Beginers Spanish
Beginers Spanish
Beginers Spanish
giving basic courlesies asking and names . saying . people you asking who are who are you 0Z dndo wherc es? are fron? 10 edo . saying people asking where are rom where . nationalities you ar rom yoarsel ms 03 EoDro Vd.mlsr.o noreabout 18 . you saying where live and work numbers (F20 . addresses you? 04 aslUd,? how are n t36mo . people you asking aler and saying how are . tempbrary where things are and Derman6nt stals 05 nuostras famlllas amiries our 34 . saying dscibing amilios what belongs . saying to whom there is an1 therc arc 0 onmoulmleo noving aruund 43 . . going numbrs 21+1 dates and eturning means of transPort ' y salldas 07 llo0adrs a/,!/sand dspaftures 58 . days . numbers 32-199 otheweek . arriving times oday and leaving
g o o J t o
y oxfg!cles wlshes andrcquests03 d.sos . you you saylng wiat want syingwhat . youneed like. seying wlai would tickeh buying 0u0ry p|tLrlncl.r 70 tastes end Dretercncs youlike. saying you wfiat what saying . prefer you whet dontlike saying putontlr3personal mattos cos.3 . talking polsonal acttuitles talking about peopls in0eneral about 86 trlends er amlgoa hetween toemily and flends talking yourself known n dss r conocmake . 0esonal onnumberc documents mo8 g9 onarathome . rooms fumitu houses and lats and 106 llbrr er,lnd ol llsmpo it . museums, lhoatres, and kseping spots c0ncerts yfelando p0Erp.fafiavelling in SWin 113 . giving forand dlrections asking inSpain driving 121 werl Dl6n / dontedl nomoslonto . simple remedies tmm ailments minor the chemist goshopping 130 Ytmor docomD /e's . in inh maketshopping shopplng store tie deoatment y tchfondo 13 eating and drinking Gomfondo . . going t0theca odoring atek-away . going to dishes and winos Spanish therestauant
pclfcos pactical asunfos some natterc 14 . . inding changing moneybuying samps . using . emergencies a lavatory the telephone 2D hablando dollimpo talking about theweather 162 . points the weather orecast othe compass panfominar... 21 inally... and 158 . . accents and dialcts signs and nolicss gammar the oSpanish talin! it ldlro 16l solf-asssssmont tosls 166 koy lo theexocisos 19 toylo thosoll-assossmonl lesb 182 SpanlsHn0lisi vocebulary 184 EngllslSpanlslr YocaDlay 188 8uDlocl Inder 193
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The symbols
This indicates that the recording is recommendedfor the ollowing section. This section gives information about lie in Spain.
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So you want to leam Spanish.Welcome,then, to one of the world's great languages!In terms of numbers, Spanish is one of the most widely spoken tongues: as well as the nearly 40 million speakers in Spain, there are at least six times at number in oer parts o e world, principally, of course, in Central and South America. How much Spanish you wish or need to learn is a matter of personal choice or circumstance. You can acquire sufficient social and survival skills to 'get by' on holiday in Spain in a mtter of a few weeks. At the other end of e spectrum, you can make the study of e language a life's work - Spanish is one of e main sourcesof European culture and literature. The aim of this book, howeveq is modest. We aim to give you enough language abiity to understand and to make yourself understood in not-too-complicated everyday situations; we aim also to give you a oundation or funher study if, as we hope, you acquire a love for the language and its people and want to take your studies funher. Though is book is designed to help you leam by yourself, dont forget that language is above all else a social ctivity: try to find every occasion to listen to Spanish and if possible to speak it, however haltingly. Spaniards greatly appreciate any effort people make in their language, of which they are proud, and are usually quite flattering about your effons. So your confidence receivesa boost and you are inspired to try further. Confidence is half the banle in learning to spek another language.Never be araid to have a go; don't worry too much about making mistakes - the main thing is to comrnunicate. I you are successfulin getting your meaning across,then you are successfulin using the language,
before you go on to the next unit. A orough undersanding o everything in Unit 1 is essentialfor you to succeedin Unit 2, and so on.
The next nine units, numbered 12 to 20, are based,as you will see,on broad topic areas.They can be taken in any order, which enablesyou to learn irst how to cope with shopping, say (Unit 17), if this is what you feel you need to tackle before anything else. Units 12-20 do not have Sel-evaluation, as each unit is not dependent on e previous one, and only some have Languagepoin(s) sections.Unit 21 is a final summing up, and ere is some extra vocabulary at the end. Try to use e book little and often, raer an for long stretchesat a time. I*ave it somewherehandy, so that you can pick it up or just a few minutes to refresh your memory again with what you were looking at e time before. Above all, ral. Talk to other Spanish speakers or learners, if at all possible; failing that, talk to yourself, to inanimate objects, to the imaginary characters in this book (warn your farnily and friends!). If you can find someoneelse to leam along with you, at is a great bonus. Do all the exercises.and do em more an once. even to e point of committing them to memory. Make maximum use of the recording: play it as background, evenwhen half your mind is on something else- in e caq in the garden, while doing work in the house, and so on - as well as using it when you are actually studying. The main thing is to create a continuous Spanish'presence',so at what you are learning is always at the front of your mind, and not overlaid with the ousand and one peoccupations we all have in our daily lives. Advice on effective learning is given every so often in e course. If at any time you feel you are not making progress, in spite of having been working assiduously in the manner described above, put e whole thing away for a day or two. Sometimes our minds need a rest to sort out and embedwhat we have been learning; e surprising ing is that when we start again we often seemto have improved in the interval when we were not consciously doing anything.
E E o
lJ I you have the recording, listen to it as you work rough this introductory sction. If you dont, follow the guidelines on how to pronounce certain letters and combinations of letters. Listening to and imitating native speakersis of course the bestway to work on your pronunciation. Spanishhas no w, but it has three letters in its alphabet that do not exist as such in English. The first is ch, which is pronounced as inBnglish church.You will find that e words lieginning with ch have their own section in older Spanishdictionaries, between c and d. The second is ll, which is pronounced like the //i n million: Sevilla, paella, milln. In older Spanish dictionaries, words beginning with ll have their own sepaatesection immediately after the I section - ll is a separateletter in Spanish,though it looks like a double I in English. The third 'new' lette is ff, which is different from n, and is pronounced like the ai in oniont seffor, seiorita, Espaia. There are no common words beginning with ff. So e whole Spanishalphabetis as follows. If you have e recording, listen to hovr' it sounds when recited in Spnish. a bcchdef ghii(k) lllmn fr op qrst uvxyz
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vowels Spanish
Spanish vowels have very pure sounds, and only one sound each, It is imponant you try to get these right: a is nearer to southern English cup thar cap; c s , m ana, Salamanca.
e as in eg$ Enrique, Benavent. i as ee in feex no, finsimo, quiquiriq (cock-a-doodle-doo, pronounced keekeereekee). as in pot - never as knout or toe. Pedro, Rodrigo, Santiago de Comoostela. u as in poolt beda, Burgos, Lugo. But u is silent when it occurs between g and e or i: guerra, gua, Guernica, unless it has two dots over ie Sigenza,gisqui luhiskyl.
Someconsonants sound different in Spanish from what we are used to in English: b and v tend to be the same sound - a sort of breay bv: try Barcelona,Valencia,and Vizcaya, lava, Bilbao, Vllaviciosa, Benavente. z is always pronounced th as in thing: Zemoru, Zafra, Zartgoza. c is pronounced the same way when followed by e or i: Barcelona, Valencia, Albacete. Now try: civilizacin. d is much softer than in English, especially when it is final, where it becomesalmost : Madrid, Valladolid, El Cid. h is silent: Huesca, Huelva, Maladahonda, lhambra. I is always guttural, rather like the scottish in loch: Jan, Jijona, Jos,Javier. g is gumral like i when followed by an e or i: Jorge, Giin, Gerona but 'hard' as in English gut when followed by a, o or u. qu always sounds k, never kw - quiosco (ios), Enrique, Jadraque. (The letter k only exists in Spanishin a few words of foreign origin such as kilogramo, kilmero, Kodak.) r is always trilled - one or two flips of the tongue-tip - and rr is even strongr: Granada, Coruia, Rodrigo, Guadarrama, Torrejn.
If a word breaks eier o these rules, an accent is written to show where the stess falls: Jos, Gifn, kilmetro, Cdiz, Mlaga, civiizacin. (All words ending in -in bear this accent.) So i you seea written accent,you must stressthe syllable where the ccent is plced. The only other use of accentsthat you need to know is at an acent is placed on sr to distinguish s (ys) from si (if). Now practise your pronunciation by saying these place names, and check on the map, to seewhere they are.
't La Coruia
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12
San Sebastin Burgos Zatagoza Taragona Salamanca Madiid Cuenca Badaioz Sevilla Granada Mlaga
13 Santiagode Compostela 14 Bilbao 15 Pamplona l6 Barceona 17 Valladolid 18 Zamota 19 bledo 20 Albacete 21 Cceres 22 Crdoba ) 7 AImera 24 Cdiz
Ie will talk about how these are used in Unit 1. Now practise saying these courtesy phrases: Please Thank you Not at all I'm sorry Usefirl emergencyphrasesare May I? gSepuede? (if you want to tke a chair, open a window, push through a knot o people,etc.); Basta, gracias. That's enough, thank you. (use it in a resteurant if your plate is getting too.full); I don't understand. I don't know. No entiendo. No s. Por favor Gracias; nuchas gracias De nada Perdone
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In this unit you will learn . to say who you arc . to ask and say who someon elsis . to give your nmeand ask for someoneels's . baslc courtesy phrass
1 It's likely that you already know a few words of Spanish.I you can think of ny, such as the words or hello, thank you, please,say them out loud and then check the word list below to seewhether you were right. bnenos das, seor gpod day (sir)(usdtill abo 3pm) busnas tardes, seorita gpod altamoon(/7],iss) (usedtill lte eveningl buenas noches, se6ora good nlt (nadan) lsta lugo 8e WU i,ter graclas thankWu portavo proase s js no no hola l,erro poldone sor,1 excuseme rt dnado hat'sal, dgn don't menon I The SpanisngrtingsBunos das, Buenas taldes, Busnas noches do not corespond sxactly to the English Good mominglGood day, Good aftemoon, Good sveningleood nlght. Buonos das is usdduringthe fitst pat o the day until roughlyhe is around2pm or time o the mainmed which,or mostSpanirds, evn as lat as 3pm. Ater that, Buonaa tades is usd. Buenas noches is usdonly lato in the eveningor whensomeonsis going to bed. Hola, an irfomalgreetingequivalntlo hello, can be usod al anytime. Wh6n syinggpodbye, hasta lugo is th way to say goodbye or now, or seeyou raigr. Ados meansgoodbye, and should bs used when you dont expect to se hat psrson againfor a while.
Notice the abbreations$. or ifior (Mr.),Sr. for soora (M/s.), Sta. for sorlte (Mlss/Ms) and Srcs. for sfios (Mr. and Ms-/Messs.).
1 DOitogo 1 Dialogue
Isabel is going to meet some of Paco's colleagues. Beore the party, he shows her some pictures. Sheasks Pacoto tell her who vanous PeoPleare. babl i,Quinos sst6 sofior? Paco Es el Sr.Ortega. lsabel Estasora,es Luisa? Paco No. No s Luisa,s Juanlta. lebel Y estos sefiors,quinesson? Paco Estosson los Srs.Hto.
Later Isabel introduces herself to one of em. lsabol Sr. Hero,buen6 taros. S. ffega No soy l Sr. Heno,soy l Sr.Ortga. lsebel Oh, pedone, seffor... S. Otsga Denada,seorita.Y quins Vd.?Vd. s tsabel,no? lsabl S, soy lsab|.
thls manlgentleman this womanllady this girl thespeople/ladies and genflemn helshelit is,you are tly arc,you are {plura} who is (he/sheftAl who are you? who dre they? lam you (oftenwrittn Vd., Vds,, but pronouncdusted, usteds)
points Language
and emininewords I Masculine
In the dialogue you have encounteredesteseior and esta seriora. Este and esta e the masculine and feminine forms of the same word, which we have to use becausesor is masculine and sora is eminine. All names of things in Spanish are either masculine or feminine, not only the obvious ones like man and woman, boy and girl, This distinction is known as the gender o the word. You can often tell a word's gender from its ending: for example, almost all words ending in -o are masculine, and those ending in -a are mostly ferninine. Gender is important becauseit affects the other words in a sentence.There is more on this in e next unit, Don worry if this is a new idea that seems strange - in practice it causesno geat difficultf in Spanish.
2 Estos Ttese
Estos is usedwith plral words referring to severalmasculine thingsipeople or to a mixed group of ingVpeople, e.g, estos seiores, meaning t esemen o thesemen and uomen.
3 Questions
In Spanish,it is easyto make a question. One way is to add pno? to the end of the staternent,remembering to ise your voice to give a questioning tone at the end of e sentence.This has e sameeffect as using isn it, aren't you, etc. in English, Vd. esIsabel. You are lsabel. Vd. esIsabel,lno? Are you Isabel? nother way is to turn Vd. es, Vds. son round:
You will have noticed at in written Spanish two question marks are used to identify a question - an inverted one at the beginning as well as the stndard one t the end. If only part o the sentenceis really e question, the question marks go round that part, as in Vd. es Isel gno? Exclamation marks work in ne sameway: Paco;esVd,! Paco, 's you!
4 Formal'you'
Usted (plural ustedes) means you, rnd is used except when talking to people you know very well or to children (or animals or God). In writing it is oten abbreviated to Vd. (plural Vds.) There is anotheq lessformal, way of sayingyou, but you won't needthis until Unit 11.
2 How would you greet the following people at e times shown?
a a male businessacquaintance,at 10am b a girl you know well, at lpm an older couple you have met a few times, at 6pm d a hiend at a prty, at 9pm e your family when you are going to bed, at l1pm
Someoneasks you to tell en who the following characters are. Answer using the information given in brackets. a lQuin esesteseor? (Paco) b pQuin es esta seonta? (Isabell c ;Quin es esta seion? (Sra. Ortega') d lQuines son estosseores? lSres,Hererol e Esteseio4 ;es Pedro?(Paco) Esta seorita, ;es Luisa? (Isael) Estos sefiores, gsonlos Sres. Garca? lSres.Albal
4 Tum the ollowing statementsinto questions by adding;no? in a, b, c and changing e order o the words in d and e.
a Estos seoresson los Sres.Mndez.
d Vd. esPaco.
2 D Oialogo2 Dialogue
yourname? Cmose llama? What's
This time Pacois invited as a guestto Isabel'sparty and he wont know everyonethere. He asks her to identify a ew people from her photo album. Paco i,Cmo se llamasta solta? S llamaAna. babel Pco Y oste sor,ecmos llam? stees el Sr.Canera, tsabl Esios Srss., i,quinosson? Paco lsabl Son los Srs.Alba, t the party Paco introduces himsel to Sr. and Sra. lba - he has a better memory than Isabel! Paco Buenastardss. sfioras. Me llamo Paco. Vds. son los Srs.Alba, no? Sa. Aba S. somos los Ss.Alba. s flam helsl is @lled,wu a! caled m6 llamo I am @ ec!,my nameis how)ix you called, Co so ffamaVd,? What irt.. whal is your name? 30moa w at
points Language
6 Me ffamo My nameis
Another way of identifying yourself and other peopleis to use me llamo I am called o tny ndme r's, and se lLzrna helshe is called, you are called, To ask someone's nme, use the word gCmo?at the beginningof the question: Vhat is hislher/its name?/ ;Cmo se llama? what is helshelit called? What is your name?/ ;Cmo se llama Vd.? uhat are you called?
7 More on questions
You will have seenthat question words or 'interrogatives',as they are known, such as ;quin? who? an.pmo? hout! have an ccent. This is not to indicate where the stressfalls (see Pronunciationguide)but to show that the word is beingusedin question,not in sttement. You will find them usedwithout accents tn sttements.
1Cmosellama estehotel
Actividades Activities
5 Give the questions to which these would be answers.
a Me llamo Paco. b Sellama Isabel, Me llamo Sra. Mndez. d Sellama Sr.Mndez, e No. No me llamo Pedro.Me Llamo Paco. No. No sellama Luisa. Sellama Isabel. s S. SomosPedro y Conchita Ortega. 6 Fill in the grid, using the clues given, and column A will reveal a word you will use on your departure from Spain. a a way o introducing yourself b what you would say i you bumped into someone c you're trying to find out who someone is d a greeting used between riends e you have to go but you'll be back soon - what would vou sav?
Congratulationsl You have completed the first unit of the cowse. There was a lot to learn in is unit, and it's important to make sure you've understood it all properly before proceeding to Unit 2, Rememberto usethe nswes (Key) at the back of the book to check how well you've done in e Actidades, and keep listening tolrepeating phrases until ey re thoroughly familiar. Then make a final check of your memory and understanding of the material in Unit 1 by uying the litde test below.
How would you do the following? 1 Ask someonewho they are (two ways). 2 Tell someonewho you are (two ways). 3 Check with someone'Isyour name...?' 4 Apologize becauseyou've knocked over a girl's drink. 5 Identify a couple as Mr. and Mrs. Mndez.
3 '\)
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In this unit you will lean . to ask whgrp people a rom . to tind o someone's ntionalityand toll thEm yours
Listen to (or read) the dialogue twice, pusing to repeat the phrases. Sra, Mndz Paco St. Mndoz Paco Sra. lrdz Pco Sra. Mndz ADednds, Paco? Soy de Madrid. Soy madrileo. Y Vd.? Soy d Madridtambin.Soy madils6a, Y Ana, 6s espafiola,vdd? S, es espaola,s catalana. Los Srss. Alba son espanobs tambln. Dedndeson? Sond Svilla los dos. whereis,.. from? whereate ... from? a/so fom Mdd, a manlperson from Maddd frcm Maddd,a womanfrom Madid he two, both
point Language
I Naonality
To say your nationality or someoneelse's,use the words soy, es, somos,son asyou did to identiy people, and add the nationality description: soy ingls, es espaoUespaiola. Note at e ending of e nationality word must change according to e genderof the person described.It also changesi you are talking about more an one person: somos americanos,son francrses, Here are a few examples wi the masculine, feminine and olural forms: county Amric Australia Italia Francia Escocia ldanda Almania ma6'cullne anencano austaliano italiano francs scocs ilands alemn feminine amlcan australiana Itallana rancsa sclcesa irlandsa alemana Dluel amedcanos australianos italianos francss escooses lrlandsss abmanss
These nationality words are also e ones you use when you want to say d Sp^nish uornan, a Fteachtnn, etc. Un ftancs me ts d Frenchman.
1 a Say where you are rom. b Say that you are English (or whatever).
Say that you are not Spanish. sk Pacoif he is Spanish. Ask Isabelif sheis Soanish. Ask Isabel where shi is from. Ask the Sres.Mndez where ey are from, Ask the Sres.Mndez i ey are from Madrid. (What will ey answer?) i sk the Sres. Mndez i they are Spanish. (What will ey answer?) i Say that you and your companion are English. k Say that you and your companion are not Spanish. c d e E h Spaniardswill say soy ospahol(a). some or xample, I Hot "n soy ctaln, sotf caialana, soy do Catalufia, somos may insist, calalanos, somos d Catalufia, i they are fom the north-easiof Soain o Barcalona. Pooplefrom the Basquecountry a liklyto think o themslvesas Basqusathr thn Spaniardsand wlll say: soy vasco, soy vasca, soy de Etrzkadl,somos raooog,gomos d Euzkadl. Euzkadl is the Basqueword or the Basquercgion. It ls importantto bo awaeol the strcng gional,or somwould say national,snsibilities within Spain,particularlyIn those reglonswhich stlll use thir own separat langugss,such as Cataluffaand the Basquecountry. The Basqu languageis quite different fom Spanish. lt is a vry difficult to loarn.Cataln,too, is ancintlanguageand excoptionally om Spanish,and hsto b band separatly, a soparatelanguag b unlike Basquit is closly tlatdto Spanlshas it also derivs fom Ltin, Somotimos tho Spanish language is reerd to as castollano or 'Cstillan'. A man om Bacelona (ths capital o Ctalufia) could say: soy d Bclona, Soy barclons. Soy cataln y tombin .spafrol, Hablo (, spak) cataln y tambln castellano.
All Spaniadsars vry attachd to thelr hom region, evn i thy have movedaway from n. R b in cognitiono thls rglonalloyaity that Spain ls dided iro autonomas or rglonswith a good d6al o locl sel-govsrnment. Local pride is also evldent in people's attachmertnd loyaltyto thlr hometown o city. Unlikein Engllsh, Mo we onfy have a few wods lil< Londonar ot Mancunlan, Spanishhas a word or lhe Inhabltantso all towns o any slze. For exampl6,a mantom Svillewould describehlms]fas un serdtlano.
D 2 S"y *h.r" the following are from, e.g. Un sevillano es de Sevilla - a sevillano is from Seville.Note aa sevillano. c man from Seville. Not all o them are obvious, so match the two columns, or look back t e map in the introduction, on p. xi. Don't forget to check your answersin the Key. Examole: Un sevillano es de Sevilla. a b c d e f g h i I k I sevillano madrileio barcelons granadino cordobs malagueo burgals zaragozano tarraconense toledano salamantino vallisoletano(!) Barcelona Burgos Cdiz Crdoba Cuelca Granada Madrid Mlaga Salamanca San Sebastin Sevilla Tarragona bledo Valladolid Zamota Zaragozt
2 Howto say'a, an': un.,!na
As you saw in the phrase given above or a kenchman the word for a in Spanish is un. It changes to una when used wi a feminine word. Note also that in the sort of sentenceshown in
e first three examples below, the descriptive word /ollozls the word for e person in Spanish: a Spanishran un seflor espaol a French gi una sefiorita francesa a Basquelady una seiora vasca an lrishman irlands un an Englishuoman una inglesa Look again t e list in Actividad 2. There you have a list of male/masculine iabitants of a number of Spanish cities: a Sevllian, a Cordoban, etc. If we wished to indicate a female inhabitant, un would become una, and all words ending in -o would change to -a, thus: una sevillana; una madrileia; una granadina; una gaditana. Those ending in -s would add an -a: una barcelonesa; una cordobesa; una burgalesa. Those ending in -e or -a already would not change: una taaconense; una conquensq un donostiarra. So the word or a has two forms, un and una; in general (and there re exceptions) you use un wi a word ending in -o (masculine),and una with a word ending in -a (feminine). Words ending wi oer letters have to be learnt as you go. This masculine/feminine divide applies to ever)'thing in Spanish, not iust people,as you will see.
3 Languages
The masculine singular form o the nationality description, e.g. espaffol, is also the name of the language.So to say that you can speakEnglish and Spanishyou say: Hablo ingl!5 y s5pafi6l.Te sy that someoneelse speaksSpanishyou would say: Habla espaiol. llhen you have introduced yourself to a Spanish person or askedtheir narne, using what you have learned in Unit 1, they may well encourageyou by saying Habla espaol nuy bien: You speak Spanishuery well, even if they do not ask you Notice that in Spanish or gEsVd, espaola? iEs Vd. espaffol? there is no capital letter on the word for your nationality or the name of the lnguage, only on the name o e country itsel espaiol, espaola,espaioles, Espaia.
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counties Spanish-speaking
3 The namesof sevenlanguagesare hidden in this wordsearch. Five are onesthat you have encounteredin this unit, but ere ere two at you should be able to guess. The words run across, down, up, backwards and diagonally. IGOERMCP TOS A L U S P LARA T VS N
LFRANCES IPLNORLE AAROTPGN NZMLIFNA OP S E B L I D 4 You are having a conversation with a Spanish friend, Antonio, about which languagesyou speak and understand (entiendo I undcrstandl. Play your prt to complete the dialogue. Vd. habla Ingls,vordad? Sayyes,you speakEnglisll. EsVd. mdcno? Tellhim your natonalv rd sy: W'rc Calan,ut"t you? ftrtonio S bacolon&. Hablocataln.Entinde Vd. cataln? gy no, you don't undetshnd Cahln. You sp,k c You Frenchand Spanislr Atonlo Vd. habla spafiolmuy bin. d You &y thankyou verymuch. 5 Various people are stating eir cities of origin and eir native language. Match the cities on the left wi the languageson the right. a b c d e soy de Berln soy de Londres soy de BuenosAires soy de Barcelona soy de Pars i ii iii iv v hablo ingls hablo francs hablo cataln hablo alernn hablo espaflol Antonlo a You Antonlo b You
nmero 2 0f Documento
Un pequeio anuncio para Radio 3. El esloganes 'Somos corno somos'. ( linle aduertisementf,r Radio 3. The slogan is:'We are as ute are'.| How woufd vou sav I am as I am?
Can you: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 say whgre you are from (which town)? say wht nationality you are you speak? say what language(s) tell someonehe/shespeaksEnglish, very well? ask someonewhere he/sheis from? ask someone he/sheis Spanish/English, etc? give the masculine and feminine forms to describe people from the following places: a Espaia b Escocia c Cataluf,a d Euskadi e Alemania?
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a 3o ao ct 3
In this unit you will lgarn . to say whereyou live and wok . to ask otherswhat they do and whe they do it . to give your addss . numbr0-20
0l Lectura
Listen to, or read,the following pssage about Pacoand Isabel. Key words are given in e vocabulary box, but you should be able to guessthe meaning o the wo:ds or Paco's and Isabel's
Paco viv y trabaja en Madrid. lsabl vive y trabaia n Madrid tambin. Paco trabaja como aiquitcto en una oicinade l calleGoya. lsabol trabaia como administradora n la oicina ds lberia - Ln6asAeasde Esoaa- gn la calle Maad Molina. Pacotrabaiaen la call Goya,peo viv6 en la calle Molndez Valds, en un apartamnto. lsablvivcon la amllian un piso de la calle Almagro. El apartamontod Paco s pequso, pro l piso de la tmilide lsabeles muygrands. vive y tabda erl como una oflclna la cll con /iygs fa amilia and wott(s un plao n un apartameo pquefio as pro an ottce he sea nw grade with the famlly a f7a a smlllat sm/l but very brg, /a/ge
1 Respond to the ollowing statements,choosing verdad tnre or also false.
a Isabel vive en Madrid.
Isabel rabaia en un colegio. Paco trabaja como profesor, La oficina de Paco est en Goya. Paco vive en la calle Melndez Valds.
Verdad Falso ! D ! n n tr ! ! n tr !
^ b c d f
point Language
1 How to say'th'! el, la, lo lds
In Unit 2 you found at thee are two Spanishwords for a and anz rm and,una, used according to the gender of the word to which ey are attached. Spanish also has more than one word for thet eI is used wi masculine words. and la wi feminine words, So we have: el apanamrto l piso el aquitec-to olsnor l oficin la familia la sora la calle* fnot all femlninewords end in -al) When te precedesa plural word, two new orms are needed.El becomeslos and la becomeslas. So we have: los apatameros los pisos los arquitctos los sos las olclnas ls amilias las seoras las clls As you may remember from Unit 1, when you are talking about a person by their name and title, you need to use e definite article (el, la, los or las), for example El Sr. Mndez no entiende lemn. La Srta, Carrera es madrilea. Los Sres. Alba son sevillanos. Mx Mndezdoen't understandGennan. Mks Cmt*a k from Madrid. Mr. and Mrs. Alba are from Seaille.
