake valves in a four-cylinder engine will either open or be
open during any half-revolution of the crankshaft. For example,
if the intake valves are timed to open at 10 before tdc and to
close 60 after bdc, then, with the piston of NO.1 cylinder start-
ing on its intake stroke, its intake valve will be fully open. How-
ever, the intake valve of NO.2 cylinder, whose piston is starting
from bdc of its compression stroke, will still be open and will
remain open for a further 60. Finally, the intake valve of No.
3 cylinder, which is exhausting, will open just as this piston ar-
rives at tdc. Going back again to No. I, this intake valve will
still be fully open as the piston arrives at bdc. Fig. 3-4 will make
this relationsh,i p clear.
Fig_ 3-3- Conditions at overlap period_ Late opening intake valve
(top) prevents charge mixing but may delay scavenge. Ideal situ-
ation (center) may arise at certain balance of throttle openings
and rpm. Excessive overlap (bottom) leads to charge loss down
exhaust and mixing at low speeds.
Valve Timing 45
o '0 U ___ U U
O .... -QH-+--- 0+---- 0l-4---0t----I
.... 1-'.. ...
aU U ___ V.o.
.. 'Q'
'" .. .. ..
1= 0 u. uJOL
:3 :!-o.+-..... --o
... '"'
00 U U 1 V U .a.
"'0- oH..&--- oIH--- 0..
,..... .:. -
I Jf'I
: z z
(I) .5
Fig. Diagram showing induction and exhaust periods in rela-
tion to effect on individual cylinder filling.
Overlap Snags
Let us consider what happens in the running conditions
described above. The exhaust valve of No. 1 is still open and
the residual gases are flowing out when its intake valve opens.
At low speeds, and with little weight of mixture, the outflowing
exhaust will have little inertia effect. Thus, the opening of the
intake valve against the low pressure existing in the induction
pipe is quite likely to draw the exhaust back into the cylinder
momentarily. In the case of No.2, only the intake valve is open
so there can be no dilution of the mixture. But a reversal of
flow in the intake port may take place, depending on the bal-
ance of induction and compression pressures in the cylinder.
Very much the same conditions apply to NO.3 as to NO. 1, that
is, danger of contamination with exhaust residuals. '
With early inlet valve opening, some loss of power must
be accepted at small throttle openings and medium speed. Idling
also may be unavoidably irregular since induction vacuum is
at its maximum under these conditions. It would therefore ap-
pear that the more flexibility we want from the engine, the less
able we are to take advantage of gas energy. This is true. But
it is quite feasible to arrive at a compromise that gives good
torque over a useful speed range and is perfectly satisfactory
for all normal purposes.
The possibility of using "pipe energy" becomes most at-
tractive when considering competition engines. These engines
are driven regularly on wide throttle so that the pressure in the
induction pipe more nearly approaches atmospheric, and there
is a greater weight of mixture inhaled to form a high-speed
"bung" traveling down the exhaust pipe. In such conditions,
the valve timing and the overlap period can be arranged to in-
duce the maximum amount of charge to enter the cylinders
under given conditions of throttle opening and rpm. But it
must be recognized that, for any real effect, the throttle open-
ing must be generous, the useful rpm range will be limited to
speeds where the engine is "on the pipe", and the piston speed
must be high enough to obtain the requisite gas speed through
the ports.
Some typical timings are shown in Fig. 3-5. For a thorough
Valve Timing 47
discussion of "tuned" pipes, and the influence that valve timing
has on them, the reader is directed to Scientific Design of Ex-
haust & Intake Systems by Philip H. Smith and John C. Mor-
rison, available from the publisher of this book and from se-
lected booksellers.
Fig. 3-5. Comparison of valve timings. (A) Passenger car engine,
approximately 45 bhp/liter @ 4500 rpm; (B) stock sports car en-
gine, approximately 60 bhp/liter @ 5500 rpm; (C) racing sports
car engine, approximately go bhp/liter @ 7000 rpm; (D) racing
engine, approximately 150 bhp/liter @ 8000 rpm.
High-speed Operation
Taking a look at the specs for a typical "sports" engine de-
signed to take advantage of gas flow, we may find that its intake
valve opens 40 before tdc and closes at 80 after bdc-a gen-
erous opening period of 300. The exhaust timing will be sim-
ilar to that of the intake, closing 40 after tdc and opening 80
before bdc, resulting in an overlap of 80 at exhaust tdc. Be-
cause the exhaust valve opens early, the expansion phase being
of only 100 duration, the cylinder pressure is still high when
the valve opens. As a result, the gas escapes with considerable
energy; the bulk of it gets away before bdc when the piston is
traveling slowly. As the piston accelerates on the exhaust stroke,
it probably just about catches up with the remaining gas until,
when the piston has passed its peak speed and is slowing down
owing to crank angularity, the cylinder pressure is becoming
subatmospheric-because of the momentum of the exhaust gases
in the outlet pipe, coupled with the decrease of piston speed.
At this point, the intake valve opens, and the combustion cham-
ber is charged with fresh mixture by exhaust energy alone. After
tdc the piston descends on the intake stroke. But since the ex-
haust valve is still open for another 40, both piston descent
and exhaust outflow combine not only to draw in the maximum
weight of charge but also to maintain the gas velocity that is
necessary for turbulence through what must be a relatively
large-diameter intake valve and port. As a result, the mass of
incoming mixture builds up its own momentum; at bdc it still
continues to flow in against the back pressure of the rising
piston for 80 of the compression stroke until the piston speed
approaches its peak. At this point, when there is danger of gas
flow reversal, the intake valve is closed.
While this method of inducing a weighty intake charge is
excellent from the point of view of sheer torque at high rpm,
it might be somewhat extravagant because there is a grave pos-
sibility of losing a good deal of charge down the exhaust pipe-
particularly during the early opening intake valve phase when
the piston is still ascending. It is, in fact, remarkable how ther-
mally efficient an engine designed along these lines can be made,
the figures standing more than favorable comparison with the
Pulsating Pressure 49
best passenger car engine designs. If the direction of flow of the
incoming mixture is taken care of, little loss of charge need
take place. Though the valve opening periods and overlap seem
large, the time intervals at high speed are short; as the charge
weight increases, so does its inertia.
In considering the effects obtained from taking advantage
of the rapid movement of the intake and exhaust gas columns,
we have so far visualized what might be described as "bungs"
of gas acting somewhat after the manner of auxiliary pistons.
This concept is satisfactory, but in practice, the actual behavior
of the gas is not quite so simple.
Pulsating Pressure
The gas flow, far from proceeding smoothly, actually takes
the form of a series of pulsations, or pressure waves, that alter-
nate as positive and negative pressures above and below the
mean. This is in accordance with physical laws that have been
known for many years and that have been applied in a practical
way for centuries-in pipe organs and musical wind instruments,
for example.
The pulsations in induction and exhaust systems can both
help and hinder power output. By careful and scientific design,
it is possible to harness them to obtain higher torque over the
fairly wide speed range needed by sports car engines. If a nar-
rower rpm band is acceptable, as in many kinds of racing, the
benefit to power can be made even greater, though this extra
power will fade away below a certain minimum engine speed,
which will, of course, be quite high.
For an outstanding example of what can be done by scien-
tifically harnessing the pulsating pressure, we need look no
further than the typical single-cylinder, four-stroke racing mo-
torcycle engine. The pipework on these engines is simplicity
itself. It consists of a short intake stub from the carburetor to
the intake port and an exhaust pipe of suitable length and
varying diameter as called for. It has already been explained
how, with a high-speed exhaust gas exit and a lengthy overlap
period, the combustion chamber can be scavenged of residuals
and charged with fresh mixture while the piston is still ap-
proaching tdc on the exhaust stroke. However, there is more
to the impressive power obtained from a modern racing "single"
than good scavenging; the source of its high output amounts
quite literally to a supercharge.
Charge loss down the exhaust pipe is likely to take place if
the exhaust valve closing is delayed unduly on the intake stroke.
In the case of the sports engine previously described, the ex-
haust valve closed 400 after tdc. Now, imagine that by utilizing
very high gas velocity and a correct design of open pipe for the
specified conditions of engine speed and throttle opening, we
can continue to draw a fresh intake charge down the exhaust
pipe even when the piston is approaching its maximum speed
on the intake stroke. We are obtaining a cylinder rapidly filling
with mixture, plus a further volume of fresh mixture in the
exhaust pipe-between the exhaust pressure wave "bung" and
the exhaust valve.
At first glance, we might conclude that good mixture is
about to be sent to waste. But suppose we can induce the ex-
haust pressure wave to reverse direction at the right moment?
The extra mixture in the exhaust pipe will then be pushed
back into the cylinder through the still-open exhaust valve, and
thus it will be added to the charge that is still flowing in through
the intake valve (the velocity of which will prevent its reversal) .
As soon as there is danger of exhaust residuals following the
mixture back into the combustion chamber, the exhaust valve
is closed, and we are left with what amounts to a supercharged
cylinder-free of mechanical loss and without benefit of a blower.
High Power; Narrow Speed Range
One of the first outstandingly successful engines to apply
the above theory was a 499-cmJ single-cylinder British racing en-
gine of the late 193os, which achieved 50 bhp at 6700 rpm-an
unheard-of figure for its day. To further shock its contempo-
raries, it had an intake valve duration of 3200, an exhaust valve
duration of 3250, and an overlap period of 1250. The seemingly
fantastic nature of these figures is best illustrated by considering
that, in the 7200 that constitute the engine cycle, there is a
period of only 200
during which neither valve is open. And,
Pulsating Pressure 51
in this 200 period, both compression and expansion phases
take place. Subsequently engines of a similar kind were devel-
oped to peak at between 7500 and 8000 rpm with approximately
pro rata increases in power.
If not only gas velocity but pressure waves are to be taken
advantage of in the search for power, there are many often-
conflicting factors involved. These soon become a siren choir,
luring the designer ever on toward an engine with an abso-
lutely minimum speed range; for to apply these various prin-
ciples ideally, one would need a constant-speed engine with a
fixed throttle opening. (The more cynical drivers may aver
that some engines behave very much as if this ideal had been
In practice the designer must permit at least some degree
of flexibility, and this search for flexibility has in recent years
made turbocharging an increasingly attractive alternative to
the "totally cost-free" supercharging obtained solely from
"tuned" pipes. But in many kinds of racing, turbocharging is
not an available option because of rules considerations. The
obvious course-particularly in preparing a car for production
class competition-is to concentrate on developing a good
"tuned" exhaust system.
The exhaust pipe's effect is influenced not only by its
diameter and length but also by the shape of the outlet. The
frequency of the pressure pulsations can be altered by the use
of a diffuser exit, and experimenting along these lines may
prove advantageous. As in the musical instrument industry, the
technique of pipe-end design is mainly a matter of trial and
error, and it is possible that shapes other than a plain trumpet
or megaphone may be evolved to greater effect. Typical of such
is the divergent-convergent shape (or reverse cone), which is
claimed to increase the range of rpms over which the super-
charge takes place. This shape has been greatly exploited and
developed on the two-stroke engines used in the SCCA's D
Sports Racing class. Any suspicion that the reverse cone pipe
end was inspired by the bell of an English horn is quickly
dispelled when one hears a pack of these DSR engines in "full
The main object of the inlet pipe (again considering the
single-cylinder motorcycle powerplant) is to obtain sufficient
gas velocity to allow the pressure to build up in the cylinder
without causing a flow reversal in the intake port. Normally
the closer the carburetor is to the intake valve, the better-and
in cases of doubt, this is a cast-iron rule. It is, however, possible
to obtain an increase of power by extending the intake length
between the valve and the carburetor choke, providing that the
exhaust pipe dimensions are correct. The object is to increase
the intake velocity so that the exhaust valve closing can be
further delayed. Admittedly this extra length of inlet ducting
will "store" considerable fuel/air mixture. But it can be as-
sumed that the additional pipe length will not induce too much
precipitation of fuel on the pipe walls at the gas speeds and
the temperatures involved.
The use of a long intake pipe between the atmosphere and
the carburetor choke is of doubtful utility unless the engine is
already tuned to take full advantage of the gas vibration in
other ways. For engines that work over the normal highway
driving torque range, long intakes of this kind often affect the
carburetion adversely, leading to erratic pickup and inferior
performance from cold. In some instances, tuners have resorted
to long intake pipes or "velocity stacks" to prevent mixture ex-
pulsion on unfavorably designed engines that have excessive
exhaust back pressure or particularly late-closing intake valves.
The considerable increases in maximum bhp that were first
obtained from single-cylinder engines, as a result of harnessing
acoustical phenomena, required a long period of time and
much painstaking experimentation. It is not difficult to lay
down a theory about what happens using the formulas given
in Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems. In fact, a
workable design, with suitable dimensions for the intake and
exhaust tracts and piping, can be laid out on paper largely
from theoretical considerations. The maximum benefit, how-
ever, can be obtained only by experiment-preferably with the
engine on a dynamometer.
When one considers all the possible variations, not only in
pipe length and diameter, but in valve and port areas, piston
speeds, valve timing, valve lift, carburetor size, and so on, it
will be appreciated that long hours in the dyno room and much
Pulsating Pressure 53
hard labor in the welding bay and the machine shop have gone
into producing the results that have been seen in all kinds of
racing where tuned systems are permitted. Magic results should
not be expected after removing the muffler from the family bus,
substituting a short pipe with a chromed megaphone, and
screwing in a larger carburetor jet.
To apply the single-cylinder technique to the multicylin-
der engines with which we are most concerned, it is necessary
to treat each cylinder individually-though mainly insofar as
the intake side is concerned. This means a separate carburetor
(or venturi) and a separate intake port for each cylinder. With
this arrangement, each intake tract is direct to the valve, and
variations in length for experimental purposes are readily ac-
commodated. It will be evident that some advantage may be
gained by increasing the intake charge momentum to allow
the closing of the intake valve to be delayed somewhat longer
than normal after the start of the compression stroke; however,
the fullest use of these "ram tuning" principles cannot be ob-
tained unless the exhaust side is also modified.
Unfortunately the rules of many racing classes do not per-
mit the use of a separate carburetor venturi or a separate in-
jection pipe for each cylinder. It is usual in sports car classes
to have one carburetor serving two cylinders of a "four" or
three cylinders of a "six". In NASCAR racing, a single four-
barrel carburetor must be used to its best advantage in feeding
a big V8. The success that tuners have had with these engines
is often the result of arranging the intake manifolding so that
equally spaced aspiration periods are obtained.
For example, with four cylinders inline, one venturi feeds
a manifold pipe that serves cylinders 1 and 4; the second ven-
turi feeds a manifold pipe that serves cylinders 2 and 3. By
crossing over from one bank to the other of a V8, the four ven-
turis of the typical NASCAR carburetor can be made to supply
equally spaced aspiration periods for an eight-cylinder engine.
Some awkward lengths and bends can be involved, which in-
crease gas friction and encourage fuel deposition (the inertia
of the fuel droplets in the mixture frequently causes them to
be "thrown out" against the manifold walls as the mixture
moves through sharp bends at high speeds). If these problems
are severe on an engine-for example, because the stock low
hood profile must be retained-it is sometimes necessary to feed
adjacent cylinders from a single venturi even though the as-
piration periods are then uneven.
In the case of a six-cylinder inline engine, equal aspiration
periods can be obtained with two carburetors by feeding ad-
jacent cylinders (1-2-3 and 4-5-6) . This is also an excellent lay-
out from the standpoint of short and compact piping. Sixes
with three carburetors (1-2, 3-4, 5-6) will have uneven aspira-
tion periods on the outer pairs but may benefit from the shorter
intake manifold pipes. The lure of short, or at least equal length,
manifold pipes is responsible for the "tarantula-type" intake
manifolds that are used on V8s in drag racing_
Exhaust Systems
For engines that have an individual carburetor venturi or
injection pipe for each cylinder, it would seem logical to use a
separate exhaust pipe for each cylinder-thus enabling the pipes
to be "tuned" using the principles derived from single-cylinder
practice. This is not always the best technique, though it has
been used successfully at times. In most applications, it is pos-
sible to improve performance by combining the exhaust pipes
at some point, which allows the exhaust pulsations of one
cylinder to help those of the others_
As far as normal layouts are concerned, the main require-
ment is to prevent interference between cylinders that have
overlapping exhaust strokes and to provide sufficient length in
each exhaust branch to give a useful extractor effect before the
pipes merge. There may be some difficulty in accommodating
a system that has branch pipes of suitable length feeding into
a single tailpipe, and division of the system is frequently re-
sorted to in order to simplify matters. Dividing the system may,
in fact, even offer advantages if the engine is required to operate
frequently in the mid-range of rpm, instead of only at maximum
A common example is four-cylinder engines such as those
used in the Triumph Spitfire Mark II and the Ford Cortina
GT (Fig. 3-6) -two imported cars that were sold in the United
Pulsating Pressure 55
States during the middle and early 1960s when emission con-
trols were unheard of and performance was king. These en-
gines are fitted with tuned headers that have one Y-branch
from cylinders 1 and 4 and another from cylinders 2 and 3.
The two branches then join and lead into a common tailpipe.
This is the so-called tri-Y system and gives equal time intervals
in exhaust expulsions with little or no possibility of backflow
into the cylinders. These systems have the further advantage
of giving good mid-range power-which makes them especially
suitable for sporting machines that must double as everyday
transportation. A similar system for an inline six-cylinder en-
gine would consist of two trifurcating branches for cylinders
1-2-3 and 4-5-6. However, on a "six", the practice is sometimes
to keep the branches separate, with two individual tailpipes.
Fig. 3-6. Four into two into one tri-Y exhaust header of Ford
Cortina 1500 GT engine.
V8 engines present a particular problem because of the
firing orders that are necessary with the normal kind of crank-
shaft, which has four crankpins spaced at goO intervals of rota-
tion. To obtain equally spaced exhaust expulsions with two
4-into-1 headers, it is necessary to design a complicated "bundle
of snakes" system that has pipes crossing over from one bank
of cylinders to join those of the other. For this reason, many
V8 racing engines use a "flat" 180
crankshaft that is similar
to the crankshaft of a four-cylinder engine. A certain amount
of secondary imbalance vibration must be accepted, but with a
"flat" crank it is possible to fire cylinders on alternate banks so
that each bank can be treated as an inline "four" with four
evenly spaced exhaust expulsions.
Because the exhaust gases exit from the cylinders under
considerable pressure, an exhaust system that restricts gas move-
ment has a much less disadvantageous effect than would be the
case were the same condition to prevail in the induction sys-
tem. This is the reason why many engines operate quite well
with exhaust manifolding that was designed more to facilitate
foundry work (or to cram an oversize engine into a small space)
than for any power-producing potential. That most production
engines can gain several bhp by the substitution of tuned
headers is less a credit to the design of the special exhaust sys-
tem than a strong condemnation of the standard design.
Mechanical Stresses
The main source of operating stresses in the conventional
engine is the reciprocating action, which sets up bearing loads
quite unlike those encountered in purely rotating motion.
(This is a consideration that has made the Wankel rotary en-
gine attractive.) In stepping up power output for competition,
it is usual to increase the upper rev limit for the engine and
also, through the use of a higher numerical final drive gear
ratio, to increase the engine revolutions per mile. These mod-
ifications unavoidably increase the mechanical stresses on the
engine's moving parts.
In a conventional engine, the crankshaft main bearing
Mechanical Stresses 57
loads can be fairly well balanced so that wear is evenly dis-
tributed around the bearing shells and the journal. But the
reciprocating loads are particularly severe at the connecting
rod big ends. The major source of stress is the reversal of the
piston movement at tdc and bdc; it introduces an alternating
tensile and compressive load in the connecting rod, which is
transmitted to both the piston pin and the crankpin as a shear
These inertia loads caused by the reciprocating mass are
independent of any other loads that may come from the actual
pressures on the pistons during the working cycle. If we con-
sider the case of an engine's being driven by an electric motor,
with all the spark plugs removed, the reversal of forces at tdc
and bdc will be virtually the only stresses with which the re-
ciprocating parts have to contend. Nevertheless, if the electric
motor were speeded up, the loads caused by reciprocating mass
alone would be found to increase in an alarming way. In fact,
the increase in stress is proportional to the square of the
engine rpm.
For example, at 6000 rpm, the loading is four times that at
3000 rpm. It is not difficult to sce why big cnd failure may occur
if the revs are pushed even a small amount past the tachometer
redline. Thus, an engine that travels happily for mile after
mile at 4500 rpm should not necessarily be condemned if it
suffers a bearing failure after a brisk hour at 5000. The extra
500 rpm has increased the big end bearing loading by nearly
25 percent.
If we are to increase the rev limit for an engine that is to
be used in competition, some steps must be taken to minimize
the increase in mechanical stresses. Of first importance is the
balancing of all the engine's moving parts. Reciprocating com-
ponents must be of equal weights for each cylinder to reduce
tortional loadings on the crankshaft and to avoid the additional
stress that can be caused by ordinary imbalance vibrations. The
rotating parts should be balanced dynamically with the help
of electronic equipment. For any major increase in operating
rpm, lightweight reciprocating parts must be used in place of
the standards parts. Forged aluminum connecting rods, for ex-
ample, are almost universally used in super tuned drag racing
engines. The lightening of valve gear components IS also
Power Loading
The actual operational cycle of the engine has a pronounced
effect on the inertia stresses. For instance, on the intake stroke,
the connecting rod assembly will be under tension caused by
inertia, friction (ring drag), and the "suction" effect of draw-
ing in the mixture for the first part of its movement. For the
remainder of the stroke, the assembly is being slowed down by
the crankshaft, causing a compressive load as the reciprocating
weight attempts to overrun the uniform crank speed. The pis-
ton, of course, is still subject to the suction effect, so that the
degree of compressive load on the connecting rod depends on
the throttle opening as well as on rpm.
On the compression stroke, the initial loading is obviously
compressive. But during the latter part of the stroke, piston
deceleration exerts a powerful inertia tensile loading on the
rod. The extent of the changeover from compression to tension, of course, OIl compn:ssioll pl'essUl'e (which again
means throttle opening) and engine speed (which determines
the deceleration inertia load) .
The firing or power stroke puts a compressive load on the
connecting rod, which opposes the tensile inertia load. The
extent to which the two forces act depends on the throttle
opening (that is, on the strength of the expansive force) and
the engine speed. When the exhaust valve opens, the pressure
is removed from above the piston, which is now being slowed
by the crankshaft. Finally, on the exhaust stroke, the load
changes from compressive to tensile, as in the other strokes.
Complications of Bearing Loads
The foregoing is no more than a brief outline of what the
big end bearings and the materials of an engine's reciprocating
parts have to withstand. But we have covered the subject suffi-
ciently to show that the combination of loading caused by the
inertia of reciprocating components and the stresses imposed
Mechanical StTesses 59
by the engine operating cycle is extremely complicated. At this
point, it will be interesting to see how a third factor, driving
conditions, further affects the loading.
Generally, bearing failure occurs at high rpm and wide
throttle openings. But often the failure is caused by conditions
that are independent of the engine's speed and the power being
developed. Serious loads can be imposed on bearings while driv-
ing sedately at relatively low rpm. Because damage can thus
take place under conditions that might not seem taxing for the
engine, it is important to investigate the reasons why.
On an average passenger car engine, the maximum torque
comes in about half the maximum speed of which the engine
is capable. It is at this point of full torque that the expansive
pressure on the power stroke is highest, so that a considerable
load, the result of the power production, is put on the big ends.
At these seemingly innocent revs, the inertia force is admittedly
moderate. But consequently there is less of this force to coun-
teract the thrust of the power stroke. Furthermore, this full-
torque effect persists even at very low rpm because there is plenty
of time for the cylinders to become fully charged.
All of these conditions add up to the fact that "lugging"
the engine on wide throttle at low rpm is bad for the bearings
and can lead to serious overloading if persisted in. Of course,
engines with generous bearing areas are less prone to damage,
and engines that have roller bearing big ends can be quite sus-
ceptible to damage; the available contact surfaces are limited,
and the necessary supply of lubricating oil is reduced by the
low revolutions. As the rpm builds up-even on the same throt-
tle opening-the rising revolutions, far from increasing the load,
actually decrease it because of the counteracting inertia forces.
At or above the maximum engine rpm, the inertia forces
take command. The torque is necessarily falling off at this point
(unless the engine is supercharged or has an exceptionally ef-
ficient induction system) because of valve restrictions and an
impedance to mixture flow that is a consequence of the high
speed of operation. Thus, the balancing load on the bearings
is reduced, and they are subjected to their maximum stress.
High oil temperatures can also contribute to high-rpm bear-
ing failure. Sustained high speeds obviously mean increased heat,
and if the engine's lubricating oil reaches an unusually high
temperature, its viscosity will decrease-just when viscosity
should be ample to maintain the oil film that separates the
highly loaded bearing surfaces. Modern multigrade oils are
much less subject to high-temperature viscosity loss than were
the engine oils of twenty years ago. Nevertheless, many com-
petition engine tuners see fit to use a viscosity-improving
agent, such as the ubiquitous STP.
Any minor rupture of a bearing's oil film will at once in-
crease the heat generated in that bearing so that a situation is
created that very soon results in failure if the conditions are
persisted in. This is the reason why short bursts of high speed
are not harmful, even on a well-worn engine with low oil pres-
sure, whereas indiscreet flogging for miles on end will wreck the
bearings of the best-maintained power plant.
Extra Heating
So far we have considered only the additional loading in-
duced by higher rpm in combination with extra piston thrust.
The next item to consider is the extra heat developed by super-
tuned or supercharged engines. Any measures taken to increase
engine power by higher cylinder pressures must inevitably re-
lease more heat in the combustion chambers. A higher com-
pression ratio does this-more so when multiple carburetors,
improved manifolding, or a blower allow the engine to inhale
a larger quantity of mixture.
The average production engine can take care of the extra
heat without much difficulty because it is dissipated to the at-
mosphere by the cooling system and the engine oil. But in
some cases increased cooling capacity may be necessary. Cylin-
ders and cylinder heads with deeper cooling fins may be
needed on air-cooled engines; on liquid-cooled engines, the
water pump speed may have to be increased. An oil radiator
can easily be added to any four-stroke engine, and the oil ca-
pacity can be increased by a deeper sump or by changing to a
dry sump system with a large storage tank. In any case, when
more heat is added to the loadings, the total requirement in
Mechanical Stresses 61
extra construction strength and ruggedness may be quite
It is possible, for example, for cylinder head gasket failure
to become a problem if the head and block mating surface
areas are not adequate for the increased heat conduction re-
quirements or if there are too few cylinder head bolts or studs
to withstand the extra pressure. Cylinder head castings may
distort because of heat and pressure and actually lift between
the widely spaced studs-though these troubles are encountered
mainly in highly super tuned or supercharged powerplants. Pro-
viding that the necessary and logical modifications are made
to the components that must carry the extra stresses, there is
no reason to suppose that stepping up the power output of a
basic design of engine need have any adverse effect. The neces-
sity of improved sealing-and, above all, improved heat transfer
from head to block-is a factor that dictates such practices as
O-ringing of cylinders and the use of solid embossed steel or
shim-type gaskets.
4 / Mechanical Construction
of High-power Engines
Basic Materials in Construction
The first requirement for ensuring reliability under condi-
tions of continuous high-speed operation is that the materials
chosen be of the correct type and adequate for the duty of any
particular task. The advances made in foundry and metallur-
gical techniques during the past two decades have ensured that
failure of a component is comparatively rare under normal con-
ditions. It is still possible for a crankshaft or a connecting rod
to break under the abnormal stress produced by racing, but
these failures arise from many causes other than faulty ma-
terials or dimensional errors.
There are two main classes of materials used in engine con-
struction: ferrous metals and nonferrous metals. The former
comprise those with an iron base, such as cast-iron, mild steel,
and alloy steel. The latter can be casehardened through proc-
esses such as carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, carbonitriding,
or other special treatments if required for particular duties. A
fairly recent newcomer to the ferrous range is nodular or high-
strength ductile iron; various compounds-such as magnesium,
cerium, calcium, lithium, sodium, or barium-are added just be-
fore pouring to achieve a high degree of toughness and strength.
Basic Materials in Construction 63
This material is widely used as an alternative to steel for cast
crankshafts; Meehanite is one trade name.
Present-day foundry techniques allow castings to be not
only far more intricate than was once possible, but also ex-
tremely thin and lightweight. The heavy iron engine block cast-
ings of former times were not made thick merely for reasons of
strength. The greater thickness was mainly necessary because
reliable ways to locate the cores for the cylinders and water
jackets had not been developed. Adequate "safety" thickness
therefore had to be left for machining; otherwise a high per-
centage of wasted castings would result when the cylinder bor-
ing tool cut through into imprecisely located portions of the
water jacket. Today's thin-wall iron castings have little weight
penalty over aluminum castings when used for the engine blocks
of production cars.
Nonferrous Metals
Aluminum alloy is the most widely used nonferrous metal
in engine construction. Magnesium alloy has also been widely
used. particularly in the crankcases of the Volkswagen and
Porsche air-cooled engines. Aluminum and magnesium alloys
combine adequate strength with lightness, with magnesium being
particularly lightweight for its strength. On the whole, alumi-
num alloys are easier to cast and machine than iron. A third,
and perhaps most important, property of aluminum is its high
thermal conductivity-a factor that has always made it attrac-
tive for the construction of cylinder heads of engines that are
otherwise constructed of ferrous metals. Chrysler, for example,
has cast a few aluminum heads for the "Hemi" engine, and these
are highly prized by drag racers. VW uses aluminum heads on
the cast-iron blocks of its water-cooled models. Not to be over-
looked are the "rare" aluminum Chevrolet blocks that have
been used in Can-Am racing.
For large castings that carry little stress, ordinary diecast
or sandcast aluminum is excellent. This material is widely used
for oil tanks, timing covers, overhead camshaft covers, and oil
pans. Insofar as oil containers are concerned, the virtues of alu-
minum from the standpoint of heat conductivity are probably
overrated in comparison with, say, an oil pan of pressed steel.
However, an aluminum sump does combine strength with light-
ness, and this is a requirement in sumps with extra oil capacity,
which are frequently desirable for competition applications_
The thermal conductivity of aluminum really shows to ad-
vantage when this material is used for cylinder heads. It will
be apparent that the temperature range of the cycle has an im-
portant bearing on thermal efficiency and that, although rapid
heat dissipation at certain high-temperature phases in the cycle
is essential to prevent overheating, the retention of heat at other
phases is desirable. Thus, a material that will rapidly transfer
the heat between the mixture and the cooling liquid or air, in
whichever direction is required, will make for high thermal
efficiency as well as reliability under sustained high loadings.
A material of lower thermal conductivity characteristics, on the
other hand, will tend to retain the heat within itself, leading
to local superheated areas (hot spots) during conditions of
high temperature operation.
For very high pressures, heads of aluminum bronze alloy
are sOInetirnes used because the mechanical strength is in this
case equal to that of cast-iron. Because the typical makeup of
the alloy is about 86 percent copper, 10.5 percent aluminum,
and 3.5 percent iron, valve seat inserts, normally required with
aluminum heads, may be dispensed with. Nevertheless the
thermal conductivity is far superior to that of iron. Barronia, a
copper-tin base alloy, is another successful material that has
been used without valve seat inserts. Some aluminum alloys
are noted for outstanding wear resistance. In the VW overhead
camshaft engines, for example, the use of such an alloy has
eliminated the need for camshaft bearing shells, the camshaft
running directly in the cylinder head material.
Light alloy crankcases are encountered on almost all en-
gines that have their cylinders (VW, Porsche) or their blocks
(Offy) separate from the crankcase. Unique is the Chevrolet
Vega engine, which has an aluminum block and an iron cylin-
der head-with no iron liners for the cylinders; previous de-
signs, such as the one shown in Fig. 4-1, have had iron cylinder
Basic Materials in Construction 65
Fig. 4-I. Light alloy crankcase and cylinder block casting. in con-
junction with wet cast-iron cylinder liners on 2-liter AC engine.
The cylinder head is also of cast-iron.
When iron liners are used in light alloy blocks, which is
the case in most racing engines, they are usually of the wet type
(wet liners are familiar to anyone who has worked with Triumph
sports car engines) . A kind of construction used with dry liners
is to cast the aluminum around the iron liners in the mold;
the liners in this case have a specially finished exterior to
form a mechanical interlock, such as threading or a roughened,
sandpaper-texture pockmarking. Both wet and dry liners in alu-
minum blocks make for commendably light powerplants and,
though the manufacturing operations are to some extent in-
creased in complexity, the durability is praiseworthy in com-
parison to experiments that have been made using plated or
chemically treated aluminum cylinder bores.
The Chevy "six" finally abandoned iron pistons in the
1950S and, that milestone fortunately behind us, aluminum alloy
pistons are now universally used in all engines-for both high-
way driving and competition_ Production car pistons are usu-
ally of diecast aluminum; however, forged aluminum is lll-
variably used for the pistons of racing or super tuned engines.
Aluminum is a perfect piston material, as much for its
heat-conducting properties as for its lightness. Even in forged
aluminum, racing pistons are sufficiently robust in section to
have considerable weight, and though some stronger "space
age" material might reduce this section enough to save weight,
no metal other than aluminum would be more suitable for
ultrarapid heat conduction from the piston crown to the cylin-
der walls. This is of great importance; otherwise the pistons
could easily melt.
Forged steel is generally used for connecting rods. How-
ever, the weight penalty is obviously of great concern in this
application. Drilling holes through the connecting rod web
has been tried-in most cases without very desirable results. A
better, if more costly, solution is the tubular steel rods used for
many years in Offy racing engines.
Connecting rods machined from duralumin and similar
materials have been used, as have diecast aluminum rods in
smaller engines. Today, however, forged aluminum connecting
rods are being used increasingly. Rods of this k.illd are almost
universally used in large-displacement drag racing V8s where,
because of the large size of the rods, a weight reduction has in-
valuable benefits from the standpoints of reducing inertia load-
ings. The popularity of forged aluminum rods with speed tuners
is fostered also by the wide use of nodular cast-iron connecting
rods in American production car engines-not the best of ma-
terials for high-rpm purposes.
Fatigue Failure
Failure of highly stressed parts was once frequently caused
by an actual fault in the metal. Now, with X-ray, Magnaflux,
Zyglo, and other electronic inspection procedures-mandatory
forms of regular inspection in some racing classes-these failures
no longer occur. Consequently breakages in modern competi-
tion engines are almost invariably caused by metal fatigue. This
is the "tiring" of the metal, along molecular or crystal lines,
caused by abnormal stresses and resulting in the development
Basic Matt(rials in Construction 67
of a crack. The detection of these fatigue cracks is, in racing,
the main use of the Magnaflux and, for nonmagnetic metals,
the Zyglo processes.
A fatigue crack starts at a creeping pace, then spreads with
accelerating rapidity until breakage occurs. The process can
take a second or years, depending on the overstrength margin.
The greater the overstrength margin in the component, the
less likely there is to be fatigue-and the greater the possibility
that the "creeping crack" will be detected during a teardown
between races instead of progressing to an immediate cataclys-
mic failure during the race itself. Where reciprocating parts
are concerned, superfluous weight of metal is undesirable. Un-
fortunately these parts are the very ones in which fractures are
most serious and frequent. Old age alone leads to changes (crys-
tallization) in the metal structure that lessen its resistance to
fatigue-a point to watch where vintage class racing car engines
are concerned.
The painstaking elimination of places that are likely to en-
courage the start of fatigue cracks is an important part of good
design and of supertuning machine shop work. Typical danger
points are at the bottoms of screw threads, junctions of bolt
heads with their shanks, and at any other sharp corners or
points where there are abrupt changes in section. Accidental
nicks, scratches, or file marks can be starting points for cracks.
Conversely a highly polished surface is a distinct discourage-
ment to breakage. It has been established by testing that an ac-
cidental scratch on a polished surface causes a 15 percent re-
duction in fatigue resistance, while the refinishing of a normal
"production standard" smooth surface to a high polish will in-
crease fatigue resistance by 2 percent.
The examination of a fracture can often provide useful
information. The final breakage point is usually discernible by
a rough spot at the break, the early part of the "creeping crack"
being almost polished in appearance, with curved lines radiat-
ing back to the starting point. This semi polished surface is
caused by the working together of the surfaces before the final
parting, and the start of the trouble is usually traceable to the
commencement of the curved lines. Investigation by an expert
metallurgist can often give a clue to the direction of the force
that caused the breakage and thus can help in determining
whether an abnormal load in the normal direction or some un-
expected additional stress was responsible.
In many respects, the design of the competition engine fol-
lows closely that of its more sober counterpart. In fact, many of
the components used in stock engines can be employed with
equal success in engines of somewhat greater power output,
providing that they can cope-or be made to cope-with the
extra stresses involved. A study of chapters 15 through 21, which
deal with the specifications of typical competition engines, will
help to indicate how various manufacturers deal with particular
aspects of design and how tuners go about making them even
more stress resistant.
Valve Operation
One of the more remarkable aspects of engine development
is the way in which the spring-closed poppet valve has retained
its supremacy and continues to meet most requirements of mod-
ern high-speed operation. No alternative system h:ls yet ap-
peared that has stood the test of time in the hands of the private
motorist, though sleeve valves, rotary valves, slide valves, cuff
valves, and other kinds of valves have had a run at some period
-not without success. Mechanically closed valves, called des-
modromic valves, have had some use in racing engines, and the
Wankel engine manages a four-stroke cycle with no valves at
all-thus profiting from one of the best features of two-stroke
piston engine design.
The very simplicity of the poppet valve makes its opera-
tion one of those things that is rather taken for granted. When
checking valve clearances, for instance, the car owner will note
how the rocker arm or the cam lobe moves on its appointed
way as he or she rotates the crankshaft by hand and can imagine
how it will go on doing this under all operational conditions.
In actual fact, high engine rpm, allied with valve timing that
is intended to produce rapid opening and closing, brings up
many problems for the competition engine designer that are
not so much of a worry with more leisurely highway driving.
Valve Operation 69
Valve Float
It is well known that valve float, sometimes called valve
crash or valve bounce, in many cases limits the maximum rpm
and the power of an engine-to the accompaniment of consid-
erable, often expensive, mechanical noise! What happens is that
the valve remains off its seat more or less permanently in a state
of vibration, being kicked up again by the rocker arm or the
cam lobe before the spring has fully returned it to its seat. This
state of affairs can lead to serious engine damage.
The usual remedy for valve float when tuning an engine
for the attainment of higher rpm than standard is to increase
the spring tension and, in the case of pushrod engines, to lighten
the valve gear. A simple switch to stronger valve springs will
not always solve the problem because of another design limit
that cannot be exceeded: one cannot use springs made from
wire that is so thick that the spring coils come into contact as
the valve opens, thus preventing the valve from being opened
farther. Consequently, double or triple springs, arranged con-
centrically, are a better solution (Fig. 4-2) . In cases where valve
spring resonance causes the spring pressure to vary at certain
harmonic rpm, a supplementary damping spring (Fig. 4-3) can
be fitted, which prevents the unwanted longitudinal oscillations
of the main spring. The use of washers to reduce the assembled
height of the springs has its place but, if too thick a washer is
used, spring coil interference is a distinct probability with
high performance camsha fts.
Fig. 4'2. Dual valve springs separated. By using more than one
spring, each coil can be softer and of lightergauge wire.
Fig. 4-3. Stock spring, spring with damper coil, and assembled dual
spring. Flat-steel damper prevents main spring vibrations.
Rapid opening and closing speeds, which are desirable
from the standpoint of volumetric efficiency, can cause accelera-
tion loads and inertia problems_ Super tuned pushrod engines
sometimes make use of roller tappets to achieve the rapid open-
ing and closing rates that would otherwise require an overhead
camshaft. In some cases, the valves open so quickly that, at high
rpm, the inertia of the valve gear keeps the valve opening be-
yond the point that it would be lifted to by cam action alone_
There is then a distinct danger that the valve will strike the
piston. When a valve closes quickly, it may strike the seat with
sufficient velocity to bounce open again-leading to possible
valve/piston contact.
The potential of valve float for causing damage and its
undeniable limiting effect on performance might lead one to
assume that, up to the actual rpm where mischief begins, the
valve gear and the spring perform their job efficiently-follow-
ing exactly the valve timing laid down by the designer. Actu-
ally the movement, even at normal highway speeds, can be far
removed from the "open 10 before bdc, close 60 after bdc"
of the specification book.
When the valve is lifted by the cam, either directly as in
an overhead camshaft engine or through the medium of tappet,
pushrod, rocker arm, and so on, it is accelerated very rapidly
against increasing spring resistance as the spring closes its coils.
Nevertheless, the acceleration of the valve may be such that
after about half-lift, despite spring pressure, the cam does very
Valve Operation 71
little work-the spring barely controlling the opening move-
ment of the valve, which is under its own momentum as a re-
sult of the initial kick imparted to it.
When the valve is closing, the spring, in its closed-up (and
thus most powerful) condition, will exert its full pressure, and
the designated lowering action of the cam contour will be fol-
lowed. As the valve approaches its seat, however, the spring,
having opened out, will be at its weakest. It is usually at this
point that good valve gear and cam design shows up, because
it is possible-given adequate spring tension-for the valve to
be lowered right onto its seat with comparative gentleness by
a well-designed layout, thus with a minimum of the tendency
to bounce off again. Incidentally this tendency of the valve to
bounce off its seat (after it should have closed once and for all)
has nothing to do with our previous remarks concerning high-
rpm float, and it is important to appreciate this fact. The valve
gear rarely operates so that the valve stays closed at the first
attempt. What happens is that the valve bounces several times
to an ever-diminishing degree before finally coming to rest. It
is important to limit the height of the first bounce, and the ac-
ceptable amount of bounce off the seat is microscopic. It is,
however, usually taking place, and can readily be detected by
the use of a stroboscope-a light that can have its flashing fre-
quency adjusted so that the movements of the valve seem to be
slowed down to the eye.
Effect on Power
Evidently several undesirable effects will arise from the
foregoing conditions: the potential for gas leakage, the unpre-
dictable stresses imposed on moving parts, and the mechanical
noise. A further important factor concerns the power necessary
to drive the valve train. When the spring strength is increased
to give effective control over the valve, the power absorbed must
be deducted from the power delivered to the flywheel. Further-
more, the whole of the operating gear is placed under addi-
tional load, which prejudices reliability.
It says much for the design of modern competition cam-
shafts that the undesirable features of spring-closed valves have
been nullified to such a remarkable degree. Desmodromic valves
have scarcely been heard from for almost twenty years. It is,
after all, the profile of the cam that makes or mars the opera-
tion, particularly in attaining such essentials as rapid opening
and closing, maximum duration of full opening, acceleration
and deceleration of the valve gear to give the least stress and
noise, and so on.
Camshafts and Drives
High-quality competition camshafts are generally machined
from a forged steel billet and casehardened. On the other hand,
most production engines now have cast nodular iron camshafts.
Typically the cast material is an alloy that contains nickel,
chromium, molybdenum, or some other wear-resistant element.
This makes it possible to machine driving gears for the dis-
tributor or the oil pump directly into the camshaft material.
Camshafts of this kind are universally used in American V8s
and are sometimes reground for better performance. Neverthe-
less the substitution of a billet cam is normal when tuning
engines for serious competition.
Because the cam surfaces are very heavily loaded, a good
depth of hardening is necessary. For production cars, the chill-
casting method is often used. In this process, iron chills or in-
sertions of the required shape are placed next to the concerned
surfaces. These chills cause a rapid cooling of the casting at
the lobes and the journals, producing the formation of a very
hard carbide-of-iron layer, which is then finish-ground. On alloy
steel shafts, the induction hardening process is widely employed.
The principle is that of rapidly heating the surface layer of
the material to a high temperature and then quenching it be-
fore the main body of metal has had time to absorb too much
The heating is accomplished by passing a high-frequency
electrical current through a muffle that surrounds the surface
of the camshaft; clearance between the muffle and the camshaft
allows quenching water to be sprayed in. Electrical current in-
duced in the camshaft surface as a result of its proximity to
Camshafts and Drives 73
the mume causes rapid heating for a few seconds. followed by
a water quench. The process is repeated as often as required
to obtain the necessary hardness depth. Obviously the heating
and quenching can be controlled with great precision. and
therefore induction hardening is used frequently-not only for
camshafts but also for many other alloy steel parts that are
manufactured in quantity.
The power imparted to the crankshaft is in the form of
impulses. Thus. the turning of the crankshaft is not uniform;
the degree of irregularity depends on the number of power
strokes (that is. the number of cylinders). Similarly the cam-
shaft loading is not uniform; the fewer cam lobes there are on
the shaft. the more irregular will be the turning effort. Thus.
even such a simple-appearing assembly as a camshaft drive can
be quite a problem for the design engineer. involving as it does
the coupling of two shafts-one running at half the speed of
the other and neither rotating with uniform effort. The re-
sulting torsional vibrations can place far greater loads on the
camshaft drive than would be the case if loading and revolu-
tion speed were uniform.
The normal location for the camshaft (s) of all recently
designed engines is atop the cylinder head. On older designs.
and particularly on large American V8s, the camshaft is usually
located in the valley between the cylinder banks or, especially
on in line engines, in the crankcase. In the latter location. the
lubricating problems are simplified because the cam lobes are
kept drenched by oil thrown off the crankshaft. Apart from the
bearings, a good flow of oil is necessary to the highly loaded
faces of the cam lobes. However, in the case of V-type and OHC
engines, an excessive flow of oil at high rpm can cause trouble
by filling up the cam covers or the valve lifter gallery and thus
isolating a considerable quantity of oil from the pump pickup,
where it is sorely needed to keep the crankshaft bearings
Gear Drives
With the camshaft located in the crankcase or in the valley
between the cylinder banks of a V-type engine, the simplest
kind of drive is a pair of gears-one on the crankshaft and an-
other, with twice as many teeth, on the camshafL This is the
system used on VW air-cooled engines, the Ford V6 (Fig_ 4-4),
and on quite a lot of production car engines built during the
early and middle decades of this century_ Extreme accuracy of
the gear mesh and a good gear tooth design are essential if
noise is to be avoided_ But gears are always difficult to silence,
and the use of a camshaft gear of nonmetallic material is some-
times resorted to on this account- However, gears do provide
a very positive form of drive, an important consideration; a
slight variation in the relative positions of the crankshaft and
the camshaft can adversely affect the timing because of the
flexibility in the camshaft drive.
Fig. 4-4. Gear drive for camshaft of Ford V6, showing simplicity
of obtaining correct timing during engine assembly.
Gear drives thus are frequently used on competition en-
gines. Several proprietary gear drive units are available for in-
stallation on supertuned American V8 engines, replacing the
chain drives that are used in production. These units, which
Camshafts and Drives 75
incorporate one or two idler gears, have straight-cut teeth for
zero end-thrust, accuracy, and low friction losses; consequently
they howl so loudly that they can often be heard shrieking like
sirens above the bellow of the exhausts on the more potent oval
track and drag racing engines. Overhead camshaft racing en-
gines use gear drives almost universally, often with as many as
three idler gears interposed between the gear on the crank-
shaft and the gear (s) on the camshaft (s). Bevel gear drives,
with shafts-used on the Porsche Carrera four-cam four-cylinder
engines of the 1950S and 1960s-are light, simple, and compact,
but they lack the accuracy of timing that is associated with
spur gears.
The difficulty of silencing gears comes mainly from the
necessity arising from space limitations of using small gears
with fine tooth pitching. These, in consequence, are extremely
sensitive to any vibration in the shaft center distance, which
naturally alters the meshing of the teeth. The shaft centers are
bound to change because of the heat expansion of the engine
block. Thus, apart from the irregularities unavoidable in quan-
tity production, the fact that the engine operates over a widely
varying temperature range is inimical to the maintenance of a
constant center distance. Regardless of the number of teeth
there are on a gear, the inescapable fact remains that only one
tooth at a time is transmitting the load. It is the impact of trans-
ferring the load from one tooth to the next in rotation that
sets up the whine, which is increased by the impulsive condi-
tions of load reversals across the backlash between the teeth.
Chain Drives
Aside from the VW and Ford engines, nearly all contem-
porary pushrod OHV engines use chain-driven camshafts. On
imported engines, single-row or double-row roller chains are
usually employed; the most common example is the Ford Cor-
tina engine used in Formula Ford racing and in many of the
overhead camshaft derivatives of this engine. Roller chains
(Fig. 4-5), which are also used to drive overhead camshafts on
the Datsun, Toyota, and Mercedes Benz engines, three popular
marques, offer accurate valve timing and good resistance to
breakage at high rpm. On American engines other than high-
power units such as the Chrysler "Hemi", a link belt "silent"
chain is commonly used in the interest of quiet operation. This
is usually replaced by double-row roller chains when the en-
gine is supertuned for competition.
Fig. 4-5. Double-row roller chain camshaft drive of Daimler 2.5-
liter V8 engine.
Gears bear all of the camshaft drive load on a single tooth
at a time and consequently tend to wear more at some points
of rotation than at others because of the impulsive movements
of the shafts. On the other hand, a chain starts with two im-
portant advantages. First, in wrapping around the sprockets, it
engages a large proportion of the teeth simultaneously, thus
spreading the load. Second, the chain itself possesses a degree
of weight, which acts to some extent as a damping medium
on the impulsiveness of the drive.
Camshafts and Drives 77
Roller chains, the kind normally used in competition en-
gines, are by no means as silent running as link chains. But so
long as sprockets of reasonable diameter are used (generally
the case on production engines) and the amount of chain slack
is kept within limits, little or no noise will be heard above the
general noise level of the average sports engine. The use of ex-
cessively small sprockets will increase the impact force between
the first tooth and the chain; this is accentuated by chain whip
caused by excessive slack, and, in extreme cases, where there
is not much clearance, a worn chain will rattle against the
timing cover.
When the distance between the crankshaft center and the
camshaft center is short, as on most American V8 engines, the
chain tension does not vary much with wear. Providing that
the initial amount of chain slack is at the minimum specified
(to allow a free-running drive and to compensate for center
distance variations caused by temperature changes, there must
be some degree of slack), it is quite possible to design a satis-
factory drive that has no provision whatever for chain tension-
ing or adjustment. However, if the camshaft center is at some
distancE' from thE' rranlcshaft center-as on all overhead cam-
shaft engines-some form of tensioning device is an absolute
necessity. In fact, tensioning devices will be found on nearly
all production engines that have roller chain drives.
Gilmer (Toothed) Belt Drives
If anyone factor can be named as having made possible
the present rapid trend toward overhead camshaft engines in
production cars, it is the perfection of the Gilmer belt drive
(Fig. 4-6). Though these toothed, reinforced belts had been
used for a number of years previously to drive the superchargers
on big blown drag racing engines, it was not until 1964 that
the little German-made Glas sports coupe was introduced with
a belt-driven overhead camshaft. At first the innovation was
viewed with suspicion-even by the now-defunct Glas Company,
which recommended that the belt be replaced each 25,000 miles.
The second production engine with a belt-driven overhead
camshaft was a six-cylinder inline engine made by the Pontiac
_ ~ ~ J ~ J 1 n \ \
Fig. 4-6. Gilmer (toothed) camshaft drive belt installation on
Ford 2300 ORC engine. Rather complex timing instructions are
given here, which must be carried out with complete accuracy
during belt installation.
Division of General Motors. The Pontiac's belt was reinforced
by fiberglass strands, whereas the Glas had used a steel-reinforced
belt. Steel-reinforced belts are more widely used today, and most
car companies have stopped recommending the routine replace-
ment of the belt. It is not uncommon to hear of Capri and
Pinto 2000 SORC engines that have been driven well over
100,000 miles without belt replacement. In addition to greatly
simplifying engine design, the belt has two other good points
to recommend it: it is as near silent as any drive system could
possibly be, and it requires no lubrication.
Another attractive feature of the toothed-belt camshaft
Camshafts and Drives 79
drive is that radical modifications can be made to the engine
without making necessary a major reengineering of the cam-
shaft drive. During development the DOHC Lotus engine was
tested with a number of different cylinder heads. The new
heads could be bolted onto the original block with no more
concern for camshaft center changes than if the engine had
been a valveless two-stroke. With gear-driven camshafts, and
even with most chain drive systems, the drive modifications
alone could have been overwhelmingly inconvenient and ex-
Chain and Belt Tensioning Devices
Gilmer belts generally have an automatic tensioner that
consists of a spring-loaded idler pulley. There is, in addition,
some form of manual adjustment that is made when the belt
is removed and installed. The idler pulley is often plastic, and
despite the obvious attention given to cost engineering, the
tensioners are so lightly stressed that they never fail. A simpler,
less expensive, and more reliable camshaft drive system for pro-
duction cars is not likely to COIne along for many decades-
if ever.
Chain tensioning devices are another thing altogether;
chain inertia at high speeds can cause the phenomena of "whip"
and "wave surge" that tend to drive designers prematurely gray.
It should be mentioned here that normal wear at the chain
joints has little or no effect on the gearing action of the chain
on the sprocket teeth in spreading the load. The chain simply
takes up automatically a larger pitch circle higher up the teeth.
Between the sprockets, however, wear inescapably means more
slack, and with it comes the possibility that the chain will begin
to strike the cover. Also, with the chain running high on the
sprockets, the sprocket teeth tend to wear to points, and this
can have a detrimental influence on accurate timing. Conse-
quently an efficient tensioner-or tensioners-can be a decided
boon on engines that will be used in competition.
As long ago as 1912, chain drive pioneer Hans Renold, in
a treatise directed at engine manufacturers, stressed the desir-
ability of incorporating some means of adjusting the timing
chain so that the tension could be maintained at a correct and
uniform level. Because the chain-driven accessories in those
days frequently included a magneto, it was not too difficult to
incorporate a tension adjustment into an adjustable magneto
mounting. With the passage of time, the general simplification
of engine auxiliary drives, and the advent of quantity produc-
tion, nonadjustable dlains became accepted so long as the cen-
ters were kept short. With longer centers, where excessive whip-
ping could cause actual chain breakage, spring-blade tensioners
of an automatic type or manually set idler sprockets were in-
corporated. With the latter, of course, there was the danger
that too tight a setting (such as one done by inexpert hands)
could be even more detrimental to the drive than too much
Hence, apart from those engine makers who fairly success-
fully have taken the view that no adjustment at all is better
than further complication and the possibility of faulty servic-
ing, there are others who have attempted to find a solution.
Particularly on British overhead camshaft designs, this often
took the form of a flat spring-steel strip, bearing on the back
of the chain at all times. Superficially this device might pass
muster as an aid to quieting a worn drive, but it falls short of
what is required in several respects. If the spring strength is
sufficient to exercise any real control over chain whip, the fric-
tional loss is considerable, and wear takes place very quickly
on both the spring face and the chain-plate edges. If too tight,
the spring is quite capable of uncontrolled oscillations in uni-
son with the chain (wave surge); in fact this phenomenon can
take place at certain engine speeds however strong a spring
is used.
Attempts to incorporate in chain tensioning devices some
method of damping the spring oscillations, while often success-
ful, often result in a bulky and relatively costly assembly-
particularly when compared to the inexpensive tension adjuster
that handles the job so well on Gilmer belt drives. Further,
there is the inescapable fact that a greater movement of the
tensioner spring is permitted as the chain wears. Obviously,
then, the more the chain wears, the less tension on the spring
and the less pressure exerted on the chain.
Camshafts and Drives 81
The most successful solution to the problem has been to
use the engine's lubricating oil pressure to operate the chain
tensioner. The tensioner's spring exerts only light pressure,
thus maintaining the necessary pressure for keeping the chain
tight until the engine has started. One device of this kind is
shown in Fig. 4-7; it should be familiar to all who have worked
with MG. and other British sports car engines.
A. Slipper pad
B. Detent sleeve
C. Cylinder spring
D. Cylinder body
E. Backing plate
F. Bolt
G. Binding strap
H. Screen trap
I. Gasket
Fig. 4-7. Components oE Renold automatic chain adjuster, as used
on DOHC Jaguar engine.
The principle is that of a rubber-faced slipper pad carried
on a plunger that protrudes from a small cylinder. The cylinder
body is bolted to the engine, with a backing plate that keeps
the slipper pad aligned with the chain and provides a sliding
surface for the pad to move in and out against. The tensioning
device is mounted in close proximity to the outside of the non-
driving side of the chain. The slipper pad is in constant contact
with the chain, urged against it by the pressure of a light com-
pression spring. When the engine is running, the spring pres-
sure is augmented by lubricating oil pressure; the oil emerges
finally onto the chain from a hole in the slipper pad.
The essential feature that enables control of the chain
slack to be maintained at a constant value irrespective of the
amount of chain wear is embodied in what is termed the detent
mechanism. This consists of a ratchet system that allows the
slipper to move against the chain without restriction yet pre-
vents any return movement beyond the small amount necessary
for free chain operation at all times. Another, though consider-
ably bulkier, oil pressure assisted tensioner is used in the
Porsche 911 "flat-six" engines. Instead of a slipper pad, how-
ever, the Porsche tensioner has an idler sprocket that is engaged
with the chain under pressure.
Camshaft Problems
Although enthusiasts naturally expound the virtues of
DOHC engines, the duplication of camshafts brings in a few
mechanical problems that further complicate the working of
the camshaft drive. In a four-cylinder engine with two cam-
shafts, there are only four cam lobes on each shaft. This means
an extremely uneven turning effort. Consequently the loading
placed on the camshaft drive may be greater for each camshaft
than on a similar engine with a single overhead camshaft.
Loadings are more uniform with all the cams on one
shaft, and the camshaft of an inline SOHC "six", such as the
Datsun "Z-car" (with twelve lobes), provides quite a smooth
turning effort. It is understandable, therefore, that most pro-
duction cars have engines with single camshafts because the
smoother turning-especially on sixteen-lobe V8 camshafts-
results in very quiet operation and minimum loading of the
camshaft drive.
Of course overhead camshafts are the rule today; no push-
rod OHV engine has been newly designed in at least ten years.
It is probable that, in America at least, any all-new V6 or V8
engines will be designed with pushrod-operated overhead valves;
this is the least expensive method of valve operation when there
is more than one bank of cylinders. Neverthless, the only all-
new American engine designs of the past decade have been
four-cylinder inline engines, and all have single overhead
camshafts. The engines are the Ford 2300 Capri/Pinto/Comet/
Mustang engine, the Chevrolet Vega engine, the Chevrolet
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 83
Chevette engine, and the American Motors 2.0-liter engine m-
troduced in the 1977 Gremlin.
Previous objections to the use of overhead camshafts cen-
tered mainly on the cost and on increased drive complexity and
noise. The use of Gilmer belt drives has solved all three of
these one-time problems. If one includes the imported cars,
over half of the car models sold in the United States are now
equipped with overhead camshaft engines, and the vast ma-
jority of those pushrod engines still in production are develop-
ments of designs that originated fifteen to twenty-five years ago.
Insofar as inline engines are concerned, a belt-driven SORC
design is less costly to manufacture than a pushrod ORV design.
The Overhead Camshaft Engine
The possibility of greatly improved volumetric efficiency,
obtained by angling the valves relative to the cylinder bore
axis, thus straightening the ports and increasing the potential
for larger valves, has traditionally been the main reason for
u ~ i l l uverhead camshafts. While this efficiency remains lhe
principal virtue today for racing engines, it is but one of the
attractive features offered by overhead camshafts when they
are used in production car engines. Some examples are:
1. Because the valve gear is comparatively lightweight and
consists of few parts, the engine can be made to rev
higher without encountering valve float.
2. Because of the small number of valve gear components
and because the valve clearance is subject to less change
as the engine temperature varies, an ORC engine can
be made to operate more quietly.
3. Accessibility to the camshaft is improved, and it is there-
fore usually possible to change camshafts with relatively
little engine disassembly (particularly welcome on en-
gines that are modified for competition use).
4. The camshaft bearings are more easily replaced (if
there are any camshaft bearings).
5. With a Gilmer belt drive, overhead camshafts can rep-
resent a cost saving for the manufacturer.
6. Rapid valve opening and closing can be obtained with
more accuracy and less mechanical stress.
A majority of today's production car overhead camshaft
engines have rocker arms of one kind or another interposed
between the camshaft and the valves. Mainly this is so that the
exhaust valves can be set at a different angle to the intake
valves or so that the exhaust valves and the intake valves can
be positioned at opposite sides of t ~ cylinder head. Though
the use of rocker arms increases the valve gear mass and thus
increases the possibility of high-rpm valve float, there is vir-
tually nothing lost in terms of valve train rigidity, and the
added capability for easy valve adjustment is an important side
The matter of valve train rigidity is of paramount impor-
tance to the competition engine builder. Easily half the prob-
lems associated with valve, valve gear, and camshaft design on
pushrod OHV engines would disappear if the valve train were
perfectly rigid and incompressible. Most of the springiness that
makes the pushrod system compressible is in the pushrods
themselves, and it is this springiness that makes it impossible
to get the valve movements to follow the cam profiles. Conse-
quently the camshaft designer must devote a great deal of time,
effort, and experimentation to developing a cam grind that
will get the valve to open and close correctly when it does not
accurately follow the cam profile.
The design and manufacture of special camshafts is a huge
industry in the United States-largely because all of the big
V8s have pushrod-operated valves and therefore need extremely
complex cam designs to obtain the power that is potentially
available. Overhead camshafts solve the problem completely.
But, aside from the short-lived SOHC Ford 427 V8 of the
1960s, no American manufacturer has approached the problem
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 85
DORe Engines
The double overhead camshaft engine, though famous as
a producer of power since the earliest days, was, until a few
years after World War II, an exclusive feature of Grand Prix
or Indy-type racing cars and a few exotic GTs. Then came the
Jaguar DORC "six" and the Porsche Carrera "four", which
brought twin-cam engines within the reach of many enthusiasts.
More recently the Cortina Lotus reached the market, making
possible twin-cam motoring for the masses-though both AHa
Romeo and MG had relatively low-priced twin-cam "fours" on
the market by the time the Lotus was introduced. Nevertheless,
it was not until the Fiat DORC came on the market with its
belt-driven camshafts that DORC engines became common-
A very simple valve mechanism can be designed (Fig. 4-8)
by suitably mounting the two camshafts, one above each row
of valve stems. The need for rocker arms and rocker arm shafts
is obviated, and extreme lightness can be obtained in the only
reciprocating part-the tappet or cam follower-by making this
a simple, one-piece component. Still, some kind of adjustment
system is required so that valve clearances can be set accurately
to the required specifications.
Fig. 4-8. Simplicity of operating inclined overhead valves with
double overhead camshafts (upper left) compared to systems that
use pushrods.
Some early racing engine designs did not, in fact, have any
provision for adjusting the valve clearance. A small amount of
metal had to be carefully ground off each valve stem during
assembly to obtain the correct gap. AHa Romeo, and later other
carmakers, used mushroom-type tappet/spring retainers with
internal threads that could be screwed onto the large-diameter
threaded valve stems. Adjustments were then easily made by
moving the position of the mushroom tappets on the valves.
More commonly DOHC valve clearance adjustments are
made with shims of various thicknesses selected from a range
of available sizes. On most racing engines, the Jaguar "six",
and the various Fort Cortina-based twin-cam engines, the shim
is placed atop the valve stem (Fig. 4-9)' After installation of
the shims, the bucket-type tappets are installed, and finally the
camshaft is bolted on. The shims in this case are extremely
small and lightweight. Nevertheless, adjusting the valve clear-
ances is complicated and time-consuming work.
Fig. 4-9. Detail view of Jaguar valve clearance shim installation.
Camshaft and cam follower must be removed to change shim.
Something of a breakthrough was made by Fiat on its
overhead camshaft engines. Instead of the valve adjustment
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 87
shim's being placed between the valve stem and the underside
of the tappet, it is placed atop the tappet in a recess where it
in contact with the cam lobe itself. The shim, of course, is
large-about the size of a 25 piece. Still, the system has many
advantages-demonstrated by the fact that Volkswagen and
Audi pay royalty fees to Fiat for the use of this system on their
SO He engines.
The foremost advantage of the Fiat system is that no dis-
assembly is required to adjust the valves. The tappets or cam
followers can be pressed down by using a special lever against
valve spring tension and the adjusting shims lifted out with
special pliers. A second advantage is that most tappet wear is
confined to the shim (Fig. 4-10), which is easily and inexpen-
sively replaced. There is a related virtue: the cam follower need
not have such an elaborate and expensive heat treatment.
Intake port
Fig. 4-IO. Cross-section of VW cylinder head showing location of
valve clearance shim atop cam follower.
In addition to the Gilmer belts used on the Fiat twin cam,
the Lotus LV 240, the Ford-Cosworth BDA, and the Cosworth-
Vega, there have been many unique forms of camshaft drive
used on DOHC engines. One of the more unorthodox schemes
of years gone by was the Y-frame system shown in Fig. 4-11. In
this arrangement, each extremity of the Y is connected to a
crankpin, one on a half-time gear driven from the crankshaft
and the other two on wheels bolted to the two camshafts. Ro-
tation of the half-time crank is thus transmitted to the other
two cranks with little complexity and considerable reciprocating
Fig. 4-II . Operation of double overhead camshafts by Y-frame or
triangular connecting rod from a half-time gear.
SOHC Engines
By far the most common engine in use in production cars
today is the single overhead camshaft type. These engines are
found on everything from inexpensive Pintos and Hondas to
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 89
such rare and costly exotica as V-12 Jaguars and various Fer-
There are many reasons why the SORC engine, which
faded from popularity during the 1940S and 195os, has made
an overwhelming rebirth. Probably the most outstanding of
the new generation of SORC designs is the Porsche 911. The
competition successes of this engine are too numerous to cata-
log in a book of this kind and are already so well known that
any such listing would be presumptuous. The Datsun and the
BMW SORC engines have also accrued an outstanding com-
petition record, and in the future we can expect to see more
and more belt-driven SORC engines in competition-particu-
larly the Volkswagen Dasher/Rabbit/Scirocco powerplant used
in the Formula Super Vee class.
The merits of the SOHC engine as an alternative to the
pushrod OHV engine deserve further examination. Certain
components of the conventional engine are inevitably subject
to reciprocating motion-notably the pistons and connecting rods.
Designers, however, have usually felt that the more reciprocat-
ing parts that can be eliminated, the better. By moving the cam-
shaft to a location above the valves, it is possible to do away
with the pushrods, the rocker arms, and the valve lifters, thus
eliminating two-thirds of the reciprocating parts for each valve.
Advantages previously cited were the more predictable
valve timing, obtained by eliminating the springiness of the
pushrods, and reduced weight in the valve train, which helps
eliminate high-rpm valve float. In addition, the weight reduc-
tion removes considerable inertia losses, with a consequent gain
in mechanical efficiency. Finally, notwithstanding the general
reliability of many pushrod engines, their components include
those that are most likely to fail when worked hard at high rpm.
The possibility of achieving the absolute minimum of com-
ponents by contacting the top of the valve stem more or less
directly by the cam lobe has exercised the imaginations of de-
signers for a long time. Most of this mental exertion has gone
into camshaft drives and-perhaps to an even greater extent-
into the design of valve clearance adjusting arrangements. All
of the adjusting systems previously discussed in connection with
DOHC engines have also been applied to SORC engines.
In addition to the Fiat/Volkswagen/ Audi system of valve
adjustment, there are the rocker arm adjustment systems used
on SOHC engines by Datsun, Toyota, Honda, Ford, BMW,
Mitsubishi, and others_ On the Ford 2000 engines, which are
made in Germany, the valve clearance is adjustable by varying
the height of the rocker arm's ball-joint piVOL This is done by
first loosening a locknut and then turning the ball-joint pivot
to screw it farther in or farther out of the cylinder head casting_
The locknut is then tightened to keep the ball-joint pivot in
place_ The American-made Ford 2300 SOHC engine (Fig. 4-12)
requires no valve adjustments. Though the valve gear is super-
ficially similar to that of the 2000 engine, the rocker arm ball
joint is on the upper end of a hydraulic piston. Hydraulic pres-
sure is supplied by the engine' s lubrication system so that the
effect is identical to that of the hydraulic valve lifters com-
monly used on American V8 engines.
The various Japanese-made SOHC engines have valve ad-
justments that are not unlike those of a pushrod OHV engine
(Datsun is an exception; its engines use an adjusting system
exactly the same as that of the Ford 2000). There are screws
and locknuts in the ends of the rocker arms that contact the
valves. There is also the system used on BMW engines, and it
is undoubtedly the most convenient arrangement for mechan-
ics-especially for those who in the past have limited their prac-
tice to the tuning and repair of pushrod powerplants.
A unique system of valve adjustments is used on the Chev-
rolet Vega engine. This engine has inline valves, with the single
overhead camshaft acting directly on the bucket-type cam fol-
lowers. Instead of shims, however, the GM engines have a ta-
pered screw inside the cam follower (Fig. 4-13). One side of
the screw is flat and contacts the valve stem. If an Allen-type
wrench is inserted, the adjuster can be turned in increments
of one full turn in either direction. Each turn alters the valve
clearance by .003 in. This system is undoubtedly more con-
venient than those used with rocker arms and, once the me--
chanic has learned the trick, adjusting the valves on these
engines becomes a simple task indeed.
The OveThead Camshaft Engine 91
Fig. 4-I2. Ford 2300 SORe engine, showing stationary end of
rocker arm supported atop hydraulic piston device.
Fig. 4-I3. Cross-section of Chevrolet Vega cam follower showing
adjusting screw. Screw has one flat, tapered side that contacts
valve stem. One turn of screw changes clearance .003 in.
Pushrod OHV Engines
The overhead camshaft system of valve operation presents
few difficulties in regard to obtaining precision of valve tim-
ing. The pushrod engine is not so fortunate in this respect. The
valves of modern high-speed engines must open and close
rapidly, have high lift, and have quite long duration in the
fully open position to ensure complete charging and scavenging
of the cylinders throughout the necessary wide range of rpm.
Perhaps because pushrod engines have enjoyed an overwhelm-
ing superiority in numbers in the recent past, we do not take
greater notice of their shortcomings. The situation at present
is analogous to that of the 1950s, when that long-respected and
revered powerhouse-the Ford flathead V8-began to be over-
shadowed by the newly introduced OHVs. So long as there
were no OHV engines around, the old flatheads seemed to be
very good engines. But it was not long before the faithful Ford
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 93
began to seem only slightly less archaic than Newcomen's steam
In production car racing classes that are defined on the
basis of piston displacement, pushrod engines are barely com-
petitive when there are ORC engines available. In large-dis-
placement classes, where the big V8s hold sway, their handicap
is not so apparent because of the dearth of "big inch" compe-
tition-developed ORC engines. Typically, in a class such as
Formula 5000, the pushrod engines are permitted a displace-
ment of 5 liters in fully supertuned form; overhead camshaft
racing engines in the same class are limited to 3 liters.
Noisy operation, long a criticism of the pushrod engine,
has been eliminated on most American engines through the use
of hydraulic valve lifters. These devices, however, do not work
well in competition; they tend to "pump up" at high rpm and
hold the valves open. Therefore, pushrod competition engines
and all production pushrod sports car engines use solid lifters
-and noisily beg the driver to be tolerant of the racket.
The biggest culprit is the requirement of large valve clear-
ances, having little or no bearing on engine temperature. In the
distant past it was assun"led that clearance between the rocker
arm and the valve stem was needed to ensure that the valve
would seat properly under high working temperatures. Enthu-
siasts who delighted in a silent-running engine would drive as
hard as possible to obtain the maximum working engine temp-
erature and then quickly set the clearances almost to zero. This
is a practice that is continued today by many Formula Vee ra-
cers, who are striving to get as much lift and duration as pos-
sible from their stock Volkswagen camshafts. The adjustment,
of course, must be repeated quite frequently to make sure that
the valves are not being held open.
With the cars of forty years ago (and with stock VW 1200S)
there is little chance for obtaining high rpm. Slow engine speeds
mean a relatively leisurely lifting and lowering of the valve,
and the timing under these conditions follows the cam profile
more or less exactly. The faster-turning engines, however, need
some clearance so that the inertia of the weighty valve gear is
partially overcome before the additional load of opening the
valve commences_ But the use of very large clearances on
modern pushrod engines, which do not vary by more than one
or two "thou" hot or cold, has obviously little or nothing to do
with compensation for temperature variations and is more than
adequate to limit valve train loadings. The relatively wide
clearances are, in fact, used to obtain the final working valve
timing with which the best overall engine performance is pro-
With a large clearance, it will be evident that quite a lot
of cam rotation will take place before any opening movement
is eventually conveyed to the valve stem itself. There are
clearances between the cam lobe and the tappet, between the
tappet and the pushrod, and between the pushrod and the
rocker arm to be considered. All of these components, of course,
remain in more or less intimate contact with each other, but
they still represent clearance.
The use of rocker arm return springs, designed to limit
clearance in the valve train to the gap between the rocker arm
and the valve stem, has been tried, but it offered little noise-
reducing advantage while placing an additional loading on the
valve gea r. The load is increased because the shock of taking up
the considerable clearance comes in one impact instead of being
spread over three additional oil-cushioned clearances.
On production pushrod engines that have factory valve
clearance specifications in excess of .010 in.-particularly if the
specifications are between .020 and .025 in.-it often pays to
experiment with different valve settings when the engine is
used in competition. As a rule of thumb, wide clearances im-
prove low-rpm power, and narrow clearances may improve the
output at high rpm. Thus, on a course where acceleration from
low speeds is of importance, the wide clearances may be the
best possible setting. But if maximum speed down a straight-
away is a determining factor, reducing the clearances by .002
to .010 in. may bring a benefit of 200 to 500 rpm in terminal
engine speeds.
It is obviously important that the weight of pushrod valve
train components be kept within reasonable bounds to reduce
inertia loading. The valve spring strength has to some extent
to be gauged in respect to its duty in moving the valve train
The Overhead Camshaft Engine 95
against inertia, as well as to its primary duty of seating the
valve and keeping it closed. In fact, the top limit of rpm avail-
able with a pushrod engine is quite frequently determined by
the weight of these parts, as tuners of this type of engine are
well aware.
Light alloy pushrods and rocker arms are commonly in-
stalled on most large supertuned engines. Machined aluminum
rocker arms with needle bearings and hardened steel rollers to
contact the valve stems (Fig. 4-14) are almost universally used
in the V8 engines found in drag racing. With proprietary com-
ponents SUdl as these, both inertia loadings and mechanical
losses are reduced. Generally the lightweight rocker arms are
accompanied by tubular aluminum pushrods with hardened
steel tips and lightweight solid tappets in place of the stock
hydraulic lifters.
Fig. 4I4. Aluminum rocker arm, showing hardened steel roller
that contacts valve stem. Hardened steel pushrod socket <\nd needle
bearing pivot are other features. Stud screws into cylinder head.
