Organizational Effectiveness: Changing Concepts For Changing Environments

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Organizational Effectiveness: Changing Concepts for Changing Environments

Joseph McCann,The University ofTampa


he study of organizational effectiveness has dramatically evolved with the adoption of general systems theory concepts and changes in the complexity and pace of change of organizational environments. This article traces the evolution of those concepts and their application across a broad variety of management fields. Two critically important emerging qualities or dimensions of effectivenessorganizational agility and organizational resiliencyare defined and explored in terms of their implications for HR professionals.


Organizational effectiveness has always measured how successfully organizations achieve their missions through their core strategies. Organizational effectiveness studies are concerned with the unique capabilities that organizations develop to assure that success. Given the increasingly complex environments in which all organizations operate now, the eapabilities that supported past performance will not work as well in the future. HR professionals and senior executives must understand the implications of this gap between cuiTent practice and emerging needs. The search is now on for new concepts and models to help explain what is happening in organizational environments, and how organizations can continue to achieve superior performance by developing more adaptive capabilities and skills. It is essential to first understand how organizational effectiveness theory and practice has evolved over time. The adoption of general systems theory concepts in management studies has been one of the most significant events in organizational effectiveness studies over the past 50 years and continues to shape thinking and practice. Systems theory views the individual, group, organization, and the organization's larger set of interdependent organizations as a dynamic, interrelated whole. Changes In one or more parts of this complex system imply changes for the others. All system parts are in a state of more or less constant and active adaptation, and how well adaptation occurs becomes the critical question from an effectiveness perspective. By recognizing the role of environments in driving organizational performance, it became possible to trace how dramatically increasing levels of complexity and rates of environmental change began creating major new demands for organizations. Those demands require equally new capabilities and skills. This article explores the nature of those demands and why the concepts of organizational agility and organizational resiliency are now becoming the focus of organizational effectiveness studies.

world and relating to each othercomparable to a shift from "machine age to organic thinking" (McCann, 1991). "Machine age" thinking was literally a product of the Industrial Revolution from the late 1800s and a world view that held the organization as an independent and nearly free agent, able to act on its larger environment and insulated from regulation and control (Chandler, 1962; Morgan, 1986). At an individual job level, this view was manifested in the work of Frederick Taylor and the Scientific Management movement at the turn of the past century which emphasized (he unique job demands and steps associated with work measurement (Taylor, 1911). Only later with the advent of "socio-technical systems" design principles originating with the Tavistock Institute were the crucial, often-determining interdependencies between separate jobs within the group or team recognized, along with the impact that work technologies had in "co-producing" outcomes (Herbst, 1974; Morgan. 1986; Trist. et al.. 1996). The impact of systems theory and the resulting call for "systems thinking" has been profound. Systems theory created an awareness of the organization's larger environment and the need for managing its complex, dynamic interdependencies. It created an awareness of the fundamental requirement for organizations to adapt to the conditions presentedtheir larger context counts when it comes to strategy and effectiveness. This idea sounds simple today, but was farreaching at the titne. Systems thinking provided the foundation for several new perspectives such as contingency theory which stressed the importance of strategy and structure "fit" as a determinant of performance (Bums & Stalker. 1961; Chandler. 1962; Child. 1972; Kast & Rosenzweig, 1973), The organization that achieved the closest fit or alignment between its larger environment, its overall strategy, and its organizational design would outperform its competitors, that is, be more effective. The tremendous fascination with organizational design over the past 25 years reflects the interests of researchers and executives in finding that best fit and alignment among all of the organization's constituent parts (Chandler. 1962; Galbraith. 1973; Mintzberg, 1979; Nadler, 1992). Many of tbe contingency models of this period, such as the "McKinsey 7-S" model, still provide powert"ul leverage for thinking about how to align all ofthe parts of the organization. Systems thinking affected other management fields, even leadership theory where the analog