However, when talking to a person face to fce, the deinite article is not needed,unlessyou are asking them who they are. Sr.Mndez,;habla Vd. ingls? Buenosdas, Srta. Carrera. Alba? ;Son Vds. los Sres.
3 Fill in the blanks with el, la, los, or las. a apartamentos son generalmentepequeos. b ;Dnde trabaia arouitecto? Isabelvive con familia. d iDnde estnoficinasde Isabely Paco? e Sres.Mndezson espaoles. f Pacovive en calle MelndezValds. piso dondevive Isabelesmuy grande. c-
point Language
2 2,Qu hace Vd.? Whatdo you do?
There are flvo sy ways of asking what work someone does. One way is to ask iQu hace Vd.? What do you do lldany o the repliesmay soundsimilar to English,but in Spanish most o them have a masculine or eninine form. Here are a ew examples of what a person might say when you ask them gQu haceVd,? soy soy soy soy soy soy masculine actor profssor administrador camarro dirgctordg omprsa errmto feminine actriz profssora administradora camargra direc'tora de ompresa enfermera
Somewords for occupations are the samewheer they efer to a man or a vr'oman. These include those ending in -ista or -e, such as:
d t.xi d.riuer dn artist a iourralist afl acco ntnt 4n intzrprcter The oer way to ask about a person's iob is to say pDnde trabaia Vd.! Wherc do you uork? Here are various possible answersto is question: Trabaio en una oficina. I work in an office. Trabajo en una agencia I uork in a tourist officel de turismo. aSency. Trabajo en un colegio. I utork in a school. Trabajo en un hospital. I uork in a hospital. Trabaio en casa. I uork at home. Note at 1Dnde?and gQu?are two more examplesof words that need accentswhen they are used to ask a question.
un/una axista u/una ertista un/una oeriodista ununa contble un/una intrprete ur/una estudiante
4 Match each of the following professions (on the left) with one of the places o work on the right. Someplaceswill be used for more an one answer a Es profesor - trabaia en un caf b Soy administradora - trabajo en un hospital c Soy enermera - trabajo en un colegio d Es arquitecto - rabaia en una oficina e Es actriz - trabaia en un teatfo f Soy camarero - trabaio en
Paco and Isabel are being asked by Ricardo where they live and work. Listen to (or read) the dialogue tveicebefore studying the rest of the unit to seehow to talk about where you live. Rlcardo lsabl Rlcardo l.ab6l Dndevive Vd., lsabl? Mvo en Madrid,en la calls Almagro. Y dndeabala? TrabaF en la calle Maa de Molina.
Y Vd.,Paco? Mvo en Madrid lambin. n Madid? eDnd En la calleMslndez Valds, nmero cinco,tercoD. Y trabajaVd. en Madfid? S, trabajo sn la calle Goya.
points Language
3 'l work, I live,| ...'
Tirabaio and vo mean I uork and I liue. When you want to say 'I' do sorneing you will find at the word almost always ends in -o, as in severalexamplesyou already know: hablo, me llamo, entiendo. There are a very small number of exceptions to this de, one of which is the word or I az - soy,
N DC Hmeros
0 ceo
uno dos J tres 4 cuatro J cinco 6 se$ 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 70 diez
Numbers 0-20
17 once
Learn these thoroughly. Practise them not only in order but at random to help you remember them.
Notice you do not need to use the word calle, although other words, such as avenida, plaza, paseo, are usually not omitted. The figure 6" A stands or sexto , i.e. the six floo4 lat A. 28010 is the codeor Madrid (28) and the district (010). Here is Paco'saddress(Paco is shon for Francisco):
c d e .
I You witt have noticsd two things bout the names in lhis unit. The first is that lsabel and Paco havetwo surnms.All Soaniads do. Theytake the fit of their fathedstwo namssandthe first of thir mothr's. In ny crse, Spanishwomn ksp their own names on mariags,and take their husband'swhen being spoken of iointly, as in los Srs, Mndez. lf you onlywant to usone sumame,which you normallydo for infomalus, it must b th first. So FranciscoRuiz Gallogois Paco Rulz to his finds. The other thing you may hav noted is the use of don. You use it in fomd situations with the forename(never with the surnane only). For manied womn use doffa. The wie of Sr. Mndez happns to be Sra. Doa AuD? Lozano Bonet. No mentionof Sr. Mndzat all! Howvr,Doa is not usuallyusedth the namesot unmedwomen.Thereis mor on thisin Unit12.
6 The written numbers 0-12 are all - except one - hidden in this wordsearch. They are written backwards, up, down and diagonally as well s coss. What is the missing number? LCU ATRON
Can you do the following? 1 2 3 4 5 Count backwards from 20 to zero. Say where Paco lives. Ask Isabel what she does and where she works. Say that you are a company director. Say where you live and where you work.
Documento nmero3
4 domilorios. 2 baos. Amueblada. Gocina Plaza deGaraie Directamente plopiedad
Somenew flats are for salenear the airpon. a How many bedrooms do they have? b Wherecan you keepyour car? c What times can you phonethe agency?
c\. CLo
c .\)
3 o
o +
In tlris unit you will lam . to ask after otha' halth and rospondto quriesabout your own . to dscib popland things . to Eaywh| ttrings a
Beoreyou start
You can now say a number of things about yourself in Spanish. about You should be able to write or say at least s sentences yourself and where you work and live. Try to come up with a similady long description o a relative or friend.
point Language
1 'Tob'or,.. 'to be'?
You have already learnt the Spanishfor I am, he is, etc.:
soy es
However, we use a diferent set o v.ords for I am, yot Are, etc. if we are saying where we are, or where things are, or if we are ill, sayinghow we feel, or what statewe are in - tired, pleased, well, married or singleand so on For example, imagine a gossipy man boring his neighbow on the beach with the following monologue. He doesnt wait for many ansrvers,but notice how he switches from one group of vr'ords to the other according to the context. He says soy or es when he wants to say uhat he s, or uhat someing is, but estoy, es, estamos,estn, in saying or askngl2ow or ubere he is, or peopleand things are.
Cl Monlogo
Soy agentino,pro sn este momrogstoy en Espaffa.Estoy d vacaciones,y estoy muy contento. Mi familia 3t aqu tambin. Estamos todos muy contentos.Y Vd., st Vd. de vacaciones? tambin? Enque hotelstnVds.?Ah; es un hotel Eslla familia magnfico. 2QuhaceVd. pus?Ah, un artista. EsVd. millonario? Vd. 9s muyamoso,stoy seguro. atoy de vacaciones oatn stoy contonto/soguro atamos contentos aqu todo/ioda/todosllodas millonalo I am on holiday theyarclyou ar (plural)are I am pleased/sure we are pleased here all, every millionaire
point Language
Clz soyoestoy/am
So our Spanishfriends would say: Soy Paco.Rstoysoltero (srzgla). Soy Isabel. Estoy soltera. Somoslos Sres,Mndez. Estamos casados(maniedl. And we can say about them: Pacoes esoafiol. Est soltero. -espafrola. Isabel es Est soltera tambin, pero los Sres. Mndezestncasados, naturalmente(of coursel. Perhapse commonest use of these words is inr ;Cmo estVd.? ;Cmo estnVds.?Hou are you? To which you answer: Estoy bien, gracias./ I'm finc, thank you.l Estamos bien, gracias. We'refine, thank you. And you? ;Y Vd.?/;Y Vds.? You can ask after third parties, as in: ;Cmo estPaco? iCmo estnlos Sres,Mndez? To which you hope to hear the answer: Est bien, / He\ fine.l Estn muy bien los dos. They are both uery uell. Now here is a subtle point. If you ask ;Cmo es Paco?You are asking what he is like - all, short, friendly, etc. If you ask ;Cmo es? Paco?you want to know whether he is well, happy, tired. and so on. We said above Paco est soltero. This suggeststhat he is single at the moment, but will probably marry. If you say Paco es solteroyou re suggesting tht he is a confirmed baelor. You can knock on Isabel'sdoor and ask lBst Isabel?That is to say ls Isabel in! i.e. you are asking about where she is rather than what she is. You will get the answer s, es or no, no st.
1 Make eight truthful sentences from ese three columns: Paco lsabel Los sfrosMndsz El apartamnto d Paco lboia lsabely Paco El piso d6 lsabl La oficinad Paco 2 una compafiaimportante madrilofios en la calle Goy madrllefia pquefio muy ganoe casados spaol
no son
no ostn
Isabel y Paco casados. Isabel catalana. El Sr. Mndez barcelons. La calle Goya en Sevilla, millonarios. En general, los taxistas Doa Aurora y dofia Luisa contentas. Pars en Espaa. Los terroristas simpticos. Check your sentences wi e Key at e end of the book. To sum up: we use soy, es, somos and son to indicate charudnistics (permanent)and estoy, est"estamosand estnto indicte st4tes (temporary) as well as posirloz (bo temporary and permanent).
nmero 4 Docurnento
Look at e restarant advertisementon e next page. a ;Cmo se llama esterestauante? b ;Dnde est? c iEn qu calle est? (Horno de asar indicates tht it specializes in roasts; un horno is an oven; asa meansto rost.)
Ricardo meetsPaco and enquiresabout Isabel. Listen to (or read) the dialogue, checking e key words given below, and practising saying each of the phrasesout loud. Rictdo Paco Ricado Paco Ricafdo Paco Ricado Paco Cmoest Vd., Paco? Estoymuybin,gacias. eY Vd.? Muybien.eDnd stlsabel? Estn casa. Encasa? No trabaja?eEstde vacaciones? No, no est de vacaciones.No est muy bien. Est constioada. Entonces la llamopor telfono. es? eQunmero Es sl 2 17 18 06 (dos,diecisiet, dieciocho, ceKtseis). st constlpada ntonces fa ffamo po tefono she has a cord nen I' give her a fing
are usuallygiver I Phonenumbers in pais of figures.lf there is an odd number o figues, th one at th beginning is trcatdsingly. So 2 12 16 11 is said as dos. doc. disdsis. onc, while10 14 20 wouldb said as dlez, catorc, relnte.
3 A Spanish f:iend is talking to you about your English colleaguewhom he met on visit to England. Complete the diaogue. Antonlo a You Antonlo b Vou Antonio c Vou Antonlo d You Antonio You Antonlo You Antonlo g You 4 Cmoesl Jane? Say she'svery well. Esttodava(stil0sottea? Say no, shois nanied to (@n\Paul. iQu bien! Estncontntoslos dos? SayJs, o course. Y cmo es Paul? Sayhe ls very nlce.Heisa Scotsman, Y dndviven? Saythy livin Edinbulgh(Edimbugo). Quhaca Paul? and wod<s in Edinburyh. *y he'san accountant Muy bien.Y Jane, trabaiain Edimburgo iambin? Sayyes, se worksin a toutist agncy
he is very well he is not very well he is an architect he is at home he is on holiday he is plased s he is frorn Madrid h he is in Madrid i he is Spanish i he has a cold Check in the Key that you have used es and est correctly, and then do Exercise 5, speaking of los Sres.Mndez:
c d e t
3 Adjectives
Descriptive words such as grande, pequeo, soltero, etc. are known as adiectives,and in Spanishey must 'agree' wi the person(s)or ing(s) ey describe.This meansat, as wi the words for occupations that you met in Unit 3, the endingsof e adjectivemust be masculine or feminine,singularor plural, e.g. Parn no est caso,los apaamentos son pequeos,Isael estr contentd, l.aseneineras son simpticas, etc. Adiectives ending in -e are e same for bo genders, but take an -s in e plural: Paco es inteligente. Isabel es inteligente. Los Sres.Mndez son muy intelintes. When you are not sayin9the gentlenon is maried but simply a nanied gentlenan, the adjective casadoalways comcs after the noun un seor, e.g. un seor casado. Here are a few more examples: un piso grande a large flat, u"a icr antiptica a horrible gi , un chico alto a tall boy, rna seoa content a happy hdy.
Can you do e following? 1 Say you are pleased. 2 Say you are on holiday. 3 Ask someonewhat their lob is. 4 Say you are married/single. 5 Ask i Paco is at home (when you arrive at the flat). 6 Ask after someone'shealth. 7 Say you are welVnot very well.
qr g
{ =
: ' CN
o t+
II -
In this unit you wlll larn . to give details, and ask or information,about families and personalcircumstances . to sy wht things bolongto whom . to say there is and there arc
point Language
1 Twousefulverbs:'have'and'say'
You have already learned how to use some different parts of verbs accordingto who is doing e action, for exampl,habla helshelit speaks, you speah and trabaio I uorh. Here a:refito important verbs which you need to learn. tn9o tiene tngmos tienen digo dic decimos dicen I lve helshelit t'/s, Wu have we nave theylpu (plwal,hav I say helshelit sys,Wu say we *ty theylpu (plwall sy
D LecturaI
Listen to (or read) Isabel'sdescription of her family two or three times, pausing after every sentence to practise repeating the Spanish.
La amilia de lsabel
|sabl dic: y cuatrohijos.Tngo Somosseisen mi famllia: mi padre,mi madre, una hmanay dos hemanos.Mi hemana se llamaMargaritay mis hsrmanos s llaman Frnando y Jos Antonio. Magarita sst casada. Su marido se llama Luis Mndz.Es l hiio de los Sres. Mndz.Magartay Luis tlenonun hijo - Luisito. y Jos Antoniono stn casados.Vivenen casa con mis Frnando padrs,Afortunadamente tenemos un piso grande, Ml madrtione y simptlco. tambln un peno.Es muy pequeo Se llamaChispa.
30moc aab n fa milia ml padJe mi mad padFs mtrB hlio hlta htlos hemano hmana hmanoa maldo mujr unporo slmptlco totrnadamol,g
f,are a/ srxo us ln tll an lly ny fattbl my mother rny pants son cla gh|'r cl,irdrel rolher sister brotharslbohelsandsrstes husband wife a dog nice,tiendly foftJndw
2 'My, your, his, her, its'
The words that denote who someoneor something belongs to are very esy to use in Spanish. Mi zry is used with both masculine and eminine words (mi padre, ni madre), and has an -s added when used wi plural words (mis padres). The words su and sus are particularly usefirl as they are e eqvalent of severalEnglish words. Su is usedwith singular words and means hislherlitlyourltheir, depending on the contexq sus works in exactly the same u'y wi plural words. Like mi and nis, su and sus are not afected by gender.For example: mi nieto ny grandson my granddaughters mis nietas his/ herly our/ th eir br other su hermano hislhe yourlther sknr su hermana sus abuelos hislherlyour/their grandpmerts hislherly otrlth eir aunts sustas
Dlectura 2
Below is a diagam of Isabel'sfamily:
Fsrnandoy Jos Antonio son los hemanosde lsbl y Magaita. lsabl y Margaritason las hmanasde Fomandoy Jos Antonlo. Sus padrs son los Sns. Ballsster.Loe Sr6. Ballstory los Ss. Mnd6z son lo3 abueloa (abuelo/abuela) d Luislto. Luislio es su nieto.Luisitos el sobrlnode Femando, do JsAntonioy de lsabl. lsabl ss la ta d Luisito; Fsrnandoy Jos Antonio son los tos. lsably Luis son cu6adoa.Los sfioresBallstsrson los suegrosd Luis; los Sres. Mndezson 1o3 sueg|osdo Magarlk, soblno solm lh lo qplpw nbce aJnt uncle
f,l 1 Answere questions:
s ;Y
de Luis?
Complete the following sentences: Isabel dice; a Margarita es mi ......,. , b Fernando y JosAntonio son mis c Luis no es ... hermano,es d ... padresson los,,...... de Luisito. Luisito dice: e Tengo..,.....abuelos. f ... madre ... ........Margarita. g ... o Fernandoes ,.. ......,.de mi madre. Los Sres.Ballester dicen: h Tenemos .....,..hilos y... nieto. i Tenemossolamente ... ... casada. pero I Isabel,Fernandoy JosAntonio no ...,..., casados, ,,..,..,muchosamigos, 3 Here is some information about anoer family. Read it carerlly,and en as an exercisefill in the missing nameson the diagram which follows. You'll need to use the information about Spanishsurnamesat you learned at e end of Unit 3. The answers, as always, are in the Key to e exercisesat the end o the book. Carlos Loez Silva est casado con Carmen Rivera Garca, Tienen trei hijos y tres nietos. Su hija Carmen no estcasada pero sus dos hiios Pedro y Diego s. La mujer de Pedro se llama Ana Serrano, y tienen una hija que tambin se llama Carmen. Tres mujeres de esta familia se llaman Carmen: la nieta Carmen Lpez Serrano, su ta Carmen Lpez Rivera, y su abuela Carmen fuvera Garca. La pequea Carmen tiene dos primos Diego y Jos Mara Lpez Ayala, hiios de Diego Lpez Rivera y su muler Mara Ayala.
0l Lectura3
;,TieneVd. un coche? Do you havea car?
Isabel tells us a few more details about Paco, and Paco talks about Isabel and her amily. Listen t what they say (or read the passages if you don't havee recording). lsabel dlco: Pacovive en la calle Melndez Valds.Su aprtamento es pequeo peroes suficinte para1. Esun apartamento alquilado. Pacono vive con sus padres,porqu sllos viv6n ahora en Alicant,pb yo vivo con los mos.Pacolieneun coche.Su cochesiemor 3tgn la calle porqus Paco no tien6 garaj. Pacodlce: lsabel viveen un pisode la calleAlmagro, pem el pisono es d ella, naturalmnta, s de sus padres,y ol coche as d ellos tambin. lsabelno tien cochs. es necsario. Ellay su madr dican qu6 los taxis son muy convenientespar ellas. Para m, un cochees msconvnlnte. alqullado ahora porque un coch6 slemp|8 l oll ellos ronted now becausa a cr /ways he,him sl,e, her /,e, tham (m) ellas parcl de ellos d ella par effas ms para m mos they thern(fl for him thels (m) lels for them (f'l more for ma n ro
points Language
3 Saying 'he, she, lhey'=[ ella, eltos, ellas
In Spanishon-lyone word is neededfor a and him. f-l not only meanshe bvt also him. Likewise, ella meansboth she and ber.
Este apartamento es adecuado parallella. l vive aqu, pero ella vive enValencia.
This flat is big mough for hinlher. He liues here, but she liues in Valencia,
The same dual-purpose rule applies to ellos and ellas (theylthem, mascvline and feminine).
4 Complete these sentences about Paco by adding a contasting corment about Isabel. Use the following example as a model; Paco trabaja como arquitecto, pero Isabelno,
b Paco es alto, c d e
a Pacovive en un apartamento, _
. . , .
. Pacono vive con la familia, Pacono habla alemn,_ Paco no tiene hermanos,_ Paco tiene un coche, _
DO Saying'thereis/are':lray
Hay is an invaluable litde word. (Be careful not to pronounce e h. Hay sounds the same as 1Ay! which is an exclamation o pain, grief or suqrise.) Hay has a multiplicity of uses: lCuntas personashay en la oficina de Paco Hay siete. Hay tres arquitectos y dos delineantes (&aaghtsmenl. Tambin y una secretaria. hay un estudiante iCuntas personashay en la amilia de Isabel? Hay seis: los padres y cuatro hiios. Pero una hiia est casaday vive con su marido y su hijo. Hay un perro, que esde la madre de Isabel y que se llama Chispa. iCuntas vuelos diarios (daily fligh*) hay de Londres a Madrid? Hay cinco yuelosde Iberia y cuatro de BA. Hay is used to indicate availability of goods and services.For examole: En el caf: En el quiosco: En el restaurante: En el teatro: No chocolate con churros billetes de
*t of fitter or doughn wtich you dunk in hot, I Chu.-" "r" Very " fatteningbut delicious.Fabada is a ban stw thick chocolate. (seeUnit 18).Thwods blllte and enlrada ar both usador icket, but the fomer is used for trin, bus or lottey tickts (nd also banknotes),and the latter for anywhreyou pay or ntrance,such as th thoatrs or a museum.Hoy meanstoday.
you e As always, e Keygives Dl 5 Anr*., the questions. fullest answers, but try to conveye essential information eveni vou can oroducea whole sentence e irst time.
;Hay entradas para el teatro? lCuntos vuelos diarios de BA hay de Londres a Madrid? El apartamento de Paco, ;es adecuadopara l? ;Es de 1,o estalquilado? 8 ;Por qu no vive Paco con suspadrcs? h 2Dnde est siempre el coche de Paco? I El coche de la familia de Isabel. :es de ella o de sus oadres? i ;De quin es el perro en casade Isabel? This has been a unit with a lot of new material: read it through again before you try the Self-evaluation to see how much you have understood and remembered.
c d e t
Can you do the following? 1 Say what immediate family you have, and say what their namesare? 2 Describe your extended amily? 3 Describe your house/homeand say who lives in it? There will be no answers in the Key, so check your use of Spanishwi the material in this unit.
3 o
:f (o
3 3
In lhls unit you wlll lan . to tlk about going and rtuming . to discuss meanso tanspot . to give tho dt6 . numbB 211
o + o
2-3 D't ttmeros
You met numbers 1-20 in Unit 3. Here are e numbers 21 to 31.
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 31
The words for 2l-29 are contractions of veinte y uno, veinte y dos, etc., but it is only 2l-29 that contact; all the later numbers, from 31-39, 4749 etc., are written as ree words, as in treinta v uno. above.
JdmJary February
Madl Aptil May June
I Give the Soanishfor:
b 16th June
e 4th Juty
g h i i k I
2 Practisegiving personal and mily dates: icundo es su cumpleaos?lVhen s your birthday?l ;Y el de su padre?/imadre?/;marido?/;mujer?/;hijo?i;hija?/ ?/p herma na, etc. 1'hermano
Ricardo asksPacoabout his plans or June, Listen to (or read) the.dialogue twice, and try to identify how Paco saysI'm going and I'm retuming. Ricado a,Qu hacesn junio,Paco? Paco Enjuniovoy d vlajo, Ricado eEnqud va Vd.? Paco Voy el da 5. Tngoun congsso en Santandrel dh de iunio.
{,Y welve a Madriddespusdel congso? No, tengo una unln n Baclona l da L Voy dictamntde Santandera Barcolona. {,Cmova - n tren? No, voy n coche.Vuelvoa Madrldl 10 de lunio.
4 Namesof vers
In e above dialogue and vocabulary list, notice the important words voy I go, and va helshe goes,yoa go. Later in this unit we shall have v^mos u)e go, and van they go, or you (Yds.l go. Howeveq if you look up to go in a dictionary you will find ir, which is very different rom voy, etc. This is becauseto go in Spanish is a very odd verb. Ir is the name of e verb, the dictionary entry oq to give it its grammaticl name, the ininitive. Usually infinitives are more easily recognizable, and end in -ar (most of them), -er or -ir. For example, m speak is hablar, to do is hacer and n liue is vivir. By the way, if someonecalls your narne, where in English you might reply Coming!, in Spanish you call lVoy!. In English where you would say I'll come uith yoa, e Spanishwould say Voy con Vd., I'll go uith you.
f,l 3 o.""", the following questionsas though you wre
speaking for Paco:
a b
iene rn congeso tambin en Barcelona? ;Cundo va a Santander? ;Y a Barcelona? iCmo va? c ;Qu da vuelveVd. a Madrid? h gPorqu no nrelve a Madrid el 7 de junio? c d e
El Lectura
Los Srcs. Mndezestn de vacacions Mr.and Mrs.Mndez areon holiday
Mrs. Mndez describestheir holiday in Mlaga. Listen to (or read) her description, noticing how she says rze do things. Hoy, 6 d sptimbrs,6stamosde vacacions.Estamosen Mlaga y no volvemosa Madridhastael da 30. Pasmos un mesn Mlaga. Tenemosun apartamontoalquildo.Vamostodos los das al ca paratomar el apritivo.Se pued6comortambin,perogeneralmorte volvemos a c?rsapara comer. Despus do la siesta visitamos a amigoso vmosal cineo al leato. hasta pasa todos loa ds lomar co'm sepuodo visitmos unl to spar4 pass evey&y to bkelhave (o rcreshment) to @Uhave lunch onecan we y,srt
5 Contractions a + e, and de + el
Notice the contraction of a el to al to give al cine, o the cinena and l teato, to the theatre. De el contracts similarly to form del, as in los meses del afro, and as you will now recgnize, in Costa del Sol llt, coast of the sun - el sol).
6 VamosWego
In the passage above, Mrs. Mndez usese form: vamos raego. You will find that almost all words rneanngue do something end in -amos, -emos or -imos. There were several exarnplesin Mrs. Mndez's account, some of which you've already come acrossand some of whi are new: estamos tenmos vamos pasamos volvmos
we have we go we spendlwe pass we rem
Other verbs you already know work similarly. For example, Paco might say: Isabel y yo trabaiamos en Madrid los dos. vinos en Madrid tambin, Sonos madrilefros. Hablanos espaol. Spanishverbs fall into tlree groups, whi is why ere are three different endings- you will leam more about is in Unit 8. (Somoe is an odd one out.)
you hve seen,but also in ordar to. So para tomar el aperitivo neans in ordcr to hauean aperitf, or sinply to hauean aperitif.
