Skipp Complaint To DPH Re: Dr. Sidney Horowitz

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Department of ub||c nea|th

et|t|on Iorm 1
|ease f||| out and return to:
SLaLe of ConnecLlcuL
ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh
racLlLloner lnvesLlgaLlons unlL
410 CaplLol Avenue, MS#12PS8
.C. 8ox 340308
ParLford, C1 06134-0308

AA - Cfflce of LLhlcs 730 llrsL SLreeL, nL
WashlngLon, uC 20002-4242
hone: 202-336-3930 lAx: 202-336-3997

Susan Sklpp uC8 08/16/1966
MoLher of:
Cabrlelle 1lLLle 08/08/2000, paLlenL of ur. Sldney PorowlLz
WyaLL 1lLLle 09/04/2002, paLlenL of ur. Sldney PorowlLz
Address: C 8ox 1383, LlLchfleld C1 06739
1elephone numbers: 203 309-1383
ln AugusL of 2010, my chlldren began seelng ur. PorowlLz under Lhe dlcLum of Lhe Cuardlan Ad LlLem,
Mary 8rlgham. Cn March 28, 2011, !udge 8esha ln WaLerbury ConnecLlcuL Superlor CourL appolnLed ur.
Sldney PorowlLz Lo serve as a LheraplsL Lo my son (WyaLL) and daughLer (Cabrlelle) durlng my dlvorce
proceedlng. now LhaL Lhe offlce ls clear on Lhe legallLy LhaL Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh does noL need
boLh parenLs Lo slgn for medlcal records, perhaps LhaL rumor began wlLh LllzabeLh 1hayer hd, who ls
also a hlgh level AlCC member, Lhe AlCC ran an lllegal buslness among [udges, lawyers, menLal healLh
pracLlLloners for LhlrLy years. lease regard Lhls as an addendum Lo my earller compllanLs on PorowlLz.
lease lnvesLlgaLe Lhls uneLhlcal person who abuses chlldren wlLh hls nefarlous buslness pracLlces.
Sldney PorowlLz
ConnecLlcuL 8esource Croup
113 Scovlll SLreeL
WaLerbury, ConnecLlcuL 06706
203 373-9321

k ua||ty of care unllcensed pracLlce unsanlLary condlLlons
SubsLance abuse k Ia||ure to re|ease pat|ent records k Cther
Sexual conLacL wlLh paLlenL k Insurance fraud

Department of ub||c nea|th
et|t|on Iorm 2
Descr|be your concerns be|ow. Inc|ude as many spec|f|c deta||s as poss|b|e (who, what, when, where,
why). Attach add|t|ona| sheets |f necessary. S|dney norow|tz comm|tted ma|pract|ce, neg||gence,
per[ury |n a court or |aw, breach of conf|dent|a||ty, fa||ure to safeguard m|nors, and |nsurance fraud.
Moreover, Dr. norow|tz exh|b|ts gender b|as: he teaches GAL tra|n|ng about domest|c abuse (March
2012) he patho|og|zed my daughter and |gnored my requests, to he|p the ch||dren, and r|d|cu|ed and
|nf|amed my 1SD when as a tra|ned profess|ona|, he needed to accept |n the tota||ty of the v|o|ence
the ch||dren exper|enced, espec|a||y when my daughter expressed su|c|de as a way to stop her ||fe's
prob|ems- to wh|ch norow|tz |s a d|rect contr|butor. Most notab|e |n per[ury |s h|s ment|on of my
mot|on |n L|m|ne, f||ed Apr|| 24, 2012 the ema|| to the ch||dren's schoo| be|ng great|y upsett|ng and
part of the|r sess|on, yet, the ema|| was not unt|| Apr|| 4, 2012, these dates were way past the date of
h|s recusa|. A|so, norow|tz does not have a contract w|th the state that wou|d |nsure equa| protect|on.
S|dney norow|tz |s a member of AICC.

1.) Ia||ure to report a||egat|ons of abuse, fa||ure to commun|cate doctor's spec|f|c ro|e and
respons|b|||t|es to the parents of a m|nor ch||d.

uurlng our 11 years of marrlage, my chlldren and l were vlcLlms of physlcal, emoLlonal, and menLal
abuse aL Lhe hands of my now ex-husband, ur. Shawn 1lLLle. 1he conLlnued abuse and concern for
Lhe safeLy of my chlldren were some of Lhe prlmary reasons why l mosL Lhankful for Lhe dlvorclng
ur. 1lLLle afLer 12 years of marrlage. As any uomesLlc vlolence experL would expecL, Lhe dlvorce
proceedlngs lmmedlaLely became conLenLlous. l was noL expecLlng Lhls as whaL l would have
preferred would have been medlaLlon.

ur. PorowlLz began seelng my chlldren as a LheraplsL ln AugusL of 2010, upon my deslre Lo have
Lhelr emoLlonal well-belng Laken of ln con[uncLlon wlLh a play LheraplsL. LaLer per Lhe
recommendaLlon of Lhe courL appolnLed Cuardlan ad LlLem, Mary 8rlgham Lhe chlldren would noL
go Lo Lhe play LheraplsL, whom Lhey llked very much. ln March of 2011, Lhe chlldren's conLlnued
Lherapy wlLh ur. PorowlLz was made parL of Lhe dlssoluLlon. l belleved lL was necessary Lo reporL Lhe
abuse (of whlch l was a vlcLlm and an eye wlLness) Lo ur. PorowlLz. ln addlLlon, l conLlnued Lo suffer
abuse, and l became even more concerned for Lhe safeLy of my chlldren and myself.
1hroughouL Lhelr perlod of Lherapy wlLh ur. PorowlLz, Lhe chlldren conLlnued Lo reporL Lo me LhaL
Lhelr faLher commlLLed acLs whlch, l belleve, consLlLuLe abuse. Some examples of Lhe acLs whlch my
chlldren reporLed Lo me were: plcklng Lhem up by Lhelr halr (noL slmply halr pulllng", as sLaLed ln
an emall auLhored by ur. PorowlLz on March 23, 2012 and lncluded ln Lhls reporL), hlLLlng Lhem hard
enough Lo cause marks and exLended perlods of paln, as well as LhreaLs and lnLlmldaLlon. 1en
lndependenL wlLnesses corroboraLed LhaL Lhls abuse occurred. Cur chlld care provlder LesLlfled, 1o
Lhe chlldren, Lhe word 'Lrouble' means geLLlng hlL, pulled by Lhe halr, halr rlpped ouL of your head,
or llfLed up by your halr." l can provlde Lhls LranscrlpL lf necessary.

1he chlldren Lold me LhaL Lhey reporLed Lhese acLs Lo ur. PorowlLz durlng Lhelr sesslons. My chlldren
reporLed LhaL he Lold Lhem Lo forgeL Lhe abuse. ln addlLlon, l provlded ur. PorowlLz wlLh plcLures
LhaL WyaLL had drawn, deplcLlng hls faLher punchlng me ln Lhe head (as a slde noLe, l dld noL have a
face ln Lhese drawlngs). AnoLher babyslLLer spoke wlLh ur. PorowlLz regardlng Lhe facL LhaL our son,
WyaLL, began acLlng ouL ln sexually lnapproprlaLe ways when he was courL ordered Lo spend more
Llme wlLh hls faLher.

ur. 1lLLle also has a hlsLory of subsLance abuse, and was charged wlLh urlvlng under Lhe lnfluence
and evadlng responslblllLy afLer crashlng hls car lnLo a 1aco 8ell laLe aL nlghL on May 8, 2011.
l noLlfled ur. PorowlLz of Lhls hlsLory and provlded documenLaLlon. CurrenLly my former husband ls
on probaLlon for uul ln whlch he LesLed poslLlve for prescrlpLlon medlcaLlon LhaL causes

ln courL LesLlmony (see aLLached), ur. PorowlLz acknowledged LhaL Cabrlelle, WyaLL, and l reporLed
Lhese acLs. ?eL ur. PorowlLz LesLlfled LhaL he dld noL reporL Lhese allegaLlons, desplLe hls sLaLus as a
mandaLed reporLer.

ur. PorowlLz's explanaLlons for hls fallure Lo reporL, ln my oplnlon, are confllcLlng. AL one polnL, he
clalmed LhaL he dld noL belleve Lhe reporLed acLs Lo be serlous enough Lo consLlLuLe abuse," yeL he
was unsure wheLher or noL ur. 1lLLle was or ls capable of such acLs. AL oLher Llmes, ur. PorowlLz
sLaLes LhaL he dld noL reporL Lhe allegaLlons because he dld noL belleve LhaL l, Susan Sklpp, was a
credlble lnformanL. AddlLlonally, ur. PorowlLz suggesLs LhaL Lhe chlldren's allegaLlons were llkely
Lhe resulL of me bralnwashlng" Lhe chlldren. ln addlLlon, 2 uCl lnvesLlgaLlons of ur. Shawn 1lLLle
were conducLed as a resulL of abuse allegaLlons. ur. PorowlLz refused Lo Lalk Lo or cooperaLe wlLh
uCl lnvesLlgaLors.

uurlng a few exchanges wlLh ur. PorowlLz, l lnqulred as Lo whaL acLlons were necessary ln order Lo
address Lhe abuse. ur. PorowlLz lnformed me LhaL a forenslc evaluaLlon was necessary ln order Lo
subsLanLlaLe any abuse. As a resulL of Lhese conversaLlons, l belleved LhaL ur. PorowlLz would speak
wlLh Lhe [udge or Cuardlan ad LlLem and recommend a forenslc examlnaLlon. l was prepared Lo fully
cooperaLe wlLh such an examlnaLlon. Powever, when l aLLempLed Lo follow up on Lhls
recommendaLlon" (or aL leasL l was of Lhe bellef LhaL Lhls was a recommendaLlon), l began
recelvlng messages from ur. PorowlLz LhaL were confuslng. lor example, Lhe followlng emall:

5lJoey notowltz< slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet> weJ, leb 8, 2012 ot 7.5J lM
1o. 5osoo 5klpp <>
cc. Moty 8tlqbom <motybtlqbomsbcqlobol.oet>
l coosolt oboot wbot l tblok ls lo tbe best lotetests of tbe cbllJteo, tecommeoJotloos ote moJe by tbe
CAl ooJ tbe coott mokes tbe Jeclsloos boseJ oo tbe totollty of tbe evlJeoce


5lJoey 5. notowltz, lb.u.
cllolcol & loteoslc lsycboloqlst
coooectlcot kesootce Ctoop, llc
1JJ 5covlll 5tteet - 5olte 211
wotetboty, c1 06706
lb. 20J-57J-9521
lx. 20J-57J-8708

Cn Lhe daLe l recelved Lhls emall from ur. PorowlLz, lebruary 8, 2012, Lhe CAL flled an emergency
moLlon LhaL greaLly reduced my access Lo my chlldren. When Lhe order was approved and slgned by
Lhe presldlng [udge, my role as Lhe prlmary aLLachmenL flgure and prlmary careLaker of Cabrlelle
and WyaLL slnce Lhelr blrLhs, was courL ordered Lo essenLlally be severed. 1he order also
fundamenLally forbade me from dlscusslng or reporLlng, whaL l belleved (and conLlnue Lo belleve) ls
Lhe pasL and conLlnued abuse of my chlldren by Lhelr faLher. 1hls concepL goes beyond my
comprehenslon : we frequenLly see sLorles on Lhe news of a chlld who was kllled or severely ln[ured
by one parenL. lf lL can be reasonably assumed LhaL Lhe oLher parenL (or anoLher lnvolved adulL) ls
aware of Lhe abuse, yeL does noLhlng Lo lnLervene, Lhen Lhe non-lnLervenlng parenL or adulL ls
Lyplcally [udged as belng equally responslble for Lhe abuse as Lhe person who lnfllcLed Lhe acLual
ln[urles. 1hey are consldered accompllces" and ofLen serve [all Llme or have oLher severe
consequences, as punlshmenL for Lhelr fallure Lo proLecL. ?eL l am courL ordered Lo noL reporL Lhe
chlld abuse whlch l have been eyewlLness Lo? Pow could any decenL parenL llsLen Lo such
accusaLlons from hls or her chlldren, Lhen slmply lgnore Lhem? Am l belng courL ordered Lo commlL
lllegal acLs?