The Evolution of Organizational Effectiveness Concepts

Organizational effectiveness theory began a dramatic evolution nearly 50 years ago with the merging of general systems theory concepts and then-prevailing management theory (Aekoff, 1970; Churchman. 1971: Emery & Trist, 1965; Herbst. 1974). This combination signaled the start of a paradigm shift^a new way of viewing the

became situational leadershipthe idea that the most effective leadership style depended upon the situation or context (Blake & Mouton. 1964; Fiedler, \9f)l). The continuous quality improvement movement, with its TQM, business process reengineering, and six sigma manifestations, profoundly improved the performance of organizations and entire industries {Deming, 1982; Drucker, 1991;Juran, 1964). Similarly, the Organizational Development (OD) movement of the 1960s and 1970s critically depended on systems models for identifying the levels of intervention necessary to execute change (Argyris, 1964; Huse, 1975; Schein; 1978). The OD movement first identified the organization's cultureits values and belief systemas a legitimate target for change (Beer, 1980). Culture became an even more important change target during the merger and acquisition waves of the succeeding two decades when ihe merging of cultures was recognized as a major source of integration difficulties (McCann & Gilkey, 1988). Many intervention tactics and designs created by the OD movement are still used. Michael Porter's groundbreaking industry dynamics models also helped capture specific characteristics of competitive environments that could be measured and, most importantly, shaped through competitive strategies (Porter. 1980). Analogous to the concepts of ecological niche and specialization, the concepts of competitive advantage and distinctive competencies became powerful tools for explaining why some organizations outperform others because of their unique assets or alignment within their markets. The special resources of the organization (Barney, 1991; Brown & Eisenhardt. 1998). its capacity for innovation (Edvinsson & Malone. 1997: Quinn, et a!., 1997), and stock of intellectual and human capital (Stewart. 1997) have all been intensely studied for their roles in promoting effectiveness. With the frequent need to develop new competitive assets and to change business strategies, the focus shifted to understanding how organizations "learn" (Argyris & Schon, 1978: Davenpoil & Prusak, 1998; de Geus, 1997). Organizational learning is inherently grounded in systems theory, but applying human learning concepts ba.sed in cognitive psychology to organization-level systems and processes is a challenging task (Bateson, l972;Coleman. 1988; Hedberg, 1981). Nonetheless, researchers and practitioners have found solid operational traction by focusing on the interaction of individual and group prac44 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING

tices with organizational processes, systems, and technologies for acquiring, sharing, retaining, and applying knowledgeall within the broadly identified "knowledge management" field (Davenport & Prusak, 1998: McCann & Buckner, 2004). It is smart knowledge management strategy, for example, for an organization to cultivate functionally diverse and geographically dispersed "communities of practice" around important technical challenges. Such "communities" are grounded in basic human needs to problem-solve and share, and by enabling sharing behaviors through sophisticated global information systems and communications technologies individual and group learning is leveraged to an organization and industry level (Davenport & Prusak, 1998). From a knowledge management perspective, effective organizations are those that promote individual and group learning through management practices that amplify and move inforuiation through organization-level systems, processes, and technologies (McCann & Buckner, 2004).

The Changing Nature of Change

The ability to learn quickly was becoming even more important for organizations as early as the 1960s. As Emery and Trist (1965) ntHed, tbe nature of environmental change itself was beginning to change. Even then, organizational environments were becoming increasingly "turbulent" systems or fields as tbe global pace of technological change and interdependence among organizations rapidly accelerated. Managing the environment for sustained performance was becoming increasingly difficult. Competitive advantages and distinctive competencies, no matter the size of investment made to acquire them, were becoming increasingly transitory and impossible to sustain. While academics still argue over the best way to measure the dynamics and pace of this change, the basic nature of organizational environments was generally recognized to be shifting, certainly at least over the past 30 years (Brown & Eisenhardt. 1998: Castrogiovanni, 2002: Huy & Mintzbcrg, 2003). Indeed, we are now experiencing a fundamental shift from episodic, through continuous, and now to disruptive environmental change, each shift demanding significantly different adaptive strategies and capabilities (McCann & Selsky, 2003). Exhibit I illustrates the three basic trends in this shift. Managing episodic change. Change was once episodic and characterized by periods of relative-

ly low-level, munaged disruption, such as a new product roll-out timed for internal operating needs, or a carefully planned merger. The growth of conglomerate forms of organization through acquisitions was. for example, a way of diversify-

to those now out.side the organization. Organizations had evolved sophisticated controls such as hierarchies for dealing with internal interdependencies, but those do not work as well or at all for externalized interdependencies that require