8 Se puede... Onecan...
In Mrs. Mndez's description of their holiday she says sepuede com en el cr one can eat at the caf. Se can translate onc when you are talking of people in general. For exarnple, in a shop window you might seese habla ingls English spoken (lit. one speaksEnglishl.Ii Barcelonayou could say aq se hla people speak Caulan here.You can also use it to ask the c ta,lln way e,g. ;Cmo seva a la estacinde aatobuses? How d.oes onc get to the b* station? There is more on this very use constuctionin Unit 10.
y nelo Cumpljmente el(upn djunto aRlgU{A DE EDIOO.IES DE MED|o5 lNORl,,/lAlVO5, S.S. Oorens, 70, 4 dant. 2$m lrdrid. Tel. Mdo. deCoc14763. 091)tl 094Z
po. t aio (52nm6) tr Srvanre suibimea 'TRIBUNA deActualidad" al predototalde Bpafla: y t'lotedeAfii(a: 7130 Ponugal Europa 87,409 (gtoJdeenoincluidos). Ami(a, 117,50e Aday Afrie: l8e40e Oceana: 235
Poblacin:.....-,.......,.,.,.......,,.......Provincia:....................................-..el ............ tirma: FORMA DEPAGO DESEO QUE tr Cheque n"....,.......,..,.,....que adiunto n"............,, n Gkopostal eda.,....,........,
If you want to subscribe to the mgazine Tribuna you can complete a coupon like the one above. How much would it cost to have it sent to e UK? How many issueswould you get? Could you complete the details required? C.P. stands for the postcode cdigo postal. a b c
Answer e following questionsas though you were Cl I for Mr. and Mrs. Mndez. speaking
a ;Por ou estnVds. en Mlaga, sefrores?
b e d e
c"atid" vuelvenVds. a Maaiid? icunto tiempo pasanVds, en Mlaga? ;Estn Vds. en un hotel? iDnde van hoy para tomar el aperitivo? ;Van maiana tambin? ;Y pasadomafiana? h ;TainbincomenVds. en el caf? I TienenVds. amilia o amigosen Mlaga? i iQu hacen Vds. despusde la siesta si no visitan a amigos? Ricardo asksyou about your holiday plans for the summer. Complete the dialogue, following the guidelinesfor your replies. est afro? Rlcado eva Vd, de vacaciones and Madda You &y yes,Wu're going to Santander Rlcado lQu bient, iva a Espanal,Y cundova? b You SdyW're golng on 20 JulY. Rlcado Y cunlos das pasaVd. en Santando? ancl thn Sayyou're spendingtn days in Sdn'F,nder c You go (dsspus) to Madrd. ),ou va a Madridel da 31. Rlcrdo Entonces, d You gy Ws,aN you're sPendingfMedaysin Madid with your ftends. Vd. el avin paa ir de Santandera Madrid? Ricardo CToma Say no,Youle Eklng the tr,in. o You vacacionesl Ricardo Bion,ibuenas
in Spain Viaiar en Espafra Travelling
De Madrid sepuedetomar el tren o el autobsa todas panesde a a Valencia, Tambinsepuedeir en avin a Barcelona, Espafra. es ms rpido etc. El avin a Bilbao, de Compotela, Santiago pero el ms caro. Es el servicio nacional de Iberia que va a -muchas capitales de provincia" El servicio internacional va a Sudamric, a la Amrica Central y a muchas capitales de
Europa, Tambin en iunio, iulio y agosto hay muchos vuelos charter para los turistas que van a Mlaga, a Valencia, a Gerona y a Alicante. El turismo es una industria importante pra Esoaia. l avln 3 pued tomar 3 pud9 lr el vuelo la capltal d provlncla la pate cam tlt Hane onecan alr( one @n go flight Wvir@idcapiw paft clearix,/nsive
Auto Res is a long-distance bus company. They ofer a special lurury seruice to provincial cities, and they say they they are faster, safer and more comfortabb than atry other means of road transport that you c4n choose. Look in the Docrrnento for the Spanishfor e phrases in italics in the second sentenceabove. Diario is a useful word, meaning daih.
CUNCA B:I{AVNl m^l r rEo6, m 3 ootrooot Y 3Ecttog ot t cu tolj|Er otro nF|o DE n^l|sto r P(n ctlnElEta o|,l vD. puEm Ictt
6 Combine one phrase rom each column to make eight sensiblesentences.
Para visitar las capitales de provincia Para un alxritivo Para ir a Barcelona Para ir a Gerona en agosto Para pasar un mes en Mlaga Para visitar Venezuela Para comer Para [a digestin despusde comer sepuede alqlar el tren, el avin, o el autobs un vuelo charter la siesta
tomar dormir
rm prso
un coche un gin-tonic
Check your understanding o Unit 6, before proceeding to Unit 7, by making sure you can do the ollowing: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Count backwardsfrom 31 to 21. Recite the months of the year. Give today's date. Ask the way to the eatre. Ask if people speak English here. Say that one can take a bus to the station (la estacin). Say that there are five flights every day. Say that you spend a month in Spain every year.
-t =.
GI q) CL o_ qt CL o_ o o qt o
o q,
In thb unlt !ro{rwill lam . to tlk bo aMng and lea\ring . to t6ll thE time and days of ths wek . to talk about dates . numb33il-199
32-190 Cl ttmeros
Now you know numbers up to 31, there are not mary more words to leam associatedwith couting. Here is a complete list of the 'tens': 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 .noventa For the numbers in between, the principle of adding y and any oer number you need applies all the way through rom 30 to 90, e,g.: 33 treinta y tres 58 cincuenta y ocho 71 setentay uno 99 noventa y nueve 100 is cien i it stands by itself, ciento if it is followed by another lessernumber. For example: 100 101 110 122 137 cien ciento uno ciento diez ciento veintids ciento treinta y siete 20 veinte 30 teinta 40 cuarenta 50 cincuenta
Note the difference betweenthe English 137 - one hundred and thirty-seum - and the Spanish- ciento teinta y siete.n Spanish the y only occurs between e tens and the units. We won't deal now with the plural hundreds (seeUnit 12) but the following will enable you to give current dates in full. To give e year, string e numbers together starting with mil. So e yearso e 1990sarer 1991 mil novecientos noventay uno 1992 mil novecientos noventav dos etc. until we reach 1999 mil novecientosnoventa y nueve hen from e year 2000, e date starts with dos nil rather than mil:
Dz oaysofthewek
Iook at this calendar:
MM 1 6
JV 23
910 16 l7 23 24 30 31
SD 45 lt 18 25 12 19 26
/ t4 2t 28 15 22 29
20 27
The week in Spain is always counted from Monday, so the abbreations along the top for the days of the week - los das de la semana- stan wi that day. Although the abbreviations are in capitals, days of the week, like months, are always written wi a small letter: lun6 mates mircofoe luer Mon&y uesday Wedrcsdy natday
Look at these examples: ;En qu a de la semana caeel diecisis? Cae en un iueves, iEn qu fechascaen los domingos en iuio? Caen en el cinco, el doce, l diecinuevey el veintisis.
On uhat day of the uteek does the sxtemth fall? It fdlls on d Thursday, On what dates do the Sundaysin luly fall They fall.on the Sth, 72th, 79th dnd 26th.
Caer also means to fall in the usual sense,and goes like this note the odd 'I' form): aigo I fau cae helshe/ltfa s, you fall caemos wo fal, caen thaylwu bl.) b
f,l 1 Fro- e ."lendar on page 55' answe these questions on the smepttern. a ;En qu da de la semanacae el veintiuno? b ;En qu da caeel treinta Y uno? e iEn {u fecha cae el primer domingo (t e first Sunday\ del mes? d ;Y el ltimo domingo 1,.. the last Sundayl en luo? e tEn qu echascaenlos sbados t ;En qu da cae el veintisiete? c l qoin.. de julio es el cumpleafios de Isabel len qu da cae este aio? h En iulio, iel trececaeen martes? oneof e dayso e week, but achline o the grid represents ey must be eniered a certain order to reveal,in colunm .{ e'narne o oe o e months. Vhich day goesin which one, and which month is it?
4 4Quhora es? Whattimeis it?
The twenty-four hour clock is used in official timetables, but not in everyday conversation. The usual way o asking and giving the time is shown in the following examples: Es la una, 1.00 Es la una y media, 1.30 Son las dos menoscuarto, 1.45 ;Qu hora es? Son las dos. 2.00 Son las dos y cuarto. 2.15, erc. Practisesaying times in Spanishto yourself in the course of your daily routine, whenever you refer to a clock. To summare, here is a chart from which you can construct all e times you will neeo: Es la una Son las dos Son las tres Son las cuatro Son las cinco Son las seis Son las siete Son las ocho Son las nueve Son las diez Son las once Son las doce clnco ez cutto
b make things quite cleaq you can add de la maana (lit. of the momingl for times up till noon, de la tarde for the afternoon and early evening,and de la noe for 9pm, 10pm, llpm, and 12pm.
For example: Son las seisde la maana. Son las seisy media de la tarde. Son las diez de la maana. Son las diez de la noche. Notice e difference between esla una and son las dos.I7e also say, of course, son las tres, son las cuatro, etc, Do not confuse aatro (fourl with cuarto la quarterl. A quarter to four, and a quarter past four will be las cuatro menos cuato, las cuatro y cuarto. Practise sayingthese,
Isabel habla con el seor Ortega de su viaie a Edimburgo.lsabel talks to Mn Ortega about her trip to Edinburgh. Listento (or read)the dialogueat leasttwice, taking careulnote of how Isabelsayswhen things will happen.
Sr. Ortega lsabl Sn Ort69a lsabel Sr. Ortoga lsabel Sr. Ortaga lsabl Sr: Ortega
Qudava Vd. a Edimburgo? Elmates? No.Mrts es el datrecs.iNoss pued6ir en avinlos y trclVoyel mircoles, martes sl da 14. A qu horasalesl vuelo? Esl vulolB 649.Saledo Madrida lasdocey media y llgaa.Edimburgo a lastrss de la tarde. amigos n Edimburgo? eTiene S. Conozcoa un malimonio, Jan y Paul.Jan es amigamay va al aeropuero.Dspus vmoslas dos a gu casa. Y cundovuvea Madrid? Voy a pasa una smanacon ollos,y dspuspaso cuarodason Londrss. Vulvoa Madridel vintisis de junio. Es unavacacin bonita.iBuenviaiel
l 4o l avln sfl (salel ffcgs0fsga) l mlgo colocsr (conozcol un mlmonlo bonllo buon vfafs
jolny pran (t lelvos) to l6.w to aive (t anives) ltterd to kbw (l laow) a manledcoupE nice, pratty 'bn vowe', h{e a gpodjoumey
I fS"O"f is sup6stlous- she avoids travelling on Tuesdayth 13th, the equivalentof our Fridaythe l3th. A Spanishproveb says loce y marts nf to casg ni te embatque(On Tuesday the 13th neifiet get nanied nor boarda shipl.
point Language
5 Howto say'l know'
Here is an important point. Notice Isabel says conozco a ur matrimonio, I knout a matied couple. Conozco (verb conocer) is I hnout in e sense of being acquainted wi, knowing people, places, books, etc. b say I knou o frcts you use s from the verb saber.For example: No s qu hora es. I don't bwt uhat the time is. ;SabeVd. cuntoshabitantes Do you know how many tiene Madrid? No estoy inhabiunts Madrid has? seguro, rero s que hay I'm not sure, but I know ms de tres millones. there dre fltofe than three million.
3 Read e following statements and mark whether ey are verdadero true (this has the same meaning as verdad) or also (fakel .
a Isabel va a Edimburgo el da trece.
nn nn
nn nn
Cuando sale de Edimburgo, va a Londres, E Jane y Paul no estn casados. h En Edimburgo, Isabel va a un hotel.
!tr tr!
Use the Iberia timetable reproduced below to answer the following quesonsin Spanish.
DAILY DAILY (Except Mon) DAILY Mon only (Excpt Sat) DAILY IB6M 19606 18604 lBS4 18602
a ;Cundo sale el vuelo 18605 de Heathrow los lunes? b icundo sale el vuelo 18605 de Heathrow los otros das la semana? c 1Cundo llega el vuelo 18607 a Madrid? d lCundo saleel vuelo 18600de Madrid? e ;Cundo llega el vuelo 18602 a Heathrow? f ;Cundo llega el vuelo 18606 a Heathrow? You have now covered a gteat deal of mateil at will be indispensable on your trip to Spain and in conversation with
Spanish friends or colleagues, You can say when ings will happen, describe things and people and say where they e, enqre after people'shealth and do many other usefi 'language tasks' in Spanish. The following Self-evaluation is longer an usual and is intended to help you check that you have understood and remembered some o the main points that we have covered so far, lnok back at the relevant unit i you find that you have forgotten something. The questions are all personal to you (hence peguntas impertinentes, impertinent quesonsl so we cannot give the answersin the Key.
impertinentquestions Self-evaluation:
o gCmo se llama Vd.? ;Es Vd. ingls (inglesa)? ;Habla Vd. esoafrol? ;Habla Vd, francs? o soltero (soltera)? ;Rst Vd. casado(casada) iEs Vd. comunista, socialista, socialdemcrata, liberal, conservador o fascista? ;Qu haceVd.? ;Dnde trabaja Vd.? ;Es Vd. millonario? iNo tiene Vd. mucho dinero? ;Dnde vive Vd.? ;Vive Vd. en una casao un piso? gCmo es, grande o pequeio? gCuntas personas hay en su amilia? ;Quinesson, y cmo se llaman? gTieneuna fotograffa de su farnilia? ;Tiene Vd, un coche?iEs necesarioun coche para Vd.? lNo son convenienteslos taxis para Vd.? ;Es de Vd. este libro de espaflol? gEs interesante este libro? iTrabaia Vd, mucho con estelibro? ;Va Vd. mucho a Fxpaa? iPor qu?(;Por qu no?) ;Va Vd. a Espaa para trabafar o para pasarlas vacaciones? ;En qu rnes va Vd, de vacaciones ;Cmo va Vd. de vacaciones- en tren, en coche, en autobs o en avin? ;SaleVd. de casatodos los das?;A qu hora ;A qu hora llegaVd. a casa? ;Qu hora es en estemomento? ;Qu da es?;Qu echa es? gCundoessu cumpleaos? 1s Vd. supersticioso (supersticiosa) iRst Vd. contento (contenta)? iEst Vd. preparado (preparada) a estudi Unit 8?
If you scored well, congratulations - all you need to do is practise a bit more on those areas where you found e test difficult by listening to or reading the relevant dialogues, checking e Language point(s) sections and making sure you can produce the phrases yourself; then proceed to Unit 8. If you found it difficult, it would be wor renrrning to e units that covered the material you found problematic and practising by redoing a ew exercises.Perhapsyou should go a linle more slowly and make more orough use of e Key every time you have completed an exerciseto make sure you've really mastered one set of information before rnoving on to the next. Rememberthat it's important to take every opportunity to tlk to and listen to native Spanish speakers,as is is e best way to improve your own ccent, fluency nd confidence. Once you have really understood the basics, a few spoken mistakes will not prevent you from being understood and communicating successfullywi a Spanish speaker.lso make sure that you make e most of this course by ollowing the study guidelines on how to learn, given in the introduction, adapting them if you prefer to suit e way in which you learn most easily.
x o
g '< o
?Eg a
In this unit you wlll lsan . to say what you rvould likg . to say what you nd . to buy iickots
I Verbgnoupe
In Unit 6, we referred to the form of a verb known as e ininitive - the dictionary entry or 'name' of the verb, usually e form wi to in English. to speak, to edt, to liue, etc.In Spanish these forms will be words ending in -ar (e,g. hlar), -er (e.9. comer), or -ir (e.g, vivi). You will already have realized tat Spanish works by changrng the ending of these words to indicate who is doing the action. Thus for I e ending will nearly always be -o (e.g. hablo, I speak;,cnmo, I eal and vivo, I liuel. T:heexceptions to this are given below. For oer persons - he, she, you, ute, they - the endings are similar to each other but have a characteristic vowel, s you can see:
I hel$elwyou (Vd.) we Aylyou (Vds.)
r viva
vo noas viven
There are, howeveq lots of oddities and irregularities, so it's best to learn verb forms as you go along - we will point out important deviations from e pattern es ey occur. For example, you already know most of the verbs which do not end, in -o to indicateI. They are soy,I am; estoy,I an;voy, I go; s, I knout and doy, I giue.
Paco's father, Mr. Ruiz, is buying a plane ticket for a trip to Madrid to visit his son. Listen to (or read) his conversation with e lady at lberia, and notice how he says what he needs or wnts. S. Rulz Ncsltoun blllte para Maddd,para elluevs. Sfiolta eQulereVd. un billetede ida y wdta o de ida slo? Sr Rulz Ouieouno de ida y vult,por avor. Srolta A qu hora quie sali Sr. Rulz Necesitoostar n Madid a las trs d la tade. Sorlta Hay un vuelo qu sale a las doc y cuarto, y lloga a la una de la tde.
Muy bln. Quierehacerla sva,por avon Puesson novntay sois euros. Quisiapagarcon Vlsa, No hay problema.{,Necsita Vd. algo ms? No, gracias. o/eaye to maka,do a rctum tickat singlticl<et lo neod I needto be in Maid wouldWu pb tl? tw atidl? fo wish,want,love do you nadanythingdse? I would lil<e to pay
slir hacf,J un bflleto de lda y vrolla un biff6te do ida slo ncslta nooeslto star en Mactttd qufeF hacr fa seya? qusrr Vd. algo m&? lneeslta qubier onqrar .
2 Quiero ,.. Iwant...
Vith quiero you can simply use e name of whatever item it is that you want, as in the following examples: I utant a coffee. Quiero un caf. I utant this book. Quiero este libro. I utant iwo tickets, Quiero dos entdas. However, you might need to say that you wnt to do someing or e something as in these examples: I uant to haue an apeif. Quiero tonrar un aperitivo. I uant to speahSpankh. Qero hablar espaiol. Hoy qero estaren casa. Todcy I uant to be at home. The verb that follows quiero in each of these sentences is in the 'infinitive' form. Quiero can be usedwith re{erenceto a person (though you also hve to insert the little word a before the name). but in is context it meansf loue ... .For examplez I louemy parmts uery much. Quiero rnucho a rnis padres. La Sra. Mndez quiere a Mrs. Mndez loues her su marido. husband.
4 Necesito... I need...
Necesito works in the sameway as quieto in that it can be used with a noun (the name of someing or someone) or with the infinitive orm of a verb. Necesito un billete de ida y vuelta. iNecesitaVd. viajar a Ztragoza? Necesitan un coche. I need a rearn ticket, Do you tued to trauel to Zarugoza? They need a czr.
1 Here are some ings that Isabel needsto do in a busy day. Answer the questions for Isabel, saying you would like (quisiera) or you need (necesito) whatever it is at the time indicated in brackets. The fust one has been done for you. a iCundo necesita llegar a la oicina? 109001 Necesin llegar a las nueue. b gA qu hora necesita Vd. salir? (0830) c gA qu hora quiereVd. llamar por telfono?(1015) d ;Cundo necesiahablar con el director?(1145) e ;A qu hora qere Vd. comer?(1400) iCundo qere tornar un gih-tonic?(1330) Vd. estaren casa?(1700) E ;A qu hora necesita ir al dentist?(1730) h iCundo necesita (1930) I ;Para qu hora quiereVd. las entradas?
Listen to (or read) Dialogue 1 again and respond wi Verdadero or Falso to each o the statements,
a El Sr. Ruiz quiere tomar el tren
Quiere un billete de ida slo. El vuelo sale a las once horas. Quiere ir a Madrid el iueves. El Sr, Rz no quiere una eserya, El Sr, Ruiz dice que qere pagar con su tarieta de crdito (uedt cardl. c El avin llega a Madrid en tres cuanos de hora. h El Sr. Ruiz paga sesentaeuros.
b c d e
v n
! !
n n n
n n tr ! n n n
Documento nmero7
Prllu||ttrrt *
I r o{ I ul
Loo at the Spanishon is Iberia boarding passand compare it wi the English version. Try te questions on e next pge:
4 iPa qu fecha es el vuelo? b gQu nmero tiene el asiento? c gEsde fumadores o no fumadores? d ;Es un vuelo Londres-Madrid o Madrid-Londres?
Cl Dilogo2
Listen to (or read) this short dialogue between Isabel and Ricardo. |3abl Ququl Vd. - un t o un ca? Rlcado Quieroun caf. |3abl - solo o con lecho? Cmolo quisre Flcado Lo quierocon leche. |3bsl Quisazca? Rlcardo No. No quieroazcar. amo lo quire? lo quisro,.. la lche l azcr how do Wu want it? I want it... mk sugaf
point Language
5 Lo/fa quaerclwant it
When instead of repeating the noun it is quicker and more natural to substitute it, Spanish does is by inserting lo or la. Use lo if the reolaced word is masculine. and la if the reolaced word is femiriine. These becomelos ad las (meanng'theml when they replace plural words. Study the following examples: I nzed a ticket for Mtdrid. Necesito un billete para Madrid. !g necesitopara I nced itr for trauelling on viaiar el da 19. the 79th. Tengo dos entradas de I haue tuto theotre tickets. teato. ilas qere Vd,? Do you tuant lLw? I shouldkesone ua Quisiera un t. !4 quisiera con limn. itwith lemon.
3 Choose lo, la, los or las to fill the gaps in the sentences below. I gCmo quiere Vd. el caf - solo o con leche?_ quleto solo. b Quiero cuatro entradasde teatro. _ quisiera para el tueves. Necesitodos billetespara Mlaga._ quiero de ida y vuelta. d ;Cmo quiereVd. el t - con lecheo con limn? _ quiero con limn. e ;Cmo quere Vd. su aperitivo? _ quisiera con muna fonlca y poco gm.
The languagein this shon unit is closely linked with that in the next. When you have checked your progress with the Selfevaluation below, go straight to Unit 9.
Can you say the following in Spanish 1 I'd like a coffee. 2 I needto be in Madrid on Friday, 3 l7ould you make a reservation, please? 4 I need to be in the office for a meeting on the 17th. 5 I'm going to Paristomoffo\/. The flight leavesat 10.15am. 6 I'd like two theatretickets for the 23rd. olease.
Ro o
k '
ln thb unit you will lam . to exp|ssa pEfsrcs . to sav what you lik nd disllk
1 Me gusta ... I like...
I you wish to sav: I like music I loue Scotch uthisky you say: me gusta la msica me..gusta mucho el
-rniifrlt" el Pirineo espaiol In saying ne gusta la msica what you have in fact said is rzzsic pleasesme and you can add mucho or muchsimo to express stronger degreeso liking. So I lie is lways me.gusta or me gustan, according to whee you like one thing or more than one. For example: Me gustael t con limn. Me gustair al cine. Me gusta el ane de Picasso. Me gustn los casde Madrid. Me gustan los perros. Me gustan todas las peras de Verdi, I you didn't like thesethings, you would say:
No me gusta el t con limn. No me gusta la msica de Verdi. No me gustan los prros, etc.
Cl Lectura
La vida de Ios Mndez Thelife of M and Mrs. Mndez
La Sra. Mndez habla de su da en Mad, about her life in Madrd. Mrs. Mndez ulks Reador listentwice to this description of the life of Mr. and Mrs. Mndez in Madrid. Pay special ttention to how Mrs. Mndez talkb about her own and her husband'slikes and dislikes. No me gusta la vida modema.No me gusta vivir n Madrid.Hay demasiado trfico.Haydemasiados cochosen la calle.Quisiera vivir en Mlagapero mi maridono qui6re.Mi maridoso llamaBenito. BnitoMndz Otigosa. muchoa mi marido. Quioro Esun ngsl.No enemosmuchodinaroperostamosmuy contentos.A mi maido l
gustavivir en Madrid.Dicequ s msanimado,ms interesante. Lo gustair l cafcon los amigos. y de ftbol.A m Hablan de poltica me gusta ir al caf paa tomar un t o un chocolate. M gusta tambin l televisin. Pero hay dmasiada poltica y demasiado tbol.Ms gustanlos ssiales. A mi maridono le gustan.Diceque son demasiado sntimentales.Po yo prfiro los sils a la poltica. lavrda el dlno ani',ad,o demasiado, dmasiada dmasiados, demasladas prei, prfiro lifa money lively too, too much too many to preter,I prelel
point Language
2 Emphasis:likes and dislikes
A common way of expressingemphasisin likes is: I like serials. My husband {_4q( me gustan los seriales. A mi rnarido no le gustan. doesnl. Do you lihe politics? iA Vd. le gusta la poltica? The words a m, a mi marido, a Vd. are put in or emphasis.
1 Fill in the gaps in the answersto the questions. ;Qu dice la Sra. Mndezde Madrid? a Dice que vivir en Madrid. ;Qu dice de Mlaga? b Dice que vivir en Mlaga. iQu dice de su marido? c Dice que le rnucho. Benito. d Dice que _ _ e Dice que es f Dice que vivir en Madrid. dice de ir a tomar chocolate iQu g Dice que _ ;Qu dice de la televisin? h Dice que hay _ . _ dice los de seriales en la televisin? iQu i Dice que ;Qu dice el Sr,Mndezde los seriales? i Dice que ile gustnal S. Mndezlos seriales? k No. No Notice the word order of the last question. While e English is simpler Does Mz. Mndez like (the) seriak? the Spanishliterally means to hirnlpledselto Mr. Mndezlthe serials? where to him Mr. Mndez repeat e same ing. You will notice is son of repetition often in e lter part of the book. It is chracteristic o Soanish. You have seenit alreadv in a m me gusta and a mi mado le gusta. Here a m and me, a mi marido and le say the samething twice to give emphasisand clarity.
Of course, even if you like something you don't always want it. Look at e following little dialogues:
SefrorA Sor B Sofior A 560r B Quieun caf? No, gracias. No le gusta? S, m gusta, po no m apteceahora.
Sofior A Sefior B
Dilogo 2
Ricardo lsabol Ricardo lsabsl Rlcado lsab6l Quie|Vd. tomar algo? S. Gracias. gin-tonlc, vsrm? Qul apotoce? a,Gisqui, No. No quieroalcohol.Mo aptecun t, si lo hay. eLo prcierecon lecheo limn? Prtierot con lch,po avor.
apstscor (m petcr) to appdl(lit. it appeds to ne) el vorm vrmouth algo sometrng si lo hay if therls onelsome
3 Me aptece ... I feel like...
Me apetecerneansI feel lihe t (lit. it appeals to rze) and works in iust the same wy as me gusta in that it can be used wi a noun or a verb. No me apetecesalir il-e apeteceun aperitivo? No le apetecetrabaiar hov. A m no me apeteceir al cine, pero a mi amigo s. I don't feel lihe going out. Do you feel like an aperitif? Helshe doesn feel like uorking nday. I don't feel like going to the chwa but ny frind does.
4 Preiero... I prefer...
Notice that to prefer is preenr. I prefer is prefero an helshe preferslyou prefer are prefiere, or Vd. prefiere, The vowels -ieappear instead o the -e- in the second syllable. They prefet is prefieren, b]utue prefer is pneferinos, without the -ie-. This is a conmon pttern in Spanish - ol new verb quiero, quiere, qeren but queemos (infinitive querer) behavesin exactly the sameway. You will notice other exampleso vowel changes,but iust learn them as they occur.
canyou: Cl 2 sp""kingof coffee,
a say that you like it
Documento nmeroI
08-04-03 c001 4X CAFE 4X BO,IOSY Sr.t 15r50 131 1 ,5 0 .6,00 e 1 .3 5 ,5 ,4O
This caf bill from the Parador at Salamanca has a lot o information. You can see the date and time, and that VAT is inclded. (Value Added Tax is IVA - Irnpuesto de Valor Aadido.) Bollos y Sin(ilares) refers to the oastriesthat we ate.
c r
Try these questions: a iCunlo esun caf? b lCunto son cuato cafs? lPara qu fechaes d iA qu hora?
point Language
5 Expressinglikes and dislikes with gustar
Finally in this unit, here is a summary of is way of expressing your likes and dislikes (gustar and apetecerwork in exactly the sameway, so only gustar is given here). The examplesbelow also include e pe and tlev forms. which vou have not used so far.
M gustael vino spaol. Me gustanlos vino6spaitdos. L gustael fio espa6ol. Le gustrn los nos ospafiols. Nosgustal vlno paffol. Nosgustanlos nos spafioles Lsgustael no spaiol, Lesgustanlos vlnosgspafiolgs, I n SD,tlish wine. t tl*BSparlst wires. you lilS@ish wine. He/sl:l6,, fels/p /tks, dr,s. ,,oufis qpsrAr, Welll S@nlsh wlrp. WlileS@nishwitsTheyllFSpanlsh wire, Ihey lili Spanish wn*.