AlLhough ur. PorowlLz held Lhe poslLlon LhaL Lhere was no way Lo know lf Lhe abuse occurred (or
was fabrlcaLed) wlLhouL a forenslc evaluaLlon (as evldenced by hls emalls and furLher conflrmed
Lhrough courL LranscrlpLs, whlch l wlll lnclude ln Lhls documenL), no such evaluaLlon was offlclally
recommended or ordered by any professlonal lnvolved ln Lhls process. Powever, Lhls moLlon
referred Lo Lhe CAL's collaboraLlon wlLh ur. PorowlLz. lnsLead of an order for a forenslc evaluaLlon
Lo subsLanLlaLe or dlsprove Lhe abuse, l was declared Lo be a danger Lo my chlldren because of my
aLLempLs Lo (aL Lhe very leasL) have a falr and lmparLlal evaluaLlon performed, whlch ur. PorowlLz
had suggesLed was Lhe CnL? way Lo address Lhe abuse lssue." l was ordered Lo undergo
psychlaLrlc evaluaLlon. My ex-husband, from whom l had escaped ln order Lo proLecL my chlldren,
was glven nearly compleLe conLrol of Cabrlelle and WyaLL. 8elow ls a copy of Lhe moLlon flled by
Ms. 8rlgham. 1he moLlon was approved by Lhe presldlng [udge, excepL supervlsed vlslLaLlon was noL
ordered. under duress, and feellng LhaL l had no oLher cholce, l slgned Lhls documenL. l was
sufferlng wlLh sympLoms of 1Su from 12 years of abuse, broughL Lo greaL sympLomaLlc behavlor
because my chlldren were ln danger and no one was llsLenlng. Lven afLer leavlng my abuslve
spouse, l conLlnued Lo feel LhaL Shawn was conLrolllng and manlpulaLlng Lhe evenLs LhaL were
occurrlng. Moreover, l supplled ur. PorowlLz wlLh exLenslve documenLs, leLLers Lo Lhe CAL
documenLlng abuse, leLLer from my daughLer's Leacher, and prlvaLe lnvesLlgaLor lnLervlew wlLh
someone whom Cabrlelle Lold ln 2008 LhaL her faLher" plcked me up by my halr and Lhrew me." lL ls
lmporLanL Lo noLe her LhaL Lhe woman acLlng as CAL dld noL have any conversaLlon wlLh PorowlLz
on her bllllng for Lhls Llme perlod. Moreover, Lhls was a response Lo a second uCl lnvesLlgaLlon
sLemmlng from a mandaLed caller from a domesLlc vlolence shelLer for whlch l was recelvlng help
and my chlldren were ln Lhe chlld care area and my son Lold of Lhe abuse he suffered.

uCCkL1 nC.: lA- 1040922s SuL8lC8 CCu81

SPAWn 1l11LL !uulClAL ulS18lC1 Cl WA1L88u8?

vs. A1 WA1L88u8?

SuSAn 1l11LL lL88uA8? 8, 2012
LML8CLnC? MC1lCn lC8 CCn1LM1 SLLklnC lMMLulA1L 8LLlLl

1he underslgned guardlan ad llLem respecLfully seeks lmmedlaLe rellef for Lhe uefendanL's vlolaLlon
of Lhe courL order. ln supporL of Lhls moLlon Lhe underslgned represenLs as follows:
1. ursuanL Lo Lhe [udgmenL of dlssoluLlon boLh parLles were ordered noL Lo speak Lo Lhe chlldren
regardlng adulL lssues.
2. ln SepLember, 2011 cusLody was modlfled by Lhe courL (8esha, !) ln parL, because of defendanL
moLher's conducL ln dlscusslng lssues relaLlng Lo cusLody and vlslLaLlon wlLh Lhe chlldren
3. ln uecember, 2011 Lhe lalnLlff laLher flled a second posL [udgmenL moLlon Lo modlfy whlch was
scheduled for a hearlng on lebruary 7, 2012.
4. 8ased upon MoLher's conLlnued conducL ln exposlng Lhe chlldren Lo lssues relaLlng Lo Lhls
llLlgaLlon Lhe guardlan ad llLem recommended a furLher modlflcaLlon of Lhe parenLlng schedule
reduclng moLher's parenLlng Llme. 1he parLles consenLed Lo Lhe modlfled parenLlng plan.
3. ursuanL Lo aragraph 14 of Lhe lebruary 7, 2012 AgreemenL, lf MoLher vlolaLes any courL order
relaLlng Lo legal cusLody, medlcal care, exposure of chlldren Lo llLlgaLlon or clalms of abuse,
overnlghL vlslLaLlon shall be suspended and she shall have weekly supervlsed vlslLaLlon aL
1homasLon Counsellng, Lhe cosL of whlch shall be her sole responslblllLy."
6. ursuanL Lo aragraph 19 of Lhe AgreemenL laLher shall Lake Lhe chlldren Lo ur. PorowlLs who
shall advlse Lhem of Lhe change ln schedule."
7. rlor Lo leavlng Lhe courL room and ln Lhe presence of MoLher's counsel, Lhe guardlan ad llLem
advlsed and conflrmed wlLh moLher LhaL she was noL Lo speak Lo Lhe chlldren regardlng Lhe new
8. ApproxlmaLely Lwo hours afLer Lhe courL enLered Lhe AgreemenL as an order of Lhe courL, Lhe
underslgned recelved a call from lalnLlff laLher who sLaLed LhaL when he arrlved Lo plck Lhe
chlldren up from school a Leacher approached hlm and sald we have a slLuaLlon">
9. 8ased upon lnformaLlon recelved from Lhe chlldren, laLher, and Lhe school, MoLher wenL Lo Lhe
chlldren's school (alLhough lL was noL her scheduled parenLlng day), meL wlLh Lhe chlldren and
advlsed Lhem LhaL she would only see Lhem Lhree days and every oLher Monday.
10. MoLher's conducL, ln addlLlon Lo belng a dlrecL vlolaLlon of Lhe courL order, caused Lhe chlldren
greaL upseL.
11. MoLher's vlolaLlon of Lhe courL order was wlllful.
WPL8LlC8L, Lhe guardlan ad llLem requesLs:
a. 1haL uefendanL MoLher be ad[udged ln conLempL of courL,
b. 1haL Lhe uefendanL MoLher be ordered Lo meeL, on Lhe earllesL daLe all professlonals are
avallable, wlLh her psychlaLrlsL, ur. PorowLlz, ur. krelger and Lhe guardlan ad llLem LogeLher ln order
Lo effecLuaLe an lnLervenLlon LhaL addresses her menLal sLaLus and asslsLs her and her menLal healLh
care provlder ln curblng her desLrucLlve behavlor.
3. 1haL Ms. Sklpp undergo a psychlaLrlc evaluaLlon as deflned by ur. PorowLlz.
4. 1haL Ms. Sklpp be responslble for paymenL ln full for Lhe Llme of Lhe professlonals referenced ln
paragraph 2 and LhaL paymenL be made Lo each of Lhem wlLhln Lwo weeks of recelvlng a blll.
3. 1haL Ms. Sklpp be responslble for Lhe cosL of Lhe psychlaLrlc examlnaLlon referenced ln paragraph
3 and LhaL she cooperaLe wlLh Lhe guardlan ad llLem and ur. PorowlLz ln engaglng a
psychlaLrlsL/psychologlsL who wlll provlde Lhe evaluaLlon aL a reduced raLe lf LhaL can be arranged
Lhrough ur. PorowlLz and Lhe guardlan.
6. 1haL Ms. Sklpp be responslble for Lhe fees of Lhe guardlan lncurred ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe
facLs glvlng rlse Lo Lhls moLlon, Lhe drafLlng of Lhls moLlon, and Lhe aLLendance aL courL and LhaL sald
fees be pald wlLhln Lwo weeks.
7. 1haL Ms. Sklpp be ordered LhaL lf Lhe chlldren ask her any quesLlons regardlng Lhe schedule,
cusLody, Lhe sLaLus of courL proceedlngs, LhaL she respond as recommended by ur. PorowlLz afLer
he meeLs wlLh Lhe chlldren and guardlan on 1hursday evenlng. 1he guardlan shall advlse her of Lhe
approprlaLe response.
Cuardlan ad LlLem

Mary lscaLelll 8rlgham
60 norLh Maln SL.
WaLerbury, C1 06702
!urls no.: 303462


1he foregolng moLlon havlng been heard lL ls hereby:




1he underslgned hereby cerLlfles LhaL Lhe foregolng moLlon was had dellvered Lo Lhe courL on
lebruary 8, 2012 and emalled and malled, posLage prepald, Lo:

ALLorney 8osemary Clullano
39 Sherman Plll 8oad
Woodbury, C1 06798
!ames Plrschfleld
Cramer and Anderson
46 WesL SLreeL

1wo slde noLes:
1. 1he school lncldenL" menLlon ln #8 of Lhe moLlon was ln reference Lo a vlslL l pald Lo Lhe fronL
offlce of Lhe chlldren's school ln order Lo make an appolnLmenL for Lhe school's arenL nlghL."
2. l ulu cooperaLe wlLh a prlor evaluaLlon, performed by ur. krelger, an assoclaLe of ur. PorowlLz.
ur. krelger refused Lo provlde me wlLh my own LesL resulLs, refused Lo send Lhem Lo my physlclan,
and refused Lo send Lhem Lo anoLher psychologlsL wlLhouL a courL order. lf you requlre
documenLaLlon of Lhls, l would be happy Lo slgn any releases necessary so LhaL you may obLaln hard

A week afLer l recelved Lhe lebruary 8, 2012 emall from ur. PorowlLz and Lhe courL order, l followed
up wlLh Mary 8rlgham Lo lnqulre abouL havlng Lhe forenslc evaluaLlon performed. l remalned cerLaln
LhaL Lhe forenslc evaluaLlon would reveal Lhe LruLh, and Lhus resLore cusLody of my chlldren Lo me. l
senL Ms. 8rlgham Lhe followlng emall, cc'lng ur. PorowlLz. l wanLed Lo make cerLaln LhaL everyone
was on Lhe same page." l was becomlng lncreaslngly confused wlLh Lhe speclflc roles and
responslblllLles of Lhe many courL appolnLed professlonals asslgned Lo our case.