, The Changing Nature of Change and Strategies for Managing It

Episodic Change Objective: Control change Strategy: Buffer & protect operations hy building redundancies & slack resources

Continuous Change Objective: Embrace change Strategy: Build agility by opening the organization and removing boundaries and barriers to change

Disruptive Change Objective: Prepare for change Strategy: Build resiliency by planning for contingencies and assuring a capacity for recovery & renewal

ing financial risk and smoothing uncertainty (Galbraith, 1995; Nadler & Tushman, 1997). The organization's primary objective was to control change to protect the core business. Any significant disruptions could be managed by built-in redundancies and slack resourcese.g., extra staff or large inventoriesthat acted as buffers. Managing continuous change. Organizations continued to induce even greater rates of change through their own dynamics and continuous technological innovation. There were fewer periods oi' relative calm, and the iradilional buffers of redundancies and stack resources were driven out by the relentless push for lower costs and an intense business focus. The off-shore outsourcing phenomenon began and continues to be one outcome of this adaptation process (Barthelemy, 2003). What is actually occurring in off-shore outsourcing is the extemali/ation of interdependencies that had previously been internalized within the organization. Tn reality, the nature of the costs associated with managing interdependencies has been changed, not totally eliminated, and the business focus has shifted from operations inside

continuous monitoring and renegotiation. Organizations were creating new linkages and mutual dependencies, giving rise to new forms of organization that defied ready description and effective management"network." "virtual," and "boundaryless" as examples (Nadler, 1992; Pasternak & Viscio, 1998). The quest for organizational effectiveness has e.scalated to a higher level of analysis where the challenge has become one of optimizing the effectiveness of an entire set of interdependent organizations such as that in a global supply chain. Dynamic new organizational capabilities were being demanded by turbulent environments. The only choice for organizations was to embrace change^go with it. even accelerate it further if possible. Those that decided otherwise, or could not transform themselves quickly, either underperfomied or failed. Turbulence is. by definition, an uneven experience that depends upon the relative adaptive capacity of each organization. For those with high levels of capacity, high velocity or hypercompetitive environments simply provide opportunities for growth (D'Aveni, 1994). Many of