Remember that you can intensifu what you are saying in is context by dding muo or musimo.
E) l
It helps to know that what you are really saying is that Spanish t 9 l ol wine or wines please me/him,/her/youthem. Liking things is t l ( 'l always expressed in this way (or disliking, if you place no in front). It is very esy once you have practisedit a little. The sameidea lies behindother phrases which you will comeacross ler. One final point - if you are offered a choice but you have no particulr prefrnce, you can say: Me da igual. lt's all the sameto me.
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Documento nmeroI
A travel agency is advenising some cheap flights (a precios de ratntica ganga,at real bargain pricesl
MADRID Princesa, 3 (MetrcPza.Espaffa) (91) Tel: 55918 19 A DE HENARES Azuceno, 1 (Edif.CuatroCoas) Tel:(91)88851 63 TOIEDO 4 (Santa Teres4 C/ Uruguay, Tel:(925) 25 13 99
Try these questions: a ;Quiere Vd, ir a Mallorca? lSay,no, you don'tl b iO prefiereir a Gran Canaria?(Say,yes,you dol c gCuntocuestair a las islasBaleares? d ;Y cunto a las Canarias? e iDnde necesitahacer la reserva?
Can you do the ollowing? 1 Say you like music, 2 Say you like flamenco music very much. 3 Say you do not like football. 4 Say you prefer classical music (la msica clsica). 5 Ask someoneif he/shelikes flamenco, 6 Ask someoneif he/shepreers flamenco or classical music. 7 Say you vr'ant to go home becauseyou don't eel like doing any more work and you need a gin and tonic.
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ln this unlt you wlll leam . to talk abo psonal activiessuch as washing and dssing . to make impe|onal statnntsbout popl in gBnerl
point Language
I (Me) favo lwash (myself)
Many o the things we do relect on ourselves, i.e. they are personal activities such as getting up, going to bed, washing, dressing, sitting down, as well as personal feelings such as enjoying onesel, or feeling ill or well. In these cases,Spanish uses the little words me (myselfl, se (himself herself, yourselflyourselues),and nos lourselvesl together wi e verb expressinge action o state. The little words used in this way are called'ieflexive pronouns'. You have already seen an example in me llamo my n&ne is (lit. I call myselfl. Other examDles are: me lavo me levanto me siento bien no me siento bien Paco se levanta a las siete. La seora Mndez siempre se siente bien en Mlaga. Nos divertimos mucho cuando estamosde vaccrones.
Pdco getsup at seuen. Mrs. Mndez aluays feels utell in vfuilaga. We enjoy ourseluesa lot uthen re dre on holiday.
Notice the difference between the following two sentences: Lavo el coche todos los domingos I uash the car on Sundays.
Isabel habla de lo que Paco hace todas las maanas. Isabel describesuhat Paco does euery morning. Paco se lvntaa ls siste. S lva y s viste y sale de casa a las ocho mnosv6lnt.Va en coche a la oflclna. Llga las ocho, y s sinta inmsdiatamntpara trabajar. 1.6 gusta su trabaio, one composslmpticosy s intobien n el ambirdo la oficina.
Se viste means he gek dressed. El anbiente means the dtn osphere or the entironment. Notice se sente,he feels, and se sienta, he sits doum. The two verbs are very alike. Me siento can men I feel or I sit. The frst is from sen, to feel, and the secondfrom silta. to seat o sit.
2 Cl Monloso
Now Pacogives you the sameinormation, speakingfor himself. Notice how e verbs change- they will end in -o, of course (see Unit 8). Ma lovantoa las siete.Me lavoy me sto y salgod casa a las ocho menos vlnt. Voy n coche a la oficina. Llgo a las ocho, y me para tabajar. M gusta ml trabalo. Tngo siento InmEdiatamnto compafieos simpticos y m sinto bin en l ambient d6 la oficina.
3 Cl Monlogo
Now Mrs. Mndez describes her morning routine and her husband's: Bnito y yo nos levantamostarde. No tonemos prisa poqu ml maido st lubllado y no trabaia. Nos lavamosy nos vestimos y salimosa la cdb a las doc. Vamosal caf y nos sntamose la teraza.Nos gusta sall todos los das.
Tener prisa means to be in a huny. No tenemos prisa is ze're not in a hurry. Benito Mndez is reed (iubilado). rstead of saying nos lavarnos y nos vestimos, Mrs. Mndez could have said nos arreglamos,, we get ready. Arte$at is to arrange.I yoa want to use it in the special senseof to atange onself, or get
read.y,you wotsld call the verb arreglarse.You put -seon e end of an infinitive to show it is being used in is 'reflective' way. Hablat is to speak;hablarse is to talk to yourselfl
1 nswer these questions on the above little monologues: a iQu hacePacoa las.siete? b ;Y qu haceinmediatamente despus? c pA qu hora salede casa? d ;Qu hacecuandollega a la oficina a las ocho? e ;Por qu se siente bien en el ambiente de la oicina f ios Mndez selevantana las siete? g gPorqu no? h lQu hacenantesde salir? (antesde, beforc\ i ;Qu hacencuandollegan al caf? i iQu dice la seora de salir todos los das?
point Language
2 Se dice One says
Anoer hlpful use o the little word seis whn you are talking about people in general.(Seealso Unit 6). For example,you might want to say: In Spain,one says'buenosdas'. or In Spain,you (you in general)say'buenosdas'. or. In Spain,they (i.e. peoplein general)say'buenosdas'. All of theseare translatedby: En Espaa,sedice 'buenosdas'. You have seenthis son of phrase before in: Sehabla espaol. Spuede...? Notice the invaluable question iCmo se dice ... en espaol? Hooudo you say ... in Spanish? O ne speaks Sp anishlSpanish spoken, May one .,,1 or may L,.?
Several verbs can be used in this way to ask about what is generally done. Here are some more examples:
En Inglaterra, se bebe ln Enghnd, they drinh. ms t oue caf. ,nore tea than coffee. En Espa, sebebe ms In Spain, they drink more caf oue t. coffee than tea. En Ingiaterra, s pag en ln Enghnd, one pays in pounds ste ing. libras estedinas, En Espafla, sepag en In Spdin, one pays irt eufos. eulos. En Inglaterra, se circula por ln England, you driue on la izquierda. theleft. En Espafra,se cula por In Spain, yot driae on la derecha, the right. Notice; por la derea on the ight por la izquierda on the left Notice also ns ... que, more ... than. This invaluable little word que can mean utho, uthich, that ot than, tn a question ^nd, can me iuhich? or uhat? Qae cnnot be omitted, unlike lqlll,? uhich or that n English: El libro que tengo ... the book (whichlthat) I haue...
2 Look again at e descriptions o what Paco and Mrs. Mndez do every morning, Here are the answers they give to your questions. Ihat did you ask em?
a Paco: Me levanto a las siete.
b En Catalua c A las siete de la tarde Los seiores Mndez se levantan Paco se siente bien en la oficina porque Cuando los sefiores Mndez van al caf 4
les gusta el t. no se entiende cataln. viven los catalanes. rne lavo. salgo de la oicina. me visto. tarde. en la oicina. despusde vestirse. le gusta sntase. no le apeteceel trabaio. tiene compafferos simpticos. beben un giiisqui. toman un chocolate. llegan a las cuatro.
Use severbs to say tht; a One has an aperiti at 7pm. b One eats well in Spain. c They speak Spanishwell in Burgos. d Peoplefeel happier at home than in the office. e One needsto work a lot. One goes out urith the dog every dy. c You may not pay by cheque. h In England, people drink more tea than wine.
)ocumento nmero0
Look at e job advertisement opposite for a receptionist in a computer company lcomputing is inorntica), Notice se oanpa, helshe utill oc*py himselflhnself (secetarial work is also required) and se requiere, one rcqubes (ey want English and/or French with typing or preferably word-processing skills) and seofrece, oze offets.lnthe address,aprtado 6102 is a post office box nurnber. Vhat three things will the company offe someonewi these skills?
Se ocupar tambin de cietas laboee de Sectariado S quir: . lmpescindible y/o francs paraatendor ingls llamadas
telefnicas en dichosidiomas. . Experiencia y meiorcon en manejo de mquina conocimientosde tratamientode t)itos sobe PC. . Edaddesd l8 a 25 aos. S ofc: . Contratolaboral. . lncorDoracin inmediata. . Horaio y de 14,30a 17,30. de 8,30a 13,30 Escibir urgontemote al apartado 602, 2fl180 MADRID,adjuntando Cuiculum Vita con fotograt Gmprclndlbbl, indicando prtonsions @nmlcas. R.RECEPCIONISTA/8.
Can you do the following in Spanish? 1 Say Paco is in a hurry. 2 Say we are in a hurry. 3 Say you get dressedat 7am and go out at 8.30. 4 Say that you have a good time on Saturdays. 5 Say you dont feel well, you want to return home. 6 Ask if it's possible to pay wi a credit card, 7 Say that you get up late every Sunday. 8 Say that you dont like working in the office, becauseyour colleaguesare unpleasant.
o 5 o 1+
3 GT o o
In b unlt you will loam . to sry,,ou wten talking to arnily ardfinds
I Saying'you': Vd. and t
which Listen to, or read though, e following short exchanges, we have adapted as necessaryfrom dialogues you have already seen.Henceforward it will be natural, as they are young people, to talk to Paco and Isabel as (or iointly as vosotros). Mr. and Mrs, Mndez, howeve4 are an older and more old-fashioned couple, so it will be moe appropriate to continue to useVd. and Vds. when talking to em,
DFrom Unitr
gQn esVd? iQuin eres(t)? iEres Luisa? icmo t llamas,pues? Soy el Sr. Mndez. Soy Paco. No. No soy Luisa. Me llarno Isabel.
0l rr-r, unltz
Soy de Madrid. lDe dnde eres, Paco? gDe dnde eres, Isabel? Soy de Madrid tambin. y dnde sois, Isabel Paco? Somosde Madrid. ;De
0l rrcmunits
;Dndevives,Isabel? ;Y dndetrabaias?
vo en la calle Almagro. Trabajo en la calle Mara de Molina.
Dlr'or unn+
;Crno estVd., dofraAurora? Estoy bien, gracias, ;y Vd.? Hola, Paco. 2Cmo ests? Rstoy bien, gracias, ;y t? de vacaciones? Tirdava no. Voy en lulio. lEsts
0l r-r untts
Isabel, ;cuntos hermanos tienes? Paco, 1dnde tienes tu coche? Isabel, itienes un coche para ti sola? Tengo una hermana y dos hermanos. Est en la calle. No tengo 8 F. No. A m me gustan los txis.
Drrom unite
lCundo vas a Santande4Paco? Voy el 5 de junio. Vuelvo el 10 de iunio. ;Y cundo vuelves a Madrid?
3 Wordsor'you'and \oufztt, , tu
You will notice that when using n to Paco or Isabel we o have to say tu coche (yow carl and para ti sola (/or you alonel.
30n stn tbnen saln van
You need not spend a lot o time leaming e plwal forms yet, as most convesations ae one-to-one, raer an to pairs or groups, Concentrate on the t forms for e present.
- un t o un cafr? Quiero un caf. iQu quieres lo quieres - con leche? No. lo quiero solo. 1'Cmo
Cls re quierolloveyou
Rememb that qero, used of people, meansI loue. Naturally you use the famar orm when telling someone you love him/her, S. Te quiero. lMe qeres? Te quiero muchsimo. Te ;Cnto me quieres? adoro,
Cl r-rn unnro
;A qu hora te levantas, Paco iTe lavas todos los das? ;A qu hora salesde casa?
iTienes prisa? lPor qu no te sientas un poco? (Are you in a huny? Why don't you sit down for a bitl Notice that when you are talking to someones tr, you use te gusta instead of le gusta, and te levanas instead of se levanta. There will be much more practice on talking to people using t in e secondpart of e bool where, as you will see,we shall use bo the formal and informal rnode of addressaccording to whatever the relationship is between e spakers.
1 Here are somequestionsaddressed to Sr.and/or Sra. Mndez. Repeat the questionsusing or vosotros to Pacoand Isabel.
a Sr. Mndez, esVd. madrileo, ;no?
b ;Va Vd. todos los dasal caf,seor? d ile gustael ftbol, Sr.Mndez? e ;Tiene Vd. prisa por las maianas, seflor? Sra,Mndez,idnde pasaVd. susvacaciones?
Y ;dnde prefiereVd. vivir? ;Tiene Vd. un coche, sefior?
c i
point Language
7 Saying'and'=yore?
In the questionsi and j above, you can say Isabel y Paco. But e other way round you have to say Paco e Isabel. The little word y changes to e when the next word begins wi an i-. For example, you say Inglals4 y Espaq but Espaa e Inglaterta, and hablo itano y francs, but hablo francs e italiano, We will not have an Sel-evaluation in is unit, as there has been an element of revision in e exarnpleswe have given you. This is the last of e basic units. If you have saely reachedthis point - well donet Ie hope you have enioyed the course so faq and feel that you have begun to acquire a basic competencein Spanish. If you feel reasonably confident that you have understood and rememberedwhat we have covered in e first elwen units, try Self-Assessment Test 1 at e end of the book beore you tackle the next ten units.. You can look at Units 12 to 20 in any order (21 is a summing-up) but unless you have good reasonsfor doing otherwise it's probably best to take them in the order ey appear
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ln this unlt you wlll lsarn . to giv official dtails (passpos,drMng licsncs, tcJ . to say thE st of the numbrs
Notice particularly e words for 500, 700 and 900. When you are talking about the numbers of things, includins amounts of money, the multiple-hundred numberJldoscientosl tescientos, etc,) will end in -as if what you are talking about is feminine. For example: Kr. 500 quinientas corons f,600 seiscientaslibras but b $ 400 cuatrocientos dlares 900 novecientoseuros As you know, oze thousand s nil, two thousand.dos nil. So i you want a long numbe4 su as e date we saw in Unit 7, y9u, lust string all words together, remembering to insert y (and) between ny tens and units. For exanple: 1997 mil novecientosnoventa y siete 1588 mil quinientos ochena y ocho 16.000 diecisis mil 237.741 doscientos treinta y sietemil, setecientos cuarenta y uno Notice the use of e srop after e thousands in long numbers. You are not likely to need many long numbers such as the last one. Being able to name recent and future years, howeve can be very useful.
'While we are inking about numbers, remember how to give a teleohone number: this was mentioned brieflv in Unit 4. You sav the in pairs, starting wi the single digi; if ere is an od number of figures.For example: y nueve 22 20 69 veintids,veinte,sesenta 76 06 45 setentay seis,cero seis,cuatentay cinco y dos 4 45 29 62 cuatro, cuarentay cinco,veintinueve, sesenta This may not apply to some important numbers.
The first rqulFment is Paco'sfirst (or Christian) nam;nombr can mean narne in gnral, or first name in paticular. Apellldos are surnames(rmember the Spanishhavetwo). He then has to give his date of birth, addess,nationaltyand idertttycad numbr,and tho placeand date of its issue.DNI standsfor Doc{.tmentoNaclonal de ldntldad, th idntity cad all is populalycalled el camet (or el cam). A tip - when making,say, a hotel rsvation,it's bst not to giv6 more than one first (or given), name with your sumamo. As the Spanisha used to two sumatneslt migtt b assumedthat your secondgiven nameis your rst sumame.lf your resrvaon appears to b lost alwayschock underyour given nams.
1 Seeif youcan answer the following questions, as they apply to yourself, We cannot give e answers to these in ih Key, of course.
a ;Cul essu apellido? b ;Cmo seescribe? gDndevive Vd.? d 2Y su direccin exacta e ;Tiene Vd. nrimero de telfono? ;Cul es su fecha de nacimiento? E iliene Vd. pasaporte y canet, o solamentepasapone? h 1'Qunacionalidad tiene Vd.
Cl Dilogos
Listen to the following short conversations if you have the recording, and practise reading them aloud, especially the numDers.
Dilogo I
en Vd. pamlsode conducF? S, tngo. 4Qunmerotiene? Es d OF/tn2. t Cul es la fefia d caducidad? H cuao ds sptiemb,dd ao 2@2.
Vd, talta de o6dlto? Msa, 4B?) a,Usa S, dao. Cul6 l nmod la tarleta? Es l 2ll|{16680. caduca? Enqu Ec'ha Caducaol dos de mayo,del 2010.
Dilogo 3
Iisne Vd. sgurode accldntg? S, rengo. {,Culse l nmso de la pliza? Ef nmode fa pliza6 FL6724.
Dilogo 4
en vd. chquosde 4oo? S, tengp, i,Cuntoschoquestin? Tengodlz chqus. Son n dlarso n librasstlinas? Son en dlars. vabr tiennn total? {,OrJ Dos mil dlas. ponr so do conducts iving licnc c da oa.ircklad pW clate cduc it erpr?es
brsra card
loguto ,hsurarca 96|E po,lcy
f,f 2 talking to laco (use ), ask him the questions indicated to complete e following dialogue and read his answers out loud. a Yo Paco b You Peco Ad( l tB l',san idntv @d. como todos los spafiol. S tongo, natutalmEe, Lst<wffi|nufi'r/,v"^ Es el4.768.905
o You Asl< wlwr ft expircs. Paco Caducal 7 ds octubr,ds 2008. tos camtg
caducana los diez afios. N( whthrtE tw a tv@ lict@. S, aqu est. sk n4rerer he has a pasqpo. S, tongo, p|o caducaest afio. A* it tp ussa crdlt cerd, S, una tarietaVisa. Asl< lt he ls insnd, S, desd3 luogo(o course). Ad<what his ins{rnncep cy raflfur E. Es l 2(XO648. i4.9k wtbre lB ves" En la calle Mlndz\lalds 5,3oD. Asl< for his fr/epltone numbe; Es el 225!819. sk ,yat ,ris suna'lrsara. Son RuizGallgo;m6 llamo FranclscoBuiz Gallego. Ask how W aEspelt. S scibnR-U-I-ZG-A-LL-E-G-O habel has lost her puse while siting a friend in Bilbao. She g-oes th9 police station and is asked or various personal -to Match e details. answers, given on the right, with e questions given on e left. a lSusapellidos, por favor? I Aqu lo tiene. b iY su nombre? tl El doce de mayo, 1980. pDnde vive Vd.? |lt Isabel, d iSu fechade nacimiento? v El de 20. e isu cant,por favor? v Ballester Garca, f. ;CundovuelveVd. a Alrnagro 14,6" A,
d You Paco e You PaGo You Paao g Vou Paco h You Paco I You Paco I You Paco k You Paco I You Paco
g h i i k I
nmero1 Documento
Vrsita a
Can you say e following 1 My date of binh is ... 2 My surnameis ... is ... 3 My address 4 My passportnumber is ... 5 I am insured - the policy number is ... 6 I'd like to pay with a credit card.
o f o
o gr
In this unit t|o wlll lean . to talk abo Spanishhomeg . vocabularyor Fnting accommodationin Spain
Cl Lectura
your house like? ;Cmo es su casa? What's
Isabel describeel piso donde vive con s;tamilia.Isabel describes the flat uhere she liues uith her family, Listen to Isabel's description (or read it) twice, referring to the vocabulary list for words that you cannot guess. nmero4. Vivocon Comoya sabsnVds.,vivoen la calleAlmagro, mis padres. Somos cuatro hsmanos, pero mi hermanaMagaria st casaday vive con su marido Luis.As que vivn cinco adultos en mi casa. Menos mal que es bastate grande. Tnemoscuatro dormitorios, un saln, un comedor y un pequfio cuarto de estar. Hay dos cuartos de baffo y la cocina tiene al lado oto cualto pequso para lavar y planchar.Aunque la casa es vieia, tsnemos son grandes,con tchos calefaccincntraly todas las habitaciones altos. El saln y dos dormitoriosson sxteioresy tinen balconesa la calle. Los dmscuatos dan a un patlo bastanteamplio,as que el piso tins muchaluz. M6 gusta muchola casa,y tmbinel banio donde est. From now on the lists of key words and phraseswill always give verbs in e infinitive, nouns in the singular and adiectivesin e masculine singular, as you would find them in a dictionary. aabr as$|e monos ml que bastante ol domltorio l saln el comdor ol cuarto de oatr el cuato d bafio la coclna ol lado danctar aunqus Yleio la caloaccln la habitacin l tedo
va alreacly
to l<row so ,b lust as rver,tat hiU ralnably Mrcom sing room dining room lM,V rcom bathroom k'ten srda oiroa prsss dvaugh old h@ting ,oom @ilinS
alto htsh xtlor outs/deA.e.on the ftont,,g t aemas der e ampllo la luz l bado his flat. f,l Now Pacodescribes
Mvo en un piso modrnoalquiladoen la calle Mel&tdzValds,de Madrld.E6 muy pqueo- es ms apartamontoqu piso. n un dormitorio, un saln, una coclna y un cuarto d bafio. Las habitacionsson todas pqufras- el dso no s apto para una amilia. Pero para m 6 muy prctlco porque est ldado pra pesonas poes'ronales. L ocinaest muy bien instalada con nvra,lavadoray fgaplatos.Tambinhay un horno microondas. Hay instalacind l acondiclonadoy vH6o-portero.M reglo muy bien all. eFto ld,aado instalado la nw6r l lvadoa ol gpltos ol horno micibondas Instalacln d ... all acondlclondo vd.o-poterc anglatro
itable designad equtpped fridW wang machlne dishwaslr mlctoiaw ovql equlppedwith ... ah conditloning vicleoenwone (dlspto d,as, to mange get rcady) there
The word casa can b usd to dnote home, whethr home is a houseor a flat. For xampl: Me voy a casa. l'm going home, Paco no ost n casa. Pacg is not at hone. l can also dsscriba buildingcontainingats, for examplo:
Or it can be a housein the nomlsens,i.e. a lwo- or the-stoy building with singlo occupancy.A modern detachd hous in ths courtry or on ths coast is usually un chalot (prcnouncedas in English)and a semi-detachedhous un chalt adosado. As w havesen,apatmonto is us6dtor a smallflat, and the fashionabl tem or a ono-oomflat is un eatudlo, corsponding o tho Engllsh sludio flat.
ln unit we have a role-play exercise.Imagine you are trying to ent accormodation for a month's holiday. You go to the Agencia Solymar, which is somewhere on the Costa Blanca, Read what the employee of e agency says, and supply e missing lines. See how far you can go before you look at Diogo 2, where the roles are reversed.Go right rough to the end of Dilogo 1 without grving up - miss out lines that you cant manage.
El oiarsor
qu puedoservirle? Emploado Buenosdhs. 1,n You &y Wu want to rcnt a vllla or a flat fir the month o Augast. Emplado Nos queda muy poco para agosto. CParacuntas prsonases? gy it's only or two people.Youwould lil<e You with a hous a gaftlan. Empleado Tengo dos chalets, perc son grandes, con cuatro dormitorios. You Saytheydrc bo blg. Emplaado Parados personastsngo un apartamento solamerte. You Askif it's naar the beach. Empleado No muy csrca. Est en ol contro. Es muy convniente para todo, You Askfor morc deblls. Emplsdo Aqu tionVd. un plano.Saln,dormitorio, cuartode bfio, cocina. El salntiene un so y dos bacas, y gl dormitoriocama d matrimonio. You Askwhat loor ltb on. Empledo La cuarta. Es una casa modna.Tienmuchaluz. You Asklf thereis a rcftgratorin the Mtchen. Empleado S. Una nevsragrandg,y coclna de gas butano. You Ask whdtis in th bdthroom.
Some of the Spanish in Dilogo 1 may well hve sturped you, So hereis e samedialogueagain,wi the languages ieversed, This time try to supply what the employee of e Agencia Solymar says,and note what you might have said in Dilgo 1. Seehow much you can do without looking back.
You C,et the custonr A,skhow yut ean Mp. Cllonte Buenosdas. Quisieaalqullarun chalet o un piso para el mes do agosto. You Say you hav vety littld left for August. A,"sk how many peoplelt's fo Cllnto Para do psonassolamnte.Quisirauna casr con un jadn. You SayWu have two v las, furt tly arE Ag ones, with fdtr bedrcoms.
Clbnto You Clle|io You Cllento You Cllente You Cl|3nte You Cllnt You ClLnte You Cllte You Cllenlo You
Cllcnt Repeat both the exercises until you can do each wiout reerring to the other,
Son demasladograndss. Saythatyou haveonly got one a'rtment for two paople. Estcsca de l playa? &y that is lt r'ot vety n@r. But tt ls ln the centrE., and vey @nvenientbt wtythlng. en ms detallgs? Sey, here is a plan. Sing room, doom,,D,tlvootn, kltchn. me dttlng rcom has a sofa dnd two armchats Thercis a douue bd ln tl badroom. aEnqu plntast? Sayon e fou,lh. ltb a modem houfi, dtld lt's veryght Hayuna rcvera n la cocina? gy y. A W rcfrlgao/r, anda @lor g8 cool<et: Quhay on el cuarto d bao? A bdth with d showtia washsln, a ldvaw ancla blclt. Iha ousehas a rnarl4s hot wabr supply, Hayai acondicionado? No, but the flat ts on thd ou.F/cle of the bu dlng and E we ven fud. Hayuna tlosin, vdad? yes,Say t oushas a dislt aeial and @n receiveall uB clnnels. t Cnto es sl ahuil6r? Say out hundrcd dnd fty eutus a month, Fyable in vance, Muchasgracis.Lo voy a pensar.
nmero2 Documento
Look at e advenisement opposite for someluxury aptments, to satisfy the most dernanding tstes.They re an designed How investment opportunitywi up to 30% discount available. far from e beach arethey?
partamentosde lujo en primera lnea de playa, justo al lado del Hotel Don Carlos,le ofrecenun estilo de vida exclusivoen un marco ambiental creadopara satisfacer al gusto ms exigente. Oportunidad nica de inversin con ofertasde hastaun 30olode descuento.
Paramayor informacin, flmenosahora al telfono (993\ 830955 t 832230 Fax(993)831818 Oficina de ventasabierta de 10.00a 21.00horas
3 tt o
ln ris unit you will lom . to talk about thingBto do and placsto vbit
4Quhace en su tiempo librc? Whatdo you do in your freetime?