Also, Lhe bllllng sLaLemenL from Lhe woman who was acLlng as CAL had no phone calls Lo PorowlLz
ln Lhls Llme perlod.

AL Lhls polnL, l felL as lf l was screamlng from a roofLop, begglng someone Lo help my chlldren. l
conLlnued lnqulrlng abouL WPC was responslble for lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe abuse. ?eL no one (lncludlng
ur. PorowlLz) seemed Lo be able Lo fully clarlfy WPC was responslble for whaL. l was quesLlonlng lf,
perhaps, my confuslon, my chlldren's apparenL emoLlonal decllne slnce cusLody was granLed Lo Lhelr
faLher, along wlLh my mounLlng frusLraLlon and desperaLlon, were conLrlbuLlng Lo Ms. 8rlgham's
lnslnuaLlon LhaL l was menLally unsLable, ln Lurn, severely resLrlcLlng my ablllLy Lo parenL my chlldren
and leavlng Cabrlelle and WyaLL ln Lhe care of an abuslve faLher.

1he change ln cusLody made no sense Lo me. l had glven up my career and furLherlng my own
educaLlon ln order Lo care for my chlldren whlle ur. 1lLLle was essenLlally free Lo pursue hls career
goals. 8efore Lhe separaLlon, ur.1lLLle dld very llLLle day Lo day chlldcare for Lhe chlldren, and he
was away a loL. Some weeks he work 100 hours, before Lhe 80 week was Lhe rule was esLabllshed
and he sLlll vlolaLed lL. AlLhough l found ouL laLer he was noL aL work as much as he sald. l have no
crlmlnal record, no hlsLory of subsLance abuse, and mosL people who knew me before everyLhlng
collapsed would have sald l was a good mom. So how dld Lhls happen? Maybe l needed Lo Lurn Lhe
mlrror onLo myself, ln order Lo dlscover whaL lL was LhaL l was dolng Lo alarm Lhe courL appolnLee or
were we [usL noL communlcaLlng effecLlvely?

5osoo 5klpp<> weJ, leb 15, 2012 ot 10.51 AM
1o. Moty llscotelll 8tlqbom <motybtlqbomsbcqlobol.oet>
cc. "5lJoey notowltz, lb.u." <slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet>, Ilm nltscbflelJ <jbltscbflelJctomet->
1bls ls tbe secooJ tlme l bove beeo tolJ by qobby ooJ wyott's tbetoplst tbot tbey sboolJ boves
foteoslc evolootloo.
wby bos tbls oot beeo otJeteJ? l btooqbt tbls to yoot otteotloo, MotlooeJ fot lt os well.
lf Jt. notowltz, o ptofessloool, loJlcotes tbot wbot woolJ setve tbe klJs' best lotetest wby bos tbls
beeo lqooteJ?

5eot ftom my llbooe

l recelved Lhe followlng reply from ur.PorowlLz:

5lJoey notowltz< slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet> weJ, leb 15, 2012 ot 10.56 AM
1o. 5osoo 5klpp <>
cc. Moty llscotelll 8tlqbom <motybtlqbomsbcqlobol.oet>, Ilm nltscbflelJ <jbltscbflelJctomet->
Actoolly wbot l solJ wos tbot l coolJ oot ooswet some of tbe poestloos yoo oskeJ. Ooly someooe
wbo bos cooJocteJ o foteoslc evolootloo of All membets of tbe fomlly -- tbot ls someooe wbo bos oll
tbe pleces of tbe pozzle-- coo ooswet some of tbe poestloos. l JlJ oot soqqest tbot tbe cbllJteo
sboolJ be evolooteJ by o foteoslc expett.


5lJoey 5. notowltz, lb.u
cllolcol & loteoslc lsycboloqlst
coooectlcot kesootce Ctoop,llc
1JJ 5covlll 5tteet - 5olte 211
wotetboty, c1 06706

As anoLher slde noLe, as a lay person, l belleve LhaL Lhe areas of Lhls emall LhaL l hlghllghLed are
qulLe chlldren had mulLlple vlslLs wlLh Sldney S. PorowlLz, hu..under hls
name, lL says Cllnlcal & lC8LnSlC sychologlsL." AL Lhe Llme of Lhls emall, ur. PorowlLz had
lnLervlewed Cabrlelle, WyaLL, my ex-husband, and me. ln reference Lo Lhe abuse allegaLlons, ur.
PorowlLz sLaLes LhaL only someone who has conducLed a forenslc evaluaLlon of ALL members
of Lhe famlly" ls able Lo deLermlne Lhe valldlLy of abuse clalms (Lhus, Lhe quesLlons" he refers
Lo). 1hen he sLaLes LhaL he dld noL suggesL LhaL Lhe chlldren should be evaluaLed by a forenslc
experL." 8uL ur. PorowlLz PAu evaluaLed Lhe chlldren, and hls LlLle sLaLes lorenslc
sychologlsL." Slnce Lhe Llme of Lhls emall, l have learned Lhrough my own research LhaL a
forenslc" examlnaLlon varles from more general Lherapy, and LhaL ur. PorowlLz was only
appolnLed as a counselor for Lhe chlldren. Powever, l do noL belleve LhaL my confuslon was
unfounded. 8ased on pasL experlences wlLh oLher docLors, Lhey were able Lo easlly
communlcaLe Lhe dlfferences ln speclalLles, dlfferenL Lypes of LesLlng, Lhe reason for
lnvolvemenL of such speclalLles, and who was responslble for handllng Lhese recommendaLlons
and referrals. lor my own fuLure reference, do sychologlsLs operaLe under a dlfferenL seL of
rules, ln regards Lo Lhelr responslblllLy Lo fully dlsclose, explaln, and verlfy LhaL Lhe paLlenL
undersLands such complex sysLems?
5osoo 5klpp<> weJ, Mot 21, 2012 ot 6.56 AM
1o. Moty 8tlqbom <moty.btlqbomlowott.oet>
cc. nowotJ ktleqet <bowotJctqsbcqlobol.oet>, slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet
lleose tespooJ to tbls. 1bls ls lo vlolotloo of coott otJet ooJ cettololy oot lo best lotetests of klJs oot
to see tbe otbet poteot ooJ be wlllfolly JeoleJ tbot. wyott bos beeo vety opset ooJ l bove oot seeo
tbem lo teo Joys.

Ate yoo owote 5bowo bos o oew cbotqe of teckless Jtlvloq? l flqoteJ oftet oll tbe bostlle emoll tbot
tbete wos o coose os bls ootmol bebovlot ls to toke oot sttess lo bls llfe oqqtesslvely oo otbets, socb
os lo moy of 2010 wbeo be wos cooqbt lo offolt ooJ l boJ to qet cbllJteo oot of tbe boose fot tbelt
owo sofety fot two flqotloq be'J klll me bot ot leost oot klJs.
1bls ls wby qoos ote o blq lssoe - especlolly llleqol ooes ooJ wby lt's pott of Jlvotce. l tolJ yoo oll
olooq tbe qoy woolJ klll me ooJ bos tolJ me socb lo oo woy of coofosloq lt. wbeo my occlJeot
boppeoeJ, fltst tbooqbt evetyooe ftom boss to klJs scbool tbooqbt sbowo botmeJ me ooJ tbot's wby
l wosoy ot wotk. look bock oo uotleoe oJeqootJ lettet - sbe stotes tbot sbe ls oftolJ of some
tetollototy oct jost flt wtltloq lettet ooJ testlfyloq.

Ao eotllet emoll- l bove oometoos emolls pleoJloq fot belp

5eot ftom my llbooe
5osoo 5klpp


to Moty, nowotJ, 5lJoey

nos 5bowo ptovlJeJ setlol oombets fot tbe exteoslve qoo collectloo ooJ ptoof of leqollty? As yoo
koow, vety well, 5bowo ls coteless wltb flteotms ooJ ommooltloo.

5eot ftom my llbooe

5osoo 5klpp


to Moty, nowotJ, 5lJoey

l woolJ tblok lt's teosoooble tbot woolJ tbot woolJ be ooJet yoot scope ooJ specttom sloce lt wos
otJeteJ ooJet yoot wotcb, wos o setloos cooceto of mloe becoose of bls cotelessoess- soppotteJ by
tbe klJs stotemeots, l woolJ tblok lt's teosoooble tbot woolJ tbot woolJ be ooJet yoot scope ooJ
specttom of qootJloo oJ lltem sloce lt wos otJeteJ ooJet yoot wotcb, wos o setloos cooceto of mloe
becoose of bls cotelessoess, soppotteJ by tbe klJs stotemeots, JtofteJ loto tbe oqteemeot yoo wtote
ooJ lo tbe best lotetest of tbe sofety of klJs lo qeoetol. 1be otJet mooJotes tbot be ptovlJe yoo wltb
setlol oombets fot oll weopoos. cleotly, tbe 4 ot 5 ote sbott. 5o tbot l moy oJJtess lt lo coott, wblcb
weopoos bos be ptovlJeJ setlol oombets fot?

Alooq wltb tbe sleeploq ottooqemeots. wyott Joeso't llke 5botloq o beJ.
1belt feot of blm.
1be scbeJole of poteotloq tlme
nls lock of coopetotloo of wbot ls lo best lotetest of klJs
ne folleJ bls Jtoq test ot wotk
ne Jtloks excesslvely

lleose seoJ me o cottecteJ copy of tbe blll wblcb woolJ locloJe me os poyot oo 5k- 4/4 poymeot,
oot jost 5bowo.

l bove emolleJ 5bowo twlce ooce lost week ooJ toJoy lopoltloq oboot bls poymeot to Jt ktleqet. ne
bos oot tespooJeJ to tbls, omooq evetytbloq else.