today's business success stories such as Microsoft ues, beliefs, and behaviors that underlie them) will and Intel are based upon the abilities of those orgaact to slow response time, limit agility, and therenizations to change continuously. Andy Grove, for fore need to be eliminated or reduced (Bower & example, honed Intel's capacity for inducing rapid Christensen, 1995; Ghoshal & Gratton, 2002; industry change to a point where he declared: "So Nadler, 1992; Pastemak & Viscio. 1998). McCann give me a turbulent world as compared to a stable and Selsky (2003) have called this push toward the world and I'll want the turbulent world" destruction and elimination of internal and external (Karlgaard & Gilder. 1996). organizational boundaries the "dominant logic of open organization thinking." This logic has driven Organizational effectiveness research has organizational design and culture change practices focused intensely on the capacities of individuals. in organizations over the past 20 to 2,'i years. groups, and the entire organization to align quickManaging disruptive change. Continuous ly, and then realign repeatedly, with changes in change is now a reality for most organizations, but strategies required by turbulent environments. the emerging challenge is also to manage disrupOperationally, the goal has been to develop larger tive change. Regardless of the event involved, such global scale through alliances, partnering, and as "9/11." the "SARS" outbreak, or Noitheast joint venturing, at the same time keeping the power grid failure, it is no longer just the pace of organization as agile as possible (Brown & change but the dismptiveness of that change that Eisenhardt. 1997; D'Aveni. 1994; Davidow & demands our attention (McCann & Selsky. 2(X)3; Malone. 1994; Nadler & Tushman, 1997). Mitroff, 2002; Mitroff & Alpaslan. 2003). Agility is an important concept these days, but Rapid change can at least be anticits pursuit as a defining characteristic ipated, such as improvements in comor quality for an organization carries Continuous change puting speed or capacity, but severe significant inherent risks. Agile orgashocks and surprises such as that of nizations are great at assessing their is now a reality for "9/11" can destabilize entire indusenvironments, making sense of what most organizations, tries and economies in a matter of they encounter, and quickly mobilizhours or days. Such shocks quickly ing and redeploying assets and people but the emerging reveal under appreciated and underto manage what they encounter. challenge is also to mauaged interdependencies, whether Some specific operational aspects of manage disruptive in financial information systems, organizational agility noted by transportation and power networks, McCann and Selsky (2003) include change. or healthcare systems. This degree of the highly developed capacity for: truly disruptive change (change com1. Sense-making: Scanning and intering from totally unique sources and with near preting tremendous amounts of diverse infordebilitating force) is unfortunately but potentially mation and then quickly forming hypotheses becoming a more prominent feature of organizaand mental models about what the organization tional environments. experiences; Even at an organizational level, changes with2. Transforming knowledge: Efficiently and in an industry can be destabilizing because of quickly acquiring, building, sharing, and "disruptive technologies" -new technologies or applying valuable knowledge to clearly processes that quickly redefme the entire industry, defined, critical priorities; such as digital cameras have done for film 3. Acting decisively: Cultivating a strong but (Bower & Christensen. \995). Organizations can informed action bias throughout the organizaand do induce disruptiveness within their industry tion; and for competitive advantage, but they uiust also be 4. Aligning and realigning resources: Quickly capable of managing the turbulent conditions they deploying and then redeploying sufficient create (D'Aveni. 1994). resources, talent, and skills to support effective Tremendous benefits accrue to organizations execution. that do open themselves to new and valuable relaCreating this capability to a great extent has tionships with other organizations and embrace meant crealing ''boundaryless organizations." the change those relationships induce. Simply put, agile organizations view internal and Organizations learn from each other, streamline external boundaries as "bad." The argument is that their operations by sharing responsibilities and structures and processes (including the cultural valcosts, and expand their market presence. Today's

global supply chains in the clothing, electronics, and automobile manufacturing industries, and the value creation networks among bio-tech/pharmaceutical companies, are clear examples of the benefits of thoughtfully created external interdependencies built via partnering, alliances, and joint ventures. Increasingly, totally vertically integrated companies have become seen as monolithic and far from agile. Openness is not cost- or risk-free. An organization's performance critically depends upon its elTeclive deveiopment and deployment ofthe requisite skills for operating in dynamic, open organizational environments that are increasingly global in scale. The most important of these skills or capabilities is organizational agility. Building and sustaining organizational agility (i.e., the ability quickly to recognize and seize opportunities, change direction, and avoid collisions) demands continuous investments in technology, systems. and particularly in people. Exhibit 2 illustrates what happens when the benefits of greater openness are traded off against the costs and risks associated with managing the greater number and intensity of interdependencies and risks posed by those relationships. The creation and effective deployment of sufficient adap-

tive capacity mediates that trade-off. As McCann and Selsky (2003) note, in Zone A the benefits of increasing openness greatly exceed the costs and risks, and the organization's adaptive capacity for managing those relationships is more than adequate. The organization in Zone A can benefit even further by building additional relationships and interdependencies that create value. If, for example, an organization outsources its legacy computer system support to a company in Bangalore. India, it can eliminate some jobs or redeploy those positions to developing new computer networksa net gain. When that same organization builds the internal knowledge and commits the resources and people essential for managing that new Indian company relationship, it must guarantee those benefits. Not to do so puts its own internal operating peribrmance at risk by under-managing the new interdependencies created by that relationship. At some point (Zone B). all ofthe relationships and interdependencies created demand the total commitment of the organization's available adaptive capacity. All benefits are optimized relative to costs and risks, and only the continuous development and deployment of new adaptive capacity will sustain that degree of openness and interde-