Vamos a preguntar a Paco lo que hace en su tiempo bre. Let's ask Paco what he does in his free time. Listen to or read Paco'sdescription of his leisure time; seehow much you can understand before you refer to the following vocabulary list. Then do e same wi what Isabel and Sr Mndez say. Como paso mucho flnpo n la of,clna sntado, m gusta hacr icicio para 6star en foma. Hay un gimnasio{c ds mi cas y voy all dos vcs por smanacuando tngo timpo. los fines de *rmana en vano iugo al t6nls con amlgos o vamos todos a la plscina per nadar,En Invlsrnoiuego al squashn el gimnasio,No vo muchola talvisinpo ms gusta ir al cina o al teafo. No puedo sallr todas las tardss poque a veces t6ngo trabaio para un cllente paticulrqu hago en casa. Mls padsvivnsn Allcantoy simpro voy all paralas vacaciones. Durantel m6sdo agostono hagonada sino com6r,beber,nadary tomar 6l sol. iEs estupndol 8ntdo star n onna dos vgcoa por smana el ln de smana l vano iugr a la plsclna vo a veog prtlcxJll dmplB durante no hgo nada slno .,. nadar ostupndo soad,sitting to l<eq frt twl6 a wael< weeland sl,tme to pldy (sports) swlmmlngpool to s&, watch sonrinrs pivate (1.e. notparcuhr) alveys durlng I do nothlng but ... to swlm maNdlous
hora, vamos a pregunt a habel mo pasa ella el tienpo bre. Yo no hago ningn deport. No m intesa mucho. Pf,eo la mslca.Me gusta muchslmola msica.Toc! un poco el piano y la
guitana y voy a muchosconcirtos.A veces salgocon Pacoy otos amigosal teatro o al clno.Tamblnvoy a musosy gleas cuando hay una exposlcinspocial. nfngn dopots locjr lga|,J laexpoGlcln no spott at all to W (music,Instrumnt) galery exhibion
Y gqu depone hace Vd., S. Mendez? visjo. Poo me gusta lul Yo no hago doportoahora.Soy dmasiado ol tftbol. Cuando hay un partido on la tslvisin siempr8 lo veo; sobrEtodo cuandojuga el Atltico do Madrid.Y cuando ponen la Copa de Europao la Copa Mundialm lo paso muy bbn. Mi sf,ora y yo vamosal tato d6 vez 9n cuando.Nos gustanlaszarzuols qu ponenen al Teatod6 la Vllla.Pso slimospoco, salvo al ca. el pardo 30br todo poner ms lo paao muy bien d vz on cuardo la z|zuela aalvo match abow all to put (on) I enjoylt verymuch o@asionally, sometimes Spanisoprtta xcept
1 Fill in the blanks to complete the answersto the following questrons. Isabely el Sr.Mndezno hacendeporte.lPor qu no? a A Isabel El Sr, Mndez iQu cosasles gustan? b A Isabel Al Sr. Mndez que les gust,la msicao el ftbol? iCmo sabernos c Isabel El Sr. Mndez lCon quinesvan al teao de vez en cuando? d Isabel ............. El Sr. Mndez lAdnde salen,si no esal teatro? e Isabel Los Sres.Mndez
Documento nmero 13
Flave a look at is advertisement. Compate tus fotos means sharc your photos (notez it is la foto, being short for la fotograa). Now answer the questions below. a 2Qu te ofrece este anuncio? b lHaces muchas fotos? (Say,no you don't.l
point Language
Here are some usefr verbs which have already occurred here and there but which it would be helpftrl for you to learn in full. They belong in e groups mentioned in Unit 8 but you will see that some have slighdy irregular orms. Learn e ptterns of theseverbs, which will help you with oers later,
tcnr to I tengo you(t) tl6nes hlshelw Nd) ti6na we t6nomos ),ou(Yo.otor) tenis WwuVe.l tinn dcl to 9y , you 0) helshlyou(d) we you(Yo3dos) theylpu Nd, digo dic6s dica dedmos decs dic6n
por to put pon9o pones pone pon6mos ponis ponsn sall to lve, g9 out sal90 sal6s sale salimos sals salen
2 To complete sentences rn choose one o the various words or phrasesi-ror given below. a A Paco le gusta iugar b Seva al gimnasio para c Generalmente,se iuega al tenis en d Paco nada con sus amigos en e En inemo, Pacoluega1_ para las vacacrones. Paco va siempre -
g h i i
A Isabelel deporte. Isabel_ el piano y _ Isabel sale .o, *ifr Isabelva -y "on _ especial. ^ k El Sr.Mndezno hacedeporte-
I Cuando hay un de en la television, el Sr. Mndez lo ve. m Los Sres.Mndez van a veces.
En e Teatro de la Villa _ las zarzuelas. Is a los Sres. Mndez las zarzuelas. I toc ii squash rll no le gusta iv museos veano vl a veces vii ahora viii estar en forma partido ix x l teatro galeras xi xii al tenis xi a Alicante ponen xrv xv la guitarra gustan xvi xvtl fritbol la piscina xvl xix siempre rot una exposicin
Aq teneinos entradas para dos centros patrocinados por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, El Muso Municipalde Madid es muy intersante: quoda ilustada toda la histoia d la capital de Espaa. Madrid tien muchos museos y galsras, El ms important es sin duda el Museo del Prado,galeade arte ds ama mundial. El TeatroEspafiol6st specializado on l repsantacln del teatro clslco de la llteratuaespafiola, La ntrada qu tenemos aqu s para la funcinde la tad, que empizaa las si6tE;hay otra funcin de la noche,que empiezaa las diez o a las diez y media.Eststeatro y las entradasno son muy caras. st subvncionado
patlodnado po
Alruntamiorto Townl.tdl sln duda witluut doubt mudid wolit (adjctive, th nounis ol mundo) ompeuar io sht 3Uhrnclonado stsldired (inth6 theatre) butaca amchaltsa/rs
3 Look at the tickets and answer e questions: a b c d e f 1'Dndeest el Museo Municipal de Madrid? ;Es necesariopaga para entra en el museo? ;Qu nmero tiene la entrada? 2Paraqu fecha es la entrada del teatro? ;Y para qu funcin? ;En qu fila est la butaca?
m g a g,
-t g) II
f (o
q, 0) U) 5t P. 0) CL f
o tt o
ln lh|s unii you will lean . to ask o and givs dictiong . to talk abo dMng in Spain
Listen to, or read, the four short conversations below. Aq abaio hay un plano (adapado) de una parte de Madrid, Below there is a pkn (adapted) of part of Madrid.
Dilogo I
Isabel sale de la farmacia cuando una seora le pregunt... lsabel is coming out of the chemist's uthen a.lady asksher ... Sfrore Perdons.i,PudeVd. decirmednde 6st Coeos? babl Estall. Al otro lado d6 la plaza. Sfiora Ya lo veo. Muchasgracias.
La Sra. Mndez sale del ca cuando una chica le pregunta ... Mrs Mndez is cnming out of the caf uhen a girl askshet... Perdone,soa. eHyuna stacind6 met cerca Chic de aou? Sra. Mndez S. Tomala primeracallaqu a la lzquierda, sigue hastael inal, y el mtro est en l mismo lado do l plaz, a la decha.
Dilogo 3
Paco est en la Plaza de Olavide, cuando un seor le pregunta... Paco is itr the Plaza de Olade uhen a man askshim ... Sefror Oiga. l,Hay un banc por aqu? Paco S.Tomostacalle- SntaFeliciana. Dosous d cn,zrdos calles en la esquinads la lsrcsa hay un banco,nta a la igl6sia.
Dilogo 4
En el ca, un ico pregunta al Sr, Mndez ... ln the caf, a boy asksMr. Mndez ... Chlco Sr. M6ndez Ghlco Pedon,seor. Cmos va al clne Sagunto? Cuandosalesde aqu, dobla a la izquierda,ytoma la tecra callg tambin a la izqulrda, dspus dl banco, El cine est a l dercha. Muchasgracias,snor. coulcl Wu tsll np ,,.? the Pos Ottce o J,s, , se,t 0it., a/tsadysae) on tte samesdo on the otlBr side tolon th tghvlft io tar ,o c/.oss cornsr the third (one) opposiie curch to tum
apedVd. dcfme ...? Coreos ya lo veo on ol mlsng ldo af otrc lado a fa dorccha/fzqulq& toma cruzat la elqulna el torEoro fnt a la lglala dla!
Tellingpeopleto do things
'When Mr. and Mrs. Mndez talk to the young people, i.e. people ey would addressas , asking the way, they say toma (rae).Paco,talking to an unknown older man, whom he would address as Vd,, saystome (ae):
tomg (Vd.)
Ilhen you are giving what amounts to a command, and you are talking to someone as , the word will end wi -a or -e, whichever is characteristic of the verb (seeUnit 8). For example: prgutrt tonvr take ask sigue continue bebe dink follau, dobla tun vuelve etan Howeveq if you are addressingsomeoneas Vd., the -a and -e are reversed.For examDle: tomevd. slgaVd. doblevd. prguntVd. bbaVd. vuelva Vd.
I this isnt confusing enough, there are several comrnon forms of thesecommands which do not follow is pattern! Theseare best learnt as you meet em. For example, here are a few very usefulones: di (t) tell dine () tell me g djrya(Yd.l tell tell me ^e lYd.l sal () leaue salsa (Vd.) leaue inrneditamentet Leaue here immediztely! lSal de aq oq if you're desperate,
Get right out of here! lFuere de aqt The whole businessof the word forms to usewhen giving orders in Spanish,howeveq is faidy complicated; you may find it easier to learn them as you go rathe an try to apply rules and then allow for exceptions, You can, of course, avoid the whole problem by not tfuowing your weigbt about when in Spain, and making polite requestsinstead of issuing comrnands!
1 Answer the quesions with reference to the plan in the Diogos section(pageI l4). A ;Hay un parking (un aparcamiento) cerca del museo? b ;Dnde est? c 1'Quhay frente a la iglsia? d lEn qu calle est el mercado? e gSepuede ver la farmacia desdeCorreos? ;El teatro y el cafr estn en el mismo lado de la calle?
g icmo se va desde la plaza de Chamber a la plaza de Olavide? h La estacinde metro gestms cerca del teatro o del cine? i El bancode la calle SantaEngraciaien qu esqna est? Now seeif you can give directions to various people, using the sameplan. a You ae stnding in e clle Santa Engracia, just outside the church. A little girl asks you how to get to the Post Office. What do you say? b You are leaving the cinema and an elderly gendemanasks you where the museum is. What do you say? c As you emergefrom e Metro station a lady asks you i there is chemist's nearby. Direct her to the one in the Plazade Chamber. d A teenager approaches you while you're sitting outside the caf in Plaza de Chamber, and asks you the way to the cinema. What do you say?
E Mapade las caneteraspincipalsde Espafra Mapof themaiorroads of Spain
Look at e map on page 118 and listen to or read the information about iving in Spain. Refer to the vocabulary if necessary but see how much you can under'stand.If you have the recording, listen to it in whole paragraphs, repeating as necessryraer than using the pause button. Un modo muy convenintede viajar por Espaflapara conocr sus viejas ciudadesy su paisajes ir en coche. Peo hay que tener en cuanta qus Espaaes un pas de loianoshorizonles:las distncias pueden sr gands. Adems, n verano pude hacar un calor intsnsoy muchashorassn coch pudenrsultar insoportables. Sin embago,si se planeaun itinerariopctlco y se escogouna poca del aio apropiada,es agradableviajarpo las buenascreterasque ofreceEspaaal turista. Como vemos sn el pequeo mapa, muchascareterasprincipales radian de Madid.La queva al nortos la Nacional l, que llsgaa San Sbastlny la trorterafancesa,psandopor Bugos. L caretera de Catalua, la Nacionalll. va desde Madid a Barcslona. s la
y la lV s la canstrad6 Andaluc. Nacionallll la que va a Valncia, La caotora d6 Portugal, la NacionalV cruza la ontera cerca d6 Bad4o4 la cartra d Gallcla temlna en k Coru y es la NacionalVl. Espafia tlens tambin muchos kilmstos de aopistas, quo son casi todas d6 peaie. ts ms impotantsson tal vez la autopista que va por la cost dssd Franclahasta ms all d Allcant,y la que conctaBilbaoy Barcelona, grandescantrosindustiales. Comoslmp,hay qu @nduclr con pcudn,y no ir domslado pido. En Espaahay un elvdoporcentajde accidentes.Sob todo hay que evlta lafchas n iullo y agosto cuando mlllonsd spafrolos s desplazanpara sus vaccions. ol pabl bn n cuenta un paa ljano adems l clo rcoultar ln3oportabl landse,pe to b@r in mind a counay disant beddes,totover heaf b nJmoat to be, Wve to be unb,ruble
ain mbargo ai se plna scogsr 6poc agradabl la cartera radiar 9l note la rontora desd... haste torminar la autopbta d.paata El vz ms all conducir un eforado porcentat d$pfazars
nevefthlss, howewr if Wu plan to cl,oos time,padod pleasant,qg,reeable road to,adiate f,e north fronier from... to, until to end motomny toll-paylng perinps bWnd o driye a high percentag, a high tate to mow from one place to another
to the f,l 3 Arr.*", e following questions,with reference
passage and the map above(pages117-18). a Para ir desde Madrid a Cdiz, ;qu carretera hay que pasapor Granada? tomar? 1'Se b ;Dnde se cruza la frontera, si se va desdeMadrid a Ponugal? c pHay mucha distancia entre Gijn y Oviedo? d pMadrid estcercade Toledo? e ;Cul est rns cerca de Madrid, Valencia o Barcelona? Para ir desdeFrancia a Alicante, ;qu caretera se toma? ;Qu ciudadeshay entre Badaioz y Giin? h ;Cl es ms grande, Espaao Portugal? I iSantiago est en Galicia o en Cataluf,a?
f,f 4 You havelust cornefrom a driving holiday in Spain,and your Argentinianriend, Pedro,is askingyou aboutit. Give
your answes according to the guidelines to complete your conversaon, Pedo a You Dime,haybunascarstrason Espana? Sayjrs, tlE /oads a gtood,but the dls'glt@s ata g?t.
{,Vlajar n coche es un modo buno de vr 6l paisaje? &y, yes,and Wu like th dMdnt hodzons. Hac6mucho calor en mayo n Espafra? Say i ,b ho in May, but in July, August and spptunber lt ls intstsdy hot; and lt ls un@ble to spendthe wholeday ln the ca Hayaropistas en Espafia? Say )q but dy arc toll-charying,and Wu prcfer the smaller foads, Nyetlrress, you like the mototway that connectsBilbe and Barclona. cochsen las cantras? Haydemasiados Saynotin May but you stitl haveto dttvecarctu y and not go bo fa6,t,ln July nd Augast, therc arc too many ca fucaus mi ions of Spaltsh familiesarc going from orc placeto ,lotharfor thelr holidays.
o_ rt o =
o o o
oo 5 3 o
o 5 1+ o
ln thls unit you will laan . usotul vocbulary o dsaling problms withminorhoalth
point Language
Sayingwhere it hurts and at you eel ill
If you're un.lucky enough to fall ill while in a Spanish-speaking country you'll need to know how to say what e problem ic. Here is e basic way of indicating where e pain is. We use me duele/me duelen (literally it hafts ,flelthey hart ,ne, with the name(s)of e pan(s) affected. It works in e smeway as me gusta/me gustan, or me apete,ce at we learnt in Unit 9. For example, you say: Me duele la cabeza. Me dueleuna muela. to say that you have a headacheor toothache. Here are some othe parts of the body which can hurt: Me Me Me Me Me Me Me duele el cuello. duele el estmago. duele la espalda, duele el brazo, duele la mano. duele la pierna. duele el pie. ncck stomach back
hand. bg foot
cabeza la mano
Note we say la mano even though the word ends in -o. If the pain you feel is e result of a blow or knock, you can say: Me he dado un golpe en la cabeza. o Me he dado un golpe en el pie, I haue hnocked my foot. Speakingof a ird person, you would say; Seha dado un golpe en la cabezalelpie, Helshe has knocked hisl her headlfoot. I haue hit nl head. llitetally I haue giuen nryselfa blou on the head.l
Notice you say the heod, the foot rather than nty, his or her head or foot, etc. If you are unlucky enough to be biceo or stung you would say: Tengo una picadura en la mano. I haue sung rry hand.
Of a child who has cut or grazed his or her knee you would say: Tieneun corteen la rodilla Helshe hasaa hislher knee. gruzdhislhabree. c Seha rasgrxdo la rodill. Ilelshe has Other ings that cn go wong on holiday in Spain are: Tengo algo en el ojo. I'ue somethhry in my eye. Tengo el oio irritado. Tengo el olo inflamado, (Words like irritado, inflanado are easily guessed.) Tengo el tobillo hinchado a swollen ankle Tengo la piel (siz) irritada. Tengo una quemadura a bum Tengo una quemadura del sol sunburn (Sunstroke- rather more serious - is una insolacin.) Tengo diarea. Tengo colitis. These last two are obvious. They are easily avoidable i you wash or peel all fruit, wash salads very thoroughln and drink only from hygienic sources(and refuse ice in drinks unlessyou are sure of it). Tengo fiebre. Setoma la temperatur con un temmetro. I hdue a tentperatare. You take a temperdture utith a thermometer.
.A aormal tempetahtre is 37"C. The boy has a slight tanpqdt4rc (t s d&;ls, a feut te*hs of a degree). (see We have already had estoy constipado Unit 4). You can also say: La temperatura normal es de reinta y siete grados (37"). ' El nio tiene unas dcimas. Tengo un catarro. Now for some remedies. For minor emergenciesa visit to the chemist will probably suffice, and if you can explain the problem he or she will be able to provide an appropriate remedy.We hope you will not need to ask for: un mdlco un dlnsta lag hor3 d con6ulta un clnlc un hospltal a docor a derlst su/gryhous a crrhlc a hopital
1 Your ftiend Ignaciois a hypochondriac, You makethe mistakeof askinghim how he is. Complete your own prt (usetr), of e conversation
a You Say ll/loarrdaskhim trcw lp ls. lgnaclo No stoy muy bln. Ne s lo qu6 ms pasa. M dueletodo. b You r'sk hlm if h hasa cold, lgncio No. Po no m6 siento bln. c You Akhlm lf IE ,ps a 3,mpeE,twe, lgnaclo No s. Vq a ponnel termmeto.eQ dic? d You Tdl him lt *ys 3V. tle hasnl gpt a t1F,erature. lgnacio Estoysguroque tengo una insolacin. o You Askhim it he hasa hecracl, lgnaclo S. M duels mucio. You And a stonvtch-*he? lgnacio S. M duel un poco. g You Te him he d@sn\ 9l well beci,ls he ddnl6 too much,
Document nmero14
(Entre el 22-6 A mor Salud. Ttabajo Dinero (En*e el 24-7 Amor Salud Ttabajo Dinero
Eil##,. i"
Dinero * * *
Aqu hay un horscopo pra tres mesesdel verano. pCul es el signo ms afortundo, Cnceq Leo o Virgo?
O La tarmacia Thechemist\
El seoro la soraque trabaian la famaciaos el annaculcoo la amacutica.L famach se indica con ua cruz vode. En general,s puedecomprar medicamntos en la famacia sin rcta pu6des un antibitico,un antisptlco,o mdica.Un medlcamnto un analgsico,y puede ten la forma de uns pldoas o unos comprimldos, una pomada,una locin,una medicina,o unasgotas.
Penicllina es un antibitico. Alcohol Es un antisptlco. Aspiina y codna son analgsicos. Parauna alsglas puede tomar unas pldoas antihistaminas,o poner una inyoccin, Tambln en la tanaciase pudgcompraruna vonda,unastlrilas,unatobillra, o algodn en rama, presevativos,y muchasotras oosas. una cruz vetdo comprar sln rccet mdlca plldoas, complmldos una pomada got6 una algia una Yonda tlrltas una tobillora algodn on rama prsvativog a gren c/oss to buy withouta ptesctption pi s, tablts cttatn drops
a erw
b.ndage stickhg prastrs anl@ suppott colton wool contraceptives
Cl z you have all kinds o minor problemsand go to e
chemist's for some help. Can you make the following requests? a Ask i ey have a lotion for sunburn. b Say that you have cut your oot and ask or an antiseptic creamand a bandage. c Say that you have a stomach-ache. d Say at you have tooth-ache and ask for a painkiller. e Say at yor son does not feel well and that he has a emDettufe. f Askfor drops for an inflamed eye,
g Say that you nkle is swollen and you want an elastic suppot. h Say that-you need to see a doctor and ask what his surgefy nours re.
Finally in this unit, let us look at sample of Spanish which makes no concessionsat all for the leaner. Let us supposethat someonein your family has an inflammation of e throat, and the chemist provides you wi a throat spran which he recommendsfor all types o mouth and roat infections. Here is the leaflet you ind inside.the package. How much of it can you understand?
Conpo3lcln Por lo0ml,: (D.C.l.) Dequalinium cloruro (D.C.l.) Enoxolona (D.C.l.) Actatoda hidrocortlson otrlcina (D.c.l,) Lidocanaclorhidrato(D.C.l J Sacarinasdlca Exciplsntearomatizado c.s.p, Proplont {Diclorodmuometano) lndlcedons 0,100 9. 0,0609. 0,060g. 0,4009. g. 0,100 0,320g. 70,000ml. c.s,
mmbnto prvsnvcurutlvo d. las accclns bucofa{ngai: Amigdalis. Faingitis. taringlts.Esbmat'tis. y Atasbucates. lcerae Glosilis. Ito.mcecln
Dosls d ataquc: l-2 aplicaclon6s cade 2-3 horas. to3b de soltn o como pEritllvo: 1 apllcacincada 6 horas. l{omac pr la cocta pllcacln del Abir bien la boca. Oirlgir la boquilla inhaldora hacia la rgin (gagnta,boca, l6ngua,otc ... sgncasoe). asc'tada
Presionarla pat supeior d la cpsulade arlba a abaio hasta el top, manleniendo sl rasco en posicinvrtical. El rasco se halla povlstod una vlvuladosificadoa: cada presin hastal lop originala salidareguladad mdlcamsnto. Conlllndlcaclones, ectoi s6cundalo! e Incompallbllldads No sg conocen, Intoxlcacln y polble trltaml.nto Dada la scasatoxicidaddel preparado,no so pr6vla intoxicacin, ni an accidenial. Prniacln Envases conlniendo 20 ml. Lo3 nFdlcenento! dsben mantemr! uet dsl alcance do los nlo3, LABORATORIOS NOVAG.S.A. DirsctorTcnico:X. Vila Coca BuscallYn - San Cugatdel Vall6 Barcelona - Espafra Nots There will be much of this that is incomprehensible, but you should be able to decier the most impotant pans, which say what the peparation is for, and give the dosage. The second section, Indicciones, says that this product is suitable for, arnongst other things, tonsillitis (angdals ozsils), pharingitis, laryngitis and mouth ulces. The dosageor treatment is one or two applications every trvo or three hours, or one every six hours as a peventative, (Cada is a usefrl word, meaning each or erefy.l Further down, you can probably work out tht tere seemto be no possible side effects or harmful results from overdosage. The middle section is the most difficult to unravel - it tells you how to use the spray, Una vlvula dosificadora is a valve which regulates the mount released with each donmwards pressure o the button. The last line is the usual warning that rnedicinesshould be kept out of reach of children,
f,1 3 Anr*., these questions based on the information in the leaflet on pages127-8. 2Cmo se llama el medicamento? El medicamento aesun spay o es una medicina? pCuntos rnililitros tiene el envase? iPara qu clase de infeccin es el tratamiento? ;Cul esla dosispreventiva? ;Y la dosis curativa? gHay efectossecundarios? ;Dnde sefabrica el medicamento? Check with e Key i you find thesequestions difficult and then study the lealet again to seehow the Spanishworks. a b c d e g h
o q) (o o o 3 3 o o
o p.
o CL o
ln this unlt you wlll larn . abo shopping In th nrket . bo shopping in a dpatmtsto
0l Lectura
La Sr. Mndoz va de compras con su maido. En la fruteevidula compra: 2 kg. d naranias '/, kg. de limones 1 kg. de poras '/, kg. de frsas 1 kg, do patstas 1/"kg. de cslgas una lchuga '/, kg. de tomates dos aiog En l pescad6ra hay: ordngs lemons poars stawbetdes poaaos Swlssclard a letitc tornatos two hddsof gattlc
salmn truchas tod pescadilla whiting bonlto tuna gambas wwns safdinas pso por fin compra dos aias de merluza(two pleesof hal<el, En la camicotcomDa: dos iletes d tnera wo vealsaks 1/,kg. de cme picada mlncfiwt Ahoral pobreSr.Mndztincuatrobolsasy no puedellevarms. Pero est obllgado a esprarmlentrassu muier va a la droguaprfumara a comprardetgnt,lia,iabn y cdonia. Oespusse van despacio a csa, pasando por la pandera,donds la sfioa compra pn y tamblnlech.
You can seewhat Mrs. Mndez buvs and deduce which shoos or market stalls she goesto. In e end Mr. Mndez is laden with our bagsand can't carry any more. But he still has to wait while his wife goesto buy detergent, bleach, soap and eau de cologne. Then they go slowly home, calling at the baker's where she buys bread and milk. [ ruAe tnat a drcguea slls householdgoods or clsanlng; dloguea-pumer will sell toll6triss as well. Ms. Mndezdos not on this occasionbuy ham - l jmn - or cookod mats which she would get in una charcuta. A stall or shop which solls cheeso - el queao - is una qu$e, and 6ggs - los huovos - can b broughl ai una huovsa. A genoal grocary sto is calld una tlenda de comdbles or (mor old-ashioned)un tlenda d ultamalnos,
1 Let us retun to Mrs. Mndez and her shopping. This is what the frutero says as he tots up her bill. Read it out loud, putting all the figures into words, and look at his scribbled addition.
'iNada ms,seora?Puesson 2 kilos de naranjas,a 50 cntimos el kilo, un eurol cuarto de limones, 30 cntimos; un kilo de peras, 75 cntimos; medio de fresas, 90; patatas,60; medio de acelgas, 40; la lechuga, 70 cntimos;tomates,50; ajos, 25. Vamosa ver,5 y 5, 10, llevamos l;2 y 7,3;y 5,8iy 7,75;y 4 y 6,25;y9,34;y7y3,44; llevamos 4; y 1 euro, 5 euros con 40 en total. sefiora.' Notice llevamos 1, llevamos 4 carry 1, cany 4,
Documento nmero15
Look at thesecommercial cards:
\L6'""',:,:"^ ruF
Reposlr,rtL *-
W L)--.-nnano re
'**nttgg xtcardo Estebat Athn
!?'(st9 te u 8 tl - eab $lurc':
,,^r Ar.g6oALIr,A?JIN
*k $q
M[\rGrJEz rwrrJEor{DEGtrJrRUrc
*"o., ,1236 l.aPbza, 2E - TAJUECO Tlono 3511S {Sorl)
a Una pastelera sells cakesand biscuits. Repostera is (baker's) conectionery. Anesana meanshand-made,or home-made- the noun is artesana,which is widely used to descdbehand-crafted lrcms, b Una cestais a basket, so Ricardo makes and sellsgoods made of cane, wickeq bamboo, etc. c Alfonso and Mara Luisa produce erthenware poftery (alfarera), in a village where ey e the only remaining alfareros out o an original thirteen.
Shopping terms
Here is a list of common shops and shopkeepersand what they sell,
En la pscada En l carnica En la panada En l pst6l6a El pscadero el camlco el pando 9l pastelro vndepsoado. wnde carne(la came). vndepan (sl pan). vendepastbs (los pastels, cakes). vnd lech(l lcho). v6ndelibos. vendemdlcamntos. y vrdurs. vndrul,E artculos de llmolza. peidicosy rovistas.