5eot ftom my llbooe

8egardless of hls moLlvaLlons, ur. PorowlLz dld noL reporL alleged chlld abuse, as mandaLed by Lhe sLaLe
of ConnecLlcuL. ln addlLlon, ur. PorowlLz, on 2 separaLe occaslons, refused Lo speak wlLh uCl workers
who were lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe abuse allegaLlons. l wlll defer Lo Lhe aLLached documenLs, so LhaL your offlce
may declde wheLher or noL Lhere ls enough evldence Lo prove LhaL ur. PorowlLz breached hls
l am also aLLachlng a hand wrlLLen leLLer auLhored by my daughLer, Cabrlelle, where she sLaLes, l Lold
Mary 8rlgham, Llnda keeler, and Sldney PorowlLz LhaL l'm scared of my dad. 1hey dld noL llsLen." l do
noL have coples of Lhe uCl reporLs, as Lhey are consldered confldenLlal ln naLure. 8uL here ls Lhe copy of
Lhe leLLer LhaL Cabby wroLe Lo glve Lo adulLs aL her school, ln hopes LhaL someone would sLep up and
help her and her broLher:

8y March of Lhls year, l had some serlous concerns abouL ur. PorowlLz's bllllng pracLlces. l wlll
speclflcally address Lhls lssue ln Lhe nexL secLlon, and you can refer back Lo Lhls emall. Cn March 24,
2012, l senL Lhe followlng emall Lo ur. PorowlLz:

ltom. 5osoo 5klpp <>
1o. slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet
5object. 8lllloq
uote. 5ot, 24 Mot 2012 1J.00.00 -0400

ut. notowltz,
lo oJJltloo to my cbllJteo's tecotJs wltb yoot ootes, pleose ptovlJe tbe Jloqoosls fot wblcb losotooce
oqtees to ptovlJe looq tetm tbetopy ooJ oo ltemlzeJ blllloq sloce yoot lovolvemeot wltb oot fomlly.
1book yoo

5eot ftom my llbooe

ur. PorowlLz dld noL respond Lo me dlrecLly. lnsLead, he senL Lhe followlng emall Lo Lhe Mary 8rlgham,
recuslng hlmself from belng Cabrlelle and WyaLL's LheraplsL. l obLalned Lhls emall because Mary
8rlgham forwarded lL Lo me. l am lncludlng Lhls parLlcular emall aL Lhls polnL because ur. PorowlLz
descrlbes hls vlews regardlng Lhe allegaLlons of abuse and some reasons for noL reporLlng Lhem:

ltom. 5lJoey notowltz <slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet>,
1o. Moty 8tlqbom <moty.btlqbomlowott.oet>,
5object. 1be 1lttle cblJlteo
5eot. 5oo, Mot 25, 2012 12.J2.17 AM
ueot Ms. 8tlqbom,
Aftet looq ooJ cotefol cooslJetotloo l om wtltloq to lofotm yoo tbot l oeeJ to tecose myself ftom
tteotloq wyott ooJ AoJetsoo 1lttle.
As l commoolcoteJ to yoo lo tbe post, lo otJet fot me to molotolo oo oobloseJ ooJ objectlve wotkloq
telotloosblp wltb tbese cbllJteo l oeeJ to be ftee ftom tbe oo-qoloq, ftepoeot ooJ tbteoteoloq emolls
ftom Ms. 5klpp. l bove wotkeJ botJ to molotolo o ptofessloool telotloosblp wltb Ms. 5klpp. l bove
lovlteJ bet to come to my offlce to speok oboot my tteotmeot ooJ tteotmeot ploos) lo wotkloq wltb
bet cbllJteo. 5be bos come lo oo o coople of occosloos. nowevet, sbe wos oot oble to stoy focoseJ oo
eltbet of tbese lssoes ooJ petsevetoteJ oo bet olleqotloos tbot tbe cbllJteo bove beeo tepeoteJly
vlctlmlzeJ by ut. 1ltttle ooJ tbot yoo, me, tbe coott ooJ otbets ote oowlllloq to osslst bet lo
ptotectloq bet "oboseJ" cbllJteo. l bove ttleJ to lmpott tbot l om o oeottol ooJ lmpottlol
psycboloqlst wbo ls ttyloq to ollow tbe cbllJteo to bove o sofe ploce to exptess ooy/oll of tbelt
tbooqbts ooJ feelloqs (qeoetoteJ by tbe coofllct betweeo tbelt poteots). As o mooJoteJ tepottet, lf l
boJ beotJ lofotmotloo tbot soqqesteJ tbot tbe cbllJteo bove beeo oboseJ l woolJ bove posseJ tbot
lofotmotloo oo to yoo ooJ tbe ootbotltles. 1be wotst l beotJ wos "bolt pollloq" of wyott tbot moy ot
moy oot bove boppeoeJ some yeots oqo. lo my oploloo tbot JlJ oot tlse to o level of tepottloq to ucl
ot to yoo. Cobby woolJ ftepoeotly speok of bow boJly bet fotbet tteoteJ bet motbet (by Jtlokloq
ooJ Jtlvloq, bovloq oo offolt, etc) ooJ woolJ voclllote oboot bet JlvlJeJ loyoltles towotJs botb of bet
poteots. l oevet beotJ commeots tbot soqqesteJ tbot sbe wos oboseJ by bet fotbet. 1bot solJ, tbe
cbllJteo bove beeo ooJ cootlooe to be ot tlsk by tbe psycboloqlcol oolse lo tbls fomlly. l Jo oot koow
wbo ls tbe ptoxlmote coose of tbls opset. l bove oot beeo oo evolootot. l bove ttleJ to molotolo my
oeottollty to cootlooe to be opeo ooJ ovolloble to ooJ fot tbe cbllJteo.
uesplte my tepoests of bet ooJ yoot ottempts (os tbe CAl) to osslst me, Ms. 5klpp cootlooes to flooJ
me wltb bet emolls. 1bey bove teocbeJ o level socb tbot l feot tbot l coooot molotolo my ptofessloool
oeottollty. lf l cootlooe to tteot tbe cbllJteo l wotty tbot my feelloqs oboot tbelt motbet moy be
oocooscloosly ooJ loJltectly sboteJ wltb tbem, tbey Jo oot oeeJ tbot ftom o tbetoplst.
l sboolJ oJJ tbot tbls ls tbe fltst tlme lo my ptofessloool coteet tbot l bove tecoseJ myself ftom
tteotloq o cbllJ, l Jo so wltb soJoess.
l om wlllloq to meet wltb tbe cbllJteo to explolo tbot becoose of "petsoool teosoos bovloq ootbloq to
Jo wltb tbem" tbot l coooot cootlooe to see tbem. l wlll be boppy to osslst lo tbe ttoosfet of tbese
cbllJteo to oootbet tbetoplst.
lleose lofotm Ms. 5klpp, ut. 1lttle ooJ cooosel of my Jeclsloo.

8est teqotJs,

5lJoey 5. notowltz

5lJoey 5. notowltz, lb.u.
cllolcol & loteoslc lsycboloqlst
coooectlcot kesootce Ctoop, llc
1JJ 5covlll 5tteet - 5olte 211
wotetboty, c1 06706
lb. 20J-57J-9521
lx. 20J-57J-8708

lf you need furLher elaboraLlon regardlng any of Lhe allegaLlons ur. PorowlLz made abouL me ln
Lhls emall, please do noL heslLaLe Lo ask. l promlse my full cooperaLlon, and wlll provlde any
supporLlng documenLaLlon as needed. l was unsure lf rebuLLlng Lhese allegaLlons ln Lhls form
was relevanL because l only asked for bllllng and Lhe dlagnosls my daughLer was glven. 1hls was
Lhe Lhlrd Llme LhaL l had requesLed Lhls lnformaLlon from ur. PorowlLz.

2.) 8||||ng |nsurance and rece|v|ng payment for an |ncorrect d|agnos|s
lrom AugusL 23, 2010 unLll uecember2011, ur. PorowlLz was bllllng Lhe chlldren's lnsurance company
(AeLna) wlLh Lhe dlagnosls code of 296.22, whlch l dlscovered ls a ma[or depresslve dlsorder. ?ou wlll
see ur. PorowlLz's LesLlmony regardlng Lhls maLLer on Lhe courL LranscrlpLs LhaL l am aLLachlng Lo Lhls
documenL. l belleve LhaL much of Lhls LesLlmony speaks for lLself: he ls per[urlng hlmself.
Powever, l belleve lL may be necessary Lo add a few relevanL polnLs ln order Lo elaboraLe on Lhe
slgnlflcance of Lhls maLLer. llrsL of all, as ur. PorowlLz LesLlfled, he never noLlfled me or Lhe chlldren's
faLher of any such dlagnosls. ln AugusL of 2010, l was sLlll Lhe chlldren's cusLodlan. nexL, ur. PorowlLz
LesLlfled LhaL Lhe dlagnosls code was a clerlcal error," and LhaL Cabrlelle's acLual dlagnosls was an
Ad[usLmenL ulsorder." ur. PorowlLz also LesLlfled LhaL he had conLacLed AeLna and correcLed Lhe
dlagnosls code.
l am hlghly susplclous of ur. PorowlLz's clalm LhaL Lhe false dlagnosls code was a clerlcal error,"
because on several occaslons, l wlLnessed Lhe manner ln whlch ur. PorowlLz submlLLed hls bllllng. AL
Lhe end of each sesslon wlLh Lhe chlldren, ur. PorowlLz would flll ouL a bllllng sLaLemenL, and hand wrlLe
a dlagnosls code onLo each sLaLemenL. Pe would Lhen have me carry Lhe sLaLemenL Lo Lhe offlce
recepLlonlsL. AL LhaL polnL, l would pay Lhe co-pay for Lhe vlslL. As per ur. PorowlLz's own sworn
LesLlmony, he conLlnued Lo blll Lhe lnsurance company under Lhe code of Ma[or uepresslve ulsorder"
afLer every vlslL for a perlod of almosL 16 monLhs. 1hls ls also reflecLed on Lhe bllllng sLaLemenLs. Also lL
was an AuA advocaLe Lhe broughL Lhese lnsurance quesLlons Lo AL1nA as well as me ln lebruary. l know
of Lhwo oLher lndlvlduals who have Lhe same lssue wlLh PorowlLz's refusal Lo release bllllng.
When l began Lo grow susplclous of ur. PorowlLz's bllllng pracLlces, l requesLed lLemlzed bllllng
sLaLemenLs from boLh ur. PorowlLz hlmself and hls offlce sLaff. ln March, shorLly before hls recusal, l
compleLed releases ln order Lo recelve Lhe lnformaLlon l requesLed. rlor Lo March, l emalled ur.
PorowlLz several Llmes, requesLlng lLemlzed bllllng lnformaLlon. lL ls my bellef LhaL, as a legal guardlan Lo
my chlldren, and as a payer of servlces, lL was ur. PorowlLz's professlonal responslblllLy Lo provlde me
wlLh bllllng sLaLemenLs and Lhe dlagnosls, especlally glven Lhe serlous naLure of Lhe dlagnosls. ur.
PorowlLz and hls offlce sLaLed LhaL l could noL have access Lo Lhe chlldren's records or bllllng
lease refer Lo Lhe emall ln Lhe prevlous secLlon daLed March 24, 2012. 8elow are oLher emall
exchanges beLween ur. PorowlLz and me, where l requesLed bllllng sLaLemenLs and records.