Further weight reductions are possible by removing metal
from the valves and by using machined aluminum alloy valve
spring retainers in place of the stock stamped steel retainers_
Many of these stamped steel retainers, incidentally, are prone
to failure when heavier valve springs and high rpm operation
place loads on them that are far in excess of those encountered
in highway driving_ 1 the rules of the racing class permit the
use of roller tappets, it is possible to use a camshaft in a push-
rod engine that approximates the rapid opening and closing
and the long valve-open periods that would otherwise require
an overhead camshaft to obtain. However, the possibility of
loss of power through valve gear failure remains a constant
problem in supertuned pushrod engines_
The crankshaft speeds of competition engines have tripled
or quadrupled during the past fifty years. This has obviously
not been achieved without some very remarkable advances in
the design of crankshafts and, particularly, their bearings. Be-
cause of the great strides Illade in Illetallurgy, the cast crank-
shafts in most of today's production cars are superior in strength
and wearing ability to even the finest machine-forged steel
crankshafts of the 1920S and 193os- Cast crankshafts are also
less expensive to manufacture.
Though the number of cast shafts is on the increase in
competItIOn, racing engines and supertuned production-based
competition engines usually have crankshafts constructed of
high-quality case-hardened steel. Interestingly, crankshafts for
four-cylinder inline engines were once made with only two
main bearing journals; today a three main bearing "four" is
considered marginal even for highway service. The majority
ot modern production crankshafts have a main bearing journal
on either side of each crankthrow. Thus, the five main bearing
inline "four" and V8 and the seven main bearing inline "six"
and VI2 are pretty much the norm. In 1976 Ferrari reduced
the number of main bearings in their fiat-12 grand prix engine
-then won the world championship! Thus, it seems in order
to mention here that pancake engines generally have lighter
Crankshafts 97
bearing loadings because there are opposing forces provided by
the other bank of cylinders, and all stresses are concentrated in
the middle of the engine instead of being off at one end.
The materials used in the crankshaft and its bearings have
a great deal to do with how many bearings the crankshaft re-
quires. But with increasing demands for greater smoothness as
well as more power, it has become evident that there is a de-
cided merit in having each crankthrow supported on both sides.
This has been made practical in part by modern bearing shells,
which do not need to be very wide to supply good support.
Thus, despite an increase in the number of main bearings, to-
day's engines are no longer than the two and three-bearing en-
gines of yesteryear.
Bearing Surfaces
Case hardening really refers to the traditional mtlthod of
obtaining a hard exterior on a low-carbon steel by carburizing
the surface layer, the process resulting in a "case" of high-carbon
steel. Another interpretation of this term is that, in early times,
gunsmiths and othcr craftsmcn placcd parts in iron "cases" that
contained bone charcoal. The cases were then heated in the
forge until the part reached high heat and acquired a high-
carbon surface from the surrounding charcoal. But whichever
etymological interpretation you prefer, the fact is that today
the term casehardening covers many modern processes, such
as chill casting, cyaniding, and nitriding.
The prime requirements of a good crankshaft are a tough
core and an adequate depth of hardening; the first property
gives strength and the second gives wear resistance. Carburizing,
the process most similar to the original casehardening process,
requires a fairly lengthy exposure to high temperatures to ob-
tain a good depth of hardening. This process can lead to dis-
tortion. The nitriding process differs somewhat; the composi-
tion of the surface is altered much as it is by carburizing but
by the introduction of hard iron nitrides, plus alloying ma-
terial. These substances are introduced in combination with
ammonia gas, and there IS no quenching process after hard-
Nitriding provides an excellent degree of hardness and
does not need a high overall temperature; thus the structure of
the metal is not likely to be affected, even when the material is
alloy steel. Consequently the use of a high-grade basic material,
plus nitriding, is generally the hallmark of a high-grade crank-
shaft. Crankshafts of this kind are widely available as proprie-
tary components for supertuned production-based engines-par-
ticularly for American V8s.
Also available are "stroker" crankshafts that increase the
engine's piston displacement and crankshafts with chromed
journals for use in nitro-burning drag racing engines. Stroker
crankshafts can be either newly manufactured competition com-
ponents, or they can be modified production components. If a
production crankshaft is taken as the starting point, steel is
added to the crankpins by welding; then the crankshaft is ni-
trided and reground to a longer stroke. The chrome surfaces
applied to the crankshafts of "fuel burners" are mainly to pre-
vent corrosion caused by caustic substances released during the
combustion of the exotic nitro fuel mixture.
Cast Crankshafts
Because of the wide use of the common cast crankshaft
in all forms of production, strictly stock, and showroom stock
racing, we shall look closely for a moment at it. The casting
technique for crankshafts was probably pioneered, at least on
a large scale, by the Ford Motor Company, and it is now used
by several specialist manufacturers and foundries; the produc-
tion advantages compared with those of forging are obvious.
The material used should really be referred to as cast-iron
(though it is a highly special brand), even though the desig-
nation cast steel is often given to it by auto manufacturers.
The accuracy of the definition depends on what is meant by
"steel" .
Taking cast-iron as a basic material, its qualities for the
purpose can be summarized as resistance to fatigue failure and,
of course, its excellent wearing properties as a bearing surface.
The virtue of elasticity also means that small machining or
casting errors in associated components, such as the crankcase
Crankshafts 99
or the bearings, are not likely to induce extra internal stresses
in the crankshaft itself-an advantage that is especially desir-
able for mass-produced engines. Further, the self-damping prop-
erties of cast-iron reduce the stress caused by torsional vibration
to a greater degree than does a steel shaft.
Specialized heat treatment may well result in a cast crank-
shaft that is quite comparable in every respect with a high-
quality shaft of medium alloy steel. Though there are various
alloys and added elements used in manufacturing these nodu-
lar (or ductile) irons, the material originally used by Ford-
and still used by them for the most part-consists of copper-
chromium iron, the alloys representing about 6 percent of the
The cast shaft is made in one piece. Most forged steel
crankshafts are also made in one piece now, though in the past
bolt-on balance weights were relatively common. At present,
built-up crankshafts, consisting of as many or more pieces as
there are cylinders, are seldom seen. Before the development of
modern, thinwall bearing shells, however, built-up crankshafts
were common both in racing engines and in many high-rpm
sports car engines_ The reason was that the plain bearing llla-
terials available at the time were not adequate for high-speed
use; consequently ball bearings and roller bearings had to be
employed on the crankshaft's main journals and crankpins.
The method of assembling built-up crankshafts ranged
from the Bugatti practice of pressing together crankshaft sec-
tions that had zero-tolerance clearances between parts to the
Porsche method of using Hirth threaded fittings (which are
sometimes used in aircraft engines). In all cases, the need for
these built-up crankshafts was dictated by the necessity for us-
ing one-piece ball or roller bearing races.
In addition to making one-piece crankshafts with counter-
weights a simple and relatively inexpensive piece to form, a
further advantage of casting is that the shaft (or parts of it,
such as the crankpins) can be made hollow-without drilling-
thus reducing weight and internal stressing. The extent to
which this can be done depends on the loads imposed by en-
gine operation. Fig. 4-15 gives a good view of a lightweight
cast-iron crankshaft.
Fig. 4-I5. Cast hollow crankshaft in section showing internal oil
pipes to big ends (Ford of England).
As received from the foundry, the cast crankshaft is al-
ready quite smoothly finished, and subsequent machining opera-
tions are confined to surfacing the bearing journals, drilling
the oilways, and final balancing. This last operation is usually
done by either drilling or plugging "correction" holes, and
sometimes by grinding the appropriate crankweb or balance
Apart from the increasing popularity of cast shafts as al-
ternatives to steel forgings, notable advances have taken place
in recent years in production line balancing techniques. Never-
theless, vibration dampers are common on the fronts of the
crankshafts of American passenger car engines. These are de-
signed to limit torsional vibrations. The intention, however, is
not to protect the crankshaft from stresses that could lead to
abnormal main bearing wear-as in former times-but to in-
crease the smoothness of the engine for purposes of comfort
and silence.
Bearings and Materials
Today, with the exception of those few engines equipped
with ball or roller bearings, such as the Porsche 904, all modern
Bearings and Materials 101
engines are fitted with bearings of the thinwall type. Thick
babbit metal bearings-whether sprayed, cast, or bonded to
thick backing shells-are for all practical purposes as obsolete
as the hand crank and bulb horn. This change, which took
place over the space of a few years in the 1940S and 195os, re-
sulted from the development and high-speed production of a
new type of bearing by the Vandervell organization in England.
These bearings, of perhaps more importance than any engine
design improvement of the century, were made possible by
adopting an entirely fresh approach to bearing technique.
The universally applied engineering bearing of previous
tradition was a brass or bronze sleeve. This was of hefty section
and bored to fit the shaft, which was pushed into the bearing
during assembly. This operation required using built-up crank-
shafts in some racing engines. In production sports car engines
and other engines that did not have built-up crankshafts, the
sleeve had to be split diametrically into two halves to allow for
In either case, the bearing was located rigidly in a suitable
pedestal or housing, which, in the case of the split bearing, was
also split in a similar plane. The bearing material actually in
contact with the shaft, and which carried the load, had to be
chosen in relation not only to the loading but also to the speed
of rotation of the shaft. The bronze or brass that formed these
bearings was entirely suitable when it was used in conjunction
with a steel shaft, moderate loading, and medium speed, and
lasted indefinitely. But with increases in rpm and the use of
special alloy steel shafts, hardened finishes, and so on, it was
necessary to provide the bearing surface with a lining of an-
other metal that was, in effect, cast onto the original surface in
a thin layer.
The white metal of tradition, used on early "high-speed"
engines, is called Babbit metal (named after the original 1839
patentee). It contains a large proportion of lead. For higher
speed applications, the lead is replaced by tin. Thus, a modern
white metal bearing alloy might be composed of 88 percent tin,
8 percent antimony, and 4 percent copper. This composition is
still widely used in heavy-duty engines, such as diesels, that
operate at lower crankshaft speeds than are usual in sports car or
racing powerplants. The heavier loading is taken care of by
incorporating such substances as copper, nickel, and silver.
One feature remained inherent in the designs of these
older bearings and set them quite apart from modern thinwall
bearing shells. The thick bearing shell itself was depended on
to resist distortion, which could cause variations in the clear-
ance between the bearing shell and the shaft. The hole in the
connecting rod big end or the main bearing web was not always
machined accurately; accuracy was a feature reserved for the
manufacture of the bearing itself. The sloppy clearance between
the main bearing web and the shell also allowed lubricating
oil to escape. One quaint method of keeping the oil in, aiding
heatflow, and supporting the bearing shell more uniformly was
to assemble the engine with beef tallow between the bearing
shell and the bearing housing. The tallow carbonized at high
temperature when the engine was put in operation, thus sealing
the gaps with a hard, black carbon. Needless to say, these en-
gines did not take well to high-detergent oils!
Quite apart from the inaccurate machining affecting the
bearing fit on its shaft, there is another, more important, point
to consider. In a modern engine, a lot of heat is produced, and
much of it has to be transmitted through the bearings to the
crankcase casting, where it can be dissipated to the atmosphere.
No matter how accurately any machined surfaces fit together,
they still constitute a barrier to heatflow. Obviously a thick
shell bearing that maintains its shape faithfully in relation to
the shaft but is an indifferent fit in its housing can prejudice
heat flow quite a lot.
The modern approach to bearing design, exemplified by
the thinwall type shell, lies in the fact that thinwall bearings
are deliberately flexible. No attempt is made to keep the bear-
ing "round" by incorporating it with a thick base. The accuracy
of the actual bearing housings (Fig. 4-16) is depended on to
maintain the required clearances between the bearings and the
shaft, and the bearing itself can be considered as a semi flexible
construction, since its wall or backing consists of a low-carbon
steel strip produced in continuous ribbon form with the surface
cast onto it.
Bearings and Materials 103
Fig. 4-I6. Cross-bolted main bearing cap of Chrysler "Hemi" VS.
Horizontal tie-bolts prevent bearing cap distortion that could spoil
support for bearing shell.
Strip Formation
The thickness of the steel strip varies with the duty and
the journal dimensions. Usually, however, it is in the region of
.050 to .080 in. After the bearing surface has been cast thereto,
the strip is cut to the necessary lengths and shaped to conform
to the required bearing housing contour. During this operation
the oil holes, the oil grooves, and the locating lugs are cut and
formed. Some high-performance production engines and most
supertuned production engines have pinned bearings; that is,
a small hole is cut in the shell so that a pin in the bearing
housing can be used to prevent "spinning" during competition
The bearing surface may be of white metal; its thickness
will depend on the operating loading, but generally it is be-
tween .004 and .007 in. For current high compression engines,
one heavy-duty lining has been much in the news in the auto
enthusiast periodicals. This is the lead-bronze bearing, which
consists of a thin overlay of pure lead plated onto a bronze
layer that is cast onto the steel backing strip. On the lead, an
indium deposit is electrolytically and thermally infused to a
depth that almost reaches the steel.
This mineral, indium, is becoming associated in the mind
of the motorist with bearings that will "take it" and for good
reason; it has good antifrictional qualities, reduces the suscepti-
bility of the bronze to corrosive attack, and toughens up the
lead (which is, in its normal state, fairly soft) . No hand fitting
is required or even desirable; the main necessity is that the
"shut" limit (that is, the circumferential length when clamped
in the housing) be correct. Being flexible, the strip accommo-
dates itself exactly to the housing, and this close contact en-
sures maximum heat flow between the components.
Fitting Clearances
It is essential that a high standard of accuracy be achieved
in both the housing bore and the shaft journal and that, in the
case of the housing, the accuracy is maintained with the bear-
ing clamped up tightly. This is one reason why align boring,
with the bearing cap bolts torqued to specifications, is import-
ant in the preparation of any stock-block competition engine.
In production engines, it is normal to allow .001 in. minimum
diametrical clearance between a crankshaft main journal and
the bearing surface, on journals up to 2 in. in diameter, and a
further .0005 in. per inch of diameter above this. For big ends,
the figures are .0005 in. up to 2 in. and a further .0005 in. per
inch of additional diameter.
In competition engines, it is usual to use considerably wider
clearances to ensure free running and minimal mechanical
losses to friction. Typically a small-block Chevrolet V8 pre-
pared for drag racing will have .0025 in. clearance at both the
main and the rod bearings. Even little English Ford "fours"
are sometimes set up with .003-in. main bearing clearances,
when free revving to 6000 to 8000 rpm is important for road
The wider clearances common in racing engines demand a
good oil film. Hence, increased oil pressures and modern lubri-
cants, perhaps with a viscosity-improving additive, are neces-
sary. Some tuners lightly roughen the bearing shells with 400-
grit sandpaper for better oil film retention. Another necessity
when using wider clearances is the previously mentioned lead-
indium overlay.
Bearings and Materials 105
Normally the maximum clearances are determined by the
machining limits of the houring bores and the crankshaft jour-
nals. The bearing strip thickness tolerance is always held to
less than .00025 in.-regardless of size. In the event that the
crankshaft is reground to a repair undersize, a correspondingly
thicker bearing must be used. However, undersize grinding is
quite rare in racing engine preparation. Generally the tuner
prefers to have as great a bearing surface area as possible and
will replace damaged crankshafts rather than regrind them
to a smaller diameter.
No matter how carefully the micrometer measurements and
the machining work are carried out, it is exceedingly important
to check the actual bearing clearances with Plastigage. Plasti-
gage is a thin plastic "string" that is placed on the journal or
crankpin during engine assembly. The bearing shell and the
bearing cap are then installed and the bolts torqued to specifi-
cations. This flattens out the Plastigage. After the bearing cap
and the bearing are removed, the width of the flattened Plasti-
gage strip can be measured (Fig. 4-17). The width corresponds
accurately to the actual bearing clearance. Thus, it is possible
to detect faulty bearings and make certain that an error in
arithmetic will not be responsible for the destruction of an
Fig. 4I7. Bearing clearance being checked with Plastigage. At
right, width of flattened Plastigage strip is being measured.'
Of course the ring-shaped, one-piece bearing shells used in
air-cooled VW and Porsche engines cannot be checked with
Plastigage. Here, careful micrometer work is a necessity. It is
possible, however, to check the clearance fairly well with a dial
indicator, moving the bearing from side to side before installa-
tion of the crankshaft. However, because most of these engines
depend on a predetermined amount of bearing "crush" to ob-
tain the final working clearance, the dial indicator method has
limited reliability. Mainly it will prevent the accidental instal-
lation of an undersize bearing or a damaged bearing. If the
crankshaft cannot be easily hand turned after the crankcase
halves are bolted together, something is definitely wrong, and
it will pay to disassemble the engine and check the "crushed"
bearings with a dial indicator to determine where the tight
spot is.
Aside from engines that have piston pins that are an inter-
ference fit in the connecting rod little ends, there is a tubular
bushing installed at this point. Similar bushings are also some-
times used in rocker arm bores and as camshaft bearings.
Though these bushings were once seamless pieces of solid metal
that had been drilled and reamed to size, the strip process is
being increasingly applied here; in this case the bushing is
known as a "wrapped" or "rolled" bushing. The abutting ends
of the strip are so close that it is difficult to see the seam. The
bearing surface may be of white metal, lead-bronze, or other
composition as required.
The importance of fitting these bushings accurately can-
not be overemphasized. Piston pin bushings must be honed to
precise sizes on a machine specially designed for the purpose.
Haphazard fitting can be disastrous and may produce either a
seized pin or a broken piston. When the piston pin is of the
full-floating kind, the clearance between the pin and the piston
bore must also be precision honed during engine assembly to
achieve an exact clearance. Similarly the camshaft bearings
must have precision clearances. If the clearance is too great,
the camshaft will deflect, causing valve timing irregularities; if
the clearances are too small, there is danger of seizure or galling.
Bearings and Materials 107
Bearing Surfaces in Major Castings
If the cylinder head casting or the crankcase casting is of
aluminum or magnesium alloy, with good wearing character-
istics, it is possible to build an engine without camshaft bearing
shells or bushings. The overhead camshafts of Volkswagen
water-cooled engines have no bearing shells nor do the Datsun
OHC engines.
At one time, Volkswagen air-cooled engines were made
without bearing shells. However, after long service, the crank-
cases often wore to such a degree that the camshaft could shift
from side to side and cause valve clearance and valve timing
problems. Subsequently bearing inserts were incorporated in
these engines.
During supertuning work, it is often desirable to remachine
the castings to accept bearing shells or bushings. However, this
work need be considered only if it will save an otherwise good
casting or if the engine, in supertuned form, produces wear at
points where wear is not a problem in the stock powerplant.
Water-cooling Jackets
Only fairly recently has it been fully realized that even a
large volume of liquid, adequately cooled and circulated at a
high rate, is not necessarily the most efficient way to cool an
engine. First of all, the coolant must be directed to the right
places so that locally heated parts of the intricate casting pas-
sages are not bypassed. Second, if the flow is too great, the cool-
ant may not remain in contact with hot spots for a long
enough period of time to absorb the heat. Nor are thick water
jacket passages desirable; the flow can stagnate, boiling some-
times commencing before the heated water can be pumped out
of the engine and into the radiator.
Any person who has looked closely at a cylinder head
gasket will have remarked that the holes provided for the pas-
sage of water are often considerably smaller than the corres-
ponding holes in the cylinder head and block castings. Under
no circumstances should these holes in the gasket be enlarged
with the intention of improving engine cooling. Quite the
opposite result is likely. The restricted holes in the gasket act
very much like the immersed jets of a carburetor, accurately
limiting the flow of coolant to certain parts of the engine so
that greater flow is available at other points.
The heat given up to the cylinder block and the head on
the expansion and exhaust strokes must be of widely varying
degrees; at the bottom of the cylinder bore, heating will be uni-
form and moderate, whereas, for example, in the neighborhood
of the exhaust valve and port there is a lot of heat to be got
rid of in a compact, localized area. This sort of unevenness goes
on all over the casting, and when it causes distortion, rapid
bore wear may occur.
The lower part of the cylinder block presents little diffi-
culty because the shape of the affected parts is symmetrical and
uncomplicated. Uniform cooling merely demands the presence
of a correctly sized cooling jacket going all the way around each
bore. From this point of view, the practice of joining adjacent
cylinders in pairs on a line parallel to their bores (in other
words, "siamesing" them), while making for rigidity, tends to
block the coolant circulation. Probably this form of construc-
tion is no worse than having an inadequate space for water-
especially if it is thin enough to become rust- or scale-clogged.
However, the provision of a sizeable space means a longer en-
gine; thus a sensible compromise has to be arrived at.
The real problems of avoiding cylinder distortion start at
the tops of the bores. The almost-universally accepted detach-
able head demands, particularly on high-output engines, a large
number of head bolts or studs (Fig. 4-18). These fasteners
have to be anchored in the block by means of tapped bosses
of large size. In the past, the temptation has been in some in-
stances to make the water jacket outer walls as thin as pos-
sible, both for lightness and economy of material, and this often
meant that the bosses had to be carried largely on the cylinder
bore castings. The cylinders were thus forced to assume more
than their share of the pull of the stud or bolt, with consequent
cylinder distortion. Uneven spacing of the bosses and their
studs sometimes made the effect even worse. To avoid this
situation, most modern engines with thin-walled iron blocks
have bosses that are placed farther out so that they are on the
exterior of the block. Undeniably this gives modern blocks a
Bearings and Materials 109
somewhat "lumpy" appearance. In former times, designers
seemed to be offended aesthetically by this, striving at all costs
to keep the outside of the engine smooth-even if it meant
compromises inside.
Fig. 4-I8. One of the strongest competition engines of all time, the
Jaguar "six". Head studs are evenly spaced, ample block thickness
for anchorages. Though this kept the outside of the engine smooth
and cylinders free of distortion, the powerplant is heavy by today's
Cooling and Wear
The cylinder walls should be maintained at temperatures
that will not adversely affect their strength and shape. Also, to
reduce the danger of piston seizure or friction losses further,
the lubricant must maintain its film strength without being so
viscous that it causes undue drag. These requirements are quite
simple to meet, and thus it might be questioned why, with ac-
curately dimensioned and adequately lubricated bores, renova-
tion of the piston/cylinder department still constitutes a major
item in overhaul work.
It is frequently argued that the current high-revving, high-
output engine cannot be expected to maintain dimensional ac-
curacy in these major components for such long periods as did
the older power units. If the engine has adequate lubrication
and cooling, however, running wear is very little influenced by
either load or piston speed. The modern competition engine
operates over a wider range of rpm than of old-to the disad-
vantage of consistent lubrication, since at low speeds the
amount of oil thrown up into the bores from the big ends may
be barely sufficient, and at high speed there may be too much.
The excess has to be closely controlled by the pistons' scraper
rings. Only over a relatively small portion of the rpm range
will be lubrication be generally correct. Not only did the old
engines run for long stretches with little variation in speed,
but when such changes did occur they were neither so frequent
nor so rapid as today when very quick acceleration is a prime
competition requirement. We are fortunate that developments
in lubricating oils have managed to keep pace with other tech-
nical advances in internal combustion engine design.
Engine Block Materials
There is one other marked difference between the old and
the new that has undoubtedly had a great effect on wear: ma-
terials. Though we have already touched on this matter, it
seems in order to take a closer look at some of the factors in-
Engine Block Materials III
It is evident that the old irons were better from the point
of view of wear resistance than the modern varieties; their dis-
advantages lay in the necessity for thick castings (because of
reluctance of the molten metal to flow freely as well as the
large number of rejects from the machine shop as a result of
blowholes and distortion). Inevitably this produced a weight
penalty that, though it was merely a disadvantage in produc-
tion cars, was completely unacceptable in racing cars.
To quite a considerable extent, the modern engine owes
its light weight and compactness to the use of a cast-iron that
is very. free flowing and can thus be patterned in thin sections.
These castings are also satisfyingly free from flaws and defects,
both because of the metal's properties and because of advances
in foundry techniques. Today's production demands also make
it impractical for castings to be aged, or weathered, as was cus-
tomary in the old days; the "green" castings sometimes were
buried in sand in the foundry yard for a period of months or
even years. This technique was aimed at letting the internal
stresses in the metal become relieved gradually by the passage
of time. Modern castings have relatively less internal stressing,
and because of the metallurgy, even this could not be relaxed
significantly using the old-fashioned "seasoning" method.
Modern cylinder block iron thus combines the features of
light weight, ready casting, and machinability without rejects
with a rate of bore wear that is generally acceptable. The wear
tends to decrease with increased mileage (especially after the
initial indication of wear, increased oil consumption, has taken
place) . This is probably because larger amounts of oil are pass-
ing the pistons.
An excellent method of ensuring long-lived and accurate
cylinder bores is to make them of material selected to meet the
specific requirements of the bore itself. The material does not
have to fulfill the needs for cylinder block construction; usually
it takes the form of a tubular liner, a centrifugal casting of an
iron alloy that has been developed for its properties as a bear-
ing surface.
A typical alloy has a pearlitic structure combined with a
hard phosphide "network." The latter actually forms the bear-
ing surface, while the graphite content in the interstices of the
alloy constitutes a minute honeycomb of oil reservoirs that
assists lubrication by absorbing the engine oil into the surface.
The surface is tough rather than excessively hard. The material,
somewhat malleable, soon takes on naturally a working "skin"
or "glaze" more effective than any hard-deposited finish at re-
sisting wear.
Liners are of two basic kinds: wet and dry. The latter has
a thin wall, usually about .100 in., so that the bore finished to
receive it must be machined with a high degree of accuracy in
order to avoid distorting the liner. As in the case of a bearing,
heat flow will be adversely affected by any lack of uniformity
in the fit between the back of the liner and the bore.
The liners are in some engines a press-fit, in which case
they become virtually part of the block. A pressure of from 2
to 5 tons is usually employed for assembly, and the liner is
given its final finish by boring, grinding, or honing after it is
in position. When renovation is subsequently called for, the
worn liner is pressed out, and a new one is fitted as before.
Thus, though the process is fairly exacting, it probably repre-
sents the most efficient assembly for dry liners in regard to rig-
idity, heat How, and bore accuracy.
Dry liners can also be of the "slip-fit" kind, requiring no
press for installation or removal. These obviously make for
ease of servicing, but their disadvantage compared with wet
liners will be evident. In any case, dry liners are rarely used in
present-day competition engines.
Wet liners, which are common in racing engines with light
alloy blocks, take the place of the complete cylinder wall; the
cooling water circulates around the outside of the liner, which
is of thick-walled construction. There are very definite advan-
tages in this kind of liner, notably the ease of renewal, facility
of access to the water jackets, and a machined liner surface in
contact with the water, which makes for efficient and uniform
cooling. Disadvantages are mainly the fact that cylinder head
support must come wholly from the block walls (the bores no
longer help in this respect) and that a bottom water joint is
required on the liner-failure of which allows coolant to enter
the crankcase.
Another weakness has made itself known in modern grand
Engine Block Materials 113
prix engines that attain very high rpm. This is the tendency for
the cylinder liners to follow the pistons. The problem shows
up as coolant leakage. Thus it is often mistakenly diagnosed as
a sealing problem. The sealing arrangement may be redesigned
or modified several times-with no resulting cure for the ill-
ness-before the designer discovers that the real problem is in-
adequate support to keep the cylinders from moving up and
down together with the pistons.
Wet liners are prefinished (Fig. 4-19) and made of similar
materials to the dry liners. At the top, the method of sealing
is usually similar to that used with slip-fit dry liners: a flange
located in a counterbore, sometimes incorporating an additional
sealing washer at the lower face of the flange. If this lower seal
is too easily compressed, it can allow cylinder end-travel. In rac-
ing engines, the Cosworth-Ford DFV, for example, there is a
groove machined around the top end of each liner. This groove
accepts a metallic O-ring, which serves as the head gasket for
the cylinder.
Fig. 4-I9. Piston ring fit being checked in prefinished wettype
cylinder liner. Liner shown has flange for sealing gasket near lower
end. Upper flange fits in recess in engine block.
There are variations in the method of locating and sealing
the bottom end of a wet liner. When the liner lengthens from
heat expansion, it must be free to slide. Thus, the well-tried
method of annular grooves, shown in Fig. 4-20, is probably
most often used. In some cases, however, the grooves are ma-
chined into the block instead of into the cylinder liner. In
these grooves, rubber or synthetic rings are fitted, which act
somewhat in the manner of piston rings, forming the seal be-
tween the water jacket and the crankcase.
Fig. 4-20. Cylinder liner bottom seal on BMW engine. Notice drain
hole to outside between sealing rings.
Where relatively short strokes are concerned, with fairly
short liners being a consequence, heat expansion is not a prob-
lem, and in this case, a completely rigid location is provided at
the bottom. This may comprise a flange that seats on a corres-
ponding flange in the block. A suitable composition or metal
washer is interposed; one washer sometimes serves a pair of
cylinders and is called a "spectacle" washer (after its character-
istic shape).
Both slip-fit and wet liners are easily renewable and are
an undoubted aid to quick overhauls and restoration to full
efficiency of the engine; however, they also constitute another
Engine Block Materials 115
"loose" part. Consequently they are used almost exclusively in
light-alloy blocks today, iron blocks generally having the cyl-
inders as an integral part. Integral cylinders can more easily be
machined with accuracy vis-a-vis all other block dimensions,
such as the deck height and the crankshaft centerline. Thus, to
obtain equal precision in an engine with liners, it is essential
that high standards of accuracy be maintained-especially to
avoid alignment errors in relation to the crankshaft. This is
just as important as ensuring that coolant and gas sealing are
done properly.
Needless to say, all of this sealing complexity and machin-
ing precision adds up to greater manufacturing costs, which ex-
plains why cylinder liners are now reserved almost exclusively
for use in expensive racing engines. Also, the water jacket is a
notoriously messy location for precision-machined surfaces,
which are liable to collect much rust and hard deposit in nor-
mal highway service. Any such defects or corrosion can affect
the accuracy of the fit and must quickly be remedied to avoid
extensive engine damage.
Surface Finishes
Apart from the development of special irons with the ob-
ject of reducing wear from the various causes stated earlier,
some manufacturers have introduced special surface finishes on
the bore. Chromium plating has been tried extensively, both
on iron surfaces and, in the case of some Porsche engines, on
aluminum surfaces. Chrome has been applied both as an over-
all finish and also as a finish for the piston ring contact area
only, on the premise that most wear takes place in this region.
Chromium is extremely hard and in addition strongly resists
any tendency for the shedding of small particles of metal by
the action of the piston rings. This characteristic is not uncom-
mon in orthodox bores and results in continuous exposure of
fresh metal (shorn of the hard skin or glaze formed by usage) ,
which is readily corroded.
It is not possible to use a normal polished chromium-plated
finish, however; it is virtually nonporous and would thus re-
sist oil retention; the final surface must be etched for this pur-
pose, and it is then still possible for corrosive influences to
get through the top surface to the iron or the aluminum under-
neath. Corrosive undermining of this kind can cause the
chrome plate to flake off, spoiling the bore. Nevertheless, there
is little doubt that chromium plating implies a very high-class
design and is the subject of continuous investigation in rela-
tion to this application.
A unique, and controversial, surface finish is that first in-
troduced in production cars on the Chevrolet Vega-though it
had previously been used in aluminum Chevrolet blocks used
as the basis for super tuned engines in Can-Am racing. With
this design, the aluminum block has integral cylinders-that is,
the' bores are aluminum without the customary iron liners or
chrome plating. The aluminum alloy, however, has a high sili-
con content, similar to alloys used for pistons. After the cylinders
are machined, the surfaces of the cylinder bores are etched to
remove aluminum particles-leaving the glass-hard silicon par-
ticles exposed. Some contact with aluminum is, of course, un-
avoidable, so the pistons are iron plated to prevent the galling
that would be caused by aluminum-to-aluminum contact.
Because the iron plating en the pistons and the Illicro-
scopically thick silicon layer on the bore can easily be destroyed
by poor lubrication or metal-to-metal contact induced by over-
heating, there have been servicing problems. These center
around the difficulty of restoring the silicon surfaces to the
bores in an ordinary repair shop. Nevertheless, the system is
unsurpassed for light weight and good heat transfer and will
undoubtedly be used in some future competition engines.
Cast-iron bores have microscopic, graphite-filled pores in
them that absorb oil for good lubrication and wearing char-
acteristics. This should be kept in mind when cylinders are
being bored and honed for racing. The pores in the iron can
also absorb the kerosene or other lubricant used on the hone,
together with a considerable amount of fine abrasive dust from
the stones. If the abrasive is not removed, the piston rings will
quickly be ruined when the engine is placed in service. Most
tuners have found that nothing surpasses strong detergent and
water for this purpose, and these are therefore the cleaning
agents most commonly used.
Pistons and Rings I 17
Pistons and Rings
Aluminum alloy is the universal piston material for high-
efficiency automobile engines; the main requirements of the
material are a low expansion rate with heat and the minimum
loss of strength from the same cause. It is interesting to note
that with few exceptions-high speed racing engines-weight is
not a very important consideration because there is a continu-
ous tendency in operation for the piston inertia to be (to a
greater or lesser extent) balanced by the various gas pressures.
Obviously an alloy piston is usually lighter than the equivalent
type made from iron, but the great advantage is in heat flow.
Very high temperatures are reached at the piston crown
centers, and the heat must be conducted away entirely through
the piston body. Some is transferred, via the rings and the pis-
ton skirt, to the cylinder walls and thence to the coolant or, in
an air-cooled engine, directly to the atmosphere. The remaining
heat is dissipated to the underside of the piston and thence to the
lubricant or through the piston pin bosses and the pin to the
connecting rod.
In all cases, rapid conduction through the piston material
is of paramount importance. The modern "low-expansion" al-
loys have an advantage apart from the one indicated by their
designation; the material lends itself to rapid production by
inexpensive diecasting. These castings are clean and uniform
in both weight and dimensions. But for most competition pur-
poses, forged aluminum pistons are used whenever the rules
permit it and the stresses demand it.
The technique of surface finish for pistons varies. Some pis-
tons are finished with fine turning done with a diamond-tipped
tool, which cuts through the silicon particles contained in the
alloy instead of gouging them out. Other makers prefer grind-
ing. It is evident, however, that in either case a highly polished
appearance is no guide to the degree of actual "roughness", that
is, the good-wearing silicon particles exposed. Most forged rac-
ing pistons are, in fact, highly polished, with grooves turned
every half-inch or so along the skirt for oil retention.
To assist break-in, the piston skirts of production engines
are sometimes tin plated by a dipping process. Another tech-
nique is anodizing to achieve a hard skin on the skirt surface;
the resulting skin has a matte finish, which retains lubricant
and, if applied also to the ring grooves, reduces wear of the
grooves and the sides of the rings.
Ring Wear
Very little wear takes place on the piston skirt; the rings
and the bores wear because of the high bearing pressure of the
former against the cylinder walls. The bearing pressure is pro-
duced largely by gas pressure, and where there is considerable
clearance between the rings and their grooves, gas can easily
pass behind the rings and thus expand them. This gas-induced
pressure is added to the radial pressure produced by the springi-
ness of the ring. It is neither possible nor desirable to eliminate
this extra pressure fully since it aids the sealing of the ring.
The designer's aim is to maintain a uniform average pressure
over the four strokes of the operating cycle, thereby avoiding
ring flutter or vibration. The use of special ring section profiles
enables a balance to be struck between the pressure exerted by
the bearing face of the ring on the cylinder wall and the gas
pressure in the cylinder in a manner that is not normally feas-
ible with a conventional square or oblong rectangular-sectioned
ring-hence, the popularity of tapered or L-sections on modern
The head land compression ring and the Dykes ring are
often seen in racing engines. These rings have a deep L-section
that, in the case of the head land ring, extends upward aU the
way to the top of the piston, thus replacing completely the
piston'S head land. Expanding gases force the ring outward
against the cylinder wall. At the same time the ring prevents
nearly all blow-by and thus protects against localized heating
and melting, which often begins at the head land of a conven-
tional piston. Both head land rings and Dykes rings (which do
not extend all the way up to the piston top) prevent piston
ring flutter, a condition induced by piston deceleration and
acceleration in combination with gas ingress behind the ring.
Ring drag can be reduced by the application of a low-
friction material to the rings' bearing surfaces. Chrome plating
Pistons and Rings 119
has been widely used for many years. It offers a low coefficient
of friction and good ring life but sometimes accelerates bore
wear. More recently, Teflon-faced piston rings have been tried.
At present, the verdict is not in on these when used in compe-
tition engines. However, speed tuners have been using them for
certain applications with good results.
The quiet running of modern production car engines-
freedom from what is commonly called "piston slap"-results
not only from improved materials but also from ingenuity in
design. The split skirt has, of course, been used for a long time;
the vertical split, which is located on the non thrust side, allows
a very close clearance to be maintained with the cylinder wall
without risk of seizure.
Another popular method of reducing piston slap is to off-
set the piston pin bosses by a small amount toward the side
of the bore that is "behind" the direction of rotation of the
engine (Fig. 4'21). The result of this is to make the piston
change sides at the dead centers in two movements instead of
one, thus cutting down both noise and wear. However, speed
tuners sometimes install these pistons the wrong way around,
thus creating pronounced piston slap noises but giving the con-
necting rod a more direct "push" against the crankpin. In any
case, the piston clearances in competition engines are usually
so wide-about .001 in. for every inch of bore diameter-that
piston slap noise is normal, at least while the engine is cold.
Fig. 42I. Offset piston pin (A). Offset is arranged to keep connect-
ing rod straighter on the upstroke, thus minimizing sidethrust
during compression but increasing sidethrust under power.
Heat Flow
The piston skirt has always formed a major element in heat
conduction, but a properly dimensioned piston of modern type
can also pass heat from a point much nearer the crown (that is,
from the lands between the rings). Even the topmost land, or
head land, can be made to conduct some heat away, though
this is a notorious danger point for overheating. The use of
the lands as bearing surfaces in this way has the added advan-
tage of preventing the buildup of deposits and "varnish", which
formerly tended toward more rapid wear and in bad cases pro-
moted seizures.
Of course the necessary piston clearance is very slight if
much heat is to be dissipated through the ring lands; conse-
quently competition engines cannot profit very much in this
way because they demand wide clearances for free running.
Nevertheless, a further investigation of the subject is in order
because it does apply to showroom stock and strictly stock rac-
ing and can be employed in other kinds of engines if piston
overheating is a weak spot in the design.
Obviously, when the designer intends to use virtually the
whole of the piston exterior in contact with the cylinder wall,
the dimensions have to be calculated most carefully in relation
to the differing temperatures. There are many ingenious meth-
ods for doing this. One is to insert small plugs of metal, which
melt at predetermined temperatures, into the piston body at
various points. These are only suitable for measuring surface
temperatures, and the available increments of melting points
are limited.
A better method consists of running the piston in an en-
gine for an extended period at a steady load. The piston is
then removed and split vertically through the piston pin bosses,
and a large number of hardness tests can be made all over the
surface of the sectioned metal. Comparison of the actual mea-
sured hardness with a known standard for the metal enables
the local temperature attained at each of the measuring points
to be assessed. Apart from the complete picture obtained of
the temperature gradient throughout the piston, there is also
the advantage that this applies to the full depth of the metal.
Pistons and Rings 121
This is much more important than knowing what is happening
on the surface. Experts consider a 50-hour run the shortest
period in which the piston can obtain a thorough heat "soak-
ing" in making this test.
While piston manufacturers have made enormous strides
in ensuring good heat dissipation without distortion, still the
heat applied in running is not transmitted uniformly to the pis-
ton crown, as might be thought at first consideration. Imme-
diately below the exhaust valve, for example, the temperature is
about 15 DC higher than the average; below the intake valve there
will be some cooling effect. Thus, the piston crown must be
designed to even out these temperatures as much as possible
and should be of such thickness that the overall temperature
is kept within bounds. Both of these objectives can be achieved
by the presence of sufficient material in the right place.
There are other ways of controlling the piston expansion
to bring it more or less into uniform close contact with the
cylinder bore. One of these, which is applied to aircooled
motorcycle engines, consists of several turns of steel wire that
are wound in a groove located below the bottom ring and
above the piston pin bosses. The wire winding prevents dia-
metrical increase beyond a definite amount.
High-performance Engines
Piston noise in sports car and racing engines is secondary
in importance to freedom from friction and reliability under
the most strenuous conditions of sustained high power output.
Thus, solid skirt pistons are always used, with the weight re-
duced as much as possible. In some designs, crown rigidity and
increased heat conductivity are achieved by the provisions of
ribs or webs across the underside. Though the diecast pistons
used in many sports car and high-performance passenger car
engines are entirely capable of competition service when the
powerplant is left relatively stock, forged pistons are generally
considered essential if the engine is supertuned.
The use of multigrade oils has called for further develop-
ment of the oil control arrangements. Too high a radial pres-
sure on the oil scraper (or oil control) ring is undesirable since
the extra friction would nullify the advantages gained by us-
ing this kind of lubricant. Here again, special ring sections have
been the answer; the actual method of transferring the oil from
the ring to the inside of the piston, via drain holes, is still being
used. Sometimes the lowest compression ring is also called on
to assist in the oil scraping action. The old practice of fitting
an additional scraper ring below the piston pin is virtually
obsolete, though pistons of this kind work well as replacements
in engines with worn bores.
The hollow casehardened steel piston pin is universal,
but several means of fitting and retaining this vital part are
common. Full-floating pins, which are free to oscillate in both
the little end of the connecting rod and in the piston bosses,
are almost invariably retained by cirdips in the latter. So long
as these are a precision fit and correctly installed, the method
is completely safe. Nevertheless, cirdips have come loose, caus-
ing serious bore damage. Hence, some full-floating pins have
plugs of aluminum or a low-friction material (such as Teflon)
inserted into their ends to keep the pins from contact with
the bore. The plugs have been used both with and without
accompanying cirdips.
The old design whereby the piston pin is damped firmly
in the connecting rod by a bolt has disappeared. However, some
engines have interference-fit piston pins that are a press-fit in
the connecting rod's little end. One outstanding merit of the
interference-fit pin is that its performance as a bearing that
oscillates only in the piston bosses is predictable. In contrast
the precise movement of a full-floating pin is difficult to ascer-
tain. Obviously the danger of circlip failure is also eliminated.
However. care must be taken during engine assembly to ensure
that the pin has an adequately tight fit in the connecting rod
bore. which. of course. has no bushing.
As in production engines. the piston rings used in compe-
tition engines are of cast-iron. A fine-grained alloy is used. It
is recognized as being superior to any other material with re-
gard to wear resistance. heat conductivity, and accurate seating.
Two or three compression rings are usually employed;
chromium-plating is applied to the top one or two rings.
Though chrome rings have reputedly caused bore wear in some
engines, they generally act to reduce bore wear-providing lu-
Connecting Rods 123
brication is adequate in both quantity and quality, as well as
in viscosity. The chromium-plated ring cuts down wear through
its noncorrosion properties when the ring is at rest-an espe-
cially important consideration when nitro fuels are used. Fur-
thermore, because the plating is too hard to pick up abrasive
particles, chrome rings are not so likely to "lap" the cylinders
oversize. With suitable cast-iron used in the cylinders, the
chrome will actually help to burnish the bore into an extremely
wear-resistant surface.
Ring Pressure
The distribution of an even pressure against the cylinder
bore all around the ring periphery was formerly obtained by
a hammering operation applied to the inside, or back, of the
ring. Evidence of the process could be seen on the finished ar-
ticle. This method is still used but through the application of
a more modern technique. It involves the use of a precision
former, which contacts the ring while it is undergoing heat
treatment. This method eliminates any possibility of local
weaknesses of the kind that sometimes resulted from old-
fashioned hammering.
Taking advantage of experience gained with heavy-duty
supercharged aircraft engines, the rings now available for com-
petition engines differ in several respects from the normal ar-
ticle so it is essential to choose carefully. A material known as
HG 22, which contains chromium and vanadium, is employed
by one maker; the rings are centrifugally cast, resulting in a
chilled condition. Therefore, a subsequent annealing treatment
is applied. The particular properties of the finished rings,
which make them suitable for strenuous work, are extra wear
resistance, high strength against breakage, and increased elas-
ticity that ensures good sealing properties.
Connecting Rods
Aside from their use in very high-revving racing engines,
forged aluminum connecting rods are more likely to be used
in drag racing engines and sprint racers than in engines that
will be used in long-distance events. In the tuner's mind, there
is always the possibility of fatigue failure. Consequently the
manufacturers of the forged aluminum rods build in as great
an overstrength margin as possible, and speed tuners discard
any rod that shows the least sign of weakening.
The normal check is to measure the length of each rod. If
any rod has "stretched" by .001 in. or more, it is discarded-
even if it means discarding an entire matched set of rods that
has cost nearly $300. Of course, there is not much danger of
failure in a drag racing powerplant because the race times are
measured in seconds, and the more highly modified engines are
routinely torn down for inspection after each event. Keeping
an eye on forged aluminum rods is just one of many reasons
why competition engines are disassembled after every race or
after a certain number of hours in competition.
At one time, aluminum alloy rods were favored for another
reason. They could be run without any big end bearing, pro-
vided that the alloy was suitably wear resistant. Eliminating
the big end bearing was a much more attractive design feature
in the days that preceded the development of the thinwall bear-
ing. Bearingless aluminum alloy rods are not seen much today
except in small engines for Karts, in outboard motors, and in
some motorcycle engines-the latter two powerplants being fre-
quently used in SCCA D Sports Racing cars.
Production car engines generally have steel rods forged by
a hot stamping process-although a few engines now have rods
cast from nodular (or ductile) iron. Apart from machining the
bores at the big and the little ends, it is not usual to finish the
body of the rod-except in the case of a few expensive and pow-
erful GT cars. When steel rods are used in racing engines, they
are always highly polished. If the rules permit it, the polishing
of steel rods is also practiced in the preparation of blueprinted
and supertuned competition engines. This polishing helps to
reduce the danger of fatigue failure by eliminating stress-raising
im perfections.
Connecting rod big end bolts are one of the most critical
points in an engine (Fig. 4-22) . The bolts must be of extremely
high tensile strength and highly resistant to weakening caused
by fatigue or crystallization. The tightening torque applied to
Connecting Rods 125
the connecting rod bolt or nut during engine assembly must
place a tension on the bolt that is at least equal to the loads
imposed on it by engine operation. The bolt must have ade-
quate tensile strength to resist stretching at this torque.
Fig. 4-22. Damage to piston and connecting rod as a consequence
of big end bolt failure.
Let us assume that the tension placed on the big end bolts
during engine operation is 300 psi. If the tightening torque
puts a tension of only 250 psi on the bolt, the bolt will be sub-
jected to a fluctuating load of 50 psi with every revolution of
the crankshaft. This fluctuating load will eventually cause
fatigue failure in the bolt. If, however, torquing places a ten-
sion of 310 psi on the bolt, then the tension will remain con-
stant during engine operation, because it exceeds the tension
placed on the bolt by running the engine.
This does not mean that it is good to overtorque the
connecting rod big end bolts routinely. A classic example is
the Type 2 jType 4 VW air-cooled engine that is now an almost
unbeatable powerplant for use in oval track midget racers.
When these engines were first tried, there were many connect-
ing rod failures. Subsequently it was discovered that the tuners
were over torquing the big end bolts with the intention of
ensuring greater resistance to the extra loading imposed by
racing. However, the tension placed on the bolts by over-
torquing was in itself sufficient to weaken them. When the
bolts were torqued to normal VW specifications, the failures
ceased to occur.
Connecting rod big ends have come in for some unusual
design treatments in several popular British sports cars. Be-
cause these cars are frequently raced, it might be well to touch
on these oddities here. For example, to facilitate withdrawing
the rods and pistons together (upward out of the cylinders
after removing the head), many makers have resorted to split-
ting the big ends diagonally instead of straight across. The ob-
ject, of course, is to reduce in effect the overall width of the
big end so that it will pass through the small bore of a long-
stroke, small displacement engine.
Another minor aberration applied to the big end, in the
interests of standardization of engine types and economy of
material, is the practice of offsetting the big end as a whole
axially, as shown in Fig. 4-23. This allows the cylinder spacing
to be reconciled with the crankpin spacing vis-a-vis the main
bearing and balance weight spacings along the length of the
engine. On the Volvo pushrod 4-cylinder engine, for example,
the bores were enlarged and the bore centers spaced farther
apart for increased displacement; using axially-offset big ends,
it was possible to retain the original crankshaft and thus to
avoid expensive retooling. Obviously if carried to absurd
lengths, such design would be reprehensible because all the
loading would be taken by one end of the bearing shell.
Little end construction has already been touched upon in
our discussion of piston pins. Rods for use with full-floating
piston pins have pressed-in bushings, whereas rods for use with
connecting Rods 127
interference-fit piston pins have no bushings but nevertheless
must be machined precisely.
Fig. 4-:2J. Offset big end bearings to obtain required dimensional
proportions on an engine that was originally designed for smaller
bore, more closely spaced cylinders.
It is usual to have, on some portion of the connecting rod
forging, a point or a block of surplus metal, some of which can
be ground off for balancing the connecting rod. This often con-
sists of a small projection above the little end boss and, not un-
commonly, a similar projection on the big end bearing cap or
on the sides of the big end, above the bosses for the bolts_ Dur-
ing competition engine preparation, the connecting rods are
balanced not only against one another-so that all of the rods
in the engine are each of identical weight-but also so that the
weight of the big end and the little end matches the little end
and big end weights of all the other connecting rods.
The Cylinder Head
In the design and tuning of competition engines, no com-
ponent comes in for quite so much attention as the cylinder
head. The proportions of this vital component determine the
volumetric efficiency of the engine and have a great influence
on the power output. The cylinder head studs or bolts must be
located in a way that will not produce localized stresses on the
cylinder block. Similarly the cylinder head-also a complex cast-
ing-must have a carefully engineered shape because it is subject
to an even greater heat range than the block. There is always
the danger of distortion caused by poor design or by an unwise
approach to cylinder head modifications.
Distortion of the head can lead to such ills as head gasket
failure-particularly at the point between adjacent cylinder
bores where there is only a narrow seat for the gasket to seal
against. For this reason, it is frequently the practice on racing
engines and on many super tuned engines to O-ring the head.
Circular grooves are machined around each combustion cham-
ber and sometimes around each oil or water passage; synthetic
or metallic O-rings are installed in the grooves so that they will
be compressed into highly pressure-resistant gaskets when the
cylinder head is bolted down.
Distortion can also cause warping of the valve seats, par-
ticularly the exhaust seats, resulting in leakage and, ultimately,
loss of compression as the valve becomes gas-cut or the seat
becomes eroded. Local overheating can cause the seats or the
head itself to crack. Another problem is distortion of the valve
guides, which may cause the valves to stick. Severe damage can
occur if a valve sticks open and is subsequently struck by the
piston (Fig. 4-24).
The Cylinder Head 129
Fig. 4-24. Rocker arm broken by piston striking valve. Rocker arm
shafts may also break, and obviously valve can be bent or broken.
Liquid-cooled Cylinder Heads
Apart from ensuring a good flow of liquid coolant through
the head and ample passages for its circulation, it is important
that the flow be directed to the backs of the exhaust valve ports
and around the valve guides; a major source of overheating
trouble is thus eliminated. With improved exhaust valve cool-
ing, it may be possible to use a higher compression ratio with-
out preignition or detonation taking place, and through this
change more power will be obtained_
It can be concluded from examining many old engines that
water jacket design was very much of an afterthought. In some
cases, a sheet metal tube, with holes bored into it at intervals,
had to be inserted into the head casting to direct the coolant to
the exhaust valve areas. Today most such considerations are
taken care of entirely by the design of the casting itself_
Air-cooled Cylinder Heads
Air-cooled cylinder heads have given their designers many
problems involving distortion and localized stresses because it
is very difficult to maintain even heat at all parts of the com-
bustion chamber area using air as the cooling medium_ The
coolant in a liquid-cooled engine tends to even out the tem-
peratures somewhat, making the designer's task a bit easier.
The depth and the spacing of the cooling fins must be
finely calculated to carry the heat away in proportion to the
heat produced-that is, the fins must generally be deeper near
the exhaust valve and the exhaust port and proportionally
smaller at cooler parts of the head. In this way, too much heat
will not be conducted from "cold" places, which could cause
as great localized temperature difference as would the inade-
quate cooling of the exhaust area.
Aluminum is used for the cylinder heads of all present air-
cooled engines. The valve seats must always be shrink-fitted or
cast in inserts of some hard material, such as chrome molybdenum
steel. The valve guides may be either of brass, bronze, or sin-
tered iron and must be adequately cooled to prevent valve
sticking, galling, or seizure. The range of operating tempera-
tures in an air-cooled head is much wider than in a liquid-
cooled head; this is because liquid coolants tend to retain heat,
whereas air is always being obtained in an unheated state direct
from the atmosphere. At idle speeds, an air-cooled engine cools
down rapidly, yet at high speeds the temperatures quickly rise
above the levels that are commonly encountered in liquid-
cooled engines. These wide, and sometimes rapid, changes in
heating and cooling can create considerable problems for the
designer or tuner.
Valve Seats
The vast majority of automobile engines with cast-iron
cylinder heads have the valve seats ground right into the cyl-
inder head material. This design has been made possible by
the use of modern alloys and, to a lesser extent, by the "lu-
bricating" qualities of the tetraethyl lead that is commonly
used as an agent for increasing fuel octane. Engines with alu-
minum alloy heads must have valve sea Ii inserts (Fig. 4-25).
These are rings of hard material that are either placed in the
mold, so that the cylinder head is cast around them, or are
precision fitted to the cylinder head at a later stage of manu-
The Cylinder Head 131
facture. Inserts can also be installed in iron heads that did not
originally have them.
Fig. 4-25. Cross-section of VW '200 cylinder head, showing valve
seat insert that is set into aluminum head casting. Valve contact
area is at a.
Cast-iron inserts, which are the least expensive kind, should
be used for intake valves only-and then exclusively for the
repair of cast-iron heads that have developed defective valve
seats. Molybdenum alloy inserts are usually used for the ex-
haust seats in engines not originally equipped with inserts.
Chrome nickel seats are installed in many aluminum heads,
and chrome cobalt seats are a standard material for heavy-duty
truck engines. However, the best seats for use in competition
engines are chrome molybdenum inserts.
A chrome molybdenum insert costs at least three times
what a common cast-iron insert costs, and these seats will be
unaffected by nitro fuels and will show no increased wear when
used with fuels that do not contain lead. The chrome content
makes the material more corrosion resistant, and molybdenum
steels have an exceptionally low coefficient of friction, which
minimizes the need for lubrication.
Few factors are more important in competition engine
preparation than the precision grinding of the valve seats. A lot
of performance and reliability can derive from this work alone,
and competition engine valve grinding should never be en-
trusted to an ordinary repair shop. This job should always be
done by an experienced speed tuner who thoroughly under-
stands the role that the valves and seats play in the overall
performance of an engine.
Although a few racing engines, such as the immortal ally,
have cylinder heads that are integral with the block, all produc-
tion engines and the majority of racing engines employ sep-
arate, removable cylinder heads that require a gasket seal. Head
gaskets can be the familiar metal and asbestos sandwiches often
installed at the factory, a single thin embossed steel sheet-the
so-called shim gasket in varied form-or a-rings pressed into
grooves machined around the cylinders. In any case, the gaskf't.
must deform to fill every imperfection in the mating surfaces
as the head is bolted down and still retain enough resiliency
to expand as the load is relieved-thereby maintaining firm con-
tact with both metal surfaces during engine operation.
By meeting the above requirements, the modern head gas-
ket has made possible not only removable heads on racing en-
gines but lighter engines with thinner, more flexible cylinder
heads. When correctly installed, a well-designed, top-quality
modern gasket is almost impossible to "blow." a-ringing is re-
sorted to only in racing engines, highly supertuned, production-
based engines, and in those few production engines that have
more or less chronic head gasket problems when raced because
of their fundamental design.
"Sandwich" type gaskets are not all the same. Some are
merely copper or soft annealed steel sheets separated by asbestos
millboard. These are now outdated, although they were stan-
dard equipment on the famous old Ford flathead VS. Gaskets
with copper on one side and steel on the other are usually meant
The Cylinder Head 133
to be installed copper-side-up, but there are some exceptions
to this (such as the Dodge "Slant Six") so it is best to check. the
engine maker's specifications-or look for "TOP" or "OBEN"
stamped on one side of the gasket.
A careful look at the asbestos "meat" in most of the present-
day sandwich gaskets will show that there is metal embedded
in the asbestos. This is actually a sheet of perforated steel that
has raised "prongs" projecting to the surface of the asbestos
itself. The most modern gaskets of this kind have a core com-
posed of rubber and asbestos, in which is embedded the pre-
viously mentioned perforated steel sheet. The rubber/asbestos
material is recognizable by its dark gray color. A similar type
is the "composition" gasket, which has a dimpled steel sheet
bonded to another similar sheet by the rubber and asbestos
Embossed steel gaskets were especially developed for mod-
ern high-compression engines. These precision-formed seals rely
on the predetermined heights of their embossed ridges to give
the proper density for sealing and heat transfer. Asbestoscore
sandwich gaskets act as a thermal insulator and interfere with
efficient heat exchange between the head and the block. The
embossed steel gasket allows such an even transfer of heat that
the effect is almost that of a lapped joint-a joint machined
so perfectly that no gasket is required. Embossed steel gaskets
are used in everything from stock Chevrolet V8s and Ford Cor-
tina GT engines to Grand Prix racers; they are actually a more
sophisticated form of the soft copper shim gaskets originated
by hot rodders many years ago.
From the heat transfer point of view, O-ringing comes
closer to the ideal because it permits the head and the block
to be in actual contact. The only engines using a lapped joint,
without any gasket or O-rings at all, are the VW and Porsche
air-cooled powerplants. The sealing problems are less complex
on these engines because there are no liquid coolant passages
or oil passages to worry about.
Exhaust Valve Cooling
The exhaust valve has its greatest opportunity to cool off
during the times when it is in contact with its seat, and so heat
conduction from the seat is a high-priority objective of cylinder
head design_ At the same time, however, the valve can advan-
tageously lose quite a lot of heat continuously by conduction
from the valve head through its stem, and thence to the valve
guide and to the cooling medium, be it air or liquid.
In a majority of engines, the valve guide is pressed into a
hole drilled in a cast boss, involving a considerable thickness
of metal for the heat path. To shorten the heat path, Ford, in
particular, has long made its engines without valve guides; the
guides are an integral part of the cylinder head casting. A few
relatively expensive engines have the pressed-in guide itself ac-
tually in contact with the coolant on its outer surface, which is
obviously an excellent scheme from the point of view of getting
rid of the heat from the valve stem. But a precise fitting of the
guide is necessary, with coolant-sealing arrangements at the
points where the guide passes through the walls of the water
Another approach to exhaust valve cooling, originally de-
rived from aircraft practice, is to make the exhaust valve hollow
and fill its steIn and a part of the head with sodiuIn. The sodiuIn
becomes liquid at operating temperatures and greatly assists in
the transfer of heat from the exhaust valve head to the yalve
guide via the valve stem. These valves are at present found in
some Alfa Romeo engines and in some Volkswagen Type 2 and
Porsche 914 air-cooled engines.
Air-cooled Cylinders
The problems of design associated with air cooling are
quite as formidable as those of the liquid-cooled engine. Most
of the problems have long since been solved, with two possible
exceptions, neither of which is of any concern in racing. The
first of these is the matter of engine noise because there is no
muming effect from a surrounding water jacket. The other
problem is with emission control. The previously discussed
tendency for air-cooled engines to run cold at low speeds tends
to produce an abundance of noxious substances in city traffic.
When heat is transferred from a surface such as an air-
The Cylinder Head 135
cooled cylinder and cylinder head, four times the weight of air
is needed for each degree of temperature reduction compared
with water. In terms of volume, the air flow has to be about
4000 times as great as the coolant flow in a liquid-cooled en-
gine to obtain the same effect. The problems are somewhat com-
pounded by multiple cylinders, and the motorcycle practice of
merely sticking the engine out in the airstream is far from sat-
isfactory-especially considering the result of having the car
stand idling in traffic.
When the cooling fins are supplied with air from a blower
fan, the depth and spacing have to be carefully dimensioned.
Wide spacing will give an easy air flow and thus less back pres-
sure on the fan delivery; closer spacing extracts more heat but
requires greater power to force the air through. A nice balance
must be struck, bearing in mind at the same time the question
of noise caused by the fan, plus the rumble of air through the
It has long been accepted that complete separation of the
cylinder barrels is necessary so that the air can be circulated
completely around them. Cylinder heads, however, are amen-
able to casting p.n hl()r:, the Volkswagen engines having one-
piece heads for each of its cylinder pairs. A possible disadvan-
tage of this arrangement could be in the thermal expansion
stresses set up if one cylinder ceases to fire for a long period;
this might happen unknown to the driver when the engine has
a large number of cylinders. Consequently Porsche has used
more or less seperate heads for each cylinder on some of its six-,
eight-, twelve-, and sixteen-cylinder air-cooled engines.
Because the cylinders must be separate, air-cooled engines
have a design advantage in that the cylinder material can easily
be selected for wearing qualities, whereas the crankcase and the
cylinder head (s) can be of a lightweight material. Another ad-
vantage is that individual cylinder and piston assemblies can
be replaced separately if they become damaged. Though Porsche
has used aluminum cylinders with chromium-plated bores, the
normal practice is to use cast-iron cylinders.
Mechanical details must be closely related to the cooling
system requirements, but there is much experience available
concerning aircraft and motorcycle engines. Such details as cyl-
inder bolt, cylinder and cylinder head anchorages and stud
bosses, valve seat inserts, and so on are liable to differ consid-
erably from the liquid-cooled counterparts; even with careful
control of the fan output, temperature changes generally take
place more rapidly with changes in load. This must be consid-
ered in its effect on the expansion rates of different materials,
both to maintain working clearances to the closeness required
for efficiency and quiet running and to ensure that high-pressure
joints do not work to an extent that renders them liable to
The problem of piston seizure has been a particular con-
cern for designers who have used air-cooled two-stroke motor-
cycle engines SCCA D Sports Racing cars. High-revving two-
strokes have always been prone to piston seizure; although this
trouble has been largely overcome-at least when the bike is
kept moving-placing the same engine inside an aerodynamic
sports racing car body requires that engine cooling be a prime
consideration in the design of the car. It is usually not possible
to obtain the same cooling efficiency with a blower fan that the
engine obtains when mounted in the open air on a motorcycle.
Consequently ducted air is generally nsed to mol these engines
in racing cars.
Assuming that the cylinders and the cylinder heads have
been designed and finned to ensure that the airstream can pass
adequately over all parts with proper direction and with em-
phasis on the hotter components such as the exhaust ports,
which will be served by extra finning if necessary, the next
task is to direct the flow suitably from the blower outlet. There
are several methods of doing this, but forced draught with the
main stream directed over the exhaust side of the head and
then to the intake valve side is general practice on inline engines.
A fairly high but even temperature for cylinder barrels is
desirable. Because of the high-speed flow, however, serious tem-
perature variations, far in excess of those obtaining with nat-
ural air flow, can be set up if too much air is fed to one point.
Hence, it may be necessary to bleed off an air supply from the
mainstream at certain places to serve other areas, with the object
of obtaining a temperature suited to the part concerned (Fig.
The Cylinder Head 137
4-26). The Czechoslovakian Tatra engine that is illustrated also
shows that air cooling can be effectively applied to a high-
efficiency V8.
Fig. 4-26. Air flow ducted from fan on Tatra engine. Notice the
auxiliary flow (left) to underside of exhaust port.
The Tatra also can maintain uniform temperatures by
varying the air flow speed and volume. If the blower fan is
driven at crankshaft speed or at a speed that is always propor-
tional to crankshaft speed, the air output will obviously vary
widely, depending on rpm. The variable speed hydraulic cou-
pling shown in Fig. 4-27 overcomes this problem on the Tatra
engine; the blower fan operates at full output only when the
engine is running at high speeds.
Fig_ 4-27. Variable-speed hydraulic coupling controlled by oil from
pressure lubricating system (Tatra).
5 / Crankshaft Design and
Engine Balance
Bearing Location
Considerable unammity now exists among production car
mannf::l .. turers on the IllOSt desirable number of Illain bearings
and their locations. Twenty years ago, taking four-cylinder en-
gines as an example, expensive high-performance imported cars
had five bearings, the common imported sedans and low-priced
sports cars had three, and a few primitive cars had only two.
Today, five main bearings are normal. The exceptions to this
are "pancake" engines, which usually have three or four, and
engines that have not been fundamentally redesigned during
the past twenty years.
A bearing between each pair of adjacent crankthrows gives
a very high degree of rigidity to the shaft when the latter is con-
sidered as a beam. Furthermore, there is little or no penalty in
terms of increased engine length. Formerly overall length was a
serious consideration because the old thick-walled bearings gen-
erally needed to be wider to carry the loadings that present-day
thinwall bearings carry with half the width. Also, older engines
with long strokes and small bores had to be lengthened to make
room for additional bearings, with resultant wasted space be-
tween the cylinders. Now the bore is usually larger than the
stroke so there is ample space for main bearings without sep-
arating the cylinders to wasteful lengths.
Another early criticism of separate main bearings between
each pair of crankthrows was the liability of excessive torsional
vibrations at the main journals-the winding and unwinding
effect. This disadvantage has been mitigated in two ways. First,
more robust materials and larger-diameter main journals have
replaced the small-diameter journals. Second, shorter strokes
have caused the crankpin circumferences to overlap those of
the main journals to a considerable degree (Fig. 5-1), resulting
in an inherently more rigid crankshaft design. It is interesting
to recall that, in the early part of the century, main bearing
journal and crankpin diameters were deliberately kept small,
not merely to conserve material but to cut down the relative
velocity at the bearing surface.
\ I
Fig. 5-I. Modern four-cylinder, five-main-bearing crankshaft, show-
ing how diameters of crankpins overlap those of main journals.
The VW and Porsche four-cylinder pancake engines have
two crank throws between main bearings, making them essen-
tially three-bearing engines. However, there is a fourth main
bearing-a steady bearing of sorts-at the rear of the crankshaft
so that there is a main bearing journal on either side of the
timing and distributor drive gears. This practice of an addi-
tional steady bearing aft of the camshaft drive is also used on
Porsche six-cylinder engines, which have seven other main jour-
nals-one between each pair of crank throws.
It is possible that designers have gone too far in the use of
main bearings on each side of every crankthrow. The typical
American V8 has only five main bearings with two connecting
rods mounted on each crankpin. Bearing and crankshaft fail-
Problems of Balancing 141
ures have not been a chronic problem even though the extent
to which some of these engines are supertuned is overwhelming.
Ferrari has recently reduced the number of main bearings
in their Grand Prix engine without loss of performance or re-
liability. Similarly some versions of the Ford Fiesta have a three
main bearing crankshaft in their inline four-cylinder engines.
This is a return to the original design of the Ford inline "fours"
as they were first introduced with three bearings in the 1950s.
Certainly in the low-output form that is a consequence of to-
day's fuel economy and emission control concerns, three main
bearings are fully sufficient.
Problems of Balancing
The underlying theories of balancing techniques have not
changed since the early days of multicylinder gas engines, but
their application to modern, lightweight, high-speed automobile
engines with various cylinder arrangements and firing orders
has called for a good deal of research work. Fortunately elec-
tronic balancing equipment is now available that makes pos-
sible the full application of these discoveries even in small
speed-tuning shops.
When a flexibly mounted engine of modern design is vio-
lently accelerated, it rocks on its mountings. Similarly, it tends
to wobble when idling if the firing is irregular, the camshaft
has considerable overlap, or the flywheel is very light in weight
and the cylinders are few in number. These characteristics have
little to do with balance but are the result of torque reaction
as the engine speed varies. Thus, a wobble that a flexibly
mounted engine may betray under some conditions does not
indicate that the form of mounting is being used to hide an in-
ferior product that has poor balance.
An engine in complete balance does not vibrate except
under the above conditions, whether its mounting is rigid or
flexible. Further, the engine as a whole can be balanced without
the addition of counterweights to the shaft if the cylinder lay-
out is suitable. For example, an inline six-cylinder engine with
three pairs of pistons at 120
firing intervals is completely bal-
anced if it has pistons 1 and 6, 2 and 5, and 3 and 4 up at the
same time every 120
The normal inline four-cylinder engine
with pistons 1 and 4 and 2 and 3 up and down, respectively,
gives faultless primary balance only.
Vibration is usually caused by deflection of the crankshaft,
resulting from the power impulses. Under the influence of the
power strokes, the shaft tends to twist and untwist; this is known
as torsional vibration. It was torsional vibrations in the twin-
crankshaft BRM H16 (sixteen cylinders, arranged as two flat-
eights, one above the other) that caused the devastating crank
coupling gear failures that plagued the design. Eventually de-
velopment of this power plant had to be shelved-an expensive
and disastrous failure and a monument to the power of little
mice to topple great kingdoms (Fig. 5-2). Apparently the main
trouble was backlash in the coupling gears, which transformed
the violent winding and unwinding of the crankshafts into
sledgehammer blows on the gear teeth. Despite the greater
crankshaft lengths, no similar problems were encountered in
the Porsche flat-sixteen or in the prototype Coventry Climax
The phenomenon of torsional vibration can be illustrated
by a single diagram, Fig. 5-3, which shows a plain length of
shaft that has flywheels of different sizes at each end. If the
wheels are imagined as being turned in opposite directions and
then released, the wind-up or torsional strain energy in the
shaft will cause the shaft to untwist in the other direction, ro-
tating the flywheels accordingly. Because this motion will then
be maintained by the kinetic energy in the flywheels, the shaft
will overwind in the appropriate direction and repeat, until
the inherent frictional damping forces in the shaft have dis-
sipated the energy. The amplitude of the swing will decrease,
but the frequency in terms of cycles per second will be constant,
just as in the case of a pendulum. This frequency is known as
the natural frequency of the shaft.
Fig. 5-3 shows what is known as a two-mass system. If
there are three masses and two interconnecting shafts, as in Fig.
5-4, it is possible to have two natural frequencies. Calculating
the natural frequency of either of these systems is fairly simple,
but when the number of masses exceeds three it is not unusual
Problems of Balancing 143
to have to assist calculations by practical experiments on a trial
and error basis. In Fig. 5-3 and Fig. 5-4 the nodes are indicated;
these are the points at which no torsional displacement of the
shaft occurs. It is generally considered that the most highly
stressed points are the nodes.
Fig. 5-2. The 3-liter H-16 BRM Grand Prix engine, a lovely con-
cept that failed to prosper.
... , ....
Fig. 5-J. Simple torsional loading in a two-mass system.
Fig. 5-4. Simple torsional loading in a three-mass system_
Because the torque applied to a crankshaft is impulsive
and at intervals along the shaft length, a condition analogous
to that illustrated in Fig. 5-3 will be set up since one or more
crankthrows will be receiving power while others will be on
nonpower strokes and thus will tend to lag behind. This does
not occur significantly at low speeds, but at higher rpm, the am-
plitude of the vibrations increases as does the frequency. Thus,
if the latter coincides with the natural frequency of the shaft,
the inherent damping forces may not be able to cope, and fail-
ure of the shaft is the result.
The Single Cylinder Engine 145
It is important to arrange that the most-used engine speeds
do not necessitate prolonged running at one of the natural fre-
quency periods. It is usually possible to run through such periods
without either damage or excessive vibration and bearing loads,
but when the periods are near to coinciding, an external vi ora-
tion damper can be used to alter the natural frequency to give
a clear margin of safety. When there are several natural fre-
quencies to run through in operating over a useful speedj
torque range, it is not easy to render them all innocuous.
The provision of balance weights opposite the big ends on
multicylinder engines certainly assists in smooth running by
reducing the loading on the main bearings. The use of such
weights adds to the inertia resistance to rotation of the shaft
and thus to problems of torsional vibration.
Another factor in this connection is the length of the shaft
in the main bearings in relation to its diameter. A long bearing
has the virtue of giving a good measure of support to the shaft
as a beam, but there is more of the shaft available to twist. This
can be kept in check by making the journals of adequate diam-
eter, but in general the shortest possible bearing is preferable.
While balance is certainly very much associated with lack
of vibration, there are several other influencing factors, such as
the avoidance of shocks in combustion, inequality of cylinder
pressures, and the use of a cylinder firing order combining
minimum crankshaft stressing with acceptable spacing out of
the explosions along the engine to reduce wobble and rock on
the flexible mountings. Balancing has been brought to a very
fine art in the case of four and six cylinders inline; but the
emergence of new engines of V6 and flat-eight type, for example,
has called for a good deal of reassessment of the established
procedures, and any new conclusions are likely to benefit en-
gine design as a whole. It will be of interest, therefore, to con-
sider a few of the basic requirements in obtaining smooth
The Single Cylinder Engine
It is quite impossible to balance a single cylinder engine
except by methods impracticable for high-speed competition
car applications (Fig. 5-5). In fact no attempt was made to do
so on the pioneer industrial types of the last century, which
used natural gas, coal gas, or vaporizing oil as fuels. The main
goal was to obtain reasonably smooth torque from one power
stroke per two revolutions at the very low speeds then obtain-
able. Thus, a very heavy flywheel was mounted on a crankshaft
often formed in precisely the same way as in today's toy steam
engines-by putting a V-bend in a bar of round steel. The mas-
sive bedplate, combining rigid anchorages for the main bear-
ings and the cylinder barrel, absorbed a good deal of the vibra-
tion of the piston, but inertia loading on the main bearings,
the big end, and the piston pin was high, and there was a good
deal of crankshaft flexing. The addition of balance weights op-
posite the crankthrow acted at each end of the stroke to relieve
the main bearing loading to some extent but did nothing to
help the other bearings.
Fig. 5'5. Arrangement of contrarotating auxiliary balance weights
for primary balance of single-cylinder engine.
The fact that single-cylinder gasoline engines are now
capable of an almost vibrationless 6000 to 12,000 rpm might
indicate that in the old days, some fundamental was overlooked,
but this is not the case. The success has been the result mainly
of dimensioning and proportioning and has not been gained
by departure from old principles.
The Single Cylinder Engine 147
Balancing the Single
With a completely unbalanced crankshaft, a vertical single-
cylinder engine will move up and down on its mountings as a
whole as the piston reaches its maximum rates of acceleration-
deceleration at tdc and bdc, respectively. Considering tdc as an
example, as the piston approaches, it is rapidly slowed down;
the slowing-down force is applied through the connecting rod
and the crank so that the main bearing-and with it the whole
engine-is, in effect, "pulled" upwards. On instantaneous re-
versal over tdc, the piston is accelerated away by a tensile force
in the connecting rod, and again the force on the main bearing
is pulling upward, combining with the first one. A similar
downward force occurs at bdc; at around midstroke when the
piston is traveling at nearly maximum speed with little acceler-
ation, these reactions will rapidly decrease. (Loads caused by
compression, firing, and so on are ignored for the moment.)
If we provide the crankthrow with a balance weight oppos-
ing the piston and connecting rod, and of similar weight, this
balance weight will arrive at the opposite dead center simul-
taneously with the piston reaching top or bottom. The loading
on the main bearing will thus be cancelled, and there will be
no upward or downward vibratory force transmitted to the
The difficulty now is that when the crankthrow is at about
right angles to the cylinder axis (that is, at the point where
the piston has little acceleration to oppose), the balance weight
is swinging outward with only the weight of the big end to give
any countereffect. Thus, the engine will move to the right or
left horizontally as the weight changes in direction over the
appropriate arc of crank travel in front or at rear of the verti-
cal axis to the horizontal. See Fig. 5-6.