Benefits of Greater Openness to the Environment Relative to Required Investments of Adaptive Capacity
EtTicienI Frontier

Zone C

Benefits Relative to Adaptive Capacity Investment

Highly Closed Botinilaries

Highly Open Boundaries


pendence in a dynamic operating environment. take severe, if not fatal, performance hits. Zone C represents the "tipping point" at which That happened to most airline companies folthe organization has become overexposed to the lowing "9/11." where their excessive fmancial costs and risks of its collective set of external leverage, high fixed operating costs, and linked relationships. The available adaptive capacity no code-sharing arrangements left them exposed to longer matches the level of interdependence and normal recessions, let alone something as disrupcomplexity the organization has created and must tive as that event. To support this hypothesis, note effectively manage. The costs and risks now far how well Southwest Airlines, with its indepenexceed the benefits accruing from those external dent reservation system, low debt, and low-cost relationships. The organization is now grossly operating structure, performed. under-managing the complexity ofthe relationArthur Andersen and Enron provide another ships and interdependencies it has created. In a example. Enron created a mass of complex sense, it becomes "fragile" and over-exposed to its interdependencies and level of turbulence in its environment, relative to its adaptive capacity, and markets that far outstripped its financial and is now susceptible to surprises and shocks. managerial capacities for managing. Arthur Numerous examples of organizations in Zone C Andersen, in turn, failed to maintain clear ethican be found, but the M&A waves of the 1980s cal and managerial boundaries between itself and 1990s provide far too many case studies of and its client. Once Arthur Andersen was implicompanies that could not manage the level of comcated in Enron's collapse, the interdependencies plexity they created through dozens of relatively created could not be sustained by its own fragile rapid acquisitions and under-supported integratii>n partnership structure and resource base. programs. Entire companies such as ^ ^ ^ ^ The "dot.coms" in the 2000 techLucent Technologies, AOL. and nology market meltdown provide still Agility helps the WorldCom unraveled as the result of another example. Amazon. Google. mergers and acquisitions that could Microsoft, and eBay have all perorganization mannot be supported effectively. It is also formed relatively well during the age rapid change, becoming clear that the outsourcing tech industry meltdown by carefully movement now mnning at high speed managing costs and cash tiows, and while resiliency is ignoring the hidden costs and risks investing in well-defined business helps the organizaassociated with externalized global models. The majority of the interdependencies (Barthelemy. 2003). tion manage disslart-ups did not or could not. The model in Exhibit 2 suggests These successful organizations ruptive change. that some organizations can succeed are not only agile, they are resilient. very well while others can suffer Organizational resiliency is not the depending upon how well they balsame as organizational agility ance the benefits of openness with the inherent (Deevy, 1995: Goldman, et al.. 1995; Hamel & risks and costs. The winners succeed only by Valikangas, 2003). The two concepts are related, investing in the creation of adaptive capacity^ but different. As McCann and Selsky (2003) note, the types of appropriate skills and abilities peoagility helps the organization manage rapid ple, groups, and the entire organization need for change, while resiliency helps the organization effectively managing not only continuous change manage disruptive change. Some ofthe more but increasingly disnaptive change. important dimensions of resiliency refer to the organization's capacity for:

The Emerging Interest in Organizational Resiliency

Organizational agility helps avoid market collisions through such maneuvers as exiting a rapidly declining market quickly or realigning partners in a supply chain. The organization can develop unique sets of competencies and skills to help accomplish this. On the other hand, when organizations are over-exposed to their environments relative to their adaptive capacity, they can