Oo 5ep 5, 2012, ot 12.4J lM, sosoo sklpp <> wtote.
> nl,
> uo yoo bove o blllloq occooot of oll tbe tlme yoo speot oo tbe pbooe ot met wltb tbe qol?
Oo weJ, 5ep 5, 2012 ot 12.52 lM, 5lJoey notowltz <slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet> wtote.
l bope tbot Cobby ooJ wyott ote Joloq well.

5lJoey 5. notowltz, lb.u.
cllolcol & loteoslc lsycboloqlst
1JJ 5covlll 5tteet - 5olte 211
wotetboty, c1 06706

Oo 5ep 5, 2012, ot 12.58 lM, sosoo sklpp <> wtote.
oo tbey ote oot Joloq well. Cobby ls mlsetoble ooJ we ote owoltloq o costoJy Jeclsoo. Aqolo, wbot
JlsotJet Joes my Jooqbtet bove occotJloq to yoo? 1be ttlol wos tbe fltst tlme l beotJ of lt.
Oo 5ep 5, 2012, ot 1.06 lM, 5lJoey notowltz <slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet> wtote.
l om sotty tbot tbey ote oot well.
Clveo tbot tbe ttlol ls stlll ooJet woy lt ls ptobobly best lf we Jo oot cottespooJ oboot cooteot oteos.

5lJoey 5. notowltz, lb.u.
cllolcol & loteoslc lsycboloqlst
1JJ 5covlll 5tteet - 5olte 211
wotetboty, c1 06706

5osoo 5klpp<> weJ, 5ep 5, 2012 ot 2.2J lM
1o. 5lJoey notowltz <slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet>
l om oskloq fot blllloq. Ao occooot of tbe tlme yoo speoJ, cost locotteJ to speoklbq wltb btlqbom
5eot ftom my llbooe

ur. PorowlLz dld noL respond Lo Lhls requesL and has sLlll noL provlded Lhls lnformaLlon. ln addlLlon, l
wenL Lo hls offlce on or abouL March 21, and spoke wlLh Shawna, an employee of ur. PorowlLz. She
lnsLrucLed me Lo flll ouL and slgn a release. l asked lf l would need Lo flll ouL a second release for WyaLL's
records. Shawna replled,"We do noL have a charL for hlm. We [usL have Lhem boLh under one record." l
undersLand LhaL one record ls ofLen uLlllzed ln cases of famlly Lherapy. Powever, ln Lhls case, ur.
PorowlLz was supposed Lo be provldlng Lherapy Lo Lhe chlldren on an lndlvldual basls, yeL ur. PorowlLz
was documenLlng and bllllng boLh chlldren's care under Cabrlelle's name, under Lhe dlagnosls of a ma[or
depresslve dlsorder.
1o Lhls daLe, l sLlll have noL recelved any records or bllllng sLaLemenLs from ur. PorowlLz or hls offlce.
1he bllllng sLaLemenLs LhaL l have aLLached Lo Lhls documenL are ones LhaL l had ln anLlclpaLlon for a
legal acLlon as l pald Lhe deducLlbles uncovered Lhlngs llke hls readlng emall. ln uecember ln
anLlclpaLlon of legal acLlon, l requesLed Lhe bllllng Lo show Lhe courL whaL l pald as my ex-husband dld
AddlLlonally, under oaLh on AugusL 13, 2012, ur. PorowlLz sLaLed LhaL anoLher reason for hls recusal
from Lhe case was Lhe facL LhaL l had flled a moLlon ln llmlne. ?ou can read Lhls LesLlmony ln Lhe
aLLached courL LranscrlpL. ln facL, ur. PorowlLz recused hlmself from our case on March 23, 2012. l flled
Lhe moLlon ln llmlne on Aprll 24, 2012. As evldence, l wlll also aLLach a copy of an excerpL from Lhe
onllne flle for my dockeL number. ln reallLy, as referenced ln Lhe emalls above, l asked ur. PorowlLz for
bllllng sLaLemenLs and dlagnosls codes (whlch Lurned ouL Lo be ln error accordlng Lo hls LesLlmony ln Lhe
aLLached courL LranscrlpLs). ur. PorowlLz recused hlmself from Lhe case Lhe followlng day, March 23,
LxcerpL from CourL uockeL llsLlng when moLlon ln llmlne was flled ln Lhe WaLerbury, ConnecLlcuL CourL:
uW?-lA10-4022992-S 1l11LL,SPAWn v. Skl-1l11LL,SuSAn
284.00 04/24/2012 u MC1lCn lC8 ln!unC1lCn
283.00 04/24/2012 u MC1lCn ln LlMlnL
286.0 04/23/2012 C C8uL8

3. Ia||ure to not|fy |ega| guard|ans of the d|agnos|s and treatment of a m|nor ch||d

As evldenced ln Lhe aLLached bllllng sLaLemenLs, ur. PorowlLz wroLe a dlagnosls of 296.22 or ma[or
depresslve dlsorder" for Cabrlelle 1lLLle, a mlnor chlld, and bllled lnsurance under Lhls dlagnosls from
AugusL 23, 2010 unLll aL leasL March of 2012 (per ur. PorowlLz's sworn LesLlmony, LranscrlpLs aLLached).
ur. PorowlLz never noLlfled me or Lhe chlldren's faLher of Lhls dlagnosls, Lhe lmpllcaLlons of such a
dlagnosls, or Lhe LreaLmenL plans. ln facL, prlor Lo Lhls courL daLe, l was unaware of any dlagnosls LhaL
had been glven Lo my daughLer aslde from whaL l dlscovered from researchlng Lhe dlagnosls code
myself. uurlng Lhe hearlng, ur. PorowlLz LesLlfled LhaL he had changed Lhe dlagnosls. 1hls was Lhe flrsL
Llme LhaL l heard abouL Lhe newesL dlagnosls. As far as l am aware, Lhe chlldren's faLher also flrsL
learned of Lhls dlagnosls durlng Lhe same hearlng.

When l found ouL abouL Lhe serlousness of Lhe dlagnosls lssued, as l emalled PorowlLz many Llmes Lo
flnd ouL whaL he was LreaLlng my chlldren for, he sklrLed Lhe lssue every Llme, lL broughL my serlous
panlc because my daughLer expressed sulcldal urges- Lhls would have been someLhlng Lo waLch for- no
one was helplng my daughLer or son!

As noLed above, ur. PorowlLz LesLlfled ln courL LhaL he had mlsdlagnosed Cabrlelle, and re-dlagnosed
her wlLh a less serlous ad[usLmenL dlsorder," approxlmaLely 19 monLhs afLer he began LreaLlng Lhe
chlldren. ur. PorowlLz clalmed LhaL he conLacLed Lhe lnsurance company regardlng Lhe error ln March
of 2012, afLer he had recused hlmself from our case. ur. PorowlLz dld noL noLlfy me or my ex-husband
abouL Lhls error." An AuA advocaLe had been communlcaLlng exLenslvely wlLh AeLna regardlng Lhls
lssue ln laLe lebruary and early March of 2012. l can provlde documenLaLlon of Lhese communlcaLlons
upon your requesL. As well, l reporLed Lhe fraud Lo Lhe lnsurance fraud secLlon of ConnecLlcuL's
4.) Ia|s|f|cat|on of Med|ca| kecords
Cn or abouL March 21, 2012 l wenL Lo ur. PorowlLz's offlce Lo agaln requesL coples of my chlldren's
medlcal records and bllllng sLaLemenLs. uurlng Lhls vlslL, l slgned a release ln order Lo recelve Lhe
chlldren's records. ur. PorowlLz's recepLlonlsL, Shawna, lnformed me LhaL ur. PorowlLz only uLlllzed one
charL for boLh chlldren. Cabrlelle and WyaLL's records" were boLh conLalned ln Cabrlelle's charL, under
Cabrlelle's name. AlLhough ur. PorowlLz had LreaLed boLh chlldren, all of Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ur.
PorowlLz had on boLh chlldren was conLalned ln one charL: Cabrlelle's. WyaLL dld noL have a record ln
ur. PorowlLz's offlce. ur. PorowlLz also bllled Lhe lnsurance company for boLh chlldren under
Cabrlelle's name.
lease refer Lo ur. PorowlLz's LesLlmony conLalned ln Lhe courL LranscrlpL, aLLached below. ln Lhls
LranscrlpL, ur. PorowlLz admlLs Lo comblnlng Cabrlelle and WyaLL's medlcal records and bllllng.

S.) 8reaches of Conf|dent|a||ty
ALLorney Mary 8rlgham was appolnLed by !udge 8uzzuLo of WaLerbury Superlor courL Lo serve as my
chlldren's Cuardlan Ad LlLem on SepLember 9, 2010. ln AugusL of 2010, ur. PorowlLz began Lo see my
chlldren and laLer appolnLed by !udge 8esha Lo serve ln Lhe role of a counselor Lo my chlldren. 8eLween
AugusL 2010 and May 12, 2011, many emalls, phone calls, and oLher communlcaLlons were exchanged
beLween myself, my aLLorney, Ms. 8rlgham, and ur. PorowlLz regardlng Lhe LreaLmenL of my chlldren.
Cn May 12, 2011, l recelved Lhe followlng emall from Ms. 8rlgham, remlndlng me of her end of
appolnLmenL herself as my chlldren's CAL. As you can see, ur. PorowlLz was cc'd on Lhls emall, Lhus
recelvlng noLlce LhaL l (Mary) am noL conLlnulng my lnvesLlgaLlon."
ltom. Attotoey Moty 8tlqbom <motybtlqbomsbcqlobol.oet>
uote. 1bo, Moy 12, 2011 ot 6.41 lM
5object. ke. ke.
1o. 5osoo 5klpp <>
cc. 5bowo 1lttle <>, "5lJoey notowltz <slJoeybotowltzcomcost.oet>nowotJ
ktleqet" <bowotJctqsbcqlobol.oet>
uoless ooJ ootll tbete ls o motloo flleJ wblcb woolJ wottoot my lovolvemeot beyooJ eosotloq tbot
copoteot coooselloq ls tokloq ploce, l om oot cootlooloq my lovestlqotloo. l om mooltotloq tbloqs by
vlttoe of beloq cc'J oo emolls,.Otbet tboo tbot ,lssoes telotloq to vlsltotloo ooJ costoJy ote qovetoeJ by
tbe oqteemeot ooless otbetwlse moJlfleJ. Neltbet yoo oot wyott bos vk tolseJ tbe olleqeJ lssoe of
wyott sbotloq o beJ wltb bls fotbet ( otbet tboo fot tbe sbott petloJ befote oew fotoltote ottlveJ fot tbe
cbllJteo). l poestloo wby yoo ote tosloq tbot, os well os otbet lssoes- l.e. ttovel Jlstooce (wbeo yoo
moveJ fottbet owoy) ot o tlme wbeo yoo ooJ 5bowo sboolJ be well loto tbe moJe of effectlve
l om JlsbeotteoeJ to soy tbe leost tbot tbe cbllJteo cootlooe to be tbe vlctlms of cootlooeJ oolmoslty
ooJ mlsttost betweeo yoo ooJ 5bowo. 1bey ote, ooJ oo Joobt wlll cootlooe, to be, botmeJ by wbot ls
Ooce oqolo, l otqe yoo ooJ 5bowo to move fotwotJ botb lo yoot petsoool llves ooJ lo yoot telotloosblp
os poteots of two wooJetfol cbllJteo.