Practical Solutions
The practical solution is to substitute four smaller periods
in two directions for two big ones in only one. These are simple
terms, though they describe the effect quite well. It will be
evident that if the balance mass is made as a smaller proportion
Fig. 5-6. Transfer of primary out-of-balance force in goO of crank-
shaft rotation on single-cylinder engine.
of the reciprocating weight instead of completely balancing it,
we shall reduce but not eliminate the up-and-down vibration
and also generate a fore-and-aft vibration at right angles. The
percentage used not only varies with the engine design, power
output characteristics, and so on but may also be altered to meet
installation requirements. Basically any improvement in the di-
rection of the cylinder axis means more vibration at right angles
thereto and vice versa; which of these is the more objectionable
may well depend largely on the above-mentioned matters_ While
not a rigid rule, it is usual for high-revving engines to use less
total balance weight than slower ones; the average is about 65
percent of the total of piston, piston pin, connecting rod, and
big end. Individual tuners have evolved their own accurate fig-
ures for specific engines, which are closely guarded secrets; in a
few cases the procedure has been made into formulas enabling
balancing to be done with precision.
In using one such formula, the percentage of reciprocating
weight arrived at is made up into a weight in the shape of a
sleeve to fit the crankpin after the connecting rod has been re-
moved. With the flywheel assembly supported on knife edges,
the balance weights are machined until the assembly remains
stationary with no tendency to rotate at any point. The sleeve
is then removed and the connecting rod assembled. This pro-
cedure can be used when altering the balance factor either way
Multiple Cylinder Engines 149
on an eXlstmg assembly, using the required percentage of
weight in the sleeve.
Except for small capacity racing cars and karts, the high-
output single-cylinder engine has been defunct for many years
as far as its use on cars is concerned. Twin-cylinder engines,
however, are fairly popular-particularly in small-capacity and
utilitarian vehicles overseas.
Multiple Cylinder Engines
The impossibility of balancing a single set of reciprocating
parts except as a compromise no longer applies when there is a
second set available; the question then is to decide on the lay-
out of the engine that will give good balance as well as regular
firing intervals, the latter being obviously desirable in the in-
terests of smooth delivery of torque. If, however, we consider
balance only, it will be evident that when counterweights are
added to the crankthrow of a "single", that if a second cylinder
is added at right angles to the first-that is, in V-twin formation
-the unit will be in balance. That is so if the counterweights
are equal to the reciprocating weight of one cylinder's compo-
nents, because in both the vertical and the horizontal planes
there will always be masses moving in opposition (Fig. 5-7).
This type has excellent running balance, but unfortunately the
cylinder angle means that instead of obtaining a power stroke
at every crankshaft revolution, or every 3600, these occur at in-
tervals of 0
, 4500, and 2700.
Fig. 5'7. Primary balance of go V-twin.
Although this gross irregularity has been acceptable in cer-
tain specialized applications-the vintage British G.N. Spider,
for example-it is customary with V-twins to compromise again
by reducing the cylinder angle to something between that re-
quired for meeting the two desirables. For example, with an
angle of 60
the firing intervals become 0
, 4200 and 3000,
but the element of out-of-balance now introduced into both ver-
tical and horizontal planes as in the case of the "single" is
again reintroduced, but to a much lesser extent. In this case
the counterparts will be of less weight than the total recipro-
cating weight of one set of components, just as in the case of
the single. Many American motorcycles have had the 60
V-twin cylinder arrangements.
The Parallel Twin
If we again consider the effect of closing up the cylinder
angle to obtain even firing, assuming that we keep the two con-
necting rods on one crankpin (or the equivalent, with a two-
throw crankshaft that has both throws in line), we obviously
arrive at the parallel twin arrangement with cylinders side by
side. In this case one cylinder will fire at each 3600, but the
balance will be akin to that of the single. Smoothness will be
improved because of the greater frequency of impulses and
the shorter stroke for equivalent total capacity, and in fact
the best parallel twins reach very high standards. Of sizeable
cars, both the Fiat 500 and the NSU Prinz have used this kind
of cylinder arrangement.
There is one twin-cylinder design that combines almost un-
surpassed balance with even firing. It is the horizontally op-
posed twin with a two-throw crankshaft-popularly known as
the flat-twin, pancake twin, or boxer. In this case, since both
the crankthrows and the cylinders are at 180
, the pistons are
always moving toward or away from each other and are in com-
plete primary balance. However, because the crankthrows and
thus the cylinders must be offset in plan, the engine will tend
to rock in the tilting sense. Balance weights will reduce this
effect, but the rocking couple will then be transferred to the
up-and-down plane. George Lanchester, a British designer of
Multiple Cylinder Engines 15
the early twentieth century, produced an exercise in perfection
in his early car engine by eliminating even this minor snag,
putting the cylinders in line and duplicating the crankthrows
and the connecting rods on one assembly. See Fig. 5-8. The
Buick Motor Company earned its early fame with a highly re-
liable flat-twin, which was sold to a number of other car manu-
facturers in the United States in addition to powering the early
Buick cars. The most famous engine of this type, at least at the
present, is the one used in the fine BMW motorcycles.
Fig. 5.8. Flattwin comparisons. Rocking couple caused by cylinder
offset (top) can be eliminated by Lanchester design (center). At
bottom, side view shows perpetuation of equal crank/connecting
rod angles.
Flat-Twin Advantages
The flat-twin substitutes width for length and height in its
general dimensions, a far from disadvantageous design in the
modern chassis, so that the type lends itself admirably to either
front or rear mounting. The famous Citroen 2 CV, and the po-
tent Dyna-Panhard of the mid-1950s, adopted the former posi-
tion with frontwheel drive; the Steyer-Puch of the same period
used the rear position.
With its separate cylinders, the flat-twin calls for rather
more separatp. components than others, but in view of its adop-
tion by European and Japanese makers of highly utilitarian
vehicles, it is difficult to justify any objection of high produc-
tion cost. In the past, carburetion difficulties caused by the long
induction tract, as well as lubrication complications resulting
from the horizontal cylinders, used to be snags associated with
this kind of engine, but these have long ago been overcome.
Four Cylinders
The main objection to the twin-cylinder engine, particu-
larly if its size and power become appreciable, is in the single
power stroke per revolution; this is most serious at low engine
speeds. Once on the move, there is no doubt that even the
highly tuned sports car twins of past decades perform with ex-
hilarating smoothness. But as far as the United States is con-
cerned, the motorist has become conditioned by the sheer neces-
sity of speed limits and poor roads to an appreciation of good
slow running and effortless acceleration from low speeds. These
are desirable points for any kind of car usage, and thus the
four-cylinder remains an acceptable minimum for the American
The normal in line "four" can be regarded as two 180
parallel twins placed end-to-end. Thus, two pistons arrive at
tdc as the other two reach bdc, and the rocking couples set up
between cylinder pair 1 and 2 and cylinder pair 3 and 4, as
a result of the crank throw spacing, cancel out along the engine
and do not tend to rock it from end to end. In addition to this
balance advantage, the firing order can also be arranged so that
the reactions are nicely spaced, though the torsional load on
the shaft is by no means regular. With the normal firing order
of 1-3-4-2 or 1-2-4-3, the portion of the shaft at the center bear-
ing receives two twists in half a revolution followed by a qui-
escent period of the same amount. See Fig. 5-9 and also Fig.
Multiple Cylinder Engines 153
Fig. '-9. Inline "four" and parallel twin compared. Inline "four"
(left) constitutes two parallel twins end to end. This cancels rock-
ing couple present in twin (right).
With the primary balance established using this shape of
shaft, there is no need for balance weights opposite the crank-
throws to counteract the reciprocating weight, except insofar as
they relieve the main bearing loadings_ This is particularly im-
portant at the center bearing of a three-bearing crankshaft
since the crankthrows on either side are in the same plane_ At
least one famous sports car engine was prone to excessive wear
of this bearing only until a counterweighted shaft was fitted_
Secondary Forces
It is possible to obtain primary balance on a multi cylinder
engine if the directions of piston travel are arranged so that
they counteract in respect to their inertia forces_ For example, to
this is done when traveling in opposite directions and arriving
at the dead center simultaneously, as in a flat-twin or an inline
four-cylinder (to name only two possibilities) _ However, be-
cause of another geometrical feature of the engine's construc-
tion, good primary balance is not the only answer; it is neces-
sary also to consider further out-of-balance forces known as
secondary vibrations_
To those familiar with reciprocating engine history, it is
usual to explain secondary forces by the comment that they are
not present, and thus cause no trouble, on engines using a
crank and cross-slide mechanism (Scotch yoke) instead of a
connecting rod. The Scotch yoke mechanism is most often seen
today on machine tools and feeder motions of various kinds; its
obvious difference compared with the crank-and-connecting rod
is that maximum piston acceleration is reached at the point of
half-stroke so that the time taken to reach this point from each
dead center is the same. See Fig. 5-10.
Fig. 5 IO. Crank and crossslide (Scotch yoke) mechanism. This
gives harmonic reciprocating motion. eliminating vibrations caused
by orthodox connecting rod angularity.
This is. of course, not the case with a connecting rod. It is
usual to state that if the latter is infinitely long, the same con-
ditions of equal acceleration will prevail. But with the usual ra-
tio of connecting rod length to crankthrow of around 4: 1, the
pistons starting from tdc will reach their maximum speed quite
a way before half-stroke; those starting from the bottom will
correspondingly be a good way past the same point before they
stop accelerating.
Multiple Cylinder Engines 155
Obviously, therefore, the piston's acceleration from tdc is
much greater than that from bdc. How much greater depends
on the dimensional ratio of connecting rod length to stroke
length; the shorter the rod in relation to the crankthrow's
stroke-actually, half the stroke because it is the difference be-
tween the crankthrow's center and the crankshaft centerline
that concerns us-the greater will be the difference in the piston
acceleration rates. Since this difference has to be resisted by the
the same means as in the case of the primary forces-that is, by
the engine mass, via the bearings, and so on-it follows that in
certain engine layouts a vibration will be set up that cannot be
balanced. Also, since the difference in acceleration occurs twice
per revolution, it follows that the vibrations caused by this
difference will have twice the frequencies of the primary forces.
(The latter frequency in a single-cylinder engine is equal to
the engine rpm.) The effect of this, combined with the con-
necting rod angularity, is felt in two ways. At both tdc and
bdc, there is an upward vibratory force. At right angles to the
cylinder axis, there is a force downward as the crank swings
through its right angle with the connecting rod. The intensity
of these secondary vibrations is only about one-quarter of the
primary value.
As with many other complex vibrations, the secondaries
go on to infinity with decreasing magnitude and increasing fre-
quency. But so long as the basic impulse can be made small,
the effect of the others is negligible. Rendering secondary effects
negligible involves careful selection of the dimensional ratios
concerned and adequate rigidity.
It is impossible to cancel out the secondary vibrations on
an inline "four". In the case of a fiat-twin, however, not only
do the pistons move in opposition at all times but the two
connecting rods also swing oppositely when making identical
angles with their cranks; thus, these forces cancel also. See
Fig. 5-8, given earlier.
This perfection of balance is also obtained on a fiat-four
using a normally disposed four-throw crankshaft-if cylinders
I and 4 on one side are opposed by 2 and 3 on the other. This
would mean, however, simultaneous firing of opposed cylinder
pairs so that the torque delivered to the crankshaft would be
no better than on a twin. In practice, therefore, with the same
crankshaft layout, the cylinder banks are offset as shown in
Fig. 5-11, one bank containing pistons 1 and 3 at tdc and bdc,
respectively, and the other containing 2 and 4. (This is the
arrangement used by VW, Porsche, and Subaru even . though
the cylinders are numbered differently.) This gives a power
stroke at every 180
of rotation, with primary balance, but the
secondary forces will set up a rocking couple.
Fig. 5-II. Horizontally opposed cylinder arrangements. (Top) flat-
four; (center) flat-eight with 90. two-plane crankshaft; (bottom)
British Anderson competition engine of 1920S, a simultaneous-
firing flat-eight with 180 single-plane, two-main-bearing crank-
Multiple Cylinder Engines 157
Six Cylinders versus Four
The conventional inline "six" is similar to the correspond-
ing "four" in that it comprises two three-cylinder inline engines
in looking-glass formation. The crankthrows 1 and 6, 2 and 5,
and 3 and 4 are given the same phasing, with 120
of crank
angle between pairs. It is thus possible, as in the "four", to
distribute the firing intervals acceptably along the shaft with
the usual firing order of 1-5-3-6-2-4. This means that alternate
cylinders fire from the center pair of cylinders (3 and 4) to the
outers, in turn, at each 120
of crankshaft rotation. See Fig. 5-
14, which appears later.
With the extra length of the inline "six", makers normally
use seven main bearings, which is highly desirable for maximum
rigidity. A few, however, continue to employ four bearings. The
Datsun, BMW, Ford, and Chrysler inline "sixes"-the engines
of this kind that are most often seen in competition these days
-all have seven main bearings. Thus, they are only now catch-
ing up with the famous Jaguar DOHC "six" that has achieved
so many competition records since its introduction thirty years
The primary forces are fully balanced in the inline "six".
As two pistons come to rest at each one-sixth of a revolution,
the primary vibratory force has a frequency of three times the
rpm and the secondaries have twice this frequency. The latter,
however, are also balanced except for a minor unbalanced third-
order frequency, which can be disregarded.
It is thus evident that apart from convenience of physical
shape and the desirability of having a specified number of
power strokes in the interests of good torque characteristics, the
cylinder arrangement of the engine has quite a lot of inHuence
on the smoothness of running. For example, in the case of the
inline "four" and the Hat four, it is not merely a case of whether
the latter is a better shape or more amenable to air cooling that
makes it preferable to the former. The inline "four", good as
it is, cannot be fully balanced without the adoption of artificial
balancing mechanisms driven from the crankshaft.
Because of economic and conservation concerns, many
Americans who formerly owned six- and eight-cylinder passen-
ger cars have begun to purchase four-cylinder cars. To cater to
these pampered drivers who might otherwise rebel at four-
cylinder vibrations, Toyota and Mitsubishi (Plymouth Arrow
and Dodge Colt) have begun offering U.S. consumers inline
"fours" with balancing shafts. These shafts turn at twice the
crankshaft rpm and cancel out the secondary imbalance to a
degree that makes the inline "fours" equal to other popular
engines in smoothness and lack of resonant periods in the rpm
range that is most used.
Balancer shafts were pioneered by Ford (Fig. 5-12) and
Lancia. Interestingly, these companies no longer build "fours"
with balancing shafts, having also abandoned the V 4 cylinder
configuration; nevertheless, Ford and Lancia now manufacture
some of the smoothest inline "fours" built-without balancer
shafts. Undoubtedly much has been learned.
Fig. 5-I2. Cross-section of German Ford Taunus V4 engine with
auxiliary balancing shaft on left side. Notice phasing of crank-
throws, which produces even firing intervals.
Multiple Cylinder Engines 159
In any case, an additional shaft flailing away in the crank-
case is no help in a competition engine; it is, in fact, a decided
detriment. Thus, we will not go deeply into the influence that
such extraneous equipment has on engine balance. It will suf-
fice to say that adopting the flat-four configuration would be a
more desirable alternative if the engine is to be a competition
The flat-four in its practical form replaces the out-of-bal-
ance secondary of the inline "four" with a minor rocking couple
that may be easier to render innocuous. So many other manu-
facturing and designing points intrude that we are left with
the conclusion that you take your choice-both are good.
Straight Eight Engines
Inline eight-cylinder engines are not being built at present.
However, at one time it was the predominant type in all forms
of racing. The last successful racing straight-eight was the Mer-
cedes Benz Grand Prix engine of the middle 1950S (Fig. 5-13) .
This engine had a spur gear in the center of the crankshaft
that transmitted the power to the transmission via a gear-
driven output shaft. Thus, the Mercedes engine was in effect
two inline four-cylinder engines attached end to end by a com-
mon output gear.
Considering the success of this crank-center power trans-
mission scheme, it is obvious that there is at present only one
thing wrong with the straight-eight cylinder configuration; it is
too long for use in today's mid-engined Grand Prix cars. Never-
theless, in some drag racing classes where a front-mounted en-
gine is normal-and perhaps even advantageous-the old Buick
straight-eight is still a very competitive powerplant. Of all the
straight-eights once manufactured in the United States, only
the Buick has retained a competitive life; the DOHC Duesen-
berg has now, sadly, become too valuable as an antique to be
risked on the race track.
The normal straight-eight crankshaft has crank pins 1 and
2 up and down respectively, 3 to the left, 4 to the right, 5 to
the left, 6 to the right, 7 down, and 8 up. This configuration
produces full balance and overlapping power strokes for ex-
ceptional smoothness and uniform torque.
Fig. 5-I!]. The 2.5-liter Mercedes Grand Prix engine, the last
successful straight-eight racing engine.
The V8 Engine
The V8 engine was neither invented in the United States
nor was it widely accepted here until the advent in 1932 of
the Ford flathead V8. Up to that time, V8 engines were too
expensive and complicated to attain major importance in the
passenger car market. It is interesting to note that Chevrolet,
Ford's arch rival, built a V8-an OHV V8 at that-fifteen years
before the Ford flathead V8 came along. (One of these early
Chevy V8s can be seen-where else?-in the Ford Museum in
Dearborn, Michigan.)
It is wise to start a discussion of the old Ford flathead with
an examination of its shortcomings because the success of the
engine in competition was largely based on the ingenuity of
the speed tuners who overcame them. First and foremost, the
old Ford V8 was limited by being an L-head engine. Zora Ar-
kus Duntov (who went on to become the head of Chevrolet's
racing department) tackled this problem by designing over-
Multiple Cylinder Engines 161
head-valve cylinder heads for the Ford. Nevertheless, most of
the Ford flathead's competition successes came to engines that
raced in supertuned flathead form.
The main problem with the Ford flathead V8 from a de-
sign point of view was its exhaust ports. The block had sepa-
rate intake ports for each cylinder. Hence, tuners were seldom
hindered by difficulties on this side of the engine. But, because
the engine was an L-head, the exhaust valves were located be-
side the intake valves-at the inside of the "vee". Consequently
the exhaust ports had to make a V-turn through the water
jacket to reach the outside of the block. These long exhaust
passages, surrounded by the coolant, were as efficient as the flues
in a steam boiler for raising the temperature of the surround-
ing water. Boiling was common, and the center two exhaust
ports of each cylinder bank, being siamesed, caused irregular
scavenging and filling of the cylinders.
Nevertheless, Ford V8 engines were cheap and plentiful and
thus had the advantage of inexpensive competition develop-
ment. The engine's rivals were remarkably few in number. The
other popular American engines of the day, the Chevy "six"
and the Plymouth "six", had even greater shortcomings than
did the Ford. The Chevrolet, despite its overhead valves, had
three intake ports and four exhaust ports; the intake ports
were all siamesed, but only the center two exhaust ports were
siamesed. Consequently there were terrible irregularities in
cylinder filling and scavenging. Furthermore, the engine lacked
a pressure oiling system and relied on the splashing of oil in-
side the crankcase for much of the bearing lubrication. Like
the Chevy, the Plymouth had an irregular pairing of intake and
exhaust ports-and an infamously weak, though pressure-lubri-
cated, "bottom end".
As modern high-compression engines began to appear in
American passenger cars, it was not surprising that most of
them were V8s. Not only was the Ford V8 the only conspicu-
ously successful production engine in competition, which gave
it a certain glamor, but many of the younger American de-
signers had served a youthful hot rod apprenticeship on the
Ford. In addition the V8 configuration had two distinct ad-
vantages for the car industry. First, it was short and compact
at a time when hoods were becoming short, and secondly, with
two connecting rod big ends on each crankthrow, there were
fewer bearing surfaces to machine.
The first American high-compression VS engines were a
stunning experience for speed tuners of the day; they were
able to outperform super tuned Ford flatheads without signifi-
cant modifications. Still, by present-day standards, they were
very limited designs. The center two exhaust ports on each
bank of cylinders were siamesed on both the 1949 Oldsmobile
VS and the 1949 Cadillac VS. aIds and Caddy engines had
some notable competition successes in their day. The Cadillac
engine, for example, won many important American road races
when installed in the English Allard sports car and even man-
aged a tenth and eleventh place at Le Mans.
Then the Chrysler "Hemi" engines came onto the scene
(Fig. 5-14). With their hemispherical combustion chambers
and separate intake and exhaust ports, they were an American
speed tuner's dream-in every respect other than cost. Deriva-
tives of this engine are still unbeatable in several drag racing
classes, despite the fact that this engine is somewhat heavy;
their NASCAR successes are also legion in number.
The Chevrolet VS that was first introduced in 1955 ushered
in a new day for America's VS-oriented speed tuners. This en-
gine was soon cheap and plentiful, making possible rapid de-
velopment for competition purposes. The Chevy VS, known
today as the small-block V8, had inherently good breathing
and, in addition, was both light and very compact. The scions
of this engine form the backbone of a great many racing classes
Let us now examine the V8 engine configuration from a
technological point of view. If a VS is built that consists basic-
ally of four 900 V-twins coupled end to end and using a
straightforward four-cylinder crankshaft, two connecting rods
on each throw, and crankpins 1 and 4 and crankpins 2 and 3
coaxial at lS0
between pairs, it is possible by suitable arrange-
ment of the firing intervals along the cylinder banks to obtain
a power stroke every 900. The smooth torque is, however,
somewhat nullified by the considerable vibrations set up, as a
consequence of the unbalanced secondary forces, and obviously
Multiple Cylinder Engines 163
no arrangement of balance weights can do anything to over-
come this.
Fig. 5-I4. One of the earliest Chrysler Corporation "Hemi" en-
gines, the 1952 De Soto Firedome VB.
There is also another objection to the "flat" crankshaft
layout: the two center crankthrows, each laden with two con-
necting rods and pistons, are in the same plane, and the process
of operation puts a heavy bending load on the shaft and thus
on the engine structure, which eventually has to resist such a
force. This, however, is less of a consideration than formerly,
because the overlapping diameters of the crankpins and main
journals in today's short-stroke engines produces an exception-
ally strong crankshaft.
The arrangement used in modern production car V8 en-
gines is the "two-plane" crankshaft shown in Fig. 5-15. As
viewed end on, it is clear that the crankpins (each carrying
two connecting rods as before) will now appear to have NO.1
pointing upward, No.2 to the right, NO.3 to the left, and No.
4 downward-each crank throw at 90 to the next. Obviously
the shaft has now forsaken the looking-glass conception of the
normal four-cylinder, but the benefit of having the two center
crankthrows in opposition, in reducing the bending stresses al-
ready mentioned, is evident.
Fig. 5-I5. Four-throw, two-plane VB crankshaft for American VB.
It is instructive to consider the couples, or crankshaft rock,
set up. The pairs of cranks at 180 will each set up a rocking
couple, and these pairs are now Nos. 1 and 4 and Nos. 2 and 3
But because the crankshaft is longer, in the sense of a lever,
between the former pair than between the latter pair, this
would normally mean that the two would not cancel each other,
and the engine mass would tend to rock on its mountings.
The problem now is to arrange counterweight masses along
the shaft to compensate for this "leverage" effect, and it is in
doing so effectively that good design really shows up. The old
Ford V8 crankshaft had three main bearings, so that the flying
web between the pairs of crank pins had the latter offset on
them to an extent of goo. This shaft was one of the pioneer
cast ones, a forged shaft being used in 1932 only. As such, it
was a creditable achievement in foundry practice. But in arriv-
ing at satisfactory balance masses combined with the crankweb
arrangement necessary (as outlined above) for three main
bearings, the overall shaft weight was quite considerable-an-
Multiple Cylinder Engines 165
other reason why this engine proved disappointing when in-
stalled in a light sports car chassis; its power of acceleration
was handicapped by the inertia of its crankshaft. In dirt track
midget racers, the Ford V8 60 was usually raced without a fly-
All modern V8s have five main bearings. This allows much
greater finesse in designing the balance masses and is largely
necessitated by the high power outputs that-in view of the
staggering of crankpins at goO between cylinders-would now
hopelessly overload a three-bearing shaft. The five-bearing shaft
has eight webs, each of which can be given the appropriate
counterweight for the effect desired. In practice, as any good
sectional illustration will show, the general arrangement can be
summarized as follows: A heavy weight is fitted on the first and
last webs-Nos. 1 and 8; these will be at 180 to each other and
in primary opposition. Lighter weights are used on web Nos. 2,
3, 6, and 7, which are at goO to each other as pairs. The middle
webs, 4 and 5, have still lighter balance weights or even none
at all.
If all the significant factors are assessed carefully, both
primary and secondary balance is obtained. With the ordinary
single-plane four-cylinder crankshaft referred to earlier, assum-
ing that two pistons in the left-hand cylinder bank are at tdc,
the other two will be at bdc, but all the pistons in the right-
hand bank will be about halfway down the stroke; hence the
secondary vibrations. With the two-plane arrangement, how-
ever, the pistons in each bank must be one up, one down, and
two about halfway; that is where the balance improvement lies.
It is fortunate that when a power stroke is available at
each goO, the sequence is perhaps less important than in en-
gines where there are fewer of them because arranging them
satisfactorily around the engine is by no means easy. A typical
firing order, numbering the right bank front to back as 1-2-3-4
and the left bank front to back as 5-6-7-8, is in the sequence
1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8. With this, equal induction impulses can be
obtained on the chokes of two carburetors by coupling them
to the outers of one bank and the inners of the opposite bank
(Fig. 5-16). The sequence gives irregular bearing loadings, but
this also holds good for several alternatives, which in addition
are more troublesome from the point of view of mixture dis-
2 3 4
!l7 ..... --41----... 26
Fig. ;-16. Typical eight-cylinder firing orders using twoplane
crankshaft (left). (Top) goO V8; (bottom) horizontally opposed
The latter point does not, of course, arise in racing engines
where one choke per port is possible (or one injection duct,
of course). The difficulty in that case lies in the intricacies of
the exhaust system on which so much reliance is placed for ob-
taining maximum power. It is quite impossible. regardless of
how the branch pipes are arranged or their complexity, to ob-
tain an exhausting sequence that will employ pressure-wave
action to the fullest advantage. Hence, both the BRM and the
Coventry-Climax V8 Grand Prix engines of the recent past and
the Cosworth-Ford Grand Prix engine of the present have used
single-plane crankshafts, thus enabling each bank of cylinders
to use exhaust layouts similar to those used on an inline "four".
See Fig. 5-17.
Multiple Cylinder Engines 167
Fig. 5-I7. Cutaway drawing of Cosworth Ford DFV engine, which
uses 180 "flat" single-plane crankshaft.
Obviously there is an adverse effect on engine balance
when the single-plane shaft is adopted, but it must be remem-
bered that racing engines operate at very high rpm. With small
cylinders and short strokes, the snags are theoretical rather
than practical in that particular context.
The V8 engine, America's first choice for many years now,
is seeing ever-greater application overseas. In its normal 900
configuration, the V8 is a very compact engine with a short,
stiff crankshaft. Rolls Royce and Mercedes Benz both use V8s
in their finest passenger cars; Porsche, in its first move away
from the "boxer" or "pancake" engine, has elected to use a V8
in its Type 928.
The V6 Engine
The V6 engine has undergone considerable development
in recent years, and because of changing social and economic
conditions, it is scheduled for much wider use in American pas-
senger cars than it has enjoyed in former years. Two distinctly
different kinds of V6 engines are in common use today. There
are 90 V6 engines with three-crank pin crankshafts and 60
V6 engines with six-crank pin crankshafts. .
The 90, three-crankpin V6 can be thought of as a goO V8
with one V-twin pair of cylinders sawed off. Naturally the re-
maining three crank pins must be arranged to different angles in
an attempt to produce evenly spaced firing intervals-which, in
fact, can never be fully attained. The main reason for these
engines is implied by their design; they are derived inexpen-
sively from what was originally a V8, thus making use of many
existing V8 parts.
The General Motors 90 V6, which first appeared in Buick
cars about twenty years ago, has been revived by GM in the
interest of badly needed improvements in fuel economy. GM
has similar new engines under development, all of which will
use reciprocating parts from the existing GM family of V8s. In
an attempt to obtain smoothness from these engines, it is neces-
sary not only to use counterweights on the crankshafts to bal-
ance out the rotating couple but to use very flexible mountings
to disguise an unbalanced secondary rocking couple. The firing
order, obviously, is uneven and requires an ignition distributor
with an irregularly shaped cam.
Volvo has also accepted these same compromises. In the
early 1970s, Volvo had under development a 90 V8 engine for
use in the more luxurious passenger cars that were then being
planned. However, the energy crisis that surfaced along with
the Arab oil embargo of 1973 forced a reconsideration of the
plans for an eight-cylinder engine. Consequently the basic Volvo
design had two cylinders lopped off, and a V6 was thus ob-
tained, thereby salvaging much of the work that had been done
in tooling for the stillborn V8.
From an engineering and competition-oriented point of
view, Ford's 60, six-crankpin V6 engines are a much "neater"
Multiple Cylinder Engines 169
design. Ferrari had previously used this approach (and also the
120, three-crankpin arrangement) in producing a V6 with
uniform firing intervals. With the Ford V6, used in America
on the Capri, Pinto, Mustang, and Bobcat models, each con-
necting rod big end has its own crankpin (Fig. 5-18). For the
purposes of this book, we will disregard other V6 engines that
involve engineering compromises and limit our technical analy-
sis to this kind of 60, six-crankpin V6.
Fig. 5I8. V6 crankshaft from Ford Capri. Arrows indicate main
journals; crankthrows are spaced at 60 to one another.
With a crankshaft that has six crankthrows spaced at 60
to each other along the shaft (Fig. 5-19), the firing intervals are
equal at 120, as in an inline "six"-assuming that the angle
of the cylinder banks is 60. Furthermore, the three pairs of
reciprocating components will cancel out to give both primary
and secondary balance.
Fig. 5I9. End view of 60 V6 engine with six throw crankshaft.
Numbering the cylinders front to back as right bank 1-2-3
and left bank 4-5-6 (Fig. 5-20), the usual firing order is 1-4-3-6-
2-5, or in the case of the Ford V6 seen in the United States, 1-4-
2-5-3-6. This gives alternate power strokes from each bank, as
does the 1-6-3-5-2-4 firing order illustrated later in Fig. 5-21.
Three additional firing orders are possible but are not used, be-
cause they involve consecutive firing of the cylinders in each
Fig. 5-20. Cylinder numbers of Ford V6 engine. Arrow points
toward front of engine.
If the cylinder angle is opened out to 120, as in the 1960
Ferrari Grand Prix car, and the big ends advance on the crank-
throws by 60, a similar firing sequence will result, and the
engine will reduce overall height at the expense of greater
width. The crankshaft can then be made with three crankthrows,
with opposite big ends sharing crankpins at 120 spacing-that
is, half of a six-cylinder inline shaft or the same as used in a
goo, three-crankpin V6.
New V6 engine designs are about to reach the market in
American-made Ford and GM cars, but it is uncertain whether
these will ever be developed into competition engines. Whether
Ford will follow their admirable European practice or revert
to the "sawed-off" V8 concept remains to be seen. It is inter-
esting to note that Ford's 60, six-crankpin V6 was derived
from an earlier 60 V 4. It is thus an engine that has had two
cylinders grafted on rather than an engine that has had two
cylinders taken off.
Multiple Cylinder Engines 171
The FLat-six
The flat-six, of course, refers mainly to the Porsche 911
and its derivatives. America's modest entry into this field, the
Corvair, is little more than a lingering memory, having suffered
an inglorious demise out of all proportion to its shortcomings.
There can, in fact, be little said against the flat-six cylinder
arrangement, either from the standpoint of balance or from that
of firing regularity.
As in the case of the inline "six" and the better sort of
V6, the flat-six has six crankpins on its crankshaft. No two
crankpins are coaxial, just as in a V6. However, it must not be
assumed that a flat-six crankshaft is identical to a V6 crank-
shaft. In a flat-six engine, adjacent pairs of crankpins are al-
ways set at 180 to one another so that the reciprocating pis-
tons make the familiar "boxing" movements toward and away
from one another, as in a flat-twin. By contrast, adjacent crank-
throws in a 60 V6 are set at 60 to one another. See Fig. 5-21.
2 3
5 6
1 2 3
4 5 6
Fig. YJI. Typical sixcylinder firing orders. (Top) 60, six-
crankthrow V6; (center) inline "six"; (bottom) horizontally
opposed sixcylinder "boxer" engine.
The flat-six fires cylinders in alternate banks, as a good
engine should, so there are no difficulties involved in making
an exhaust system that takes advantage of pressure-wave prin-
ciples. Because the flat-six is, in effect, three flat-twins spliced
end to end, there is no difficulty in balancing such an engine.
Consequently, the Porsche gIl crankshaft shown in Fig. 5-22
has very modest counterweights and an amazingly light overall
Fig. 5.22. Crankshaft and connecting rods of Porsche 911 flat-six
The Flat-eight
The horizontally opposed eight-cylinder engine has the
inherent advantage of minimum length and height combined
with an ample number of power strokes per crankshaft revolu-
tion. But aside from the Porsche 1.5-liter Grand Prix engine
of the early Ig60s (Fig. 5-23), very little application has been
made of this cylinder arrangement.
The flat-eight can use a similar two-plane crankshaft to the
V8, as previously shown in Fig. 5-11, with a firing order 1-7-4-6-5-
3-8-2. The eight-throw shaft, exemplified by the Porsche racing
engine, is a superior layout. With nine main bearings, this engine
can be regarded as two flat-four "boxer" engines end to end with
Multiple Cylinder Engines 173
their crankshafts phased at goO to one another at the center
bearing. This gives excellent balance, and the symmetry of fir-
ing is well shown in Fig. 5-16 (given earlier), the order being
Fig. 5-23. Porsche los-liter flat-eight Grand Prix racing engine.
The Flat-twelve and the Flat-sixteen
At present, flat-twelve "boxer" engines are enjoying con-
siderable success in road racing. Ferrari, long an exponent of
the twelve-cylinder engine, has been a dominant force in Grand
Prix racing with the Type 312 flat-twelve (Fig. 5-24). Horizon-
tally opposed twelve-cylinder powerplants have also been used
with considerable success by Porsche and AHa Romeo.
Fig. 5'24. The Ferrari flattwelve Grand Prix racing engine used
in the Type 312B chassis. Front of engine, with fuel injection
pump and ignition distributor, is in foreground.
A flat-twelve is, in effect, two flat-six engines spliced to-
gether, having a crankshaft with twelve crankthrows. Thus, the
familiar "boxing" movements of the opposed pistons, first seen
in the flat-twin, are retained. Balance and smooth torque are
great virtues of this cylinder arrangement. The crankshaft,
which resembles two flat-six crankshafts joined in the middle
and phased 30 to one another, is rather long but apparently
offers no serious problems for skilled and experienced designers.
In recent years, Porsche has also developed a flat-sixteen
engine. This is exactly like coupling two flat-eight engines end
Multiple Cylinder Engines 175
to end. In turbocharged form, this potent unit developed about
2,000 bhp but was never used as the flat-twelve, which had van-
quished all its competitors in international racing, went on in
turbocharged form to dominate the Can-Am series, and set the
world's closed-course speed record, an honor that for many
years had been the sinecure of Indy-type race cars. The "six-
teen", it was decided, would simply be a case of overkill.
The V I2 and the V I6
The V12 has always been an excellent cylinder arrange-
ment, offering extreme smoothness and uncomplicated balanc-
ing. The crankshaft itself is identical to that of an in-line "six"
but with two connecting rod big ends on each crank pin, as in a
V8. The Ferrari V12 engines have all been 60 layouts, as are
the present Jaguar V12 and the various V12 Grand Prix racing
engines of the current 3-liter formula (Fig. 5-25). But there
have been exceptions.
Fig. 5-25. BRM V12 engine as used in Type 153 Grand Prix car.
The Cadillac VI2 of 1935 through 1937 had a 45
between cylinder banks, and for a very important reason; it
shared virtually all of its working parts with the Cadillac VI6
engine that was built from 1935 through 1940. A 45
angle is,
of course, half of a 900 angle, and it is possible to build a 45
V8 with a two-plane crankshaft that has even firing intervals
and will fire cylinders on alternate banks. So it is also possible
to build a 45
V 16 with even firing intervals-eight overlapping
power strokes per crankshaft revolution-that fires cylinders on
alternate banks. The crankshaft in this case is identical to that
of a straight-eight but with two connecting rod big ends on
each crankpin.
The General Motors practice has always been to give odd
numbers to the left bank cylinders of V-type engines (1-3-5-7-
9-11-13-15) and even numbers to the right bank cylinders (2-4-
6-8-10-12-14-16). From the firing order of the Cadillac OHV V16
(1-8-9-14-3-6-11-2-15-10-7-4-13-12-5-16) it can easily be seen that
the cylinders do indeed fire on alternate banks. The crankshaft
of the Cadillac OHV 45
V12, being like that of an inline
"six", did not provide uniform firing intervals. Instead, the en-
gine ran as though it were two inline "sixes" that were 45
out of phase with one another. The cylinders did, however, fire
on alternate banks (1-4-g-8-5-2-II-I0-3-6-7-12), and ignition
complications were solved by having a separate six-cylinder dis-
tributor for each cylinder bank. Careful analysis will show that
this firing order is identical to the one used on today's V12
Jaguar; the Jaguar, fortunately, being a 60
V12, produces
evenly spaced firing intervals.
Other Cylinder Arrangements
The V 4 engine has had some competition success. Lancia
used this layout in the 1950S and, more recently, Ford's German
Taunus cars were equipped with a V 4. Though the Taunus had
some wins in international rallying, the Ford V 4 has done most
of its racing in SAAB cars, which are especially competitive in
ice racing. This engine, shown in Fig. 5-12, had a 60
between its two banks of cylinders; one pair of crankpins on its
four-throw crankshaft was set at 120
to the other pair, giving
absolutely even firing. See Fig. 5-26.
Engine Mounting 177
34 3 4
3 2 3 4
Fig. 5-26. Four-cylinder firing order comparison. (Top) inline
"four"; (center) horizontally opposed flat-four "boxer" engine;
(bottom) Ford 60 V4.
Five-cylinder inline engines are beginning to appear in
passenger cars. Although Ford experimented with this kind of
engine in the 1940s, the first inline "five" to reach the public
was the Mercedes Benz 300D diesel-powered sedan. Audi has in-
troduced a 2.2-liter five-cylinder inline spark-ignition engine in
its 50oo-C sedan, making it the first "gas-burner five" on the
The main appeal of the five-cylinder inline engine is that
it offers greater piston displacement than a "four" and more
power impulses per revolution without the added length and
complexity of a "six". Four-cylinder engines of above two liters
displacement tend to be somewhat rough, because of the large
displacements of the individual cylinders. The five-cylinder,
with five equally disposed crankpins on its crankshaft, offers a
way out. As yet, no such engine has been prepared for compe-
tition use.
Engine Mounting
With the engine balanced as well as possible, there still
remains the problem of mounting it in the car so that vibration
will not be transmitted unnecessarily. In passenger cars, the
availability of a wide range of bonded rubber mountings, along
with much research devoted to the subject, enables virtually
any type of power unit to be securely located; at the same time
there is no danger of undue movement.
The basic requirement in mounting the engine satisfac-
torily is to relate the vibrations that occur in the engine as a
whole to the principal axis. This axis can be considered as a
line passing through the engine in a fore-and-aft direction,
along which the moment of inertia is lowest. In practice, such
a line would be found to run at an angle from high up at the
front to low down at the rear, passing through the crankshaft
centerline at or near the flywheel. (This is in the case of an in-
line four-cylinder engine.)
Because there are few places that high front engine mount-
ings can be attached on the modern car, most inline "fours"
have three-point mountings. The two side mountings, about
halfway along the length of the block, are placed near the
height of the principal axis. The third mounting is placed at
the bottom of the rear end of the transmission near an exten-
sion of the principal axis at a point well aft of the flywheel.
Care must be taken in mounting an engine differently from
the way that it was designed to be mounted. A mounting that
is good from the viewpoint of taking the weight of the engine
can cause extra stresses on the block casting at unsuitable
points. When the OHV Chevrolet V8 came along in the 1950s,
it was not long before hot rodders and dirt-track stock car rac-
ers began installing this engine in cars that originally had Ford
flathead V8s. The Ford engine used two mountings at the front
of the block; the Chevrolet engine had centerpoint mountings
of the kind described above for four-cylinder inline engines.
The Chevy, when outfitted with front mountings to match the
old Ford installation, frequently suffered broken block castings
and warped internal parts as a result of the inappropriate dis-
tribution of stresses.
Competition cars nearly always use solid engine mountings,
and the most solid kind of all are those used with the Cosworth
Ford V8 Grand Prix engine. This powerplant has been de-
signed to serve as part of the car's structure. The monocoque
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations 179
"tub" that forms the chassis of the typical Grand Prix car is
bolted to the front end of the engine. The engine itself pro-
vides the support for the transaxle and the rear suspension and
wheels. Thus, the engine must be very rigidly mounted because
it is literally part of the chassis.
An engine must be designed for this kind of structural use
from the first. It is not possible, say, to use a Chevy small block
V8 or a Ford Cortina "four" as a structural member of the
chassis because these engines were not designed for that kind
of service. The weight reduction made possible by this unique
feature of the Cosworth-Ford V8 design should certainly be
reason enough for other designers to adopt this approach in the
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations
The choice of a bore/stroke ratio is one that requires a
number of conflicting factors to be taken into consideration.
Recently there has been a tendency to oversimplify the ques-
tion when reviewing designs of engines in which a drastic short-
ening of 'the stroke has been carried out. Upon investigation, it
will frequently be found that the dimensions concerned have
little or no bearing on the power produced or the overall effi-
ciency of the power unit and are adopted almost solely from
the viewpoint of costs or to meet installation requirements.
Obviously the significance of the stroke length is that for
a given number of rpm, the longer the stroke the higher will
be the piston speed, and the latter, in general, represents the
limiting factor in the top rpm that it is possible to obtain from
any particular engine. Assuming that the same working pres-
sure can be maintained in the cylinders, the horsepower of any
engine will increase in direct proportion to the increase in rpm.
Thus, if an engine of a specified cubic capacity is redesigned by
shortening the stroke, increasing the bore to give the same cubic
capacity-and increasing the rpm to give the same piston speed
as the original-the engine will produce more power.
A study of current engine specifications reveals a consider-
able divergence of opinion as to what constitutes the most de-
sirable ratio of bore to stroke, and one might be tempted to
inquire whether in fact these dimensions are so important since
the power units concerned all seem to perform quite well. First
of all, it will be useful to consider the dimensions from the
point of view of what is best for power production and sound
mechanical design. We can then review other influences that
have a bearing on the makers' choices.
Increases in engine output in recent years have come from
improved breathing and mixture distribution, higher compres-
sion ratios for taking advantage of better fuels, and an increase
in certain cases in maximum rpm. The last can be ignored for
the moment; it springs from the first item as a result of the en-
gine's ability to "charge" itself adequately because of improved
induction characteristics.
These breathing improvements call for the use of ade-
quately sized valves and correct port design-not to overlook
the possible use of turbocharging in this regard. In port design,
the cylinder head casting is a complex structure, and the ports
have to find their ways past headbolt bosses, water passages,
and so on. The spark plug, too, must come in correct relation-
ship to the valves and to the general shape of the combustion
It is obvious that the larger the cross-section of the head
the better, since more room will be available. However, the
cylinder bore must be sized to match the head, and any decision
on this measurement will automatically fix the stroke dimen-
sion for a specified cylinder capacity.
Compression ratio is influenced considerably by the length
of the stroke. It is not difficult to visualize the impossibility of
obtaining the required compression ratio if the cross-section
dimension of the cylinder head is carried to absurd limits, re-
membering that the valves must have room to operate above
the piston. However, it might be necessary to use domed piston
crowns, designed to "take up space" at tdc, that would mitigate
against efficient combustion by restricting flame travel. Thus,
to obtain the specified compression ratio and at the same time
to allow for the use of a piston of rational shape (so as not to
throwaway on the power stroke all the advantages gained by
the aids to good breathing), a careful choice of stroke dimen-
sion is necessary.
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations 181
Piston Speed
If the crankshaft speed of the engine remains unaltered,
shortening the stroke length will reduce the piston speed; this
is the virtue most frequently offered by champions of the short-
stroke engine. For any reduction to be worthwhile as a virtue
in itself, the original piston speed must have been excessively
high. Between wide limits, piston speed has little or no effect
on engine efficiency, and it is only when the speed exceeds some
3,000 feet per minute on normal passenger car engines that one
need be at all concerned; competition engines can go higher
than this because of the greater attention paid to precision
balance and choice of materials.
There is one benefit of short stroke designs that is unde-
niable: short strokes mean lighter and more compact engines.
Both of these characteristics are highly important advantages
in a competition powerplant. We need not look very far to find
examples. Despite being of cast-iron, the engines of both the
Chevrolet small block VB and the English Ford Cortina are
exceedingly light and compact for their displacements and
power outputs. These factors have been responsible for their
wide use and extensive development as successful competition
engines in formula-type racing cars. Nevertheless, the working
parts of such engines must be designed with considerable
The reciprocating action in the conventional engine sets
up bearing loads that are very different from those in purely
rotary motion, and these are particularly severe at the con-
necting rod big ends. The loading on crankshaft main bearings
can be fairly evenly distributed with a shaft in good balance
so that wear is spread around the bearing shell and the crank-
shaft journal. In the connecting rod assembly, however, the re-
versal of movement at the top and bottom dead centers pro-
duces an alternating "push-and-pull" load in the rod; this is
naturally reproduced as a shear stress at the piston pin and
piston bosses and communicates a heavy load to the big end
eye at its bearing on the crank pin. These loads are indepen-
dent of the power loading caused by the cylinder explosion
pressure, and they increase in proportion to the square of the
rpm (that is, the loading at 4000 rpm is four times that at
2000 rpm).
Obviously the weight of the reciprocating parts must in-
fluence the loading to a marked degree, and in this respect a
big-bore piston will be heavier than a long-stroke Ismail-bore
piston. The same amount of power is available for power pro-
duction (from equal-capacity cylinders) whatever the bore I
stroke ratio. It is simply a question of whether it is produced by
fewer psi on a small-bore piston, acting through a greater dis-
tance, or by more psi on a big-bore piston, acting through a
shorter stroke. In the former case, the power loading on the big
ends and so forth will naturally be less than the latter.
More Power
In the 1960s demands for more power from production car
engines were met in some cases by the normal processes of in-
creasing the engine speed, more often by an increase of cubic
capacity-sometimes both-and by cylinder head and induction
system modifications. Thus, in any original design, it would
seem best to allow for the possibility of bore (and perhaps
stroke) increases and the use of larger valves at some future
date. On engines where such items have been ignored or not
allowed for in the original layout, the limit of performance is
obviously reached sooner than if adequate forethought had
been used. For instance, a piston stroke dimension that is ex-
cellent at 4200 rpm may result in an undesirably high piston
speed at 5200 rpm. Valve port areas that give excellent pulling
power for use with a conventional manual transmission may
be too small if the engine is later converted to operate with an
automatic transmission at generally higher average rpm.
It is thus difficult to state that any particular ratio of bore
to stroke is the one that the designer would have chosen for
maximum engine efficiency in that particular power unit; there
are, of course, cases where this is done, and these are not dif-
ficult to recognize. But in the main they are found in the extra-
high-quality, limited-production class of cars. In America, during
the years of, first, the "horsepower race" and, later, the "cubic
inch race", very little thought was given to proportions. The
Bore /Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations 183
piston displacement was increased almost annually by any
means left available.
We can investigate the effect of stroke length on bearing
loading, as it applies to the power stroke, in line with this fact,
by using a simple example. Suppose we have two looo-cm3
four-cylinder engines, each of the same bhp and rpm; the dif-
ference is that one of them has a stroke length twice that of
the other. Since each cylinder must provide 250 cm
in each
case, the bores must be dimensioned accordingly; if the long-
stroke engine has a stroke length of 100 mm, its bore will be
56 mm. The short-stroke engine, with a 5o-mm stroke, will have
a bore of 80 mm.
If we assume the peak rpm in both engines is 4500, it will
be obvious that the piston speed on the short-stroke engine will
be halved in comparison with the other. In figures, the former
piston speed will be 1640 feet per minute (fpm), which is very
much below even a normal cruising speed figure. On the long-
stroke, however, this will become 3280 fpm, which is a shade
high for comfort unless the engine has exceptional standards
of materials, balance, and workmanship. Note also that the
foregoing are the mean speeds. The maximum, which occurs
momentarily when the crank throw and the connecting rod are
at a right angle, with the big end at the "hinge", would be 2616
and 5232 fpm, respectively. A piston speed for normal fast run-
ning of 2500 fpm (mean) is considered a good average value;
this is only just exceeded as a maximum by the short-stroke
In connection with increased power, however, supercharg-
ing can be used without increasing either the displacement or
the rpm needed to obtain the added output. However, other
problems are sometimes produced. Nevertheless, both the Offy
and the Cosworth-Ford V8-neither of which were originally
designed as supercharged engines-have in recent years, along
with the Ford/Foyt V8, been adapted to high-boost turbo-
charging for use in USAC oval-track racing.
Bearing Loadings
The short-stroke engine generally shows up advantageously
in most respects, and the design can be expected to influence
cylinder bore wear and smoothness of running; both of these
factors depend to some extent on subtleties of manufacture as
well. It can also be argued for the alternative, fast-moving piston
that there is less time for blowby past the rings to take place.
Now we have to consider the actual development of power.
If we imagine that the mean effective pressure available for the
power stroke is 120 psi, we can ascertain the total pressure on
the respective pistons; the 56-mm piston in the long-stroke en-
gine will have an area of 3.9 square inches, while the So-mm
piston will have an area of 7.S square inches. This is apparent;
having halved the stroke, we must double the pressure avail-
able. At 120 psi, the respective pressures will be 46S psi and
936 psi.
Reducing piston speed very much reduces the bearing
inertia loads, but it doubles the power-stroke load (this is also
true of the compression stroke). However, this considerable
extra stress occurs only every two revolutions, over a crank
angle of some 120
, and on this count must be preferable to
excessive inertia loads from the aspect of bearing life. In con-
sidering the reduction of inertia loading by shortening the
stroke, the larger-diameter piston on this engine-of nearly 50
percent greater diameter-will be considerably heavier, and this
will to some extent counteract the effect of the lower piston
Nevertheless, of the two, reduction in inertia loadings is
of greater importance than increase in power loading, if only
because of the greater frequency of the former. In the most
famous "So-bore" engine, the Ford Cortina, it is interesting to
note that in five main bearing, 1600 cm
form this tiny power-
house has a bearing area that is equivalent to that of many VSs.
This perhaps explains how these engines can survive at the very
high outputs that are obtained in supertuned examples.
Correct Proportions
The question might well be, what then is the best ratio of
bore to stroke? It could be argued that if the effect on big end
life and reliability is so apparent, an absolute minimum stroke
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations 185
should be sought. Aside from the obvious emission control
problem in an ultra-short-stroke passenger car engine, there is
another catch that will be apparent: the power loading must
be kept to a reasonable figure and must also strike a balance
with the other bearing loads so that irregular wear is minimized.
Adequacy of cooling surface can be a problem when in-
creasing the bore of a basic engine, since it is probable that the
cylinder spacing is already at a minimum to keep down the
engine length. In such a case, there might be recourse to si-
amesing of adjacent cylinder pairs to enable these to be bored
to a larger diameter. This practice, however, is undesirable be-
cause it prevents a complete circulation of the coolant around
each cylinder barrel.
Valve timing errors are likely to show up rather more with
a shortened stroke because the piston movement is small for a
considerable amount of angular crank movement. Thus, wear
in the camshaft drive and the valve gear can affect engine tune
more seriously.
As a basic rule, it seems that an initial "square" ratio-bore
and stroke of equal dimensions-is the best compromise, pro-
viding that any anticipated capacity increases do not make the
bore unduly large, which is hardly likely since there are def-
inite limits to the degree of overboring within the confines of
an existing block casting. A condition to be observed when
. applying this generalization is that the piston speed must not
become excessive. When components are produced in vast quan-
tities with, inevitably, fairly generous margins of tolerance on
weight and dimensions (as compared with specialized racing
components), piston speed should be kept on the low side of
normal. If 2500 feet per minute is accepted as something near
maximum, all to the good. If it is argued that it is physically
impossible to meet these requirements when a large-displacement
engine is being considered, the answer is to use more cylinders.
Champions of the short-stroke, "square", or "over-square"
engine may well point to the extremely lively performance of
this kind of unit in popular vehicles that have recently adopted
such dimensions. It should be kept in mind, however, that the
engines in question are new designs, replacing engines that have
had a long record of faithful service. In these circumstances,
any new design should be expected to show a performance com-
mensurate with the general progress that has been made in
nearly all aspects of design. In other words, the liveliness must
not be put down entirely to the particular bore/stroke ratio
that is used. Of course, short-stroke designs do tend to be lighter
and more compact.
An additional good point for the big-bore engine is that
it leaves the designer ample room for valves. Four valves per
cylinder (Fig. 5-27) is the normal number in today's short-
stroke racing engines, and this arrangement is used sometimes
in exotic GT machinery. Generous valve and port areas greatly
extend the power curve upward, permitting very high rpm be-
fore the powerplant begins to run out of breath. In super tuning
production engines, it is quite normal to enlarge the valves and
ports considerably, and modern big-bore cylinders create no
great problems in this respect. In fact, valve size is mainly lim-
ited on high-displacement V8s by the availability of large valves.
Fig. 5-27. Four-valve-per-cylinder combustion chambers of Ford/
Foyt Indy VB.
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations 187
Hemispherical Combustion Chambers
Where hemispherical combustion chambers are used, any
reduction of stroke means a problem. This combustion chamber
shape is correctly considered excellent from a thermal efficiency
point of view, but it also results in a relatively large space above
a flat-topped piston. Even with what might be considered an
old-fashioned bore/stroke ratio, it is usually necessary to adopt
a domed piston crown to achieve a compression ratio that is
suitable for the advantageous use of modern high-octane fuels.
A moderate dome on the piston (Fig. 5-28) does little to de-
tract from combustion efficiency, but if the process is carried
to extremes, the shape of the combustion space at top dead
center might well be likened to half an orange skin.
Fig. 5.28. Cross-section of Plymouth "Hemi" cylinder head shows
moderately domed piston that is used to achieve a sufficiently high
compression ratio.
A study of drawings of high-rpm, very short-stroke racing
engines will show that such is often the case. The difficulty of
flame propagation in such a space can readily be appreciated,
particularly when the spark plug is centrally located (this nor-
mally is an almost ideal place for the plug). The use of two
spark plugs per cylinder is one way of improving on the situa-
tion, but no designer wishes to clutter up his combustion space
with a multiplication of uncooled objects if he or she can avoid
it and will resort to this solution only when all else fails.
The truth is that hemispherical combustion chambers are
somewhat old-fashioned. When strokes were long and bores
small, a dome-shaped combustion chamber roof was a means
of providing greater room for the valves, in addition to creating
a thermally efficient place to burn the mixture. No great
problem exists in this regard when the bore is large and the
stroke short. Consequently modern racing engines, such as the
Cosworth-Ford V8, have combustion chambers that are con-
spicuously flattened in comparison to a true hemisphere; the
pistons are not highly domed, and there are reliefs cut into the
piston crowns to make room for the valves.
Hemispherical combustion chambers continue to work well
at the lower compression ratios that are normal in production
cars. The Dodge Colt, Toyota Corolla, and certain other J ap-
anese cars have hemispherical combustion chambers-as do some
Chrysler Corporation V8s (the "Hemi" head having been vir-
tually a Chrysler trademark since that company began using
it in high-performance V8s a quarter of a century ago).
In NASCAR. racing, Chrysler products have raced with both
Hemi-head V8s and V8s with wedge-shaped combustion cham-
bers. However, in drag racing the Chrysler "Hemi" continues
to dominate the supercharged classes as it has for many years.
There is a good reason for this performance, which deserves to
be considered with regard to hemispherical combustion cham-
bers in general.
Supercharged engines do not require high compression
ratios; rather, they need combustion chambers of considerable
volume to provide more space for the high-boost supercharger
to cram mixture into under pressure. For example, though the
"mechanical" compression ratio of such a cylinder may be only
5: 1, when given the pressure supplied by the supercharger, the
pressure on the mixture in the cylinder may be as great as in a
normally aspirated cylinder having a 10: 1 ratio. In addition,
because of the greater space available in the combustion cham-
ber, perhaps twice the quantity of mixture can be placed there
Bore/Stroke Ratio and Other Considerations lSg
and under the same pressure that would be possible with normal
aspiration. Consequently the power produced is approximately
twice as great, though the compression ratio is only half as
high. From this point of view, the Chrysler "Hemi" is an ideal
6 / Planning for Performance
Performance Data
In chapter 1, we touched on the definitions of horsepower
and torque and the soon-to-be-adopted SI method of rating en-
gine power in kilowatts. Whether given as horsepower or kilo-
watts, all such figures can be considered as published perform-
ance data.
At one time, most car makers were rather reticent on the
subject of engine performance figures. Then we passed through
the "horsepower race" era of the 1950S and 1960s when manu-
facturers made extravagant claims based on the most tenuous
kind of dynamometer evidence. Now, because of frowns from
safety officials (and the shamefully low horsepower outputs of
emission-controlled engines), the manufacturers are once again
saying very little about horsepower.
Their reticence does not mean a great deal to the competi-
tion engine builder or the racing tuner. The professional is
mainly interested in two things: how the engine he is working
with performs on his own dynamometer and how his dyna-
mometer stacks up against his rivals'. No two dynamometers read
the same, so it is always helpful to know that So-and-so's dyno
reads seven horsepower higher than yours while What's-his-
Cylinder Head Design 191
name's puts out readings that are about four horsepower lower.
Cylinder Head Design
Nowhere is fuel so plentiful that its inefficient use in quan-
tity can be considered a substitute for power obtained by efficient
burning. All other factors being equal, the competition engine
that burns its fuel more efficiently will produce the greater power.
Hence, good cylinder head design is of utmost importance to any
engine-be it a racing engine or a low-powered production power-
That a suitable combustion chamber and port arrangement
is indispensable is shown vividly in the decades-long struggle to
invent a successful rotary engine. Many experimental rotary de-
signs might have functioned very well as rotary air pumps. How-
ever, only the Wankel rotary engine has achieved a combustion
chamber shape that burns fuel with a high degree of efficiency.
Even with the Wankel, despite the high degree of success already
attained by various makers' designs, it is in the areas of com-
bustion efficiency and port arrangements that most development
work is being concentrated.
Overhead Valve Layouts
For maximum efficiency-the conversion of as much of a
given quantity of fuel into power as possible, together with high
power output-there is no question about the merits of the OHV
engine. It is usual when considering what advantages accrue to
the ORV type-and we are speaking not only of pushrod units
but also those with double or single overhead camshafts-to refer
to the disposition of the valves as an aid to good cylinder filling
at the higher end of the rpm range when the time intervals for
induction and exhaust strokes are shortening. It can, however,
be argued that at average engine speeds this is not so important
and, in fact, the old L-head engines were satisfactory on this
score as witness the good torque figures obtained with the latter
type. This argument is sound, and it is useful to consider other
advantages of overhead valves apart from the fairly obvious
merits at high rpm.
Compression Ratio and Heat Loss
In order to produce as much power as possible, no matter
how much mixture has managed to get into the cylinder, we
have to ensure that after ignition the gases are expanded so
they produce the maximum pressure on the piston throughout
the length of the working stroke. To meet this requirement, the
compression ratio and the pressure before ignition should be as
high as possible. In addition, the heat loss to the surrounding
metal must be the minimum possible.
We showed in chapter 2 that very little power can be gained
if all heat loss is stopped. However, in regard to compression ra-
tio, an overhead valve cylinder head with a reasonable mechani-
cal layout will allow up to 12:1 without difficulty. In other words,
the compression ratio is governed mainly by the fuel octane,
and not, as is the case with the primitive L-head, by mechanical
The advantage of the overhead valve cylinder head in allow-
ing a relatively unimpeded entry and exit for the gases is evident
from a study of Fig. 6-1 and other drawings of engines in this
book. Further, with the valves in the head, it is possible to vary
the positions of the components within a wide range and also
to design the combustion chamber and piston crown to promote
Altering the position of the spark plug in relation to one
or both valves can effect a considerable change in the engine's
characteristics. In addition, the provision of a "squish" area at
one or both sides of the head, with the resultant draught directed
as desired, can also be advantageous. It is worthwhile to investi-
gate some of the possible arrangements before going more deeply
into the technicalities.
In early OHV engines, the combustion chamber consisted of
an extension of the cylinder bore, that is, circular in plan. Since
it was impracticable to mount the spark plug centrally in the
head because of the small amount of room between the valve
seats, the spark plug was carried horizontally at one side-usually
Cylinder Head Design 193
the side remote from the ports. This form of combustion cham-
ber was devoid of any "squish" but had generous spaces around
the valves and a refreshing absence of pockets. Because of the
spark plug position, the rate of flame travel was found to be con-
siderably affected by engine rpm and throttle opening, and the
best results were obtained when a hand spark advance control
was provided for use at lower rpm. Mixture strength somewhat
on the rich side was also desirable, for the same reason. Evidently
the degree of turbulence set up in this head shape was limited,
and although the performance could be improved by experi-
menting with the plug position, the general arrangement gives
little scope for this. The shape has thus been generally super-
seded by designs that show improved results in the ability to
burn weaker mixtures and are less sensitive to ignition timing.
Fig. 6-I. Cross section of Fiat 128 engine showing excellent port
shape of modern OHV designs.
Turbulence Features
A simple and effective method of producing a head shape
that promotes turbulence, and one that seems to have been a
logical step in development, is to make the chamber containing
the valves (and forming the combustion chamber) slightly nar-
rower than the bore diameter in the dimension at right angles
to the crankshaft (Fig. 6-2) . This means that when the flat face
of the cylinder head is in position, a ceiling forms on two oppo-
site sides of the bore, which is just clear of the piston at TDC.
This "squish" feature, as well as promoting turbulence, reduces
the area of the clearance space in comparison with the type pre- .
viously described, and this enables very high compression ratios
to be used if desired-without the need for an abnormally long
stroke, which was often resorted to in early engines. The spark
plug, though still positioned at the side, has moved inward with
the reduction in head width, thus coming nearer the valves. A
projected-nose spark plug further improves the situation and is
nearly always used in competition applications.
o o
Fig. 6-2. Development of OHV combustion chamber, introducing
(center) "squish" turbulence and (right) valve inclination for
easier gasflow.
An obvious objection to this so-called bathtub layout is
that the valves may tend to be cramped, and if breathing is un-
duly restricted, volumetric efficiency will suffer, and much of the
benefit of the improved turbulence will be lost. It is important,
therefore, not to make the valve space too small. As a matter
of fact, early engines of this kind did not show the hoped-for ad-
vantages over the earlier type, mainly because of breathing re-
Cylinder Head Design 195
stnctlOn. We shall see from later investigations that the chief
requirement of valve arrangements is to get the gas in and out
with as little restriction as possible; all other aids to efficient
combustion, desirable as they are, must not prejudice this.
Without departing from the simplicity of the single row of
valves in the head, it is possible to arrive at a combustion cham-
ber that in respect to both high torque figures and good full-
power output is not very far behind layouts of much more com-
plicated form. A slight deviation of the valves from the vertical
will provide a freer entry and exit to and from the valve ports.
At the same time, if the valves are moved slightly away from the
center line of the head and the "squish" area concentrated oppo-
site the spark plug, which is situated on the deepest side of the
combustion chamber, several desirable conditions will be ful-
First, in this so-called wedge combustion chamber, the all-
important requirement of free gas entry and exit has been met.
Second, a high degree of turbulence will be set up in the direc-
tion of the spark plug, which, together with the deep section of
the chamber around the plug, will give an adequately large
flame-front area to ensure uniform and complete combustion.
Here, again, a projected-nose spark plug usually offers a decided
advantage. Last, the shape of the combustion chamber is still of
such form that high compression ratios are practicable.
Versatile Design
Of the three combustion chamber shapes shown in Fig. 6-2,
the first is hardly ever used now. The bathtub chamber and the
wedge chamber are popular in every price class and can be de-
veloped to give extremely high power outputs. Two typical com-
bustion chamber shapes, which have been evolved from the clas-
sical bathtub and wedge by specialists in combustion techniques,
are shown in Fig. 6-3. Also worth mentioning is the Heron com-
bustion chamber, or combustion cell, which consists of a flat
cylinder head with a bathtub depression in the piston crown,
directly under the valves. There is little danger of the valves be-
ing shrouded with this arrangement, and the Cortina and Pinto
engines used in Formula Ford racing have this kind of combus-
tion chamber. Its development, however, has been sidetracked
because of its tendency toward excessive exhaust emissions.
Fig. 6'3. Two typical designs of OHV combustion chamber show-
ing different approaches in regard to gasfiow.
With all the ports arranged on one side, there will inevi-
tably be a considerable inequality of temperature. Much thought
has therefore been devoted to using plenty of metal at the right
places, employing aluminum alloys, and having the coolant flow
directed to the hotter spots. Distortion caused by temperature
variations does not necessarily lead to cracking of the casting,
but it can be troublesome in causing a loss of power through
valve leakage, increased friction, piston ring blowby, and so on.
The vicinity of the exhaust valve is an obvious danger point, as
are any other places where a thickness of metal is not split up by
water passages.
Cylinder Head Design 197
At one time. OHV cylinder head designs left something to
be desired in these respects-a factor that kept the L-head engine
in production for many years longer than it should have been.
In current engines. however. there is little cause for complaint.
and well-engineered examples. such as the VW Dasher /Rabbit/
Scirocco engine. are capable of a performance that is equal to
that of other arrangements without suffering at all structurally.
The trend has been away from single port face cylinder
heads-those with the intake and the exhaust ports on the same
side-to crossflow cylinder heads. which have their intake ports
on one side and their exhaust ports on the other. A great deal
has been learned about this layout because it is used universally
on V8 engines. Consequently. most new inline four-cylinder de-
signs have adopted the crossflow port arrangement from common
V8 practice.
Overhead camshafts. now used on virtually all overhead
valve inline engines. have also contributed to making the cross-
flow head practical. In fact. on older, long-stroke/small-bore en-
gines, a crossflow head design was possible only with overhead
camshaft operation of the valves because there was insufficient
room between the pushrods to accommodate a port of suitable
diameter. This is not so great a limiting factor when the bore
is large and the pushrods are not crowded closely together, for
example, in the crossflow Cortina/Pinto engines that are used
in Formula Ford racing. Though a few overhead camshaft en-
gines, such as the VW water-cooled engines and many Datsun
engines, have single port face cylinder heads. the crossflow ar-
rangement clearly predominates now.
Considerations of Gasflow
From the standpoint of gasflow. the crossflow cylinder head
does not have any inherent advantage, at least in production
cars. However, the crossflow layout does make space available
for as large ports as any sane designer would choose to draw.
The full potential is clearly indicated in four-valve-per-cylinder
designs, such as the one shown in Fig. 6-4. Certainly this arrange-
ment would be impossible using a single port face head layout.
Fig. 64. Beautifully made cylinder heads for Moser racing engine.
Gasfiow is greatly improved by big ports, four valves per cylinder.
On modern single port face cylinder heads, it is the practice
to place the centers of the intake ports well above the centers of
the exhaust ports (Fig. 6-5). In this way, ample coolant space
can be obtained between the ports, the ports can be of larger
diameter-overlapping somewhat-and the intake and exhaust
systems can be designed with more freedom. The intake ports
can also be considerably straightened with this design, further
improving the gasfiow.
There is another approach to single port face cylinder head
design that survives today only in engines that have been in
production for twenty years or more. On these venerable power-
plants, the ports are siamesed inside the cylinder head (Fig. 6-6) .
Any person who has tried his hand at dyno-tuning, blueprinting,
or supertuning a six-cylinder Chevrolet will recognize the short-
comings of the system quite vividly; it is impossible to get even
scavenging and uniform mixture distribution to all of the cyl-
Cylinder Head Design 199
Fig. 6-5. Cross section of Rover 2000 engine. Notice how intake
ports are routed upward and thus made more direct, whereas
exhaust ports are angled downward.
Fig. 6-6. Fully siamesed port cylinder head (top) for six-cylinder
inline engine, showing short leakage paths between adjacent
valves compared with (bottom) separate-port head.
A fully siamesed head for a four-cylinder -engine will have
five external ports on its manifold face or seven ports on a "six".
This arrangement has been common, though some makers do a
little better by deleting the siamesing of the adjacent central ex-
haust ports, keeping these as separate ports and thus having six
ports on the face of a four-cylinder head. Heads with siamesed
ports are limited both in performance potential and fuel econ-
omy. Their only reason for existence is simplified foundry prac-
tice and manufacturing ease.
The MGB and certain other traditional British sports cars
with siamesed ports participate widely in SCCA competition.
Just about all the tricks that are to be learned about overcoming
their breathing limitations have been discovered and widely pub-
lished. Therefore, we will not go into the matter here. It is in-
teresting, however, that in other parts of the world, where these
cars have not been limited to the use of "stock" cylinder heads
by racing class rules, it is not uncommon for the factory cylinder
heads to be replaced with proprietary units such as the one
shown at the bottom of Fig. 6-7.
Port Shape
Engine designers are well aware of the influence of the
shape of the valve port, that is, on the "atmospheric" side of the
valve. By careful proportioning of the passage from the manifold
flange to the actual valve seat, a marked effect on power and
economy is obtained. In this respect, it is perhaps remarkable
that more advantage has not been taken of the lessons learned
by those who develop motorcycle engines. The amount of re-
search that has gone into the design of the valve systems on these
engines is one of the reasons for the very high power output and
excellent fuel consumption figures for motorcycles.
Intake Ports
In the case of siamesed intake ports, there is no individual
port shape. It is possible to do some designing on the passage,
Port Shape 201
starting at the manifold flange and proceeding into the head as
far as the bifurcation to the valve ports. The three-zone port
evolved at the Weslake Laboratories (Fig. 6-8) is typical of a
methodical approach. In this, the first zone aims at building up
pressure, hence, its sharply tapered cross-section. Zone 2 is de-
signed to maintain velocity by assisting the gasflow around the
obstruction produced by the valve guide and the valve stem. The
final zone, at the valve itself, is designed to match the gasflow
produced by the preceding zones, that is, it is large enough to
accommodate without restriction the gas delivered to the valve
but is not so large that the velocity of the gasflow is lost. In
short, the port as a whole is designed to provide the maximum
possible gasflow.
Fig. 6-7. Supertuned cylinder head for MGB (top) retains sia-
mesed ports whereas special aluminum head (bottom) is a cross-
flow design with separate ports.
Fig. 6-8. Weslake design of three-zone intake port.
1 a single port is used for each valve, several improvements
can be achieved. The whole of the passage from manifold flange
to valve opening can be proportioned to give a specified velocity
to the gasflow; it can also give it some direction in its flow into
the cylinder when the valve is open. Speed of gasflow is impor-
tant-all important-since on it depends to a great extent the
agitation or turbulence of the mixture, which, persisting right
through the compression stroke, influences not only the com-
pleteness with which the mixture is burned, but also the nature
of the expansion, and thus the feel, of the engine.
In the matter of improving gasflow through improved port
shape, it is impgt'tant to keep in mind that what was good on
the old Ford flathead V8 is not necessarily good when applied
to a big-block Chevy V8. "Porting" was a widely practiced per-
formance trick when small ports were designed for low-speed
highway driving and low compression ratios. Today it is very
easy to lose performance if the ports are given anything more
than a good polishing. This is true, at least, with a factory high-
performance cylinder head. Plainly any increase in port size
will cause a loss in gasflow velocity, so what looks good when
the head is flow tested might be deceptive insofar as actual
power is derived. Really large ports are successful only with
supercharging. With normal aspiration, the benefits begin to
taper off and then reverse as a certain critical size is reached.
A well-designed intake port will tend to build up pressure
behind the valve when the latter is closed, thus assisting rapid
filling when the valve opens. It will also be proportioned to take
into account the unavoidable obstruction caused by the valve
stem and to make its nuisance value a minimum. With adjacent
Port Shape 203
cylinders, there will be far less robbery between pairs with sep-
arate intake ports; the path for flow reversal has been greatly
lengthened, and the ingoing velocity under pressure is main-
tained at both intake valves. Robbery would involve a reversal
of gasflow in one port back into the manifold. Because of the
unidirectional flow at considerable velocity in a well-designed
port, it is difficult for this to happen. Thus, with separate intake
ports (as opposed to the siamesed variety), more nearly equal
cylinder filling, more complete filling, better turbulence-and
hence more power from any given volume of mixture-can be
It is important not to confuse siamesed ports with bifur-
cated ports. In the case of the former, there is a virtually direct
leakage path between the two valve ports. Bifurcated ports, how-
ever, while still connecting two valves to one carburetor, manifold
flange, or injection duct, do so via individual branches that unite
some distance away from the valves. Thus, reversals of gasflow
in proximity to the valves cannot take place, because of the in-
dividual mixture columns. A typical bifurcated intake port lay-
out is shown in Fig. 6-9.
Fig. 6-9. Bristol bifurcated intake port with vertical flow. Volu-
metric efficiency is high in this design.
Exhaust Ports
Exhaust ports can also be bifurcated. This occurs within the
cylinder head itself on the four-valve-per-cylinder Foyt and Offy
engines used in USAC oval track racing. It can also occur in the
exhaust headers, as on the Moser racing engine shown in Fig.
6-10. As in the case of bifurcated intake ports, reversals in gas-
flow cannot take place, so there is no penalty involved in the
II '( /'
Fig. 6-IO. Exhaust headers with bifurcated primary pipes are a
unique feature of Moser racing engine. Also shown are short in-
take pipes and Weber carburetors for Moser engine.
Siamesed exhaust ports are occasionally encountered, par-
ticularly on the middle cylinders of a "four". Here again, there
is a power loss. Also, the exhaust valve temperatures will be
considerably higher on these cylinders because the cooling period
available to each valve is curtailed: the cylinder that is exhaust-
ing is not only heating up its own valve, but the gases are also
allowed to impinge on the stem and back of the adjacent valve.
There may also be an uncooled spot in the casting between the
combustion chambers.
Port Shape 205
There is, of course, no actual overlapping of exhaust strokes
between cylinders 2 and 3 of a four-cylinder engine, because
they do not exhaust consecutively. However, it is essential that
the exhaust from all cylinders be cleared away at high speed; it
can be done only if the shapes of the exhaust port, pipe, and
manifold are correct. Inferior design leads to the possibility of
exhaust gas being drawn back into the cylinders at low throttle
openings (through the still-open valve) during the overlap pe-
riod at the start of the intake stroke. A reduction in the exhaust
gas velocity, plus a multiplicity of bends and openings at close
quarters in the manifold, curtails the useful source of power that
is inherent in the energy of the outflow and that assists in sCav-
enging the cylinders.