En la lcha el lcheo Enla librea el llbso En la tmaci el armcico En la tul6a-vedulera el lrutero En la drogusa so wndn En un quiosco s wnoen s vndds todol n un supermroado Um llbrlt{a is ro, library,ill a booksnop.A llbraryis um blulot aa.
E Uosgrand$ atmacenes Departmentstorcs
En un gran almacn hay muchos depatmontos y s vnden muchblmasco6as- mueblos, cistala, opa, stc, otc. En E3paiiael ms famoso ss tal vsz 'El CortE Ingl&' qu tign sucuaalsl Madrldy sn otrsciudadsd Espaa. Cuandos compraalgoon un gran almacns puede pagErcon dineo o con tajeta de cdito Mrsa,48, elc.). El dpondientoprwunta 'En fectl\,o?'pra sabr mo s va a pagar,Cuandos paga con taista d3 crdito hay que paa compoba su iener otto documento(porejemplo,un pasapot) ldEnlidad.Es muy convenisntepagar con tarieta poque as se viia el iosgod llevarmuchodinerc6n la catea.Por lo gnerals rccibe l cuenta b l taieta d cdito al ms siguiontgsn su clomicilio. Clato,no s pudepagarcon tarietan la rutoa o la camic6a, tc, loa muoblsa la cr&taba la lgpa la rucural on toctlvo compnDb6 fumilJ,E grassware clothing bnch, outlet in cash to Wve
la cunta claro la ldntidad 0vltar el isgg el dlnero la cartere recibi sigulonie ol domicilio
the bill obvlausly identity to avoid risk money wallet, purse to recaive following home addrcss
LJ 2 Shopping practice. Ask for: a 2 kilos of oranges b 200 gramsof ham a litre of milk d 150 grams of cheese e 2 headsof garlic f. a kilo of potaroes c 250 grams (un cuarto - '/nkg.) of prawns h 3 salmonsteaks(steakof ish - una raia) --" are In a oepatmentstore. D s a Ask where the perfume department is. b Ask if there is a pharmacy. c Ask where the cafeteria is. d Say you would like to pay by Visa. Say you will pay cash. t Ask what floor the sportsdepanmentis on. c Ask where the cloakroomsre, h Say that the bookshop is on the ground floor.
CO 0)
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In lhi3 unit you will larn . how to oder in a bar,cat o 6aurant . a litil about Spanlshcooklng ad lhe dbhs a|d dinks avallable
pizas Pizzas- selicio a domicilio Take-away
Isabelpasala tarde en casade Paco.Van a ir al teatro. Paco Tengohambrs.Quieres comer algo antes de ir alteatro? |sabl Pusyo tambintengo hambre.eQutienes en casa para comer? parauna pizza?Aqutngo la Paco Pocacosa, creo. eLlamamos lista.Qupizzaquieres? lsabl A m me gustanlas pizzasd queso.Pedimos una de cualro quesos,que est aqu sn la lista? Tepetec? Paco Vale.Voy a llamaral cntro ms cercano. m3 cecano pedimos? svicioa domicilio anchoas manclrogo (quoso manchgo) gambas iamn champifin plmlnto monn acoltunsg cbolla nearcs shallwe askbn homedelivetysrvice dnchovies an excellentSpanish ch@se from La. Manclp ragion prawns ham (two sods- sar'ano and Yottl nwshroom rcc!Wppet (sweetpeppai usualy in b,ln) olives onpn
la Say that you are hungry. b Ask what there is to eat. Ask someoneelseif he/sheis hungry. d Say you like pizzas. e Ask someoneelse if he./she would like a oizza. Ask if he/shewould like an anchovy pizz or aham pizza. s Sayyou'll ring or a pizza. h Ask your friend if he/shewants beer or Coke. I Say you'll buy two beers. i Sayyou're going to havea cofee.
Ptxttls PIZZADEAHUMADOS; (tomats,Mozzaella, salmn,anchoas) PIZZADE CARNE: (tomat,Mozzrella, cane) PIZZACUAROQUESOS: (tomate,Mozarclla, pafmosno, manchego, roquefol) SUPER RING RING: (tomate,Mozzaella, gambas, on, lamn serano,chmpifi plmlotomonn) SU PROPRI,A PIZZA PIZZADEOUESO Y TOMATE: Sobrela base dE nuestrapizzde quso y tomateustd pu6defiadl cualquiera de los siguieres Ingrdlntes: . DOBLEOUESO . ANCHOAS . JAMONYORK . ACEMJNAS . SALAMI . CEBOLI . CHORIZO . CHAMPINON . PIMINTOMORRON . BACON
P|tre Conpleta
. coccot
Unldad 'I,00
LlamealCentro ns cercano.
Guzmnel Bueno (Esq.JoaqunMaaLpez) . 5il4 6080 . 544 79 72 DoctorCalro,32 - Bis . 63863 13 . 68 4 00 Sdrano, 41 . 577 29 79 . 57738 31 .577 .332 Zonas d rprio limitadas. AlbtoAlcocer . 259 94 00 . 259 99 09 TorePicasso CentroComrcial Aturo Soia Plza Proximadament: Av Bruselas, 72 C,entro Cmcial Parque Sur
D oiango
Los Sres. Mndezvan al ca Mr and Mrc. go to the caf Mndez
Los Mndez entran en ula caeter, Van a merendar. Camarc S. Mndz Cam|gro S. Mndez Camao Sr. Mndaz Sr, Mndez Camarc S, Mndez Cama|o Bunastdas, seffo9s.Ouvan a toman Param un caf con lch6. eY paraVd., ssora? Param un t con limn. eQutione de pastslra? pasteldochocolat, Haytarta de manzana, tostada... Una racinde pastel,por avor. Voy a tom una tostada. Lquiercon mbl, o con memelad? Slo con mntouilla. Muybion,sfiores, sn sgulda. mFndar m|f,| mmofada mantcqrilla manzana toltada .n 8gufda to haveaftemoon't' hony hm (not lust mannala&) utter @pre toast at once, sttabht away
2 The statements below reer to the two dialogues. Choose one of the phrases from the right to complete each of the sentences to the lft. a A Isabel le gustan i las gambas. muchsimo ii las anchoas. iii los quesos. b Paco tiene hambre pero i no le gustacomer en casa ii tiene poco para comer ell casa, i prefiere beber. c Despusde coner su i llaman por telfono. pizza, Paco e Isabel ii van al teatro. iii van a la pizzea. d Hoy los Sres.Mndez i tomar un chocolate. van a la cafeteria merendar. par iii hablar con el camareo.
qu hay de pastelera. si tiene un t con limn. lu qu quiere su marido. I una racin de pastel. u una tostadacon queso. lll una tostada con mantequilla. i
a coffee tea with lemon chocolate tart toast wi honey a cold beer Now put the same questions to an acquaintance(Vd.). b c d e
I OOnae comery bebr-ir Where to eatanddrink
y muchsimosbas n todas En Espafi,hay muchosrstaurantes paes. Y tambin hay l combinacind las dos cosas - el barrestaurante.En un ba-rastaurantese pude dosawna, comai cnar,tomar el peitivo,tomar un caf, o mrndar. Los espaoles n geneal no daawnan mucho - tomn un caf con lchey pan. Po so a mediodamuchosd6 ollos tinenhambry van a un bar a y tapas. fapas son pgqufias pocion6 d tomar una crr'za comid y hay una gran vaiodad:mariscos,pscado,came, toilla, queso,cho'lzoy slchicfin,etcta,tct6ra Con6rn pequefiag porcionesso llamaprcar. The above passage saysthat there re many restaurants and very many bars everywhere in Spain. The two are also combined in the b-resturnt, where one can breakfast, have lunch or dinneq have suppeq have aftemoon 'tea', or an aperitif or a coffee. In general Spaniards dont have much breakfast, lust milky coffee wit bread, and so many of them are hungry at midday and go to a bar for a beer and tapas. There is a great variety of tapas - seafood, fish, met, omelette, cheese,Spanish sausages, The word picar (lit. to peckll is used to denote eating these snackswith a drink. The verb oomr mears to eat i geneali it also means to have the main meal o e day. Thus the word comida can mean food
in general, a meal, or the main, early aternoon meal. he verb merendar means to haue a *nck, usually cofee, tea, cake or sirnilar, in e later aternoon. It can also mean a picnic, o any kind. The name of the meal is la merienda, e,g. Let's take a Picnic, Vfros a llevar una merienda.
Documento nmero 16
Here is some inormation about a caf in e Calle Sagunto (see Unit 15). It is decoted in the style of e beginning of e 2fth century, and specializesin rice dishes (arroces) and charnpagnestyle wine (cavas).
Tu SmoTRANeuno Pm.loum
Ademsde un bonito ambientede Cafde principios de siglo, en el Ca Balearencoocars: a a a r Cayas o Crpes Cervezas o Tapascalientes Licores r Sandwichs (pruebael Caf Mediterrneo) Cafsespeciales
b When is it open?
I ttatos y vinos de Espaa shesand wines of Spain
L cocina espafiolas muy vaiada.Todaslas gionsd Espafia tienen sus platos tpicos, por lmplola paella,quo es de la rgin de Valncia.Se ofrec la paella los turistas n todas pats, pfo porquall s cultival anoz. Es o\rldente que es un platovalenciano, es l cllma y la agriculturad la egin qu detrminan cmo son los pltos 6gionales,En l nort, ss come ,badan Astuias,mansc-os en Galicla(qutiene muchacosta y batcos ds pesca),y bacalon Bilbao. S com cocldo on Castilla,y muchos ,tosen Andaluca, dond6 s poduc muchsimoaceitede oliva.Tambin d Andluca es fa amosa *pa fila gdpacho, prparado a bas de acelto y tomat. Espafra produc6 muchos vinos, Las cuatro rogioneg principalesson: Jrz de la Frcnteru: El vino de Jorez tlens fama mundial como apftivo. S exporta mucho a Inglatlra. Tambin en Jsz se produceel coiac. yaldap,tas,' poduce vinos titos qu Al sur do Madid, Valdpas s mdurann nomestn4as, l. Riola;Los grandsvinos de L Rlojason de los meiotsqu hay. enen un sabor nlcoquo so divade su maduacln on bailesd oble. Cadua: En ol Penedsd Catalufras poducon bunos nog blancos. l cocina ol aror la beda el bacalao el cocldo itos ol acoito g maduan dnaia un sabo nlco barYllsdo rcblo Ktchen.or culsine nce t,anstey4with blackptddlng and tat b@n , dttd irct and then soal<ed and cl,oked (gatban2oq, stewo n,e,ts with chick pa.s s,vedwith green vegetabhsas equlvalont to ft /ee courses- sor.rp, rcgebles aN r.F/t fied distl/s oil theymature jar huge eatthenware a unlqueflavour @k banals
La olondrina
Men del dia Sopa de verduras Entremeses Tortilla a la espaola Judas verdes Meduza a la romana Filete de ternera Pollo al ajillo con Ensalada mixta Patatas ftitas Flan Helado de vainilla o chocolate Fruta Preclo 12 Pan y vino/agua mineral incluido
Forthe irst courseyou hava choice btwsenvegetablesoup, I hors d'oeuves,Spanishomaletisand grnbeans.The maincours ofiors ied haks,illst o val or chickencookodwlth insly choppd garlic, all servsd with a mixd salad nd chippd potdoes. For dessst (pott) thl is a caramelcustard(not a ult tatD,vanillaor chocolate lce-cramo fruit. Brad nd wine o mineral watsr a includdin the pric.
4 Play your prt to complete the conversation with the '\rate. Camarro a You Busnosdas. i,Quva a tomar? Do primr plato? gy you'd like the gnn ans.
Gamrp b You Camargro c You Camarurc d You Canao e You Camarto f You Camro c You
tY sgundoplato? gy W lil@ cl@1, An notgalb, Yqr'llEla theW, a,Yde post? &y you want ic creamfol.dess. heldode vainillao de chocolte? Prcfler Youuefer cllDcol8,te. mineralcon gas o sin gs? Z,Agua Say si4 prease, vino blancoo tinto? Ouiee Wth the flsh, pet'pswhite. Vaa tomar caf? Cfcon lecho c solo? Sayyou donl want coffe,lf tt\ not includd.
There are some other details you'd like to know. Ask the waiter:
b c d e f
what the hors d'oeuvres are whether the hake is fresh (fresca) if the chickenhas a lot of garlic what ftuit there is if e wine comes from La Rioia wheer you can have beer instead of wine
o 3 o
o no g)
tt gr
o 0)r
3 g)
o t 1+ oo oo
In lhb unit you wlll lem . to us ths tlophone . to change monVat lh bank . to buy stamF and pot lottf . to act to emdgonciss
I Ef cambio Changing money
Los turistasqus visitnEspafiatlennque lr al bancomuchasvc6s para cmbiardin6ro.Aunquse pu6docambirdlno n hotelsy otros centos comerials,n generalel cambio no es tan favofable comoen los bancos. Enl bancohayquebuscarl ventanill donde dice 'Cambio'. S puedecambiar billets dlars, euros- o - libras, chqusdg aja. ambin se pudsacardinerocon una tarjetad banco. El turista necesitamostrarsu pasapotpara comprobarsu iderldad.Dspusd compobar la documntacin hay qu6 lr la caia dondel cajrontregal dinrc, El hoaio de los bancoses de lunsa viemesdesde las 0830 hasta las 1400 horas. Los sbados slo stn abietos desde las 0830 hastlas 1230horas.Los domingosy dasd sta estncsados. En vrano tin un horio modlicado y stn ceiados los sbados. Tourists visiting Spain often have to go to e ba to change money, Although one can change money in hotels and oer commercial establishrnents,the rate is not usually as favourable as in the banks. In the bank you have to look for the window where it says 'Exchange'. One can change notes - pounds, dollars, euros - or travellers' cheques.The tourist has to show his passport to prove his identity, After checking the documentation one has to go to the cash-desk,where the cashier hands over e money.
Notes Check the above cansltion with e Spanishversion and note the meanings of the new words. The second paragraph should be clear - it gives e usual opening times of banks in Spain. Particulady useful is: hay que orte ntust and e phrase: los turistas tienen que the tourists hdue to Oer examples of the use of this son of word group are: Tengo que I haue to Tengo que ir I haue to go
EGoneos Thepost
Paramandarcartasy postalshay qu comprarsllos.Los slloss vendenen Coneosy tamblnn stancos.Un eslancos unatinda pqula dond se vendo tabaco, corlllas, postalsy, cllo, sllos para la corespondgnci. [s cartas a otros passs mandanpor avln. S pud psdir 'un s6llo para lnglatna/para los Estados Unidos/para Austalia,otc. por avo/. Se cha la cata en un buzn. El buznest pintado de amaillo. mandr fa cata la postal ol soflo el ostanco las colllas pdir o send gf''lr /eter postcard ol buzn posagsamp pFtlad]o toacconist's amatlllo machgs o ask folt /agues to rpst (it. to thtow) postox painted yellow
1 Vork through the following exercise, basedon the above three I pasges. Check the Key if there are any words you don't know, or have forgotten. How would you, in Spanish: a ask i you can change money in the hotel? b say that you wnt to change one hundred pounds steding?
ask what the rt of exchangeis? say tht you preer to go to a bank? ask what time the bank closes? say that you must get to the bank beore two o'clock? g say that you have travellers' eques in dollars? h ask where e cash desk is? i ask where you can buy stamps? i say that you wnt two stemps for airmail letters to e United Statesand five stamps for postcards to England? k say that you have to post the letters today? I ask where the nearestlttc-box is? m ask where the cloakroom is? (either son) Repeat the exercise with progressively less checking with the Key until you are fluent.
c d e
Documento nmero17
76 ar*.
+ 2 .1 3 9 ,1 3 EIIR
This is a slip produced by a cashpoint machine when you withdraw some money, You will see e date and time of the trnsaction, e sum withdrawn - importe reado - in this case 100 euros, Saldo en c/c means'balance in curent account' (cuenta cointe). E Notlcethat th thousandsa sparatedfom tho hundrdsby full stop, not a comma.Toconfusemattsfurther,the decimalpoint is indlcatdIn Spanlshby a comma,not a tull stop. So lf you want to sy 2.5, wo point5, you say 2,5, dos coma olnco. Can you give the date in words? And say the balanceout loud?
ffamarpor teliono Howto make a E COmo phonecall
A vcs se necsita llama por tlfono a casa. Se pu6de hacor llamadas intsmaclonls dsde un telfono pblico o dsd el telfono de un hotEl.Tamblnse puede hac llamadasde 'cobro svtldo'. Parauna llamadainternacional hay qu marcarel numero 00. Despuss maca el pfo dl pas (G|n Bttala s 44, los EstdosUnldoss t, Francias 33),la ciudad (paraIngltorasin el cro, por jmploLondres(cento)e6 20 7, no O204, Los Angslos es 213, sguido del nmoro dd bondo.Si s oy un tono inumpldo rpido slgniffcaqu est comunlcando. la llmada unafhmada d cobrc n'vstido marcar dpfsflio l abonado olseoy comunlcando cal a reyrschargca[ b dlal pefrx, cod th subsctber tohea one heas,you hear e/,grged
Or to hear
Notice the phrase si se oye if onc hears. Oye is part of the verb or to hear, The present tense forms are as follows:
I oigo
omos os oyen
You will see this is a liale like the forms of decir, seguir, and salir that you met in Unit 14.
The form oiga /rslez! is used you are trying to get though on the phone and saying allo. hen you pick up the phone which is ringing you say di$a llit. speak!|, Oiga is also used to attrct someone'sttention - more polite form than 'psst'.
EUrgencias Emergencies
Si no se sab qu nmeomacar,s pudebuscaren l gua.Aqu hay unostlfonostilos d6 la gua ds Madld.
CRTER("A 5.i|,.n 22
cruz Rqts {r8 gt dr
t--w l-7
IIERIA r!11 6 it
4rl7 31 6
Vds.ven aqulos nmerosque hy que macarsi s necesitaun taxi, si hay un incendio,o si su coch tians una avera,tc.
bombos fremen RENFE Fed Nac,bna, de F*rocdnlles Espaoles the SpanishNationalBailwa\,l Netwotk incendlo ,7rg an accidentalfirc - the more common word is fuego; a bonfre ls una hoguea,) avera breakdown la policla polica(force) el polfca policn,n Similarly: la guia guiclebook, dirctory,guide ol gu guide (f itb a man)
Look at is sentence, en completee oers in the sameway, Si hay un accidente, hay que llamar a la crwz roja. Si hay un incendio, Si hay un robo, Si se quiere ir al teatro, Si se quiere tomar un avin Si hay una avera en el coche Si se quiere ir en tren, Now go straight on to e following sentnces, which will give you the answers. Vithout looking at the above, do the same process with the phrasesreversed.The first one has been done for you. Hay que llamar a la cruz roja si hay un accidente. Hay que llamar a los bomberos Hay que llamar a la polica Hay que llamar a radio-taxi Hay que llamara Iberia..................,..,.,,.... Hay que flamar a ayuda carretera Hay que llamar a la RENFE Repeat this exercise until you can do both sets of sentences wiout cross-checking. 2
.io0 , ;IC r o. - r
*E o
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ln th unit you will len . to dsscribEthe weathr . to namlho points o th compaSS
Aq hy un pronstico del tienpo como se ve cada da en el peridico lsee the ueather map beloutl. Hoy llueve en el norte de Espafra,y hacesol en el sur. Hay nubes y claros en el cenro, el oestey e[ este,y tambin en el noreste.
'6 ffi
ffi ffi
11 12
llwla chuba3coa llovlzna torm6nta nl3ve nibla vlento fuorte cubbto nuboco
sunnyperiods sunny o,b/ (seUnit4 to rain to @ntirue, bnowlw Unifr.14l to lmprov ttle sky
You can also say: Hace calor, hace muo calor. Hace fro, hace nuo fro, Hace (muo) viento. Hace sol. Hace buen tiempo. Hace mal tiempo. Notice also: Llueve. Es lloviendo. Simiarly: Nieva en invierno. No est nevando ora.
It is hot, ueryhot. h is coW,uerycold. It is (uery)uindy. It is strnty. It is finz. The ueatheris bad. It nins (in general). It is raining (nout). It snous in uinte It is not snou.,ing nou.
f,l t uring the information in the weather record and description, answerthe following questions in Spanish.
;Qu tiempo hace el tres de abril? iEst lloviendo el da siete? iCundo sale el sol otra vez? iHace calor el da cuatro? gHace buen tiempo el diecisisy diecisiete? {Hace meior tiempo el da veinte o el veintiuno? s ;Cundo hace peor (arorse) tiempo, el veintids o el veintitrs? h ;Cntos das de sol hay estemes? i 1Cntos das hay de lluvia intensa? i iEn qu dashay tormentas? ^ b c d f
2 The sentences below are basedon e forecast shown on the weather map on page 153. Look back at the map and fill in e gaps in each sentence. a En Badaiozhay ... y ... pero en Sevilla.., ,.. . b En el noroestede Espafia... .., est,.. de nubes,y hay... tambin. c Al norte y al sur de Madrid, hay... y... , pero al oestey al norestede la ciudad hay ... . d Las regiones del pas donde est soleado son Ls , ... , -. yer.... e En Bilbao, no hace... tiempo - hay ... ... . f Al oeste de Barcelona, y en el sudestedel pas, hay ... , pero en la costasudeste est.,. .
Hacecalor/tengo calor ltb hoUl'm hot
Notice the difference between: Hace calor. Hace fro. Tengo calor. Tengo ffo. El agua est caliente. El caf est fio. It (the weather) k hot. h is coW, I am hot. (it. I haueheat.) I am cold, The uater k hot. The coffee is ald.
and and
In oer words you usehacewhen saying tat e weather is hot or cold, but you use tengo when saying at you, personally, are
hings or substancessuch as drinks, ood, or metal simply are (estestn) hot (caliente) or cold (fro): Esta cervezano est fra" Este ocolate est demasiadocaliente. This beer isn't cold. This chocohte s no hot.
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Read this unit last, whatever e order in which you have studied Units 12 to 20. Her vr'etry to put things in perspective for you, and fill in one or two of the inevitable gaps. Firsdy, as we have already mentioned, Spanish is not the only languageyou will hear in Spain. Look again at e map in Unit 15. In the north-east, in Catalua,you will hear Catalnand see stret signs, shops names,etc. in Cataln. Similarly, at the other end of the Pyrenees,further north-west, you will hear Basque. ll the inhabitants speak Spanish as well, of course. Also, as in most countries, there re local accents and dialects. The languageyou have read in this book and heard on the recording is standard Soanish - Castilian - which is fundamentallv the language of dld Castile,the areanonh of Madrid. Perhaps the clearestSpanishspoken by ordinary people is to be heard in the regions which centre on Burgos and Soria. [n othr regions, people speak with an accent, sometimes too slight for you to notice, elsewhere so extreme at it is dfficult to understand people until you get usedto the way they speak.Then again, just as with English, not everyone speaks very well. Some people gabble, some use slang, some are not very rticulte. But nevertheless ey will all, in general, make quite an effort to help you understand and to understand you. As we said in the Inoduction, the Spanish are usually delighted t you hve taken the trouble to learn someof their languageand will go out of their way to be accornmodating, Secondly,you can learn a lot from the written languagethat you come across, such as signs and lettering you see in the street. Here are a few of the more common ones which may be of prcticaluse.
ProhibicionesProhi bitions
Do not touch No smoking No dogs allowed NoN*ing. Towaway in oryion (lit. we call ths cran) No 6 cof[fae/papfeGua Do not drop cigarettebutts/ paperl rubbish No pf6a l csped Keepof the gtass Pt'Nado Pivate PrDhibldol pso No enly No toca No fumar Peros no No aparar. Llamamos ga.
fnstrucciones lnstructions
Empuiad/Tirad Llamar fntodzcaso la moneda en la ranura Prcpa fa monda axacb Pea6n- ciqfo po h L4irda P En batera P En fna (6n cordnl PushlPull(ondoors) (for altention) Ring (ot lr/ocl<) lnset the moneyin the slot Tenderthe corrcct farc Pedestian- walkon th left Pa*ing (sideby side) Patuing(endto end)
lrormacin Information
Entadar'Salida Sln sallda Abieto/Crado Crrado por vacaclones Cerado por dscanso dl ponsonal No funclona Sovnd (aguano potabb) Ag|Japoilabf Hocho a mano Dartesana No s admltsn rccfamaclonss Pago d patons Ambulatorio EntnncelExit No x, ODenlolos,d Crosedfor annualholiday Ctosedto,. stdffholiday Q)t of order For sa/g Ddnkingwater (non-drinking water) Hand-made Hancl-macl Goodsare non-returnable Pedestrian crossing Out-Datients'clinic
LastlS how much o the grammar o Spanishhave we beenable to cover in this book? Enough, we hope, to enable you to managein relatively straightforward, practical situations, But of course ere is a great deal which we have not explained, and which alls outside the aim o this oarticular course, Much of it is related to verbs. We have not'included, for example, any meansof indicating actions or eventswhich have occurred in the past (except for a fleeting reerencein Unit 16: me he dado un golpe en la cabsa I haue hwt my headl. Neier have we explained how to indicate eventswhich will occur in the future. However, you can exploit one method of talking about the future by using the words for go. (SeeUnit 14.) Look at these examPres:
I'm going to buy the tickets. I'm going to go. We're going to uisit the n useurn. Van a llegar maana. They uill aniue tomorrou. Other types of sentences are lesssimply conveyedin Spanish. You will have to follow a more advancedcoursethan his in order to cope wi sentences such as I/I had knoun, I should hauecome earlin.ln the samewa5 issuingcommands - gize /t to me,don't tell hin so - involves much practice, aswe suggested in Unit 15. Even when you have msteed most or all of the formal gramma4 ere are mny usages which seem to fall outside what is explained in the textbooks and dictionaries, especially,in e everyday use of e languageby Spaniards amongstemselves. But this can be an advantge. you becuse can acqre a good deal of language use by uaining yourselfto listm, o note what the Spanish say in certin situations or to convey certain reactions, and by imitating em. Here are a few examples of common converstional phrases that are worth learmng. tNo me dlga(s)t ivaya coch/casal otc. trayalaleot lvaya una cosal Orc le (to) vaya blsn. M vine muy bien. M da igual. Dtgo lou cosa m3 all tor cosa m& final etc. tOuemoclnl tQuca]a ms dual Dade lugo tQu lol tou pnal Me da vglbnzdme da cob Youdon't sy! Wdl I never! Whata carlhouse!etc. Whata rackeqhoise) We , theBba thing! I hope thingsgo we with you. It's just right ltb very convenient,just what I wanted, I clonl mind, it's all the &me oms (sUnii 9). I mean(saldwhenyou have madd misls,l and are cotrectingyoursen. Whatd peculiarthingl Whata fin thingl etc. How exciting! Whata s/uce! Whata chaK O cwrv (a9tairy with s.ona). Whata mix-up! Whdta shame! I feel mbarassd about it,
Es par volvers loco No altaa ms. No hay de qu/d nada. En absoluto. Po lo mnos Ms o mnos aounio val?