Moty llscotelll 8tlqbom
Attotoey ot low
(20J) 574-2404
fox (20J) 755-6J66

AfLer Lhls daLe, Lhere was never a moLlon flled whlch would warranL my (Ms. 8rlgham's) lnvolvemenL"
as was Ms. 8rlgham's condlLlon for re-enLerlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons wlLhln our case. lo foct Ms. 8tlqbom
boJ oot stotototy stooJloq to be lovolveJ.notowltz vloloteJ nllAA cottespooJloq wltb Ms. 8tlqbom.
uesplLe Lhe facL LhaL Ms. 8rlgham appolnLmenL ended March 28, 2011, ur. PorowlLz conLlnued Lo share
confldenLlal lnformaLlon regardlng my chlldren wlLh Ms. 8rlgham. lf requlred, l would need Lo subpoena
records ln order Lo documenL Lhe correspondence ln whlch ur. PorowlLz shared prlvlleged lnformaLlon
wlLh Ms. 8rlgham, afLer Ms. 8rlgham's role as Cuardlan ad LlLem LermlnaLed March 28, 2011. Accordlng
Lo Lhe SLaLe of ConnecLlcuL's deflnlLlon of Lhe role of a Cuardlan Ad LlLem, and several precedenLs:
Cohen v Cohen Where Lhe Cal role ls sLlpulaLed ln Lhe dlssoluLlon and 8ldgeway v 8ldgeway flndlng
parenLs are Lhe mosL llkely Lo advocaLe for Lhelr chlldren's besL lnLeresL. ln llsh v llsh, Cuardlan ad
llLem may sLay on aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe [udge ln hlgh confllcL cusLody cases." We dld noL have a hlgh
confllcL cusLody case, we reached dlssoluLlon vla agreemenL. Ms. 8rlgham was never reappolnLed, buL
conLlnued her aLLempLs Lo lnLervene ln our case, lncludlng her correspondence wlLh ur. PorowlLz. Pe
was aware of Ms. 8rlgham's end of appolnLmenL, buL he chose Lo conLlnue sharlng confldenLlal
lnformaLlon wlLh her. lease leL me know lf you need Lhese emalls ln order Lo conducL your
uurlng ur. PorowlLz's LesLlmony (LranscrlpLs below), he also admlLs Lo dlscusslng confldenLlal deLalls
regardlng my chlldren and our courL case, even afLer ur. PorowlLz had recused hlmself. Cne parLlcularly
dlsLurblng example ls ur. PorowlLz's LesLlmony LhaL anoLher reason for hls recusal was LhaL l had senL an
emall Lo Lhe chlldren's school, and LhaL emall had greaLly upseL Lhe chlldren. ur. PorowlLz offlclally
recused hlmself on March 23, 2012. 1he emall Lo Lhe school LhaL ur. PorowlLz referred Lo ln hls
LesLlmony was daLed Aprll 2, 2012 (a full week afLer he had recused hlmself from Lhe case) and ls copled
My ex-husband enLered Lhe same emall lnLo evldence, Lhus suggesLlng LhaL ur. PorowlLz and my ex-
husband were exchanglng lnformaLlon perLlnenL Lo an ongolng Lrlal, well afLer ur. PorowlLz had recused
hlmself. keep ln mlnd LhaL ur. PorowlLz had clalmed LhaL he was a neuLral Lhlrd parLy whose sole
responslblllLy was Lo provlde Lhe chlldren a safe haven" ln whlch Lo express Lhelr dlsLress durlng Lhls
prolonged, sLressful ordeal. l do noL know why ur. PorowlLz and my ex-husband were dlscusslng an
emall l had senL Lo a Lhlrd parLy...especlally afLer ur. PorowlLz was no longer supposed Lo be my
chlldren's LheraplsL. lurLhermore, l am unsure as Lo why my chlldren would have been exposed Lo Lhls
emall, whlch was dlrecLed Loward a faculLy member of my chlldren's school, and was never meanL Lo
have been seen by Cabrlelle or WyaLL. ?eL, ln courL LesLlmony, ur. PorowlLz sLaLed LhaL LhaL Lhe
chlldren were greaLly upseL by an emall l senL Lo Lhe school.
l senL Lhe followlng emall Lo Lhe school ouL of pure desperaLlon, as none of Lhe professlonals" asslgned
Lo our courL case were Laklng any sLeps Lo lnLervene and sLop Lhe cycle of abuse. lL seemed LhaL every
Llme l reached ouL Lo someone and reporLed Lhe abuse, l was furLher punlshed by havlng more of my
parenLal rlghLs Laken away. My daughLer was expresslng sulcldal LhoughLs ln a leLLer and Lhe CAL
dlsmlssed lL as unlmporLanL, PorowlLz dld noL dlscuss lL. lL was a nlghLmare. Also PorowlLz furLher
per[ured hlmself as hls recusal was March 23, 2012. Pow would he have dlscussed Lhls ln a sesslon wlLh
Lhe chlldren as he sald ln Lhe LranscrlpL?

5osoo 5klpp<> Moo, Apt 2, 2012 ot 5.J9 lM
1o. uebby ueColte <JJeqoltelltcbflelJmootessotl.otq>
oo fotwotJ tbe tbloqs tbot sbow wbot botm my klJs expetleoce losteoJ of belp tbem.
1oke oooloqy of bolocoost- ooboJy wooteJ to belleve o few ctozy Iews tolkloq oboot bottlflc tbloqs.
oslet to be lobeleJ ctozy Iew, ot lo my cose ctozy blttet ooqty vloJlctlve obsesseJ - - wbotevet otbet
lobel- womoo.
l om oot oskloq fot ooytbloq except sofety fot klJs. oo pot tbem oo ttolo ooJ soy Joo't wotty.
lo tbe oooloqy l mlqbt be tbe ctozy Iew soyloq," look wbot ls boppeoloq to my klJs!"
oo cbose tbe colm Nozl.
lo coooectlcot obosets wbo seek costoJy qet lt 90X of tlme. oo ote compllclt lo tbelt obose, tbe eotlte
scbool ls.
l seot yoo o vlJeo so yoo wlll stop beloq compllclt. keoJ oboot coetclve coottol. lleose wotcb tbe vlJeo l
qove yoo- lt's moJe by cptv! oo ote pott of tbe ptoblem.
leocefol commoolty ls oot lqootloq bomoo tlqbts vlolotloos to keep peoce lo yoot commoolty. lf tbe
scbool bos teol loteqtlty bebloJ tbot posltloo, llve lt. uotll tbeo bove loteqtlty ooJ soy moke lt look olce
ooJ tbeo ptoblems Joot exlst.
now ls my beqqloq fot belp to stop botm tbot ls comloq to klJs ooy Jlffeteot ftom tbe Iew soyloq look
wbot tbey Jo lo tbose comps!
l koow lt's eoslet to belleve tbete ls sometbloq wtooq wltb me- ptopoqooJo.
now coo yoo soy yoo cote oboot my cbllJteo wbeo yoo jost pot tbem oo tbe ttolo?
5eot ftom my llbooe

Add|t|ona| Informat|on:

lease read Llfe SenLence" by kelLh Parmon Snow (llnk below). l was lnvesLlgaLed and lnLervlewed for
Lhls arLlcle. ur. PorowlLz was menLloned ln con[uncLlon wlLh many quesLlonable" cases, where he
appears Lo uLlllze Lhe same LacLlcs LhaL he used ln my case. 1hls arLlcle ls long, buL lL places much of
whaL l have wrlLLen ln Lhls reporL lnLo perspecLlve. lL documenLs oLher cases where PorwlLz was
lnvolved ln slmllar clrcumsLances.
CuoLes from A Llfe SenLence: lamlly CourLs Sacrlflclng MoLhers and Chlldren ln Amerlca" by kelLh
Parmon Snow:

ln Lhe ConnecLlcuL CourL sysLem Lhe blggesL offenders--showlng up ln one [udlclal abuse case afLer anoLher -
- are ur. !erome (!erry) 8rodlle, ur. 8ruce lreedman, ur. uonald !. Plebel and ur. kelLh 8oeder (Plebel and
8oeder) ur. Sldney PorowlLz and ur. Poward krleger (ConnecLlcuL 8esource Croup), ur. !ames 8lack, ur.
kenneLh 8obson and ur. uonald 1olles. 1here are more, who appear less ofLen, buL Lhe roLLen core of Lhe
problem revolves around Lhese above, where ur. kenneLh 8obson deserves speclal focus.

"So, women llke Sunny and l have had our federal clvll rlghLs masslvely vlolaLed by labellng us wlLh menLal
lllnesses Lhen Laklng our klds away," says Mrs. Wllson. ur. kenneLh 8obson, ur. Sldney PorowlLz and ur.
8ruce lreedman were Lhe cusLody evaluaLors who persecuLed Lhls moLher, and Lhe !udge ln her case was
Lynda 8. Munro.

"My daughLer's faLher was arresLed for molesLlng her," sald Mrs. uonovan. "1he [ury was a hung [ury and
Lhe sLaLe prosecuLor Lold me Lhe hung [ury would proLecL her ln Lhe cusLody case. l am sure LhaL would
have been Lhe case lf Lhe cusLody evaluaLors had noL lnvolved Lhemselves ln her case. My daughLer's
faLher's aLLorney arranged for Sldney PorowlLz Lo do a cusLody evaluaLlon, and all of Lhe uneLhlcal Lhlngs
PorowlLz dld Lo my daughLer are documenLed. ur. PorowlLz evenLually sald he dldn'L know wheLher or noL
my daughLer's faLher molesLed her--and LhaL he also 'undersLood' why her faLher would rage aL her for 43
mlnuLes ln hls offlce. Pe Lhen Lold !udge Munro durlng Lhe cusLody Lrlal LhaL slnce my daughLer belleved
Lhe abuse happened and because l belleved lL happened -- and even Lhough PorowlLz dldn'L know wheLher
or noL lL happened -- my daughLer should be Laken from me and hosplLallzed and be glven psychoLroplc
medlcaLlon lf she conLlnued Lo reslsL vlslLlng wlLh her [sexually abuslve] faLher unsupervlsed. 1he sLaLe of
ConnecLlcuL spenL aL leasL a mllllon dollars on my daughLer's case."