Exhaust manifolds (of the kinds shown in Fig. 6-11) assist
more in fitting the engine into the engine compartment than in
assisting the performance of the engine. Great progress has been
made in the designs of production manifolds during recent
years; however, on V8 engines in particular, the manifold shape
is largely determined by the available space.
\ 01_--------'
Fig. 6u. Inferior designs of cast intake and exhaust manifolds.
Special Exhaust Systems
Aside from racing classes that have rules specifying stock
exhaust manifolds, special exhaust systems are always used in
competition. From a performance point of view, however, there
is often a considerable difference between scientifically designed
tuned systems developed by racing tuners and the bolt-on "street"
headers that are commonly added to cars by back-
yard hot rodders. The bolt-on systems from a speed shop or a
mail-order catalog often improve a car's performance; however,
it is not so much the design of the headers that is responsible
for the improvement as the poor design of the stock manifold
that had previously limited performance.
Unfortunately most "street" headers are designed largely
for easy installation and inexpensive manufacture and do not
make use of tuning principles that would be beneficial in high-
way driving. Subdivided systems, such as those shown in Fig.
6-12, are normally best for improving mid-range power; the four-
into-one headers, commonly sold for inline "fours" and V8s, are
effective mainly at wide-open throttle and high speeds.
Fig. 6-I2. Principle of exhaust manifold subdivision on four-
and six-cylinder engines.
The Combustion Chamber 207
In general, these proprietary systems aim at keeping ex-
hausts from individual cylinders separate, using a length of pip-
ing that will ensure a minimum intercylinder interference. In
addition, the diameter of piping is selected to obtain the correct
velocity of gas outflow for average performance. Finally, the in-
dividual tubes are led into the common tailpipe in a manner
aimed at inducing the cylinders to assist each other, to some ex-
tent, in exhausting (by increasing the negative pressure waves
in the pipe).
Thus, by using separate ports throughout, there is much
more scope for the use of components that will give a really
worthwhile increase in performance without complication and
with little or no extra expense.
The Combustion Chamber
Reshaping the combustion chamber is now a commonplace
method of supertuning, but the results are not always successful.
Successful power increases are invariably the outcome of much
experiment with selected shapes, though a good deal of prelim-
inary work can be done in observing gas flow in mockup assem-
blies, obtaining measurements of the flow resistance, and so on.
Research and development on these lines has been respon-
sible for the truly remarkable power outputs now being obtained
in all forms of racing from ordinary overhead valve engines with
pushrods. Common Ford and Chevrolet engines vie with Chrys-
ler Corporation and American Motors powerplants on the drag
strip, the dirt tracks, and the high-banked NASCAR supers peed-
ways-all giving power outputs that thirty years ago would have
been unobtainable from the most sophisticated double overhead
camshaft designs. Even in road racing, supertuned pushrod V8s,
with radically redesigned combustion chambers, commonly rule
the big-engine classes-until confronted by something truly exotic
and expensive, such as a turbocharged twelve-cylinder Porsche.
It is usually assumed that, for sheer high power, the hemi-
spherical combustion chamber, which, with inclined valves, re-
quires a somewhat complicated mode of pushrod operation, is
unsurpassed. This is true, but the normal wedge or bathtub com-
bustion chambers are almost as good when they are equipped in
a similar manner-that is, with equivalent carburetion and ex-
hausting arrangements and a comparable compression ratio. Re-
gardless of its merits, the bowl-in-piston, combustion cell, or
Heron combustion chamber, which seemed so promising a dec-
ade ago, is not likely to be seen in any new engine designs be-
cause of its tendency to produce high exhaust emissions.
Hemispherical Combustion Chambers
The OHV engine with hemispherical combustion chambers
and both valves inclined in the head is almost as old as the four-
stroke cycle, and it has been the natural choice of racing engine
designers for over seventy years. After World War II, the type
began making inroads not only in the popular sports car field
but also as a unit for propelling luxurious sedans. We have pre-
viously discussed the "hemi" head from the standpoints of valve
operation, compression ratio, and bore/stroke ratio; now we will
investigate the various good and bad points that arise from the
sha pe itself.
The general layout will be familiar from the illustrations
given in earlier chapters. The valves are mounted in the head,
making an equal-or almost equal-angle on either side of the
center line of the cylinder bore. Usually the included angle is
not less than 60 or more than goo. The ports are on opposite
sides of the head in a crossflow pattern; the intake ports are on
one side and the exhaust ports on the other. To allow for ade-
quately large valves, it is sometimes necessary to mount the spark
plug in a location that is off to one side instead of in its theo-
retically desirable position at the approximate center of the
hemisphere. In modern "big-bore" engines and in four-valve
combustion chambers, however, there is usually little to prevent
the central spark plug location.
The ability of this kind of cylinder head to maintain good
power outputs at high rpm is largely the result of the extremely
good breathing afforded by the easy flow in and out of the valve
ports and the unrestricted entry and exit-the circumferences of
the valves being free from the proximity of cylinder or com-
bustion chamber walls. If the valve angle, particularly of the in-
The Combustion Chamber 209
take valve, is designed to take operating conditions into consid-
eration, it is possible to direct the flow of ingoing mixture into
the cylinder bore. With this feature and if the gas flow can be
maintained at high velocity, the intake valve can be kept open
for an appreciable time after the piston has started to ascend on
the upstroke of compression, without a reversal of the gasflow.
Similarly, at the end of the exhaust stroke, the overlap period,
with both valves open, can be extended over a long period of
crankshaft movement; the induction of the descending piston on
the intake stroke is augmented to a marked degree by the ex-
tractor action of the exhaust gas column. This kind of tuning
applies to any ORV engine, especially any that has inclined
valves. Particularly on powerplants such as the Ford/Foyt Indy
V8, with the intake tracts entering ports that are between the
camshafts, the fullest advantage can be taken of the phenom-
Although not so important today as in the past because of
the present highly developed turbocharging, fuel injection, and
carburetion systems, the relationship between the two valves in
a "hemi" head provides a further aid to reliability at high speeds.
The intake, which is directly opposite the exhaust, can be ex-
pected to direct some of its flow of relatively cool gas onto the
hot exhaust valve. Besides helping to keep down the exhaust
valve temperature, this characteristic helps to vaporize by "fry-
ing" any wet globules of fuel in the intake mixture.
Fewer hemispherical combustion chamber designs are used
on production cars today than were twenty years ago. Even in
racing engines, it is rare to encounter a combustion chamber
that approaches a true hemisphere. This trend to other combus-
tion chamber shapes will probably continue, and so it is worth
a brief discussion here.
First, the absence of any "squish" features that control
turbulence has undoubtedly prejudiced the design in the eyes of
designers to whom smoothness and good torque at low speeds
are matters of major importance. Nevertheless, the "hemi" pos-
sesses remarkable features of natural turbulence; it makes for
general all-round excellence in combustion and expansion,
which, allied to its good volumetric efficiency characteristics, ren-
der the design desirable from almost every point of view. Later
designs have, in fact, combined a squish feature in the layout by
introducing a circumferential "flat" around the combustion
chamber edge, which corresponds with a similar shape of piston
( Even this degree of turbulence, which is adequate for high-
compression operation on high octane fuel, is not sufficient to
ensure complete and uniform burning of the lean mixtures that
are now demanded for exhaust emission control. Considering the
many highly inefficient design features that have been forced on
designers by emission considerations, there is little incentive for
adopting the complexity of the "hemi" because most of its merits
would be lost. Therefore few new "hemi" designs are likely to be
seen in production cars.
Another limitation concerns compression ratios. The con-
siderable volume of the hemispherical head makes careful design
mandatory for achieving a high compression ratio. Obviously a
flat-topped piston is desirable, and if the stroke of the engine is
sufficiently long, such a shape may give the desired ratio. How-
ever, apart from any question of piston speed, too long a stroke
may reduce the bore diameter unduly, making adequate valve
sizes impossible to accommodate. In practice, it is nearly always
necessary to adopt a very convex shape of piston crown to take
up some of the head space. Most such pistons are also provided
with valve cutouts to enable the valve edges, at their lowest
points, to clear the piston fully at tdc.
While high compression ratios are needed for any normally
aspirated competition engine, supercharging makes a lower ratio
desirable. This is not simply for antiknock reasons; it provides
a greater combustion chamber space for the supercharger to com-
press mixture into. Because longer strokes and lower compres-
sion ratios favor low exhaust emissions, one might speculate that
the "hemi" would be a desirable feature to adopt in new designs.
There is still the need for turbulence, of course, but at this point
the future of the hemispherical combustion chamber in produc-
tion cars is totally unpredictable.
If the "squish" is absent in a hemispherical combustion
chamber, a remarkable degree of turbulence can be obtained by
carefully planning the intake port shape and direction. It has al-
ready been shown that suitable design makes it possible to in-
duce the gas to flow in to take the maximum advantage of valve
Torque Requirements 211
overlap without wastage through the exhaust. Similarly, the
charge can be directed slightly to one side of the chamber instead
of aiming straight at the exhaust valve or straight down into the
cylinder. By giving the gas a bias, a definite swirl can be set up.
Then by placing the spark plug in correct relationship to this,
extremely good torque figures are obtainable at medium rpm,
without losing any of the good points of the design that enhance
maximum speeds. '
Torque Requirements
The essential difference between torque and horsepower be-
ing that the former is quite independent of engine rpm, it fol-
lows that horsepower is dependent on the number of turns that
the crankshaft makes in a given time by virtue of the torque
applied to it. The piston pressure is applied for about 120
two revolutions by each cylinder. If the engine is a single cyl-
inder, it must have a sufficiently heavy flywheel to store up en-
ergy during 120
period and give it back to the crankshaft dur-
ing the remaining 600
of rotation. The turning effort in a
"single" is impulsive, but it is necessary for our purpose to take
the average torque over one revolution without considering
whether it is produced by the expansion of gas in the cylinder
or by the flywheel's rotating mass. As cylinders are added, the
degree of impulsiveness becomes less. In the case of a six-cylinder
engine, for example, a power stroke starts at each 120
of crank-
shaft rotation, so that-in theory-no flywheel effect is necessary
to tide' over the completely "idle" periods. (See Fig. 6-13.)
Since torque is produced by the power stroke, its magnitude
is absolutely related to the pressure developed on that stroke, the
total force applied being the bmep multiplied by the total piston
area. This force is applied throughout the length of stroke to
turn the crankshaft. Since both piston area and stroke are in-
volved (dimensions that make up the swept volume, or piston
displacement, of the engine), it is possible to calculate the
torque for any engine by using a constant that converts the
volume in cubic centimeters to give torque in the conventional
pounds/feet. This is described in the appendix.
From the formula makeup, it will be evident that the value
F-Firu.. point.
Fig. 6-I3. Diagrammatic representation of two consecutive crank-
shaft revolutions, alongside cylinder and crankshaft arrangements
for engine layouts up to six cylinders inline. The period during
which torque is applied by piston power is shown by shading.
Clear segments represent flywheel effect. Need for flywheel effect
diminishes as the number of cylinders is increased and with six
cylinders, piston power is virtually continuous. This does not
affect the average torque value over the revolution, which takes
no account of whether it is produced by one or many power
Torque Requirements 213
of torque is unaltered by the number of cylinders. However, if
a ceiling of, say, 6500 rpm is fixed, and given perfectly adequate
charging and a rational piston speed, the best torque can be
obtained with only four cylinders. This does not mean that
the "four" has inherently a better torque range than a "six",
"eight", or "twelve". What it means is that an oversize "four"
such as the "Offy" that has been made strong enough to handle
the big cylinders and the rpm can often show a considerable
torque advantage over an engine with more cylinders-particu-
larly in vital situations such as entering the straight at In-
The torque curve of a Wankel rotary engine is generally
less "peaky" than that of a comparable reciprocating engine.
Also, the Wankel tends to develop its best torque at a slightly
lower percentage of its usable range of rpm. In a reciprocating
piston engine, the inertia of the reciprocating masses causes
and influences torque fluctuations between cylinder firings. In
the Wankel rotary, the centrifugal force of the masses rotatss
about the eccentric shaft center. Balance weights on the eccen-
tric shaft are not included, of course, because they are a part
of the shaft and are rotating with it. The effect of centrifugal
loadings is so slight on the Wankel engine's torque fluctuations
that they need not be considered at all so long as the rotor's
center of gravity coincides with its geometric center.
A gas turbine engine is capable of generating its maximum
torque at zero rpm. This has been demonstrated not only in
the Rover jBRM car that raced at Le Mans a number of years
ago and by the drag racing cars that have used turbines but
also in the gas turbine tractors that are used in tractor pulling
competitions in the American Midwest. The procedure is to rev
up the compressor while the brakes are locked. Then, when
maximum gas generation is achieved, the brakes are released
and the vehicle departs-with a great smoking of tires as the
gases from the combustion chambers apply their maximum
force to the turbine.
Today, of course, the matter of supercharging versus turbo-
charging also enters the picture concerning power output. Me-
chanically driven superchargers like those used in drag racing
always run at a speed proportional to engine rpm. Thus, if
engine rpm builds up slowly, it may be some time before the
supercharger reaches its maximum output. This is no problem,
of course, with a blown dragster; the revs build up immedi-
ately because of the spinning rear wheels at the start, and there
is no delay waiting for the blower to catch up with the engine
as there would be with a turbocharger.
For most other applications, however, the turbocharger
has the advantage. The time lag that occurs before the turbo-
charger has reached its maximum rpm is of little importance in
forms of racing that last for more than a few seconds and
where the engine speeds are always kept well up in the rpm
range. During wide-open throttle acceleration in the upper speed
ranges (as in leaving a turn on an oval track) or when full
throttle is being applied on an uphill portion of a road course,
the turbocharger quickly reaches its maximum output because
of the large quantity of exhaust gases being generated. Con-
versely, a mechanically driven supercharger would not be able
t2 supply full boost under these conditions because the engine
had not yet reached its maximum rpm.
The gas turbine and the turbocharger obviously have
something in common: their ability to increase power output
at a point that is farther down on the output rpm range. A
turbocharger corresponds almost directly to the compressor stage
of a gas turbine. Perhaps when it is realized that a reciprocating
engine is neither the most efficient gas generator nor the most
efficient medium for turning pressure into rotary motion, there
will be a resurgence of gas turbine competition cars-the kind
that almost took over at Indianapolis in the mid-lg60s.
7 / Efficient Combustion
Improving Pedormance
In chapter 6, we reviewed in general terms the main char-
acteristics that distinguish various kinds of combustion cham-
bers. Now we will consider how to improve the performance of
these layouts. Efficient combustion has been much in the minds
of engineers lately, not merely for reasons of improved perform-
ance but also as the primary means of gaining better fuel econ-
omy and lower exhaust emissions. Both new and old ideas are
being evaluated-for example, multiple spark plugs have re-
appeared for the first time in three decades, this time in the
Mazda rotary engine.
Today's engines, which are not supercharged, are turning
out more power than were blown units in the 193os. Horse-
power is still on the increase even though the basic design of
engines has not changed much. Obviously these increases are
coming from somewhere. The basic fact is that to obtain power
we burn a fuel/air vapor mixture; the more of this we burn
in a given time, the more power there is.
As the mixture burns, it must pass through the engine cyl-
inders, and it thus performs the operating cycle in so doing. If
it is passed through and burned indifferently at astronomical
revolutions, it will produce a certain amount of power. If it is
burned more efficiently at lower rpm, quite probably it will
produce the same amount of power. Best of all, it can be
burned efficiently and produce an adequate range of rpm.
In considering how best to obtain the maximum power for
each charge expanded in the cylinder, it is necessary to start
with the atmosphere. (We are considering only unsupercharged
engines here; blowing will be dealt with in chapter 14.) The
atmosphere is being used for charging; its pressure is available
for nothing and provides unlimited quantities of air. If the
pressure can be allowed to push the air into the cylinders in
the proper manner, we shall go a long way toward getting full
value from the subsequent expansion, since the speed at which
the air enters and its direction have considerable bearing on
turbulence, an essential of good combustion.
The conditions inside the combustion chamber and the
actual shape of the cylinder head certainly influence the effi-
ciency of the expansion process. But modern engines do not
vary much in this respect-with one exception. The stratified
charge engine (Fig. 7-1), which first reached the public as the
Honda CVCC, has made possible the efficient burning of what
a few years ago would have been an impossibly lean mixture.
Exactly what influence that the stratified charge principle may
have on future racing engine designs is uncertain. However,
from the performance delivered by Honda cars in Showroom
Stock Sedan class racing, it is obvious that this kind of engine
is certainly no handicap.
The excellent power outputs obtained from such types as
the inclined overhead valve hemispherical head result far more
from the excellent breathing afforded by this layout than from
the shape of the combustion chamber itself. In designing the
prototypes for the Rolls-Royce V8 engine, engineers tried both
hemispherical and squish-type combustion chambers, in both
cases with pushrod valve gear. The latter type was finally
adopted; it enabled the engine to be made narrower, and there
were no disadvantages to the required power characteristics.
Specific power output was not inferior, the engine was not
Improving Performance 217
Fig. 7-I . Stratified charge engine. Rich mixture in small chamber
is ignited by spark plug. Rich mixture ignites lean mixture in
main combustion chamber and cylinder. Mixture in cylinder is
too lean for plug to ignite.
quite so sensitive to carbon deposits, and considerably less igni-
tion advance was necessary in comparison with the hemispheri-
cal head version.
It was shown in chapter 2 that claims of high thermal effi-
ciencies from certain head designs, based on the use of a so-
called compact form of combustion chamber presenting the
minimum surface area to the gases, had little basis in fact and
that even if all the heat lost could be trapped, the net gain
would be under 3 percent on the thermal efficiency figure. Any
modern form of head, regardless of the valve arrangement, per-
mits only the minimum jacket loss, and no one form shows out-
standing advantages in this respect. It is in the port arrange-
ment, and not in their area of metal, that well-designed heads
reap the benefit of high thermal efficiency figures.
The charging process starts at the air intake. From this
point until the moment of ignition, the mixture should ideally
be in a state of agitation or turbulence. The rate and complete-
ness of combustion depends on it. If we imagine an engine in-
haling a charge that is completely devoid of movement after
passing into the cylinder and being compressed, it is not difficult
to visualize that the area of mixture ignited by the spark plug
will burn relatively slowly and will take time to spread through-
out the gas. Such a contingency would be unacceptable even in
a slow-speed engine, because the mixture would probably still
be burning when the exhaust valve opened. The whole speed
of combustion, and the pressure rise generated by it, is depend-
ent on turbulence. This is true not only under conditions of
wide throttle and high speed when the gas speed through the
intake port will promote the desired disturbances. On light
throttle and at low speed, complete combustion is still needed;
it is under these conditions that good head and port design
show to advantage.
The design of the intake port and valve presents several
problems. For high volumetric efficiency (the inhalation of the
maximum weight of charge in a given time), a large valve is
called for. This provision also reduces the pumping work neces-
sary. On the other hand, a high gas velocity is required for tur-
bulence, which means a reduced size of valve. Thus, a balance
has to be arrived at in determining the size of the intake valve,
since it is of no use to obtain a high volumetric efficiency and re-
duction of pumping losses if the combustion and expansion
processes are going to suffer because of the insufficient agitation
of the mixture. In practice, it is not difficult to arrive at a figure
for gas velocity through the valve that promotes good turbu-
lence without causing losses in the other departments.
Intake Valve Size
Increases of intake valve size should not be undertaken
without full consideration of everything involved. It must be
obvious that a small increase in valve diameter can have no
effect on the initial cost of a passenger car, and some readers
may well have wondered why the makers had not thought of
it. The point is that an increase in valve size may show an in-
crease in bhp at the highest rpm on wide throttle openings. In
a car used almost exclusively under those conditions, a modifi-
cation may well be worthwhile. Lower down in the speed
range, however, the reduction in turbulence may lower the
available torque so that acceleration from very low rpm can
quite easily be inferior to that of the unmodified engine.
Improving Performance 219
When car manufacturers increase the power output of a
basically unchanged engine to meet current demands, the valve
sizes are sometimes increased, along with such items as cubic
capacity and compression ratio. Often the result is to elevate
the rpm at which maximum torque occurs; power is thus in-
creased over a wide speed range because of the greater volume of
mixture. The highest volumetric efficiency is obtained when the
intake valve opens straight into the combustion chamber. This
feature is used on all OHV types, but there is more likelihood
for the valve to be a little cramped on the popular all-valves-in-
a-row head than on engines where there are two rows of valves.
Thus, uncramping the valves can often do more to improve
engine output than merely increasing their size (Fig. 7-2).
Fig. 7.2. Early Ford Cortina with single port face head (left)
has bathtub combustion chambers that shroud valves. 1968-1970
version of this engine (right) has crossflow head with most of
combustion chamber in piston, thus greatly increasing flow space
all around valve heads.
Intake Port Characteristics
The shape and the direction of the intake port have a
considerable influence on the degree of turbulence obtainable.
Although existing data can give a reliable guide to the results
expected from any particular formation, much of the work in
the laboratories consists of painstaking trials with various di-
mensions and shapes of port, noting their influence on the air-
flow through the setup.
The Jaguar DORe six-cylinder engine is an example of
what can be achieved. This engine, which is well known for
its excellent power output, also obtains good fuel economy.
The intake passage configuration reveals the amount of thought
that has gone into the design, the result of close collaboration
between the Jaguar concern and the Weslake Laboratories.
In plan, the intake ports are slightly tapered toward the
entry to increase the gas velocity. Additionally, the port (again
looking down on the head in plan) enters the cylinder head
not across its diameter but slightly to one side. The port then
follows a curved path to the valve opening. This curvature has
a great influence on the degree of swirl imparted to the mix-
ture. Finally, the valve seat, the valve shape, and the amount
of valve guide projection into the port are laid out to form the
minimum obstruction (Fig. 7-3). For maximum power on the
six-cylinder competition E-type engine, however, the port curv-
ature was virtually eliminated in the interest of maximum flow;
the straight ports were coupled to specially graded induction
ducts from three carburetors.
Direction of
Fig. 7-). Design of Jaguar offset intake port for producing intake
mixture turbulence.
Improving Performance 221
This engine is just one example of the care being taken
in designing an important item. Today, most designers devote
quite a lot of time to such matters; some results are better
than others, however, and in general there is room for further
improvement. Placing the intake ports between the camshafts
of racing engines has in many cases made a more direct form
of intake tract possible. Work is being done on experiments
with both side ports and peripheral ports on Wankel rotary
engines. In nearly all kinds of unsupercharged engines, it has
been found that bigger is not always better when intake ports
are being refined.
Combustion Chamber Requirements
Apart from the turbulence set up at the time of entry of
the charge, the agitation should continue right up to the mo-
ment of ignition for maximum thermal efficiency. To this end,
the free entry of gas is most important. The combustion cham-
ber should be devoid of nooks and crannies where stagnant gas
can accumulate or become trapped. And the agitation should
be sufficient to keep that layer of gas next to the cylinder walls
moving; otherwise it will chill off and possibly escape complete
burning. Any improvement in this area will not only bring
about more power from the fuel being burned but will also
lower exhaust emissions.
The use of squish is a quite effective way of ensuring con-
tinuance of turbulence and is easily arranged on the bathtub
combustion chamber with inline valves. Probably, however, for
consistency of turbulence (in regard to its persisting right
through the intake and succeeding phases up to the moment
of ignition), the hemispherical shape is unsurpassed; its free-
dom from corners and odd shapes brings about its success. Still,
extremely high outputs are obtainable from the simple old
bathtub layout. This type has performed well in the past on
relatively poor qualities of fuel, indicating its very good com-
bustion characteristics.
Exhaust Pressure
There is always a limit to the pressure that is available to
push the mixture into the cylinder (assuming the engine is
not supercharged). We are much better off when looking at the
exhaust arrangements. Although we are accustomed to thinking
of the last upstroke of the operating cycle as the exhaust stroke,
it will be obvious that, at the time of exhaust valve opening,
about 55
or so before bdc, the cylinder will contain gas at a
pressure of at' least 67 or 70 psi with the engine under load.
This pressure will ensure speedy evacuation of a large propor-
tion of the exhaust gases before the commencement of the ex-
haust stroke proper. Further, with a cam profile that gives the
required quick opening characteristic, the sudden release of
the pressure will initiate the rapid gasflow down the pipe that
is required for good scavenging. An unduly large exhaust valve
and port could possibly prejudice the scavenge effect without
any compensating advantage that might be thought to arise
from giving the outgoing gases an easier flow. The existing cyl-
inder pressure is well able to look after the eviction process,
even when the proportions of valve and port are such that the
gas velocity through them is 300 to 350 feet per second or
more. This figure ignores the speed of pressure waves propa-
gated in the gas, which is very much greater.
By the time that the piston has passed bdc, a large propor-
tion of the exhaust gases will be gone. Even if the valve size
is such that a back pressure of a few psi persists throughout the
exhaust stroke, this would represent a loss calculated on the
bmep of only the same amount. The scavenge at the tdc over-
lap period is much more important.
A serious disadvantage of any exhaust valve is its large un-
cooled area. This used to be such a major snag that many de-
signers went to considerable lengths to do away with it alto-
gether, substituting some other means of controlling the breath-
ing-rotary or sleeve valves, for example. Cooling jacketing to-
day receives proper attention from designers; spark plugs, which
represent another uncooled area, tend to be smaller, but the
exhaust valve head still takes up considerable room. Obviously,
the smaller it can be made, the better. Not only will it pick
up less heat, but it will more quickly dispose of the heat that
it does absorb.
The power required to open the valve against the cylinder
Spark Plug Position 223
pressure can be considerable. This becomes greater with a large
valve, which throws additional stresses on the operating mech-
anism. It is evident, therefore, that the fullest advantage is
to be had by accepting as normal a gas velocity through the ex-
haust valve of up to 50 percent greater than that permissible
through the intake valve. This can reduce the size of the valve
head to proportions that will keep its nuisance value as a hot
spot within bounds and ensure that too much power is not
absorbed in operating it.
If supertuning operations designed to push up the top end
of the power curve are undertaken, an increase in intake valve
size may be called for even at the expense of low-speed torque.
In this event, the exhaust valve size might be advantageously in-
creased also. It is the opinion of many successful speed tuners
that such experiments are best conducted in two stages; first,
enlargement of the intake valve only; second, both valves. Fur-
thermore, on some engines, such as the VW air-cooled 1600
power plant, a valve size increase does no good at all unless there
is also an increase in cubic capacity.
Undue emphasis on sheer bhp at peak rpm can be most
misleading, even in oval track work. For almost every other
purpose, a sensible torque curve, starting not too low down
but reasonably so, is preferable to a few rpm gained but seldom
used, at the top end, which may prejudice reliability.
Spark Plug Position
It has been suggested that good engine design should start
with the spark plug location. Since this component is where
the power stroke originates, the principle has merit. Such fac-
tors as detonation and compression ratio are influenced to a
large extent by plug position, the former being, of course, tied
up with the amount of ignition advance that is permissible.
Since the spark plug must necessarily be inserted either
into the top or the side of the combustion chamber, a position
should be aimed at that will give as nearly as possible an ap-
proximately equal distance from the combustion chamber wall
in all directions. (We are at present not taking into considera-
tion the Honda CVCC or the Wankel rotary engines.) For
example, with an engine having hemispherical heads and in-
clined overhead valves, it might be feasible to have the plug
vertically in the center of the head. This position would be
ideal, and most designers using hemispherical combustion
chambers get as near to this location as they can. It is not, of
course, possible with two large valves, but it is with four. The
situation has been improved over the years by a reduction in
spark plug thread diameters which, in turn, has been made pos-
sible by better oil control and fuel metering that help to reduce
spark plug fouling.
The spark plugs have an extremely hard life in modern
competition engines, and it may well be that the popular 14-mm
size represents a sensible compromise between physical size,
heat dissipation, retention of sparking efficiency, and effective
insulation. Nevertheless, lO-mm spark plugs are being widely
used in Grand Prix racing engines. Dimensional reductions of
this kind are most helpful in the plotting of combustion cham-
ber layouts. With some modification to the valves and the use
of the smallest possible plug, the central position for the latter
could be achieved in a two-valve hemispherical head. A major
concern, of course, must be that cracks do not develop between
the valve seats and the spark plug boss.
It is also possible to modify the position of the spark gap
without altering its location. When projected nose spark plugs
were developed in the 195os, the design purpose was to extend
the spark plugs' heat ranges. However, the consequent place-
ment of the spark gap deeper in the combustion chamber re-
sulted in improved power-particularly in wedge and bathtub
combustion chambers. Subsequently, similar advantages were
found in certain "hemi" head engines. The benefits in many
cases have been great enough that it has been worth machining
a spark plug clearance in the piston to take advantage of the
deeper gap position.
A change in the spark plug's gas volume can also help
overcome a poor plug location. Gas volume is the space be-
tween the plug's threaded shell and the insulator nose. Larger
gas volume tends to reduce fouling tendencies and to help ig-
nition if the spark plug is located in a rather stagnant turbu-
Spark Plug Position 225
lence area. Thus, testing spark plugs with different electrode
configurations and different gas volumes on supertuned or
blueprinted production engines will often turn up a few horses
that nobody knew were there.
An adequate mixture turbulence near the plug at the mo-
ment of ignition should be an important consideration in com-
bustion chamber design work. It is possible that under condi-
tions of varying throttle opening, with consequent variations
of intake mixture velocity, a plug position slightly to one side
of the center will be more likely to ensure a proper degree of
swirl past the plug electrodes. Nevertheless, the necessity for the
shortest possible flame travel should receive first consideration.
This problem is obviously more serious in large-bore engines
(with relatively small bores, the dimensions are such that the
plug can hardly ever be put in an impossibly poor position).
Here again, positioning the spark plug deeper in the combus-
tion chamber, as by a projected nose spark plug, takes advan-
tage of the fact that turbulence is always somewhat greater at
a point a bit distant from the chamber walls. Since 1972, pro-
jected nose spark plugs have been recommended in every
American production car engine.
In general, the shorter the flame travel, the less sensitive
the engine will be to throttle opening and load in the matter
of ignition timing control. The tendency toward detonation
with inferior fuels will also be reduced. With careful design,
the makers of hemispherical combustion chamber engines can
put the plug where they choose. In the case of the more popular
bathtub and wedge chambers, any suggestion of a central plug
position is out of the question. The usual head of these types
manages to accommodate two valves of adequate size in a most
creditable manner, but there is certainly no room for any-
thing else. A position for the plug must therefore be chosen at
the side of the head. To counteract the long flame travel from
this position across the piston crown, we can fortunately ar-
range a squish formation almost directly opposite; in effect, the
mixture comes out to meet the spark plug just at the moment
of ignition. Because the squish areas are themselves almost in
contact at tdc, the combustion chamber dimensions as far as
flame travel is concerned are further reduced. Bore/stroke ratio
also has some influence; the smaller the cross-dimension of the
head, the better.
In any form of combustion chamber, the use of a flat-
topped piston is desirable for efficient combustion. However, it
is hardly ever possible to achieve the necessary compression ra-
tio for competition purposes without compromises. In any case,
piston domes and humps must be considered not only from
the standpoints of valve clearance and compression ratio but
also with thought to their influence on the spark plug (Fig.
7-4). Obviously a piston crown that separates the spark plug
from a large quantity of mixture at tdc will not aid efficient
Fig. 74. Racing piston for Chevrolet big block V8 must have
dome for adequate compression ratio. Notice that a spark plug
relief has been milled in center of dome for better combustion.
Ignition Current 227
Ignition Current
Efficient combustion cannot begin until the mixture has
been ignited by the spark plug. Before this can happen, suffi-
cient voltage must be available to ionize the air in the spark
plug gap. Without ionization to make the air molecules con-
ductive, the spark current cannot pass from one spark plug .
electrode to the other and thus create a spark. Ionization be-
comes more difficult at high cylinder pressures, so the first re-
quirement of a competition ignition system is that it produce
sufficient secondary voltage to fire the plugs under wide-open-
throttle, high-rpm racing conditions.
To help the available voltage do the job, various other
things are done to assist ionization of the spark gap. First, a
narrower spark plug gap will ionize at lower voltages than will
a wide gap. Therefore, the racing tuner may find it necessary
to gap the spark plugs to a smaller dimension for racing than
would be practical for highway driving. The tendency for nar-
row gaps to misfire at low speed and during idle is, of course,
of no importance in racing. Second, spark plug electrodes with
square, sharp-edged corners promote ionization. Therefore, new
racing-type spark plugs are installed frequently-and always
right before the race itself, in tlie case of high-rpm racing
Conventional Ignitions
Four kinds of ignition systems are currently in competition
use. One of these, magneto ignition, was once almost a neces-
sity for racing engines, but it is now fading in importance be-
cause of the development of electronic ignition systems. The
virtue of the magneto (Fig. 7-5) is that its voltage output in-
creases as engine rpm rises. Thus, at high speeds where high
secondary voltage is most needed for reliable spark gap ioniza-
tion, the magneto is able to deliver all that is required.
Coil and battery ignition, which was until recently the
only kind of ignition found in passenger cars, is not able to
maintain its voltage output at high rpm. This is because the
coil core is magnetized by primary (battery) current only dur-
ing the time intervals when the ignition distributor's breaker
points are closed. As engine rpm increases, the breaker points
are closed for an ever-shorter period of time between firings.
The magnetic field of the coil becomes progressively weaker (or
the coil becomes less fully saturated by magnetism) .
Fig. 7'5. Scintilla Vertex magneto installed in place of normal
distributor on sixcylinder drag racing powerplant.
Some high-rpm improvement can be obtained by adjusting
the breaker points to a narrower gap. This change, of course,
causes the engine to misfire at lower speeds and to idle irregu-
larly. However, these are not serious problems during a motor
race, and the increased periods of time that the points are
closed improves coil saturation.
In addition to the obvious scheme of building a better coil
for high-speed service-the sports and high performance coils
that are commonly sold in speed shops-other improvements
have been made to coil and battery systems for competition use.
One approach is to have two sets of breaker points in the igni-
Ignition Current 229
tion distributor (Fig. 7-6). The two point sets are wired so
that if either set is closed, battery current will reach the coil's
primary windings. The second set of points is almost closed
when the first set opens to fire the spark. A very brief time
after the coil has discharged to fire a spark, the second set of
points closes and begins charging the coil for the next spark.
This system increases coil saturation time considerably over
that possible with a single set of breaker points.
Fig. 7-6. Mallory Double-Life distributor. This favorite hot rod
and drag racing unit has dual breaker points. Models are avail-
able for almost all American engines.
Another kind of dual-point system employs two separate
coils. In effect, it is two separate ignition systems built into
a single distributor. These systems are usually seen only on
engines that have eight or more cylinders. Each set of points,
with its own coil, fires half the cylinders of the engine (Fig.
7-7). There have even been variations on this theme in which
there are four sets of breaker points operating two coils. The
principle is that of two independent ignition systems, each with
overlapping dual points. A related system is to have two sep-
arate distributors, each with its own coil.
Fig. 77. Breaker plate of Grant Flamethrower compound dis-
tributor. Each point set fires four of engine's eight cylinders:
Electronic Ignitions
A basic form of electronic ignition is the transistor-switched
coil and battery system. With this setup, the primary current
to the coil is switched on and off by a transistorized device. The
switching transistor is signaled to interrupt the primary cir-
cuit, thus firing a spark, by the opening of the breaker points.
However, the points themselves carry only very low current
and voltage; the heavy switching work is handled by the tran-
sistor. The kind of system normally has no advantage over an
Ignition Current 231
ordinary coil and battery system. Its principal merit is reduced
wear and tear on the breaker points, which last longer and re-
quire less attention at tune-up time.
For competition purposes, however, there is a potential
for some gain. In production cars that use full battery voltage
to the coil only during starting and then switch back to a re-
duced voltage in the interests of longer breaker point and spark
plug life, it is possible with transistor switching to use full bat-
tery voltage at all times. The transistor will prevent this from
taking a toll on the breaker point contacts.
A somewhat better form of electronic igmtlOn is essen-
tially the same as the system just described, but with the breaker
points eliminated. In this system, the transistor receives its
signal from an electronic signal generator rather than from
the mechanical breaker point mechanism. The electronic sig-
nal generator that replaces the points has taken a number of
interesting forms. One system employs a cup-shaped device in
place of the normal distributor cam. Slits are cut in the periph-
ery of the cup, and the intervening sections of the cup rim in-
terrupt a beam of light. When a slit uncovers the light source,
a photoelectric sensor signals the switching transistor to fire a
A more common practice is to use the principle of mag-
netic reluctance as a signal generator. The normal distributor
cam is replaced by a timing wheel (reluctor) that has spokes
but no rim; it is a kind of gear-like fixture with as many teeth
as there are cylinders. At one side of the distributor housing is
a small electrical coil with an iron core that functions as a weak
electromagnet. When one of the timing wheel teeth aligns with
the coil core, magnetic reluctance changes the field strength of
the electromagnet and signals the transistor device that a spark
should be fired.
Similar sysems that are in wide use have a timing wheel
that consists of a ceramic drum in which ferrite rods are em-
bedded (Fig. 7-8) . Another approach is to use rotating magnets
that pass alongside a coil to generate a signal to the switching
transistor. Thus, the principle of magnetic permeance can be
employed, as well as that of magnetic reluctance.
AU 06:'
Fig. 7-8. Timing wheel for Lucas distributor used in Triumph
TR7. As wheel turns (arrow) ferrite rods align with pickup core
(line at left), thus producing the signal that triggers spark.
These breakerless systems have several advantages from a
racing point of view. First, there is no breaker point contact
erosion or mechanical limitation. More important, the transis-
torized switching device can begin recharging the coil almost
instantaneously after a spark has been fired, greatly increasing
the coil saturation time and making possible reliable opera-
tion at higher rpm.
The form of electronic ignition that has made the most
solid place for itself in competition is the capacitor discharge
(CD) system. A CD system is essentially similar to a transistor-
switched coil and battery system. Some CD setups use breaker
points and others use breakerless signaling; but there is one
very important difference between the CD and ordinary tran-
sistorized systems. Instead of having the coil receive battery
voltage as its primary current, the coil receives its primary cur-
rent at elevated voltage from a capacitor.
A capacitor, or condenser, has the unique ability to store
electricity. In a CD system, a transistorized charging device is
used to step the battery's nominal twelve volts up to 250 volts
or more. This higher voltage is stored in the capacitor. So when
the coil's primary winding is charged, it is to about 250 volts
Timing 233
instead of to the 12 volts of other systems. A special coil is
necessary, of course.
Because the CD spark kicks off from a much higher volt-
age, a very high secondary voltage can be made available to the
spark plugs. In addition-and perhaps more important-the
spark voltage rises to its peak at the plug electrodes almost in-
stantaneously. This will fire spark plugs that are badly fouled.
The high voltage is reached so suddenly that it ionizes the
spark gap and jumps across before the fouling deposits have
had a chance to drain the current off to ground. Fig. 7-9 shows
a comparison with a normal coil and battery system.
20 1 ,
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Fig. 7'9. Voltage drop on coil ignition system, compared with
steady output of electronic systems.
Many racing engines have fixed spark tImmg. They oper-
ate at all times within a narrow band of high rpm and so never
need to have the spark timing retarded from the degree of
advance that is necessary for maximum output. There is, how-
ever, usually some provision for temporarily retarding the spark
for starting purposes. In engines of this kind, it is far more
important that the timing remain accurate than whether the
engine can be made to run slowly. Obviously a careless driver
who allows the rpm to fall off and then opens the throttle wide
can easily induce severe preignition . that will destroy the en-
gine almost instantly. Few people realize how dangerous it
can be mechanically to drive slowly in a Grand Prix or Indy
type racing car.
The engine's operating cycle becomes compressed into ex-
ceedingly short time intervals at higher speeds, and very minute
imperfections in the distributor drive can become important.
At high rpm, a spark theoretically timed at 400 before tdc
might arrive at the plug when the piston is by no means at this
position because of a combination of drive backlash, torsional
distortion, and bending in the various shafts and components
Mechanical breaker points limit the number of sparks that
can be produced .in a given time. This is because when a cer-
tain rpm is reached, the point spring does not have time to
close the contacts before the next distributor cam lobe pushes
them open. This is called breaker point float. If a stiffer spring
is used, there is danger of point bounce; that is, the breaker
points are thrown together with such force that they bounce
apart again. On most Grand Prix racing engines, a breakerless
ignition such as the Lucas Opus system is invariably used. The
elimination of cams, springs, and so forth means that the speed
of operation can be vastly increased.
The first stage of the operation of the Lucas system is to
time the number of sparks required per revolution. Because of
the necessity for accuracy of timing, which was one of the rea-
sons for developing the system, the flywheel end of the crank-
shaft is used for preference since it is least subject to torsional
oscillations. The flywheel itself can be used for timing and
carries a number of pole-pieces equal to the number of sparks
per revolution (four in the case of a V8 engine). Mounted
alongside the flywheel so that the pole-pieces run past it with
only air-gap clearance is an electromagnetic pickup. If there
is no room at the flywheel end of the engine for this assembly,
the pole-pieces can be mounted on a pole-wheel at the front
end, but the general principle is the same. These components
are shown in Fig. 7-10.
Timing 235
Fig. 7-IO. Polewheel and pickup and spark generator of Lucas
electronic ignition system for racing.
When the crankshaft rotates, a voltage impulse (or trigger
impulse) is produced at the electromagnetic pickup each time
that one of the pole-pieces runs past it. The pickup is con-
nected electrically to the trigger amplifier (Fig. 7-11), which
is the transistorized switch that is normally closed, thus sending
primary current to the spark generator (capacitor and coil).
At each trigger impulse, the primary is interrupted and a spark
is fired. A conventional sort of distributor rotor and cap sends
the spark to the appropriate spark plug.
Before moving on to the matter of spark plugs, which have
a great deal to do with efficient combustion, it is worth saying
a few words about variable ignition timing. In the past, the
spark timing could be controlled by the driver via a dashboard-
or steering-column-mounted lever (remember the old Model A
Ford?). Because of the higher and much wider range of rpm
typical of modern engines, the driver would have little time to
do anything else except fiddle with the spark control. Conse-
quently automatic spark advance is universally used today.
Fig. 7-II. Schematic diagram of Lucas electronic ignition system
for four-cylinder engine with poles on flywheel.
There are three kinds of automatic spark advance. First,
there is the centrifugal advance, which advances and retards
the spark timing in direct proportion to engine rpm. Second,
there are vacuum advance systems that provide additional ad-
vance when the engine is under light load. The vacuum ad-
vance is wholly a device for fuel economy and has little pur-
pose or function in competition. The vacuum retard systems
found on emission-controlled passenger cars are used for the
reduction of exhaust emissions and have a negative influence
on economy. Finally, there are a few systems that vary ignition
timing electronically. At present, these are being used as econ-
omy /emission control devices on some passenger cars, but an
electronic timing system has been used on some Maserati racing
engines. For the purposes of this book, we will limit our con-
sideration to the centrifugal advance only.
The advance curve of a competition engine should be ar-
rived at by means of dynamometer testing. The curve must pro-
vide the degree of spark advance that makes combustion most
efficient at the rpm or range of rpm over which the engine will
be operated in competition.
Generally, it will be necessary in preparing a production
car distributor for racing to replace the springs in the centri-
Timing 237
fugal advance and possibly to replace the weights. In dyno-
tuned production cars the primary spring is often very light
so that it will keep the spark retarded only for starting pur-
poses. Once the engine is running, nearly full primary advance
should be available. The secondary advance will receive the
most attention during testing in order to establish the best
curve for the engine. If the range of advance is insufficient for
maximum output, then the weights must be exchanged for
those that permit greater advance. Spring and weight kits are
widely available in speed shops for all popular production car
distributors. In addition, there are many proprietary distribu-
tors on the market that have been designed for easy modifica-
tion and tuning when used on competition engines. Heavier
springs are usually needed to convert a stock distributor for use
in competition engines that are raced in a narrow band of high
Spark Plugs
Five factors are of utmost importance in selecting spark
plugs for competition use. First, the spark plugs must be de-
signed to fire with the lowest possible voltage requirement.
Second, the design should place the spark gap at the most ad-
vantageous point possible in the combustion chamber. Third,
the design must have good resistance to fouling. This is some-
what tied in with the fourth requirement, which is that the
plug must have the coldest possible heat range. Last, the plug
must be designed so that it will not interfere with the move-
ments of the piston or the valves.
To reduce the voltage requirement, racing plugs have
electrodes that are designed to place sharp edges in opposition
to one another. For example, on projected nose racing plugs,
which are used in most production-based competition engines,
the side electrode extends only halfway over the center elec-
trode (instead of overlapping the center electrode completely
as on a "street" plug). This places the sharp edge of the side
electrode's tip in proximity with the two opposite sharp edges
of the center electrode.
In the projected nose racing plug, the electrodes are of
heavier section than those of a conventional projected nose
plug. This is partially to improve heat dissipation and thus
preclude preignition. However, it also helps the electrodes to
last longer. Cutback gaps suffer off-center electrical erosion, caus-
ing the gap to grow rapidly. For this reason, cutback side elec-
trodes are seldom used in passenger cars because the plug life is
greatly shortened. In racing, rapid erosion is inconsequential
since new plugs are installed before the race, and the plug gaps
will not show noticeable erosion before 500. to 1000 miles.
Some engines, for reasons of clearance between the spark
plug and moving parts inside the combustion chamber, cannot
use a projected nose spark plug. There are two kinds of clear-
ance gaps available in racing designs for them. One resembles
an ordinary projected nose racing plug, but the side electrode
is opposed to the side of the center electrode instead of lapping
over the end. The other is a standard gap (nonprojected nose)
racing plug that has the cutback style side electrode.
The projected nose spark plug is highly desirable for its
extended heat range. At low speeds, the projecting insulator
nose heats up rapidly to burn off fouling deposits. This feature
can be of vital importance if several laps have to be run under
the caution flag at reduced speeds-particularly on large-dis-
placement, high-output machines such as NASCAR stockers. At
high speeds, the rush of cold fuel/air mixture being drawn in
through the intake valve passes directly over the projected
nose, cooling it off and preventing preignition. Thus; these
spark plugs have the miraculous ability to run "hot" at low
speeds and "cold" at high speeds.
In an engine where clearance limitations prevent the use
of any kind of projected nose plug, but where the extended
heat range feature is desirable, a fine wire electrode racing plug
is often the best choice. These plugs were once known as plati-
num gap plugs because the fine wire electrodes were made of
platinum. Today most of the fine wire electrode plugs used in
America have electrodes made from gold palladium and similar
precious metal alloys. In any case, the metal must be highly
corrosion resistant and must not distort when heated to incan-
The principle of extending the heat range is similar with
both fine WIre electrode and projected nose spark plugs. At
Timing 239
low speeds, the fine wire electrodes heat up, burning oft foul-
ing deposits. At high speeds, the electrodes are cooled by the
blast of fuel/air mixture coming in through the intake valve.
Racing engines need very cold spark plugs. The hot plugs
used in production cars to prevent fouling in city traffic would
become so hot under racing conditions that the electrodes would
burn away, and the engine might be destroyed by preignition/
detonation damage. Racing plugs are made only in the colder
heat ranges. When an engine is tested for the first time, the wise
tuner always starts with the coldest plug that will fit. It is much
cheaper to throwaway spark plugs that have fouled because
they are too cold than to throwaway an engine that has been
ruined by preignition/detonation damage caused by spark
plugs that are too hot. From the coldest available plug, you
can always work back one step at a time until you find a plug
that remains clean under racing conditions.
Grand Prix racing engines, oval track racing engines,
highly supercharged engines of all kinds and "fuel-burning"
drag racing engines naturally need the coldest plugs of all. In
fact, it is a difficult-if not impossible-job to design plugs that
are cold enough in any form other than with the retracted gap
configuration (Fig. 7-12).
Fig. 7-I2. Firing tip of retracted gap racing plug. These plugs
can be made in extremely cold heat ranges for highoutput racing
Retracted gap or push-wire racing plugs have an insulator
nose that does not reach even to the end of the threaded por-
tion of the spark plug shell. The side electrode consists of a
piece of heavy-gauge wire pushed through the side of the
threaded part of the shell. Thus, the spark gap is contained
wholly within the plug shell, retracted from the combustion
chamber. These spark plugs cause no clearance problems and
can be made in very cold heat ranges. However, because of
their narrow heat ranges, they will quickly foul and misfire if
they are operated for even a few minutes at less than full en-
gine output.
The information now available from spark plug manu-
facturers concerning selection of a suitable plug to meet any
operational conditions is extremely comprehensive and of high
technical quality. These services should be fully used in any
case where selection proves difficult.
8 / Mixture Production
Mixture Supply
Although carburetors and carburetor induction systems
have become very efficient, there are several inherent snags
associated with this method of introducing the fuel into the
intake air and distributing the resultant mixture to the cylin-
ders. Leaving aside for the moment any possible limitations of
the carburetor itself, it will be evident that the large-bore pas-
sages that form the induction system, although the only avail-
able means of transferring the mixture to the cylinders, con-
stitute a serious handicap when dealing with a medium com-
pounded of gas (the air) and a liquid (the gasoline) .
It is quite wrong to assume that the fuel, having met the
air in the carburetor, emerges in the form of a gas. What hap-
pens is that the air emerges holding minute drops of liquid
fuel in suspension, and these droplets can separate out easily.
In passenger car engines, the intake manifold is water jacketed
or heated by the exhaust gases to encourage the formation of a
more homogeneous mixture. Desirable as this is from the view-
point of smooth running and rapid warm-up, it has the un-
fortunate effect of reducing the engine's power output.
With a fuel injection system, these problems are largely
eliminated. The large-bore passages of the induction system
handle air only; there is no need to heat the intake manifold
(or intake air distributor, as it is generally called). Unlike a
carburetor, fuel injection does not depend on the velocity of
the incoming air to draw fuel into the engine. Instead, fuel is
injected into the airstream under pressure. Thus, the restric-
tion of the carburetor's velocity-increasing venturi is eliminated,
and the induction tracts can be designed so that air pressure is
high in the intake air distributor and airflow most rapid at
the intake valve itself. The fuel is generally sprayed into the
airstream just ahead of the intake valve so there is no difficulty
in maintaining a thoroughly homogenous mixture.
V olumetric Efficiency
If the mixture is heated before it reaches the cylinders, its
volume, but not its weight, will increase; in other words, the
amount of air contained in the manifold will be less when it
is warm than if it is cold. Less weight will thus be drawn into
the cylinders, with a corresponding reduction in power. It is,
of course, true that the mixture will become considerably
heated as soon as it enters the cylinder ports because of the
proximity of the water jackets and combustion chambers, but
this is inescapable. The heat thus absorbed by the mixture can
be kept to a sensible minimum and need not necessarily be
augmented by that derived from a deliberately heated mani-
Tuners try to keep the mixture cool in production-based
cars that are prepared for competition. Many oval track stock
cars have elaborate cold air systems. Sometimes air is brought
in from a removed headlight location or through the ventila-
tion slots ahead of the windshield. In any case, underhood air,
which is already heated by passing through the radiator and by
its proximity to the engine, is totally avoided. The cool out-
side air is ducted by one means or another to the carburetor
intake. In drag racing, hood scoops, generally in favor, make
possible a direct path for outside air entering the carburetor (s) .
Of course, when we talk about the weight of the mixture,
we are really talking about the number of fuel or air mole-
cules contained in a given volume of the mixture. At higher
Mixture Supply 243
temperatures, the molecules expand so that fewer can be con-
tained within the limits of the induction system. Therefore,
most drag racers do not stop with obtaining cold air for their
engines, They also chill the fuel to increase the number of
gasoline molecules in a given volume and to help keep the en-
tire mixture cool right up to the point where it enters the com-
bustion chambers. Normally the fuel is chilled by passing a
spiral section of the fuel line, just ahead of the carburetor,
through a canister packed with dry ice.
Designers of passenger cars, even very fast cars, know that
they must also produce a car that will. run smoothly at low
speeds around town. Thus, they are faced with a thorny prob-
lem. Should they design a cold induction system in the inter-
est of power or heat the manifold for smoothness and flexi-
bility? Usually they choose the latter. And because of the cur-
rent legal limits on exhaust emissions, the designer actually has
no choice left at all. It would not do, after all, to have ineffi-
cient combustion during the kind of driving where air pollu-
tion is the greatest concern-in the city. Just as obviously, heat-
ed manifolds, exhaust gas recirculation, and intake air pre-
heating systems must be eliminated from production cars if
they are to be successful on the race track.
Another problem with carburetor systems concerns the
shape of the intake manifold. Numerous bends are required in
the manifolds of production cars to conduct the mixture from
the carburetor to the cylinders. Each of these bends represents
a place where, because of the velocity of the mixture (which
will also vary at the inside and outside radii of the bend), in-
ertia tends to throw out the fuel globules, thus separating the
gasoline from the air. When detached in this manner, the fuel
naturally falls onto the pipe wall. If the wall it hot, it may
"fry off" the separated fuel and enrich the air flowing at that
particular instant, causing a patchy mixture. If the manifold
is cold, the fuel may just lie in liquid form until a sudden
throttle opening and surge of air causes it to be picked up
and carried to one or more particular cylinders. In either case,
an uneven mixture (and rough running) results.
These difficulties can be avoided by having a separate car-
buretor choke for each cylinder with a more or less straight
and direct pipe right into the intake port. This is the system
universally used on all competition engines where the rules
permit it. But in nearly all forms of stock car and production
car racing, the rules limit the tuner to either the kind of car-
buretor installed on the car at the factory or to another carbu-
retor that has the same number of venturis. In this case, a com-
promise must be arrived at, and this is usually to use an intake
manifold that helps to keep the mixture mixed.
With careful manifold design and attention to all aspects
of installation to the best advantage from the volumetric effi-
ciency point of view, the fuel separation snag can be largely
overcome. All bends are made to the greatest possible radius,
and sharp turns of all kinds are totally avoided. The factory-
installed intake manifolds of many inline four- and six-cylinder
engines are excellent from this point of view, especially on
small-displacement imports. V8s tend to have the poorest intake
manifold designs because some sharp bends are necessary to fit
the manifold and carburetor beneath the car's hood. High-rise
manifolds that project upward through the hood, with trade
names such as "Tunnel Ram" and "Tarantula", are therefore
seen on a great many V8s used in drag racing.
Though carburetor systems can be made to work with
commendable efficiency, it should be obvious that a simpler way
to avoid mixture troubles is to have the manifold carry air
only. It is the presence of liquid fuel in the air that introduces
all the headaches. So if a liquid fuel such as gasoline or alco-
hol is to remain our combustible agent, it appears that injecting
it near the intake valves will solve a lot of problems.
Fuel Injection or Carburetor?
The elimination of the carburetor and the use of fuel in-
jection in no way alters the engine's operating cycle. There is
no connection with diesel principles, as some laymen assume,
and spark ignition is retained. In fact, there is no difficulty in
converting engines designed for use with carburetors to fuel
injection operation.
At wide-open throttle, a fuel injection system offers only
a slight advantage over a good carburetor system, and this small
Mixture Supply 245
advantage is a result of having fewer restrictions to airflow.
Carburetors must have a venturi and, for the most part, a but-
terfly-type throttle valve. An injection system needs no venturi,
and on racing engines, slide-type throttles are used that present
absolutely no restriction to airflow at wide-open throttle.
A fuel injection setup has an insurmountable advantage
over a carburetor at lower rpm and on intermediate throttle
openings. This is because an injection system does not depend
on air velocity and the consequent depression to draw fuel
into the intake air. Thus, with a carburetor, low-speed throttle
response can be very poor. When the throttle is suddenly
opened, there is insufficient airflow to draw in the fuel that is
required for immediate acceleration. With a fuel injection sys-
tem, the fuel is sprayed in under pump pressure; there is no
lag while the engine tries to pull itself up by its own boot-
In addition to these performance considerations, fuel econ-
omy will always be better with a fuel injection system. More-
over, the economy is greatest in the speed ranges most often
encountered in highway driving. The engine receives only the
fuel it needs because an injection system can be made responsive
to many engine factors, for example, temperatures at various
points on the engine, the air temperature, the airflow quantity,
the manifold vacuum, the rpm, the temperature of the air in-
side the intake air distributor (manifold), and almost any
other operating factor that can be imagined. On the other hand,
a carburetor is sensitive mainly to the driver's foot, and all com-
munication between the carburetor and the engine is via a
tenuous and fickle column of air.
Fuel injection is being used on more and more passenger
cars because of these advantages. Another reason for its in-
creasing popularity is its ability to reduce exhaust emissions
without reducing engine output to the degree that would be
necessary with a carburetor. All things considered, today's de-
signer would, if given a free hand, probably employ fuel in-
jection on all engines regardless of the application, be it racing
or stop-and-go traffic in the city. Nevertheless, for both these
purposes, the carburetor will undoubtedly remain with us for
some time.
Constant Depression Carburetors
Constant depression carburetors have also been known as
variable choke carburetors and constant vacuum carburetors.
Though renewed interest in the principle has been stimulated
by emission control concerns, we will limit our discussion to
matters that have a bearing on competition engines.
Fig. 8-1 is a simplified drawing of a constant depression
carburetor. The variable choke (variable venturi) feature of
the design consists of a vacuum chamber (L) that contains a
A. Mounting flange G. Needle
B. Throttle valve H. Air slide
C. Air intake J. Piston
D. Fuel inlet K. Air passage
E. Jet head L. Vacuum chamber
F. Jet
Fig 8-I. Simplified diagram of a constant depression carburetor,
based on the British SU carburetor design.
Constant Depression Carburetors 247
piston (1). The lower end of the piston is in the form of an
air slide (H). The vacuum chamber is connected by an air
passage (K) to the area between the air slide and the throttle
valve (B). Any increase in vacuum in this area will raise the
piston together with the needle (G), and any decrease in
vacuum will lower the piston and the needle. The needle is
tapered so that as the piston rises and admits more air, more
fuel becomes available from the jet (F); the mixture remains
of approximately uniform strength, though the needle is de-
signed to produce a considerably richer mixture when the pis-
ton is fully up. The jet head (E) can be lowered mechanically
for increased richness during starting and warm-up.
It is a mistake to assume that manifold vacuum is the sole
factor in determining the rise or fall of the piston. If this were
so, the piston would not rise fully at wide-open throttle when
manifold vacuum is least, thus restricting the airflow and the
engine's performance. The word venturi, after all, is actually
the name of an Italian scientist who discovered that when air
velocity increases, its pressure is reduced. Thus, as the air
passes through the restricted venturi-in this case between the
face of the air slide and the face of the jet-it must speed up
and hence lose pressure. This pressure loss, or vacuum, draws
the fuel from the jet (as it does in all carburetors) and raises
the piston. Therefore, air velocity through a constant depres-
sion carburetor has a more important influence on piston move-
ment than does manifold vacuum.
Fig. 8-2 is a cross-section through an actual SU carburetor
of the kind that has been used in competition on countless MG
and Austin Healey Sprite sports cars. This carburetor is some-
what more complex than its simple principle might lead one
to suppose (compare to Fig. 8-1). The area around the jet is
elevated, producing a more pronounced venturi, and the needle
has a rather subtle taper. The jet has a restricted orifice, and
there is a coil spring atop the piston that tends to force it down.
In tuning a constant depression carburetor for competition
purposes, it is the practice to use springs of different strength,
needles with different tapers, and jets with different orifice
diameters to modify the mixture to meet the demands of racing.
The oil well is similar to a miniature hydraulic shock absorber
and prevents the piston's movements from being sudden or vio-
lent. Another kind of constant depression carburetor is the
Stromberg CD shown in Fig. 8-3. This unit differs from the SU;
in place of the piston of the SU unit, there is a sealed dia-
phragm that operates the air slide and needle. These carbu-
retors are used in competition on many Triumph and Jaguar
sports cars. In addition, a great many Hitachi constant depres-
sion carburetors have seen competition in Japanese sports cars.
1. Fast idling adjusting screw 5. Nut
2. Idle speed adjusting screw
3. Washer .
6. Jet head
7. Top guide
4. Jet control lever
Fig. 8-2. Section through typical SU carburetor.
Constant Depression Carburetors 249
I. Fuel inlet to float chamber
2. Top cover (suction cham-
ber) screws
3. Throttle-stop idling screw
4. Fast-idling adjusting screw
5. Needle valve seating
6. Lever and cam for fast-
7. Float lever pivot
S. Needle valve
9. Lifting pin for air-valve
10. Jet needle retaining screw
II. Jet base O-ring
12. Jet holder
13. Jet screw for adjustment
14. Air valve damper piston
15. Air valve return spring
16. Diaphragm
17. Air-valve guide rod
IS. Air-valve piston
19 Jet orifice
20. Starter bar
21. Fuel inlet to jet base
22. Fuel inlet to jet bore
23. Jet orifice bush
24. Suction chamber
25. Air passage to suction
26. Main air intake
27. Throttle valve butterfly
2S. Bridge
29. Jet needle
Fig. 8-3. Arrangement of components in Stromberg CD carburetor.
Fixed Venturi Carburetors
For all the troubles that variable venturi carburetors have
caused inexperienced mechanics over the years, the principles
involved in their operation are more easily seen than those of
a fixed venturi carburetor. We will begin with the extremely
simple Solex 28 PCl carburetor that is used on Formula Vee
race cars.
Fig. 8-4 is a cross-section of the 28 PCl, which has not been
used on a new Volkswagen for almost two decades but is used
in Formula Vee because it is more amenable to tuning than
later Solex units, which do not have a removable venturi and
have less accessible air correction jets and pump jets. Because
every jet, emulsion tube, and air bleed can be interchanged
with others of different size, the versatility of this unit is as
great as that of many racing carburetors.
It will be obvious that the depression (vacuum) created
by the high air velocity through the venturi will draw fuel out
of the discharge openings in the spraying well. These openings
are at the height of minimum venturi diameter. However, if it
were not for the air correction princi pIe used in fixed venturi
carburetors, the rate of fuel flow would increase rapidly as air
velocity through the venturi increased, resulting in a propor-
tion of fuel to air that was ever greater as rpm went higher.
Since air velocity through the venturi increases at a faster rate
than does air volume, an overly rich mixture at high speeds
would result.
The air correction principle is to "dilute" the fuel in the
spraying well with air via the emulsion tube. This emulsion
tube has a number of holes in it that are submerged in fuel
(the fuel level, of course, being determined by the float and
its valve) . The amount of air that can enter the emulsion tube
is controlled by the size of the air correction jet. Thus, a richer
mixture can be obtained-particularly at higher speeds-through
a decrease in air correction jet size with no change in the size
of the main jet. The main jet, however, determines the maxi-
mum quantity of fuel available to the engine under all condi-
tions above idle speed.
The main circuit of the carburetor will function reason-
6 - -
1 0 ~ ~
11 ----
I. Choke valve
2 . Float bowl vent tube
3. Gasket
4. Fuel line
5. Float needle valve
6. Floa t toggle
7. Pilot jet air bleed
8. Pilot jet
9. Float
10. Main jet carrier
II. Main jet
12. Volume control screw
13. Air correction jet
14. Emulsion tube
15. Pump air correction jet
16. Pump jet
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 251
- 14
- 15
~ 2 0
_ -111''-------26
= = ~ ~ ~ 2 8
L-____ -1:5 -------29
17. Venturi
18. Fitting tube
19. Spraying well
20. Pump ball check valve,
21. Pump diapbragm spring
22. Pump diaphragm
23. Pump ball check valve,
24. Pump connector link
25. Idle air bleeder passage
26. Throttle valve
27. Throttle connector rod
and spring
28. Accelerating port
29. Idle port
Fig. 8-4. Cross section of Solex 28 PCI carburetor, as used in For-
mula Vee racing cars.
ably well at full throttle and at part throttle when airflow is
considerably greater than at idle. At idle, however, the fixed
venturi setup will not operate at all because the venturi diam-
eter, which must be great enough to feed the engine at high
speeds, is too large to be effective in causing a depression (vac-
uum) at idle. By way of comparison, the variable venturi car-
buretor can make its venturi smaller so that it is entirely ca-
pable of efficient operation at idle speeds.
In a fixed venturi carburetor, a separate idle circuit must
be designed into the overall system. With the throttle valve
closed, as shown in Fig. 8-4, a high vacuum will be created be-
low the throttle valve. This will draw a fuel/air mixture into
the engine through the idle port (29). At speeds well above
idle, the vacuum is not able to do this, and the idle circuit
ceases to function; however, when the idle circuit is in opera-
tion, the quantity of the fuel/air mixture passing through the
idle port can be adjusted to suit the engine's needs by turning
the mixture adjusting screw.
The quantity of fuel in the idle circuit is controlled by
the pilot jet. At idle, air is added to the idle mixture via the
idle air bleed and the accelerator port. As the throttle valve ad-
vances off idle, the mixture obviously must be increased in
volume. When the accelerator port is below the edge of the
throttle valve, it too begins discharging mixture into the car-
buretor throat-in considerably greater quantity than was pos-
sible through the idle port alone. With increased throttle open-
ing, mixture also begins to enter through the idle air bleed
At this stage, the venturi should begin to function. How-
ever, the richness of the mixture available through the air bleed
passage and the accelerator port determines how smooth the
transition will be from the idle circuit to the main circuit. A
"flat spot" at this point will result if the idle mixture is too
lean, and a fuel-wasting surge will occur if the mixture is too
rich. The smoothness of the transition can be adjusted by means
of replacing the pilot jet air bleed, the pilot jet, or both with
similar jets of different sizes.
Finally, there is the accelerator pump circuit. Instantaneous
opening of the throttle valve tends to make the mixture lean
because the quantity of the fuel flow does not increase as
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 253
quickly as the air quantity. To augment briefly the fuel avail-
able at the venturi, an accelerator pump is built into the car-
buretor. It discharges additional fuel into the venturi when-
ever the throttle valve moves to a larger opening.
The amount of fuel discharged is controlled by the adjust-
ment of the pump's stroke and by the diameter of the pump
jet, which is very simple in the Solex 28 PCI. Because the ven-
turi will be delivering more fuel at high speeds, the amount of
additional fuel from the pump must be less. Therefore, the
pump circuit has its own air correction jet (15), which serves
to dilute somewhat the pump's discharge with air.
The choke valve (I) enriches the mixture for starting and
warm-up by restricting the amount of air that can enter the
carburetor, thus making all mixtures proportionally richer. Fig.
8-5 shows a cross-section of another kind of Solex carburetor,
which has a "bi-starter" in place of the choke valve. The bi-
starter is simply a miniature starting carburetor built into the
side of the main carburetor to provide an additional rich mix-
ture for starting and warm-up. Choke valves hinder airflow, so
few carburetors designed for high performance have them. The
Solex and Weber carburetors used on fast GT cars have instead
the kind of starter device shown in the illustration. Aside from
the starting device, however, it will be informative to compare
the fuel circuits of the larger Solex carburetor shown in Fig.
8-5 to those of the Solex 28 PCI shown in Fig. 8-4.
The Weber Carburetor
For some years, virtually all carburetor-equipped road rac-
ing cars, and a considerable number of drag racing cars and
oval track cars, have employed the carburetors manufactured
by Soc. p. Az. Edoardo Weber, Bologna, Italy. While these
carburetors are undoubtedly a high-precision masterpiece, their
operating principles are straightforward. In addition to the
simple single-choke variety, however, the racing world also has
available Weber carburetors developed as a twin-choke assembly
of very compact design so that they take up the minimum of
installation room. Units with three barrels for the Porsche flat-
six also rank among the marvels produced by the Weber crafts-
men. These multiple-choke units have an obvious advantage
when compared with separate, single-choke carburetors in con-
trolling layout, fuel piping, and so on and especially in their
simplicity of throttle synchronization.
The Weber carburetor is now being installed in increasing
numbers on European production cars as standard equipment.
Because of this, the wide use in competition, and the availa-
bility of Weber carburetor conversion setups for nearly all cars,
a full description is merited here. We will begin with an exami-
nation of a simple single-barrel unit, the Type 32 shown in
Fig. 8-6. This carburetor has been used on several popular
continental vehicles, notably Fiat, Lancia, Renault, and Simca.
Ga. Starter air jet 51. Starter lever
Starter fuel jet cc. Starter valve duct Gs.
dd. Spring-loaded disc valves d. Starter mixture delivery
duct c. Starter mixture exit duct
A. Spraying well
a. Air correction jet
et. Emulsion tube
00. Spraying orifices
u. Pilot jet air bleed
g. Pilot jet
ch. Emulsion holes
G. Main jet
t. Main jet holder
K. Choke tube
bp. By-pass
W. Volume control screw
io. Idling mixture orifice
V. Throttle butterfly
v. Reserve well
Fig. 8-5. Section through typical Solex carburetor.
Fixed Venturi Caruw'etors 255
Fig, 8-6, Weber downdraft single-choke carburetor.
As with the Solex 28 PCI of Formula Vee fame, we will make
reference to a cross-section of the Weber Type 32 (Fig, 8-7).
Assuming intake air to be flowing downward through the aux-
iliary venturi (26), this air mixes with fuel drawn from the
nozzle (27) using principles exactly the same as those pre-
viously described. The auxiliary venturi is a significant feature;
its purpose is to increase the velocity, hence the vacuum, in
the immediate vicinity of the nozzle and to direct the fuel/air
mixture into the center of the choke tube.
The remainder of the main circuit is quite similar to the
Solex unit. Its emulsion tube (22) has air admitted to it via
an air correction jet (air adjusting jet, 1) and a main jet (16)
that controls the volume of fuel available to the main circuit.
The auxiliary venturi principle is also widely used on Ameri-
can high-performance carburetors.
What is unique in comparison to most American carbu-
retors is that the auxiliary venturi and the choke tube (23)
are replaceable with other choke tubes and venturis of different
size. This makes the Weber carburetor highly tunable and the
painstaking precision with which the units are made ensures
that the tuning will be noticeable during dynamometer testing.
Also available as standard Weber tools are metric drill sets and
precision plug gauges so that jet sizes can be checked and
altered accurately. Several technical books, tool lists, and parts
lists are available from Weber representatives-in English-that
describe the tuning operations for all Weber carburetors.
1. Air adjusting jet
2. Air intake
3. Idling mixture duct
4. Idling jet holder
5. Idling air intake bushing
6. Air intake:'
7. Strainer inspection plug
S. Strainer gauze
9. Fuel inlet connection
10. Needle valve
ll. Needle
12. Pivot
13. Float
14. Idling jet
15. Main jet holder
16. Main jet
17. Bowl
IS. Idling mixture adjusting
19. Idling hole to intake pipe
20. Throttle
21. Progression orifice
22. Emulsioning tube
23. Choke
24. Emulsioning tube well
25. Emulsion orifices
26. Auxiliary venturi
27. Nozzle
2S. Pump delivery valve
29. Pump control shaft
30. Pump spring
31. Pump plunger
32. Pump intake valve
33. Pump exhaust duct
34. Pump control lever
35. Pump delivery duct
36. Pump jet
Fig. 8-7. Section through Weber Type 32 IMPE downdraft car-
When the engine is idling, fuel is carried through a pas-
sage from the bottom of the emulsion tube well (24) to the
idling jet (14), where it mixes with air from the idling air in-
take bushing (5). The idle mixture then passes through the
idling mixture duct (3) into a system of ports near the throttle
valve that are not unlike those of the Solex unit. The idling
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 257
jet holder can be removed for a change of idling jets without
carburetor disassembly or fuel loss. This practice is applied
fully to the more complex Weber carburetors in which all jets
are accessible from the top. On the Type 40 DCOE 2, shown
in Fig. 8-8, a small round cover held by a wingnut can be &een
OIl top. Ths is the jets inspector cover, which allows the
tuner to check the sizes and condition of the jets. When the
e1tire top cover, which is held by five fillister head screws, IS
removed, every jet is available for quick replacement.
Fi g. 8-8. Weber sidedraft double-choke carburetor.
Weber carburetors use metal piston-type accelerator pumps;
the principle is different in no real way from that of the Solex
28 PCI. It is the easy precision interchange of tuning compon-
ents that accounts for the Weber carburetor's wide acceptance
among competition engine tuners and designers. On most
American carburetors, many of the jets and air bleeds are
simply (and cheaply) drilled into the carburetor's body ma-
terial, but virtually every jet and drilling is a replaceable pre-
cision component on the Weber carburetor. As Fig. 8-9 shows,
this results in a multiplicity of small parts-and the units are
expensive. However, there are nice touches, such as ball bear-
ings for the throttle shaft. The replaceability of all components
means, in addition to tuning ease, that the carburetor will never
need to be discarded because of wear.
Fig 8'9. Components of Weber Type 40 DCOE2 carburetor.
1. Jets inspection cover
2. Cover fixing screw (5)
2A. Fixing screw (4)
3. Gasket
4 Washer for screw (5)
4A. Washer for screw (4)
5. Carburetor cover
6. Gasket for carburetor cover
7. Emulsioning tube
holder (2)
8. Air corrector jet (2 )
9. Idling jet holder (2)
10. Emulsioning tube (2)
11. Idling jet (2)
12. Main jet (2)
Choke (2)
Auxiliary venturi (2)
Dust cover (2)
Spring (2)
Small lid for spring
retainer (2)
19. Distance washer (rear
19A. Distance washer (front
20. Throttle control lever.
complete (front car-
buretor). including:
Split pin
Throttle control lever
Lock washer (2)
Fixing nut (2)
29. Gasket
Bowl bottom small lid
Carburetor body. in-
Plate for spring
Shaft return spring
Spring pin
Pump control lever
Stud bolt
Stud bolt (2)
Throttle fixing screw
Throttle (2)
Throttle shaft
Screw securing support
(2 )
Washer for screw (2)
Fixing screw (2)
Starting control.
Starting control lever.
complete with:
Nut for screw
Starting control lever
Screw securing wire
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 259
52. Lever fixing nut
53. Lever return spring
54. Sheath support cover
55. Starting shaft
56. Strainer
57. Screw securing sheath
58. Throttle control lever
(rear carburetor)
59. Starting valve (2)
60. Spring for valve (2)
61. Spring guide and
retainer (2)
611. Circlip (ll)
63. Spring retainer plate
64. Pump control rod
65. Spring for plunger
66. Pump plunger
67- Spring for idling mix-
ture adjusting screw
(ll )
67A. Spring for throttle ad-
justment screw (rear
68. Idling mixture adjust-
ment screw (ll)
6g. Throttle adjustment
screw (rear carburetor)
70. Progression holes
inspection screw (2)
71. Pump jet gasket (2)
72. Pump jet (2)
73. Gasket (ll)
74. Screw plug (2)
75. Inlet valve
76. Starting jet (2)
77. Float
78. Pivot
79. Valve ball (2)
80. Stuffing ball (2)
81. Screw for stuffing ball
82. Gasket for needle valve
83. Needle valve seat
84. Gasket for fuel filter
85. Fuel filter casing
86. Gasket for fuel filter
87. Fuel filter bolt
88. Strainer
89. Gasket for strainer in-
spection plug
go. Strainer inspection plug
The double-choke Weber carburetor shown in Fig. 8-10
with its top removed is standard equipment on the Ford Cor-
tina engines that are used in Formula Ford racing. All of the
jets and venturis are accessible for cleaning, inspection, and re-
placement. This unit is, in fact, very similar to the single-barrel
Type 32 shown previously, but now it is a "Siamese twin". On
production Ford Cortinas, the second barrel is opened me-
chanically, but only at accelerator positions that would corres-
pond to a "straight-and-level" speed above 85 mph. When con-
verted for use in Formula Ford racing, the linkage is sometimes
modified so that both throttle valves open simultaneously.
