Research Methodology Quiz
Research Methodology Quiz
Research Methodology Quiz
60 (Min) NAME :-.. FATHERE NAME:-. SEMESTER:-SUB CODE. SESSION:-DATE...... Q-1. Research is (A) Searching again and again ( ) (B) Finding solution to any problem ( ) (C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem ( ) (D) None of the above ( ) Q-2. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? (A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.( ) (B) Survey of related literature ( ) (C) Identification of problem ( ) (D) Searching for solutions to the problem ( ) Q-3 . A common test in research demands much priority on (A) Reliability ( ) (B) Useability ( ) (C) Objectivity ( ) (D) All of the above ( ) Q-4.Action research means (A) A longitudinal research ( ) (B) An applied research ( ) (C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem ( ) (D) A research with socioeconomic objective ( ) Q-5. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called (A) Deductive Reasoning ( ) (B) Inductive Reasoning ( ) (C) Abnormal Reasoning ( ) (D) Transcendental Reasoning ( ) Q-6. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms? (A) Socio-economic Status ( ) (B) Marital Status ( ) (C) Numerical Aptitude ( ) (D) Professional Attitude ( ) Q-7. The essential qualities of a researcher are (A) Spirit of free enquiry ( ) (B) Reliance on observation and evidence ( ) (C) Systematization or theorizing of knowledge ( ) (D) All the above ( ) Q-8. In the process of conducting research Formulation of Hypothesis is followed by (A) Statement of Objectives ( ) (B) Analysis of Data ( ) (2) ( )
Q-9. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on (A) Primary Data only ( ) (B) Secondary Data only ( ) (C) Both Primary and Secondary Data ( ) (D) None of the above ( ) Q-10. Which of the following is not an essential element of report writing? a. Research Methodology ( ) b. Reference ( ) c. Conclusion ( ) d. None of these ( ) Q-11. Testing hypothesis is a ________ a. Inferential statistics ( ) b. Descriptive statistics ( ) c. Data preparation ( ) d. Data analysis ( ) Q-12. Is it possible to apply projective techniques for exploratory investigation? a. Yes ( ) b. No ( ) Q-13. What is the purpose of doing research? a. To identify problem ( ) b. To find the solution ( ) c. Both a and b ( ) d. None of these ( ) Q-14. Which method can be applicable for collecting qualitative data? a. Artifacts (Visual) ( ) b. People ( ) c. Media products ( Textual, Visual and sensory) ( ) d. All of these ( ) Q-15. Which of the following is non-probability sampling? a. Snowball ( ) b. Random ( ) c. Cluster ( ) d. Stratified ( ) Q-16 In group interview there are _______ a. One interviewer and one interviewee ( ) b. More than one interviewer and one interviewee ( ) c. One interviewer and more than one interviewee ( ) d. More than One interviewer and more than one interviewee ( ) Q-17.Which of the following are associated with behavioral observation? a. Non-verbal analysis ( ) b. Linguistic analysis ( ) c. Spatial analysis ( ) d. All of these ( ) (3)
Q-18. Uniting various qualitative methods with quantitative methods can be called as........ a. Coalesce ( ) b. Triangulation ( ) c. Bipartite ( ) d. Impassive ( ) Q-19. Multistage sampling is a ________ a. Probability sampling ( ) b. Non-Probability sampling ( ) Q-20. Which one is objective of research a. To gain familiarity with new insights into a phenomenon( ) b. To examine the hypothesis of a causal relationship between two variables ( ) c. Both a & b ( ) d. None ( ) Q-21. Types of research design includes a. Exploratory research design ( ) b.Descriptive & Diagnostic research design ( ) c. Hypothesis-testing research design ( ) d. All of the above ( )
Q-22. Methodology refers a. use of tools, techniques & methods for conducting research ( ) b. Gathering information ( ) c. drafting of report ( ) d. None of these ( ) Q-23.According to Redman & mory research is a systematized effort to gain new knowledge. a. True ( ) b. False ( ) Q-24. What does quantitative research measures? a. Feelings and opinions c. Numbers and feelings ( ) ( ) b. Numbers and figures ( ) d. figures and feelinghs ( ) Q-25. Quantitative research only works if: a. You talk to the right number of people ( ) b. You talk to the right type of people ( ) c. You ask the right questions and analyse the data you get in the right way ( ) d. All of the above ( )