Susan (1lLLle) Sklpp ls [usL over half way Lhrough Lhe process LhaL Sunny kelley and Llnda Wlegand suffered,
and she can see whaL ls comlng based on whaL happened Lo Lhese oLhers. Susan Sklpp was asslgned Lwo of
Lhe mosL unscrupulous courL-appolnLed cusLody evaluaLors, ur. Sldney PorowlLz and ur. Poward krleger,
boLh from Lhe ConnecLlcuL 8esource Croup, boLh adherenLs and advocaLes of arenLal AllenaLlon
Syndrome. ulsLressed and ouLraged by Lhelr mallclousness, and sllghLly aLLuned Lo Lhe facL LhaL she ls
anoLher candldaLe 'blLch' Lhe sysLem ls ouL Lo screw, Susan Sklpp requesLed LhaL Lhese 'experLs' provlde her
wlLh all bllllng and oLher records, soon afLer Lhls Lhe Lwo AS psychologlsLs wlLhdrew from her case.

Shawn 1lLLle ls a Lhoraclc surgeon aL uanbury PosplLal wlLh a long hlsLory of domesLlc vlolence and
subsLance abuse problems ln aL leasL Lwo sLaLes. Cn May 9, 2011, Shawn 1lLLle crashed hls car lnLo Lhe 1aco
8ell ln uanbury, C1. ArresLed for drlvlng under Lhe lnfluence, a reckless drlvlng charge was laLer added. Cn
Aprll 18, 2012, followlng a full year of courL daLes, Shawn 1lLLle pled gullLy Lo drlvlng under Lhe lnfluence, he
sLarLs probaLlon on May 9. AL no Llme dld Lhe courL conslder Lhe u.u.l. or Lhe Lwo open uCl lnvesLlgaLlons
on ur. 1lLLle lnLo accounL when decldlng Lhe cusLody of Lhe chlldren and Lhe ellmlnaLlon of Lhelr moLher.
Susan Sklpp has no arresL record, no hlsLory of vlolence or subsLance abuse.

"l was rallroaded agaln by an abuser and hls hlred guns," sald Susan Sklpp afLer anoLher day up agalnsL Lhe
mafla of ConnecLlcuL courLs on Aprll 20, 2012. "1he CAL ls supposed Lo proLecL my klds, buL she ls clearly
worklng as my ex-husband's aLLorney. 1he [udge ordered me Lo compleLe Lhe cusLody evaluaLlon rlghL afLer
courL, flummoxed and all. l am [usL Llred rlghL now, physlcally and emoLlonally dralned. 1hey drag me back
lnLo courL Monday Lo face flve more moLlons from my ex-husband's lawyer, lncludlng one forclng me lnLo
supervlsed vlslLaLlon. l feel mlnlmlzed. My chlldren are dehumanlzed and sad LhaL Lhey are so Lruly
lnvlslble ln Lhls process. 1hey are only vlslble as numbers wlLh dollar slgns Lo Lhe lndusLry."

Susan Sklpp ls abouL elghL monLhs behlnd Sunny kelley ln Lhe process Lo desLroy her. She has documenLed
a horror sLory of abuse and crlmlnallLy aL every sLage of her lnvolvemenL wlLh Lhe C1 courLs and Lhelr cabal
of professlonal experLs. Per documenLaLlon ls beyond bellef or descrlpLlon, and lL ls so clearly verlflable: a
LesLlmonlal Lo fraud, manlpulaLlon, crlmlnallLy and ln[usLlce.

Cn Aprll 26, 2012, Lhe CAL Mary 8rlgham recommended Susan Sklpp be forced lnLo supervlsed vlslLaLlon
afLer recelvlng urs. PorowlLz and krleger's complalnLs LhaL she was asklng for her records. 1he ruse used
agalnsL Susan Sklpp was LhaL she 'LhreaLened' urs. PorowlLz and krleger by requesLlng her bllllng records.
1he courL also ordered LhaL Susan Sklpp -- a perfecLly healLhy, reasonable, lovlng moLher -- musL be
sub[ecLed Lo a "lamlly 8elaLlons 8eporL" -- anoLher Lool used (llke a 'cusLody evaluaLlon' by one of Lhe
professlonal courL-appolnLed quacks) Lo frame a proLecLlve moLher. Clven Lhe paLLerns of [udlclal abuse
she has wlLnessed, Susan Sklpp ls cerLaln LhaL Lhe lamlly 8elaLlons 8eporL wlll favor her former husband and
furLher dlsLance her from her chlldren. 1he wrlLlng ls all over Lhe wall. Meanwhlle, Lhe unofflclal guardlan
ad llLem, Mary 8rlgham, lnvolved ln Lerrorlzlng Lhe chlldren ln 1lLLle v. 1lLLle, conLlnues Lo bully Susan Sklpp

ur. Poward krleger requlred a reLalner of $2300 and $230 per sesslon from Susan Sklpp, and he bllled her
lnsurance. Powever, ur. krleger commlLLed lnsurance fraud by uslng Lhe blll codes for domesLlc vlolence.
ur. PorowlLz also commlLLed lnsurance fraud and malpracLlce: he saw Lwo of Susan Sklpp's chlldren, and
made recommendaLlons Lo Lhe courL on boLh of Lhem, buL he kepL only one cllenL charL. Moreover, for 19
monLhs he dlagnosed Susan Sklpp's daughLer wlLh a severe depresslve mood dlsorder. Susan Sklpp has noL
recelved any medlcal record and she does noL have legal ablllLy Lo change her daughLer's record. 1hls
dlagnosls agalnsL Lhe glrl chlld ls an example of Lhe rlLual paLhologlzlng of women.

"l losL cusLody of my eleven year-old daughLer and nlne year-old boy Lo a man who was physlcally and
emoLlonally abuslve Lo hls flrsL wlfe and kld ln Mlchlgan and Lo me and our klds here ln ConnecLlcuL." A
sLrong and courageous woman, Susan Sklpp weeps when she recounLs her ordeal. "1hls man has wrlLLen
lllegal prescrlpLlons, Laken lllegal prescrlpLlons, drlven under Lhe lnfluence and plead gullLy Lo lL, and he has
a loL of weapons, boLh legal and lllegal, whlch my chlldren have access Lo."

!udge Maureen Murphy ls also parL of Lhe Lralnlng program for ConnecLlcuL guardlans ad llLem. ln facL, Lhe
sLaLe of ConnecLlcuL guardlan ad llLem Lralnlng programs also rely on Lhe 'experLlse' of ur. kenneLh 8obson.
ln Lhese Lralnlng programs, developed wlLh Laxpayer's money, Maureen Murphy and ur. 8obson clalm over
and over LhaL lL ls 'ln Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe chlld' Lo keep famllles LogeLher and Lo malnLaln [olnL cusLody,
aL leasL. ln pracLlce, Lhey do exacLly Lhe opposlLe: ur. kenneLh 8obson and ur. Sldney PorowlLz almosL
always recommend sole cusLody, and mosL ofLen lL ls wlLh Lhe abuslve faLher.

8||||ng Statement: Dr. norow|tz, 8]23]2010 to 8]17]2011

8||||ng Statement: Dr. norow|tz 8]29]11 to 12]19]11

Court 1ranscr|pt
August 1S, 2012

ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh
eLlLlon lorm 3
names of any prlor and/or subsequenL LreaLlng pracLlLloners:
ALLach coples of any supporLlng documenLs, such as phoLographs, records, correspondence eLc.
April 18, 2013

Dear Attorney Klaskin,

I have become aware that this office is currently investigating the legitimacy of the business
entity Connecticut Chapter of AFCC, Inc. I am a litigant in a family law case who, along with my
children, has been harmed by the dealings of this organization, which was not registered with
your office during the time of it's profitable transactions directly involving my case.

I'm also aware that in the course of your investigation you can refer the matter to the DOJ and
to the CT Attorney General. I urge you to send this investigation to those offices to handle the
criminal aspects of AFCC's business dealings.

Some of the AFCC members involved in my case are:

Judge Gerard Adelman

Judge Lynda Munro

Psychologist Sidney Horowitz

Psychologist Howard Krieger

Dr. Linda S. Smith

Visitation Solutions, Inc.

Bruce Louden Law, my divorce attorneys

Guiliano and Richardson, my former husbands attorneys

Jim Hirschfield of Cramer and Anderson, an attorney who represented me post judgment

CSSD, family relations as AFCC programs were making the policy of family relations,
earmarking high conflict cases. As your investigation continues, you will see a distinct pattern of
abused women and children made further victims by AFCC policies to garner more federal grant

There was never any disclosure by these participants of their illegal conflict of interest based on
their participation in the profit-making business activities of CT Chapter of AFCC, Inc.

You can read more about my case in the following two links:

I'd like to demonstrate just a small handful of the illegal business practices committed by CT
AFCC members under color of law in my case.

Dr. Sidney Horowitz, AFCC member and AFCC-funded GAL trainer, is currently under
investigation by Aetna for fraudulent billing practices. Further Horowitz has no contract with the
state thereby leaving the public unprotected by standard anti-discriminatory language in
government contracts. In addition Horowitz perjured himself five times openly before the Hon.
and AFCC-affiliated Munro, and this was to her knowledge as she had the record. She herself
committed perjury, and later recused herself for cause.

Howard Krieger, AFCC Member, also committed insurance fraud in my case, billed me for
services of co-parent coordinator. This role he charged 2500, plus 250 per session. He also
billed Aetna using domestic violence codes. His fee was paid. A description of parent
coordinator is to handle all disputes immediately what cannot be mediated is referred to court.
Also during this time, Krieger performed illegal psychological evaluations on both parties;
Krieger did not respond to my many pleas for a year to basic safety issues. This is in stark
contrast of the contract he drew services. Although Krieger has a contract with the state, he
never signed the anti-discriminatory portion of his contract, thus rendering my children and me

Suspect appointment of GAL Mary Brigham was over strenuous objection. In fact there is no
appointment on record. Brigham also demanded that my children use another AFCC affiliated
therapist, Linda Smith after Horowitz recused himself from the case.

In February 2012, Jim Hirshfield, my attorney, did not represent me in the requests I made, in
fact placed me in harm: allowing Brigham and Plaintiffs attorney to argue for my incarceration
because of my inability to pay Brighams fees, ordered to liquidate my federally-protected
retirement account to pay her fees- (she was not appointed and had no right to such action)
Hirshfield promoted my case to the bench of Lynda Munro without the criteria for such a referral,
and Munro herself ignored her own standing orders in my case.

AFCC-trained Brigham claims to have billed over 107K, 70K post-judgment. No record of fees
or an affidavit of fees was filed before Munro, Brigham, CT AFCC Member was not appointed.
Therefore Horowiitz Connecticut AFCCmember had no consent to speak to Brigham. The trial
eventually severed all contact with my children and they with their mother, other siblings
andextended family. I have not seen or heard from my children for over 7 months. Munro, CT
AFCC member, ordered Brigham's fees based on her testimony alone. This violates federal law
on debt collection and fair trade.