On many Showroom Stock Sedan class cars, twin-choke,
Fig. 8-IO. Venturi arrangement of Weber downdraft double-choke
carburetor. At present, most Formula Ford tuners are returning
to differential throttle opening, instead of simultaneous opening.
Fixed Venturi Cm-buretors 261
progressive-opening carburetors are used in their original con-
figurations. The Ford Pinto is typical of these. Its carburetor is
a Weber design, but built in the United States by the Holley
Company, and a derivative of the "Cortina" Weber shown in
Fig. 8-10. Similar designs are used on Toyota, Opel, Datsun,
Fiat, and Volkswagen sedans. However, in some cases-the 1976
VW Sci rocco, for example-the second barrel's throttle valve is
opened by a vacuum unit.
Fig. 8-11 shows cross-sections of a Weber carburetor that
has a progressive-opening differential-throttle arrangement. The
toothed sector (47) is mounted loosely on the primary throttle
shaft (32) . The sector has a slot (46) in which slides a lug
(43) on the stop sector (44) that is fixed to the primary throttle
shaft. This sector on the primary throttle valve shaft engages
a toothed sector (48) that is fixed to the secondary throttle
valve shaft (36).
With this kind of differential-throttle arrallgement, the
primary stage of the carburetor is used for most normal highway
driving. Because the unit is essentially a single-barrel unit of
modest proportions, the throttle response is good at low speeds
and fuel economy is greatly benefited. Only when the primary
throttle valve has moved sufficiently for the lug to begin moving
the meshed sectors does the secondary barrel come into play,
providing ample breathing for high-speed acceleration and
Fig. 8-12 shows the Weber Type 58 DCOE, which, in its
many versions, is much favored for racing and sports-racing
engines. Mickey Thompson and Moon, among American speed
equipment manufacturers, have available cross-ram intake mani-
folds for mounting this type of Weber carburetor on the small
block Chevrolet V8 engine. Originally developed for the 2.5-
liter Coventry Climax Grand Prix engine of the 1950s, the
Type 58 has remained in constant demand-particularly in
America-because it is the largest made by Weber. (It might be
mentioned here that the DC in such designations as DCO or
DCOE stands for doppio corpo, "double body". Type numbers,
such as 40 or 58, represent the bore diameter at the throttle
valve in millimeters.)
Fig. B-Il. Principle of Weber differential-opening throttle arrange-
1. Primary intake pipe
2. Pump jet
3. Pump delivery valve
4. Pump delivery duct
5. Secondary intake pipe
6. Auxiliary venturis
7. Nozzles
S. Idling air orifice
9. Emulsioning tubes
10. Air adjusting jet
11. Idling jet
12. Idling mixture duct
13. Pump control rod
14. Strainer inspection plug
15. Pump spring
16. Strainer
17. Fuel inlet connection
IS. Needle valve seat
19. Needle valve
20. Float pivot
21. Bowl
22. Pump inlet valve with
discharge orifice
23. Main jets
24. Pump plunger
25. Float
26. Jets-emulsioning tube
27. Emulsioning holes
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 263
2S. Primary throttle
29. Primary throttle return
30. Secondary throttle return
31. Throttle main control
32. Primary shaft
33. Emulsioning tube wells
34. Chokes
35. Secondary throttle
36. Secondary shaft
37. Secondary pump control
3S. Pump control neutral
39. Primary pump control
40. Idling hole to intake pipe
41. Idling mixture adjusting
42. Progression hole
43. Lug
44. Stop sector
45. Idling adjusting screw
46. Prima ry sector slot
47. Primary toothed sector
4S. Secondary toothed sector
Fig. 8-I2. Components of Weber Type 58 DCOE2 carburetor.
1. Box nut for fuel filter 6. Fuel filter casing
Connection for fuel
2. Gasket for fuel filter filter casing
casing 8. Gasket for connection
Strainer (2 )
Gasket for tap
Needle valve seat
Strainer plug inspection tap
9A. Float bowl exhaust
screw plug
10. Gasket for needle valve
seat inspection tap
lOA. Gasket for bowl exhaust
screw plug
II. Gasket for needle valve
12. Needle valve seat
13. Washer for carburetor
small lid fixing nut
(2 )
13A. Washer for carburetor
cover fixing nut (7)
14. Spring washer for
carburetor small lid
fixing nut (2)
14A. Spring washer for
carburetor cover fixing
nut (7)
15. Carburetor small lid
fixing nut (2)
15A. Carburetor cover fixing
nut (7)
16. Carburetor cover
17. Stud bolt securing small
lid (2)
IS. Small lid for jets
19. Gasket for small lid
20. Gasket for carburetor
21. Emulsioning tube holder
22. Emulsioning tube air
corrector jet (2)
23. Screw for stuffing ball
(2 )
24. Emulsioning tube (2)
25. Stuffing ball for high
speed valve (2 )
26. Ball for high speed
valve (2)
27. Main jet (2)
2S. Gasket for pump jet (2)
29. Pump jet (2)
30. Spring for pump jet (2)
31. Pump jet holder (2)
32. Choke (2)
33. Auxiliary venturi (2)
34. Auxiliary venturi
extension pipe (2)
Fixed Venturi Carburetors 265
35. Additional air horn (2)
36. Plate securing air horn
37. Spring washer for
carburetor air horn
fixing nut (4)
3S, Nut securing air horn
39. Idling adjusting screw
40. Spring for idling
adjustment screw
40A. Spring for idle mixture
adjusting screw (2)
41. Tapping screw for
inspection holes (2)
42. Carburetor body,
43. Washer for spring
44. Throttle return spring
45. Spring pin
46. Stud bolt securing
carburetor cover (7)
47. Pump control lever
4S. Spring retainer
49. Throttle fixing screw
50. Throttle valve (2)
51. Stud bolt securing air
horn (4)
52. Throttle shaft
53. Throttle control lever
54. Lock washer with double
tab (2)
55. Fixing nut (2)
56. Distance washer
57. Transition holes
inspection screw (2)
5S. Idle mixture adjusting
screw (2)
59. Pump piston
60. Pump piston spring
61. Retainer for pump
piston sprfng
62. Pump control shaft
63. Float
64. Gasket for float fulcrum
65. Float fulcrum screw
66. Idling jet holder (2 )
67. Idling jet (2)
6S. Pump intake valve
69. Pump discharge screw
Downdraft models, such as the 48 IDA shown in Fig. 8-13,
are also very widely used. Manifolds are available for grafting
these carburetors onto almost any engine, including the air-
cooled Volkswagen. Similar Weber carburetors on the "big"
VW air-cooled have helped to turn that unlikely powerplant
into one of the dominant engines-perhaps the dominant en-
gine-in USAC Midget racing.
Fig. 8-I3 . Weber 48 IDA downdraft double-choke carburetor in-
stalled on left cylinder head of VW air-cooled engine used in off-
road racing.
Holley Carburetors
The foremost carburetors made in America, insofar as
speed tuners are concerned, are those manufactured by Holley.
As with the Weber, this acceptance by people who prepare
competition engines is based largely on the tunability of the
units. A big Holley four-barrel, such as the model 4160 shown
Fuel Injection Systems 267
in Fig. 8-14, seems to be made of rubber. The gaskets are rub-
ber, countless rubber O-rings surround virtually every fuel and
air passage where components join, and the acceleration pump,
the power valve, and the secondary vacuum unit all have rub-
ber diaphragms. The fame of these carburetors, however, rests
mainly with the metering bodies, one of which is shown in the
illustration. All of the critical jets are contained in this one
Fig. 8I4. Partially disassembled Holley four-barrel carburetor.
Hand-held component is metering body with power valve screwed
into it.
Replacement metering bodies, with different drilling sizes,
are readily available in speed shops for the alteration of carbu-
retor tuning during dynamometer or race track testing. Some
secondary metering bodies have the secondary main jets drilled
directly into the metering body metal. To change secondary
jet sizes, you must change the entire metering body. Approxi-
mately twenty-five different sizes are available. Other Holley
models have replaceable screw-in main jets (Fig. 8-15) for both
the primary and the secondary sides of the carburetor. These
jets are quickly accessible by removing the float bowls. Dif-
ferent power valve assemblies (one of which is shown screwed
into the metering body in Fig. 8-14) are readily available for
competition applications, and nearly every speed shop in
America stocks a vast array of other tuning components for
the various Holley carburetors.
Fig. 8-I5. Main jets for Holley carburetor.
Holley carburetors can be obtained in a great many types
and sizes. In addition to the four-barrel variety, there are three-
barrel, two-barrel, and single-barrel versions available. A tri ple-
carburetor setup using Holley two-barrel carburetors is shown
on a Chevrolet 427 V8 engine in Fig. 8-16.
Fuel Injection Systems 269
Fig. 8-I6. Holley carburetors installed on Corvette engine. Notice
extension tubes added to bowl vents; these keep fuel from being
drawn out of float bowls during hard acceleration or cornering.
Fuel Injection Systems
Fuel injection systems have reached a mature state of de-
velopment. Regrettably, however, the American automobile in-
dustry has taken no significant role in this development and
thus many of the key patents are held abroad. Several promis-
ing starts were made in the late 1950S and the early 1960s along
lines that later proved to be fruitful overseas. From our pres-
ent viewpoint, it would appear that the termination of these
projects was exremely short sighted.
High cost has been the main stumbling block for Detroit,
since the typical American engine for the past twenty years has
been a large VS. In Europe, the cost has been greatly reduced
by the predominance of four-cylinder engines and by produc-
tion in quantity. The various Bosch fuel injection systems, for
example, have components that have been designed to be in-
terchangeable from almost any car model to another.
A second impediment has been the allegation that mechan-
ical dependability of an injection system is inferior to that of
a multiple-carburetor installation. There is, however, very little
evidence to support this contention. The main problem may be
that most mechanics and corporation engineers are loath to be-
come acquainted with anything new. Carburetors are a com-
fortable old shoe; the fuel injection takes some getting used to.
Fuel injection systems are much easier to troubleshoot and
repair than are carburetors. This is because different functions
in fuel injection are likely to be handled by separate compo-
nents. Thus, temperature sensors, cold-start valves, injector noz-
zles, air regulators, pressure regulators, and similar devices can
be quickly tested individually and faulty units replaced with-
out disturbing other parts of the system.
By way of contrast, carburetors have all of their various
functions concentrated in a relatively small space, with count-
less minute drillings, air bleeds, and orifices-all controlled by
jets and valves that are impossible to test separately. Therefore,
carburetor troubleshooting usually means removing, disassem-
bling, cleaning, and rebuilding.
The rejetting complexities that are involved in tuning
carburetor mixtures are in many cases reduced to the mere turn-
ing of a screw on a fuel injection system. Also, because each
cylinder is supplied with fuel individually, there is less oppor-
tunity for a small particle of dirt to knock out the entire en-
gine. Now that fuel injection is being used on a great many
production cars (it is, for example, used on every Volkswagen
model sold in America) , it may not be long before people
begin to wonder why we ever bothered with carburetors. There
is, after all, nothing in the Bosch K Jetronic system of the VW
Rabbit that could not have been duplicated easily with the
technology that existed fifty years ago. The arguments still
occasionally made against fuel injection are the same that
would probably be heard against carburetors-if injection sys-
tems had preceded carburetors.
Many complicated features of early fuel injection systems
Fuel Injection Systems 271
were unnecessary and were less effective in producing perform-
ance than the simpler means in use today. For instance, injec-
tion directly into the engine cylinders was initially considered
an advantage because the fuel was fed straight to where it
would do its work. The most prominent sponsor of the method
for many years was Mercedes Benz, and the success of direct
cylinder injection on the DORe straight-eight Grand Prix
cars of 1954 and 1955 is well remembered. Direct cylinder in-
jection was also applied to the 300 SL and 300 SLR sports-
racing cars. A schematic view of the 300 SL layout is given ir.
Fig. 8-17.
1. Fuel tank 8. Feed pipe
2. Feed pump 9. Spark plug
3. Oil union 10. Injector
4. Diaphragm unit 11. Air intake
5. Injection pump 12. Venturi control unit
6. Nonreturn valve 13. Throttle pedal connection
7. Overflow valve 14. Engine
Fig. 8-I7. Layout of Bosch system for direct cylinder fuel injection.
Having both a spark plug and an injector nozzle to con-
tend with in each combustion chamber is not the easiest condi-
tion for a designer to live with. Furthermore, the fuel some-
times sprays onto the piston or the cylinder instead of remain-
ing a combustible vapor. By the time that Mercedes Benz
started to attract international notice with the 300 SL, the once
universally used Riley carburetor had already made an unla-
mented disappearance from the American oval-track scene. For
a number of years, American racing engines had been using a
continuous-flow port injection system that was developed by
Stuart Hilborn and that provided excellent vaporization of
the mixture. Hilborn, using his homemade system, powered
himself to hot-rod fame in the late 1940S by seeing off 150 mph
with a Ford flathead VB. The system was almost immediately
adapted to the ever-present dirt-track Offies.
Injecting the fuel into the intake air at a point just up-
stream from the intake valve is the only method being used
now in competition engines. Direct cylinder injection has re-
turned to that place from whence it came, the diesel. The next
question to settle is whether it is necessary to time the injec-
tion pulses to the opening of the intake valves.
Insofar as fuel vaporization is concerned, timing the in-
jection pulses offers no measurable advantage at high speeds.
The intervals of time between intake valve openings are so
brief that some test engines were found to run with undimin-
ished power and rpm when the pulses were timed to occur just
after the intake valve had closed. The main difference in the
timed systems and the continuous-flow systems used on produc-
tion cars today is that timed systems vary the amount of fuel
by changing the duration of the injection .pulse; the flow rate
remains consant for the most part. In a continuous-flow system,
the amount of fuel is controlled by changes in the flow rate
and pressure.
What was once considered a firm rule-that the injection
spray had to be directed into the intake port-has likewise proven
to be more theoretically than practically axiomatic. The Crower
injection system used on many drag-racing machines has nozzles
that direct the fuel spray straight across the injection tract-
against the opposite wall. At wide-open throttle, the flow is de-
Fuel Injection Systems 273
fleeted downward by the high-velocity airstream, which seems
to aid the vaporization of the mixture.
It should not be assumed that any crude system that will
dump fuel into the intake ports is equal to a sophisticated and
costly high-pressure, mechanically timed system. The point is
that one kind of injection system should not be automatically
considered superior to another tor all engines and tor all appli-
cations. The type of fuel injection that proves to be best for a
four-cylinder economy sedan, which must cope with both high-
way speeds and city driving, may not be the best type of injec-
tion system for a drag racing powerplant that is operated only
at wide-open throttle.
The best system for achieving power on the drag strip is
also not the best for oval track or road racing. It cannot even
be assumed that two different makes of engines in the same
racing class will both develop their best power with the same
kind of injection system. Furthermore, a complex timed system
may be necessary to obtain the best performance from a norm-
ally aspirated engine, whereas a simple, one-jet continuous-
flow setup might be best if the same engine is turbocharged.
Lucas Injection
Earlier we explained the principles involved in carburetor
operation by examining the simple Solex 28 PCI. The prin-
ciples involved in fuel injection can also be learned by exam-
ining a single system. Of course, the means of executing these
principles may be vastly different with different systems-for
example, the metering that is accomplished by shuttle valves
in the Lucas system is accomplished by an electronic computer
on the Bosch L J etronic system. Nevertheless, both systems
apply the principle of fuel metering-just as the SU constant
depression carburetor and the Weber fixed-venturi carburetor
both achieve variable fuel metering but by entirely different
The Lucas system is widely used in formula car racing
both in America and abroad. Fuel injection systems used on
passenger cars sold in the United States are designed mainly
for fuel economy and low exhaust emissions, but the Lucas
system is designed for performance. A number of British cars
that must be shipped to America with very mild carburetor
setups in order to meet the emission laws are sold in England
and Europe with the Lucas system. For example, the 1972
Triumph TR6 sold in the United States delivered only 111
bhp, but the same car was available in other countries with a Lu-
cas injected engine that produced 150 bhp.
The Lucas system also achieves most of the design features
for which high-performance fuel injection systems are noted:
elimination of venturis, which are necessary in a carburetor but
which restrict gasflow and reduce volumetric efficiency; mani-
folding that is designed to take full advantage of pressure-wave
effects and the air inertia or ram principle (Fig. 8-18); and
elimination of the float bowls that are generally needed on
carburetors, thus avoiding the erratic fuel levels that can occur
in a carburetor during hard cornering.
Fig. 8-I8. Cutaway view of Lucas injection installed on Triumph
inline "six".
Fuel Injection Systems 275
From a competition point of view, fuel injection also offers
the potential for eliminating the butterfly throttle valves, using
instead a slide-type throttle that leaves the throttle body bore
totally unrestricted at wide-open throttle. In addition, this kind
of fuel injection also permits quicker throttle response. The
better vaporization offered by fuel injection may also make
higher compression ratios practical for some engines, and, es-
pecially with timed systems, greater valve overlap periods may
become workable.
In the Lucas system (Fig. 8-19), a self-priming, electrically
driven fuel pump draws the fuel from the tank via a filter. The
pump output is for the most part directed to the metering and
distribution unit. But a pressure relief valve allows some sur-
plus to return to the fuel tank, thus maintaining uniform fuel
pressure. The fuel is routed to the individual injectors, in the
correct quantities and at the correct times, by the metering
and distribution unit.
1. Filter
2. Pump
3. Pressure relief valve
4. Lubricating fuel return
5. Metering and distribution
6. Vacuum control pipe
7. Injector pipes
8. Fuel tank
Fig. 8-I9. Schematic view of Lucas injection system.
The metering and distribution unit is engine driven and
is similar in principle to the more elaborate pump used with
direct cylinder injection, but it has a built-in manifold vacuum-
controlled compensation unit. This part of the metering and
distribution unit is known as the control unit. The part that
does the actual distribution and metering work is called the
metering unit (Fig. 8-20).
A. Metering unit
B. Control unit
Fig. 8-20. Two main components of metering and distribution unit.
The metering unit consists of an outer body with one in-
let and a number of outlets that is equal to the number of in-
jectors-usually one per cylinder. A sleeve is located and seated
inside the body so that it cannot revolve or move axially. Tak-
ing a six-cylinder engine as an example, this sleeve has six in-
let and six outlet ports arranged in spaced pairs 60
apart, inlet
ports and outlet ports alternating. A space between the body
and the sleeve forms a reservoir for pressurized fuel from the
pump. See Fig. 8-21.
The six outlet ports are coincident with the outlet ports
in the body, and sealed unions with integral nonreturn valves
connect the sleeve ports and the body ports to the injector de-
livery pipes: A rotor, which has two radial ports to a central
bore and is driven by the engine at one-half crankshaft speed,
Fuel Injection Systems 277
revolves within the sleeve. The central bore of this rotor con-
tains a shuttle with a fixed stop at one end and a variable stop
at the other end; variations are effected by the control unit.
l. Fixed stop 6. Rotor
2. Rotor drive 7. Sleeve
3. Outlet to No. 1 Injector 8. Body
4. Outlet to No. 2 injector 9. Fuel inlet from pump
5. Variable control stop 10. Shuttle
Fig. 8-2I. Cross section of Lucas metering unit.
When the engine is started and the rotor turns within the
sleeve, the rotor port at the variable stop end becomes coinci-
dent with the port in the sleeve leading to the fuel reservoir in
the body. Fuel at high pressure enters the rotor bore and drives
the shuttle to the fixed stop end of the rotor. This movement
of the shuttle displaces fuel in the rotor bore through the ports
in the rotor and the sleeve and out through the nonretum valve
in the union that serves the injector for No. 1 cylinder.
A further 120
of rotor rotation causes the rotor ports at
the fixed stop end to align with the sleeve port leading to the
pressurized fuel reservoir. Fuel now enters at the fixed stop end
of the rotor and drives the shuttle back toward the variable
stop end. The displaced fuel from the rotor bore ports passes
to No. 5 cylinder via the sleeve port and the union with its
nonreturn valve.
The shuttle continually moves between the two stops, dis-
placing an accurate amount of fuel to each cylinder in turn.
The quantity of fuel delivered at each injection is dependent
upon the distance the shuttle travels, and this is determined by
the control unit.
Inside the control unit (Fig. 8-22), a cam follower, with
a diaphragm seal set in an annular groove around its periphery,
projects through the end of the unit so that it contacts the
variable stop of the shuttle in the metering unit. The other
end of the cam follower bears against the outer two of three
rollers that are carried on the control links. The third roller,
which is smaller, runs against the fuel cam (datum track) .
1. Cam follower
2. Rollers
3. Control links
4. Fuel cam (datum track)
5. Calibration springs
6. Calibration screws
7. Fuel cam carrier
8. Full load setting screw
9. Point X
10. Excess fuel lever
11. Balance spring
12. Depression chamber
13. To manifold
14. To atmosphere
Fig. 8-22. Components inside control unit.
Fuel Injection Systems 279
The control links are pivoted at the top, where they are
attached to the center of a spring-loaded diaphragm. The lower
ends of the control links are free. Two springs are positioned
between the diaphragm and the three concentric calibration
screws. These springs are in the depression chamber, which is
connected by a pipe to the intake manifold.
The fuel cam (datum track) is secured by two screws to a
carrier that is in contact with an external adjustment, the full-
load setting screw. The fuel cam carrier is pivoted at point X,
and the pivot extends through the rear face of the unit. The
excess fuel lever is pivoted at the rear face of the control unit
and has a cam face at the lower end, which contacts the fuel
cam carrier pivot.
The engine's fuel demands, which are proportional to
throttle openings and load, are reflected in changes in intake
manifold vacuum. Each change is sensed by the spring-loaded
diaphragm, which takes up a position balancing the loading
for the springs against the vacuum in the depression chamber.
The central links are thus raised or lowered along the cam
track, allowing the cam follower to move in or out, thus alter-
ing the position of the variable stop for the metering unit
To prevent the full hydraulic force of the variable stop
from impinging on the control linkage, a balancing spring is
installed on the cam follower, which results in only light pres-
sure between the follower and the rollers. Movement of the
excess fuel lever for cold starting is effected by pulling the choke
control knob on the dashboard. This alters the position of the
excess fuel lever, and the fuel cam carrier is drawn away from
the cam follower, thus causing the shuttle to travel farther.
When the control knob is pushed back, the carrier is returned
to the normal operating position by the action of a tension
Adjustments to the mixture are made by altering the posi-
tions of the calibration screws and the full load setting screw.
Also, it is possible to install fuel cams (datum tracks) that have
different profiles. However, these alterations require experience
and can be made correctly only with the engine on a dyna-
mometer and with an accurate exhaust gas analyzer attached
to the engine.
Although the construction of other kinds of fuel injection
systems is vastly different from that of the Lucas system, we
might make one comparison to show how various approaches
can be made using similar principles. With the Bosch K Jet-
ronic system (Fig. 8-23), used on the VW Scirocco for example,
the flow of fuel is continuous to the injectors instead of timed,
but there is a plunger that performs somewhat the function of
the Lucas shuttle. The movement of this plunger is controlled
by an airflow sensor-a gasflow meter that measures the quan-
tity of air being drawn into the engine-instead of by a mani-
fold vacuum. Comparisons between the Lucas system and var-
ious other mechanical fuel injection systems will reveal other
equally interesting and entertaining parallels.
Fig. 8-23. Schematic view of Bosch K Jetronic fuel injection system.
High-speed Engine Application
For a six-cylinder, high-speed sports-racing engine, an in-
jection period of some 240 crankshaft degrees is required. To
Fuel Injection Systems 281
obtain this, dual rotors can be driven at one-quarter crankshaft
speed and two deliveries obtained by having two ports in the
rotor to serve each of the shuttle spaces. A section view of this
type of metering and distribution unit is given in Fig. 8-24.
The driveshaft, turning at half engine speed, is geared 2:1 to
the dual rotors.
The kind of injector used with the Lucas system is shown
in Fig. 8-25, and its position on the engine is clearly indicated
in Fig. 8-26. Fig. 8-26 also shows the clean throughway that can
be obtained by employing a slide-type throttle in conjunction
with six separate intakes. This layout gives great scope for
ramming the charge since it is simple to change the length of
the intake trumpets to suit the characteristics of a 'racing circuit
vis-a-vis the rpm where maximum torque is needed.
Fig. 8-24. Lucas shuttle-metering unit with control mechanism for
six-cylinder engine. This unit employs dual rotors.
Fig. 8-25. Lucas injector for fitting in intake air manifold.
A. Vacuum tapping
B. Injector nozzle
C. Induction tract
D. Vacuum tapping to
mixture control
E. Air intake holes in slide
F. Throttle slide shown in
fully closed position
G. Rack and pinion
H. Connected to pedal
Fig. 8-26. Layout of Lucas system on Le Mans Jaguar engine.
Fuel Injection Systems 283
The principle of using intake trumpets of various lengths
for tuning purposes can have a great influence on cylinder
charging, as shown in Fig. 8-27. This ram tuning system is
widely applied not only to road racing engines, which en-
counter more course variations from one race to the next, but
also to oval track cars and drag racing machines. However, in
drag racing and oval track racing, the tuned length of the ram
pipes tends to be selected more or less permanently, rather
than being changed to suit the course as is the case with road
racing formula cars.
' C' ;>..
... 0:
~ ~
. ~
e I--
o l-
. t-
f II
I-- bI)
- ~
I J ~
\ \
1/ I.-
~ N
, ;)
~ ~
Fig. 8-27. Variation of volumetric efficiency magnitude and posi-
tion, with different lengths of air intake Oaguar engine).
9 / The Cylinder Head
General Condition
Because of the number of books and service manuals avail-
able that treat in detail the precision examination of engine
components, we will not go into much detail on straightforward
items. We assume that the owner or builder of a competition
engine who is considering the various implications of looking
for more power will be conversant with the normal methods
of checking for wear of the cylinder head and fitness for the job.
It will be obvious that any examination of an engine compo-
nent intended for use in competition must be ruthless, particu-
larly if the part has had a good deal of service.
Admittedly, it is not very helpful to suggest that compo-
nents showing undue signs of wear should be replaced, since
what might be allowable in ordinary highway driving might
spell trouble at high speed and load. The aim should always
be to have all the clearances and dimensions correct. Valve seats
are, of course, the main point. In production car cylinder heads
with integral valve seats, there must be enough metal left for
a flawless competition valve grind without recessing the valves
into the head, which is the equivalent of reducing their lift, or
running the periphery of the intake valve seat into that of the
The cylinder head casting must be faultless. Cracks, casting
flaws, valve seats with hairline fissures, and localized heat dis-
tortion are very frequently overlooked because the cylinder
head was not thoroughly clean when it was inspected. Many of
these flaws will never cause trouble on the race track because
they will be discovered during later stages of cylinder head
preparation. Thus, the main problem is the wasted time, effort,
and money that has been put into the faulty head before the
defect is uncovered.
Before any work begins, the cylinder head should be
cleaned in a hot tank and then bead-blasted. The hot tank
boil-out, done in a corrosive solution, will remove scale from
the water passages and oil sludge from the oil passages, valve
spring gallery, and so on. Bead-blasting is a process by which
tiny glass beads are blown against the metal with great force
by compressed air. The glass beads remove rust, stains, cor-
rosion, and remaining hard deposits. Because the beads are
smooth, they will not cause the abrasive action that sandblast-
ing does.
The cylinder head should be checked for warping before
it is cleaned. Go over the head gasket surface with a piece of
fine emery cloth wrapped around an absolutely flat and rigid
piece of steel (Fig. 9-1). Brightened areas or depressed areas
surrounded by bright areas indicate irregularities in the gasket
surface that may be too small to detect with a normal straight-
edge check for warping. On a competition engine, the gasket
seal must be perfect, and the head should be milled or ground
to an absolutely true surface by a competent machinist if any
irregularities are discovered. (In many racing classes, milling
is always a part of cylinder head preparation.)
Improving Volumetric Efficiency
The highest possible breathing efficiency must be aimed at.
We have seen how the designer tackles this job. In its passage
through the factory, however, the product may become subject
to minor imperfections in machining and so on, which must
be corrected. This, of course, is blueprinting; in some c l s s e ~
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 289
Fig. 9I. Gasket surface being lightly polished with emery cloth.
it may be all that is permitted, but it is also an essential pre-
liminary to any subsequent supertuning operations. The cyl-
inder head and the valve gear will provide a useful start to
these operations.
It is practically certain that an engine of the OHV type
will be dealt with since flatheads have almost totally dis-
appeared. Thus, the valves will be arranged either in a straight
row in the head itself or in two inclined rows at an angle to
each other. Most of the modifications apply with equal force
to either layout.
In the design of the intake tract, there are three factors to
consider: valve size, port and manifold shape, and carburetor or
injection system throttle bore size. These three factors are
closely interrelated, and any modifications must be designed
with regard to the effect on the whole combination. For ex-
ample, the installation of a larger-bore carburetor without any
other modifications would have no advantage (unless the orig-
inal carburetor was far too small); in fact, the performance
would probably be impaired because of the reduced gasflow
velocity. Increasing the valve and port diameters, of benefit at
very high speeds, would likely affect the low-speed torque. How-
ever, larger carburetors plus an increase in valve and intake tract
size will undoubtedly provide an appreciable horsepower in-
crease through about the top one-third of the power curve; this
is therefore a modification of interest to those concerned with
production-car racing.
Intake Valves
For those who desire a performance rather better than
standard for normal road use, an inexpensive modification can
be made to the existing valves that does not impair the low-
speed pulling power and gives a little more pep at high rpm.
The existing valve seats will probably be found to have a con-
tact surface with the valve facing that is about 3/32 in. wide.
However, a perfectly adequate seal can be obtained with a
seat having a width as narrow as 1/16 in.-or even less. The
object aimed at is best explained by the diagrams given in Fig.
. ~ x ~ ~
~ . ---. - ---------- -
- . . ~ :::::::::-
- f- A--
Fig. 9-2. Modification to intake valve. Port diameter increased
from X to Y. Valve head diameter reduced from A to B.
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 291
The top part of Fig. 9-2 shows the valve and seat as stand-
ard; the dotted lines indicate the proposed narrow seat. The
lower part of the illustration shows how the outside diameter
of the valve head can be reduced from A to B, while at the
same time the port size is increased from X to Y. The increased
diameter of the port and the reduction in valve diameter will
give slightly easier gasflow at higher engine rpm.
The work involved is not difficult to carry out, but it must
be carefully done. The reduction in valve diameter can be ac-
complished by mounting the valve in a drill chuck or, better
still, a lathe or a valve grinding machine (Fig. 9-3). The sur-
plus metal can be removed with a file or grinder, finishing it
off with fine emery cloth. The outer diameter should be nicely
radiused, but the valve should not be reduced in thickness
since the radius is used to merge the narrowed seat into the
valve body.
Fig. 93. Reducing valve diameter or grinding additional inner
bevel. This work can be done with greatest precision on a valve
grinding machine, as shown.
A cutter is the ideal method to enlarge the port. If this
cannot be managed, files and scrapers provide a satisfactory
substitute; professional tuners use a high-speed power-driven
rotary file (shown in Fig. 9-4) . Care is necessary to ensure that
there is plenty of room past the valve around its circumference
when it is in the open position. There should be at least 3 mm
between the valve edge and the nearest combustion chamber
wall. It will be obvious that engines that have had the valve
diameters increased by the manufacturers in the course of de-
velopment will little benefit from this kind of work.
. .
. .
. .
. .
Fig. 9-4. Ports being enlarged with rotary file and high-speed
porting tool.
The protruding valve guides form what might be called a
major obstruction, and some tuners make a habit of cutting
the guide flush (Fig. 9-5) with the inside of the port-especially
in drag racing, where a few seconds of terrific power are worth
far more than long component life. If the removal of the pro-
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 293
jecting guide leaves a reasonable length in situ, there is prob-
ably no harm done, though the work is best restricted to the
intake valve guides only. At least equal, and usually better, re-
sults will be obtained if the protruding part of the guide in
the port is streamlined in the direction of gasflow so as to pre-
sent a knife-edge on the approach and exit sides. At its nar-
rowest part (at right-angles to the gas stream) the guide thick-
ness should leave about 1/16 in. of metal between the bore of
the guide and its outside wall. The obstruction to gasflow pre-
sented by a streamlined guide of this type is much less than
that of the cylindrical valve stem.
Fig. 9-5. Fully-ground-off valve guide in VW head modified for
drag racing. In aluminum heads, this should always be done
during porting, and a new guide installed later. Having guide
installed prevents tool from cutting a pocket around valve guide
The Intake Tract
The intake ports and the intake manifold should have a
smooth internal finish. A high polish is not necessary, but it
does set the seal of craftsmanship on the job. The port shape
should not be altered unless the valve openings have been en-
larged; in the latter case, the endeavor should be to obtain a
consistent bore size right through from the valve seat to the
manifold flange.
Cleaning up the ports and the manifold in this manner is
a tedious job. The work is easier if small rotary files and pol-
ishers are used in conjunction with a high-speed portable motor
similar to the one shown in Fig. 9-4. Care must be taken in
using this equipment not to remove too much metal from the
wrong places.
The intake manifold flanges form a frequent source of
obstruction to smooth gasflow because it is comparatively rare
for these either to meet perfectly or to be of identical size of
mating aperture (Fig. 9-6) . Any error can be seen by clamping
a sheet of white paper between the flanges and torquing the
bolts (when the flanges should be smeared lightly with graphite) .
When the paper is removed, the dimensional differences be-
tween the flanges are reproduced on either side of the paper;
correction is carried out by filing or by using the mechanical
equipment mentioned above. The same procedure can be car-
ried out on the flanges between the manifold and the carbu-
retors. Another method is to use the gaskets as guides (described
later in a discussion of exhaust valves and ports).
Fig. 9.6. Misalignment of manifold flange/port in head. This
must always be corrected.
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 295
Some engine manufacturers meet this point by making the
outlet ports from the manifold slightly smaller than the intake
ports into the head so that any step will be in the nonobstruc-
tive direction (the same principle being followed in reverse for
the exhaust manifold). This certainly meets all requirements
except one, which assumes greater importance as engine and
gas velocities begin to rise: the obstruction caused to high-speed
pressure waves in the gas column, which will be affected by
any step in whichever direction it faces. Perhaps the best pro-
duction-line technique is the one on the Ford Cortina GT en-
gines used in Formula Ford racing. On these engines there is
a steel ring pressed into each intake port to align it with the
manifold. Any correction of flaws involves matching the intake
port or the manifold outlets to the inside diameter of the rings.
Oversize Valves
This attention to standard fittings will result in consider-
able improvement to the induction side and will show through-
out the power range. However, it may be desired to increase
peak performance, even at the expense of less power. For this
purpose, larger-size intake valves can be usefully employed.
Bear in mind, though, that this is a fairly far-reaching modifi-
cation, and the characteristics of the power flow in normal road
usage may not be so pleasant as on the unmodified engine.
Some makers market oversize valves since there is sufficient
metal in the head casting to allow these to be fitted into suit-
able enlarged ports. Instructions for fitting are provided. Be-
cause of the large amount of metal to be removed, the only
practical way of doing the job is by means of a reamer of cor-
rect size, using the valve guide as a pilot hole.
When modifying an engine in this manner, the amount of
metal between the valve seats is usually the factor controlling
the size. The main point is not to be too ambitious; a milli-
meter or two on valve diameter means quite a lot in terms of
opening area. Also, the exhaust valve can usually quite well be
left alone and the enlargement confined to the intake with lit-
tle disadvantage.
When the engine makers are unwilling or unable to sup-
ply oversize valves, these can be obtained from specialist manu-
facturers; in some cases valves from a larger engine can be
adapted. The starting point for your search should be the spe-
cification catalog of TRW, Eaton, Teves, or some other major
valve manufacturer. Ensure that the material is adequate for
the job and be careful in choosing the shape. The tulip shape
shown in Fig. 9-7 is effective in directing the gasflow but is
not necessarily better than a flat shape when gas velocity is
very high. Attention to the ports required for larger valves
does not differ materially from the operations already described
when modifying standard valves.
Fig. 9'7. Tulip-shaped intake valve (left) and flat-type (right).
Fig. 9-8. High-speed rotary file being used to enlarge combustion
chamber wall adjacent to valves.
There is less point in making the valve of larger diameter
if there is still an obstruction caused by the proximity of the
combustion chamber wall when the valve is fully open. When
removing metal to correct this (Fig. 9-8), remember also that
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 297
the compression ratio will be lowered. Where subsequent modi-
fication to the compression ratio is to be made, therefore, the
actual head volume must be obtained by measurement after
all work on the latter is complete. (This work is described in
chapter 12.)
Exhaust Valves and Ports
The problems associated with the exhaust valves and ports
are quite different from those applicable to the intake side. The
residue of the heat produced has to be ejected via the exhaust
valves and ports, and for this reason care must be taken in re-
moving metal. There is plenty of pressure available to clear the
exhaust, and the time factor is adequate. As a consequence, ob-
structions in the port that would be a grave disadvantage in
the intake tract are less important as far as the exhaust is con-
cerned. Really large increases in exhaust valve and port di-
ameters are necessary mainly in highly supercharged engines.
The exhaust valves have to stand a lot of heat, the bulk
of which is dissipated from the valve itself by conduction
through its contact with the valve guide and the valve seat.
The guide should therefore not be shortened, except perhaps
in "expendable" drag engines, and the seating must remain of
ample width. If there is plenty of metal in the guide, it can be
streamlined in the direction of gasflow in the same way as
was described for intake guides, but the wall thickness should
be left on the generous side. The top edge of the valve can be
radiused off in the same manner as for the intake valve, re-
moving only the minimum amount of metal.
Generally an exhaust valve with a slightly convex head is
preferable to a flat one, even though it may be a shade heavier.
In view of the heat, it is policy to play safe, particularly when
high compression ratios or supercharging is contemplated. For
very high outputs, valves of very special alloy steel are obtain-
able, and both the exhaust and the intake valves may have
convex heads (Fig. g-g). Sodium-filled or similar types with
augmented cooling are available for some applications, but
they are an unnecessary luxury in most cases where drag rac-
ing or sports car engines are concerned. Drag racing engines
are run for brief periods while sports car engines are prepared
for flexibility and durability in long events at varying speeds.
Sodium-filled valves generally have larger-diameter stems and
must therefore have large-bore guides fitted to accommodate
Fig. 9-9. Highstrength valve heads. These extra-large valves have
a combination of concave and convex contours that help to pre-
vent warping, a problem that increases in seriousness with in-
creased valve diameter.
There is no benefit in modifying standard exhaust valves
in the manner described for the intakes, but it is sometimes
possible to fit larger ones. If larger exhaust valves are installed,
the ports should be merged into the larger diameter seats; if
there is a sufficient thickness of metal available, the ports can
be enlarged right through to the outlet flanges.
Exhaust Port Matching
Many times, backyard tuners bolt on a set of exhaust head-
ers with no thought of whether the openings in the header
flange match the exhaust ports of the cylinder head. This error
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 299
can destroy most of the benefit that the headers might have
provided in terms of better output. Even if the racing class
rules forbid headers, the openings in the head and the mani-
fold should be carefully matched (if this is not in violation of
the rules) .
Perhaps the best procedure is to fit the gasket (s) to the
manifold or header flange, using bolts and nuts to keep them
in place. With a cast manifold, the next step is to remove metal
until the openings in the manifold exactly match those of the
gasket; the gasket material should also be removed if it overlaps
an opening. With headers, there is usually need to remove only
a little metal here and there from the flange in order to match
them to the gasket because quality speed equipment is made
with considerably more precision than production components.
The gasket is then fitted to the exhaust port face of the
cylinder head. If headers are being installed, the gasket open-
ings are likely to be considerably larger than the exhaust out-
lets in the head; if a stock manifold is being used, the condi-
tion you will encounter is unpredictable. The gasket openings
are carefully marked on the head's port face with Prussian blue
or a waterproof felt-tipped marker. Then the ports are beveled
to match the marks (Fig. 9-10) . It is frequently necessary to
match square ports of production cylinder heads to the round
pipes used in exhaust headers.
Fig. 9-IO. Ports of High-Perf big block Chevy head being beveled
to line marked using gasket for headers as guide. Square ports
must be matched to round primary pipes.
Once the shape of the port has been beveled to match the
gasket openings (this may be all that the rules permit in some
cases), the exhaust ports can then be enlarged further into the
head. If larger exhaust valves have been installed, the ports
will be opened up uniformly all the way back to the valve seat.
Fig. 9-11 shows the beveled ports being enlarged in this man-
Fig. 9-II. Head shown in Fig. 9 - 10 having ports reshaped to round
section alI the way back to valve area.
Combustion Chamber Polishing
Polishing of the combustion chambers to a smooth finish
assists turbulence and delays the formation of carbon; when
applied to ports, polishing reduces the mixture flow friction. In
the case of the combustion chambers, it is by no means unusual
for the volumes to differ in relation to each other-another
source of v;J.rying combustion pressure. The volume:! is again
affected by variations in piston height at tdc because of manu-
facturing tolerances in crankshaft stroke, connecting rod cen-
ters, bearing dimensions, and so on.
Cylinder-to-cylinder combustion chamber volume differ-
ences are generally insignificant concerning variations on per-
formance, though uniformity does seem to help an engine to
Improving Volumetric Efficiency 301
rev freely to higher . rpm. The main factor involved is com-
pression ratio. After polishing the combustion chambers-and
possibly enlarging them also-mill the head or select pistons
that will produce the compression ratio that has been decided
upon. In the case of stock classes, some modification to the
combustion chamber may be permitted so long as the com-
pression ratio is not increased. In others no machining is per-
mitted though compression ratios can be juggled somewhat by
variations in valve seating depth. (These will be discussed in
more detail in chapter 12.)
It is important to obtain uniform combustion chamber vol-
umes during polishing. (Its importance will become apparent
later when we direct our attention to compression ratios.) The
usual way of checking the volumes between sessions with the
polishing tool is to mount the cylinder head upside down on
the workbench so that the head gasket surface is level. The
valves must be in position, complete with springs, and the
spark plug holes sealed by old spark plugs that have been
solidly filled with solder or epoxy cement. These plugs must
be identical and should completely fill the spark plug holes so
that there will be no capacity contained in them.
A mixture of kerosene, with a little ATF in it to give
color, is run into each combustion chamber, either from a glass
graduate or from a burette; the latter is preferable because of
its greater accuracy. The volume of liquid run in is read off
from the appropriate scale as the combustion chamber becomes
completely filled flush with its machined gasket face. Most tun-
ers seal the combustion chamber with a piece of Plexiglas
stuck to the gasket face with vaseline and having a small hole
for the fluid to be introduced. If this is not used. it is advisable
to check the result once or twice. With all the volumes estab-
lished, the next operation is to equalize them, using the largest
one as the target.
Reworking is done by removal of metal. Because reshaping
of the combustion chambers will already have been done, a fine
tool should be used to leave a very high polish (Fig. 9-12) . The
entire job is quite a long trial-and-error process. Capacity checks
using the kerosene / A TF mixture and burette must be alter-
nated with polishing sessions with the power tool. Caution is
important; if too much metal is removed from one combustion
chamber, all the others must be modified to suit. Impossible
standards of accuracy should not, however, be attempted;
-+-0.02 cm 3 is the professional tuner's tolerance range.
Fig. 9I2. Polished combustion chambers in modified Chevy small
block head. Second chamber is being touched up in order to in
crease its volume slightly, thus matching it to the others in the
Though some combustion chamber profiles are quite
smooth and should remain so during reshaping and polishing,
others are irregular. Thus, it may not be difficult to decide
where to take off the surplus metal. For example, in one popu-
lar sports car head design, there is a definite tongue of metal
between the valve ports; this may project unequally and can be
ground back to compensate (as indicated in Fig. 9-13). This
work should not be done to excess because the projection is in-
strumental in preventing heat transfer between the incoming
and outgoing gases. If irregularities in outline are not appar-
ent, the rule is to remove the minimum thickness of metal
from the maximum area of surface. With volumes uniform, a
final polish should be applied with fine emery cloth.
Valves, Springs, and Retainers 303
Fig. 9-I]. MG cylinder heads. Top head shows shape of stock
combustion chambers. Bottom hean has had metal removed from
vicinity of valve edges for easier gasflow.
Valves, Springs, and Retainers
Modified standard valve guides will meet most require-
ments. A very small frictional loss will be saved by using phos-
phor bronze intake valve guides, but this metal is unsuitable
for exhaust valve guides in most engines. An alloy such as Bar-
ronia metal will serve for both. With this kind of guide, ample
lubrication is required, but the standard system should pro-
vide this without modification, unless it incorporates tight-fitting
valve stem seals (often the case) . Guides can be selected from a
manufacturer's catalog.
Coil springs are normally standard on engines of the kind
being considered and are perfectly satisfactory for rpm in the
range to be expected. Enormous spring pressures may feel im-
pressive but are quite unnecessary and waste power; they also
put undesirable loads on the valve gear. Multiple springs are
generally used on competition engines because they keep down
the cross-section of the spring wire, thus preventing coil-to-coil
interference. The spring pressure chosen should be only that
necessary to prevent valve float at the maximum rpm to be
used. At some point, there must be a limit to the maximum
rpm, and it is preferable for valve float to set this limit rather
than a broken crankshaft.
The specialist valve spring makers will always advise on
spring strength, and it is a good idea to study some of their
catalogs (such as the Crane Cams Winner's Handbook or the
various books by Ed Iskenderian that are commonly available
at speed shops) . It is not easy to give any firm rule concerning
spring strength. The best method is to start with standard
springs unless the camshaft manufacturer makes a specific rec-
ommendation for springs and valve gear. If standard springs
prove inadequate, select springs with slightly greater tension in-
stead of making a radical jump to much stronger springs and
perhaps a resulting needless loss of power. At maximum rpm,
the inertia of the valve gear amounts to a considerable load,
which is influenced by such items as valve lift and cam con-
tour. Thus, only after experimentation will you be able to
ascertain correct spring strength.
Dual or triple springs will probably be standardized. If
these are a push fit within each other, some damping will be
provided, which prevents coil surging at high rpm. This surg-
ing, which is a sympathetic vibration of the coils running up
and down the length of the spring, can lead to fracture if it
reaches excessive proportions.
Anything that you can do to lighten the load on the springs
and the valve operating mechanism is advantageous, since
it not only reduces inertia loss and stresses but increases relia-
bility. Thus, weight reduction of reciprocating parts should be
given careful attention. The valve spring retainers will prob-
ably have a diameter fully equal to the outside diameter of
the outer spring coil. It is quite feasible to turn down the outer
diameter of the retainer until it is equal to a little over the
diameter of the sparing coil measured at its mean diameter. See
Fig. 9-14.
Valves, Springs, and Retainers 30
Fig. 9-I4. Weight of valve spring retainer may be reduced by
turning down its outside diameter as shown.
Some valves are equipped with a shroud designed to prevent
excessive oil from reaching the valve guide; this shroud is lo-
cated beneath the retainer inside the spring coils_ With valves
and guides in really good order, it is sometimes possible to re-
move these without excessive oil consumption or plug fouling
resulting. In most cases about half the shroud can be cut off
without impairing its designed function, thus giving a further
saving in reciprocating weight. See Fig. 9-15.
Fig. 9-I5. Certain types of oil shroud on valve stems can be
lightened without fear of over-oiling, assuming clearance in guides
is correct.
When a change has been made in valve springs, it is im-
portant to check that the coils are not closed right up at maxi-
mum lift of the cam; such a contingency would throw an im-
possible strain on the valve gear. There must also be adequate
clearance (at least 118 in.) between the top of the valve guide
and the spring retainer. If necessary, the top of the guide must
be ground to provide this amount. Otherwise contact may take
place should momentary overrevving occur from any cause, and
this could be serious if it led to valve stem breakage.
When the valves are assembled in the head, they should
be lapped in, even when new, finishing off with metal polish.
Valves and seats refaced in routine manner may not be ade-
quate, because a mere retention of compression pressure is in-
sufficient. If you do not do the work yourself, valve grinding
should be entrusted only to a skilled speed tuner Imachinist,
never to an ordinary repair shop. Valve stems should be pol-
ished between head and guide, rubbing along the stem and
not around it with extrafine emery cloth to erase any turning
ridges. Split keepers can be checked for correct fitting by a light
tap or two on the retainer itself after they are assembled, along
with the springs and retainers.
Exhaust Pipe Layout
A glance at the exhaust systems of some cars competing in
speed events shows that, in comparison with their counterparts
in the motorcycle world, comparatively little attention has been
given to exhaust pipe design, an important adjunct to the scav-
enging system.
It is true that freedom of exit for the gases is a desirable
feature, but apart from this, the utilization of the exhaust sys-
tem to greatest advantage in reducing to the minimum the
amount of residual gases left in the combustion chambers and
helping to induce the fresh charge calls for a lot of design work
on this part of the engine. In general, there is some latitude in
the design of a "good" pipe; the diameter, for example, is not
highly critical within reasonable limits. On the other hand, it
is easy to stray into the "bad" pipe category by committing the
common fault of making the pipe unduly large in diameter.
An outsize pipe is quite likely to have inferior power output
Exhaust Pipe Layout 307
compared to that of a well-designed standard pipe and muffler
With a given camshaft, variations in pipe length and di-
ameter will result in more power over a certain range of engine
rpm but no more, and possibly less, power outside that range.
The point to decide, therefore, is where the useful rpm range
lies and to concentrate on designing a pipe that will give the
greatest power increase within this range. If the engine is of a
type that with modifications peaks at, say, 6000 rpm, it is prob-
able that below 3500 rpm there is only moderate power avail-
able and that in driving, the rpm would be kept within the
3500 to 6000 range. These figures are just an example, but
there is no difficulty in arriving at those for any particular en-
Exhaust Design
An entire book is available from the present publisher on
this subject-The Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Sys-
tems. Therefore, this section will only make recommendations.
As far as straight-through, unmuffled racing systems are
concerned, the possible alternatives are to use a completely
separate pipe for each cylinder (an "independent" system) or a
subdivided system working on the "interference" principle. In
this, cylinders firing at equal time intervals have their pipes
merged so that the idling branches act as fluid buffer columns
to augment and extend the low-pressure period in the working
In the case of the independent system, the length of the
individual port pipes can be arrived at from the following
- 1400 d
Where P = pipe length in feet
A = exhaust valve opening in degrees of crankshaft
S = engine stroke in inches
D = engine bore in inches
d = exhaust valve port diameter in inches.
The pipe diameter internally is based on the dimensions of the
valve throughway.
This formula will do no more than ensure that the pipe
is of adequate length to give a good pressure-wave action, par-
ticularly at higher speeds. There is no formula that enables a
system to be designed completely on paper; experiment is essen-
tial for the final result.
The use of megaphone ends on the single pipes can be
beneficial in prolonging the low pressure in the pipe, and it
may be feasible to combine a megaphone effect in one com-
ponent, as shown in Fig. 9-16; an independent system with
megaphones is shown in Fig. 9-17.
Systems designed for interference working are shown for
four- and six-cylinder engines in Fig. 9-18. Variation of the
Fig. 9-I6. Arrangement of equal length exhaust pipes and com-
bination megaphone/diffuser.
Exhaust Pipe Layout 309
Fig. 9-I7. Megaphone pipes for VW engine used in off-road racing.
I 1
~ P R T S
__ lIT JUNCTION -la'
Fig. 9-I8. Arrangement of subdivided exhaust systems with di-
mensions giving good average performance on most engines.
length to the junctions will alter the position of maximum
torque in relation to the rpm, but the dimensions shown have
given good results from about half maximum rpm upward.
When a muffler is required, this should be of a straight-
through absorption type (glass-packed types are popular), pre-
ceded in the case of independent pipes by an exhaust box into
which the pipes are led. The box, or collector, can be built
into the muffler.
A large-diameter main pipe (whether used with a muffler
or not) may look impressive, but apart from unnecessary weight,
may actually be disadvantageous because an undue increase in
diameter soon after the port will slow down the initial discharge.
On the other hand, an increase in diameter later on in the pipe
has been beneficial in some cases because it prevents a pressure
buildup without affecting the energy of discharge.
The length should be as short as will allow the gases to be
clear of the cockpit but not carried to the extreme rear. Exten-
sion pieces can then be added for experiment until the best
length is arrived at. This length can also be obtained through
dynamometer testing.
There was a fashion not very long ago in racing for the
use of short stubs barely emerging from the engine cover. Fit-
tings such as this certainly save weight and remove all anxiety
about the exhaust system's becoming detached from the car,
both desirable points. Short stubs are also useful in enabling
individual carburetors to be tuned by observation of the indi-
vidual exhaust flames. However, it is difficult to imagine any use-
ful pressure wave being set up in such short takeoffs, though in
fact it could be claimed that stub-fitted engines have performed
well from time to time.
The final result is obtained only by trial and error, al-
though there is plenty of scope for intelligent designing in the
early stages. The easiest way of laying out a pipe is to make
one to fit the car. On the other hand, if we are to accept that
there is something in this pipe energy business and thereby
choose a certain length of exhaust branch from the cylinder
port, it is obvious that this length should be as nearly the same
as possible for all ports. Reconciliation of this fact with a work-
The Induction System 311
able design may be difficult on an inline engine, but it is by
no means impossible in most cases.
The Induction System
The effect of an excessively lengthy pipe between the car-
buretor venturi and the atmosphere is unpredictable. Certainly
the air column contained in the pipe will assist in damping
blowback, but the effect on the action of the carburetor itself
has to be taken into account. We do not want excessively fluctu-
ating pressure across the choke. Too great an air intake length
will restrict the airflow unless the intake design is well done.
On the other hand, the air should be as cool as possible with-
out affecting carburetion.
In conjunction with a suitable exhaust system, it is possible
to obtain a further torque increase at certain engine speeds by
using a specific length of air intake to augment the pressure
waves in the air column, but this effect is significant only on
highly tuned racing engines.
The idea that an ordinary sort of engine can be made to
push its air into its own intake has gained credence in many
quarters. There is, of course, reason for this idea. The ramjet
aircraft engine obtains its pressure air supply by virtue of hav-
ing its air intake pushed at very high speed through the at-
mosphere so that there is a perfectly good mechanical reason
for the occurrence. To obtain a similar effect on a wheeled
vehicle would necessitate a forward-facing air intake; to build
up any appreciable pressure, the intake mouth would have
to be quite large, with a consequent increase in air resistance
to the passage of the vehicle. Further, it will be evident that
the low speed of the vehicle (in comparison with that of a ram-
jet aircraft) and the problem of variations in wind direction
relative to the direction of travel may affect the performance
The success of systems that seemingly make use of this
kind of pressurization often comes from the cool air obtained,
not from its pressure. More important than pressurized air is
tranquil air. Thus, in cases where some pressurization gain is
found, it is usually where the ducted air is led into a plenum
chamber (Fig. 9-19) rather than directly into the carburetor or
fuel injection intakes. The high-mounted scoops seen above
present-day Formula One cars are intended to obtain air from
above the turbulence created by the cars themselves, thus help-
ing to maintain a calm at the air intakes.
Fig. 9-I9. Carburetor air collecting chamber with forward intake,
fitted to an Austin-Healey Sprite.
Manifold Pressure
The matching up of the mixture intake to operate in sym-
pathy with the exhaust pulsations is a line that can be followed
with a prospect of good results. What we have to do is to ob-
tain an increased positive pressure wave in the intake pipe (in
which there is the same form of pulsating pressure as in the
exhaust) at the time when the inlet valve is open. This is
The Induction System 313
particularly valuable when the cylinder is being "supercharged"
by exhaust pipe backflow. It is, of course, the critical period;
a combination of this supercharge plus the piston rising on the
compression stroke will eventually reverse the flow of fresh mix-
ture in tile intake pipe. The longer this reversal can be de-
layed, the more mixture will get into the cylinder.
We then have to consider occurrences when the intake
valve shuts rapidly in the face of a high-speed column of in-
take gas. Obviously, if a negative pulsation in the pipe can be ar-
ranged at just this moment, the shock will be lessened. Further,
the amount of gas in the pipe will naturally influence the effect
of the bounce. In fact, it might be hoped that, using a suffi-
ciently long pipe, the column might pile up and compress it-
self against the closed valve because of its own momentum,
ready for leaping into the cylinder as soon as the valve opens
again. This is an oversimplification of the problem. It is just
as likely that an adverse wave motion will induct the column
in the reverse direction-that is, out of the' air intake. In all
engines there is a fairly long length of port, or duct, between
the valve face and the outside of the cylinder head; this is me-
chanically unavoidable. The port has to be carefully shaped to
reconcile the valve opening with these bends that are inevitable
in the port and with the final shape of the carburetor port on
the outside of the casting-all to give the necessary gas velocity
and degree of turbulence.
Add to this the carburetor throttle body and mounting
flange, and it will be seen that even with a conventional assem-
bly, there is an appreciable length of intake ducting between
the intake valve and the carburetor venturi; the minimum pos-
sible is dictated by straightforward mechanical requirements of
the design. Fuel injection systems offer considerably greater de-
sign flexibility, especially when slide throttles are used. Also,
of course, there is no venturi with an injection system.
10 / The Valve Gear
Valve Train Modifications
Modifications to the valve gear are aimed at reducing fric-
tional and inertia losses and thus improving the mechanical
efficiency-in other words, recovering power that is normally
wasted and at the same time increasing reliability. If a produc-
tion powerplant is to be used within its original rpm range,
there is very little in most cases that can be done to the valve
gear that will manifest itself in improved performance. There
is, however, room for some gain in reliability. This is particu-
larly so if heavier valve springs are being used on an engine
with pressed-in rocker arm studs. Replacing the latter with
screw-in studs may prevent an embarrassing failure.
In the case of pushrod engines, if the rocker arm shaft and
the rocker arms are temporarily assembled in the same posi-
tions as when removed from the cylinder head, it will be pos-
sible to check how the rockers meet the valve stems, since the
length of the valve stems exerts a large influence and is subject
to alteration whenever the valves are ground or their seats re-
cut. In addition, rocker arm wear at the point where the rocker
arm contacts the valve cannot be tolerated in a competition
engine. Less obvious to casual examination are worn cam fol-
lowers, worn pushrods, and similar inaccuracies that can be
Valve Train Modifications 315
measured in thousandths of an inch but that can add up to an
appalling loss of valve lift and timing accuracy.
Except in "showroom stock" and "strictly stock" racing
classes, the valve gear should have all new components. If pos-
sible, they should be special high-performance parts that are
designed for use with a special camshaft. But even where modi-
fications are proscribed, new components that are devoid of
wear should certainly be given preference over high-mileage
parts that have outlived their usefulness in competition terms.
Valve train geometry must be correct, but h can be upset
by cylinder head milling, valve grinding, and careless selection
of parts or haphazard assembly. The "lay" of the rocker arms
in relation to the valve stems must be correct, both as to the
angle vertically and with no bias to either side-unless it is
intended. The rocker arms should normally contact the valve
stems centrally. Some engines, such as the air-cooled VW, have
the rocker arms offset so that they tend to rotate the valves.
Whether you keep this feature for competition service is an-
other matter.
Head milling is something that cannot be taken lightly.
When the cylinder head has been machined for a compression
ratio increase, it is necessary to install shims beneath the rocker
arm pedestals or to use correspondingly shorter pushrods. Other-
wise some valve lift will be lost and friction increased because
of the increased angularity of the rocker arms. The thickness
of the shims should be equal to the amount of metal removed
from the head during milling. Pushrods need be shortened only
by about half the amount that the head was milled. However,
pushrod alterations can be made only if the pushrods have
separate tips. Thus, using high-performance tubular aluminum
alloy pushrods with hardened steel tips is the normal course.
Experienced (and successful) speed tuners spare no effort
to obtain precise valve train geometry. In the case of engines
with individually mounted ball-jointed rocker arms, the dis-
tances between the studs and those from the valve stems to the
studs are corrected to the smallest increment measurable with
a steel ruler. If necessary, the studs are bent slightly by tapping
them with a soft-faced hammer. On engines with rocker arms
shafts-and on overhead camshaft engines with rocker arms-
the contours of the part of the rocker arm that contacts the
cam or the part that contacts the valve can be reground until
the valve lift for each cylinder is uniform when measured with
a dial indicator.
Rocker Action
The greatest room for error exists with rocker arms; over-
head camshafts acting directly on the valves or cam followers
can scarcely be faulted for accuracy. With rocker arms, the ideal
is that, with the valve in the half-lift position, a line drawn
through the rocker arm and making a right angle with a line
drawn through the valve stem axis should run just across the
tip of the valve stem. The rocker tip should contact the valve
stem exactly at its central axis in plan. The tip of the rocker
actually slides across the end of the valve stem during move-
ment of the valve from open to closed and vice-versa, and this
movement can set up an appreciable side thrust on the stem
unless the dimension referred to is such that equal movement
on either side of the central position is achieved. But with
high-lift camshafts, the travel across the valve stem by the rocker
arm face will be great. Hence, the proprietary rocker arms that
are available for racing conversion of stock power plants fre-
quently have rollers at the tip of the rocker arm that contacts
the valve.
In a comparatively little-used engine excessive valve stem
length will not disrupt the valve train geometry, but in cases
where the valve seats have been recut or otherwise altered,
the valve stem lengths probably require correcting. (Many tun-
ers would undoubtedly classify these cylinder heads as worn-
out because the implied recessing of the valves isa definite
hindrance to maximum output.) If the valve stem is too long,
a little can be ground off the end-taking care to keep every-
thing absolutely square. Alternatively, it may be possible to
shim up the rocker arm shaft pedestals to increase the height
of the rocker fulcrum, but this will lead to complications with
the pushrod length if the pushrods are not subsequently re-
placed or modified as to length.
If the valve stem is too short, the rocker shaft standards
Valve Train Modifications 317
may be lowered to correspond by machining some metal off
their lower faces to bring the rocker anTIS into the correct posi-
tion. This may involve shortening the pushrods, but it is prob-
able that the available adjustment at the pushrod end of the
rocker will be sufficient to get everything correct.
Another method of compensating for a too-short valve
stem is to fit a hardened steel cap over the end of the stem
(which can also save a valve that has a lopsided wear pattern
on the tip of the valve stem). This method (Fig. 10-1) means
a loose component, which is undesirable, as well as added
weight. Whenever possible, another approach to the problem
should be found for the competition engine.
Fig. IV- I. Valve cap ("ITow) on damaged end of valve stem.
Reduction of friction in the valve gear is well worthwhile.
It is true that the power loss from this cause is insignificant
compared with general frictional losses inside the engine. On
the other hand the return motion of the valves is dependent
on spring pressure and nothing else, and at high rpm there is
not much margin of spring strength to overcome the inertia
effect of the operating gear. This does not apply at lower rpm
when inertia is small. But as the speed rises, there is progres-
sively less margin of spring energy available to keep the valves
following the cams. Thus any improvement that reduces fric-
tional and inertia losses will mean that the valve timing will
be adhered to over a higher range of rpm and reliability will
be increased.
Rocker Arm Shaft and Components
The rocker arms should be quite free on their shaft (s) but
without shake. The standard bushings (when bushings are
used) should fully meet this requirement and last a long time
with adequate lubrication and moderate loadings. Coil springs
are frequently used as separators between the rocker arms; the
slight stiffness imparted to the rocker movement by these
springs is considered to have a silencing effect. If an unpredict-
able amount of extra noise can be accepted, these springs can
be replaced by phosphor-bronze (or other low-friction alloy)
tubular distance pieces (Fig. 10-2). The lengths of these must
be very carefully dimensioned in order to bring each rocker
arm over its valve stem in the correct position and to allow just
sufficient end clearance to give free operation. The clearance
should be tested repeatedly until it is correct because the act
of tightening down the rocker arm shaft support bolts may
cause a reduction in clearance, and this must be allowed for
in the final assembly. It should be borne in mind that the dis-
tance pieces are likely to tighten up because of heat expansion.
Too much end clearance must be avoided at all costs.
Lightening operations may be considered because of the
mass of metal present in some kinds of rocker arms. The best
course is to obtain new lightweight high-performance rocker
arms from a speed equipment manufacturer. This, unfortu-
nately, may not be possible on the engine that you are working
with. If the stock rocker arms are lightened, the work must be
carried out scientifically because the components are very highly
stressed. Rigidity is the first requirement; undue flexing of the
rocker arms will permit a valve timing very different from what
the designer intended, not to mention the possibility of metal
If the rocker is considered a beam that rocks about a ful-
Valve Train Modifications 319
Fig. IO-2. Rocker arm shaft spacing springs (A) can be replaced
by distance tubes (B) to reduce friction.
crum approximately at its center, it will be seen that the loading
is roughly greatest close to the fulcrum and decreases progres-
sively toward the ends of the beam. Many types of rocker arms
lie at an angle to the rocker arm shaft in plain view so that the
fulcrum is subjected to twisting as well as bending. Thus, the
center of the rocker is obviously the part where liberties must
not be taken. This part also moves at the lowest speed, and the
lightly loaded extremities move at the highest speed. Lighten-
ing should, therefore, be concentrated at the points where
stresses are low.
The length of the adjusting screw itself may be reduced
where it projects above the rocker, or the locknut. In fact, a
much thinner locknut or a hollow self-locking adjuster (as on
the Ford V6) is quite in order. It is also practicable in some
cases to grind an appreciable amount of metal off the rocker
end that does not contain an adjusting screw. This should be
removed from the sides, not from the working face. A very small
amount of metal may be ground from the sides of the rocker
throughout its length, but if there is any doubt about the wis-
dom of such a step, leave well enough alone.
The depth section should not be interfered with because
it is primarily this dimension that resists the bending stresses.
When the rockers are as light as possible, they should be pol-
ished all over using any means available. This polishing is a
most valuable bar to fatigue failure, as can be a shot-peening
to relieve internal stresses before the polishing operation. Of
course, pressed or fabricated rocker arms should not be mod-
ified in any way; it is for these engines that light alloy replace-
ments are most widely available.
The rocker arm shaft itself should be tested for parallelism
and must be absolutely rigid in its supports, which are usually
bolted to the cylinder head, though sometimes studs and nuts
are used. It is normal practice to lock the rocker arm shaft bolts
or nuts by thin steel locking plates or spring washers. A sounder
method is to drill the bolt heads or nuts and lock them with
safety wires. Wires facilitate the removal of the components and
eliminate the need for hammer and punch operations on the
plates, which may result in chips of metal breaking off. Lock-
ing compounds, such as Loctite, widely used by speed tuners,
have the advantage of taking up the inevitable wear on the
threads that comes about through the frequent teardowns en-
countered by competition engines.
The amount of flexure or "spring" that occurs in the rocker
arms and s h f ~ assembly in normal running is accentuated under
high-speed conditions. Normally the occasions when the engine
operates at very high rpm may well be of only short duration,
and the manufacturer faced with producing in a competitive
market has to compromise on rigidity accordingly. It is not usu-
Valve Train Modifications 321
ally possible to go very far in improving the original design to
give greater rigidity to the rocker shaft; but in cases where en-
gines have been drastically modified, the improvement in high-
speed performance by so doing can be considerable.
These modifications might take the form of a larger-
diameter rocker arm shaft mounted in bearings carried in a
rigidly secured rocker box; the box has a lid for access to the
valve gear and takes the place of the usual light cover. In con-
trast, the rocker arm shaft in many standard four-cylinder engines
is often carried OJ) pedestals that leave the outermost rocker
arms overhung on the shaft. Fig. 10-3 shows what a competition-
oriented manufacturer is able to do to improve the common
scheme. A decidedly rigid setup is used on the Toyota 1600
"Hemi" used in SCCA Showroom Stock Sedan racing. This as-
sembly has very solid cross-braced pedestals that are held down
by the cylinder head bolts (Fig. 10-4).
Fig. zo]. Triumph Spitfire rocker arm assembly. showing unique
pedestals that support shaft on both sides of outermost rocker
Fig. 10-4. Rocker arm assembly oE Toyota Corolla 1600 " Hemi"
engine. Notice cross-braces between pedestals, which are held
in place by cylinder head bolts themselves.
It is sometimes possible to increase the shaft diameter by
boring out the associated bushes and pedestal holes to suit;
even an odd millimeter on the diameter will help, and the in-
crease can be combined with very careful selection of material
for the shaft. In some cases, additional support can be given to
the shaft between adjacent rocker arms by taking support plates
from suitably located studs on the head, but means must be
found to ensure that the additional extra support does in fact
grip the shaft tightly; otherwise it is useless. Also, any studs
called on for extra duty such as this must be suitably length-
ened and of high-tensile material. Last, the stock pedestals may
prove inadequate. These can be replaced by custom-made ped-
estals machined from solid high-strength aluminum alloy.
The standard pushrods are usually of high-tensile steel
tubing and are capable of standing a considerable increase in
loading without failure. They should be perfectly straight and
can be tested (as can the rocker arm shaft) by rolling them
over a sheet of plate glass. On engines that have pushrods formed
from steel tubing, it may be desirable to experiment with alloy
pushrods; duralumin tubing to specification 4T4 may be used.
The diameter should be suitable for receiving the end fittings,
which obviously must be really tight, as they cannot be sweated
in place. The pushrods, of whatever material, should be pol-
ished all over.
Titanium has also been used for valve gear reciprocating
parts with excellent results in a number of sophisticated racing
conversions. This material is comparable to alloy steel in
Valve Timing Modifications 323
strength and has a considerable weight advantage. Motorcycle
engine designers who have specialized for years in obtaining
extremely high powers and speeds from pushrod engines have
used nearly every exotic space-age alloy available in their valve
Cam Followers
The rocker-type cam followers used with some kinds of
overhead camshaft engines can be dealt with by the same lighten-
ing, shot-peening, polishing, and other methods used for OHV
rockers. Bucket-type OHC cam followers and the tappets or
valve lifters of OHV engines can also be lightened by reducing
the diameter at the center, leaving the full diameter at the top
and the bottom only. These full-diameter areas provide the
bearing surfaces.
A possible snag is that sometimes tappets may be ground
externally to a final barrel shape as standard to allow for dis-
crepancies in machining limits that might otherwise prejudice
the accuracy of contact between the tappet foot and the cam
lobe, thus leading to rapid wear. However, individual engines
may show other possibilities for reducing cam follower weight,
such as removal of metal from the inside, or enlargement of
lightening holes, or the addition of lightening holes, suitably
Valve Timing Modifications
Modifications to standard valve timing are a major item,
and much can be done to enhance the performance of an en-
gine without recourse to a special camshaft. It is usual for
"sporty" production camshafts to employ valve timing that gives
a good all-around performance fairly high up in the rpm range,
possibly at the sacrifice of some torque at low rpm. This is gen-
erally evident by the degree of overlap at exhaust tdc.
To improve the low-speed torque, these essentially sporty
camshafts are "detuned" by increasing the valve clearance. Thus,
in stock cams that have considerable overlap, high-speed per-
formance may be gained by using narrower valve clearances or
low-speed power improved by using wider clearances. Though
the technique is valuable to showroom stock and strictly stock
class racers, the majority of competition engines do not race
with the factory-installed camshaft. Hence, tuning the timing
of a stock cam is not really within the scope of this book. Those
interested in tuning unmodified engines for maximum per-
formance are advised to obtain a copy of Tuning for Speed
and Tuning for Economy, available from the publisher of this
book at the address given on the title page.
Alternative Camshafts
Some makers provide alternative camshafts for racing, but
in these days of emissions laws, they are available only through
the manufacturers' competition departments to people who
have cars used strictly for racing. The best alternative cam-
shafts, however, come not from car manufacturers but from
camshaft specialists that cater to the hot-rod and racing crowd.
Reground camshafts are based on the stock product and
are widely available. Stock camshafts, being hardened, will stand
having, say, up to .025 in. ground off the base, where the load-
ing is negligible, and still leave sufficient wearing depth. This
reduction in the base circle diameter (Fig. 10-5) will naturally
increase the maximum lift and opening period with standard
clearances. At the same time, by suitably blending the new base
circle into the flanks of the cam, the opening period can be
modified to almost any degree.
Fig. IO-5. Cam contours modified by removing metal (shown
as shaded area) to increase both lift and opening period (left) ,
and to increase lift only (right).
Valve Timing Modifications 325
In planning the regrinding of a stock camshaft, the shape
of the standard cams must first be obtained, together with the
centerpoint. Then the base circle radius can be ascertained. If
it is proposed to remove .025 in. from the base circle, the re-
vised radius must be drawn inside the existing one. It will now
be possible to see just what happens to the valve lifting and
lowering points where the cam contours are blended smoothly
into the new base circle; otherwise noise and undesirably heavy
loading will be set up to no purpose. By comparing the existing
timing diagram and cam contour with the proposed modified
cam, it should be easy to find the best shape to give the required
increase in lift, duration of opening, and overlap. There is ob-
viously no point in going to the trouble of making a special
camshaft unless fairly drastic alterations are made to the timing.
Assuming the use of an efficient type of exhaust system and
with the emphasis on high rpm, it should be possible to increase
the opening by a percentage amount equal to the percentage in-
crease in maximum rpm. For example, if it is decided that the
engine can peak at 6000 rpm instead of 5500 rpm, an increase
in rpm of 9 percent, and the existing intake opening perio,d is
2500, this should be also increased by 9 percent, making the
new opening period 275
The exhaust opening is dealt with
in the same manner, and the overlap period is naturally in-
creased automatically. Initially the increase is made equally,
half on either side of the existing opening period. The work
must be done accurately on a grinder with the correct types of
attachments. The final blending is in some cases done by hand
with an oilstone.
Camshafts that give valve timings for various forms of com-
petition work are available for most production engines, and
as dynamometer figures are often quoted with them in use, per-
formances can be fairly assessed in advance. When considering
the opening periods and overlap provided by these camshafts,
bear in mind that no indication is given of the rate of lift of
the valve. A long period, for example, might imply that the ac-
celeration rate (or rate of lift to the fully open position) is
moderate so that high loads are avoided; but a shorter period
might give the same result in terms of total flow through the
valve by the use of a quick-lift cam contour needing very robust
valve gear. If the rules permit it, roller tappets can be used.
It is unusual for modem engines, which tend to run at
high rpm, to employ cams having short periods and small over-
lap. If these cams are found in a stock engine, it can be as-
sumed that the engine has been built to cater to a special pur-
pose and is thus a type unlikely to lend itself to competition
purposes. Modern engine design often demonstrates that a sur-
prisingly large amount of overlap can be employed at quite
moderate rpm with advantage to torque, and the same timing
gives effective breathing at peak rpm also. If, in stock form, the
engine's induction system imposes limitations on peak rpm, ex-
tended overlap timing cannot overcome these limitations, though
it may possibly allow more mixture to be inhaled because of the
longer time of valve duration. Even then, the benefit will be
felt only over a very limited speed range at the top of the power
curve; at lower speeds, the excessive overlap is likely to reduce
torque by allowing backflow and charge mixing.