1. Absorbing shocks and surprises: Preserving a sense of identity and purpose through a strong culture of commitment, shared values, and beliefs, regardless of the number of setbacks and failures encountered: 2. Creatively e.xploring alternatives: Actively planning for crises and contingencies, and making difficult choices for recovery and renewal when those plans fail: 3. Broadly accessing resources: Mobilizing and applying an array of assets and talent both

inside and outside the organization: and 4. E.xecuting transformational change: Rethinking its identity and purpose when essential and redesigning itself to support its new self-concept. These are certainly unique skills or abilities associated with resiliency as an adaptive capacity. None of them is easy to build and sustain (Hamel & Valikangas, 2003). Note how the capabilities listed previously for both organizational agility and resiliency depend critically upon the organization's ability to learn and relearn. to acquire new knowledge, and reassemble existing knowledge, and then quickly and effectively deploy that knowledge as new skills and practices. This ability to acquire knowledge and translate it into actual adaptive practices has been called "absorptive capacity" or "dynamic capabilities" by some researchers (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1998; Eisenhardt & Martin. 2000). Regardless ofthe term, active adaptation to rapidly changing and disruptive environments demands a close linkage between organizational learning and effective execution (Bossidy & Charan. 2002). Organizational effectiveness researchers need to study how specific knowledge management practices directly support adaptation and sustained organizational performance. While appealing. such arguments have so far been largely conceptual, not empirical (McCann & Buckner, 2004). As Rosabeth Moss Kanter (2003) and Ian Mitroff (2fX)2) also note, many new areas for learning are required. Active experience with organizational failures, turnarounds, and recoveries helps us better understand the full range of dynamics, strategies, and resources required in such situations. The general topic of surviving bankruptcies is, for example, under-studied in management research. How does a United Airiines not only restructure itself financially, but preserve a sufficiently large core of leadership talent and committed employees to relaunch itself for sustained growth? This is an important question as we look ahead at the field of organizational effectiveness.

Looking AheadA Call for Continued Investments in Adaptive Capacity

Most academics and HR practitioners would agree that our understanding has dramatically increased about what capabilities and skills contribute to an organization's effectiveness. We have developed sophisticated models and methods for

working with organizations, and. for the most part, have not led too many astray with prescriptions for organizational designs or radical changes that clearly did not work. The persistent call by academics and consultants to create "boundarytess organizations'" does, however, need to be conditioned by an equally strong caveat that organizations need to invest at the same time in building the skills and resources for managing the resulting complexity and risks. The prevailing "dominant logic of open organization thinking" may be overemphasized if disruptive change is indeed becoming more prevalent. Do we foresee the re-intemalization of external interdependencies as outsourcing agreements are abandoned and organizations reassume those activities? Not likely, or at least not on a great scale. It is impossible to consider closing the organization to its environment by eliminating valuable relationships such as those in a global supply chain. It is safe, however, to predict that organizations will more carefully manage their boundiu-ies and weigh costs and risks more effectively (McCann & Selsky. 2003). We do know that as the nature of organizational environments continues evolving, adaptive capacitythe requisite concepts, skills, capabilities, systems, and technologies necessary to manage the organization's relationships within its environmentsmust also evolve. The only alternative for dealing with change that is both rapid and disruptive is to keep quickly developing and deploying the capacity to keep pace with the demands of the environments that organizations are encountering. While organizational agility is certainly essential, so is organizational resiliency. Rapid change requires agility; disruptive change requires resiliency. The HR profession is thus facing a huge question to answer; How do you create an organization that is both agile and resilient? To answer that question. HR academics and practitioners must work even more closely together to understand the trends and to translate theory into usable and practical recommendations for managing highly dynamic organizational environments.

Acknowledgements to Peter Karp. Sue Mohrman, and Rich Vosburgh for their input on drafts of this article.

Biographical Sketch
Joseph McCann is dean ofthe Sykes College of Business and co-chief academic officer at The

University of Tampa. He setred on the HRPS board and e.xecutive committee for several years, and now sits on the board of the Human Resource Institute. Along with his role as associate articles editor for Human Resource Phinning's organizational effectiveness knowledge area, he sits on the editorial board of a technology management journal and has authored m'o books and many articles on organizational design, .strategic planning, knowledge management, and organizational change. He completed his MA and PhD in Management at The Wharttm School.

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