Family Relations in Waterbury Superior Court: did not follow protocol for restraining order,
Laurie Anton did not follow orders May 23, 2011 from another non AFCC judge to suspend
fathers visitation for the safety of the children. Laurie Anton was assigned to perform custody
study in December 2011. Laurie Antons cousin was handling my former husbands criminal
case for which he is on probation. Further, Anton spoke with both Horowitz and Krieger, though
they had recused.

Horowitz and Krieger both recused themselves from my case on or about March 23, 2012 after I
asked for billing and records, which are currently under investigation for fraud. It was
represented in court that I was threatening them. I suppose asking for records for illegal activity
could be perceived as a threat.

There were many referrals to AFCC or profit driven professionals such as Visitation Solutions,
where I was only allowed to purchase 3 hours a month at $150 per for therapeutic visitation
services without an evaluation, diagnosis or other standard protocols to adjudicate therapy.
Also, in order to see my children, again I was order to see Harry Adamakos Ph.D. who also
serves a AFCC-trained GAL in many cases similar to mine, an hour from my home at $175 per
hour. Again, Munros order is illegal in this instance as well. She was unable to articulate this as
no statute provides for a federally illegal act in which she has no subject matter jurisdiction. I
petitioned the court to have another, even more qualified non-AFCC supervisor for visitation, but
was denied by AFCC-member Munro.

My case follows the same patterns as many other CT family cases, which ultimately put children
in the custody of violent fathers. It is interesting that AFCC members procure fatherhood access
and visitation grants, which pay the state commensurate to the amount of time that fathers have
access to their children, and mothers don't.

Based on the requirements of these grants, AFCC-member psychologists recommend placing
children in danger with violent men. AFCC-member judges order these profitable evaluations
and the custody of children to violent male parents. They then order the constant involvement of
AFCC-member treaters, who bill the state and CT families for fabricated diagnoses, to "treat"
the damaged children.

It shocks the conscience that these same AFCC members are in positions to regulate and
oversee their own organization's practices, and to field all complaints of their racketeering by
captive consumers.

It is also a discriminatory practice, in violation of Title IX, as women over 21 are unable to
access any grant money to assist them in access and visitation, yet fathers have hundreds of
millions to access.

The trauma I have suffered at the hands of AFCC business operations, under the color of law, in
the state of CT has left me disabled with severe PTSD.

Other national organizations exist that protect children in family court such as National Council
of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Other such entities are unable to do business as the
AFCC has created a monopoly of this market and franchised this section of the judiciary within
their monopoly. As the directors of AFCC also decide which programing and trainings they use
the organization violates anti-trust laws.

Again, this entity claims to be a non-profit in its recent filings; however has acted without
certification or license by the state for thirty years. During the time this illegal enterprise
operated, it significantly harmed me and my children, and the harm continues.

During this time of their illegal enterprise tax fraud occurred as no filings occurred. Also, per tax
code, AFCC by its activity is precluded from a non-profit status, yet does so to procure federal

Your office, as well as the offices CCd on this letter and to whom it is forwarded have an
ethical, moral and contractual obligation to investigate business practices that are illegal by
violating civil rights, fair trade, and consumer and debt collection laws. Also allowing these
practices to continue violates implicates state and federal statutes to the harm of abused
women and children. AFCC members appointed to my case have not afforded equal protection
to my children and me as they have not signed contracts with the state that hold them to
regulation and prevent their discriminatory and harmful practices. Thank you for your time and
attention to this serious matter.
Susan Skipp

llll ouL Lhe aLLached ConsenL for 8elease of Medlcal 8ecords.
Slgn and daLe below. SlgnaLure musL be noLarlzed.

____________________________________ uaLed Lhls day of 20
eLlLloner's SlgnaLure
Slgned and sworn before me Lhls day of 20 .
noLary ubllc Commlssloner of Superlor CourL

ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh
eLlLlon lorm 4
S1A1L Cl CCnnLC1lCu1
uLA81MLn1 Cl u8LlC PLAL1P
eLlLlon no.
8lrLh uaLe: 08/08/2000__Cabrlelle Anderson 1lLLle_____________________
aLlenL's Address: __c/o Susan Sklpp C 8ox 1383 LlLchfleld ConnecLlcuL 06739
1hls ls Lo cerLlfy LhaL l hereby glve my consenL Lo, and auLhorlze:

ConnecLlcuL 8esource Croup LLC
Lo release a copy of all lnformaLlon and medlcal records ln Lhelr possesslon, lncludlng psychlaLrlc,
alcohol and/or drug relaLed LreaLmenL records conslsLlng of buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe followlng:
1. resence ln LreaLmenL (daLes of admlsslon and dlscharge).
2. ulagnosls, brlef descrlpLlon of progress and prognosls.
3. Medlcal hlsLory and physlcal.
4. lnLake sheeL.
3. sychosoclal assessmenL.
6. 1reaLmenL plan.
7. ulscharge summary.
8. AfLercare plan.Cf Cabrlelle 1lLLle
9. CompleLe bllllng records and lnsurance bllllngs lf appllcable

Lo Lhe racLlLloner Llcenslng and lnvesLlgaLlons SecLlon, of Lhe SLaLe of ConnecLlcuL ueparLmenL of
ubllc PealLh, 410
CaplLol Avenue, MS# 12PS8, .C. 8ox 340308, ParLford, C1 06134-0308. 1hls lnformaLlon ls Lo be used ln
wlLh any lnvesLlgaLlon or hearlng conducLed by Lhe ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh ln accordance wlLh
ConnecLlcuL Ceneral
SLaLuLes 19a-14(a)(10) and (11). l undersLand LhaL l may revoke Lhls consenL aL any Llme by noLlfylng
Lhe above auLhorlzed
person ln wrlLlng, excepL Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL acLlon has been Laken ln rellance on my consenL. l
undersLand LhaL Lhe medlcal
record Lo be released may conLaln lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo psychlaLrlc, drug and/or alcohol abuse
dlagnosls and LreaLmenL,
and may also conLaln confldenLlal Plv (AluS) relaLed lnformaLlon. lease honor a mechanlcally
reproduced copy of Lhls
release. 1hls auLhorlzaLlon explres one year from Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL slgnaLure.

__________________________________ ________________________
SlgnaLure of aLlenL or Legal 8epresenLaLlve uaLe Slgned

8elaLlonshlp Lo aLlenL

__________________________________ ________________________
SlgnaLure of WlLness uaLe Slgned

ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh
eLlLlon lorm 4
S1A1L Cl CCnnLC1lCu1
uLA81MLn1 Cl u8LlC PLAL1P
eLlLlon no.
8lrLh uaLe: 09/04/2002____WyaLL 1lLLle___________________
aLlenL's Address: __c/o Susan Sklpp C 8ox 1383 LlLchfleld CL. 06739
1hls ls Lo cerLlfy LhaL l hereby glve my consenL Lo, and auLhorlze:

ConnecLlcuL 8esource Croup LLC
Lo release a copy of all lnformaLlon and medlcal records ln Lhelr possesslon, lncludlng psychlaLrlc,
alcohol and/or drug relaLed LreaLmenL records conslsLlng of buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe followlng:
1. resence ln LreaLmenL (daLes of admlsslon and dlscharge).
2. ulagnosls, brlef descrlpLlon of progress and prognosls.
3. Medlcal hlsLory and physlcal.
4. lnLake sheeL.
3. sychosoclal assessmenL.
6. 1reaLmenL plan.
7. ulscharge summary.
8. AfLercare plan.Cf WyaLL 1lLLle
9. CompleLe bllllng records and lnsurance bllllngs lf appllcable

Lo Lhe racLlLloner Llcenslng and lnvesLlgaLlons SecLlon, of Lhe SLaLe of ConnecLlcuL ueparLmenL of
ubllc PealLh, 410
CaplLol Avenue, MS# 12PS8, .C. 8ox 340308, ParLford, C1 06134-0308. 1hls lnformaLlon ls Lo be used ln
wlLh any lnvesLlgaLlon or hearlng conducLed by Lhe ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh ln accordance wlLh
ConnecLlcuL Ceneral
SLaLuLes 19a-14(a)(10) and (11). l undersLand LhaL l may revoke Lhls consenL aL any Llme by noLlfylng
Lhe above auLhorlzed
person ln wrlLlng, excepL Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL acLlon has been Laken ln rellance on my consenL. l
undersLand LhaL Lhe medlcal
record Lo be released may conLaln lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo psychlaLrlc, drug and/or alcohol abuse
dlagnosls and LreaLmenL,
and may also conLaln confldenLlal Plv (AluS) relaLed lnformaLlon. lease honor a mechanlcally
reproduced copy of Lhls
release. 1hls auLhorlzaLlon explres one year from Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL slgnaLure.

__________________________________ ________________________
SlgnaLure of aLlenL or Legal 8epresenLaLlve uaLe Slgned

8elaLlonshlp Lo aLlenL

__________________________________ ________________________
SlgnaLure of WlLness uaLe Slgned


l have Laken Lhe Llme Lo gaLher and wrlLe Lhls reporL because of Lhe grave concerns l have regardlng Lhe
conducL of your member, ur. Sldney PorowlLz. My experlences wlLh hlm have caused conslderable
harm Lo my chlldren and myself. AlLhough Lhere were oLher people lnvolved ln Lhls desLrucLlon, l am
prlmarlly addresslng ur. PorowlLz ln Lhls reporL. AL Lhls polnL, l am uncerLaln LhaL Lhe damage done can
be flxed.
l am also concerned for Lhe fuLure paLlenLs LhaL ur. PorowlLz may served. uurlng Lhe course of my
research, l have learned LhaL Lhere ls a deflnlLe paLLern Lo ur. PorowlLz's behavlor. 1hese paLLerns are
brlefly ouLllned ln Lhe arLlcle exerpLs LhaL l lncluded above. PorowlLz vlolaLes PlAA.
My bellef ls LhaL ur. PorowlLz's apparenL convlcLlon LhaL lssues such as domesLlc vlolence, subsLance
abuse, and crlmlnal hlsLorles should have no conslderaLlon ln Lhe course of cusLody llLlgaLlon seL
dangerous sLandards LhaL are llkely Lo place many more women and chlldren ln slLuaLlons of grave
physlcal and psychologlcal danger. My bellef has been solldlfled slnce readlng mulLlple sLudles (many
auLhored by AA professlonals) LhaL slLe Lhese facLors as MA!C8 rlsk facLors and predlcLors of menLal
lllness ln chlldren. As l'm sure you are aware, Lhese lssues ofLen Llmes carry lnLo adulLhood.
l hope LhaL you wlll Lhoroughly lnvesLlgaLe my concerns and Lhe lssues presenLed ln Lhls reporL. lease
feel free Lo conLacL me lf you have any oLher quesLlons or requlre addlLlonal documenLaLlon.

1hank ?ou,

Susan Sklpp

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