Because all tuning factors can be seen to work together,
many tuners have advised their customers to apply "the three
Cs" (cam, compression, and carburetion) in preparing an en-
gine for competition. Small improvements in each of these three
areas will usually produce a more rewarding power increase
than a radical improvement in just one area. In fact, it will be
readily noted that in the catalogs issued by various camshaft com-
panies, most of the different available cam grinds will have com-
ments attached to their descriptions. For example, the manu-
facturer will say, "This camshaft is excellent for longer courses,
but should be used in conjunction with two four-barrel car-
buretors or with fuel injection." Reading what the camshaft
grinding specialists have to say about their products and ap-
plications will be most informative.
11 / Crankshaft, Cylinders, and Pistons
General Condition
No engine should be put into competition service without
a total disassembly of its working parts so that they can be in-
spected. Of course, new parts should be used in preparing an
engine for racing, but used crankshafts and blocks can be re-
tained if they are without flaws and can be remachined to like-
new dimensions.
Crankshafts should be magnafluxed in order to detect in-
visible cracks. In some cases, you can obtain thoroughly prepared
crankshafts for converting a production engine into a competi-
tion engine, but in other cases only stock components will be
available. It will generally be found benefic:al to have crank-
shafts (even forged ones) nitrided (or similarly heat treated)
for additional strength and wearing ability. The heat treatment
will cause some distortion, so the crankshaft must be straight-
ened following this work. Then the bearings will need to be
polished and the oil holes chamfered in order to avoid bearing
damage and to promote better oil distribution. This work is
best turned over to a crankshaft company that specializes in
competition work.
The cylinder block must be free of cracks. The crankshaft
and, where applicable, camshaft bearing bores must be checked
for alignment and align bored if there are irregularities. The
block should always be boiled out in a hot tank to remove any
scale, casting sand, or other debris from the water jacket. Dur-
ing this operation, remove all the core plugs, including any for
the oil passages. Otherwise the cleaning will not be thorough,
and corrosive cleaner will find its way into the spaces between
the plugs and the block and cause later leakage and other
The cylinder deck should be given at least a light cleanup
milling even if inspection shows it to be exactly parallel to the
crankshaft centerline. If it is not parallel, the cut will need to
be deeper to correct the misalignment. The cylinders can then
be bored to make them exactly goO to the deck and the crank-
shaft and also to increase the bore to the maximum allowed by
the racing class rules. Always tum the block over to an expe-
rienced speed tuner jmachinist. Machine shops that specialize
in passenger car repair work can seldom supply the care and
precision that is necessary for winning races.
The pistons will have to match the reconditioned and mod-
ified cylinder block. Therefore, inspection of the pistons and
rings is of importance only in tearing down a previously mod-
ified engine or a racing engine after a period of service. Though
checking the pistons for collapsed skirts and acceptable clear-
ance with the cylinders is important, your inspection must not
stop here. In particular, check the piston ring side clearances.
Top piston lands in particular may be distorted by racing ser-
vice, causing the top compression ring to bind. In both new and
used pistons, remove the rings (which on used pistons will
probably be replaced anyway) and roll them in their grooves
all around the piston-checking the clearance with a feeler
gauge at all points on the piston'S circumference. Minor lack
of clearance can be corrected by a machine shop, but excessive
clearance and tight clearances that prevent the insertion of the
ring indicate that the piston should be replaced.
Of equal importance is checking the piston pin bores for
uniform roundness and correct clearance. Also check the piston
pin end clearance between the pin and the circlip on engines
that are so equipped. This should not exceed .005 in. Excessive
clearance can cause the pin to drive out one of the circlips.
General Conditions 329
Exacting Clearances
The cylinders and pistons together are the most important
components of the engine. Piston friction accounts for a very
large percentage of the total frictional loss, while the pis-
tons themselves operate under conditions of high and vary-
ing speeds and temperatures. In addition to performing its
main function of taking the expansion pressure and transmit-
ting it to the connecting rod, the piston also acts as an efficient
pump plunger and at the same time resists the connecting rod
side thrust. Obviously, therefore, every component must be in
perfect order in this department if the engine is to respond
The maximum amount of wear normally occurs at the ab-
solute top of the ring travel, where it is often evident in hard-
worked engines as a top-cylinder ridge. This ridge makes mea-
surement difficult with a micrometer, so a dial-indicator-type
bore gauge is usually necessary. When the maximum bore wear
is found at about the half-stroke position of the rings, it is a
sign of dirty oil or oil dilution.
N ear the bottoms of the strokes, the bores are little worn;
but since this part may be unsupported by the main casting on
some engines, slight bell-mouth or out-of-round distortion is
possible. The best method of inspecting the bore for clearance
determination is to remove the top-cylinder ridge with a ridge
reamer and then measure the bore near that point. Wear in
excess of the manufacturer's, your own, or your machinist's
standard of precision will have to be corrected either by rebor-
ing or by installing new cylinders or cylinder liners.
Pistons that have been running with the correct clearance
will show a perfectly even bearing surface over the thrust faces,
without any highly polished areas that denote excessive rubbing
contact caused by inadequate clearance. It is usual for speed
tuners to allow about .001 in. of running clearance for each
inch of bore diameter, at least on road-racing engines. But every
kind of racing and every kind of engine creates special consid-
erations, and small-block Chevrolet V8 engines used in drag
racing often have clearances around .008 in.-about .002 in. for
each inch of bore diameter.
The manufacturer's clearance can be used only as a start-
ing point. In determining a good clearance for a particular
purpose, it is advisable to read technical articles about the kind
of engine being used and to talk to tuners and racers who use
this kind of engine in the kind of racing that you intend to do.
Loose-fitting and noisy pistons are usually not considered a dis-
advantage in a high-speed engine. However, the greater the
clearance, the more sealing problems will arise as a result of
increased ring wear. Therefore, the .ool-in. per inch rule of
thumb or the stock clearance plus .001 or .002 in. are good start-
ing points.
Piston Rings
Piston ring fitting is treated' in a rather casual manner in
many repair shops, but for maximum efficiency, use a good deal
of care when assembling and installing them. The main func-
tion of the rings is to curtail leakage past the piston. It is, of
course, not possible to stop all leakage completely. In this case,
the friction set up would be much worse in its effect on the
mechanical efficiency than the power loss arising from the leak-
age. However, the leakage can be reduced to the unavoidable
minimum by careful fitting. Three possible leakage paths are
through the ring gap, around the back of the ring, and past
the face of the ring.
Gap leakage was once thought to be the biggest offender,
and many tuners went to great lengths to reduce the gap to
very small amounts, often with poor results. Ring makers, for
their part, produced rings with stepped and other peculiar gap
shapes. Research has since shown that even quite large gaps
allow little leakage. Regarding leakage around the back of the
ring, it is necessary to allow a side clearance of about .002 in.
to .003 in. so that the ring can spring quite freely even when
the piston material has fully expanded because of heat. Thus,
when the piston is moving upward on the exhaust stroke, the
ring is forced against the lower face of the groove because of
its own inertia and its friction against the cylinder. This close
contact between the ring and the groove closes the leakage path
Piston Rings 331
around the back of the ring. In the same way, when the piston
is moving down on the intake stroke, the ring is held against
the upper face of the ring groove. During the compression and
expansion strokes, the ring is held by gas pressure against the
bottom face. Thus, the seal can be effective only if the sides of
the ring and the groove faces are accurate and the ring-to-
groove clearance is correct. Damage to the groove faces must be
avoided when removing or installing rings; the contact should
be similar to that of a valve and its seat.
The back clearance in the groove should also be checked.
With the ring right back in the groove, there should be a mini-
mum of .010 in. clearance between its outer face and the lands
of the groove. The ring gap should not be less than .003 in. per
inch of bore diameter. It is better to err on the large side be-
cause severe damage can be caused by the butting ring if heat
expansion causes the gap to close completely. In an imperfect
cylinder, gap variations can be caused by variations in cylinder
diameter. Thus, the gap should be checked with the ring in-
serted into the bottom (least worn) part of the cylinder.
Gas Leakage
Leakage across the ring face increases with wear, particu-
larly since bore wear is not truly circular, so that the radial
pressure on the ring must be able to accommodate some varia-
tions. At the same time, excessive radial pressure will produce
too high a frictional loss.
When a considerable increase in rpm is being considered,
it is a good plan to consult the piston ring maker, the manu-
facturer of the racing pistons you are using, or an experienced
speed tuner on the choice of rings, since it is possible for a sud-
den increase in blow-by to take place above a certain critical
speed. Various theories have been put forward to account for
this; one of the most feasible is that at very high speeds, the
inertia of the ring is sufficient to lift it off its contact face with
the side of the groove on the compression and exhaust strokes.
This action allows the escape of pressure around the back of the
ring so that gas pressure, which should be augmenting the nat-
ural spring of the ring in maintaining the seal against the cyl-
inder wall, is relieved, and the ring collapses inward. Then
leakage takes place across its face. If the ring gap is too small,
actual ring breakage can result because the ends butt together.
A proper expanding tool should be used to remove or in-
stall piston rings. This will ensure that the ends of the rings
are kept parallel and will prevent the piston skirt, lands, and
grooves from becoming scratched. The side clearance must be
present between the ring and the groove, and if it is necessary
to increase the clearance, one side only of the ring can be rubbed
down on a piece of plate glass coated with valve grinding com-
pound. If much metal must be removed, say, up to .0015 in.,
begin by placing a sheet of fine emery cloth or 22o-grit sand-
paper on the glass. In either case, finish the job with metal
polish applied directly to the glass. The work should be done
to the top of the ring, and any ring thus treated should be in-
stalled with the ground-down side bearing against the upper
face of the piston groove and the untouched face against the
lower face of the groove. This will ensure that the best seal
takes place on the compression and expansion strokes.
The usual rectangular-section ring acts to some extent as
an oil control ring in addition to its main function of compres-
sion sealing, but it is not usually sufficiently effective in this
capacity to obviate the use of oil control rings. The usual de-
sign of the ring-often called a scraper ring-relies on a suitable
grading of its pressure against the bore to remove the desired
amount of oil. The amount of pressure is determined by the
contact area of the ring against the bore and is about 100 psi.
The oil thus removed is transferred to the inside of the piston
via suitable ducts. This is the general principle, but different
designs vary slightly. Modern oil scraper rings are often as-
semblies made up of as many as five pieces, including the various
expanding springs and support rings.
The oil scraper rings are placed below the compression
rings, and it is important that they are sufficiently effective to
prevent excessive oil consumption but not so drastic in action
that they cause the bores to run dry. This would result in ex-
cessive friction and a high rate of wear. Many standard engines
are excessively dry rather than the reverse, but for high-speed
operation it is wise to err, if at all, on the side of underscraping
by reducing the ring pressure.
Piston Rings 333
Ring Sections
Although the traditional rectangular-section ring is still
widely used, other sections are in general use, particularly in
competition engines. Credit for much of their development
must go to P. de K. Dykes, an engineer who has carried out ex-
tensive research in gas-sealing and oil control. Most piston manu-
facturers supply rings designed in accordance with the Dykes
recommendations. Fig. 11-1 shows sections of some of the more
usual types:
Type A is a normal plain com pression ring used in the
upper grooves. It also provides a good measure of oil con-
trol in this position.
Type B is a taper-faced ring, the shape of which pro-
motes rapid seating-particularly on reringing overhauls
where the bore is left unchanged.
Type C has an internal step so that when installed in
the groove, the ring tends to twist. This gives the effect of a
taper face on the periphery and in addition ensures rapid
seating in the groove. Variations of this section, where the
upper extension of the profile is pronounced, are typical
of what are commonly known as Dykes rings-though Dykes
was obviously concerned with many other types. If the
upper extension goes all the way to the top of the piston,
replacing the head land completely, it is known as a head
land ring.
Fig. III. Piston ring sections: (A) plain compression ring, (B)
taperfaced compression ring, (C) internally stepped compression
ring, (D) taper.sided compression ring. (E) oilseal compression
nng, (F) chromiumplated compression ring, (G) stepped scraper
ring, (H) standard scraper ring. Correct positioning is shown,
assuming piston to left of page.
Type D is a taper-sided compression ring. The taper
may be on one or both sides, and the groove must be shaped
to accommodate the taper. Ring sticking problems in high-
output engines can be overcome by this design.
Type E is an oil-seal compression ring having a step
on the periphery. It is usually installed in the second groove
down and gives additional oil control, as well as a gas seal.
Type F is a compression ring for installation in the top
groove. It has a thick layer of dense hard chromium plat-
ing on the working face that considerably prolongs both
bore and ring life. It cannot be used with chromium-plated
bores. The type is usually taper-faced as shown but can
also be parallel-faced or stepped.
Type G is a stepped oil control ring.
Type H is another oil control ring with chamfered
lands to provide greater oil control because of the narrow
contacting area.
Type ] is the standard type of slotted oil control ring,
variations of which are universally used today.
Fig. 11-1 shows the actual positions in which the rings are
installed in the grooves (the right way up, assuming the piston
to be toward the left of the page) .
Piston Design
For normal increases in performance, stock pistons can usu-
ally cope with the extra mechanical and thermal stresses in
racing classes such as Formula Ford where extensive super-
tuning is proscribed. These pistons are generally of the cast
type, which have been universally employed for many years.
For very arduous conditions, forged pistons have come to the
fore in most cases. But apart from the expense of these pistons,
the internal shape is dictated largely by machining considera-
tions. The forged piston must be machined both externally and
internally, at least in the smaller sizes, which are formed from
solid bar material.
Although both forged and cast pistons are made from the
connecting Rod Alignment 335
same sort of material and have essentially the same melting
point, the forged pistons resist trouble better than the cast type.
With cast material, the tensile strength of the metal is reduced
with heat to a greater extent than is the case with forged ma-
terial. A melted piston crown usually starts wih a crack, the
edges of which fuse and accelerate the growth of the "hole".
The forged piston is better able to resist cracking in the first
place. However, in view of the strides made recently in cast
piston manufacture, there is little likelihood of failure in blue-
printed engines if clearances and installation are made approxi-
mately to the manufacturer's specifications.
Nevertheless, forged racing pistons are the rule today in
any engine used in a racing class that permits nonstandard pis-
tons. These pistons are available on a custom basis; the tuner
can specify the height and offset of the piston pin bore, the
shape of the crown, and a great many other design features.
Often the pistons are supplied with a crown that can be ma-
chined by the tuner to obtain any desired compression ratio or
cut with recesses for any valve diameter and lift. In addition,
racing pistons suited to particular engines are often available
from the car manufacturer's competition department.
Connecting Rod Alignment
Connecting rods are usually made of high-grade steel and
are capable of withstanding a big load increase without failure,
at least in the case of racing engines and production engines
with a high-performance orientation to their designs. With or-
dinary passenger car powerplants, some care is necessary in de-
ciding how far it is safe to go with respect to increased rpm and
working pressures. If there is any doubt about the ability of
the standard rods to stand up, it is advisable to investigate the
possibility of obtaining replacement rods of higher-grade ma-
terial. Here again, if the car manufacturer has a competition
department, then high-performance rods can be obtained from
this source.
Another profitable line of investigation is the use of lighter
rods, since any reduction in reciprocating weight means less
stress and greater reliability. It is not advisable to carry out any
lightening operations on standard rods unless the risk of an ex-
pensive blowup is accepted. But it is possible to obtain for some
engines-particularly American V8s-light alloy rods that pro-
vide a strength-to-weight ratio that is greater than that of the
standard steel rods.
The tuner must keep a careful check on the condition of
forged aluminum rods from one race to the next. If any rod
has increased its big end to little end bore center length by .001
in. or more, it is usually cheaper to replace the entire expensive
set of rods than to risk destroying the entire engine with a set
of rods that may be stretching and losing strength. Connecting
rod alignment can also be a problem because some aluminum
alloys lose considerable strength if the rod is bent back to its
original alignment; steel is very good in this respect.
The importance of parallelism of the big and little end
bores cannot be overemphasized. This can be checked by the
use of ground steel mandrels and V-blocks, together with a sur-
face plate and a dial indicator, as shown in Fig. 11-2 and Fig.
11-3. While such checks and a bit of judicious bending can be
carried out in your own garage, it is always best to leave the
entire operation to a machine shop that specializes in competi-
tion engine preparation.
Fig. I I-2. Checking connecting rod for alignment of bearings.
Balancing 337
Fig. II-]. Checking connecting rod for twist.
In addition to machines that will quickly and accurately
measure and correct connecting rod misalignment, a competi-
tion machine shop will have facilities for balancing the rotating
and reciprocating parts of the engine. Balancing is an indis-
pensable part of engine preparation for any racing class.
The crankshaft, flywheel, and clutch should be balanced
both statically and dynamically as a unit. If the crankshaft
has a pulley or a vibration damper, this component should be
included in the balancing operation. The pistons and pins
should be weighed individually and the heavier pistons ma-
chined internally until the weights of all the pistons are the
same as that of the lightest piston.
The connecting rods should be balanced by the same meth-
od but not as a whole-that is, the little ends should be sup-
ported on a mandrel and the big end weighed. Then metal
should be ground from the points provided on the big ends
until all of the big ends have the same weights. The op-
eration is repeated with the big ends supported on a mandrel
and metal ground from the points provided on the little ends
until all little ends have the same weight. If the work is done
accurately, the entire rod will have the same total weight as the
other rods in the engine. Because each end has been balanced
separately, neither the rotating balance of the crankshaft nor
the reciprocating masses of the pistons will be made uneven by
installation of the connecting rods.
Vibration Dampers
Many engines, particularly six-cylinder and eight-cylinder
types, are equipped with vibration dampers at the front end of
the crankshaft. The importance of this device is one of the
most frequently overlooked points in the preparation of
production-based competition engines. It is not, after all, merely
a pulley; it is designed to cancel or reduce in amplitude objec-
tionable vibration periods in the crankshaft.
On many engines, the maximum rpm "redline" is deter-
mined by torsional vibrations in the crankshaft. If an rpm is
reached where these vibrations have their natural frequency,
the crankshaft will in all likelihood break. The crankshaft can
also be broken at lower harmonics of this critical vibration fre-
quency, and so a vibration damper is frequently installed to
minimize the possibility. Thus, it does not pay to discard the
vibration damper unless you know that the engine will never
be operated at one of the critical rpm points. It is often worth-
while to contact the competition department of the car manu-
facturer to find out whether a competition-type vibration
damper is available. These dampers sometimes make it possible
to use higher rpm without crankshaft breakage or to improve
acceleration if they are of lighter construction than the stock
damper, which may have been designed primarily to limit noisy
vibration periods at the slow speeds encountered in highway
The viscous type of vibration damper consists of a circular
casing that contains a flywheel rim, or inertia ring. The clear-
ance between the casing and the ring is filled with viscous sili-
cone fluid (Fig. 11-4). The casing is suitable for mounting on
the front end of the crankshaft.
When no vibration is present, the casing and the inertia
ring rotate as a unit; the ring is driven by the "stiction" of the
silicone fluid, which requires considerable force to shear. When
vibration starts and as the amplitude increases, the casing fol-
lows the crankshaft movement, but the inertia ring will tend
to rotate uniformly because of its inertia. There is thus relative
movement between the two components that is catered for by
shearing action in the viscous fluid; the energy thus absorbed
is dissipated as heat.
Balancing 339
Fig. II-4. Cross section of viscous-type vibration damper.
Another kind of device that is widely used is the bonded-
rubber damper. In this case, the inertia ring and carrier are
bonded to a rubber ring that forms an elastic connection be-
tween the two and that allows their relative movement; energy
is dissipated in the rubber by molecular friction. Because the
viscous type has an elastic element, it has a natural frequency
of its own and can thus be regarded as a "tuned" absorber_with
. one frequency of vibration. The frequency can be varied by
altering the stiffness of the rubber ring or the inertia of the
inertia ring (Fig. 11-5). It is by these means that competition
vibration dampers can be developed that will damp out severe
Fig. II-5. Cross section of vibration damper with bonded rubber
connecting medium.
vibrations in the high rpm ranges instead of handling vibra-
tions in the low rpm range, as the stock damper usually is de-
signed to do.
A recent development of the rubber-type damper has the
rubber ring held in place simply by compression instead of
being bonded (Fig. 11-6); the pressure alone is relied on to pre-
vent slip between the carrier and the inertia ring. On most
American cars, the engine timing marks are engraved on the
inertia ring and, as shown, it is quite usual to incorporate a
driving pulley for fan/alternator operation with the carrier.
Nevertheless, these inertia rings have been known to shift, and
so the competition engine builder usually makes it a point to
find true tdc and establish his own timing marks rather than
to depend on those located on the inertia ring.
Fig. II-6. Cross section of vibration damper with compressed
rubber connecting medium.
Assembly Work
Any experienced speed tuner knows that it is not so much
what you do to an engine as how you do it; correct assembly is
of far greater importance than the brand of pistons or rings in-
stalled. Similar care must extend to the fitting of bearings, and
regardless of how careful you have been with your micrometer,
Assembly Work 341
you should always check the bearing clearances with Plastigage
during assembly. Perhaps even more important is the attention
you give to bolt torques.
Excessive bolt torques can cause cylinder block distortion.
For this reason, competition machine shops install the main
bearing caps and torque their bolts during cylinder boring op-
erations. In addition, a heavy steel plate with cylinder-size holes
in it may be torqued down in place of the cylinder head while
the cylinders are being bored. During assembly, the same bolt
torque should be used for the head and the main bearings so
that the cylinder bores will remain as true as possible.
It is important to keep in mind that bolt torque is always
second-hand information about bolt tension. The tension can-
not be measured directly, but it is proportional to torque. Thus,
the torque wrench readings should not reflect too much friction
and not enough tension. Plated bolts require about 20 percent
less torque than unplated bolts to achieve the same tension.
Similarly bolts lubricated with graphite paste require about 20
percent less torque than bolts lubricated with engine oil. The
same is true if Loctite is applied to the threads instead of en-
gine oil. Bolts normally must never be torqued dry unless spec-
ified because the friction may be so high and erratic that the
torque wrench readings become meaningless.
To avoid bolt failure, the tension on the bolts must be at
least equal to the loading placed on the bolts by engine opera-
tion. If the tension on a connecting rod bolt is 250 pounds and
engine operation places a loading on the bolt of 300 pounds,
there will be a fluctuating load of 50 pounds that will eventu-
ally lead to metal fatigue and bolt failure. Thus speed tuners
sometimes increase the torque of bolts to above the factory
specifications, but this can be dangerous if it is not done
with care.
First, there is the possibility of distorting the parts. Second,
excessive torque may cause the bolt tension to exceed the ten-
sile strength of the bolt itself. The bolt will stretch during as-
sembly and break during engine operation. Therefore, speed
tuners should substitute higher-grade bolts in any application
where the factory torque specifications will be exceeded.
The polishing of connecting rods will improve their re-
sistance to metal fatigue. This work should always be done
prior to balancing, or as a part of balancing, and should never
be carried out in a way that will leave a canted surface for the
big end bolt heads or nuts to bear against. This condition will
place a bending strain on the bolts that can lead to their early
12 / Compression Ratio
Selecting a Ratio
Because of emission control considerations, the oil shortage,
and a general move toward lead-free gasolines, production car
compression ratios are no longer as high as they were in the
mid-1960s. The range is from about 8.0:1 to 9.0:1; fifteen years
ago, 10.0:1 and 12.0:1 ratios were not uncommon. If one con-
siders that in the 1950S many cars still had 6.5: 1 compression
ratios, today's figures sound more impressive.
For competition purposes, the compression ratios of pro-
duction engines are increased whenever the racing class rules
permit it. This has, of course, created problems since super-
premium gasolines are no longer available. Consequently racers
must frequently blend their own racing gasolines by adding an
octane-improving fluid to ordinary premium-grade pump gaso-
line. Several fluids are on the market and can be obtained from
speed shops or directly from companies that advertise in auto-
motive periodicals. In racing classes where gasoline is required,
the fuel is considered legal so long as the substance added does
not change the fuel's specific gravity.
Where gasoline is not required, alcohol-based fuels are
used with, in most cases, various percentages of nitromethane
added. Greater power outputs are thus obtained and higher
compression ratios can be used. Of course, with high-boost super-
charging, lower ratios are used because the blower provides the
additional pressure and a large combustion chamber space
leaves room for more pressurized mixture to be burned on each
expansion stroke.
Many car owners seem to arrive at a desired compression
ratio figure by a process known only to themselves and then ask
for details of the amount to be machined from the head in
order to convert an existing ratio to, say, 10: 1. Diplomatic
questioning often reveals that the proposed new ratio has been
selected because a popular competing engine with similar spe-
cifications uses a similar ratio.
We saw in chapter I the theory underlying the influence
of compression ratio on thermal efficiency, but we have also
noted that the theory assumes breathing conditions that do not
obtain in practice. The absolute pressure at the end of the com-
pression stroke depends riot only on the compression ratio but
also on the pressure existing at the start of the stroke. This in
turn depends on how much mixture has been inhaled, that is,
on the volumetric efficiency.
In an unsupercharged engine, the mixture at the end of
the intake stroke may be "rarefied", and a high ratio will pro-
vide only the same final compression pressure as would be
achieved with a well filled cylinder and a moderate ratio. Fur-
ther, a combustion chamber design that does not promote rapid
burning but leaves pockets of stagnant mixture may well stand
a higher figure than one that gives clean and complete combus-
tion. These facts should be apparent from foregoing chapters,
but they are worth stressing.
Simple Arithmetic
The first thing to remember about compression ratios IS
that these are simple arithmetical dimensions, namely, the com-
pression ratio is the difference between the cylinder-and-head
contents with the piston at tdc divided into the cylinder-and-
head contents with the piston at bdc. The ratio is thus very
easy to calculate, and once the cubic content of the combustion
Selecting a Ratio 345
chamber with the piston at tdc has been established (which
may be a fairly complicated procedure on an engine with an
irregularly shaped combustion chamber and domed pistons),
the amount of metal required to be shaved from the gasket
joint face of the head to increase the ratio to the desired
amount can be ascertained. But, of course, the basic snag is in
deciding just what the new ratio should be.
The arithmetical calculation ignores other factors influ-
encing engine power, such as valve timing and ignition timing,
combustion chamber shape, spark plug position, heat loss and
gain, and the breathing efficiency of the engine, all of which
have to be taken into account by the designer when he pro-
duces the original layout. While it is quite true that these fac-
tors do not necessarily have to be changed because of a moder-
ate increase in compression ratio, they still cannot be ignored.
Even in the best designs, the volume inhaled per stroke in-
evitably varies with rpm because of compromises in the mani-
folding, the valve timing, and so on, which are based on the
general requirements of use regarding the range of rpm over
which high torque is desired. The effect of raising the ratio in-
cautiously can thus be unpredictable unless the design as a
whole is very carefully assessed.
Playing Safe
Production car manufacturers have tended over the years
to choose a compression ratio that will enable the engine to
run smoothly and to develop adequate torque over a reason-
able speed range, even when driven poorly and possibly on the
wrong fuel. That higher compressions are possible now than
would have been acceptable twenty years ago is more a tribute
to better transmissions and fuels than to any important advance
in engine design. But because the car manufacturers tend to
play it safe, both for the reason cited above and to meet legal
air pollution limits, it is nearly always possible to raise the ra-
tio somewhat without adverse consequences.
There is a reasonably reliable guide to the compression
ratio that is feasible to use with fuel within the generally avail-
able range of octane: if the individual area of one piston does
not exceed 8.5 square inches and the combustion chamber is
of a good shape and of orthodox pattern, a compression ratio
of 10 percent of the octane rating of the fuel will be about
right. For example, with fuel of 82 octane, the compression ra-
tio would be 8.2: 1. If 95 octane is used, this can be raised to
95: 1. For really excellent combustion chambers, or with even
smaller cylinders, half a ratio higher is quite permissible.
The above piston area represents a bore of about 80 mm,
which might be encountered on a modern 150o-cc "four" or a
3-liter V8. With larger cylinders, the acceptable compression
ratio will be something less than 10 percent of the octane,
though here also the combustion chamber characteristics may
make a higher ratio practical in certain engines. All other
things equal, it may be possible to use a higher compression
ratio in a V12 than in an inline "four" of the same displace-
Since a high compression ratio produces more piston thrust
and therefore more power, it must also generate extra heat.
Some heat must be dissipated over and above that normally
dealt with by the cooling system. So long as the extra heat is
not great, the standard exhaust valves, pistons, and so on will
give no trouble, though more frequent inspection and, if neces-
sary, adjustment of valves may be called for. Cooling and lubri-
cation systems usually have sufficient margin, but it is wise to
watch the temperatures of the coolant and the oil until condi-
tions can be assessed. It may be necessary to add an oil cooler,
increase the water pump rpm, or increase the radiator core
Also, when the engine is inhaling its maximum charge, as
it does at the point of greatest torque, the increase in pressure
will be at its maximum, and it may be necessary to retard the
ignition somewhat within this range of rpm. The setting is de-
termined by the automatic advance mechanism, which may
have to be recalibrated using greater spring tension or weights
that reduce the total advance-particularly if the compression
ratio increase has been considerable.
Obtaining the Ratio 347
Obtaining the Ratio
Several methods are available for increasing the compres-
sion ratio. A small increase is possible using a thinner head
gasket. A more considerable increase will come about auto-
matically by boring the cylinders oversize. For example. if a
16oo-cc "four" with an 80-mm bore and a 79-mm stroke has
a compression ratio of 9.0: 1. increasing the bore to 81 mm
will increase the compression ratio to 9.2: 1. Of course. an in-
crease in stroke will raise the ratio but not nearly so much as
an increase in bore.
A reduction of combustion chamber volume will increase
the ratio more than any possible remachining of the block or
crankshaft. Therefore. any major increase in compression ratio
must come about either by milling material off the cylinder
head's gasket surface or by increasing the height of the piston
crown. Domed pistons that will increase the compression ratio
to almost any predetermined figure are readily available for
all engines from the various racing piston manufacturers. Be-
cause these can in some cases interfere with the efficiency of
the combustion chamber, it is often the practice to arrive at the
racing ratio partly by milling the head and partly by higher-
crowned pistons.
Machining Matters
Cylinder head milling has been carried to rather extreme
limits in the past that cannot be duplicated with modern en-
gines. Now, with the availability of high-grade iron and high-
strength aluminum alloys, engine manufacturers are not so
lavish in providing surplus metal thicknesses, and power-to-
weight ratios have benefited accordingly. Generally there is still
sufficient metal to allow a moderate amount of machining
without weakening the casting structurally so long as there is
no evidence of weakness in the water jackets (as might be
caused by faulty casting or corrosion) and there is an adequate
number of head bolts or studs. Nevertheless, today's thinner
castings have made the domed piston more popular, and the
wise machinist will mill a junk head and then saw it up for
examination before he begins to work with a similar head that
will go into the construction of a competition engine.
It is unlikely that a small amount of milling will have any
bad influence on the combustion chamber shape, but points to
be considered are the effect on free passage through the valves,
around the periphery of the valve heads, and the proximity of
the spark plug electrodes to the piston. If the electrodes are too
close, local burning of the piston crown can occur. The effect
of milling on the gasket seal should not be overlooked either
because it is essential that the gasket be shielded from heat on
its faces and not exposed as an intruding "flange" in any way.
The valves in a normal head are tucked up out of
harm's way so they cannot foul anything. But in most cases,
the chamber overlaps the cylinder bore top to some extent, so
that when fully open, at least one of the valves has its edge
above the flat face of the block.
The clearance at this point allows some margin for valve
float on overrevving when the valve may open more than usual.
Obviously, machining the head reduces this safety clearance
(Fig. 12-1). Thus, there is a possibility that in similar circum-
stances the valve may contact the block and bend the valve
stem. The remedy is to increase the clearance at the appropri-
ate point on the block top by grinding a relief into the upper
part of the cylinder. This kind of work is illustrated through-
out the book, for example, in chapter 18. The block may also
need to be relieved because a camshaft is used that increases
valve lift or because, after head milling, the valve would other-
wise strike the block even at cranking rpm. Reliefs, of course,
reduce the compression ratio slightly. So will any cleaning up
or polishing of the combustion chambers that involves remov-
ing appreciable metal.
Because the cylinder/cylinder head joint is recessed into
the cylinder heads of Porsche and VW air-cooled engines, the
compression ratio cannot be increased by milling. Instead, the
cylinder sealing surface inside the head is machined deeper into
the head by flycutting. The flycutter is a relatively simple ma-
chine tool attachment that can be used in an ordinary drill
press or, better yet, a milling machine.
The rules of many classes state that metal can be removed
Obtaining the Ratio 349
Fig. I2-I. With reduction of head depth by milling face, valve
clearance to block at point indicated may be insufficient for safety.
from, but not added to, the production cylinder head. Never-
theless, where it is permitted, the combustion chamber can be
reshaped by the addition of welded metal. This is, of course,
the only way in which the compression ratio can be raised on
a Wankel engine-by partially filling the recesses in the rotor
face. Great precision is necessary to obtain three uniform com-
bustion chambers per rotor, and, of course, the rotors must be
carefully balanced and checked for distortion afterward. In
some cases, high-compression rotors are available from the
manufacturer's competition department.
Obtaining Head Volume
In order to determine the amount of metal to be removed
from the head to obtain any desired ratio, it is necessary to
measure the volume of the combustion chamber when the pis-
ton is at tdc. Because of the irregular shape of the combustion
chamber, any attempt to determine the volume by linear mea-
surement is out of the question. However, it is not a difficult
matter to measure by means of liquid introduced into the com-
bustion chamber; the procedure is similar to that mentioned in
chapter 9 (Fig. 12-2).
Fig. I2-2. Measurement of combustion chamber volume by quan-
tity of liquid contained in space.
To avoid having anyone chamber that exceeds the com-
pression ratio specified by the rules in showroom stock or
strictly stock classes, the volumes of all the chambers should be
measured and then be made as uniform as possible. Variations
can be accomplished by machining the valve seats deeper or by
raising the valves slightly by using new valves instead of valves
that have been ground. Performance will, of course, be sacri-
ficed if the intake valves are recessed very much.
With all the chamber volumes uniform, the head can be
milled or flycut to achieve the desired ratio or the blueprint
ratio in every cylinder. For the purpose of finding how much
the head must be milled to raise the compression ratio, it is
easier to refer to the displacement ratio. The displacement ra-
tio is the displacement of one cylinder divided by the combus-
tion chamber volume and is always 1.0 less than the compres-
sion ratio. The displacement ratio for a cylinder having an
8.6: 1 compression ratio would be 7.6: 1. If you want to raise
the compression ratio from 8.6: 1 to 10: 1 you must therefore
Obtaining the Ratio 351
mill enough off the head to change the displacement ratio from
7. 6: 1 to g: I.
Let us assume that we are working with a cylinder that
has a g.1 centimeter bore and a 7.7 centimeter stroke. It would
take a combustion chamber volume of 65.5 cm
to give an 8.6: 1
compression ratio or a displacement ratio of 7.6: I. To determ-
ine the amount of head milling required to change the dis-
placement ratio to g: I, do the following:
I. Subtract the present displacement ratio (7.6) from the
desired one (g). 14 is the answer.
2. Multiply the desired displacement ratio by the present
one (g X 7.6 = 68.4).
3. Divide 1.4 by 68.4 (obtained in step I) -not the other
way around! This will give .0204.
4. Multiply .0204 by the stroke in millimeters (.0204 X
77 = 1.57
mm). 1.5708 mm (about .062 in.) is the
amount that must be milled from the head.
Expressed as an equation, the procedure would look like
Milled Amount =
New Disp. Ratio - Old Disp. Ratio
~ = : : : = 7 : : : : = : : ~ : : : = : X Stroke in mm.
New Disp. Ratio X Old Disp. Ratio
If you are working with an unmodified stock head and
want to mill to achieve the blueprint compression ratio, the
matter is simplified because the manufacturer usually specifies
the combustion chamber volume. Simply run this volume of
kerosene / A TF into the combustion chamber that has the least
volume and then carefully scribe the chamber wall to show
the high-water mark. The head can then be milled by that
amount. If any measurements appear doubtful-for example,
if the level seems to call for an unduly large amount of metal
to be removed for the specified ratio-recheck carefully. The
head must be absolutely level during these operations.
Gasket Volume
The head gasket volume and the piston head land volume
must be taken into account if you are trying to approach a spe-
cified compression ratio with total accuracy. For example, in
SCCA Formula Ford racing, the rules are very explicit concern-
ing the maximum ratio. But to simplify matters, a standard
figure of 4.75 cm
is always used for head gasket volume when
the engine is checked by the officials. Similarly, the space be-
tween the piston head land and the cylinder wall above the top
compression ring is measured and included in the unswept
volume. Thus, the simple formula
Swept Volume + Unswept Volume
Com pression Ratio =
Unswept Volume
Compression Ratio =
Swept Volume + Gasket Volume + Head Land Volume
Swept Volume
Before you begin building an engine, consult the rules
of the sanctioning organization of the racing class.
The gasket volume, of course, remains static when the com-
pression ratio is modified, and thus the figure can in some
cases be subtracted from the calculated chamber volume to de-
termine how much you should mill the head. But here again,
check the rules. In some cases, a constant figure is applied; in
others, the actual gasket thickness is measured. Some engine
makers state the thickness of the compressed gasket and perhaps
the gasket volume. This may be the figure applied to all en-
gines in a blueprinting class by the sanctioning body, regardless
of whether a standard gasket is used.
If the rules are vague, it is wise to err on the safe side, and
with some modern embossed steel gaskets the volume is very
small. It is, however, not difficult to allow for the extra volume
contained by the gasket and which can be added to the com-
bustion chamber volume in making the calculation for the
standard engine. When the cylinder bore apertures are approxi-
mately circular, the calculation is simple, involving merely
the area of the circle (the radius X the radius X 3.14) times
the gasket thickness.
If the hole is irregular, divide up this shape into a series
of thin rectangles (Fig. 12-3). Obtain the area of each rectangle,
add the areas together. and then multiply by the gasket thick-
Obtaining the Ratio 353
ness. In either case, the gasket thickness should be that of the
gasket when it is compressed. Embossed steel or "shim" gaskets
can be measured with a micrometer because the metal does not
compress much when the cylinder head bolts are tightened.
With sandwich-type gaskets, a well-worn one should be used
for measuring with the micrometer firmly tightened onto it.
Fig. I2-]. Method of obtaining area of gasket opening_ Narrow
sides of each rectangle are bisected by combustion chamber profile.
It is not necessary that all rectangles be the same width. The
more rectangles used, the more accurate the result.
Domed Pistons
If the piston has a convex crown, its volume must be sub-
tracted from the unswept volume in computing the compres-
sion ratio. This can be arrived at in several ways-all awkward.
If a large enough graduate can be obtained with calibrations in
cubic centimeters, the graduate can be filled with kerosene/ ATF
and the piston crown lowered into the liquid until the dome is
immersed. The rise in fluid level indicates the volume of the
Another method is to make a female cast of the piston
crown in clay. This is then measured by running in liquid from
the burette. Modeling clay is also useful for determining piston-
to-valve clearances. By placing the clay atop the piston of the
engine during trial assembly and then turning the crankshaft
through two revolutions, indentations will be left in the clay
by the valves. The thickness of the remaining clay can then be
measured to ascertain the clearance.
In engines with bowl-in-piston combustion chambers, com-
pression ratios can be changed only by changing pistons, and
valve-to-piston clearances can become a problem. As in the case
of domed pistons, it may be necessary to cut valve reliefs into
the piston crowns to avoid interference. Of course, any engine
with vertical valves has less valve clearance trouble because the
face of the valve head and not its edge would have to project
into the piston's way, which is highly unlikely even with ex-
treme camshafts.
To check for valve clearance problems before a head is
milled, you can make up a jig comprising a packing piece that
enters the combustion chamber to an extent equal to the
amount of metal it is proposed to remove. (This is mainly in
the case of flat-topped pistons; domed pistons, being irregular,
are better checked with clay as previously described.) The head
is then placed right side up on a flat surface with the packing
piece in position and both valves in place, without springs or
other fittings. The valves are then allowed to drop until their
heads touch the packing piece; this position approximates that
obtained with the valves touching the piston. Measure the dis-
tance from the end of the valve stem to the top of the guide in
this position, and measure from the same point with the valve
on its seat. The difference should not be less than the valve
lift plus a safety margin of 3/32 to 1/8 in.
Other Machining Operations
In some cases, the spark plug hole is fairly near the head
surface that is to be milled, and machining may actually bring
Obtaining the Ratio 355
it right down to the joint. This does not matter, providing the
gasket is well back and does not protrude into the combustion
chamber when the plug hole has been faired off by filing as
indicated in Fig. 12-4. There should be at least 3/32 in. of flat
face between the gasket edge and the plug hole edge. The bot-
tom threads of the hole must not be left ragged after machining
the face but should be filed and blended into the surrounding
metal. To keep the plug threads from projecting into the com-
bustion chamber, it may be necessary to install a thick solid
copper gasket between the normal spark plug gasket and the
head. These spacer gaskets are readily available for just this
purpose from spark plug companies, such as Champion, that
maintain a racing department.
After milling, you will have to accommodate a greater
length of cylinder head bolt in the block or, if the engine has
studs, place thick steel washers between the head nuts and the
head. Bolt holes should be tapped deeper, if this does not in-
volve drilling into the water jacket, or the bolts can be short-
ened or somewhat shorter bolts obtained. The valve train geom-
etry will be upset by head milling on pushrod engines, and
after milling the head either the pedestals must be shimmed
higher or shorter pushrods must be used.
Fig. I2-4. Smoothing contours. Any sharp edges or corners result-
ing from matching head face (A) must be removed (B).
On overhead camshaft engines, head milling will place
slack in the timing chain or the camshaft drive belt. This must
be accommodated in the correct manner if trouble is to be
avoided. Some comments on this appear in chapter 18.
Though modern head gaskets are very good, O-rings
around the cylinder bores are better and are used in almost
all racing engines today. O-rings are particularly worthwhile
if very high compression ratios are used. Gas-filled O-rings, a
recent development, are certainly worth making room for in
engines that will be used in rigorous professional racing events.
At present, lapped joints-without gaskets or O-rings-are found
only on air-cooled engines.
13 / The Engine zn Operation
The Engine Installed
When the engine is installed in the car, it is subjected to
conditions and influences that can reduce the amount of power
available at the flywheel. Usually some power is inevitably re-
quired for driving auxiliaries, and this loss must be accepted
(although we shall examine in this chapter some ways of re-
ducing the power drain to a minimum). There are other power
losses that may simply be the consequence of faulty installation
or a disregard of the basic requirements for obtaining full
For example, close confinement in a compact engine com-
partment means that the heat liberated during engine opera-
tion greatly increases the temperature of the air that surrounds
the engine. Much of this air has already been warmed by en-
tering through the radiator. Adequate means for getting the
hot air out of the engine compartment is therefore a primary
necessity if engine reliability is not to be impaired. In most pro-
duction cars there is a fairly free flow down and back, the move-
ment of the car helping to some extent in the extraction effect.
Normally this flow will keep the temperatures of the block cast-
ing and the oil pan within bounds.
However, there is still likely to be a concentration of warm
air toward the top of the hood, particularly in the region of
the exhaust headers or manifolds. Radiation from these exhaust
system components is added to the heat coming from the ra-
diator and from the engine itself. Because it is from this same
upper under-hood area that the intake air is drawn, there is a
probability of power loss in comparison with dynamometer fig-
ures, where normal atmospheric temperatures and pressures
Present-day emission-controlled cars have, in addition, an
intake air preheating system, which is taken into account in se-
lecting the standard carburetor jetting and ignition timing. So,
in the quest for cold air during the conversion of a production
car into a competition car, the introduction of cool outside air
will almost always make richer carburetor jets a necessity rather
than a nicety and may even call for some basic alterations to
the spark advance curve. It is possible to obtain a good idea of
this influence that cool air has by considering what has just
been said on the basis of Charles's law, as given in chapter 1.
Air Temperature and Volume
According to Charles, the volume of a gas such as air be-
comes zero at -273
(or oOK). The effect of a reduction in
air intake temperature from 300 to 15C (or from 86
to 6oF)
is equal to a reduction from 3030 to 288K, or about 5 per-
cent. This will increase the air density by the same percentage.
The maximum temperature, however, is only that of a normal
hot day, and in practice air-intake temperatures of over 75C
have been recorded after a couple of flat-out miles on a stan-
dard sports car. This being 348K, a reduction to the normal
under-hood temperature of 303K with the engine warm would
equal 15 percent, while the result of bringing it down to an
average outside-air ambient temperature of about 15C would
make the difference over 20 percent.
The improvement on engine power output that will be
obtained by increasing the weight of air drawn in (because a
given volume of cold air is heavier than the same volume of
warm air) can be calculated theoretically by a standard formula.
The horsepower of the engine is multiplied by the square root
The Engine Installed 359
of the number obtained when the existing intake temperature
(absolute) is divided by the proposed intake temperature. The
following example will show the procedure (it is assumed that
. the temperatures already quoted apply).
Imagine an engine with 80 bhp. The existing intake air
temperature with the engine installed in the car is, say, 3.48 K,
and modification of the intake air system will reduce this to the
atmospheric ambient, or 288K.
Existing T = 348
Proposed T = 288
v'T.2'T = 1.1.
--= 1.21
Therefore, engine power will be increased to 80 X 1.1 = 88 bhp.
The example suggests an impressive power increase by what
seems to be a simple modification, but it is possible to take full
advantage of the increase only on a racing car that never needs
to cope with winter cold and is not required to produce flexible
power for highway driving. Also, richer jets would be neces-
sary to keep the same fuel/air ratio.
Simple cool-air grilles or scoops, such as the one shown in
Fig. 13-1, are very common on all competition cars where the
rules permit them. Where body changes are proscribed, a cool-
air duct from the region of air intake to a point behind the
grille but ahead of the radiator works very well. But bear in
mind that the pavement can be very hot, and so the intake duct
must not be placed too near the road.
~ ____ I
Fig. I)-I. Additional air intake adjacent to carburetors for intake
air temperature reduction .
Pressure Dueting
If a large intake is located at the front of the car low down,
in the high pressure area but well above the road, a good vol-
ume of cool air will be forced into the engine compartment or
air intake plenum chamber, particularly at high speeds; the
pressure buildup in such an intake may be about 0.5 psi at 100
mph. The feasibility of using this pressure for supercharging
has already been considered in chapter 9. Generally, however,
it is preferable to have a free outlet around the actual carbu-
retor or injection system intake, the flow from the duct being
guided past the intakes rather than forced into them. A plenum
chamber with an open outlet to the rear fulfills this require-
ment very well.
Much can be done also to reduce heat convection from the
exhaust manifold or header on engines where the latter is
mounted just below the carburetors. A shield laminated from
a sheet of asbestos sandwiched between two sheets of aluminum,
which can often be fitted beneath the carburetor or injection
intake, will help considerably. This kind of shield can also be
used beneath air intakes that, because of engine design or in-
stallation, are very near the road, the radiator, or some other
heated part.
Oil Temperature
With an engine in good condition, the oil temperature is
usually kept within acceptable limits when extra power has
been achieved through blueprinting or supertuning. So long
as the oil reaches a steady temperature and stays there, no harm
will come from quite a high figure. Some car makers still ad-
vocate caution, quoting typical temperatures as 75 to 80C
maximum, but there is little doubt that with modern engine
construction and modern oils, another 10 to 20C should do
no harm. The important thing is that a sudden burst of power
must not cause a rapid rise, and there must not be a slow but
steady buildup of a few degTees throughout the time of engine
operation; eventually the danger point will be exceeded.
The Engine Installed 361
Oil coolers are available that can be coupled into the lub-
rication system to augment the normal means of cooling. The
oil cooler is most effective when it handles the entire oil flow,
being connected in the circuit between the oil pump and the
main oil gallery. The bypass type of cooler, connected in an
auxiliary circuit such as can be combined with a bypass oil filter
or with the pressure gauge line, helps to reduce the temperature
to a small extent and is useful when overload conditions are
of short duration. A typical oil cooler and its installation hard-
ware are shown in Fig. 13-2.
Fig. I3-2. Components of a typical oil cooler for installation on a
competition-prepared production engine.
An air scoop (Fig. 13-3) can in some cases be fitted to as-
sist in directing cool air over the oil pan. But if the rules do
not prohibit it, an oil cooler is always best and will be even
more efficient if it is mounted at the front of the car. This will
require long hoses or pipelines on many cars. It is of vital im-
portance that the hoses or pipes are properly chosen for the
duty, resistant to vibration, not in a position to be caught in
moving parts, and firmly secured to the car. Aircraft-type plumb-
ing is almost universally used for applications such as this in
professional racing.
Fig. 13-3. Airflow over sump augmented by a simple design of
Mechanical Losses
The alternator, the water pump, the fan, the fuel pump,
and, on large NASCAR and Trans-Am sedans, the power steer-
ing pump all represent auxiliaries that take power to drive. But
it is possible to cut these losses considerably so long as they do
not lead to engine overheating, a dead battery, or excessive
driver fatigue. Electric fuel pumps are invariably used on com-
petition cars, except in showroom stock and strictly stock classes.
They will improve fuel system reliability while reducing the
load on the engine.
Pumps for dry sump lubricating systems also drain power
from the engine, but balancing this is the reduction of mechan-
ical loss caused by oil drag. The dry sump also lowers oil tem-
peratures and reduces problems of oil sloshing, oil starvation,
and oil loss. Any power taken by the pump should be consid-
ered well spent.
Various friction-reducing oil additives are marketed, and,
Mechanical Losses 363
judging from the decals on racing cars, one would think that
these are being used in every engine. In truth, racers usually
do use the additive that they advertise, but the actual quantity
may be exceedingly small-just enough to obtain sponsorship
money from the additive manufacturer. A few team managers
use additives liberally and swear by them as agents for reducing
internal friction losses.
Gimerators and Alternators
Some formula cars dispense with the alternator or gen-
erator for races that last only a few miles, which is frequently
the case in club racing. Other tuners choose to put a very large
pulley on the alternator or generator in order to reduce its
speed and hence the power absorbed in driving it. Of course,
no charging system and, in many cases, no battery is used in
drag racing machines that run for only a few seconds at a time.
Oval track race cars are push-started and have magneto igni-
tions, so no battery, generator, or alternator is required.
In addition to taking power from the engine, the generator
or alternator can fail during a race. If it does, the water pump
or power steering pump may be affected so that the car must
be withdrawn from competition. Therefore, some tuners drive
the alternator or generator from a point other than the engine.
An installation such as the one shown in Fig. 13-4 has at least
three advantages. First, a failure will not interfere with engine
operation; second, because it is driven off the axle, the rpm is
low and less power is absorbed; and third, it is nearer the bat-
tery, which has been placed inside the trunk in order to balance
a nose-heavy car.
Fan Output
The air output of the radiator cooling fan varies in propor-
tion to speed that is something between the square and the
cube of its rpm. The power needed to drive the fan is approxi-
mately in direct proportion to the weight of air moved. Thus,
a fan delivering 10 cubic feet of air per minute at 1000 rpm
might deliver up to 1000 cubic feet per minute at double this
Fig. IJ-4. Alternator, belt driven from rear axle, installed in
trunk of racing Chevrolet Camaro.
speed. So if we assume that the engine idles at 700 rpm, crawls
at 1000 rpm, and is revved to 2000 or SO rpm for bursts of traf-
fic acceleration, it might be thought that an average engine
speed of 1200 to 1400 rpm is suitable as a basis for designing
the fan to cool the engine under the worst conditions.
However, the fan, driven directly from the engine, has to
vary its speed over a range of five or six to one; this is where
the waste of power comes in. Even if we assume that the fan is
reasonably efficient over a good part of its speed range (and
this is usually not the case), at any speed above the one de-
signed for, the fan will be moving far more air than is neces-
sary and taking a lot of engine power to do so.
Multibladed fans are quieter than two-blade fans; some-
times multiple blades are set at irregular angles to one another
to limit further the possibilities for resonant frequencies that
passengers might find objectionable. In a competition car,
therefore, it is often possible to reduce fan drive losses by using
a fan with fewer blades or a smaller diameter. For example, the
two-blade fan of the Ford Pinto will readily fit in place of the
multibladed fan of the Ford Capri.
Viscous fan drives, which are a kind of fluid clutch, are
widely used today even on low-cost production cars. The clutch
Mechanical Losses 365
has enough drag in its viscous fluid to turn the fan at a 1: 1
ratio at low rpm, where fan cooling is needed. At higher speeds,
the clutch allows slippage so that the fan's maximum rpm re-
mains constant and proportional to the quantity of air it is
moving, while the engine rpm goes to very high figures during
acceleration and high-speed driving. The saving offered by a
fan clutch is shown in Fig. 13-5.
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fig. I]5. Fan power absorption on 3.4-liter engine. Dotted line
indicates drive with clutch running disengaged.
Freewheeling fan drives are sometimes incorporated in the
clutch assembly in order to reduce inertia loadings on the V-
belt. The use of a larger pulley for the fan is not desirable, as
it may be for an alternator, because the fan is usually mounted
on the water pump shaft, and a reduction in fan speed would
also mean a reduction in coolant flow, which could lead to
The Electric Fan
Electric fans are used in many production cars, particularly
VWs, Audis, MGs, and Triumphs. These can be transplanted
to other cars, thus eliminating the mechanically driven fan. An
electric fan not only can be of constant-speed type, thus mini-
mizing the current needed to drive it, but also can be thermo-
statically controlled so that the motor runs only when the coolant
temperature in the radiator exceeds a predetermined 'level.
The Lucas installation on the E-type Jaguar takes about
7 amps at 12 volts; a typical proprietary unit (Fig. 13-6) takes
6 amps. These figures represent less than 100 watts, or 0.13
horsepower; of course, this power is unvarying since the fan is
either on or off. A fan that operates at a constant rpm can be
designed to be highly efficient at that speed only; fans that must
operate over a range of rpm are inefficient at nearly all times
because of the compromises that go into their shape. This ex-
plains why the losses to an engine-driven fan are much higher
,than to an electric fan.
Fig. I)-6. Radiator cooling fan with electric motor drive.
It may seem that power wastage figures such as those quoted
earlier for engine-driven fans are incorrect because the thin-
section fan belts used today are not designed for transmitting
Mechanical Losses 367
such power. But despite its small size, a modern V-belt can
actually transmit greater power (with less frictional loss in
bending over the pulleys) than the old-style heavy belts. The
average 3/8-in. belt on pulleys of suitable diameter will transmit
5 to 7 bhp at 5000 feet per minute of belt travel with no trouble
at all.
Hardware and Plumbing
The hardware and plumbing used to install the engine in
the car can have a life-or-death influence on the survival of the
engine and, in some cases, the driver. If flexible engine mount-
ings are used, they should be modified with catch straps so that
the engine will not radically shift its position if a rubber mount-
ing breaks. Only high-grade bolts should be used for solid en-
gine mountings, and the best available scatter shield should
be installed over the clutch/flywheel bellhousing. Most racing
classes have strict rules governing this equipment, and while
compliance may not help your car win races, it may keep the
driver in one piece.
Aircraft plumbing, if not required, is still desirable. The
hoses, for example, can be obtained in both flame-resistant and
aromatic-resistant materials. Some hoses have both qualities
and may also be self-sealing. No matter how well an engine is
designed and built, it will not win races if there is an oil pres-
sure loss, cooling loss, fuel pressure loss, or under-hood fire re-
sulting from a burst hose.
Aircraft quality metallic lines should also be used with air-
craft quality fittings. Plumbing designated AC (Air Corps) is
obsolete and becoming hard to obtain. Choose AN (Army/Navy)
standard fittings. The cost need not be high because often this
material is available as military surplus. Several companies that
advertise in racing enthusiast publications offer these kinds of
surplus goods.
Remember that any kind of makeshift plumbing or hard-
ware is a potential weak link in the car. The car may be good
and the engine may be good, but if the engine is not carefully
installed in the car, neither will be worth the trip to the race
14 / Supercharging
Historical Background
A supercharger is a kind of air pump that is used to deliver
air (diesel engines) or a fuel/air mixture (spark-ignition en-
gines) to the cylinders under pressure instead of having the
mixture enter under atmospheric pressure as a result of the de-
pression (partial vacuum) caused by downward movement of
the piston on the intake stroke. In regard to supercharger de-
sign, a normal cylinder and piston can be used for blowing, as
in large industrial and marine diesels. For small high-speed en-
gines it has the inherent disadvantages of reciprocating action
and high frictional loss. It was in all probability last used in
the small gasoline engine field on the early DKW racing motor-
cycle engines; it was subsequently superseded on these by a
rotary-type blower, and this is now the universal type for com-
peti tion use (Fig. 14-1).
In past years, the centrifugal supercharger has come in for
a great deal of bad press in automotive technical books. The
assumption, of course, was that the impeller was driven mechan-
ically by the engine, which was the case years ago. The high
point for engine-driven centrifugal blowers was certainly the
Miller and Duesenberg race cars of the 1920S and 193os. While
the design combines simplicity and small size with a high out-
Historical Background 369
Fig. 14. 1. Three basic types of compressors used for supercharg-
ing: (top) centrifugal impeller; (center) Roots with synchronized
rotors; (bottom) sliding vane and eccentrically mounted drum.
put of mixture, the output pressure varies approximately as
the square of the impeller speed. This is because the operation
of the unit, as implied by "centrifugal", depends on the kinetic
energy imparted to a whirling mass of air by its inertia-akin
to the energy that tends to "scatter" an overspeeded clutch or Hy-
wheel. Thus, if an impeller is designed to supercharge at 8 psi
at 5000 rpm, it would give only 2 psi at 2500 rpm.
On the Duesenberg and Miller cars there was no problem
because races were on high-banked board tracks or at the In-
dianapois Motor Speedway and rpm was maintained in a nar-
row band. Supercharging disappeared when fires and the Great
Depression ended the board track era. On dirt tracks the cen-
trifugal supercharger was a costly toy that wore out in the abra-
sive dust and provided low boost at the time when high boost
was most needed-in leaving the turns.
Though a centrifugal supercharger with a turbine oper-
ated by engine exhaust gases was used with great success on
certain kinds of aircraft, its vast potential is only now being
realized in motor racing. Turbocharging, as it is called, is the
only kind of supercharging being used or considered on today's
oval track and road racing engines. The revolution might have
come about sooner were it not for the bad things that had been
said about centrifugal blowers in general.
Despite one or two attempts to reintroduce centrifugal
supercharging in Championship oval track cars during the 1950s,
the most widely known failure for centrifugal blowers was the
I.5-liter V-16 BRM Grand Prix engine of that period. Count-
less Britons contributed money to the building and develop-
ment of the first BRM, a car they hoped would redeem Eng-
land's honor in international racing. When the car failed, many
journalists rushed to criticize, particularly the choice of the
centrifugal supercharger. At low speeds, the car could not get
out of its own way; and when the boost from the blower finally
came in, it was with a force that frequently destroyed the en-
gine. Thus we can forget about mechanically driven centrifugal
blowers. The successful superchargers of the mechanically
driven variety have been either the Roots or the vane-type.
The Roots supercharger was used on the all-conquering Mer-
cedes Benz Grand Prix race cars of the 19305 and on the AHa Ro-
RooJs Blowers 371
meo Grand Prix cars that dominated Formula I racing in the
late 1940S and early 195os. The Auto Union Grand Prix cars
that outdid even the Mercedes during some seasons of the 1930S
were equipped with vane-type blowers. All of the last types of
these three racing marques used two-stage supercharging, that
is, a large supercharger compressed the mixture into a smaller su-
percharger, which compressed the mixture further and crammed
it into the combustion chambers. At the end of its development,
the AHa produced in excess of 420 bhp from 1500 cm
(91 in.
of piston displacement.
Roots Blowers
The operating principle of the Roots blower (developed in
America before the Civil War for foundry blowing) is similar
to that of a gear-type oil pump; two rotors carrying lobes are
synchronized by external gearing to run with extremely close
clearances between themselves and the housing (Fig. 14-2) . When
there are two lobes on each rotor, there is some impulsiveness
Fig. I42. Components of a Roots-type supercharger.
in the delivery and suction, which becomes of no consequence
at higher speeds and is virtually eliminated by using three-lobe
rotors. Skewed ports or spiral rotors also reduce the effect, but,
of course, these features in no way affect the operating principle.
With a Roots blower there is no change of total volume
throughout the pumping cycle and thus no internal compression.
After entering the blower, the mixture is expelled from the de-
livery port against whatever backpressure is encountered in the
manifold, which depends on the ratio of blower delivery volume
to the swept volume of the engine cylinders. The vane-type
blower, on the other hand, has its own internal compression
which is significant and will be discussed later.
Roots blowers are used today only on drag racing engines.
This is mainly because Roots-type GMC blowers from diesel en-
gines are very widely available in the United States, and a number
of experts have become proficient in setting these units up for
drag racers. Normally the GMC blower is mounted atop a big
V8, and a special fuel injection unit is installed atop the blower.
For drag racing, the GMC unit should be carefully exam-
ined and modified before it is put on the engine. First of all,
heavy duty end plates must be fitted because the stock plates
tend to crack near the bearing bosses if there is a backfire in
the induction system. Also, the rotors, which are aluminum,
must be pinned to keep them from slipping on the steel stub
shafts as a result of backfiring. This is done by drilling through
the rotors near their ends and through the steel stub shafts.
Steel pins are then driven in with an interference fit.
In addition, a visual check should be made for obvious
cracks, nicks, and marks that show interference between the
rotor lobes. The clearances between the lobes must never be
zero, and this clearance can vary if there is excessive end play
because of the spiral of the lobes. The clearance between the
rotors and the housing should be .005 to .007 in., the clearance
between the rotors and the front of the housing should be .008
to .010 in., and the clearance between the rotors and the rear
of the housing should be .016 to .018 in. These clearances can
,be checked with a feeler gauge and must not vary from the
specifications because of end play.
Though multiple V-belts were formerly used to drive GMC
Vane-type Blowers 373
blowers used on drag engines, the Gilmer belt is now used uni-
versally; it eliminates all slippage and reduces the weight of
the belts. With many setups this means that there is no way
of driving the water pump (although on most of the cars there
is no radiator). The Roots blower, being virtually positive dis-
placement, starts working right away and is ideal for drag rac-
ing. As we shall see, there is a slight time lag involved in get-
ting a turbocharger up to its efficient rpm.
Vane-type Blowers
The vane-type blower (Fig. 14-3) has a drumlike rotor
mounted in bearings so that it is eccentric to a circular casing,
leaving a crescent-shaped chamber formed between the two,
with circular end plates. A number of vanes pass through slots
in the rotor, with very close clearances between their tips and
the casing. These vanes divide the casing into separate portions
-usually four.
....... "..
Fig. I4-J . End elevation of vane-type supercharger, showing dis-
position of ports.
The vanes, which pass through the rotor and have very
fine clearances between their extremities and the casin!!" and the
end plates, virtually subdivide the crescent-shaped chamber into
four separate portions. The intake port on the casing is posi-
tioned so that as one of the portions receives its full volume of
mixture, the adjacent portion, on the intake side of the unit,
is increasing in volume and creating a vacuum at the intake
port as the vanes revolve. As soon as the vanes have reached a
position where the portion of the chamber between them con-
tains its maximum volume, the volume between the vanes be-
gins to diminish, since the space between the rotor and the
casing becomes progressively less as the delivery port is ap-
proached. Thus the mixture is compressed inside the casing
before it is released to the intake manifold.
The vane-type blower therefore has its own internal com-
pression, which is adiabatic. This means that the internal pres-
sure will increase with the speed of compression, that is, with
an increase in rpm. The result is that as the weight of mixture
delivered increases, the power required to pump it decreases
for any given unit weight. The delivery temperature also de-
creases in relation to the quantity. This feature has made the
vane-type blower attractive to designers at various times. But
despite careful engineering and sturdy construction (Fig. 14-4),
racing applications have suffered from mechanical unreliability.
A number of add-on vane-type blowers have been marketed,
and some of these, such as the Shorrock unit shown in the il-
lustrations, had well-designed lubricating arrangements and
thus held up very well by comparison to some older units. As
Fig. 14-5 shows, the construction was robust enough to be re-
liable under all conditions. At present, however, the only add-
on superchargers being marketed for production cars are turbo-
chargers, and, as we shall see, there are some very good reasons
for this.
All types of superchargers are limited in the maxi-
mum pressures that they can produce, but the centrifugal im-
peller is capable of producing pressures that are in excess of
anything yet seen in a car. For example, obtaining even a 30
psi boost with a positive-displacement blower would require at
Pressures 375
Fig. I44. Internal construction of Shorrock vane-type supercharger.
Fig. I4-5- Shorrock vane-type supercharger with end cover removed,
showing vane carriers_
least two Roots blowers or a vane-type supercharger of very
great weight and bulk_ Yet the centrifugal blower of the ill-
starred sixteen-cylinder BRM was capable of 65 to 70 psi, and
the turbochargers used on Indy cars can deliver pressures above
80 psi, though they generally keep boost to about 45 psi.
These pressures are of significance only for racing because
a blower pressure even 5 psi over atmospheric is enough to
"cook" many production engines. About a 7 to 8 psi boost is
the most that is applied to a stock engine, which points up the
strength and careful preparation that must be part of any tur-
bocharged racing powerplant. In addition, street conversions
keep the engine in its normal rpm range, whereas turbocharged
racing engines take full advantage of the power increases that
are available by increasing the rpm.
The turbocharger is not a complicated device. It consists
of a centrifugal supercharger, with a rotor and housing of light-
weight alloy, connected by a short enclosed shaft to a turbine
wheel only three to four inches in diameter. The turbine wheel
and its housing are of heat-resistant steel alloy, and the hous-
ing is designed to direct the engine's exhaust gas stream directly
over the turbine wheel. The fuel/air mixture is drawn in at the
center of the centrifugal rotor and exits at the periphery, where-
as the exhaust gases enter at the periphery of the turbine wheel
and exit from its center.
An internal combustion engine wastes a great deal of
energy, which is thrown out the exhaust pipe in the forms of
heat, pressure, and gas velocity. A turbocharger puts this waste
energy to work, using it to drive a supercharger. There are no
gears, chains, or belts to wear out, and the supercharger and its
carburetor or injection system can be located out in the cool
air. The duct to the engine's intake manifold can be designed
to have an efficient shape, with no worry about mechanical drive
com plexi ties.
It might seem that the turbine would create exhaust back
pressure and thus reduce the engine's power output. However,
Turbocharging 377
in a normally aspirated engine, back pressure is a problem only
because it hinders the entry of fresh fuel/air charges into the
cylinders. Because the intake manifold is under pressure, there is
no problem in getting the exhaust gas out and a fresh charge in.
Blowing Down
The technique of blow-down scavenging, or blowing down,
is not new to supercharging and is illustrated in Fig. 14-6 with a
mechanically driven vane-type supercharger. Because the induc-
tion system is under high pressure, if a very large valve overlap
and early intake valve opening are adopted, the whole combus-
tion chamber can be blown through by fresh cool mixture for
quite an appreciable period. During this time, all traces of
burned gas are ejected, and the valves, the plug, the piston, and
the cylinder head are subjected to a cooling blast; the heat is
transferred to the mixture, which goes on its way down the ex-
haust pipe-burning on its way and helping to drive the turbine
with increasing vigor.
Fig. I4-6. Principle of super-scavenge by blowing down with fresh
charge under high pressure.
High-pressure charging of the cylinder begins as soon as
the exhaust valve doses, prior to which the combustion chamber
is already well packed with fresh mixture. The success of blow-
ing down is highly dependent on valve timing, and t ~ use of
a turbocharger must be anticipated in designing the camshaft (s) .
But even in cases where turbochargers are added to engines that
were designed for normal aspiration, exhaust backpressure is
not a source of loss because the supercharger output can be in-
creased easily to compensate. By comparison, at maximum rpm
the GMC Roots-type supercharger on a blown nitro-fuel drag-
ster requires about 100 bhp from the engine's crankshaft out-
put. While turbocharging is not totally "for free" or "some-
thing for nothing", it is about as close as can be attained.
The Catch
This is not to say that turbochargers will make as great an
impact on drag racing as they have on road racing and oval
track racing. For drag racing, the positive-displacement Roots
blower is certainly better at present. With any positive-displace-
ment, mechanically driven blower, the boost is available imme-
diately, which is important for obtaining the low-speed power
that is necessary coming "out of the hole".
The problem with turbocharging is the infamous "turbo
lag" that Indy drivers complain about. At idle, the turbocharger
is hardly turning over. Even at part throttle, there is no boost
so long as the throttle opening is too small to increase the pres-
sure in the compressor to a level above atmospheric. But when
the throttle is opened fully, even at relatively low engine rpm,
the flow of exhaust gases increases enormously, causing the tur-
bine to speed up and begin pressurizing the intake manifold.
This takes time because from the virtual standstill at idle
the turbocharger must accelerate to a speed as high as 120,000
rpm. In a production car turbocharged to perhaps 8 psi, some
boost will be available immediately at speeds of, say, 50 mph
or above. It does not take long for the blower to reach this pres-
sure. But on an Indy car, where full boost may be more than
40 psi, the turbine must "wind up" higher to achieve the pres-
sure; thus the time lag is greater.
Turbocharging 379
Despite this shortcoming, the turbocharger has a compen-
sating virtue: it supplies boost more on the basis of engine de-
mand than on engine speed. So despite the time lag, full boost
is possible at full throttle and low engine speeds. This can be
very decisive in road racing, where a mechanically driven blower
might never get up to full boost before the next turn. Another
failing of the positive displacement blower is that it takes up ex-
cessive space (turbochargers are exceedingly compact) and
needlessly heats up the mixture, as the blower is actually rela-
tively inefficient as a com pressor.
Finally, it might be supposed that mechanically driven
blowers work all the time and are therefore supplying boost all
the time. Actually, they are only going through the motions.
With the throttle partially open, there is inadequate mixture
for the blower to compress. Under these conditions the turbo-
charger is not drawing power from the crankshaft, but the me-
chanically driven blower is, flailing away in a partial vacuum
and costing bhp.
Output Characteristics
To achieve high pressures with Roots blowers, designers
have sometimes resorted to two-stage supercharging. Turbo-
chargers have no such limitation; the design problem presented
is frequently that of too much output rather than too little. A
turbocharger that is designed to give the desired output in the
mid-range of engine rpm will produce a boost pressure that is
much too high at maximum engine speed. In addition, inertia
keeps the turbine spinning at relatively high speed even after
the throttle is closed and, upon reopening the throttle, the en-
gine rpm may have changed to a speed that does not match the
blower pressure. Therefore, several methods have been devel-
oped to control the turbocharger's output.
Perhaps the simplest is a compressor blow-off valve, or pop
valve. When a predetermined pressure is reached in the intake
manifold, the valve is forced open so that the pressure does not
exceed this level-exactly the principle of the pop valves or
safety valves used on the boilers of old-time steam locomotives.
On an engine with port-type fuel injection, the pop valve pre-
sents no problems because the compressor is handling air only.
If the carburetor or fuel injection is on the atmospheric side
of the compressor, then the pop valve would be releasing fuel/
air mixture. Aside from the fuel waste and air pollution, this
also presents an obvious fire hazard.
Another simple system is to restrict the turbine's outlet. Al-
though this reduces the available turbine power at high speeds,
it also tends to increase exhaust backpressure to a point in ex-
cess of that which can be overcome by the blower. Thus, al-
though it is a safe and inexpensive system, it is not suited to
competition engines.
Waste Gate
The most successful system for controlling turbocharger
output is the waste gate. Despite its immoral sounding name,
the only thing being wasted is exhaust gas, which in any piston
engine other than a turbocharged one would be totally wasted
anyway. In its simple form, illustrated in Fig. 14-7, there is a
diaphragm valve that opens the waste gate whenever the pres-
sure in the intake manifold exceeds the predetermined maxi-
mum. With the valve open, a portion of the exhaust gas is di-
verted to the atmosphere, preventing the turbine speed from
rising above the rpm needed for maximum boost. More com-
plicated applications of the waste gate principle, which give a
boost rate that rises or falls proportionally to engine speed and
load, are in use.
The Turbo Porsche (Fig. 14-8) has a highly developed
waste gate turbocharger system. By incorporating a compressor
recirculation circuit, the Porsche Turbo reduces turbo lag to
almost nothing under conditions where the throttle is opened
wide after a long period of coasting. In the Porsche system, the
turbocharger handles air only; fuel is supplied by a special kind
of Bosch K Jetronic fuel injection.
Add-on Turbochargers
There are a number of turbocharger kits on the market
that can be installed on cars that formerly had normally as-
Fig. I47. Simplified operation of waste gate.
Turbocharging 381
Fig. I48. Waste gate on competition.prepared Porsche Turbo al-
lows surplus exhaust to exit through a separate, smaller exhaust
pipe, reducing quantity of exhaust directed into turbine.
pirated engines. In addition, there are turbochargers available
from AiResearch (which supplied turbochargers to General
Motors for Corvairs, Oldsmobiles, and Pontiacs in the 1960s),
Rajay (these seem readily available), and Schwitzer (which
would rather sell to engine manufacturers than to individuals).
The question, of course, is whether one can add a turbo
to a Toyota and then go out and dice with the Porsche Turbos
on the race track. The answer at this point is probably no. The
add-on kits supply low boost suitable for highway applications
with otherwise unmodified engines. These kits are attractive
because they generally increase performance without increasing
emissions or fuel consumption. But even if you obtain a Rajay
and design your own racing system, you probably will not be
able to duplicate the results obtained by a factory-developed
system such as the Porsche.
Carburetion is a particular problem. Aside from the fact
that a broader-range carburetor is necessary because of the wider
band of horsepower, there is the problem of where to install
the carburetor in relation to the blower. Should the super-
charger supply compressed air to the carburetor?
Fuel injection does not solve the problem easily. Indy cars,
for example, frequently use two fuei injection systems-one for
low speeds and lhe other for full boost-because of the wide
horsepower band. Also, the question still remains, should the
injection take place before compression, or should it be into
the intake ports where the fuel pressure must be higher because
of the blower pressure in the induction system?
The GM system, and the setup used with most add-on sys-
tems, places the carburetor ahead of the compressor to produce
the fewest problems with carburetion. But when the throttle valve
is closed, the compressor is subjected to full engine vacuum. This
makes necessary a very stiff seal on the compressor shaft to keep
lubricating oil from being sucked out of the turbocharger's
bearing section. The resulting seal friction tends to interfere
with turbocharger response.
Placing the carburetor downstream creates many problems,
and almost certainly will require a special carburetor and fuel
pump. Even with injection there is the problem of compressor
surge. This occurs when the supercharger pumps a reverse flow
Turbocharging 383
out of its inlet when the outlet is closed by the throttle at high
speeds. Indy cars get away with it because their throttles are
closed for only short periods of time, but serious problems can
arise in developing a homemade system for racing.