It's enoughto dtive you mad. By all means/pleas do. hntnpnti AW' wel@me. Not ln the s ghtest. reast Morc ot less How much is it?
lVaya! and landa! ae very cormon expressionsand can be used in a variety of ways. For example, landa! can be a mild expressionof surprise, a much stronger one if you drag out the last syllable landaaaal To express disbelief you can repet it rapidly and dismissively: anda,anda,aada.(Or ande,ande,ande if you are using Vd.) You need,though, to hear ese expressions in action before you use em yourself, This point renrns rrr;to what we said at the beginning, in the Introduction: language is above all a social activity. There is a limit to what you can usefirlly do on your own, and experts would disagreeabout where at limit is. What you need to do, norr that you have yvorked though this book, is to use every oppounity to speak Spanish, in Spain if possible, but failing at, in a classwith a group of other learners, or wi a native speaker.lQue le vaya bien! Congratulations on completing Teach Youtself Begnner'sSpankh. l you have enjoyed the course and want to take your Spanishfurther, why not try the later tnits c;f Teach Yourself Spanishor Teach Yourself Latin Anericd?t Spdnish, or, you feel really confdent, Teach Yourself lnproue your Spanish?You should find any of these ideal for building on your existing knowledge and improving your listening, reading and writing skills. 'W are always keen to receivefeedback from people who have used our course, so why not contact us nd let us know your reactions? We'll be particularly pleasedto receiveyoui praise, but we should also like to know if you think things could be improved. lle always welcome do our best to comments and suggestionsnd rare incorporate constructive suggestionsinto later editions. You can contact us though the publishersat: TeachYourselfBooks, Hdder HeadtineLtd, 338 EustonRod. London N\[1 3BH. Mark Staceyand ngela GonzlezHevia
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As we hinted in e inroduction, languagedoesnot exist in a water-tight compartment - it inte-mesheswi literature and culture, history and psychology,The way tht Spaniardsthink is both constrained and freed by e way ey speak, and viceversa. Knowledge of a language, therefore, once you get pst the basics,opens e doors and windows onto a landscapeo richless and diversity, panicularly in the case of a maior world language like Spanish. So if you feel nspired to continue you study of the language, or to delve into Spanish life and civilization apart fom the language, here are a few Dolntes.
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In the Teach Yourself seriesthere are further courses: Teach Yourself Spanish , ltan Kattn-Ibarra, 2003 Teach Yoarself Lan American Spanis,Juan Kattn-Ibarra, 2003 Quick Fix Spankh Grammar,Keith Chambers,2003 Spanish Grammar, Juan Kattn-Ibarra, 2003 Spanish Verbs, Mara Rosario Hollis, 2003 Sp anish Vocabulary, Mtke Zollo, 2003 Improue Your Spanish, Jran Kattn-lbarra, 2003 World Cultures: Spain, }ike Zollo EcPhil Turk, 2003 If you have been working on your own on the pesent couse you really need to start leaning with oer people, or find any means of tlking to a Spanish speaker (wheer native or English) - a fiend, a teache! a student perhaps.
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You can also get Spnish ne$rspapersand magazinesat good newsagentsrnging from the seriousEl Pas (the Sundayedition with a colour supplement, usually for sale on a Monday in the UKI to lHola!, e original Hello! mrgrztne.In bo cases,do not scorn the dvertisements- easily understood and containing usefulmaterial. On the lnternet, you can accessweb-sites in Spanish through, for example,,yoo,com, but theseare of limited use, and not all pagescan be displayed.
In e last few years ere has been linle topquality writing about Spainin English,but the following are still available: o The Spaniards by John Hooper, Penguin, 1987. An auoritative analysis o modern Spain since the death of Francoin 1975. . The Faceof Sqalz by Gerald Brenan" Penguin 1987. T"belate Gerald Brenan is the doyen of English writing on Spain; he has written important works on literature and history. o The Spanish Temper by Y, S. Pritchen, Hogarth Press,1984 and Spdir by Jn Morris, originally published 1964, re-issued by Penguin 1982; firstdass writing and insights by maior writers, o Amongst the many trvel books, Laurie ke has written two delightful ccounts: As I Walhed Out Onc Msummer Moming nd A Rose for Winter. Tltese are published by Penguin, as is South from Grunada, again by Gerald Brenan (alsoC.U.P.paperback). r Bookshop shelvesare full of up-to-date volumes on Spain e Lonely Planet and Rough Guides e among e best, prticulaly the former. And for a chatty, best-selling narrative Chris Stewart's Drizizg ouer Lemons and ts seqtel are amusing and enftrtaining.
There are of course hundreds of seaside package holidays available from ny trvel agent, but, as Dr Johnson said to Boswell 'There is a good deal of Spain that has not been perambulated. I wod have you go thier,' On way to 'perambulate' Spain is to drive, and stay at the Spanish
paradorsiths calnbe arranged tfuough Keytel Intemational (tel: 020 7616 030Q e-mail [email protected].). To stayat restored country housesand farms log on to or www.ruralia"com or www.allrural.con. The best maps to take are probably the Michelin orange series: six maps, sufficiently detailed for most puposes, cover the whole of Spain - numbers 441 to 446. Once in Spain, you can buy the Mapa Oficial de C*rreteras, preparcd by tlle Ministerio de Fomento, and revised every year. The helpfr Spanish Tourist Office in London is at 22123 ManchesterSquare,London WlM sAP (tel: O2O7486 8077. e-mail: [email protected] and web:
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Test1: Units1-1 Self-assessment
Work through this little test in writing, without referring back. Do all of it beore checking with the answers and scoring at e back o e book. 1 Useful phrases, Can you remembere Spanishfor ...?
^ Sorry b
o t a
e I dont speakFrench 2
f g h i i
Many anks I love you English is spoken here I'm in a hurry I dontlike it (2 points each) a lady from Catalua a man who is retired a lady from Burgos a man from Argentina a millionaire (1 point each)
b c d e 3
a German a man from Madrid a lady from Spain a man from Barcelona
f g h i i
Fill in e gaps with either es or est: casado, Ricardo tiene 65 afros. No a en Barcelona b soltero. Su casa c pero en este momento Ricardo d en Madrid. un hombre alto y activo, pero f econ iubilado. Tiene muchos amigos,y cuando g importnte ellos lo pasa muy bien. Dice que h , , un hombre moderado y ver a amigos, pero i siemore i en la camaantesde las doce. (2 points each)
Supply the correct pronoun (me, te, se,nos) in the following sentences:
b En una fiesta _
c d e f g h
a -
levanto a las seisy media. divertimos mucho. En Europa _ circula por la derecha. En Argentina _ habla espafrol. Cuando levantamos,_ lavamos y vestlmos. _ Isabel,;a qu hora _ arreglas para salir? Si salgopor la tarde, _ arregloa las ocho. Paco,papetece un gsqui? (1 point each)
Example: lQuin vende pescao?. Elpescadero, e f g h i i iQuin vende filetes de ternera? lQuin vendefruta ;Quin vendepasteles? ;Quin vendeleche? ;Quin secambiadinero ;Quin secompran sellos? (1 point each) Give answersin Spanishto following sums:
r 2 4 + 24 -b 25-3= c 33 x3 =
A lJ+ZJ=
e 75 + 26 =
f g h i i
E o
2 a Buenosdas, sefror b Hola o/ possiry Bunosds c Buenastardes, seiores d Hola e Buenasnoches 3 a Este sefror es Paco. b Esta seorita es Isabel. c Esta Sra. es la sefroraOrtega. d Estos seores son los seoresHerrero. e No, estesefior no es Pedro, es Paco. f No, esta seorita no es Luisa, es Isabel. g No, estosseores no son los Sres. Garca, son los Sres.Alba.4 a Estos seores son los Sres. Mndez, ;no? b Este seor es Paco, ;no? c Esta seorita es Juanita,;no? d ;Ls Vd. Paco?e ;Son Vds, los Sres.lba? 5 a iCmo sellama Vd. (seffor)? or lQuin esVd. (seor)? b;Cmo se llama?or;Quin es (estaseiorita)? c 2Cmose llama Vd. (seiora)?or ;Qn esVd.? (seiora)?d ;Cmo se llama? or;Quin es (esteseior)? e 1Se llama Vd. Pedro (seor)?or ;Vd, se llama Pedro,ino? or ;Es Vd. Pedro (sefior)? or Vd. es Pedro, ;no? f Esta sefforita se llama Luisa, ;no? g Vds, son los Sres,Ortega, ino? 6 a me llamo b perdone c ;quin es?d hola e hasta luego Column A: A6s Documento nrimero 1: Hotel San Nicols
o o x o
1 ;Quin esVd.? or pCmosellama Vd.? 2 Me llamo ... or Soy,.. 3 ;Se llama Vd...? or;Vd. es ...? 4 Perdone, seorita 5 Estos seores son los Sres.Mndez.
o o o
Unit 2
1 a Soy de lplace ntmel. b Soy ingls (inglesa),americano (american), etc. c No soy espaiol (espaflola). d ;Es Vd. espaflol,Paco?e Isabel,;es Vd. espafrola? f ;De dndees Vd., g Sres.Mndez,;de dnde son Vds. h ;Son Vds. de Isabel? (S,somosde Madrid.) i Sres.Mndez,gson Madrid, Sres.? (S,somosespafioles.) Vds. espaioles? i Somosingleses. k No somos espaoles. 2 a Un sevillano es de Sevilla. b Un madrileio es de Madrid. c Un barcelonses de Barcelona. d Un granadino es de Granada. e Un cordobs es de Crdoba. f Un malaguefro es de Mlaga. g Un burgals es de Burgos. hUn zaragozanoes de Ztagoza. i Un tarraconensees de Tarragona. i Un toledano es de Toledo. k Un salmantino es de Salamanca.I Un vallisoletano es de Valladolid. m Un zmorno es de Zamora n Un conquensees de Cuenca. o Un gaditano es de Cdiz, p Un donostiarra es de San Sebastin. 3 italiano, espaol, francs, ingls, cataln, ruso (Rzssraz), or No, danslDankhl4 a S, hablo inglsb S, soy americanon soy.,. Vd. escataln,lnol c No, no entiendocaaln. Flablo francs y espaflol. d Muchas gracias. 5 a iv, b i, c v, d iii, e ii Documento nmero 2: Soy como soy.
1 Soy ... (e.g. de Londres, de Nueva York, de Canberra, madrileo/a, etc.) 2 Soy (e.g, ingls, americano, francs, australiano, etc.) 3 Hablo (e.g, ingls, ftancs, alemn, etc.) 4 Vd. habla ingls muy bien. 5 ;De dnde es Vd.? 6 ;Es Vd. (e,g. espaoVespafiola, inglJinglesa, americano,/americana, etc.)? 7 a espafroVespaflola b escocVescocesa c c t^lalc t^l^n d vasco/ vasca e alemn/ alemana
Unit 3
1 a V b F c F d F e V f V 2 e Paco trabaja en una oficina de la calle Goya, b Paco vive en un apanamento en la calle Melndez Valds, c Isabel trabala en la oficina de lberia en la calle Mara de Molina. d Isabel vive con la familia en un piso
en la calle Almagro. e No, Paco no vive en un piso grande, vive en un apartamento pequefio, f No, Isabel no vive en la calle Goya, vive en la calle Almagro, g Es Paco quien vive en la calle Melndez Valds, h Es Isabel quien trabaja en Mara de Molina. i No, Paco no trabaia como administradoq es arquitecto. i La oficina en Maa de Molina es de Iberia Lneas Areas de Espaa. 3 a los b el c la d las e los la g el 4 a un colegio b una oficina c un hospital d una oficina or un estudio e un teatro f un caf 5 a gDnde vive Vd., Paco?(vo en MelndezValds,en un apartamento,) b ;Dnde trabaja Vd., Isabel? (Trabajo en Mara de Molina, en la oficina de Iberia). c Vivo tambin en un apartamento pequeio. d Trabalo en una oficina tambin. e No hablo muy bien el espafrol (escocVescocesa, todava.f Soy ingls/inglesa etc.).Hablo ingls 6 Missing number - siete.
1 veinte, diecnueve,dieciocho, diecisiete, diecisis,quince, catoce, tece, doce, once, diez, nueve, ocho, siete, seis,cinco, cuato, tres, dos, uno, cero 2 Paco vive en la calle Melndez Valds, nrnero cinco, tercero D, en Madrid. 3 Isabel, ;qu haceVd.? ;Y dndetrabaja Vd.? 4 Soy director(a)de una empresa. 5 Vivo... y trabalo ... Documntonmeo 3. a 4 b in a garagec during office hours
1 Paco es espaol. Isabel es madrilea. Los Sres.Mndez estn casados. El apartamentode Pacoespequeo. Iberia es una compaia importante. Isabel y Paco son madrileios. El piso de Isabel es muy grande. La oficina de Paco est en la calle Goya. 2 a no estn b no es c no es d no est e no son f no estn g no est h no son 3 a Est rnuy bien. b No, est casadacon Paul. c S, naturalmente. d Es muy sirnptico. Es escocs. e Viven en Edimburgo. f Es contable y trabaia en Edimburgo. g S, trabaia en una agenciade turismo. 4 a Est rnuy bien. b No es muy bien. c Es arquitecto.d Est en casa.e Estde vacaciones. f Est contento, g Es de Madrid, h Est en Madr. i Es espaflol.i Est constipado.5 a Estnmuy bien. b No estn
muy bien. c Son simpticos. d Estn en casa. e Estn de vacaciones.f Esn contentos. g Son de Madrid, h Estnen Madrid. i Son espafioles. i Estnconstipados. Docrrmento nmero 4: a El Tabernn b En vila c La calle San Segundo
1 Estoy contentc/a 2 Estoy de vacaciones,3 ;Qu hace Vd.? or ;Dnde rabaia Vd.? 4 Estoy casadc/a, estoy soltero/a. 5 pEst Paco?6 ;Cmo est Vd.? 7 Estoy bien.{o estoy muy bien,
Unit 5
1 a El padre de Luis es el Sr. Mndez. b Se llama Luis. c Se llama Isabel. d Tiene cuatro abuelos. e Tiene un sobrino. f Los Sres.Mndez son los suegrosde Margarita. g los Sres. Ballester son los suegros de Luis. h Isabeles la cufiadade Luis. i Se llama Fernando. j Lsito tiene dos tos y una ta. 2 a hermana b hermanos c mi, mi cuiado d mis, abuelos e cuatro f mi, se llama g mi, el hermano h cuatro, un i una hija i esn, tienen 3 a Carlos lpez Silva b Carmen Rivera Garca c Ana Serrano d Pedro Lpez Rivera e Carmen Lpez Rivera f Diego Lpez Rivera g Mara Ayala h Carmen Lpz Serrano i Diego Lpez Ayala I Jos Mera Lopez Lyela 4 a pero Isabel no b pero Isabel no c pero Isabel s d pero Isabel s e pero Isabel s f pero Isabel no 5 a Hoy hay fabada en el restaurante,b En el quiosco hay billetes de lotera. c No. P el teffo no hy enradas. d Hay cuatro vuelos diarios de BA de Londres a Maid. e S. El apartamento de Paco es suficiente para 1, f No es de 1,est alquilado. g Porque sus padres viven en licante. h El coche de Paco siemore st en l clle. i No es de ella, esde suspadres.i El perr en casade Isabelesde su madre.
Unit 6
1 a el uno de marzo b el diecisisde junio c el treinta y uno de agosto d el dos de noviembre e el cuatro de lulio f el
diecinueve de mayo g el veintids de ebrero h el diez de abril i el vientisis de octubre i el veinticuatro de diciembre k el treinta de enero I el once de noviembre 3 a Voy a Santander. b Porque tengo un congresoen Santander,c No. En Barcelona tengo una reunin,d Voy el cinco de lunio. e A Barcelona voy el da nueve.f Voy en coche.g Vuelvo a Madrid el diez de de Santander a Barcelona. iunio. h Porquevoy directamente 4 a Estamos en Mlaga porque estamos de vacaciones. b Volvemosa Madrid el da treinta. c Pasamos un mesen Mlaga. d No. Tenemosun piso alquilado, e Varnos al caf para tomar el.aperitivo. f S. Vamos maana tambin. g S. Vamos todos los das, h No. Volvemos a casa Daracomer, i No tenemosfamilia en Mlaga, pero s tenemosamigos.i Vamos al cine o a_teatro. 5 a S, voy a Sanandery Madrid. b Voy el da veinte de julio. c Pasodiez das en Santandeq y despus voy a Madrid. d S, paso cinco das en Madrid coir miJ amigos. e No, tomo el tren. 6 Para visitar las capitales de provincia se puede alqlar un coche. Para un aperitivo se puede tomar un gin-tonic. Para ir a Barcelona s puede tomar el tren, el avin, o el autobs. Para ir a Gerona e agosto se puedetomar un vuelo charter.Para pasarun mesen-Mlagase puedealquilar un piso. Paravisitar Venezuela sepuedetoriar un vuelo intemacional de lberia. Para comer se pede ir a un estaurnte. Para la digestin despusde comer se puede dormir la siesta,Documento nnero 5: a 117 euroi and 30 cents. b 52 c Fill in your name, address,post code, town, countf, telephone numbeE signature, meod of payment, Documento nrmero6: Serviciosespeciales de l:ujo (special luxury serucel, ms rpidos (fastetl, ms segwos (sfer), ms cmodos(more comfortable),que cualquier(than anyl otro meo (other meazs) de transpone por carreteru lof road transportl que Vd. puede elegh (that you can choosel.
1 Treinta y uno, treinta, veintinueve, veintiocho, veintisiete, veintisis, veinticinco, veiaticuatro, veintitrs, veintids, veintiuno 2 enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, iunio, iulio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, ciembre 4 iCmo se va al teatro? 5 iSe habla ingls aqu 6 Sepuede tomar el autobs a la estacin. 7 Hay cinco vuelos todos los das. 8 Pasoun mes en Espaatodos los aflos,
Unit 7
1 a El veintiuno cae en un martes. b El treinta y uno cae en un viernes. c El primer domingo cae en el da cinco. d El timo domingo cae en el da veintisis. e Los sbadosen iulio caen en el cuatro, el once, el dieciocho y el veinticinco. f El veintisiete cae en un lunes. g El curnpleaflos de Isabel cae en un mircoles este ao. h No. En iulio el trece no cae en maes. 2 a domingo b rnircoles c manes d iuevese sbado viernes g lunes/ Column A: octubre 3 a F b V c V d F e V f V g F h F i F i V 4 a a las ocho y media de la tarde b a las siete y media de la tarde c a las seisy veinticinco de la tarde d a las nueve y veinte de la maana e a las nueve y cinco de la tarde f a las dos y cuarto de la tarde
Unit 8
1 b Necesito salir a las ocho y media. c Quiero llamar/Quisiera hablar por telfono a las diez y cuarto, d Necesito hablar con el director a las doce menos cuano. e Qero/Qsiera comer a las dos. f Quisiera tomar un gin-tonic a la una y media, g Necesito estar en cas las cinco de la tarde. h Necesito ir al dentista a las cinco y media. i Quisiera las entradas para las siete y media de l tarde. i Quisiera hacer la reserva en el restaunte para las diez y media de la noche. k Necesito salir con el perro a las doce de la noche. 2 a F b F c F d V e F f V g V h F 3 a Lo b Las c Los d Lo e Lo Documento nrmero7: a Para el 18 de agostob 19L c no fumadoresd Madrid Londres
1 Quisiera un caf. 2 Necesito estar en Madrid el viernes. 3 ;Quiere hacer una reserva,por favor? 4 Necesito estar en la oficina para una reunin el da diecisiete.5 Voy a Pars maiana. El vuelo sale a las diez y cuarto de la rnaana. 6 Quisiera dos entradas de teatro, pala el da veintitrs PO YOr.
1 a no le gusta b quisiera c quiere d se llama e un ngel le gusta g le gusta h demasiadapoltica y demasiadofrtbol i le gustan i son demasiado sentimentalesk le gustan 2 a Me gusta el caf. b Lo prefiero con leche. c No quiero azcar.d No me apetece un caf ahora. e gQuiereVd. t, Isabel?f ;Cmo lo quiere? g ;Lo prefiere siempre con leche h iNo le gusta el t con azcar? i ile gustnlos vinos espaoles, Paco? i ;Prefiere Vd. el gisq o el verm? k ;Le apeteceun gin-tonic? I glo quiere con limnl 3 a No, no me apeteceir al cine. b No, no me gusta el chocolate, c No, no quiero un gin-tonic. d No, no me gust la msica de Verdi. e No, no me apetecesalir en el coche. f S, me apetecei e casa. 4 a vii; b iii, iv, vi, vii; c i, ii, viii; d i, ii, v, viii Documento nrimero 8: a un euro cincuenta. b seiseuros.c para el 8 de abril de 2003 d 15.50 h (a las cutro menos diez) Docurnento nmero 9 a: No, no quiero ir a Mallorca. b S, prefiero ir a Gran Canaria. c 12 euros d 18 euros. e En Viaies Rarcel (Barcel Trauell
1 Me gusta la msica. 2 Me gusta mucho/muchsimo la msica flamenca. 3 No me gusta el frtbol. 4 Prefiero la msica clsica. 5 ile gusta a Vd. la nsica flamenca? 6 ;Prefiere Vd. la msica flamenca o la msica clsica?7 Quiero ir a casa porque no me apetecetrabaiar ms y necesitoun gin-tonic.
1 a A las siete Paco se levanta. b Despus,se lava y se viste, c Salede casa a las ocho menos veinte. d Cuando llega a la oficina se sienta para trabajar, e Sesiente bien porqu tiene compafleros simpticos. f No, Los Mndez se levantan tarde. g Porque no tienen prisa, No trabalan. h Antes de salir se lavan y se visten (se arreglan). i Cuando llegan al caf se sientan en la terraza. i Dice que les gusta salir todos los das. 2 a iA qu hora se levanta Vd,, Paco?b ;A qu hora sale Vd. de casa? c; qu hora llega Vd. a la oficina?d ile gustasu
trabaio?e gPorqu le gusta?f;A qu hora selevantanVds.? g iPor qu no tienen Vds. prisa? h ;Por qu no trabaja su marido? i iA qu hora salen Vds.? i ;Dnde se sientan Vds, en el caf? 3 a , b iii, c ii, d i, e iii, f, ii 4 a Setoma un aperitivo a las siete de la tarde. b Secome bien en Esoaffa,c Sehabla bien el espafrol en Burgos.d Sesientems cbntentoen casa que en la oficina. e Senecsitatrabatar mucho. f Sesale con el perro todos los das. g No se puede pagar con cheque. h En Inglaterra se bebe ms t que vino. Docmento nrmero 1 A contract of employment, an immediate start nd hours of 8.3G-1.30and 2.30-5.30.
1 Paco tiene prisa. 2 Tenemosprisa. 3 Me visto a las siete y salgo a las ocho y media. 4 Me lo paso bien los sbados.5 No me siento bien, quiero volver a casa. 6 pSepuede pag con tarleta de crdito 7 Me levanto tarde todos los domingos. 8 No me gustatrabajar en la oficina, porque mis compaieros son antipticos (oz no son simpticos).
a Paco, eres madrilefro, ino? b Vas todos los das al caf, Paco?c gTienes un coche,Paco?d;Te gustael rtbol, Paco? e ;Tienes prisa por las mafranas,Paco?f Isabel 1dnde pasas tus vacaciones?g Y ;dnde prefieres vivir? h ;Qu te apetece ms, Isabel,un t o un caf?i iQu familia tenis,Isabely Paco?i iA qu hora salspor la maana, Pacoe Isabel?
2 a ;enes carnet? (un Documento Nacional de ldentidad) b lCul es el nmero?c;Cundo caduca?(iCul esla fecha de caducidad?) d;Tienes permisode conducir?e;enes pasaporte?f ;Usas tarjeta de crdito? g gTienesseguro de h;Cul esel nmero de la pliza?i;Dnde vives? accidente? | ;Cual es tu nmero de telono? k iCules son tus apellidos? I ;Cmo se escriben?3 a v, b iii, c vi, d , e i, iv 4 a tres eurosb sietecoma cuarentay dos eurosor sieteeurosy
cuaranta y dos cntimos c un euro d cero coma sesentaeuros oz sesentacntimos e quince euros f trescientoseuros y cincuenta cntimos o/ trescientoscoma crncuent euos g novecientaslibras h mil novecientosnovent y cinco i mil novecientosochent y cuatro i dos mil diez k seis, cuarent y nueve, diez I cuarenta y ocho, setenta y res, veintisis Documento nmero 11: a Tiene el nmero veintids mil. novecientosochenta y siete.b No, es una entrada individual, oe una person.
1 Mi fechade ncimientoes ... 2 Mi aoellidoes ... 3 Mi direccines ... 4 Mi nmero de pasapnees ... 5 Tengo segurode accidente - el nrmeroe l pliza es... 6 Qiisiera pagar con taieta de crdito.
Docmento nrmero12: The Marbella apartments are right besidethe beach. (en primera lnea literally meansin the front lnel
1 a A Isabel no le interesa mucho el deporte. El Sr. Mndez es demasiado vieio. b A Isabelle gustamchsimo.lamsica.Al Sr.Mndezle gustael fritbol. c Isabeltoca el piano y la guitarra y va a muchos conciertos. El Sr. Mndez ve los partidos de frtbol en la televisin.d Isabelva al teatro con Pacoy otros amigos.El Sr.Mndezva con su seiora. e Isabel y galeras. salea museos Los Sres.Mndezsalenal caf.2 a xi! b viii; c v; d xvi; e il f xiii; g iii; h i, xv; i vi; i iv, xi, xx; k vii; I ix, xvii, xix; m x; n xiv, xvi 3 a Est en la cale Fuencarral, nmero setenta y ocho. b No esnecesario pagar la entradaesgraruita. c La entradatiene el nmero trescientos sesentay dos mil, novecientostreinta y siete. d La enrada es para el uno de enero.e Es para la funcin de la tarde. f La butaca est en la fila nmero siete (la sptima fila). Documento nmero 13: a Dos copias por el precio de luna.(Titto copiesfor the price of one.l b No, no hago muchas.