There are signs, however, that the SCCA and other race
sanctioning organizations may liberalize their positions on
turbocharging. Once it becomes legal to add a turbocharger for
racing, it will not be long before development begins. Never-
theless, it will still be many years before the average tuner can
hope to equal the results that have been obtained by Porsche
on the race track.
Engines and
15 / The American VB Engine
Expert Tuners
Some of the finest tuners in America have been consulted
in the preparation of this chapter and later ones. Each is an ex-
pert in preparing the particular engines covered by that chap-
ter. Whenever possible, their names are mentioned. A reader
who needs further advice or information concerning the prepara-
tion of a particular engine for competition should contact one
of these experts directly.
The present chapter, which is concerned with American V8
engines, is one exception. Information for it comes from many
sources. Probably in every reader's immediate area there are
shops that devote themselves to the tuning of American engines
for drag racing, oval track racing, or road racing. Therefore,
these facilities and speed shops are the best places to go for any
advice or machine shop services that may be required. Many of
the most respected racing engine builders use outside machinists
for the preparation of cylinder heads, crankshafts, and other
components that are virtually remanufactured for racing.
Standard Design
Since the mid-1950s, the V8 engine has been the standard
American engine (Fig. 15-1). Rarely has it been a small engine.
The idea of a 2.5-liter or 3.5-liter V8 seems foreign (no pun
intended) to the American designer, and for vaguely incompre-
hensible reasons, six-cylinder and four-cylinder designs are re-
sorted to by the American auto industry for anything smaller
than about 4.5 to 5.0 liters. Really small V8s are excellent power-
plants. But probably because Americans have associated "bIg"
and "more" with "better" and "expensive" for so many years,
the U.S. car makers assume that anything "small" and "less"
must automatically be "worse" and "cheap".
Fig. I5-I. The Chrysler/Plymouth Hemi, one of the greatest of
American V8s in stock car racing and in drag racing.
For well over twenty years, big OHV V8s have been the cor-
nerstone of racing in America. This is likely to be the case for
some time, although that time will eventually come to an end.
Standard Design 389
Government regulations that demand reasonable levels of fuel
economy for each manufacturer's line of cars are causing the
American auto industry to phase out the biggest V8s and limit
the use of others. Instead of building smaller, more economical
V8s, the trend is toward V6s and inline fours.
But even though some fairly large V8s will be with us for
a number of years in the bigger, more expensive sedans, these
powerplants may not be usable for competition. For example,
many factory-installed components on today's federally regu-
lated engines are simply unsuitable for high performance use.
Emission laws have resulted in lower compression ratios, and
the car makers have taken advantage of the reduced power
outputs by using cheaper crankshafts and connecting rods,
which lack adequate overstrength for racing. Currently the manu-
facturers show some interest in providing forged crankshafts and
connecting rods for some engines, so that these parts can be in-
stalled by racers for particular classes that require factory com-
ponents. But this situation may not last very long because there
is little to be gained in the way of publicity by racing V8s when
V8 cars no longer comprise a significant part of the manufac-
turer's output.
Since we are paying higher car prices because of emission
controls, it does not seem altogether right that we should be
given cheaper engines, which are made possible by the emission
controls. Still, that's Detroit. And we are fortunate indeed that
there is still a great deal of speed equipment available for the
good V8s manufactured in more carefree times. Because mil-
lions of V8s are on the road, we would not be likely to run out
even if the Big Four stopped manufacturing them today. After
all, Ford Hatheads and Buick straight-eights are still seen occa-
sionally in drag racing and hot rod competition, though neither
has been built since the early 1950s.
In road racing, American V8s figure prominently in Can-
Am cars, the big GT classes, in sedans, and in large production
sports car classes. Although other makers have enjoyed an oc-
casional win, Chevrolet engines are at present the only V8s ac-
tually racing on road courses in a competitive manner. Partially
this is because the Chevrolet Camaro and Corvette cars are ca-
pable of being made into good-handling road racing cars and
because the Chevrolet small block V8 is the lightest and most
compact 5-liter block available for use in formula cars and sports
racing cars.
In drag racing, the situation is more democratic. While
Chrysler and Chevrolet engines predominate, there are plenty
of good Ford and American Motors engines on hand to keep
the competition keen. Oval track racing, both with sprint
cars and dirt-track championship cars, is very much Chevy-
dominated. Compact size, a low center of gravity, and exten-
sive development know-how are probably responsible for this,
and some truly magnificent designs based on the Chevy engine
have been achieved (Fig. 15-2). In NASCAR, every brand of
American V8 is well represented.
Fig. I5-2. The Moser racing engine, based on a Chevy small block.
Double overhead camshafts are spur gear driven from a big Gil-
mer belt sprocket on each head.
Cylinder Heads 391
This chapter will show what can be done to obtain the maxi-
mum power from these engines. Whether these modifications
are applicable in part or at all to certain kinds of racing is some-
thing that can be determined only by studying the rules for the
particular racing class in which an engine is to be used. We will
not spend a great deal of time discussing speed equipment be-
cause there is so much equipment available. Instead we will con-
centrate on the cylinder heads, cylinder block, and engine mov-
ing parts. These may differ radically from one engine design to
another, but the supertuning principles are the same.
Cylinder Heads
Fig. 15-3 is a cross-section view of a small block Chevrolet
engine, showing the well designed ports and the classic wedge
combustion chamber with its extensive squish area. It is obvious
from examining the top end of all American V8s that the de-
Fig. IJJ. End elevation of a Chevrolet small block VB, showing
ports and combustion chambers.
signers have achieved exceptional volumetric efficiency without
resorting to overhead camshafts. The big block Chevrolet, the
Chrysler Hemi, and several other large-displacement designs do
have staggered valves, but these engines still represent a great
accomplishment for fundamental design techniques that were
decades old when the first post-World War II OHV V8s ap-
peared in the 1940s.
In some blueprinting classes, it is permissible to enlarge the
ports so long as the valve diameters are not changed. Usually
this is called a competition valve grind. The procedure is to
ream the ports larger right at the valve seats, moving the seats
out to the extreme outer periphery of the valve. This can nor-
mally be done without a loss of gas velocity at the valve because
the valves are already rather undersize for the cylinder volumes.
When a tuner is under no rule restrictions, it is entirely
practical to increase the valve diameters on all American V8
engines. The possibility that this may need to be done seems to
have been taken into account by the designers; there is usually
ample metal at the valve seats and at critical parts of the ports
for the machinist/tuner to grind away in order to make the course
a smooth one all the way to the bigger valve. Keeping in mind the
axiom that the narrowest point in an intake tract should be at
the valve seat, it can be seen from Fig. 15-4 that not only is there
metal that can be removed from around the valve seats, but the
taper from the intake manifold flange to the valve is pronounced.
Thus, it is seldom a problem to maintain a gradual taper from
the port face to the valve even when the largest possible valves
have been fitted.
Most American V8s have wedge-type combustion chambers.
It is thus inevitable that increasing the valve sizes will cause the
valves to be shrouded by the combustion chamber walls. This
makes it necessary to relieve the chamber all around its deepest
part, where the valves are located. Domed pistons are therefore
necessary in order to achieve competition compression ratios in
modified engines (Fig. 15-5).
The cylinder heads are usually milled to help restore the
compression that is lost by enlarging the combustion chambers.
However, milling causes the intake ports to be misaligned with
the manifold flange. This is take)1 care of either by reshaping
Cylinder Heads 393
Fig. I5-4. Cross-section of American Motors VS. Notice the pro-
nounced taper in the stock intake ports and the thick area of metal
around the valve seat.
the ports or by using a proprietary manifold that has ' been de-
signed to help compensate for these problems; usually the mani-
fold has been designed so that it can easily be milled to fit.
No American V8 has machined combustion chambers. and
so merely polishing the surfaces and rounding off sharp edges
can eliminate hot spots and make higher compression ratio's
practical. Chevrolet small block cylinder heads and American
Fig. I5-5. Skirt diameter being checked on typical domed piston.
Motors heads, to name two, have dime-size depressions in the
combustion chamber roofs. In most heads, the depressions are
located adjacent to the spark plug, but in some American Mo-
tors heads they are on the side of the chamber that is opposite
the spark plug. In cleaning up or reshaping the combustion
chambers, these depressions should merely be smoothed and pol-
ished; under no circumstances should they be removed because
the turbulence that they create has a beneficial influence on
Valve Gear
Most American V8 rocker arms are mounted on individual
studs with ball joints. The studs are a press fit in the cylinder
Cylinder Heads 395
head casting and in some cases extend into the water jacket (Fig.
15-6). The stock studs must be withdrawn so that the holes in
the head can be tapped and screw-in studs installed-using wa-
terproof sealer if the holes extend into the water jacket. Com-
petition camshafts and higher rpm make stiffer valve springs a
necessity. These are usually dual or triple springs, and the in-
creased loading would cause the stock rocker arm studs to pull
out during engine operation.
Fig. I5-6. End section of Ford small VB, showing press-fit rocker
arm studs.
Hydraulic valve lifters are another almost universal fea-
ture of American engines. These are heavy and tend to "pump
up" at high speeds, holding the valves open. Therefore, solid
lifters are used in supertuned engines. If the cam profiles are ex-
ceptionally radical, roller tappets are used (Fig. 15-7). Roller
tappets reduce cam and lifter wear almost entirely and permit
valve timing that would otherwise be obtained only with over-
head camshafts.
Fig. I5-7. Roller tappets being installed in competition-prepared VB.
Lightweight tubular pushrods are used in place of the
heavier stock components (Fig. 15-8), and very often the pressed
steel rocker arms are scrapped in favor of machined aluminum
rockers that have roller tips, needle bearing pivots, and valve
clearance adjusting screws. The roller tip contacts the valve
stem and prevents valve guide wear that can result with normal
rocker arms, which tend to slide across the face of the valve stem
when high valve lifts are being obtained.
Cylinder Heads 397
Link-belt "silent" timing chains (Fig. 15-9) are used except
on a few rare high-performance models that have double-row
roller chains. For racing. double-row roller chains are sometimes
Fig. I5-8. Road racing Camaro engine with intake manifold re-
moved. Lightweight tubular aluminum pushrods can be seen.
Fig. I59. Side section of Ford V8, showing typical silent-type tim-
ing chain.
substituted on engines that did not originally have them. Alter-
natively, a spur gear camshaft drive can be installed (Fig. 15-
The gear drive is strong and provides accurate valve timing.
However, noise is considerable because of the straight-cut teeth.
Fig. I5-IO. Spur gear camshaft drive installed on big block Chevy.
Idler gear is necessary to keep camshaft rotation in same direction
as in chain driven setups.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons
A number of crankshaft suppliers can provide excellent
competition crankshafts for any American VS. Furthermore, for
some engines, the car manufacturers have forged crankshafts
available for high-performance and competition applications.
As delivered by the factory, however, these crankshafts leave
something to be desired_
First of all, the factory crankshaft must be magnafluxed. If
it is a cast shaft, X-ray examination is sometimes used to detect
Crankshaft , Connecting Rods, and Pistons 399
internal flaws and pockets that have resulted from bubbles in
the molten metal or from irregular flow into the mold. Unless
the car manufacturer is known to provide good heat treatment,
the crankshaft should be nitrided or Tuftrided and then straight-
ened to correct any distortion that has resulted from the heat
treatment. In some instances, crankshafts are shot-peened to re-
lieve stresses.
Crankshafts that are not machined may be lightly polished
to inhibit further the formation of fatigue cracks. The shaft is
always dynamically balanced with electronic equipment, first
by itself and then in combination with its flywheel and clutch.
Oil holes are chamfered (Fig. 15-11) and carefully radiused
(Fig. 15-12). Finally, the journals are given a very high polish.
In the case of drag racing engines that burn nitromethane fuels,
the crankshaft journals are sometimes chrome plated in order
to avoid corrosion caused by caustic fuel residues in the lu-
bricating oil.
Fig. I5 -II. Oil holes being chamfered with abrasive stone in high-
speed grinder.
Fig. I5-I2 . Chamfered oil holes being radiused and smoothed with
fine file.
Stock connecting rods can be used for mildly supertuned
engines, but for anything approaching a full-race modification,
something stronger must be used. Sometimes stock rods are
"boxed", which consists of welding steel covers over the I-beam
parts of the rods_ Boxed rods are stronger, but they are also
heavier. For most racing applications, special rods are used (Fig.
15-13). The forged-aluminum rods are widely employed in drag
racing and oval track engines, but often they don't last as long
as steel rods do. The Carillo forged-steel rods have been known
to go as long as two racing seasons without attention or replace-
ment. These are widely used in V8s prepared for road racing.
The connecting rods must be carefully balanced_ Not only
should each rod weigh the same amount as every other rod in
the engine, but each end of the rod should weigh the same
amount as the corresponding end of any of the other rods (Fig.
15-14) . If there are pins in the big end bores to keep the bearing
shells from spinning, the tuner must remember to install the
pins when the rods are balanced (Fig. 15-15).
Cmnkshatt, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 401
Fig. I5-I3. Three kinds of high-performance connecting rods for
V8 engines. At left is forged-aluminum rod with large pad for bal-
ancing. Center rod is a Carillo forged-steel rod. Forged-aluminum
rod on right is contoured for better aerodynamics at high rpm.
Fig. I5-I4. Big end of forged-aluminum rod being weighed for bal-
ancing. Notice that little end is supported.
Fig. I5-I5. Metal being polished from balancing pad on forged-
aluminum rod. Bearing antirotation pin can be seen installed in
big end bore.
If stock rods are used, it is usually not safe to lighten them
greatly, which can often be done on less powerful engines. It is
possible to polish the rods and to reduce the weight somewhat,
for example, by grinding the flash off the sides of the I-beam sec-
tion. If the stock connecting rods have rather large pads that
provide places for metal to be removed during balancing, all of
the rods can be lightened by removing almost all of the pads
before balancing the rods. But no matter what kind of rod is
used, it must be absolutely straight and the bores must be per-
fectly round and accurately aligned with one another.
Competition pistons for American V8s are available in a
vast number of designs. Whatever a tuner needs for a particular
purpose can be readily supplied from stock or can be custom
made (Fig. 15-16). Full-floating piston pins are universally used,
and it is extremely important that the pins be fitted to the pis-
tons and connecting rods with precision. Racing pistons are ex-
Cylinder Block 403
pensive, and if a pin seizes in the piston because of inadequate
oil clearance, the pin bore will gall and the piston will be ruined.
Excessive clearance will hammer the bores out-of-round and can
even break the piston or the rod. There have been "backyard
engineers" who have tried to fit piston pins using brake cylinder
hones and who have installed piston pins that had almost a full
1/ 16 in. of clearance in the rod little end. In every case the con-
sequences were far more costly than it would have been to take
the pistons, pins, and rods to a competition engine builder for
precision fitting on a special machine.
Fig. I5-I6. Various kinds of racing pistons used in the Moser racing
engine. Different finishes and crown shapes that give various com-
pression ratios can be seen.
Cylinder Block
In addition to the usual and very necessary blueprinting
operations, such as align boring, deck milling, and cylinder bor-
ing, V8 blocks receive a wide variety of special modifications
that match them to their particular applications. For example,
the Chevrolet block in Fig. 15-17 has been equipped with studs
for installation of the Moser double overhead camshaft cylin-
der heads that are used to convert Chevy small blocks into Moser
racing engines. This is a four-valve-per-cylinder conversion, and
so it is not necessary to relieve the block for valve clearance, as
it is when two big valves are employed.
Fig. I5-I7. Chevrolet 327 block prepared for installation of Moser
double overhead camshaft conversion. These engines are competi-
tive with DOHC Offy and Ford engines in USAC racing.
Valve reliefs are mainly necessary on the intake sides (Fig.
15-18) . Another vital step in block preparation is to chamfer the
bolt holes. This operation reduces stresses at the junction of the
hole and the block surface and also prevents thread pull-up
from interfering with the compression of the gaskets. Some
tuners have been known to polish the lifter and pushrod gal-
lery of the Vee in order to get better oil drain-down. Main bear-
ing saddles (Fig. 15-19) are frequently used to strengthen the
crankshaft end of the block-especially in high-output drag rac-
ing engines (supercharged or unsupercharged). Several high-
performance V8s have been built with four-bolt main bearing
caps, such as those shown in Fig. 15-19. In the Chrysler Hemi,
the main bearing caps are crossbolted.
Cylinder Block 405
Fig. I5I8. Valve reliefs being ground into V8 block.
Fig. I5I9. Additional main bearing rigidity achieved through in
stallation of support saddle.
For road racing and oval track racing, a dry sump system is
nearly always necessary (Fig. 15-20). There are, however, baffled
oil pans available for several popular V8s, and some Corvettes
and Camaros use wet sumps in road racing. The high banking
and left-tum-only conditions that prevail in stock racing make
it possible for these engines to run with modified wet sump
Fig. I5-20. Scavenge pump for dry sump system on Moser racing
engine. Pump is driven by small Gilmer belt. Notice aircraft-type
oil lines that connect DOHC head to sump.
The setup of induction systems depends greatly on how the
engine will be used. A large variety of different carburetors, in-
jection systems, and supercharger installations is used in drag
racing (Fig. 15-21). Road racing engines are generally equipped
Tuning 407
with multiple Weber carburetors, but fuel injection is also used
in some installations. Fuel injection is always used on oval
track race cars, and stock cars are in most cases limited by the
rules to a single carburetor.
Fig. I5-2I. Roots supercharged drag racing V8 with "bugcatcher"
type fuel-injection unit. Throttle valves can be seen in three ports
in air intake scoop atop blower.
Dynamometer testing is usually employed for selecting the
correct carburetor or fuel injection jets, and so forth. However,
drag racing engines-particularly the big supercharged nitro-
burners-cannot be tested on a dynamometer. These engines
simply will not survive a run of more than a few seconds at full
throttle, and so any tuning that is not learned on the drag strip
is not learned at all.
The trend is toward electronic ignition in all forms of rac-
ing. But V8s with magnetos and with conventional coil and bat-
tery ignitions are still very common. As is the case with carbure-
tor jetting, optimum ignition timing is something that can best
be arrived at on a dynometer. Dynamometer testing is, of course,
the only way to determine the correct advance curve for the dis-
tributor. After the ideal degree of advance has been determined
on the dyno for every racing rpm, the distributor is installed on
a distributor testing machine and calibrated to deliver the cor-
rect advance at each speed (Fig. 15-22).
Fig. I522. Distributor spark advance curve being determined on a
distributor testing machine.
In an age when gasoline is becoming scarce and emiSSlOns
are measured in tons per mile, the future of the big American
V8 as a passenger car engine is in doubt. Its future as a racing
engine is not in doubt, however; there is no cheaper way to ob-
tain vast amounts of power. Even if the supply of gasoline ran
out tomorrow, it would not restrict the big V8s that use alcohol!
nitromethane fuels. These fuels, of course, can be used for any
kind of racing and are a renewable resource. So if the age of the
big-inch V8 comes to an end, it will not be because the oil ran
out; it will be because we have run out of parts, and that sad
day fortunately lies many years in the future.
16 / Formula Ford
The Engine
Formula Ford racing started in England in about 1967 and
arrived in America shortly thereafter. So far, at least ol).e world
champion driver began by racing Formula Fords, and undoubt-
edly many more will follow. Though the modern Formula Ford
chassis is fairly sophisticated and expensive, the engine itself is
not. A majority of the engines found in Formula Ford racers
were rescued in part from junkyards. And although a fully pre-
pared Formula Ford power plant costs $2500 to $2600, this is
still cheaper than a competitive Formula Vee engine. (see chap-
ter 19.)
Two kinds of Ford engines are permitted by the rules, and
both are versions of the English Ford "Kent" engine. One of
these is referred to as the Cortina CT, which, as its name implies,
comes from a 1968, 1969, or 1970 English Ford Cortina GT car.
The other one, the uprated, is the engine used in 197 1, 1972,
and 1973 Pinto 1600 cars. See Fig. 16-1 and Fig. 16-2.
The Cortina GT engine has a 10.0: 1 compression ratio,
and the uprated has a 9.3: 1 ratio, but the uprated engine is more
powerful. This power difference is compensated for by the rules,
which require that cars with uprated engines carry an additional
50-lb. handicap. A good uprated will produce III to 112 bhp,
but some tuners are beginning to approach this figure with the
Cortina GT. So, while the majority of tuners are still working
with uprated engines, there has been a recent trend back to the
Cortina GT. Fifty lbs. is a considerable weight penalty for cars
in this class.
Fig. I6-I. Exploded view of main castings of Ford uprated engine.
The Engine 411
UPPER COMPRESSI ON RING -----......c:::::::-
-----... 'j L bRErAINER
BEARING LINER - - _ '.,j;I
Fig. I6-2. Moving parts housed in block. of Ford uprated engine.
Precision Assembly
Whereas Formula Vee is definitely an engine tuners' class-
tuners frequently have more to do with which car wins than do
the drivers-Formula Ford rules are such that actual tuning
requires neither a great deal of machine shop work nor a search
for rare production components. Precision assembly has more
to do with whether a Formula Ford engine wins or blows up
than any esoteric supertuning trick.
In the eastern United States, few people are more respected
for their work with Formula Ford engines than Chris Wallach
of the Marblehead Racing Group (MRG) in Marblehead, Massa-
chusetts. Chris totally rebuilds twenty to twenty-five Formula
Ford engines each year and also works on many other racing
engines. He has mastered all the fine points of engine prepara-
tion and assembly (not to mention the tricks) and conducts a
school for formula car mechanics that is highly recommended
for anyone new to formula machines and engines.
The engines used in Formula Ford are, of course, descended
from the "80-bore" English Ford powerplants that revolution-
ized racing during the past decade. In the 1970s, the "bloodline"
extended to the world championship and finally to the pole at
Indianapolis. Considerably more will be said about this racing
heritage in chapter 17. In this chapter we are concerned with
the engine as it races in its purest form. And, as in any racing
class where the engines are nearly stock and nearly equal, their
conditions are all important.
An engine that might be pronounced perfectly healthy in
the average repair shop may not be healthy by Chris Wallach's
standards. Chris does not even recognize the existence of some
of the engine testing equipment that is taken for gospel by the
ordinary garage mechanic. At the MRG shops, leak-down test-
ing is relied upon completely for determining the condition of
the pistons, cylinders, piston rings, and valves. The equipment
required is comparatively expensive, but using it is the only
reliable way to find out whether the engine is in peak condi-
tion. Peak condition is what wins races in Formula Ford.
Leak-down testing differs vastly from an ordinary compres-
sion check. The tester itself is an aircraft engine tool. Very often
it will turn up burgeoning troubles that no compression tester
could ever find, such as a cylinder head gasket that has devel-
oped a weak spot. When one considers the problems that a blown
gasket can cause during a race, the extra precision involved in
leak-down testing seems well worth the effort.
A compression tester can be used only with the engine
turning. Consequently variations in cranking rpm, throttle
opening, and similar factors can have considerable influence on
the gauge reading. Furthermore, exceedingly minor leakage will
not register at all. Leakage, of course, means lost power, or, as
The Engine 413
in the case of the head gasket, a probable dnf. Even if a com-
pression gauge does indicate a dubious compression pressure for
a cylinder, it is impossible to determine the exact site of the
leakage with any precision.
With a leak-down tester, the engine is tested while its mov-
ing parts are stationary. The pressure pump on the test equip-
ment is used to raise the pressure in the cylinder to a predeter-
mined point. If there is leakage, the gauge will descend notice-
ably within a given time period. More important, the site of a
leak can be determined precisely by the sound of escaping air.
If air is heard escaping at the carburetor intake, for example,
an intake valve is leaking. Similar sounds from the exhaust pipe
indicate a leaking exhaust valve. Hissing sounds from the crank-
case point to faulty piston rings, and a gradual descent in the
pressure without audible leakage should prompt the tuner to
check for bubbles in the coolant or to remove the spark plugs
and listen for leakage to adjacent cylinders.
Assembly techniques are outside the scope of this book and
are better left to the MRG school. In this chapter we will con-
centrate on what must be done to the Ford pushrod 1600 en-
gine in order to make it into a Formula Ford competition engine
(Fig. 16-3). It must be emphasized that, while virtually all of the
Fig. r6-3. Formula Ford engine with valve cover removed.
parts in the engine are stock Ford components, they are in most
cases modified. But though you cannot take an engine straight
from the junkyard to the race track, neither can you do any-
thing to it that you please. Every modification is closely gov-
erned by the rules of the Sports Car Club of America. And no
work should be carried out on a Formula. Ford until the Gen-
eral Competition Rules (GCR Book) and recent issues of Sports
Car, the SCCA journal, have been carefully studied.
Cylinder Head
Cylinder head preparation is the most important part of
Formula Ford engine building. Though the combustion cham-
ber is in the piston, only the uprated head has a perfectly flat
surface; the earlier Cortina head has a slight combustion cham-
ber that shrouds the valves somewhat. Because no milling of
the Cortina GT head is permitted by the rules, this design fea-
ture accounts for some of the power handicap.
Ports can be reshaped by the removal of metal so long as
the GCR sizes are not exceeded (Fig. 16-4). In 1977, the intake
ports could be no larger than 1.42 in. in diameter and the ex-
haust ports could be no more than 1.16 in. in diameter when
measured at the manifold faces of the head. These dimensions
are very near the blueprint diameter. So, keeping in mind that
the narrowest point in any induction system should be at the
valve, it is not effective to enlarge the seat so that the valve is
seated at its extreme periphery, as described in chapter 15 in
connection with American V8 engines. On the contrary, in a
Formula Ford engine the valve is seated at the innermost part
of the valve facing so that when it is closed most of the valve
head stands proud of the cylinder head surface.
This valve seating, in addition to keeping the port di-
ameter correct for best gas velocity, also produces the optimum
gasflow. The valves, being almost completely unshrouded, even
by the seat, allow maximum gasflow almost from the moment
that they begin to open. The effect is nearly the same as that of
increasing the cam duration (which is illegal), and because this
high valve seating accounts for much of the power that can be
derived, every effort is made to preserve it.
Cylinder Head 4'5
Fig. I6-4. Polished, slightly enlarged intake port of Formula Ford
The uprated head can be milled as part of each valve grind
so that the high valve seating is maintained. But because the
Cortina GT head cannot be legally milled, the cylinder head
must be discarded if much metal has been removed from the
seats during reconditioning. On either kind of head, it is ex-
tremely important to remove as little metal as possible when
cutting the seats. This is' especially true in the case of the up-
rated head; each milling reduces the gasflow because of the
gradual change of the port shape. Ultimately, uprated heads
must be discarded.
The standard head gasket is specified because its thickness
has an influence on the compression ratio and because the rules
assign a fixed value to gasket volume when compression ratios
are being checked. The only additional modification is that it
is permissible to ream the integral valve guides for Ford valves
with oversize stems (which are heavier) or to install press-fit
valve guides in place of the integral guides. Guide replacement
is necessary sooner or later because of an important valve gear
modification that greatly increases valve guide wear.
Intake and Exhaust
The intake ports and the exhaust ports can be matched to
the intake manifold and to the exhaust headers, but this work
must not enlarge the port diameters beyond the previously
given dimensions. The exhaust system itself is not limited in
any way by the rules, and though a great deal of development
has been carried out in this department, there is room for further
ex peri men tation.
The carburetor flange of the intake manifold must be milled
so that the carburetor is level (Fig. 16-5); in a formula car, the
flywheel end of the engine is not lower as it is in a Cortina or
Pinto sedan. Many tuners apply this rule with a vengeance, mill-
ing as much from the manifold as they can in an attempt to get
the carburetor venturis closer to the valves. The power gain is
mainly imaginary.
Fig. I6-5. Carburetor and intake manifold. Notice how top of mani-
fold is flattened by milling, thus lowering the carburetor as much
as possible.
Cylinder Head 417
A number of other tricks have come and gone because they
too offered gains that were purely imaginary. One of these was
a kit that could be installed on the carburetor so that both throt-
tle valves would open simultaneously. This modification, though
legal, produced no measurable power on the dynamometer and
had the disadvantage of making the car impossible to drive from
the paddock to the track. The moment the throttles were opened
at low rpm, the engine simply died. Another fad was velocity
stacks for the carburetor. Some of these were ingenious in de-
sign, with two throats of different lengths to "compensate" for
the uneven lengths of the intake manifold branches. For sev-
eral years, every engine had them (Fig. 16-6); by 1977 they were
out of favor and rarely ever seen.
Fig. r6-6. Formula Ford engine equipped with velocity stacks on
carburetor. Notice cast-aluminum valve cover.
The inside of the intake manifold can be cleaned up and
enlarged so long as the GCR measurements are not exceeded.
In addition, the water-heated intake manifold feature is scrapped,
for obvious reasons, and the water holes in the manifold are
plugged. The carburetor itself can be rejetted in any way,
though the venturis cannot be changed or modified. This work
should be done on a dynamometer.
Valves and Valve Gem'
The camshaft must be the standard Ford camshaft for the
engine, and it cannot be reworked in any way. The rules on this
are very strictly enforced, However, the valve timing can le-
gally be retarded up to about 2
for better high rpm power by
means of an eccentric pin used for locating the timing chain
sprocket on the camshaft. One of the few nonstandard Ford
parts is the timing cover shown in Fig. 16-7, which permits a
mechanical tachometer to be driven from the end of the cam-
Fig. I6-7, Timing cover with hole for tachometer drive. Flange,
atop cover, actually goes inside cover and is bolted to end of cam-
The valves are usually replaced instead of refaced. There
are two very good reasons for this. First, grinding metal from
the valve facings causes them to seat deeper in the cylinder head
and this must be avoided at all costs. The second reason is that
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Cylinders, and Pistons 4
the Ford valves have a circumferential ridge just inside the
narrow-diameter part of the valve facing. Though this ridge is
probably no more than 1/ 64 in. high, it disrupts the gasflow.
Nevertheless, the rules forbid that it be ground off, and refacing
the valves can remove all or part of the ridge-thus causing a
rules infraction that can disqualify a car.
Intake valve lift can legally be increased to .356 in. and ex-
haust lift to .358 in.-measured at the spring retainer with the
valve clearance adjusted to zero. This modest increase is ob-
tained by modifying the contour of the part of the rocker arm
that contacts the valve stem. This modification, called profiling,
causes the rocker arm to contact the valve off center and in-
creases the distance that the rocker arm slides across the valve
stem as the valve is forced open. The result is rapid valve guide
wear, and many tuners choose to install press-fit guides from the
very first so that replacement will be simpler when the wear be-
comes excessive. This price is a small one to pay because profil-
ing is a vital source of increased top-end power.
All of the pushrods in the engine can be reduced . to the
minimum weight specified. Otherwise the valve gear components
must be stock, aside from profiling the rockers. For racing, the
valve clearances are usually set near .010 in. for intake valves
and .015 in. for exhaust valves, with the engine hot.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Cylinders, and Pistons
According to Chris Wallach, there is no real power to be
found in the bottom end of the Ford engine (Fig. 16-8). How-
ever, a great deal can be done to improve reliability, and re-
liability can win races that speed will not. Crankshafts have
been a definite trouble area. The rules now permit a steel cen-
ter main bearing cap to be used on Cortina engines in place of
the stock cast cap; uprated engines do not need this, and it is
not permitted by the rules. Crankshaft breakage occurring at
the crankcase end of the rear main bearing journal has been
the main problem on both engines. When this happens at full
throttle, as is usual, the engine instantly overspeeds and is
Fig. I68. Bottom end of Formula Ford engine.
Crankshaft reliability is improved by skillful preparation,
careful assembly, and limiting the crankshaft's service life to no
more than fifteen races. The first step in preparation is magna-
fluxing, followed by Tuftriding and straightening. The crank-
shaft is indexed, together with the rods, so that the piston strokes
will be uniform in length and at exactly 180
intervals. Both
the crank and the rods are then polished sufficiently to relieve
stresses (Fig. 16-9). Finally everything-crankshaft/flywheel!
clutch, pistons, and connecting rods-is carefully balanced, usu-
ally in conjunction with the polishing operation.
The crankshaft and the connecting rods can be lightened
to the minimum weight specified by the rules. The flywheel
cannot be lightened, but it can be drilled to accept a Formula
3 clutch (Fig. 16-10), which saves four pounds and moves mass
toward the center of the flywheel where it has less inertia. In
1976, flywheel lightening was seriously considered as a rules
change to help reduce the threat of crankshaft breakage. But it
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Cylinders, and Pistons 421
Fig. I6-9. Rod big end and crankthrow. Notice light polishing
used for balancing and relieving stresses.
Fig. I6-IO. Formula Ford flywheel equipped with small-diameter
Formula 3 clutch.
was decided, at least for the present, that crankshaft reliability
was not an insurmountable problem if the engine were correctly
prepared and if the driver did not use techniques that placed
abnormal acceleration and deceleration loads on the crankshaft.
The main bearing and connecting rod big end clearances
are .0025 in. to .0030 in. in a newly prepared Formula Ford en-
gine. Chris Wallach has long preferred Vandervell bearings be-
cause they seem to be more forgiving of foreign matter, which, if
not absorbed into the bearing shell, can increase friction and
cause score marks on the journals. Recently, however, Teflon
bearings have begun to come into favor. Because of their low
friction, the bearing clearance can be reduced. Therefore, less
power is taken from the engine to drive the oil pump.
The English Ford engines are blessed with an external oil
pump so that a wide variety of pump designs can be accommo-
dated easily. A dry sump system is used for Formula Ford rac-
ing, making this very compact engine even more diminutive
and ideally suited to formula cars. A pressure pump is installed
in the normal oil pump location (Fig. 16-11), and an additional
scavenge pump is fitted-often driven by a small Gilmer belt,
as is the water pump. (Some competitors have used electric
water pumps, but here again the power gained is probably
An oil radiator is always used (Fig. 16-12), which helps to
preserve bearing life. Other modifications include plugging the
crankcase ventilation and dipstick holes in the block, installing
a ventilation hose and connection on the rocker arm cover, and
cutting off the oil filler and welding a plate in its place. The
oil pressure is maintained at 40 to 50 psi hot, in fact, very
hot-90 to 95C. Hot oil results in less oil drag and conse-
quently more power.
Standard Ford pistons are required by the rules. The rings
can be of any manufacture, so long as two compression rings
and one oil scraper are used and the pistons are not reworked
in any way. The cylinder blocks used are the Cortina GT 1968-
1970 and the uprated block with the part number DIFZ-60IO-C.
The uprated block cannot be bored for oversize pistons; the
Cortina block can be bored .030 in. oversize. If the cylinders
wear beyond this diameter, either the block must be replaced
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Cylinders, and Pistons 423
Fig. I6-II. Oil pump used with dry sump system. installed in
place of stock pump.
Fig. I6I2. Oil radiator mounted at rear of Lola Formula Ford.
Notice modifications to valve cover.
or dry-type liners must be installed and bored to the prescribed
diameters. Either block can be honed as required in order to
obtain the optimum .006-in. piston clearance with stock pis-
tons. Blocks are always align bored, and this operation may in-
clude the camshaft bearings also.
Tuning and Maintenance
The valves should be ground every third race and, on the
uprated engine, the cylinder head must be shaved as described
earlier. Piston rings last 12 to 15 hours, and the crankshaft should
be discarded after 15 races.
The flywheel bolts tend to shear after long service-espe-
cially if the driver uses harsh clutch engagement with the en-
gine speed and the transaxle mainshaft speed not carefully
matched. Shifting techniques are becoming rather artless in to-
day's formula cars. The kinds of gears and synchronizers used
make it possible to change gears without fully disengaging the
clutch or without using the clutch at all.
The modern technique should not be confused with tradi-
tional no-clutch changes made by matching engine and main-
shaft rpm; the common procedure now is to move the gear
lever as quickly as one can and rely on the machinery to match
the cogs. The whole thing is as easy to learn as it is hard on
machinery. Or, as D. B. Tubbs said in another context, in the
Barron-Tubbs book Vintage Cars, "Great efforts were made to
offer a foolproof gear-change, but, as always, this produced only
a new kind of fool."
The stock Ford flywheel bolts are entirely satisfactory. How-
ever, they should be discarded and replaced by brand new bolts
at every tear-down-or whenever the trans axle or engine is re-
moved, making the bolts readily accessible. New bolts should,
of course, be used during initial preparation, as well as in the
course of maintenance. Bolts that have seen service on the high-
way are no better than those that have had several hours on
the race track.
The normal racing rpm range is from 5000 to 6400 rpm (only
an inept driver will attempt to race below 5000) . Consequently,
Tuning and Maintenance 425
it is in this 1400 rpm range that the ignition timing must be
absolutely correct; at lower speeds it can be approximate. The
6400 rpm limit can be exceeded without valve float; but no
more power is obtained, and a change in gearing is more in
order under these conditions than any splendid efforts by the
engine tuner.
A stock Ford distributor must be used, and the best reliable
power is obtained with 410 to 420 of total ignition advance.
For an important professional race or in the SCCA annual run-
offs, the total advance may be increased to as much as 45
much advance burns things-pistons, for example-but it does
offer somewhat better high-rpm power.
The distributor's centrifugal advance should be calibrated to
produce the correct advance for best power at 5000 rpm and at
every rpm up to the 6400 rpm redline. This requires stiffer ad-
vance springs, and the advance must take place smoothly
throughout the 1400 rpm racing range, without sharp changes
in the curve.
Formula Ford engines will run on good pump gasoline with-
out preignition or detonation. Nevertheless, wise competitors
use an octane improver, which is legal so long as it does not
alter the specific gravity of the fuel. Higher octane not only is
insurance against detonation induced by overly enthusiastic
spark timing, but also is preventive medicine should hard
cornering or foreign matter in the carburetor cause the mixture
to lean-out during a race.
There is probably no better or cheaper way to begin a pro-
fessional racing career than in the Formula Ford class. Second-
hand cars are not costly; brand-new cars in the most competitive
designs are, although the engine is relatively cheap and has a
very long lifetime when it is expertly maintained. Formula Ford
is a class for real race cars, with professional events for those
who have exceptional skill.
17 / Cosworth
Choice of Champions
Ken Duclos, president of Kay-Dee Automotive Engineering
in Westford, Massachusetts, speaks almost with reverence when
he talks about Cosworth engines-with good reason. Duclos has
been SCCA N.E. Division Formula B Champion from 1969
through 1976, with the exception of 1971 when he did not race.
He won these championships (plus two national champion-
ships) using a Kay-Dee Engineering Cosworth BDA. In 1975
he won the national championship by a full three seconds, leav-
ing the rest of the field behind.
Other drivers have won championships with Kay-Dee engines,
which proves that their success is not dependent on who is
'driving. Nor are Kay-Dee powerplants the only Cosworths
found among the leaders. Cosworth engines are excellent pieces
of raw material, and whether they are refined into merely good
Cosworths or into excellent ones depends a great deal on who
has assembled and tuned them.
Many drivers have bought Cosworth BDAs in kit form and
assembled them in their own garages, at a savings of $1000 to
$2000 over what a similar engine would cost after it has been
professionally prepared. These home-built engines, provided
the amateur tuner knows what he or she is doing, can easily
Choice of Champions 427
be winners-until they come up against a trick powerhouse
from a professional shop.
If you take the cylinder head, the moving parts, and the ac-
cessories away from a Cosworth BDA (Fig. 17-1), you will find
the Cortina GT block used in Formula Ford racing. There is
a reason for this. The BDA is directly descended from the "80-
bore" English Ford engines that first appeared at the end of
the 1950S and were, by the mid-1960s, outracing the other
small engines on the race track.
Fig. I7 -I. The Ford BDA DOHC engine as installed in the Escort
RS 1600 car. Cosworth version has dry sump, detail differences.
The earliest Cosworth development of the Ford 8o-bore was
the I-liter MAE, which retained pushrod valve operation. This
engine seems to have provided Ford with the inspiration to de-
velop its own high-performance pushrod units, which culmi-
nated in the Cortina GT of Formula Ford fame. Along with the
MAE came the Cosworth SCA. The "SC" stands for "single
cam, " and this SOHC unit of I-liter capacity is still active in
American club racing.
The Lotus Twin-cam (Fig. 17-2) was designed by Lotus for
the Elan and executed by Cosworth. Primarily this is a single-
port-face Cortina GT engine, bored to 82.55 mm in order to
obtain a displacement of 1558 cm
and equipped with a twin-
cam cylinder head. It soon replaced the Cortina GT as the
competition engine in Cortina sedans. The resulting cars were
known first as Lotus 28s and later as Ford Lotus Cortinas. The
fully developed Lotus Twin-cam with about 140 bhp was soon
a dominant engine in small formula cars and in sports racing
The MAE, SCA, and Lotus Twin-cam have been rendered
obsolete by the present Cosworth four-valve-per-cylinder en-
gines. The first of these was the FV A. ("FV" stands for "four
valves.") This engine, which dominated Formula 2 in the late
1960s and early 1970s, displaces 1594 cm
and has gear-driven
double overhead camshafts. The Cosworth DFV (double four
valve) Grand Prix engine is essentially two FV As siamesed. (Of
course the crankcases for these engines are not standard Ford
passenger car parts.)
At about the time the FV A was developed, the Cortina en-
gine was undergoing its redesign for the crossflow cylinder head.
Also, Ford was tooling up for a new car that was slightly smaller
than the original Cortina, the latter having grown in Mk. III
form to almost compact car proportions. The new car, called
the Escort, eventually became the standard Ford competition
model, and some of the early high-performance Escort sedans
had the Lotus Twin-cam engines. But the lure of the FV A's
performance potential led Ford to approach Cosworth for an
economical version of the successful four-valve engine for use
in the Escort RS 1600.
The new engine was built around the Ford Kent crossflow
11 CRANKSHAFT Q!) .... ' ... 11'''' .... ' ']
;::. a. ; I .
engine's cylinder block. The resulting design, called the BDA
16-valve engine ("BD" stands for "belt driven"), can be con-
sidered as a high-performance derivative of the 1600 GT engine
or as a detuned productionized version of the Cosworth FV A
In Ford Escort form, the BDA develops about 120 bhp,
whereas Cosworth BDAs have an output near the 200 bhp mark.
The FVAs, with their gear-driven camshafts, are seldom seen
in the United States (there are about five in the country), and they
have fallen from their pinnacle in Formula 2 racing overseas.
So at present the Cosworth BDA is the dominant powerplant
for Formula Atlantic (no fuel injection permitted) and for
SCCA Formula B racing in America. Our discussion will there-
fore concentrate on the Cosworth BDA, since it is the engine
that most readers will be dealing with.
Racing Thoroughbred
The four-cylinder English Ford engines represent a bloodline
that has extended, since the late 195os, from the humblest back-
yard specials ever to win important races to the most modern
and sophisticated Grand Prix cars. Though there is probably
not a single Cortina or Escort part in a Cosworth DFV or turbo-
charged DFX, these successful Cosworth Ford V8s would not
have existed without the little English Fords.
The BDA, in addition to having a production Ford block
that is only slightly modified, still carries a stock Cortina/Escort
camshaft as an intermediate shaft for driving the oil pump and
the ignition distributor. The block is a thin-wall iron casting,
and, compared to virtually any other engine of similar displace-
ment, it is incredibly small. Its strength, proven by its racing
record, has been achieved without extending the sides of the
block below the main bearing centerlines-certainly a credit to
Ford engineering. From cylinder deck to sump flange, the block
is only about nine inches high.
Though usually spoken of as BDAs, there are actually a
number of versions of this engine available from Cosworth. The
most popular is the Formula Atlantic engine, known in Cos-
worth catalogs as the BDD. It is equipped with Weber carbu-
Choice of Champions 431
retors and retains the standard Ford Escort valve diameters
(Fig. 17-3). The BDG is an approximately 30o-bhp fuel-in-
jected version that uses bigger valves and has a special alum-
inum alloy block that gives it a 2-liter piston displacement.
Fig. I7-J. Fully assembled Cosworth BDA ready to be installed in
The BDH is a 130o-cm3 version with the Ford iron block,
Escort valve sizes, and carburetors. It is used in sports racing
cars, such as in the SCCA GSR class. An llOo-cm
engine, des-
ignated the BDl, is available for Formula C, and this unit has
appeared both with carburetors and with fuel injection. Re-
turning briefly to the Cosworths with gear-driven camshafts,
there is, in addition to the 1594-cm3 FVA, the 1790-cm3 FVC.
Cosworth, however, has found that the belt drive is in many
ways superior to the gear drive. In addition to being simpler,
cheaper, quieter, lighter, and more quickly assembled, it is
equally reliable and less subject to valve timing irregularities
caused by wear.
The BDA needs very little maintenance. It will, barring
disaster, go five or six racing hours between teardowns. It is
fully content at 9400 to 9500 rpm and never gives serious prob-
lems so long as it is assembled in clean surroundings and to
Cosworth specifications. Ken Duclos insists that the engines
should always be run in under load on the dynamometer be-
fore they are exposed to the irregularities of racing. If nothing
else, this ensures that adequate cooling will be available dur-
ing the vital break-in period.
The older Lotus Twin-cam engines had some cylinder head
sealing problems in highly tuned form. The present Ford
blocks have a stiffer deck, which, together with the design of
the BDA cylinder head, has eliminated that kind of trouble.
Thus, the BDA has no chronic weaknesses, and being a Cos-
worth product it could justifiably be called the finest engine in
the world for its particular kind of racing. The Cosworth spe-
cifications have proven to be entirely correct for the engine,
and the only tuners who get into trouble are those who try to
outguess the engineers.
Cylinder Head
The construction of the cylinder head is interesting (Fig.
17-4) . It is designed as a three-layer sandwich to facilitate cast-
ing and machining and to minimize replacement costs. It also
makes valve adjustments easier. The lowest layer, an LM 8
aluminum casting, contains the combustion chambers and ports
and houses the valves with their single springs (Escort RS) or
double springs (Cosworth BDA). The second layer, or cam
tray, is also cast in LM 8 and provides bearings for the two cam-
shafts and machined bores for the bucket-type cam followers.
The top layer is the single-piece cam tray cover, a magnesium
alloy casting. Though the designs of the FVA and DFV/DFX
cylinder heads are similar, these engines have removable bear-
ing caps and bearing shells for the camshafts; on the BDA the
camshafts are inserted from the end and run directly in the
cam tray casting.
Cylinder Head 433
o ~
Fig. I7-4. Exploded view of BDA cylinder head assembly. Notice
separate cam carrier, or cam tray, with its full-ring camshaft
The valves (Fig. 17-5) are of 1.22-in. (intake) and 1.0 in.
(exhaust) head diameter arranged at a 40 included angle, with
vertical spark plugs mounted centrally in each pent-roof o m ~
bustion chamber. With standard Escort pistons the compression
ratio is 10: 1, but the Cosworth engines in kit form have pistons
with only partially machined crowns. These can be machined
to achieve any desired compression ratio. However, at ratios of
12: 1 or above, it is necessary to use O-rings around the cylinders
in addition to the normal sandwich-type cylinder head gasket.
The only machine work that needs to be done on the cyl-
inder head itself is to match the ports to the intake manifold
and exhaust headers. The ports themselves are bifurcated (Fig.
17-6) and are excellently designed.
Fig. I7-5. Cross-section through valve seats of BDA cylinder head.
Fig. I7-6. Bifurcated ports in Cosworth sixteen-valve cylinder head.
Cylinder Head 435
Valve adjustment is accomplished by means of shims inserted
between the cam followers and the valve stems. On the Lotus
Twin-cam engines, the same system was used. However, it was
necessary to remove the camshafts before the cam followers
could be lifted out for access to the shims (Fig. 17-7). On the
BDA, the cam tray (Fig. 17-8) can be lifted off with the cam-
shafts installed in it for access to the adjustment shims. If the
engine is on an assembly stand, the head can be placed upside
down so that the cam followers will not fall out of the cam
tray. If the engine is installed, a package of sixteen bar magnets
is available for holding the cam followers in place as the cam
tray is lifted off.
Fig. I7-7. Partially disassembled Lotus head, showing how cam-
shafts must be removed before cam followers can be taken out.
Fig. I7-8. Cos worth BDA cam tray. showing machined bearings and
cam follower bores.
Cylinder Block
It is nearly impossible to tell a Cosworth BDA block from that
of a stock Cortina GT, although the cylinders, the deck, and the
front surface of the Cosworth block have a much finer finish and
are perfectly uniform. The main bearing bores and the inter-
mediate shaft bearing bores are machined to Cosworth standards,
and the cylinder bores are at right angles to both the deck and
the main bearing centerline.
On engines raced with higher compression ratios, O-ring
grooves are cut around each cylinder bore (Fig. 17-9) . O-rings
eliminate high compression sealing problems, which are always a
possibility when an aluminum head is used on an iron block, or
vice versa. Ken Duclos O-rings his engines with copper wire first
cut to length and then inserted in the grooves. The wire is com-
pressed as the cylinder head is torqued down, augmenting the
sealing capability of the regular head gasket.
The glass-fiber-reinforced camshaft drive belt engages no
fewer than four sprockets: crankshaft, two overhead camshafts,
and the semiredundant pushrod-engine camshaft. In addition, two
idler pulleys bear on the back of the belt, one to provide tension
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 437
Fig. I7-9. O-ring grooves around cylinder bores in Cosworth block.
adjustment and both to provide adequate wrap-around on the
sprockets. Additional studs are set in the front of the cylinder
block for mounting the idler pulleys, and a new cylinder block
front cover is used to convert the engine from a pushrod unit with
a roller-chain camshaft drive to a belt-driven DORC.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons
The production Escort RS engine has a Tuftrided nodular
cast-iron crankshaft. The Cosworth BDA has a Laystall crankshaft
machined from a forged steel billet (Fig. 17-10). This compo-
nent is strong and is held to the flywheel by twelve high-strength
socket-head bolts. The flywheel and crankshaft require no re-
working by the tuner for competition purposes.
Fig. I7-IO. Laystall crankshaft for Cosworth BDA.
The Cosworth engine uses forged-steel connecting rods,
one of which is shown in Fig. 17-11. These have a pressed-in
bushing at the little end, as on production Ford engines. The
rods themselves, however, are several times as strong as stock
Ford rods, and high-strength 12-point aircraft-type bolts are
used to assemble the big ends. The big end bores are flawlessly
round, and the only attention that these rods require is fitting
them to the piston pins if new pins and bushings are being in-
The Cosworth pistons have an outstanding reputation with
speed tuners, even those who use them in engines other than
Cosworths. When BDA engines are obtained in kit form, the
piston crowns must be machined to match them to the cylinder
deck at TDC and to obtain the desired compression ratio. These
kits include not only the engine components but the carbure-
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 439
Fig. I7 -II. Cosworth connecting rod.
tors, pumps, and all other engine accessories. As Ken Duclos
puts it, "Everything comes in the box but the oil."
A set of Cosworth pistons, with their full-floating pins in-
stalled, is shown in Fig. 17-12. These pistons have been ma-
chined to provide valve clearance, but the piston crowns are
otherwise flat, and there is appreciable metal above the top
ring groove. Later, these pistons will be machined down for
correct deck height and compression ratio. Usually this can be
done with a lathe because little or no dome is required, even
at fairly high compression ratios. This is because the narrow
valve angle of the pent-roof combustion chamber keeps the
chamber volume small. In turn, the narrow valve angle is
made possible by using four small valves instead of two big
ones. Domes, of course, interefere with flame front travel in
the combustion chamber, and Keith Duckworth places a great
deal of importance on designing combustion chambers that
burn well. It is interesting to compare the Cosworth four-valve
combustion chambers and pistons with the irregular chambers
and domed pistons that are needed to convert most stock en-
gines for racing-and the BDA is a stock engine if we consider
its use in the Escort RS.
Fig. I7-I2. Cosworth racing pistons before crowns are machined.
As in the assembling of any engine, the piston pin fit must
be checked carefully and corrected if it is not exactly to speci-
fications. Cosworth pistons are not always used in these engines,
and any replacement calls for the replacement and refitting of
the connecting rod bushing as well. In addition to balancing,
the pistons must be carefully measured with a micrometer to
determine their exact diameters. Each cylinder is then honed
to provide the Cosworth-specified clearance for each piston. Dur-
ing cylinder honing, Ken Duclos installs a dummy head on the
block and torques all the head bolts so that the honed bores
will be cylindrical when the actual cylinder head is installed.
Tuning 441
A tuner such as Duclos, who both builds engines and drives
in competition, has a decided advantage over a tuner who lim-
its his or her activity to the machine shop. Research and de-
velopment modifications can be tested in one's own car for a
season before they are used in a customer's engine. It is always
much better to feel firsthand how a newly modified powerplant
performs on the track than to rely on the secondhand impres-
sions of a driver-who may be gifted with excellent physical re-
flexes yet know virtually nothing about tuning.
As in most other engines that have small, efficient combus-
tion chambers, the BDA is sensitive to ignition timing adjust-
ments, and the correct advance curve for an engine must be
obtained on the dynamometer. This is done by operating the
engine at full throttle at various points in the range of rpm
that will be used in racing and then determining the degree of
spark advance that produces the most power at that rpm. Then
the distributor is removed and installed on a distributor testing
machine so that the advance weights and springs can be cali-
brated to reproduce the correct advance at each rpm.
The total advance needed by the BDA falls in a very nar-
row range of from 300 to 34
before TDC. Again, this indicates
how well the chamber burns. Some American V8 drag racing
engines need 400 to 500 of total advance for best power, not
only because the combustion chambers are large but because pis-
ton domes and pockets in the combustion chambers retard the
burning process to a degree that must be compensated for by
advancing the spark.
Carburetor jettings are also critical, and the right jets will
vary with the altitude above sea level, the climate, and other
factors that govern the density of the intake air. Jetting therefore
must be done on a dynamometer, and, on engines assembled from
a kit, both the main jets and the air correction jets will usually
need to be changed. Only in emergencies should jet changes be
made at the race track. It is very easy to lose 4 or 5 horsepower in
a change of only one jet size.
In addition to shaping the tops of the pistons, there are
only a few other areas where professional tuners can exercise
their skills as machinists in preparing a BDA for the track. Com-
pression ratios are one area, of course, and this goes hand-in-hand
with what is done to the pistons. Different camshafts are a very
fruitful area, and the last word in valve timing for the BDA
has not yet been written. Still, by comparison to other popular
competition engines, there is very little that can be done to im-
prove a Cosworth.
18 / Datsun
The Datsun Heritage
Datsuns have a way of winning against larger and more ex-
pensive cars that has almost become a tradition. In the early
1970s. the 510 sedans defeated respected European marques such
as AHa Romeo and BMW with stunning regularity. Now, in the
late 1970s, the little Datsun B210 with its tiny A13 pushrod en-
gine is still beating BMW (not to mention American Motors,
Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors) at the races, and the six-
cylinder "Z" cars are doing the same thing to Porsche.
Many Americans are inclined to make an unwarranted as-
sumption concerning Datsun; they think that it is American
speed tuners, hired at great cost by Nissan Motor Corporation,
who have made the cars successful on the track. These people
would be surprised to learn that "DA T" (Den, Aoyama, Takeu-
chi) engines were winning races thirty years ago. Until recently,
however, Datsuns raced only in Japan, just as American Motors
cars race only in America.
Few racing successes have been recorded by Datsun engines
outside Datsun cars. And while the engines are among the
strongest and most reliable powerplants manufactured, one
might think that the economy sedans in which most of them are
installed would impose a handicap that not even the greatest
engine could overcome. But though a stock B210 sedan shows
no advantage in braking, handling, acceleration, or top speed
over its market rivals, the racing heritage in every Datsun model
makes them exceptionally amenable to racing preparation.
Expert Preparation
The foremost American experts in the preparation of racing
Datsuns are at Bob Sharp Racing in Georgetown, Connecticut.
None of the Bob Sharp cars is the work of a single person. But
one person has to be in charge, and he is Gene Crowe, the team
manager and crew chief, who knows every inch of the cars inside
and out-although much of the actual work is entrusted to other
highly skilled machinists and mechanics.
A surprising number of the parts that Gene puts into the
Bob Sharp Datsuns are manufactured by Datsun. This is in vivid
contrast to the average Chevrolet competition engine, which may
use GM parts for only the major castings. Unlike General Mo-
tors, Nissan Motor Corporation has a vital competition depart-
ment, and their American competition manager, Dick Roberts, is
seen wherever Datsun cars are entered in important races. Thus,
as with Porsche, it is seldom necessary to look outside the fac-
tory's part bins to obtain the components that are necessary for
a winning engine.
L-Series Engines
Datsun's (and Bob Sharp Racing's) major competition efforts
have always centered around the L-series engines (Fig. 18-1)-
SOHC units of either four or six cylinders inline. These power-
plants have been manufactured in a variety of piston displace-
ments, each four-cylinder type generally paired with a six-cylinder
sibling that uses the same pistons, connecting rods, and so forth.
In addition, there are many parts that are common to all of the
L-series engines, or are very similar and can in some cases be
interchanged for purposes of competition preparation.
Each SOHC engine is designated by an "L" followed by a
number that is based on the engine's displacement in liters. Tak-
ing the "Z" cars as an example, the 240Z has the L24 engine.
The Datsun Heritage 445
Fig. I8-I . Datsun L24 engine, showing design features typical of
Lseries units.
That is, it has an L-series engine of 2.4-liter displacement (actu-
ally, 2393 cm
) . The 260Z has an L26 engine, and from this it can
be seen that "26oZ" and "L26" are both based on the 2.6-liter
) capacity. The 27S3-cm3 280Z has an L28 engine.
The L16 and L18 engines are, respectively, 1.6-liter and 1.8-
liter powerplants. However, these are four-cylinder engines in the
L-series. Whether "four" or "six", certain features of L-series en-
gines immediately stand out. First, they have single-port-face
cylinder heads with the valves inclined toward the ports. The in-
take ports, being higher in the head than the exhaust ports (Fig.
18-2), are as straight and direct as those of many DOHe de-
signs. The combustion chambers are the classic "wedge" type,
and the valves are operated by balljoint-pivoted rocker arms that
are interposed between the cam lobes and the valve stems.
The camshaft is driven by a double-row roller chain, and the
valve clearances are adjustable by changing the depth to which
the rocker ann pivot ball studs are screwed into the cylinder
head. (This layout is identical to that found on the finest Mer-
cedes Benz.)
Fig. 18-2 also shows that the crankcase extends well below
the crankshaft's centerline and has cast webs at the main bear-
ings that extend fully down to the sump mounting flange. Each
crankthrow has a main bearing on each side, so that the four-
cylinder units have five main bearing crankshafts and the six-
cylinder units have seven. The crankshafts are of sturdy but
lightweight design. Thus the "bottom end" of the engine easily
matches the quality that is lavished on the "top".
Fig. Z8-2. End section of four-cylinder L-series engine.
The cylinder blocks are of cast-iron. However, as on the
majority of modern engines-particularly those from Japanese
Cylinder Head 447
designers-the cylinder head is aluminum alloy for improved
cooling efficiency. Special aluminum bronze valve seats are in-
stalled for the intake valves, and cast-iron valve seats are used for
the exhaust valves. These are not cast in but are a hot press fit. The
camshaft bearing arrangement is commendably rigid. The cam-
shaft rides directly in the cast-aluminum alloy brackets, but the
brackets are full-ring components that bolt to the cylinder head
rather than splitting in the middle. The result is that a cylinder
head is not rendered unserviceable by a worn camshaft bearing.
There is little doubt that the extraordinary strength of the
comparatively lightweight Datsun engines is responsible for their
success. When tuned to deliver the highest attainable output,
the basic structure is not overtaxed. This is especially praise-
worthy at a time when some manufacturers are building weaker,
hence cheaper, engines because they know that in stock form
the reduced power resulting from lowered compressions and emis-
sion controls will not demand the strength that was required ten
years ago.
Cylinder Head
First, there are the so-called FIA cylinder heads. Though
no longer available from Nissan's competition department, a
six-cylinder FIA head was used on the Bob Sharp 240Z that Sam
Posey drove with brilliance in his quest for the 1977 Camel GT
Series Under-2.5-liter Championship (Fig. 18-3). (Devastated re-
mains of another six-cylinder FIA head lie moldering in the
dyno room, a piston having apparently collided with a dropped
valve.) Thus, because new six-cylinder FIA heads are unobtain-
able, all present development is centered around the production
The FIA heads which are thicker, are easily recognized by
an external water manifold that carries coolant directly to each
exhaust port. Stock six-cylinder heads have one water connection
only, located at the front. The FIA valves, in addition to having
longer stems, are larger in diameter. The ports are also larger,
and the exhaust ports are round rather than rectangular as in
Fig. I8-3 . Competition engine in Bob Sharp Datsun raced by Sam
Posey in 1977 Camel GT series. Notice external water manifold.
production heads_ Bob Sharp Racing has found that in some
ways the ports of the stock heads are better-given the kinds of
preparation that are commonly permitted in American racing
FIA heads for the four-cylinder L-series engine are still
available from Datsun, and these are generally used in all of
the best OHC "fours". But in all other ways the competition
preparation of four-cylinder and six-cylinder L-series engines is
the same-with one other possible exception. Gene Crowe cau-
tions anyone tuning a Datsun engine not to overdo the diameters
of the exhaust header primary pipes_ These should be no more
than 1% in. in diameter in order to maintain good pressure wave
action. But on the two-liter "four", the primary pipes can be
1% in. in diameter. However 1% in. is still a better upward limit
even on this engine unless the remainder of the exhaust system
is opened up accordingly.
In reworking L-series heads, the emphasis is on reshaping
Cylinder Head 449
and polishing the ports rather than enlarging them (Fig. 18-4) .
If racing class rules limit the valve diameters to stock dimensions,
the standard Datsun valves are capable of competition service.
It is very important to entrust head modifications to a good cyl-
inder head service, and Datsun's competition department can
supply a modified head that has proven very successful in racing.
Tilton Engineering of EI Segundo, California, manufactures
many good Datsun competition parts, and its modified cylinder
heads for Datsun cars are among the best available.
Fig. I8-4. Intake and exhaust ports of modified six-cylinder pro-
duction head.
In addition to a competition cylinder head gasket, O-rings
are usually used around the cylinder bores. When the rules per-
mit, the combustion chambers are reshaped to reduce shrouding
of the valves; this is especially important if the valve diameters
are also being increased. The spark plug boss must not be cut
away unduly (Fig. 18-5), and to prevent the threaded portion of
the spark plug shell from projecting into the combustion cham-
ber, it may be necessary to install a solid copper spacer gasket
between the regular gasket of each spark plug and the cylinder
head. The Champion gold palladium fine-wire electrode spark
plugs have, incidentally, been found to work exceptionally well
in Datsun competition engines (N-59G and N-2G are two repre-
sentative types) .
Fig. I8-5. Combustion chambers of modified six-cylinder production
When the combustion chamber is opened up, other steps
must be taken to restore the compression ratio or to increase it
to the practical limit. Some dome on the piston crowns is vir-
tually unavoidable because the Datsun combustion chambers,
once smoothed out, are not very compact. In addition, the cyl-
inder head itself must be milled. This, of course, causes addi-
tional slack in the camshaft drive chain, and the correct way of
accommodating this will be discussed later in conjunction with
the camshaft and valve gear.
Cylinder Head 451
Induction System
The Solex sidedraft carburetors and intake manifolds that
are standard Datsun competition items are unsurpassed. How-
ever, Yankee ingenuity frequently has its way on the four-cyl-
inder units (Fig. 18-6). The electronic fuel-injection system
used on the 280Z is the Bosch L Jetronic system, insofar as prin-
ciples are concerned. As in the case of certain other production
cars that use the L Jetronic design, carburetors are often substi-
tuted for competition work. The main difficulty with the injec-
ion setup is that competition electronic control units (or "brains")
are not available, so all tuning must be done by tinkering with
the various sensors that transmit data to the control unit, thus
"fooling the brain" into providing a nonstandard mixture.
Fig. I8-6. Four-cylinder Datsun engine equipped with single Holley
four-barrel carburetor. This modification is popular with tuners
who have had most of their experience with American engines.
Camshaft and Valve Gear
Gene Crowe's favorite camshaft for the OHC Datsuns is an
Art Early design available from Iskenderian. When a cam-
shaft is installed, it is important first to find true tdc for
the engine and then to time the cam so that the over-
lap period is exactly split at tdc-or advanced up to 3 (the
actual advance being determined largely by the exhaust system
characteristics) . If a very "wild" cam profile is used in the four-
cylinder L-series engine, it is best to add a supplemental oiler
for the cam lobes to prevent undue wear.
Stock Datsun rocker arms are always used, though these may
be lightly polished to reduce stresses. Stock keepers can be used,
but stock spring retainers do not allow the use of adequately
long valve springs-necessary to accommodate increased valve lift.
Therefore, special steel or titanium retainers from Tilton Engi-
neering are used. Longer dual springs (Fig. 18-7) can be obtained
from Datsun competition, Tilton, or Iskenderian (the choice gen-
erally being in that order) .
Fig. I8-7. Competition valves and valve springs for Datsun "six".
On the OHC engines it is extremely important that the
timing chain does not flop because of the greater slack induced
by milling the cylinder head and block. Under no circumstances
Cylinder Head 453
should the automatic tensioner (Fig. 18-8) be depended on to
take up the slack. When the engine is being assembled, the auto-
matic tensioner's retracting clearance should always be adjusted
to zero. If it is not, performance-robbing timing errors will oc-
cur, not to mention the possibility of increased wear or engine
The curved timing chain guide should be moved toward
the chain to take up the excess slack. If little metal has been
milled from the head, it is sometimes possible to elongate the
mounting holes of the stock curved guide. But for strength and
added thickness, two guides can be installed, one atop the other,
or the heavier 280Z curved guide can be used, with the mounting
holes modified as necessary.
After advancing the curved guide toward the chain so that
the excessive slack is removed, it is usually necessary to reshape
the ends of the curved guide slightly in order to prevent a sharp
change of direction in the chain as it enters or leaves the guide.
If the chain leaves the guide at an angle, wear will take place
and the chain slack will increase rapidly. If the automatic ten-
sioner cannot be adjusted to zero protrusion, shim the space to
zero by installing one or more solid copper Champion spark
plug gaskets between the slipper pad and the tensioner body.
If these things are done correctly, the chain will not cause trouble.
Fig. IS-S. Correct installation of automatic chain tensioner assembly.
There should be no clearance between slipper pad and body of
Push rod Engine
The Datsun AI3 pushrod engine used in the B2IO has ba-
sically the same construction as the OHC engines with regard to
the design of its cylinder block and moving parts. Many people
have mistakenly concluded that this powerplant is one of the
older Datsun pushrod units that was last used in the 1600 sports
car. This is far from true.
From its founding in the early 1930S to the beginning of
the 1 960s, the Nissan Motor Corporation manufactured Austin
cars under license from the English company. In fact, some of
the first Datsun cars to reach America could be repaired with
Austin parts. But as Austin began to falter, Nissan saw clearly
that its future depended on designing its own cars-cars that
would be better suited to the United States and other world
markets. Datsun has been so successful that it now enjoys a
worldwide popularity far in excess of Austin's in its heyday.
Datsun's home-grown engine designs continued for a few
years to reflect the Austin parentage; for example, the rocker arm
cover of a 1967 Datsun 1600 sports car and the rocker arm cover
of today's MG are both held in place by two nuts atop the cover.
But the present Datsun pushrod engine is altogether different
and is totally Datsun in concept: it is strong, well made, and
capable of very effective competition tuning.
The present 1397-cm3 B210 engine has its roots in the 1200
engine and its smaller-displacement ancestor that was introduced
about ten years ago. For the 1974 model year, however, the stroke
was increased by 7 mm. This gave the engine more than an in-
crease in piston displacement; the new crankshaft and connect-
ing rods were considerably beefed up for awesome durability. It
is this strength that has made the engine reliable even when it
is highly supertuned.
Reworked cylinder heads for the AI3 engine are not much
different from those on other push rod "fours". The ports are re-
shaped, polished, and slightly enlarged. Valve diameters are in-
creased where the rules permit it, and the combustion chamber
contours are smoothed out and polished. After milling the head
either to restore or to increase the compression ratio, the rocker
arm valve gear must be modified to correct its geometry. This is
Cylindel' Block 455
usually done with shortened pushrods. Competition dual valve
springs are used, with different retainers, but the stock Datsun
valves are wholly acceptable if the rules proscribe departures
from the stock diameters.
Cylinder Block
The Datsun cylinder block (Fig. 18-g) is outstanding for its
strength. The quality control is well above average at Datsun,
and align boring, deck milling, cylinder boring, and similar blue-
printing operations can easily be bypassed by a person who is
building an engine on a tight budget. This is in direct contrast
to the almost indispensible machine work that is needed to pre-
pare American engines for racing. In fact, the Datsun blocks are
seldom align bored even in the most perfectionist shops. At Bob
Sharp Racing, the deck is given a clean-up cut; more metal is
taken off only if it is necessary to correct the deck height above
the main bearings. The cylinders are then bored to the class
limit at a precise goO to the deck.
Fig. I8-9. Six-cylinder Datsun racing short block assembly. Notice
dry sump pan and adapter that replaces oil filter.
The lubrication system is also left amazingly stock. But be-
cause a wet sump will not work during high-G cornering and
acceleration, a dry sump system is fitted. This consists mainly of
an oil pan manufactured by Aviaid Metal Products of Van Nuys,
California, and a new oil pickup that is bolted onto the regular
Datsun competition oil pump. An adaptor for the hoses to the
oil tank and, when fitted, an oil cooler and filter, is installed in
place of the stock oil filter cartridge.
The oil pressure should be adjusted to 60 psi with the en-
gine hot. This is near the stock setting, but keep in mind that
in a competition engine the clearances will have been increased
to what would almost be considered worn out in a production
car. The pressure increase is obtained by installing a stronger
regulating spring in the oil pump. These springs are a common
speed shop item, and the tension can be varied with spacers for
fine tuning of the pressure setting.
Two kinds of cylinder O-rings have been used in Bob Sharp
Racing's engines (Fig. 18-10), though neither is the copper wire
O-ring that is commonly added to competition-prepared engines
Fig. I8-IO. O-rings that fit into counterbores at tops of cylinders.
Gas-filled type is at left. Notice valve reliefs milled into cylinder
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons 457
by cutting grooves around the cylinder bores (see chapter 17).
The O-rings are hollow and are installed in counterbores at the
tops of the cylinders. The Datsun competition O-rings are of
rolled steel construction. Recently, however, sealed gas-filled 0-
rings have been used. These are similar in design to those used
in the short-lived Cosworth-Vega and are available from United
Aircraft Products.
Each cylinder is finish-honed to obtain a .005- to .008-in.
clearance with its individual piston. When larger valves are em-
ployed, it is necessary to cut small clearance reliefs in the tops
of the cylinders. As is normally the practice on all competition
engines, the head bolt holes are chamfered in order to prevent
thread pull-up that could prevent accurate torque wrench read-
ings from being obtained, as well as to reduce stresses near the
sharp-edged junction of the bolt hole with the deck.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons
The Datsun crankshaft is forged. But before exposing it to
competition service, it should be magnafluxed and then Tuft-
rided or nitrided. Because the heat treatment will cause distor-
tion, it is necessary to straighten the shaft afterward. No shot
peening or similar treatment is required, although the oil holes
should be chamfered and polished to a smooth radius, and the
journals themselves should be polished. Balancing, as in any
competition engine, is an absolute necessity, and all of this work
can be carried out by a good crankshaft service.
The redline for these engines is very much determined by
the harmonic vibration range of the crankshaft. On any engine,
crankshaft breakage is always a possibility when the harmonic
point is reached, and especially so on an inline "six". The stroke
length determines the rpm at which the critical vibration occurs.
So whereas a 240Z engine can safely rev to 8000 rpm, the 260Z
and 280Z engines are redlined at 7500 rpm. Gene Crowe empha-
sizes that the Datsun competition harmonic balancer, or vibra-
tion damper, is indispensable-especially on the "six". Thus, it
would be a serious mistake to substitute an ordinary pulley.
The running clearance for both the connecting rod big end
bearings and the main bearings should be .003 in. (compared to
.000S- to .002S-in. main and .0010- to .0022-in. rod bearing clear-
ances in a stock 2S0Z). The .003-in. clearance seems to be the
optimum for these engines. Datsun competition bearings are
available in many different thicknesses and diameters, so that the
clearance can be adjusted precisely despite any metal removal
that has occurred in align boring the block or in polishing the
crankshaft journals. Standard bearings are not suitable because
they are not available in this wide range of sizes.
Datsun connecting rods are normally used in Datsun com-
petition engines. However, longer rods are desirable in the two-
liter because of its relatively long stroke. The longer rods, sup-
plied by Carillo, help to reduce angularity. Different pistons with
a higher pin location make this modification possible.
Stock Datsun engines have intereference-fit piston pins that
must be pressed into the bushingless connecting rod small ends.
For racing, the rods are converted to accept full-floating piston
pins. The rod-to-pin clearance should be .0010 to .0012 in., and
no bushing is needed if a chrome pin is used. Either plain or
chrome pins can be used if a suitable bushing is installed.
When connecting rods are prepared for competition, they
should first be magnafluxed and then straightened. One or two
oil holes must be drilled in the little ends because of the change
to full-floating piston pins. The big end bolts should also be
magnafluxed-or they can be replaced by bolts of greater di-
ameter. Larger "SPS" bolts, available from Mr. Gasket, require
that the bolt holes of the rod and cap be reamed to fit them.
Afterward the connecting rod must be rebored, which brings the
cost of preparing six rods to nearly $150. Normally the Datsun
rods stand up well, occasionally needing to be reconditioned to
size if the .0005-in. out-of-round limit is exceeded.
TRW, Venolia, Cosworth, and Arias pistons are all com-
monly used in Datsun competition engines. Plain cast-iron com-
pression rings and three-piece chrome oil scraper rings are used,
and the piston pin should fit the piston with an .0ooS-in. oil
clearance. Some piston manufacturers tend to leave excessive end
play between the piston pin and the circlips. 1 the end clear-
ance is greater than .005 in., one circlip groove can be recut and
two circlips installed to take up the excessive play. If the end
Conclusion 459
play is greater than .005 in., there is danger that the circlips will
be pounded out.
Cosworth circlips are probably the best. These are surface
ground and have good end-play tolerance in the pistons. Com-
plete sets of Cosworth pistons for the A13 (pushrod), L18, L20,
and L28 (SOHC) engines, with pins, circlips, and piston rings,
are available from Malvern Racing in Ivy, Pennsylvania. (Mal-
vern is a good source for all kinds of Datsun competition parts.)
Generally tuners obtain their pistons with partially ma-
chined crowns. These can be milled to obtain clearance for any
valve diameter and deck height, as well as domed to obtain any
compression r atio (Fig. 18-11). As in the case of other engine
components, it is important that the pistons be crack tested and
discarded if any flaw is discovered after machining the crowns or
after a period of use in competition.
Fig. I8-II. Two Datsun racing pistons, each with crown milled
to a different shape.
On the basis of a cost/success ratio, it would be difficult to
find better cars than the Datsuns-especially if one wants to be
both competitive and not burdened by undue preparation costs
or engine failures. It is almost newsworthy when a Datsun drops
out of competition with mechanical difficulties, and when trouble
does occur it is no problem to find replacement parts.
The main limitation of the Datsun engines is their size,
which has kept them from being a factor in formula cars or in
sports racing cars. The "six" is too long by today's design stand-
ards, and the "four" is rather tall and heavy by comparison to a
Cosworth BDA, for example. But when installed in Datsun se-
dans and sports cars, the Datsun engines have been winners in
every racing class where they are eligible. Undoubtedly they are
the cars to beat.
19 / Volkswagen Air-cooled
Competition Beginnings
The first book on extracting extra power from the Volks-
wagen air-cooled engine appeared about fifteen years ago. Its au-
thor admitted from the outset, "There is not much that can be
done to hop-up a VW." From this inauspicious beginning, we
have progressed to a point where there is not much that cannot
be done to hop-up a VW.
Until the mid-lg60s, VW engines in competition were almost
laughable, and if some bold prophet had stepped forward to
predict that air-cooled VWs would someday make Offenhausers
obsolete in USAC Midget racing, he would have been laughed
into derision. Given this attitude, it is surprising that any prog-
ress was made toward making VW powerplants successful on the
race track.
Formula Vee road racing marked the turning point in the
VW's image. In this class, it became a competition engine with-
out having to produce a great deal more power than it did in
stock form, and tuners finally began to take seriously the matter
of finding additional horsepower and torque. Nevertheless, the
main boost that the VW had was the dune buggy craze of the
mid-lg60s. Despite occasional buggies with Simca or BMC power-
plants, only the VW engine and chassis thoroughly met the
buggy builders' needs. While a great many buggies retained stock
powerplants in somewhat dressed-up form, the attention of
America's hotrod community had finally been attracted. Now
the real quest for power began, which culminated in today's VW
drag racers that can do a standing quarter mile in less time than
it took the V8 Chevies of only a few years ago. The supply and
variety of available super tuning components for the air-cooled
VW is monumental. But not all of the speed equipment and the
know-how are applicable to every racing class where VW engines
compete (Fig. 19-1). We will begin, therefore, with VW compe-
tition engines in their purest form: Formula Vee.
Fig. I9-I. Engine compartment of professional road racing VW
Super Beetle.
State of the Art
One of the most successful Formula Vee engine builders in
the United States is the AID organization, headed by John Hark-
State of the Art 463
ness and located in Marblehead, Massachusetts. During the early
part of the 1977 racing season, AID engines won every race they
Though John Harkness is an expert machinist who has built
many fine competition powerplants, impaired eyesight has forced
him to limit his activities to administrative and theoretical con-
cerns. Lee Goodwin, the chief machinist at the well equi pped fa-
cility, is now in charge of producing the precision components
that have made AID's VW engines the terrors of the track.
Fine Tuning
Formula Vee has always been an engine tuners' class; engine
builders often have more to do with the outcome of the race than
the drivers do. So critical are the fine points of Formula Vee
preparation that John Harkness and Lee Goodwin talk enthusi-
astically about picking up half a horsepower by some new modi-
fication. This would be absurd in drag racing or in USAC Cham-
pionship cars. But the combined pulling power of two or three
"half-horses" can add up to decisive domination in this class.
Take, for example, the matter of intake valves. Brand new
valves permit the greatest gasflow. One of the East's best Formula
Vee drivers has found that, with a fresh AID engine, he can win
his first race without trying very hard. Winning the second race
means a fight for the lead, and in the engine's third race, the car
is likely to finish second. The engine then goes back to AID for a
valve grind, during which the intake valves are not ground at
all but discarded and replaced by new ones. With this minor
change only, the engine is once more ready to win two firsts and
a second.
All components used in a Formula Vee engine (Fig. 19-2
and Fig. 19-3) must be VW parts. Some parts are better than
others, but all must be original parts or standard VW replace-
ment parts for the 1192-cm3 1200 engine that was used in 1961
through 1965 Beetles. In addition to "rare" old parts that offer
particular performance advantages, many of the currently manu-
factured replacement parts-some originating in Mexico-have
helped to make these engines stronger now than when they were
Fig. I9-2. Typical Formula Vee engine installation with cooling
fan retained.
Fig. I9-). Typical Formula Vee engine with fan elimininated and
ducted air used for engine cooling.
Cylinder Heads 465
Cylinder Heads
The infamous "long stud" VW heads used from 19G1
through 1964 are never installed on a Formula Vee engine-not
even in modified, short-stud form. Nor are certain other heads
that are scorned by tuners. The most competitive engines use one
of three cylinder heads that show the most gasflow on the flow
bench. The best of the three is the IOI-D head, which is a new
replacement part introduced in 1976. The second best is the 101
head (no letter suffix), and the third best is the wI-F.
The first step in Formula Vee cylinder head preparation, as
well as in other VW racing applications, is to flycut the cylinder
head (Fig. 19-4) to produce the correct combustion chamber
volume, which is 43 cm
for Formula Vee engines. A milling ma-
chine is more accurate for this job than the less expensive tools
that are hand operated or used with a drill press.
Fig. I94. VW 1600 cylinder head being f1ycut on milling machine.
Formula Vee Ports
The 1200 engine has a single siamesed intake port in each
head, and the separation between the two valve seats, which is
inside the head, must be machined to a knife edge_ This stream-
lining helps to increase the gas velocity, thus imparting greater
inertia to the mixture that tends to carry it into the correct cyl-
inder instead of reversing direction around the separation and
into the other intake valve_ This keeps the cylinders from rob-
bing one another, which can easily occur because of the consecu-
tive firing of the two cylinders in each bank_
A pocket or relief is cut just inside the intake port, on the
side toward the rocker arm shaft. This pocket is left somewhat
rough to create turbulence. Thus, in addition to redirecting the
mixture from the manifold toward the valves, fuel that tends to
precipitate at this point is reatomized by the swirling air. The
very long intake manifold branches and the abrupt change of
direction near the ports combine to encourage "puddling" of
the fuel globules, which has always been a problem in Formula
Vee. The early solution was to use extremely rich carburetor jets
so that adequate fuel would reach the cylinders despite the pud-
dling. With the AID method of porting the head for turbulence,
the main jets can be reduced from a Solex size 240 to a size 210
with an increase in power.
The exhaust port volume is increased at the point where
the gases must pass around the valve guide, and both the intake
and the exhaust ports are carefully matched to their respective
manifolds. Incidentally, none of the port modifications described
here shows up significantly on a flow bench, but the results show
up conclusively on the dynamometer.
Porting tor Other Purposes
Outside the Formula Vee class, porting (Fig. 19-5) tends to
be carried to greater lengths, especially when larger valves
are being installed. When very large valve seats are installed
in a VW head, part of the spark plug boss is cut away,
and a threaded steel insert must be installed in the spark plug
hole. During radical porting, an old set of valve guides should be
Cylinder Heads 467
installed in the head. These guides will be ground away and
destroyed during the porting operation, but their presence will
prevent pockets from being inadvertently cut into the soft alum-
inum around the holes for the guides.
Fig. I95. VW 1600 cylinder head being ported with highspeed tool.
The flow through the ports can be improved by beveling
the inner ends of the valve guides before installation. This can
be done either by grinding or by turning them in a lathe. In ad-
dition, when a high-lift cam is to be used, the tops of the guides
may have to be cut down, removing about .010 in. more than
the lift increase provided by the cam. The part of the guide that
is inside the port is cut off entirely in some drag racing engines
for maximum gasflow, and guide wear is quite rapid.
Manifolds and Headers
Because of the vast array of intake manifolds and exhaust
systems available for the VW air-cooled engines, it is impossible
.to cover them all here. Each kind of competition application re-
quires a different setup, and in many cases the selection is limited
by the rules of the racing class.
Formula Vee rules specify that a stock VW intake manifold
be used. The best of these is the manifold designated by a part
number ending with the digits 701-D. This component was used
on 1963 and later VW 1200 engines. The inside diameter of the
intake manifold can be increased by acid etching, so long as the
weight is not reduced below the minimum specified by Formula
Vee class rules.
Valves and Valve Gear
As in the case of exhaust and induction systems, a great
many different valve gear setups are used. If dual valve springs
are to be fitted, the cylinder head valve guide bosses must be
machined so that the inner springs will fit over them; otherwise
the springs will break. Proprietary components are available to
replace every piece in the VW valve train-from timing gear to
valve seat. The greater the power extracted, the more of these
heavy-duty components are needed.
Formula Vee rules require that the valve gear use stock VW
components. However, washers can be installed between the valve
springs and the cylinder head in order to restore any spring ten-
sion that is lost through reconditioning of the valves and seats.
Under the rules, the rocker arms can be balanced but not light-
ened. So the tuner must search not only for those production
rocker arms that, owing to manufacturing variations, give great-
est valve lift, but also for rocker arms that are unusually light.
The other rocker arms in the engine can then be machined to
match the weight of the lightest rocker. The engine is likely to
be disqualified if there is not one unmachined rocker in the en-
gine-indicating that the others were machined only to match
its lighter weight.
The cam followers can be lightened legally by removing
Crankcase 469
metal from behind the foot. A two-piece cam follower used in
1961 is the lightest and most treasured kind. Pushrods, in addi-
tion to being selected for maximum lightness, are selected for
maximum length. Longer pushrods mean that the valve clear-
ance adjusting screws can be backed off, which changes the angles
of the rockers, altering the geometry of the valve train and there-
by increasing the valve lift.
The Formula Vee engine must use a stock camshaft. But
for better high-rpm power, it is desirable to retard the valve tim-
ing. This cannot be done by relocating the timing gear on the
camshaft because the gear is riveted on. The rules say that metal
can be removed from but not added on to components. Thus, the
timing gear rivets can be drilled out, but new ones cannot be in-
There are two ways that the cams can be retarded; the ideal
figure is 3
-though some tuners claim that more retard is better.
First, a camshaft with a -3 (minus 3) gear can be used. This
number indicates that the camshaft's gear is of the smallest-di-
ameter production class. The undersize gear induces play in the
timing drive, thus retarding the valve timing and also reducing
internal friction. Further valve retard can be obtained by select-
ing a center camshaft bearing that has an unusually thin thrust
face. This permits greater camshaft end play, allowing the helical
gears to "unscrew" and thereby retard the valve timing.
At one time, tuners rarely found it necessary to align bore a
VW crankcase. But current replacement crankcases, especially
those from Mexico, should be align bored as part of competi-
tion preparation-Formula Vee is no exception. For most com-
petition purposes, 1971 and later VW crankcases are best. They
not only have a relocated oil cooler that does not block the flow
of cooling air to the NO.3 cylinder but are made from a mag-
nesium alloy that is more resistant to high-temperature strength
loss than were earlier VW crankcase materials.
Replacement crankcases have camshaft bearings, which were
not used in U.S. 1200 engines until the 1965 model year. But if
an earlier case is used in Formula Vee, it should definitely be
machined so that camshaft bearings can be used. The principal
benefit of the use of bearings is that they reduce friction suffi-
ciently to give the engine a solid one-half horsepower increase.
A windage tray must be installed in the crankcase for most
kinds of competition to prevent the oil from being whipped to a
foam by the crankshaft and reciprocating parts. This aeration
results at high rpm from air currents inside the engine. An ex-
tension can be welded to the oil pickup if a larger-capacity
dropped oil sump is used-and this is desirable because the stock
oil capacity is limited. In Formula Vee, the dropped sump ca-
pacity cannot exceed 250 cm
Formula Vee engines operate at
an oil temperature up to 260F and, as on most competition
VWs, the crankcase should be drilled to accept an oil tempera-
ture gauge sending unit.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Pistons, and Cylinders
The most exciting recent development in Formula Vee is
the 1977 rules change that permits the lightening of engine in-
ternal parts. Though it might seem practical to do some of this
work with a bench grinder and other tools that may be found
in one's own garage, it is doubtful that backyard modifications
will deliver the speed and reliability that are offered by parts
modified by expert machinists using precision machine tools.
The crankshaft can be lightened from its stock 18- to 18Vrlb.
weight to a trim 16 Ibs., with a consequent improvement in accel-
eration and throttle response (Fig. 19-6). The crank throw webs of
the stock crank are roughly oval, viewed axially, and these can
be machined to a more rectangular form to accomplish the major
part of the weight reduction. However, where precision machine
work really pays off is in the contouring of these crankthrow webs
so that the crankshaft is more "aerodynamic". The discovery that
wind resistance caused by the moving parts inside the crankcase
can absorb a great deal of power has prompted the designers and
tuners of all kinds of competition engines to rethink their ap-
proach to crankshaft and crankcase design.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Pistons, and Cylinders 471
Fig. I 9-6. Stock VW 1200 crankshaft (top) compared with AID's
lightened, polished, and streamlined Formula Vee crankshaft
Additional work on the Formula Vee crankshaft includes
indexing the crank to its maximum allowable stroke, which is
2.525 in. + .005 in. This work decreases the crankpin diameter,
thus reducing friction and eliminating mass from a point where
it does most to diminish crankshaft inertia. In all cases, the oil
holes are chamfered and radiused, and the crankshaft balanced
Reducing the crankshaft and connecting rod weight can give
a Formula Vee engine an additional 1 to 3 bhp-the better the
workmanship, the better the output. AID does the complete job
for $87.50 on a customer's magnafluxed crankshaft, finishing it
off with a bead blasting that not only provides the best possible
finish but helps to relieve internal stresses in the crankshaft ma-
terial itself.
The best VW 1200 crankshafts are those with "rolled" jour-
nals, such as the modified unit shown in Fig. 19-6. On these
crankshafts, there is a radiused groove on each side of the pol-
ished part of each journal, the groove extending to a depth that
is below the level of the bearing surface_ The bead blasting ob-
tains throughout this groove, polishing being reserved to the
actual bearing surfaces themselves_
The flywheel of Formula Vee engines can be lightened from
its stock weight of about 18 lbs. to a racing weight of 12 lbs. The
best way to do this is to remove metal at the extreme periphery,
cutting away as much as half of the starter ring gear to remove
weight as far from the center as possible, thus reducing the in-
ertia that inhibits throttle response and acceleration.
Lightening the connecting rods is permitted under the 1977
rules. Normally this kind of work is not recommended for com-
petition engines; however, because the rods are strong and the
engines are not radically supertuned, it can be done in Formula
Vee. rod lightening might seem to be a likely back-
yard chore; it has been done with no other equipment than a
bench grinder, but the weight is usually removed in the wrong
places (Fig. 19-7).
Fig. I9-7 . AID lightened rod (center) compared with stock rod
(leCt) and rod lightened by backyard method of grinding metal off
I-beam section ( right) .
Considerable weight can safely be removed from the con-
necting rod small ends, leaving the piston pin bushing to pro-
trude from each side as it does on stock Porsche connecting rods.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Pistons, and Cylinders 473
Though some tuners have machined most of the excess weight
off the I-beam part of the rod, this is bound to induce weakness;
when a VW rod bends or breaks, it is in this area. At AID, the
connecting rods are lightened by machining metal from the bead
that surrounds the big end eye using special machine tools (Fig.
19-8) . The weight is removed where it will do the most good-
from the end of the rod that goes around with the crankshaft-
and at the point where it will do the least harm structurally.
Because VW rods are not noted for their center-to-center uni-
formity, the rods must be rebored so that the center-to-center
lengths are absolutely uniform and to blueprint specs. Bead
blasting is the final step after the rods have been straightened,
bored, and balanced. This is very beneficial for improving re-
sistance to metal fatigue.
There is currently some confusion as to whether the rules
allow lightening of the pistons. If this work is permitted, For-
mula Vee pistons, instead of having their stock full skirts, will
be into slipper-type pistons, as shown in Fig. 19-9. In
Formula Vee, moly piston rings are always used for minimum
friction and maximum wear resistance.
Fig. I98. Big end of lightened AID rod. Bead surrounding big
end bore has been narrowed and rod bead blasted. Compare with
wide bead remaining on incorrectly lightened rod in Fig. 19'7.
Fig. I9-9. Lightened VW 1200 piston for Formula Vee.
Formula Vee pistons tend to wear considerably, both on
their thrust surfaces and in the piston ring grooves. Therefore,
the pistons and cylinders should be replaced each season. New
cylinders are honed to obtain a .0045-in. clearance with their in-
dividual pistons, which is only .0005 in. over the production
minimum. At one time, tuners experimented with honing the
cylinders to a taper so that when irregular heat expansion had
taken place, which is common in air-cooled engines, the bores
would be cylindrical. This fine point has not proven to be of
any particular merit and is certainly not worth the trouble. By
the rules, the pistons should have a I-mm deck height, and in
some cases it is necessary to install more than one paper gasket
between a cylinder and the crankcase to meet this specification.
Formula Vee Ignition and Carburetion
As do many modified VW powerplants, Formula Vee engines
use the Bosch 010 distributor. This is purely centrifugal advance
unit that was originally installed in the 1200 VW Bus. The For-
mula Vee carburetor is the Solex 28 PCI, which can have its jets
changed without removing or disassembling the unit (Fig. 19-
10) .
Supertuning and Supercharging 475
Fig. I9-IO. Air correction jet being changed at race track without
disassembling carburetor.
To improve airflow through the carburetor, the ventUrI IS
removed and machined to a wall thickness of only .015 in. Many
competitors install velocity stacks (Fig. 19-11). However, con-
sidering the tendency for the pistons to wear rapidly, it is prob-
ably a better idea to install a small, low-restriction air cleaner.
Supertuning and Supercharging
Supercharging was once a common method of getting a bit
more performance out of VW sedans and Karmann Ghia coupes.
The premise was that you could install a supercharger without
Fig. I9-II. Formula Vee 28 PCI carburetor equipped with velocity
removing and rebuilding the engine. As it usually turned out,
those who installed superchargers were the people who spent the
most time removing and rebuilding engines because the stock
components were not truly up to the task of taking the extra
Supercharging is used on all of the fastest drag racing VWs,
but these engines, in addition to being blown, are highly super-
tuned and rarely use any stock moving parts. For maximum out-
puts from any VW air-cooled engine, supertuning is the start,
and there is a large array of speed equipment to choose from.
Among these items are fully counterweighted crankshafts
that are ready to install and race. These are readily available in
a variety of stroke lengths. Aluminum flywheels and connecting
rods are widely applied, as are special lightweight forged-steel
connecting rods and even connecting rod/crankshaft assemblies
wtih roller bearings. Piston and cylinder sets can be purchased
SupeTtuning and SupeTcharging 477
in any number of oversize bore dimensions. In combination with
the long stroke crankshafts, big bore cylinders make it possible
to increase the VW 1600'S displacement to 1800 cm
or even 2000
Crankshafts with bolted-on counterweights generally cost
less than those with integral counterweights, which are forged.
High-performance cylinder heads, while available as already
modified components from several suppliers, are often better ob-
tained locally on a semicustom basis so that they can be tailored
to your particular competition needs. High-strength and high-
lift rocker arm setups-some with roller tips and frictionless
bearings and machined from aluminum-are on the market in
vast profusion, as are camshafts and other valve gear components.
The number of intake and exhaust systems being sold defies de-
scription. Because it is often difficult to tell which equipment is
best for your particular kind of racing, always seek professional
advice from a company such as AID or one of the other adver-
tisers in Dune Buggies and Hot VWs magazine.
20 / Volkswagen Water-cooled
New Force in Racing
The Volkswagen water-cooled engine (Fig. 20-1) has been
around for about five years and has already had considerable im-
pact on American racing. First, VW Dashers, Rabbits, and Sci-
roccos began to win regularly in SCCA Showroom Stock racing.
Then VW launched a new racing class for Sciroccos only-the
Bilstein Sci rocco Cup Championship. Capping it all, a Volks-
wagen Sci rocco with an engine supertuned by Bertil Solenskog
won the 1976 Trans-Am Manufacturers Championship for Tour-
ing Cars under two liters. Front-drive cars show a considerable
advantage on short, twisty circuits, and on tracks such as these,
the Trans-Am Scirocco frequently finished not only well ahead
of its class but in front of cars having several times its piston
By the end of 1977, the water-cooled VW power plant be-
came the newest racing engine for the masses. Formula Super
Vee-long a highly competitive racing class-was changed from a
class for supertuned VW 1600 air-cooled engines to a class for
supertuned VW 1600 water-cooled engines. This caused some con-
sternation among tuners who previously had specialized in modi-
fying the air-cooled VW powerplants.
By virtue of the experience gained in building the winning
New Force in Racing 479
Camshaft drive belt
Fig. 20-I. Cutaway view of VW water-cooled engine. This power-
plant is used in VW Rabbits, Sciroccos, and Dashers.
Trans-Am engines, and a good deal of development work since,
Bertil Solenskog, who operates Bertil' s Racing Engines in Liber-
tyville, Illinois, found himself about a year and a half ahead of
every other tuner in the country when it came to supertuning
water-cooled VW engines. No newcomer to VW machinery, Sol-
enskog built the U.S. Champion Super Vee winner's engines in
both 1973 and 1975.
But while other tuners are still saying, "If Bertil can make
the change, so can J" , they say it nervously. Their composure has
not been helped by SCCA and VWoA, who have been very slow
in issuing definitive rules for the water-cooled Super Vee cars.
So nobody-except Bertil-had started on an engine in 1977. And
to obtain racing parts and to find out about supertuning the
water-cooled VW, there is only one person to go to-the Swedish
master builder himself, Bertil Solenskog.
Superior Strength
The VW water-cooled engine is a strong engine. There is a
production 15o-bhp fuel-injected Scirocco sold in Europe and a
diesel version of the engine sold worldwide. Both use the same
cylinder block, crankshaft, and connecting rods that are found
in the ordinary U.S. water-cooled cars. Obviously a considerable
amount of extreme supertuning can be carried out without im-
posing stresses equal to those encountered in diesel operation.
The engine is typical of modern production car powerplants.
It has a cast-iron cylinder block, an aluminium alloy cylinder
head, and a single overhead camshaft operated by a Gilmer belt.
Somewhat surprisingly, VW chose a single-port-face cylinder head
in an age when most new engines have cross flow heads. This,
perhaps, is dictated by the use of vertical inline valves that are
operated directly by the cam lobes rather than having rocker
arms interposed between the cams and the valves.
Cylinder' Head
The higher output achieved in the Trans-Am engines de-
rived mainly from cylinder head modifications. However, some
of the techniques used for Trans-Am racing probably will not
apply to the Super Vee class, In Super Vee, the cylinder head
will apparently have to be the stock thickness, which precludes
the possibility of milling but eliminates the problem of camshaft
drive belt slack. Whereas the air-cooled Super Vee powerplants
were restricted to 41-mm intake valves, the valve size is rumored
to be free in the water-cooled engines. However, the valves must
remain inline so that no tricky and expensive valve gear modifi-
cations will become necessary in order to win.
In the Trans-Am units, 4o-mm intake valves were used,
which are a modest 6 mm larger than stock. The exhaust valve
diameters were increased from 31 mm to 35 mm. The narrowest
point in an induction system should be the valve seat, so valve
diameters are limited by the maximum attainable diameters for
the ports themselves. As on other modern single-port-face heads,
the VW's intake ports are higher for a more direct route into the
valve. As Fig. 20-2 shows, the ports are quite close together after
Cylinder Head 481
they have been enlarged to their limits, and any significant in-
crease in valve diameters would mean that the ports would be-
come so close together that installing the manifolds would be-
come a problem.
Fig. 20'2. Ports of modified cylinder head sold by Bertil's Racing
Engines. Stock exhaust ports are elliptical. When all ports are en-
larged and rounded, the port face becomes very crowded with holes.
The water-cooled VW engine has bathtub combustion cham-
bers. The larger valves mean that the combustion chambers must
be reshaped to prevent the valves from being shrouded (Fig. 20-
3) . In the Trans-Am engine, the compression ratio was brought
up to 11.5: 1 by milling the head. Bertil Solenskog has found that
domed pistons interfere noticeably with flame travel in this en-
gine, and he used flat-top pistons for the Trans-Am unit. If, as
has been indicated, the new Super Vee rules prescribe that the
head thickness remain stock, then domed pistons are perhaps the
only alternative.
Fi g. 20-3. Combustion chambers of one of Bertil 's heads. Stock bath-
tub chambers are considerably opened up, unshrouding valves.
Camshaft and Valve Gear
As in most other competition engines, the intake valves
should be swirl finished and as light as possible. One limitation
of this engine is its seriously overweight cam followers with their
large-diameter valve adjusting discs. Though the system makes
valve adjustments extremely quick and simple for an engine
with an overhead camshaft that operates the valves directly, each
cam follower weighs approximately 71 grams in combination
with its adjusting disc.
To avoid the need for stiff valve springs, which sap consider-
able power from a small-displacement engine, Bertil Solenskog
has designed a special camshaft and modified valve gear (Fig.
20-4) . The new cam followers weigh only 43 grams and have
cap-type adjusting shims that fit atop the valve stems between
the valves and the cam followers instead of between the cam fol-
lowers and the cams. With the lightened valve gear, relatively
New Force in Racing 483
soft dual valve springs can be used, and, despite their softness,
the engine will rev to 9000 rpm without valve float.
Fig. 20-4. Bertil's complete big valve and valve gear package includes
larger seat inserts, swirl-polished valves, special dual competition
springs, custom cam, and lightweight cam followers. Notice the tiny
adjusting shims at right_
Intake and Exhaust Systems
The Bosch K Jetronic fuel injection system is used in Show-
room Stock Sedan and in Sci rocco Cup racing. However, super-
tuned engines are equipped with dual side draft Weber 48 car-
buretors. These must be fitted to a manifold that matches both
the carburetor bores and the reshaped and enlarged cylinder head
ports. Because of the limited space on the cylinder head's mani-
fold face, studs must be installed for mounting the exhaust head-
ers. On the Trans-Am car, the headers were painted black to
cut down the heat radiation. But in a Super Vee car the headers
may have to be nearer the carburetors, and a heat shield between
the exhaust primary pipes and the carburetor air intakes should
be given serious consideration under these circumstances.
Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, and Pistons
The crankshaft should be magnafluxed. But because this
is a very short, strong component, nitriding or other heat treat-
ment is not absolutely necessary for all racing applications. The
crankshaft should, however, be checked for straightness even if
it has not undergone heat treatment and, if necessary, should be
straightened. The index should also be corrected and all surfaces
deburred and polished lightly to relieve stresses. This work can
be done in conjunction with a very careful dynamic balancing
job. The oil holes should be chamfered and radiused and all
bearing journals polished. Bertil uses the standard main bearing
clearance (.0012 to .0030 in.) and the standard connecting rod
bearing clearance (.0011 to .0035 in.) , though the larger end of
the tolerance range is probably preferred.
The stock connecting rods are very strong and are used in
diesel versions of this engine. Therefore, considerable lightening
and polishing can be carried out without fear that the rods will
be seriously weakened. After magnafluxing, the rods must be re-
bored to obtain the correct center-to-center length and perfect
concentricity. Bertil removes 68 grams from each connecting rod,
thoroughly polishing it in the process. Most of the metal is re-
moved around the little end, though a considerable amount is also
removed along the length of the rod and around the big end eye.
A final polishing takes place during the balancing part of the
operation, and the big end bore is honed for perfect contact be-
tween the rod and the bearing shell.
Lighter pistons and pins contribute a great deal toward re-
ducing the loadings on the connecting rods-which makes the
lightening of the rods a less hazardous undertaking. As previously
mentioned, flat-top pistons should be given preference because
they help the combustion chamber to burn well. For the Trans-
Am car, Bertil used forged-aluminum pistons manufactured by
Mahle. These are much shorter than the stock pistons (Fig. 20-
5), to reduce both weight and friction losses. The steel piston
pins have deep tapers at each end of their hollow centers for
lighter weight with undiminished strength; an entire piston as-
sembly, including rings, weighs about 425 grams, compared to
550 grams for the stock assembly.
Cylinder Bloch 485
Fig. 20-5. Lightweight pistons have pin bore near bottom of short
skirt. Internal taper makes pins lighter.
The special pistons are available from Bertil and are fully
described in his catalog. Most of the parts that he has developed
are manufactured for him in Europe, where finer materials-
particularly steels-are available than are in America. There are
also big-bore pistons on hand that permit the capacity of the
VW water-cooled engine to be raised to 1800 cm
, which seems
to indicate some thought of a possible challenge to the Cosworth
Cylinder Block
The VW water-cooled cylinder block is commendably short.
The sides of the crankcase extend well below the main bearing
centerline, and there are ribs reinforcing various stress points on
both the inside and the outside of the casting. The engine is tall
by comparison to a Formula Ford engine, especially in wet sump
The Trans-Am engine used a deeper sump, which required
a lengthened oil pickup and baffles to keep the oil from sloshing
away from the pickup during hard cornering. The deeper pan
was not used solely to obtain greater oil capacity. It also kept the
oil away from the fast-turning crankshaft and flailing connecting
rods, which set up air currents that can cause oil aeration or
foaming_ The deeper sump-or even the stock sump-is undoubt-
edly out of the question in a formula car, so a dry sump system
must be developed for use in Formula Super Vee. The stock oil
pump is internally mounted and will probably be retained as a
pressure pump. A separate scavenge pump will, however, be
needed, and this could be external with a Gilmer belt drive.
A Bosch electronic ignition system, which Bertil has found
quite suitable for competition, is used on the latest VW cars. The
distributor has no breaker points and is comparable to the Lucas
Opus system in concept, though not in design. The stock breaker-
point distributors found on 1973 through 1977 water-cooled VWs
can also be modified for competition use.
21 / Other Popular Competition Engines
Wankel Rotary
When we talk about the Wankel engine in America, we are
really talking about the Mazda rotary combustion (RC) engine.
Apart [wm a lJdef appearance in the mid-lg60s by the little
single-rotor NSU Spider, the Mazda cars are the only rotary en-
gine machines sold in the United States. The cars themselves are
are a joy to drive, principally because of the turbine-like smooth-
ness of the rotary engines. But despite the deceptive smooth-
ness, few conventional engines of similar size can approach the
excellent performance delivered by the Mazda.
The Mazda RC engine has suffered in competition because
it was too good the first time out. The situation recalls the brief
reign of the gas turbine at Indy; the turbine was so superior that
the rules were changed to an extent that made using a turbine
totally hopeless. The first appearances of the Mazdas in sedan
racing were also disconcerting for the competition. Consequently
the rules were tightened up too much. Thus, the very promising
RC engine has not profited from the development that might
have made it a good competition engine.
Nevertheless, one or two Mazdas have been competitive in
recent IMSA events, particularly on longer courses where the.
Mazda's excellent acceleration and top speed show to a greater
advantage. The cars have two chronic problems on corners. First,
there is the limitation of the Mazda sedan itself, which does not
have very wide wheels and has a suspension that, though excel-
lent on the highway, permits a certain amount of roll, roll steer,
and general imprecision. The second problem is its high-mounted
four-barrel carburetor, which, by the rules, it must keep (Fig.
21-1) .
Fig. 2I-I. Mazda engine modified for competition in INSA road
racing. Notice high carburetor position.
On the corners, the fuel tends to slosh to one side of the
float chamber or the other, in some cases causing the mixture to
go lean and in others causing fuel to be dumped into the in-
takes-which cuts the engine out altogether and produces extrav-
agant fireballs from the exhaust pipe when the car straightens
out and the engine begins firing again. The operation of the
carburetor and induction system is unique (Fig. 21-2) . The pri-
mary venturis of the carburetor serve the inboard side ports of
each rotor chamber, and the secondary venturis serve the out-
Wankel Rotary 489
board side ports. There is little doubt that a pair of side draft
Webers or a fuel-injection system would make a big improve-
Side housing (front),
secondary stage
Rotor housing (front)
Fig. 2I-2. Gasflow in the Mazda RC engine.
The Mazda RC engine has side intake ports, peripheral ex-
haust ports, and dual ignition-the latter mainly for emission
control purposes (Fig. 21-3) . It is obvious that, were the rewards
worth it, a wise supertuning artist could do some interesting ex-
periments in "valve" timing with no other equipment than a
porting tool. It is also conceivable that inserts could be devel-
oped that would fit in holes milled in the castings, each inter-
changeable insert containing a different port profile for testing
or for tuning the engine output for a particular kind of racing or
for a particular race course.
Fig. 2I3. Exploded view of Mazda RC engine housing.
The Wankel's future in terms of racing development is un-
certain. Given a class where uninhibited development is possible,
the future might be bright indeed. Mazda is showing an interest
in making high-performance versions of the RC engine, and per-
haps the Wankel's best days lie ahead.
Toyota cars are in an odd position in America with regard
to competition. While these cars and engines are raced widely
and successfully in other countries, the cars sold in America are
somewhat different from those sold elsewhere. The Toyota Cel-
ica, which would be the obvious candidate for competition, is
sold in America with a rather large and heavy SOHC powerplant
that it shares with the Corona sedans. This engine also suffers
from rather heavy valve gear.
In other parts of the world, the Celica coupe comes with the
1600 Hemi engine found in the American-market Corolla 1600.
In 2T-C form, this engine develops 102 bhp in Australian tune,
compared to 75 bhp for current U.S. Corollas. The l:T-B version
develops 113 bhp and, if this is not adequate to propel an en-
thusiast in a Celica, there is the 2T-G DOHC version that cranks
out 124 bhp at 6400 rpm (Fig. 21-4). So, because these "hot"
engines have too little power once they are desmogged for the
United States, the bigger sedan engine goes into the U.S. Celica
and the reduced-power 2T-C Hemi goes into the super-economy
U.S. Corolla. As a result, the least sporting cars in Toyota's U.S.
line have been the models with the sportiest engines.
Not surprisingly, the Toyotas seen in competition are usu-
ally Corollas. These little cars have not done great things in se-
dan racing, but they have not done badly either. In 1976, Toyota
introduced a pair of lighter, better-handling Corolla 1600s; one
has a sport coupe body and the other a liftback. A sport coupe
prepared by Buzz Marcus (Fig. 21-5) managed in 1977 to lead
races and to finish well up, so there is a possibility that other
competitive Corollas will soon be seen in racing.
Even in 2T-C pushrod form, the 1600 combustion chamber
is excellent, and, with nothing more than high-compression pis-
Toyota 491
Fig. 2I-4. Toyota 2T-C Hemi pushrod engine compared to 2T-G
DOHC version that is not imported into the United States. Racing
development of 2T-C is just getting started in America.
Fig. 2I-5. Modified Toyota 2T-C engine in Corolla raced by Buzz
Marcus in 1977 IMSA professional events.
tons and a competition camshaft, the engine is able to inhale
everything that can pass through a pair of 40DCOE Webers.
Readily available as speed equipment for the 2T-C are competi-
tion pushrods, racing cams, aluminum and titanium valve spring
retainers, aluminum flywheels, 10: 1 pistons, exhaust headers, and
a number of induction system setups. Many similar components
are available for the SORC Rand RC engines, but at present
these powerplants are modified mainly for match racing on the
drag strip.
Ford SOHC "Four"
A great number of Ford Pinto sedans and Capri coupes are
seen in sedan racing. Some of these have the 1992-cm3 2000 en-
Ford SORe "Four" 493
gine that was built in Germany, but beginning with the 1976
models all have had the American or Brazilian 2300 SOHC en-
gines. Although the 2300 has automatic hydraulic valve adjust-
ers, the cylinder head offers two advantages over that of the 2000.
First, the 2300 port shape is better and more easily improved up-
on. Second, the camshaft can be taken out from the front so
that it is not necessary to remove the head to change the cam-
Both engines have an extremely strong bottom end, which
will absorb all the punishment that a supertuned induction sys-
tem and cylinder head can. deliver. Generally it is necessary to
O-ring the cylinders for competition applications, and both dual
side draft Webers and single Holley four-barrels have proved to
be effective as competition carburetion setups.
There is a great deal of speed equipment available, and
perhaps the only thing that keeps the Ford SOHC engines from
being consistent winners is the comparatively large, heavy, and
mediocre cars that they are installed in. There is a Formula
Super Ford class in England that uses another version of the
Ford SOHC engine. If this class comes to America, the SOHC
will become one of the st:lples of American racing. A secondhand
Pinto is a very inexpensive way to get started in racing, parts are
available everywhere, and the engine is durable. But at present,
they are more plentiful than victorious.
Porsche 911
There has never been a racing class that Porsche did not
dominate, with the exception of Formula 1 where the marque
enjoyed only limited success in the late 1950S and early 1960s.
But even that may change. It is rumored that Porsche is prepar-
ing a Formula 1 car for the 1978 season. In the United States, the
most widely seen Porsche in competition is the 911 model and
its high-performance derivatives, the Carrera and the Turbo.
The Porsche "six" engine needs very little done to it to pre-
pare it for competition. Factory high-performance components-
many used in regular production-are readily available for the
most exhaustive kinds of competition work. The engine com-
partment of a racing Porsche (Fig. 21-6) is not very different
from that of a Porsche that you would see in a dealer's show-
Fig. 2I-6. Two-liter Porsche 911 engine in competition tune.
Its remarkable strength and durability can be judged by
looking at a cross-section of the Hat-six powerplant (Fig. 21-7).
The light-alloy crankcase is split vertically on the crankshaft
centerline. Each of the six separate cylinders has a cast-iron liner
on which is superimposed a light-alloy jacket, extensively pro-
vided with cooling fins (Fig. 21-8). The cylinders are deeply
spigoted into the crankcase, each one being held by four long
studs that pass outward through the detachable aluminum cyl-
inder heads. Unlike VWs and Porsche "fours", individual heads
are fitted to each cylinder.
Porsche 9
I 495
1. Clutch and pressure unit 12. Silencer
2. Flywheel 13. Jackshaft
3. Crankcase 14. Chain sprockets
4. Crankshaft 15. Bigend
5. Air filter 16. Drain plug
6. Air fil ter casing 17. Oil intake gauge
7. Fan and casing 18. Scavenge pump
8. Alternator 19. Oil pressure pump
9. Pulley and belt 20. Heat exchanger
10. Distributor drive gear 21. Warm air outlet
11. Pulley
Fig. 2I-7. Side cross-section of Porsche flat-six. Notice the eighth
main bearing at the rear and the jackshaft in the sump.
The fully-machined six-throw crankshaft is carried in seven
thin-wall bearings supported in substantial bearing webs. There
is also an eighth crankshaft bearing at the extreme rear of the
crankcase, on the outside of the timing drive. The crankshaft's
timing drive gear turns a jackshaft that is in the crankcase and
that drives the oil pump and the chains for the single overhead
3. Crankcase
4. Crankpin
5. Air filter
15. Connecting rod
20. Heat exchanger
22. Carburetor air intake
23. Idling mixture adjustment
24. Accelerator pump
25. Vent pipe
26. Throttle shaft
27. Float chamber
28. Inlet valve
29. Rocker
30. Camshaft
31. Piston
32. Exhaust valve
33. Valve springs
34. Oil return pipe
35. Spark plug suppressor
Fig. 2I-8. End section of Porsche flat-six. Combustion chamber de-
tails can be clearly seen.
camshafts. Actually, there are two oil pumps side by side. The
engine employs a dry sump, and the smaller oil pump draws oil
from the tank and supplies pressure to the bearings, while the
Porsche 9
larger pump scavenges the shallow sump and returns the oil to
the tank.
Even in stock form the connecting rods are polished. The
pistons are highly domed and are equipped with full-floating
pins and three piston rings. The induction and exhaust systems
are the main areas where a tuner can practice his skill; all other
preparation consists of minor blueprinting and very careful as-
sembly. The Carrera version of the engine is equipped with
Bosch timed mechanical injection (Fig. 21-g). The Turbo en-
gine compartment (Fig. 21-10) shows the greatest variation over
the original gl1. The turbocharger handles air only; the fuel is
supplied by port injection.
Fig. 2I-9. Engine compartment of a racing Carrera, showing fuel-
injection pump and air intakes.
Fig. :UIO. Engine compartment of racing Turbo. Large ducts and
boxes handle air only; fuel is injected at ports.
Amateur Racing
In this book we have concentrated on the engines that are
used most often in American professional racing. Some have not
been specifically mentioned, such as the American Motors "six",
current BMWs, Dodge Colts, and Plymouth Arrows. These en-
gines do appear in professional racing, as does the occasional
SAAB, Volvo, or Renault. For the most part, however, the cars
in this group obtain success only with fairly heavy factory back-
ing or are entered on a shoestring by an enthusiast for the par-
ticular marque who doesn't mind finishing well back. Conse-
quently, these engines have not had a great deal of development
or success in the hands of any considerable number of racers.
Amateur Racing 499
There are, of course, a number of other engines that have
long been used in amateur racing-particularly the MGs and
Triumphs. These have not appeared in professional racing. Be-
ing in many ways antiquated designs, they long ago reached the
peak of development; all of the various blueprinting and super-
tuning techniques are well recorded. Persons interested in pre-
paring these and other engines for amateur racing should obtain
the readily available special tuning literature that is available
from the competition departments of the car manufacturers.
Appendix / Definitions, Constants, and
Occasionally even the well informed find it difficult to convey
in simple language the meaning of commonplace technical terms.
The following definitions may prove useful in these situations.
Horsepower (hp) The traditional unit of work; 1 hp is equal to
33,000 ft. lb. per minute. This is the work done in lifting a
weight of 33,000 pounds through a distance of one foot in
one minute or any other quantities of pounds and feet that
give 33,000 when multiplied.
Brake Horsepower (bhP) The actual power developed at the en-
gine shaft, as measured on test by coupling the engine to a
dynamometer or "brake" for absorbing the power.
Torque The effort applied to a shaft or wheel that tends to turn
it . When the torque is of sufficient value to rotate the shaft
through a definite distance in a given time, work is done,
which is then stated in hp or kilowatts.
Kilowatt (kw) The SI (modernized metric system) unit of
power. Kilowatt ratings have already replaced horsepower
ratings in Europe.
Mean Effective Pressure (mep) Sometimes called mean indicated
pressure (mip). The average pressure produced in the cyl-
inders on the expansion stroke and which results in the
shaft power. It is measured at the cylinder itself by a sci-
entific apparatus or indicator.
Brake Mean Effective Pressure (bmep) Sometimes called brake
mean pressure (bmp). A figure analogus to the above but ob-
tained by calculation from the actual bhp. The figure, which
allows for the mechanical losses in the engine, is imaginary.
It does, however, enable useful comparisons to be made be-
tween designs in almost all aspects.
Mechanical Efficiency A factor expressed as a percentage, which
shows how much of the explosion pressure is obtained as
power at the engine shaft; it is the percentage difference
between the mep and bmep. The loss is owed to friction,
inertia, and so on in the engine's moving parts.
Thermal Efficiency A factor expressed as a percentage, which
shows how much power is obtained from the heat energy in
the fuel used; it is thus an indication of the effectiveness of
the engine as an apparatus for converting heat into work.
Volumetric Efficiency A factor showing the degree of complete-
ness with which a cylinder is charged, exhausted, and re-
charged during the operating cycle; it is a measure of the
adequacy of the valves, ports, induction and exhaust systems,
and so on.
The following definitions cover terms more commonly used
in thermodynamics.
Specific Heat The ratio of the thermal capacity of a substance
to the thermal capacity of water.
Definitions, Constants, and Formulas 503
Unit of Heat (Btu or Chu) The heat given out by a unit volume
of water in cooling through 1.
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat (Joule's Equivalent) I btu
778 ft./lb.
Calorific Value The capacity of a substance for giving up heat
when a mass of it is burned (usually expressed as btus per
Combustion The combination of different chemical elements re-
sulting in heat emission.
Conduction of Heat The transfer of heat through a body from
the hotter to the cooler part.
Conductivity The rate at which heat flows (in heat units per
second) is directly proportional to the temperature differ-
ence between the two parts and to the conductivity of the
Unit of Conductivity Tht: yuantity of heat, in heat units, that
flows per second across a surface I square foot in area for
each degree of temperature drop per foot of distance that
the heat travels.
Convection Transfer of heat by virtue of the motion of the parts
of heated bodies. The chief means of temperature equaliza-
tion in liquids and gases. Cannot occur in solids.
Radiation Transfer of heat from a hot body to a cold one by
waves of heat passing through the atmosphere.
Absolute Temperature When temperature is changed by 1C
(constant pressure), the amount by which a gas expands in
volume is 1/273 part of its volume at DoC. Therefore, at
273 below oOC, the volume will be zero. Thus, absolute
zero is -273C. Temperatures from absolute zero may be
stated in degrees K (Kelvin) or degrees R (Rankine). Thus
the melting point of ice is DoC, 32F, 273K, and 492R.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Abbreviation or symbol
British thermal unit btu
Centigrade heat unit Chu
Compression ratio r
Efficiency n
Enthalpy H
Entropy S
Efficiency (mechanical) nm
Mechanical equivalent of heat (Joule) J
Specific heat at constant pressure cp
Specific heat at constant volume Cv
Specific heat, ratio of Y
Temperature (abs.) T
Useful Conversions
To convert from
Horsepower (550 ft. lbf/sec.) to kilowatts
Metric (DIN) bhp to kilowatts
Metric (DIN) bhp to SAE net bhp
SAE net bhp to kilowatts
Torque, kgf/m (mkg) to lbf/ft (ft. lb.)
Torque, lbf/ft (ft. lb.) to kgfjm (mkg)
Torque, kgfjm (mkg) to Nm (Newton-meter)
Torque, lbf/ft (ft. lb.) to Nm (Newton-meter)
Torque, Nm (Newton-meter) to kgf/m (mkg)
Torque, Nm (Newton-meter) to lbf/ft (ft. lb.)
Cylinder capacity, cu. in. to cm
Cylinder capacity, cm
(cc) to cu. in.
Multiply by
. 102
Note that these conversions are for use in comparing the
specifications of different engines and are not intended for pur-
poses where great scientific or mathematical accuracy is involved.
Definitions, Constants, and Formulas 505
Useful Formulas
Swept volume of one cylinder = 3.14 X R2 X S
or=-- X D2 X S
3.14 X D2 X S
where D = cylinder bore; R = cylinder bore radius (one-half its
diameter) ; S = piston stroke; 3.14 = pi; 3.
4 = .785 (one-fourth
pi) .
v + v where V = swep volume
Compression ratio =--
v v = volume of space above
piston at top of stroke.
Piston speed in feet per min. = 2 X rev fmin X stroke in feet
rev fmin X stroke in inches
or =
rev fmin X stroke in mm.
or _
plan where p = brake mean effective pressure in lb f
- 33,000 sq. in.
I = length of stroke in feet.
a = area of one piston in square inches.
n = number of power strokes per minute.
bhp X 33,000
Bmep lbfsq in. = for values of lan, see above.
rev /min X torque
Bhp _
When torque
is in lb/ft.
bhp X 5.250
Torque _
rev /min X wheel dia. in inches
Mph = (approximate only)
gear ratio X 336
Mean gas velocity through port in ft. per sec.
Piston speed D2
60 X d2
Mean gas velocity through valve in ft. per sec.
Piston speed D2
- X-----
60 V X LX 22
Where D = diameter of piston.
d = diameter of port.
V = diameter at throat of valve.
L = lift of valve.
and flow coefficient is assumed as unity.
Torque calculations:
Where P = Bmep in lb/sq. in.
V = Swept Volume in cu. in.
or T = lb/ft
411" X 12
Definitions, Constants, and Formulas 507
If volume is in cc (16.387 cc = 1 cu. in.)
T = 6 lbjft.
47T X 12 X 1 .387
bmep X swept volume in cc
or T = lbjft
2473 X T
and Bmep = . Ibjin2
swept volume III cc
bhp X 12,983,250
or Bmep = Ibjin2
rev jmin X swept volume III cc
The above equations are sufficiently accurate for general
The symbols used in formulas are not necessarily adhered to
in all texts, etc.
Cylinder Head Milling
This formula, explained in chapter 12, is used to calculate
the amount to be milled from a cylinder head to obtain a par-
ticular compression ratio.
Milled Amount in mm =
New Disp. Ratio - Old Disp. Ratio X Stroke in mm
New Disp. Ratio X Old Disp. Ratio
where the displacement ratio is 1.0 less than the compression
ratio (the volume of one cylinder divided by the combustion
chamber volume).
Abbreviations and symbols, 504
Acceleration loads, 70
Accelerator pump circuit, 252
Adiabatic expansion and com-
pression, 10, 12, 15
Advance curve, 236
AID (racing engine builders),
2, 4
, 47
, 473, 477
Air-cooled cylinder heads, 129
Air-cooled engines, 36, 60
Air correction principle, 250
Aircraft plumbing, 367
AiResearch turbocharger, 382
Airflow sensor, 280
Air, specific heat of, 8
Air standard efficiency (ase), 19,
, 34
AHa Romeo, 85, 86, 134, 174,
Align boring (definition of), xvii
Allard, 162
Alternators, 363-366
Aluminum Alloy, 63
Aluminum alloy pistons, 64
Aluminum sump, 64
Amateur racing, 498
American V8s, 38, 41, 56, 72, 73,
74, 77, 82, 93, 95, 98, 160,
162, 164, 165, 167, 197, 269,
, 37
, 3
, 39
, 393, 394,
, 402, 4
5, 406, 408
Assembly work, 340-342
Audi, 87, 9
, 177, 365
Austin cars, 454
Austin-Healey Sprite, 247, 312
Automatic spark advance, 236
Aviaid Metal Products, 456
Babbit metal, 101
Back clearance, 331
Backflow, 326
Balancing, 337-340
Balancing, problems of, 141-145
Balancing single-cylinder engine,
Barronia metal, 64, 303
Bathtub combustion chambers,
194, 208, 221, 481
Bearing clearance, 105
Bearing loadings, 183-184
Bearing loadings, complications
of, 58
Bearing location, 139-141
Bearings, Vandervell, 422
Bertil's Racing Engines, 479
Bifurcated ports, 203
Billet cam, 72
Blowback, damping, 307
Blowing down, 377
Blueprint compression ratio, 350
Blueprinting, definitions of, xvi,
BMC, 461
Bmep, 27, 211, 502
BMW, 89, 90, 114, 15
, 157,443
Bob Sharp Racing, 444, 44
, 455,
Bobcat, Mercury, 82, 169
Bolt-on systems, 206
Bolt torques, 341
Bore/stroke ratio, 179, 226
Bosch distributor, 474
Bosch fuel injection system, 270
Bosch ignition system, 486
Bosch K Jetronic system, 270,
280, 380, 483
Bosch L Jetronic system, 273,45
Bowl-in-piston, 195, 208
Boyle, Robert, 5
Boyle's law, 5, 10
Brake horsepower, 20, 501
Brake mep (Bmep), 27, 502
Brake thermal efficiency, 23, 30
Breakerless ignition systems, 232
Breathing, 215-218
BRM H16, 142, 370
BRM V12, 175
Bugatti, 99
Buick Motor Co., 151
Bushings, 106
Butterfly throttle valves, 245, 275
Cadillac, 162, 176
Cam followers, 323
Camaro, Chevrolet, 364, 39
, 397,
Camel G T racing series, 447
Camshaft alternative, 324
Camshaft, cast nodular iron, 72
Camshaft, chain-driven, 75
Camshaft drive system, 79
Camshaft problems, 82, 83
Camshafts, reground, 324
Can-Am racing, 63, 116, 175
Capacitor discharge (CD) system,
Capri, Ford/Mercury, 78, 82,
9, 3
4, 49
Carbonitriding, 62
Carburetion, Formula Vee, 474
Carburetion, improved, 36
Carburetion, problems of, 382
Carburetor induction systems,
Carburetors, constant depression,
Carburetors, fixed venturi, 250-
Carburetors, Hitachi, 247
Carburetors, Holley, 266-269
Carburetors, Riley, 272
Carburetors, Solex, 250, 253, 255,
Carburetors, Stromberg CD, 248
Carburetors, SU, 247-248
Carburetors, twin-choke, 260
Carburetors, Weber, 253-256
Carburizing, 62, 97
Carillo rods, 400, 401, 458
Carnot, Sadi, 16, 17
Carrera, Porsche, 493, 497
Casehardening, 97
Celica coupe, Toyota, 490
Chain and belt tensioning de-
vices, 79-82
Chain whipping, 80
Charge loss, 50
Charging, fuel/air mixture, 42-45
Charles, H. j., 5
Charles' law, 5, 9, 358
Chevette, Chevrolet, 83
Chevrolet, xv, xvi, xix, 63, 65,
90, 92, 104, 116, 133, 160,
161, 162, 178, 179, 198,202,
207, 226, 261, 268, 299, 329,
4, 3
9, 39
, 39
, 393, 39
Chevrolet Vega, 64, 82, 90, 92,
Choke valves, 253
Chrysler Hemi V8, 103, 162, 188-
9, 39
Citroen 2 CV, 151
Clearance space, 194
Clearances, exacting, 329-330
Clement and Desormes, 11
Cold air systems, 242
Combustion, minimization of
losses, 37
Combustion chamber, 29
Combustion chamber, bathtub,
195, 208, 221, 481
Combustion chamber, compact,
Combustion chamber, hemispher-
ical, 187, 208, 224
Combustion chamber, Heron, 208
Combustion chamber, reduction
of volume, 347
Combustion efficiency, 23, 26
Combustion/expansion stroke, 35
Compression, adiabatic, 10, 12, 15
Compression, isothermal, 10, 11
Compression ratio, 32-34, 180,
188, 210, 3
, 343-356
Compression ratio and detona-
tion, 29-31
Compression ratio and heat loss,
Connecting rod alignment, 335
Connecting rods, 123-128,399-403
Conservation of energy, 4
Conversions (mathematical), use-
ful, 504
Cooling and wear, 110
Cortina GT, Ford, 53, 260, 295,
9, 4
4, 4
, 427, 4
Corvair, Chevrolet, 171
Corvette, Chevrolet, 269, 390, 406
Cosworth Ford racing engines,
xiv, xv, 88, 113, 166, 167,
179, 183, 188, 485
Cos worth pistons, 458, 459
Cosworth Vega, Chevrolet, 457
Coventry Climax racing engines,
142, 166, 261
Cracks, starting points for, 67
Crane Cams Winner's Hand-
book, 304
Crankcase, light alloy, 64
Crankshaft, 399-403
Crankshaft breakage, 62
Crankshaft, flat, 56
Cross-flow design, 200
Cross-ram intake manifold, 261
Crowe, Gene, 448, 452, 457
Crower injection system, 272
Crystallization, 67, 124
Cuff valves, 68
Cyaniding, 62
Cylinder banks, 156
Cylinder block, 403-406
Cylinder deck, milling, 328
Cylinder head, 63, 128-138, 391,
Cylinder head castings, distor-
tion, 61
Cylinder head design, 191
Cylinder head milling, 507
Cylinder heads, air-cooled, 129
Cylinder heads, Datsun FIA, 447
Cylinder heads, liquid-cooled,
Cylinder heads, VW Scirocco,
Trans Am, 480
Cylinder wall and heat loss, 35
Cylinders, cooling of, 36
Cylinders, O-ringing, 61, 113,
128, 35
, 493
Daimler V8 engine, 76
Damper, bonded-rubber, 339
Datsun, 75. 82, 89, 90, 107, 157,
197, 261, 443-460
De Soto Firedome, 163
Desmodromic valves, 68
Detent mechanism, timing chain
tensioner, 82
Detonation and compression ra-
tio, 29-31
Detonation damage, 34
Detonation, danger of, 29
Diecast aluminum, 66
Direct cylinder injection, 272
Displacement ratio, 350, 351
Distortion, cylinder block, 341
DKW engines, 368
Dodge Colt, 158, 188
Dodge "Slant Six" engine, 133
Double-row roller chain, 76
Dry liners, 65
Dry sump system, 60, 362, 406,
Dual point ignition system, 229
Dual valve spring, 70
Duckworth, Keith, xv, xxii, 439
Duclos, Ken, 426, 432, 436, 439,
Dusenberg, xxv, 159, 369
Duralumin tubing, 322
Dykes ring, 118, 333
Dynamometer testing, 21, 190,
, 3
5, 4
Dyna-Panhard, 151
Dyno tuning, definition of, xvii
Eaton valves, 295
Electronic signal generator (elec-
tronic ignition), 231
Emission controls, 389
Engine block materials, 110
Engine construction, 62
Engine mounting, 177
Engines, air-cooled, 36, 60
Engines, liquid-cooled, 60
Engines, multiple cylinder, 149
Engines, single cylinder, 145
Enthalpy, 8, 15
Entropy, 12, 14
Entropy axis, 15
Erosion, spark plug electrode,
Escort, Ford, 428, 430, 437
Exhaust emission, 196, 243, 245
Exhaust expulsions, 56
Exhaust headers, 298
Exhaust pipe layout, 306-311
Exhaust port matching, 298
Exhaust port, siamesed, 204
Exhaust systems, 54-56
Exhaust valve cooling, 133
Exhaust valve temperature, 209
Exhaust valves and ports, 297
Expansion, adiabatic, 10, 12, 15
Expansion, isothermal, 10
Expansion pressure, 23-26
Explosion, premature, 30
Fan clutch, 365
Fan, electric, 366
Fatigue crack, 67
Fatigue failure, 66, 124, 320
Ferrari, 89, 141, 169, 170, 174,
FIA cylinder heads, Datsun, 447
Fiat, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 150, 192,
254, 261
Fitting clearances, 104
Five-cylinder engines, 177
Flame travel, 225
Flat-eight, 172
Flat-six, 171
Flat-sixteen, 174
Flat-twelve, J 74
Flat-twin, 151
Float bowls, 274
Flywheel rim (inertia ring), 338
Ford, xiii, xv, xvi, xxii, xxv, 74,
132, 133, 157, 158, 160, 161,
5, 169, 17
, 17
, 177,
178, 179, 195, 197,202,2
260, 295, 334, 3
4, 39
, 395,
5, 4
7, 4
, 43
, 43
Ford Cortina, 75, 133, 179, 181,
195, 197, 219, 260, 295
Ford Fiesta, 141
Ford/Foyt V8, 183, 209
Formula Atlantic, 430
Formula Vee, 93, 250, 461-477
Formulas, useful, 505
Fouling spark plug deposits, 238
Fouling, spark plug resistance to,
Foyt racing engine, 203, 209
"Frying", of fuel/air mixture, 209
Fuel cam (Lucas fuel injection),
Fuel economy, 32
Fuel injection systems, 241, 269-
Fuel, high and low octane, 30
Fuel metering, 273
Fuel, nitromethane, 38, 343, 408
Fuel vaporizaton, 272
Gap leakage, piston ring, 330
Gas laws, 5
Gas leakage, 71, 331
Gas turbine, 214
Gas velocity, 37-38
Gas volume, of spark plug, 224
Gasflow, 197, 202, 274, 294
Gasket failure, 61, 128
Gasket volume, 351-353
Gaskets, 61, 132
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 5
Gear drives, camshaft, 73
Gear mesh, of camshaft drive, 74
Gear tootlI design, of timing
gears, 74
Generator, electronic signal (elec-
tronic ignition), 231
Generators, 363
Gilmer belts, 77-79, 83, 84, 88,
373, 406, 422
Glas sports coupe, 77
G. N. Spider, 150
Goodwin, Lee, 463
Goossen, Leo, xxv
Grand Prix, 224, 239, 271
Grant Flamethrower distributor,
Gremlin, American Motors, 83
GT cars, 186
Hardware, for installing engine,
Harkness, John, 462
Head milling, 315
Headers, exhaust, 298
Heat flow, 11, 120-121
Heat loss, 11, 34-37
Heat transfer, 5
Heating, 346
Heating, extra, 60-61
"Hemi",63, 187
Hemispherical combustion cham-
ber, 187, 208, 224
Heron combustion chamber, 195,
HG 22 (piston ring alloy), 123
High-rpm valve float, 71
High-speed operation, problems
of, 39-61
Hilborn, Stuart, 271
Hillman Imp engine, xiii
Hirth threaded fittings, 99
Hitachi carburetors, 248
Holley carburetors, 260, 266-269,
Honda, 88, 90, 216, 224
Horsepower, 20-22, 501
Horsepower ratings, 21
"Hot spots", 29, 64
I-beam section, of connecting
Idler pulley, camshaft drive, 79
Ignition current, 227
Ignition, electronic, 230-233
Ignition, Formula Vee, 474
Ignition, Magneto, 227
Ignition time lag, 30
Indicated horsepower, 20
Induction, fuel/air mixture, II
Induction system, 311
Inertia ring, of vibration damp-
er, 338
Inlet valve, overlap period, 39
Intake ducting, 313
Intake <lir distributor, fuel in-
jection, 241
Intake manifold, 241
Intake ports, 200-203
Intake tract, 289, 294-295
Intake valve, 37, 218, 290-293
Intake valve, flat-type, 296
Intake v a ~ v e tulip-shaped, 296
Internal energy, 7
Ionization, of spark plug gaps,
Iron, ductile, 62
Iron cylinder liners, 65
Iron, nodular, 62
Iskenderian, Ed, 304, 451, 452
Isothermal expansion and com-
pression, 10, II, 14
Jaguar, 81, 85, 86, 89, 109, 157,
175, 176, 220, 248, 282, 283,
Jets, main, 268
Kay-Dee Automotive Engineer-
ing (racing engine build-
ers), 426
"Kent" engine, Ford, 409
Lanchester, George, 150
Lancia, 158, 176, 254
Leak-down testing, 412
L-head, 161
Liners, cylinder, 65, 112
Liquid-cooled cylinder heads, 129
Liquid-cooled engines, 60, 135
Lotus engine, 79, 85, 88
Lotus Twin-cam, 428, 432, 435
L-series Datsun, 444
Lubrication, 73, 122-123, 161,
, 422, 45
, 484
Lucas distributor, 232
Lucas ignition system, 235
Lucas injection, 273
Lucas injector, 281-282
Lucas Opus ignition system, 234,
Lucas shuttle metering unit (fuel
injection), 281
"Lugging", 59
Machining, 347-349
Magnaflux, 66, 327
Magnesium alloy, 63
Magneto, 80, 227
Mahle (pistons), 484
Mallory distributor, 229
Mandrels, for connecting rod
alignment, 336
Manifold pressure, 312
Manifold vacuum, 247
Manifolds, exhaust, 205
Marblehead Racing Group (rac-
ing car and engine build-
ers), 412
Marcus, Buzz, 490
Maserati, 236
Materials, basic construction, 62-
Mazda, 42, 215, 487-490
Mechanical efficiency, 22, 502
Mechanical stresses, 56-61
Meehanite, 63
Megaphone exhaust pipe ends,
Mercedes Benz. xv, 75, 159. 167.
177, 271-272, 37
MG, 81, 85. 247, 3
3. 3
5, 499
MGB, 200
Miller race cars, 369
Mitsubishi. 90, 158
Model A Ford, 235
Morrison. John C_. 47
Moser engine, 198, 204, 390, 403,
Mustang, Ford, 82, 169
NASCAR racing, 53, 188, 207,
, 39
Nissan Motor Corp., (Datsun)
443, 454
Nitriding, 62, 97
Nitromethane, 38, 343, 408
NSU Prinz, 150
NSU Spider, 41
OffenhauserjOffy, 64, 66, 132,
183, 203, 404. 4
Oldsmobile. 162
Opel. 261
O.ringing, 61, 113, 128, 356, 493
Otto cycle. 17-19
Overlap periods. 39. 42. 44, 46
Overrevving. 348
Pancake engines, 139, 150. 167
Parallelism. of connecting rod
bOres, 336
Peugeot, xxiv
Pinto. Ford, 78, 82, 88, 169, 195.
197, 3
4, 49
Piston design, 334
Piston rings, 330-334
Pistons. 117-124
Piston "slap", 119
Plastigage, 105. 106, 341
Plumbing. 367
Plymouth flathead "six", 161
Polishing, of combustion cham-
ber, 301
Porsche, 63. 64. 75. 82. 85. 89. 99.
100, 115, 133, 134, 135, 14
7, 17
, 172, 173, 174,
207, 253. 34
, 3
, 3
, 3
3, 443, 472, 493-497
Porting, 202
Posey, Sam, 447
Power loading, 58
Pressure, expansion. 23
Pressure, induction and compres-
sion, balance of, 46
Pulsating pressure, 49-56
Racing car and engine builders,
Bob Sharp Racing, 444, 448,
455, 456; Marblehead Rac-
ing Group, 412
Racing engine builders, AID,
462,466,471,473,477; Kay-
Dee Automotive Engineer-
ing, 426
Rajay turbocharger, 381
Ram tuning, 283
Rejetting, 270
Renault, 254, 498
Renold, Hans, 79
Renold automatic chain adjuster,
Rings, piston, 117-124
Roberts. Dick, 444
Rocker arms, 314-320
Rocker arm shaft, 318
Rolls Royce, 167, 216
Roots supercharger, 37
-372, 379
Rover engine, 199, 213
SAAB, 176, 498
Scavenging, 42-50, 161, 199, 205
Scientific Design of Exhaust &-
Intake Systems, 47, 52, 307
Scintilla Vertex magneto, 228
Scotch yoke. 154
Shorrock superchargers. 374-375
Siamesed ports, 203
Simca, 254, 461
Sleeve valves, 68
Smith, Philip H., 47
Solenskog, Bertil, 478, 479, 481,
, 483. 4
Solex 28 PCI carburetor, 250,
253, 255
Solex sidedraft carburetor, 451
Spark plug position, 223-226
Specific heat of air, 8, 502
Spontaneous ignition tempera-
ture, 30
Spontaneous igmtlOn tempera-
Springs, valve, 303-306
Squish features, 192-195, 209, 210,
221, 226
Steyer-Puch, 152
STP, 60
Stratified charge engine, 217
Stroboscope, 71
Stromberg CD carburetor, 248
SU carburetor, 247-248
Subaru, 156
Supercharger /Supercharging, 214,
Supertuning, definition of, xix
Tatra engine, 137, 138
Taunus V4, 158, 176
Tetraethyl lead, 31, 130
Teves valves, 296
Thermal efficiency, 16, 23, 26, 35,
64, 221, 502
Thermodynamics, 3-20, 502
Tilton Engineering, 449, 452
Timing, valve, 39-49
Torque, 27, 32
Torque curve, 27, 28, 213
Torque requirements, 211
Toyota, 75, 158, 188, 261, 321,
380, 382, 490
Trans Am engine, VW Scirocco,
479, 4
, 4
3, 4
Trans Am sedans, 362
Tri-Y exhaust header, 55
Triumph, 54, 65, 248, 274, 321,
TRW valves, 295
Tubbs, D. B., 424
Tuning for SPeed and Tuning
for Economy, 324
Turbocharger /Turbocharging,
51, 180, 2og, 214, 370, 376-
United Aircraft Products, 457
U-tube manometer, 12
Valve clearance, 354
Valve float, 69-7
, 348, 425
Valve gear, 314-326, 394-398
Valve reliefs, 404-405
Valve seats, 130-132, 200
Valve springs, 303-306
Valve timing, 39-47, 68, 323
Valves, 303-306
Vandervell bearings, 101, 422
Vane-type blowers, 373-374
Vega, Chevrolet, 64, 82, 90, 92,
Velocity stacks, 52, 475
Venturi, 53,244, 245,247,3
Vibration dampers, 100, 337
Vintage Cars, 424
Volkswagen, 64, 87, 90, 93, 131,
140, 156, 250, 261, 365, 463,
Volkswagen air-cooled, 63, 74,
106, 107, 126,133, 134,223,
, 4
Volkswagen Dasher, 89, 197, 478
Volkswagen Rabbit, 89, 197, 270,
Volkswagen Scirocco, 22, 89, 197,
261, 280, 478
Volkswagen water-cooled, 107,
Volumetric efficiency, 23, 25, 33,
36, 70, 194, 209, 218, 242-
244, 274,
Volvo, 126, 168, 498
Wallach, Chris, 412, 422
Wankel engine, 19, 41, 42, 56,
68, 191, 213, 221, 224, 349,
Waste gate, for turbocharger,
Waste productions, reduction of,
Water temperature, 36
Watt, James, 22
Weber carburetor, 204, 253-266,
9, 49
Wedge combustion chamber, 195
Weslake Laboratories, 201, 220
Wet liners, 65
Wind resistance, of engine mov-
ing parts, 23
X-ray inspection, 66
Zero end thrust, of camshaft, 75
Zyglo inspection, 66, 67
by Colin Campbell
256p. 122 photos/ dra .... ings/ diagrams. 5'/, in. hI" 8
;' in.
clothhound. L.c. No. 73-85158. ISBN 0-8376-0081-2.
Just as one need not be an architect to appre-
ciate the flying buttresses of Notre Dame, a
degree in engineering is not needed to appre-
ciate the design subtleties of the modern racing
sports car. In this new book, Colin Campbell,
author of the classic The Sports Car: Its De-
sign and Performance, has successfully eXor-
cised the engineering occultism that renders
most treatises on racing car design dull, if not
totally opaque, to the enthusiast reader.
Design of Racing Sports Cars is not a design
textbook and the use of mathematics, where
it has not been avoided entirely, is kept at a
simple level. Because it concentrates on actual
machinery, and because it covers racing sports
cars rather than formula cars, this book is a
highly recommended and almost indispens-
able companion piece for Racing Car Design
and Development by Len Terry and Alan
Because today's racing sports car is designed
from the ground up, rather than being based
on a production sports car as it was twenty
years ago, this book is concerned with Porsche
917's, McLarens, Fort GT 40's, Ferraris, Lolas,
Bobsies, Chevrons, Lotus, and other pure rac-
ing sports cars. There are many references
tl)roughout the book to official Ford data ob-
tained during the development of the success-
ful Le Mans cars, and a fascinating appendix
detailing the design and development of the
Porsche 917's.
Campbell's coverage of every aspect of racing
sports car design is extremely thorough -
including even a simplified formula that per-
mits a racing engine's brake horsepower per
liter to be com puted (using bore, stroke, and
the number of cylinders) to within 0.5 to 8.0
bhp of the actual dynamometer figure. Every-
thing that is available to the modern designer
is thoroughly surveyed, with a painstaking
analysis of the strong points and drawbacks
inherent in each proprietary component, struc-
tural material, or design concept. Particular
care has been taken to illustrate design fea-
tures with examples that are familiar to Ameri-
can readers - whether it is something so
prosaic as the valve gear of a SOHC Pontiac
engine, or so sophisticated as the variable-rate
rear suspension used on Ohio designer Jerry
Mong's successful Bobsy SR-5 racing sports
by Len Terry and A/an Baker
272p. 86photos/drawings. 5!4 in. by8!4 in. clothbound.
L.c. No. 73-85159. ISBN 0-8376-0080-4. $12.95
Few books have offered such illuminating
insight into how a racing car designer works.
It is a book about designers and developers
rather than about the mechanical aspects of
existing cars. This unusual orientation makes
Racing Car Design and Development a per-
fect companion piece for Colin Campbell's
Design of Racing Sports Cars.
Although Alan Baker and Len Terry con-
stantly discuss design features and compo-
nents, the importance of these things is not
that they exist, but how a successful designer
or developer goes about using them. The unique
pairing of authors ensures that both the theo-
retical and practical aspects of racing car de-
sign are explored.
Alan Baker, B. Sc. - formerly managing
editor of Automotive Design Engineering - is
now a freelance author, journalist, and engi-
neering consultant. He injects into the dis-
cussion every consideration that must face the
racing car designer - with special emphasis
on their technical contributions to the success
of the car. Len Terry brings to the book his
sixteen years of first-hand experience as a
successful racing car designer and developer.
In addition to his own Terrier cars, Len Terry
has designed for Lotus, Eagle, BRM, Surtees,
Honda and Leda - everything from the club-
man's sports car to the Indianapolis winner.
Terry's contributions appear in boldface type,
interrupting Baker's narrative whenever his
first-hand practical knowledge will cast its
penetrating light. In many ways, the book is
about Terry - and his comments range from
in-depth appraisals of other designers to
descriptions of the actual materials that he
uses when laying out a new design. The latter
will prove especially fascinating to readers
who themselves work at the drawing board.
Racing Car Design and Development ele-
vates co-authorship above the level of mere
dialogue or collaboration. It is never content
to be general, but considers every compo-
nent or performance characteristic as a specific
topic - whether it is the location of the radiator
or the degree of anti-dive to be designed into
the suspension system. Moreover, it is never
abstract. How anti-dive is achieved is described
with as much detail as how it influences a
racing car's handling. The reader cannot help
but come away with the feeling - perhaps
greatly over-optimistic - that he is ready to
design a winning car himself!
Partial Table of Contents - Chapters
I. Anatomy of a Racing Car Designer.
2. Len Terry - a Biographical Sketch.
3. A Pack of Terriers.
A survey of the racing cars designed by Len Terry between
1957 and 1972. Terrier Mark I (1957-8); Terrier Mark 2
(1958-9); Gilby A Type (1960); Terrier Mark 4 (1960);
Gilby B Type (1961); Terrier Mark 6 (1962); Terrier Mark 7
(1962); Terrier Mark 8 (1962); Kincraft (1964-5); Lotus 38
(1965); AAR Eagle (1965-6); Shelby Canam (1967); BRM
PI26 (1967); Gulf Mirage-BRM (1967-8); Honda Formula I
Replica (1968); Terriers Mark 15. 16 and 17 (1968-9); BMW
Formula 2 (1968-9); Gulf Mirage-Ford (1968-9); Leda For-
mula 5000 (1969-70); AAR Eagle Indianapolis Indy (1969-70);
Leda Mark 2 (1970); LT23 Indianapolis (1970); LT24 Sports
Car (1971); LT25 or Leda' Mark 3 (1971); LT26 and LT27
or McRae Leda (1971-2).
4_ A Blank Sheet of Paper.
Len Terry explains his procedure for advancing a new design
frpm the sketch pad to the race track.
S. Structural Considerations.
Space-frames and The cockpit area; The struc-
tural engine; Influence of legislation.
6. Sus{Jension.
Changtng needs and layouts; The torsion bar; Self-levelling
systems; Anti-dive and anti-squat; Progressive-rate spring-
ing; Stiffness/ weight ratio.
7. Brakes. Wheels and Tires.
Influence of smaller wheels; Twin-disc brake systems;
Attention to details; Low-profile tire phenomena.
8. Handling Characteristics.
The theoretical aspects; Practical implications.
9. Aerodynamics.
Basic considerations; Wings and things; Intake ram effect;
Ground effect vehicles.
10. The Cooling System.
Radiator location; Cooling the oil.
II. Safety Aspects.
Primary a nd secondary safety; Driver comfort.
12. Materials.
Steel; Aluminum; Magnesium.
13. Components.
Ball-joints; Batteries; Brakes; Clutches; Dampers; Drive-
shafts; Electrics; Flexible bearings; Flexible fuel cells; Gear-
boxes and final-drive units; Gearshift linkages; Instruments;
Non-return valves (fuel system); Non-spill fuel fillers; Nuts
and bolts; Oil and fuel pipes; Perspex mouldings; Radiators
(water and oil); Springs; Steering gear.
14. Design "ersus Development.
I S. The Competition.
Len Terry's personal assessment of nine contemporary rac-
ing car designers: Colin Chapman. Maurice Phillippe, Ron
Tauranac, Eric Broadley, the late Bruce McLaren. Robin
Herd, Tony Southgate, Derek Bennett, Derek Gardner;
16. A Look into the Future.
Some closing thoughts from Len Terry.
ROBERT BENTLEY, INC., 872 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02139