Unit 15
1 a S. Hay un aparcamiento cerca del museo. b Est en la calle Trafalgar. c Frente a la iglesia hay un banco. d El mercado est en la calle Raimundo Lulio. e S. La farmacia est frente a Correos. al otro lado de la olaza. f No. El teatro estal otro lado de la calle Luchana.g S toma la calle Raimundo Lulio y se sigue hasta el final. h La estacin de metro estms cercadel cine. i El bancoesten la esquinade la calle Santa Engracia con la calle Santa Feliciana. 2 NB there are oer routes and other ways of explaining em - i in doubt, check with the material in the dialogues. a Cruza esta calle aqu a la izqerda, y sigue hasta la plaza. Correos est a por estacalle hastala plaza, y la izquierda.b Sigaa la derecha el museoesta su izquierda.c S, en la Plazade Chamber. Tome la calle Raimundo Lulio enfrente, siga hast el final, y hay una farmacia al otro lado de la plna. d Toma la tercera calle aqu a la izquierda- la calle Sagunto,despus del banco - y el cine est en tu deecha. 3 a Para ir desdeMadrid a Cdiz, hay que tomar la carreteranacionalcuatro, No. No se pasapor Granada.b Si seva desde Madrid a Portugal,se cruza la frontera cercade Badajoz.c No. No hay mucha distancia entre Giin y Oviedo. d S, Toledo est cerca de Madrid. e Valenci est ms cerca de Madrid oue Barcelona. f Para ir desdeFranciaa Alicante se toma la autooista. g Entre Badalozy Gijn hay las ciudades de Cceies, Salamanca,Zamora y Oviedo. h Espaaes rnucho ms grande que Portugal.i Santiago esten Galicia,4 a S, las careteras son buenas,pero las distancias son grandes.b S, y me gustan los horizontes lejanos. c Hace calor en mayo, pero en iulio, agosto y septiembrehace un calor intenso y es insoportable pasar todo el da en el coche. d S, pero son de peaje, y prefiero las carreteras ms pequefias.Sin embargo, me gusta la autopista que conecta Bilbao y Barcelona. e En rnayo no, pero sin embargo se necesitaconducir con precaucin y no ir demasiado rpido. En iulio y agosto hay denasiados coches porque millones de familias espaflolasse desplazanpara sus vcaclones.
1 a Hola, Ignacio, iCmo ests?b gTienesun ctrro? (iEsrs constipado?) c lTienes fiebre? d Dice treinta y siete grados, No tienes fiebre. e ;Te duele la cabeza? f pY te duele el estmago? g T no te sientesbien porque bebesdemasiado.2 a ;enen Vds. una locin para una quemadura del sol? b Tengo un cone en el pie. ;ene una pomada antisptica y una venda?c Me duele eI estmago. d Me duele una muela. gTieneVd. un analgsico?e Mi hilo no se siente bien y tiene fiebre. Quiero unas gotas pr un oio inflamado. g Tengo el tobillo hinchado; necesitouna tobillera. h Necesito ver a un mdico. ;Cules son las horas de consula 3 a El medicarnento se llama'Anginovag'. b No es medicina, es un spray. c El envasetiene veinte mililitros (20 ml). d El tratamiento es para infecciones de la boca y Ia gargana,e La dosispreventiia es de una a$licacin cada seishoras. La dosis curativa es de una o dos aplicacionescada dos o tres horas. g No hay efectos secundarios.h El medicamento se fabrica en Lboratorios Novag, S.4., que estn en San Cugat del Valls, cerca de Barcelona. Docrrmento nrmero14: Virgo, con diez estrellas.
1 iNada ms, seffora?Puesson dos kilos de naranjas, a cincuentacntimosel kilo, un euro; cuano de limones,ueinta cntimos; un kilo de peras, setentay cinco cntimos; medio de fresas,noventa; patatas, ssenta;medio de acelgas,carenta; la lechuga, setentacntimos; tomates, cincuent; aios, veinticinco. Vamos a veq cinco y cinco, diez, llevamos uno; dos y uno, tres; y cinco, ocho; y siete, quincei y cuatro y seis,veinticinco; y nueve, treinta y cutro; y siete y tes, curent y cuatro; llevamos cuatro; y un euro, cinco euros con cuarenta en total, sefrora.2 a dos kilos de naranjas b doscientosgramos de iamn c un liuo de leche d ciento cincuenta gramos de queso e dos aios f un kilo de patatas g un cufto de gambas h tres rajas de salmn 3 a ;Dnde est el depanamento de perfumera? b 1'Tienen Vds. una farmacia?c ;Dnde estla cafetera]d Quisierapgar con Visa. e Voy a pagar en efectivo.f ;En qu planta estla seccinde depones? g iDnde estnlos aseos? h La librera esten la planta baia.
Unit 8
1 a Tengohambre.b;Qu hay para comer? c lTienes hambre? d A m me gustan las pizzas. e ;Te apeteceuna pizza pizza de anchoaso pizza de iamn? g Voy a llarnar gPreieres para wta pizza. h pQuierescervezao Coca Cola? i Voy a comprar dos cervezas,i Voy toma un ca. 2 a iii, b ii, c , d ii, e i, i 3 T: a iQuieres un caf?b gQuieres t con lmn? c iTe apetecetarta de chocolate? d gTeapetecetostada con miel? e gQuieres una cevez,^ fra? Vd.: a ;Qere Vd. un ca? b ;Qere Vd. t con limn? c ik apetecetarta de chocolate? d ile apetecetostada con miel? e ;Quiere una cerveza fra? 4 a Quisieralas iudas.b Me gustael pollo, pero no el ajo ,.. Voy a tomar la merluza. c De postre quiero helado. d Prefiero chocolate. e Sin gas, por favor. Con el pescado,tal vez blanco. g No quiero caf, si no est incluido. 5 a Los gquson?b iEst rescala me uza?c gTiene entremeses, mucho aio el pollo? d ;Qu fruta hay e lEl vino es de La Riofa? f gSepuede tomar ceveza en vez de vino? Documnto nmero 16r a beers,spirits, special coffees,pancakes,hot tapas (snacs)and sandwichesb from 9am to 1am.
1 a gSepuede cambiar dinero en el hotel? b Quiero cambiar cien libras esterlinas.c qA cunto est la libra? d Prefiero ir a un banco. e 1A qu hora se cierra el banco? f Tengo que ir al banco antes de las dos. g Tengo chequesde viaje en dlares, h puedocomprar sellos? iDnde estla caja?i 1'Dnde i Quiero dos sellos para cartas po avin a los EstadosUnidos, y cinco sellos para postalespar Inglatera. k Tengo que echar las cartashoy. I ;Dnde estel buzn ms cercano? m ;Dnde (pDndeestel guardarropas?) estnlos aseos? Docmnto nrmero 17: El veintinueve de noviembre del dos mil dos; dos mil ciento treinta y nueve euos, con trece cntimos.
Unit 20
1 a El tres de abril llueve. b S. El d siete caen chubascos.c El sol sale otra vez el diez. d No. El da cuatro no hace calor Hay tormenta. e No. Fl diecisisy diecisietehace mal tiempo. f Hace meior tiempo el veintiuno que el da veinte. g Hace peor tiempo el veintitrs porque el cielo est completamente cubieno. h Hay ocho das de sol este mes.i Hay cinco das de luvia intensa, i Hay tormentas.el da cuatro y el da veinticinco. 2 a nubes, claros, hace sol b el cielo, cubierto, Iluvia c nubes,claros, lluvia d Palmas,Tenerife, sur e buen, cubierto nuboso f nieblas, soleado
x o
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TestI Sel-assessment
1 a hasta luego b perdone (perdona) c de nada d no entiendo e no hablo francs muchas gracias g te quiero h aqu se habla ingls i tengo prisa j no me gusta 2 a un americano b un alernn c un madrileflo d una espaiola e un barcelonsf una catalana g un jubilado h una burgalesai un argentino i un millonario Theseto de tests of memory. lf you had somegaps, perhaps you are not follouing the 'little and oftm' rule. 3 a est b es (Ricardo tiene 65) c est d est e es g est g est h es i esi est The distinction betuteenthesehao uerbs is important, and it's not edsy,as there is no parallel case in Englkh. If you got aflswers rarongD reuorh Unit 4 thoroughly. 4 a me b nos c se d se e nos, nos, nos fte g rne h te Again there is no exaa parallel in English to this usage,Check on Uttit 70 if yonr grasp is insecure. lf you scoredoun 40 points, utell done. If fewer, don't despar, but reust Units 1-71 at the same time ds yot4 begin m look at Units 72-27.
o o o o o
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o o
Test2 Self-assessment
1 privado; prohibido el paso; empujad; tirad; llamar; entrada; salida; sin salida; abienol cerrado. Yo* uill find all thesein Unit 27.
2 a Hace calor b Tengo calor c El agua est client d Llueve (estlloviendo)e Hace viento f Hace sol g Hace buen tiempo h Hace ro i Est nevandoi lEs para volv=erse loco! Unit 20 has the deuils. 3 a doy b voy c tengo d hago e digo f sigo g veo h oigo i salgo I Pongo Theseare imporunt uerbs. Cbeck again in lJnit 14 (Jnit 19 for oigo) if you found this difficuk. 4 aenla fa,rma'cia b en el qosco c en la charcutera d en [a librera e el carnicero f el fiutero g el pastelero h el lechero i en el banco i en Correos 5 e cuntay ocho b veintidsc noventay nuevedcien e ciento uno f quinientos cincuenta g cuatro mil h setecienios i novecientosi dos mil cien Units 3, 6,7 and 72 gue details of numbers n Spanish. How did you do? Moe than 40 pon* - prety goo1.More than 50 - u.lott! Lessthan i0 - groan! But in any case,keep broutsing through the booh to consoldateuhat you know, ani pick up on uthat you haue not remettbered..
o o q,
ct tr
The following two lists contain the important words that have been used in this book, particularly those that have plus a few extra occurred more than once and in the exercises, useul words, especiallyin the English-Spanish list. What are not included are groups of words such as numbers, days, months, etc. whi you will find easily in the text. Try to look at e vocabularylists just to jog your memory when you have forgotten a word - it is the Subiectindex you should use to find your way back to more detailed explanations of usage.
ableto opel a&igo (el) (to coat ah^rf'l,(la) gn nothcr (el) Brunather abU'lo ah'J,lo O$) gratdparcs chad acelgas 0as) Swiss alorhtan|f- ortunoEtf, luckilf a'glable plcatant oa rot (el) dpricot albaricoque algo sotothng,sotwwhat algunasveces sonctimJ aI, ms,all d th.rc, beyond alDohda0a) pi[o]e almerzo(el) luneh (fonul) alqtilr to nnt hitc alquiler (el) r?rt alla tav anxillo yellow ambiente(el) atmosphcte, surmtmdhgs amigp (el) (la amiga),1:?nl aDimdoliet ao (el) y.or antes(&) befoQ apellido(el) J nant" apto suitable aqul hcrc aegla to onaage atEdilo (el) ctrpbootd atobs(el) ,lr, codc} autopisla0a) motonray ayi^ (el, aetuplait azca(el) rrgdr trl blua bajo tho (Wple), lour baio bath b6rto chcap (el) district (ofto$,n) tdfantg enougla oib
&tu to drnk bien |9eU b;ilene(.1) tckzt, banbtot blarco wrrie blusa0a) lo6e bolsa0a) rdg bolso (el) handbag botelt' la) bottle hazo(el\ am b\eo good bnsca laokot seorchor (la) anchar bzr (eI) letterbox catf,.za Qa)head czda each,every cjr to fo caj6n(el) drawer clcetines oos) rocrtr ceDE hot clle 0a) st ??t c^6 (el) heat calzocillo(los, (uhzr )pantt carF(l^) bed camar to chaige caro deatrexpensve caretera(la) tua4 nahrcad catla (l^) letter (conespodqee) cas Qa) hoae, hanz casado,naried casi ahnost cgna(la) supper dimer cepillo de dientes(el) torttB.r cerca(b) near ceraoclosed,shut champ(el) shanpoo chaqueta 0a) jac,k"t chica 0a) Sirl cielo (el) r, ciIrf-(el, cinena ci'uf,laQ) phm cocbe(el) cdl c@ina(la) kirchen comedor(el) dhing tuom comidaQe) meal, rnh mddaymeol ctu ho$/ como as, lke copaeo (el) 0 compaea) colleague,conpanion cotpafra O^) conpaif coryrtr bvy, to bay (l) concert corcj.ta (la) trunt cal, confDci
co geso(l) conercnce co,.ocet to laro/(peopl) conlrnto pleased,hapry Coteos Post Wce c.o short cuaodo gret ctt!.to,attDti hora/ tnuch cutos,clbtas t r ,rary cu1o dehao (el) bolhrcom cuchara(la) rpdo' cnch tlla (l^) teaspoon cuchilo (el) I?,ife cuello (el) 'tec (el) ritry'aJ cumpleos d to gre de of,fom d e\erdo ogrced dbil veak decir to saJ denasiadq demasiadtoo mrcl, demasiados, demsiadas too many dpoe (el) rpot derechr r8ht (el) breolast desa}ato dscribito detcrbe &s& snce, Irom despaciortawry desps (de) aer dla (el\ day dj.!E(el) tooth (incisor)
fcn frch
dinero (el) rnnsJ dieccin (la) arcts, diection divetii, diveise to amusq to enjot
onestf dobl to tum (comar), too6 dofu hcrc dofitaio (el) bedroom dcba(la) rtoe?r dd4 si! duda(l) doubr,witttout dobt @h to thm$) edrdn(el) dr.vrt efctivq en efccvo (el) in car ejeplo, por ejenplo (el) exanpb, or ercmple ez.f to bgn enree opposite eitIada (la) takat(entrance) esGotel to choot esc'ilit to )rte 6palda (la) a.i esqxliD, Q^>comer (exerrul)
eslt co (el) kiotk(tabdcco and sbrnps) ete, sta t riJ (el),rtonclt estmago estos,estas t rse (el) 0 estudinte),rr&durt estudiante eiposicitr 0a) errr'trn f6cl' eas, fstd 0a) rt rt fanilia.Q fanib t@hi Qa] d4te frn (el, end (el, weekznd frn d sefrarra treie n ocing, opposite tuo(eD cou tu1ocow @jective) fuettc Jtrong fnciQ4) perfom&ce ftol (el\ football golr @\ blow, latock gladebig, larye, gLt 8ns Irs) halrLato speak hcer to do, ta nakz h3d,ta until hay therc is, thzrearc (la) rirrr herdana (el> botha r.maao higo (el) JEg lrrja Qr) daush@t btjo (el, son"chiw l\jos (Ios) chidrcn (rclationship) hone (l) rrt hoe(l^) tina (of doJ) hoso (el) ttnztable hoy todot rda'J '.rttell, retum (tict et) id4 de ida slo singlc, one wo! ticket idiotr]. (el) Iaquag futr'esa'nteinteresting hviemo (el) wnrel i to go izqe'da lzt jn (el) soap jqez, \tio dEJqez sherry joven tototg j.Bato plat (games) lado (l) rA lalgo long
Izlrho {el) u,ashbasin lavar,lavase to t/astt, ta washotesev l@he Q^) milk levanLseto get up Itb3 (I^) p ouad (serling ) Itn6 (el) lenon ltmr to call llega to anive lbv to tak,con, weot llua (la) /ata \E (la') light, elzctricity n de (la\ ftathar mdileo o Madrd n?lo bad maana,pasadomaara tonorpv da! 4ler tofltorror't) ma^n (la) nomng ida to ttu| Baio Qa)haftd (la') opplc fr nz,ana nant (la) blnkt n p (el) nap mquha de afeita (la) razot nao (l) husband misc$ 0os) seafood, shzllfrh mtn brown (las) stockngs redias (cl, doctor nelocotn(el) lreacrr nvl just .r well 're,.os (la) ted ( EaU,pcnc nerienda res (el\ nanth \Es (la) toble mostrar td,rrort muchasveces ojlen (l^') ,oth (nobr) ''l|.rcl^(l^) wona4 wile m\er museo(el) rrr$ilm muy very nacimiento(el) ,itt Mcolid^d (la) natio alit! na^ nothng ]da to svim nade nobody nal" ja Qa) orafiqe natttllmenten4turallt, of course recesita to need reg.o blak niet(la) gralddaughter eta (el) granson ntngJ\o norc
(ag nitus(los) childzn erotp) nocbe 0a) rr?fu (el, n@nc, norbrc fornan
ptimo (el) 0apriEa) co4rn prisa feDeprisa to be in a hury problew (cl) problcm pu,la door qw which, that qataf to wat' lave qieD,qides r9, quiocco(.1) liosl gdofast, quck reuin (a) zreeting 6\ (el, conr (ntenral) ojo rd sbam(la) rfte?t sab.t to btow (fucts) s?c to takz ou, (o ctancr) sal to b6ve, go out rFln si'ing monr safuo except sgt toollov) segto sve, cerktfi seguo(el) rrsrrarce *llo (l) ttan? (postal) sman 0a) we *'J'|,!r b sit do$n *nli.!f, toeel sdleta (la) r4plit siempe arrfrr sila 0a) ciair slmtiao Iriendb, oSrceable sitro(oo .,. sitro),ar... hr sobri& 0a) ztca sobio (el, nepheu, wf (el) sof.t sol (eI) Jrrt solta sp'?Jtet sngle soltf,ofuchclor single tm,hi\olso, too t,f& Qa) cmoo4 evening tfi& l4te Q cord ','jeia (la) cup laza ld,ano(el) thc.tttc tglfolo (el\ t Lphanc tenprato eatly tndor(el) /ort tn ,o lve tnei qt] to lra\reto tatazaQa) Erruc4 ce terace tla (la) aunt tieIe (el) tire, veoth.r
tito rcd (of whe) o (eI) uncle taa'JaG^) tov)el toc to tou.h to ploy (nstut t nts) todaJr'a still, yet todo, tods, todos,todas arr, erery tom to take tabaja to work trabajo (el) ort tre! (el) trait ltimo lar (rtil useful uvas(las) 8r4p.s vacacin0a), estarde vacaciones haliday,to be on hoiltat (el> valuc vaJ.or vso(el> tumbler
veces (las), de vez en cuaftlo tific to tinz ventaa (l^) tehdaw (houtc) tinrd, J?orr
ventaoilla(la) wittdow (kiosk, batl erc,) vers$o(el) srrrrr ied. (Ir) truth verdggreen ves, vestirre to get dretsed iaja to travel iije (l) jounvJ \iajerc (el> traveller d^ (la) e viejo oA eto (el) wind no (el) lrin" visita to viri vi'tir to live ruelo (el) ligt y aid
apatos (los) rrrrr
address la dbeccia aetoplaae el auit etet d*pus (12) aitemoon la tatdc egeed de acaetdo ll, eeery todo, toda, todos, todat almost casi along por eko, too ubbirr elways sienpre muse,to enioy ooesel drrerrir, duethse end y apple la marz,ana epticot el albaiaque atm el btazo atrchait la b*aca attange, to ateght anfue,to attive llegar ask, to ask (a questionl pftguntar atrnospherc,surroundirgs el ambie*e h t4 ^tJ Jfitfrn el ototo bacheloq single so&ero back la esPdda bad tralo
lng la bolsa benane el putn banknote el billete beth el bao t:arlrrcom el cuarto dc bao be able to, to be able to poder becese Potquc bed, la cana bedt ootn eI dottttitot io lner la ewezl hjore artzs (de) begin, to be9i rnpezar beyorl,ns al de big,latge, $eet gande birth el nacimiento bitrll'y el anmpleafros blanket la naxta blovse la bl*sa blow, kaock al golpe bfue aul horle ld botella bteakfast el desay*no btotfut el hettxano brash el ccpillo bus, coach el autobs bv pro b!,f,to bry corrrqra
W por
c ll, to call llantar each,*ety cada car el coche eatly temptano catd la tiet4 easy fcil cay, to c y lle!4r aa,to eat contef csh, i csh (er) deahto elecrricity la luq" la elec*icidad chai/' la silla end el fia chatge, to change umbiar etrotgfr b*tante cl\e p batato eaenirry ld tade ch.ildren (agegroup) los ziios everywhee en tod6 pdtes chiltlftn (relationships) los ir'os exmple, o example el jefilo, or choose,to choose ?scoget ejemplo cirema el cine exceFt sdluo closed, shtx cetado et\ibiion la exposici coat el eyeel oio cold el ^bgo frio cold (adjective) fo acg fre*e a cofib el Peine laitly basunte companion al compafrero (ld fall,to all caer contp^ed) family la familia cofipany ld compaia ast, qtck pido corce el conciero athet el padre coereJce el argteso eel, to er:l sen hse cog tllatios f elicid4des hc el htS corner (externall la esqtina f]f.s ptimerc (pinet) conrer (nternall el ircn flat el pko coIlidor el pasillo \g)rt el welo course, of couse aautalmette, desdz floot lgtoundl el stelo laego floot l*.oeyl la planu cou;sli el pirno (la pirrrd) follow, to follora segvir cluPla uzl oct. el pie cupboard el annatio footbll el ftbol ot pdrd (sometit tes 'por') date la fecha otk el teredot dat4fuer b hija ortunately, luckily a/oftbdamente day el da frl'end el amigo (la driga) deag expensive caro r ien.dly,ageeable simp,ico describe,to describe/escriir fuom de, desde dessct el posfie fut jntce el 4mo de fmu dffiouk difc;l dining room el comedot g* up,to get tp letantarse dinnet la czna gitl la chcz diteclin la diteccin gire, to tive dat drstric (o toan) el baftio g)assel uso (tamblet),la copa (stermed) do, make, to do, to make acar doctor el mdico go out, to go ou s4ri dog el Peno go, to go it door la pa*ta good bAeno douh,t, without doubt la dtda, sin granaqfuer le niaa dxda gratdxher el abulo draw* el cajn gran'dnotbr* la abuela dress,to get dressed wsth, uesrse gr4ndparents los abuelos drink, to dri ear gandso'i el nieto drvet el edredt grapes las us geen letale
han.d la uuo hardbag el bolso havc to,to bave to tznet que ha,te, to hrye taner hca h ctbezt heaq to hear or heat el ctlot hete a4 holidaS to be on holiday 14,acacitt, estat de aaaaciones hotrc la ctsa ho catien:tz house 146ar4 how cmo how ray ctrntos, cuttt4s how mrrch ctto, cs*a hurry, to be ina hurry prisL, teizf pfls4 ulsban, el natdo insurance el se3vro intercstitg nteresdnte iacket h chaquea io]u\ey el viae just as well ,r7eflos,rttl kiosk (tobacco and samps) el kircet b cncna krie el cuchillo know, to know (6ctr) saer know, to know (1rcople)cororar latgoxge el idiotxa lat gande last ltimo larc tatde l^v^tory el utet (in a holse) leave, to leeYe sr'ri lek iz4tie a leg (nimall la pau W lhr'r:llrl ld pbna lemon el littn letter (correspordence)ld dart4 lerterbox el buzl lie la vida light eleeticity la lu live, to lft uiuir livdy arimado look for, searchor ascar lorg laryo Iove,a lote lo people) qoto Iow baio
lunch (formal) el almterzo Medtld. o Md&id na & il eo make,to makc haczr man el hombte ^p el fiapa marted casado met lsporl') el partido meal, main midday meal la amida reeti'lg h rcranirr mik la bche drineral wter el agua mneral aoney el dfueto tno'i;t el ,es frofii'',E la ,naarra mort h nadte frotot'nay h dutopk a museurn e, ttateo t l',r, oeitrmeel tombre aplat la setuilleta oatooality h ucionalidad t;]utdlly ndfiar^lfiente *at cetca (de) osck el cuello aeed,to a*d rccesitlt tqhew el abtirc newspapet el peidico riece la abtiw nigfit la noche mbody aade noe nttgano not ... but iitto lro ... sirro,, oa ofler poc4s ueces ong ad4 of de ofhce h oficna oken mtchas ueczs old ubjo operr abietto opp@lste enftete orage h nannja ordeq in order to para othcr olro percats los Pddfts pss,to pels ptsnl yasspon el pasapotte p^,l,to p^,! pdtdr peach el aelocota
pea 14peld petofrarrce la funcin pisnic la metienda pillow la almohada plate el plam pl^y,to ply (E lnesl fagat plat to play (istruments) tocdt pleasar:t agadable plf,a,sed,hapw cotento pfurn la cruela Post Office Correos pound (sterling) la lra pt ee4 to pt eer pr detir ptoblem el Problema put,to put pone qrresnon ld Prcgunt4 rain la lluvia rainco t el impentedble razor (eletric) la niquixa de afehat rcd rcjo rcd (of wine) titt ro r,d.ti,e ert el lqilet rcrJt,to ent, h; e al qtail a rtun (ticket) de ida y vueha tetrrn, to retvn uoh.,er tig)t detecha road, main oad h cotretera ,nismo s 're say decir say,to seafood, shellfish los uatkcos *rrd, o send mdndar ehanpoo el chamP shert h sbatu shetry Jercz, uino e Jerez slirt h .amise ehoes los za,atos short (people) ajo sbo corto show, to show rzosrar showet la dtcha si& el lado cinee desde siagle, one way (ticketl ida, de ida slo sistet la hctmanq sit dowrL to sit dow sert4rse sitting room al salz skirr h piel skirt la falda sky el cielo
slowly despacio snall,little pequefro soap el jan soc,s los c4lcaines sola el sof something,somewhat algo sonetiaes 4lg4rr4s re ce s son el hiio speak,to speak hablat spinsteq single so&era spo''ge ld espoia spoon la atchara spoft el deporte sprrrg h primauera sqrate la plazz $aks la escalera stoaach el estmago ltee ld cdlle sttong fuette s)de'it el estadidnte (la estudiante) sngat elAzc^r stable dPto gtmliret el ttetano sun el sol sun-tanned skin la piel morcna srppe4 dil;lrrer la cena sule, cenarn seSrlo *lu;nanre el apellido swir, to swim rl4ddt swi[ning Irool ta pisarrna table la mesa take out (of container) sacar take,totb llerar, tomat tall aho tea (meal) la merierda teaspoon la archatilla telepthorre el telfono tettace, cae tetrece la tettza that (which) 4re ili|e el teatro tfute all there is, the ee ,ay these 6tos, e.rt4i though Aot throw, to throw ecar ticket lerfi^rEl ta entada rickt lrlensponl el billere tights ,o.r Pdztis lit el tietnqo ti'ne lo ayl la hota om time to time areces, de vezen tinetable el horario
oday hoy toll (otorw^y tolll el pezie tomorroq the dey efter torolow ,n^arr, pdsddo rn44r14 oo y defiasia.los, demasiad* too murh denasiado, demasbda toot\ (irrcisot) el diente too (mobr) la m*ela toothbrush el czpillo de dientes toopaste ld fdstz de dientes touclL to touch mcar towel la toalla laa:in el te uavel, to travel ufujar varelle el uiaierc tou',rs los p4ntAlones tronl call h anfetencia 1.]xb h uetdad turn (corner), to fold lolar Dale el to underpants los calzoncillos until hdsta useful lrrl tal';c el ualor aery ltay visit, to visit ,rtal
$ant, to want quetef wasb, to wash oneself haat,lauatse *ashbasir el huabo leat,to we, lleuat we the. el ticrnqo -wef,k ld sefina weeker el fin de semara well ben wberr cuando where donde whiclr que whire blar<n $ho qrien" quienes whyl por qu? wfe la mujet, la sefroa vriod el vienta window (kiosk, baak, erc.) Ia aenunlla wiLow (hoisel la uefltaa wne el vitto witet el ifluefio word la palabra work el trabajo work,to work ttabajat $flter to wrrt escrrtrl year el ao